Patterico's Pontifications


Is It Verboten to Criticize Sarah Palin on a Conservative Blog?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:45 am

Yesterday Ed Morrissey wrote that Palin’s resignation

destroyed her own credibiity in a single day.

I liked Sarah Palin and supported her inclusion on the GOP ticket last fall. I thought she had more toughness than this. It’s a big disappointment, and it’s the end of any hope of Palin getting taken seriously as a politician on the national level in the future.

That post currently has 3267 comments and counting. I haven’t read through them all, but based on something Ed wrote today, many of the commenters apparently suggested that Ed is a “Palin-hater”:

My caveat in the opening paragraph wasn’t about getting “beat up”; I’m a big boy, and I can take honest criticism. It’s correcting the falsehood in the comment strings that I’ve been a Palin-hater. If people actually read what I’ve written about Palin over the past year, nothing could be further from the truth. I’m going to give people my honest opinion, no matter what.

Wow. People are actually calling Ed Morrissey a “Palin-hater”?

Meanwhile, staunch conservative Ace of Spades also posted a line that I quoted on Friday: “It’s over. You can’t resign from a governorship and then run for higher office.” Now, apparently Ace is also getting the business from his commenters, and has begun to respond in his comments section:

[I]f you do not believe that Sarah Palin has some double-secret probation plan for the presidency, you must hate her too, and you’re rooting against her, and cheering for the other side.

This is fucking insane and it must stop. I will not be bullied by this ludicrous magical thinking brigade who insists that only Nice and Positive Words must be uttered or else one is contributing one’s Evil Energy to the Wrong Side.

It’s insane.

I disagree with you. I have tried to do so pleasantly but I am tired of the imputation of bad motive simply because I am more realistic and less prone to flights of hopeful fancy than you.

Is Sarah Palin, like Rush Limbaugh, an icon that cannot be criticized on a conservative blog without having the readership turn en masse against the blogger? It sure looks that way. Somehow, I’m thinking Allahpundit is happy to be on vacation this week — so he can sit back and watch other conservatives be subjected to this abuse.

Me, I have no idea what Palin’s doing, and I’m content to watch it all unfold without expressing much of an opinion. I rather doubt there’s some major scandal in the works. And I understand and share the anger that comes from watching cretins like Tom Boggioni take cheap shots at Palin’s children.

Still, if conservative stalwarts like Ed Morrissey and Ace do have an honest opinion concerning Palin’s amnnouncement, and they express it — are they now blackballed?

That’s absurd.

As conservatives, we need to have room to express honest opinions and disagree. If we can’t do that without writing off people who have supported conservative principles for years, then this party will never reform and regain power.

And to the Palin critics, I would say this: we don’t really know what’s going on here. So why not sit back and let events unfold without criticizing her so harshly right out of the gate?

190 Responses to “Is It Verboten to Criticize Sarah Palin on a Conservative Blog?”

  1. The volume of comments says something about her power as a media star for the party. The content says something about the commenters but, in their defense, there is a lot of frustration by those who think she was driven from public life by vicious attacks by the media. I think there is something to it but this is putting the cart way before the horse. She may have a plan and I have a post on what it could be. We don’t know yet. In the meantime, the circular firing squad should disarm.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  2. I read the post by Morrissey and some of the anger may be that he is echoing the left’s meme, “incoherent” and so forth. Nowhere does he mention the time taken by all the false ethics complaints which I think was what she meant by doing it for Alaska.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  3. But … but … but, Patterico, Palin is in danger of losing the Ewok vote.

    nk (e98769)

  4. “And to the Palin critics, I would say this: we don’t really know what’s going on here. So why not sit back and let events unfold without criticizing her so harshly right out of the gate?”

    I’m a liberal who could never stand her, so grain of salt and all but . . .

    I think you can validly criticize her harshly right out of the gate for failing to adequately explain her thinking in her resignation speech. Her supporters like you (and the citizens of Alaska) shouldn’t be left wondering what’s really going on. Implicit in your “wait and see what’s up” attitude is that you don’t think she has yet given a logical or adequate reason for her resignation, no?

    I’d be done with someone from my party if they quit without a reasonable explanation — leaving the door open for a possible return if they come up with a really good one, but done with them until then.

    Aplomb (5a3869)

  5. According to conservative blogs, it won’t be that hard for Palin to convince people that quitting was better for them than her.

    Star power.

    Deesine (7d0bb7)

  6. She really sort of, how to say? Crashed and burned in her vice presidential bid yet we’re to look to this very pleasant if a bit hapless woman to defeat the dark dirty socialist forces arrayed against our little country?

    Not. A. Plan.

    As a little party we’ve gone from openly conceptualizing our presidents as CEOs and now we want to dally with the soon to be former junior vice president of human resources, North West division.

    That’s ok I will fight the dirty socialisms by myself.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  7. I can’t believe you wrote a post defending people’s right to criticize Sarah Palin! Why do you hate America, you Obama-loving RINO??

    Andy Levy (8b47aa)

  8. The problem is personified byt the great rush to be the first ti comment–even if it is no more than an obviously content free “First!” (mis-spelled frequently.

    The problem is that the comments you are talking about have a lot more words and are therefore harder to see as equally content free.

    Which, by the way is frequently the case with the blog postings that draw the comments.

    Larry Sheldon (86b2e1)

  9. I had pointed out in similar threads that I had voted for McCain / Palin and was disappointed not only in her decision, but her inability to professionally spin it to reduce the damage.

    Now, in addition to the usual Palin-haters, she’s lost those who believe you should finish the job you were elected to do, not quit because it got too tough.

    And my wife pointed out to me that her behavior makes it tougher for all women, especially conservatives. Hillary took just as much abuse, and she took it. Why couldn’t Palin?

    Lou Shumaker (9a3979)

  10. This Aplomb nails it by the way to where I’m just going to get on with my day.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  11. Hey, I already announced my intent to steal Ace’s comment. So I’ll probably post it at HotAir tomorrow, but skip it here.

    Karl (ade276)

  12. I saw that and I will visit Hot Air tomorrow too.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  13. And Cap’n Ed is bang on also and it’s nice to hear me say that.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  14. Palin crashed and burned???
    Absurd. In other presidential contests, we talk about the presidential candidated, not the veep-to-be.
    In this one, it was PALIN with whatshisname–who did the crashing and burning–against Obama and some guy who wasn’t let out in public.
    When you claim Palin crashed and burned as if there had been no top of the ticket, you validate her position.

    Richard Aubrey (f782e1)

  15. It’s ridiculous when people on either side of the aisle become so tied to a person that it becomes taboo to say anything but nice things about him or her. It’s even worse, however, if conservatives are guilty of that way of thinking and responding, because I’ve observed the can-do-no-wrong pattern to a much greater degree in the left.

    Such an attitude also is a reason why I believe a group of people (an organization, a government or an entire society) can easily and quickly become very eccentric, unbalanced and corrupt.

    For example — and given the recent example of former DC mayor and current DC councilman Marion Berry being arrested again — the can-do-no-wrong voting record of people in cities like Washington DC, Detroit, etc.

    Mark (411533)

  16. I havent posted anything up until now on any blog about any conservative being a Palin-hater. This is simply the rambling mind of someone who is “watching”. In the interest of openness I have to say I do admire Palin. I think everyone’s opinion deserves to be heard. I sympathize with both sides of this.On one side I see the closing of ranks around Palin. Shes been through hell and back with the attacks on her both from within our own party and the opposition. I think this may be the crux of where the Palin defenders are coming from. Another part is something that goes even deeper something that is innately American. We feel highly protective over our women and children. Even those that disagree with Palin’s ideology can admit that the attacks on her family have been over the top. Aside from that, we should not be eating our own here, we should not be attacking the bloggers about their thoughts on the matter nor the individuals, nor should we be attacking Palin’s decisions. This is exactly what the left wants and I for one refuse to play by their rules.

    ctay (6bf87b)

  17. It is so verboten it is almost scary to say it is verboten.

    And to the Palin critics, I would say this: we don’t really know what’s going on here. So why not sit back and let events unfold without criticizing her so harshly right out of the gate?

    I think people should feel as free to express their opinions as they do with any other politician. It isn’t like being wrong on your first take is a crime on the internets.

    MayBee (5ff8b1)

  18. Some of the anger from Palin supporters (and yes, I consider myself one) is probably triggered by seeing bloggers we respect, such as Ed of Hot Air or Ace, responding to the news of her resignation so quickly and with memes mirroring those in the very media that has worked tirelessly to slander Palin. Patterico’s final comment is right on the mark. Nobody really has all the data yet. To people who have been watching her career *before* she got the VP nomination know her character is consistent, she is NOT a quitter, and her demeanor and statements do not support the notion that she can’t take the heat of the political arena. She quoted one military sage, I will quote another. “Never let the enemy choose the battlefield.” The evidence is building that she resigned the governorship because her enemies would not let her function as governor, and the position hampered the actions she could take in response. So she cut the Gordian knot and solved two problems at once.

    bad cat robot (2ccb50)

  19. If you ask me, too many conservative bloggers and pundits are whining about not being embraced for their courage every time they pinch out another kneejerk Palin slam.

    Kensington (ca96e2)

  20. Here’s the thing:
    We are so damned tired of people who disseminate information–Be it MSM, Bloggers, radio talk show hosts–who ignore blatant criminal aspects of the Left, and talk up a person (Example: BO’s Pecs on his Hawaii vacation)and turn around and pick on Sarah’s kids, her clothes, and tout “Ethics Compaints” (All dismissed) against her
    Yet, you all are quick to say that Sarah is a “Quitter”, or follow the Leftartd’s accusation that she is resigning ahead of an indictment (FALSE!)

    Everyone has faults.

    But Sarah is the Anti-DC/Commie/Fascist/Liberal Bloc, and Anti-Republican Good-Ol-Boy network.

    All other “Republican hopefuls” are has-beens, and have already had their chance. Take Mitt Romney–I could never vote for someone who was Liberal enough to be elected in the State that Elects Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, and Barney Frank

    Dave Hollenbeck (c90540)

  21. The trolls are apparently still in a lather …

    JD (3a5cc5)

  22. Hey, I already announced my intent to steal Ace’s comment. So I’ll probably post it at HotAir tomorrow, but skip it here.

    Sorry, man. Hadn’t seen that. Don’t skip it here! We want your take.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  23. yes she crashed and burned and i will tell you why. Let’s look at people who do not crash and burn … there are several things you notice right away.

    1. They are not a national laughingstock.

    2. They have earned the respect of their former coworkers on their last campaign to where they receive pleasant twitterings from them rather than vicious reamings in the Vanity Fair.

    3. They have a plan. They communicate the plan. They execute the plan, and they do so with minimal drama.

    It makes no difference at all if Sarah Palin is a victim of a dirty socialist media. No difference at all. It makes no difference that it is tragic, that it’s appallingly unfair, that it’s fundamentally not reflective of the America we thought we knew: she is a victim. And she needs to time to recover, time to determine if recovery is even possible. She is not fit to confront that hideous strength what holds our little country in its clutches.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  24. #9, no, Hillary didn’t take as much abuse. No one discussed her clothing expenses, the cost of her hair stylist, her home, or make nasty remarks about her child. The abuse that Palin has taken from the press is unprecedented. So who could blame her if she quit to remove her children from the hateful rhetoric of those like David Letterman, Maureen Dodd, et al, who all, themselves, should be fired. Immediately. Have even one of Palin’s distractors even discussed her policies as a Governor of the largest state of the Union? Or have they attacked her personally, driven her and her husband into huge debt, and slandered her children beyond all measures of decency? We don’t get policy debates from them. We get quotes from Maureen Dodd and Liz Trotta that have nothing to do with Palin’s governing abilities and everything to do with their personal opinion of her (green eyed monster rears its ugly head, here).

    One thing she did do; she almost guaranteed that her Lt. Governor will be re-elected.

    Now she can write her book (already contracted), enter the speaking engagement arena and get herself out of debt foisted on her by a relentless mysogynous elitist press that obviously will try to destroy anyone who doesn’t fit the Beltway mold of what a politician should be.

    And if she was run out of office by that same press, and decided she could no longer subject her family to such treatment, it says more about the people that attacked her viciously than it does about her.

    retire05 (faff25)

  25. oh. *needs time* to recover I mean

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  26. Ed and Ace took immediate, strong positions on Sarah Palin’s future. If you are going to take immediate categorical positions on subjects, you have to accept that some people will disagree with you and that you could be wrong. So while I agree that conservatives should discuss topics and not yell at each other, this is the downside of being pundits who are sure of things they really can’t be sure of.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  27. Ed and Ace took immediate, strong positions on Sarah Palin’s future. If you are going to take immediate categorical positions on subjects, you have to accept that some people will disagree with you and that you could be wrong

    That works both ways though, doesn’t it DRJ?

    MayBee (5ff8b1)

  28. Why couldn’t Palin?

    As a sign of just how much our culture has flip-flopped over the past 50 years, there was an era decades ago when a woman who had a new-born child was seen as someone who certainly should spend most of her waking hours tending to that child. Maybe even more so if that child also had a major affliction like Downs Syndrome. Perhaps even more so if the woman in question also had a job that otherwise entailed a lot of travel and a very long work schedule away from home.

    But we now live in an age when the post-1960s left suddenly doesn’t give a damn about diversity and the special/unique nature of gender because the person in question, although a woman, is of the right, and the right (a large portion of it?) doesn’t realize there are very practical reasons why the choices of a woman (such as ones about having a baby) other than those pertaining to her career should take the upper hand.

    Mark (411533)

  29. I respect this site. I care what is said here. SayUncle and Xrlq, too. HotAir and Ace of Spades are for fun.

    nk (e98769)

  30. Everybody has the right to criticize Sarah Palin. What has your panties in knots, is when you and your ilk gets criticism back. You expect people to just accept what you say as gold and for others to STFU. Well, no f*cking way. Get use to it.

    A lot of what you claim are “honest opinion[s]” are not. Any refutation is ignored. Facts are ignore. The opinions are really dictates. We’re suppose to fall in line or we will be ridiculed on twitter or other blogs and there will be a deluge of antiPalin stories/links. We must know our place. Or, gasp, there will be threats of going on vacation. Oh, noe!!!1!!1 Whatever shall we do without you Dear Leaders to tell us how to think? The hell with all of you.

    biteme (675dfa)

  31. Lisa Murkowski is up for re-election in 2010. She was appointed by her father when he vacated his Senate seat to accept the governorship and resulted in a change in Alaskan law allowing a governor to appoint a Senate seat vacancy.


    What ever Palin’s reasons are, they should be respected and not second guessed by political pundits that think their answers are the only true answers.

    retire05 (faff25)

  32. This happens just as much, if not more, on some liberal blogs.

    To be blunt, it happens because the bloggers set the tone. It’s more likely to happen on blogs where bloggers set a tone demanding political and intellectual orthodoxy, right or left. It’s less likely to happen on blogs where the bloggers are freethinkers (using that term without its traditional anti-religious or leftist connotation.) The bloggers it is happening to are hoist by their own petard.

    I would be surprised to see it happen here, because as much as I disagree with Patterico on any number of issues, Patterico is not about orthodoxy.

    Ken (c8265d)

  33. That works both ways though, doesn’t it DRJ? Comment by MayBee — 7/5/2009 @ 12:29 pm

    Apparently, not.

    biteme (675dfa)

  34. I heard Murkowski already sort of stuck a shiv in Sarah post-announcement. It was a twitter thinger. I’ll see if I can find a link.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  35. Ace choose to spread the discredited AP story that Juan Williams was pimping. Worse he has gone Johnson on his readers informing them they live in fantasyland while he is the sole source of truth. Really? Isn’t this the line we have been getting from the Vichy Republicans and folks like Moran, Frum, Noonan, Powell, Krautheimer, Buckley etc?

    This is a heated matter and if you have the facts present them. If you have an opinion present it but do not frame those who will not buy such a theory as wrongheaded or living in fantasyland. Ace’s record on predictions ranks somewhere below Bob Bickels.

    It is a matter of history that Nixon was discounted by the same usual suyspects after he lost the California governor’s race and Reagan after he lost the 1972 and 1976 GOP primaries. The pundits are right about as often as a broken watch. I can recall the 1980 predictions that the race was too “close to call.” Or Jenings report of the 1994 elections of the American people throwing a tantrum.

    Now one can either accept Palin’s statement or not. I do. To discount Palin’s chances is solely an opinion that is not supported by evidence. Now anyone who listens to Limbaugh, Beck or Hannity knows real conservatives will attck other conservatives if they commit a hersey. What was Palin’s?

    But the piling on of the Vichy Republicans is beyond contempt. If Ace wishes to go the Moran or LGF route so be it. I think conservatives realize what is advice meant to assist and piling on.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  36. What ever Palin’s reasons are, they should be respected and not second guessed by political pundits

    Politicians can always always be second guessed. You can believe them, but that doesn’t mean you have to take them at their word.
    Not Obama, and not Palin.

    MayBee (5ff8b1)

  37. “I am deeply disappointed that the governor has decided to abandon the state and her constituents before her term has concluded,” Murkowski said.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  38. “What ever Palin’s reasons are, they should be respected and not second guessed by political pundits”

    Can we even have the first guess as to what they are?

    imdw (126aa9)

  39. Gov. Palin is not without her faults. But I would still take her over any Democrat.

    Alta Bob (5c3fe7)

  40. To be blunt, it happens because the bloggers set the tone. It’s more likely to happen on blogs where bloggers set a tone demanding political and intellectual orthodoxy, right or left.

    I think it can happen anywhere. It has happened here more than once.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  41. 24

    #9, no, Hillary didn’t take as much abuse. No one discussed … or make nasty remarks about her child. …

    Actually people did make nasty remarks about her child.

    James B. Shearer (25653b)

  42. If nothing else, this outpouring of hate and/or adulation is proof of Palin’s enduring lightning – rod personae. I don’t really care if she’s setting herself up for a Presidential run – that election is still a few years away, and many virtually – unknown candidates could emerge within that time frame. Let’s put it this way – if Palin’s the only serious candidate that many see in the GOP right now, then that’s a sad commentary on the state of the party at present.

    Dmac (f7884d)

  43. There is a very simple reason why Ed is getting as much hate as he is: He is trying to read the tea leaves after they’ve been brewed. He also is smarting over the fact that Tim Pawlenty was not picked for VP oh so long ago. It’s revenge, pure and simple.

    I await the day, which will be soon, when Governor Palin proves everyone wrong.

    Death (1808e2)

  44. #37, Mukowski also stated, after that remark, that she would be “out of pocket” for a few days.

    Instead of Mukowski saying that she will wait to make judgement about Palin’s actions until she personally talks to Palin, she promply made what seems to be a purely political comment. Is Murkowski nervous about her own future?

    retire05 (faff25)

  45. Actually people did make nasty remarks about her child.

    Really? Let’s see some links for that statement, please.

    Dmac (f7884d)

  46. So why not sit back and let events unfold without criticizing her so harshly right out of the gate?

    Sitting back and letting events unfold is a misread of the scale of the disaster facing our little country and appeals to a sense of luxury what our little country can ill-afford I think. That, anyway, is why I feel it of some importance to criticize her out of the gate. She is playing a giggly little guessing game while my little country dangles over a dirty socialist precipice of such dark depth the bottom cannot be seen.

    The times, they ask of our politicians a great seriousness. Oh boy we’re in big big trouble.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  47. Patterico – which other names has “biteme” posted under?

    Another day, a little more hate from the trolls, and I am a little more ambivalent about Gov. Palin than I was yesterday.

    JD (f79427)

  48. This is very well put. Palin is not your traditional politician. As she has said several times, she is not one for “business as usual” and does what she believes is right. She knows what she is doing, so let’s sit back and see what happens. It may be that she is the new Republican Party. She may also fail and pass into obscurity. But we can’t guess her game. So let’s watch this political newborn take her first steps on the floor of national politics.

    David Hagerty (82b759)

  49. […] from Patterico who asks, “Is it verboten to criticize Palin?” Evidently. The thing is, IF she’s […]

    Sarah Palin Does As She Damn Well Pleases–UPDATED « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier (b9521d)

  50. What ever Palin’s reasons are, they should be respected and not second guessed by political pundits

    One has to first know what the reasons are, and then let the second guessing begin. At the end of the day, and no matter how much I like Palin, she still remains a politician. It would be naive to not keep that in the forefront of one’s mind. She, like any other in office, will either prove a second guesser wrong, or right.

    With regard to commenters piling on conservative bloggers who made declarations very early on, I would suggest that the problem isn’t with Ed and Ace and the response to Palin’s resignation, but rather with commenters suffering a bit of disappointment in the idols they’ve placed on a pedestal. People follow pundits they like and a number of them seem to invest a lot of expectation for their pundit to react and perform in a way that they need them to: it’s not about the pundit, nor their opinion as much as it is about commenters needing their views validated by the people they look up to.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  51. Not many and it was kind of a Lisa Marie Presley thing — how could two some handsome people have such a homely kid.

    nk (e98769)

  52. Patterico, doesn’t your last paragraph imply a certain degree of criticism for how Ace and Captain Ed handled their reactions? It shouldn’t have taken Nostrodamus to predict that the predominant reaction to immediate harsh criticism of Palin before she has clarified her long-term planswas going to be rather, ahem, intemperate.

    M. Scott Eiland (5ccff0)

  53. It’s like when you’re a guard and the ball is advancing to you at a leisurely pace and you think I wonder what mom is making for dinner tonight and so as a guard you keep your eye on that ball as it gets closer and people toss it sort of to, but also fro, and you really can’t but notice the ball is getting rather uncomfortably close to your basket. I’m rather done with basketball you think to yourself. Oh hey is that one of those new iPhones those are so cool

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  54. Patterico, doesn’t your last paragraph imply a certain degree of criticism for how Ace and Captain Ed handled their reactions?

    Arguably, you could read it as mild criticism — but honestly, I don’t feel very critical of them because they may be right. Personally, I’m willing to give it a little time to see how it shakes out, but that doesn’t mean Ed and Ace are wrong. I did find the announcement odd, in that the reasoning seemed a little scattershot and unfocused.

    It could be that she’s simply putting family before all else. I got that from her remarks. If so, that’s admirable. That is, however, not what presidents do.

    Still, my bottom line is: give it a little time and let’s see what else she has to say (if anything).

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  55. What is astonishing is that Palin has knocked Michael Jackson right off the air. That tells us how much power she has. I would discount comments by competitors like Murkowski and Huck. I am coming to believe she plans to be active campaigning for GOP Congress candidates and not running for anything for a while. She will draw huge crowds and will be in great demand. She will accumulate many IOUs if the Republicans take back Congress. This is what Nixon did in his years of exile. Of course, she has to have discipline to carry this out. The nasty comments from the trolls and from questionable characters like David Frum are just noise.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  56. Maybee #27:

    Ed and Ace took immediate, strong positions on Sarah Palin’s future. If you are going to take immediate categorical positions on subjects, you have to accept that some people will disagree with you and that you could be wrong

    That works both ways though, doesn’t it DRJ?

    Almost everything works both ways but I’m not sure how you mean that here. Will some people agree with Ed and Ace? Sure. Could Ed and Ace be right? Absolutely. But my point was in the next sentence — that criticism is the downside of being pundits, especially pundits who are sure of things they really can’t be sure of.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  57. Patrick, I think she was talking to locals and Alaskans an they knew what she was talking about. Most of the national pundits don’t know the context of the constant harassment in Alaska.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  58. Mike K #55 – I agree. Not only is it amazing that the Palin story is dominating the media, she’s doing it for days. I also agree with your comment #57.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  59. I wonder where I can buy Ace’s and Ed’s cruystal ball. As we all know from Presidente 666 cyrtsal ball gazing such predictions must be honored and not dissed.

    We all realizethat Obama’s may positions have not been abandoned yet I haven’t seen Ed or Ace write Obama as finished? Why is that?

    No tax iincreases
    No deals with terrorists
    Ending Bush’s interrogation
    Ending the war
    No lobbyists
    Clear and transparent government
    Ample and public notice for legislation
    No earmarks
    No pork
    etc etc etc

    Exactly who are we kidding here about what the Vichy Republicans are saying. We do need a third party. One of conservatives. Not one of people angling for the next Beltway cocktail party invitation or job offer from Vanity Fair.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  60. it’s not a question of justice and I think people are confuzzled about that

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  61. Ditto, Patterico #54 and Mike K #55. And she will still be one hot babe who will make Barry look like a [something Patterico does not allow to be said] and Michelle like a [uh, this is also something Patterico does not allow to be said. — P].

    nk (e98769)

  62. Almost everything works both ways but I’m not sure how you mean that here. Will some people agree with Ed and Ace? Sure. Could Ed and Ace be right? Absolutely. But my point was in the next sentence — that criticism is the downside of being pundits, especially pundits who are sure of things they really can’t be sure of.

    What I mean is this:
    A lot of the critics of the critics are furious with the criticism because they are certain this is the most brilliant political move, and it is the best thing for Alaska.
    I’m saying, we don’t know that to be true either.
    So can’t people just discuss it with Ed and Ace, rather than be furious with them?

    I just see a lot of parallels to the way Obama is supported by his biggest fans, and it makes me uncomfortable.

    MayBee (5ff8b1)

  63. happyfeet, #37, you are quoting one of Palin’s political enemies. Are you completely unaware of what’s going on?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  64. I just see a lot of parallels to the way Obama is supported by his biggest fans, and it makes me uncomfortable.

    Comment by MayBee — 7/5/2009 @ 1:16 pm

    Nah! Barry just has a cute butt. Sarah Palin is pretty all over.

    nk (e98769)

  65. I was not aware that ambivalence could grow.

    JD (7cc634)

  66. A link regarding remarks about Chelsea Clinton:

    MSNBC’s David Shuster suggested the Clinton campaign had “pimped out” 27-year old Chelsea by having her place phone calls to Democratic Party superdelegates on her mother’s behalf. The link includes Hillary Clinton’s response and the aftermath.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  67. And my wife pointed out to me that her behavior makes it tougher for all women, especially conservatives. Hillary took just as much abuse, and she took it. Why couldn’t Palin?

    First of all, no Hillary did not take as much abuse as Palin – Palin, to this day, is still taking far more abuse than Hillary ever took (even pre-July 3 resignation). Hillary’s child was never the target of attack, nor was Hillary’s uterus. So that is patently not true.

    It is reasonable to expect a candidate to toughen up and take abuse but where does one draw the line? What is an acceptable or reasonable amount of abuse and when does it become an unacceptable or unreasonable amount? Therein seems to be the problem. Establishing the parameters and defining the terms of reasonable and unreasonable is tough and obviously both sides have diametrically opposing views…. (or maybe not really: if it’s an R candidate, anything goes. If it’s a D candidate, how dare you!)

    I maintain that Andrew Sullivan’s relentless sick obsession of Palin successfully lowered the bar even farther as to what became acceptable and reasonable abuse. The only outcry came from the right, and no MSM journalist stepped in and said enough is enough, this crosses the line. He is still a featured columnist by a respected mag. And Palin was expected to take an amount of abuse that no other candidate has known.

    I think it’s premature to say that she’s hurt conservative women. We don’t know the full explanation of her announcement and what the next step is. But it’s always tempting to jump the gun.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  68. Not only is it amazing that the Palin story is dominating the media, she’s doing it for days.

    Katrina dominated the media for days as well and Sarah Palin’s task is one of reframing a narrative every bit as set in stone as the New Orleans one.

    We are living in a new media environment and it is powerful and it is unjust but the magnitude of it has to be at least dreamt of in our philosophy if we are to navigate politics in our little country. Something a lot fundamental is rotten, and I don’t think Sarah Palin understands what that means for her.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  69. Great, a lame Hamlet reference too.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  70. DRJ – The Shuster Standard only applies to people criticizing Liberals. Additionally, it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were actively using Chelsea in a political manner. However, Shuster obviously hada poor choice of words, but his criticism was spot on.

    JD (c834f2)

  71. I just filled in the Murkowski quote in the context of a prospective Palin senate challenge, SPQR … it’s a risky course for Palin when the knives are already out like that in her own party … so I don’t think that’s what she has her eye on. In my heart I feel the reason she’s been imprecise about her plans is cause it involves ka-ching ching. Me I think wealth and fame would be the greatest justice Sarah Palin could hope for and I’d like to see her pursue that and I wish her well.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  72. A link regarding remarks about Chelsea Clinton:
    Comment by DRJ — 7/5/2009 @ 1:22 pm

    IMO, Hillary was the actual target there. Chelsea was collateral damage and probably unintended. I can’t recall Chelsea being a direct target unrelated to her own campaign efforts for her mother.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  73. 45

    See here .

    In 1998, McCain made a joke during a speech at a Republican fundraiser about President Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, saying: “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.”

    James B. Shearer (25653b)

  74. how is a Hamlet reference lame in the context of the Sarah Palin speech? It’s a bang on little reference and you’re just mad you didn’t think of it

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  75. happyfeet, in other words, you had no idea what you were doing, quoting one of Palin’s political enemies without knowing it.

    Got it.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  76. Maybee:

    I just see a lot of parallels to the way Obama is supported by his biggest fans, and it makes me uncomfortable.

    You may be right but I’m not as concerned as you are. I admit I don’t enjoy debates that are primarily yelling matches, but politics is a passionate subject and sometimes there will be figurative and literal yelling. Overall, though, I favor free speech.

    So instead of encouraging people to calm down, I’d rather let them pick the forums and decibel levels they’re comfortable with. I like it here, others like it at Hot Air, still others like places like Free Republic, and there are similar comparisons on the left. Taken together, they result in a vital and vigorous political debate.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  77. Frank Murkowski was a Senator. Then he became Governor. Then he appointed his daughter to his vacated Senate seat. Then Sarah Palin challenged him in the Republican primary. And beat him. And won the general election.

    Just the facts, ma’am.

    nk (e98769)

  78. SPQR I already said on the 3rd that I think it would be great if Sarah wanted to try and take the Senate seat – Lisa Murkowski is a tool. In fact I think if Sarah wants a political career then the Senate is the only way forward for her. I don’t think that’s what Sarah Palin wants though or it might have occurred to her to say so.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  79. JD and Stashiu,

    I should have said it directly but the Chelsea link was intended to show how the media backtracked from criticism of Chelsea, even though Chelsea was an adult and she was acting as her mother’s campaign surrogate. So I agree with both of you, or at least I think I do: While there was some criticism of Hillary/Chelsea, it was nothing compared to what the Palins have endured.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  80. Comment by James B. Shearer — 7/5/2009 @ 1:30 pm


    McCain is not the MSM, was roundly criticized by both sides, and apologized directly. The MSM has piled-on, liberals cackle with glee at it, and rarely (if ever) does anyone admit they’ve crossed the line.

    Apples do not equal oranges.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  81. Also I agree that if you’re going to quote one of Sarah Palin’s political enemies you better damn well know what you’re doing.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  82. 2. They have earned the respect of their former coworkers on their last campaign to where they receive pleasant twitterings from them rather than vicious reamings in the Vanity Fair.

    Happyfeet, this particular criticism only cuts against Schmidt, not Palin. If anyone is incapable of recognizing that Schmidt’s betrayal of his position of confidence, then that, in turn, says a great deal about them.

    Phil Smith (4e586c)

  83. We all know that crappyfeet has the best of intentions for Palin and the GOP.

    Crappyfeet is a sort of gravitation well, where honesty and reason disappear, never to be heard again.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  84. That underscores my point, Phil: she is a victim. She is a crashed and burned victim in all the victimy fullness of the word.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  85. What have I said that was dishonest or unreasonable? Wishing the presidency on a crippled half-term laughingstock governor is not exactly an opinion what seems ensconced in Reason.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  86. I had a feeling that was what James was talking about. Let’s take those 2 incidents, and even add in Rush’s bad joke, and it absolutely pales in comparison to what the Palin’s have had hurled at them. But you can always count on folks like Mr. Shearer to take sides with Teh Narrative.

    JD (5730e4)

  87. Crappyfeet have you taken your meds today. You wouldn’t know the meanings of reason or truth if they ran over you.

    Tell us again about why you love Obama.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  88. On the contrary, happyfeet; your response underscores my point. You are blaming the victim, if you will. Your inability or unwillingness to accept that indicates to me that you are more interested in “winning” something than honest dialogue. Among other things.

    Phil Smith (4e586c)

  89. happyfeet,

    I can’t see the future but politics has its ups-and-downs. Candidates go up and down in the polls, and even Obama – who won – has had his share of setbacks. Remember Hillary Clinton’s big wins in the New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas primaries? Today’s loser could be tomorrow’s winner.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  90. “it’s not about the pundit, nor their opinion as much as it is about commenters needing their views validated by the people they look up to.”

    This is a natural human desire, on par with Praise, Attention, and Affection. Which is why some bloggers and commenters need to back a little away from the indignant attitude of “I MUST be able to criticize, because I can’t be seen as a toady,” and start asking themselves one basic question: Who is my constituency?

    We all need validation, and the “MUST be able to criticize” position does noting but strip the ability to validate away. From both pundit and audience.

    Brad S (279a33)

  91. Thomas Jackson and Phil Smith – You are making assumptions that are not warranted.

    JD (ecdc90)

  92. What we do have to give thanks for is a demonstration of the honesty, intelligence, and moral standing of the average dhimmirat as demonstrated by Crappyfeet.

    Never allow the truth to interfere with a good lie. Never bother with the facts when you can fling feeces.

    Crappyfeet your momma must be proud that her little monkey learned to write.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  93. Brad S – Glad you stepped away from the ledge.

    JD (7a0324)

  94. hrmm. I vote “verboten” Mr. Patterico. I love you all but I have to go to the office.

    DRJ I hear you but for real I think a damaged brand in this media environment has to be left behind or we’re all gonna die screaming as we’re pitched headlong into a dirty socialist abyss from which there is no escape.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  95. Not at all, JD; Steve Schmidt’s betrayal is not excusable. Happyfeet is excusing it. I’m calling him out on it. Nothing more.

    Phil Smith (4e586c)

  96. Patterico:

    Apparently Fox took your advice on this issue and let a demented Liz Trotter to display her Oberman today at Fox. She sounded low class and yet idiotic, perhaps she was channeling Crappyfeet.

    Just one more glorious moment in the MSM.
    I can only hope they allow the KKK to evaluate Obama’s accomplishments soon for that “far and balanced” thingy.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  97. “I just see a lot of parallels to the way Obama is supported by his biggest fans, and it makes me uncomfortable.”

    Maybee, I’ll just ask this: Are you one to always want an excuse to back away when things get “uncomfortable?”

    Brad S (279a33)

  98. I think this is what Patterico was referring to in comment #40.

    JD (ce2476)

  99. 86

    Just pointing out that it is not true that Chelsea was never attacked. And if Chelsea had behaved like Bristol I expect Chelsea would have been attacked quite a bit more than she (Chelsea) was.

    James B. Shearer (25653b)

  100. On the contrary, happyfeet; your response underscores my point. You are blaming the victim, if you will.

    I already said, it’s not about justice. And speak not of my fealty to Meghan’s coward daddy’s coward minions for there is none of which to speak.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  101. MayBee – Don’t take the bait. Brad S demands fealty to party and personality above all.

    JD (e17466)

  102. #91

    Exactly what might those assumptions be?

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  103. Thanks, JD. Heck, even I got caught expressing my first thoughts straight out of my heart. So I understand why Ed and Ace said what they said.

    And I suspect that once things with Sarah become more evident, that we’ll see a lot of folks supporting Sarah from now until 11/6/12. Because it’s become obvious that Sarah already has financial backers, and that she and those backers are taking one of the biggest political bets in US History. And when it gets to that level, the best thing to do is be a part of it, high emotions and all.

    Brad S (279a33)

  104. And how did Bristol “behave”, James, that made you and your ilk throw your feces at her?

    JD (7a0324)

  105. You see, happyfeet, “leaving behind the damaged brand” is nothing more than to concede the media space to the whomever is willing to sink the lowest. Because this media environment certainly doesn’t play equally. If it did, Joe Biden would be selling used cars.

    Phil Smith (4e586c)

  106. I see Shearer is into blaming the victim too.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  107. Well, Thomas, you assumed that since happyfeet did not share your views on Palin, that he was a dhimmirat. I think all of this is the point of Patterico’s post, but maybe there is a more meta-point.

    JD (f79427)

  108. I concede the media space to whomever is willing to sink the lowest because in our little country it is the media what is willing to sink the lowest. Our media is a thoroughly corrupt and baleful, diseased and parasitic wholly co-opted dirty socialist construct. You’re welcome to it if you think you can make it work for you.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  109. Palin is not a laughingstock. Instead, she has been titled a laughingstock by such as happy in order to make her less viable. See Reagan, Ronald.
    If happy were to go into a room full of people laughing about/at Palin and tell a lie, i.e. “I really believe all this about Palin.”, the room would fall deadly quiet. It would be a phenomenon.
    Everybody knows everybody’s lying.
    That is not a laughingstock.
    It’s vile, of course, and typical, naturally, and to be expected of liberals, it should go without saying.
    But, it also goes without saying that, just as in other things, it’s a lie.

    Richard Aubrey (415713)

  110. I assume that you call McCain a “coward” for failing to take Schimdt and others behind the woodshed, with which I agree. Which just goes back to my original comment – it’s completely unreasonable, not to mention morally deficient, to try to hold Palin accountable for Schmidt’s moral failings.

    Phil Smith (4e586c)

  111. I like Sarah Palin a lot, a whole lot. I think her press conference was a mess. I think she’s made some mistakes. I also think she a really good speaker and that, given the right situations, could make a fantastic goad in the side of the left. I reeeaaaaally hope that is what she plans to do.

    The whole “What’s Next for Sarah?” thing is just crazy to engage in now. We don’t really know why she stepped down, we can make some pretty good quesses. My personal take is that the toll on her children was too high. The gutless, heartless and vicious attacks on her kids is plenty of reason to step back. I agree that, right now, it looks very much like that has burned her elected office political bridge. Maybe not 10 years from now. But hell, I can’t tell you who I’m voting for in 2016. Can you?

    I’m stepping back to watch what Sarah will do next. I’m deeply interested.

    I am equally interested to see what the nutjobs who attacked her will do next. I fully expect them to move on to the next viable GOP candidate for POTUS. The attacks on Sarah & the Palins was ALWAYS about making sure she was unelectable in 2012. ALWAYS. It had nothing to do with her or the kids. Keep this in mind when suddely we learn from the Kos kids that Mitt Romney wears ladies panties and Newt Gingritch enjoys wearing tin foil hats. As sure as the sun rises, the attacks will come.

    Vivian Louise (c0f830)

  112. The problem is that, if you eliminate Palin, there’s nobody left on the Right with the potential of being any sort of conservative national leader. So when these pundits on the right side of the blogosphere start talking like that, basically they’re saying “it’s over. The left won” for the forseeable future. So of course they’re going to take some flak for this.

    If Conservatives had a deep bullpen with folks just lining up to take on the mantle, there wouldn’t have been a reaction like this.

    Skip (9c227a)

  113. Guys, no one can run any kind of national media or fund raising campaign while stuck in Alaska. No one can start collecting political IOU’s from there also.

    Look at how Obama has used TARP and other programs to pick winners and losers of companies who will get our tax dollars and will now cycle some of that money back to his re-election campaign.

    Anyone who plans to take Obama on needs to start raising money now. Obama is the wall street corporate/lobbyist owned candidate and lobbying reports from DC is making that pretty clear.

    Obama did not hold one hearing for the subcommittee he chaired as a senator, not one. He made a speech to the DNC and used one office to immediately start running for the next. Obama was a do nothing senator.

    Palin at least made it clear that she got her legislative agenda passed and instead of just collecting a paycheck and doing nothing she is moving on. – Really some of the comments show that some of you just are not thinking.

    Chuck Norton (eff427)

  114. The problem with most people’s analysis of the Palin decision is that it forgets that she is currently in Alaska. I think she realized that she needed a Hail Mary pass to even have a shot of veritably getting to the big leagues for most voters. Such passes are usually not completed, but no other one is potentially viable.

    I also think making her announcement on the eve of July 4th was pretty smart; she is now associated with Independence Day-ish.

    In any case, as I’ve written elsewhere, she needs to get to the policy/wonk gym and start a serious workout regimen. HEAVY.

    ParisParamus (eba12e)

  115. I agree with Patterico completely.

    I like Palin very, very much for her personality, accomplishments and just for being very forthright. For me, the only other Republican that comes close to her is Jindal. I believe she could at the very least put up a really good fight in 2012 against Obama if she chooses to do it and puts her mind to it.

    I’m terribly disappointed with her resignation. I hope she has an ace up her sleeve, but at the moment it does look very bad for her future career.

    I don’t want want to believe it’s over for her. I think that’s what’s driving the responses to Morrissey and Ace, especially after the despicable attacks from the media and others that she and her family have had to endure.

    Jim C. (b33a68)

  116. I just see a lot of parallels to the way Obama is supported by his biggest fans, and it makes me uncomfortable.

    Maybee, are you referring to a sort of blind, hero worship where objectivity is sacrificed on the altar of idolatry?

    Because that’s what I observe with the rabid Obama supporters.

    The surface charm, charisma, aura, etc. beguiled the masses and policy, knowledge, common sense and rational thinking were back burnered or forsaken altogether.

    And half the country is just fine with that. For now, anyway.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  117. I absolutely love it. I see so many comments that are criticizing and calling out respected conservative bloggers-those types whose conservatism is not in question-and telling them that they are Obama-enablers and that they can’t criticize their beautiful Sarah.

    My God, people, get over it! One of the few reasons I actually voted for McCain last year was Palin. That being said, she had a lot of flaws, and while I respect her desire to not get slammed and to keep her family out of it, the fact of the matter is that these are the times we live in. Truman said, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” Well, that’s what Sarah Palin did–got out of the kitchen.

    And yet, we can’t criticize her? We can’t call it how we see it-that any candidate worth their salt in 2012 wouldn’t have done this? You’re starting to sound like the Obamabots, so in love not with the ideas of Sarah Palin, but with Palin herself, that you can’t sustain any critiquing of her lest she be touched in any way by the vicious attacks of those who dare have an opinion.

    Like I said, I liked Palin-last year. But it’s her supporters that we see out in full force on this comment feed and in the comment feed of other blogs that actually make me glad she’s not going to be a candidate in 2012. I can’t stomach another campaign cycle of celebrity-worship politics. Good riddance.

    Nick (b2881c)

  118. The attacks on Sarah & the Palins was ALWAYS about making sure she was unelectable in 2012. ALWAYS.

    I think it was more to assure that the first woman president wasn’t a Republican. Some of that mechanism applies to Clarence Thomas.

    How dare that blackie vote R !

    Mike K (2cf494)

  119. Patterico, you said, “If we can’t do that (express different opinions and disagree) without writing off people who have supported conservative principles for years, then this party will never reform and regain power.”

    Yes, true, but those who have supported conservative principles for years have yet to find a party worthy of their support. I know what you’re talking about but look at what happened when conservatives shut up while GW Bush started spending like a drunken sailor, or pushed for entitlements, or invited Barney Frank and Chris Dodd into the WH conference on the mortgage crisis.

    This may be wide of the mark, and only tangentially on topic, but it’s important. The GOP has made it clear that while they want support from conservatives, money, manpower, and votes, they have absolutely declined in turn to support conservative principles. The GOP’s response to conservatives has often been to ignore, pay lip service to, or openly reject our concerns, sometimes with contempt. One example of what I’m getting at was Ed Gillespie’s high handed dismissal of conservative opposition to the nomination of Harriot Meyers for the Supreme Court. He characterized the initial outburst of opposition (a good bit of it expressed on your site) with the statement that “conservatives were frightened of strong women.” We expect this sort of underhanded crap from MSM and the usual left-wing jerks and trolls, not from our nominal allies in the Republican Party.

    It goes to show the attempt to serve two masters only leads to confusion and frustration. Conservatives have no party of their own and will never be anything but second class citizens in the GOP.

    I have a dream that one day Conservatives will have a home of their own, and if Sarah Palin is thinking of taking up the cross, I say Hallelujah!

    Ropelight (bb3af5)

  120. p.s. MayBee, if that is what you were referring to, I agree that it certainly is happening with Palin, but I think that happens to one degree or another with every candidate.

    It might be because we now have greater access to their candidates, and vice-versa via internet, etc., people have more reference points they use to either extol or denigrate candidates…

    Either way, one hopes rational thought wins out in the end. For both sides.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  121. interlude

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  122. As conservatives, we need to have room to express honest opinions and disagree. If we can’t do that without writing off people who have supported conservative principles for years, then this party will never reform and regain power. ‘This party’ is not the ‘Conservative Party’ unless there are plans to start a third party. It is the ‘Republican Party.’ Conservatives are a mere subset– in both major parties. If the GOP moderates away from the hard right principles rejected by the electorate, its future will most certainly have a broader appeal. A party built solely to stoke a base that alienates moderates and indies necessary to win will remain marginal. Even Reagan knew that. The GOP needs to open the flaps of that ‘Big Tent’ once again.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  123. I truly think that Patterico is mis-reading (or misrepresenting) people who call him out for criticizing Palin and/or Limbaugh.

    As mentioned above, if you jump onto MoDowd’s dishonest ‘incoherant’ bandwagon without acknowleging the incredibly vile and costly (for Palin and Alaska) attacks on her, you deserve to be called out.

    Same with criticizing Limbaugh for his style without giving him credit for his truth.

    Can’t wait to see David Frum’s Newsweek cover story telling us all how this proves the Conservative movement is over.

    harkin (3769c8)

  124. This is a slight, slight tangent, but if you haven’t read this, please do so:

    ParisParamus (eba12e)

  125. “conservatives were frightened of strong women.”

    I hate that BS. That’s why I often focus on the liberal or conservative (or centrist, or “centrist,”) biases of people, and know that when that aspect of them is sidestepped, you end up with purposeful vagueness or disingenuousness, idiotic rationalizations and verbal gymnastics.

    You end up with, for example, George Bush Sr — after his term in the White House — saying that he was proud of his selection of David Souter to the Supreme Court, apparently because he appeared to be such a squish. But, in fact, a bit later on, far more than just squishy, since I’ll never forget Souter saying that the policy of the NEA screening various arts groups applying for funding was unconstitutional.

    Mark (411533)

  126. Palin is a nutcase, thank god she’s gone. She represents the stupidity and intolerance of what’s left of the G.O.P.

    DruggyBear (bdda4e)

  127. the freedom that you wanted bad
    is yours for good
    I hope you’re glad
    sad into unsad*

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  128. Palin is a nutcase, thank god she’s gone.

    When dirty socialists say this, they’re lying.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  129. I truly think that Patterico is mis-reading (or misrepresenting) people who call him out for criticizing Palin and/or Limbaugh.

    As mentioned above, if you jump onto MoDowd’s dishonest ‘incoherant’ bandwagon without acknowleging the incredibly vile and costly (for Palin and Alaska) attacks on her, you deserve to be called out.

    I truly think that harkin didn’t read my post very carefully.

    Or my one about MoDo.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  130. Sarah Palin is what gives the left nightmares and me the right wetdreams and I hope she stays around a long time.

    nk (e98769)

  131. The Quitter

    Palin you are truly full of crap

    rhonda davis (8a7ab1)

  132. Help, help me, Rhonda, give me a b_____b.

    nk (e98769)

  133. #113- Guys, no one can run any kind of national media or fund raising campaign while stuck in Alaska. No one can start collecting political IOU’s from there also.

    It’s a hard problem, but of course you can. Unless you quit.

    Sarah Palin rocketed on to the global scene and ran on a national ticket just six months ago as the GOP Vice Presidential nominee while Governor of Alaska. McCain may have lost, but Palin, a virtual unknown, was a clear winner when the dust settled. Through poor advice or rejection of good, she has squandered that with squabbles with the press and late night comics that displayed a pettiness one associates with a pampered starlet, not a rising political star. (She had Letterman beat on day two.) Now Palin can’t even claim to be a one-term governor. A position she fought hard to win in the first place. There are plenty of Republican office holders, (Sanford and Ensign aside) who are toughing out difficulties un their states who haven’t just up and quit midterm.

    She will appeal to the base she already has won over and raise money on that rubber “check-en” circuit for the GOP, if she chooses to do so, but that could be at odds with her intent on July 3rd when she announced she would abandon Alaskan voters in midterm. But Americans respect pols who fight the good fight through to win or lose. They don’t like quitters.

    Conservatives might do better to comb the farm teams for a more stable candidate to back in the contests ahead. A lot of fresh faces can surface, just as Palin did. Her resignation doesn’t quite pass the smell test. To moderates and indies who may have been open to give her a hearing and the benefit of the doubt, Ms. Palin’s behavior has shown she has much in common with North Korean missiles- lightweight, erratic and prone to flame out short of the mark.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  134. Thank you for that advice to the Republican party DCSCA. I will give it every bit of the serious attention it deserves.

    She represents the stupidity and intolerance of what’s left of the G.O.P.

    Comment by DruggyBear

    And you represent ?

    Mike K (2cf494)

  135. I don’t think Ace or Ed are Palin haters; however, it seems a bit premature to categorically rule out her future in politics at this point. The mere fact that so many people are sticking up for her strongly suggests that this is true.

    I have no idea why she’s resigning, I like her, and i don’t believe that resigning is in furtherance of her political career. But since I don’t know any of the inside scoop on her bombshell resignantion, I’m going to withhold judgement on this until more information comes out.

    Mabye the blogosphere and the MSM can take a page from this strategy.

    History produces pivotal figuires, and this is especially true in representative democracies. If Palin turns out to not have what it takes to fulfill that destiny, another will come along that will. How do I know? It has always worked this way in the past.

    trentk269 (086ecc)

  136. conservative stalwarts like Ed Morrissey and Ace

    This is too funny. Ed Morrissey is a stalwart of whatever will line his pockets, give him shoulder rubbing access to power, and better gigs. He blows in the wind and has since leaving Captain’s Quarters behind.

    Ace is mercurial and lately he has had his head so far up Allahpundit’s butt, who knows where he stands any more.

    Sara (Pal2Pal) (84fd4f)

  137. Number 131 Rhonda Davis blogs for Obama – here is the blog page.

    I am glad that I could do full disclosure for you.

    Your guy quit being a senator but still collected the paycheck. Obama did not hold one hearing for the subcommittee he chaired as a senator, not one. He made a speech to the DNC and used one office to immediately start running for the next. Obama was a do nothing senator.

    Chuck Norton (eff427)

  138. “I truly think that harkin didn’t read my post very carefully.”

    I only read it carefully enough to see this:

    “Meanwhile, staunch conservative Ace of Spades also posted a line that I quoted on Friday: “It’s over. You can’t resign from a governorship and then run for higher office.”

    and this:

    “I would say this: we don’t really know what’s going on here. So why not sit back and let events unfold without criticizing her so harshly right out of the gate?”

    You are also making Palin supporters out to be as out-of-touch as Palin haters by asserting that ‘en masse’ you are not allowed to criticise her, when what I’m hearing is her resignation announcement is not being treated with balance.

    I am not calling you a Palin-hater or for you to be ‘black-balled’ (whatever that means online). I am saying you are arguing with yourself and feeding the beast that takes conservative discord and milks it for those seeking to marginalize people like Palin and Limbaugh.

    Bear in mind I have never supported Palin for VP. If you look at the Krauthammer-Palin thread here previous to her resignation announcement you will see I found her wanting.

    I applaud your efforts at pointing out those on the left suffering from PDS but your post on her announcement where you kept from commenting at all other than calling Todd Palin’s remark ‘odd’ was weak.

    harkin (3769c8)

  139. #9, no, Hillary didn’t take as much abuse. No one discussed her clothing expenses, the cost of her hair stylist, her home, or make nasty remarks about her child. The abuse that Palin has taken from the press is unprecedented.

    Ever so cleverly “forgetting” that Hillary was acccused of drug trafficking and murdering Vincent Foster. You can fill several library shelves with anti-Hillary books. Has there been so much as ONE on Sarah Palin?

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  140. harkin,

    I don’t quite understand your comment, but my point is that several commenters (not you, apparently) are indeed arguing that Ace and Ed Morrissey are Palin-haters — why? merely because they expressed the opinion that Palin killed her chances to become President with this rather sudden and incompletely explained resignation.

    You can agree or disagree with Ace or Ed. I’m just saying, don’t write them off or discount all their previous support for Palin.

    Me, I didn’t comment further beyond calling Todd Palin’s comment “odd” — because, as I said, I’m waiting to see what comes next.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  141. Hah, you should try being a conservative that criticized an ill-advised war against a two-bit tyrant that posed no danger to the United States or even its ‘interests’. But from adversity comes growth and learning.

    Slightly pro-Palin point. Those that think she ‘hasn’t adequately explained’ her decision to leave either haven’t listened to or read her speech. She left becasue the political climate in Alaska and the nation meant she would just be marking time in office, especially as she didn’t plan to run for reelection. In addition, she felt the job was hurting her family. That’s it, there is no further explanation needed.

    Another pro-Palin point. I totally agree that it is impossible to quit as governor and then expect future, higher electoral success. But why is it okay to quit as governor in order to take a higher office?

    hortense (aka horace) (ce3869)

  142. And if Chelsea had behaved like Bristol I expect Chelsea would have been attacked quite a bit more than she (Chelsea) was.

    She got pregnant by her long time high school boyfriend. It wasn’t as if she was out selling it on a street corner, which is what your stupid comment implies or worse.

    How many men here tried or accomplished having sex with their h.s. girlfriends/dates? How many got married with their gf’s already pregnant? How many have had affairs?

    I was gang raped and got pregnant as a result when I was a sophomore in college, age 19. I was disowned by my family and friends, not for the rape, but because of the pregnancy. Two of the five responsible for the rape went on to become doctors, two lawyers, the 5th an accountant for a Fortune 500 company. I, on the other hand, was left on the street with few skills, a baby to support and no one to fall back on for support either emotional or financial. That was the way of the world in the mid-60s in upper class circles where I’d come from. It is still their way behind their closed doors as the comment above reflects. No kudos for me for surviving, raising my child, eventually marrying and ending up working at the WH and for a Member of Congress.

    Then my d-i-l came along. A hillbilly from the backwoods. I saw a whole different mindset. I saw a large family who would tear any of us limb from limb if we dared attack one their own. Forty years after the fact, one of her brothers offered to hunt down those 5 and ruin their lives for me. I was shocked at the thought, but a part of me felt good that someone finally cared about the pain I went through for so many years and wanted to exact retribution on my behalf. I would never have allowed such a thing to happen, but I couldn’t help thinking why didn’t my parents, those who claimed they loved and wanted the best for me ever stand up and fight for me?

    I’m now somewhere in the middle between the two worlds. I guess I call myself a moderate libertarian. If my children were being maligned like Palin’s children have been, I don’t think I would be looking at how it might affect some future career desire I might have, I’d be the Mama Bear and go after those who think my children are fair game.

    As to Chelsea, she is not a minor, she never had a disability (no kinky hair is not a disability) and no one got on national TV and called her a whore or said she was fair game for rape jokes. No one suggested she should have been aborted. No one, even as a 27 year old, implied that she was gay, even though every shot of her during the campaign seemed to be one of her at a gay hangout. No there is no comparison.

    Palin supporters don’t give a damn about their prestige or how important their jobs are in relation to their peers. But, come after their families, their clan, and be prepared for a fight.

    Sara (Pal2Pal) (84fd4f)

  143. Ace, Capt. Ed, Vodkapundit, Professor Bainbridge and a host of others are baffled by Palin’s decision. I know I am too. But if this was a way to jump into the 2012 presidential race, I think she just took a dive into the shallow end of the pool.

    Blackballed? Nope. People are sad and will lash out over Sarah. They care about here and want her to succeed. Hell, I know I do. But not if she is going to flail around.

    I suspect this is not about running in 2012, but some other form of political activism. And if that is the case I think she can be successful and big help to conservative causes.

    Joe (17aeff)

  144. What conservatives need to do is not take a blog star’s comments too seriously.
    Just because some one has a popular blog doesn’t give them any more real political wisdom than anyone else.
    Too many blog searchers apparently look to blog stars for their daily wisdom. Not good !

    edward cropper (20774c)

  145. “I was gang raped and got pregnant as a result when I was a sophomore in college, age 19. I was disowned by my family and friends, not for the rape, but because of the pregnancy. Two of the five responsible for the rape went on to become doctors, two lawyers, the 5th an accountant for a Fortune 500 company. I, on the other hand, was left on the street with few skills, a baby to support and no one to fall back on for support either emotional or financial. That was the way of the world in the mid-60s in upper class circles where I’d come from.”

    I feel for what you went through but not to the point of excusing the ridiculous premise that rape and abandonment were exclusive to the upper classes. That kind of thinking is what helped motivate the lynch mob during the Duke rape fiasco.

    You were horribly wronged but it was because the perps were evil, not because they were financially strong. Evil people come in all colors, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and class levels. And your plight was exacerbated by the fact your ‘family’ and ‘friends’ had no concept of what those words mean. In essence they were almost co-conspirators.

    That you managed to succeed is great.

    harkin (3769c8)

  146. edward cropper,

    I think Patterico’s and Karl’s opinions are well worth listening to, but I’m prejudiced. However, in general I agree with your statement that having a popular blog doesn’t translate into real political wisdom. The same could be said about MSM political pundits and pollsters.

    And I’m not saying this because I’m fishing for support — just the opposite. I firmly believe that anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt because I’m an everyday citizen with no special insight or connections. But, collectively, I believe everyday citizens can come up with some valuable and insightful ideas.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  147. I think her plan was to knock the 24/7 Michael Jackson hand wringing, faux remorse of the MJ extended Hollywood family, and endless eulogizing with the backdrop of the guy dancing the grim fandango, off of the airwaves.

    In this endeavor she was successful.
    And the world thanks you Sarah.

    papertiger (a117ab)

  148. Harkin #144 – I didn’t mean to limit my remark to the upper class. More directed to the mindset of “what will the neighbors think?” or “what will my boss think?” etc. My Mother admitted on her deathbed that she wasn’t putting my wellbeing ahead of her fear that as the Executive Director of the Girl Scouts it looked real bad to have a daughter pregnant out of wedlock no matter the reason. She couldn’t afford the publicity so she paid me off with $1000 and sent me away with the words, “you made your bed, now lie in it.” A phrase that seems to be the mantra of a certain type thruout the social strata. I see it most in conservative commentary and that is why I can never call myself a conservative, even if I support much of the conservative agenda of strong military, small government, lower taxes, anti-abortion, etc.

    A month ago Gov. Sanford was being praised for standing up against taking stimulus money. He was brave, he was standing on principles, on and on. Then it comes out that he is in love with a woman not his wife and now he is an idiot, someone to mock, he is crazy, half-cocked, a nasty man. This is the way of the conservative movement in this country and the left knows it. All they have to do is start hinting at some scandal in the background and conservatives will do the rest in destroying the object of attention du jour.

    The left has drug addicts and murderers in the Senate and Congress and no one says anything about their parents or children. Sarah Palin’s daughter gets pregnant by her boyfriend and somehow this means Palin, herself, is deficient. The double standard in all its glory. Conservatives are masters at it and the left regales in it and rejoices over it. It makes me sick. A pox on both sides. Go Tea Partiers who are sick to death of this b.s.

    Sara (Pal2Pal) (84fd4f)

  149. Sanford is sort of … I don’t know if I’d say he’s a nasty man but he’s kind of a big goofball at best.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  150. Palin will be making a speech at the Reagan Library and Museum in early August.

    For those not understanding what happened in Alaska, I highly recommend reading’s report on Alinsky Perfected. See why it was imperative for Palin to make the move she made.

    Mary Beth (d14ba0)

  151. FWIW,

    The Country Clubbers hate her. She knows neither Marx nor Friedman so in there world that disqualifies her. Unfortunately she captures the rapid dog base the Country Clubbers need to remain in the Club …. so they do attack her right along with the Libtards.

    On this issue, she reminds me of Reagan who was universally hated by the Country Club Republicans. Today they wax poetically about Reagan for fear or reprisal but to this day they still think he was a moron.

    With that said, SP needs to make herself a national candidate without losing the dinner table appeal she has. Leaving Alaska will not do her one ounce of harm so long as she comes back soon into the Public Policy debate.

    But Sara, I feel you. Conservative have so many litmus tests they eventually disqualify all the best candidates and only leave the mediocre and uninspired to run the party.

    HeavenSent (1e97ff)

  152. here is Mary Beth’s Flopping Aces link. I’m not finding the part where the imperativeness of Sarah Palin resigning is documented. That could easily become a sort of narrative I think – that it was imperative for Sarah Palin to resign – but I think if people say ok why was it imperative then the Flopping Aces link really won’t answer their question. In fact, I think it more likely that the two posts actually suggest that Sarah Palin validated some really really despicable dirty socialist tactics by quitting as she did.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  153. But, collectively, I believe everyday citizens can come up with some valuable and insightful ideas

    Those would be the same everyday citizens that used to run for many local and subsequently higher political offices. Today it’s mostly lawyers or people who became wealthy and can afford to fund their own campaigns. Both usually display a stunning ignorance regarding how actual citzens of this country live on a daily basis, and the country’s much worse off as a result.

    Dmac (f7884d)

  154. If Patterico decides to step down from the DA’s office and take some time, does that mean he’s through as a lawyer and has lost all credibility?
    I’d expect his staunchest supporters to take severe umbrage with any opinion that suggests he has nothing going forward from here.

    Seriously, what kind of person writes off another (young) persons entire entire political future over a resignation.?
    Senator Obama effectively resigned as Junior Senator of Illinois (rarely voting except when he needed to situate himself politically in his candidacy…. voting “present” intead of taking a stand, etc).
    Obama abandoned Illinois. He still became President, even though the way Obama handled Illinois was far less honorable than a resignation would have been.

    Not to say this type of move won’t come at a great cost for Palin, but she was already paying a high price and was being marginalized at every turn. This gives her a chance to turn things around on her own terms.
    I’ll wait until 2016 or 2020 to write her off politically, and as a person, she can do whatever she is best at from here forward and if she doesn’t do politics anymore, so be it.

    Why the rush to run out and call the death knell?
    Why the rush to shovel soil on a body that clearly isn’t dead yet?
    Ace and Ed should quit whining and cowboy the f*** up… you ring the death bell early on someone popular and that stuff WILL get reflected back onto you. Grow a pair.
    Those guys should call themselves a wahmbulance… they tried to get out in front of a political call early and some people are pissed about it. Big deal.
    If they wanted to go there so soon fine… so it is costing them. That is their problem.
    Boo Hoo.
    Tells me they couldn’t even carry Sarah Palins diaper bag over the last 8 months

    SteveG (c99c5c)

  155. It’s O.k. to criticize her, on reasonable grounds,
    but there have been so many lies, half truths, and omissions told about her, since Aug 29th, that I don’t see the rush to be given a medal, for
    doing so. Putting this in the context that some of you were wrong about Obama could be given the benefit of the doubt to, and she and Rush were right, If 1/100th of the ‘friendly fire’ directed against her, had been focused on Obama, well maybe some of the things we see here might not be happening. She has a real record of accomplishment
    in reform, fighting public corruption and prudent budgeting that was practically erased or glossed overnight.Seeing as she was the one that got the full Alinsky treatment. Rules 4, 5, & 12, in part
    because she called him out so forcefully in her convention speech and on the road. So six months after the inaugural who was right, and who was wrong.

    narciso (996c34)

  156. Patterico has a lengthy history of legal service, SteveG. He knows his stuff and he doesn’t cut and run.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  157. 155

    Do you consider “cutting and running” going back and flip flopping on all your campaign promises as Presidente Zero has done?

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  158. As an Alaskan, I hope it’s OK if I try to clarify something I keep seeing discussed about this resignation: the contention that Gov. Palin had to deal with so many “frivolous” ethics complaints (or what some incorrectly call lawsuits) that it overwhelmed her and took 80 percent of her time. (Which made many of us wonder why, if she was so pressed for time this spring, she was appearing in parades in New York and dinners in D.C. and pro-life fundraisers in Indiana, even as her flaming out at his appointment hearings, but let’s just take her at her word.)

    Yes, most of complaints were found not to have grounds or to have violated some law. But they were not necessarily frivolous. The subjects that citizens filed complaints about regarded questions such as: Is it legal for a governor to campaign for a political party in another state, and to take a state employee with her? Is it legal for a governor to use state resources while running for national office? Is it legal for a governor to use a private email account for state business, and to copy her husband on those emails (and then claim that he’s a private citizen who is not subject to laws concerning abuse of power)? Is it legal for a governor to charge per diem for staying in her own house by choice rather than in the governor’s mansion in the state capital? Is it a conflict of interest for a governor to wear apparel advertising her husband’s sponsor during an event for which he earns money and while she’s acting in official capacity? Should the state have to pay for her family’s travel to events at which they are not officially invited (say, a $750/night hotel room in NYC for multiple nights). And so on. Not all of these are unreasonable questions.

    I happen to think that the checks and balances on government are heavily weighed toward government, and not on behalf of private citizens. The governor has repeatedly refused to release information on many of these issues (for example, she asked for an exemption on disclosing the amount of money/donations her husband receives from Arctic Cat, which was delighted by her free advertising). Her administration was recently characterized by one of her former supporters who writes a legislative newsletter as the most secretive of any governor’s. How else are citizens to get answers to such questions or to hold their governor accountable (something she asked us to do when she was elected) if not to use a legitimate avenue established for such purposes?

    The governor feels these complaints were frivolous. Of course she does. Maybe some of them are. But rather than acknowledge that citizens have the right to ask questions of her administration, or to recognize that she had a growing credibility problem, she attacked all such questions as the work of partisan bloggers. She also agreed to pay back almost $10,000 for her children’s travel that was judged not to be legitimate state business. And she thinks it’s OK to advertise Arctic Cat, but would she wear a British Petroleum hat to an official state event? Her husband earns a paycheck from them, too. On the national scale, she may be a political genius. Locally, she’s very tone deaf.

    She also said in her resignation speech that the state has paid millions dealing with these ethics complaints. That’s simply not true. The agency that handles those complaints last week released a list of what they’ve spent on them. The total was not quite $300,000. Of that, almost $200,000 was spent on the ethics complaint that Palin filed AGAINST HERSELF last year when she decided she didn’t want to be held accountable by the Legislature’s bipartisan inquiry into Troopergate. It was her end-run around attempt around whatever their report said.

    As for her insistence that she’s spent $500,000 on her own legal defense–she has never provided any details or accounting of this figure whatsoever. Who is being paid for what? It’s not clear. She did, however, feel perfectly comfortable establishing a legal defense fund rather boldly titled the “Alaska Fund Trust,” run by her best friend and available for her family, her friends, and her associates to tap. No doubt it is gathering money this very moment. I wouldn’t worry about her ability to pay for her legal bills, whatever they are.

    My point is that the image of Sarah Palin, while compelling for many people (negatively and positively), is not necessarily the truth of Sarah Palin. There are many facts that are not known nationally. The picture is quite a bit more complicated here in Alaska.

    However, right now you would be hardpressed to find any Alaskans, even her supporters, who think that having their governor suddenly quit her job partway through her term is a good thing. Nor do her reasons make much sense at all from our perspective. She did not trust Sean Parnell to be acting governor while she was campaigning nationally, but now suddenly he’s great? The title doesn’t mean anything–so why did we elect her again?

    No doubt this is a good move for her, and I feel even more sure now that it’s a good thing for Alaska. A little less drama and a lot more focus on Alaskan issues is what we need.

    Sorry for the long post. If you doubt my characterization of the ethics complaints, you’ll find documentation at the Anchorage Daily News site.

    Bluedog AK (aebad6)

  159. Isn’t it amazing those who feel Palin should resign can cite no reason but will defend Obama for shredding the Constitution?

    The Red Diaper babies always can be counted on to use their double standard.

    Remember how they told us Clinton was just about sex as he made a mockery of the judicial system and broke every sexual harassment law in the broke and lied in court to boot?

    Remember all those words condemning Obama’s appointees who couldn’t trouble themselves with obeying the laws they used to punish the peons?

    Impeach Presidente 666 Now. It is imperative he be sent packing for violating his oath of office.

    Impeach the Minnesota Supreme Court for allowing elections to be stolen.

    Finally impach the Dhimmierats in Congress who pass bills that aren’t read much less completely written before they pass them.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  160. Comment by Bluedog AK — 7/5/2009 @ 9:37 pm

    That’s a whole pile of misinformation and misdirection for one comment.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  161. omg. I saw Sarah wearing a hat the other day but I didn’t see what it said. I took a picture on my cell though lemme check.


    no I mean it omg.

    I need to get this to the authorities right away.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  162. Lets see.
    Supporting the party.
    Keeping her kids in school in their own town rather then trundling them along to the Capitol.
    Wearing clothes.

    You’re right Daleyrocks.
    I kept expecting mister bluedog to get to the unfrivolous important charges not brought by liberal hack and freeloaders.

    It’s too long to fix the whole thing but just a few lines,

    Yes, most of all of the complaints were found not to have grounds or to have violated some law. But they were not be unnecessarily frivolous.

    There that’s better.


    papertiger (8349ff)

  163. 3267 comments. Wow better get in on this action.

    Are we in the middle of a primary? Why bash a conservative so? It seems every right thinking conservative wants to get in on the ‘right’ side of Palin. She is making it hard to hang out with ‘respectable’ conservatives otherwise.

    Are you a conservative? Then defend her. If we get to a primary then convince me to vote for RomneyCare Romney. Otherwise let Palin do what Palin is going to do and support her for it. You have no reason not to.

    RDay (e0eb85)

  164. As a Californian, Bluedog I hope you get eaten by a bear while digging through the Palin family’s garbage.

    papertiger (8349ff)

  165. This could probably work the other way around for us.
    Weren’t those Prada shoes Nancy Pelosi was wearing the other day?
    Where is her financial discloser of advertisement fees?
    Caught her. The dirty fellon.

    papertiger (8349ff)

  166. Do you think Obama moved the girls out of day care in Chicago, when he took the State Senate seat in Springfield?
    If not then the President is a dirty state funds abusing spendthrift, soaking up the per diem.

    He’s worse, but that’s all we could prove.

    Kind of like taking down Capone on tax evasion.

    papertiger (e6cefc)

  167. Really cute that blue thinks siting the Anchorage Daily News will be all the proof that any remaining fence sitters would need.
    ADN or rather their parent company McClatchy is 90% of what is wrong with California. Protecting and indulging freeloaders and scumbags in the Calif Statehouse, while excorating and debasing faithful and true public servants through multi year “whisper” campaigns. Never any real charges brought against the guilty or innocent. Seems to be the way they like it.

    Ok. 80% of what’s wrong in Ca.
    Can’t go any lower then that without lying.

    papertiger (e6cefc)

  168. Things were so much better for the party before the Internet…

    Sargeant Carter (9beff2)

  169. Wow. People are actually calling Ed Morrissey a “Palin-hater”?
    I looked through the first 10 pages of comments, for the word “hate,” and the strongest I saw was that the commentor hated the position Ed was taking as to Palin’s resignation. I can see how that translates into judging the governor’s decision as one that dooms her chances for political success.
    Tempest in a teapot, at any rate. Readers will gravitate to or discount Ed, Ace, Allahpundit, etc. as they see fit – and that is entirely appropriate. FWIW, I am unimpressed with Ed’s take and rationale for it (I think he’s wrong), but he’s certainly entitled to it, and to express it.
    Perhaps contrary to the sentiment of your post, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ascribe motive or longer-term outlook to Ed. [Totally aside, I did the same against Hugh Hewitt when he shilled for the Miers nomination.] Time will tell, but I think Ed will “dig in” to his position that Palin is unfit for political office. Does that mean he hates her? No. It means he thinks she is unfit.

    cboldt (397dd3)

  170. Bluedog – Thank you for your perspective. Also, thank you for thinking that we are incapable of understanding that the Dems have filed complaint after complaint after complaint against her. We could have never figured that out but for your help. You also left out a crap-load, but since what you left out does not support your position, that is no surprise. Who provides the legal defense for Gov Palin in these ethics complaints?

    Oh look, she is wearing a hat! File a complaint!

    JD (4ff1b9)

  171. I think when the media *immediately* started slamming Palin, it became personal for the grassroots.

    Out here in red state land, we know that the media looks at us as hick, redneck trailer park dwelling rubes. It was even more galling when so called conservatives joined in on the Palin bashing. (I’m talkin’ to you, Kathleen Parker, Christopher Buckley). Then we knew what the elites in the Republican party thought about us too.

    That’s why we’re so sensitive to the Palin bashing from those on “our” side. The injustice of what the media has done to her isn’t quantifiable. Sarah is us.

    fiestamom (cf47bb)

  172. Patterico says, “…So why not sit back and let events unfold without criticizing her so harshly right out of the gate?

    Good advice, except Morrissey did not heed it. Instead, he declared Sarah politically “dead” right out of the gate. Touched a few nerves I guess.

    bullwhacker (66fa39)

  173. I’m sorry but Ed and Ace got criticism from me, back when I read them, for their abject stupidity.

    I suspect nothing has changed and you’re supposition that it’s because they dared criticize Palin is superficial pap.

    gary gulrud (13437e)

  174. I’m sorry but Ed and Ace got criticism from me, back when I read them, for their abject stupidity.

    I suspect nothing has changed and you’re supposition that it’s because they dared criticize Palin is superficial pap

    Well, it might be all the commenters over there saying that they’re furious at them over their positions on Palin, when the commenters in question were fine with Ace and Captain Ed before.

    Try not to lose any fingers while grinding that axe, Gary.

    M. Scott Eiland (5ccff0)

  175. I said hello, Mitty,……well, hello, Mitty
    Its so nice to have you back where you belong
    Youre lookin swell, Mitty…….i can tell, Mitty
    Youre still glowin…youre still crowin…youre still goin strong
    I feel the party swayin……while the media is playin
    One of its favorite memes from way back when
    So….. take his coat, fellas…….find him a microphone, fellas
    Mittyll never go away again

    (instrumental break)

    I said hello, Mitty,…..well, hello, Mitty
    Its so nice to have you back where you belong
    Youre lookin swell, Mitty…..i can tell, Mitty
    Youre still glowin…youre still crowin…youre still goin strong
    I feel the party swayin…while the media keeps on playin
    One of its favourite memes from way back when
    So…golly, gee, fellas….find Mitt an empty microphone, fellas
    Mittyll never go away….i said Mitty’ll never go away
    Mittyll never go away again

    Joe (dcebbd)

  176. Well said. We don’t know what she’s planning, but I don’t think her “career” is over. The rules changed with the last election, and a lot of people voicing opinions have failed to recognize that. Consequently, I am adopting a wait and see attitude to see what these interesting times we live in will bring.

    KC (4e1ae5)

  177. It would have been very helpful if bluedog (does that mean a very cold dog or a Democrat, bluedog ?) had included a link instead of remaining anonymous. I’m sure Patterico is thrilled at all those regular Alaska readers of the blog who will suddenly feel compelled to post a comment. I sure would hate to think they are employees of the Democrat party paid to use search engines to find blogs that are pro-Palin and spam them.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  178. There you go again Dr.Mike, with the conspiracy theories again…
    Our good friends on the Left would never attempt such dastardly deeds such as that …
    Would they?

    AD - RtR/OS! (820b2e)

  179. I am intriqued by Palin but Krauthamer is right, she does speak in cliches – it might just be me, but if she isn’t delivering an official speech – I hold my breath. That is not say I don’t find her compelling. Just that I don’t think you can say she is articulate. She needs to study SAT words. That’s all. And read. A lot.I’m still a die hard conservative and Obama scares the crap out of me. If Plain was my only choice vs him – I’d vote for her. But she would still speak in clinches and I would still cringe.

    Jane (ef8386)

  180. P.S. – I spent 30 minutes on the phone with Olive Garden telling them if they advertized on Letterman I would run a one woman campaign to destroy them. So – I will defend her against what has been done to her anyday of the week!

    Jane (ef8386)

  181. Jane, have you spent much time listening to politicians ? The first thing they are taught is to never make an intelligent statement. It causes trouble. Biden was a star pupil.

    Rent “Bull Durham” for an example. “When you get to the majors, you have to learn your cliches.”

    Mike K (2cf494)

  182. The question should be is it verbotten to criticize the Frumistas and Vichy GOP?

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  183. Our Take on That Whole Big Sarah Palin Thing with Ace of Spades and Ed Morrissey, as Filtered Through Our Man Karl…

    Karl — that Hot Air guy who sometimes throws a crumb or two to Patterico (and never even once to me, the villain!) — reposted on Patterico’s Pontifications what he had already reposted on Hot Air (with some commentary in……

    Big Lizards (5ca406)

  184. Suggest all those who have had enough of the Beltway pundits and NYC critics take a look at the American Thinker article on Palin’s resignation and her future. Contrast this with the Petanistas and Frumistas.

    I would also urge those who wish to be taken seriously to stop throwing tantrums and stop digging.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  185. […] what Ed and Ace said. Leaving that oddity aside (and as always, taking as gospel Karl’s and Patterico’s characterization of the verbal gobsmacking of Morrissey), the response here and on PP is worlds […]

    Our Take on That Whole Big Sarah Palin Thing with Ace of Spades and Ed Morrissey, as Filtered Through Our Man Karl | America Watches Obama (4ab9a2)

  186. “Try not to lose any fingers while grinding that axe, Gary.”

    A dangling, disembodied simile? cboldt @ 168 above seems to have gone to the work neither of us bothered with and supports my surmise.

    Self-serving doggerel from GOP apologists.

    gary gulrud (13437e)

  187. […] comments on a thread filled with vitriol. Other bloggers came to Morrissey’s defense, including Patterico who, despite disagreeing with Morrissey’s analysis, thought it wrong to declare criticism of […]

    The Peril of Attacking Sarah Palin (919584)

  188. […] comments on a thread filled with vitriol. Other bloggers came to Morrissey’s defense, including Patterico who, despite disagreeing with Morrissey’s analysis, thought it wrong to declare criticism of […] » Blog Archive » The Perils of Attacking Sarah Palin (fc1a45)

  189. Jane, I agree with you that Palin could be more impressive. Or she could be speaking plainly because she wants to, I suppose. That’s been done before.

    I love Olive Garden’s salad dressing. not big on their pasta or their bread.

    Gary, could you look up ‘simile’ and ‘metaphor’ real quick before you pass out?

    Juan (bd4b30)


    David Letterman’s hate is as old as some ancient Hebrew prophets.
    Speaking of anti-Semitism, it’s Jerry Falwell and other fundy leaders who’ve gleefully predicted that in the future EVERY nation will be against Israel (an international first?) and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed, right?
    Wrong! It’s the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who predicted all this in the 13th and 14th chapters of his book! The last prophet, Malachi, explains the reason for this future Holocaust that’ll outdo even Hitler’s by stating that “Judah hath dealt treacherously” and “the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this” and asks “Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother?”
    Haven’t evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the recent filthy, hate-filled, back-stabbing tirades by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard and Kathy Griffin) against a leading evangelical named Sarah Palin, and explain why most Jewish leaders have seemingly condoned Palin’s continuing “crucifixion”!
    While David, Sandra, and Kathy are tragically turning comedy into tragedy, they are also helping to speed up and fulfill the Final Holocaust a la Zechariah and Malachi, thus helping to make the Bible even more believable!
    (For even more stunning information, visit MSN and type in “Separation of Raunch and State” and “Bible Verses Obama Avoids.”)

    Viola (438a6d)

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