Patterico's Pontifications


I Thought David Bowie Had Died…

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:04 pm

Shows you what I know.

UPDATE: YouTube took down the original version for a copyright violation, so I replaced the dead video with this live performance, which still gives you an idea of why I hear David Bowie when I hear this song.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

17 Responses to “I Thought David Bowie Had Died…”

  1. UPDATE: YouTube took down the original version for a copyright violation, so I replaced the dead video with this live performance, which still gives you an idea of why I hear David Bowie when I hear this song.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Here you, Patterico. Gervais and Bowie were pals, which makes this EVEN more awkward. But pure Bowie.

    Simon Jester (ad6a15)

  3. Sounds like Bowie to me. Maybe an octave higher.

    DRJ (15874d)

  4. Sounds like Bowie to me. Maybe an octave higher.

    It’s that one octave higher that makes it sound like not Bowie to me. But I’m going by the Let’s Dance album.

    nk (dbc370)

  5. Patterico, this reminds of the joke. What does “Jamiroquai” mean?

    “Sounds like Stevie Wonder.”

    Simon Jester (ad6a15)

  6. Sounds sort of like Bowie circa ‘77-‘80… e.g, Scary Monsters…

    Colonel Haiku (a7e08c)

  7. Falsetto?

    Anonymous (d41cee)

  8. Ground Control to Captain Pat….

    Ed from SFV (291f4c)

  9. If you’re not familiar with a rock band named Greta Van Fleet, give them a listen. It’s a surreal experience.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  10. What’s the ethic here regarding threadjacking? If I want to talk about muh Russia, should I look for the most recent relevant post or is it cool to just chat about whatever in the top post?

    Anonymous (1448ff)

  11. I think we should have long discussion about why threadjacking is bad.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  12. I would have thought this was Bowie if I listened to it with out knowing.

    Mattsky (a87ad4)

  13. I think we should have long discussion about why threadjacking is bad.

    But Obama. But Hillary. And what about Chappaquiddick, hmm?



    Dave (445e97)

  14. Really didn’t remind me much of Bowie.

    For one thing, I liked Bowie. But this is dreck.

    Dave (445e97)

  15. I mean, the guy has a decent voice, but the song is embarrassingly bad.

    Dave (445e97)

  16. @ Anonymous, who asked (#10):

    What’s the ethic here regarding threadjacking? If I want to talk about muh Russia, should I look for the most recent relevant post or is it cool to just chat about whatever in the top post?

    Anyone polite enough to ask this question can be trusted to use his own judgment with little fear of ugly, or any, consequences. The host and his co-bloggers value community members of long standing and allow them, and newcomers as well, wide latitude in conversations that are often wide-ranging.

    My own rule of thumb is to look for a thread that’s somewhere close to the topic I want to talk about, if there’s one that’s no more than a day or two old and that’s still getting new comments, which is actually fairly common here.

    My one piece of advice would be: Pick a new screenname. Someone who currently comments a lot does so as “Anon Y Mous.” The blog automatically generates the hexidecimal parenthetical in parentheses after the screennames, which gives the proprietor and his co-bloggers help in flagging sock puppets with multiple screennames, I think, so avoid that.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  17. And if there’s no such recent thread — to complete my thought from #16 above — then the newest one is probably okay to post in, even if you’re somewhat or completely off-topic.

    No more than three hyperlinks in a comment, or you’ll trigger a spam filter that puts your comment into moderation. Some profanity will too, although the host and his co-bloggers are no prudes and within reason don’t seem to mind the occasional workaround (e.g., “sh!t”); you strike me as unlikely to carry that to excess.

    Beldar (fa637a)

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