Patterico's Pontifications


Emails Show Salem Execs Pressured Their Yakkers to Praise Trump

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:38 pm

You don’t say:

Executives at Salem Media Group, a conservative media company that syndicates some of the country’s most recognized talk radio hosts and operates a batch of popular commentary websites, pressured some of their radio talent to cover Donald Trump more favorably during the 2016 presidential campaign, emails obtained by CNNMoney show.

One former radio host employed by Salem is now speaking out on the record, claiming the company fired her because of her refusal to play along.

It might not be unusual that a conservative-minded media organization would aim to support the Republican nominee. But the former host, Elisha Krauss, said she feels it’s disingenuous to ostensibly hire hosts to be open about their views, only to pressure them behind the scenes to change.

What sorts of things did they say?

“What I have been hearing on TMA… has not been in the spirit of ‘supporting the GOP nominee,'” one Salem executive, Terry Fahy, general manager at Salem, wrote in an email to Shapiro and Krauss on July 19, 2016. “In fact, it seems that the show gets into negative minutiae of the Trump campaign and the GOP convention (e.g. criticizing Trump for having his kids speak at the convention.) Do we really need a side by side audio comparison of Trump’s wife’s speech with Michelle Obama’s? How is that ultimately relevant to the big picture and advance the cause?”

. . . .

One of the emails CNNMoney obtained was sent by Boyce in June of 2016, responding to what he said was Shapiro’s request for guidance on the company’s position on Trump.

Boyce wrote that “Salem has not taken an official position,” but noted that the company’s chief executive officer, Edward Atsinger, had made the case that supporting Trump was necessary to beat Hillary Clinton.

“So for you I would say the same,” Boyce wrote to Shapiro. “While your show is wildly entertaining and your positions make so much sense I have to salute. I do worry about the long term implications of where this is all going.”

Boyce added, “For YOU I suggest that you become a trial lawyer. You suspect your client is guilty, but you are paid to get him off. The jurors will ultimately decide his fate.”

. . . .

In his July 2016 email Fahy included a note from another executive, saying that “The Morning Answer” wasn’t experiencing huge election-related ratings growth because the hosts were “doing nothing but throwing rocks at a significant percentage of our audience every morning.”

“Why should we unnecessarily (in my view) drive away all the Trump supporters from your show? Is there no nuanced way we can highlight shortcomings of the campaign?” Fahy wrote.

They even boasted about how they put the screws to Hugh Hewitt by email, who later obliged with an “I was totally going to do this anyway” pro-Trump op-ed that mirrored what he had been told in the email:

In his June 2016 email to Shapiro and Krauss, Boyce said that, at his suggestion, Atsinger had written to two other popular Salem hosts, Hugh Hewitt and Michael Medved, “a very well stated case for supporting the GOP nominee because we have to beat Hillary.”

Boyce went on to assert that in the wake of Atsinger’s message to him, Hewitt had begun to modify his position and had gone on to write an article for The Washington Post about why he found it necessary to vote for Trump. That prompted Atsinger to say, according to Boyce’s email, “Wow he took a lot from my email to him and turned it into an article.”

(In fairness, I actually do think Hewitt would have written the op-ed anyway.)

It didn’t work as well with Michael Medved, whose position is now shaky.

One of the suits at Salem maintains to CNN Money that Krauss wasn’t let go because of her position on Trump, and then instantly says a bunch more stuff that makes it clear that she was.

In a lengthy email, Phil Boyce, a senior vice president at Salem who was one of the executives in the emails urging Krauss to be more favorable toward Trump, told CNNMoney that Krauss was not let go because of her position on Trump. He said that “it should not surprise anybody” that Salem radio hosts often “support conservative candidates in elections” and explained that the company, which also operates the conservative Regnery publishing house, does “a lot of research on what our audience wants.”

“That research shows that our listeners want our hosts to support the President when he does well, and criticize him if and when he does or says something wrong,” Boyce said.

(In practice, as I have come to realize, a “praise him when he does well and criticize him when he does wrong” attitude from readers is a nice way of saying: “If you criticize Trump, ever, we will jump down your throat. If you praise him, we will forget the fact that you did the second you criticize him again.” So in reality, this outwardly reasonable attitude really means: Don’t criticize Trump. Ever.)

Then, of course, the executive denies that what happened at RedState had anything to do with ideology:

He added that the radio division is “completely separate” from the company’s web division, and stressed the recent firings at RedState were “business related.”

Because they only wanted pro-Trump commentary on the radio, you see, because of how it just makes good business sense — but they didn’t want the same kind of commentary on their Web sites. Can’t you see how that seems true? Surely you can see how that seems true.

I can’t tell you how nice it is to not have to worry about whether the truth as I see it affects my bottom line.

I hope it’s nice for at least some of you as well.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

337 Responses to “Emails Show Salem Execs Pressured Their Yakkers to Praise Trump”

  1. De-lurking…

    “Advance the cause” kinda says everything that needs to be said, huh?


    Demosthenes (09f714)

  2. 90-91% negative media coverage of Trump.

    ropelight (cf3b1c)

  3. The crowd that was mocking the Obama cult of personality that are now part of the Trump cult of personality are not going to like you for writing the truth. But “I’d rather be right than popular” has served me well. Trump cultists have sacrificed principle for short-term gain; sowing to the wind and not preparing to reap the whirlwind.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  4. John, go to the other current thread and read how a few people took the line that corruption is not corruption when it involves someone who is associated with Trump.
    You may laugh, you may cry. You will not smile.

    Kishnevi (e266d6)

  5. and the CNN Jake Tapper fake news propaganda sluts are under no pressure whatsoever

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  6. Kishnevi, I considered several of them to be respectable Conservatives/Libertarians. I had thought they weren’t ripe for becoming personality cultists, but I was mistaken. To be a Trump cultist is to be worse than an Obama cultist, because the Right is supposed to be the morally superior side and not fall prey to an immoral messiah-figure.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  7. President Trump is a light in the darkness Mr. Hitchcock, and it’s not his fault.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  8. Obama tried to tear down every institution and set fire to the ashes the little sisters of the poor , hobby lobby any institution that didn’t follow the thanatos ethic in Babylonian times.

    narciso (d1f714)

  9. Let’s just comsider Kevin Jennings as exhibit 23, or the entire civil right commisar roundup at doj.

    narciso (d1f714)

  10. How many times has CNN gotten a story wrong about Deutsche bank skybridge capital, (redacted) koi in a pond.

    narciso (d1f714)

  11. Obama tried to tear down every institution and set fire to the ashes the little sisters of the poor , hobby lobby any institution that didn’t follow the thanatos ethic in Babylonian times.

    If being forced to spend a few dollars extra on health care coverage they don’t want or need is enough to “tear down” an institution and “set fire to the ashes” (um, wut?), the institution must be pretty feeble.

    How is it any different than forcing single people without kids to pay property taxes for local schools?

    Dave (445e97)

  12. Any comments on today’s court hearing involving Muellers “Russian 13” indictment? Daily Caller posted “The ‘Russian Collusion’ Trial Is On, And Mueller May Be The First Casualty

    From the article:

    Mueller tried to delay Wednesday’s hearing and floated a claim Concord had not been properly served notice.

    “Until the Court has an opportunity to determine if Concord was properly served, it would be inadvisable to conduct an initial appearance and arraignment at which important rights will be communicated and a plea entertained,” Mueller’s lawyers filed in federal court.

    But Concord opposed the motion. “The Special Counsel is not entitled to special rules and is required like the Attorney General to follow the rules of the Court,” Dubelier stated in his response to Mueller.

    U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich agreed with Concord and rejected Mueller’s request for a delay in the trial without comment, which led to Wednesday’s arraignment.

    The radio silence from the usual media suspects doesn’t bode well for the case. But popcorn futures are sure to rise.

    Nevyan (ef4292)

  13. I wrote of how Rush sold out in the primary when he recognized that DJT’s base was a significant part of his audience. When Cruz needed him most, he was essentially Switzerland. I do not recall Rush ever explicitly stating that Cruz destroyed the Donald in the few direct confrontations Ted had with DJT. Rush did say DJT needed to be more diplomatic about the families of his opponents.

    I’ve also ripped Hugh Hewitt in here for years. I said he was no conservative. He was essentially a right-leaning populist who purported to be a Constitutionalist. I think his dream is to be his generation’s David Broder.

    It really is a dirty rotten shame that the two major conservative media companies, and Rush, allowed themselves to be co-opted in pursuit of cash and/or status.

    All the more reason to cherish Pat’s (and several longtime forum commentators’) integrity.

    Ed from SFV (291f4c)

  14. That just one example, to make an institution betray it’s values or face desolutions.

    narciso (d1f714)

  15. Yes let’s eliminate any conservative opposition like is Dr. Facto what they have done in France and on the way to doing in the UK, you did see how the horse of lords basically gave a Bronx cheer to brexit. Self defense is a memory. Only one faith can be proselytized in public.

    narciso (d1f714)

  16. Any comments on today’s court hearing involving Muellers “Russian 13″ indictment?

    Indicting the 13 was a good way to document what he’s uncovered about the Russian meddling (and also to make sure none of those involved ever set foot in the US again).

    It’s hard to understand what the point of indicting the company was, though.

    Dave (445e97)

  17. You have heard of the journalist right, how every outlet had the same rapturous promotion of Obama, how the nutroots have colonized mist every outlet. The rizzoto press that submitted every story to Hillary ahead of time

    narciso (d1f714)

  18. To excuse hillary losing the election, the most inside candidate since dukakis couldnt have lost, this is why the bureau never examined the servers a third party did, a proper exaninatuon would show the code Isnt particularly russian or even exclusively fsb. Maybe concord will present that research.

    narciso (d1f714)

  19. Public education is an absolute abysmal failure. A far better education can be had for far less money per student in private, Christian schools, but Democrats don’t want anything to do with that. Multiple Republicans don’t, either.

    And I have not had health insurance for years. I have never had ObamaCare. And the government’s hostile takeover of 1/6 of the US economy (healthcare) has been absolutely disastrous. “A few dollars more”? Try thousands of dollars more for deductibles that are thousands of dollars higher on care that is much less capable.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  20. Laughable of Hitchcock to point to Trump’s defenders as cultists when our President is besieged by Democrat hate mongers, media mud slingers, Hollywood half-wits, short-sighted blogers, college and university numbskuls, and holier than thou crybullies.

    These haters are all sisters under the skin, they’re self-selected #NeverTrump cultists, and proud of themselves too.

    They tout their intractable hatred as though it was evidence of personal adherence to high principle, when it’s really evidence of submission to Satan’s deceptions.

    ropelight (cf3b1c)

  21. When your god says it’s perfectly okay to commit adultery and lie constantly, I don’t want anything to do with your god (who is actually Satan) and when you claim Patterico, Beldar, and I are acting out of hatred, you already lost the argument.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  22. One of the major problems that the invisible serfs collar had noted that education is less about knowledge
    than memes and narratives and private schools are not exempt, this is how you end up with a snowflake migroagrrddiom allergic sjw polity, this is designed this way.

    narciso (d1f714)

  23. Michael Medved is the best host in talk radio, so it’s unfortunate that Salem is backbenching him and will probably fire him. And it wasn’t that long ago when they ordered their TV stations to read from their op-ed script.

    Paul Montagu (e6130e)

  24. And the government’s hostile takeover of 1/6 of the US economy (healthcare) has been absolutely disastrous.

    The government did not take over 1/6 of the US economy (healthcare).

    Isn’t Obamacare bad enough to criticize for its *actual* flaws, rather than making up completely bogus claims?

    Try thousands of dollars more for deductibles that are thousands of dollars higher on care that is much less capable.

    That is not what was at issue in the Little Sisters of the Poor or Hobby Lobby cases.

    Dave (445e97)

  25. Dave: It’s hard to understand what the point of indicting the company was, though.

    I seem to recall someone who was oh so impressed by all the ham sandwiches indicted. Oh, was that you Dave?

    random viking (6a54c2)

  26. What was at issue with the Little Sisters and Hobby Lobby was anti-theists doing their utmost to punish Christians for being devout in their Christianity.

    The thousands of dollars more per year for health insurance that had deductibles that were thousands of dollars per year higher than previously on health care that is notably worse than previously is a huge part of socialist ObamaCare, the government taking over 1/6 of the US economy.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  27. I seem to recall someone who was oh so impressed by all the ham sandwiches indicted. Oh, was that you Dave?

    Reading comprehension issues? In the very post you replied to, I wrote:

    Indicting the 13 was a good way to document what he’s uncovered about the Russian meddling (and also to make sure none of those involved ever set foot in the US again).

    But since the company (as opposed to the 13 individuals) will suffer no consequences, even if convicted, I repeat that I don’t understand the point of including it.

    Dave (445e97)

  28. Yes, Dave, I’ve read the several comments you’ve made recently where you never expressed reservations about any of the indictments.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  29. What was at issue with the Little Sisters and Hobby Lobby was anti-theists doing their utmost to punish Christians for being devout in their Christianity.

    Nah, it was a misguided attempt to increase the fraction of the population with health insurance, while covering pre-existing conditions.

    the government taking over 1/6 of the US economy.

    Except the government didn’t take over 1/6 of the US economy.

    Dave (445e97)

  30. @28


    You said:

    But since the company (as opposed to the 13 individuals) will suffer no consequences, even if convicted, I repeat that I don’t understand the point of including it.

    According to media reports Mueller seemed to be surprised that attorneys presented themselves to defend the case. Also as I noted earlier Mueller attempted to delay by saying they were not sure that they had bee properly served. Fortunately for him the defendants attorney pretty much said “No we got served. In fact we look forward to a speedy trial and get this discovery started. Let’s roll, your Honor.”

    Now Mueller has to try the case he brought but didn’t think anyone would bother showing up for.

    Nevyan (ef4292)

  31. Yes, Dave, I’ve read the several comments you’ve made recently where you never expressed reservations about any of the indictments.

    Nothing I said before is even slightly inconsistent with what I’ve said here.

    Dave (445e97)

  32. No, Dave, it was trying to force nuns to purchase an insurance plan that specifically covered what the nuns considered a sin. It was trying to force the owners of Hobby Lobby to pay for an insurance plan that specifically covered what the owners of Hobby Lobby considered a sin. It absolutely was the anti-theist Leftist government trying to run roughshod over the First Amendment and force Christians to bow down to the anti-theist government.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  33. Now Mueller has to try the case he brought but didn’t think anyone would bother showing up for.

    We should all wish him success.

    Those of us who aren’t trolls on Putin’s payroll, anyway.

    The downside, as I understand it, is that we have to reveal sources and methods of intelligence gathering, which would be easier to justify if a conviction would put the guilty parties in prison.

    Dave (445e97)

  34. Now Mueller has to try the case he brought but didn’t think anyone would bother showing up for.

    From the DC: “The Russian company’s lawyers intend to invoke “discovery” to obtain U.S. intelligence about what they knew of Russian activities.”

    Trump should definitely not fire this guy.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  35. @35

    The downside, as I understand it, is that we have to reveal sources and methods of intelligence gathering, which would be easier to justify if a conviction would put the guilty parties in prison.

    Yeah, that Constitution gets in the way when you, as a defendant, have:

    1. the right to a speedy and public trial
    2. to an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed
    3. to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation
    4. to be confronted with the witnesses (evidence) against him
    5. to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor

    So yeah… Mueller wanted to bring this to a court and the accused have a right to see the evidence presented against them. Kind of the way things are done here.

    Also… Defendants (even foreigners), in this country, are considered innocent until proven guilty at trial — not simply indicted for alleged crimes — by judge and jury. Try and remember that.

    Nevyan (ef4292)

  36. @37

    Now do Guantanamo.

    Davethulhu (7e7722)

  37. No, Dave, it was trying to force nuns to purchase an insurance plan that specifically covered what the nuns considered a sin.

    But if they don’t avail themselves of it, and commit the sin, only their pocketbooks are hurt, not their immortal souls. “Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”.

    It was trying to force the owners of Hobby Lobby to pay for an insurance plan that specifically covered what the owners of Hobby Lobby considered a sin.

    I think it’s a dumb policy choice, but the government forces Quakers to pay for cruise missiles, Hindus to pay for beef inspectors, Muslims to pay for bacon, etc, etc.

    It absolutely was the anti-theist Leftist government trying to run roughshod over the First Amendment and force Christians to bow down to the anti-theist government.

    Nah, it was a misguided attempt to increase the fraction of the population with health insurance, while covering pre-existing conditions.

    Building a carve-out into the law to advantage particular religious groups seems obviously unconstitutional to me.

    Dave (445e97)

  38. Nevyan (ef4292) — 5/9/2018 @ 9:29 pm

    LOL. Nice strawman you have there.

    I never said the defendants shouldn’t receive due process. I said going to trial involves a cost, and that the cost is hard to justify when a conviction will not put any of the guilty in prison.

    Dave (445e97)

  39. Ah Eliza krauss is one of those made a big deal over lrwandowski ultimately forcing manafort to replace him.

    narciso (d1f714)

  40. That “Dave” character really is a dense one. And that’s my very charitable opinion of him.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  41. I dubbed him juche Dave, for his unique take on the north Korean regime.

    narciso (d1f714)

  42. @40

    Sorry — re-reading your post I responded too didn’t mean to strawman it.

    However, Mueller obviously brought the indictment against the “Russian 13” because it was a good optic and media soundbite: “Special Counsel Indicts RUSSIANS!”

    He figured no one would show up, snag some slamdunk “failure to appear” convictions, and continue on with his never ending investigation. But someone did show up. Some lawyers for the defendants. And now he has to try something he was, in all likelihood, not prepared to take to trial.

    Mueller f’ed up and now he is in a corner with no real options out. And the public will rightly see what he has been working on for over a year and if it was worth it.

    Nevyan (ef4292)

  43. No, the government didn’t take over 1/6th of the economy. Obama and the Democrat Party tried to take over 1/6th of the economy but failed because their initial roll-out web site was such a flaming disaster the public lost confidence in the Obama administration’s ability to run a health care insurance program. (Hell, Obama and his clowns couldn’t even sell guns to Mexican drug runners without getting Americans killed.)

    Then, more and more as the plan’s provisions became known Obama’s boldface lies were exposed: you were not going to keep your current health insurance, or your doctor, or save $2500 but you were going to be penalized if you didn’t buy Obama’s pig in a poke.

    ObamaCare turned out to be worthless, the monthly premiums were so high the government had to provide heavy subsidies to get people to sign-up, then the sky high co-pays and exhorbanent deductibles made it nearly impossible for even middle class Americans to use the so-called health care insurance they were forced to buy.

    ropelight (cf3b1c)

  44. Nevyan (ef4292) — 5/9/2018 @ 9:54 pm

    Everyone seems determined to miss the point. For the umpteenth time:

    Mueller indicted 13 Russian individuals. He ALSO indicted the front company they worked for.

    Indicting the individuals was a reasonable thing to do. If they ever set foot in the US again, they will be taken into custody, tried, and if convicted, sent to prison. It was also good to document the vast scope and criminality of the Russian election tampering operation.

    Indicting the company is harder to understand. The company can hire lawyers to defend it, and force the government to reveal sources and methods of intelligence gathering without any of the guilty people who ran the company being accountable if convicted. It’s unclear what was gained by adding the company to the indictment.

    I suppose if the case actually goes to trial, it will help remind people that (despite Donald Trump’s treasonous attempts to cover it up) the Russian attack on our election was a very real and meticulously planned crime.

    Dave (445e97)

  45. Because they only wanted pro-Trump commentary on the radio, you see, because of how it just makes good business sense

    To be fair, if Trump was a golem, he would have been formed on talkradio.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  46. Mueller indicted 13 Russian individuals. He ALSO indicted the front company they worked for.

    Indicting the individuals was a reasonable thing to do.

    Sure, because it showed that he DID something and allowed him to assert that there WAS a vast Russian conspiracy. But this will never be tested in court, which means it’s largely unfalsifiable.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  47. Sure, because it showed that he DID something and allowed him to assert that there WAS a vast Russian conspiracy.

    The existence of a vast Russian conspiracy is agreed to by everyone who is or has been in a position to have seen the raw evidence, with one exception.

    Mike Pompeo, Trump’s newest favorite, says so, unequivocally.

    John Bolton, Trump’s previous newest favorite, says so, unequivocally.

    John Kelly, Trump’s favorite from a few generations further back, says so, unequivocally.

    The only one who will not unequivocally acknowledge the truth is Donald Trump, who continues to try to cover up and obfuscate a foreign attack on the United States of which he was the beneficiary.

    Sure, to convict someone, the case must be proven ab initio, under the strict rules of criminal procedure. And rightly so.

    But in the real world, I just don’t see how anyone can insinuate (as you appear to) that there’s any doubt about the substance of the charges and expect to be taken seriously. It’s “Flat-Earth” level lunacy.

    Dave (445e97)

  48. ropelight is the one who hit the nail on the head. What started all this was a dossier that alleged kinky sex with Russian hookers and the possibility of blackmail. Well, that turned out to be true in substance. The difference being only the nationality of the hooker and the type of kinkiness.

    How many more Stormys are there that we don’t know about? And instead of $130,000 in cash and TV exposure, are influencing Trump in other ways. Like judicial appointments, DACA, gun control, Obamacare, etc., etc., etc..

    nk (dbc370)

  49. Well, the first rule of business is don’t insult your customers

    First rule of writing or speaking is know your audience

    EPWJ (9b19e9)

  50. 6.5 years to go, 9.8 for the mueller probe

    EPWJ (9b19e9)

  51. Is there a link to the actual emails?

    EPWJ (9b19e9)

  52. Okay, so there are no emails, just the very bitter delicious tears of a fired virulent anti trumper from her radio show. M0cking the First Lady and her children, well going to get you fired eventually

    Spending the rest of her career saying she is the only honest person, is not going to help you get a career back

    Especially going to the trusted source for disinformation, CNN

    EPWJ (9b19e9)

  53. Utterly surreal; our Captain boasts of breaking TeeVee ratings at 3 AM for his detainee release show with planes, trains, automobiles and medicals at Walter Reed all paid for by U.S. taxpayers, not North Korea.

    You returned something you stole to begin with, gave away nothing of your own and wangled a summit with the American president. Well played, Kim.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  54. I don’t see any difference between Republicans and Democrats. There may be a few good ones on each side but no one who matters cares about being good.

    DRJ (15874d)

  55. The Art of the Deal.

    nk (dbc370)

  56. There’s a reason the generic ballot is 50-50. Who can tell the difference?

    DRJ (15874d)

  57. 54. The denial is strong with this one.

    56. Not only is there little-to-no difference between the political parties, but whatever it is that distinguished conservative media from the liberal legacy media vanished completely with Trump’s ascendancy.

    Gryph (08c844)

  58. How many more Stormys are there that we don’t know about?

    Stormy Daniels, an American woman, has huge tits and funguses. Back to you Anderson Cooper.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  59. 59

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  60. Funny to me that the same conservatives who crowed about the importance of free speech a couple of years ago are rejoicing in the canning of conservatives for speech. Is the irony completely lost on Trump humpers?

    Gryph (08c844)

  61. Take Jeff flake who has been all stormy with the cadtrsos fir a generation, trpeaming up with David skaggs to block the local radio free variant, or Scott brown who signed on to Elizabeth warrens monstrosity or trey gowdy who signed off on applying the Libyan rebels, or Lisa murkowski.

    narciso (d1f714)

  62. Well John cornyn is quite nearly worthless, rick Scott and Pam bondinthrew Zimmerman to the wolves to curry favor with the local sharpton affiliate. About mcturtle the fact he did his duty once re garland, Isnt grounds for celebration.

    narciso (d1f714)

  63. He just wanted to protect that hovel he hasn’t been able to move out in wight years, but sharpton decided he needed to be made an example, NBC and ABC obliged as did Sandra roblea

    narciso (d1f714)

  64. Complex man (still seems to like black pop items, and for a a so-called white Hispanic might not last long on an L.A. street corner during greenlight periods) he is – do not think I oppose him and/or what he did to gain “infamy”, I just prefer he had sailed or flew away from the limelight. More importantly its too bad his talents and concern didnt place him as a sort of Lawrence of Arabia in the places where “swarthy” can get you deep inside the enemy’s lair.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  65. Waah, waah.

    Anonymous (d41cee)

  66. 61… Hitchcock goes full-Baʿal as he pays mega-tribute…

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  67. You understand Sharpton and Reid would not allow that, NBC never claimed responsibility abc gutman went on to cover the burnt trail in sanbernadino, dreher and French still wanted him hung out to dry. They stalled him on the Texas highway.

    narciso (94d505)

  68. Some psycho tool shots at him Lisa bloom before she wAs a mouthpiece for Weinstein did so in prose. In fact she had a contract to bring her sandoz fueled delusion to hbo.

    narciso (94d505)

  69. Yes novartis parent company created lsd.

    narciso (94d505)

  70. Ironically the tech overlords were currently shadowbanninv elisa’ s current employee prayer u.

    narciso (94d505)

  71. Haiku, I know for a fact that Christians around the world will be executed for refusing to renounce Christ. Yes, even in the US. And you’re hitching your wagon to the snake oil salesman who claims to be a “Great Christian” but who violates major Christian laws and is extremely likely to have never even bothered to read the Bible. If anyone’s worshiping Baal, it is you.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  72. Prager u the Murdoch boys have been on a purge rampage to make it suitable for the sky news overlords.

    narciso (94d505)

  73. Baal Moloch dagon these deities were big into human sacrifice that’s McConnells department. I have been dinged for not being clear inn the past.

    narciso (94d505)

  74. I will never again believe anyone who complains about CNN, MSNBC, etc., if they have no problem with this. It’s all about the bottom line, right?

    DRJ (15874d)

  75. Breaking, news network promotes bias.

    In other news, the sun rose at dawn.

    Let’s us know when it’s not tilted 85% favoring the Left.

    harkin (0c588c)

  76. I renounce you, Hitchcock, you Baʿal worshiper, and Satan.

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  77. A story that comes from CNN, the modern minitrue shirley.

    narciso (94d505)

  78. Vince Coglianese
    Obama traded 5 terrorists for Bergdahl.

    Trump just secured the release of 3 Americans and captured 5 terrorists.

    You’ve got to admit, that’s a lot of winning.

    harkin (0c588c)

  79. DRJ: I will never again believe anyone who complains about CNN, MSNBC, etc., if they have no problem with this. It’s all about the bottom line, right?

    If CNN called themselves BlueState, I would have no problem. But, they tout themselves as “news” outlets when Salem and RedState do not.

    Are you saying company and blog owners aren’t allowed to determine content? If that’s the case, then inform the host. Whether a site is there for profit or not makes no difference.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  80. Take jen Rubin, who has gone mad at msnbc it’s a short trip.

    narciso (94d505)

  81. Haiku, you are libeling me to get your jollies off. You are not a serious person or a moral person.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  82. Are you saying company and blog owners aren’t allowed to determine content?

    Salem wants to hire people and tell them what to write. That isn’t opinion journalism, that’s a PR department.

    DRJ (15874d)

  83. Does Patterico tell JVW and Dana what to write? I’m sure he doesn’t and he never told me.

    DRJ (15874d)

  84. How would Trump supporters feel if Patterico told JVW and Dana they could only post negative stories about Trump? It’s his blog and they can go elsewhere, right? I doubt people would like that. I wouldn’t.

    Off topic but: Who was going to write a guest post? I wonder what happened with that?

    DRJ (15874d)

  85. I still don’t understand narciso.

    DRJ (15874d)

  86. Wasnt that mostly what red state did and right scoop, yes they would throw a crumb but what someone from mars think of they looked at the intellectual landscape.

    narciso (94d505)

  87. Salem wants to hire people and tell them what to write. That isn’t opinion journalism, that’s a PR department.

    Yeah, it would be much respectable for Salem to just fire Medved, right? Rather than inform him on what is expected in order to retain him. Welcome to the real world we call the private sector.

    Does Patterico tell JVW and Dana what to write? I’m sure he doesn’t and he never told me.

    Tell me, if you went full on pro-Trump, what do you think would happen? I don’t pretend to know. Just want to know your answer.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  88. DRJ, there is a race to the bottom of the cesspool going on—we certainly see it here. Team R has to show they can be just as craven as Team D.

    Why, I will bet you hard cash money that, when GWB was POTUS, some of the same people who think criticism of DJT supports the DNC, were trashing GWB.

    It’s always different. The translation is: people react. They don’t think much.

    They want binary solutions to an analog world.

    Simon Jester (ad6a15)

  89. Partially because w didn’t defendchomself or the projects he put forth or the cause of the men he sent into battle.

    narciso (94d505)

  90. They want binary solutions to an analog world

    I would much prefer an analog media landscape. When what we have is pretty much unary, I’ll take a binary solution any day.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  91. Right I put a lot of thought into what I write.

    narciso (94d505)

  92. There are a lot of people who like to float on top of the cesspool and compliment themselves and each other while drinking their “better” flavor of Kool-Aid, forgetting that all the crap and gasblowing is on the top of the pool. The bottom of the pool is where the tertiary filtering process begins to render the water pure again

    steveg (a9dcab)

  93. The scum also rises to the top where in their minds, they become the elite. Comey is a very shiny polished turd example of this type of elitist.

    steveg (a9dcab)

  94. It;s not just salem radio hosts who may perhaps not say accurate things.

    Today Mark Simone on WOR said parts of the Iran deal expired in one year or two years or three – it’s actually more years than that – and that the charges against Paul Manafort involve events that happened 20 years ago (it’s more like 10 or 12) And it went on till 2014.

    Some personal financial matters went on into 2016. One event in the indictment took place in October 2016. The failure to register as a foreign agent went into 2017.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  95. Not surprising re: Salem’s action. Ultimately, it’s a loss for Redstate and one can already see it happening. After a short burst of adolescent-rebellion type behavior by a few of the writers, it’s descending into Breitbart Lite now. Gone is the sober consideration of multiple sides. Now it’s just deep state this, Mueller is the anti-Christ that. And, cheering that the evil NT people have been banished. Oh well.

    Pete T (65297b)

  96. Haiku, you are libeling me to get your jollies off. You are not a serious person or a moral person.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed) — 5/10/2018 @ 8:02 am

    I rebuke you… you sanctimonious horse’s ass, you.

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  97. dirty CIA poofterboy Ray McGovern got his ass kicked by the popo

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  98. Salem runs their show by their own rules.
    Patterico runs his show by his rules.

    Praise Liberty!

    gp (0c542c)

  99. If it is some consolation, Salem’s stock is in the toilet since (because of?) the RedState purge.

    Mitch (341ca0)

  100. yet he’s been right to skepttcal on this grishenko matter,

    narciso (d1f714)

  101. With a mainstream media as corrupt and stupid and evil as we have today, let’s spend a bunch of time worrying about Salem’s organization chart. After all, they have such a HUGE share of media impact, and such massive reach.

    I don’t understand the priorities around here.

    gp (0c542c)

  102. Tell me, if you went full on pro-Trump, what do you think would happen? I don’t pretend to know. Just want to know your answer.

    random viking (6a54c2) — 5/10/2018 @ 8:17 am

    I know what would happen — nothing. I have disagreed with Patterico about things in the past and we enjoy discussing them. In fact, it’s much more fun to talk in a civil way with someone you disagree with than with someone you always agree with.

    DRJ (d18ca6)

  103. The key would be whether I supported Trump no matter what he does, or whether I have reasons for supporting him. I doubt Patterico would want to talk to me if I said I support Trump but I gave no reasons for my support.

    DRJ (d18ca6)

  104. DRJ

    Today, right now on redstate, on the front page here are the stories

    There are thirteen
    3 have to do with the investigation and are mostly neutral one could be considered lean trump
    2 are negative
    2 are positive
    6 are real news stories

    EPWJ (50f638)

  105. I mentioned the Zimmerman case, just a guy it didn’t matter that he was latino, that he tutored other minorities, that he complained against police brutality by the previous administration, in fact the last point was why they were glad to bring him in, the justice department under holder, hired mobs to topple the duly elected authority, cnn, nbc, abc, the new York times were the prime offenders but there were many other players through the journalist, who pushed this narrative,

    narciso (d1f714)

  106. Now Mueller has to try the case he brought but didn’t think anyone would bother showing up for.

    Nevyan (ef4292) — 5/9/2018 @ 9:11 pm

    What if we gave a prosecution and the defendant showed?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  107. Red State Trending right now:


    Witch Hunter Burns Himself at the Stake: Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Now Investigated Over Actions

    America Wins! Last Man Standing Will Return to Fox

    Did Angela Merkel Really Say Europe Could Not Rely on the US for Protection

    The First Special Counsel Case Moves Toward Trial

    Rod Rosenstein Gets Rolled By Devin Nunes Again…for the Fifth Time

    DRJ (d18ca6)

  108. That “Dave” character really is a dense one. And that’s my very charitable opinion of him.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed) — 5/9/2018 @ 9:51 pm

    I want you to deduct that comment on your 2018 taxes, Mr John Hitchcock.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  109. The word TRUMP only appears in three post titles, including What I Like About Trump. Another post is Reader Diary that is not promoted on the front page.

    DRJ (d18ca6)

  110. it’s the substance of the post, and the image included as intro,

    narciso (d1f714)

  111. Complex man (still seems to like black pop items, and for a a so-called white Hispanic might not last long on an L.A. street corner during greenlight periods) he is – do not think I oppose him and/or what he did to gain “infamy”, I just prefer he had sailed or flew away from the limelight. More importantly its too bad his talents and concern didnt place him as a sort of Lawrence of Arabia in the places where “swarthy” can get you deep inside the enemy’s lair.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 5/10/2018 @ 7:13 am

    My wife’s friend visited last week. She lives in the Sanford area more or less. Her boyfriend is of illegal Mexican ancestry although he is an anchor baby. His parents were in the fern picking business as it relates to the flower industry.

    Their babies are bound to be white hispanics if you think that’s what you get if you mix Wilmer Valderrama with Julianne Moore. I know, he’s not Mexican but he is from Florida.

    I’m guessing GZ would have to give up his gun rights if he filed for disability but maybe that’s just for a crazy check.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  112. you’re hitching your wagon to the snake oil salesman who claims to be a “Great Christian” but who violates major Christian laws and is extremely likely to have never even bothered to read the Bible. If anyone’s worshiping Baal, it is you.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed) — 5/10/2018 @ 7:43 am

    Do you think the Amish and Jehovah’s Witnesses have it right then? Don’t participate, don’t vote and buy lots of land with cash?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  113. Trump just secured the release of 3 Americans and captured 5 terrorists.

    You’ve got to admit, that’s a lot of winning.

    harkin (0c588c) — 5/10/2018 @ 7:57 am

    Were any of the terrorists alumni of Gitmo?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  114. Salem wants to hire people and tell them what to write. That isn’t opinion journalism, that’s a PR department.

    DRJ (15874d) — 5/10/2018 @ 8:08 am

    It sounds like the patronage system Bach and Mozart worked under. It was a little more difficult to go one’s own way in those days, though.

    Have you ever read Heinlein’s book Job: A Comedy of Errors? There’s no shortage of dish washing jobs.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  115. OT — I had the opportunity many years ago to meet Sen. Diane Feinstein, and work with her staff on some important issues. I found her to be informed, thoughtful, and not too terribly concerned about political angles in matters of law enforcement.

    But she should have left the Senate many years ago, as she has now crossed over into cartoon territory.

    Yesterday she argued with Gina Haspel over whether a former CIA official, John Rizzo, was mistaken in his book when he claimed that Haspel had been in charge of the CIA’s interrogation program. About 10 days ago Rizzo issued a public correction, and acknowledged that he was mistaken in his book, and Haspel had never run the program while with the CIA. At the time, she was a relatively junior member of the CIA leadership team, and was not in a policy making role.

    When Haspel tried to politely point out to Feinstein that the reference in Rizzo’s book was an error, and that Rizzo had publicly acknowledged his error, Feinstein cut her off and — looking like a little old lady reading from notes prepared by others — said “I believe is was just recently confirmed that you headed up the interrogation program.” Haspel corrected her again, but Feinstein simply chose to read the passage from Rizzo’s book in which he made the error he has since acknowledged.

    Today Feinstein comes out and says she’ll vote No on Haspel.

    But in 2013, Feinstein voted in favor of John Brennan to be CIA Director when there is NO QUESTION that Brennan, as Chief of Staff to George Tenet, and later as Dep. Exec. Dir of the CIA, was in a position to influence policy making on the interrogation program, and at various times was an advocate of the program on behalf of the CIA before Congress.

    Feinstein is now a hypocrite whose public appearances are beginning to raise questions about whether she’s entering Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd territory.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  116. lol our favorite adulterous Navy SEAL is screwing over the Republicans

    oh my goodness you can’t trust these people that’s for sure (military hubris plus lots of adultery)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  117. they should change their name to the sleazy drug-addict adultery SEALs

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  118. Yeah, it would be much respectable for Salem to just fire Medved, right? Rather than inform him on what is expected in order to retain him. Welcome to the real world we call the private sector.

    random viking (6a54c2) — 5/10/2018 @ 8:17 am

    MM was a classmate of the Clintons at Yale.

    I don’t think Trump fits that. I know he’s not honest and I know he is not wise,” Medved said.

    After Ted Cruz suspended his campaign on Tuesday, Trump has become the presumptive Republican nominee for the presidency. Medved said that he is now looking at Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. But there is another person who he believes is better than Trump — at least, who is not as bad as Trump.

    “I actually believe that Trump represents the very, very worst elements of our politics and would be very threatening and damaging for the future for my kids, the republic, our economy and our national security — and really, more than any other candidate in my lifetime he represents a threat to the viability of the United States of America,” he said.

    How bad could Trump be that a best-selling Conservative author, columnist, and voice listened to by 4 million people across the nation would turn his back on him?

    On all of the issues, the core issues that make people Conservative, Trump is wrong. He is on the other side,” Medved said. “My inclination right now — this is a terrible situation for hosting a talk radio show … I’m not at all sure that on the issues that matter most to Conservatives that Trump is better than Hillary (Clinton). I think he is probably worse.”


    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  119. Medved should’ve kept his movie critic gig…

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  120. oh happyfeet, is adultery bad now?

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  121. adultery’s no good!

    that’s how you know Stormy Daniels, a large-breasted American woman, is lying

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  122. Was the Nellie Ohr situation discussed here by commenters/Patty? What was the net/net?

    Sorry if coming at this so late. Just surfaced.

    Anonymous (d41cee)

  123. @60. It’s the art of the deal, Mr. Feet: she certainly has gotten a lot of mileage out of this (if not on her) for a one night stand and didn’t have to pull a Marla and marry him.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  124. JH, there’s so much I agree with you about, but I still don’t understand the “We can’t have a sinner for President” point.

    We’re all sinners.
    On a no-sinner platform, I would be unable to run, nor even you, because we’re both sinners.
    If Trump leaves, the next President will be a sinner, guaranteed.
    If you did manage to find and nominate a saint (e.g., John the Baptist,) nobody would vote for him.

    I’ve earnestly conversed with you on Christian matters.
    Please try to show me where I’m misunderstanding your point.

    gp (0c542c)

  125. gp – How about “unrepentant” sinners? Would that work for you?

    Ed from SFV (291f4c)

  126. Hitchcock – riding his high horse – calling others immoral, making evaluations on their worthiness to aspire to heavenly real estate after they pass away. Here’s one for him to chew on as he cavorts with his “lady friend” in teh Philippines. Unless he’s a widower, he has shown the utmost disrespect for his marital vows and holy matrimony.

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  127. Well, first, who is the repentant sinner you would replace Trump with?

    Next, do you define repentance as successful abstention from sin, or as guilt over uncontrollable sin, or what?

    So far as I can tell from scripture, even after accepting Christ, you still sin even though you don’t want to. You feel guilty about it (as even some non-Christians do,) but you still do it.

    JH considers lying a sin. It may well be; I’m unprepared to contend otherwise. Yet none of us goes a day without committing some kind of lie.

    Politics, candidates, parties, these are all things of this world. Thinking about those things, at all, distracts us from praising the glory of God, don’t they? They are unimportant compared to God’s heavenly kingdom.

    I am earnestly trying to understand this stuff.

    gp (0c542c)

  128. Nellie Ohr is a subject not yet fully vetted, and I think there is much more there than has publicly been exposed at this point.

    My SUPPOSITION is that Nellie Ohr is, in fact, the author of some of the information in the memos provided by Steele to the government. I think we are going to find out that some of the memos are a compilation of information that Steele obtained from whoever he was talking to, and “analysis” or context provided by Nellie Ohr based on her years of study as an academic specializing on Russia and the USSR, and her “contract” work for the intelligence community in the past.

    She played the role of “analyst”. Steele provided data, and Nellie Ohr “connected the dots”, and drew the conclusions which are contained in the reports.

    At the same time she was doing this for GPS, and the product was being pushed out to the FBI via Steele, Bruce Ohr was greasing the skids inside DOJ with the National Security Division, to get them onboard with the need to get a FISA warrant in place while the campaign was still underway.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  129. Ed – let’s go with “proudly unrepentant sinners”

    Dave (445e97)

  130. Before a president-elect even takes office, he is presented with extensive briefings about the diplomatic posture of the USA. A typical briefing sheet looks like this:
    1) We tell Official Lie A to country X.
    2) We tell Official Lie B to country Y.
    3) We tell Official Lie C to country Z.
    and so forth

    He gets briefed on our military posture, typically:
    1) We can deliver 5600 megatons throw weight on Country I.
    2) We can deliver CW and BW agents to Continent J.
    3) We can incinerate 34 million civilians in Country K.
    and so forth

    This is the way of the things of this world.
    How can a proudly repentant sinner do that job?

    gp (0c542c)

  131. Well, first, who is the repentant sinner you would replace Trump with?…
    …I am earnestly trying to understand this stuff.

    Maybe John will share with you the recipient of his Nov 2016 vote.

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  132. And her Stalinist leanings are worrysome, now in my amateur way I think I sussed out that Waldman was source a, Thats why Warner knew how to contact steele through him. Milan appears to be source d, although he had more ties to Mccain. International republican institute as to trump, as do akhmetshin from his work in Kazakhstan and klimnik who was hunted from gru

    narciso (d1f714)

  133. Before a president-elect even takes office, he is presented with extensive briefings about the diplomatic posture of the USA. A typical briefing sheet looks like this:
    He gets briefed on our military posture, typically:

    So you’ve seen presidential diplomatic and military briefing sheets? Color me impressed!

    Dave (445e97)

  134. Repentance.

    You could have candidate A: “I’m a sinner, as are we all, and I feel guilty about it, as many of us do, but we have a sinner’s job ahead of us.”

    You could have candidate B: “I’m a sinner, as are we all, but I’ve accepted Christ. If I sin at all, I feel guilty about it, but I am saved. Now: we have a sinner’s job ahead of us.”

    You could have candidate C: “I’ve accepted Christ, therefore I no longer sin. Now together let us do the sinner’s job ahead of us.”

    Which candidate is most believable?

    gp (0c542c)

  135. “So you’ve seen presidential diplomatic and military briefing sheets? Color me impressed!” Not lately. Does my conjecture seem unlikely to you, and if so, why?

    gp (0c542c)

  136. Forgot Candidate T: “I’m the best guy who ever tried for this job, and boy do we have a job ahead of us. Ignore my trysts. Curse my enemies. MAGA.”

    gp (0c542c)

  137. 135… so we soon may be having an “Ohr Moment”.

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  138. Whereas we elected candidate Z: “Any suggestion that I’ve ever lied or sinned is fake news. As everyone knows, I won the largest landslide in history. Nobody reads the Bible more than me, and while I may have bragged, on videotape, about committing sexual assault and peeping at naked little girls, the idea of doing something like that would never cross my mind. There were no hush money payments to porn stars and I never knew about them and I never repaid my lawyer for making them and any claim by my other attorney to the contrary is probably accurate.”

    Dave (445e97)

  139. Next, do you define repentance as successful abstention from sin, or as guilt over uncontrollable sin, or what?

    If repentance were “successful abstention from sin,” then only one person in history would have been truly repentant, and so He would not have needed to repent at all.

    Guilt over sin isn’t repentance— it’s remorse.

    The repentant person is the one who recognizes his sins for what they are and sincerely resolves not to repeat them, including taking action to avoid repeating them. That he will fail is inherent in the nature of man. No matter. He is still called to do so.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  140. Dave, candidate Z’s sins are so very many and so very grave that he must be removed from office ASAP by almost any means necessary. Worst of all, he is unrepentant.
    Have I misunderstood you?

    gp (0c542c)

  141. “The repentant person is the one who recognizes his sins for what they are and sincerely resolves not to repeat them, including taking action to avoid repeating them. That he will fail is inherent in the nature of man. No matter. He is still called to do so.”

    That’s a good definition I think.
    It answers the question: Do the repentant sin?
    The answer is yes.

    gp (0c542c)

  142. Dave, candidate Z’s sins are so very many and so very grave that he must be removed from office ASAP by almost any means necessary. Worst of all, he is unrepentant.
    Have I misunderstood you?

    What I posted represents a small part of the case for removing candidate Z from office ASAP by almost any means necessary, but not the entirety of it. It is, perhaps, a few percent of the justification.

    It only barely touches on his mental incapacity and psychological unfitness for the job. It also leaves out many other dimensions of his moral depravity – mockery of the handicapped, disrespect for PoWs, bigotry, contempt for the rule of law, incitement of political violence, advocacy of torture and murder of the innocent, etc, etc.

    Dave (445e97)

  143. I don’t know if I’ve been corrected already but the Heinlein book’s full title is actually Job: A Comedy of Justice.

    Pinandpuller (ea7566)

  144. Contempt for the rule of law, like every Democrat in office across the country and not a few Leftist judges.
    Bigotry, like every SJW, BLM, Democrat in office across the country and not a few Leftist judges.
    Incitement of political violence, like every SJW, BLM, Occupod, Campus Crazy, Democrat in political office.
    Psychological unfitness for the job, like Hillary, most Democrats in DC, every Democrat in CA.
    Mental incapacity like the US flag on Mars chick, the Guam capsizing dude, every anti-gun clown across the country.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  145. Medved should’ve kept his movie critic gig…

    Colonel Haiku (45621b) — 5/10/2018 @ 12:16 pm

    Two thumbs up. I wonder if he could go for four years without seeing a single movie he likes?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  146. that’s how you know Stormy Daniels, a large-breasted American woman, is lying

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 5/10/2018 @ 12:26 pm

    She’s a normal breasted woman with huge aspirations.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  147. 122. shipwreckedcrew (56b591) — 5/10/2018 @ 12:03 pm

    About 10 days ago Rizzo issued a public correction, and acknowledged that he was mistaken in his book, and Haspel had never run the program while with the CIA….When Haspel tried to politely point out to Feinstein that the reference in Rizzo’s book was an error, and that Rizzo had publicly acknowledged his error, Feinstein cut her off and — looking like a little old lady reading from notes prepared by others — said “I believe is was just recently confirmed that you headed up the interrogation program.” Haspel corrected her again, but Feinstein simply chose to read the passage from Rizzo’s book in which he made the error he has since acknowledged.

    Paper is patient.

    But I think someone Dianne Feinsten’s age would know that something written in a book can be wrong.

    She’s relying on her staff, and her staff is wrong, perhaps on purpose.

    She’s facing a primary against someone more left wing.

    Anything happen since? I mean about this question.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  148. @60. It’s the art of the deal, Mr. Feet: she certainly has gotten a lot of mileage out of this (if not on her) for a one night stand and didn’t have to pull a Marla and marry him.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 5/10/2018 @ 12:29 pm

    She has more mileage than John Holmes’ ’69 corvette.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  149. @155. As with all rentals, your mileage may vary, PP.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  150. Contempt for the rule of law, like every Democrat in office across the country and not a few Leftist judges.
    Bigotry, like every SJW, BLM, Democrat in office across the country and not a few Leftist judges.
    Incitement of political violence, like every SJW, BLM, Occupod, Campus Crazy, Democrat in political office.
    Psychological unfitness for the job, like Hillary, most Democrats in DC, every Democrat in CA.
    Mental incapacity like the US flag on Mars chick, the Guam capsizing dude, every anti-gun clown across the country.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed) — 5/10/2018 @ 1:56 pm

    Big congrats on electing a guy “like every democrat” (and Hillary!), and defending his every act, however reprehensible! You must be so proud.

    Personally, I prefer politicians who aren’t like democrats and (especially) Hillary.

    Dave (445e97)

  151. Hitchcock – riding his high horse – calling others immoral, making evaluations on their worthiness to aspire to heavenly real estate after they pass away. Here’s one for him to chew on as he cavorts with his “lady friend” in teh Philippines. Unless he’s a widower, he has shown the utmost disrespect for his marital vows and holy matrimony.

    Colonel Haiku (45621b) — 5/10/2018 @ 12:42 pm

    Is that an epistle to the Phillipians? They have a whole other notion about Passion Plays. Don’t volunteer for anything, is what I’m saying.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  152. @153. She’s a normal breasted woman with huge aspirations.

    Mother, Jugs & Speed.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  153. 153. Aspirations? Is that what they’re calling them now? 😛

    Gryph (08c844)

  154. Okay, dense Dave, you made me laugh. You’re such a buffoon.

    John Hitchcock (05d3ed)

  155. No epistle, PandP, but he can stick it right up his ephesian.

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  156. so we soon may be having an “Ohr Moment”.

    Colonel Haiku (45621b) — 5/10/2018 @ 1:17 pm

    Either Ohr.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  157. if the law can take you out of office like they did with delay Stevens McConnell st al if it can disposess you see Conrad black if a 100 year company like Arthur Andersen can crumble in an instant, then it deserves comtempt.

    narciso (d1f714)

  158. Book reviwew in the wall street Journal today:

    Ms. Nemeth has found that even a single dissenter has the power to crack the foundation of a majority view. Even when you don’t agree with the outlier, or when the outlier is just plain wrong, the act of dissent liberates your thinking. “With any break in unanimity,” Ms. Nemeth writes, “the power of the majority is seriously diminished.”


    Ms. Nemeth, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, has spent decades studying the effects of groupthink in multiple settings. Her original research was in decision-making by juries—how they went about reaching them and whether their verdicts were correct. What she found was that juries that included dissenters “considered more facts and more ways of viewing those facts.” Consensus, she found, “narrows, while dissent opens, the mind.”


    In the latter part of her book, Ms. Nemeth explores in more detail how dissent improves the way in which groups think. She is ruthless toward conventional “brainstorming,” which tends toward the uncritical accumulation of bad ideas rather than the argumentative heat that forges better ideas. It’s only through criticism that concepts receive proper scrutiny. “Repeatedly we find that dissent has value, even when it is wrong, even when we don’t like the dissenter, and even when we are not convinced of his position,” she writes. “Dissent . . . enables us to think more independently” and “also stimulates thought that is open, divergent, flexible, and original.”

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  159. Republican Political Plank: War and High Gas Prices

    Have fun selling that.

    Tillman (a95660)

  160. Dave, candidate Z’s sins are so very many and so very grave that he must be removed from office ASAP by almost any means necessary. Worst of all, he is unrepentant.
    Have I misunderstood you?

    gp (0c542c) — 5/10/2018 @ 1:30 pm

    I think Dave is an atheist so his ideal candidate would be a humanist who swears on The Origin of the Species or our big f*** off beard tales are more scientific than your big f*** off beard tales.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  161. The book is “In Defense of Troublemakers,” by Charlan Nemeth.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  162. 155. As with all rentals, your mileage may vary, PP.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 5/10/2018 @ 2:08 pm

    $130,000 uninsured motorboating. She’s claiming neck and back pain.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  163. then let’s consider what Eliot Spitzer did to Aig and Lehman bros, what dems push for in sanforx Baltimore and ferguson.

    narciso (d1f714)

  164. How can anyone not not love this man, Mr. Feet? He’s so helpful at every turn…

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  165. he’s loved by all Mr. DCSCA

    he’s a real life Disney prince that’s for sure

    handsome and brave

    he surmounts the obstacles and wins the day for America!

    and he never asks for anything in return

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  166. (they’re arresting high percentages of Uyghurs, especially those in the prime childbearing years.)

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  167. @172. Hail to the Chief, Mr. Feet:

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  168. That’s a good definition I think.
    It answers the question: Do the repentant sin?
    The answer is yes.

    All those who are repentant still sin.

    Not all those who sin are repentant.

    Demosthenes (63a065)

  169. @169. Cotter pins, props and seaweed are costly, PP.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  170. i got seaweed in bulk it was pretty reasonable just don’t buy it from imperious lesbians they jack up the price and then look haughtily upon you if you ask any questions

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  171. apparently Stormy’s pimp owed this dude some money and they worked out a payment plan

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  172. i wonder if Stormy’s pimp has sampled the merchandise as they say

    with his pro-boner

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  173. Pimp, eh? And what do you make of Donald “John” Trump?

    I wish they would just run off together to Kalaupapa where they can exchange diseases to their hearts’ content. Spanky and Skanky. They’re a stain on the internet.

    nk (dbc370)

  174. And have you laughed harder in your life than listening to America’s top lady spy and a bunch of politicians talking about morality?

    nk (dbc370)

  175. As I pointed out, prager u has been banned off and on, practically every unconventional trump supporter has been demonetizer.

    narciso (d1f714)

  176. than *when* listening

    nk (dbc370)

  177. And what do you make of Donald “John” Trump?

    he freed all those people Mr. nk

    my heart’s full-to-bursting with love for this man

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  178. Had they succeeded there would be a monument where the library tower stands now.

    narciso (d1f714)

  179. Aggressive is a tool like a drone or a special forces tool, it should be used sparingly but there is no reason to rule it out.

    narciso (d1f714)

  180. Well, yeah, and I suppose when you think about it there is no reason why a spy should not bullsh!t the Senate and the public too. Sneakiness is their stock in trade.

    nk (dbc370)

  181. You might need to get someone to confess to something they didn’t do. “Aggressive” is definitely the tool for that.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  182. Well they didn’t. Mind al quds Brendan creamy peanut butter did they. It was like the star wars bar scene.

    narciso (d1f714)

  183. Khalid sheiks Mohammed certainly planned the attacks so did nashiri, zubeydah recruited and kept records.

    narciso (d1f714)

  184. Torturers are freaks and what they do is as much for their perverted gratification as it is to obtain information. Maybe more. And they get paid for it.

    nk (dbc370)

  185. Saline, Saline

    Over the static D’s

    I agree with Irving Cohen Give Me a C, a bouncy C.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  186. KSM “confessed” to every act of terror from 1970 forward. But somehow managed to protect OBL’s location.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  187. Well the path began with slahi, who 60 minutes skobbeted over to Mohammed quahtani to ksm.

    narciso (d1f714)

  188. Col,

    Hey man, John is one of the good guys, given me my fair share of lumps over the years. I think he would rather chew a limb off than cheat on his family (no seriously he would actually gnaw a limb off)


    DJT, is on his road to Damascus, I think, I hope. Like Greg gutfeld said today on the five, he’s a mean, short tempered disgrace to the institution of marriage, but he can talk a starving bear off a fish truck. So what do you want, a pious man wringing his hands while millions die or someone that will gut punch the bully.

    EPWJ (50f638)

  189. 193. They could force KSM to talk, but not to tell the truth.

    Osama bin Laden’s location was traced, in at, to an analysis of the different lies he and Abu Zubadeh told about one person. KSM said he was retired” and Abu Zubaydeh said he had no connection or something like that. A female analyst at the CIA realized this must be an important person.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  190. I actually have no idea what you are trying to say, narcisso. I’m assuming you’re trying to justify torture, but I can’t make heads or tails of your post.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  191. And these names led to the courier who led to bin laden, thanks to Obama revealing the interrogation memos they can derive a counter. Now Daniel Jones behind this second dossier edited the cables to suggest otherwise.

    narciso (d1f714)

  192. So what do you want, a pious man wringing his hands while millions die or someone that will gut punch the bully.

    DJT will only mean-tweet the bully. At 4:00 am. From behind a phalanx of Secret Service agents and America’s skirts. He’s all mouth, bluff and bluster. And lies. Lots and lots of lies.

    nk (dbc370)

  193. Well ask theeople of douma or khan sheykoun about that.

    narciso (d1f714)

  194. Stormy had trouble getting on The Apprentice because of SAG.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  195. They tried to get Stormy for Ms. Majestyk but 200 illegal Mexicans went on strike.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  196. Heh, pin, if you are going to play the victim, then you do what Karen Mcdougall has done. To appear as demure as possible

    narciso (d1f714)

  197. Salem wants to hire people and tell them what to write. That isn’t opinion journalism, that’s a PR department.

    National Review has famously fired a few people based on what they wrote. Mark Steyn was fired for retelling an old Bob Hope joke that made fun of gays. John Derbyshire was fired for writing a response to “The Talk” column (at another publication!). Ann Coulter was fired for opining that in response to 9/11, we should invade Muslim countries, kill their leaders and convert the populations to Christianity. Similar to the Williamson situation, she had only been working there for about a week.

    Does all that mean that NRO doesn’t engage in opinion journalism, but rather public relations?

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  198. “And lies. Lots and lots of lies.”

    Does he get paid extra for it… like a lawyer?

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  199. Michael Medved is the best host in talk radio, so it’s unfortunate that Salem is backbenching him and will probably fire him. And it wasn’t that long ago when they ordered their TV stations to read from their op-ed script.
    Paul Montagu (e6130e) — 5/9/2018 @ 8:54 pm

    The op-ed script thing was Sinclair. Salem and Sinclair are different companies with no connection to each other.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  200. @179. Be it coin of the realm or Cohen of the realm, one way or another, everybody ‘pays to play,’ Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  201. 202.Stormy had trouble getting on The Apprentice because of SAG.

    Our Captain likes his perks, PP.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  202. 205. I’m pretty sure that National Review has never fired a significant bloc of their most popular writers simply for adequate failure to support a politician. Might have happened, but if it did, I’m not aware of it.

    Gryph (08c844)

  203. @192.- Ice Station D-bra has an all-male, Rock hard cast, PP.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  204. “Ann Coulter was fired for opining that in response to 9/11, we should invade Muslim countries, kill their leaders and convert the populations to Christianity.” I think the actual camelback-breaking moment was when she subsequently called the NRO crew “girly boys” or something similar.

    The establishment right is always willing to excommunicate members whenever said members fail to live up to the expectations of … the LEFT!!

    You rarely see lefties doing that. When did the Dems denounce Bill Clinton the way Christians here denounce Trump? We’ve argued the ranking of sin before; if sin _is_ rankable, Clinton’s sins may very well outweigh Trump’s.

    gp (0c542c)

  205. No mark stein complained about that travesty that Michael Mann was putting him through,

    narciso (d1f714)

  206. @205. I’m pretty sure that National Review has never fired a significant bloc of their most popular writers simply for adequate failure to support a politician. Might have happened, but if it did, I’m not aware of it.

    No, but you might want to review the battle between Buckley and the John Birch Society back in the day, when the cashews and almonds went nuts.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  207. NR’s biggest trophy was when they otherized the John Birch Society, to the cheers of the leftists, who were at that _very_ moment ramping up their highly successful attacks on American traditions, religion, law and order, and everything else we lost in the 1960s.

    gp (0c542c)

  208. Yes but they had few if any birchers btw they had a better grasp on things than Buckley, just consider the soviet originate educational templates.

    narciso (d1f714)

  209. Which is surprising because meter Burnham chambers toledano were defectors from the left.

    narciso (d1f714)

  210. “Michael Mann” Oh jeez isn’t that over yet? What a pointless waste of money and man-hours! Never did hear Lowry apologizing for daring Mann to bring it. NR thought that thru discovery they were going to tear open the pack of lies that they believe lie at the heart of the AGW cadre. Instead they created a lawyer-employment service, and nobody even cares about AGW anymore.

    gp (0c542c)

  211. You have to admire Trump; he’s the only man in Indiana wearing a suit and tie.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  212. You rarely see lefties doing that. When did the Dems denounce Bill Clinton the way Christians here denounce Trump?

    Maybe that’s because Clinton made it possible for people inclined to forgive him to believe that he was sorry for what he’d done.

    It’s impossible to harbor any such illusion about Trump.

    Dave (062363)

  213. No mark stein complained about that travesty that Michael Mann was putting him through,

    He did, but that wasn’t what caused them to part ways.

    Make sure to click the first link in the piece to NRO. Steyn repeated the gay joke, which irritated one of NRO’s gay editors. That was the end of the road.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  214. Consider nellie ohr who is a fan of the revisionist school, holomodor deniers, so Robert conquest is foreign to her understanding.

    narciso (d1f714)

  215. Well that was supremely stupid, but then its a short trip to Buckley Jr obamaphilia, or that other matter i referred to

    Anyways another drove of documents from wieners laptop were unearthed yet thiscisnt the subject of the thread.

    narciso (d1f714)

  216. “When did the Dems denounce Bill Clinton the way Christians here denounce Trump? We’ve argued the ranking of sin before; if sin _is_ rankable, Clinton’s sins may very well outweigh Trump’s.”

    Most Christians don’t count themselves among the ranks of those who denounce Trump. Most of that sort are the leftwing, socialist/quasi-Marxist Christians.

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  217. Turner’s Classic Ex Wife is putting it in a vault like Jerry Lewis’Death Camp clown movie.

    Pinandpuller (ea7566)

  218. Maybe that’s because Clinton made it possible for people inclined to forgive him to believe that he was sorry for what he’d done.

    Funny what an assclown biting his lower lip will do for the slack-jawed yohans.

    Colonel Haiku (45621b)

  219. NR’s firing of Derb was despicable.

    He wrote a clever article inverting a lefty lie that was widely circulated at the time (“Black parents especially tell their kids to behave because they are more likely to be targeted by LE, and isn’t that a shame” which is multiple lefty lies in one sentence.) His article had the added benefit of being substantially true, but it was unspeakable truth, so out on his ass he went.

    If I taught a course of situational awareness, to people who care seriously about self-defense, I would definitely include Derb’s article “The Talk” in the syllabus.

    gp (0c542c)

  220. Ah you mean flak cannon fonda, now she was and continues stop be a useful idiot.

    narciso (d1f714)

  221. “Maybe that’s because Clinton made it possible for people inclined to forgive him to believe that he was sorry for what he’d done.”
    “Funny what an assclown biting his lower lip will do for the slack-jawed yohans.”

    Yeah I’m not feeling genuine contrition from the guy. On which occasions did he express it? Did he refrain from sin afterwards?

    I do respect the man’s intelligence, and his political abilities. Seeing him today in physical decline, I do feel sorry for him. I would not turn down the chance to meet him. But his sins are many and grave.

    gp (0c542c)

  222. The fellow responsible for the attack on Benghazi Thats all, oh and executing his lead rebel opponent

    narciso (d1f714)

  223. I find he had a certain low cunning, he lived to the expectations of the image of southern men, all the while he provided sanctuary for the left through policies like those that primed the sub prime bomb.

    narciso (d1f714)

  224. “It’s impossible to harbor any such illusion [contrition, repentance] about Trump.”

    That’s true! Gee, I wonder how a guy who doesn’t apologize for everything could ever be elected President? Especially following 8 years of the precedent set by President Apology?

    After all, we’ve had so many great contrite Presidents, and we admire them for their public displays of repentance.

    gp (0c542c)

  225. He set that first Korean deal in motion, securing no advantage from the Kim dynadtys.

    narciso (d1f714)

  226. He slashed the military and intelligence yet wasted them in Haiti and the balkans

    narciso (d1f714)

  227. “a certain low cunning” I would not be a bit surprised to learn he has the highest IQ of any president ever. Combine that with cunning.

    gp (0c542c)

  228. I didn’t say his contrition was genuine – I said it appeared plausible to people who were otherwise favorably disposed toward the man.

    I don’t recall allegations of adultery or other crimes of the flesh after Lewinsky, but they would hardly be surprising…

    Dave (062363)

  229. The world’s largest orgy is kicking off in Las Vegas pretty soon.

    Thanks Trump.

    Pinandpuller (ea7566)

  230. “I don’t recall allegations of adultery or other crimes of the flesh after Lewinsky,”

    5 second search:

    “Flight logs show that from 2001 to 2003, Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s private plane, dubbed “The Lolita Express” by the press, 26 times. After Epstein’s arrest in July 2006, federal tax records show Epstein donated $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation that year.” NYP, Oct 2016.

    gp (0c542c)

  231. If his wife had followed his advice in 2016, she’d probably be president in spite of herself…

    Dave (062363)

  232. Is it an “Evil” IQ mr gp?

    Pinandpuller (ea7566)

  233. Yes he was a houndog the other waysxhe screwed the country are of concern, the mixed signals he sent the Chinese.

    narciso (d1f714)

  234. One extra second because Google Chrome will not autocomplete the text “Lolita”.

    gp (0c542c)

  235. Is there a connection between evil and IQ? What prompts the question?

    gp (0c542c)

  236. The betrayal of the brothers to the rescue.

    narciso (d1f714)

  237. Stormy is more like a forklift or tractor so she should log her hours.

    Air brakes, hazmat, doubles, triples, tanker and after 70 hours an automatic 30 hour reset.

    Pinandpuller (ea7566)

  238. Is there a connection between evil and IQ? What prompts the question?

    gp (0c542c) — 5/10/2018 @ 6:06 pm

    Austin Powers.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  239. She’s got 10 Ford gears and a Louisiana Overdrive.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  240. Stormy is more like a forklift or tractor so she should log her hours.

    she’s more like a cartoon-titty blackmailing funguses-all-up-in-it person with no regard for America (not classy)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  241. Is there a connection between evil and IQ?

    I would say Donald Trump rules out any possibility of a positive correlation.

    Dave (062363)

  242. sick burn there Mr. Dave

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  243. Thank you Mr Feet – your appreciation means everything to me.

    Dave (062363)

  244. yes yes

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  245. The down graded Honda shearer is rather unappetizing and she becomes more so with each iteration.

    narciso (d1f714)

  246. Anyone see Trump on TV in Elkhart Indiana? He was on fire, it was better than his campaign rallies. Folks, like it or not, we have a real leader in the White House. We should all be grateful Donald Trump loves America enough to leave a full life filled with luxury to lead our nation back to peace and prosperity. We owe him our deepest loyality.

    ropelight (6c8f0c)

  247. Hahahaha you are so shameless. At least happyfeet is self-aware.

    Leviticus (3d562f)

  248. We should all be grateful Donald Trump loves America enough to leave a full life filled with luxury to lead our nation back to peace and prosperity. We owe him our deepest loyality.


    Dave (445e97)

  249. I don’t recall allegations of adultery or other crimes of the flesh after Lewinsky, but they would hardly be surprising…

    He had a steady girlfriend in Chappaqua or Westchester or whatever the name of the place is that Hillary had parked him, according to his Secret Service detail. They said she was nice — she would bring them cookies.

    nk (dbc370)

  250. The media called her “The Energizer Bunny”.

    nk (dbc370)

  251. Ah yes Gloria something or other they dubbed her the energizer not for her understanding of physics I don’t believe.

    narciso (d1f714)

  252. “We owe him our deepest loyalty.”

    Um, no. He owes us his job. You continue to get this exactly backwards, ropelight.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  253. See, Trump would never be able to have that kind of relationship, with a like-minded lady also looking for a little on the side. Store-bought women is all he has ever been able to get.

    nk (dbc370)

  254. What else is your comment, ropelight, if it’s not licking up Trump’s spittle?

    Beldar (fa637a)

  255. What else is your comment, ropelight, if it’s not licking up Trump’s spittle?

    Unintentionally hilarious?

    Dave (445e97)

  256. Clinton has more sides than a dodecahedron, Shirley, as I was saying he lashed the military he failed to fully challenge al queda when it was still in its,growing syages.

    narciso (d1f714)

  257. The media called her “The Energizer Bunny”.

    nk (dbc370) — 5/10/2018 @ 7:13 pm

    Mondale’s daughter?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  258. See, Trump would never be able to have that kind of relationship, with a like-minded lady also looking for a little on the side. Store-bought women is all he has ever been able to get.

    nk (dbc370) — 5/10/2018 @ 7:15 pm

    Why pay retail?

    Lord have mercy, Alkaline Water has reached The Krogers. The Nation of Islam is on my doorstep.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  259. 225.Turner’s Classic Ex Wife is putting it in a vault like Jerry Lewis’Death Camp clown movie.

    And what of McCain’s crypt? But you decide where you’d like to bury your face, PP:

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  260. “under my administration, we’re fighting against the lobbyists, the special interests, and the corrupt Washington politics” -Trump May 10, 2018

    Irony is dead

    Davethulhu (7e7722)

  261. Did they get anything for it, magic eightbal says no, btw who was lobbying on plucky cnn side, everybody and their brother.

    narciso (d1f714)

  262. 265… no, PandP, not her… if you saw what the EB looks like these days you would think “not even with Tillie’s li’l pink willy”…

    Colonel Haiku (a7e08c)

  263. @254.Anyone see Trump on TV in Elkhart Indiana? He was on fire, it was better than his campaign rallies. Folks, like it or not, we have a real leader in the White House. We should all be grateful Donald Trump loves America enough to leave a full life filled with luxury to lead our nation back to peace and prosperity. We owe him our deepest loyality.

    See #219. Over all, the only one not in overalls.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  264. 254… he plays well in the heartland with the People, the common folk. Not so much with the Left, bureaucrats, public sector unions, eggheads, self-important blowhards and the folks who obsequiously seek the approval of their betters.

    Colonel Haiku (a7e08c)

  265. “under my administration, we’re fighting against the lobbyists, the special interests, and the corrupt Washington politics”

    Maybe when he said “fighting against” he was talking about a price war?

    Dave (445e97)

  266. Still an old ass crowd, at least those in back of the podium. NWI secession sounds like a plan.

    urbanleftbehind (7e2245)

  267. It’s different than a faculty lounge mincefest, slapfight ConDave.

    Colonel Haiku (a7e08c)

  268. @ Pin, re his question, “Why pay retail?”

    Indeed, when you can instead run your own “talent contest” featuring beautiful young women from around the world with contest-subsidized fake boobs?

    Beldar (fa637a)

  269. Beldar, maybe it’s post Irma stress. His area did get a direct, or almost direct, hit from the eye.

    Ropelight, how did you make out with that? Last comment about it I remember you making on the subject was on the lines of you were going to see if you had a house left.

    Kishnevi (871225)

  270. DCSCA, looking down your nose and making snide comments about the people of Indiana marks you as an insufferable elitest boor.

    Lots of good, hard working men, wear overalls while they grow food for our tables. You should be as grateful to Indiana’s farmers as I am for Donald Trump’s excellent leadership.

    ropelight (6c8f0c)

  271. I thought it was a snide comment about Trump.

    Kishnevi (871225)

  272. #278, Kish, I was forced from my waterfront home under the threat of nine and a half of water. Fortunately I was able to ride out the storm (the eye did pass directly overhead) in a condo outside the evacuation zone.

    The flood water never materialized, my home was relatively unscathed, however I lost 3 mature royal palms 35-40′ high. 2 in the front and 1 in the back, none hit the house.

    The toughest part was loss of electric power for 2 weeks. It was hotter than 40 hells. I was among the lucky ones.

    Thanks for asking even if you couldn’t resist the little dig. I’m fine, it’s the #NeverTrumpers who’re having digestive difficulties.

    ropelight (6c8f0c)

  273. @277

    The answer is zero votes, Haiku. 501(c)(3) organizations are forbidden from supporting political candidates. If they were planning on violating that rule, then it was correct that they were investigated.

    Davethulhu (7e7722)

  274. #260, Beldar: (Trump) owes us his job

    ‘Us?’ Did you vote to put Trump in office?

    ropelight (6c8f0c)

  275. Good to hear you came out okay. Shame about the palms.

    Kishnevi (871225)

  276. 104

    If it is some consolation, Salem’s stock is in the toilet since (because of?) the RedState purge.

    Patterico posted he had been fired on 4/27/2018. Salem stock closed that day at $3.20. It closed Thursday 4/10/2018 at $3.35. So firing Patterico doesn’t appear to have hurt the stock any. At least so far.

    James B. Shearer (a9b467)

  277. 87

    Salem wants to hire people and tell them what to write. That isn’t opinion journalism, that’s a PR department.

    No, it is how opinion journalism typically works in the United States. Although usually it can be done with a lighter touch because the powers that be just don’t hire people whose opinions they find objectionable.

    James B. Shearer (a9b467)

  278. 108 … In fact, it’s much more fun to talk in a civil way with someone you disagree with than with someone you always agree with.

    Not so easy to talk in a civil way with someone who has as much as said he doesn’t respect you (pro Trump people) and sometimes posts stuff just to annoy you.

    James B. Shearer (a9b467)

  279. 205

    National Review has famously fired a few people based on what they wrote. …

    An interesting article about National Review’s long history of ideological firings.

    James B. Shearer (a9b467)

  280. 289. Have they ever fired groups of people for insufficiently supporting a politician? Among the rank sewers of partisan ideology, RedState’s cull seems particularly odious to me precisely because it wasn’t just partisan; it was personal.

    Gryph (08c844)

  281. 214. And I’m quite aware of the John Birch Socity “purge” that Buckley commenced, although I’m pretty sure it didn’t result in anyone getting fired from National Review that was already writing for them.

    I’d simply like for someone from Salem to come forward and say on the record, “Yes. We axed these writers from RedState for being too critical of President Trump.” No silence. No non-denial bulls**t denials. Just the truth everybody already knows. If they’re on the right side of the marketplace, it *should* only help them going forward.

    Gryph (08c844)

  282. Sinclair’s move to tailor their editorial focus was straightforward and aboveboard

    contrast the way Sinclair tailored their programming with the way sleazy cia poofter Evan McMullin ran a scuzzy no-platforming campaign against Milo which was intended to tailor the editorial programming of CPAC

    some people clapped like drunken seals at that much much more scummy approach

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  283. 292. I’m not even going to call Salem “scummy” over this. I just want the truth.

    Gryph (08c844)

  284. ‘Us?’ Did you vote to put Trump in office?

    A President owes everyone in the country his job, even the people who didn’t vote for him.

    Chuck Bartowski (eb7fe8)

  285. And need I remind you Trump humpers, despite National Review and The New York Times’ history of ideological hirings and firings, Donald J. Trump is not an ideology. Trump is a person. Those of you who have ignored Trump’s history in Manhattan business and with women can not be claiming to hew to a principle any loftier than pissing off people who hate Trump. At least Schlichter and some of you Schlichterites are honest about that. I wish you all would be.

    Gryph (08c844)

  286. Salem’s a different thing Mr. Gryph they had people actively trying to hijack their business as part of the #resistance

    you can’t let people do that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  287. Next ropelight will assert that since I didn’t vote for Trump, I should leave America, or that I’m not a real American, or some such nonsense.

    ropelight, you really are the perfect Trumpkin. You understand nothing about government or political theory. You have no concept of history. You are completely devoted to the worship of your equally ignorant POTUS. And you can’t even comprehend how repulsive your ignorance makes you, because you proudly come to show it off in these comments.

    I seem to recall your being critical of Obama’s performance in office, as a public servant for all of us. Weren’t you? I certainly was, and am.

    Trump works for the American public. He is a servant, not a principal. He is not a king, and there is a definite time limit to his tenure. Anyone and everyone, not even limited to American citizens, is free to criticize him and his performance in office.

    Lickspittle is exactly the right word for you.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  288. I don’t even care, ropelight, that you’re a lickspittle, because I have never respected you.

    Watching good men like Haiku or Hoagie infected by the likes of you, though, such that they make themselves as stupid in public as you are — that makes me very sad. That’s the corrosive effect of this president on our society.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  289. We don’t know if this is the true story, or the story the Clintons want people to believe. Probably the latter

    New York Post May 29, 2016

    McMahon, 56, has been dogged by the affair rumors since 2001 — fueled by sightings of the former president visiting her home without his wife.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  290. “Reagan Battalion” is a McMullin thing Mr. Thulhu

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  291. 299… get over yourself, Beldar. Get happy.

    Colonel Haiku (a7e08c)

  292. Salem’s a different thing Mr. Gryph they had people actively trying to hijack their business as part of the #resistance

    LOL. Tin foil…aisle #3. One can hope it’s sarcasm, I suppose.

    Pete T (65297b)

  293. The Secret Service wouldn’t lie about a pretty lady bringing them cookies, Sammy. Would they?

    nk (dbc370)

  294. Ropelight and others choose to provide support wherever/whenever possible because of what’s at stake and also because the forces arrayed and deployed against the duly elected president and America – in general – are formidable, malevolent and evil. Some choose not to assist, dismiss, or provide cover for that.

    But you let your conscience be your guide.

    Colonel Haiku (a7e08c)

  295. this like Churchill’s line about stalin and hitler,

    narciso (d1f714)

  296. Pelosi and Schumer want to know where to send the check

    They are grateful for all the help

    EPWJ (83bfbd)

  297. Pelosi and Schumer want to know where to send the check

    They are grateful for all the help

    Mr. Donald J. Trump
    President of the United States
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Nobody is doing more to destroy the Republican Party and put the Democrats for generations than Trump. Nobody.

    nk (dbc370)

  298. Democrats *in power* for generations

    nk (dbc370)

  299. really McConnell and ryan serving up a pigsbreakfast of appropriation, while waiting a year to clear Richard grenell, plus two missile away.

    narciso (d1f714)

  300. Actually, Beldar, you and I enjoyed a congenital relationship back when you were supporting Sarah Palin for McCain’s running mate. My eventual support for Palin was based largely on your persuasive recommendations. I recall we were both delighted when McCain chose her.

    That’s only one example, and there are several others. It wasn’t till I opposed Ted Cruz in the GOP Primaries on the grounds he was not a natural born citizen that cracks began developing in our previously friendly, and mutually agreeable relationship.

    I respected your knowledge of the law, our political opinions were rather similar, and you expressed yourself so well, and with such elevated courtesy that I was always pleased to find new comments from you. It didn’t matter if I was interested in the topic or not, if you commented, I was glad to read what you had to say.

    Sadly that’s no longer the case, now I usually skip over your comments, and for most of the last year you’ve ignored or blocked mine. If I recall correctly, the brake came about the time it became obvious Trump had the momentum on his side and that Cruz was not going to be the Republican candidate for POTUS.

    You took it personal that the favorite son of Texas was unhorsed by the brash Billionaire with the funny haircut from New York City. That I and a very few others here were Trump supporters seemed to really get your goat. You took umbrage and started name calling, which you have continued to this day.

    I’ll admit that I’m not guiltless, by comparison your count far exceeds mine (BTW I may be the first one here to have used lickspittle in the comments).

    Beldar, your hatred of Trump is pathological, it’s affecting your ability to think straight. I’m not your enemy, and I still respect you. You’re smart, well educated, and usually polite and kind. But your TDS is like one black spot on an otherwise white paper. Ask people what they see and the response will inevitably be “a black spot.”

    PS: This President has quite a few feathers in his cap. Especially when you consider his accomplishments have all been achieved in the face of fanatical opposition.

    Now, he isn’t your cup of tea, and he’s far from being spotless, but he’s got the ship of state headed in the right direction and after Obama’s disastrous presidency shouldn’t that be enough for you to give the man a little of the credit he’s earned?

    Or, is a black spot all you see?

    ropelight (16d5f8)

  301. ropelight, you really are the perfect Trumpkin. You understand nothing about government or political theory. You have no concept of history. You are completely devoted to the worship of your equally ignorant POTUS. And you can’t even comprehend how repulsive your ignorance makes you, because you proudly come to show it off in these comments.

    It’s the absolutism that gives them away. If someone like ropelight, or anyone else who is conscious enough to bother themselves with these matters, especially from a right-of-center perspective, has NO understanding of these things, where does that leave the truly ignorant, the far left, or anyone else for that matter? It’s simply an emotional outburst. Sad.

    Skorcher (5ba7f6)

  302. 296. Actively hijack? You, sir, are accusing the host of THIS VERY SITE of hijacking a site that paid him, and broke his contract…for a #resistance movement trumpted by leftist luminaries?! SMDH…

    Gryph (08c844)

  303. when you have your own agenda you have your own agenda Mr. Gryph

    nobody should have to subsidize your agenda

    this is the same basis for the argument for defunding Planned Parenthood, among many many other arguments (conservative arguments)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  304. 315. Nobody should have to subsidize YOUR agenda either, you knob polishing Trump humping sycophant. I’m tired of hearing that Salem had the right to do what they did. I get that. I’m not arguing otherwise. I’m arguing that I would like an executive at Salem give a completely honest explanation for what happened. Said explanation is apparently not forthcoming, ergo their behavior is left to speak for itself.

    Gryph (08c844)

  305. i love President Trump I’m not gonna lie

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  306. “‘Us?’ Did you vote to put Trump in office?”

    – ropelight

    Good point. I don’t consider Trump to be my President, because I did not vote for him and do not recognize him as legitimately elected. More people voted for his opponent. He has no legitimate mandate. His Presidency is a joke, just like his brand.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  307. @317. Bank on it, Mr. Feet: he’ll love you too for $130,000-$150,000.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  308. i feel his love every day in my heart Mr. DCSCA

    we are truly blessed

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  309. 320. I’m pretty sure whatever you’re feeling, it’s not love. But then again, that’s not my wheelhouse. You need to talk to Milo about that sort of stuff, Champ.

    Gryph (08c844)

  310. @280. =yawn= ROFLMAO don’t be corny, Mr. Roper; are you venting from experience or just blowing hot gas out the aft end of your service module; you ever lived in Indiana? Been there, done that, got out.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  311. So you consider Hillary to be your President, Leviticus?

    BuDuh (3198f3)

  312. because I did not vote for him and do not recognize him as legitimately elected.

    So, since he WAS elected by the only legal mechanism, you suggest what? That an extra-legal method be used to put Hillary Clinton in power?

    Kevin M (752a26)

  313. What makes anyone think that resorting to illegal methods of putting people in power will result in a better outcome? Anyone who comes to power by an unprincipled method will be unprincipled, guaranteed.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  314. 324. That Donald J. Trump was duly elected by the people of the United States of America says more about the people than it does about the politicians.

    Gryph (08c844)

  315. #322, (#s 280, 271 & 219) DCSCA, I watched Trump’s televised rally in Elkhart, Indiana, and carefully watched rerun snippets on news shows – there wasn’t a single pair of overalls in sight, however there were several men (and one woman) in addition to Trump wearing neckties.

    Your smarmy, elitest, cheap-shots ostensibly aimed at the residents of Indiana are actually snide shots at Trump and his supporters (as Kish observed at #281).

    Roll around and laugh all you want, point fingers, look down your nose and make snide comments, maybe it’s the best you can do.

    ropelight (a97e0c)

  316. 318… very sad. Whether you like it or not, he was elected POTUS. I disliked Obama – still do – but I would never feel much less say he was not “my president”.

    Colonel Haiku (a7e08c)

  317. Trump is President by operation of law. Not operation of Trumpkins. And there are all kinds of mechanisms to make sure that he derives his just powers from the consent of the governed. All legal.

    nk (dbc370)

  318. #326, Glyph, yes it does. Trump’s victory over the combined totalitarian forces arrayed against him speaks volumes about America’s commitment to elected leadership. Americans select their leaders, and they selected Donald J Trump.

    You know that, you don’t like it, so you piss and moan about the voters who put Trump in office. FYI they’re looking forward to doing it again in 2020. Better lay in a good stock of vodka and antacids.

    ropelight (a97e0c)

  319. It’s called “having an editorial policy”. Used to be considered normal, until the Liberal Left sold the absurd idea of neutral reporting.

    One of the great con-jobs in human history.

    Fox News disappointed me sorely when they chose “We report, you decide”, thereby buying in to the myth. It should hve been “You know their side, here’s outprs.”

    C. S. P. Schofield (095b1d)

  320. 329. None of which the people are willing to use at this point. We’re a nation of feckless cowards. ESPECIALLY in the conservative movement.

    Gryph (08c844)

  321. 331. Editorial policies don’t bother me. Dishonest bothers me. If Salem Communications is going to remain a house organ for the Trump administration, someone ought to have the courage to come out and say so. If it’s no big deal, why not just be honest about it?

    330. “Elected leadership” and commitment therein. Interesting that you brought this up. Free and fair elections won’t keep us from slipping into a totalitarian dictatorship. There’s nothing particularly sacrosanct about the vote, which is why the electoral college exists. It’s supposed to be a mechanism to prevent the electorate from being able to buy political favors with their votes. Looks like it failed in that regard.

    Gryph (08c844)

  322. I don’t know why any of the writers at Redstate, including Patterico, were surprised that Salem had gone full-Trump, I figured it out when they replaced Hugh Hewitt with Larry Elders in the afternoon radio lineup. The only Salem radio show worth listening to anymore is Medved. Too bad.

    Monica (3a6716)

  323. Hey, there’s good money in it. Go Trump!

    Estarcatus (fd736a)

  324. 336. If there is good money in it, someone at Salem should come out and make a public statement that they are now Trump Central(TM). It worked so well for Breitbart, didn’t it?

    Gryph (08c844)

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