Patterico's Pontifications


Partners in New Jersey

Filed under: Obama,Politics — DRJ @ 11:06 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

President Obama campaigned today for New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine and described Corzine as one of his best partners:

“In a final campaign swing on behalf of the only governor seeking re-election this fall, President Barack Obama on Sunday pitched Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine’s bid as a key component for the White House to make good on its political promises.

He’s one of the best partners I have in the White House. We work together,” Obama said. “We know our work is far from over.”

Corzine was an early Hillary supporter and the first Governor to endorse her candidacy. In addition, Corzine was one of the last Hillary supporters to switch — he only endorsed Obama after Hillary announced she was suspending her Presidential campaign.

It’s true for Democrats and Republicans, but politics makes strange bedfellows, doesn’t it?


UPDATE BY PATTERICO: From the same article we find:

A Corzine loss would be seen as a political embarrassment for the White House.

Chance of embarrassment: not bad. Not bad at all:

Chris Christie leads Jon Corzine 47-41 in PPP’s final poll of the New Jersey Governor’s race, with Chris Daggett at 11%.


17 Responses to “Partners in New Jersey”

  1. Goes to show that Obama is not immune to the gaseous balderdash about “my good friend” and “one of my most important partners” that all the other politicians toss around.

    I guess that it is looking that Corzine will pull this one out, otherwise no way Obama spends so much time (this is, what, his third visit?) working this race.

    JVW (d32e06)

  2. This wouldn’t be the first time that Teh One doubled down on a bad bet….
    The Olympics, anyone?

    AD - RtR/OS! (57758f)

  3. Actually one poll has Christie ahead!

    I hope the Reps take it Tuesday, if only to hear the media guys say that Obama’s campaigning for them is a negative.

    Patricia (b05e7f)

  4. Those numbers, in relation to previous polls, seem to mirror VA…
    as the President ramps up efforts for the candidate, the candidates numbers collapse.

    Is Barack Hussein Obama becoming toxic outside the Beltway?

    AD - RtR/OS! (57758f)

  5. Please vote for the conservative. Obama’s perceived “mandate” must be diluted ASAP.

    krusher (6f6e76)

  6. Well of course he had to say “partners” . . .

    . . . “comrades” would have been a little bit telling.

    Icy Texan (11a9cb)

  7. “Obama’s campaigning for them is a negative.”

    Obama’s campaigning created or saved at least 3 percentage points!

    yyyyyeah, long term, it had other consequences that aren’t so great (democrat= tax increases eventually), and maybe it also had some short term consequences that are pretty inconvenient (democrat=deficits and weakness), and maybe we counted 1 point three times for some reason, but well… he’s historic!

    Corzine should thank Obama.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  8. Gee, Obama gets slapped down in VA, NJ, and NY23. Doesn’t look good for the dope smokers and gay agenda pushers.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  9. Actually the NJ surprise would be if the guy elected Governor were the same guy that was too dumb to fasten his seat belt.

    glenn (757adc)

  10. Yeah, that story was hilarious, coming from such an elitist douchebag like Corzine – “seatbelts? HA! Those are only for the serfs of my country – now get out the way of my entourage as we speed 90 mph and endangering the other drivers on MY roads.”

    Dmac (a964d5)

  11. Weird things are happening in certain locations like Camden (heavily Democrat) with absentee ballots. They’re running like 10 times the normal level or something. And the Dems are requesting that absentee ballots still be sent if the signature doesn’t match the one on the application. Coincidence?

    Gerald A (a66d02)

  12. Absentee ballots are a scam. All the voters bring them to the precinct guy, and he marks them up.

    Patricia (b05e7f)

  13. If the democrats continue to try to cheat the electoriate, they will find themselves in some very deep doo doo. The American people are slow to anger, but once there, do extract justice. Tea parties were and are a sign Americans are getting a little tired of having money removed from their wallets and paycheck to pay for things most of us do not want. I suggest the Democrats are ignoring the wishes of the public at their own risk. The price they have to pay will be high.

    Zelsdorf Ragshaft III (57cae1)

  14. NJ is a must win for Obama, it’s do or die. Obama is all in, he would rather have Hamid Karzai denounce the results as a crooked sham while pointing the finger directly at Teh One’s ACORNs and Black Panther thugs than see a GOP victory.

    Look for the usual ballot box stuffing and voter intimidation we’ve come to expect from Democrats. They’re not afraid to be caught red-handed on TV either, Obama’s Attorney Criminals at the Department of In-Justice will drop any charges.

    ropelight (15a195)

  15. They’re importing the ACORN/SEIU folks from Philly to help pull out all the stops, so who knows what last minute shenanigans will bring.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  16. The other story that has come out late is the support of the third party guy by Corzine people. That makes Dagget a tame stalking horse for Corzine. They tried to give people mad at Corzine a harmless outlet for frustration. It was always fishy.

    Mike K (2cf494)

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