Patterico's Pontifications


House Passes Bill to Fund VA

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:12 am

I’m reporting this here because you are unlikely to see it in any Big Media outlet:

The government shutdown exemption for the Veterans’ Affairs Department passed Thursday by the House of Representative does not resolve all of VA’s potential problems.

Approved by a 259-157 vote, the measure comes in response to a warning from VA that it could run out money to pay veterans benefits by late October if a government shutdown continues. Not only are Nov. 1 payments at risk, but VA officials said claims processing could also slow.

The House measure, HJ Res 72, would provide funds for disability compensation, survivors’ benefits and monthly GI Bill checks.

Naturally, Harry Reid will not be submitting this bill to the Senate, and if he did, Barack Obama has promised to veto it.

Cancer patients are still out of luck, by the way. Harry Reid won’t take up the House bill to fund that either.

Therefore the lack of VA and NIH funding is Republicans fault. Because the Tea Party. I’ll be taking no questions.

21 Responses to “House Passes Bill to Fund VA”

  1. Possibly this is the place for a bleg. I got a call from someone I know about three weeks ago,

    She’s nurse. Some time ago when she wasn’t working she went to get some health insurance for herself and her family.

    New York State told her, you are actually eligible for Medicaid. so they put her into it.

    then she got a job later. She didn’t use the Medicaid afetr she had health insurance. She never replied to any of teh mail

    Now she got a letter saying she owes $15,000 threatening to go to court. She called up. She said I didn’t sue it. Doesn”t matter said the woman. We were paying your provider. I think they want to bill her for one year of Medicaid insurance.

    This is new because previously Medicaid was not managed care, and they also weren’t pushing people into it.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  2. Sammy,

    What are you suggesting? If her attorney ends up telling her she has to pay, I will help. It won’t be much, but I’ve been helped more than once and would pay some of it forward (as I have been a little at a time).

    Stashiu3 (e7ebd8)

  3. She doesn’t have an attorney. I suspect the state of New York will do nothing. The letter asked her to propose a payment plan. It’s completely ridiculous. She never asked to be put on Medicaid. They steered her to it.

    i don’t think they warned her about anything. She paid no attention to any letters they sent her, just didn’t use it and didn’t reapply.

    Sammy Finkelman (70f9a1)

  4. Did the VA really claim the slowdown will result in slower claims processing?

    JD (507a70)

  5. She needs to consult an attorney. Not paying attention to the letters they sent will not excuse her, nor will their “steering” her. This may be a valid debt, no matter if it is immoral or not. If she relies on hoping they won’t pursue it she’s in for a hard time. Count on it.

    Government wields a big stick.

    Stashiu3 (e7ebd8)

  6. JD,

    Since at the least they will not be paying for mandatory overtime, claims will be slowed by that. Add in that the people who process claims KNOW their boss wants to emphasize problems caused by the evil Republicans (think IRS) and their refusal to keep the government open, it’s a guaranteed outcome.

    Stashiu3 (e7ebd8)

  7. JD, I believe them. Of course the fact that the VA takes months and years means that no one will be able to tell the difference.

    SPQR (768505)

  8. “Approved by a 259-157 vote, the measure comes in response to a warning from VA that it could run out money to pay veterans benefits by late October if a government shutdown continues. Not only are Nov. 1 payments at risk, but VA officials said claims processing could also slow”

    Yup, told DH, oh, we aren’t broke, my disability should have hit – oh wait, that is unless the shutdown…

    Amy Shulkusky (676892)

  9. Amy, you could get your check. But when the government shuts down Barack Obama needs that money to stop WWII vets from walking down a sidewalk to a memorial that runs itself, preventing people from going to a historic tavern that actually is a profitable business, and preventing people from seeing leaves change color in Autumn.

    Leaf-season shutdown could hurt economy

    So aren’t you glad that Barack Obama is spending your disability check for the greater good?

    Steve57 (234b9e)

  10. Also, what shutdown are you talking about, Amy? The government didn’t shut down. It’s gone into hyperdrive to prevent me and you from using open spaces.

    It now has to choose between sending your your disability check, or employing extra people to stand between you and God’s creation.

    Guess how it chose, thanks to Lord Obama?

    Steve57 (234b9e)

  11. Just sayin’ 1st they came for the WW2 vets, after dissing newcomers by delaying application, this is the next logical step and I am so not surprised.

    Amy Shulkusky (676892)

  12. Amy, after discovering that the NPS is now paying people overtime to prevent you from using your National Park Pass that you paid for, on the theory it would be good for the entire year, to enter open spaces I too wondered what the next logical step.

    So I googled “BLM grazing permit.”

    And on this site I discovered this.

    Due to the lapse in appropriated funds, all public lands managed by the Interior Department (National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, Bureau of Land Management facilities, etc.) will be closed. For more information, FAQs, and updates, please visit

    Apparently rangeland has been defunded. If a rancher paid for a permit so his cattle could graze on it, too bad. Defund the Obamacare, defund the grass.

    I have no idea whether the gub’mint that has been defunded will hire extra workers to just shoot the cattle that would otherwise eat the grass that has been defunded, or round them up and drive them off.

    But I figger that’s the next logical step. Based upon my approximation of the KGB psychological profile of Princess Barack Obama that Putin is using to game him/her.

    Steve57 (234b9e)

  13. It.

    Steve57 (234b9e)

  14. She should talk to an attorney, Sammy. One who deals with state claims and liens. They know she has a job and they can collect their money which makes it less likely that they will just write it off.

    nk (dbc370)

  15. Good news. They aren’t planning on shooting your cattle if you’ve already paid for a permit.

    Just shutting roads. So they’ll still be there, you just might not be able to get to them.

    Also, you still have to pay royalties if you’re drilling for oil on BLM land that the government we’re told is shut down will be open to collect.

    Steve57 (234b9e)

  16. 15. Comment by nk (dbc370) — 10/5/2013 @ 6:10 am

    She should talk to an attorney, Sammy. One who deals with state claims and liens.

    There is no lien, except possibly (she may find out) on her New York State income tax refund)

    They know she has a job and they can collect their money which makes it less likely that they will just write it off.

    To get a real lien they’d have to go into court and sue, and that’s where I think they are bluffing. You can’t garnish any wages until you get a court judgement. That costs money and attorneys’ time. And there’s probably something wrong with the case – or with the law. This is probably a relatively new type of situation.

    They told her to apply for MEDICAID. They kept paying the HMO or whatever. Normally, Medicaid isn’t liable if there is any other insurance and pretty soon there was. Nobody warned her, if you get a job cancel the Medicaid promptly. I mean, besides what might be in the small print, which nobody pays attention to.

    The thing is to get this claim dropped.

    What kind of an attorney would you recommend?

    Sammy Finkelman (5a5e76)

  17. To All Veterans,
    I once read that compensation is like a court settlement in a court case, you are being compensated for illness or injury that you sustained from being put in harms way while serving your country. If a judge orders that you be compensated and the compensation is not given to you then you have the right to sue for the payment that was ordered. I think all veterans who are not paid the compensation that was awarded and ordered to be paid monthly by the veterans court, should file a class action lawsuit asking for one million dollars each for the withholding of their benefits. So if there are any Veteran Lawyers out there,let the lawsuit begin, i’ll be your first customer and you’ll get enough in fees you’ll be able to retire now.
    Pissed Off Veteran,

    Wayne (0fbe95)

  18. that’s not how it works really

    I’d just hang tight if I were you the slop buckets won’t be idle for very long

    Meghan’s coward daddy and boehnerwhore and crew, they’re itching to gut the sequester something awful

    there’s a torment upon them lord what’s beyond salvation can I get an amen

    happyfeet (8ce051)

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