Patterico's Pontifications


Story Coming on Obama’s Donors — How Damaging Will It Be?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:58 pm

Many of us remember how “Doodad Pro” and “O.J. Simpson” gave money to Obama during his first presidential campaign. And how this was no accident. From 2008:

The Obama campaign has turned a blind eye to the possibility of donor fraud. Reportedly, during the heated primary battle with Hillary Clinton, the Obama campaign “turned off” many of the security features on its online donor page, allowing any person with a valid credit card number to donate using any name or address.

Typically, card merchants require a cardholder’s name to match critical personal details, such as an address or, at the least, a ZIP code.

And of course some of the money came from the credit cards of real people. It’s just that they didn’t authorize the donations.

Well, in the wake of news that Obama is headed towards raising $1 billion as a candidate this time around, there has been word of a new scandal regarding foreign contributions, which Katie Pavlich says could break as early as tonight.

By the way, Obama’s incredible $181 million take in September was especially notable because only 2% of it was reportable:

The campaign said that just over 1.8 million people made donations to the campaign last month. According to the campaign, over 500k of these were brand-new donors, having neither given in 2008 nor 2012. 98% of contributions were under the reporting threshold of $250. Of these, the average contribution was $53.

That means up to 98% of the September take could be from illegal sources. I’m not saying it is — in fact, it’s virtually certain that any illegal amount is nowhere near that much. But it still could be a lot.

If money is coming from foreign sources, it might be interesting to see how much is coming from Russia. Remember: In March, Obama told Russia he could be more . . . flexible with Russia after the election:

President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have “more flexibility” to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.

Obama, during talks in Seoul, urged Moscow to give him “space” until after the November ballot, and Medvedev said he would relay the message to incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin.

More foreign money could lead to more flexibility. It’s amazing how flexible politicians can become when there is enough cash to loosen things up.

We’ll stay on top of this story.

UPDATE: Commenter John Cunningham says:

There can be no doubt that the Obama web site is wide open for foreign money and fraud. I was over at a buddy’s house a month ago, I watched him log onto the Obama site, use his Visa card to donate $5, with no request for security code. he was moved to a page that asked for his personal info.

He entered Josef Stalin, Apt. 2, the Kremlin, Red Square, Moscow. Job–General Secretary. Employer: Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

It took the donation. his account was charged a couple of days later.

I just tried this, up the point where they wanted me to hit the donate button. I entered this information:

Then I entered my credit card number and expiration date, and I got this page, asking for my employer and occupation, which I duly filled in:

Whether the donation would have worked, I don’t know. I didn’t want to hit the donate button as I was afraid I would be running afoul of the law if I did. If John Cunningham is telling the truth, though, I could have donated $3 as Nosuch Person and it would have gone through.

UPDATE x2: And I was never asked for a credit card security code.

121 Responses to “Story Coming on Obama’s Donors — How Damaging Will It Be?”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (8b3905)

  2. Iranian Nukes

    Islamic Caliphate

    Your own prepaid Muslim Brotherhood affinity gift card for anonymous political donations


    Ibn Phartin (bf33e9)

  3. There seemed to be enough to this story last time around that it could have made an impact, but didn’t, like any one of a number of other things (Ayers to Wright and all things in between). We’ll see what happens this time.

    Slightly OT, we often ask ourselves how much stuff does the left really believe and how much they are spouting known deception for the sake of gaining power, usually defaulting to an “all of the above” opinion. There are a few obituaries on a person Eugene Genovese (who I never heard of, though that doesn’t say much) who apparently was held in high esteem for his intellectual honesty by some very noteworthy people like Robby George:

    When asked the question, “What did communist sympathizers know about the atrocities under communism and when did they know it” he answered that on one level they knew it from the beginning, but on another level they ignored the information out of commitment to the theory (at least that is my distillation of it). I imagine the answer is the same for many people no matter what the corrupt ideology is.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  4. There can be no doubt that the Obama web site is wide open for foreign money and fraud. I was over at a buddy’s house a month ago, I watched him log onto the Obama site, use his Visa card to donate $5, with no request for security code. he was moved to a page that asked for his personal info.
    he entered Josef Stalin, Apt. 2, the Kremlin, Red Square, Moscow. Job–General Secretary. Employer: Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
    it took the donation. his account was charged a couple of days later.

    John Cunningham (4feb81)

  5. Does anyone actually believe that Obama received 500,000 donations from people who’d never given to him before, all under the reporting limit?


    Yes, I’m interested in this story.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  6. Does anyone actually believe that Obama received 500,000 donations from people who’d never given to him before, all under the reporting limit?

    No, but the question is how many people will learn about it, and how many people care. Some folk are so cynical about politics and politicians that they just think “they’re all crooks” and something needs to hit a high threshold to register as important.

    I think it is very important myself, just reporting on interchanges I’ve had with some.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  7. There was a story in 2008 about a man whose name was used on a large series of credit cards to donate $174,000 to Obama, all in small amounts.

    Mike K (326cba)

  8. I recalled this story the other day actually.

    Thought I might try it sometime and see if it works.

    scrubone (e7e0ea)

  9. #5 – Does anyone actually believe that Obama received 500,000 donations from people who’d never given to him before, all under the reporting limit?


    Yes, I’m interested in this story.

    Comment by Dianna

    That stat is probably more damming that 98% of donors were from non tracable sources. Who is in charge of the FEC.
    The media sees an incompetent candidate because of a few gaffes (gaffes only because they were factual)
    But the dontsee
    fast and furious
    islamic spring
    Libyan attack
    Libyan security reduction
    Khalib tape

    Joe-Dallas (43ff93)

  10. Comment by Mike K — 10/7/2012 @ 1:41 pm

    It is interesting not only in the illegal contributions themselves, but I guess that would feed into lowering the “average contribution” to make the case that Obama is supported by a large number of the “average people” in small amounts rather than those evil repubs who “get millions from the Koch bros”, etc.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  11. UPDATE: Commenter John Cunningham says:

    There can be no doubt that the Obama web site is wide open for foreign money and fraud. I was over at a buddy’s house a month ago, I watched him log onto the Obama site, use his Visa card to donate $5, with no request for security code. he was moved to a page that asked for his personal info.

    He entered Josef Stalin, Apt. 2, the Kremlin, Red Square, Moscow. Job–General Secretary. Employer: Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

    It took the donation. his account was charged a couple of days later.

    I just tried this, up the point where they wanted me to hit the donate button. I entered this information:

    Then I entered my credit card number and expiration date, and I got this page, asking for my employer and occupation, which I duly filled in:

    Whether the donation would have worked, I don’t know. I didn’t want to hit the donate button as I was afraid I would be running afoul of the law if I did. If John Cunningham is telling the truth, though, I could have donated $3 as Nosuch Person and it would have gone through.

    Patterico (8b3905)

  12. Comment by Patterico — 10/7/2012 @ 1:46 pm

    Maybe you should try to do the same thing at the Romney site and see how far you get and paste screen shots of that, too.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  13. “Does anyone actually believe that Obama received 500,000 donations from people who’d never given to him before, all under the reporting limit?”

    How many government jobs has he created and how many employees are left at businesses that received government green energy loans that haven’t filed bankruptcy yet?


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  14. Well, you do have a point, daley…

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  15. UPDATE x2: And I was never asked for a credit card security code.

    Patterico (8b3905)

  16. Mary Matalin
    Paul Krugman is a ferret
    thanks for showcasing

    Colonel Haiku (fd409b)

  17. This past week the President basically shut down the University of Wisconsin Madison campus for a campaign rally. This included many class cancellations. To get into the area for the rally and to pass security all students needed to have a ticket. To get the ticket they had to go to the Obama campaign website in advance and click the “I’m In” button. Then they had to provide personal info (name, address, age, tel number, email addy) to register for a ticket and print it. Obviously, the ticket was free.

    Why was all this personal info needed to attend and be part of a crowd? How many three and five dollar untraceable “donations” have been made in the names of these students–put on foreign and prepaid credit cards– without them ever knowing it or realizing that they have been “used”?

    elissa (4cf3a6)

  18. It’s Chicago Daley money. Same, like last time.

    Not that I would know anything about it. Just talking.

    nk (875f57)

  19. I used Romney’s site yesterday and had to put in my security code.

    Patricia (e1d89d)

  20. And why else would Obama have gone to Germany to campaign last time, except to raise money?

    Patricia (e1d89d)

  21. very interesting info in post 17, elissa.

    Colonel Haiku (fd409b)

  22. MD @ 12,

    It appears Romney online donations do indeed require the 3-digit security code in order to proceed – the whole process is on one page. No jumping to a next screen…

    Dana (292dcf)

  23. Getcha popcorn ready!

    Rodney King's Spirit (9ce6d4)

  24. Will anybody except the blogosphere care?

    ukuleledave (5f2a17)

  25. I did a few $$ to Romney and it does require the code.

    Rodney King's Spirit (9ce6d4)

  26. #24 It will if they can prove the numbers on the cards came from overseas AND THEN cross reference unknown names to a sample of the donations.

    Rodney King's Spirit (9ce6d4)

  27. I’ve made several on-line donations to the Romney-Ryan campaign and the 3-digit code, name, address, employer and occupation are all required.

    Colonel Haiku (fd409b)

  28. Thanks, Patricia, Dana, RKS.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  29. #13 – daleyrocks – There are not that many government and “green” jobs.

    These numbers defy reason. There’s no way to make them seem real, at least not to me.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  30. Dianna – I know, just trying to whittle it down a little.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  31. “This past week the President basically shut down the University of Wisconsin Madison campus for a campaign rally.”

    elissa – Big weekend in Mad Town too. I spoke to somebody who was there yesterday and he said there were almost Romney/Obama fights on the bus on the way home. Of course adult beverages I’m sure had nothing to do with it.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  32. #32, Do you doubt small riots are coming if Dear Leader loses? Allegations of fraud based on “polls” from Sept 29?

    If I am in Cleveland, Miami, LA, Chicago, NY, or DC — I’d keep the cell handy, sprinklers on and a baseball bat on hand.

    Rodney King's Spirit (9ce6d4)

  33. Riots like ’67, only the gloves will never be even put on. Making it all much, much worse.

    htom (412a17)

  34. If I may indulge in a bit of “I told you so”: I’ve long argued, here and elsewhere, that we should always ignore stories about the Obama campaign having fundraising difficulties. I have always believed, and am more convinced now than ever, that there are Obama supporters who will find sources of money that are effectively unlimited — sources who can provide as many tens or hundreds of millions as they deem to be needed — and that they’ll get that money to the campaign regardless of such impediments as campaign finance and disclosure laws.

    When you’ve gotten away with it in 2008, why would you NOT continue it in 2012?

    The only people who are going to be surprised by anything the Obama Campaign might do in this election are those who weren’t paying attention in 2008.

    Beldar (d8195e)

  35. I don’t see much energy among Obama’s supporters. I’m not seeing (in the San Francisco Bay Area) all that many bumper stickers or signs, or much of anything.

    Riots require some energy.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  36. “I don’t see much energy among Obama’s supporters. I’m not seeing (in the San Francisco Bay Area) all that many bumper stickers or signs, or much of anything.

    Riots require some energy.

    Comment by Dianna ”

    It doesn’t require much energy for Saudi sheiks to have underlings donate $50 million in 500,000 small donations.

    Obama has always been a creature of the middle east rulers. This goes back to Valerie Jarrett’s father-in-law.

    Valerie Jarrett’s deceased father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, wrote a column in 1979 for The Evening Independent. Jarrett tells of Donald Warden, aka Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour an attorney, “urging” “the rich Arab kingdoms to cultivate stronger ties to America’s blacks by supporting black businesses and black colleges and giving financial help to disadvantaged students.” Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour is the same person Percy Sutton (now deceased) told a NYC radio show host, who asked him (Sutton) to write a letter of recommendation for Barack Obama for entrance into Harvard and specifically to peg Obama for the president of the Harvard Law Review.

    Mike K (326cba)

  37. Rodney King’s Spirit – The Wisconsin/Illinois football game is a big event and Wisconsin handled Illinois like Obama got handled at last week’s debate.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  38. #37 – Mike K – Oh, I know; the money issue is one thing, and between the Saudis and (my personal suspect) Soros, I’m almost sure we can locate the real sources of the money.

    But there will not be riots when Obama loses, that’s my only contention.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  39. I wouldn’t be surprised at riots if he loses a close election. Of course, Democrats are good at winning close elections the next day.

    Mike K (326cba)

  40. Dianna– stimulus money paid to failing companies owned by large donors/bundlers/unions and then repurposed right back into the campaign without attribution is another source of “contributions” IMO. Your tax dollars at work!

    elissa (47d342)

  41. This story is going to make a lot of the goo goo liberals who mewl about campaign finance reform very uncomfortable. Unless of course their values are really as fungible as those of their beloved candidate.

    Bugg (642d2d)

  42. “Riots require some energy.”

    You would think with all the food stamps they’d have plenty of energy.

    Rodney King's Spirit (9ce6d4)

  43. #38, Everyone handles Illinois in the Big Ten.

    Rodney King's Spirit (9ce6d4)

  44. _______________________________________________

    When asked the question, “What did communist sympathizers know about the atrocities under communism and when did they know it”

    As foolish as the left was about the past era of Communism, the Iron Curtain and the Soviet bloc, look at how far more deranged — and absurdly ironic — they are when it comes to this era of Islamo-fascism. It’s like they’re doubling down on stupid.

    The Obama campaign has turned a blind eye to the possibility of donor fraud.

    Recall all the liberals who were bemoaning the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2010 that overturned limits on campaign contributions? Place that against the backdrop of the underhanded ways that Obama (or the Clintons, etc) have been and are known to raise money.

    In turn, that’s merely in keeping with the left bemoaning how wealthier people aren’t paying more in income taxes, set against the backdrop of Obama’s Secretary of the Treasury and other members of the current White House being known for cheating on their taxes.

    Liberals, gotta love ’em.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  45. I’m not expecting big riots, maybe a few little ones here and there. The thrill is gone–even Obama is tired of himself.

    Patricia (e1d89d)

  46. #41 – elissa – Not the tiny ones, I’m betting. I bet those are from elsewhere.

    The Solyndra types maxed out direct contributions, bought $35,000 dinner tickets, and contributed to Super PACs.

    These tiny contributions by people who’d never given before are (when traced) going to end up being even more insanely corrupt than the behavior in the last paragraph!

    Dianna (f12db5)

  47. I’ve heard people say that the possibility of riots if the one loses is dependent upon what the polls are saying immediately before the election. If the polls immediately before the election and/or exit polls claim the one is to win and he doesn’t, that is more likely to fuel (un)civil unrest.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  48. The rightwing talent for projection is in full display here. Romney’s the one with the foreign donor problem, not Obama:

    Wisco (1d1ead)

  49. Wisco,

    Your link repeatedly says that it is unclear that there was anything illegal about a Connecticut company that is partly owned by a Canadian company can’t contribute to politicians.

    It seems to be trying as hard as it can to make a case it can’t make.

    And ultimately, your response has absolutely nothing to do with the Obama foreign donation problem. You say you’ve shown projection, but to make that case you need to show both that Obama’s campaign is innocent (you don’t even try) and that Romney’s is guilty (you’ve fallen far short).

    You seem to have an irrational hatred of Republicans, just going off your tumblr account. I always wonder what’s going on in the heads of you haters. It’s just politics. Go outside and have a beer or something.

    BTW, we’re worse off than we were four years ago. And the jobs report is not good news. That’s the truth.

    Dustin (73fead)

  50. Your link repeatedly says that it is unclear that there was anything illegal about a Connecticut company that is partly owned by a Canadian company can’t contribute to politicians.

    That should say “your link repeatedly says it’s unclear there was anything illegal about a Connecticut company partly owned by a Canadian company making a contribution to a politician.”

    Dustin (73fead)

  51. And CPI is a Soros sponsored outfit, and he was convicted in absentsia for insider tradingfraud in France, so thanks for playing, you don’t even get a copy of the home game

    narciso (ee31f1)

  52. There might be riots in Detroit or Oakland.

    Not in Chicago, New York, or Los Angeles. Those mayors have learned the importance of the appearance of keeping the peace.

    And the other places do not matter. They are too far for news-crews to travel to.

    nk (875f57)

  53. In Florida, law-abiding citizens are allowed concealed carry. Don’t riot around them. 😉

    nk (875f57)

  54. If just 1% of the donations were fraudulent we’re talking about nearly $2,000,000 worth of illegal campaign contributions.

    WeekendAtBernankes (16a063)

  55. #56 – Excellent point.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  56. The problem is that if nobody, from the feds to the media, cared in 2008, what will make them care now? Not to mention the “47%”…they wouldn’t care if Obama flat out said he wan4ed to void the constitution, eliminate all our nukes, and give the southeast United States back to Mexico.

    joninva (627bcd)

  57. $200,000,000 campaign chest? Sounds like a lot.

    nk (875f57)

  58. #58-Suspect a certain campaign that is now running like a well-oiled machine(which McCain was not) is not going to let this nonsense pass without some notice.

    Bugg (642d2d)

  59. Any damage at all only makes the rubble bounce:

    A strictly economic model has Willard taking all the ‘battleground’ and Blue leaners ‘cepting NV and Michigan.

    Count ’em 208 Electoral Votes and dropping 5 since their first tally, now with data from three months later, closer to election.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  60. Down Low is spending good money in Washington state and Maryland. Debate night I saw nothing pro-Ogabe on NBC in Mpls/StP market.

    His campaign needs a $Billion$ for a $200 Million effect.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  61. 44. Northwestern lost to PSU Saturday.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  62. ’08 redux…and the old shall be new.

    O/T….Fox News Sunday (today)

    What insidious act did the people of Maryland commit to have Martin O’Malley imposed upon them as their Governor?
    What, a Plague of Locusts wouldn’t have been punishment enough?

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (2bb434)

  63. Which scandal do you prefer? Because Nice Deb has another one.

    Oh — and it’s a doozie.

    Random (edf1d2)

  64. 65. Hang ’em high. Beginning to wonder whether the Whitewater gang applied the coup d’ grace.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  65. The State Dept is doing a State Dept investigation per Clinton. What do you think the chances are that answers will come *before* the election?

    Clinton said that the State Department’s Accountability Review Board will begin work this week and the letter revealed the names of all five board members. In addition to former Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Pickering, who will lead the board, the other members will be former Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen (ret.), Catherine Bertini, Hugh Turner, and Richard Shinnick.

    Clinton asked Issa to withhold any final conclusions about the Benghazi attack until the review board finishes its work and reports to Congress, which could come as early as November or as late as early next year. She pledged to work with Issa’s committee and asked him to submit any requests for information or witnesses at hearings to the State Department’s Office of Legislative Affairs.

    Dana (292dcf)

  66. It isn’t a “blind eye”, even in the Nelsonian sense. The fraud is intentional.

    SPQR (b948c8)

  67. Comment by Random — 10/7/2012 @ 6:31 pm
    People being killed because of administration negligence, then an attempt to do a cover up, I think will still lose an election for anybody in America, at least at present. Even casual “low information” voters understand: “asked for more security, didn’t get it, died, knew it was Al Qaeda, blamed a YouTube video”. The MSM went with this, pretty much had to, unlike the relatively feeble attempt by most to cover fastnfurious.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  68. Comment by MD in Philly — 10/7/2012 @ 7:14 pm

    I don’t know, man. The country did knowing elect the associate of a domestic terrorist whose organization bombed the Pentagon, so I simply wouldn’t be so sure.

    I think people mainly care about getting their social programs these days, at least a critical mass of voters.

    Bread, circuses, and, what, honor? Sounds great, but I’m seeing an electorate more in love with bread and circuses.

    Random (edf1d2)

  69. *knowingly

    Also he’s a

    Random (edf1d2)

  70. Forget the last bit. Another typo.

    My point being I just don’t know that most people care about decent things as much as you give them credit for.

    I do think Mitt Romney will win, but barely, in what should be a blowout. And he’ll win because of Obama’s incompetence, but a more competent lefty doing coverups and such all over the place will slip through in future decades, if things keep going the way they’re going.

    Random (edf1d2)

  71. And to be clear, I mean exposed coverups. Obviously successful coverups wouldn’t count against one electorally.

    Random (edf1d2)

  72. The country did knowing elect the associate of a domestic terrorist whose organization bombed the Pentagon, so I simply wouldn’t be so sure.

    Many people did not know that, and that was so like the 1970’s, in the last millennium, ancient history…
    I agree that should have made him not even a serious contender, but it is very different, I think, from a real-time terrorist incident that everybody saw the coverage unfold.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  73. If you ever find some really good dirt on a liberal politician, give it to the MSM to break. They hate it because they can’t bury it.

    j curtis (981a38)

  74. I certainly agree it’s a big scandal and should be mentioned post haste by both GOP running mates and their surrogates.

    A screwup (and it sure looks that way) that cost lives is one thing — leaders make mistakes, people die as a result.

    But to cover that up, getting the first US ambassador killed in over 30 years plus others, is just beyond the pale. Yeah. I hope this gets pushed, and it costs Obama a realistic 0.5% to 1% or so. I wish it did more damage, because he surely deserves that, but that’s my most optimistic projection.

    Random (edf1d2)

  75. As much as we ridicule the mass media, they still matter.

    The President gets a pass on everything, from “Fast and Furious,” to Benghazi to the economy to exorbitant spending to his radical background and his lousy debating skills. Nothing is his fault. He is not the teflon president, he is the super-duper, non-stick titanium president.

    This latest scoop, if and when it happens, will make no difference.

    I say this because I talk to people. They know nothing about the gun-walking. They know nothing about the details of the ambassador’s death. Most didn’t watch the debates. They know Romney did pretty well, but it was because of some glitch or problem that distracted the President. They only know what they hear second- or third-hand from an in-the-tank media.

    They know things are bad, but that was because of Bush and some other stuff that just happens. They know Republicans are mean and why rock the boat because at least the President cares and he’s an OK guy?

    I’m not looking for an argument, I’m just saying that I’m trying to figure out how our Republic will survive another four years of abject incompetence. Because, where I’m sitting, that is exactly what is going to happen.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  76. I did this for the Obama campaign in 2008 with a microscopic donation. It went through. My understanding is that while it may be illegal for the donor, it is not illegal for the Obama campaign to accept these donations.

    tyree (84087f)

  77. The other way around. It is not illegal for the donor. Old case, look it up yourself. You can spend as much as you want, say what you want, as a private f***ing person.

    nk (875f57)

  78. Wow.

    I don’t know, when did the noise machine start, and when was it funded? I’m happy that Willard seems to be having a good time after his shitty debate. But I lost the theme with somehow Mittens pulling ahead. Please explain that part, because everyone who lives in the real world, well, doesn’t get it.

    Jamie (2169bf)

  79. I think all the FEC rules violate the First Amendment. But then, I think the FEC, itself, violates every applicable part of the Constitution. An administrative unit telling Presidential candidates how to get votes?

    nk (875f57)

  80. Federal Election Commission. McCain-Feingold.

    “In the Course of Human Events ….”

    Whadda f***ity f*** up?

    nk (875f57)

  81. And I do not want Obama for President, if it matters.

    nk (875f57)

  82. The election council in Venezuela has declared Chavez the winner for another six-year term.

    Viva Chavez, Viva Castro, Viva Kirchner, Viva Morales, Viva Obama!

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  83. And I do not think it does — in the sense that Obama is not the President. Obama is an empty suit, an empty chair, a hand puppet, a chain dog for people holding his leash.

    nk (875f57)

  84. Did you imagine otherwise, Ag80?

    (In any case, he has a term limit. I figure it at about one year.)

    (I am not a nice person.)

    nk (875f57)

  85. I meant Chavez!

    nk (875f57)

  86. No knock against you nk.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  87. The “No Security Code” verification issue is an invitation for fraud; maybe someone found some proof.

    Pure speculation-

    The piece is by Megan McArdle for Newsweek/Daily Beast. Here’s why I think so:

    She blogged about this four years ago and so is aware of the issue.

    She went on sabbatical from the Atlantic months ago-then got hired by Newsweek/Daily Beast but has not published much. The publication with the bombshell is rumored to be Newsweek/Daily Beast.

    Her expertise is finance. She’s libertarian leaning and intellectually honest. She’s also ambitious. Maybe she will be the next Woodward and Bernstein.

    MartyH (9119a2)

  88. I’m wondering if it’s the same slimy stuff Obama did last election fundraising from foreign donors that no one gave a crap about, or something new or more details?

    ‘Cause the American people’s ability to look the other way from a Dem President’s corruption is getting rather legendary.

    Random (03f2fe)

  89. I think I’m congenitally incapable of optimism, Marty, but that made sense. Let’s hope so.

    Random (03f2fe)

  90. You’re kidding about this, right? You fail to realize that to Obama’s supporters screwing the “system” is considered a feature not a bug.

    Ralph Gizzip (5ab3ea)

  91. Won’t make a blip.

    It will be buried or a similar parallel story about some corporate money being given to Romney’s campaign will come up. The media will then have a story where there is “worry” about the influence of money and Obama’s part will be a minor part/ footnote of said story.

    Or Romney makes a gaffe and the media seizes on it.

    Hawkins (1fc204)

  92. Now some people
    They be sayin’
    That Obama
    Ain’t been fairin’
    Takin’ money from abroad
    When in the Chicago mob.

    Now I don’ tink dat’s true
    Chicago tells him what to do.

    nk (875f57)

  93. I love being a racist.

    nk (875f57)

  94. Speaking of the doomed, here is Andrea M. on the definition of insanity:

    Biden will be butchered worse than Andrea at Sununu’s hand.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  95. Axelrod is good.

    You might know only of him, but the Axelrods are a very old Chicago political family.

    Some changed their names to Elrod, and some moved to such places as California and Arizona under either name.

    Who else could have put Obama in the White House?

    nk (875f57)

  96. Is Andrea Mitchell the lady who married Greenspan Nosferatu, BTW?

    nk (875f57)

  97. Any ETA? Does this story really exist?

    Rodney King's Spirit (9ce6d4)

  98. Patterico most always does not post BS, RKS.

    nk (875f57)

  99. Oh my god, you are a conspiracy theorist. I am eagerly awaiting it, can’t find it yet.

    And anyone, I mean anyone, can get something wrong through no fault of their own.

    Rodney King's Spirit (9ce6d4)

  100. Via PowerLine, the report:

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  101. #92 –

    Won’t make a blip.

    It will be buried or a similar parallel story about some corporate money being given to Romney’s campaign will come up. The media will then have a story where there is “worry” about the influence of money and Obama’s part will be a minor part/ footnote of said story.

    Or Romney makes a gaffe and the media seizes on it.

    Unfortunately the msm line will be:
    1) old story
    2) investigated in 2008
    3) non issue
    4) what little illegal contributions were returned
    5) Romney got money from Koch super pac
    6) soros super pac – non issue – from individual
    7) Citizens united – major money source from corporate non-person corrupting election.

    Joe-Dallas (43ff93)

  102. That the Obama campaign has left itself wide open to contributions from foreign nationals is particularly galling given the concern the president and his senior advisers have expressed over such contributions. In his 2010 State of the Union Address, the president slammed the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision because, “I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities.”

    Here’s a comprehensive look at the GAI’s investigation

    Protecting the legitimacy and legality of the U.S. election system is paramount. Currently, federal election law prohibits the solicitation of foreign nationals for campaign contributions, but this law is widely ignored. Moreover, the current system does little to encourage campaigns to aggressively police themselves and monitor incoming foreign donations. For these reasons, the U.S. Attorney overseeing this investigation recommends that copies of this report be submitted GAI to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Justice, and several state attorney generals for immediate review.

    Dana (292dcf)

  103. Obama believes Super Pacs & corporate money are evil & that they should be taken out of the donation equation, while at the same time getting boatloads of money from foreign sources which no doubt include foreign corporate money & money from not so friendly governments.

    He should be taken out to the woodshed & tanned raw for this hypocrisy.

    NYT refused to touch this story back in ’08 & it’s only making waves now because the formerly uber-partisan liberal Newsweek is going to run with it.

    Guess we’ll wait & see how much traction this gets in the rest of the msm, which my guess is….not much.

    John Difool (4251ee)

  104. That he went all waggy finger on SCOTUS during that SotU address over their decision on campaign finance law……

    Good thing my blood pressure isn’t prone to redlining.

    John Difool (4251ee)

  105. It should be noted that in 2008 John McCain’s website did require credit card security. The FEC decided that the amount of money Obama received fraudulently was “probably not high enough” to warrant an investigation or prosecution.

    American elections are a bad joke.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  106. Comment by Dana — 10/8/2012 @ 8:22 am

    They want GAI to submit their reports so that they can be data-mined for compilation of a list of people that the various enforcement agencies within the Federal establishment (but not the FEC) can use for harassment and intimidation.

    The Cover-Up Continues!

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92)

  107. Just like Voter ID and other measures to help ensure fair elections, why would Obama and the Democrats support simple measures to lower the probability of foreign contributions that hurt their own fundraising? Especially since the security controls are enable for merchandise purchases.

    The questions answer themselves.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  108. Wait for teh SQUIRRELS!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  109. It is possible that a large portion of those are coming from our military members and US employees abroad. Let’s check out Romney’s Site now. This GAI report is from a right-wing organization.

    Jo (4d2dd6)

  110. SQUIRREL!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  111. daleyrocks, your timing was perfect.

    Icy (ead64d)

  112. I have a new post on the report, by the way, here.

    Patterico (8b3905)

  113. The “98% of the September [$181M] take” comment is deceptive. Of the 1.8M contributions, 98 percent were under the reporting threshold (and those averaged $53). So about $93.5M was collected under the reporting threshold, and the remaining $87.5M was reportable (an average of $2430 per contribution, which is really close to the $2500 maximum).

    Greg (e5d06a)

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    Random (edf1d2)

  116. #116 – The “98% of the September [$181M] take” comment is deceptive. Of the 1.8M contributions, 98 percent were under the reporting threshold (and those averaged $53). So about $93.5M was collected under the reporting threshold, and the remaining $87.5M was reportable (an average of $2430 per contribution, which is really close to the $2500 maximum).

    Good point on the percent so approx 51% of dollars were under the reporting limit. Based on 68% of traffic coming from foreign sources, and assuming the foreigners donated at half the rate of US citizens, then approx $30-$35m was from foreign sources.
    Unfortunately – no way to prove or disprove the allegation – at least not before the election.

    Joe-Dallas (43ff93)

  117. So I can confirm…there is no address verification being performed even at the Submit for payment stage. Any valid credit card number and expiration date combination will bill through just fine. (Hope you trust your busboys, waitresses and bartenders) The $3 transaction created for George Jetson on Skyway Drive in Chicago IL was accepted no problem…currently is pending on my bank account statement. As soon as it goes through I intend to report it as fraudulent…someone must have stolen my credit card. 😉 Screen shots of everything available.

    ObamaLiar2012 (5d5b68)

  118. Unbelievable. Class..!

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