Patterico's Pontifications


Service With a Smile

Filed under: Crime — DRJ @ 4:01 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

When a citizen makes a valid legal demand in Vail, Colorado, the Sheriff’s Department complies:

“The doormat wasn’t particularly welcoming to detectives who paid a visit to Charles Guadalupe’s Vail home.


“So we did,” Lt. Mike William of the Eagle County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.”

Mr. Guadalupe was arrested on “two counts of distribution of cocaine and two counts of possession of cocaine” and there’s a photo of his doormat at the link.


11 Responses to “Service With a Smile”

  1. I prefer to tell the cops to go get a warrant…. then start flushing the toilet and running the washing machine in the interim. Or is that too old school?

    Maybe get a mat that has my lawyers name and phone number and “Mirandize me or STFU!” on it

    SteveG (909b57)

  2. Would the door mat itself add to probable cause for a warrant?

    Arrogance and foolishness seem to be partners, no matter what the “pay grade” is.

    MD in Philly (70a1ba)

  3. That particular door mat is sold by

    Blacque Jacques Shellacque (5ef35b)

  4. “When Christmas gifts backfire…”
    coming soon to Fox!

    Gazzer (9b02ca)

  5. I know everyone here realizes this but, to clarify, the basis for the warrant was an informant’s tip, not the doormat.

    DRJ (daa62a)

  6. My dad would have loved that. He always instructed all the guys in his shop not to let OSHA in the door without a warrant.

    Gesundheit (6acc51)

  7. I have a stupid question: why didn’t the detectives have the warrant when they first got there?

    My only guess is that maybe they were expecting to be let in without a warrant (until they saw the doormat), but that doesn’t seem right.

    Alan (07ccb5)

  8. I have one of those doormats in the doorway to my office.

    Dodd (d8078d)

  9. I don’t know what business you are in, Dodd, but you’d get my money over the next guy any day of the week…

    God I want one of those doormats.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  10. […] front door inviting cops to “come back with a warrant.” So they did. ‘Hat tip: DRJ. Comments […]

    damnum absque injuria » Moron Criminal of the Day: Charles Guadalupe (490ac4)

  11. Gentle snowflakes falling on aspen
    dude with blow here in twenty minutes
    Rocky Mountain high in Colorado

    GeneralMalaise (04e9c2)

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