Patterico's Pontifications


More Obama “Civility”

Filed under: International,Obama — DRJ @ 7:36 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

What do you do if you’re the Leader of the Free World and you’ve just passed landmark legislation that most of your subjects don’t want? Act like an Emperor and humiliate another free world leader:

“The Israeli prime minister arrived at the White House on Tuesday evening brimming with confidence that the worst of the crisis in his country’s relationship with the United States was over.

Over the previous two days, he had been feted by senior Republicans and greeted warmly by members of Congress. He had also received a standing ovation from the American Israel Public Affairs Affairs Committee, one of the most influential lobby groups in the United States.

But Mr Obama was less inclined to be so conciliatory. He immediately presented Mr Netanyahu with a list of 13 demands designed both to the end the feud with his administration and to build Palestinian confidence ahead of the resumption of peace talks. Key among those demands was a previously-made call to halt all new settlement construction in east Jerusalem.

When the Israeli prime minister stalled, Mr Obama rose from his seat declaring: “I’m going to the residential wing to have dinner with Michelle and the girls.

As he left, Mr Netanyahu was told to consider the error of his ways. “I’m still around,” Mr Obama is quoted by Israel’s Yediot Ahronot newspaper as having said. “Let me know if there is anything new.”
Mr Obama’s mood further soured in the minutes before his meeting with Mr Netanyahu after it emerged that approval had been given for an even more contentious Jewish building project in the heart of one of east Jerusalem’s Palestinian suburbs.

Sending a clear message of his displeasure, Mr Obama treated his guest to a series of slights. Photographs of the meeting were forbidden and an Israeli request to issue a joint-statement once it was over were turned down.”

Both Allahpundit and Jackson Diehl at the Washington Post wonder if Obama was engaging in ill-advised diplomacy or if he really is this vindictive and petty. I’ll add vindictive, petty and imperial: He acts like he really does think he runs the world.


29 Responses to “More Obama “Civility””

  1. Well so much for being America’s friend. Being our enemy gets one so much more respect from Obama.

    And so much for the horse manure of the campaign where Obama and his cultists swooned over his brilliant foreign policy prescriptions.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  2. He is such a douchebag.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  3. Meanwhile Obama is ordering banks to suspend mortgage billings to the unemployed. How long can Fox News continue to broadcast if Obama has this kind of power?

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

  4. Don’t you get the feeling that he was an arrogant SOB in a pick-up basketball game?? I wonder if he really played much basketball in the neighborhood. If he did, acting like he does, I’m surprised he never had a serious beat-down from somebody who had enough of it.

    I heard someone describe how people would clap their hands until bloody at times for Stalin. He would just stand and let the applause continue, and everyone knew that eyes were watching for anyone who would dare stop clapping before given permission. I can easily see Obama doing that.

    MD in Philly (59a3ad)

  5. Nobody has been treated with less respect and diplomacy than the Queen of England and Prime Minister Netanyahu. And while they certainly will rise above the petty inexperience of a far-too smug youngster, it is telling that it is these special relationships he is simultaneously dismissive and cavalier toward.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  6. There is no evidence that Barack ever really had any close friends or real bestest buddies growing up. So I doubt he even comprehends the concept and benefits of countries having trusted friends and allies who in times of trouble have your back. It is sad and embarassing how he has been treating some of America’s oldest and bestest friends. He is not one of us.

    elissa (04724f)

  7. This is what Hitler did to the Cechz at Munich!! What an ASS. He is dangerous. 2012 and Nov 2010 cann’t come soon enough.

    LYNNDH (8d8b19)

  8. 7 comments in, and Godwin has already appeared.

    This might be a new record for us, folks…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  9. Nobody has been treated with less respect and diplomacy than the Queen of England and Prime Minister Netanyahu.

    By contrast, the guy in the White House has bowed like a damn servant before the King of Saudi Arabia and the Emperor of Japan.

    President “Goddamn America” truly is the worst of both worlds. Ass backwards galore. So, of course — as a typical liberal — he’s going to transpose and misjudge the good and bad.

    Therefore, the Palestinians, in his woozy eyes, become the underdogs, to be patted on the head and weeped over. As for the Israelis, they become the imperialistic, greedy, inhumane bullies, deserving of nothing from a bleeding heart.

    Mark (411533)

  10. I’m inclined to suspect

    “He’s the model of a modern Muslim emperor.”

    (Anybody care to pick up the Gilbert and Sullivan from here?)

    His behavior seems to be very “Islamic”, probably due to childhood influences at a Muslim section of a Christian school in Indonesia. He bows to his Islamic superiors and lords it over all others, especially Jews.


    JD (f3a33a)

  11. You’re the third person I’ve heard say that today.

    DRJ (daa62a)

  12. I’d say give him enough rope to hang himself, but someone would call it lynching.

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

  13. What do you expect from a man who’s perfectly capable of scratching his head with his index finger. But always finds a way to scratch his head with his middle finger if it’ll insult someone.

    Steve (182d3d)

  14. They humiliated us first, with announcing that housing project.

    And what we pay for, we own. Until Israel’s standing on its own two feet and not taking endless help from the US, the Israelis can just learn to suck it up when we tell them to do something.

    Technomad (e2c0f2)

  15. And Dear Leader is quietly moving reapproachment with Syria and Lybia as ‘modernizing, moderating’ partners for change.

    The Vandal Presentdante.

    gary gulrud (75a696)

  16. Looks like pretty clear diplomatic message: You can take our billions in aid but we won’t necessarily be happy with that.

    imdw (cd4b7a)

  17. “Looks like pretty clear diplomatic message”

    How is the message clear? SoS Clinton, SoH Pelosi, DS (dumb-@#$%) Boehner, etc. all treat Mr Netanyahu with repect, etc. And The President treats him with disdain. How is that a clear message?

    Corwin (ea9428)

  18. Of course, that we give more aid to much worse nations, and don’t point out our differences is not a clarity problem at all. Indeed, it’s only clear because, by now, it’s obvious that the thugs like Chavez and Castro and Mao’s ghost get a ton of respect, and the UK, Israelis, and other great nations, get disrespect.

    Israel won a war of self defense. That’s a legitimate way to gain territory. I do not understand how nations that got their territory via wars can have a problem with Israel using their land. Why does every rule seem to apply to the Jews a little more harshly?

    Israel is probably waiting for an actual president to show up in 2012. Until then, they can stomach the insults, but can’t withstand nuclear attacks from Iran.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  19. I wonder if any ethnic group favorable to Israel, Zionism, or Jews voted for Obama. They have sown the wind.

    tehag (021884)

  20. Looks like pretty clear diplomatic message

    That they hate the Jews?

    Dmac (ca1d8c)

  21. “That they hate the Jews?”

    No that message was sent during the White House Seder.

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    imdw (8bb494)

  22. “That they hate the Jews?”

    No that message was sent during the White House Seder.


    and to think Netanyahu wasn’t even given an iPOD loaded with famous speeches of Dear Leader!

    It’s just beginning to register with our American Jewish brothers and sisters that Obama is no friend of Israel. The Israelis already know it.

    GeneralMalaise (20e943)

  23. […] Patterico’s Pontifications, More Obama “Civility”: Both Allahpundit and Jackson Diehl at the Washington Post wonder if Obama was engaging in […]

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  24. “It’s just beginning to register with our American Jewish brothers and sisters that Obama is no friend of Israel. The Israelis already know it.”

    Who would have pegged “general malaise” as a goy? The favored goy: the one that essentializes american jews.

    imdw (e57370)

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