Patterico's Pontifications


President Bush In The News

Filed under: General — Dana @ 8:31 am

[guest post by Dana]


President George W. Bush, continuing to enjoy his post-presidency years with charitable works, played Santa Claus last week at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. Natalie Smith, a parent who had lost one of her twin daughters to heart disease and whose remaining daughter was in the hospital, posted:

“Guess who just came and gave Emily a Christmas present dressed in a Santa suit with Secret Service and all?!?!?………. Pres. George Bush”

And speaking of Bush, while some might see Bush’s silence on current events as cowardice or fear of opening himself up to attack, Cass Sustein writes in Bloomberg today of Bush’s “graceful silence” in matters post-presidency:

In the domain of foreign affairs, 2014 has brought heated national debates on an impressive range of subjects: Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Ebola, immigration policy and, most recently, torture, North Korea and Cuba. One of the more remarkable features of all these discussions has been the consistent grace of President George W. Bush.

This month, Bush offered a rare comment on a public debate. Responding to the Senate’s release of the CIA torture report, he said, “We’re fortunate to have men and women who work hard at the CIA serving on our behalf. These are patriots and whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contributions to our country, it is way off base.” Note that Bush paid tribute to the employees of the CIA — and pointedly declined to take a shot at the Barack Obama administration.

No one doubts that, on some important questions, Bush is in profound disagreement with his successor. Nonetheless, he has maintained silence. In March, he explained, “I don’t think it’s good for the country to have a former president undermine a current president; I think it’s bad for the presidency for that matter.”

To many Republicans, that crisp explanation is not convincing. But Bush has made an honorable calculation.


19 Responses to “President Bush In The News”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  2. Hello.

    Denver Todd (5f001f)

  3. Would that former Democrat presidents have the same grace. I honestly don’t know what Sunstein has to say about Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton constantly airing their foreign policy opinions.

    Chuck Bartowski (3e0e89)

  4. for all his faults, GWB is a class act…

    which is more than you can say for some other people in the same shoes.

    redc1c4 (cf3b04)

  5. I sincerely hope I am completely wrong about this, but somehow I don’t see Barack Obama remaining respectfully silent in his post-presidency. I see him being even more meddlesome and obnoxious than Jimmy Carter.

    JVW (60ca93)

  6. If President “Bush has made an honorable calculation,” it is because he is an honorable man; if our 43rd President is displaying class, it’s because he has class.

    The Dana who was properly reared (f6a568)

  7. JVW wrote:

    I sincerely hope I am completely wrong about this, but somehow I don’t see Barack Obama remaining respectfully silent in his post-presidency. I see him being even more meddlesome and obnoxious than Jimmy Carter.

    The odds are only like 1,764.7 to 1 that you’re right.

    The Dana who wouldn't bet against it (f6a568)

  8. jesus is the reason for the season and after he’s gone barack obama should just keep his whore mouth shut I think

    also he should bring me cookies

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  9. #3, Chuck is spot on. Sunstein misses the 800 lb. gorilla in the room, as is his habit.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  10. There are complaints I have about some of the decisions he made (and he knew far more than I in making them, it is very possible he was correct and my complaints show mostly my ignorance); his grace and class (even in vomiting at a banquet) can hardly be surpassed. He is an exemplar in how to graciously yield power.

    htom (9b625a)

  11. i think that was his dad, no? the banquet guy

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  12. I like the Secret service agent in the elf costume.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  13. haven’t seen this story in the local Dallas press which is very sad to say the least

    PeterK (3e1527)

  14. #3, Chuck is spot on. Sunstein misses the 800 lb. gorilla in the room, as is his habit.

    Go read the comments at the link to his column. You will want to wash your eyes out with kerosene, trying to unsee what you have seen there.

    Chuck Bartowski (3e0e89)

  15. Yeah, I don’t get Cass Sustein’s criticism of Leon Panetta and Robert Gates, who both wrote books critical of Obama’s foreign policy, for having “exploited their own roles.” Does working in an administration forever preclude you from expressing any sort of dissent with its policies? Sustein grouses that they should have waited until Obama left office, but if they really believe that he is on the wrong path don’t they have a duty to let the American people know that Obama’s cabinet is not unanimous in their support of his policies, even if the media wants us to believe that the “Team of Rivals” governs harmoniously?

    JVW (60ca93)

  16. Go read the comments at the link to his column. You will want to wash your eyes out with kerosene, trying to unsee what you have seen there.

    I just jumped in there to start throwing elbows.

    JVW (60ca93)

  17. Yes, those comments on Cass Sunstein’s article are pure comedy gold. Some of those writers are full of more “stuff” than a flock of geese strutting and squatting on the fairway of Obozo’s favorite golf course. You have to watch which shoes you’re wearing when you step through those comments.

    Skeptical Voter (12e67d)

  18. “To many Republicans, that crisp explanation is not convincing.”

    Those Republicans should note that Bush was giving his opinion and most likely not trying to convince anyone of anything … I doubt he much cares what “many Republicans” think anyway, nor should he …

    KaiserDerden (faa0ee)

  19. ok…either it was W or it wasn’t. Houston Chron. says it wasn’t:


    WTP (41d24a)

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