Patterico's Pontifications


Report: Palin Will Not Run for Re-Election As Governor of Alaska; UPDATE: Will Resign Within Weeks

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:09 pm

News is breaking now on in a banner headline. No news story available yet.

UPDATE 12:27 p.m.: Word now is that she will resign within weeks. What’s going on here?

UPDATE x2 12:29 p.m.: Word now is she will resign at the end of the month.

UPDATE x3: The announcement has occurred. From Twitter, Breaking News says:

She did not take questions or give indications as to her future plans. Palin is expected to announce a run for the presidency at some point.

Meanwhile, Howard Kurtz says:

No way Palin can run for president now. But give her this: the governor has, at least briefly, knocked Michael Jackson off the air.

Fox News has a vague quote from Todd Palin about her wanting to do things “for the country.”


UPDATE x4: Ace agrees with Kurtz: “It’s over. You can’t resign from a governorship and then run for higher office.”

UPDATE x5: Palin says on Twitter:

We’ll soon attach info on decision to not seek re-election… this is in Alaska’s best interest, my family’s happy… it is good, stay tuned

339 Responses to “Report: Palin Will Not Run for Re-Election As Governor of Alaska; UPDATE: Will Resign Within Weeks”

  1. She shouldn’t be leaving when the state is not in very good fiscal shape. I would hate to be this dimbulb’s agent cause she doesn’t give you a lot to work with.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  2. happyfeet, Alaska is different economically than the rest of the nation, but Palin did an excellent job with Alaska’s finances.

    It’s small, and the economy has hurt them quite a lot, but they have been run very well, and the democrats and republicans alike really love Palin. I’m not sure what her polls are like now that Palin has become an object of mass media hatred, but before she was nominated for VP she had the highest approval rating of any governor in the USA.

    We will not be hearing any specific thing Palin did wrong with the Alaskan economy. We will simply hear this vague comment about it. But Obama has passed the depression bills, ruining most of the nation’s economy. Of course Alaska’s having problems!

    Juan (ba249c)

  3. oh. I should say I lost all enthusiasm for the Sarah Palin when she proudly sent her vapid teen mom daughter on a media tour. That was just gross and these Palins have no clue about how the media works. At this point I think she might could be a cunning stealthy extension of Meghan’s daddy’s campaign to destroy the Republican party.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  4. Maybe she is taking time off to do a crash course of prep for 2012. I’m trying to remember the Senate terms for Alaska. Is Murkowski up for re-election next year ?

    Mike K (2cf494)

  5. Juan – it’s got nothing to do with reality and everything to do with the narrative. Sarah Palin is a little bug that is trapped for all eternity in the amber of the dirty socialist media’s narrative. Her only hope was to disengage and reframe that narrative, and today I think it’s probable that she foreclosed that option. And she is either too stupid or too blindly ambitious to see that.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  6. Mike is right – she should have run for Senate. She’s really hell-bent on utter and complete self-destruction I think.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  7. Sen Murkowski is up for re-election in 2010, so this makes perfect sense…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  8. happyfeet, I am having a hard time following your point of view, which is probably just because I’m distracted today, but Senator Palin = DC Insider.

    And her daughter is her family. It’s who she is. Her daughter has a valuable message about responsibility and consequences. While Obama would pretend he doesn’t make mistakes, or that you can erase children to avoid being ‘punished’ by one, the fact is, we can identify with Palin for having a family that has life issues.

    Obama is out there having a birthday party when the world is catching on fire. His family is used as a jingo. But I really don’t mind that either. Obama’s wife and kids are part of who he is, and the complaint about politicians associating themselves with their family rings hollow to me even when directed as Obama.

    Let’s hope Palin does take all the advice to heart. I think she has already started to do so, and all these columnists are trying to get in front of the news cycle. Sadly, the democrats will use it as a chance to tear Palin apart.

    Obama took the ‘experience’ requirement completely off the table (sadly).

    Juan (ba249c)

  9. I thought she had already said she wan’t running for Senate? If she does that I will for sure become her number one superfan and send her monies and express effusive goodwill towards her and hers.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  10. Fox only reports that she will decline to run for a second term. Nothing about an imminent resignation. Their speculation is that she will devote her time to a Presidential run in 2012.

    [JVW: Updated information is that she is indeed resigning. — P]

    JVW (a8c610)

  11. Her daughter has a valuable message about responsibility and consequences.

    ok that’s a sign you might be watching too much of the tv I think, but I get your point – I just think that it doesn’t countenance Sarah’s special relationship with Barack Obama’s media.

    my only point of view really is a simple marketing one that she’s stuck in a narrative that she urgently needs to deconstruct and she needs to not just hope to smash it… she needs to say fairly explicitly how she intends to smash it and then execute.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  12. that is the way you create a counternarrative

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  13. If she really is resigning, maybe she is just trying to set an example for Mark Sanford. [I borrowed that from Jim Geraghty of National Review.]

    JVW (a8c610)

  14. Events are moving too fast, it’s time to take a deep breath and wind your watch. Now ain’t the time for speculation. Give the little lady an opportunity to say what’s on her mind without too much coaching from the sidelines.

    Krouthammer’s a very smart guy and this can’t be a coincidence.

    Ropelight (bb3af5)

  15. Anyone want to bet that Sullivan links this to Trig?

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  16. you don’t make important career announcements on holiday weekends and you especially don’t make important career announcements such that they encourage speculation. Unless you’re Michael Jackson.

    this is sort of sketch from the get-go I think

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  17. you know happyfeet,

    I am inclined to agree. Why would she resign at all? And on a Friday before the 4th?

    I really an a huge Palin fan, but I see Governor as a great role for her at this time. I’m hoping there’s a good reason for this.

    Juan (ba249c)

  18. happyfeet, I haven’t had a TV in many years. I thought the young lady was telling kids not to have sex. Was I wrong about that?

    Juan (ba249c)

  19. The resignation suggests another motive but I don’t know what it is. If she is giving up politics, maybe she decided to make some money. It won’t stop the abuse, though.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  20. Clearly she’s going to run for the Senate in 2010. She is no fan of the Murkowskis. Following that, I’d expect her to aim her Presidential try at 2016, not 2012.

    She needs seasoning, and the Senate worked %&$&ING WONDERS for Hillary. And besides, the Republicans could well lose the seat with Lisa Murkowski. She barely held it in 2004, a Republican year. A good spot for Palin, and a great career move.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  21. Maybe she’s gotten tired of exposing her family to the foul-mouthed, vile, liberal media.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  22. she’ll miss the catch if they throw her the ball
    she’s the last kid standing up against the wall

    she never says anything at all
    but with nothing to consider
    they forget her name I think

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  23. Palin does get sued an awful lot for ‘wearing this jacket while being governor!!!’

    I simply don’t get it, though. Resigning a very prominent office just looks bad. I don’t want to bash her. When i read she wasn’t seeking reelection, I was pleased, but resigning?

    And without any kind of announcement? Was this a leak? She should have had some kind of statement… should have controlled the story. If she’s going to the Senate, I hope it works well for her. Maybe Kevin Murphy is right, and it’s Palin’s best chance to appear well versed on issues. With the rest of the Senate GOP give her the positions she needs to excel?

    Juan (ba249c)

  24. I think it’s a big risk for her, if the reason is political. It angers me that she would resign and leave the state in a lurch for a possible president or senator run. I was willing to see her season as a wonk because I loved her values and grit.

    But I agree with SPQR, the media has been unforgivable to her, and perhaps she and her family just couldn’t take it. I don’t know many who could. If so, go have a happy life, Sarah, and figure out how to carry that bright shining torch of yours.

    Patricia (2183bb)

  25. oh – Juan I just meant that Sarah never just says no to not playing the media’s game – Sarah Palin knows darn well her daughter is just a stupid and quite common git what couldn’t keep her legs together and not She Who Has A Valuable Message, but the idea that her daughter was She Who Has A Valuable Message was irresistible to the unsophisticated Sarah Palin I think.

    That her daughter is She Who Has A Valuable Message is what the media calls a hook. But it’s not the same as reality.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  26. Something bad has happened.

    nk (218382)

  27. I don’t agree that this means the end of her chances for the presidency.

    If the reason she’s resigning is so that she can take care of Trig while he’s a baby, then by 2011 he won’t be a baby any longer.

    Steven Den Beste (99cfa1)

  28. Certainly Palin could point at the continuing attacks on her children as evidence that “America is not ready for family women in high office. One of the reasons we’re in the mess we’re in. I’m tired of vicious, angry and mentally ill people, such as Andrew Sullivan, who think that making up stories about young women is all part of the game. I’ll get by. I don’t know if America will”

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  29. Governor Palin may have had enough of the constant media and frivolous ethics attacks on her. Her personality when attacked is to counter-attack ferociously, something she could not do while Governor.

    She has never been conventional, and has many times taken the path others have never even seen. If she acquires (has acquired) a Rovian team to help her, the next few years should be interesting.

    I hope.

    great unknown (b751d2)

  30. What I’m hearing now, is that Palin just couldn’t do her job as Governor because she and her staff were spending nearly all of their time defending against crazy charges. The constant lawsuits and media attacks and harassment meant that Alaska basically didn’t have a Governor.

    I don’t know how accurate that is, and I admit the press was absurd towards a person who ran 8 months ago. Palin still gets more scrutiny than Obama. She probably will a year from now, when she’s not in office at all. Any little problem in her life is some kind of huge issue.

    Happyfeet, the average age that people become sexually active is 16. I don’t think there is anything wrong with a girl who had a very inconvenient pregnancy coming to other kids and explaining the risks. I think it sounds like you’re the one watching too much TV. There doesn’t have to be a conspiracy or narrative. The girl made a normal mistake and has handled it with a lot of strength. Insulting her like you have just comes across as absurd. She’s a kid that is not accountable to us.

    Juan (ba249c)

  31. I agree but what I think is the “couldn’t keep her legs together” is more what resonates with the demo that doesn’t watch Oprah … those ones, they just don’t care and standing in the smoldering ruins of our once great little country in 2011 they will care even less. But top of mind for me is that we are not supposed to have ever ever developed opinions about Sarah Palin’s daughter. Sarah Palin’s daughter is supposed to be a nonentity. They screwed the pooch on that so to speak, but to try and salvage the fiasco as an ABC Afterschool Special is not vaguely pitiful.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  32. It is a lot blatantly pitiful.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  33. Yay. The end of the second-strangest freek show after Michael Jackson’s.

    Jack (a9896a)

  34. Also you can’t really insult people that of their own volition go on daytime tv. It’s redundant.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  35. happyfeet, fair enough. I just don’t care much what the MTV and Oprah viewing public think.

    They are Obama voters anyway. This is unfortunate, but hopefully access to the internet will lead to people becoming better informed. Sure, it also could just polarize people, but I don’t think it will be nearly as easy to hide all the issues people want to know about.

    Palin quitting on July 4th probably means this is an effort to run for President. She can always cite that Obama quit being a senator in 2006 or so, and was basically stealing a paycheck by not resigning officially though certainly not acting as senator. She can say that the media made it impossible for her to be an effective Governor, and this is better for her people, and that she accomplished her vague goals.

    But really, this is crap.

    Juan (ba249c)

  36. “It’s over. You can’t resign from a governorship and then run for higher office.” I’d just like to point out that this rule only applies to Republicans. Democrats are free to get elected to any office they choose, stick around long enough to re-model the waiting room and run for something better. See President (former Senator) Barack H. Obama.

    glenn (2d382b)

  37. The best thing about it Juan I think is that it’s happening in mid-2009 and not in spring 2010. The worst thing about it Juan I think is that Palin took votes from Huckabee more than anyone else in the theoretical primaries ahead.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  38. Haven’t read all the comments to see if sentiment changed, but I think the pundits who say she is out of national politics are wrong.

    It’s been nearly impossible for her to travel like a potential national candidate needs to travel while serving as Gov. in a state as far away as the lower 48 as Alaska. Her travels have led to the dozens of frivolous ethics complaints that are requiring time and money to respond to.

    Her term ends in 18 months. She has already said she wouldn’t run for a second term.

    This simply frees her up to do what Romney is doing — travel, speak, learn, etc., without having to look back over her shoulder to see what was happening in Alaska in her absence.

    I also think being linked to Alaska allowed her opponents to link her to the state’s “eccentricities” as the Vanity Fair piece does.

    WLS Shipwrecked (5c78e2)

  39. Happyfeet, the average age that people become sexually active is 16

    And rather lower still in rural states where there’s plenty of empty places and not a lot else to do.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  40. addendum to comment 36. And presidential candidate (formerly Senator) H. Clinton.

    great unknown (b751d2)

  41. Looks like it’s Mitt in 2012.

    JVW (a8c610)

  42. The worst thing about it Juan I think is that Palin took votes from Huckabee more than anyone else in the theoretical primaries ahead.

    If only.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  43. I do think it’s awesome that Palin eliminated the Huck possibility.

    I think she gets more votes than that, though. I guess I can see the logic in what she’s doing, but man… what a hard freaking issue to swallow.

    At the end of the day, she’s also a mother to a family that includes a kid with down’s. So it will be pretty amusing to see the Democrats offend the easily offended when they say Sarah Palin is unemployed.

    Juan (ba249c)

  44. Again, she’s not running for Prez in 2012. Maybe 2016 or 2020. She’s only 45. The most logical thing is to run against Murkowski and serve 6 or 10 years in the Senate first.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  45. I don’t know what this means for Sarah Palin but I’m absolutely certain it means Democrats, their surrogates, and the media will launch unlimited attacks against future GOP candidates and their families. Why? Because it works.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  46. One other thing — buy resigning now rather than waiting until the end of her term, she is free to make appearances with GOP candidates during next year’s election cycle. This is critical to a candidate trying to build up IOUs, and developing relationships with state and local party officials as a foundation for creating a campaign apparatus for a national run.

    I think this is right out of Bill Clinton’s 1992 playbook. Clinton entered that campaign when most prominent Dems were staying out on the mistaken belief that Pres. Bush 41 was unbeatable with 90% approval ratings following the 1991 Gulf War. Most pundits thought Clinton’s entry was really just a “dry run” and his sites were really set in 1996. We know what happened when Bush 41 cratered.

    Palin’s people might be looking at this the same way. Some potential GOP candidates for 2012 are falling by the wayside, and others might chose to not run simply because they think Obama is not likely to be beatable in 2012. Palin decides to run for the same reasons Clinton did in 1992 — to establish a firm foundation for a real challenge in 2016.

    Obama was elected to the Senate in 2004, and began immediately running for Pres., taking 4 years to build the campaign structure that resulted in last year’s victory.

    Palin won’t have that much time if she were to run for the Senate in 2010. She would also not be able to travel the lower 48 if she were running for Senate in 2010.

    My prediction is that she will quietly relocate her family to a state like Colorado or Idaho where she lived before. And I predict that she will develop a close relationship over the next several months with the Cheney family and Jeb Bush.

    WLS Shipwrecked (5c78e2)

  47. Palin has been under constant assault by the media and political elites because she totally destroys their narrative. She is the ultimate threat to their success. She is a strong successful woman who is also sexy, attractive, and happily married to a man’s man. A man’s man who isn’t intimidated by a wife who may be considered more successful and make more money than him. Who is equality at home working in and artic oil field or taking care of the kids at home. A woman and a man who came from working class backgrounds and got to where they are on their own work and intelligence.

    This kind of family cannot exist in the post modern world, the media and the left can’t have it, but it resonants like a motherfucking gong with the real world. With all us blue collar working stiffs out here in red state/fly over land. That is who we are and what we want to be. What Palin needs to do is ignore the media and its filters and is bias and stereotypes and narratives and talk directly to us. This is what I think and hope she is preparing to do.

    B Moe (7f536a)

  48. I have to agree with nk on this one – I fear something terrible has occured. I hope not, but Palin’s not a person to back down from anyone, especially the lame – arse humpty – dumps in the MSM.

    Dmac (f7884d)

  49. One just has to read CNN’s lede: Palin Quitting Early as Governor. No matter her reasons, it doesn’t look good to quit midstream, and it gives the left a new bit of fodder and mockery: Sarah Palin, Quitter. Again, it doesn’t matter what the real reason for her resignation is, the new narrative is established.

    If she’s looking to run, she just added another hurdle in her path to overcome, but she’s shown that she’s made of grit, ambition and determination. I hope she follows sound advice and digs in studying, learning, and gleaning from those who are embedded in Washington but have managed to maintain some integrity.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  50. I think she’s in a kind of ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t position’ in this. It must be hard to do campaigning as a governor of a remote state like Alaska, but if she leaves office, then she risks disappearing from the public eye for a long time. It’s a risk for her either way.

    JEA (367283)

  51. I’m crestfallen

    I like her. A lot. The celebrating of the people I know on Facebook just makes it worse.

    I’d have voted for her for President. Easily the best candidate we had in terms of personality and ability to stay on message.

    The left destroyed her, and will continue to do so. Her giving up her office just puts more blood in the water.

    Wait until 2012 comes around and she’s not running and the “where are they now” segments.

    Letterman’s going to have a field day.

    Hawkins (3d318d)

  52. DRJ, that is most of why I hate this. Palin isn’t at fault for that, but if she had weathered the storm, I thought it would prove that the media and the democrat lawsuits were counterproductive, and we’d have a much better country. Now… the media and dem lawyers are going to ramp it up.

    Kevin Murphy, your logic is hard to argue with. For Palin, being Senator for a while is a great idea. the problem is that someone needs to stop Obama, and that person has to be charismatic. Palin was the only one who showed much of a chance. So… good for Palin, not for me.

    Juan (ba249c)

  53. On FOX News Palin’s brother just said that she was spending 80% of her time defending herself from the state-run press and bogus ethics complaints. She had been doing this for months and wanted to spend more time helping her state but there was no way she could effectively govern when she had to constantly defend herself.

    ** The governor has won 15 different bogus ethics complaints.
    ** The state of Alaska has spent $2 million defending the governor.
    ** It cost those liberals nothing to file the bogus complaints.
    ** Fighting the complaints has left her $500,000 in debt.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  54. Did anyone watch the announcement on TV? Sounds to me like she just cleared the way for a run at President in 2012. To underestimate this woman is a mistake many have made in the past. If you like to eat crow and humble pie keep it up. Notice she did not use a teleprompter to give that speech nor does she ever need to. This woman speaks on what she believes. Doubt her at your own risk. Happyfeet. The only reason McCain did any good against Obama was because of Palin. Please learn to pay attention.

    Zelsdorf Ragshaft III (312d4c)

  55. I’ve seen it reported elsewhere that Palin’s family members say she was spending 80% of her time fighting partisan ethical complaints and didn’t have time to govern, so she’s doing this for Alaska. That fits with her statement that she isn’t willing to be a lame duck governor who is a burden on her State.

    Thus, I’m starting to disagree with the conventional wisdom. Instead, I think she can mount an effective national campaign based on changing the way things have always been done. (Heh.) And I know from my inbox that Palin has been actively soliciting donations in the past month. My guess is the response was good enough she feels she can afford to take it to the next level.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  56. I obviously disagree with happyfeet on this, but I’m glad someone is giving voice to those issues.

    It’s lousy that the ‘game’ is played like a game. But Palin has either reacted to something really serious, or she’s taken a huge risk, or she was overwhelmed by jerks.

    regardless, this is a blemish on her that she either can explain well or overcome or succumb to.

    Juan (ba249c)

  57. DRJ, I think that if the Dems make a habit of trashing opponents children they will find they lose a lot of winnable elections. People don’t much care for negative campaigning against the candidates.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  58. The comment about all the frivolous charges and lawsuits might hold the answer. We don’t read that much about it here but she has been harassed in Alaska; part of that is the goofy location of the state capitol which made sense in 1890 when the rest of the territory was inaccessible and the Yukon was the most active economic zone. It is only territorial jealousy that has kept the capitol from being moved to Anchorage or Wasilla. There have been two initiatives in the past 40 years to move it but they were blocked by Fairbanks. She has an office in Anchorage but has gotten lots of criticism.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  59. Kevin,

    The problem is that good candidates won’t run because they won’t want to expose their families to that kind of abuse.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  60. In #53 are the numbers and Sarah Palin, who obviously loves her state and is immensely proud of it’s uniqueness (much to the disdain of a certain elite segment of the population), could not possibly feel comfortable about the state having to pay out much needed money for such annoyances. And as the quote notes, it’s easy for the left to continue filing bogus claims.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  61. I was pleased and enterained to read the comments by Happyfeet. Seldom does one get to witness the thinking of one who has had a frontal lobotomy and still can write. In fact given the depth of analysis and reasoning I would be shocked if Happyfeet weren’t a member of Obama’s brain trust (or telepromter’s brain trust).

    I believe Palin will be back. She has done an excellent job. There is little wonder the Obamanazis have gone to such lengths to smear her. When you can’t attack someone’s accomplishments or policies, just throw feeces aND THE oBAMANAZIS ARE EXPERT AT IT, IF NOTHING ELSE.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  62. So now they’ve (democrats and the mainstream media, oh wait, they’re the same thing!) driven Sarah Palin out of office with constant law suits and accusations and vicious attacks. I guess in today’s politics, if you don’t agree with someone’s ideas/policies, you can just drive them away by ruining their reputation, constantly litigating, etc. Where do they get all this money? Will their thirst for power ever dim? Can they ever be stopped?

    KD (a7103d)

  63. Yep… look at Cyrus Sanai’s failed campaign. I imagine it cost (very conservatively) tens of thousands of dollars to deal with that. There are at least thousands of crazy people who will hate any prominent republican enough to do that to them.

    Would you, especially if you had a family, follow Sarah Palin’s footsteps? I sure wouldn’t. Imagine what life will be like for Trig once an Andrew Sullivan acolyte gets a hold of him. It’s only a matter of time. look at the awful things said about Bristol in this thread alone. Or on TV. The other daughter actually got rape jokes, and she’s never done a thing.

    Hundreds of millions of republicans got the message: DO NOT OPPOSE DEMOCRATS. Some will scoff and seek public service. Most will not.

    Juan (ba249c)

  64. I think Palin should go on a national debating tour against former governor Howlin’ Howie Dean, wherever that bigoted moron is today. She’d tear him up.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  65. Bristol taught us how to be be responsible and about the consequences of having sex before we’re ready.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  66. Mark Halperin has a list of 10 reasons why she might have done this. I think these reasons are much more persuasive than the “inside sources” Andrea Mitchell says she is talking to:

    WLS Shipwrecked (5c78e2)

  67. my only point of view has nothing to do with politics. I admire Sarah Palin’s politics. She’s a marketing disaster though. I can’t help her.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  68. happyfeet, is there a reason why Bristol’s teenage sex life needs to be brought up at all? You criticize Bristol for talking to kids. Is that really something worth criticizing?

    WLS, that’s a good list. I hope she has something big to say tomorrow. The imagination is at work. I wish for the unlikely event of her announcing a third party effort under the ‘tea party’ or something else fundamentally challenging the GOP in that manner.

    I do think it will be interesting to see how her kids are always attacked for the rest of their lives for being normal people who happened to be related to someone who challenged the One. Joe Biden’s son is a legitimate sleaze, and no one cares. He’s part of the corruption at Amtrak now… no one cares.

    But Palin’s daughter talked to a high school!

    Juan (ba249c)

  69. If it really is all the ethics allegations that are bothering Governor Palin, then she should consider running for a seat in the House of Representatives where apparently you have little chance of ever having to answer for your misdeeds. But then again, maybe that only applies if you are a Democrat and are protected by Nancy Pelosi.

    JVW (a8c610)

  70. Maybe she’s just tired – she has seemed to be getting down lately in the footage I’ve seen her in. I do feel for her, regaredless of her politics. Don’t know how many of you are parents here, but its a tough job raising kids. She’s got a daughter who is a single mom and a special needs aby. My nephew has Downs and my boys are both special needs, and I can tell you it’s a LOT of work.

    JEA (367283)

  71. I shouldn’t call my one son a boy – he’s 19

    JEA (367283)

  72. yes it’s worth criticizing and I will tell you why. The Palin message right now shouldn’t be a here let us impart our values to you message. America doesn’t need values just now what it needs is to kick dirty socialists and their whore media in the balls when they’re not looking and run away and then come back the next day and do it again. Palin had a story to tell about individual liberty, about energy, about fiscal responsibility. Sarah Palin’s values story is effective only insofar as it is tacit.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  73. Howard Kurtz is an idiot. She’s following the Reagan example. As a private citizen she can travel, talk, raise money, build relationships unfettered by burdens of office. And she will not pull a sleazy Clinton move in taking a senate seat under false pretenses. She’s running for President.

    rrpjr (702c0a)

  74. happyfeet, you are conflating Bristol Palin with the ‘palin message’.

    That makes no sense. Usually, when I hear Sarah Palin talk, it’s about economic issues. She only talks about her kids when they are attacked.

    Juan (ba249c)

  75. So now they’ve (democrats and the mainstream media, oh wait, they’re the same thing!) driven Sarah Palin out of office with constant law suits and accusations and vicious attacks. I guess in today’s politics, if you don’t agree with someone’s ideas/policies, you can just drive them away by ruining their reputation, constantly litigating, etc. Where do they get all this money? Will their thirst for power ever dim? Can they ever be stopped?

    Since this tactic works, just use it against the Democrats.

    You criticize Bristol for talking to kids. Is that really something worth criticizing?

    Bristol talking about abstinence is like Barney Frank talking about sex with women.

    Michael Ejercito (833607)

  76. If I was advising Palin, here is what I would tell her.

    1) You’re 45 – that is young for Presidential politics and it is very young for a relative newcomer to Presidential politics. Both Clinton and Obama were the the same age bracket, but they had spent a lifetime in politics before running. You are 30 months removed from being the mayor of a small Alaska town.

    2) You have a young teenage daughter and a special needs infant son and an infant grandchild. You will hate yourself in 10 years if you devote the next decade to pursuit of the Presidency at the expense of your time with them.

    3) Eliminate thoughts of 2012 and even 2016. In 2020, you will be 57 years old — exactly the time when you should be thinking about running for President.

    4) Run for the Senate in 2010. If you win, move your family to Washington DC. and enmesh yourself in the national political scene. Study, think, and write about serious issues of national concern across the spectrum of political topics. MAKE yourself a national figure based on your views.

    5) Run again in 2016, and if you win, then set your sights on the WH. In 2020 your son will be 12 and your teenage daughter will be a grown woman.

    6) Avoid Mark Sanford.

    WLS Shipwrecked (5c78e2)

  77. “She’s following the Reagan example.”

    Uh, no she isn’t. Reagan wasn’t a quitter. Palin is a quitter. Reagan served his terms in office. The going went tough, so Palin got going.

    Jack (900fbe)

  78. I think she has finally had it. How much can one person take? I can’t blame her.

    Dennis D (ae900a)

  79. Jack, the going went tough for Palin like no other candidate in history. The media has never gone after a politician like they have with Palin. Oh, wait, the media hadn’t yet sold it’s soul like they did once Palin came on the scene and became the antithesis of what the media perceived a candidate should be: she, the conservative-Christian-hillbilly-with-big-hair. How dare she! Bush’s bad treatment was just a precursor to the inexhaustible commitment the media would develop toward destroying not only her political life but her private one as well.

    To compare Regan’s tough time and Palin’s isn’t fair or accurate. His personal life was certainly scrutinized but no one in Palin’s family intentionally provoked it like Reagan’s own kids did when they were older and spoke about their dad in less than glowing terms.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  80. Michael Ejercito,

    that’s asinine. Bristol is saying ‘don’t make my mistakes’. If Barney Frank did the same, I would congratulate him.

    Why are so many people unreasonable about this?

    Juan (215a70)

  81. Yes. I conflate. It’s like how Kraft’s name gets conflated with Mac and Cheese when you do a Kraft Mac and Cheese campaign but this has all done been bechattered I think already and Sarah Palin the half-term governor of Alaska isn’t that interesting or relevant as of July 3, 2009 I don’t think. Meghans’s odious daddy and Barack Obama’s dirty socialist media have done stuck a fork in her.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  82. And that tactic doesn’t work for the GOP, Ejercito. We don’t have WAPO lobbyist fundraisers or anything like that. And it’s wrong. both are pretty important factors.

    Juan (215a70)

  83. I think resigning was a mistake if she has political ambitions.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  84. Can we stop wth the criticsim of Bristol please? It’s totally unfair. She’s a 17 year old girl who made a mistake and will have to deal with it for the rest of her life. Lots of young girls – too many – wind up as young unmarried moms. Al least the girl has a loving family to help. And she’s probably the most effective person to warn other young women about the danger of getting pregnant.

    JEA (367283)

  85. And she’s probably the most effective person to warn other young women about the danger of getting pregnant.

    There will be just as many teen mom people as there would have been if Bristol had just stayed home and taken care of her little kid and figured out how she was going to salvage the remnants of her shattered youth I think.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  86. The Anchoress worries she is ill. Ed Morrisey says she is done in politics, this is a flakey exit, regardless of intent. Personally, I think this is big fuck you to the Sullivanesque Trig Truthers and media beserkers out there. She and the family just had enough. I can’t say I blame her.

    Joe (17aeff)

  87. “I don’t know what this means for Sarah Palin but I’m absolutely certain it means Democrats, their surrogates, and the media will launch unlimited attacks against future GOP candidates and their families. Why? Because it works.”


    I’m sorry, DRJ and Patterico. I’m not taking this very well right now. I guess that’s a sin of mine, thinking certain political things should be emotional in nature as well as policy-based (as Karl knows all too well).

    But can we just learn to please, PLEASE, stand behind our people? Give us/them a little encouragement, say to them “Hey, I know you’re trying and fighting the good fight. While I have some suggestions, I just want to say thank you and keep it up.” Maybe Sarah decided to call it quits because not enough of us were doing that in the face of utter hell. I know I’m guilty of that, and it’s making me sick to my stomach right now.

    So let’s trying to comfort and encourage each other, and not try to piss on someone’s political grave, OK?

    Brad S (5709e3)

  88. And JD/happyfeet/et al: Feel free to make fun of me right now. Disparage me for not having a “set of principles.”

    Go ahead. Do it.

    Brad S (5709e3)

  89. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe not. Unlike a mainland governor, staying in Alaska 24/7 is not an option if you want to be a presence in national politics. Thus, I see this as something that makes it more likely Palin wants to be a national player. It also demonstrates she is willing to take risks, which reminds me of what Gary Bauer said about Ronald Reagan:

    “Ronald Reagan was a risk-taker. Conservatives must remember Reagan’s boldness and be willing to take chances in order to revive and extend his legacy. Reagan built his career upon a set of ideas that were profoundly conservative. In so doing he repeatedly challenged the conventional wisdom, not only in the Washington establishment, but among many of his fellow Republicans and even his fellow conservative leaders. He boldly crossed the consensus thinking of his day on the Panama Canal, challenged the GOP’s post-Watergate doldrums in 1976, seized the microphone during his pivotal debate with George Bush in the 1980 New Hampshire primary, endorsed a dramatic cut in personal income taxes, held his course during the 1982 recession, led a reluctant Western alliance to install intermediate-range missiles in Europe, and forged a strategy that he boldly predicted would leave the Soviet Union on the “ash heap of history.”

    IMO Palin needs to devote the upcoming years to articulating and communicating her philosophy in the most public way possible, and I suspect the media will be more than willing to give her a forum to do that in.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  90. Bristol talking about abstinence is like Barney Frank talking about sex with women.

    This is a false analogy. Bristol Palin is pro-abstinence because she has learned from her mistake. She knows firsthand, through a painful and difficult path, why abstinence is the best path.

    What does Barney Frank know about having sex with women? I would venture to say, not much at all…

    Dana (8d88ef)

  91. Don’t worry guys.

    Before, when Obama Party paid bloggers acting on orders from Axelrod posted warped pictures of Trig, Sarah had two options:

    1) Say nothing

    2) Subject herself to going on remote with no control whatsoever over what was said and handing a media biased against her the opportunity to edit the hell out of her clips.

    Now, she can be in New York in six hours and on all three morning shows pointing out how “CelticDiva”, or whatever her name is, is posting these manipulations, how they’re mocking her child, and how this person is a paid operative of the Obama Party, who in fact is acting at the bidding of Barack Obama.

    How do you think that will go over with the American people to hear that Barack Obama is paying people to make distorted and hideous pictures of disabled children in order to score political points?

    North Dallas Thirty (a47a0b)

  92. Brad S,

    I will discuss this topic with you but I’m not here to comfort you.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  93. huh? This is the woman what lent her name and energies and credibility to the cause of putting Meghan’s odious daddy in the Oval Office, Brad. She’s never really recovered from that blunder of judgment.

    What was she thinking?

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  94. Never forgive and never forget. What they did to Sarah Palin they will try on the next conservative candidate.

    Was Steve Schmidt right? No. Steve Schmidt looks like a short fat penis.

    But Schmidt shows you have to be on guard for the internal shiv attack too.

    Joe (17aeff)

  95. What does Karl think?

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  96. And DRJ, when you only want to “discuss” the topic, you send a message to the opposition that you won’t give your heart and soul toward your beliefs.

    Who will stand behind YOU, DRJ, when something you wrote embarrasses the “beautiful people” crowd?

    Brad S (5709e3)

  97. Who will stand behind YOU, DRJ, when something you wrote embarrasses the “beautiful people” crowd?
    Comment by Brad S — 7/3/2009 @ 4:14 pm

    I will… in a heartbeat.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  98. It’s not that fraught unless maybe you gave her a lot of your monies. I had an experience like that with Fred and I’m over it but still I wish he’d stop emailing me all the time cause I’ve moved on and it makes me a little uncomfortable.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  99. happyfeet – I’m on that Fred list, too, and I feel the same way but I’d support Thompson-Palin.

    Stashiu – Ditto.

    Brad S – I support people I believe in. Period.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  100. Here’s my take about Palin’s announcement:

    Potentially brilliant move.

    1. It drives the moonbats up the wall–now who are they gonna fixate on?
    2. Barack Obama will now be losing sleep at night trying to figure out why Sarah did what she did when she did.
    3. This takes the heat off of her. It’s harder for the Left to attack a private citizen (although I’m sure they’ll still try).
    4. She’s going for the green, will have time to work the rubber chicken circuit, and will be able to concentrate on a run for Prez in 2012.
    5. TV and radio opportunities now beckon. Two possibilities: a) she gets her own TV show (maybe on Fox) and b) vacation fill-in for Rush Limbaugh. Both will be very good forums for her.

    MarkJ (42fe5b)

  101. Palin can get me back in her corner no problem if she wants me there. I’m easy. I’m just not at all sure there’s a corner there anymore.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  102. “It’s not that fraught unless maybe you gave her a lot of your monies.”

    Forget about the Left knowing you won’t give your heart and soul toward your beliefs and your people. There’s enough in this comment that makes me question your emotional health.

    Like I said, I’m not taking this very well.

    Brad S (5709e3)

  103. She’s going to be president of Honduras!

    imdw (bb2587)

  104. i see happyfeet took a double dose of st00pid today…..

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  105. There’s no way the Obamapicklebiters drove her to this. They’re something she scrapes off her shoe before she goes in the house. Let’s wait. Maybe she’ll tell us why and maybe she won’t.

    nk (218382)

  106. I think being a fan of Sarah Palin is harmless enough just kind of quixotic given what we know of the public esteem for her.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  107. I think being a fan of Sarah Palin is harmless enough just kind of quixotic given what we know of the public esteem for her.

    Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 4:56 pm

    It depends on which “public” you belong to, I guess.

    nk (218382)

  108. People genuinely believe that this woman is an idiot, nk. They don’t think it’s just funning. They seriously believe she’s an idiot in the same way they believe that ShamWow can hold twelve times its weight in liquid. Sarah Palin is walking away from the only platform she has that lends her credibility, without another one in sight. She needs to have a plan and she needs her supporters on board and so far it’s fail and fail. She doesn’t appear to have a plan and her supporters to varying degrees are wondering wtf while the dirty socialist media frames her as being even pitiful and bizarre and erratic than they already had even though I would have sworn that wasn’t possible.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  109. #106, stinkyfeet, this member of the public holds her in high regard. She’s quite a woman, no matter what haters and idiots have to say. Her life has been full of accomplishment and she’s stood up to a train load of abuse from scum. I don’t know about you, but I can’t match up to her standards, and I don’t know many who can.

    Ropelight (bb3af5)

  110. oh. even *more* pitiful and bizarre and erratic I mean

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  111. You sound like Marcia when she was president of the Davy Jones fan club and we all know how that turned out. It’s icky for people who believe in individual liberty to invest so much in some Alaskan hoochie’s cult of personality I think.

    Don’t tell B Moe I said that.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  112. What?


    JEA (367283)

  113. and “resigning without explanation” is not the same as “[standing] up to a train load of abuse from scum” I don’t think. It’s subtly different.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  114. happyfeet,

    I live with and among Obamabots. I can count the people I know who voted for McCain/Palin without having to take off my shoes. I think the “contempt” and “hatred” is fear. This lady scared them shitless. She boosted McCain’s polls 8% in one evening.

    nk (218382)

  115. happyfeet,

    You may be right about everything you say. But time changes a lot of things, and there’s plenty of time between now and the next 2 Presidential elections. The door is still open for Palin and many candidates.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  116. #45. I think President Harry S. Truman summed it up best:

    “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

    Pathetic. Truly pathetic. Sarah Palin, quitter.
    And so another piece of GOP ‘presidential timber’ falls.
    Dum. Dum. Dum… and another one bites the dust.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  117. I hoped it was or is : a possible announcement of a new third party. Fourth of July weekend. Freedom to travel, speak, learn, and yes… attack the media like a Governor cannot.

    Palin has taken abuse and legal attack like Obama will never see in this lifetime.

    I’ve read this entire thread. Opinions of the regulars have been most helpful, as well as concerning.

    Vermont Neighbor (4126d0)

  118. DCSCA is right. Ask Kerry, Obama and GW Bush know how vicious the opposition can be.

    JEA (367283)

  119. “Palin has taken abuse and legal attack like Obama will never see in this lifetime”

    Oh PLEASE!

    JEA (367283)

  120. #73- Howard Kurtz is an idiot. She’s following the Reagan example. Reagan didn’t resign in midterm from his office as governor of California and he was in office in the turbulent ’60s.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  121. I hope Sarah Palin turns it around, DRJ… I really do. I like her. But if we can’t rid our little country of the vile putrefaction of the dirty socialist gangrene what is spreading and spreading simply by pointing out how icky it is to live in a defiled land then I don’t think there’s any savior that’s gonna turn the tide.

    All this investment in Sarah Palin seems to me to be precisely antithetical to the spirit of the tea party thingers.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  122. JEA – PLEASE!!!!

    It is racist to abuse and legally attack Obama. He said so himself many times. Where were you last year?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  123. #113, that’s because you can’t see beyond your own perverse petards. You seek relevance in the diminution of a woman and her family already under attack by unprincipled demogogues. It’s wrong and unmanly.

    Ropelight (bb3af5)

  124. DCSCA is a pathetic twerp.

    I’m hearing more and more about the guerilla war the Democrats were waging against her in Alaska. It has cost the state over $ 1 million to handle all the bogus ethics complaints and the Palin family, no relation to Teresa Heinz Kerry, have $500,000 in legal bills. With her resigning, the complaints will stop. That may actually be the reason although we’ll hear more about it in days to come.

    The same strategy was used on Newt Gingrich in Congress and finally defeated him. It doesn’t work with Democrats, as we see, because no one expects them to behave ethically.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  125. JEA,

    Neither Kerry, Obama, or even Bush himself have ever faced such a non-stop avalanche of unmasked, unbridled hatred that Sara Palin has had to endure from the media – not even GW Bush on his worst days. It has been relentless, brazen, and without historical journalistic standards in evidence. Until Palin, there was at least an attempt from the media to *appear* neutral. When she came on the scene, the gloves came off.

    To deny this is ridiculously disingenuous.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  126. I am a big Palin supporter. I think this was a horrible move politically. Nobody likes a quitter, and she just gave the media more ammo to potray her as just that — with justification.

    Ironically, I think she is being totally upfront in her statement. She doesn’t think it right to jet around, de facto campaigning, etc. like other governors do, while drawing a paycheck. So she resigns. In a moral sense, that is incredibly honorable. In another it is horribly naive is she wants to continue a political career.

    Then again, people forget in like , a weeks time, it will be interesting to see in a years time how this move stands up.

    hortense (aka horace) (ce3869)

  127. omg with the drama. Yes. More of that, please.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  128. Vermont Neighbor,

    Long time, no see. What exactly is concerning?

    Opinions of the regulars have been most helpful, as well as concerning.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  129. I’m not saying the press has been fair to her – but you hae to have the belly to take that when you’re in national politics these days.

    And don’t don’t insult my intelligence by trying to sugarcoat this as the left only. The attacks on Kerry were vicious and scurrilous.

    JEA (367283)

  130. The attacks on Kerry were vicious and scurrilous.

    Comment by JEA — 7/3/2009 @ 5:32 pm

    By people whom Kerry accused of tactics like those of Genghis Khan and making necklaces out of peoples’ ears. In Congress. Bite me.

    nk (218382)

  131. happyfeet,

    I think Palin has many supporters and some of them are very committed, but I don’t think conservatives are as invested in her as, for instance, liberals are in Obama. She will either run or she won’t and, if she does run, she will either do well or she won’t. I’m willing to wait and see what happens when she runs her own race.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  132. Dana put that very very well at #125. Sarah Palin is not your usual media casualty. They really did a number on her that like it or not left a hell of a mark.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  133. DCSCA

    #45. I think President Harry S. Truman summed it up best:

    “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

    No. In the brave new Obama world if you can’t stand the heat, have daddy Soros buy the kitchen. Then, hold every transparent news event on a fake soundstage, filled with fake actors, teleprompters and compensated HuffPo reporters, as well as any Acorn socialistas ready to support the fraud. (See: Helen Thomas for complete criticism.)

    Vermont Neighbor (4126d0)

  134. When did John Kerry repeatedly have his reproductive activity put under the microscope? When were the paternity of his children repeatedly speculated upon? When were the demands for his hospital records made following the birth of a child?

    The point is, the media went brazenly in the very most private areas of Palin’s life like no other candidate had experienced. Name me a person on the left who experienced the same invasive treatment with the same level of hatred.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  135. I hear you DRJ but I would still assert that Sarah Palin has a relative dearth of causal supporters. She seems to be largely an all in kind of thing.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  136. Hmm,

    I hope Sarah Palin turns it around, DRJ… I really do. I like her.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 5:25 pm


    I would hate to be this dimbulb’s agent cause she doesn’t give you a lot to work with.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 12:13 pm


    And she is either too stupid or too blindly ambitious to see that.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 12:25 pm


    It’s icky for people who believe in individual liberty to invest so much in some Alaskan hoochie’s cult of personality I think.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 5:12 pm


    Sarah Palin knows darn well her daughter is just a stupid and quite common git what couldn’t keep her legs together and not She Who Has A Valuable Message, but the idea that her daughter was She Who Has A Valuable Message was irresistible to the unsophisticated Sarah Palin I think.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 1:07 pm

    Just not feeling the love there happyfeet. Being completely candid and truthful when it comes to Palin is a bit hard for you I think.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  137. Mike K,

    Interesting point. She may have done this in part to stop the legal expenses, especially if her SarahPAC fundraising has decreased.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  138. sorry – I meant *casual* at 135. Mr. Stashiu I don’t mean to be hypocritical but it’s just that politicians are inherently gross and icky people that want power over me. So there’s always a bit of the love/hate thing going on. They’re almost as bad as journalists.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  139. What’s a “causal supporter”?

    nk (218382)

  140. i said I was sorry, nk

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  141. #124- Hmmmm. Speak for yourself. And even if there’s some threads of truth to it, President Truman’s statement, If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” applies even more.

    More pedestrian conservatives of the Archie Bunker ilk who are fuming along your lines may easily sum Palin quitting with one of of his best lines: “Dingbat!”

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  142. Ok, what’s a “casual supporter”?

    nk (218382)

  143. #133- Yes. It’s clear: Palin is a quitter.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  144. Me I am a casual supporter of Sarah Palin. If she were to be nominated I’d vote for her against any given dirty socialist. I voted for Meghan’s odious daddy for jeebus’ sake. But the part where she gets nominated is sort of her problem not mine.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  145. Maybe she just wants to flesh out her resume’ by becoming a community organizer as she prepares to be President.

    Huey (509c33)

  146. “I’m not saying the press has been fair to her”

    JEA – Why not stop being a pussy then and come right out and say that the press has been unfair to her. Do you have a problem with that?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  147. happyfeet,

    I’m hardly a fan of politicians, but your comments about Palin and her daughter were filled with gratuitous insults, as I quoted. If you don’t mean to be hypocritical, then don’t be. Join DCSCA and the others snarking at her if you wish, maybe you’ll enjoy the company. Don’t expect me to believe that you like her when you casually call her an “Alaskan hoochie”.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  148. #73- Howard Kurtz is an idiot. She’s following the Reagan example. Reagan didn’t resign in midterm from his office as governor of California and he was in office in the turbulent ’60s.Comment by DCSCA — 7/3/2009 @ 5:25 pm

    Reagan ran for president as a private citizen. That’s my point.

    And #100 MarkJ is dead right — it’s a potentially brilliant move for all the reasons he cites. I’ll add one more. Come 2012, she’ll look like even more of a non-politician.

    rrpjr (cfb792)

  149. Allright, allright, I do not put my faith in princes, or princesses either, and I deride the Left for doing so, but … I think Sarah Palin can kick some serious Democrat butt. I think I will send her some money.

    nk (218382)

  150. “It’s clear: Palin is a quitter.”

    DCSCA – A quitter at what? She is leaving her term as governor early and explained why. What she has not explained is her next move.

    Her biography certainly gives the impression of a quitter, doesn’t it. Could you cite some more examples, nimrod.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  151. “Oh boo hoo hoo! The press is being unFAIR to me!”

    Why the hell don’t you all stop whining like 5 year olds???

    JEA (367283)

  152. hey Dana,

    My concerns: concerning that it’s all sitting at the moment with loose ends. To give the Arianna-elite time to pause on their yachts this weekend and put down the kobe burgers and attack some more.

    Jonah Goldberg and Krauthammer are now the two latest examples of doing what we did in November. Analyze and attack from within.

    Does anyone happen to see that when Arianna doesn’t like a story, she simply doesn’t run it? It’s almost worse than the Palin derangement sh-t because they’re really covering for this socialist-thug and his blackmailing cohorts. When yet another Barry lie is exposed or a blunder is revealed, HuffPoet just doubles down on the Jennifer Aniston stories. So people at this site are (as usual) having real discussion and voicing real concerns. The ‘BOTS never once doubted, dissed or discussed Obama or his mistakes. It’s a strategy that this country has never seen before. My goodness… even Helen Thomas and Glenn Greenwald have opened up about the deception of ‘transparency.’

    I continue to support this accomplished woman and await the next piece of information. Sarah Palin is a reformer (and you sure can’t buy that line as spouted by Obama.)

    Vermont Neighbor (4126d0)

  153. JEA, again, point out where anyone on the left has had the activity of their uterus and/or reproductive activity put up for public debate by the media.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  154. Why the hell don’t you all stop whining like 5 year olds???

    Comment by JEA — 7/3/2009 @ 5:53 pm

    Why don’t you just pleasure yourself in front of Kosmas Moulitsas’s picture?

    nk (218382)

  155. #137- DRJ, there’s zero rationale for leaving office in midterm. Any political excuse smacks of putting self ahead of the people she was elected to serve. Leaders don’t quit like this. Reagan didn’t quit. Even Nixon didnt want to quit and said so moments before he announced his resignation. Palin’s chances of holding national office now are nil. But she’ll certainly continue to draw on the rubber chicken circuit for the GOP coffers, unless there’s some hint of scandal behind this. But the initial reaction is when things get heated or tough, she’s a quitter. And every friend or foe around the globe now knows it. But I can appreciate the disappointment conservatives must be feeling. A lot of the hard right invested a lot of hopes in her. She let them down and the citizens of her state down as well.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  156. Well, mainly because I’m not gay like you, nk.

    JEA (367283)

  157. That’s not fair exactly Mr. Stashiu cause that was just irreverence, the stuff you cite. If I were to do gratuitous insulting it would be much different. I just don’t have the same relationship with Sarah Palin that many of you guys do and I’m really a lot not interested in having reverence for a Republican politician these days. Unless George Bush runs again. He’s so cool and I love him very much and I am very grateful for his service.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  158. I tried to post a message and it glitched. Here it is again.

    Happyfeet? I’m with Stashiu3 in comment #147. The insults could have been written by you-know-who before he takes his latest dose of Risperidone.

    You are better than that.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  159. Who will stand behind YOU, DRJ, when something you wrote embarrasses the “beautiful people” crowd?

    I will.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  160. Well, mainly because I’m not gay like you, nk.

    Comment by JEA — 7/3/2009 @ 5:58 pm

    My sympathies. It must be hard difficult to have a manlove and not be gay.

    nk (218382)

  161. happyfeet, you referred to a woman as an (Alaskan) hoochie and her daughter as a quite common git (who couldn’t keep her legs together) – what’s not gratuitously insulting about that?

    Dana (8d88ef)

  162. Eric – that’s totally not fair cause a lot of those insults I snuck in there and they only look totally gratuitous when they get all compiled like that. Sneaky compiler trickses. Stashiu3 is a treacherous sneaky compiler is what he is.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  163. #129, Thanks, I haven’t had Kerry to kick around for some time. Yes, I recall the windsurfing Democrat gigolo so-called war hero who tossed his decorations away only to have them reappear on display in his office next his magic hat, the hat he got for Christmas in Cambodia when he wasn’t there. Kerry’s the pipsqueak who gave eye-witness testimony in Congress about things he never saw. The guy who’s honored in North Vietnam for helping them win the war. Is that the scurrilous dog you think has been unfairly exposed for exactly what he is, an unpatriotic dirty rotten commie rat?

    Ropelight (bb3af5)

  164. oh please with the demanding of the reverence of the Sarah Palin. Gack. Who do you think she is, Jared Padalecki?

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  165. As for the very wise folks who, without any information, seem to predict the end of Sarah Palin’s political career…

    Well, pundits have done that before. Remember this?

    “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.”


    To be sure, there may be good reason to be upset/disappointed/jubilant about Sarah Palin’s resignation.

    But we don’t have the facts yet.

    How about getting those facts and thinking about them before joining the Happy Dance of the Left™ in their mean-spirited conga line?

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  166. Happyfeet, when Dana gets annoyed, you might want to re-examine your humor.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  167. feets – At least you didn’t call her a dirty, dirty whore or anything and suggest she put on her flight attendant uniform, so you’ve got that going for you, which is nice.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  168. #164, I don’t know if this is in response to my question in #161, and I had to Google Jared Padalecki, but I was surprised to see you use these terms when referring to a woman and her daughter. It just seems so *not* you.

    And I never liked Jared Padalecki in the Gilmore Girls.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  169. Happyfeet comes up with odd connections, Dana. JP is pretty good in the very odd television show, “Supernatural.”

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  170. I smell sumpin’ and it aint roses.

    wheeler's cat (0ef64b)

  171. feets – Good warning from Eric. Watch out for those flying Jimmy Choos from Dana.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  172. Who will stand behind YOU, DRJ, when something you wrote embarrasses the “beautiful people” crowd?

    I will.

    Comment by Patterico — 7/3/2009 @ 6:00 pm

    I did not want to acknowledge that idiot, but since our host did ….

    I will be standing in front of you, DRJ. They will have to come through me to get to you.

    nk (218382)

  173. no Mr. Blair because Dana is being unfair … what I said about Bristol and her phony spokespersonhood for the “cause” of what happens when Levi forgets to use protection and I embarrass my mother in front of Lord, God and everyone is a very valid point. It speaks very much to Sarah Palin’s political instincts to put her daughter forward as a hapless and futile spokesperson who won’t ever never prevent a single teen pregnancy instead of telling her to go to her room and not come out until she has her act together.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  174. happyfeet, I’m surprised too because I have always found you to be a charming and colorful commenter, and just this week asked JD (on another thread, after he met with you for dinner), if you were indeed as charming in person as you are here. He said that you are. Color me puzzled…

    Dana (8d88ef)

  175. JP is also a Texan! A lot of people don’t know that but it’s true. Just like Farrah except he’s not dead.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  176. Look what the cat dragged in.

    I’m happy to put an investigation of Palin in line behind…

    Who else, folks?

    Ah….but that’s different!

    I am perfectly happy to see any politician shown to be involved with illegal activities out of office.

    But I notice that some politicians seem to get more media scrutiny than others. And it seems to do with the presence of a particular letter. And it ain’t “D.”

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  177. I blame Stashiu and his sneaky compiler tricks. Everything was fine until he did his sneaky little list thing.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  178. Everything was fine until he did his sneaky little list thing.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 6:15 pm

    In all fairness, you listed them first. Just not together. 😉

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  179. Happyfeet, Dana is not being unfair. If you have a daughter, perhaps you would better understand. If you do have a daughter, I just don’t understand you clinging to the “humor.”

    Whatever. I wish you well. But we are sure not going to agree on this point.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  180. “Oh boo hoo hoo! The press is being unFAIR to me!” Why the hell don’t you all stop whining like 5 year olds???”

    JEA, all I’m going to say to a moral worm like you is this:

    Bad Karma. It affects more than just Republicans.

    Brad S (279a33)

  181. DCSCA:
    Your fervent dedication to this thread and this candidate shows that you continue to view her as a threat to Obama. No matter the outcome. Jig’s up , dude.

    #137- DRJ, there’s zero rationale for leaving office in midterm. Any political excuse smacks of putting self ahead of the people she was elected to serve. Leaders don’t quit like this. Reagan didn’t quit. Even Nixon didnt want to quit and said so moments before he announced his resignation. Palin’s chances of holding national office now are nil. But she’ll certainly continue to draw on the rubber chicken circuit for the GOP coffers, unless there’s some hint of scandal behind this. But the initial reaction is when things get heated or tough, she’s a quitter. And every friend or foe around the globe now knows it. But I can appreciate the disappointment conservatives must be feeling. A lot of the hard right invested a lot of hopes in her. She let them down and the citizens of her state down as well. DCSCA.

    Vermont Neighbor (4126d0)

  182. happyfeet,

    Language the problem is. English you should learn to speak, I think. Two-year old do it can.

    nk (218382)

  183. I wish you well too. I respect your respect for the Sarah Palin I just don’t feel it and she’s in many ways not unlike an Alaskan hoochie and her daughter did indeed make quite an unprecedented spectacle of herself in the middle of a national campaign.

    nk you’re just mean.

    Y’all are getting very enforcey about the Sarah Palin love.

    I have a song for nishi here but not for the rest of you enforcey people what are so very judgey. Judgey and cold and severe. oh. The song, it might could be old cause I sort of do music at my own pace now that I don’t have a commute so I have a lot less music time than I used to.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  184. I polled the most important people in my life, my kids, where the count was unanimous,” she said. “Well, in response to asking, ‘Hey, you want me to make a positive difference and fight for all our children’s future from outside the governor’s office?’ It was four yeses and one ‘Hell, yeah!” And the ‘Hell, yeah’ sealed it.”

    Bad news…oh, no, not another “it’s for the children.” Then again, if she means the reducing the national debt, not so bad news.

    Good news…Hell, yeah! beats the pucky out of Hope and Change.

    political agnostic (a2284d)

  185. Thank you, nk, Patterico and Stashiu. You are good friends.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  186. happyfeet,

    I don’t believe I’m being unfair. I don’t like to see any women gratuitously insulted. Bristol Palin is an easy target because she got pregnant outside of wedlock and the whole world got to point their self-righteous fingers. I hate to see you or any other decent person fall into that. It’s too easy – until we fall ourselves. Casting the first stone and all that…

    Hoochie is defined as: A woman usually defined as being a promiscuous or other wise a slut.

    Never have I read anywhere about Palin behaving sluttishly or promiscuously (these might be the only accusations not made of her).

    Therefore, these are insults. Gratuitously thrown.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  187. I don’t acknowledge the issue. I am not targeting Bristol. When Bristol gets targeted you should see it cause it’s like a force of nature and not at all like anything I said. Same with Sarah. Go to Protein Wisdom and google “thor”. My token irreverences add nothing, nothing I say, to the enmity the Palins face on these crewel internets and also on the tv. Print, too. oh. And radio also.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  188. Oh, happyfeet…

    “…and she’s in many ways not unlike an Alaskan hoochie and her daughter did indeed make quite an unprecedented spectacle of herself in the middle of a national campaign…”

    Tell me how this approach is unlike DCSCA’s ravings? Because it isn’t, you know.

    Doubling down on “hoochie”? Really?

    You call my response to this mindless defense of Sarah Palin. I think not.

    My opinion doesn’t matter, of course.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  189. So, I just drove from Indianapolis to Destin, got settled in, and find out that all hell has broken loose.

    Y’all are wrong about happyfeet. I do not know how to explain it except to say you are wrong.

    Wronger than Brad S, International Man of Parody, JEA, and nishi combined.

    Add me to that list that would stand behind, next to, or wherever else DRJ asked me to.

    See therapy if you are that invested in a candidate, Brad S. It is not healthy.

    I grow more and more ambivalent about Palin daily.

    JD (e27728)

  190. DRJ, there are many people who would also defend you against personal insults here and elsewhere. They have before, in fact. I am honored to be among them.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  191. Comment by Vermont Neighbor — 7/3/2009 @ 5:55 pm

    Jonah Goldberg and Krauthammer are now the two latest examples of doing what we did in November. Analyze and attack from within.

    I read both Goldberg and Krauthammer’s essays on Palin today and it’s interesting because I did not see them as an attack but rather a game plan for her if she intends to move forward in politics and running for office. They were reasonable observations of her (she is not the complete candidate – yet) and pointed out her weaknesses (in light of an upcoming run) and then each followed these observations by their suggestions of what they believed she needed to work on and master if she were to succeed. If they were just attacks, would they have also suggested remedies for said deficits? I think she needs smart, knowledgeable people who think highly of her to point out the shortcomings. She does not need to surround herself with ‘yes’ men and flatterers. (See: Obama).

    Good politicians can learn how to win over audiences, but the great ones are born with the ability. Reagan had it. Clinton had it. Obama has it. You have it. You are the “It Girl” of the GOP.

    What you lack, you can learn.

    And the bottom line: So here’s my advice. Stay home and do your job and your homework. You’ll still be a national figure come the primaries. But if you can’t surprise your detractors with your grasp of policy when you re-emerge on the national stage, you won’t win the nomination. More important, you won’t deserve to.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  192. Thank you JD. And I will not make a point of coming here and gratuitously offending y’all’s Sarah Palin sensibilities I promise. But I don’t promise nothing about Huckabee.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  193. It’s not our job to defend Sarah Palin if her own actions generate added scrutiny, but I hope we will give her a chance to show how she plans to serve in the future.

    Of course, one thing she will have to answer for is the claim she is a quitter. When that happens, I hope she reminds people how the current President abandoned his Senate seat – practically from the first day — to run for President. And I especially hope Palin points out that Barack Obama made sure he kept his Senate salary while he campaigned.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  194. JD, you are a great guy. But…

    “..Y’all are wrong about happyfeet. I do not know how to explain it except to say you are wrong….”

    All we have is what the fellow writes, and how he responds to objections. The pattern of repeating the insult, and saying that he has been framed (though, again, repeating the insults) does not fit the happyfeet you describe.

    And objecting to the “hoochie” business is not mindless defense of Sarah Palin.

    Finally, saying that the current insults are minor compared to those found at Protein Wisdom is the very definition of damned by faint praise.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  195. Eric if it helps I had to resurrect the word hoochie especially for M’chelle. Now it’s sort of just at hand.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  196. Thank you, Eric and JD. I’m blushing.

    happyfeet – Don’t fret. I think the response was more a reaction to your comments about Palin’s daughter. People are touchy about kids here, but like JD I believe you meant no offense.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  197. Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 6:34 pm

    My respect for you just lessened by 37.4% or so. Not that you should care, but you should know.

    It’s not about loving Palin, it’s about unfair insults against someone who has too many thrown her way already. You really do sound like DCSCA on this. Pointing to another site for moral relativity doesn’t mean anything to me… I don’t hang out there anymore. I go by your comments here and really thought you were better than this. My mistake, won’t happen again.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  198. let’s stop arguing and listen to ting tings … They’re British!

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  199. Palin’s approval ratings have fallen 20-30% in Alaska since she was elected governor…apparently she can’t stand the heat in the kitchen.

    mj (6ffaae)

  200. nk you’re just mean.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 6:27 pm

    I sometimes go against the current here, too, happyfeet. It’s good not to be in an echo chamber. But … you know … you’re not in an echo chamber.

    nk (218382)

  201. If y’all want to see gratuitous, ask happyfeet what he thinks about McCain and Huckabee, and be prepared to blush and laugh harder than ever.

    I shook hands with Sarah, and she has a magnetism. My daughters got to see her give a speech. Yet, I am ambivalent.

    Great point on Teh One, DRJ. Except you forgot to note that the dirty little socialist told an outright lie when asked directly about running.

    JD (e27728)

  202. It is always hilarious to see the International Man of Parody using insults that apply more to his own cult leaders than to his targets.

    As for standing with DRJ, I can’t count myself as being as good company as Patterico, Stashiu et al, but hopefully DRJ knows she can rely upon me.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  203. No, DRJ, the response was about two women being insulted that I don’t believe deserved those specific insults. This has nothing to do with being “touchy” about my own kids. We’ve witnessed the left insult with reckless abandon the Palin family – I hate to see the right reflect that.

    I remain puzzled by the choice of words and how they can’t be seen as insulting. But that may just be me, and that’s fine.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  204. ok DRJ I hear you and that’s fair but she went on daytime tv and a speaking tour. It’s an own goal as far as distractyness goes. The cause of not dirty socialism is so much much bigger than a Sarah Palin and I will follow anyone what leads a charge against it but if they decide to lead a charge against it and then resign in the middle and not really say why I think I will be a lot annoyed.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  205. Obama did not “abandon his Senate seat” any more than McCain, Kerry or Dole did theirs.

    There’s got to be more to this. You don’t quit as governor after just 2 and a half years into your FIRST term to prepare for a Presidential run in 3 years. No damn way. This is political suicide. Somethings going to break. Federal corruption charges, sex scandal, Trig truth, something.

    This is no resume builder.

    steve (40f892)

  206. Sure, steve, Andrew Sullivan fantasies are going to come true.


    SPQR (26be8b)

  207. Happyfeet – Care to share your thoughts on Huckabee and McCain?

    JD (e27728)

  208. Please don’t ask, but you can’t possibly know how much I appreciate all you, my “imaginary” friends, with whom I can discuss politics and exchange jokes with.

    nk (218382)

  209. Go to Protein Wisdom

    No! Happyfeet, they yell to much there! Always YELLING.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  210. hai feets.
    ty for the tune.
    heres a reciprocal…..kinda goin’ out to Sarah Palin.

    Hey hey little razorblade
    girl you’re so so serious
    You’re only pretty when you walk away

    dayum….now you’re l33t like meh.

    wheeler's cat (0ef64b)

  211. Add steve to the list of trig twoofers, which makes you no better than Excitable Andy.

    JD (e27728)

  212. I think Spice might take it wrong if I was to stand beside DRJ, so before or behind, m’dear, wherever there’s room!

    htom (412a17)

  213. I would get banned banned banned I think JD and very very fast too. A certain decorousness needs must prevail except in the new thread and I am definitely On Board With That. I like the roller boogie one nishi. I will listen to their other stuff this weekend. hey. A rhino baby!

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  214. Go over to that other thread and just inset Tbagg every time you would have typed F*ckabee or McCain 😉

    You have mail …

    JD (e27728)

  215. Dana,

    I never said you were touchy about your kids. I said people here are touchy about kids. I certainly could be wrong but, in my opinion, happyfeet’s comments about Palin’s daughter(s) were the trigger that caused other comments to be viewed with more skepticism and alarm.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  216. DRJ,

    I am a person here, so…… You didn’t specify who it was addressed to but I thought that since I had been a part of the conversation, perhaps you were referring to my comments as well as others. My mistake apparently.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  217. steve,

    Despite his electrifying speech at the Democratic Convention in August 2004, Obama stated, “I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years.”

    Obama’s Senate term began in January 2005 and a mere 17 months later, in October 2006, he announced he was considering a Presidential run. And he clearly had been laying the groundwork for a run before that announcement, as evidenced by his August 2006 trip to Kenya. Thus, it’s hard not to view Obama as having abandoned his Senate seat, but I agree he never abandoned his paycheck.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  218. Dana,

    Obviously you are a person here and I understand the comments upset you. I also understand you have explained which comments upset you and I respect that. My point was that I thought the initial offense was that the comments focused on kids — whether it was your kids, mine, Palin’s, whatever — and that’s what I was warning happyfeet to avoid.

    I believe the other comments, even use of a word like hoochie, would have been chalked up to happyfeet’s tendency to use creative vocabulary … but it was the kid reference that made people view the sum total of comments with a jaundiced eye.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  219. It was just the one daughter I think. The one what had the little baby. Sarah shouldn’t have let her take on a public role I don’t think. I still think that, and for two reasons.

    First because there is genuinely nothing remarkable about Bristol to warrant it, which sounds harsher than it is, and second because it’s irrelevant to a discussion of what is happening to our sticken little country as it suffers and writhes and writhes and suffers in the clutches of Barack the Defiler.

    Sarah Palin is a half term governor with no more substance to her experience than John Edwards or Barack Obama or any other lightweight inexperienced mediagenic personality what leans heavily on marketing and charisma. What she does not do is necessarily command anyone’s allegiance by dint of anything you can point at or label, and if you listen to her speech today, and you add up what you know of her, the greatest heft of the ill-defined concept we know as “Sarah Palin” is derivative of one thing and one thing only: They hate her. They really really hate her.

    I’m a lot wary of embracing that.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  220. Well, one thing is for certain, as DRJ says, Palin is not the right’s Obama. Maybe she will overcome this and maybe she won’t, but the core principle of limited and accountable government is what the right wants… we were pleased to think an attractive and badass woman would sell that idea better, but this wasn’t about her.

    We aren’t going to hero worship anybody.

    I’m disappointed, so the left’s mockery has an element of truth in it. Palin was unable to govern and handle these attacks and run for prez. Of course, Obama wasn’t able to handle attacks much at all, and he certainly wasn’t able to be senator and run for president at the same time (which geographically seems like an easy task).

    Either way, the right needs to relax a bit. We can still sell our idea that Obama is going way too far with spending, is not accountable enough, and has the wrong approach to foreign policy. honestly, Obama is selling that idea better than Palin ever was going to.

    We almost won with Mccain, for God’s sake. It’s really up to the American people to decide whether they want to be liberal or conservative. This is all so much window dressing.

    We can all see why Steve Schmidt, a savvy political strategist, and Sarah Palin, did not see eye to eye. Palin has a sheer boldness to her, and that may be both her greatest asset and greatest weakness.

    I pray her family is OK and that this isn’t some illness issue.

    Juan (ab12c8)

  221. Palin has simply decided to go Galt for a while.

    Official Internet Data Office (bc15a9)

  222. happyfeet:

    Sarah Palin is a half term governor with no more substance to her experience than John Edwards or Barack Obama or any other lightweight inexperienced mediagenic personality what leans heavily on marketing and charisma

    I like Palin because I like what she stands for: She believes in lower taxes and an expanded energy program that will provide energy for a growing economy. She is against redistribution of wealth. Best of all, she wants government to get out of people’s way. On foreign policy, she has expressed strong support for Israel and continued sanctions on North Korea and Iraq. And if other candidates stand for these things, I’ll like them, too.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  223. LOL. I would love to see her in a ‘Who’s John Galt’ T-Shirt.

    Happyfeet, dude, we understand your POV. I don’t understand why it needs to be repeated with no variation.

    It’s been well proven that Sarah Palin’s kid is not completely controlled by Sarah Palin. So if she’s going to marry some jackass or talk to a school months ago, that’s that. It’s such a tiny damn thing and is one of the worst proxies by which to judge Sarah Palin. I do not think the average voter even knows about it.

    You seem to think this legitimizes attacks on Bristol. It really doesn’t. I talk to high school kids sometimes (not as a big wig… as a mentor). People do that kind of thing. It’s tiny and over long ago and *good*.

    Seriously, what a wonderful world this would be if that was the worst thing our leaders did!

    But you are so right about the rest of your comment.

    I have a hard time embracing Sarah too, because, as you said, so much of her definition is simply that she drives the left insane. I want to DEFEND her with my support (and indeed, I sent her a little cash just for her legal defense fund today). I like her charisma, and I think she gets limited government and energy policy. but… so do a lot of people. I hope that Palin lives up to your threshold and shows us some depth.

    Juan (ab12c8)

  224. As I stated a few times, DRJ, I was puzzled, not upset at the choice of words. And because of how I have consistently viewed the commenter as charming and colorful (as I stated), it made me scratch my head that much more. Let’s leave it at that.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  225. I like what she stands for too, DRJ and even if I don’t see any reason to get particularly excited about her I already said and I really really mean it that if you guys all get together and give her the nod and she gets nominated I will be behind her 100% forever and ever. But I strongly suspect she’s a waste of time and attention and I know with certainty in my heart that Palin vs. Obama is nourishment to dirty socialisms everywhere. Mother’s milk, it is.

    We can win by being resoundingly against this ongoing dirty socialist travesty. We can’t win by nominating someone whose very existence is magnetic to the bigoted and media-stoked hostilities of over 50% of the electorate.

    oh. ok there’s another iteration. Jeez y’all are snippy. “Here comes Sarah Palin with all her snippy snippy friends,” they will say, and they will be bang on, they will.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  226. Dana, I think happyfeet is sincere, and it is so regrettable that Sarah’s daughter let her down. I hate to say that, because she was just a kid and this isn’t my damn business, but wow… when that woman looks at what has happened in the world and to her poor demonized mother, I am sure she feels awful about it.

    that’s why I understand why she would try to do something, even if it was small and unlikely to change the world. Going out there and talking to kids probably was difficult for Bristol and I do not suspect Sarah Palin ‘made her do it’.

    DRJ’s list of reasons to support Sarah Palin is a great list. I stand behind any politician who believes in those things, and I still stand behind Sarah even though she’s got her work cut out for her at this point.

    A further point, happyfeet: this is the world that elected Obama. I wish it weren’t, but Obama’s traits and media tendencies and perhaps even light experience are what it takes to win this highest office.

    I would happily support some ugly stuttering double parker if he had the right principles and the magic qualities, but right now, to be president you probably have to be young, hot, and with a thin enough resume that you can be many things to many people.

    What a dumb system we have.

    Juan (ab12c8)

  227. Palin’s latest tweets. After announcing a resignation – minus a full explanation – this isn’t business as usual…Is she being coy? Should she refrain from this until she gives a full explanation to the people of Alaska; don’t they deserve that?

    # In Juneau- gorgeous & 82¤ on eve of Independence Day. Thinking of our vets who kept us free & our troops keeping us free today: THANK YOU!31 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

    #Check out Lt. Gov. Parnell’s response re: my announcement today @ 6 hours ago from web

    Dana (8d88ef)

  228. #184- In effect, Palin said she wants to spend more time with her family. When a politician says that, watch out for the other shoe to drop. Once again I point to President Truman and how he handled criticism in the press by a reviewer of daughter Margaret’s recital. He gave’em hell in a letter that’s still stinging to read. Palin could have learned a lot if she read up on Harry about handling heat in the kitchen, unpopular decision making and having your kid picked on in the press.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  229. happyfeet, don’t take it the wrong way. This is just a sore issue. It’s good that someone is trying to be critical of Sarah Palin. We’re not talking about a dog catcher job.

    While I am glad people stand behind DRJ, and I think her work is fantastic and I would also stand behind her, Brad’s comment about how it’s tragic the right didn’t stand behind Palin really makes some sense.

    Why didn’t Mccain, Bush, Romney etc say at least some generic ‘I am a fan of Palin and the attacks on her disgrace the entire process!’ comment? And much worse in my eyes, the MSM righties like Krauthammer, while they certainly had some good points for her, really were in such a rush to ridicule her or dismiss her. I remember Noonan’s horrible comments on that hot mike. What the hell? This lady was taking so much heat, and our ‘side’ of the debate should have lent a hand when it was obvious she needed it.

    The left would have done this for theirs, and they are honorable to some extent in a way I feel the right is only honorable on the blogosphere.

    Juan (ab12c8)

  230. Oh, DCSCA, I sure wouldn’t criticize someone for not reading about historical issues if I were you. Remember the number of times that your own…um….uneven mastery of historical fact has been analyzed (and not by me, so don’t get all shirty)?

    But then, it wouldn’t be Troll Time™ without you.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  231. DCSCA, Truman was an amazing man that would have been considered a right wing extremist today. John Conyers would be considering his impeachment.

    What a great man, though. Truly, he had leadership ability, and it’s not just Palin who should study him. Obama claims to know that DADT is wrong, but lack’s Truman’s backbone. Like FDR, Obama will let someone else integrate the military where he sees a moral necessity because Obama can’t take the heat.

    Now, if Palin couldn’t run her office with all the attacks, I think she did Alaskans a favor, even though I am sure the ‘quitter’ label will be there. How sad that she had to do that, if this is her reason. Perhaps she knows she is running for president and can’t do so from Alaska. That’s pretty legit in my view. Obama, of course, did not do his job as Senator. Missed almost all meetings and barely ever showed up to vote. He was also running for prez, but wanted the title and the paycheck more than Palin wants hers.

    I hope you can come up with better attacks on Palin, because while these stick now, we all know that she resigned now because these attacks will be old news in a year, and she was going to have to resign at some point.

    Juan (ab12c8)

  232. Here is a better link for poor Sarah


    I’m waiting
    For my moment to come
    I’m waiting
    For the movie to begin
    I’m waiting
    For a revelation
    I’m waiting for someone
    To count me in

    Cos now
    I only see my dreams
    In everything I touch
    Feel their cold hands on
    Everything that I love
    Cold like some
    Magnificant skyline
    Out of my reach
    But always
    In my eyeline now

    Did you wanna be a winner?
    Did you wanna be an icon?
    Did you wanna be famous?
    Did you wanna be the president?
    Did you wanna start a war?
    Did you wanna have a family?
    Did you wanna be in love?
    Did you wanna be in love?

    wheeler's cat (0ef64b)

  233. Well said (or written), Juan. I’m very disappointed in John McCain about his lack of support for Sarah Palin. Certainly, he could have made hay correctly criticizing the press for their nastiness, having experienced some of that himself (and also his wife).

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  234. I agree with you Juan. I think people are misremembering that I originally brought up Bristol not so much to “attack” her but to illustrate how conventional Sarah Palin’s media instincts are in what she should very much appreciate is an extremely unconventional media environment. I think this remains true and that the appropriate response to her announcement today is a hearty wtf. I don’t get how this helps defeat socialisms or reframe the narrative or change the price of peanut butter. I don’t get it at all and I think a lot of people are pretending she made sense but they don’t get it either. And I’m sorry Dana I should have engaged you more directly to address your feeling but I didn’t and now it’s kind of late to get all rehashy about things.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  235. I agree with you Juan. I think people are misremembering that I originally brought up Bristol not so much to “attack” her but to illustrate how conventional Sarah Palin’s media instincts are in what she should very much appreciate is an extremely unconventional media environment. I think this remains true and that the appropriate response to her announcement today is a hearty wtf. I don’t get how this helps defeat socialisms or reframe the narrative or change the price of peanut butter. I don’t get it at all and I think a lot of people are pretending she made sense but they don’t get it either. And I’m sorry Dana I should have engaged you more directly to address your feelings but I didn’t and now it’s kind of late to get all rehashy about things. Now I am going to listen to Keane and then watch a movie after.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  236. sorry

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  237. No apologies necessary, happyfeet. It’s a weird thing to try to have a conversation w/one person amongst so many and keep track. Other people enter in the gabfest, wires get mixed, and trains of thought get lost ’round the bend.

    As I said, I wasn’t upset, just puzzled and was compelled to make a good faith attempt to understand where you were coming from. We may just see this a tad differently and that is quite all right. At the end of the day, it is indeed about beating those dirty socialists.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  238. Yes. Thank you the Dana who is gracious and patient.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  239. #231- …we all know that she resigned now because these attacks will be old news in a year, and she was going to have to resign at some point…

    The kitchen will always be too hot for her.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  240. I like it better when my friends don’t fight. But sometimes they do. In the end, we can all agree on the following …

    Teh One is teh suck.
    The MSM is almost as bad as Teh One.
    Wheelers and International Man of Parody are worthy of nothing other than contempt and scorn.
    The Left hates Palin.

    JD (f4934f)

  241. Now that is a straight line!

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  242. I meant #239, of course. But I don’t need to complete the joke; it’s pretty obvious.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  243. And don’t don’t insult my intelligence by trying to sugarcoat this as the left only. The attacks on Kerry were vicious and scurrilous.

    Comment by JEA

    Would you like to explain all those Kerry statements in 1972, plus his meeting with NV representatives while holding a commission in the US Navy ?

    No, of course you wouldn’t. You’d rather talk about Trig Palin.


    Mike K (2cf494)

  244. dcsca, maybe you’re right and she just couldn’t take the heat.

    I wouldn’t be able to. You obviously wouldn’t be able to either. I’ve seen how you handle very minor heat, my friend.

    I’ve also seen Obama unable to handle minor criticisms, and of course, he doesn’t have to worry about David Letterman joking about raping his little kids like Palin had to.

    I wonder what kind of soul-less idiot could ‘take the heat’ that Palin saw her family take. I don’t think dropping out helps get the heat of Palin… in fact, DCSCA, I suspect Sarah has shown she is willing to take more heat, and that is part of my confusion with her right now.

    I suppose you aren’t really discussing this with me and just goading responses.

    Juan (ab12c8)

  245. The attacks on Kerry were vicious and scurrilous

    How did I miss that comment?

    HO HO HO that is so wrong!

    Kerry lied repeatedly about his service. We actually proved it beyond any shadow of a doubt! Kerry lied about what his brother in arms were doing… saying he witness atrocities that did not occur! He actually betrayed the men who were willing to die serving him. A totally horrible officer who had to become a powerful senator to get his DD-214 to be amended to include the word ‘honorable’ on block 7a or whatever it is.

    The attacks on John Kerry were truth. The truth was vicious to John Kerry and the voters preferred Bush, a president of low popularity, to a dishonorable liar.

    Nothing Sarah Palin has every done compares to the crimes John Kerry is guilty of.

    Juan (ab12c8)

  246. […] Patterico’s Pontifications; also here […]

    On That Whole Palin Thing | Zero Sheep (1776b0)

  247. and then watch a movie after.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/3/2009 @ 9:16 pm

    I recommend this one. Free on Youtube. You can even watch it on your Blackberry.

    nk (218382)

  248. i bookmarked nk – I’m watching something called Southland Tales and all I know is Los Angeles gets nuked in it. It’s cathartic and it has Buffy in it.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  249. Juan, when you wrote about you-know-who:

    “..I suppose you aren’t really discussing this with me and just goading responses….”

    Well, yes. Clearly. And I’m not going to speculate about why such childishness is so important to the person in question. I just wish he would stop. Because, as you say, it isn’t discussion.

    I’m not even to approach the Walter Mitty aspects of the equation. It’s just some kind of game.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  250. oh. Actually it’s Abilene what gets nuked. How very very odd. I wonder what Buffy will make of that?

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  251. ok bailing on Southland Tales. It’s uncommonly insipid dirty socialist crap.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  252. insipid dirty socialist crap is actually becoming rather common in my world, unfortunately.

    Juan (ab12c8)

  253. Well I guess its time to find out why Barney Frank fathered Obama’s kids and why Michelle is a bagman for the Columbian drug cartel. Maybe the media will get around to explaining whyb Obama is in partnership with a certain Duke faculty member who was pimping out his five year old adopted child.

    After all Obama can take the heat can’t he? And I can’t wait for the investigations and trials of all emmbers of this administration for their shredding of the Constitution once they are thrown out of office.

    As yee sow so shall ye reap.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  254. Who will stand behind YOU, DRJ, when something you wrote embarrasses the “beautiful people” crowd?

    I will.

    aphrael (ebd1e6)

  255. #62

    You’re proof positive that the Obamanazis are out to smear anything and anyone who opposes them. After all we all know the MSM is so objective and professional.

    So let’s talk about why our Kenyan president can’t prove he was born in the USA? Or why his friends aRE COMMUNISTS, TERRORISTS OR FELONS? Perhaps you could explain why he wouldn’t be called Hussein beore the election and calls the USA a major Muslim nation.

    Lets face it Obama is a commie, always has been and always will be. So lets hear why Palin was unfit to be VP again?

    Pathetic troll.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  256. #244- I wonder what kind of soul-less idiot could ‘take the heat’ that Palin saw her family take. I don’t think dropping out helps get the heat of Palin… in fact, DCSCA, I suspect Sarah has shown she is willing to take more heat, and that is part of my confusion with her right now.

    I’m afraid Ms. Palin has demonstrated to the world today that she has a lot in common with North Korean missiles- lightweight and prone to flame out short of the mark.

    Palin’s allowed herself to be forced out of the game for what appears on the surface to be a strained, rambling rationale which can only further bring into question her mind set and capacity to govern under pressure at a national level. She pretty much Dan-Quayled herself. I hope there’s no further scandal behind it as we’ve had enough of that of late. I believe she has the skill set to grow over three years but this ‘decision’ comes off as somewhat flakey and impossible to forget. Leaders dont quit in the face of adversity. Washington didn’t. Lincoln didn’t. FDR didn’t. Truman didn’t. Nixon didnt, until he lost Congressional support, but still went down fighting, declaring resignation ‘abhorrent to every bone in my body.’ Apparently, ‘soul-less idiots’ all, by your definition.

    Every friend or foe in capitals around the world have noted how Palin has handled this. Putin is probably laughing. It also damages McCain again by reinforcing the belief he made another poor judgement choosing her in the first place.

    We’ll see if she keeps a base active behind her for 2012, 2016 or beyond. She’s sure to be a draw at GOP fundraisers in the months ahead. But today’s lengthy presser and how it was presented is hard to overlook or forget.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  257. DCSCA, this isn’t a comedy routine. Palin obviously cannot run for president from Alaska. She took a huge gamble, but really, she didn’t chicken out, or whatever you call it, if she is stepping INTO the national contest.

    Will you admit that? She can’t be sued for frivolous ethics violations if she’s not governor, and that saves money for her and Alaska, also she can barely run the state while running for president and being sued for friv. crap. So there is a possibility this wasn’t about the left punkin’ Palin out. Why is it so important that to you that this be the reason she resigned?

    Of course, this is the worst reason for the left, if the left really cares about this country. Harassing her family and screwing with good people until someone who cares about them is willing to stop challenging your leader? That’s despicable. That’s your favored interpretation?

    Juan (ab12c8)

  258. #222- I like Palin because I like what she stands for: She believes in lower taxes and an expanded energy program that will provide energy for a growing economy. She is against redistribution of wealth. Best of all, she wants government to get out of people’s way. On foreign policy, she has expressed strong support for Israel and continued sanctions on North Korea and Iraq. And if other candidates stand for these things, I’ll like them, too. Apparently she doesnt stand too firmly when she’s pressured based on her decision of today. Quitting doesnt reinforce the perception to moderates she’d need to attain higher office or allies that she’d not fold on any of the points you mentioned if the right buttons were pushed.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  259. DCSCA:

    Rarely have I read something so rambling and incoherent. Are you auditioning for FireDogLake?

    Indeed every capital in the world is laughing noting how Obama and our Media have sided with despots and meddled in the affairs of nations enforcing their constitutions. Why is it the Left loves such evil people? Why do you feel compelled to defend such leaders and attack those who oppose such scum?

    Was it all those daycare centers your parents put you in because they were busy attending PETA meetings?

    If only Obama’s brain were alive. Isn’t this whyyou fear Palin so much? Because she doesn’t need a teleprompter?

    It must be amusing to watch Obama trying to get to a toilet without his teleprompter.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  260. DCSCA, that recent post is a non sequiter. If she’s entering the national race and inviting a much harsher level of criticism, then you’re completely backwards and your argument is actually an endorsement of her devotion.

    Is Palin getting less flak? Don’t you think she knew she would get much more? Especially if she’s running for president. You’re actually proving yourself wrong, right here.

    But anyway, you totally missed DRJ’s point. DRJ supports the ideas, and therefore backs politicians who she thinks with further them. Palin is just a vehicle. The left may have destroyed one, and that does cause damage, but … there will be more.

    Juan (ab12c8)

  261. #257- Actually, it is. A comedy of errors. And she has already ‘stepped into a national contest.’ Last year. She was the GOP VP nominee. Nobody forced her on the ticket. Voters really dont care what petty problems she faces as governor of Alaska. That’s the hand she drew. She’s chosen to fold. All they see is that she quit when the going got tough. Only you have said Palin ‘chickened out’. She quit. If you interpret it as chickening out, so be it. I dont. And I think it’s quite a slight to the people of the state of Alaska for you to say she cannot run for president from there when she has already run for vice-president as their governor.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  262. #260- You assume she is planning to enter another national race. I think she has been Dan-Quayled and sidelined for good. This ‘resignation’ doesnt fully pass the smell test. I just hope there’s not another shoe to drop.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  263. I love the term moderates. Has fiscal policy changed in the past twenty years? The death penalty? Defense?

    So moderates are people who don’t care to study an issue or are ill informed about it.

    To wit, define a moderate position on abortion or the death penalty.

    The only thing one finds in the middle of the road is a yellow streak and road kill.

    As for quitting we’ve all seen Obama in action.

    Can’t we just let him eat his waffles?

    He’s toast and the Left knows it. That’s why they have to attack Palin. She is holy water to the Obamavampire.

    Its just too bad Obama’s brain is dead. If only it were alive comrades!

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  264. The International Man of Parody continues to parody himself.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  265. Today, Governor Sarah Palin resigned. Another of our hopefuls for the
    future is Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota. (Now, how the hell the
    people of Minnesota can elect such a first class Governor then turn
    around and elect the Ass of the World Al Franken for the Senate I’ll
    never understand).

    Anyway, if there’s one thing we need now it’s attention. Let these two
    stellar conservatives help drown out ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC
    liberal constant. Hopefully they will point out the Socialistic programs.
    Damn UnAmerican programs if you ask me.

    By the way, I’m pissed at Sanford. Man, I was hoping he’d be joining
    the two aces above to help us fight back.

    Ya’ll remember how hopeful we got when that idiot McCain picked
    Sarah. There was a glimmer of hope for me….. Well that glimmer is
    back. Both of these guys need to start campaigning, now!!

    krusher (63b455)

  266. “You’d rather talk about Trig Palin.”

    No, I wouldn’t. I’m not Andrew Sullivan, who’s still obsessing over it 9 months later. I have great empathy for someone raising a special needs child – as I said before.

    I’m not talking about disputing facts or claims – I’m talking about the fortitude to take it.

    BTW, I voted for the guy who served in Vietnam, not the guy whose rich daddy helped him dodge the draft and didn’t even finish his Natl Guard service.

    JEA (367283)

  267. Holy Jeebus – IMP and JEA are beyond parody.

    JD (51cca5)

  268. Listening to her speech again I can’t help but be struck by what a phony empty-headed narcissist she is. She says the buzzwords and the Republican puppy dogs drool. It’s embarassing.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  269. *embarrassing* I mean … and presumptuous as all get out for her to tell a shattered nation that they have nothing better to do with their holiday than to speculate about my fading beauty queen career

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  270. But you like her. Really, you do. You said so.

    First rule of holes.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  271. I don’t like her anymore cause I listened to her speech again this morning. I will explain by compiling my thoughts from elsewhere since I had more time to reflect mostly because I haven’t had coffee yet and I don’t want to rearticulate everything.

    Comment by happyfeet on 7/4 @ 9:46 am

    People forget that a very real argument can be made that it was very rash and very foolish for this woman to accept a slot on, of all things, Meghan’s coward daddy’s ticket. What tawdry and terrible ground on which to destroy your career and destroy your family.

    Comment by happyfeet on 7/4 @ 9:46 am

    Put her family first my ass.

    Comment by happyfeet on 7/4 @ 9:57 am

    I am sorry but I feel harsh. I listened to her speech again this morning and I find her to be insultingly insubstantial and embarrassingly buzzwordy when she attempts any substance. And the sheer and utter daffyness for her to grab the national conch and recycle a trope from that disastrous fiasco of a loser loser loser campaign (I’m not politics as usual she chirps) makes me want to knock her upside her head with a red velvet cupcake. Hey I was saving that.

    Comment by happyfeet on 7/4 @ 9:59 am

    of course I was supportive at the time … I was as articulate as I could be at the time about the horrific consequences of a dirty socialist usurpation that I defended Meghan’s coward daddy even… this woman has exacted way way way more than a pound of flesh from me … I deserve better than a shrug and an I quit.

    I am sorry and I do not mean to be gratuitous but I thought it honest to apprise you of my shift in thinkings. This was a very appallingly losery thing to do.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  272. oh. losery on her part for quitting not my part for apprising… I don’t want to knock her over and over again and make a thing about it. I’ll maintain a polite and judicious silence on the matter henceforth. And that is all I have to say.

    You know who’s a neat guy is that Tim Pawlenty. Very nice man I think.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  273. Comment by happyfeet — 7/4/2009 @ 9:06 am

    I work here is done.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  274. You know who’s a neat guy is that Tim Pawlenty. Very nice man I think.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/4/2009 @ 9:12 am

    Are you sure he doesn’t have a daughter who is just a stupid and quite common git what couldn’t keep her legs together? Cuz, that might become a problem for you later.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  275. That’s not fair. She is a quite common and stupid git. Smart girls don’t get knocked up in high school by loser dumb ass illiterate white trash hockey jocks. They can become more smarter later, but loser is as loser does. But my point was more that she is especially a quite common and stupid git relative to someone who is actually worthy of being given a national microphone because of the substance of what she has to say as opposed to the carnival of mockery and ratings that her surname generates, and Sarah Palin should have recognized that.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  276. now for reals I am shutting my fat mouf

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  277. happyfeet tosses gratuitous insults at the Palin family = fair
    happyfeet gets called on same = unfair.

    got it. My best friend in high school got pregnant. Now, 30 years later, I learn she was a loser because accidents never happen and teenagers never make poor choices unless they’re losers. Trying to help other teens avoid poor choices makes them even more of a loser.

    I am truly at a loss. When it comes to the Palin family, you seem completely different. When you find yourself on the same side as DCSCA and Amused, maybe it’s time to take a look at yourself. I think.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  278. The Palin Family and their psychodramas are a very very small thing in context of the rapidly diminishing horizons of our little country and the hell that is yet to come. Sorry about your friend.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  279. This is a false analogy. Bristol Palin is pro-abstinence because she has learned from her mistake. She knows firsthand, through a painful and difficult path, why abstinence is the best path.

    The message would be more credible hearing it from a 31-year-old virgin.

    It has cost the state over $ 1 million to handle all the bogus ethics complaints and the Palin family, no relation to Teresa Heinz Kerry, have $500,000 in legal bills. With her resigning, the complaints will stop. That may actually be the reason although we’ll hear more about it in days to come.

    The obvious counter is to use these same tactics against Democrats, since they work.

    And it’s wrong.

    If it was wrong, it would not work.

    Michael Ejercito (833607)

  280. Sorry about your friend.
    Comment by happyfeet — 7/4/2009 @ 9:57 am

    You still don’t get it. I’m not sorry about my friend because she’s a great person and a great mom. She’s not a loser. Neither is Bristol Palin just because she got pregnant. You know, if JD didn’t vouch for you, benefit of the doubt would have expired long ago. As it is, I’m done with you on this. You can continue with the snide contempt towards the Palin family on your own. Maybe have dinner with DCSCA or Amused… I’m sure the conversation will be lively.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  281. do you for real think I’ve said anything half as harsh as at least a good 60% of the US said when they heard her dippy press conference? That’s blinkered. And you keep taking what I said about Bristol totally our of context – sending Bristol to do media appearances betrayed bad media instincts on the part of Sarah Palin every bit as much as this dippy press conference betrayed bad media instincts on the part of Sarah Palin.

    You know who are savvy? Them teen moms.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  282. *out* of context I mean …

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  283. happyfeet:

    Smart girls don’t get knocked up in high school by loser dumb ass illiterate white trash hockey jocks.

    I have no problem that you feel disappointment, frustration, anger, or whatever regarding Palin but we don’t attack kids here, no matter how public you think their actions have made them. Stop it now.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  284. I didn’t make Bristol the focus of the thread you delicate flowers did. I adduced her only as an example of the Palin’s media naivete. I am not “attacking kids.”

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  285. Mamapundit disagrees with your view of Palin’s announcement, happyfeet. Why don’t you take your crusade to her website?

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  286. Sarah Palin is a goddess among women and she is most decidedly the Light and Salvation of the Republican party.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  287. “now for reals I am shutting my fat mouf”

    feets – Did someone sockpuppet that comment or was it you?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  288. that was me and damned if it wasn’t a big fat lie. I should have gone with my instincts there, huh?

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  289. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do, I guess.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  290. BTW, I voted for the guy who served in Vietnam for three months and wrote his own medal citations, not the guy whose rich daddy helped him dodge the draft and didn’t even finish his Natl Guard service according to left wing sources who are now safely committed to facilities that will assist their recovery from delusional behavior.

    Comment by JEA

    Fixed that you you, big fella.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  291. Lew Rockwell is defending her, which is remarkable considering his eight years of criticism of President Bush.

    Michael Ejercito (833607)

  292. Gotta be a sockpuppet using happyfeet’s name. Recall DCSCA’s strategies. All that is missing are tall tales about his resume and some snotty personal insults.

    But most of all, the lack of recognition of when to change the subject. Even DRJ had to get involved.

    Sorry, JD. The weird and rude comments about the Palin girl getting pregnant were WAY over the line. And he keeps repeating them. Not a father, obviously.

    Eric Blair (a047b4)

  293. Gotta be a sockpuppet using happyfeet’s name

    I sent an email to PP yesterday on this very suject, because some of the posting then were going in diametrically opposite directions. Thought it very weird.
    No respnse back from our host…

    AD - RtR/OS! (ad12dc)

  294. no it’s me for real and I stand by everything I said. This thread was dead this morning and I came by and just put a summary of my good morning thinkings here for the record and then uh oh the thread wan’t dead anymore. But I have not been disrepectful of other commenters even as they heaped hurtful hurtful abuse on me and I haven’t attacked any children other than to say no I do not think that the Teen Mom generically or specifically is a paragon of wisdom and or insight and I would still assert that it’s an unusual issue to seek to cobrand with if you’re Sarah Palin looking forward to a political career cause as an issue it *only* plays to a base that needs absolutely no playing to at the moment.

    But no I am not a dad I am a Marketer. And I will tell you something about teen girls mister. Placing the teen mom on a media pedestal and giving her an important microphone and heralding her insightful comments is exactly opposite of how you discourage teen girls from getting pregnant. Waxing philosophical about how retrospectively becoming a teen mom was a wonderful thing to have happened is exactly opposite of how you discourage teen girls from getting pregnant. However, your average teen girl will do the most remarkable things to avoid the censure and disapproval of their peers.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  295. Sarah Palin sure is a divisive figure, huh?

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  296. I believe it’s him, but I don’t believe he’s ever liked Palin. Now, with the victim-card in play, he has definitely crossed into DCSCAland.

    First rule of holes — FAIL!!

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  297. happyfeet,

    It’s fine to criticize Palin’s decisions but you don’t have to libel her daughter’s former boyfriend to discuss the best ways to avoid teen pregnancies.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  298. Here’s more thoughts on Palin’s press conference from Bitsblog.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  299. ??

    that was a sarcastic rejoinder to the EricPWJohnson who was being ridiculously hyperbolic about alleging that Sarah Palin was a big fat liar … I was very very supportive of Sarah Palin until she up and quit even though I acknowledged a few times that I was becoming less enthusiastic.

    That’s fair, DRJ and I resolve to stop digging this damn hole as soon as humanly possible. I seriously had thought that Levi was more or less a universally reviled figure after his own cringe-inducing personal media tour but I admit I didn’t pay close attention during all that.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  300. Well…

    “… I haven’t attacked any children other than to say no I do not think that the Teen Mom generically or specifically is a paragon of wisdom and or insight ….

    That sounds pretty sanitary. But what you actually wrote was:

    “..She is a quite common and stupid git. Smart girls don’t get knocked up in high school by loser dumb ass illiterate white trash hockey jocks. They can become more smarter later, but loser is as loser does. But my point was more that she is especially a quite common and stupid git …”

    Statement #1 and Statement #2 don’t really mesh, do they?

    Time to change the subject, happyfeet. And in particular, acting offended after writing what you did is not a winning strategy to get your point across. Ditto the tough guy business of responding to people who object to you what you wrote with:

    ” I didn’t make Bristol the focus of the thread you delicate flowers did. I adduced her only as an example of the Palin’s media naivete. I am not “attacking kids.”

    I guess what you wrote above in Statement #2 is not attacking Bristol Palin in some fashion? It might seem that way to you, but it sure doesn’t read that way, and it sure doesn’t appear that way to a number of other people. That should make you think a little. In fact, I wonder what percentage of Republican parents would agree with you that your second statement is NOT attacking the girl? I don’t think you would make money on that bet.

    These are your words, happyfeet. Not out of context. I think you believe you are being funny, but humor isn’t always up to the comedian. The audience applauds or boos.

    The fact you don’t get the irritation that many parents feel with your comments, and responding with the “I’m a marketer” comment shows you are, sorry to say, unclear on the concept.

    Again, it reminds me of you know who.

    I hope I am wrong.

    Eric Blair (acade1)

  301. happyfeet,

    Toby Harnden agrees with you about Palin. People disagree about this topic and I welcome debates about Palin. We can also talk about whether it’s wise for Palin to let her daughter engage in a public abstinence campaign. But we don’t need to sink to Letterman levels to do it.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  302. what is to be done? I am a horrible person who attacked Bristol mercilessly. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I am a shameless Bristol-attacker, that’s who I am.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  303. oh – that last was at #300 not #301 but I will go away and come back again another day and we can have enoyable times again .. also I will read what Toby has to say.

    Mr. Goldstein, who is very wise, told me I would regret piling on the David Letterman. I should note this here for Ric Locke and others to see.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  304. oops. wait. Just… I don’t agree with how you characterize Bristol’s campaign exactly* is all

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  305. happyfeet, it’s worth noting that people who just say they are considering attacking Obama’s kids get similarly rebuked on this blog.

    This has nothing to do with ‘worship’ of Bristol. It’s just raunchy to attack people who really aren’t accountable to us and haven’t done anything wrong. Bristol has sinned less than most of us and has paid more than most of us for her sins.

    Juan (ec384f)

  306. I hear you Juan but I really really really have to shut up now.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  307. For reals.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  308. If it was wrong, it would not work.

    Comment by Michael Ejercito

    That’s a curious idea. In fact, it’s just plain silly.

    Juan (ec384f)

  309. The odd thing about the Letterman style of humor, is that it easily devolves into truly nasty business, and when people object, the response is generally to accuse the objector of being “too sensitive.”

    The question is how the humorist responds to people insulting his or her own children. If they are all tough about it, fine.

    But it is usually quite different, when the shoe is on the other metaphorical foot.

    Which is why it is wisest to not insult the children of politicians.

    Eric Blair (acade1)

  310. Ashley Biden wouldn’t get caught dead in those shoes.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  311. Happy Feet



    Play your little junior college debate team thing with that goldstein guy – if he’s still blogging or begging for donations or both

    You’re a nastly class of tiny minded game playing thread jacking spawn of a blog that was fired

    Bubb bye

    EricPWJohnson (a7d970)

  312. I love happyfeet as much as I love red velvet Susie cakes.
    A really divisive person would invoke peanut butter cupcakes, and happy didn’t do that.

    MayBee (5ff8b1)

  313. Happyfeet, is this one of those protein wisdom things? It’s not a witty joke to just go on and on about something that doesn’t make sense. I used to think PW was really witty and fresh. When it was.

    I just hope you don’t feel any antagonism. I think people have been nice to you here, and I didn’t get the same treatment there.

    Juan (ec384f)

  314. Juan

    One of the uber nastiest – don’t play games – he’s sniggling over there and in private emails – don’t even engage him – he’s not adding anything but length to the conversation

    Thats what he does –

    EricPWJohnson (a7d970)

  315. happyfeet,

    I wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth about an abstinence campaign or whatever it is they are doing. It’s fine with me if you want to clarify it but today may not be the best day to start that topic.

    DRJ (cdbef5)

  316. thank you MayBee – that honestly makes me feel better…

    and my bad – reading it again that thinger stash quoted was not something I had directed at EricPWJohnson it was sarcastically directed at Mr. Patterico actually I think. But the point of it was that at the time I felt that Sarah Palin was being scrutinized ridiculously harshly.

    Juan – I have to stop and I can’t let criticism of my going on and on goad me into the not stopping. I have to be strong. But yes, people have been nice to me … I was a little unclear I think… “hurtful hurtful abuse” is what I call abuse that isn’t particularly abusive or hurtful.

    And yes for reals I just wanted to note that, DRJ, about the abstinence, I sure don’t feel we need to discuss it. I have to go sniggle now.

    happyfeet (e8d590)

  317. And he proves that there are some factors that exist across the physical plane

    everyone eventually dies, the sun sets and someone is always reexplaining his explanations or as we call it the last word phenon

    EricPWJohnson (a7d970)

  318. At NRO, Steve Hayward went to the files:

    “Newsweek, 1971, “Ronald Reagan’s Slow Fade,” ended with the judgment that “the somber truth is that Sacramento may mark the end of Ronald Reagan’s political road. . . By every normal measure, Ronald Reagan ought to be entitled to any political future he wants. A close aide said, ‘The Presidency? Oh, he’s not interested. Four more years and I think you’ll see Ronald Reagan riding one of his horses off into the sunset.’”

    “And see Stephen Roberts in the New York Times Magazine: “In 1976, the reasoning goes, Reagan would be 65, and too old to run.” “When a guy’s built on celluloid,” Democratic State Senator George Moscone said, “he goes up fast, but he burns out quickly.”

    After the 1976 campaign, Newsweek offered a reprise, “Into the Sunset”: “The concluding line of Reagan’s convention speech—’There is no substitute for victory’—could also turn out to be a epitaph for his own political career.”

    Official Internet Data Office (037112)

  319. Happyfeet:

    How long have you attended Wright’s church.

    Have you considered anger management?

    Does your strait jacket fit?

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  320. They were reasonable observations of her (she is not the complete candidate – yet) and pointed out her weaknesses (in light of an upcoming run) and then each followed these observations by their suggestions of what they believed she needed to work on and master if she were to succeed. If they were just attacks, would they have also suggested remedies for said deficits? I think she needs smart, knowledgeable people who think highly of her to point out the shortcomings. She does not need to surround herself with ‘yes’ men and flatterers. (See: Obama).

    Comment by Dana — 7/3/2009 @ 6:40 pm

    Dana, excellent points. Had things not piled up so much and with such animosity (Letterman; constant fawning over Zero), I would’ve seen those articles with clarity. Thanks, good input.

    Vermont Neighbor (4126d0)

  321. I just don’t understand, happyfeet. Is this whole thing about personally insulting Sarah and Bristol a joke to you? You say one thing, then pretend you didn’t mean it that way and then say it again. Just stop digging the hole.

    May I ask, is English your second language? If not, why do you sound so childish? I have found you amusing in the past and am disappointed in how you are acting today.

    I know my opinion doesn’t amount to a hill of beans, but that’s it anyway.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  322. Vermont Neighbor, glad it helped. There’s just so much speculating to plow through.

    PatAZ, I find your opinions consistently interesting and wish you commented more frequently.

    Dana (8d88ef)

  323. #318- Except, of course, that Reagan never quit his gigs. In the face of victory or defeat, he at least saw them through. Palin has not. She’s a quitter.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  324. #309- And yet, in the end, Letterman still has his show, his audience and his contract. Palin has given her her gig up. The late night comic has had the last word. And so it goes…

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  325. Somebody got out on a weekend furlough.

    AD - RtR/OS! (ad12dc)

  326. Except, DCSCA, the last word has not yet been written on Palin. Premature celebration is unbecoming.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  327. Evidently all DCSCA is is a name-caller.

    Oh, and the fan of a comedian who trades in child molestation jokes, mustn’t forget that.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  328. In the face of victory or defeat, he at least saw them through. Palin has not. She’s a quitter.
    Comment by DCSCA — 7/4/2009 @ 6:41 pm

    For someone who whined about being moderated and claimed they were being censored, then quickly changed their tone when released from moderation, it didn’t take long to revert to form. How exactly does that comment “craft compromise and seek solutions” and not merely represent the “perpetual knife fight between the hard right and the hard left” that “is inflicting real damage and leaving our kids a bloody mess they may never clean up”?

    I’ll take DRJ’s position and go into moderation with DCSCA. For every comment I make that gets approved out of moderation, one of DCSCA’s comments can be released. You okay with that serial fabulist? If you come into my house and spout off a bunch of lies, provocations, and insults, kicking you out is not censorship. It’s mercy.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  329. DCSCA, if he’s eligible to vote, would have supported a cocaine user who gave tens of thousands of dollars to an organization that said the CIA and JEWS invented the AIDS virus.

    And that guy, of course Obama, also quit Columbia when his studies got too hard.

    And he comes here to gloat that Palin had enough of her kids being harassed and the millions of dollars worth of baseless lawsuits?

    What a load of crap.

    Juan (86e69a)

  330. DCSCA is the kind of guy who would rob the bodies at an auto accident and then lie down and claim the victims struck him with their car. No lie is too great. He does serve a purpose in demonstrating what the Left considers to be acceptable behavior.

    It is also why those who advocate the “high road” just don’t get it. They assume the Left can be shamed. They can’t. And all those “descent” people still watch Letterman. If your opponent is going to fight in the gutter you can either refuse to fight and give up or bash him silly.

    I learned many years ago its far better to bash them silly than go into a fetal position and hope for the best.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  331. Stashiu3, you make the most important point. Why the ping-ponging between the “cry for moderate approaches to politics” and the snarkfest? The character doesn’t mean one of the two approaches. Guess which one?

    Or the fellow is in need of medical attention.

    Actually, it is just more of Teh Game to this fellow.

    He should go polish his Jeeps instead of playing his silly games.

    Eric Blair (acade1)

  332. Eric – I think the funniest thing is that none of the smears the left has dredged up about Palin have stuck. That just drives them to further and further excess. Witness the 15 baseless ethics complaints that still have to be researched and defended.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  333. I hear she’ll be making lotsa money and expanding her war chest. I agree that her chest will be her most appealing asset.

    Jack (900fbe)

  334. Harnde, wasn’t he the one who spread the phony’kill em’ accusation, in the last weeks, of the campaign across the pond; which were retracted, but not before they had been widely circulated.

    narciso (996c34)

  335. WOOT WOOT WOOT! DCSCA getsit good.

    DCSCA, if he’s eligible to vote, would have supported a cocaine user who gave tens of thousands of dollars to an organization that said the CIA and JEWS invented the AIDS virus.

    And that guy, of course Obama, also quit Columbia when his studies got too hard.

    And he comes here to gloat that Palin had enough of her kids being harassed and the millions of dollars worth of baseless lawsuits?

    What a load of crap.

    Vermont Neighbor (4126d0)

  336. WOOT WOOT WOOT! DCSCA getsit good.
    Comment by Vermont Neighbor — 7/7/2009 @ 7:21 pm

    Speaking of Woot! A little something from them about Senator Franken.

    Stashiu3 (3fc50f)

  337. Heh.. my favorite:

    Co-sponsor new genetically-modified food regulations with Senator Feinstein, to be known as “the Franken-Feinstein Frankenfoods bill

    Vermont Neighbor (4126d0)

  338. Levi had a press conference today I read it on my berry. Well that’s certainly one point of view I thought and I a lot disguised my contempt cause I was just standing there with my berry and people were around and I didn’t want to emote.

    happyfeet (cbbf70)

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