I wrote a number of articles that, to use a “nice” term, regarded “inside baseball” or bluntly, attacked certain other conservative bloggers.
I repudiate those articles and any article that brought any disrepute to anyone on the conservative blogosphere including, but not limited to:
Robert Stacy McCain
Patrick “Patterico” Frey
Ali A. Akbar
Blog Bash
National Bloggers Club
Lee Stranahan
I apologize and deeply regret my posts and actions that have harmed you in any way and retract any/all commentary about any alleged bad acts, bad faith or negative posts about everyone in the conservative blogging movement.
Why does Lemmen say he attacked us? You’ll be shocked to know that he claims to have been fed falsehoods by certain supports of Brett Kimberlin:
During a particularly stressful and challenging time in my life as a blogger certain “wolves in sheep’s clothing” communicated privately with me about the persons that they claimed were secretly moving against me, aiding in silencing my voice and limiting my free speech. Offers of an outlet for my writing, free of the back-channel chatter and purported plots against me. These people offered an outlet to my voice, my views and potential income and fame. I am human and I listened to the voices (much to my regret now).
This is not an excuse nor is it a repudiation of the posts written about me (such as that written by Big Fur Hat and Anne Barnhardt). Those posts are the opinion and views of the author(s) of the posts and though I hold them as inaccurate and over stated, I shall not challenge their right to post them.
I made myself a pariah within the only group of people I respected and admired by acting on the offers of:
Brooks Bayne
Osborne Ink
Crooks and Liars
Alex Brant-Zawadzki
Bill Schmalfeldt
Their compliment laden missives and chats, the manipulation and bad faith are clearly seen in hindsight but were blinding bright then. These people are evil with evil intent and evil motives. I reject them and apologize for any posts, articles and/or comments I have made on their blogs, web sites or other media. These people, through false and misleading information supplied to me (some, I have learned were outright lies), manipulated and guided my writing to produce their desired output. I in effect became their virtual sock-puppet, producing harmful posts that they used to attack and smear people whom I respect.
. . . .
To Bayne, Brant-Zawadski, Osborne, Rauhauser, Schmalfeldt, Kimberlin, et al; I say only this:
Fuck You, #WAR
I am not endorsing Lemmen’s post, as I am wary of anyone who has ever joined forces with Brett Kimberlin’s associates — no matter how contrite they claim to be. The same goes for anyone with felony convictions for crimes related to dishonesty. I’m not saying Lemmen can’t be reformed. I’m just saying that I am wary, and I don’t endorse what he says.
But . . .
But I admit to being curious about the “false and misleading information” and “outright lies” allegedly supplied by one or more of the above-named people.
Because that bit rings true, doesn’t it?