Patterico's Pontifications


More Scheer Fiction

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 6:44 am

The always poisonous and frequently less-than-honest Robert Scheer contends in his latest column:

Belatedly declassified excerpts from still-secret sections of the 9/11 commission report, which focus on the failure of the Federal Aviation Administration to heed multiple warnings that Al Qaeda terrorists were planning to hijack planes as suicide weapons, make clear that this tragedy [9-11] could have been avoided.

But according to CNN:

The FAA’s security branch generated 105 so-called daily summaries between April 1 and September 10, 2001, the report said. Fifty-two of those summaries mentioned bin Laden or al Qaeda, and five discussed hijacking “as a capability al Qaeda was training for or possessed.”

Two summaries cited suicide operations, “but not connected to a threat in aviation,” the report said.

I am finding myself in the familiar position of being unable to reconcile the known facts with the assertions made in Scheer’s column.

Thanks to QandO.

7 Responses to “More Scheer Fiction”

  1. ‘Two summaries cited suicide operations, “but not connected to a threat in aviation,” the report said.’

    Who would expect the Federal Aviation Administration summaries to be about aviation?

    actus (ebc508)

  2. Well, as you note, that is a very familar position.

    Harold (0d0969)

  3. Is this anything unexpected? To be disappointed because a liberal publication lies is like being disappointed that a skunk stinks. In fact you’ll have more success teaching a skunk not to stink than teaching liberal publications not to lie

    john (6fdeb3)

  4. I’m so-o-o weary of the Monday morning quarterbacking of 9/11, and the tired old complaint that Bush takes too many vacations, as if the office of the president ceases to exist when he’s in Crawford. Whenever Scheer runs out of something new to bash Bush with he returns to 9/11 and the worn-out “if only Bush weren’t president, 9/11 wouldn’t have happened.” Yeah, and if only Bin Laden’s mother had had a miscarriage, 9/11 wouldn’t have happened either.

    Jackie Warner (95d9f3)

  5. Totally OT except for the fact that it involves errors of fact in the LAT, just saw this posted at alt.movies.silent about a piece the LAT just ran on a top film and musical theater historian:

    Slightly OT, but so many of you who love silent film also care about musicals in theatre and film.  You probably either know this national treasure or have heard of his Institute of the American Musical.

    An article about Miles appeared in the Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine, 2/13/2005 pg. 18ff.  Beware of  talking to reporters who have to their credit a book about the history of girlie shows!!

    Miles considers the article a disaster.  Ms. Shteir, who spent about 45 minutes doing the interview (although it would be very difficult to get an interview out of Miles in only 45 minutes) apparently doesn’t know the difference between Etienne Decroux and Marcel Marceau.  Later both Miles and assoc. director for the Institute, Eric Davis, spent over an hour with an
    LAT fact checkerbefoore the article went to press, it is still full of

    But at least she spelled his name right.  So do read the article, but don’t believe everything you read in the LAT.

    Mike G (723562)

  6. ‘I’m so-o-o weary of the Monday morning quarterbacking of 9/11, and the tired old complaint that Bush takes too many vacations, as if the office of the president ceases to exist when he’s in Crawford.’

    I can just imagine what kind of hearings we would be having in congress over 9/11 if several hundred florida voters had voted the other way in 2000.

    actus (ebc508)

  7. Scheer spent a lot-o-words and managed to say a lot-o-nothing. This is a real talent. I believe this rates a 13A with the Century Collegiate Handbook (AKA deadwood).

    Neo (f1f21a)

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