Patterico's Pontifications


And You Thought Nobody Still Reads the L.A. Times

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:22 pm

Charles Manson wants his paper.

Thanks to Andy L.

12 Responses to “And You Thought Nobody Still Reads the L.A. Times”

  1. His life revolves around his LA Times. I guess the death penalty would have been letting him off easy.

    j curtis (5126e4)

  2. He probably just misses Garfield.

    plaidunicorn (4e6c8a)

  3. Than Shwe’s favorite website is

    Intelliology (00d844)

  4. Hey, the newspapers need all of the readers they can get!

    If Charles Manson had internet access, would he bookmark Patterico?

    The non-journalist Dana (474dfc)

  5. Even Charlie needs to line his birdcage.

    viktor (55441e)

  6. It’s a little known fact that Tim Rutten used to run with the Manson tribe back in the day. The Manson girls had a name for him; Tiny Tim.

    GeneralMalaise (d63092)

  7. Did he forget to pay? After all, it takes money to hire all those “top notch” newspaper people.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  8. […] — heh. Nice catch. He’s probably not reading it for the coupons like Electric […]

    We lose an hour this week so I’m going to be crabby at Bride of Rove (ca7f8e)

  9. I would like to read Charles Manson’s “My Favorite Weekend”.

    TimesDisliker (f2ea10)

  10. Greetings:

    On the other hand, there’s this little bit of folk wisdom that my father taught me while I was growing up in the Bronx of the ’50s and ’60s. It was an out-growth of his out-reach work with the Teamsters’ (of the ’30s) program to connect with “scabs” on a more personal level.

    If you take a broadsheet newspaper and open it so that you can view the entire front page and then roll it up along the longer dimension and then fold the rolled paper in half, you end up with about an 8-inch limb extension with a rock on the end. Don’t leave home for parts unknown without it.

    11B40 (775797)

  11. Well, to be fair Pat, by “nobody” we weren’t talking about maniacal killers locked away for life.

    So, I guess in the future we’ll have to qualify the statement more carefully.

    If I was sent up for life, it probably wouldn’t seem such an awful waste of my time to read the damn thing.

    And being crazy never hurts, looking at it from an LA Times circulation point of view. I believe in this instance, being crazed out of your skull probably helps.

    It certainly seems to be a prerequisite to write for the paper, so why shouldn’t the readership be loony toons as well.

    How about “nobody with a functioning non-criminal mind still reads the L.A. Times.”

    But if you’re locked up in solitary confinement 23 hours a day, just you and the voices in your head, with nothing more to look forward to than a guard slipping you a taxpayer-funded bologna sandwich and a carton of milk to you through a slot in a door, it just might be the paper for you.

    Steve (d06736)

  12. If they made him read Human Events, or the WSJ, Reinhardt would find it an 8th-A violation.

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