Patterico's Pontifications


Talk Like a Democrat Day

Filed under: Obama,Politics — DRJ @ 8:54 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

New York Democratic Rep. Eric Massa claims he was pressured to resign by the Obama Administration because he opposed ObamaCare:

“Massa, who is stepping down amid allegations of sexual harrassment, said that Emanuel is a ruthless tactician who would “sell his mother” for a vote.

“Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn,” Massa said in a radio interview. “He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive.”

Massa also accused Democratic leaders of forcing him out of office because he had voted against healthcare reform.”

Earlier today, Roll Call said Massa might rescind his resignation but a later report indicated his resignation did become effective at 5 PM Monday. As detailed in the last link, Massa has a history of “salty” language.

I used to think Talk Like a Pirate Day was fun but this is much better. I hope more Democrats try it.


66 Responses to “Talk Like a Democrat Day”

  1. This guy has been amusing all day.

    imdw (275321)

  2. DRJ – Don’t forget about Dan Rather accidentally letting his mask slip while talking to Chris Matthews.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  3. I did forget that, daley. Maybe today was also Mumble Like a Democrat Day.

    DRJ (daa62a)

  4. This guy has been amusing all day.

    Arrrgh…. i say we keelhaul the landlubber!
    what say you mateys? time the bilge rat got a good bath eh?
    Bartender, you scurvy knave, show yourself or join our little friend on his journey of adventure….
    Arrrgh, there you are; we need drink, for this is thirsty w*rk….. RUM!! Give me rum for my friends!…..

    now throw the little shit overboard and lets see if we can catch a shark.

    [note: released from moderation. Arrrgh. –Stashiu]

    Hollow Leg Red, Scourage of the Seven Seas (fb8750)

  5. Great pirate talk, red.

    DRJ (daa62a)

  6. Before we raise a glass in a toast to this guy I gather the reason he voted against the plan was because the public option had been removed. Having said that, if he had stayed to course and if he really had the courage of his convictions (whoa, that may have been a bad choice or words) he should have stayed and voted no again regardless of what investigation had started (no doubt Pelosi lit the fire under this one).

    scr_north (0410c1)

  7. Not bad Red, until you tried to adjectivize youself…?scourage?

    AD - RtR/OS! (a1afa2)

  8. It seems to be a no-brainer that if Massa was a YES vote, all of his problems would have never arisen;
    but being a NO vote, the only way he could get out from under the Ethics Cmte investigation (that the Speaker will not allow to be dropped) is to resign,
    and to deny the Cmte jurisdiction.

    AD - RtR/OS! (a1afa2)

  9. AD – he’s doing his best – you shouldn’t try to dis-scourage him !

    Alasdair (205079)


    Climate change is bogus! Just read this story! It is proof!

    Intelliology (00d844)

  11. #11

    The connection with piracy is…. the ocean?

    Or is it the hijacking of short term observations and torturing the data to support the cause.

    By the way, Massa is a racist name…

    I also thought that for a Democrat, that trying to get a little action from both sides of the staff represented their commitment to diversity. Univesrities spend lots of money on departments of study that teach us that bi sexuality is normal and natural.
    The professors and TA’s hit on subordinates all the time. By the standards of his party, he did nothing wrong and indeed should be celebrated.
    After all, how many staffers has Barney Frank nailed in his day?

    SteveG (11baba)

  12. The idiot desperately wants to talk about something other than the topic. Maybe you should gte your own blog?

    JD (d50e30)

  13. I say we flog then keelhaul intelliology, imdw, and timb for starters, then after grog and ale, we hang a few bilge rats from the yard arm.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  14. I heard Massa might be Glenn Beck’s guest today. Could be another interesting show of connecting the dots. šŸ˜‰

    Corwin (ea9428)

  15. I heard Massa’s account of the incident that supposedly led to the ethics investigation, if his story is true, it clearly is a fabrication of a charge against him.

    Certainly a person caught in wrongdoing will often point blame and suspicion somewhere else. The question here is, who is the one caught and blaming someone else?

    With as slow as the Dems have been to discipline any of their own, I am suspect as to why they would bust somebody unless it was really,really bad, or because they wanted to get rid of him.

    My assumption (perhaps wrong) was that they were putting the squeeze on so that he would not be allowed to vote while under the investigation, whether he wanted to stay and vote or not.

    If his version is true, perhaps one more person will step forward, under threat of ethics charges or not, and give support to his story.

    I would not be surprised at whatever the truth is. I believe members of the current Dem power structure would have no problem doing something like this. I also believe an individual could do all kinds of things to justify themselves as well- but a Democrat destroying his political future coming out in attack mode on his own administration is a bit of an unexpected twist.

    MD in Philly (70a1ba)

  16. I have little sympathy for Mr Massa. John Hitchcock quoted a story from NBC News in Chicago:

    ā€œLet me tell you a story about Rahm Emanuel,ā€ Massa said on the program. ā€œI was a congressman in my first eight weeks; I was in the congressional gym, I went down and I worked out and I went into the showers ā€¦ Iā€™m sitting there showering, naked as a jaybird and here comes Rahm Emanuel not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, and he starts poking a finger in my chest yelling at me because I wasnā€™t going to vote for the presidentā€™s budget.

    “Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?ā€

    In other words, Mr Emanuel got in his face and started cussing him out, and Mr Massa sat there, scared out of his manhood, and just took it, and then started crying about it in public. If a man gets in my face and starts yelling like that, Iā€™ll tell him when and where and how he can get the fornicate off.

    Mr Massa was an elected official; Mr Emanuel didnā€™t have the power to fire him, so Mr Massa had nothing to fear. What was Mr Emanuel going to do, hit him? (Well, maybe: Rahm Emanuel was once an Israeli soldier! But all that would have done was to get Mr Emanuel unemployed.) What he allegedly did was to do trash that is forcing him to resign, and now he wants to try to deflect some of the blame for himself.

    The unsympathetic Dana (3e4784)

  17. Kramer: “That shirt makes you look like a pirate! It’s going to be the hot new trend!”

    Jerry: “But I don’t WANNA BE A PIRATE!”

    Dmac (ca1d8c)

  18. Mateys, notice the blackguard scribes make no notice of the incredible speed of this ethics inquisition vs. those for McDermott, Murtha, and Rangel.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  19. I hope this guy becomes a new right wing cause celebre.

    “Mateys, notice the blackguard scribes make no notice of the incredible speed of this ethics inquisition vs. those for McDermott, Murtha, and Rangel.”

    Rahm is playing such 11-dimensional chess that he knew in February that Massa would turn out to be such a dickhead today.

    imdw (d93e5c)

  20. imd-liar, get professional mental help.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  21. Massa will be on Beck to discuss his latest onion column:

    imdw (8222e7)

  22. “Rahm is playing such 11-dimensional chess that he knew in February that Massa would turn out to be such a dickhead today.”

    Or maybe the locker room scene caused Massa to be the dickhead he is today?

    Corwin (ea9428)

  23. Re #17

    I don’t think he “just took it”. Elsewhere he says he told Emanuel “to do things which I know are not physically possible”.

    In the old days would a physical smack down been appropriate? Sure. Had he punched Emanuel, as he deserved, would it been helpful to his cause? I don’t think so.

    Short of calling for legalization of duels, which nk has convinced me would not be a good idea, I’m not interested in anyone getting sympathy or not, I’m just interested for people to be judged by the content of their character. If they are bankrupt and trying to influence our country, let them be revealed for what they are.

    MD in Philly (70a1ba)

  24. “Or maybe the locker room scene caused Massa to be the dickhead he is today?”

    Oh Rahm’s been plenty mean to Massa over time. I don’t think there’s one thing that did it. Like, how much money do you think the DCCC spent on Massa when Rahm ran it?

    imdw (6b4e5c)

  25. The MD in Philadelphia wrote:

    I donā€™t think he ā€œjust took itā€. Elsewhere he says he told Emanuel ā€œto do things which I know are not physically possibleā€.

    If Mr Massa had come out holding his own (perhaps a poor choice of words, considering their garb! šŸ™‚ ), he wouldn’t be crying about it in public.

    The very unsympathetic Dana (3e4784)

  26. I look forward to hearing what he has to say. Not because I believe him. I have a low regard for the vast majority of Congresspeople (persons?). Anyway. They all have skeletons, they all have markers on each other. It will be interesting if he tries to get the ball rolling and tell-all. Will others come forward with their own dirt on others?
    Or is this really much ado about nothing?

    Corwin (ea9428)

  27. Careful about defending Massa, go to Michelle Malkin’s site and read her report on Massa’s background before you jump to his defense. If she has her facts right, he’s not worthy of support.

    Wait to hear what he has to say on the Glenn Beck show at 5pm today.

    ropelight (1ccd07)

  28. I think this’ll be a first for me. I believe I am more sympathetic than the unsympathetic Dana on this issue. Or maybe I’m just focused elsewhere. I wouldn’t vote for the dude. And I think maybe he doesn’t belong in politics. But I am interested in what he has to say and how much can be corroborated in some fashion.

    I spent about 15 years of my life hearing contradictory stories from a couple people. One I knew I could never trust but should’ve been able to and one I knew I could trust much more often but shouldn’t have been able to trust more than the first.

    So, in this instance, I’m willing to give Massa his time to speak. Not that I’d be singing Massa’s praises or anything. I’d just be adding his information to information I already know and comparing it to the pattern of behavior of his subject matter.

    John Hitchcock (dfa8f0)

  29. On Beck, Massa will discuss how he doesn’t want health care reform “jammed down his throat” by Rahm.

    imdw (76ad87)

  30. imdw wrote:

    On Beck, Massa will discuss how he doesnā€™t want health care reform ā€œjammed down his throatā€ by Rahm.

    Which might really explain Mr Massa’s discomfort with M<r Emanuel's attire! šŸ™‚

    The perverted Dana (3e4784)

  31. Perhaps the New York Democrat was just complaining to Mr Emanuel, “You ain’t my massa!”

    Man, that is just so bad! I hereby denounce myself.

    The snarky Dana (3e4784)

  32. Nothing wrong with exploiting Massa for political gain.

    East Coast Chris (ded5f2)

  33. Re #26

    I thought he was going public on the events because his career is being trashed behind the scenes by Emanuel et al and he’s decided to take casualties with him.

    Re #28

    I haven’t been there, but I just heard You Tube ads from his campaign where he was going down obfuscate and lie lane.
    So there is evidence to suggest he is not someone with a history of “unblemished credibility”.
    But then again, all the lawyers here know that sometimes a crook will turn in a true story on another crook in their own interest.

    We’ll see what pans out.

    MD in Philly (70a1ba)

  34. How long did the investigation into the open and shut case of McDermott’s release of an illegally wiretapped conversation between Republican congressmen last?

    How long has the investigation into Rangel’s tax evasion lasted?

    Why was this investigation fast-tracked and leaked in violation of ethical standards?

    Why do the Democrats use ethics investigations to achieve unethical ends?

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  35. #35, HB asked, “Why do the Democrats use ethics investigations to achieve unethical ends?”

    For the same reason organized assassins use patsies to avoid detection.

    ropelight (1ccd07)

  36. Massa…why are we talking about a Formula One driver from Brazil?

    AD - RtR/OS! (12a74e)

  37. “Why do the Democrats use ethics investigations to achieve unethical ends?”

    Maybe they should have handled this more like the GOP handled Mark Foley.

    imdw (4d654e)

  38. “Maybe they should have handled this more like the GOP handled Mark Foley.”

    The scandal broke in mid-September, 2006;
    on 29 September 2006, Foley resigned from Congress.

    Where is the difference?

    AD - RtR/OS! (12a74e)

  39. “Where is the difference?”

    Massa is under an ethics investigation.

    imdw (7b6f6d)

  40. No, he’s not.
    The Cmte on Congressional Ethics has no jurisdiction to investigate an ex-member;
    that’s why he resigned – to short-hop the investigation.
    The ultimate penalty that the cmte can suggest, is for the House to expell a member.
    What penalty can they impose on Massa?

    AD - RtR/OS! (12a74e)

  41. “No, heā€™s not.”

    Sorry. Massa *was* under an ethics investigation.

    “What penalty can they impose on Massa?”

    Concluding the investigation, I guess.

    imdw (ab4f9d)

  42. Save your breath, AD. It doesn’t really give a crap. It is just playing look over there.

    JD (3b62be)

  43. Imadickwad is the poster child for IGNORANT!

    AD - RtR/OS! (12a74e)

  44. Look over at Massa’s ethics investigation!

    imdw (34f1ae)

  45. […] ObamaCare Support, So He Refuses to Hold Townhall Meeting Patterico’s Pontifications: Talk Like a Democrat Day Gateway Pundit: Dem Rep. Massa May Rescind Resignation; Says Rahm Emanuel Is ā€œSon of Devilā€™s […]

    Naked & Arguing Politicians: Rahm & Massa in the Congressional Showers (video) « Frugal CafĆ© Blog Zone (a66042)

  46. for JD:

    noun (plural scourgĀ·es)
    1. tormentor: somebody or something that is perceived as an agent of punishment, destruction, or severe criticism
    the scourge of my childhood

    2. whip: a whip that is used for inflicting punishment

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  47. But, what is a “scourage”?

    AD - RtR/OS! (12a74e)

  48. Look over at Massaā€™s ethics investigation!
    Comment by imdw ā€” 3/9/2010 @ 1:33 pm

    Tell it to Reuters/WaPo….

    AD - RtR/OS! (12a74e)

  49. “Tell it to Reuters/WaPoā€¦.”

    Dude. That’s last friday. This massa story got legs. He’s on Beck now

    imdw (dbe289)

  50. We must pass this bill so the stupid racist hilljack rubes can find out how great it is.

    JD (3b62be)

  51. ^Cupcake’s blowhole is really quite enormous these days.

    Dmac (ca1d8c)

  52. Any of you watch it? No TV at work. Did Beck Finally meet his match? did it live up to the promise?

    imdw (dbe289)

  53. On Beck’s show Massa came off as a compulsive double talker. I don’t doubt Democrat leadership pressured him to support Obama’s agenda, but his attempts to dodge the homosexual abuse charge by exposing Rahm Emanuels’s strong-arm tactics isn’t persuasive. It’s an attempt to change the topic.

    I don’t believe his story.

    ropelight (a9a002)

  54. Miss me yet?

    George W. Bush (718861)

  55. Did Beck Finally meet his match? did it live up to the promise?

    Cupcake, we’re waiting for your link to polls showing that Karl’s earlier post about the healthcare bill being unpopular isn’t true. Let’s have it.

    Dmac (ca1d8c)

  56. “Cupcake, weā€™re waiting for your link to polls showing that Karlā€™s earlier post about the healthcare bill being unpopular isnā€™t true.”

    Wait which post? The bill has popular and unpopular components. Dennis Kucinich and John McCain both hate it. Me? I think it would be a progressive victory for it to pass.

    imdw (05d41e)

  57. But, what is a ā€œscourageā€?

    a testimony to the efficacy of modern educational techniques.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  58. “Me? I think it would be a progressive victory for it to pass.”

    Easy on the DucolaxĀ®, IMADEEDOO.

    GeneralMalaise (04e9c2)

  59. “The bill has popular and unpopular components.”

    imdw – Good thing nobody asked you that question and this bill looks to get passed with all its components. Is the bill unpopular or not?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  60. imdw is just another contemporary liberal fool who believes one can take more out of the system than one puts in and not have the system eventually collapse.

    GeneralMalaise (04e9c2)

  61. Progressive… like a disease.

    GeneralMalaise (01c700)

  62. Overall the bill is unpopular. I don’t think there’s denying that. But I think the unpopular parts can be fixed, and the GOP knows that’s a fight that will be hard.

    imdw (6eb217)

  63. […] ObamaCare Support, So He Refuses to Hold Townhall Meeting Patterico’s Pontifications: Talk Like a Democrat Day Gateway Pundit: Dem Rep. Massa May Rescind Resignation; Says Rahm Emanuel Is ā€œSon of Devilā€™s […]

    Glenn Beck Apologizes for Wasting America’s Time with His Massa Interview (video) « Frugal CafĆ© Blog Zone (a66042)

  64. […] Politico: Eric Massa: Democrats ousted me over health care Patterico’s Pontifications: Talk Like a Democrat Day Gateway Pundit: Dem Rep. Massa May Rescind Resignation; Says Rahm Emanuel Is ā€œSon of Devilā€™s […]

    Sordid Massa Details Mount: Nancy Pelosi Knew Massa Was a Predator… And Did NOTHING « Frugal CafĆ© Blog Zone (a66042)

  65. […] Rahm Emanuel “Would Sell His Own Mother” For Votes Patterico’s Pontifications: Talk Like a Democrat Day Gateway Pundit: Dem Rep. Massa May Rescind Resignation; Says Rahm Emanuel Is ā€œSon of Devilā€™s […]

    Rahm & Massa: Shower Story Not Going Away.. “No Soap for You!” (video) « Frugal CafĆ© Blog Zone (a66042)

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