Patterico's Pontifications


Mass Firing of Trump Critics at RedState — Including Yours Truly

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 3:08 pm

Several writers at RedState were fired today, including me. All those fired were Trump critics.

Salem, the owner of RedState, is perfectly within its legal rights to do this. They can take their site in any direction they want. But the message sent by firing a group of writers en masse, all of whom have been vigorous critics of the President, will have a chilling effect — both on the remaining writers at the site, and the conservative movement as a whole.

More thoughts to come.

UPDATE: Rosie Gray has a piece at the Atlantic (ironically, the same publication that recently canned Kevin D. Williamson) which accurately quotes me:

“There’s a clear pattern that the people who were let go were all critics of Donald Trump,” said Patrick Frey, a lawyer who blogs as Patterico and whose contract was also terminated on Friday.

“It was a complete surprise,” Frey said. “There’d been rumors of contract changes but being fired was a complete surprise.”

. . . .

Frey says he’s grateful for his time at RedState and emphasized that the company has the right to fire people. But he worried that the remaining writers were being sent a clear message about what kind of views were now permissible. “It seems like the message of the firings is very clear,” he said. “We won’t tolerate strong criticism of this president.”

More at The Hill, which quotes a tweet of mine.

UPDATE x2: The Daily Beast:

Another fired staffer, who requested anonymity to speak freely, said the layoffs “definitely” had political motivations. “They canned someone who brought in 700k to 800k page views per month,” the writer told The Daily Beast. “Lately that would be around 10 percent of monthly traffic.”

Indeed, the website’s highest-trafficked writer, Susan Wright, has been openly critical of not just President Trump—routinely decrying his various scandals, “desperate” behavior, and self-contradictions—but of the unabashed pro-Trump sycophants in conservative media, such as Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

Wright makes “significantly less” than other, more pro-Trump writers who remain with the site and generate less traffic, a source noted to The Daily Beast.

. . . .

“It had become clear to me over the last couple of years that Jonathan [Garthwaite] was far more interested in making sure his golfing buddies were pleased with the level of GOP line-toeing more than anything,” Howe told The Daily Beast.

By writing anti-Trump opinions, he said, “you’re certainly making Jonathan’s tee time awkward.”

I have not been an anonymous source for any story. I did speak to someone at the Washington Post, but their story has not yet appeared.

Mediaite quotes my tweet. CNN’s Brian Stelter has this report. Vox has a story here. And the Washington Examiner has a report here.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back. Not cross-posted at RedState!]

313 Responses to “Mass Firing of Trump Critics at RedState — Including Yours Truly”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Writing sure looks like a hard way to make a living.

    gp (0c542c)

  3. no moreso than deplatforming Milo at CPAC had a chilling effect

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  4. no moreso than deplatforming Milo at CPAC had a chilling effect

    Advocating sex with young underaged boys, criticizing Donald Trump: potato, potahto.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  5. i disagree with your characterize of Milo

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  6. But the message sent by firing a group of writers en masse, all of whom have been vigorous critics of the President, will have a chilling effect — both on the remaining writers at the site, and the conservative movement as a whole.

    Sounds like an opportunity for the conservative movement to set up a a unique site that concentrates on being critical of Trump. It should be successful.

    BuDuh (f49f96)

  7. UPDATE: Rosie Gray has a piece at the Atlantic (ironically, the same publication that recently canned Kevin D. Williamson) which accurately quotes me:

    “There’s a clear pattern that the people who were let go were all critics of Donald Trump,” said Patrick Frey, a lawyer who blogs as Patterico and whose contract was also terminated on Friday.

    “It was a complete surprise,” Frey said. “There’d been rumors of contract changes but being fired was a complete surprise.”

    . . . .

    Frey says he’s grateful for his time at RedState and emphasized that the company has the right to fire people. But he worried that the remaining writers were being sent a clear message about what kind of views were now permissible. “It seems like the message of the firings is very clear,” he said. “We won’t tolerate strong criticism of this president.”

    More at The Hill, which quotes a tweet of mine.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  8. What a revoltin’ development this is!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  9. Pushback from advertisers?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  10. the whole chilling effect thing let’s nail this down

    the chilling effect would specifically be on

    putative conservatives what hate our president, President Donald Trump

    cause the gale force anti-Trump propaganda coming from amazon and npr and cnn isn’t gonna abate cause of this

    so that’s kind of a niche target this chilling effect is gonna be felt by, which raises the question

    are market forces in play here?

    that would actually be a sign we’re returning to a more healthy more free more democratic america

    pls to click to remember the pivot:

    US journalism makes break with market forces

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  11. Or eliminating redundancy?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  12. “It seems like the message of the firings is very clear,” he said. “We won’t tolerate strong criticism of this president.”

    It’s good when blogs and bloggers are tolerant of strong criticism.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  13. This is a badge of honor for you, Pat.

    It’s also another stain on Salem, and by extension, its radio hosts. Hugh Hewitt has been a statist apologist for a very long time. He’s not been very big on principles overall.

    The same squishiness has been building at Fox News.

    I am truly sorry for any difficulty this separation has caused you. You are a worthy exemplar of Teddy Roosevelt’s man in the arena, and Andrew’s good-hearted engagement of the mendacious Left. I very much look forward to your next advancement, on your terms.

    Ed from SFV (291f4c)

  14. Captain P, I’m sorry they fired you, but you were not just a Trump critic, you were an intemperate Trump critic.

    Fred Z (05d938)

  15. Getting rid of some writers was apparently a numbers game — they couldn’t afford us — but the selection of who was let go? The pattern is clear: it was all Trump critics. One of the people let go was the biggest Trump critic — and also the biggest traffic earner every month.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  16. I’m sorry about that, Patrick. You are an honest man and a very good blogger.

    Patricia (3363ec)

  17. Captain P, I’m sorry they fired you, but you were not just a Trump critic, you were an intemperate Trump critic.

    I disagree, and many people who are not (like you) huge Trump fans disagree, but your opinion is noted.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  18. I’m sorry about that, Patrick. You are an honest man and a very good blogger.

    Thanks, Patricia, but this is a hobby for me. Save your sympathy for folks like Susan Wright and Caleb Howe, who depend on the income.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  19. @12:

    And I meant to add Patterico is a prime example of that. I appreciate the forum to be critical here.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  20. Advocating sex with young underaged boys, criticizing Donald Trump: potato, potahto.

    He advocated sex with the underaged, or he joked about his own experience of when he was underaged? I seem to recall it was the latter.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  21. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

    except for the nevertrump family

    them ones are all unhappy in pretty much the same way

    monochrome it makes the nice gray colours

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  22. One of the people let go was the biggest Trump critic — and also the biggest traffic earner every month.

    I read somewhere that RedState had two contract types: described as more expensive and less expensive. And that they let everyone go who had a more expensive contract. Then among the less expensive, they let go the NeverTrumpers.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  23. I read somewhere that RedState had two contract types: described as more expensive and less expensive. And that they let everyone go who had a more expensive contract. Then among the less expensive, they let go the NeverTrumpers.

    Cool story bro

    I can’t refute it because I don’t know the details of others’ contracts. But the top page view earner and one of the lowest ones were both fired, and they (and everyone else fired) were Trump critics. Meanwhile, a high page view earner who has the most expensive contract possible is still there. And he is a bigtime Trumper. Draw your own conclusions.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  24. And I meant to add Patterico is a prime example of that. I appreciate the forum to be critical here.

    Thank you.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  25. allahpundit’s their nevertrump superstar

    have you noticed it’s really rare for america to have more than two boy bands at a time

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  26. all this aside i saw your jaundiced visage all over the internet today (you got more bang for your fiverr buck than probably anyone in america)

    and that’s a win for you

    i actually can’t name any other writers at redstate except susan wright but that’s cause you mentioned her and she’s annoyed me in the past

    no idea about this caleb feller

    is he fresh

    is he relevant

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  27. Mr. Instapundit’s blog took no note of this today (so far), and that’s kinda sad

    that whole “blogfather” heritage Glenn’s site had

    it’s not nurturing anymore like it used to be, meaning of the medium

    it just wants to drive traffic to pajamas

    and like i said that’s kinda sad

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  28. Patterico,

    I’m not sure if the exposure at Red State increased your readership or not, but if Town hall is doing a numbers game and still trying to appeal to Republican readers, it makes more sense to cut anti-Trumpers than pro.

    Trump has high support from Republicans and zero support from the left. There are several publications on the right that still consistently bash him at every opportunity including the Weekly Standard and National Review. From a business standpoint. this makes sense. From a free speech standpoint, not so much.

    No matter what, I appreciate the forum you give here and look forward to your continued contributions.

    NJRob (67b40d)

  29. Sorry to hear the news Patterico. I hate to see any news source or publisher become boringly uniform in thought.

    crazy (5c5b07)

  30. I’m not happy when ANYONE gets fired. But if I want to read anti-Trump writing, I got a lot of options. So, if you don’t like Trump – its not the end of the world. I’m sure you can locate someone on TV, Radio, or in the Newspapers who doesn’t like him.

    If you search hard enough. Really.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  31. Lots of anti trump authors at Townhall…

    EPWJ (5022ab)

  32. Cool story bro

    I obviously have zero personal knowledge. I tracked down where I read it: Erick Erickson.

    My understanding from the writers is that there were two contracts, one more expensive than the other. Most of those on the expensive contracts were tossed, though some very good ones will stay. Of those under the cheaper contracts, it seems the dividing line was loyalty to the President. In fact, among those under the expensive contracts, I’m aware of some writers having near equal traffic generation, and those insufficiently loyal to the President were fired.

    I figured he was reliable since he is probably still plugged into the happenings over there.

    He also says

    I have invited the fired writers here.

    Any chance you will be writing for Erickson?

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  33. It was noted on Drudge, Mr. Feet. Two links.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  34. it was so i know the instapundit crew was aware Mr. Mous

    i think they made a choice not to acknowledge

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  35. As a regular reader here since the days when Patterico was exposing Hiltzik’s sock-puppetry, what I’ve always thought is great about this blog is that our host is both honest and consistent. And that as long as people keep it civil, there’s room for disagreements. Patterico is harder on Trump than I am, but you always know his criticisms are coming from a principled place. The real loser isn’t Patterico but Red State.

    RL formerly in Glendale (40f5aa)

  36. No matter what, I appreciate the forum you give here and look forward to your continued contributions.

    yes yes this is a good time to do appreciate

    pajamas did a culling once and idiotically cut Mr. Goldstein, who was a very important voice at that time

    and they cut him in favor of some genuinely banal wank wanks

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  37. Sorry to hear about that, Patterico.

    I guess Red State wants to be a pro-Trump bubble. And I imagine a lot of its readers and advertisers are perfectly happy for the bubble to be one that Trump makes in the pool.

    nk (dbc370)

  38. I’m sorry and shocked to hear this. Sadly, it only confirms what I’ve believed for the past several years: Fearless and consistent publicly-expressed beliefs that go against the flow on the right are dealt with no differently than are those on the left. Both sides eat their own. Whether one agrees or disagrees with your views, everyone should laud independent thought. And demand more. It’s the iron sharpening ironing that makes us a better people.

    You’ll land on both feet because you are a great writer, and an honest man. The latter being the one quality that no one can take from you. Without that, what you write wouldn’t matter much. To me, anyway.

    Dana (023079)

  39. everyone should laud independent thought

    i can’t think of anyone more prone to thinking independently than our president, President Donald Trump

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  40. all this aside i saw your jaundiced visage all over the internet today (you got more bang for your fiverr buck than probably anyone in america)

    and that’s a win for you

    Um OK

    Patterico (115b1f)

  41. trust me it’s all good in the hood you gonna land on your feet pussycat

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  42. Mr. Instapundit’s blog took no note of this today (so far), and that’s kinda sad

    that whole “blogfather” heritage Glenn’s site had

    it’s not nurturing anymore like it used to be, meaning of the medium

    it just wants to drive traffic to pajamas

    and like i said that’s kinda sad

    That doesn’t surprise me at all.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  43. It’s ironic: Trump demands loyalty, and now by extension, so too RedState. Disloyalty will not be tolerated.

    Dana (023079)

  44. Feel for you, Patrick; the media biz can be brutal.

    But RedState ain’t the Red Cross; over coming years Ford intends to stop selling most of its cars in North America, too.

    The media business is just that: a business. And the first duty is to corporate; to the stockholders and if a BoD decides that necessitates managing content to build the bottom line, so be it. And there certainly isn’t a shortage of media platforms available for the high volume of Trump critics to opine. Our host’s own blog is evidence of that.

    Don’t be surprised if other Salem platforms are reshaped in quarters to come. Back in the day when the notoriously austere Larry Tisch acquired CBS, over time he consolidated operations and eliminated nearly 66% of the workforce worldwide w/a ROI of around 3% or so. The industry joke was he’d turned the Tiffany Network into a K-Mart. News and entertainment content providers close to it could see where the corners were cut– but consumers watching at home didn’t notice– they still got their news and were entertained.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  45. It’s ironic: Trump demands loyalty, and now by extension, so too RedState. Disloyalty will not be tolerated

    I didn’t know Redstate released a statement. Is that what happened? Those writers could have stayed? This is a scandal!

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  46. BuDuh,

    Do you find it curious that the writers not sufficiently pro-Trump were also the ones fired?

    Dana (023079)

  47. Not in this market, Dana.

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  48. How can you ethically keep working for an organization that would mostly support this president who you find morally beyond the pale? You should have quit since you are so principled and all

    Hi (6fc094)

  49. I agree with Patrick as to both (1) Salem/ RedState’s right to fire whomever, and (2) it’s a mistake to fire people who otherwise are worth the money (objectively), on the grounds of Trump criticism.

    And that’s from someone who, although no Trump fan, finds Patrick’s lookit-me-Ma-I-hate-Trump purism a bit tiring at times.

    I guess RedState is trying to become the new Breitbart.

    Speaking of which, I wonder about the rate at which Andrew Breitbart is whirling in his grave, knowing what has become of his namesake site. (Not that it’s ALL bad. I love John Nolte’s film reviews.)

    Mitch (57a593)

  50. that whole “blogfather” heritage Glenn’s site had

    it’s not nurturing anymore like it used to be, meaning of the medium

    it just wants to drive traffic to pajamas

    I gotta disagree with you a bit there, Mr. Feet. Intsapundit is a group blog now, and the different bloggers have different styles. Ed Driscoll and Steve Green, while they frequently link to other places, do a lot of linking and promoting of PJ Media content. But, Glenn Reynolds himself rarely inks PJM. He still does the eclectic thing of linking all over the place, to sites big and small. At least that’s been my impression.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  51. i tried to quit Breitbart but their lens is valuable and insightful

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  52. From one of the termination letters quoted in the Atlantic piece:

    At the end of May, we will tabulate the total page views that accumulated during May for content written prior to April 28th and you will be paid for May 2018 page views based upon those reports.

    So, could we use an army of bots to continuously navigate between all the articles of fired Trump critics for the next month, bankrupt the site, and put Patrick’s kids through college?

    (I know some Russians looking for temporary work until the midterm election season kicks into full swing…)

    Dave (445e97)

  53. I repeat what I said on another thread, bummer for Pattercio about Red State, but I am certain a writer of his exceptional quality will receive numerous offers to post elsewhere.

    That said, I have no idea how any of this internet jive is monetized. Did they pay Patterico money to post, or was it a gratuity deal? No idea.

    Think about hitting the tip jar today. Maybe we can raise enough to pay Patterico for a night of debauchery with his fellow Red State alumni.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  54. Do you find it curious that the writers not sufficiently pro-Trump were also the ones fired?

    Nope. It’s Salem corporate. Decisionmakers read the media landscape ahead for them and likely planning accordingly.

    A similar example:

    ‘By the end of the 1960s, CBS was very successful in television ratings, but many of its shows (including The Beverly Hillbillies, Gunsmoke, Mayberry R.F.D., Petticoat Junction, Hee Haw and Green Acres) were appealing more to older and more rural audiences and less to the young, urban and more affluent audiences that advertisers sought to target. Fred Silverman (who would later head ABC, and then later NBC) made the decision to cancel most of those otherwise hit shows by mid-1971 in what became colloquially referred to as the “Rural Purge.” – wikipedia

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  55. He still does the eclectic thing of linking all over the place, to sites big and small.


    i mean

    i love that he links ann althouse, who is smart, and pretty, and by far one of our better observers

    but he has no fealty to the medium anymore that i can see – it’s hoyt and some of the other minions what highlight the new blog voices eg

    i like this new gail lady btw

    but also, in terms of “fealty to the medium” (ok that’s kind of the gayest phrase ever)

    he’s not as quick to pluck comments out of threads like he used to

    i notice these things cause many moons ago i was assigned to “blogs” as part of what was then called a “new media” effort on marketing

    i took my job very serious

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  56. I am shocked anti trump writers were let go. Who doesn’t want to read about anything advancing right wing policies and instead read about some writer preening about their principles and moral superiority over anyone that could have voted for that monster Donald J Trump.

    He’s your president, get over it.

    Hi (6fc094)

  57. He’s your president, get over it.

    i will never get over it

    my american soul’s been shaken to its very foundation

    dry lightning cracks across the skies

    President Trump’s our redemption and our resurrection both

    and we will rise

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  58. 10 bipartisan senators push back on Medicaid work requirements for Native Americans

    — 43m 30s ago

    lol x at least 1000

    most pathetic and mollycoddled minority EVER

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  59. I never read Redstate anyways.

    Lyrics Don't Matter (852133)

  60. HotAir has pretty clearly moved in the same direction, bringing in a number of shameless new Trump shills over the past months, and letting the pathetic Jazz Shaw post during the week.

    Dave (445e97)

  61. “Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) turned CNN commentator James Clapper not only leaked information related to the infamous “Steele dossier” to CNN’s Jake Tapper while Clapper was in office – it appears he also lied about it to Congress, under oath.”

    harkin (711b68)

  62. Mr. Shaw is more or less anodyne

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  63. White House: No evidence Ronny Jackson crashed government vehicle

    it’s a little late to be invoking evidence, White House

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  64. The Steele dossier was not “highly classified information” or even a government document…smh

    Dave (445e97)

  65. Hahaha. ConDave is at it again.

    NJRob (67b40d)

  66. check it

    headline is

    10 bipartisan senators push back on Medicaid work requirements for Native Americans

    but click through and?

    Democratic Sens. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), Tom Udall (N.M.), Maria Cantwell (Wash.), Jeffrey Merkley (Ore.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Martin Heinrich (N.M.), Catherine Cortez-Masto (Nev.) and Tina Smith (Minn.) all signed the letter.

    Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) was the only GOP senator to sign the letter.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  67. Mr. Shaw is more or less anodyne

    He’s a very dim bulb.

    Dave (445e97)

  68. Good thing this place moved across the North Branch to Albany Dark…would have been on Pokemon hunt during pow-wow, hf.

    urbanleftbehind (6ce600)

  69. ConDave is at it again.

    When people say stuff that’s untrue, I point it out.

    The Steele dossier was not “highly classified information” nor was it even a government document.

    Dave (445e97)

  70. ConDave is the dim bulb who sits next to you at Benihana’s and elbows you in the ribs, smiles and says “it’s showtime!” when the chef lights the onion volcano…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  71. “On Friday, a newly-declassified congressional report on Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections revealed that Obama’s Director of National Intelligence (DNI) leaked information about the infamous anti-Trump dossier to CNN’s Jake Tapper, lied about it to Congress, and then was rewarded with a contract at CNN a few months later.”

    Leak material to a network…..get hired by network. Lol

    harkin (711b68)

  72. ugh they offer nothing culturally

    they want you to make acorn flour are you even serious

    nope not making acorn flour, spotted duckfart

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  73. UPDATE x2: The Daily Beast:

    Another fired staffer, who requested anonymity to speak freely, said the layoffs “definitely” had political motivations. “They canned someone who brought in 700k to 800k page views per month,” the writer told The Daily Beast. “Lately that would be around 10 percent of monthly traffic.”

    Indeed, the website’s highest-trafficked writer, Susan Wright, has been openly critical of not just President Trump—routinely decrying his various scandals, “desperate” behavior, and self-contradictions—but of the unabashed pro-Trump sycophants in conservative media, such as Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

    Wright makes “significantly less” than other, more pro-Trump writers who remain with the site and generate less traffic, a source noted to The Daily Beast.

    . . . .

    “It had become clear to me over the last couple of years that Jonathan [Garthwaite] was far more interested in making sure his golfing buddies were pleased with the level of GOP line-toeing more than anything,” Howe told The Daily Beast.

    By writing anti-Trump opinions, he said, “you’re certainly making Jonathan’s tee time awkward.”

    I have not been an anonymous source for any story. I did speak to someone at the Washington Post, but their story has not yet appeared.

    Mediaite quotes my tweet. CNN’s Brian Stelter has this report. Vox has a story here. And the Washington Examiner has a report here.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  74. I wouldn’t say “critics” Patrick.

    Insane might b closer.

    Have a nice day.

    Mike K (b3dd19)

  75. Hopefully you’re not included in Brian Stelter’s “infection”…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  76. sounds like Susan Wright needs to take a hard look at why she’s so consistently undervalued in life

    maybe take a course or two

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  77. I am sorry that you were among the fired. I was glad you were getting more exposure, and hoped RedState was working well for you.

    All I can say is, I already subscribe to your blog, and I read your articles here, most of the time. So at least you know you still have me around, even if I don’t comment much.

    Dianna (c1b8e5)

  78. who requested anonymity

    Brave conservative, that one.

    BuDuh (777f82)

  79. #NeverTrumpers, unhinged TDS types, hate mongers, and sour grapers have all but exhausted their tenure. By now all but the terminally sonombulant have endured their ugly raw hatred long enough. It’s time to move on.

    Of course, laggards will continue to seek popular notice with increasingly harsh condemnations, and outlandish accusations, but to little or no avail. That ship has sailed, and the disinfectant of bright sunlight is penetrating deeper and deeper into the fetid depths of DC’s swamps. Rats can either abandon ship while there’s still time, or they can go down with Obama, Hillary, Holder, Rice, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, et al.

    So, come right down to it, it is what it is, Trump has the country on the right track, the Midterms are in the offing, Trump’s efforts in the Korean peninsula just might get him a Nobel nomination, and who knows what other triumphs he’s working on.

    Now, nobody expects #NeverTrumpers to suddenly climb onboard Trump’s victory train, but I do hope they have the good manners to pipe down, and maybe lay off Milania and Barron just a bit.

    ropelight (b18030)

  80. They should rename the site Clickbait R us. The headlines on the stuff by streiff always promises a lot more than his third rate writing and analytical skills can deliver.

    NCMounrainGirl (b396bb)

  81. The dossier had been floating around the media for a while. They never ran with it, and I assure you it wasn’t to protect Trump’s honor. But a curious thing happened: Comey whispered sour nothings in the President-elect’s ear, that gets leaked, and bingo, out comes the dossier. Funny thing, that. Privileged communication is indeed classified, by its very nature. Now, how many people were in the room when Comey did the dirty? Maybe a super mutant fly on the wall buzzed right over to CNN and spilled the beans. Or, you know, maybe not.

    All I know is that it wasn’t Trump who called up his buddy AC and shared the deets on the briefing. Because, without a fight in court, he’s the only one with the privilege to release the information. At that point, it’s work product, not free to be disseminated to the public. But, briefing, then the justification to treat the dossier like it was fact based or something.

    Them’s just the facts. But if it allows certain people, ahem, to allow, uh, what’s the word…oh yeah, pretending, this is for you: arrrrrrrrrrr, woof grrrrrrrrr, rabid Trumpalo! Rrrrrrrrrrrr.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  82. I will miss your thoughtful commentary on Red State. There’s no reason to read their articles anymore now – they’ve let all the best authors go…you, Caruso, Wright, Howe, Stevens. I hope some organization worthy of all of you will snatch up your talent, fast!

    LJ (9188cd)

  83. Now, nobody expects #NeverTrumpers to suddenly climb onboard Trump’s victory train, but I do hope they have the good manners to pipe down, and maybe lay off Milania and Barron just a bit.

    It’ll never happen, ropelight. NeverTrumperism is to the right what Moonbattery is to the radical left: a mental illness. There are just some people who hate The Donald more than they love America. Unfortunately some are even supposed to be on our team or at least claim to be.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  85. #79

    But Sir, as a ruffian, roustabout and just a slack jawed yokel moral degenerate, who are you or I to make such a request. Now sit down while your betters stare at you like a turd in the punch bowl. I hate the T word, but imbecilic buffoon that I am, I just don’t know any better.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  86. when the sun shines we shine together

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  87. Looks like streiff is still at RedState. I’ve seen him (or her?) linked here and at Instapundit. Seems like an interesting writer and wasn’t bitten by the NeverTrump bug.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  88. @76. sounds like Susan Wright needs to take a hard look at why she’s so consistently undervalued in life… maybe take a course or two

    The talent often forgets it’s the suits who really run the show, Mr. Feet:

    … Green Acres cast member Pat Buttram [quipped] CBS cancelled “anything with a tree in it”.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  89. #86

    Ever the silver lining type of guy. I could learn from you. But my feet will never be happy. Flat as a pancake they are.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  90. I am sorry to here this, most of all for you, but also for Red State’s management that thinks its readers can’t tolerate different opinions.

    It would be interesting to know why this decision was made. The golf story strikes me as a flimsy and unlikely excuse for a monetary decision or a political decision. If it is monetary, is readership down? Maybe there aren’t as many Republicans out there anymore. If it is political, was it management’s idea or did someone else suggest it? We may never know but it is interesting.

    DRJ (15874d)

  91. #88

    That was worth a laugh. I’m trying to remember which channel featured the Beverly Hillbillies.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  92. Trump’s efforts in the Korean peninsula just might get him a Nobel nomination,

    I would be very surprised if he already did not have one. Here are two groups which can nominate:

    • Members of national assemblies and national governments (cabinet members/ministers) of sovereign states as well as current heads of states

    • University professors, professors emeriti and associate professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology, and religion; university rectors and university directors (or their equivalents); directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institute

    Betsy DeVos could nominate him. So could Alan Dershowitz. Now, to win. That’s something else. Ahh, to take his rightful place in history alongside Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, and Yasser Arafat! That’s not so easy.

    nk (dbc370)

  93. #92

    But, see, that’s why he’ll never snag one. I’d say it is a point in his favor. Following your logic, of course.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  94. I wouldn’t say “critics” Patrick.

    Insane might b closer.

    Have a nice day.

    Thanks for stopping by to gloat. It further confirms my conclusions about you. Sad!

    Patterico (115b1f)

  95. Looks like streiff is still at RedState. I’ve seen him (or her?) linked here and at Instapundit. Seems like an interesting writer and wasn’t bitten by the NeverTrump bug.

    He’s the guy who said Tammy Duckworth didn’t have a leg to stand on. Now that I don’t work with him any more I don’t have to refrain from saying what I think of him. He’s an idiot. A terrible writer who constantly gets things wrong.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  96. who names their loin-spawn tammy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  97. #73

    But, see, the proof will be in the pudding. Alexa rankings are a wonderful thing. Will they go up or down? Anyway, every civil war has a high body count. Still, Mr. Frey, you’re a fine writer. There are many blogs who will appreciate this and your particular viewpoint. I shant list them, I am sure they are already on the phone.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  98. I do not consider the Nobel Peace Prize a feather in anybody’s cap. Among other things, it’s a totally different group of people and process from the #Real Nobel Prizes in the arts and sciences. Basically, it’s a prize for political correctness. But the cash that comes with it is nice, especially to a poor kid from Pakistan like Malala.

    nk (dbc370)

  99. “Trump’s efforts in the Korean peninsula just might get him a Nobel nomination”

    A Republican could solve the Israel/Palestine issue and he/she still wouldn’t get it.

    harkin (711b68)

  100. i remember my erst-while friend buffy said once

    yeah mom and dad were pretty goddamn sure i wasn’t doctor material

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  101. #98

    Good point.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  102. a poor kid from Pakistan like Malala

    i love her not least cause of the peace

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  103. @ ropelight,

    Now, nobody expects #NeverTrumpers to suddenly climb onboard Trump’s victory train, but I do hope they have the good manners to pipe down, and maybe lay off Milania and Barron just a bit.

    What a way to unfairly and inaccurately paint with a broad brush. Considering that everyone who doesn’t support Trump is a #NeverTrumpers and that they also harass Melania and Barron just isn’t so. I write here at Patterico’s. I am not a supporter of Trump. I have never harassed or attacked Melania or Barron. So with that, is it fair to say that those on the #TrumpTrain are quick to judge, whether fairly or not?

    Also, let’s talk about “good manners” and piping down. Because I voice my strong opinions about Trump, and because they might be negative, does that mean I am demonstrating bad manners by speaking up? Is the standard you see fit, one in which, if we disagree or have criticism of the president, we keep quiet, thus demonstrating good manners? What’s funny is I don’t recall you saying this of conservatives who criticized President Obama, including yourself.

    Dana (023079)

  104. “NCMounrain Girl” go ‘round teh outside, ‘round teh outside, ‘round teh outside.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  105. Now that I don’t work with him any more I don’t have to refrain from saying what I think of him.

    that’s not really a thing unless you’re on a short hot burn like megyn kelly

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  106. @#91. See #54. All you need to know about who manages ‘the product.’ Hint- it ain’t the talent.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  107. Ugh…Considering that everyone who doesn’t support Trump is a #NeverTrumpers and that they also harass Melania and Barron just isn’t so.

    Should be: Everyone who doesn’t support Trump is apparently considered a #NeverTrumper and by default, harass Melania and Barron. Not so.

    Dana (023079)

  108. He’s the guy who said Tammy Duckworth didn’t have a leg to stand on.

    Did he say it not knowing about her, or was it a joke? If he didn’t know, that would surprise me. If you are going to write about Duckworth, I would think you should at least know her basic biography. But, if he was joking, then I would say it depends. I would have to see the whole thing in context, but if your point is that it’s some kind of sin to make a joke about a handicapped person, I disagree. The only rule is it has to be funny. Someone who is in the political arena should expect a few barbs coming her way, and saying she doesn’t have a leg to stand on is pretty tame. (Not lame, because it would be awful to say that. /sarc)

    Now if her opponent had said that, I would say that would have been incredibly stupid just on the basis that it would cost him votes, and for nothing. No principle being defended, just a silly joke that would surely rebound and hurt himself more.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  109. Here, Anon Y. Mous. Duckworth took him to task here.

    Dana (023079)

  110. Did he say it not knowing about her, or was it a joke? If he didn’t know, that would surprise me.

    It was a crack directed at her. It was stupid.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  111. It made the site look stupid. It was embarrassing for all of us.

    He’s still there. Rabid Trumper.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  112. I looked to Redstate to counterbalance what I read on Drudge. I frequently found the anti-Trump postings to be a little over the top. And the Never-Trump mindset post-nomination didn’t make much sense to me. But Trump’s immorally and lack of conservative convictions always gave me pause. I liked all his initial cabinet selections (except for the VA). Like many, I see good and bad about Trump, and worry about the future of the are local Party. All said, I thought Redstate was a good counterbalance to Drudge. Not so much now.

    Jimbo (a2c359)

  113. Rosie Grey sounds like one of Stormy Daniels’ coworkers.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  114. So when she doesn’t stand for reelection is it ok to call her a Lame Duck?

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  115. Dana, since I identified #NeverTrumpers as the subject of my observations, it’s just plain inaccurate for you to accuse me of painting with a broad brush.

    Relax, it ain’t no big thing.

    ropelight (b18030)

  116. i knew that i wuz outta luk the day

    the redstate musik


    thay cawt the last trane for the cost

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  117. Here, Anon Y. Mous. Duckworth took him to task here.

    Thanks for the links, Dana. Has streiff ever responded to the criticism? The expression he used is commonly used in discussing legal/political issues. Could he have used it out of habit rather than taking a shot at Duckworth?** Reading the rest of the piece, if it was a joke or snark or whatever, it doesn’t seem to match the tone of the rest of the piece. If it was inadvertent, then was it really so bad? Seems more like people are taking cheap shots at him.

    **Am I allowed to say that? She was injured by an RPG. They shot it at her, so now I can’t use that expression when referencing her?

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  118. Thanks for the links, Dana. Has streiff ever responded to the criticism? The expression he used is commonly used in discussing legal/political issues. Could he have used it out of habit rather than taking a shot at Duckworth?** Reading the rest of the piece, if it was a joke or snark or whatever, it doesn’t seem to match the tone of the rest of the piece. If it was inadvertent, then was it really so bad? Seems more like people are taking cheap shots at him.

    Nope. He was taking a cheap shot at her. End of story. But you believe what you want to believe. Trump fans always do.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  119. The funniest thing is going to be when people find out where my next commentary on this issue appears.


    Hint: there’s some pretty deep irony involved here.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  120. Anyone interested in anti Trump rhetoric can find plenty at wapost, nut, cnn. Who needs a “conservative???” media for that?

    jim (5e1e7d)

  121. I tried to be nice about the firing. But of course…

    Look, I was banned by Red State in 2015 after ONE comment saying Trump wasn’t so bad.

    So, I’m not shedding any tears. “Red State” – as Patterico stated, can hire and fire anyone they choose. Free market baby. If anyone doesn’t like Trump they can go to CNN/MSNBC/NBC/ABC/CBS/PBS/NPR/WaPo/NYt etc., not to mention the Weekly Standard and National Review.

    I’m surprised Salem kept the Conservative “Never-trumpers” as long as they did. I don’t know who EXACTLY is their audience. Let’s see, conservatives who hate Trump and love Hillary. That’s like, what 2% of the USA?

    But, as I wrote before, I don’t like anyone to be fired. And was perfectly happy with the status quo.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  122. i’m a go out on a limb and predict some deep deep irony in the offing

    (fingers crossed)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  123. Drudge is an aggregator and apparently Red State was an aggravator.

    I did see one of Mr Patterico’s Red State articles reposted on r/Politics. Make of that what you will.

    Did they purge Red State of all your content?

    Pinandpuller (f617ec)

  124. Nope. He was taking a cheap shot at her. End of story. But you believe what you want to believe. Trump fans always do.

    Nope, he never responded? I agree with you that if it was deliberate, it was a cheap shot, and just plain dumb. I guess I am just more inclined to give people the benefit of the doubt, at least unless they have demonstrated that they don’t deserve it. Since I have read only a few pieces by strieff, and this is the only thing I’m aware of as possibly being a problem, I would at least want to hear what he has to say for himself.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  125. Did they purge Red State of all your content?

    So far, no.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  126. #107

    I don’t believe that’s true. Might want to address others who have wide paint brushes as well. I think one might have a negative view of Trump, and be an honest broker. Were that others might be so generous in spirit and kindness. But #Trumpalo! I know you see it, but I’m not certain your feelings on the matter. Might those who voted for Trump, and support him, because we support stemming the blood stained tide, are we evil, stupid, or just court jesters. At least we actually, for the most part, say what we really mean, But, #NonBinary! #Trumpalos! I think there might be a middle ground for a civilized exchange of ideas, if people were so inclined. I must criticize myself here as well, but the slippery nature of some eventually grates on the nerves.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  127. Writers should just admit that they are entertainers and go on the Patreon model.

    If you support me with $500 a month I will call you up and read my latest column to you before bed.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  128. Hint: there’s some pretty deep irony involved here.

    You finally made it into the Dog Trainer?

    Dave (445e97)

  129. I don’t believe that’s true. Might want to address others who have wide paint brushes as well. I think one might have a negative view of Trump, and be an honest broker. Were that others might be so generous in spirit and kindness. But #Trumpalo! I know you see it, but I’m not certain your feelings on the matter. Might those who voted for Trump, and support him, because we support stemming the blood stained tide, are we evil, stupid, or just court jesters. At least we actually, for the most part, say what we really mean, But, #NonBinary! #Trumpalos! I think there might be a middle ground for a civilized exchange of ideas, if people were so inclined. I must criticize myself here as well, but the slippery nature of some eventually grates on the nerves.

    Did you somehow miss my dozens of posts that defended people who voted for Trump as a bad choice but preferable to Hillary?

    Anyone who has contempt for Trump as a person but figures he’s better than Hillary and gets some conservative stuff done is fine by me. I have never said anything different.

    But if you reflexively attack anyone who criticizes him, you buy off on the most ridiculous conspiracy theories that support him, and you generally act like a Trumpalo, you belong in a different category.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  130. #118

    Ah, didn’t have to look far. Trump fans always do. What a rabble we mindless fanboys must be. Charitable, to say the least. A bit strident, sure. People keep saying #NonBinary here, but it’s clear that one’s opinions are indeed classified as #binary. #TrumpaloUberAlles!

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  131. You finally made it into the Dog Trainer?

    There’s no “finally” about it. Longtime readers know they have published me several times before. Here’s my favorite op-ed there, from 2005: The Correct Way to Fix Mistakes. A taste:

    Has anyone ever said something about you that wasn’t true? Something that, if people believed it, would significantly damage your reputation? How would you feel if you saw that falsehood printed on the front page of the Los Angeles Times? Would it make things right if the paper later retracted the false statement — with a brief correction buried inside the paper?

    For some, this is not a hypothetical question. Just ask L. Paul Bremer III, Antonin Scalia or the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

    Last year, The Times suggested on Page 1 that Bremer was a coward: “L. Paul Bremer III, the civilian administrator for Iraq, left without even giving a final speech to the country — almost as if he were afraid to look in the eye the people he had ruled for more than a year.”

    False. Not only had Bremer given a farewell speech, CNN had broadcast key parts of it.

    In the lead sentence of another front-page article, The Times claimed that Justice Scalia had acted unethically by speaking to a group that — according to The Times — was backing a lawsuit against gay rights: “Justice Antonin Scalia gave a keynote dinner speech in Philadelphia for an advocacy group waging a legal battle against gay rights.”

    False. The group had nothing to do with that lawsuit.

    In yet another front-page article, about the Swift boat veterans who opposed John Kerry’s presidential candidacy, The Times claimed: “None of the men in the Swift boat group behind the anti-Kerry ad … served on Kerry’s patrol boat during the war.”

    False. Steven Gardner, a Swift Boat Veterans for Truth member, served on a patrol boat with Kerry for 2 1/2 of the four months that Kerry spent in country.

    But yes, I’m going to be there again.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  132. Here’s another one, about their coverage of Cindy Sheehan.

    I CANNOT IMAGINE what it would be like to lose my child the way Cindy Sheehan lost her son, Casey, in Iraq. The bereaved mother, who until Thursday had been camped outside President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, has every right to protest the war, and her demonstration was certainly news.

    But in its apparent zeal to portray Sheehan as the Rosa Parks of the antiwar movement, the Los Angeles Times has omitted facts and perspectives that might undercut her message or explain the president’s reluctance to meet with her again.

    For example, The Times uncritically reported Sheehan’s claim that the president had behaved callously in a June 2004 meeting with her and her husband, refusing to look at pictures of Casey or listen to stories about him. The Times claimed without qualification that Sheehan “came away from that meeting dissatisfied and angry.”

    But the article failed to mention that Sheehan had previously described Bush as sincere and sympathetic in the meeting. According to an interview with her hometown paper, the Vacaville Reporter, Sheehan had said that although she was upset about the war, she decided not to confront the president — who clearly left a favorable impression: “I now know he’s sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis…. I know he’s sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he’s a man of faith.”

    There are a couple more, I think.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  133. shuing-shung-gong-gong ringer da bell?

    is that a thing now

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  134. Longtime readers know they have published me several times before.

    Your secret’s safe with me.

    Dave (445e97)

  135. Patterico, have you ever respected the opinions of those who gladly voted for Trump even when was up against Cruz, or did you look down your nose and call them mames?

    ropelight (b18030)

  136. But if you reflexively attack anyone who criticizes him, you buy off on the most ridiculous conspiracy theories that support him, and you generally act like a Trumpalo, you belong in a different category.

    It’s a good thing you threw in the word “ridiculous”, since, as we are finding out, there really were (and are) conspiracies to first illegally deny him office and then to illegally get him removed from office. But, I agree that we shouldn’t buy into the ridiculous conspiracy theories.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  137. #129

    I might be wrong. You did address a comment that I made a while back, asking if you condemned everyone who voted Trump. You said no. I took you at your word. But do you contend that anyone who might offer at least tepid support for our President isn’t written off as #Trumpalo! If so, I have missed something that would invalidate my belief. I’m open to that. Point it out, and I will admit my error. Doesn’t the term itself convey a certain sense of sneering contempt? I’ve never used the phrase NeverTrump, it automatically devalues the opinion and thus frees one from engaging on the merits of an opinion. It’s lazy.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  138. 125.Did they purge Red State of all your content?

    So far, no.

    Interesting question– though you were ‘compensated’ under their contract, do they own ‘your content’ and control its use or do you? Particularly as you’d often post the same content on your personal blog as well.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  139. #138

    Work product is generally owned by the employer, so imagine that they may purge as they wish. If they do so, it’s a cowardly thing to do.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  140. @127. If you support me with $500 a month I will call you up and read my latest column to you before bed.

    Believe that’s called ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ these days, PP.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  141. Patterico, have you ever respected the opinions of those who gladly voted for Trump even when was up against Cruz, or did you look down your nose and call them mames?

    The latter. I like you as a person, but I deeply resent that vote and every vote like it.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  142. But do you contend that anyone who might offer at least tepid support for our President isn’t written off as #Trumpalo! If so, I have missed something that would invalidate my belief. I’m open to that. Point it out, and I will admit my error.

    Are you asking me to find past instances of what I just said? That I have no problem with those who voted for him as the least bad choice over Hillary, and/or who dislike him as a person but are happy about some of the conservative things he’s done?

    I can easily find such passages. Is that what you want?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  143. @139. But that would depend on the terms of the contract, right? — intellectual property and so forth… if he was a ‘syndicated carry’ or suc the terms might permit the author to maintain control. Just wondering…

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  144. #141

    Trump got the nomination, though. So who better in the general: Trump or Hillary?

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  145. When a writer has to bash the leader of the conservative party repeatedly, almost as a ritual, then that writer does not belong at a conservative site – it belongs at Slate or HuffPo.

    And Patterico, like so many #NeverTrumpers, seem to fit the bill.

    It’s sad. I have watched as some “conservatives” who are way too stubborn to accept the fact that Trump is the President and, despite his coarse behavior, has achieved more for conservative causes than either of the Bushes – both of whom we all supported. And, they seem to enjoy poking their fingers in the eyes of those of us who voted for Trump in despair, as Flight 94 voters.

    Why? Why the childish behavior? Is it to create a small echo chamber – of the few remaining on the right who are the same?


    John (8829b1)

  146. i had to let it happen i had to change

    so i chose freedom

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  147. Just speculating, but it makes a lot more sense to me as a business model that you license content based on the number of views generated for your site, rather than paying up-front for material that nobody may be interested to read.

    Dave (445e97)

  148. Hard cheese.

    ropelight (b18030)

  149. #143

    It’s a good question, and I may only speak from my own experience as a contractor: all work product belonged to the one paying me. Patents, white papers, methods and means. Also, there is often a non-disparage clause. But I work in a different industry, so who knows. It pays to have a lawyer look things over. Cross postings, it would seem to me, would fall outside the covenants of any contract, though. But that just seems like common sense to me. But the law and common sense seem divergent.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  150. It would be interesting to know why this decision was made

    I think they just thought it was time to prune the tree. If the Nork thing works, the NeverTrumpers like Patrick are going to look petty out of touch.

    I did gloat a little Patrick but I think I have that right after you accused me of lying when I disagree with you.

    It seems I’m not the only one.

    I was happy to read and comment as long as you seemed willing to hear disagreement.

    Leftist blogs are the ones that ban disagreement, in my own experience.

    I just came by to confirm what I read at Althouse.

    Mike K (b3dd19)

  151. #142

    It’s what I asked in good faith. But if you take umbrage, do as you wish. As I said, I have an open mind. But you do seem to throw the term Trumpalo quite a bit. Seems…odd. So what now? Impeachment?

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  152. I am sorry to hear about this.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  153. I don’t see anything at Althouse about this story. Do you have a link?

    DRJ (15874d)

  154. 119… the Intercept…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  155. It’s good to see recognizable screen names long absent from the comments. It brings smiles, and warm memories.

    ropelight (b18030)

  156. It’s what I asked in good faith. But if you take umbrage, do as you wish.

    What umbrage? I just want to clarify that’s what you’re looking for before I spend the time looking for it. Do I have it right?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  157. Althouse is smart

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  158. I am sorry to hear about this.

    Nice to see you, Ag80. Don’t cry for me Argentina. I’ll lose some money but I still make a living. Feel bad for Caleb Howe and Susan Wright, who depended on that income.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  159. It’s sad. I have watched as some “conservatives” who are way too stubborn to accept the fact that Trump is the President and, despite his coarse behavior, has achieved more for conservative causes than either of the Bushes – both of whom we all supported. And, they seem to enjoy poking their fingers in the eyes of those of us who voted for Trump in despair, as Flight 94 voters.

    That’s a completely false description of me. If I prove it, will you apologize?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  160. Well, Estarcatus, ain’t nobody on this site done ever said anything bad about Barron. Not even happyfeet. In fact, some of us who have called his pore ol’ daddy Ace Rothstein and his dear sweet mommy Ginger McKenna have been outraged by attacks he has suffered from the left and have said so. But that don’t seem to stop some people from accusing us of attacking him just to make the point that we’re bad people cause we don’t like his daddy.

    nk (dbc370)

  161. #142

    And I missed something. As I said before, I asked you once if you harbored a grudge against anyone who voted Trump over Hillary. You said no. And as I said, I take you at your word. It’s what’s come after that intrigues me, and informs my line of inquiry.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  162. Related: I’m three chapters in to Jonah Goldberg’s Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy and extremely impressed. Every conservative should read this book!

    The last chapter I finished made the point that tribalism, the “natural” form of social organization that humans lived under for all but the last tiny fraction of our history, is the original version of socialism/communism, and the only way mankind built a prosperous and peaceful society was by rejecting it. But one of the key themes in his book is that we are always in danger of slipping back into old habits that would ultimately lead to impoverishment.

    Also, no safe spaces required – it is not an anti-Trump book, although he says Trump and other purveyors of identity/grievance politics on both the left and right are symptoms of the wider problem.

    Dave (445e97)

  163. #160

    I won’t argue that point. I hope that nothing I wrote implied otherwise. If so, my fault, my responsibility, and my apologies.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  164. #160

    I so often do not preview as I should. I add: but it seems as if baseless attacks, such as pointed out by you, seem rampant on both sides of the issue. Honesty is everything. I fall short, I know. But I try.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  165. maybe chance the fagrap could eetle my peetle?

    (popcultural reference)

    falling in love

    with chance the coward-ass rapper

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  166. (chicago)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  167. #156

    As I said again in #161, I think you may have. But, clarification.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  168. I didn’t know you were there. Don’t read it much, I guess. Is it an aggregator like Huffpo?

    Anonymous (d41cee)

  169. I can’t say that I was surprised about the purge. Streiff runs the site and he was in the minority of contibutors who are strongly pro-Trump, and I’m guessing that he didn’t like that status very much.
    I was a diarist at Redstate but my posting privileges were yanked this morning, and I’m not surprised about that either as my views about Trump are similar to yours, Patrick. Salem and streiff made a huge mistake in letting you and the others go. They might as well rename it to TrumpState.
    Anyways, there does need to be a place where conservatives of all stripes can express their views freely without the risk of brainless purges and shoutdowns. Maybe it’s Erickson’s place, maybe someplace else.

    Paul Montagu (3f71f4)

  170. Feel bad for Caleb Howe and Susan Wright, who depended on that income.

    Lots of people get and lose their gigs in the media all the time. It’s not exactly a secure industry and those comfortable at working in it know it and know how to land on their feet. And when they tire of the uncertainty– particularly on tne ‘talent’ side, they usually become a suit, slide into management or just leave the biz.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  171. Streiff runs the site

    He’s a moderator but he doesn’t run the site.

    Anyways, there does need to be a place where conservatives of all stripes can express their views freely without the risk of brainless purges and shoutdowns. Maybe it’s Erickson’s place, maybe someplace else.

    There’s always here.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  172. i was raped by nbc tom brokaw

    in me heinie hole


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  173. #171

    But: #Trumpalo!

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  174. @172. Your South was Dakota-ed by a native, eh Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  175. before i go to bed i’m a pray for social justice

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  176. It felt like streiff ran it.
    Maybe I’ll stick around, but I really like Disqus.

    Paul Montagu (3f71f4)

  177. disqus all up in it so good

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  178. Mr. Frey, it’s been years since I posted on your blog. I enjoyed your former eviscerations of sock puppet Michael Hiltzik, and your annual trashings of the Daily Dog Trainer (for those not otherwise in the know, that’s the failing and flailing Los Angeles Times). But I steppoed off the Patterico boat when you got a bad case of the Never Trump Fever.

    Opinions, like elections, have consequences. And you became unreadable even before you signed up with Red State. I’m certain that there will always be a future market for your opinions–but I for one, am no longer buying.

    Skeptical Voter (1d5c8b)

  179. Mike K, you’re a small person.

    Patterico, sorry this happened. I know you took a lot of pride in getting to more readers, and while it’s good to recognize everyone’s right to associate or not associate with whoever they want, purging a point of view is bad business and bad journalism.

    Here’s the real issue: Trump fans on this very thread show it. The are extremely insecure and demand an echo chamber to a degree we didn’t see with Obama or Bush. They insist that we say Trump is the most accomplished conservative president ever, worthy of Nobel prizes, and the reason they insist is that we all realize on some level that Trump will always be known as the worst American president. The deficit alone shows what kind of conservative Trump is.

    This insecurity leads to demands for ideological purity, and this endless effort to marginalize Trump’s many many critics as “nevertrumpers,” to suggest the majority are somehow irrational. This kind of reaction also shows the inherent weakness of the Republican party.

    Anyway, sorry especially for the conservatives who needed the paycheck.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  180. And you became unreadable even before you signed up with Red State. I’m certain that there will always be a future market for your opinions–but I for one, am no longer buying.

    Skeptical Voter

    If you don’t even have the capacity to read criticism of Trump, that’s not Patterico’s fault. That’s a weakness, and it’s all yours.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  181. Actually I remember a lot more push for support of Bush than we have with Trump in terms of the blogosphere. If anything, it is more accepted and normal for Republicans to differ with current President. (Granted, he’s a stranger bird, but still.)

    Bush got us into Iraq, which was a total mistake and based on groupthink. Then Bush did the bank bailout. Both miserable decisions that had huge implications in moral hazard and set conservatives (and the country) back years.

    Anonymous (1aa96e)

  182. A real shame, and I don’t quite get it. Salem wants more clicks, so why get rid of Patterico? He (you) obviously have a large audience, judging by the number of comments you get here. btw re: streiff It absolutely seems like he runs RS. Capriciously, too. The rules for commenting were not clear or consistently applied.

    conservativeinohio (5930d1)

  183. “Anyways, there does need to be a place where conservatives of all stripes can express their views freely without the risk of brainless purges and shoutdowns. Maybe it’s Erickson’s place, maybe someplace else.

    There are all sorts of middle/right/conservative sites out there. Instapundit, American Thinker, Real Clear Politics, Daily Wire, Ricochet, Althouse, City Journal, Legal Insurrection, The Resurgent, Victory Girls, Steyn Online, Mises, Quillette…..that’s just a drop in the bucket.

    If the moves at Red State are a loser, they will lose, regardless they were just one site, ranked #28 in popularity last year

    …….there are many sites just as good or better.

    harkin (711b68)

  184. Dustin: This insecurity leads to demands for ideological purity, and this endless effort to marginalize Trump’s many many critics as “nevertrumpers,“

    #NeverTrump originated with the opposition to Trump, same as with “Trumpkin, Trumpalo and Deplorables.” So, if it’s a marginalizing term, don’t blame Trump supporters.

    And, use of such terms is emblematic of insecurity and a demand for “ideological purity.” In other words, try looking in a mirror.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  185. He’s not very good at that. The hook is to deep in his gut.

    ropelight (b18030)

  186. Weakness there goes both ways.
    I consider the NeverTrump folks as having a pious weakness. I get it that they don’t like Trump, but they can’t ever stop criticizing… and that is the weakness, they can never give it a rest.
    I also think it is a weakness (of myself at least) to never acknowledge that Trump is all over the place and that his lack of discipline creates difficulty domestically.

    Personally I have come to admire how Trump negotiates. Tarriffs? OMG! end of free markets, but notice how it all seems to work out in favor of more free trade when the Chinese, Mexico, Canada and the EU suddenly give ground and actual tariffs never seem to really come about.. they were threats and its working.

    Norks? Suddenly the fatty little rocket fellow is at the table for the first time ever. The Trump lunatic willing to bomb the living crap out of you, blockade you, get the Chinese to bite your ass approach works.

    Then watch Iran. Guaranteed Trump is using the threat of a very very big stick to force Iran to change.
    Trump has the balls that Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama never had and the people that oppose the US know Trump is very serious.

    Trump faces tremendous lawfare and is still performing. Due to tacit approval of NeverTrumpers it has become untenable to be in Trumps cabinet. No one can afford the legal fees of being nominated for a post. Vocal supporters get doxxed. It has become a game of “show me the man and I will find a crime” The primary reason for the crime search being the temerity to work for the President.
    Trump inherited an IRS and a DOJ that were accustomed to forgiving crimes committed by the elites of party D and were viciously attacking even the most petty issues done by party R.

    Trumps style of negotiation is using “no”, “never” ‘Not happening” “your life as you know it will change drastically due to your actions from this point on… so choose wisely… be a shame to see a great nation like Iran get turned into glass” (see Comey’s “mafia don” bs for reference)

    Lets watch to see if Trump can get ISIS chased into a cave, Rocket man to the table, the mullahs (pending), all into line in a year and a half…. something we’ve spent decades f—ing up, Trump walks in and says “no, and keep it up if you want your ass kicked” and these bad international actors don’t agonize over the bombast and the lack of diplomacy, they just go “oh no, f- no, this guy really means business”

    Trump is business and means business and seems to have embraced General Mattis’ policy of “no greater friend, no worse enemy strategy.

    I think if Trump keeps the house and senate, he will go General Sherman on the Democrats for this whole Russia collusion BS.

    steveg (a9dcab)

  187. I get it that they don’t like Trump, but they can’t ever stop criticizing… and that is the weakness, they can never give it a rest.

    I get it that you don’t like people who point out Trump’s flaws, but you can’t ever stop criticizing us… and that is the weakness, you can never give it a rest.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  188. If the moves at Red State are a loser, they will lose, regardless they were just one site, ranked #28 in popularity last year

    There is no question that Trump worship brings in the eyeballs. Ace all but admitted today that’s why he started supporting Trump.

    Some time ago I faced the choice of doing an anti-Trump-but-pro-conservative blog, or getting on board with Trump. (The latter turned out to be easier than I thought, as the idea of President Hillary Clinton got my partisan dander up.)

    But when I was contemplating the idea of a blog that was allegedly pro-conservative while simultaneously being against the key player (flaws and all) of the actual on-the-ground real-world conservative movement, I realized: This makes no sense.

    What’s the audience for that? How many readers would that attract?

    It’s about Number One. Just like settling with Brett Kimberlin.

    You gotta at least admire the quasi-honesty.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  189. before i go to bed i’m a pray for social justice

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/27/2018 @ 9:04 pm

    You’re better off praying for Peace:

    Jonathan Tyrone Peace, 28, has been charged with common law robbery in connection with the incident Thursday in the 300 block of South Blount Street around 3 p.m., police said. He suffered a gunshot wound to the chest and was rushed for medical treatment to WakeMed. Information about his condition was pending.


    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  190. 186: great comment, Steveg!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  191. Work product is generally owned by the employer, so imagine that they may purge as they wish. If they do so, it’s a cowardly thing to do.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c) — 4/27/2018 @ 7:35 pm

    Mr. Patterico cross posted all of his Red State columns here as far as I know. If the other writers’ work isn’t crossposted and ends up being purged that would be pretty chilling. Writers should probably check with a lawyer before they go and sign or negotiate a contract though.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  192. Trump worship. Maybe it’s that sort of carp that got you fired.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  193. Trump worship. Maybe it’s that sort of carp that got you fired.

    Actually I was fired for LACK OF Trump worship. You seem very confused.


    Patterico (115b1f)

  194. Just speculating, but it makes a lot more sense to me as a business model that you license content based on the number of views generated for your site, rather than paying up-front for material that nobody may be interested to read.

    Dave (445e97) — 4/27/2018 @ 7:44 pm

    In stand up comedy a deal might state that the comic gets X per seat sold and a bonus if the venue is sold out. Lots of comics go around counting heads to make sure they don’t get ripped off. This also gives the comic an incentive to promote their shows.

    OTOH a comic might sell their special to Netflix for X amount. When it gets run Netflix keeps all the stats secret. The comic has no idea how many views they get but they get paid up front.

    How much oversight does Big Blog get? Do the writers get a true account of their hits? Or are they getting ripped off like Bo Diddley? If their payouts are structured on volume that is.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  195. RedState does not own my content, so enough of that talk. They can take down my stuff there, but they aren’t touching the cross-posted stuff here.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  196. Also, there is often a non-disparage clause. But I work in a different industry, so who knows. It pays to have a lawyer look things over. Cross postings, it would seem to me, would fall outside the covenants of any contract, though. But that just seems like common sense to me. But the law and common sense seem divergent.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c) — 4/27/2018 @ 7:49 pm

    Sounds like there was a shadow non-disparage Trump clause all up in it.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  197. That’s great news Mr Patterico. You’re smarter than Fleetwood Mac, Heart and Bruce Springsteen in the licensing content game, by all appearances.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  198. this whole thread just make me lub President Trump even more harder

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  199. Lots of people get and lose their gigs in the media all the time. It’s not exactly a secure industry and those comfortable at working in it know it and know how to land on their feet. And when they tire of the uncertainty– particularly on tne ‘talent’ side, they usually become a suit, slide into management or just leave the biz.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/27/2018 @ 8:44 pm

    Megyn Kelly Self Help book title-go!

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  200. Is that what’s keeping you awake mr happyfeet?

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  201. Anyway, sorry especially for the conservatives who needed the paycheck.

    Dustin (ba94b2) — 4/27/2018 @ 9:36 pm

    Conservatives have non vestigial bootstraps, or so I have heard.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  202. No, I’m not confused. I was speaking to your characterization of supporting Trump, which I’ve read 85% of republicans do, as “worship”.

    I’m just suggesting it isn’t your criticisms of Trump that are the problem, but rather your going out of your way to alienate those that don’t hate him like you do. I could see that as a problem for a blog with a mostly Republican readership.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  203. phone call from LA

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  204. apparently kathleen kennedy is a hugely bitchy cow and we all hate her

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  205. @199. Megyn Kelly Self Help book title-go!

    “69 Million Ways To Pluck A Peacock” – in the stores for Xmas.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  206. Burnt Toast
    Meagain Kelly

    mg (9e54f8)

  207. Well, there they go off my bookmark toolbar, down to the same deep-menu hell where Breitbart dwells.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  208. Captain P, I’m sorry they fired you, but you were not just a Trump critic, you were an intemperate Trump critic.

    Pretty sure Patterico is mostly temperate. And while I sometimes disagree with him on instances, God knows Trump deserves a lot of the criticism he gets. Particularly of the “right idea, wrong plan” sort.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  209. STILL Lots of anti trump authors at Townhall…


    Kevin M (752a26)

  210. Mr. Instapundit’s blog took no note of this today (so far), and that’s kinda sad

    I was disappointed with Glenn’s turn towards Trump during the primaries, but I remain encouraged that the co-bloggers who the Trumpbots hate remain on the site.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  211. I remain encouraged that the co-bloggers who the Trumpbots hate remain on the site

    i love president trump

    ok good night

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  212. phone call from LA

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/27/2018 @ 11:53 pm

    From the human trafficking LAPD traffic officer?

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  213. STILL Lots of anti trump authors at Townhall…


    Kevin M (752a26) — 4/28/2018 @ 12:51 am

    I took a wheelbarrow full of anti trump authors to the store and they gave me a loaf of bread.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  214. I’m looking forward to seeing how evergreen the “Trump is the worst president ever” comments look even just a year from now.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  215. Here’s the thing about the “Trump does good stuff, too!” argument: Several others who would have won against the bag-lady pinata would have done more stuff better.

    Trump makes a LOT of mistakes. He is what engineers call “suboptimum.” If he was a skier, he’d be going in the right direction (downhill), but he’s also be knocking over many of the gates.

    He cannot stand up to Schumer’s roadblocking of the Senate. Does anyone thing that Cruz would have put up with that? You’d have Fiorina making so many rulings right and left that Schumer and the Democrats would be in their bunkers from all the nukes.

    He cannot get HIS OWN HANDPICKED AG to investigate bald-faced bribery by the Clintons. Or perjury by the former heads of the IC. Or to NOT start a probe of BS charges before it metastasized.

    He cannot fill a cabinet post and keep it filled six months.

    He cannot keep his —-ing mouth shut when silence serves him better.

    But, yeah, he’s better than Hillary. That does not make this the best of all possible worlds.

    Maybe he won’t run again.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  216. P&P–

    God help Trump if the3 economy tanks.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  217. ICYMI: Trump’s Nobel Prize in Economics on hold – GDP growth plummets to 2.3%.

    Trump, aka the greatest economist who ever lived, predicted 6% and claimed the leaders of other countries tell him they are disappointed when their annual growth rate is “only” 7%:

    “You look at other countries and you look at what their (gross domestic product) is, they’re unhappy when it’s 7, 8, 9 [percent]. And I speak to them, leaders of the countries, how are you doing?” Trump said. “‘Not well, not well.’ Why? ‘GDP is down to 7 percent.’ And I’m saying, ‘We’re hitting 1 percent.'”

    List of countries with GDP growth of 7% or higher in 2016:

    Cote d’Ivoire

    For those keeping score, that’s 5 “sh*thole countries”, one tiny island whose entire population could fit into the lower deck of the Staples Center, and a slightly larger island with the population of Riverside, California.

    Dave (445e97)

  218. That 2.8% is higher than all but one year since 2006 (2015 was 2.9%). Obama’s 8 years (2009-2016) had an average growth rate of 1.5%. So, better than Obama.

    From your link, “Economists surveyed by FactSet had expected a 2% growth rate” so Trump beat the street’s estimate. Did he say 6% in the first quarter of 2018?

    As far as those other countries only 2 are real, and one of them is recovering from a devastating civil war and the other from a total bank collapse.

    But nice cherry-picking anyway.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  219. boo hoo hoo, your job was blogging

    any conservative who thought he could continue to get by with free trade, free market garbage rhetoric (the past 50 years of disastrous Republican policy) and “but I hate Hillary too!” is finding out how quickly he now empties the room as the American middle class is struggling to survive

    if the NeverTrumpers had an audience, they would have no problem finding jobs…but liberals don’t need you, and the rest of the right doesn’t want you

    Dr Stephen J Krune III (93978a)

  220. #188

    You’re comparing Ace to Kimberlin? Really. You’re that far gone? Ace still has you on his blog roll. Kimberlin swatted you. FFS.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  221. #217

    Really? What’s that translate to real world dollars? And yeah, for the world’s largest economy, 2.8 ain’t bad. Not great, but how long’s the guy been in office? And still better than the eight years previous. China, you say? If you think we have a debt bubble, China’s will break your heart. Because China’s GDP is based partly in exports, and partly in so called consumer spending, which is really the government building ghost cities all over the place. Command economy at it’s finest. China may still turn into the wonder economy that will dwarve all of the economies combined, but I wouldn’t bet on it quite yet.

    But of the economies you mentioned, that must be missing the sarc tag. Iraq is growing as a direct result of US intervention, Cambodia because they are siphoning away China’s manufacturing base and the rest? What does that mean? Iceland was bankrupt 3 years ago. Their economy was going to, what, go down?

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  222. #196

    Not what I meant, but Alexa won’t lie. 12 month rolling average will tell the tale.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  223. #219

    Otherwise know as the Charles Johnson conundrum. Hey, man, the right left me. Deplorables. The whole basket of them.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  224. You always make good points, Mr Kevin M, but how come he can’t seem to run Jeff Sessions off?

    Some presidential events are like the Alpine slalom like you said and some are like the GGG Canelo fight. In that case the nevertrumpers sound like the ridiculous lady judge who must have been watching a different fight.

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  225. But of the economies you mentioned, that must be missing the sarc tag. Iraq is growing as a direct result of US intervention, Cambodia because they are siphoning away China’s manufacturing base and the rest? What does that mean? Iceland was bankrupt 3 years ago. Their economy was going to, what, go down?

    Estarcatus (d19e9c) — 4/28/2018 @ 2:11 am

    Yes, Iraq has a stimulus package called the United States.

    Not what I meant, but Alexa won’t lie. 12 month rolling average will tell the tale.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c) — 4/28/2018 @ 2:15 am

    I know, I just like to have fun with the lawyers. Is Alexa that creepy Amazon deal?

    Pinandpuller (42e6a6)

  226. #225

    Yeah, but before that a traffic measuring site for Websites.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  227. @213. Sale of anti-trump at, PP?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  228. rcocean (1a839e) — 4/27/2018 @ 7:04 pm

    I tried to be nice about the firing. But of course…

    Look, I was banned by Red State in 2015 after ONE comment saying Trump wasn’t so bad.

    So, I’m not shedding any tears.

    Schadenfreude is bad. Gloating, too. Ask any psychologist. It’s not a good sign for you. Why are you so quick to display your problem?

    Last week, I was banned for pointing out that a Trumpster writer/moderator was being exceptionally rude and, by definition, an Internet troll. (More details below.*) Does that make you happy? Do you feel like you’ve “won”?

    I’m surprised Salem kept the Conservative “Never-trumpers” as long as they did. I don’t know who EXACTLY is their audience. Let’s see, conservatives who hate Trump and love Hillary. That’s like, what 2% of the USA?

    Did you even read the article you’re ostensibly commenting on? The Trump critics were bringing in the most traffic.

    * Details:

    I pointed out to streiff that whataboutism is, in fact, an actual fallacy, not something Never Trumpers made up, and that the Soviets engaged in this behavior so I found it absurd that so-called “conservatives” (traditionally enemies of communism, right?) would defend its use. They immediately responded with a reflexive defense of Russia and allusions to the collusion investigation — which, obviously, had NOTHING to do with my point. I linked to another Red State writer’s article on the dangers of whataboutism, but that didn’t help.

    Instead of admitting to the objective, nonpartisan, non-controversial reality that whataboutism is an actual fallacy and the Soviets engaged in it (Google “and you are lynching Negroes”), streiff joined a gang of trolls, mocking whatever I said, spewing insults, etc. This was a regular thing with streiff, who decided I was a Never Trump troll some months back (despite the fact that I reluctantly voted for Trump and sometimes defended his administration). So, I called his trolling what it was, trolling. And bam, banned.

    Canof Sand (91c8a5)

  229. You’re comparing Ace to Kimberlin? Really. You’re that far gone? Ace still has you on his blog roll. Kimberlin swatted you. FFS.

    He wasn’t comparing Ace to Kimberlin, I believe he was comparing Ace’s sell-out to Trump to his (alleged) cash settlement/sell-out to Kimberlin.

    So he was, in some sense, comparing Trump to Kimberlin, although merely as two examples of unsavory characters that Ace found it expedient to accommodate rather than stand up to.

    Dave (445e97)

  230. the American middle class is struggling to survive

    What gratuitous nonsense.

    The American middle class is not struggling to survive, unless having to settle for a 68-inch plasma TV instead of the 72-inch model constitutes “struggling to survive”.

    Dave (445e97)

  231. When you start out by hating a hideous combover and go from there, you have to keep topping yourself. Eventually, which is to say in about two heartbeats, you’re in lala land.
    Somebody snarked that, given the current situation on the Korean peninsula, the Ninth Circuit has decreed the Korean War must continue. Silly. The case hasn’t been brought yet.
    This site, not alone by any means, has put itself in the situation of having to hope things go to hell, because there’s no room to back up.
    You didn’t have to do it.

    Richard Aubrey (10ef71)

  232. What gratuitous nonsense.

    I think what this means is the middle class as an entity not the individual and in that vein the American middle class is struggling to survive. Your snark about the screen size of plasma TV’s notwithstanding, the American middle class is taxed and regulated to the point of absurdity mostly by the left. And the American middle class is constantly being squeezed to pay for the outrageous ideological nonsense of the left from taxes to support ridiculous glow ball warming nonsense to unfunded mandates on small business and individuals to appease some “victim” voting block for leftists. Not to mention trying to keep their kids from being programmed into transsexual communists in public schools most of which are complete failures at actual education regardless of their exorbitant costs.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  233. It’s not just me? I was booted and blocked from Redstate for a comment criticizing Trump a few months ago too. (He said I could not be rehabilitated or something like that.) I am a relatively polite commentator too but it didn’t matter.


    noel (b4d580)

  234. Republicans want affirmation. Facts just get in the way. Fox News, Rush, Sean, Drudge and Breitbart. I used to get a good portion of my news from them. Now, they are just talking points and Presidential propaganda.

    I have always complained about liberal bias but this is a new low. Conservatives know better.

    noel (b4d580)

  235. Instead of admitting to the objective, nonpartisan, non-controversial reality that whataboutism is an actual fallacy and the Soviets engaged in it (Google “and you are lynching Negroes”), streiff joined a gang of trolls, mocking whatever I said, spewing insults, etc. This was a regular thing with streiff, who decided I was a Never Trump troll some months back (despite the fact that I reluctantly voted for Trump and sometimes defended his administration). So, I called his trolling what it was, trolling. And bam, banned.

    Yeah. this. Streiff gets angry and bans people for disagreeing with him. And/or insults them. Some really interesting commenters bit the dust this way. I have no clue how that guy keeps his job. RS will become an insufferable echo chamber.

    conservativeinohio (5930d1)

  236. Exactly #235.

    They are within their rights to choose the contributors they want but I think that Redstate needs a new name. One that reflects this change. I suggest “Trumpstate”.

    noel (b4d580)

  237. Red State has always been an insufferable echo chamber. Disagree with the host and you’re banned. That’s been the case forever.

    NJRob (b00189)

  238. Patterico isn’t insecure. He only boots folks who are misbehaving. And it’s usually temporary. At least that I have seen.

    No echo chamber here. That’s for sure.

    noel (b4d580)

  239. There was a guy who made a list of the different types of Trumpkins. I remember a couple, the True Believers and the The Gold Diggers. Our fellow commenter, ropelight, is a True Believer. Salem Whatsis, the owner of Red State, is a Gold Digger. If they could make more money shilling for Bernie Sanders, they’d be shilling for Bernie Sanders. Like that. But Trump is where the money is, right now.

    nk (dbc370)

  240. 220. Estarcatus:


    You’re comparing Ace to Kimberlin? Really. You’re that far gone? Ace still has you on his blog roll. Kimberlin swatted you. FFS.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c) — 4/28/2018 @ 1:51 am

    You misunderstood Patterico’s comment. In comment 188, Patterico said:

    There is no question that Trump worship brings in the eyeballs. Ace all but admitted today that’s why he started supporting Trump.

    Sometimes people do things for money or because it’s easier, even if it goes against their principles — like supporting Trump or settling with Kimberlin.

    Read Ace’s old posts about Trump and draw your own conclusions about his motives for his current Trump support. Similarly, Ace settled with Kimberlin when things got tough, and Patterico didn’t. It’s a pattern with Ace to take the easier, more profitable path.

    IMO Patterico’s point is that you know people by their actions, not just their words.

    DRJ (15874d)

  241. You’re comparing Ace to Kimberlin?

    No, not at all. He’s saying Ace settled with Kimberlin. Patterico never said Ace was like Kimberlin.

    Chuck Bartowski (211c17)

  242. I guess somebody already posted this from Ace.

    I think you are an intemperate NeverTrumper and I hear from a few other former Patterico readers.

    I’ll check by every six months or so to see if you ever get over your snit.

    I used to enjoy your blog when it was about the leftist LA Times and such,

    Of course, I left California along with a lot of middle class people but some of my kids are still there, so far,

    Mike K (b3dd19)

  243. We know that’s how you feel, Dr Mike. You think when you stick to your opinions, it is a good quality … but Patterico sticking to his opinions is bad.

    DRJ (15874d)

  244. Why don’t we just cut out the middlemen altogether? Who needs news outlets and blogs when we have the bestest Presidential tweets to guide and inform us?

    noel (b4d580)

  245. The Mike K Modified Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test:

    Q. Who is the greatest President in the history of the United States?
    A. Donald Trump.

    Q. What is the most important date in the history of the United States?
    A. June 14, 1946, Donald Trump’s date of birth.

    Q. What is the second most important date in the history of the United States?
    A. January 20, 2017, when Donald Trump was sworn in as President.

    Q. What is the third most important date in the history of the United States?
    A. November 8, 2016, when Donald Trump was elected President.

    Perfect score! You passed! We can skip the other 30 questions as unimportant.

    nk (dbc370)

  246. What’s the matter, nk, ridicule of Trump has grown boring so now it’s time to call out ridicule on his supporters? Maybe you’re not a vile as most leftists but when you start the dehumanizing of fellow commenters you’re getting very left wing. I really love how you pull off the usual leftist meme of both asking and answering fake questions. It’s almost like watching CNN interview Comey. I guess we are to assume you are no longer a conservative nor a Republican? Apparently you find it impossible to support either any more.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  247. What’s dehumanizing about making fun of Mike K’s Trump Adoration Syndrome with a parody medical test? It’s not like I said he’d let people grab his genitals if they were famous.

    nk (dbc370)

  248. The people, I mean, not the genitals. Although, as a surgeon and professor of medicine, he might very well have some famous genitals in formalin somewhere.

    nk (dbc370)

  249. Salem & Eric E. became CNN to me after his pre-election anti-Trump stunt in Atlanta. Schadenfreude is the flavor of the day.

    TRUMP 2020!

    twolaneflash (a45f7e)

  250. 90

    … The golf story strikes me as a flimsy and unlikely excuse for a monetary decision or a political decision. …

    I don’t know anything about RedState but lots of political opinion publications are vanity productions in that they lose money but their owners are willing to subsidize them in order to promote a cause they believe in or because owning such a publication makes them feel influential and important. If you are subsidizing something it is natural to want it to mostly align with your own political views. So while the golf story might not be literally true the idea that the owner is pro-Trump and was increasingly irritated by shelling out money to subsidize anti-Trump writers seems plausible.

    James B. Shearer (a9b467)

  251. 180

    If you don’t even have the capacity to read criticism of Trump, that’s not Patterico’s fault. That’s a weakness, and it’s all yours.

    I have the capacity to read criticism of Trump but I encounter plenty of it without seeking it out. Patterico’s criticism doesn’t seem particularly insightful or original to me so it isn’t a reason to read his site. I find his non-Trump articles more interesting.

    James B. Shearer (a9b467)

  252. 247… unseemly and far beneath you, nk.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  253. Patterico’s criticism doesn’t seem particularly insightful

    Well I disagree. And so did the numbers. A lot of the gloating Trump fans are saying no one wanted to read criticism of Trump, but they actually seemed to get a lot of page views. Isn’t the most popular writer there a Trump critic? Doesn’t this blog probably get far more page views than any blog you or I could write? Lots of people find this interesting.

    If you don’t find this content interesting, why… are you here? Well it’s clear enough that most Trump fans are here not because they don’t think Trump criticism is interesting, but because they think Trump criticism is intolerable. They are angry it was written.

    And to me, that means it’s important to write twice as much of it. If we continue to see conservative opinion shut down, we need to respond with more of it.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  254. What’s dehumanizing about making fun of Mike K’s Trump Adoration Syndrome with a parody medical test? It’s not like I said he’d let people grab his genitals if they were famous.

    nk (dbc370) — 4/28/2018 @ 8:16 am

    Glad I came by to see what the hive mind is thinking.

    What have I ever done to you, nk ? Patrick called me a liar for disagreeing with him. You think this is a “syndrome ?”

    I got interested in Trump back in 2015.

    The fact that you NeverTrumpers resent anyone who thinks he is doing a good job is a syndrome, itself.

    I am not a Trump supporter but I am intrigued at the steady progress he is making toward success. I have been a fan of Angelo Codevilla’s characterization of America’s Ruling Class.

    I guess you are a sycophant of the ruling class.

    We know that’s how you feel, Dr Mike. You think when you stick to your opinions, it is a good quality … but Patterico sticking to his opinions is bad.

    DRJ (15874d) — 4/28/2018 @ 6:55 am

    No, I just think calling other opinions “Lies” is low class and ignorant.

    Mike K (b3dd19)

  255. Trump has many of us hoping for the future, and less focused on, worried about the past.

    Actions not words. Fight back against the crushing leftwing tide or be introspective and calmly move out of the way. Your time has come and gone.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  256. A suggested experiment: do not comment on the wackadoo NeverTrump commenters. Perhaps the preening, virtue-signaling competition will run its course and dry up.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  257. The fact that you NeverTrumpers resent anyone who thinks he is doing a good job is a syndrome, itself.

    This is your delusion, Mike, born from your years of actual malicious hate. And it’s eaten your mind up. You used to post really interesting comments, but you’ve lost that.

    I guess you are a sycophant of the ruling class.

    low class and ignorant.

    DRJ, NK, and Patterico are all intelligent folks and they are all honest. If you can’t have a conversation with them without getting this bent out of shape, that’s sad. Being this hostile towards everyone who criticizes Trump is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. You’re just hurting yourself.

    Trump’s promises on the balanced budget turned into a huge deficit crisis. His promises on securing the border are lip service. His foreign policy is to copy Obama and Madeline Albright. Obamacare is still here. If you think criticizing the poorest record of broken promises in our lifetime is dishonest, that’s because you are demanding propaganda.

    Fight back against the crushing leftwing tide

    The foremost crushing problem is our deficit. Trump signed our awful budget into law. Patterico and the other fired Redstate writers were fighting back against that, and the Republican party clique did its thing and tried to snuff out some of the criticism.

    Big talk from Trump and his fans, at the bumper sticker level, doesn’t change the factual record. Trump is the left.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  258. For one thing, I think “Trump Adoration Syndrome” is kinder than “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (“TDS” for short).

    For another, it’s like deja vu all over again. This is not a sample of the comments you leave every time you come by, Mike K, it’s the substance of every comment you leave every time you come by:

    I think you are an intemperate NeverTrumper and I hear from a few other former Patterico readers.

    I’ll check by every six months or so to see if you ever get over your snit.

    I used to enjoy your blog when it was about the leftist LA Times and such,

    At least this time, you didn’t say TDS.

    nk (dbc370)

  259. A suggested experiment: do not comment on the wackadoo NeverTrump commenters. Perhaps the preening, virtue-signaling competition will run its course and dry up.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 4/28/2018 @ 9:26 am

    An excellent idea. If your interpretation of all these nevertrumpers is that they are just ‘virtue signaling’ nutcases, ignore them. What’s the benefit in insulting people every day for two years? It’s just white noise. Shut up.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  260. No, I just think calling other opinions “Lies” is low class and ignorant.

    Mike K (b3dd19) — 4/28/2018 @ 9:12 am

    I can’t find that. Help me find that discussion, Mike K.

    DRJ (15874d)

  261. . If we continue to see conservative opinion shut down, we need to respond with more of it.

    Inside the blogosphere and outside in the real world, opposition to Trump is a resume enhancer. Sorry, this is just a fact. You don’t comprehend the meaning of “shut down”.

    random viking (6a972a)

  262. 253

    If you don’t find this content interesting, why… are you here? …

    Mostly because I got into the habit of following Patterico years ago. And as I said I find some of his non-Trump posts interesting, it is easy enough to skim over yet another anti-Trump rant.

    James B. Shearer (a9b467)

  263. I worry about the future, too, Haiku. What will Trump do next, now that we still have ObamaCare, no Wall, and an even bigger deficit?

    DRJ (15874d)

  264. So sorry to see this happen to you. Your posts were always among my favorites at Redstate. One thing I always liked about Redstate was the fact that it represented a variety of viewpoints. Now it appears to be homogenizing itself. Maybe it will end up like Jim Hoft’s cesspool, otherwise known as Gateway Pundit.

    Roger (3de1f4)

  265. Salem Media is publicly traded, James, and last year investors thought its financial future was with Trump.

    DRJ (15874d)

  266. Ok, on this, I’m with Trump: As they say in your country, read the whole thing. Trump is calling out Tester for the false smears against Ronny Jackson.

    nk (dbc370)

  267. A month after that is when Salem added Patterico. Maybe it was an experiment or a coincidence or hope, but Salem seems to have made a decision about diversity of thought. Most media does that.

    DRJ (15874d)

  268. 264… agreed, DRJ. And what will Congress do? Especially if a number of folks sit on their hind ends in the mid-terms?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  269. Trump was elected because America knew the GOPe Congress is weak and Trump promised to shake up Washington. Now you are saying Trump needs more help? What happened to his amazing deal-making powers?

    DRJ (15874d)

  270. Key takeaway from PJ Media coverage: “I do know that one thing is true: RedState is shooting themselves in the foot by letting so many immense talents go.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  271. How is he doing on those promises, Haiku? 3 or 4 of 13, including the deficit-busting, PP-funding tax cuts? That’s not a terrible record and he may still end the Iranian deal, but the rest seem dead in the water. That is not the record of the world’s greatest dealmaker, but he has managed to defeat conservatives. Why should conservatives like me vote for that?

    DRJ (15874d)

  272. As has been written, Trump has done more to promote conservative values in 18 months – even under these conditions – than both Bushes combined. His bluster about deal-making aside. I remain optimistic and kick the “glass half empty” crowd in their babymakers.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  273. DRJ, I’m not going to search for the post. If you don’t believe me, I guess you too think I’m lying about things.

    Too bad. I’ve liked and respected you and recall when you were concerned about your own safety a few years ago.

    Mike K (b3dd19)

  274. I found it. It’s here.

    Since Mike K wants to press the issue, let’s discuss it. I reproduce my entire comment below:

    Mike K says:

    I guess you mean me, Patrick, and I don;t know what I have ever done to seem “dishonest” to you.

    Then allow me to explain.

    You said:

    This is far more important to you than the fact that the rape allegation is a forgery and revenge on him for ruling against her in a divorce case in 1999.

    He did not rule against her. He rubber stamped a mutually agreed-upon dismissal of the case that was in no way a loss for her.

    Did you ever retract this or apologize?

    You said:

    Plus, Moore’s wife says the WaPoo was offering money for stories like this.

    This allegation came from Gateway Pundit, sourced to an anonymous Twitter account that claimed at various times that he had earned two, three, or four Purple Hearts. The account deleted all its tweets when people started to question the inconsistencies. In the end it turned out that the Twitter account had stolen a dead Navy SEAL’s identity. Meanwhile Moore’s wife has posted a passel of easily disproved nonsense.

    Did you ever retract this or apologize?

    You said:

    The woman who is alleged to have been the 14 year old who “dated” Moore is a Hillary staffer.
    Setup by WaPoo.
    Sorry to see so many Reps join the lynching.

    I repeatedly told you that the 14-year-old was Leigh Corfman and that it was another woman who was, not a Hillary “staffer,” but someone who had done sign-language interpretation for some political campaigns including Hillary’s.

    Did you ever retract this or apologize?

    You come on here and repeat stuff from the fever swamps of the Internet, and when it is shown to be bullshit, you pretend you have not seen the refutation. Instead you just move on to the next bullshit from Hoft.


    P.S. You also say continually that you are leaving and always come back. Your flounces are literally laughable at this point.

    I am now going to place this comment on a separate page titled “When I Called Mike K Dishonest” so that when he whines about it again in the future, I won’t have to go searching for it.

    So: did I call Mike K a liar for disagreeing with me? Or did I call Mike K dishonest because he had been dishonest? I’ll let the reader decide.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  275. I have memorialized the page here. Now, when Mike K tries to peddle the falsehood that I called him a liar for simply disagreeing with me, I’ll be able to quickly and easily refute it with a link and a quote.

    That’s how we do it here. With evidence and facts.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  276. 247… unseemly and far beneath you, nk.

    Let go of the pearls. It was funny.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  277. Key takeaway from PJ Media coverage: “I do know that one thing is true: RedState is shooting themselves in the foot by letting so many immense talents go.”

    Yes, the concern or Redstate’s future from the Atlantic, CNN, and anonymous fired writers is touching.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  278. “Patrick called me a liar for disagreeing with him.”

    That is itself a falsehood.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  279. Now watch what happens. Mike K has been quite vocal in (falsely) asserting that I called him a liar simply for disagreeing. Now, I have laid out in detail exactly why I called him dishonest: for repeatedly bringing idiotic conspiracy theories that he dug up on Gateway Pundit into this comment section, and refusing to apologize or retract when shown that his assertions were flatly wrong.

    Based on past experience, he will never, ever, EVER directly confront the several specific instances I provided of his repeating falsehoods, and either apologize or provide evidence that he was actually right. He will most likely disappear with some catty remark about TDS, or wave his hands about without addressing specifics. Or, perhaps most likely of all, disappear without another word — so he can pretend in the future that he never saw my comment destroying his falsehoods.

    I want everyone to pay close attention to how he handles this, because he has made a direct challenge to my credibility in this thread, and I have replied with a direct challenge to his. His challenge just crumpled under the weight of actual facts. My challenge will stand because he will not address my points.

    Just watch.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  280. the dehumanizing of fellow commenters

    The Ironic Hoagie, vol. XXVII

    Dave (445e97)

  281. 266

    Salem Media is publicly traded, James, and last year investors thought its financial future was with Trump.

    So it is. 80% of the voting stock is held by two families (Epperson and Atsinger) however and I expect that what they want is what matters.

    The share price is off over 50% in the last year so whatever they were doing doesn’t seem to have been working too well.

    James B. Shearer (a9b467)

  282. Patrick, why not dig up the entire exchange to prove your point? You want me to do the work.

    There are lots of of other blogs. I came here originally because of Cathy Seipp.

    You still seem to have lots of commenters. Why the need to prove me wrong ?

    Life is too short to argue with people like you who are determined not to learn.

    Oh, I see you are going on about the Roy Moore stuff.

    Without Mitch McConnell, there would not have been a Roy Moore issue. Mo Brooks wanted to run but McConnell blocked all fund raising for him. Brooks had said, if elected, he would not vote for McConnell for leader.

    McConnell had engineered a corrupt deal for Strange, the AG, to let the governor resign and appoint Strange to the Senate seat of Sessions, The voters didn’t like it.

    The win for Moore in the primary was a rebuke to McConnell.

    I don’t give a shit about Moore and to belabor the issue of whether the woman accusing him was lying or getting revenge for a ruling is very old news. I don’t even remember the details now.

    Obsession with minor details is not healthy. Get a grip.

    Mike K (b3dd19)

  283. Yeah, the rabid weasel pack that waylaid Ronny Jackson was bipartisan. These guys, they make these bureaucracies like the VA, and then they make them bigger, so their campaign volunteers and staffers will be rewarded with government jobs, and they don’t like it when somebody comes along who might break them up or shrink them down by privatizing some of their functions.

    nk (dbc370)

  284. it’s beyond silly the VA’s a cabinet-level bureaucracy to begin with

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  285. I’ve been following the comments for a while wondering whether I should dive into the pig pen. Maybe I’ll just put my toe in for now.

    AZ Bob (9a6ada)

  286. Trump is calling out Tester for the false smears against Ronny Jackson.

    If you read carefully, it’s classic Trump sniveling. He says the Secret Service has no record of telling a drunk Jackson to quit banging on a door. I think that disproves nothing. Nobody claimed that Jackson threatened the president, he was allegedly being a loud drunk. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence in this case.

    On another level it is, again, classic President Snowflake:

    1) Make an obviously stupid decision
    2) Watch it go up in flames, taking good people with it
    3) Deny, deny, deny
    4) Blame the media/Democrats/Sessions/anyone but himself
    5) Assert victimhood

    If Trump had any guts, if the accusations were false he would have stood behind Jackson and helped him defend himself *before* he withdrew. Jackson’s confirmation hearing would have allowed him to confront the charges directly. But instead Trump threw him under the bus at the first sign of trouble, and now wants to blame everybody but the one really responsible (himself) for his terrible decisions.

    Dave (445e97)

  287. @266. ‘Salem Media is publicly traded, James, and last year investors thought its financial future was with Trump.’

    Yep, DRJ. See #44/#54. But then, Ford believed the Edsel was a sure thing, too: ‘After it was unveiled to the public, it was considered to be unattractive, overpriced, and overhyped.’- wikipedia 😉


    @267.’Trump is calling out Tester for the false smears against Ronny Jackson.’

    So Trump is calling out Tester for trumping Trump w/his own tactics. Our Captain is quite clever.

    “Take the tow line; faulty equipment, no more, no less!” – Captain Queeg [Humphrey Bogart] ‘The Caine Mutiny’ 1954

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  288. Tester couldn’t have slimed doctor partyboy without the help of a whole bunch of trash in the sleazy corrupt mattis military though

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  289. 289.Tester couldn’t have slimed doctor partyboy without the help of a whole bunch of trash in the sleazy corrupt mattis military though

    You noticed that, too, eh, Mr. Feet.

    “Loyalty’s a fine thing.” – Frank Savage [Gregory Peck] ‘Twelve O’Clock High’ 1949

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  290. The share price is off over 50% in the last year so whatever they were doing doesn’t seem to have been working too well.

    Not being a consumer of radio or TV, I wasn’t aware that RedState, HotAir and Townhall are all owned by a media mega-conglomerate.

    When blogs first came to prominence, they were touted (with some justification) as “An Army of Davids” to BigMedia’s Goliath. Now BigMedia owns a lot of them (and apparently isn’t shy about pulling editorial strings). When David is on Goliath’s payroll, he’s not David anymore…

    Dave (445e97)

  291. When David is on Goliath’s payroll, he’s not David anymore…

    if Mr. David has his own brand he has his own brand

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  292. A declassified congressional report confirms prior reporting by The Federalist that Daniel Jones, a former staffer for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), hired Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele after the 2016 election to push the anti-Trump Russian collusion narrative.

    According to the report, Jones, who runs an investigative outfit called the Penn Quarter Group (PQG), told the FBI in Mar of 2017 that he had retained the services of Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to “continue exposing Russian interference” in the 2016 election. Steele is the former British spy who authored the infamous unverified dossier of allegations against President Donald Trump.

    As The Federalist first reported in Feb, Jones previously worked as a senior intelligence staffer for Feinstein, who currently serves as the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is currently investigating Fusion GPS. In that capacity, [Feinstein] violated committee precedent by unilaterally releasing a transcript of the testimony of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson without disclosing that a top former staffer of hers was directing the firm’s efforts during the Judiciary committee’s investigation.

    she’s every bit as corrupt and trashy as cowardboy war-hero John McCain

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  293. *war hero* i mean no idea why i did a hyphenate

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  294. Dave: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence in this case.

    What an Orwellian take.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  295. Inside the blogosphere and outside in the real world, opposition to Trump is a resume enhancer. Sorry, this is just a fact. You don’t comprehend the meaning of “shut down”.

    I have just exploded this false assertion in a post titled No, Criticizing Trump Is Not the Ticket to Fame and Fortune.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  296. No, I just think calling other opinions “Lies” is low class and ignorant.

    I think lying about things and then running away when called on your bullshit is low class, Mike K.

    Are you running away like Brave Sir Robin?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  297. If you want to have meaningful discussions, I would highly recommend not quoting or linking the following:

    Conservative treehouse
    Info wars
    Mark Levine
    Alex Jones
    Glenn Beck
    Gateway pundit
    Daily beast
    Washington post
    Erick Erickson
    Any border patrol union spokesperson or director (last two have gone to prison)
    Debbie Schussel
    Any democratic lawmaker

    I would recommend
    Court and civil records
    Federal agency reports
    Unfortunately, very few opinion writers they are painted by the inflamed out of control rhetoric of their peers (like lawyers 😉

    EPWJ (f4224b)

  298. If you want to have meaningful discussions, I would highly recommend not quoting or linking the following:

    Conservative treehouse

    I would recommend
    Court and civil records
    Federal agency reports

    If you spend any time reading CTH, you will find that most of the pieces are backed by documentation. Some of it being the very things you recommend.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  299. 269. 264… agreed, DRJ. And what will Congress do? Especially if a number of folks sit on their hind ends in the mid-terms?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 4/28/2018 @ 9:50 am

    270. Trump was elected because America knew the GOPe Congress is weak and Trump promised to shake up Washington. Now you are saying Trump needs more help? What happened to his amazing deal-making powers?

    DRJ (15874d) — 4/28/2018 @ 9:57 am

    Remember this from the South Carolina GOP debate?

    GARRETT: Mr. Trump — Mr. Trump. [applause]

    I was with you in Pendleton, South Carolina, earlier this week at the Rodeo Arena. It was a bit chilly there. You promised the crowd, and they rose to their feet, that if Ford or a company like were to move a factory to Mexico, you would try to stop it or threaten them with a 35 percent tax or tariff on every car sold.

    TRUMP: Or a tax.

    GARRETT: Right. So my question is, based on your understanding of the presidency, where do you derive that power? Would you need the consent of Congress to go along? And do you see the presidency as a perch from which you can cajole and/or threaten private industry to do something you think is better for the U.S. economy?

    TRUMP: I would build consensus with Congress, and Congress would agree with me. I’ll give you an example, because I don’t like the idea of using executive orders like our president. It is a disaster what he’s doing. I would build consensus, but consensus means you have to work hard. You have to cajole. You have to get them into the Oval Office and get them all together, and you have to make deals.

    Let me just tell you, I mentioned before, China — big Chinese company bought the Chicago Exchange. Kerry is moving — and if you saw the people, because they have a video of the announcement that Carrier is moving to Mexico, O.K.?

    Well, I’ll tell you what. I would go right now to Carrier and I would say I am going to work awfully hard. You’re going to make air conditioners now in Mexico. You’re going to get all of these 1,400 people that are being laid off — they’re laid off. They were crying. They were — it was a very sad situation. You’re going to go to Mexico. You’re going to make air conditioners in Mexico, you’re going to put them across our border with no tax.

    I’m going to tell them right now, I am going to get consensus from Congress and we’re going to tax you when those air conditioners come. So stay where you are or build in the United States, because we are killing ourselves with trade pacts that are no good for us and no good for our workers. [applause]

    Very convincing, wasn’t it? Unfortunately a total lie.

    DRJ (15874d)

  300. Slow learner.

    ropelight (c47fd3)

  301. You guys still don’t get it. There is nobody interested in reading a purported Republican/Conservative who continually bashes Trump and anybody who supports Trump. The only people interested in that is just you guys. Everybody else who continually bashes Trump & anybody who doesn’t hate him with a white-hot hate are all writers for liberal/Progressive sites. And there’s plenty of those for anyone who wants to read such articles.

    Mike K. & others: There’s a quote that goes, “I can explain it to you but I can’t _understand_ it for you.” So your attempts to explain to Patterico & Dana & etc. is just wasted effort.

    The thing about being unhinged is that you don’t realize that you are unhinged. Kinda of a Dunning-Kruger type thing I guess.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  302. ike K. & others: There’s a quote that goes, “I can explain it to you but I can’t _understand_ it for you.” So your attempts to explain to Patterico & Dana & etc. is just wasted effort.

    The thing about being unhinged is that you don’t realize that you are unhinged. Kinda of a Dunning-Kruger type thing I guess.

    Since Mike K has run off, exactly as I predicted, why don’t you step into his shoes? You are taking his side against me here. So you now own his comments that I called him a liar for disagreeing. You now own all the lies he told. Please explain to me how they weren’t lies. See comment 275 for the full list of stuff you are now responsible for defending.

    Or, alternatively, you could admit that you don’t know what you’re talking about, and made a mistake stepping in the middle of an argument between me and someone who baselessly called me a liar, got called out, and ran away like the coward I predicted he would be.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  303. You guys still don’t get it. There is nobody interested in reading a purported Republican/Conservative who continually bashes Trump and anybody who supports Trump.

    And yet here you are. As I said to two other Trump humpers in another thread, you can’t stay away. You belie your claim by your very persistent presence here. I own you.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  304. I just found a Mike K response in moderation because he used the word “shit.” I approved it above but will quote it again:

    Patrick, why not dig up the entire exchange to prove your point? You want me to do the work.

    There are lots of of other blogs. I came here originally because of Cathy Seipp.

    You still seem to have lots of commenters. Why the need to prove me wrong ?

    Life is too short to argue with people like you who are determined not to learn.

    Oh, I see you are going on about the Roy Moore stuff.

    Without Mitch McConnell, there would not have been a Roy Moore issue. Mo Brooks wanted to run but McConnell blocked all fund raising for him. Brooks had said, if elected, he would not vote for McConnell for leader.

    McConnell had engineered a corrupt deal for Strange, the AG, to let the governor resign and appoint Strange to the Senate seat of Sessions, The voters didn’t like it.

    The win for Moore in the primary was a rebuke to McConnell.

    I don’t give a shit about Moore and to belabor the issue of whether the woman accusing him was lying or getting revenge for a ruling is very old news. I don’t even remember the details now.

    Obsession with minor details is not healthy. Get a grip.

    The entire exchange is at the link I provided. YOU are the one who dishonestly claimed that I called you a liar for disagreeing. I provided a long comment quoting all the falsehoods you told. If you think there is something else in that thread that magically makes those falsehoods true, click the link and find it. The burden is on YOU because YOU said I called you a liar for disagreeing.

    As predicted, you didn’t address a single one of the multiple falsehoods I cited. You just waved your hands, ineffectively tried to put the burden on me when YOU made the assertion, and then failed to back up your claim.

    It is not a minor detail to defend my integrity, which you called into question with no basis. You made the accusation and I showed you lied.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  305. I don’t give a shit about Moore and to belabor the issue of whether the woman accusing him was lying or getting revenge for a ruling is very old news.

    You’re the one who kept bringing it up, hoping that I wouldn’t actually find the exchange and expose your dishonest characterization of it. Now you’re claiming it’s old news. That’s rich. You’re not just dishonest and weaselly but a coward. It’s truly sad.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  306. If you want to have meaningful discussions, I would highly recommend not quoting or linking the following:

    Alex Jones
    Glenn Beck
    Gateway pundit

    This lumping in of Beck with those others is insane. Have you ever actually listened to his show or watched his online TV network? He frequently has people on he disagrees with — and not just argue or yell at each other. They have civil conversations. I’ll never understand this hatred for Beck that so many supposed conservatives have. It is readily apparent that he’s open-minded but still very much a conservative, that he’ll take a stand based on principle even if it’s not popular. (Reminds me of Patterico’s recent post, here.)

    The worst that can be said is that he used to be a little prone to “out there” theories but not nearly to the degree the left says he is and others on air with him tone that down. Yeah, he thinks out loud sometimes which can be hazardous but he’s pretty conscientious about it — and this is honestly thinking out loud and not ranting or actually PUSHING whatever he thought up; he’ll truly think and reconsider. Yeah, people paint him as a conspiracy guy because he attacks ACTUAL groups like Soros’s network, but that’s a real group doing real evil. It’s not like he’s claiming Soros is a lizard alien. It’s not remotely like Alex Jones.

    On another note, I take issue with the entire premise of not quoting or linking any of them. Taken literally, it’s like you want to pretend those people don’t even exist. Yes, CNN is biased… so now we can’t link to react to their stories?

    But let’s take that less literally. It’s still a horrible idea. OF COURSE we should be able to link to and quote people who we disagree with. Do you seriously believe you disagree with absolutely EVERYTHING CNN posts, ever? There’s literally nothing of merit on the site? Poppycock. None of those people ever said anything of note? We should just bury our heads in the sand and not look at what the other side is saying? Or if we do look, just keep it to ourselves and refuse to discuss it?

    Extremely closed-minded.

    I remember years ago when the left’s new talking point was “the closing of the conservative mind.” They were wrong, then. Don’t prove them right, now.

    CanofSand (91c8a5)

  307. As predicted, you didn’t address a single one of the multiple falsehoods I cited.

    I came by to see how many times I was trashed here.

    Thanks Patrick. I don’t need to argue with you. I used to like your blog but you are really losing it.

    Good luck with your prosecutions., Some of your former readers think you are going off the deep end there, too.

    Mike K (b3dd19)

  308. Mike K,

    You are a person of low character. That comment was despicable even for you.

    Patterico (2975ef)

  309. 292

    Not being a consumer of radio or TV, I wasn’t aware that RedState, HotAir and Townhall are all owned by a media mega-conglomerate.

    With a market cap of about $85 million I wouldn’t call Salem a “mega-conglomerate”. Disney (market cap about $150 billion) is over 1000 times as large.

    James B. Shearer (a9b467)

  310. 304: “So you now own his comments that I called him a liar for disagreeing. You now own all the lies he told.”

    Sorry, I don’t take assignments. I do some consulting work, though. If you email me a propoasal I’ll be happy to quote you my rates.

    “And yet here you are. As I said to two other Trump humpers in another thread, you can’t stay away. You belie your claim by your very persistent presence here. I own you.”

    Actually, similar to Mike K., I just come here once in a while to see if you guys have gotten over your Trump hate yet. As far as “owning me”, in your dreams only.

    I asked this before, maybe around the time of the election: What are you guys trying to accomplish? Do you have any goal that is even potentially feasible, or is your purpose just to rail at Trump and call him and people who don’t hatey-hate him names?

    I get it that you hate Trump. Okay, there’s a few million other people who also hate him. Most of them are Democrats and _their_ goal is to obstruct Republicans and to run Republicans out of office and make Hillary president. Is that your goal, too? Are you fine with helping them to achieve their goal?

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  311. That is disappointing, Mike K. I hope you apologize or stay away.

    DRJ (15874d)

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