Patterico's Pontifications


Quote of the Day

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 7:44 pm

“I am a gullible dork.”

It’s incredible that Sully didn’t fall for this ridiculous unsubstantiated rumor as well.

(H/t Ace.)

Meanwhile, the New York Times and L.A. Times are busy reporting the “It’s Bristol’s child!!1!” rumor. They’re not reporting that it’s true, mind you. Apparently, it’s news that the rumor was circulated on liberal blogs.

Interesting how this untrue rumor is news, but the true Edwards rumor was not. I’m sure the reason has something to do with Serious News Judgment.

Both papers make sure to include pictures of Bristol holding her brother in a motherly fashion. I can still hear the bicoastal snickering from both newsrooms.

19 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Interesting how this untrue rumor is news, but the true Edwards rumor was not.

    If the mask hadn’t fallen years ago, I’d be shocked. Things being what they are, I’m enjoying their ongoing demise.

    Pablo (99243e)

  2. What’s even more incredible than someone falling for this ‘rumor’, is that it isn’t really a rumor.

    Someone, between Friday and this morning, put together a sham ‘home video’ for the distinct purpose of smearing Todd Palin. It says nothing regarding the capabilities of Sarah, and spends all its time concentrating on bashing someone who isn’t running for office at all.

    When the ‘truth’ is discovered, the intense investigation stops. Absolutely no interest in who might want to smear the Palins, Todd especially. Just a simplistic they got me, yuk yuk.

    One other interesting point regarding the article. Multiple quotes from Palin’s political opponents regarding the lack of her vetting, without what should be seen as rudimentary disclosure of that fact.

    The left is, once again, showing how they are completely dishonest, and actually stand for the polar opposite of everything to which they pretend.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  3. But he got “new nets” and everything!

    Come on. Every dad whines to his five year old (with remarkably steady hands) about filming him but can’t be bothered to grab for the camera to enforce it, and uses his 5 year old daughter for a therapist about how inadequate he feels when his wife is successful. Right?

    That some team of libs thought this believable makes me concerned for their children. Otherwise it’s hilarious.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  4. I sincerely hope the McCain campaign is busy with some ads pointing out the anarchist/DNC violent connection, as well as minor tripe like this ‘hit’ piece coughed up onto youtube.

    If someone came forward and identified the man in the video, it could make for some madcap hijinks regarding his political affiliation – and after Boss O told his ‘truth twoops’ to stand down.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  5. Good grief folks…ya’ gotta be smarter than this…

    It never was, isn’t, and never will be about “The Rumor”…

    It is all about pounding the crap out of Palin for daring to not follow their (the left’s) script.

    How DARE her have the audacity to have “that child” (Trig) when EVERYONE knows he should have been flushed down the drain.

    How DARE her actually BELIEVE them when they said “You can Do/Be Anything…” without the coattails of a man.

    How DARE her…in living, breathing color…demonstrate that women really don’t need “Them” on the left to protect her.

    She MUST be pounded into submission, or punished into regret…and to hell with any semblance of honor, decency, or humanity…or “They” have failed.

    mjn1957 (6e1275)

  6. CU on Connecticut Delegate at RNC convention.

    “They almost killed us”

    CU front of bus showing damage from sack of cement dropped by Democratic anarchists from overpass.

    Fade to Black.

    Vote John McCain for President – your life may depend on it.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  7. It has to have been done purely for comedy or hoax purposes, and not for political purposes, it is so inept. Someone check out Funnyordie and see if it is posted there. No way this is a serious attempt, like say forged Bush Vietnam era papers or the the lies that hit Bill Clinton about rapes and murders, to make something stick, it’s someone getting a chuckle by putting out something ridiculous and see who bites. It doesn’t even seem politically motivated, as it isn’t really that harsh to either Mr. or Gov. Palin, just portraying a typical dumb and clueless sit-com style dad reacting to his more reasonable and capable wife.

    “I am a gullible dork” is about all you can say if you are taken in, give him props for figuring that out before too long and admitting it, unlike Sullivan who is getting what he deserves on this website lately.

    Aplomb (b6fba6)

  8. You asked, I’ll answer.
    This long sentence is what you would hear in newsrooms on either coast and elsewhere about what you, in your seasoned, albeit amateur news judgment, seem to think is a non-story :

    Can you believe these people thought they could trot out a VP candidate that nobody even inside the cloister seems to know much about, and she had a baby just a few months ago, and shout from the rooftops that she fulfills all Bible-thumping dreams because she wouldn’t abort so much as a zygote rendered by a rapist, and proudly bear the talisman of family values, etc., and family values ad infinitum, and then her daughter, the one carrying mom’s un-aborted baby with Down Syndrome on stage – cue trumpets and violins — with that over-sized blanket covering her everything frontal, was pregnant, apparently having been impregnated at age 16…….(here comes the punctuation)…..
    Do you really believe McCain’s staff is so inexperienced and unsophisticated that they could not have anticipated such legitimate scrutiny? Maybe, just maybe, the boss’s quick in-Rove’s-face whim gave them very little time to get up to speed for the inevitable.
    Once McCain’s people got such information, they should have leaked it to a reporter who would give it the most favorable treatment. That warn’t gonna stay nobody’s secret. (Political Crisis Management 101.)
    The rumors came about because some very significant partial information was out there and not tidied up. If you don’t think it’s significant, well, then you just don’t think.
    Stupid. Stupid. Stupid to leave that out there, ostritch-like. Duh. Duh. Duh.
    Brace yourself. The curly little punctuation mark with the dot under it is going to be working overtime.

    Larry Reilly (d11f9a)

  9. Dropping sacks of cement or sand upon passing vehicles from overpasses…

    C’mon Resident Legal Beagles…
    Is this not at least Reckless Disregard?
    Maybe even Attempted Homicide?

    Let’s go. Show us you were paying attention in Law School.

    Another Drew (3f506c)

  10. Aplomb – he gets no credit for posting something that he could have checked easily with a Google image search of Todd Palin.

    He posted it to throw more mud on the Palins, and then issue a false ‘retraction’.

    Also, if it’s just for comedy or hoax purposes (i.e. not to be taken seriously), then why not talk about Palin’s pick of VP, instead of her mayoral victory?

    Apogee (366e8b)

  11. The rumors came about because some very significant partial information was out there and not tidied up. If you don’t think it’s significant, well, then you just don’t think.
    Stupid. Stupid. Stupid to leave that out there, ostritch-like. Duh. Duh. Duh.

    How long ago was Palin announced, Larry?

    Pablo (99243e)

  12. Who let the bulimic in the room? There’s spew all over the place.

    Icy Truth (6699a6)

  13. 10, Apogee: Oh come on, I never heard of this blog before, whoever it is seems to post once a day at best, probably has few very few readers, and doesn’t seem too serious. My guess is he or she ran a search for Todd Palin under Youtube, found this clip, and ran with it, thinking it was something important. I agree that he gets no credit for posting it without taking the rudimentary step of doing an image search, but it’s clearly a very amateurish (even more than most!) blog. But give him credit for fessing up when the mistake became clear.

    I was actually trying to support Patterico’s attempt to paint Sullivan as an idiot recently. Sullivan ran with a rumor or red herring just as ridiculous as this fake video, but because he is a “serious blogger” he can’t come out and say he is a gullible dork, he has to put his heels down and inevitably make it worse. The little read amateur who is taken in by nonsense at least has the decency to recognize how much he screwed up when the obvious facts are pointed out to him.

    As for this, “Also, if it’s just for comedy or hoax purposes (i.e. not to be taken seriously), then why not talk about Palin’s pick of VP, instead of her mayoral victory?” I have no idea what your point is. I suppose the answer is, the joke doesn’t work so well when the guy is married to a governor who has been at least mentioned as a dark horse VP pick and went through the vetting process the husband was surely thoroughly involved in? A guy waking up to the realization that his wife actually has been elected as mayor to a tiny town and trying to wrap his brain around it is plausible and thus funny. A guy waking up to the realization that his wife who is a governor and has been vetted by a national candidate and is on a short list for VP and just then wrapping his brain around it could be funny, but so implausible that whoever put the video together didn’t even try to attempt it. Especially because I assume they were going for hoax purposes, and not Monty Python style absurdity.

    Aplomb (b6fba6)

  14. Waitaminnit…Larry is still clinging to the “Palin’s-daughter-had-the-Downs-baby” hoax?

    It just shows you how stupid Democrats can be.

    Steverino (1dda08)

  15. Aplomb, Rogers Cadenhead.

    Pablo (99243e)

  16. Aplomb…
    is that short for

    A bsolutely
    P ositively
    L ooney
    O ver
    M ulti-culti
    B utt-heads?

    Another Drew (3f506c)

  17. It won’t be too long before someone is selling a book called “How the Great Newspapers Died.” I’m sure the campaign of 2008 will be several chapters.

    It’s not that they have suddenly started to slant the news rhather than inform, it’s that they can’t do it anymore. Too many other easy sources of information.

    Earth to NY Times, et al: Adapt or Die.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  18. Aplomb – 9:01pm But give him credit for fessing up when the mistake became clear.

    You mean, after someone else pointed it out to him? Again, no credit for admitting you were caught, especially concerning something as obvious as video. See Edwards vs. Enquirer.

    Pablo was trying to point out that the blogger, Rogers Cadenhead, has a wiki site and is not so unknown as you might think. Purely of the left, the blogger is not just some guy who came across this by a lark.

    This is my point. The amount of frenzy on the web regarding the Palins, and the percentage of said frenzy that is outright libelous and slanderous is nothing more than stunning, as many bloggers have seen quite an uptick in the past couple of days of ‘driveby’ trolls throwing verbal bombs. If only it was just this guy.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  19. “…well, then you just don’t think.”

    Mary, since you’re a big girl now, you should understand that there is a big word out there that correctly describes your hysterical behavior here – it’s called projection.

    Mary, you also promised not to come back here until at least two week’s time had passed – do you know how to tell time, Mary? There, now go take your new Barbie down to the beach and be sure to come back and tell us all about her new adventures!

    Dmac (874677)

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