Patterico's Pontifications


Obama: “You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig. It’s Still a Pig.”

Filed under: 2008 Election — Patterico @ 5:10 pm

We have our first major Sarah Palin gaffe. But Sarah Palin didn’t make it:

He says, as he must, that he wasn’t referring to Palin. If not, it’s a remarkably tone-deaf statement.

UPDATE: Video replaced with one that makes the point more clearly — and that explains why McCain using the same analogy for Hillary’s health care plan wasn’t the same thing. There had been no recent lipstick references by Hillary. There was one by Palin — the most famous line in her speech. That’s the difference.

142 Responses to “Obama: “You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig. It’s Still a Pig.””

  1. Historically, Senator Obama seems to be very sensitive to the comments of others, yet surprisingly tone deaf.

    Personally, I think he means all this—just like when his staff says awful things he claims not be in agreement with.

    On the other hand, perhaps Karl Rove’s mind rays are working here.

    This is really designed to placate voters who think that Senator Obama has been dismissive of Senator Clinton and women’s issues in general.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  2. The bottom line is that Obama is just not near as smart as he think he is, nor as smart as his cultists think he is.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  3. He could no more call his esteemed VP opponent a “pig” than he could call his grandma a “racist.”

    Ed (f35a20)

  4. He’s not NEARLY as a good a politician as everyone on the Dem side thought he was.

    This is the FIRST time he’s been in real election fight with a campaign and a party that fundamentally disagreed with him.

    And it shows.

    What struck me more about the clip, however, was the fact that nearly all those people in the background are setting there without showing a lot of enthusiasm for his comments.

    WLS (26b1e5)

  5. So, the list things we can’t say now includes,
    “You put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig” and
    “Call a spade a spade.”

    SPQR in #2 says that Obama is not as smart as “his cultists think he is.” Heck, no one is 25% as smart. And, according to Obama supporters, anyone who is not yet supporting Obama is less than half as smart as a pig, with or without lipstick.

    Ira (28a423)

  6. Obama lacks the ability of the “considered” remark or response. Furthermore, he has told too many half-truths in his self-invention. They are now too numerous for him to contain. He can’t do this mental shell game successfully until November and not offend away his marginal voters. Obama’s going to blink.

    C. Norris (0aa146)

  7. Of course the Obama campaign is playing it off as referring to “different names on the ticket touting the same old Bush policies,” with no further meaning. Even if that is true, he couldn’t have possibly picked two worse metaphors to use. The “old fish” reference goes right at McCain.

    Icy Truth (31efee)

  8. The bottom line is that Obama is just not near as smart as he think he is, nor as smart as his cultists think he is.
    That’s for sure. And the storm that will follow this “lipstick on a pig” comment is fair payback for the several times he’s “taken advantage” of McCain’s statements, like “we’ll be in Iraq for 100 years.”

    cboldt (3d73dd)

  9. So, the list things we can’t say now includes …


    The list is huge. Nothing about ears either, or being tone deaf (that implies ears), etc.


    Senator Obama made a pregnant pause after the “You can put lipstick on a pig” part of the saying. The pause was long enough to obtain a crowd reaction that resembled applause and cheers. The delivery is a bit damning.

    cboldt (3d73dd)

  10. Wasn’t is just yesterday the keen minds and talking heads of the MSM were telling us that Palin would be a gaff-a-thon?

    Tell me again, how was Obama vetted?

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  11. Check out the title of a recent book by former McCain press secretary Torie Clarke.

    Foo Bar (03f778)

  12. Desperation time!!!! We need a bumper sticker showing Obama with lipstick and his quote

    Nina (5009c4)

  13. Republicans are trying nitpick everything that Obama and Biden say, in order to have some sort of leg to stand on. It makes sense because when you can’t talk about the issues then you resort to using personal attacks. Guess what people, Obama made a joke at the expense of your candidate using a commonly known expression. You thought the hockey mom/pitbull joke was so funny but Obama turned it around, which makes it even more funny. If you think that Obama is calling Palin a pig then you need to get over yourself.

    mj (c39ebb)

  14. You thought the hockey mom/pitbull joke was so funny but Obama turned it around …
    Actually, that’s an association Obama should NOT be making, because it draws back to Palin, rather than to policy. Nice of you to admit his intention was to associate the comment to Palin.

    cboldt (3d73dd)

  15. “…makes it even more funny.”

    No question, he’s hilarious – and listen to that crowd!” (crickets chirping)

    As for your other contention that we “need to get over ourselves,” no problem – just as soon as The Messiah stops talking about the non – existent attacks on his race.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  16. mj, thanks for stopping by between seminars. I suggest you keep thinking that all is well right up to November.

    This latest Obama stunt, preceded by his giving Hillary the finger, seems to add up to a young man who doesn’t handle strong women well when they are not sleeping with him.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  17. Republicans are trying nitpick everything that Obama and Biden say”
    aka a political campaign

    when you can’t talk about the issues then you resort to using personal attacks.”
    The most hilarious case of projection ever typed on the interwebs.

    If you think that Obama is calling Palin a pig then you need to get over yourself.”
    I’m sort of trying to figure out how the two phrases in this sentence fit together into a logical “if ->then” statement that makes sense, but I’m coming up short here.

    That's the fact Jack Klompus (b0e238)

  18. I see that Pooh Bear thinks that a former press secretary has something actually worthwhile to say; remember those oft – quoted masterpieces from Scott McClelland and Jody Powell?

    Dmac (e639cc)

  19. “…seems to add up to a young man who doesn’t handle strong women well when they are not sleeping with him.”

    Who says he actually “handles” Michelle in the first place? Looks like a classic case of milquetoast if I ever saw one.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  20. This strikes me as much ado about nothing. “Lipstick on a pig” is a common expression for making someone or something (usually something) out to be what he/she/it is not. Palin’s own lipstick quip adds an element of irony, but not necessarily in the sense of calling her a pig. It could just as easily be read as “Oh yeah, speaking of lipstick, that’s what these faux mavericks are trying to put on the pig that is their record of voting with President Bush 90% of the time and against Karl Marx 100% of the time.”

    Xrlq (62cad4)

  21. 13~

    Republicans are trying nitpick everything that Obama and Biden say

    Well, it is election season, and Presidential elections are generally considered kind of … important, ya’ know?

    when you can’t talk about the issues

    To be honest, we love talking about the issues, but that’s kind of where the Democrats fall down. Or over.

    made a joke at the expense of your candidate using a commonly known expression.

    There’s a phrase you’re looking for there…”using a cliché.” Sorry, that imprecision would have bothered me all night. Anyway, truth is, he’s not really bright enough to have used that cliché as a joke. But he is dumb enough to have used it when his political opponent has taken ownership of that single word.

    If you think that Obama is calling Palin a pig then you need to get over yourself.

    No, I don’t think he was. He’s not smart enough to have realized what a bonehead thing to say was dropping from his jaw.

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  22. He’s a mean SOB and anyone any woman who knows men has seen it in his attitude all along. He gives me the creeps as he arrogantly looks down from his mountain of ego.

    Sara (3337ed)

  23. #20 Xrlq:

    This strikes me as much ado about nothing.

    For the most part, that’s right.

    However, it does reveal a disturbing ineptness on the O!ne’s part. Not everyone is a good extemporaneous speaker…but Gov Palin’s RNC speech was recent enough that “lipstick” belongs to the hockey mom, not the “community organizer.”

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  24. McCain criticized Democratic contenders for offering what he called costly universal health-care proposals that require too much government regulation. While he said he had not studied Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s plan, he said it was “eerily reminiscent” of the failed plan she offered as first lady in the 1990s.

    “I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” he said of her proposal.

    jharp (ef54fc)

  25. This is typical Obama…The Barack Obama Mysoginist show:

    1. The Middle finger wave…remember

    2. “You challenge the status quo and suddenly the claws come out.”


    3. “when she’s feeling down” “periodically” she “launches attacks.”

    Budahmon (b52f57)

  26. An oldie but nevertheless still relevant. Salon feels its readers deserve the unadulterated truth. McCain’s quip

    “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
    Because her father is Janet Reno.”

    jharp (ef54fc)

  27. Hey, jharp, I have this great idea.

    Why don’t you ask fifty women, randomly chosen, how they interpreted Obama’s remark?

    I am presuming you aren’t a woman, of course.

    This latest bit from the Gaffemeister was remarkably tone-deaf. Either Senator Obama has no clue, or he trying to be mean-spirited in a clever fashion (and say he never meant any insult). Either alternative is not a great image for Hope&Change, Inc.

    Sweetie. You remember that bit, too, right?

    And saying “Well, McCain once said that too” is not a very impressive defense. After all, Senator Obama is the one we have been waiting for, and promises a postracial and postpartisan view!

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  28. I dunno. Calling this an attack on Palin is too similar to all of Obama’s whining about everything said against him being racist: stretching the facts.

    To me at least.

    Kevin (07941a)

  29. And jharp? You do recall that McCain personally called Clinton to apologize for that bad joke, right?

    So Obama will have no trouble taking responsibility for being a horse’s ass, too. Right?

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  30. But it is nice to get the news from freakin’ Salon!

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  31. Barry spent too many nights in college staying up late, with a buzz on, putting to memory the lines and cadences of Denzell Washington’s portrayal of Malcolm X. Barry’s an imitation of an imitation and it’s starting to wear thin. While obviously the lipstick line is going to be a problem, calling McCain an “old fish” I find more disgusting. But what is going to really do him in is that when panicked and away from the teleprompter Barry falls into his Wright/Farrakhan imitative, dare I say, shuck and jive. Too hip by a half.

    bob (0a20cb)

  32. Yeah, his diction was funny, wasn’t it? It reminded me of when Hillary Clinton would try to and sound “down home Southern” and the like.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  33. Remarkably tone-deaf, indeed. Intended as a reference to Gov. Palin, I doubt, and I’ll give The One the benefit of the doubt on this.

    Beldar (8a23eb)

  34. Beldar, how about the “old fish wrap” comment?

    In light of how often Senator Obama has shown incredible sensitivity to word and phrase choice himself, this comes off quite precious from the man.

    Just my opinion.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  35. #33 Beldar:

    Remarkably tone-deaf, indeed.

    He’s gonna be unhappy when he figures out that the hockey mom has taken ownership of the word “lipstick,” and now he has to pay rent on it.

    As far as giving him the “benefit of the doubt?” That kind of tone deafness in the man wanting to be responsible for foreign policy ought to raise some doubts…

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  36. jharpo marxist wrote:

    An oldie but nevertheless still relevant. Salon feels its readers deserve the unadulterated truth.

    Yeah, harpo. Like, for instance, Salon’s Gary Kamiya (with an illustration of a whip-wielding Palin caressing a moose) writing the following without qualification:

    “She praises altruism and selflessness, except when Democrats do it (or it involves helping poor black people).

    As a Salon reader who think it contains “unadulterated truth,” jharp, you should be able to tell me exactly which “poor black people” it is that Palin doesn’t want to help, and why you agree with Kamiya.

    Start spinning…NOW!

    L.N. Smithee (8dbd9a)

  37. It’s been great seeing the Palin smears miss their target. But let’s not go too far. She is a politician. She will be insulted. It’s OK – she is not a queen whose honor we are obliged to defend to the death. Palin as a victim is wearing thin, and it never suited her.

    Let her defend herself by focusing on real issues instead of real or imagined insults.

    Amphipolis (e6b868)

  38. #34 Eric Blair:

    comes off quite precious from the man.

    Not sure if that was meant to be ‘precocious’ or not, but it gave me sudden visions of Gollum, muttering to himself after losing the election.

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  39. #26, everyone old enough to remember Bill Clinton’s first term knows Chelsea looks a lot like Webster Hubble. Webb was a partner in the Rose Law Firm along with Hillary and Vince Foster. They worked together on the Whitewater Real Estate project and came to the White House when Bill was elected.

    Webb later resigned in disgrace and Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park 6 months into Bill’s first term. The Park Police ruled his death was a suicide.

    Ropelight (49e412)

  40. To me I don’t give a dam about McCain’s inappropriate Chelsea Clinton joke or Obama’s alleged inappropriate comment.

    Stuff like that is what idiots base their vote on.

    And for the record I didn’t care about Senator Craig trying to give a blowjob nor about Bill Clinton getting one.

    jharp (ef54fc)

  41. On the surface it would seem an incredibly dumb thing to do just for the sake of insulting Palin. Look at all the ink and airwaves devoted to people guessing at tone/intonation for how it was “really” meant.
    Instead, I think it is part strategy coupled with the comment about McCain’s honor by one of Obama’s spokespeople today. It is pretty clear that McCain has managed to get in Obama’s head. I think the two statements I mentioned are an attempt to get in McCain’s head and cause some sort of outburst from him or Palin.
    It also takes away one or two campaign days while the media and blogosphere try to “decipher” the meaning. If that is the focus, the Palin mania is second page news and gives the Obama camp a chance to stem the bleeding before it hits point of no return.

    Beldar could have it right but the inability to control the news cycles have hurt Obama badly.

    voiceofreason2 (d8faae)

  42. “…this comes off quite precious from the man.”

    Wait until he attempts some street slang in the appropriate urban environment; should be equally stilted and uncomfortable – sounding.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  43. My money says that in 4 months, Sarah Palin will buttonhole Obama in the Senate cloakroom and curtly tell him, “From here on out, pal, when you call me a name, just make sure you precede it with MADAME VICE-PRESIDENT. Understand?”

    MarkJ (7fa185)

  44. Something tells me nobody will be so understanding if Palin’s next speech contains the line, “Let’s call a spade a spade.”

    L.N. Smithee (8dbd9a)

  45. Icy Truth:

    “Even if that is true, he couldn’t have possibly picked two worse metaphors to use. The “old fish” reference goes right at McCain.”

    To state this as delicately as possible: I have played the statement for several female friends, most of whom are apolitical. They have a different interpretation of the “old fish” that stinks comment. Suffice it to say they are taking this as a second swipe at Palin, and a poorly veiled reference to certain body parts.Need I point out that they were madder about this than the first part?

    Too subtle? How about if Obama had told Palin to “clam up”? That’s as far as I go.

    fat tony (7a8b37)

  46. You know who wrote:

    To me I don’t give a dam about McCain’s inappropriate Chelsea Clinton joke or Obama’s alleged inappropriate comment.

    Given the rest of the commentary, I would presume he meant the Hoover Dam.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  47. fat tony –

    Hugh Hewitt made that connection as well; I guess I was holding out hope that Bambi was an equal opportunity sleazeball.

    Icy Truth (894e4f)

  48. #45 fat tony:

    To state this as delicately as possible:

    according to my wife, O!bama just gave the Hillary voters to the Rethuglicans.

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  49. It also takes away one or two campaign days while the media and blogosphere try to “decipher” the meaning. If that is the focus, the Palin mania is second page news . . .

    This has everything to do with the Palin mania.

    I agree with many that he probably didn’t mean it the way many are taking it.

    That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a boneheaded thing to say. Sometimes, when you’re a leader, you have to be careful about how people might perceive what you say. If you’re prone to gaffes, it opens you to valid criticism.

    And the retort about how McCain used the phrase about Hillary widely misses the mark. The biggest line in Palin’s speech was a reference to her wearing “lipstick” (as a “pit bull”) and that phrase is still ringing in voters’ ears. Nobody has to have this one explained to them.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  50. He’s right. A pig is a pig. Even with a new lipstick called “change” and “Reform”. It’s still a pig.

    love2008 (1b037c)

  51. “‘Lipstick on a pig’ is a common expression.”

    And the word ‘uppity’ is standard English – regardless of Ebonics.

    richasis (7e5dff)

  52. And Obama is ‘uppity’.

    richasis (7e5dff)

  53. Obama’s efforts “not to be bullied” look like the projections of a man easily intimidated – and from the career he had in Chicago, he never was challenged by anybody in a serious manner.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  54. I must say, I love this. It’s amazing how quickly Repubs get all up in arms and indignant, yet they can be as nasty and untruthful and phony as they want a their own convention right? But like most bullies, stand up to them and pop them back in the nose and they run to big moma MSM to extract as much political capital as possible from an environment they asked for and created. Too funny.

    ANd BTW McCain has used that term before too, so tell it to someone who cares:

    McCain has used the lipstick phrase, too.

    Last year while criticizing health proposals from the Democratic presidential candidates, he said Hillary Rodham Clinton’s resembled the failed plan she offered as first lady during the 1990s. “I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” McCain of her proposal.

    Obama/Biden 08

    Peter (e70d1c)

  55. Stay large, McCain. I’d show some grace here. I’d hate to see Republicans picking and parsing their opponent’s every sentence for insults like querulous leftists do. The stupidity of the remark stands in stark relief. It will only stand more starkly against McCain or Palin’s gracious dismissal, e.g., “it’s a long campaign and we can’t hold people to a standard of perfection. We’re sure he didn’t mean anything personal.”

    rrpjr (fb0748)

  56. McCain criticized Democratic contenders for offering what he called costly universal health care proposals that require too much government regulation. While he said he had not studied Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s health-care plan, he said it was “eerily reminiscent” of the failed plan she offered as first lady in the early 1990s.

    “I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” he said of her proposal.”

    whatever (6b0755)

  57. I give Obama the benefit of the doubt on this. I think it was an unfortunate lack of discretion but I don’t think it was malicious. It seemed however that the audience may have assumed it was about Palin.

    That Other Dana (084de8)

  58. I think you might get more traction if you return to your July obsesssion. You know, the one about what al-Maliki really, really said about U.S. troop withdrawal……I mean, like, translated from the German but without the evil New York Times in the middle.
    How do you say pig and lipstick and pit bull in German, anyway? Especially in one sentence. Gotta be a bunch of capital letters in weird places. Linguistically, that’s a bridge to nowhere, doncha think?
    By the time you find out, everything will be elsewhere. Already is.
    Nice try, ‘rico.

    Larry Reilly (d11f9a)

  59. Mary, this is the fourth time you’ve violated your promise to stay away from this blog for at least two weeks.

    Were you lying then, Mawy?

    Dmac (e639cc)

  60. Peter, you don’t get it. It is the Obama people who have thrown out the race card everytime Obama has been criticized ( and never for any real racist attack ).

    The hypocrisy of the Obama cultists is so hilarious, I think I’ve hurt a rib.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  61. Eric Blair, comment 32 @ 6:19 pm:

    Yeah, his diction was funny, wasn’t it? It reminded me of when Hillary Clinton would try to and sound “down home Southern” and the like.

    I noticed that immediately too, so I looked for Lebanon, VA on a map and sure enough it is down near the North Carolina border. Obama sounded like he was borrowing the Jimmuh Carter pronunciation of “polis-uh” for “policy.” Then again, maybe his speech coach is trying to wean him from all his “uhs” by having him add them to words rather than use them separately as verbal crutches.

    JVW (6c4300)

  62. Peter, I pre-refuted your point.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  63. “I must say, I love this.”

    Watching your candidate go down?

    “It’s amazing how quickly Repubs get all up in arms and indignant…”

    You mean when the Dems and their media enablers called Palin a whore/trailerparktrash/unfitmother? Gosh, why would anyone be upset over that little tiff?

    “…and phony as they want a their own convention right?”

    Newsflash – this just in – Conventions are propaganda. (smart you are most definitely not)

    “…so tell it to someone who cares.”

    OK, let’s make a deal – since you appear to be someone who doesn’t care, please don’t let the door hit you on your arse on the way out. mmmkay?

    Dmac (e639cc)

  64. Lipstick on a pig. Dead on! Just the right phrase to counter this recent Republican metamorphosis from “experience” to “change and reform”. Experience? To hell with that crap!
    When the incumbent party, largely responsible for the mess we are now in, suddenly become the ones to bring us out of it, that is classical case of “lipstick on a pig”. It stinks like yesterday’s diapers.

    Thanks John McCain.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  65. I think that everyone who is defending Obama is trying to put lipstick on a pig. Well, for all the makeup, it is still Obama.

    The problem is that the MSM has been doing it for so long that people are wise to it.

    You can’t fool all of the people all of the time…and that time is over for the MSM supporters of Obama.

    Jack (d9cbc5)

  66. love2008, there are some substantial differences. McCain was talking about Hillary’s plan. And Hillary had not just made a speech where she referred to herself in a joke about the difference between hockey mom’s and a pit bull –> lipstick.

    But go ahead and pretend to be a clueless as jharp if you are comfortable with that reputation.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  67. That’s why this is on my shortlist of blogs. U feel at times as if I am auditing a seminar.

    fat tony (44273a)

  68. If the media would come out and admit Obama’s a gawdwaful extemporaneous speaker — more gaffe-prone than George W. Bush without a teleprompter in front of him — he’d actually be having an easier time with this. But other than news sites and blogs on the right, there never has been a distinction made between Barack’s gifts when speaking from a prepared scripts and his problems speaking off the top of his head.

    Watching the video, it’s obvious he was reaching for a metaphor when trying to say McCain/Palin wouldn’t produce change, and came up with this one, which his campaign then stupidly compounded by dragging out McCain’s use of the same metaphor when describing Hillary’s health care program in 2007. McCain’s basis for the “lipstick on a pig remark” came from the idea that this was 1994’s Hillarycare wrapped in a new package; Obama failed to be specific in his criticism about McCain and Palin, and with Sarah’s lipstick comment from the convention less than a week old, any audience with any interest in the political race would have immediately linked the speech and today’s remark in their mind.

    An Obama who was already known for making off-the-cuff faux pas would have still paid a little price for the remark, but it would have just being for being stupid in his turn of phrase. But since his campaign and his supporters have built Obama up as The One, admitting chronic verbal mistakes on the part of He Who Has No Flaws is virtually impossible, which leaves the campaign trying to say “Oh yea, well Maverick said it too,” and basically telling women voters he meant what he said, and demanding they see things his way instead of trying to meet those voters at least half way.

    John (4a5dc5)

  69. I’d show some grace here. I’d hate to see Republicans picking and parsing their opponent’s every sentence for insults like querulous leftists do.

    You’re right. And this is damn near perfect. When your opponent is busy shooting himself, it’s best to get out of the way. If McCain is smart, he’ll be gracious about this. He’ll look generous, while Obama is, once again, forced to play defense.

    And there are plenty of querulous PUMAs out there who will take offense. For them, this is another jab at a wound that is still fresh.

    It was apparent a while back that Mr. “Words matter” is remarkably careless with his. But the media hid and downplayed his gaffes. Now that the GE is on, they can’t do that any more.

    Donna (b9f624)

  70. Mein Name ist Larry –

    Schwein und Lippenstift und Pitbull, dummes Weibchen!

    Icy Truth (894e4f)

  71. It seems to me clear from the context Obama was referring to McCain, whom he mentioned by name in the riff leading up to the infamous quote.

    But that clip of Obama giving the finger to Hillary, pointed out by Mike K., was obviously intentional.

    Bradley J. Fikes (0ea407)

  72. #62 Patterico

    Peter, I pre-refuted your point.

    Here’s another example of it’s use by non other than…

    Vice President Dick Cheney four years ago – also on the campaign trail.

    ”As we say in Wyoming, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” quipped Vice President Dick Cheney in a stump speech yesterday, with reference to John Kerry’s claims he would be a credible war president.

    I’m not refuting here was echoing Palin’s remark and as a matter of fact, yes this is directly aimed at her and McCain and I think it’s great. Really, after the lies and smears from Guiliani and Leiberman and Palin at the RNC, which was simply grotesque in it’s nastiness and belittlement of toward Obama.

    And now McCain pretending he’s the reformer? When it’s his party that’s been in power for over a decade with CONgress and POTUS. It’s just too much to stomach. This is exactly the right response. It’s been to long since we’ve had a Democrat who will look the Republicans in the face and stand up to them.

    McCain/Palin be a President and VP for change and reform when pigs fly.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  73. “I feel”

    fat tony (1a03d8)

  74. love2008 –

    Just the right phrase to counter this recent Republican metamorphosis from “experience” to “change and reform”. Experience? To hell with that crap!

    — During the evening news tonight, McCain ran ads with the tagline “Not ready to lead”. There has been no metamorphosis. McCain’s goals are still the same as they were on Day 1.

    Icy Truth (894e4f)

  75. No one with any brains is going to believe that the “pig” in Obama’s metaphore is Sarah Palin. Get over it.

    Sarah Palin is the “lipstick.” If you pretend she’s the “pig,” everyone will see right through it, and know you don’t want to answer the real jab. Perhaps because it’s true?

    Phil (3b1633)

  76. Phil, bzzzzt. Since Palin made a joke about herself involving lipstick, which about 40 million people watched her say, everyone is going to believe that she’s the “pig” in Obama’s statement. With brains or without brains.

    Because the real idiot is Obama for thinking he’d get away with the joke or for believing his own propaganda about what a great speaker he is.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  77. The hypocrisy and double standard here is disgusting. McCain uses the same phrase on Hillary and nothing is said about it. Now Obama uses it and all hell breaks loose. You know what, I think they should produce a new ad and call it “Lipstick on a Pig!” This is good! No apologies.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  78. love2008, your claim is simply false. The two situations are not the same.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  79. Sarah in her next speech:

    Obama has really big ears, doesn’t he? But they don’t seem to work so well. I said “pit bull.” They rip your throat out. Pigs just roll around in mud, but he’s probably more familiar with those.

    Dan S (438146)

  80. Phyllis –

    No one with any brains is going to believe that someone who can’t spell metaphor knows what he’s talking about.

    If — IF — she is the lipstick, that’s just as bad; it’s dismissing her as “Caribou Barbie” . . . a pretty face on the same old Bush policies. You might want to give up while your behind, Doll.

    Icy Truth (894e4f)

  81. Sure, SPQR, you go ahead and believe that. But Palin is the lipstick on McCain’s campaign. How else do you explain the fact that Republicans suddenly have beer goggles for their candidate?

    Phil (3b1633)

  82. Icy, are you saying that Palin suddenly came along and took control of the McCain campaign, changing it into something Republicans were thrilled and energized about?

    At least be honest; she is the lipstick, and that’s not patronizing to her at all. Lipstick is an amazing invention. Before, the McCain campaign was something you were so-so about, but you really didn’t have any better options. Now that it’s put on lipstick, you’re all hot and bothered.

    Phil (3b1633)

  83. Hey self righteous GOPervs… McCain criticized Democratic contenders for offering what he called costly universal health-care proposals that require too much government regulation. While he said he had not studied Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s plan, he said it was “eerily reminiscent” of the failed plan she offered as first lady in the 1990s.

    “I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” he said of her proposal.

    We know who the hypocrites are in this country.

    Rennie in Columbus (474fa7)

  84. So, my choices are
    1) He meant it as a swipe and is going to pass it off as an ‘inartful’ statement. If he’s such a brilliant man, how come he has so many inartful statements? Frankly I think this exactly how he meant this comment.

    2)He spoke without considering the importance of his words – and he’s the one who says “words matter.” So do words matter? Or don’t they?

    3) If it’s an inartful statement – how can I hope to have confidence in what he’ll say behind closed doors with the tyrants he’ll meet – without preconditions, of course.

    If he and his minions hadn’t spent the best part of the last 10 days attacking Gov. Palin, over made up stuff,then letting this pass would be much easier. I think piling on is just what he deserves. You reap what you sow.

    akm (ee680a)

  85. love2008 –

    McCain uses the same phrase on Hillary and nothing is said about it.
    — How would you know about it unless something was said?

    I think they should produce a new ad and call it “Lipstick on a Pig!”
    — You’re right; they should do that. What could possibly go wrong?

    Icy Truth (894e4f)

  86. Phil, go ahead and applaud Obama’s gaffe. It is the classless behavior of Democrats that is going to lose the election for them.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  87. Rennie, your “point” is simply wrong. The situations are not the same. But thanks for being the four millionth caller with the Obama campaign’s talking points.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  88. Yes, because we’re all already used to the crass and classless behavior of the Republicans- after 8 years it’s downright numbing!

    Rennie in Columbus (474fa7)

  89. #75
    No SPQR, Palin is the pig in this metaphor, Palin is the “lipstick” on the pig. John McCain and the Republican party is the “pig”. (Metaphorically speaking, that is.) Looks good but still a pig.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  90. Rennie, that’s rather pathetic on your part. I think jharp has been smelling your fear.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  91. Why don’t you use your brilliance to explain it all to me SPQR. I’m sure you do that, right? Oh, I know, if someone is say, Hillary, it’s fine to use the phrase. But if it’s the anointed Sarah, with her pentecostal flame burning on her scalp, then hands off baby!

    Rennie in Columbus (474fa7)

  92. love2008, again you fail to address what Obama really said. The lipstick on a pig comment was an attack on Palin herself, the old fish comment was an attack on McCain’s age.

    The Democrats are left with name calling, and appeals to bigotry.

    And you refuse to deal with reality – instead trying to rewrite what Obama said.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  93. Rennie,

    I know that Obama cultists don’t have the talent but try to grow up. McCain was talking about Hillary’s plan. Obama was not talking about any plan of Palin’s but Palin herself – after she had made a joke about the difference between a hockey mom ( herself ) and a pit bull being lipstick.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  94. At least be honest; she is the lipstick, and that’s not patronizing to her at all.

    Obama: “You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig. It’s Still a Pig.”

    Republicans: “Wow. It sounds like he’s calling Palin a pig.”

    Phil: “What’s wrong with saying Palin is the lipstick on the campaign?”

    Phil loves to pretend he doesn’t understand the point.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  95. #88
    Oops! Meant to say in my last comment, Palin is not the pig. She is the lipstick.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  96. Hey Phil,

    Women will love Obama’s comment and they’ll love your idiot defense.

    Keep it up. Please.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  97. SPQR, if Obama really was trying to call Palin a pig, then fine, he’s an idiot for doing so.

    Regardless, the “lipstick on a pig” description is exactly how I feel about the McCain campaign right now. Sure I like Palin — how can anyone not like her, she’s attractive, has a nice family, hasn’t done anything particularly offensive to anyone.

    But I’ve seen an extraordinary number of Republicans who actually are looking forward to when she becomes president, after McCain’s term. Or they’re find with McCain having a heart attack his first few months in office. They love her all the more because they no longer have to look at McCain as their representative — they can look at her.

    That’s putting lipstick on a pig. No description could be better.

    So are we going to get Palin as president? No. We’re going to get McCain. See past the lipstick, buddy . . .

    Phil (3b1633)

  98. Please note that I still respect the McCain campaign for choosing Palin as VP. If a pig ever did figure out how to put on lipstick, I would commend that pig as being the smartest pig I’d ever seen.

    Phil (3b1633)

  99. #77
    Of course they are not the same, SPQR. You support one of them and you detest the other. So how can it be the same when they say the same thing? It’s not the same.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  100. “But I’ve seen an extraordinary number of Republicans who actually are looking forward to when she becomes president, after McCain’s term. Or they’re find with McCain having a heart attack his first few months in office. They love her all the more because they no longer have to look at McCain as their representative — they can look at her.”

    You flat-out made that up, Phil.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  101. love2008, #99, non responsive as usual.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  102. Patterico, #94, the dense act looked like an act for awhile, but now I’m wondering.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  103. Well, Patterico, there’s a huge difference in the way they talk about McCain as president, and the way they answer the question “Is Palin ready to be president?” Obviously they don’t say “I’d be fine if McCain dropped dead.” Neither would I. But they’re practically salivating as they talk about what a great president Palin would be if she had to take over.

    Phil (3b1633)

  104. Phil –

    Icy, are you saying that Palin suddenly came along and took control of the McCain campaign, changing it into something Republicans were thrilled and energized about?
    — I didn’t say that; you did. Although it does make for an interesting question: Do you know of any VP nominee, in the history of this country, that elicited such a wave of excitement?

    At least be honest
    — I always am. It would behoove you not to suggest otherwise.

    she is the lipstick, and that’s not patronizing to her at all. Lipstick is an amazing invention.
    — Ya know, it’s generally not a good idea to be standing in the hole while you dig.

    Before, the McCain campaign was something you were so-so about, but you really didn’t have any better options. Now that it’s put on lipstick, you’re all hot and bothered.
    — I know that you’re generalizing here, but in this case that is the problem. I live in Arizona; I have voted McCain for Senator all four times that he’s run; my campaign button just says “McCain” on it, as I made my first contribution last winter. The Palin pick gave me more confidence that McCain will win (and he will win); it did not increase my level of support, however. That was already high.

    Icy Truth (171310)

  105. Phil,

    Count me out. I’m happy to let Palin get 8 years of on-the-job training as VP before she runs for President.

    DRJ (7568a2)

  106. Phil in #103 actually admits that he made it up, Patterico. Sheesh, you would think you were psychic…

    SPQR (26be8b)

  107. [naming Palin] did not increase my level of support, however. That was already high.

    So you liked the pig BEFORE the lipstick. Fine. I’ll give that one to ya. I underestimated you.

    Phil (3b1633)

  108. Yowza! Governor Palin took ownership of the country’s lipstick last week, and now the Dems are having to pay some pretty high rents to use it!

    I love it!

    You know, I haven’t seen one serious Republican suggest that O!bamaNot! was really trying to insult the Governor. But man, the dust cloud raised up by the O!ne’s disciples DEFENDING their thinking that HE DID make such an insult is hilarious!

    I mean, I’m almost beginning to believe that HE was insulting her! Where there are this many Dems going; what is it that Scott Jacobs~ oh, yeah, going absolutely bug-f*ck nuts! trying to say:

    Well, that’s not what he meant.

    And besides, your guy said it first.

    What was the point again? Oh, LOOK OVER THERE!

    I gotta tell ya~you guys are providing me with entertainment value for years to come!

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  109. Phil doubles down and doubles down again with the cheap namecalling.

    Cool – McCain is a shoe in.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  110. EW1(SG), when I first heard the sound bite, I thought that Obama just stupidly dug up the old saying about lipstick on a pig by accident. I didn’t think he was stupid enough to call her a pig.

    But after a couple of repetitions, as Darleen has mentioned, it is clear that he is telling a joke based on Palin’s reference to lipstick on a hockey mom from her acceptance speech.

    That was when I realized that he was stupid enough to call her a pig thinking he was making a brilliant joke. Obama just is that inexperienced, and lacking in judgement.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  111. I like Rennie in Columbus starting to bring in the religious bigotry. The left is alwats scared to pieces over religious beliefs they don’t understand, especially when they wilfully misrepresent them.

    Those pentecostals baby, watch out. They’re almost as bad as the joooos.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  112. EW1 – Comedy gold. Homemade pretzels is what these guys are creating. They’re all gonna need chiropractors to untwist their positions.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  113. 98~

    …I would commend that pig as being the smartest pig I’d ever seen.

    You might want to ponder that for a moment.

    Your guy has been outsmarted nine ways from Sunday by that “pig.” Since the issue of national security is a real one, with approximately 16% of the world’s population at least nominally practicing an ideology calling for the destruction of Western Civilization, the extinction of several groups of religious peoples, and the enslavement of everybody else in as bloody and violent a fashion as possible, I think that maybe the “pig” is a better choice right now to deal with the wolf at the door.

    As for the remaining executive policy issues, I also have to point out that they come a distant second in relevance because you have to be alive to worry about them.

    And there is a lot of groundless worry unbased on any real failures in the world economy, in our standards of living, or in our freedoms.

    You don’t need a Presidential candidate near as much as you need a therapist, if you are unhappy with the current state of affairs in the world. Are there things that need to be fixed? Yes, there are. Now, if the damn Dems would just get out of the way and let us fix them, there wouldn’t be nearly as much stuff for you to have nightmares about.

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  114. #110 SPQR:

    Obama just is that inexperienced, and lacking in judgement.

    I’m not sure I agree about motive, even after repeated watchings of the video~but that is a spot on analysis.

    He is that inexperienced, that lacking in judgement, and he is way out of his depth when it comes to national affairs, let alone international affairs.

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  115. #112 daleyrocks:

    Homemade pretzels

    I like it! I like it!

    Like I said to whatsisfacenowbanned, just remember, we aren’t laughing with you, we are laughing at you because we are old enough to get the joke.

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  116. Obama: Calls the woman a pig.
    Biden: Says the woman doesn’t love her handicapped son because she doesn’t support embryonic stem-cell research.

    Obama/Biden ’08: Class act all the way.

    P.S. I hear there won’t be teleprompters at any of the debates. Goody.

    furious (56af6d)

  117. I am inclined to think he did not mean to make the comparisons that some are seeing … but it is so funny to see a champion of politically correct speaking hoisted on his own probably innocent remark. I hope that McCain – Palin find a good way to use it to further their cause. “We doubt you meant it that way, and it’s unfortunate that some inferred what you didn’t mean to imply.”

    htom (412a17)

  118. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain’s hair and said, “You’re getting a little thin up there.” McCain’s face reddened, and he responded, “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.”
    Class act.

    Families of POW-MIAs said they have seen McCain’s wrath repeatedly. Some families charged that McCain hadn’t been aggressive enough about pursuing their lost relatives and has been reluctant to release relevant documents. McCain himself was a prisoner of war for five and a half years during the Vietnam War.

    In 1992, McCain sparred with Dolores Alfond, the chairwoman of the National Alliance of Families for the Return of America’s Missing Servicemen and Women, at a Senate hearing. McCain’s prosecutorlike questioning of Alfond – available on YouTube – left her in tears.

    Four years later, at her group’s Washington conference, about 25 members went to a Senate office building, hoping to meet with McCain. As they stood in the hall, McCain and an aide walked by.

    Six people present have written statements describing what they saw. According to the accounts, McCain waved his hand to shoo away Jeannette Jenkins, whose cousin was last seen in South Vietnam in 1970, causing her to hit a wall.

    As McCain continued walking, Jane Duke Gaylor, the mother of another missing serviceman, approached the senator. Gaylor, in a wheelchair equipped with portable oxygen, stretched her arms toward McCain.

    “McCain stopped, glared at her, raised his left arm ready to strike her, composed himself and pushed the wheelchair away from him,” according to Eleanor Apodaca, the sister of an Air Force captain missing since 1967.

    Class motherfucking act.

    whatever (6b0755)

  119. Hm. Stupid Things to Say must be a little campaign game Obama & his supporters are in on together,

    “Democratic Congressman Russ Carnahan on Tuesday – introducing Joe Biden at a campaign event – ripped into Palin’s record and punctuated it with this snarky jab. “There’s no way you can dress up that record, even with a lot of lipstick,”

    That Other Dana (084de8)

  120. E. J. Dionne
    Does the Truth Matter Anymore?

    “This is not false naivete: I am genuinely surprised that John McCain and his campaign keep throwing out false charges and making false claims without any qualms. They keep talking about Sarah Palin’s opposition to the Bridge to Nowhere without any embarrassment over the fact that she once supported it. They keep saying that Barack Obama will raise taxes, suggesting he’d raise them on everybody, when Obama’s plan, according to the Tax Policy Institute, would cut taxes for “about 80 percent of households” while “only about 10 percent would owe more.” And as Sebastian Mallaby pointed out in his recent column, Obama would cut taxes for middle-income taxpayers “more aggressively” than McCain would.

    And now comes a truly vile McCain ad accusing Obama of supporting legislation to offer “‘comprehensive sex education’ to kindergartners.” The announcer declares: “Learning about sex before learning to read? Barack Obama. Wrong on education. Wrong for your family.”
    Margaret Talev of McClatchy newspapers called the ad a “deliberate low blow.” Here’s what she wrote in an excellent fact check: “This is a deliberately misleading accusation. It came hours after the Obama campaign released a TV ad critical of McCain’s votes on public education. As a state senator in Illinois, Obama did vote for but was not a sponsor of legislation dealing with sex ed for grades K-12. But the legislation allowed local school boards to teach ‘age-appropriate’ sex education, not comprehensive lessons to kindergartners, and it gave schools the ability to warn young children about inappropriate touching and sexual predators.”

    Is McCain against teaching little kids to beware of sexual predators?

    McCain once campaigned on the idea that the war on terrorism is the “transcendent” issue of our time. Now, he’s stooping to cheap advertising that would be condemned as trivial and misleading in a state legislative race. Boy, do I miss the old John McCain and wonder what became of him. And I wonder if the media will really take on this onslaught of half-truths and outright deception.”

    whatever (6b0755)

  121. whatever, if you don’t like “cheap advertising” then why are you supporting Obama with his ads that just call McCain/Palin liars?

    EJ Dionne’s piece misrepresents the bridge earmark issue but more amusing is that the Alaska Democrats are pulling down their own website pages that describe Palin’s opposition.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  122. From SB0099, which I think is the law that is being discussed:

    Each class or course in comprehensive sex
    14 education offered in any of grades K through 12 shall
    15 include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted
    16 infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread
    17 of HIV. Nothing in this Section prohibits instruction in
    18 sanitation, hygiene or traditional courses in biology.

    ROA (924e20)

  123. Ya know, quoting E. J. Dionne, a guy who is so deep into the tank for the Democrats that he actually likes Howard Dean, is hardly reflective of objective reality.

    And stop repeating that lie about McCain calling his wife a cunt, ya little two-balled bitch.

    Icy Truth (f6198c)

  124. Icy, you always make me laugh. You live the speak truth to power meme, man.

    Thanks for dispatching yet another foolish rumor.

    Camille Paglia is a natural born contrarian, but I think parts of what she writes about how she sees Sarah Palin will resonate with many other female voters.

    We’ll see!

    Eric Blair (36c1a9)

  125. “why are you supporting Obama with his ads that just call McCain/Palin liars?”
    just look at the pic, kiddo
    and watch the tapes
    There are a few. Liars: that’s just what they are.

    Palin 2006
    “Despite the work of our congressional delegation, we are about $329 million short of full funding for the bridge project, and it’s clear that Congress has little interest in spending any more money on a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island.”

    And on sex ed

    This is a deliberately misleading accusation. It came hours after the Obama campaign released a TV ad critical of McCain’s votes on public education. As a state senator in Illinois, Obama did vote for but was not a sponsor of legislation dealing with sex ed for grades K-12.

    But the legislation allowed local school boards to teach “age-appropriate” sex education, not comprehensive lessons to kindergartners, and it gave schools the ability to warn young children about inappropriate touching and sexual predators.

    Republican Alan Keyes tried to use Obama’s vote against him in the 2004 U.S. Senate race. At the time, Obama spoke about wanting to protect young children from abuse. He made clear then that he was not supporting teaching kindergartners about explicit details of sex.

    Obama spokesman Bill Burton said Tuesday of McCain’s ad: “It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls.”

    whatever (6b0755)

  126. That Other Dana quoted: “Democratic Congressman Russ Carnahan on Tuesday – introducing Joe Biden at a campaign event – ripped into Palin’s record and punctuated it with this snarky jab. “There’s no way you can dress up that record, even with a lot of lipstick,”

    Tough talk from a guy whose father dressed in blackface.

    L.N. Smithee (8dbd9a)

  127. Peter wrote: I think it’s great. Really, after the lies and smears from Guiliani and Leiberman and Palin at the RNC, which was simply grotesque in it’s nastiness and belittlement of toward Obama.

    Obama deserves to be belittled. He’s the most shallow man to be nominated for President in my lifetime, and I have a hard time believing there was a more shallow man in all the years previous.

    L.N. Smithee (8dbd9a)

  128. Eric Blair, #124, thanks for posting the Camilia Paglia link. Excellent and insightful. Although she is strongly pro-abortion, I greatly enjoy reading her. Its her disarming honesty – so rare coming from a (dissident) feminist. She doesn’t rationalize or making excuses for her views. And this was an excellent point which I suspect Palin must be more knowledgeable about more than most women,

    As a dissident feminist, I have been arguing since my arrival on the scene nearly 20 years ago that young American women aspiring to political power should be studying military history rather than taking women’s studies courses, with their rote agenda of never-ending grievances.

    That Other Dana (084de8)

  129. #127

    Obama deserves to be belittled.

    LN, your whole psychology just makes my head hurt. I sorta feel sorry for you.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  130. Difference between a soccer mom and a pit bull? hmm, seems like she smeared herself with her own statement. So does that mean when she goes home and wipes off that lipstick she turns back into what she really is? Anyone can take any phrase and turn it around. The problem is we are paying for it in the name of the word campaign.

    johnson (04a947)

  131. DRJ, I went into the filter ’cause of a YouTube link?

    Icy Truth (1afea2)

  132. The McCain response ad is out!

    — Ya gotta love the tag line: “Ready to lead? No. Ready to smear? Yes.”

    Icy Truth (McCain Response Ad) (1afea2)

  133. Lipstick — is that what pigs wear in New Pennsylvania ?

    At least the mainstream media was forced to pick up on this Obama remark. Since he made the distorted
    remark about $79 billion Iraqi dollars in a New York bank account while he was in New Pennsylvania —
    the media gives him a pass on both his ignorance of finance and geography.

    If Obama is as all wise as the media makes him out to be, he would have avoided such remarks.
    The Republicans should not attack him, just thank him. Seems like Obama’s own tongue comes not to praise him,
    but to bury him.

    The media believes Obama walks on water, the GOP counters with someone who should be able to skate on the ice..

    Local Warlord (34fe27)

  134. Clearly Johnson you are not a mother. Every woman gets that comment. As a mom I would defend my children with my life. I AM like a pit bull when it requires me to defend or protect my child or ensure my child has what they need. This is certainly not a slam to herself.

    Robin (f8a2e9)

  135. You McCain supporters show of ignorance as always. What Obama said was not referring to Sara Palin! If you want to see a sexist, look at John McCain. He had a history of chasing women for sex. He cheated on his first wife while she was in the hospital. He did not even pay for her medical bills; Ross Perot did. McCain also opposed bills that could had helped women. He even made nasty jokes about women. He even had an affair with another woman during his primary campaign, but he did not want to admit it! It seems like you Republican Conservatives are overlooking McCain’s history. Sara Palin hates women too. She does not believe women should deserve equal pay and she opposed women to choose to have an abortion! Why can’t you Republican Conservatives ever learn about your damn candidates that you are voting for? You people are so stupid that you do not need to vote. You need to get an education! You don’t read, you don’t understand about life, and you don’t understand about money! You all can’t have a good argument because you all are so busy making racial slurs, anti-Islamic comments, anti-gay comments and so on. You all don’t even have a clue in what McCain’s tax plan is, but you all would assume that Obama going to tax everyone. You people are pathetic and extremely stupid! If McCain wins the election, you middle class, “MCCAIN SUPPORTERS,” are going to lose no matter what. So I am going to sit back and watch you all make jackasses out of yourselves!

    Charlie (9ec3f6)

  136. “Do you know of any VP nominee, in the history of this country, that elicited such a wave of excitement?

    Comment by Icy Truth — 9/9/2008 @ 8:34 pm”

    Teddy? Not sure the degree was this acute, but that could partly be due to changes in communications.

    Dan S (c77713)


    Krazy Kagu (cb0b17)

  138. Charlie,

    Try some green tea. It will help you with the vapors.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

    McCain used the same line…
    Besides, Obama was referring to McCain not Palin.

    BothSides (a8e783)

  140. I believe the expression “You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig” originated when a comment was made many years ago regarding an attempt to restore a ball field in an urban area which only received minimal repair and was not, in fact, remodeled or restored as it was originally intended to be and and one of the politicians at that time made the same reference.

    I find it interesting that Republicans can dish it out but cannot take the it. I noted from the convention that the majority of the speakers simply bashed and demeaned the characters of the Democratic candidates. I did not hear the same lambasting at the Democratic convention. In fact, if anything, kind words were spoken about Sen. McCain personally.

    Palin’s slurs stating that Sen. Obama was simply a community organizer, as if that were a demeaning reference to his life’s work…I think that was inappropriate and politically incorrect.

    For all it’s worth, “Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilot was a Governor“.

    Naomi (304032)

  141. Naomi, baby doll/sugar pie honey:

    If Barry O!bambi is so proud of his executive experience with the Annenberg Challenge, why won’t he talk about and how he managed to essentially flush $150 million down the loo? He and his “neighbor” Ayers were intimately involved in that business opportunity to “improve” Chicago schools.
    One might wonder how much of Ayers’ ideas about indoctrination of school kids into marxist education is shared by Barry Hussein and how much Ayers has actually accomplished in Chicago area with his underhanded moves to change America.

    Also, try finding some new talking points. Screw community organizers who turn out to be liberal goons strongarming the citizenry to kiss O’s dupa.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  142. RE #136 Yep, Andrew Johnson, from Tennesee, Lincon’s second VP running mate in 1864. From Tennesee during the war of secession.
    Apparently Mr. Obama didn’t dumb down enough for the great unwashed with a vocabulary consisting of catch phrases and sound bites…which would seem to include many here.

    Never try to teach a pig to sing, it’s a waste of time, and annoys the pig. Lipstick or not

    azakayaks (4f1948)

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