Patterico's Pontifications


The Inspired Democrat vs. the Angry Republican: Who Should Win??

Filed under: General,Media Bias — Patterico @ 9:57 pm

If you want to know why conservatives get annoyed with Big Media, you need look no further than this post. It shows that, according to the Washington Post, a liberal “spoke with the fervor of a preacher” — while the conservative’s voice “rose in anger.”

In other words, they both got upset and talked loud. But we found the liberal’s speech inspiring, while we found the conservative’s speech to be simply angry.

4 Responses to “The Inspired Democrat vs. the Angry Republican: Who Should Win??”

  1. I am afraid the conservatives are going to be forced to learn this the hard way through continued minority status in the house as a minimum.
    Too many of them mistake whining and claiming “it’s not fair” as compelling persuasive rhetoric that will convince moderates or independents to side with their view.
    A compelling message that is more “inspiring” rather than shrill can surely be devised. In my opinion the Democrats know how the conservatives will answer and bait us successfully, time after time after time.

    voiceofreason63 (e2c1e1)

  2. Oh, I’m certain, certain, that the writer was simply trying to not be repetitive with his prose, and never, not in any way, would never have crossed his mind, meant to write anything which could be perceived as biased.

    Dana (3e4784)

  3. A friend of mine gave herself the assignment of listening to NPR and monitoring the language they used to describe Republicans and Democrats in Congress. She found that Republicans, especially conservative ones, were invariably described as “angry” or “fighting” whereas Democrats merely “criticized” or “advocated.”

    Bilwick (bd15da)

  4. I am afraid the conservatives are going to be forced to learn this the hard way

    …at least once every generation or so.

    McGehee (5664e1)

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