Patterico's Pontifications


Maureen Dowd and Matt Damon Both Fall for Viral E-Mail Smear of Palin

Filed under: 2008 Election,General — Patterico @ 9:11 pm

Ace says Matt Damon is a moron. Well, yeah. But so is Maureen Dowd.

First, read Ace on Matt Damon. He notes that Damon says: “I need to know if she really thinks dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago. That’s an important — I want to know that. I really do. Because she’s going to have the nuclear codes. You know? I want to know if she really thinks dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago.”

Ace notes the source for this ridiculous and debunked claim: an idiot unsourced viral e-mail that is an obvious parody, but that morons like Damon are apparently taking seriously. It purports to quote Palin as saying:

God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of Satan really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats.

Good thing Damon doesn’t have the nuclear codes.

But then, he’s just an actor, not a New York Times op-ed writer.

Yes, Maureen Dowd did the same thing:

[I]f you’re reading this, Charlie [Gibson], we want to know everything, including:

. . . .

Does she really think Adam, Eve, Satan and the dinosaurs mingled on the earth 5,000 years ago?

That’s straight out of the viral e-mail. And it’s not even the first time that MoDo has made a reference to this smear.

I suppose someone could argue that Dowd doesn’t really believe this nonsense herself, but that doesn’t absolve her. Either she fell for it, or she’s deliberately spreading smears. One or the other. Either way, I think this is more significant than Matt Damon. Dowd is not some idiot actor. She’s an idiot New York Times op-ed writer.

103 Responses to “Maureen Dowd and Matt Damon Both Fall for Viral E-Mail Smear of Palin”

  1. McCain has to have a mole in the Obama campaign. They can’t be this dumb.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  2. These people do not understand the First Rule of Holes.

    JD (6a8c0a)

  3. MoDo’s real problem is that she cannot get a man to give her one baby, let alone five.

    Matt Damon’s problem? Probably his mouth and his anus are interchangeable for what matters most to him.

    nk (d681ef)

  4. I think MoDo seems openly hostile to Palin. Reeks of feminine jealousy. I agree with nk, its about the eggs.

    The fiction of Matt Damon’s movies make him seem so much smarter than he really is. How unfortunate. How Hollywood.

    Dana (f3e70a)

  5. Andrew Sullivan lies and The Atlantic’s reputation dies.

    Don’t forget pathological liar Andrew Sullivan who said this today:

    But this exchange is a classic example of how she tends to lie reflexively when caught in an uncomfortable part of her record:

    GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, “Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God.” Are we fighting a holy war?

    PALIN: You know, I don’t know if that was my exact quote.

    GIBSON: Exact words.

    Well Mr. Excitable Sully, how about a correction? (here is the correct quote from Governor Palin):

    “Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God,” she exhorted the congregants. “That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

    Charlie Gibson (I assume unintentionally) made a mistake by relying on the AP which changed the “quote”. Given Andrew Sullivan’s pathological slanders and libels over the last two weeks triggered by his fears of Obama losing, I assume Sully is just lying.

    Joe (8102a5)

  6. “She’s an idiot New York Times op-ed writer” Do you repeat youself often? Idiot and NYSlimes are one and the same.

    Scrapiron (c36902)

  7. What is truly amazing is that it is not just Obama’s campaign and the Big 3 (Huff/KOS/MoveOn) that are imploding like the witch of the west in Wizard of Oz after a water incident, it is all kinds of other people like Damon, Dowd, and a host of others.


    Hillary should have been picked by the Dems. I told you so. And Hillary will remind you Dems in 2012 when she meets Palin in the biggest catfight in history. I’ve buying corn futures now for all the popcorn I’m gonna eat while enjoying campaign 2012.

    Sapwolf (332829)

  8. Thanks for posting.

    He hit it dead on.

    Unbelievable how close we are to having an unprecendentedly unqualified person so close to controlling the most powerful military in the history of the earth.

    God bless and God help the U.S.A.

    jharp (a28e4a)

  9. Loved the last line. Nice job.

    Dude (930156)

  10. Clearly, Sarah Palin is no Ben Affleck.

    Crank (dbd95b)

  11. 8~

    Unbelievable how close we are to having an unprecendentedly unqualified person so close to controlling the most powerful military in the history of the earth.

    Not to worry. Beginning to look like the O!bominator isn’t going to be able to pull this one out.

    EW1(SG) (993079)

  12. Unbelievable how close we are to having an unprecendentedly unqualified person so close to controlling the most powerful military in the history of the earth.

    How in the hell did you allow Baracky to get the nomination?

    JD (6a8c0a)

  13. Dumb and Dumber

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  14. Dowd tries to hit Palin with this:

    Just how is it that Fannie and Freddie have cost taxpayers money (since they haven’t yet)?

    Does Dowd have any idea where these governmental corporations came from? Hint: What was the United States Postal Service before it became a corporation?

    Even putting that aside, seizure by the Government has already cost us money, and the Golden Parachutes of the two CEOs will cost us more — whether they get them carte-blanc or they fight for them in court.

    Dowd has no sense of ecomonics, and which she accuses Palin of the same, three fingers point back.

    unclesmrgol (0c6c8d)

  15. Maureen Dowd.
    “Either she fell for it, or she’s deliberately spreading smears.”
    Thanks for calling her on it. Years ago John and Ken on the radio here in LA were interviewing Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. They asked her a very straightforward question and her answer was an Epic Fail. The talk show hosts asked her, “Are you ignorant of the truth or are you lying?” There were only two possible answers, yes or no. She was embarrassed at being caught and was obviously used to the softball questions from the “professional journalists” of the MSM. Not surprisingly, I haven’t heard her on local radio since then. Unfortunately, like Maureen Dowd’s job, that kind of incompetence in a Congresswomen doesn’t get you fired.

    tyree (7a25f8)

  16. You know what I’d like to know from the media?

    WHO IN THE MEDIA is on the Townhouse email group – anyone notice the Main Stream Media was very incurious Townhouse when it came out?

    especially when it could have served to DIS-CREDIT the blogoshpere that is cutting into their market share and paychecks and has no layers of editorial control?

    Topsecretk9 (0b94d7)

  17. Matt Damon has suddenly departed for a cultural festival in Pyongyang.

    Jim62sch (640884)

  18. Doesn’t it feel good to be superior to Hollywood celebrities? Let’s all give ourselves a nice, conservative pat on the back…

    Leviticus (41975c)

  19. Unbelievable how close we are to having an unprecendentedly unqualified person so close to controlling the most powerful military in the history of the earth.

    We have been correctly been saying this EVER SINCE OBAMA BECAME THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE.

    Nobody is more unready to be President than Obama.

    Travis Monitor (cfa2f1)

  20. “Doesn’t it feel good to be superior to Hollywood celebrities?”

    Damning with faint praise alert!

    Travis Monitor (cfa2f1)

  21. “Doesn’t it feel good to be superior to Hollywood celebrities?”

    I’d rather have their money and my brains than my money and their brains, for sure.

    Travis Monitor (cfa2f1)

  22. Why do you think they refer to the spam mail? Palin clearly has said things that imply she might take stock in creationism

    Jobo (dbfcb4)

  23. But what has she actually, you know, said?

    Bambi has stated he’s in favor of invading Pakistan without Pakistan’s permission. That’s something he said.

    Palin’s not (to the best of my knowledge) said anything like this casual smear.

    steve miller (dcbd46)

  24. Damon plays smart people in the movies — not the same thing as being smart, but he’s too dumb to understand that. Like Obama, he should never open his mouth without a script.

    E. O'Neal (30a920)

  25. What do you mean by creationism?

    SteveG (71dc6f)

  26. Now I understand why the media has been so fixated on the Obama muslim emails. They are so prone to believing whatever viral email hits their inbox, they think the rest of us are too.

    MayBee (1ddba1)

  27. You’ve got a HotAir link on this now, so prepare for the server to crash in the morning.

    WLS (06079b)

  28. Does anyone think that Matt Damon gives two shits about what Sarah Palin believes? Seriously? Does he care what she believes?

    No, he cares about making her out to be a psycho, nothing more. It’s funny, really.

    b10621 (df882e)

  29. Unbelievable how close we are to having an unprecendentedly unqualified person so close to controlling the most powerful military in the history of the earth.

    — Not to worry, jharp. Obama will lose, and everything will be alright.

    Icy Truth (db6433)

  30. Leviticunt –

    Doesn’t it feel good to be superior to Hollywood celebrities? Let’s all give ourselves a nice, conservative pat on the back…

    — This video is getting played all over. My local FOX (that’s right) affiliate played it tonight. He’s getting more mainstream play than many pundits, so it’s worth talking about.

    Icy Truth (db6433)

  31. I really don’t think she would think that dinosaurs lived 4000 years ago, but you know that almost 50% of Americans believe that man was created in his present form within the last 10,000 years. No, I’m not joking.

    Claire (10ebe1)

  32. I tried, I Repeat, I tried watching one of Matt Damon’S dumbass movies one time. Got about 20 minutes into it and had to eject the DVD. His acting sucks. So, who gives a flying crap what that moonbat thinks?

    And as for Dowdie (isn’t she tho?, dowdie that is), she is nothing more than a bitter old biddie who wishes she had the looks and brains that Mighty Sarah has.

    peedoffamerican (389cf6)

  33. So Matt Damon and Maureen are both too stupid to use basic fact checking and skeptical skills.
    We know Matt makes a living reading other people’s lines, and so does not really have to think. But Maureen is allegedly a journalist and writer.
    I wonder how it feels to be either as stupid as they act, or to be as lazy and cynical as they are if they are not acting?

    hunter (131b09)

  34. Doesn’t it feel good to be superior to Hollywood celebrities?

    How would you know?

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  35. “Leviticunt -”

    – Icy Truth

    You’re little nicknames get more and more clever every day. You should start a business… especially since it’s the only aspect of your comments that ever changes from one thread to another.

    Leviticus (41975c)

  36. “How would you know?”

    – Jim Treacher

    What? Isn’t that the whole point of this post?

    Leviticus (41975c)

  37. Hey guys, leave Matt alone. This is the star of Rounders and Jersey Girl for crying out loud! He is more than qualified to tell us lowly peons how to vote.

    What I am breathlessly waiting to hear is what Rob Lowe thinks of Palin. If he gives her a thumbs down, well that’s all I need to know.

    Ed (dcbd92)

  38. Speaking of odd beliefs, is Damon one of the Hollywood Scientology mob?

    Dan S (ca8a95)

  39. Speaking of odd beliefs, is Damon one of the Hollywood Scientology mob?

    No, he’s just a run of the mill idiot.

    Ann NY (a90c24)

  40. I’d like Matt Damon to explain the connection between 4,000 year old dinosaurs and nuclear codes. Specifically, I’d like to know when Damon thinks a Creationist would either (1) hit the button when he shouldn’t or (2) not hit the button when he should, all because he/she mistakenly believes that dinosaurs roamed the earth 4,000 years ago.

    Xrlq (b71926)

  41. Gov Palin advocates teaching Creationism, or at least Intelligent Design, in school along with Evolution.

    Speaking as someone who believes in Creationism, Dinosaurs and man co-existed at least thru the time of the Flood, and probably for a long number of years after that. Where else would the idea of Dragons have come from, if not from people seeing Dinosaurs (or maybe even real dragons)?

    Does Gov Palin believe this point of view? I don’t know, but it would only gain her more standing with the Religious Conservative crowd if she did.

    Sean (6641de)

  42. Am I to understand that by saying 5,000 rather than 4,000, Dowd actually misquoted a bogus email message?

    sierra (aa4594)

  43. She’s a hockey mom, not a scientist. Her church believes that the earth is only 4000 years old apparently…or not (she changed churchs not long ago.) .

    She doesn’t think about such things.

    She does not blink.

    She is ‘wired’.

    datadave (eb12a5)

  44. matt damon made the most profits for movie companies of any in a dollar per cost dollar per equation. So he’s a success. Sarah just shakes down oil companies and buys votes…(latest 1200 on top of existing 2000 per Alaskan…incl babies… wonder the Fundies are flocking there to breed and get more welfare. )

    datadave (eb12a5)

  45. It is a shame. I used to enjoy spending money on Matt’s movies.

    Terry Sater (2a3ab6)

  46. Gov Palin advocates teaching Creationism, or at least Intelligent Design, in school along with Evolution.

    No, she doesn’t.

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  47. Stop lying Dave.

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  48. It will a delight to read the frustrated words of the various trolls here as the Dalibama phenomena continues to implode. Can you smell their fear and panic? It is the smell of big time defeat for the empty suit with his shallowness, the thinness of his resume and his more frequent efforst to dodge questions about his asshole buddies and associates. I’d perhaps feel pity for the duplicitous trolls here if they were not so intellectually dishonest.
    What’s with McCain offering Obumbler a cabinet position though?

    Learn something new every day. Didn’t know Beldar is Bill Dyer or the genesis of the name before.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  49. Leviticunt

    Icy, I’d like for you to appologize to Leviticus.

    Now, please.

    I’m not sure if you think he’s Levi, but he isn’t, he’s at least more respectful on here than I am (which isn’t often saying much), and he’s civil.

    These are traits that you may, at some point, wish to attempt to emulate.

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  50. The big story here is how did Matt and Maureen get out of Bush’s gulag in order to criticize a Republican.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  51. Just read the great NY Times contributor Thomas L. Freidman’s tribute to the Chinese ” A Biblical Seven Years.” So the Red Chinese worked on their infrastructure for past seven years while Bush did diddly squat on ours? But have no fear because Obumbler/the Dalibama will fix things right, unlike McCain.
    Maybe someone could take the column apart and expose Friedman for the clueless Obama fellator wannabe he is. I’d like to know why anyone thinks China does a great job with construction and infarstructure when the work and materials are beyond mere shoddy? And all you asshats who think China or Cuba are wonderful workers’ paradises should consider living there. And take the Obamalamadingdongs with you. Ditto the likes of Rosie O’Donnell, fellow fat pig Moore and Damon’s posse too.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  52. What do you mean by creationism?

    Comment by SteveG

    Yep. If she is a new earth creationist then Sarah Palin probably does believe some variation of what Maureen Dowd was saying…assuming she thinks about it at all.

    It doesn’t mean that she is “obviously so ignorant” that she might start a nuclear war with Russia, which is what is implied by putting old earth creationism next to nuclear codes.

    Up next…. Sarah Palin believes that we are in the End Times!!!!! That might be more worrisome if she is one of those nuts who think that it is our duty to bring about the rapture. But I bet she isn’t one of them.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  53. “Yep. If she is a new earth creationist then Sarah Palin probably does believe some variation of what Maureen Dowd was saying…assuming she thinks about it at all.”

    Ed – So in conclusion, maybe yes, maybe no, but we have absolutely fuck all evidence to go on and I’m just spitballing here so I think I’ll shut up now.

    And by the way, the fake Palin quotes from this website that went viral were absolutely precious.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  54. #

    Gov Palin advocates teaching Creationism, or at least Intelligent Design, in school along with Evolution.

    Speaking as someone who believes in Creationism, Dinosaurs and man co-existed at least thru the time of the Flood, and probably for a long number of years after that. Where else would the idea of Dragons have come from, if not from people seeing Dinosaurs (or maybe even real dragons)?

    Does Gov Palin believe this point of view? I don’t know, but it would only gain her more standing with the Religious Conservative crowd if she did.

    Comment by Sean — 9/12/2008 @ 5:41 am

    trying to imitate those with whom you disagree is not a good tactic. You only have your own straw men to offer and they don’t look real to those who know the real thing.

    quasimodo (edc74e)

  55. You know Ed, when you bite on made up crap, you have feces breath.

    PCD (1df2b5)

  56. Look, these people are frankly getting desperate. They are scared, McCain is ahead and even the congressional race is getting competitive. Over at my website I talk about the work Sarah Palin still needs to do. The wolves are after her big time and she has got to step up in these interviews which I think she will.

    Nancy (412120)

  57. Methinks that Eddy really has a Woody for Palin – fess up, Eddy; you want her, bad.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  58. Matt Damon cannot even ask his own questions.

    Watch the video where he keeps referring to something off-camera, down and to his right.

    Its a Talking Points sheet.

    Probably written in crayon.

    TXMarko (10fe17)

  59. How ’bout dem apples.

    JD (6a8c0a)

  60. Maybe everyone is reading Matt Damon wrong.

    It is possible that Matt believes that dinosaurs and man mingle on Earth 4000 years ago together, and is just making sure that Gov. Palin agrees.

    patrick (040846)

  61. #55
    “You know Ed, when you bite on made up crap, you have feces breath.”

    In other words PCD you have no ideas here and nothing of even marginal interest to add.

    “Methinks that Eddy really has a Woody for Palin – fess up, Eddy; you want her, bad.”

    Methinks Dmac is projecting which is a common enough human characteristic. I bet you can find some gratifying photos of your favorite lipsticked pitbull-mommy if you put her name into Google Images D.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  62. Methinks Dmac is projecting which is a common enough human characteristic. I bet you can find some gratifying photos of your favorite lipsticked pitbull-mommy if you put her name into Google Images D.

    That’s the ticket! Way to show respect for women!

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  63. #53 Daleyrocks. Actually I meant to phrase that first section of my comment as a question coz I don’t know if she is new or old earth. You are as perceptive as ever.

    The fact that you reacted so strongly to that part of my comment though suggests that you don’t want her to turn out to be a new earth creationist.

    Do you think new earth creationists are ignorant and therefore can’t be trusted with the decision to use nuclear weapons Daleyrocks?

    EdWood (c2268a)

  64. “Do you think new earth creationists are ignorant and therefore can’t be trusted with the decision to use nuclear weapons Daleyrocks?”

    Ed – I don’t think their religious views have anything to do with their ability to function in office and I think you are a bigot if you do.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  65. Ed – Do you think Euroweenie pacifist fundie muslim supporting socialists like Obama would be reluctant to use American military force to protect our intesest if necessary if he were elected to the White House?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  66. Daleyrocks #64
    I agree with you, as my earlier comment stated.

    #65 I think either candidate would protect American interests if necessary. I think Obama would be a little slower to use the military because he talks a lot about diplomacy, not because McCain is some sort of “warmonger”. I don’t buy into the meme that McCain is a “warmonger” because John McCain has been to a war and knows personally that wars can really ruin your day forever.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  67. Daleyrocks
    I re-read that post. I am not suggesting, of course, that you think McCain is a warmonger. I am referring to a “lefty” meme that I am sure you are well aware of.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  68. Leviticus —

    Scott Jacobs, whose comments I agree with most of the time, wrote: I’m not sure if you think he’s Levi, but he isn’t, he’s at least more respectful on here than I am (which isn’t often saying much), and he’s civil. Well, I do not think you’re Levi — even though I did call you Latin Levi the other day as a joke; I think you’re wrong on most of the issues we debate here, but that’s something else again. And so I apologize for what I called you this time.

    In keeping with the spirit of debate, however, I will note that you didn’t respond to the content of my response to you. You wrote: Doesn’t it feel good to be superior to Hollywood celebrities? Let’s all give ourselves a nice, conservative pat on the back… … seeming to imply that this is a superfluous story. I responded: This video is getting played all over. My local FOX (that’s right) affiliate [which is in Phoenix, the 5th largest — 4th largest now that Houston has cleared out — city in the nation] played it tonight. He’s getting more mainstream play than many pundits, so it’s worth talking about. I will be interested in reading your response.

    Icy Truth (225b9d)

  69. Ed @66 – Bullshit. You’re getting better, but you couldn’t resist you’re snarky little number 63. I think you’re a religious bigot at heart with that comment but just won’t admit it.

    I didn’t react strongly to your earlier comment due to the substance, but due to the lack of substance. You don’t know shit about her actual faith positions on this stuff and are only floating air bisquits for shits and giggles.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  70. “…of your favorite lipsticked pitbull-mommy if you put her name into Google Images D.”

    This is easier than poking a stick into a feral animal’s cage – thanks for taking the bait and showing us your true misogynist colors, Eddy!

    Dmac (e639cc)

  71. I’m sorry, I forget the correct address to be used from now on: EdsgottaWoody.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  72. It may have started as a parody, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a valid question. I have run into “Young Earthers” with far more education than Palin.

    At least ask her. What harm can the answer be?

    Mo MoDo (f5fb95)

  73. #69 Sorry big D but my reply to you was honest. I have posted before about people’s religious beliefs having nothing to do with their ability but having lots to do with how other people perceive them.

    See the post by WLS a few pages back.

    You also don’t know shit about her actual faith positions on this stuff because you aren’t in her head. I think you will defend anything she says to the death because you don’t give a shit about her positions at all as long as she is a “conservative” and gets into power but you just won’t admit it.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  74. As for the towering genius of Matt Damon (hey, pal, you aren’t Will Hunting), here is something that made me laugh:

    It’s Lewis Black making fun of “Earth Day” from celebrities. Black goofing on Damon comes a little way into the viddie.

    Watch it, and you will feel better about Matt Damon’s sneering condescension.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  75. Dmac#70 and #71

    aaaaand Dmac’s got nothing useful to say again!

    Notice how Daleyrocks took two posts to hammer me into the wall? I don’t agree with big D here but at least he(?) makes people question and defend their positions fairly often. Way more interesting than your poo throwing.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  76. 61, Ed, quit projecting your mental illness upon others. Tell me how idiots like Dowd and Damon biting on demonstrably wrong information like it was truth in stone is something you find necessary to defend?

    Is it like most liberals, you have a faulty view of the world that is only cured when looking down the gun barrel of a terrorist?

    PCD (1df2b5)

  77. Ed – Flattery will get you nowhere.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  78. I suspect datadave and his left-tard ilk who mock creationists— are OK with moonbat lunacies such as aromatherapy, astrology, homeopathy, Feng Shui, auras, crystals, pyramid power…… the list gets kinda long.

    Here’s a suggestion, datadave: go Rolf yourself.

    Anna Keppa (3829f0)

  79. You also don’t know shit about her actual faith positions on this stuff because you aren’t in her head. I think you will defend anything she says to the death because you don’t give a shit about her positions at all as long as she is a “conservative” and gets into power but you just won’t admit it.

    Comment by EdWood — 9/12/2008 @ 10:08 am

    And just how far into Obama’s head are you, Ed?

    nk (d681ef)

  80. Well, you could say that he’s actually far into Obama’s ass — which makes sense because that’s where Obama’s head is.

    Icy Truth (0e4d32)

  81. “…aaaaand Dmac’s got nothing useful to say again!”

    …aaaand Edsgotnowoodnow’s caught projecting once again!

    Ed fails to understand that Trools who post nonsensical musings do not receive replies in kind.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  82. PCD #75
    If you could manage to shut off your “agree with me or you’re a lib” chip and read my original comment you will see that I was responding to another comment (“what do you mean by creationism”) and suggested that at least M. Dowd may be correct in characterizing Sarah Palin as a new earth creationist.

    I then agree with most of the commetors on this thread that equating being a new earth creationist with being too ignorant to lead is a dishonest thing to do.

    In other words, who cares if both of them are right about her religious beliefs? It’s not her belief in creationism that could make her a bad choice for VP.

    There are other things that could, like if she believed that the End Times were now and that her personal actions could hasten the rapture, but there is no evidence that she believes that… not that it’s not gonna be suggested by someone somewhere coz I bet that’s coming up sometime…. which was my final (joky) comment.

    Suddenly my comments are those of a misogynistic Christian hating Obamatron with a woody (hey Dmac sed it not me)!

    Gimme a break. You guys need to deprogram a little more often.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  83. Haw! No longer a “you’re a troll” virgin anymore!

    Ahhhh Dmac….. it was gonna be daleyrocks before you came along. I just knew it was gonna be you….

    EdWood (c2268a)

  84. Notice how MoDo’s list of rumors are presented as questions another reporter should ask. She gets to dish the dirt without even claiming they are true, or even that she might make that claim, or even that they are questions she would ask. Clever.

    #4 – The fiction of Matt Damon’s movies make him seem so much smarter than he really is. How unfortunate. How Hollywood.

    How true. Some of his movies are very good and feature very intelligent characters. He is a moron.

    Wesson (f6c982)

  85. Hmmm. I seem to remember an awful lot of people who tried to paint Reagan into that “End Times” corner. Didn’t work too well.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  86. Dmac, this guy kind of digs you. I would consider a restraining order.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  87. From Wikipedia, about Matt Damon graduating from Harvard University:
    He could have graduated in 1992, but chose to defer classes to pursue acting projects, including the TNT original film Rising Son and ensemble prep-school drama School Ties.

    Wesson (f6c982)

  88. I spam myself –

    Until someone starts a separate thread, I will post this here. During his appearance on The View today, the following took place (as reported, without shame, by HuffPo):

    McCain was also pushed on his stance on abortion, saying he thought Roe v. Wade was a bad decision. Saying he’d nominate justices who interpret the constitution, Whoopi asked if that meant she’d be returned to slavery

    -– That tells you absolutely everything that you will ever need to know regarding Whoopi Goldberg and politics.

    Icy Truth (0e4d32)

  89. Let’s be honest with ourselves — she’s not ready.

    gordP (d63e61)

  90. Correct. Whoopi is not ready.

    Icy Truth (3b614c)

  91. gordP – Let’s be honest, Baracky’s even less ready.

    JD (5f0e11)

  92. Saying he’d nominate justices who interpret the constitution, Whoopi asked if that meant she’d be returned to slavery

    Considering the Constitution now says that slavery is not legal, I would guess “no”.

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  93. 91, Would Caryn Johnson (Whoopi) even make a good employee, let alone a slave?

    PCD (1df2b5)

  94. 81, Ed, you went off the board to calling for religious bigotry for $100. You got nailed for being a religious bigot. In reading your writings, you sound like a person who believes that anyone who follows a religion is mentally defective.

    PCD (1df2b5)

  95. This is just too funny:
    Biden on the record. Gaffe-O-Matic!

    Icy Truth (3b614c)

  96. That Whoopi quote is commercial grade stooopid, jharpy and JAR levels of asshattery.

    JD (5f0e11)

  97. “Dmac, this guy kind of digs you. I would consider a restraining order…”

    Eric, you may be correct…but ewwww.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  98. As the clip continues she actually acknowledges existence the 13th Amendment, but she seems confused — apparently believing that “strict constructionist” means going back to the very beginning, rather than “interpreting the Constitution, amendments and all, as written”.

    Icy Truth (3b614c)

  99. #93 PCD Yawn, yes yes there just has to be SOME reason that you are always right and all us “libs” are always wrong. Religious bigot, Misogynist, Racist, Liberal, Commie, whatever. don’t forget that we control the entire media too! Old con job, all of it.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  100. I really like Rounders, and am loving the Bourne movies. I just ignore what these knuckleheads say off script. Skip the awards shows, etc., pay them no mind. It’s entertainment. If a band is known for preaching on stage, I avoid them (hello – Eddy Vedder).

    It’s just annoying that they get to spout off when they are obviously ignorant. Pam Anderson said about Palin (can’t find the link) “she can suck it.” Well, Pam, as any internet surfer can vouch, you would know!

    carlitos (1b6c91)

  101. The Dissident Frogman had some fun with Damon.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  102. “seeming to imply that this is a superfluous story… [but] This video is getting played all over”

    – Icy Truth

    First of all, apology accepted.

    Second of all, I don’t see how our two positions are mutually exclusive. It’s totally feasible for a story to both widely played and totally superfluous; it happens all the time – Sarah Palin’s Glasses Are Super-Popular; Obama Makes a Picture-Perfect Jump Shot; Matt Damon Talks Out His Ass

    You don’t hear me whining when some celebrity says something stupid about a Democrat, because I don’t care what Hollywood celebrities think about politics.

    Leviticus (41975c)

  103. The problem is, some voters do.

    Icy Truth (c9b193)

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