Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Times Blog: Obama Pulls Out of North Dakota, A State Full of “Embittered Small Towns”

Filed under: 2008 Election,Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 8:50 pm

This L.A. Times Top of the Ticket blog post stop just short of saying that small-town folks are racists, clinging to their guns, religion, and bitterness:

The Associated Press reported this evening and an Obama spokeswoman confirmed that the Chicago-based campaign is pulling its 50-some staffers out of the heavily Republican state full of embittered small towns and shipping the workers east to Minnesota and Wisconsin, where the Democrat’s prospects seem brighter and closer.

. . . .

The abandonment of at least one Midwestern state by Obama comes as a new AP poll indicates that race could play a significant role in deciding a close national election. (See video.) Some experts estimate the first African American candidate of a major party might be as much as 6 percentage points more ahead if he wasn’t black.

I guess “Racism Week” has been held over for a second week.

Who knows how long its run will last?

A reader of mine writes:

As someone who lived in North Dakota for 2 years, and traveled all over the state, I can tell you, if there is an embittered small town within the borders of EITHER of the Dakotas, it’s news to me. Dakotans are some of the kindest, friendliest and most dependable people I have ever met.

What does this bitter guy know?

33 Responses to “L.A. Times Blog: Obama Pulls Out of North Dakota, A State Full of “Embittered Small Towns””

  1. The LA Times is loosing credibility to the National Enquirer at an accelerating pace.

    tyree (0ef814)

  2. A very many people, including moi, will be so glad when this is over so that we won’t have to listen to these ignorant, Ivy League wanna-be’s as they look down their noses at the people who open the corner shop each day, go to church on the Sabbath, and help their kids each evening with homework.
    It’s bad enough that I look around at my native State, and see how the enlightened have turned it into a Hell-hole that can’t even pay its’ own bills, and whose infrastructure rivals that of many Third World countries.
    If this is what the “best and brightest” bring to America, let me have someone who knows how to shoe a horse, and fell a tree, and when to plant corn.
    I want one of Bill Buckley’s names in the Boston phone book; I think we all do.

    Another Drew (1e1c13)

  3. Are you sure that was the LA Times and not the Onion ?

    Mike K (2cf494)

  4. I bet they edit that out by tomorrow. It sounds like an inside joke that they forgot to edit out.

    DRJ (c953ab)

  5. Obama pushes the racism meme, then democrats push it. The next thing you know, the media are not only covering it, they’re conducting polls and surveys on it. The press aren’t in the tank for Obama, they’re his lapdogs.

    ricky (3fe308)

  6. There are more Demos than Reps. Thus, if McCain wins then it is the racist Dems that made the difference. Aren’t Republicans supposed to vote for their candidate?

    Alta Bob (e70400)

  7. The MSM and this entire campaign has taken on a surreal quality. I don’t understand how most of America misses the absurdity of it all. I’d really like to think its an inside joke but…

    Dana (4d3ea0)

  8. DRJ

    I got the screenshot.

    Darleen (187edc)

  9. dana, it’s the full moon and autumn solstice. Brings out the crazy!

    What, you want to tell me it’s the autumn equinox? Nooooo, that wouldn’t be nearly as crazy.

    Obama was an idiot and a poor patriot to try this technique. Use his money not to get his message out, but to drown out the publicly financed guy so Obama didn’t have to make a fair debate of ideas.

    Mccain has a reputation for making his campaign dollars work harder, and Obama has a rep for grandiose plans that don’t work and waste money.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  10. An open letter to Obama:

    You are not a uniter.

    Unity is above your pay scale.

    Scandal and racism are your gifts. Don’t stray far from what you do best.

    Think Rodney King, not Martin Luther King.

    I will always be here to hate your fakery.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  11. Bitterness sees bitter. Of course the press and Obama’s people (redundancy?) see embittered small towns.

    Hey, if his campaign management is supposed to prove he’s ready for the presidency, how are we to interpret the fact that he’s been paying 50 people to work North Dakota.

    Ronsonic (986aaf)

  12. Are they playing up that alleged six point racism deduction to offset the 15 point advantage the media is giving Obama by being in the tank?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  13. “A state full of ’embittered small towns,'” would read much better were it worded, “A state chock full of ’embittered small towns.'”

    clark smith (56a0a8)

  14. This is all an indication of the increasing level of desperation on the Dem side. The Obama campaign is pulling people out of North Dakota because 1) they’re conceding that a strong primary showing will not translate to winning the state in the general; and 2) they’re pannicking because McCain is polling so strong in both Minnesota and Wisconsin, two traditionally BLUE states with not-insignificant numbers of electoral votes. They know that if he wins just one of them, a potential win by Obama in Virginia is rendered meaningless; and if he were to win BOTH? Ho ho!

    The Dog Trainer’s blog writers are playing the racism card because of the “whatever it takes to win” spirit pervading the liberal agenda this year. As reported in THIS blog, MSM editorial writers have not shied away from saying that if Obama loses, it will be due to racism. These blog people are just hopping aboard the latest bandwagon to pass through town. Never mind that they’re showing elitist contempt for their fellow Americans; it’s the new “hip” thing to do, therefore it’s acceptable in their world.

    Icy Truth (0b82c2)

  15. Heh. You villify the right you just increase the Bradley effect. You tell Obots to get in the faces of McCain supporters you just increase the Bradley effect.

    Does O really think he can arm twist the country into voting for him?

    Bel Aire (e59286)

  16. I am waiting for an Obama supporter to get in my face, like Baracky so eloquently called for.

    JD (41e64f)

  17. The mass media probably thinks they can convince some of the public to push the button for Obama by pointing out the race bias inherent in their thinking.

    What the press doesn’t recognize is that todays Republicans celebrate bias and snap-judgments. Don’t question, don’t blink, don’t hesitate, remember? Sure as hell don’t wonder if you’re actually biased. That’s not something a good Republican does.

    Phil (6d9f2f)

  18. Phil, that’s just silly nonsense.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  19. That’s your snap judgment, SPQR. And I bet you stand by it without blinking.

    Phil (6d9f2f)

  20. Phil, nope. Its a judgment based upon decades of experience in discovering silly nonsense on the internet. Something I’m an expert in.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  21. todays Republicans celebrate bias and snap-judgments

    Phil, don’t forget that we just want to kill, torture, jail, and oppress minorities.


    JD (41e64f)

  22. Get back to basics; If Obama was white he wouldn’t even be running for president. Any white man with his credentials would be laughed to scorn by even the most liberal of the “whitey media.”

    Marbus (5d61ea)

  23. So what’s “silly nonsense” SPQR? Don’t question, don’t blink, don’t hesitate is Palin’s approach to political life. It certainly doesn’t lead to much self-discovery, and I believe it’s intended at least in part to encourage stupid, shallow people to be proud of their stupid, shallow beliefs.

    I’m certainly not saying there only stupid, shallow to vote for McCain — tehre are lots of good reasons to vote for him.

    But we need to be honest — there are some people who are expressly admitting that they’re voting for McCain because they don’t want a black president. Surely Palin’s “don’t hesitate, don’t blink” philosophy appeals to them — they don’t have to question their biases, just push that button for McCain and feel good about how strong and resolute they are.

    Phil (6d9f2f)

  24. Marbus – Not true. Any white Republican would be subject to such scrutiny. When Silky Pony ran for President, not so much.

    there are some people who are expressly admitting that they’re voting for McCain because they don’t want a black president. Surely Palin’s “don’t hesitate, don’t blink” philosophy appeals to them

    How about a little introspection on your part, Phil? Provide evidence that anyone here is voting against Baracky because of his skin color. What about all of those people that are voting for Baracky because he is black? Is Palin running againt Baracky? Racist.

    JD (41e64f)

  25. i> Provide evidence that anyone here is voting against Baracky because of his skin color. What about all of those people that are voting for Baracky because he is black?

    Where is “here”? The people who are voting for McCain because of his skin color aren’t postors or readers here — those people would be bored to tears by the discussions that go on here.

    That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, or that the Republicans aren’t pandering to them with the “Guns and God” angle that was so played-up at this year’s convention.

    As for the people voting for Obama because he’s black, note that I am not supporting anyone who denies that. Nor would I complain if a newspaper pointed it out.

    What I’m calling out is the fact that Republicans scoff at articles or claims that racism will play a part in this election. That’s absurd. Republicans have the KKK vote locked down this election cycle. They shouldn’t scoff at that — they’re depending on those folks to push them over the top.

    Phil (6d9f2f)

  26. So Senator Byrd is republican? Huh?

    G (722480)

  27. So people that believe in Guns and God tend to be racists, Phil?

    Republicans have the KKK vote locked down this election cycle.

    I am certain that Grand Kleagle Byrd will not be voting for Sen. McCain.

    JD (41e64f)

  28. They shouldn’t scoff at that — they’re depending on those folks to push them over the top.

    Evidence please?

    JD (41e64f)

  29. So people that believe in Guns and God tend to be racists, Phil?

    I draw the opposite corrolation — namely, that racists tend to believe in Guns and God. You know, the simple solutions to life’s problems. Avoiding life’s complexities, after all, is what racism is ultimately all about.

    Look at me, stereotyping racists. Oh the irony . . .

    Phil (6d9f2f)

  30. The irony is that you routinely stereotype people around here.

    Lest you forget, you were the author of the killing, jailing, torturing or oppressing minorities is what we like to do.

    JD (41e64f)

    If Obama can get Americans to base the election on racism,
    then it will take their attention off the fact that he has no experience,
    no credentials, and no issues.

    Howard (f14f31)

  32. Heh. You villify the right you just increase the Bradley effect. You tell Obots to get in the faces of McCain supporters you just increase the Bradley effect.

    Does O really think he can arm twist the country into voting for him?

    Comment by Bel Aire

    I think there is more to this than a joke. Did anyone else see Tom Friedman on Meet the Press ? That’s where he said he would like the US to be a dictatorship. like China, for just one day. I really think the Obama people think this way. Michelle telling us that he will MAKE us change the way we live.

    The left always falls for the totalitarian temptation but I think it’s been part of Obama since the beginning. Remember he managed to force those voters in his first state Senate race to vote for him by eliminating the other candidates from the ballot.

    In his primary for the US Senate, the Tribune, Axelrod’s former employer, forced open the divorce records of two serious opponents, destroying their campaigns. One in the primary and the second in the general when Jack Ryan’s divorce records, which had been sealed, were opened to show some salacious allegations from a child custody fight. Those are not always reliable but it was enough to sink Ryan.

    Both times, his serious opposition was taken out before the election and no Obama fingerprints were visible. He likes forcing people to vote for him.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  33. I am out on the Left Coast. A friend a work left work early so she could catch the debate. She’s a friggin Dennis Kucinch supporter but I think she is really on the fence. I’ll be sure to tell her BO bailed on ND.

    De Mores (57425b)

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