Patterico's Pontifications


Samantha Bee

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:54 am

Here is your open thread to fly into a manufactured outrage over Samantha Bee, when you would defend someone on the right who said the same things.

Some of you would consistently denounce such language no matter who it came from, and your outrage (or irritation, or whatever) is far more defensible.

Me, I don’t care much about this — other than to smile at the notion that this dishonest witch (go ahead, click the link to see why I say that) is getting The Treatment that people like her love to inflict on others.

Guess that “clown nose on” thing isn’t working out so well for you, is it? Well, good. This is me reveling in every moment.

I wish we could have a post from Dana about this.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

132 Responses to “Samantha Bee”

  1. Some of you would consistently denounce such language no matter who it came from, and your outrage (or irritation, or whatever) is far more defensible.


    Gryph (08c844)

  2. Apparently, Ted Nugent called Hillary the c-word in 1994. I didn’t know about it at the time (or at any time from then until this morning), but had I known, I would have condemned his statement.

    I’ve stopped watching TBS because of the constant commercials for Bee. She’s not funny. She’s just a cheerleader for the Democrat Party, and not a particularly intelligent one at that.

    So, I don’t care about the kerfuffle, and she’s getting a lot of free publicity for this. The less I see of her on my computer or television screen, the better.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  3. Yes, Dana’s perception and insight are most edifying.

    felipe (023cc9)

  4. I didn’t even know who Samantha Bee was until now. I could have done without the enlightenment even if they do say that every new thing you learn helps stave off Alzheimer’s.

    Ivanka is anything but feckless. And another person worth a million times more that her detractor. What is Samantha Bee if not just another entertainment industry floozie, little better than a prostitute like the rest of her ilk?

    nk (dbc370)

  5. You used to have content that I enjoyed: actual political commentary from a principled Constitutional position. And while you still do that from time to time, the constant sniping at the people who disagree with you has gone past the point where I want to visit your site. You’re turning into exactly the thing you say you hate: the person who just wants to rub the other guy’s nose in being wrong, instead of arguing the issues.

    Bye. I may check back in a year or so to see if you’ve gotten over this phase of unproductive arguing, but for now I’m taking your site off my daily rotation of blogs I read. Shame; you used to be good before you started getting bitter.

    Robin Munn (c5f0c5)

  6. 5. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.


    Bye, Felicia.

    Gryph (08c844)

  7. I’m going to take Joe Walsh’s (the one-term R IL congressman, now Salem station radio talk host in Chicago) tack on this – dont try to get her off the air, fight speech with speech.

    Of course he lost to double stumps back in ’12, so what do I know. He is either the most never-trump Trumpian or most trumpian Never-Trump depending on the hour.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  8. Here is your open thread to fly into a manufactured outrage over Samantha Bee, when you would defend someone on the right who said the same things.

    Some of you would consistently denounce such language no matter who it came from, and your outrage (or irritation, or whatever) is far more defensible

    A Patterico commenter, who doesn’t exist, defended the person on the right who called someone a c♡~t. All Patterico commenters don’t exist.

    BuDuh (4a13e3)


    “Half formed thought, forgive me: what we’re seeing on the Right regarding discourse and decorum is sort of like jury nullification.” They see such a glaring double standard in the way “beyond the pale” is defined that they no longer want to enforce the rules for anyone.”

    Ding ding ding. We have a winner. If only more people would stop preening and wake up.

    NJRob (b00189)

  10. Free publicity for Bee, who is the apprentice of Trump. She’s learned how to be a ass well, and, sad to say, it pays these days.

    Tillman (a95660)

  11. *an

    Tillman (a95660)

  12. If I asked which US politician never apologizes for anything, ever…. about 80 percent of you would say President Trump. Just a hunch. That’s what makes his recent quote so rich…..

    “Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that “ABC does not tolerate comments like those” made by Roseanne Barr. Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn’t get the call?”

    No call. No apology. Sounds familiar.

    noel (b4d580)

  13. How about a post on Calypso Louie? Or is he a Patterico brotha?

    mg (9e54f8)

  14. Has Dana left? I noticed she wasn’t posting or commenting but I thought she might be on vacation.

    DRJ (15874d)

  15. Patterico, you have a pretty low opinion of your commentariat, with what seems like anger and contempt, when you suggest they’d cheer for a similar comment from the right.

    While there might be a few here who would cheer if Ann Coulter called Malia Obama a “clueless c*nt”, I doubt many would.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  16. “Here is your open thread to fly into a manufactured outrage over Samantha Bee, when you would defend someone on the right who said the same things.” Patterico

    That is not a “low opinion of his commentariat”. Sounds like a low tolerance for hypocrisy to me.

    noel (b4d580)

  17. Calypso Louie is nothing more than a nonsmiling dangerous-looking/sounding version of Moms Mabley, the aforementioned Rudy Ray Moore, Redd Foxx, Richard Pryor, and Delirious/Raw-era Eddie Murphy. It was funny how half of the black kids I knew had to sneak around to listen to any of them. Had we gotten truly tough on Muslims after 9/11, you’d see the NOI and FOI adherents ditch the bow-tie even faster than Tucker Carlson did.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  18. I think it’s both.

    DRJ (15874d)

  19. As with many such subjects, the Host now equates a lack of outrage from the right in the past in similar circumstances with a “defense” of similar language in those earlier instances.

    He’s never gotten over the fact that Donald Trump didn’t get zero votes after the Entertainment Tonight audio surfaced, so everyone is now disqualified from criticizing any similar conduct from the other end of the political spectrum.

    We’re all too “dirty” for such protests to be considered.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  20. Who?

    Diffus (45568a)

  21. Very strong jobs report out this morning.

    Unemployment down to 3.8%, and significantly, hiring was up across several sectors including health care, construction, manufacturing, and retail, while it declined in Temp Services. That seems like a positive development — employers opting to hire permanent workers rather than from Temp agencies.

    Also, a key number involving those in part-time jobs and seeking full time jobs, as well as those too discouraged to continue looking, declined from 7.8 to 7.6%.

    Overall labor force participation rate remained at near historic lows, but it is becoming more and more apparent that this number is being driven consistently lower by Baby Boomer retirements, which began in 2008, but really accelerated in 2011 when the earliest boomers (born 1946) reached age 65. Demographic studies show this is not going to ease back up again until well after 2025 because the boomer generation is so much bigger than the millenial generation (born after 1996) that is now entering the work force to replace them.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  22. I’m sorry, I have no outrage left to give. I ran out sometime in Summer 2017, and all I can manage now is a bitter smirk while downing a shot of something cheap. I blame the Russians. First they steal the election, then they steal my outrage. Well, they better not steal my liquor. I don’t need my outrage, and I don’t need an election, but I sure need me something strong to drink.

    Appalled (96665e)

  23. Other than happyfeet who sort of pretended to defend Roseanne, who defended her remarks? You said people would on that thread and were wrong Patterico. Now you’re doubling down. Why is that?

    NJRob (659c4f)

  24. Chemtrails NJ Rob …. Chemtrails.

    bendover (8c9eab)

  25. Trump family members are fair game when the Trump hatred is unhinged.

    AZ Bob (9a6ada)

  26. How about gidgets mad cow moment?

    narciso (6e3815)

  27. Forget it, Jake. It’s Cabletown.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  28. How did sandy burglar not do time?

    mg (9e54f8)

  29. “I won’t call for TBS to fire her. I also won’t shed a tear if they do.’

    Fire her? Heck, as Stephen Miller tweets, “If you’re a Trump supporter you should want her on TV every week leading into 2020.”

    By then, Trump’s reelection video producers will have accumulated hundreds of hours of footage for campaign ads that will consist solely of material by Bee and others in the Hollywood-DNC-MSM-industrial complex. Just add a tag at the end along the lines of, “Remember, this is what they think of you, too. Vote accordingly. I’m Donald Trump, and I approve this message,” upload the spots to YouTube and the servers for local TV stations, and it’s off to the races.”

    Colonel Haiku (e208fd)

  30. Weren’t there several posts about imagined incest between POTUS and Ivanka on this site?

    Yes… that and more. nk… care to comment?

    Colonel Haiku (e208fd)

  31. I know… all in good fun.

    Colonel Haiku (e208fd)

  32. Of course l, I’m getting old and might be mistaken, if that’s the case, please accept my apology.

    It could be ConDave.

    Colonel Haiku (e208fd)

  33. Col, they all will strive to out do each other…

    Annd, last i checked, trump is still president

    EPWJ (d13ec0)

  34. Ignoring this particular sapphic preoccupations, this isn’t even a double standard of you set the way back machine to 2008.

    narciso (d1f714)

  35. Nice handle there, bendover. “Dr. Ben Dover will see you now…”

    Tillman (a95660)

  36. Dr. Al Bendova was Johnny Carson’s fictional primary doctor.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  37. That is not a “low opinion of his commentariat”. Sounds like a low tolerance for hypocrisy to me.

    So ends the proof.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  38. Speaking of which, public service message: I know that most of us here are both un-young and men. So if you haven’t already, go have a colonoscopy.

    It’s not as bad as you think, but beware, you might regain consciousness peering into a screen showing your own innards real-time. That happened to me. I’m nerdy and all, but didn’t need to see that. “Some things you just don’t want to know.” – Seinfeld

    Tillman (a95660)

  39. As with many such subjects, the Host now equates a lack of outrage from the right in the past in similar circumstances with a “defense” of similar language in those earlier instances.

    Anyone want to bet I cannot find a column here based on “I don’t HAVE to show outrage on cue!”

    Kevin M (752a26)

  40. @36. Very good urbanleftbehind
    I did indeed steal that from Johnny Carson. But I heard him say that he loved that joke about Dr. Ben Dover (or that’s how I heard it).

    Tillman (a95660)

  41. @38 I don’t know why I specified men, since of course un-young women need the test too.

    Tillman (a95660)

  42. It’s [colonoscopy] not as bad as you think, but beware, you might regain consciousness peering into a screen showing your own innards real-time. That happened to me. I’m nerdy and all, but didn’t need to see that. “Some things you just don’t want to know.” – Seinfeld

    Tillman (a95660) — 6/1/2018 @ 11:03 am

    Did they find teh gerbil you had chipped last year?

    Colonel Haiku (e208fd)

  43. @42. Nope, but if you have the test, maybe they’ll find your head.

    Tillman (a95660)

  44. He’s never gotten over the fact that Donald Trump didn’t get zero votes …

    Trump got zero votes from me, and I possibly beat Patterico to changing my registration to No Party Preference after the CA primary.

    And yet, I do not find it necessary to pile on the hate. I have been as critical of Ann Coulter’s further extremes as I am of this Bee creature. I usually get Ann’s viewpoint though. I don’t understand leftist humor at times; why was this funny?

    In any event what jumped out at me from the Host’s post was a bit of bile I didn’t think was justified, at least as it applied to most of the regulars here. There are some it would have been well-aimed at, of course, had it been aimed.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  45. the boomer generation is so much bigger than the millenial generation (born after 1996) that is now entering the work force to replace them.

    This just is not true. Gen X was a somewhat smaller cohort, but the Millennials are also known as the “echo boom”. The 2016 numbers of each were:

    Millennial: 71 million (including immigrants)
    Generation X: 66 million
    Baby Boomers: 74 million
    “Greatest”: 27 million (and fading)

    In 2019 there will be the same number of Boomers and Millennials.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  46. Millennial: 71 million (including immigrants)
    Generation X: 66 million
    Baby Boomers: 74 million
    “Greatest”: 27 million (and fading)

    In 2019 there will be the same number of Boomers and Millennials.

    I have a problem with (including immigrants). The resulting number is automatically disqualified as no longer being apples to apples. I would, however, accept the following:

    Millennial: 71 million (including immigrants)
    Generation X: 66 million (including immigrants)
    Baby Boomers: 74 million (including immigrants)
    “Greatest”: 27 million (including immigrants)and fading)

    But I would imagine that going back and including immigrants would change the numbers, right? If not why? why even say “including immigrants?”

    felipe (023cc9)

  47. Now, there is one thing about cohorts I did not know: while Gen X was initially a MUCH smaller generation than the Boomers (it was also called the Baby Bust), immigration has filled in its ranks considerably. I take to to be an economic niche thing — so many job slots open for Gen Xers were being unfilled that it attracted outsiders. In any event the 66 million Gen Xers are now comparable to the Boomers themselves (some of whom have died, of course).

    Kevin M (752a26)

  48. felipe — all those numbers include immigrants. It seemed redundant to say so each line. Gen X in particular has a lot of immigrants.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  49. Those numbers are “persons living in the US in certain age ranges.” Peak immigration (particularly illegals) happened in the 1995-2005 era and assuming most immigrants are young adults, they’d mostly be Gen X.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  50. Thank you, Kevin M. Then “including immigrants)” was unnecessary to begin with.

    felipe (023cc9)

  51. Let me rephrase: Then, for clarity, it should have been “the following numbers include immigrants.”

    felipe (023cc9)

  52. Breaking- Destined to be a reboot-remake-comedy classic, The Road To Singapore premieres June 12. See Trump hope, Kim croon and Melania’s sarong song in living color, via satellite on most cable news TeeVee stations. Check your local listings.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  53. I care not at all what Samantha Bee has to say about anyone. I do have a problems with TBS’s behavior. Is there anyone on TBS’s lineup who would even think about saying the same thing about Chelsea Clinton. And, if one of their “stars” did say such a thing, how would TBS react to it. Something tells me it would be handled very differently.

    Of course, the behavior of one cable channel shouldn’t be problematic, right? You just switch to another channel that’s biased in the other direction. Except, there is no such animal. They are almost all biased, and all in the same direction. There is no basic cable channel that would have aired a similar “joke” about Chelsea Clinton.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  54. I don’t know what it is that gives people the impetus to make these unfair (and untrue) insults.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  55. I think Kim Jong Un will give Trump anything he wants, but he’s carefully probing to find out what is the minimum that Trump and company will take.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  56. @55. Sammy, why should Kim give up his nukes when they are precisely what finally got him a seat at the table with the big boys?

    Tillman (a95660)

  57. Back to the topic, I think it is always wrong to be vulgar and crude about opponents. To me, it is an attempt to turn a human being into something you can push around or demonize.

    Which is what both sides seem to want these days, complete with statements of “it’s part of being tough.”

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  58. And all weirdness aside, colonoscopies are important, and save lives.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  59. AnonYMous, do what I do. Don’t watch any of them.
    Of course, I don’t watch mostly because the programming bores me to death, and not because of their political bias. And much comedy today I don’t find comedic: being offensive for the sake of being offensive has nothing positive about it, whether the offensive person is named Samantha or Michelle or Milo.

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  60. re Simon @57
    [types Amen in the biggest font he can find]

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  61. 8. All Patterico commenters don’t exist.

    Actually, after Thanos snapped his fingers only half of us now exist.

    Stephen J. (f77922)

  62. #30 (Haiku)

    I will cop to having made comments about Trump’s expressed admiration for his daughter. It’s a line of smirk he brought on himself, and it’s all over the comedy clubs.

    So..query, if Ms. Bee had confined herself to non-dirty words while suggesting maybe Ivanka should seduce Papa for the good of the nation, would you be demanding Bee’s removal? Or is it the highly offensive four letter word that does it?

    Appalled (96665e)

  63. @56. ‘Bing’-go. Crooner Kim has played this well.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  64. I’m less upset about the language per se than I am about the basic double standards in general. Either forgive deliberate offensiveness in your stars or don’t forgive it, but don’t move the goalposts depending on whose ox was gored.

    (Though as with Barr vs. the NFL, one key difference, which has been pointed out by several other blogs including InstaPundit, is that Barr’s tweet was a drug-facilitated impulse done solely by herself through her own channel, whereas Bee’s slur was planned, scripted, signed off on by every single content-checker on the show, and broadcast using her employer’s network. So if the networks are worried that their stars’ provocations will be taken as representing their own opinions, TBS has much less room to defend itself than ABC does.)

    Stephen J. (f77922)

  65. All Ms. Bee did was lower the level of discourse down to Trumpalista levels. Maybe I’m getting desensitized to all this, but I can’t muster outrage over something a not-funny girl says on a show that I don’t watch.

    Paul Montagu (e6130e)

  66. Wouldn’t it be funny to find out, years from now, that Kim and Trump’s on and off again meeting was all for show and ratings? It’s on! It’s off now. It’s back on! We’re just being treated like little children, salivating in front of the idiot box. I have no evidence of that, but who knows? At this point, I wouldn’t be shocked.

    Tillman (a95660)

  67. These days a racially tinged (which is ancestry tinged) insult is considered more denigrating than anything else.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  68. This is brilliant.

    Tillman (a95660)

  69. It is also worth noting, it occurs to me, that Bee’s show Full Frontal is not broadcast live; it’s pre-recorded. Which means that the “feckless ****” line had been thought of, prepared and recorded well before Barr’s self-immolation on Twitter.

    Which leads me to wonder: If Roseanne Barr’s Ambien had kicked in soon enough and she’d fallen asleep on Tuesday night before going on her Twitter rant, and there hadn’t been a public outrage-storm of unprecedented speed and devastating effect against a Trump-voter favoured show just immediately prior to Bee’s joke to provide a real-time, in-the-face example of this double standard, would Bee have gotten away with it? None of her liberal viewers would have cared, very few Trump voters watch Bee’s show, and I wouldn’t be surprised if sans that energizing prior example, even the Trump family’s biggest fans would simply just not have bothered to waste the energy after the fact. “Progressivist comedienne viciously insults Trump family; in other news, sky continues blue, water wet, film at 11,” as the gag goes.

    Stephen J. (f77922)

  70. As I pointed out before, we had similar sentiments expressed back in 2008, in wardrobe form, in threats from Sandra bernhardt, in innuendo from bill Maher,

    narciso (d1f714)

  71. 56 Tillman (a95660) — 6/1/2018 @ 12:04 pm

    Sammy, why should Kim give up his nukes when they are precisely what finally got him a seat at the table with the big boys?

    Because he’s afraid of what’s going to happen to him, and China is afraid of what is going to happen to the situation on the Korean peninsula, if he doesn’t give up his nukes!

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  72. Or China was ? afraid until Trump indicated he would go wasy on ZTE. Trump had to cancel the meeting, and take some other steps, to get China to re-change its advice.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  73. America is all about hypocrisy since its founding. Example when dr. samuel johnson was asked by boswell what he thought about the american revolution he said ” I observe those who scream the loudest about freedom and liberty are the slave holding southerners!” some things never change.

    wannabe (cba5e0)

  74. All this punishment of the comedian only happens when the racially charged (or otehrwise extremely bad) insult has no resonance, has no power. It onl;ly happens when it is not needed.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  75. Add the fellow victor salva from jeepers

    narciso (d1f714)

  76. Sammy,
    Could be, but I don’t see it. I don’t believe they trust us anyway – especially with the advent of “Mr. Truth” Spanky. He’s blown his our credibility to smithereens.

    Tillman (a95660)

  77. America is all about hypocrisy since its founding.

    Damn straight! We’re not like all those other countries and societies that don’t even try. Hypocracy. Show me the man that says he’s no hypocrite and I’ll show you a hypocrite.

    Skorcher (ac561d)

  78. Really and the cotton that Dr. Johnson’s shirts were made from came from where exactly.

    Yes the Brits eventually abolished slavery but not in the interval he was writing about.

    narciso (d1f714)

  79. Heck its not like congressman have been shot, protesters have been assaulted, in at least two venues. Not to mention the j20 riots, there is no (redacted) context we have hearing recently, absolutely (redacted) none.

    narciso (d1f714)

  80. Dr. johnson also coined the phrase “patriotism is the last defense of a scoundrel!”

    wannabe (cba5e0)

  81. So..query, if Ms. Bee had confined herself to non-dirty words while suggesting maybe Ivanka should seduce Papa for the good of the nation, would you be demanding Bee’s removal? Or is it the highly offensive four letter word that does it?

    Appalled (96665e) — 6/1/2018 @ 12:16 pm

    Your comments were apparently tame compared to others I recall… no, you misread me, I don’t want her or any of the other cretins removed, I hope they ramp up the craziness and continue being as vulgar as they can get away with. And then we’ll see how it all works out.😁

    Colonel Haiku (e208fd)

  82. Yawn. Yes, lets hear the “Fake” outrage over a women on TV calling the POTUS daughter a profanity as a “joke”.

    Sure, Patterico. And if anyone had done this do Obama’s daughter, you’d be moral signaling like no one’s business.

    What. A. Phony.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  83. Never-Trumpers. Man. Who’d would’ve thunk it. After all their screeds over “Don’t attack Obama’s Kids” and “Don’t attack Obama’s patriotism” and “Ooh, stop all that birther nonsense”.

    Now, its hey, can’t you take a joke?

    Kristol, Will, Erickson, French, Goldberg – they sure took us conservatives for a ride. Why even, Mr. Republican “Mitt” refused to vote for Trump. Guess, Trump didn’t support bad trade deals or 40 million zulus moving to the USA, so Mitt couldn’t vote for him – he voted for his wife. But don’t be sad, “Mitt” is against racism and tax cuts for the rich.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  84. and I think two sponsors deserting her, will not make her change her pattern, then again it’s tbs that has even lower ratings than cnn, but perhaps not the cartoon channel

    narciso (d1f714)

  85. wasn’t there a congressional staffer who was fired for a much more mild criticism,

    narciso (d1f714)

  86. These days a racially tinged (which is ancestry tinged) insult is considered more denigrating than anything else.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146) — 6/1/2018 @ 12:32 pm

    Nonsense. The only standard is is the person considered a warrior for the left or not. If so, all is forgiven. If not, burn the witch.

    NJRob (659c4f)

  87. this is the same daily show ‘den of villainy’ that put out that ‘snipers wanted’ re the 2004 republican convention?

    narciso (d1f714)

  88. the lun was about a sex offender, that Disney hired for their zak and cody show,

    narciso (d1f714)

  89. quelle surprise:

    narciso (d1f714)

  90. 82. And if anyone had done this do Obama’s daughter, you’d be moral signaling like no one’s business.

    The Obama daughters were off-limits to political attacks because were minor children. Ivanka not so. She made a conscious choice as an adult woman to actively work for the Trump campaign and administration, so her words and acts are subject to as much criticism, ridicule, etc. as any other public political figure.

    Paul Montagu (e6130e)

  91. So Michelle Obama was fair game to the “c♡~t” “political attack?”

    BuDuh (c9aedc)

  92. To some, she probably was. Hillary definitely was to this guy. But I think most people here tried to avoid saying things like that.

    DRJ (15874d)

  93. Mrs. Obama is fair game for political attack. Whether you want to call her a c**t is your decision. I wouldn’t, and haven’t.

    Paul Montagu (e6130e)

  94. So we move the goalposts re the summit, the whole Mueller snipe hunt is revealed to be more of a snipe hunt,

    narciso (d1f714)

  95. What baffles me is that, so far as I’m aware, this whole kerfuffle started over a nice photo of Ivanka and her child. …posed somewhat reminiscent of a Cassatt painting.

    Why that got the libs’ panties in a wad or why they thought it a topic for vulgar comments (sometimes called comedy), I simply don’t get.

    Can anyone explain?

    ColoComment (d5a97a)

  96. Well it was in the context of reports of missing illegal children, which were likely somewhat exaggerated.

    narciso (d1f714)

  97. Hopefully, the worst comments I made about Clinton was to call her “Pantsuited Pantload” around a 1000 times…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  98. Pikachu went much worse, justice dropped the ball of the j20 the wannAbe days of ragers.

    narciso (d1f714)

  99. 96. It was not in that context. It was just sharing a nice photo celebrating a mother and child.

    That context to which you allude was created out of whole cloth by people who out of malice or ignorance mis-represented a regulatory compliance-driven situation at the border while using inflammatory but noncontemporaneous photos as evidence, and somehow illogically concocted a negative comparison/connection between that imaginary “context” and a completely unrelated photo.

    “likely somewhat exaggerated” Uh-huh.

    ColoComment (d5a97a)

  100. the photo of kids in cages was from 2014 when obammy was president!

    wannabe (aa6757)

  101. Yes it was the latest two minute hate,

    narciso (d1f714)

  102. #98

    Don’t worry, you’re considered a troll here, so whatever. Read a few threads back. I think the pattern here is that the audience will be self limiting. Imagine, Gryphe and ten other people left. Oh, joy.

    Estarcatus (d5eb44)

  103. #102


    Estarcatus (d5eb44)

  104. 103… and I have no issues with some thinking that of me. All I have to do is read this site’s comments from the night of November 8, 2016 to ascertain who has taken a turn for the worse.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  105. @66. Meh. They even trumped Trump delivering the letter; a hugely big-azzed envelope which made our Captain’s hand look all the more tiny in the photos.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  106. #105

    Ding again! F ‘em if they can’t take a joke. It’s Viet Cong time for some of us here.

    Estarcatus (d5eb44)

  107. #How…whatever. Points for the pithy, if incoherent, point. But no worries, our host will be here to inform us all of your genius soon.

    Estarcatus (d5eb44)

  108. Like Rodney said of links in ‘he really seems to care, about what I have no idea’

    narciso (d1f714)

  109. Don’t worry, you’re considered a troll here, so whatever. Read a few threads back. I think the pattern here is that the audience will be self limiting. Imagine, Gryphe and ten other people left. Oh, joy.


    Oh the thing about trolls here is that they never really leave. Not that I have ever done better, but if you’ve got a blog with a larger readership than this one, show me the link. Otherwise you’re really kinda full of it. There definitely is an advantage in being a partisan hack these days. People want bubbles and validation, not challenges and inconvenient thinking, so you will definitely see most bloggers move to the left or the right and act as cheerleaders.

    But as that happens, the niche for blogs like this one remains, and not just for folks who want to think critically about ‘their side’, but also for trolls who want to fight against criticism itself.

    Dustin (e95d32)

  110. You all do remember the riots the burnt limo on Connecticut avenue,

    narciso (d1f714)

  111. Your criticism was weak, instead of spending a week denying the summit was going to occur, a consideration of what would have been likely alternatives.

    narciso (d1f714)

  112. Same as,this long snipe huntseemingly conjured up long before July 2016, probably by mi6

    narciso (d1f714)

  113. Sammy, why should Kim give up his nukes when they are precisely what finally got him a seat at the table with the big boys?

    Because it has become clear to him that, contrary to expectations, his nukes have DECREASED his national security. He can’t use them, and he has attracted the attention of a world that is considering war rather than let him keep them. Now, maybe he can bull it out, but someone probably told him that the US is under NO obligation to keep that war non-nuclear. That obligation went away the day Kim reneged on his country’s NNPT signature. The only real constraint on the US is the reaction of other nuclear powers, and the moment Kim uses, or threatens to use, a nuclear weapon those constraints evaporate.

    Kim cannot win. He can only lose less.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  114. Wouldn’t it be Generation Equis?

    Pinandpuller (b08aff)

  115. Mrs. Obama is fair game for political attack. Whether you want to call her a c**t is your decision. I wouldn’t, and haven’t.

    Paul Montagu (e6130e) — 6/1/2018 @ 4:19 pm

    I wouldn’t throw a lamp at my spouse or call Secret Service agents pigs.

    Pinandpuller (b08aff)

  116. The mother and child reunion

    Is only a deportation away

    Pinandpuller (b08aff)

  117. #110

    Really? Let’s discuss at some point. As I said, the audience seems to be self limiting. That is either provable or not.

    Estarcatus (fd736a)

  118. He believes he’s above it all and looks down on the less-enlightened. He’s got it all figured out.

    I think there may also be a different drummer involved… or at least some bongos.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  119. Mind you oversight has been lackluster

    narciso (d1f714)

  120. wannabe: The good doctor actually said “appeal to patriotism….” Not patriotism as an actual thing. Much, much different.

    Richard Aubrey (10ef71)

  121. Nowadays it’s equality or diversity.

    narciso (d1f714)

  122. Kim cannot win. He can only lose less.

    Kevin M (752a26) — 6/1/2018 @ 9:10 pm

    Apparently, Kim is hoping to win a 3-day/2-night stay at teh luxurious Trump Plaza…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  123. Apparently, Kim is hoping to win a 3-day/2-night stay at teh luxurious Trump Plaza…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 6/2/2018 @ 6:27 am

    I’m imagining that in the best Don Pardo voice.

    Bill H (383c5d)

  124. Entous will print most anything but the truth:

    narciso (d1f714)

  125. Do I fly into outrage over bee or merely buzz in irritation? One thing I won’t be doing is any pollination

    steveg (a9dcab)

  126. I’m imagining that in the best Don Pardo voice.

    I’m hoping there’s a goat behind DOOR NUMBER 3.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  127. 125… lol, Bill H. Bought any cars lately?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  128. Rules is rules.
    No such thing as a weapon my enemy can use but I cannot.
    If we are attacked for speech, demonetized, deplatformed, they must be as well.

    Ingot (1de9ec)

  129. Our esteemed host wrote:

    I wish we could have a post from Dana about this.

    You do! Is the “C” word the equivalent of the “N” word?

    Unlike Miss Barr and Mrs Bee, I am retired, so I can call anyone I wish an N word or a C word, and I don’t have to worry about getting fired for doing so, yet I still choose not to do so. That’s kind of what conservative ethics is all about.

    All of the women I’ve known who’ve ever spoken about the subject in my presence have stated that referring to women as the “C” word is about the worst insult that anyone can use toward them, and I agree with that. One woman with whom I worked for a dozen years was particularly profane — she was the only woman in an otherwise all-male central dispatch office, which was part of an almost all-male company — but let everyone know that that word was strictly off limits.

    The “C” word reduces women to a vulgar reference to their genitals, a characterization that they are worth no more than their sexual services for men. To me, that means that the use of the word as a characterization of a woman is as demeaning as it is possible to be.

    The blogger Dana (ad65b0)

  130. The British use the C word all the time. Like wearing a C hat to a rally rather than a P hat.

    steveg (a9dcab)

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