Patterico's Pontifications


Thank You Hollywood!

Filed under: General,Humor — Patterico @ 6:56 am

Apologies if you already saw this. I am days behind on my blog reading. But I think it’s pretty funny.

8 Responses to “Thank You Hollywood!”

  1. […] imes web site called Thanks to commenter “furious a” for the tip . “Furious a” says that Estrich is “preparing to tr […]

    Patterico's Pontifications » Susan Estrich Begins New Anti-L.A. Times Web Site (0c6a63)

  2. Ha Ha. It would have been beyond the pale to show the non-made up Hollywood faces I saw in “People Mag.” yesterday in a DMV waiting room. What a riot!

    J. Peden (ffccb8)

  3. I actually saw this billboard last friday. I was driving down Sunset Blvd. in the rain and stuck in traffic. I looked up to see this…too funny.

    It is litterally 10 to 1 liberal versus conservativce here. This is so offensive to so many here, I’m expecting it to be vandalized any day now.

    Gary (90c21c)

  4. They have been up a few weeks. But the movie moguls seem to be unable to cpmprehend their meaning; several have been interviewed on the MSM and they all basicaly said “What’s the point?”

    Rod Stanton (31a5a8)

  5. Mr. Patterico:

    Off-topic, and you may already be aware of this, but here goes…

    Susan Estrich is preparing to tread on your turf by launching, although seemingly more out of getting her feelings hurt by Mike Kinsley than by a righteous passion for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

    Whatever, should be fun, as she can be as shrill as a fishwife when someone makes her angry.


    furious_a (3681f5)

  6. I voted for “What the hell is this?” in their poll. It’s currently unanimous.

    Patterico (756436)

  7. This website has a picture of what they claim is Nazi vandalism to the billboard:

    Who am I to give advice on acting careers, but watching any film with bozos like Sean Penn in it is as distracting as if the movie was starring Reagan, Richard Nixon or Monica Lewinski.

    Ladainian (91b3b2)

  8. What do you call a winner who taunts the loser?

    Really, you should put faces of the 9/11 hijackers on that poster. And thank Bin Laden for his election-eve appearance. Because that’s what won the election for Bush.

    Also thank future generations for paying Bush’s multi-trillion dollar debts.

    You’re a lot of evil self-righteous bastards.

    liberal (e8c5f4)

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