Patterico's Pontifications


Clear Evidence that Applauding Every Dumb Move Trump Makes Is Bad for Conservative Principles

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 1:00 pm

Remember the omnibus? That’s the garbage legislation drafted in secret by turncoat Republican leadership and foisted on Donald “I’ll sign anything” Trump at the last moment. Axios has an amusing if ultimately contentless piece, based (as these pieces tend to be) entirely on anonymous sources, describing Trump’s grousing post-omnibus. The piece is titled Trump’s freak-out moment:

We can’t overstate the severity of President Trump’s buyer’s remorse from signing last month’s spending bill. It could even be a turning point in his presidency, on the issue of immigration and his level of cooperation with Republican leaders; Sources who’ve discussed it with Trump say it freaked him out to see the array of usually friendly faces on Fox News’ opinion shows ripping into him for signing a bill that spent a ton of money, but gave lots away to liberal priorities and did little for his signature promise to build a wall.

Why this matters: Truth is that Trump had little clue what was in the largest spending bill ever passed. Conventional wisdom on Capitol Hill has been that nothing will happen on immigration after the early failure to cut a deal this year. Republican leadership sources were telling us that the court decision to keep DACA alive took away Trump’s deadline and removed the pressure on Congress to act. But now some of those sources are nervous, realizing that Trump won’t let the issue fade into the background.

In other words, the President of the United States learned how bad this bill was from the teevee. And by the time he figured it out, it was too late.

One never knows who is pushing stories like this, and what their agenda is. But ask yourself: what other plausible scenario is there? Do you think that Trump was fully aware weeks ahead of time that the bill would fund Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities while giving him virtually nothing on immigration? I’m cynical about the guy, but I’m not that cynical. No, it’s far more plausible that he didn’t care what was in the bill, trusted GOP leaders not to screw him, and found out what had happened from “Fox & Friends.”

To me, the real lesson here is this: he’s supposedly still unhappy about the reaction, and planning/trying to do something about it. The possible moves include using executive powers to toughen immigration laws, and threatening a shutdown next time around.

Now, that last idea may be catastrophically dumb from an electoral strategy point of view, given that “next time around” is September, two months before congressional elections. Keep in mind: the man is an idiot.

But the point is: the people upset about the omnibus have his attention.

What does that tell you?

It tells you that criticizing Trump’s dumb actions can be a good thing. That is, as long as those criticisms make it onto the teevee, where he gets the only information that matters to him.

You see, there’s a rift in the Republican party, between 1) people who defend literally everything this guy does, minimize his missteps, and save their worst vitriol for those who criticize Trump, and 2) everybody else. Those in the first crowd — Trumpalos — are the types who, when Trump signs the omnibus, circle their wagons around Trump. They place all (I emphasize: not “some” or “most” but “all”) of the blame on Congress. They tell you, sure, this is not ideal, but it’s just one small loss in a winning Presidency. Leave the guy alone. They deride every Trump critic as a “cuck.” They laugh at any attempt to criticize Trump as betraying conservative principles, invoking the mocking phrase “muh principals.” (Yes, “principals.” As Trumpalos, they don’t really know how to spell.)

Then there’s everyone else — a group which is composed of both people who dislike Trump and those who like him. And that group says: whoa whoa whoa! This deal really sucks! We’re pissed off about it! We’re not going to remain silent! We’re going to let him know we’re upset!

If you believe this Axios story, that matters to him. If it’s said on teevee.

Maybe you don’t believe Trump cares about the criticism from the teevee. If that describes you, I applaud your ability to ignore reality. Sometimes I wish I could ignore it so thoroughly.

But for those of you who can see reality clearly, the lesson is clear. Defending and praising this guy at every turn, no matter what he does, will not get you results. If he screws up, you need to let him know.

And get your complaint on teevee.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

236 Responses to “Clear Evidence that Applauding Every Dumb Move Trump Makes Is Bad for Conservative Principles”

  1. I don’t like the omnibus, nor Trump’s contribution to it. I would’ve liked a worse omnibus less, which would’ve been the result from just about anyone else who had a chance to take the office. This is a nod to political realities which, I know, is not permitted to enter the conversation among the anti-Trump crowd.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  2. This is a nod to political realities which, I know, is not permitted to enter the conversation among the anti-Trump crowd.

    Isn’t it also a political reality that the GOP currently starts with only 50 votes in Senate, a few of whom are somewhat moderate in their views?

    Expecting to pass legislation which ticks off every check-box on the conservative wish-list while conceding nothing seems rather delusional. The fact is, about half the new spending in the Omnibus goes to defense, homeland security, and veterans affairs.

    Without getting all 50 GOP senators to agree on ~$72B in cuts to make that additional spending deficit-neutral (so that reconciliation would allowed), the only way to pass the bill was to reach a compromise with the Democrats.

    Dave (445e97)

  3. I do wonder if DJT is more raging over his obvious irrelevance to the GOPe/congressional leadership. He is not a man accustomed to walking into substantial deals blinded.

    Where is his outrage at the stalling of his nominees? How can he not care enough to throw down over these?

    He is Eliza’s Freddy: Words, words.

    Ed from SFV (1752e1)

  4. Truth probably falls somewhere in between Dave’s rosy pic and the Doomsday scenario. Funding PP and other questionable spending shouldn’t have happened. Trump and the Republicans have got to do better.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  5. I hate when Dave talks a semblance of sense, if we had a few mote senators like Wolfe mcdaniel it al, one would have more leeway, even if heck and ayotte had held their seats, the problem would still remain.

    narciso (d1f714)

  6. useless cowardpig war hero (*giggle*) John McCain didn’t even bother to vote

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  7. Vicente Fox trolls Trump.

    I wonder if Ann Coulter ordered one of those?

    Dave (445e97)

  8. the omnibus sits in its favorite chair it sits very quiet and still

    and people call it these names that they never get right and if they don’t then nobody else will

    the omnibus was fiscal stimulus in the context of rapidly upwardly rising interest rates that are being ratcheted higher and higher in an election year end of story

    if you wanna fix the deficit you have to take away the yummy cookies and cake from failmerica’s nasty-ass old people and the food stampers and the illegal yucky yucks

    that is the only way in america you can do the fiscal responsibility and everyone knows it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  9. “Defending and praising this guy at every turn, no matter what he does……”

    About as weak and lame as jumping on a lot of the BS, like the Wolff book, just because it’s a “good read”.

    harkin (607a84)

  10. Even though Coulter fancies the bruthas, i wouldnt pit it past her, Miller or Tucker C. making a pitch to Puebla Sin Fronteras.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  11. “Defending and praising this guy at every turn, no matter what he does……”

    Once again with perhaps the exception of happyfeet there is nobody here who defends and praises Trump at every turn. Most of us are just plain sick of hearing about how he didn’t defund PP and uses a fork to eat pizza. In the first case Rome wasn’t built in a day and in the second-who gives a rats a$$? No president gets everything he wants so what makes everybody expect that Trump with the entire media, Hollywood, academia, deep state etcetera against him can do any better?

    There are so many things the left is doing right now to seed the next election all of which need our attention and action we should have nothing else to do. Least wise give the enemy more ammo or hope in this battle for America. We don’t have the best general in the world but we are fighting for the best country in the world and that is what should matter. Not Trumps sins, short falls and foibles. Screw Trump. Concentrate on what the left is doing and figure out how to beat them.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  12. Mcdonnell and Ryan dare us to vote against them, now my rep is deesantis, so that’s no go. And I’m not going to vote for nelson, but in more marginal areas vote for Sanchez or schiff.

    narciso (d1f714)

  13. Well, the boss doesn’t have a line item veto, but then again the executive hold complete control over immigration and scurrilous judiciary have blocked that.

    If funding of Planned Parenthood is an assault on your sensibilities {and why wouldn’t it be} then judicial action to block the distribution of said funding sounds like a work around.

    President Trump would see a report about such a court case as that on the teevee I’ll betcha.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  14. ‘To me, the real lesson here is this: he’s supposedly still unhappy about the reaction, and planning/trying to do something about it. The possible moves include using executive powers to toughen immigration laws, and threatening a shutdown next time around.’

    To me the real lesson here is this– and it’s taught daily: if you want to reach Trump about anything, you don’t go through channels; you go through one channel: Fox News.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  15. Not all the monies need to apprriated, I think we can count on azae to slow that process down.

    narciso (d1f714)

  16. Now why are appropriations handled like last minute term papers, twice as long as war and peace.

    narciso (d1f714)

  17. Logrolling, which would be several trillion times worse under a 3 or more party system.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  18. Bump stock are an externally mounted seer. Since automatic weapons are illegal, bump stocks should be illegal.

    Someone trying to disparage Trump as being anti 2nd amendment on the basis of reclassification of bump stocks will find no purchase with me.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  19. It looks like Michael Cohen’s shredder overheated or something:

    One person was seriously injured in a four-alarm fire at Trump Tower on Saturday, according to the New York City Fire Department.

    Dave (445e97)

  20. @19. Where there’s smoke…

    It was Buchannan who urged Nixon to just burn the tapes, too.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  21. There are so many things the left is doing right now to seed the next election all of which need our attention and action we should have nothing else to do. Least wise give the enemy more ammo or hope in this battle for America.

    Hoagie, you should realize by now it is our Captain himself who be ‘the enemy’ of your conservative principles and ideology. You can’t win for losing.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  22. In other words, the President of the United States learned how bad this bill was from the teevee. And by the time he figured it out, it was too late.

    Somebody needs to draft a letter of resignation, put it in front of him, and tell him (without explaining what it is, of course) that signing it will double his approval rating.

    If it documents all the reasons he should resign, it’ll be longer than the omnibus, so he’ll never even think of actually reading it.

    As insurance, do this on a Friday and tell him he’ll have to give up his weekend of golf unless he signs.

    Javanka can explain it to him while he’s watching Pence being sworn in on the teevee.

    Dave (445e97)


    Donald Trump signed a memo on Friday ordering the end to the Bush-era program that allowed illegals caught at the border to be released from detention pending the outcome of their legal proceedings.

    “Catch and release” began during the administration of George W. Bush

    [Wait a minute. Good Republican principled George Bush? Approved and certified as ivory snow pure by our gaggle of never-Trumps and Texans? {George! Why?} [YouTube]]

    and was greatly expanded during the Obama years.

    [But of course it was.]

    dit dit dit dit dit deet dit deet dit dit dit

    Just coming in over the teletype;
    Trump’s Zero Tolerance for Illegals Kicks In With Biggest Immigration Raid Since Bush

    A federal immigration raid that took 97 people into custody at a Tennessee meat processing plant may be the biggest employment crackdown under President Donald Trump’s administration, civil rights activists said Friday.

    Eleven people were arrested on criminal charges and 86 were detained for being in the country illegally, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Tammy Spicer said in a statement Friday.

    [It’s kind of like the booze raids by Costner and Connery in The Untouchables. Everybody knows where the illegals are working, just up until now nobody wanted to do anything about it.]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  24. @11. Most of us are just plain sick of hearing about how he didn’t defund PP and uses a fork to eat pizza. In the first case Rome wasn’t built in a day and in the second-who gives a rats a$$?

    THIS guy, Hoagie: A streetwise Noo Yawker who don’t use no frigging fork:

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  25. the whole Bush family is sleazy and fundamentally anti-american Mr. Tiger

    from lecherous war hero pappy bush to his soldier-butchering son George W. and his other son, low-energy malcontent Jeb

    from useless and strange democrat laura who likes to do the occasional vehicular manslaughter all up in it

    to the vapid trophy wife bush girls (real housewives of stupid)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  26. 24, great article from pjm, too bad it was authored by a weathervane.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  27. Back for about 30 years, they were the bane of the left, they went back three generation to w grandfather who had certain German investments

    narciso (d1f714)

  28. Some things are so obvious even Moran cant figure it out

    narciso (d1f714)

  29. Donald Trump signed a memo on Friday ordering the end to the Bush-era program that allowed illegals caught at the border to be released from detention pending the outcome of their legal proceedings.

    Wrong, wrong, wrong! They should be released in Malibu and Honolulu with clear advice: “We will not touch you as long as you stay inside the city limits. Take one step outside, and it’s back to Guadalajara.”

    nk (dbc370)

  30. About as weak and lame as jumping on a lot of the BS, like the Wolff book, just because it’s a “good read”.

    Total mischaracterization of my opinion, but you hump Trump by lying about me so it’s all good

    Patterico (55b816)

  31. @8. Sold, American, Mr. Feet!! He’s our Yankee Doodle Dandy! Two terms aren’t enough!

    Trump Backs Supersonic NASA Jet That Will Fly From New York to London in Three Hours

    President Trump Is Sending NASA Back To The

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  32. Once again with perhaps the exception of happyfeet there is nobody here who defends and praises Trump at every turn. Most of us are just plain sick of hearing about how he didn’t defund PP

    We don’t defend him at every turn, we just complain that anyone would criticize him for doing something that would have sent us through the roof if Obama did it. That’s totally different!! Can’t you see how that’s totally different?!?!

    Patterico (55b816)

  33. Trump Backs Supersonic NASA Jet That Will Fly From New York to London in Three Hours

    I thought the Air Force, Navy and Marines had literally thousands of those.

    nk (dbc370)

  34. We don’t have the best general in the world but we are fighting for the best country in the world and that is what should matter. Not Trumps sins, short falls and foibles. Screw Trump. Concentrate on what the left is doing and figure out how to beat them.

    It’s almost like you didn’t even read my post.

    Patterico (55b816)

  35. [Defense Secretary James] Mattis approves sending 4,000 National Guard troops to border

    The National Guard will deploy up to 4,000 troops to the U.S.-Mexico border beginning Friday night, according to a newly signed memo from Defense Secretary James Mattis, after President Trump called for troops to shore up the area until his border wall is built.

    The memo authorizes the use of Title 32 and Defense Department dollars for up to 4,000 National Guard personnel to support the Department of Homeland Security’s “southern border security mission while under the command and control of their respective governors through September 30, 2018.”

    It also states that troops “will not perform law enforcement activities or interact with migrants or other persons detained by DHS personnel” unless Mattis approves it.

    Troops will be armed only in “circumstances that might require self-defense,” according to the memo.

    National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Joseph Lengyel wrote on Twitter that up to 500 guardsmen are now moving to the border along with vehicles, helicopters and other equipment.

    Action Not Words – Def Leppard [YouTube]

    I’m sick and tired of the damn TV
    I’m gonna make my own movie
    I want to star in a late night show
    And all I need is my video

    (Shock me) make it electric
    (Shock me) make it last

    Curtain up let the camera roll
    It’s automatic it’s in control
    Got no script baby, ain’t no lines
    Just me and you and a real good time

    Oh (shock me) make it electric
    (Shock me) make I’ll it last
    (Shock me) gimme thunder ‘n’ lightning
    (Shock me) whoa babe I need it fast

    ‘Cause all I want is some action
    Action, action, not words
    Gimme action, action, action not words

    C’mon and shock me

    Let the cameras roll

    I’ll be the hero, you be the star
    With your wine and your caviar
    No audition, a starring roll
    I’ll be your Bogart ‘n’ you be Monroe, yeah

    (Shock me) make it electric
    (Shock me) whoa bump and grind
    (Shock me) make a night to remember
    (Shock me) do it one more time

    So cut me in on the action

    Lights, camera, sound, I need action
    Action, action,
    Gimme action, action, action not words
    Let the camera roll (action, action)
    Action, not words
    I need a little action, action, action, action, action not words
    Well, shake a little piece of your
    Action, action, action, action not words

    papertiger (c8116c)

  36. “Catch and release” began during the administration of George W. Bush…

    The truth, of course, is much different than your dishonest insinuations.

    In 2005, Bush’s Homeland Security Director notified Congress that the “catch and release” policy was being ended soon:

    “Return every single illegal entrant — no exceptions,” [Homeland Security Director Michael] Chertoff said in prepared testimony to a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on proposals to overhaul the immigration system.


    Chertoff said that the nearly 900,000 Mexicans who are caught entering United States every year are returned immediately to Mexico, “but other parts of the system have nearly collapsed under the weight of numbers.”

    In the budget year that ended last month, the Border Patrol apprehended more than 160,000 non-Mexican nationals, but only 30,000 were removed from the United States. The others were released, often on their own recognizance, because there is no place to hold them. Few return for immigration hearings, he said.

    Chertoff said it is should be possible to achieve significant progress in reversing that policy in less than a year, noting that his department’s budget for fiscal 2006 includes $90 million in new money to add hundreds of beds. He said his agency also plans to expand use of an expedited removal program that could cut the average time in detention from 90 to 45 days.

    In 2006 he testified that it had, in fact, ended:

    WASHINGTON — Nearly all non-Mexican illegal immigrants caught sneaking into the United States are being held until they can be returned to their home countries, the Bush administration said Wednesday.

    Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said this marks the end of the “catch-and-release” practice that for years helped many illegal immigrants stay in the United States unhindered.


    Of 2,010 non-Mexican immigrants stopped in the first two weeks of August, only 26 have been released _ a 99 percent detention rate, Homeland Security data show.

    Moreover, the immigrants are detained for an average of 21 days – down from 90 days a year ago – before they are taken home, Torres said.

    In other words, a significant improvement in enforcement of the immigration laws, thanks to President Bush and his administration.

    Dave (445e97)

  37. What is the magic alternative seriously, I know you are longer a republican but that doesn’t matter in California. And that is the goal Dorsey recommends re the texeira piece

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. Hoagie’s message is loud and clear:


    I’m on the phone or I would pop in an embed to the “leave Britney alone!” guy. (It was Bitnry right? My pop culture chops are rusty.

    Patterico (55b816)

  39. @34. I thought the Air Force, Navy and Marines had literally thousands of those.

    Meh. Mostly for spare parts. But our NASA is a civilian agency.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  40. It was Buchannan who urged Nixon to just burn the tapes, too.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/7/2018 @ 4:56 pm

    You burn files these days but it’s not the same thing. You need a hammer or a sickle.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  41. @42. As Walter, Jesse and Mike showed us, a magnet is much more effective.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  42. A federal immigration raid that took 97 people into custody at a Tennessee meat processing plant may be the biggest employment crackdown under President Donald Trump’s administration, civil rights activists said Friday.

    Eleven people were arrested on criminal charges and 86 were detained for being in the country illegally, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Tammy Spicer said in a statement Friday.
    papertiger (c8116c) — 4/7/2018 @ 5:20 pm

    Sa-LUTE!!! Hee Haw

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  43. NBC News reports one dead in Trump Tower fire.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  44. In other words, a significant improvement in enforcement of the immigration laws, thanks to President Bush and his administration.

    Dave (445e97) — 4/7/2018 @ 5:53 pm

    IOW Mission Accomplished. Great job, Brownie.

    And wasn’t it Bush’s crack Katrina Korps confiscating guns from little old ladies?

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  45. Not so funny, disco Dave.

    narciso (d1f714)

  46. There once was a ‘principled conservative’ who voiced disdain in his party’s acceptance speech for an American ‘moonshot’ but five years later made sure his Arizona azz was seated next to LBJ at KSC when Apollo 11 was launched to the moon.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  47. Nothing demonstrates the moral bankruptcy of Trumpalos more than their out-of-the-Democrat-playbook attacks against the Shrub in order to make their pathetic orange-skinned cuck of a piece of New York sewer flotsam look better.

    nk (dbc370)

  48. Pikachus probably Lloyd bentsens nephew or yarboroughs, what is striking is the bush clans lack of self awareness, banking real estate, like the director of deutsch bank Herr altermann, often entails people you don’t want to be seen with in public.

    narciso (d1f714)

  49. their pathetic orange-skinned cuck of a piece of New York sewer flotsam look better

    this is clear evidence of bias on President Trump

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  50. Eleven people were arrested on criminal charges and 86 were detained for being in the country illegally,

    Could it be that they are treating the hiring of illegals as a crime?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  51. Patterico makes a great LEAVE CONGRESS ALONE!!! post whenever he heaps blame for bills largely decided via intra-Congressional politicking and favor-trading on the executive.

    If you hadn’t noticed, the Republican party bosses are still mostly beholden to their donors and lobbyists, Trump has forced a great many to declare their retirement this year, but they’ll deliver the last lobbying hurrah in the meantime if they can and it’s not like you can pull that much leverage on lame-duck deadweights like Flake and McCain who’ll scheme hard after hours to screw America and their ungrateful voters as spitefully as possible.

    Patterico is within the same snippy and divisive mindset of the outgoing Paul Ryan wing of the party, and has no ideas of his own other than finding more and more creative ways to absolve the actual guilty parties if he can pin everything on Trump for Just One More Post.

    Dysphoria Sam (a3c41a)

  52. Look, you are bashing toupee-guy when all he did was sign the thing. It’s EVERYONE ELSE who should be blamed! They’re the ones who negotiated it!


    Kevin M (752a26)

  53. No I don’t think he carries any brief from Haskell or gowdy a Lindsay in training, alas will not advance to the semifinals,

    narciso (d1f714)

  54. Trump has forced a great many to declare their retirement this year

    the sleazy trash in cowardpig war hero John MCCain’s soros-funded Republican main Street Partnership are quitting in droves to throw their seats to democrats:

    Ryan Costello
    Pat Tiberi
    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
    Lynn Jenkins
    Dave Trott
    Jim Renacci
    Charlie Dent
    Dave Reichert

    sleazy Ryan Costello actually waited until the deadline for someone else to declare had passed.

    The decision leaves attorney Greg McCauley, a new face to party insiders, as the only Republican on the ballot in the Chester County-based Sixth Congressional District, one that political analysts now see as among the most likely to flip from the GOP to Democrats.

    Is this attempt to throw the House to the Democrats is the last treasonous act of traitorous disgrace-to-his-uniform coward-pig John McCain?

    That would be lovely.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  55. ikes that should be

    John McCain’s soros-funded Republican Main Street Partnership

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  56. It’s sort of the same statutory designations for the seven countries passed aware, in the last omnibus.

    narciso (d1f714)

  57. “We will not touch you as long as you stay inside the city limits. Take one step outside, and it’s back to Guadalajara.”

    “Feel free to knock on any door and ask for food and lodging. They LOVE you here.”

    Kevin M (752a26)

  58. You cannot fully enforce the border so long as people are trying to sneak in this country to do jobs Americans are not doing.

    — George W. Bush, US President from the AP Archives

    Just like when John Travolta pointed out he had caught Larry Hagman having sex with gay hookers in Primary Colors, I take no pleasure from this.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  59. Patterico makes a great LEAVE CONGRESS ALONE!!! post whenever he heaps blame for bills largely decided via intra-Congressional politicking and favor-trading on the executive.

    If you hadn’t noticed, the Republican party bosses are still mostly beholden to their donors and lobbyists, Trump has forced a great many to declare their retirement this year, but they’ll deliver the last lobbying hurrah in the meantime if they can and it’s not like you can pull that much leverage on lame-duck deadweights like Flake and McCain who’ll scheme hard after hours to screw America and their ungrateful voters as spitefully as possible.

    Patterico is within the same snippy and divisive mindset of the outgoing Paul Ryan wing of the party, and has no ideas of his own other than finding more and more creative ways to absolve the actual guilty parties if he can pin everything on Trump for Just One More Post.

    I call you a liar which is why you do not cite quotes or links to back up your claims.

    Patterico (232ecf)

  60. I have never let Congress off the hook for any of this. Why Dysphoria Sam lies I don’t know, but he has one comment to back up his accusarion, apologize, or take a month’s vacation.

    I’m done with people lying about me.

    Patterico (232ecf)

  61. Anyone else want to lie about the host?

    Patterico (232ecf)

  62. There are 535 Congressman and Senators. But I suppose eight is “a great many” to Trumpkins. “One, two, three, many, more many, great many, lebenteen, umpteen, gazillion.”

    nk (dbc370)

  63. They are like kamikazi Scotsman except for Ileana, who will likely be replace by the latina version of Catherine Berridge, Maria Elvira salazar.

    narciso (d1f714)

  64. BTW, I don’t have a huge problem with the omnibus bill. It’s the first time in living memory* that Congress hasn’t done a continuing resolution WHICH IS ALWAYS WORSE. A CR leaves funding in place for stuff everyone wants to cancel, and fails to fund new things everyone wants.

    Little baby steps.

    Yes, the spending is too high, and the mix is wrong, but it’s the first real appropriations bill in a decade. Give them some credit for that. Extra credit for doing it with no WH leadership.

    * hyperbole, Sammy

    Kevin M (752a26)

  65. Can’t find Americans to work in a meat packing plant, that saves money by avoiding payroll taxes, social security, and FICA, I guess.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  66. Re Narciso 55, I’ve been saying that about Gowdy for a few years.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  67. I think they trust one demo with long knives even less than illegals and refugees du jour.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  68. pelosi only needs 25 seats

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  69. It takes 24 to run the table, nk, ‘the beatings will continue till morale improves

    narciso (d1f714)

  70. 67 — A guy I went to school with spent summers back in Iowa killing cows. Then again, that was a long time ago. But it’s a great summer job, and you get real buff.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  71. What do you call a leader whom former stalwarts will not follow?

    nk (dbc370)

  72. Extra credit for doing it with no WH leadership.

    i like how people act like President Trump isn’t doing the good leadership

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  73. Who were his supporters in the house and Senate again, only the people that the Congress have a brand cheer to.

    narciso (d1f714)

  74. @70.pelosi only needs 25 seats

    And to lose 10 lbs., along/w 35 years, Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  75. she kinda made her own bed

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  76. On Facebook the other day I saw there was a kid who knifed a bunch of people. Probably going to jail now, but meat packing plant…

    Perfect fit for that kid.

    He could be a productive member of society but for a little mentoring and proper application of immigration law.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  77. What do you call a leader whom former stalwarts will not follow?

    A lame duck?

    Kevin M (752a26)

  78. 67 — A guy I went to school with spent summers back in Iowa killing cows. Then again, that was a long time ago. But it’s a great summer job, and you get real buff.

    Kevin M (752a26) — 4/7/2018 @ 6:59 pm

    Tom Arnold?

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  79. No. Not the other Arnold, either.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  80. Let me demonstrate how blatantly false Dysphoria Sam’s lies about me are. Recall his claim:

    Patterico makes a great LEAVE CONGRESS ALONE!!! post whenever he heaps blame for bills largely decided via intra-Congressional politicking and favor-trading on the executive.

    . . . .

    Patterico is within the same snippy and divisive mindset of the outgoing Paul Ryan wing of the party, and has no ideas of his own other than finding more and more creative ways to absolve the actual guilty parties if he can pin everything on Trump for Just One More Post.

    Got that? I’m from the Paul Ryan wing, and look for ways to absolve him and GOP members of Congress while blaming Trump.

    I have called that a “lie,” and I will now back up that accusation.

    I put the word “omnibus” into my search engine and pulled up my posts containing that word since the omnibus was passed. There are three. Here are representative quotes from those posts:

    Pointing Out that the Omnibus Bill Sucks Is Not “Whining”

    In my view, those of us who are infuriated by this bill are within our rights to yell at all of them. Yell at Paul Ryan? Absolutely. Run him out of town on a rail. Yell at Mitch McConnell? Hell yes!

    Why can’t we yell at Trump too?

    Yes, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are at least equally to blame for this travesty as Trump, and probably more so. I have pointed that out before the bill was passed, and I would spend more time railing about that, except that literally everyone who reads this post already understands that.

    Wow, look at how I let Congress off the hook! Nothing says “LEAVE CONGRESS ALONE!” like a call to run the GOPe leadership out of town on a rail. Dysphoria Sam is so honest!

    The next post was Democrats Spike the Ball Over Omnibus — Too Early? [UPDATED] Blame was not assessed there, as the bill had not yet been signed, but I noted how Trump had indicated he would sign it, and linked my previous post encouraging people to blame Congress as well as Trump.

    Finally we have:

    BREAKING: Senate Passes Budget-Busting Omnibus Bill

    In that post, I cited the opposition of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and others, and then — in an ironic tone that only the most dense (hi, Dysphoria Sam!) could miss — “praised” them for their obviously phony grandstanding:

    Such an amazing amount of political courage was being shown. It seemed so reassuring, because we are all used to Republicans standing up only when their votes don’t matter. But here, of course, the GOP didn’t have a big enough majority to survive so many defections. It looked like we were voting this thing down. Hooray!

    Of course, it never actually looked that way at all. I’m just funnin’ ya. What’s the gag?

    Well, you see, a bunch of Democrats also supported this thing.

    That’s right. Leadership got into bed with Chuckie Schumer, who is thrilled. And our fight-the-swamp President will sign it.

    All of which means, the above Republicans could vociferously denounce it without, you know, feeling the heat of actually rejecting it.

    I’m . . . sure they would have stood strong even if they actually could have defeated it, right? I mean, it’s not like this party has a history of meaningless show votes, right? *cough* Obamacare *cough*

    Dysphoria Sam, again, has one comment to prove his point (which I just showed is impossible), apologize, or earn a one-month vacation from commenting.

    My guess is he will ignore this. If I don’t see an apology tonight, I’ll moderate him and in the future I will point him back to this post. He doesn’t get out of this by playing dumb.

    Time for some accountablility for false accusations.

    Patterico (48d017)

  81. There once was a ‘principled conservative’ who voiced disdain in his party’s acceptance speech for an American ‘moonshot’ but five years later made sure his Arizona azz was seated next to LBJ at KSC when Apollo 11 was launched to the moon.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/7/2018 @ 6:11 pm

    Did he put up his Daisy Dukes?

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  82. How does one do that ryans opponent is stark racing mad, McConnell won’t be accountable for years his second in command, Cornyn is,quite

    narciso (d1f714)

  83. @77. she kinda made her own bed

    Mr. Feet: ‘Everybody Ought To Have A Maid’ – ‘A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum’ 1966

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  84. @85. Depends.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  85. Nothing demonstrates the moral bankruptcy of Trumpalos more than their out-of-the-Democrat-playbook attacks against the Shrub in order to make their pathetic orange-skinned cuck of a piece of New York sewer flotsam look better.

    nk (dbc370) — 4/7/2018 @ 6:16 pm

    Is that Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  86. 81.No. Not the other Arnold, either.

    How ’bout the other, other Arnold– or was he just makin’ bacon.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  87. How does one do that ryans opponent is stark racing mad,

    Find a candidate who is not an uncloseted member of Stormfront….there must be some Republicans up there who are neither neoNazis nor beholden to the GOPe.

    Kishnevi (c62fd3)

  88. 67 — A guy I went to school with spent summers back in Iowa killing cows. Then again, that was a long time ago. But it’s a great summer job, and you get real buff.

    Kevin M (752a26) — 4/7/2018 @ 6:59 pm

    Are you absolutely sure he wasn’t tipping cows that summer?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  89. 73.What do you call a leader whom former stalwarts will not follow?

    [ ] a legend in their own time.

    [ ] outstanding in their field.

    [ x ] retired.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  90. 87
    I continued to be befuddled by people who seem to think that FBI is corrupt and Trump is corrupt are mutually exclusive propositions. Yet such people exist in large number on both sides of the aisle.

    Kishnevi (c62fd3)

  91. Are you absolutely sure he wasn’t tipping cows that summer?

    Let ’em beef: 15% tops.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  92. Patterico, #84: I think that things have gotten very bumper-sticker and slogan like these days, everywhere. So when a person feels that they are right, that makes someone who disagrees with them wrong. If a person feels that they are good, why, the person who disagrees with them must be bad.

    It’s a quite childish philosophy, but this point of view is everywhere these days.

    And we have gotten to the place where people we see as wrong or bad—independent of reality—are fair game for insults, childish nicknames, and outright lies. It’s become about narrative, not fact. And it is very, very similar to the nonsense from the Left during the past twenty years or so. Yes, yes, longer, if you wish.

    It’s like a Greek curse: if you aren’t careful, you will become no different from your enemies. Nk can probably think of a good example of this from Greek mythology. But we are living it, right now. And we see it, right here. People disagreeing with you, and thinking that it’s okay to misrepresent your point of view—-to strengthen their own sense of cosmic correctness.

    Like the Left, I don’t think much of the fighting is about the truth. It’s about the person writing the inflammatory post wanting to feel good about themselves. Superior. Wiser. Better.

    Oh, my aching head.

    I used to think that “my” side had honor. I am prepared to think that there are many silent and honorable conservatives out there. But I have to say that the trolls and shouters and insulters and weirdos are pretty damned loud.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  93. 92, nah it’s Illinois’ extra congressional district.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  94. @95. Older NYers– and likely Floridians as well- know the Trump persona up, down, backwards and forwards from the 80’s and 90’s but his style beyond The Apprentice was an education to much of the country. Of more concern are the people he’s putting around him in positions of responsibility. They’re chiefly a superficial pool of plastic people he’s bantered with at galas, openings, premieres, putting greens or seen on the TeeVee.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  95. Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, is touting this…

    no chance at bipartisan agreement, one side must win says Saucy Jack…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  96. Pat – the Nazi are trying to make truthy posts policy.

    SCRATCH A LIBERAL, FIND A FASCIST: “The bill will “require any person who operates a social media, as defined, Internet Web site with a physical presence in California to develop a strategic plan to verify news stories shared on its Web site. The goal of Senate Bill 1424 is “to mitigate the spread of false information through news stories, the utilization of fact-checkers to verify news stories, providing outreach to social media users, and placing a warning on a news story containing false information.”


    papertiger (c8116c)

  97. I think that was nietzche, staring into an abyss, you have the sad case of this young woman who was so ‘burning with passionate intensity, over animal rights that she sought to shoot four people, she has dissapeared like cpl ogilvy, because she doesn’t serve the narrative. There were insinautio s that because the first daughter had certain trademarks in china, trump wouldn’t act, that turned out to be wrong. Other insinuations about Russia haven’t born out either, but some have such exceeding standards that short of a nuclear exchange those suspicions won’t be alleviated.

    Now its the academy that gives Michael Mann his indulgences this is where teipxeira having failed in his predictive strategy just doubles down.

    narciso (d1f714)

  98. weird Mr. Colonel how medium doesn’t give you the date something was posted

    kind of a crappy website

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  99. Just like when John Travolta pointed out he had caught Larry Hagman having sex with gay hookers in Primary Colors, I take no pleasure from this.

    papertiger (c8116c) — 4/7/2018 @ 6:49 pm

    Travolta really is a great actor. Love her or liver.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  100. i like Mr. Travolta he seems very nice except he’s a scientologist and that’s a dirty dirty cult so that’s a big reason why I don’t hang out with him

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  101. Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) is the author of the “Online False Information Act,” a new bill that would require anyone who posts any news on the Internet to verify all information through “fact-checkers.” Sen. Pan does not name who these “fact checkers” are, but I’m sure the State of California will create a new agency of state workers to oversee this.

    Here’s a good game. What should California’s new state agency in charge of “truth” on the internet be called?

    Submit your suggestions

    papertiger (c8116c)

  102. And those fact checkers are of genus Glenn kessler or will Michael hilzik do the honor.

    narciso (d1f714)

  103. Anyone else want to lie about the host?

    You’re too easy on Trump.


    Dave (445e97)


    it’s a lot shorter than mein kampf but it’s part of a larger series so maybe by the end it’ll be twinsy twinsy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  105. From Paris with love, was a good film, at least one citron was flambeed in the course of the production.

    narciso (d1f714)

  106. Maybe the trolls, shouters, insulters and weirdo’s got tired of being called racists, bigots, Islamophobes, misogynists, homophobes, bitter clingers and deplorables and decided to insult back. Maybe the middle class people who work all day, pay their taxes and obey the law got tired of being told “you didn’t build that” and being accused of murdering children every time some nut job kills somebody and threatened with nullification of their Constitutional rights. Or maybe average folks got tired of being used and abused by elite leftists to pay for their vote getting schemes and being told if they don’t want their country overridden by minorities from all over the world they must be racist. After all for a majority white nation to want to remain white absolutely positively must be racist. Just ask any lily white elite leftist who lives in a gated, guarded community and sends his kids to elite private schools and who will never have these “immigrants’ injected into their communities, schools or lives. It’s easy to be a leftist in America all you need is a privileged attitude, money and the ability to not be where your programs and policies are. Shove the Hispanics and moslems into other people’s neighborhoods and pay for it with other peoples money and if those other people complain call them racists and Islamophobic. Cute. Plus, instant virtue and instant leftist cred.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  107. “Conservative Principles”


    “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”

    Tillman (a95660)

  108. No. Not the other Arnold, either.

    Kevin M (752a26) — 4/7/2018 @ 7:16 pm

    Did your friend ever get sick of flipping a coin for the cows?

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  109. You see this pattern in the UK, labor imported an onslaught of immigrabta namely fromnnorth Africa and the middle east and the electorate throws out the like of Cameron and may, the latter has made every poor decision against public safety available. They are this close to Oceania. With corbyn.

    narciso (d1f714)

  110. South Carolina has a bill in works to seceed from the Union if Trump’s ATF comes into their state looking to confiscate guns.

    I’ve heard a rumor.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  111. Meanwhile porton down can’t effectively confirm the Russians were responsible in Salisbury, the saving grace is skripal sense to be doing better.

    narciso (d1f714)

  112. you don’t need proof when the virtue signaling feels so damn good all up in it Mr. narciso

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  113. After all for a majority white nation to want to remain white absolutely positively must be racist.

    Judging people by the color of their skin is the very definition of racism, Hoagie.

    Would it be OK, then, for a majority black nation to drive out unwelcome whites?

    There are plenty of good reasons for controlling immigration and citizenship, but keeping the skin color of the population white (or black) isn’t one of them.

    Dave (445e97)

  114. What is the point of voting Tory in the UK, first tottenham riots seven years ago, one the blizzard of knife attacks.

    narciso (d1f714)

  115. i like Mr. Travolta he seems very nice except he’s a scientologist and that’s a dirty dirty cult so that’s a big reason why I don’t hang out with him

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/7/2018 @ 8:01 pm

    If I needed a fake wife Kelly Preston wouldn’t be too bad.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  116. Patrick (otherwise known as the “host”) crafts his thoughts very carefully into words and hates being called a liar. You’d be better off calling him an asshole whose thoughts and reasoning are diseased.
    Maybe you’ll only get a week long ban then.
    Truth is though, its bad manners to come into a place paid for by a host, a host who does his dead level best to live a life of integrity and call the man a liar without at least a string of quotes outlining a shifting position…. I know. I know because I’ve done the same. I’ve been irritated, it seemed his story is shifting around me, there was zero point of agreement to be had and I lost it.
    It was time to realize not to argue with a bunch of lawyers over something that will resolve itself over time. (It was also time for me to not drink and post, and to listen to my doctor, but that was my own thing to change)

    This whole Never Trump burr in my butt will pass along shortly enough and really isn’t worth losing friends over. In time it’ll be like when an old Navy vet sees my Dad’s cap and wants to refight the Battle of Leyte Gulf even though the cap clearly shows he was on a minesweeper in the Aleutians at the time. No one that age can hear anymore anyway, but my Dad politely disengages, turns and looked at me and said “lets go before this windbag tries to refight the whole damn war”

    steveg (a9dcab)

  117. Cindy and John McCain laud Backpage seizure

    these mccains are truly nasty, nasty people

    just vile

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  118. Here’s a good game. What should California’s new state agency in charge of “truth” on the internet be called?

    Submit your suggestions

    papertiger (c8116c) — 4/7/2018 @ 8:02 pm

    Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  119. Kelly’s a good sport that’s for sure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  120. Unfortunately, he won’t see them when he recupes…and they could contain evidence.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  121. Yes but were back over macho grande, remember how that turned out, Christine in part due to roves compact with tom Ross, and the bearded Marxist became reids new Chihuahua, it was a great excuse for the senate to do nothing at all, and they flip the card when they do get a majority and do nothing constructive with it

    narciso (d1f714)

  122. A cynic might say worry about your own damn island.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  123. Maybe you’ll only get a week long ban then.

    i hate it when people get banned cause then they can’t make any comments at all cause of some disagreement they had

    but it’s rare enough that maybe it’s just the price for having an open forum like how we have here

    but still there are voices here what are so much more concerned with policing the speech of other people than they are with actually saying anything on their own behalf

    not many but they’re pernicious

    and we have to be vigilant there’s hardly any places like this left online

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  124. Until the Right reigns in the likes of numb-skull Nugent, there is no hope for any kind of “principles.”

    “Don’t ask why,” Nugent said. “Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they’re liberal, they’re Democrat, they’re RINOs, they’re Hollywood, they’re fake news, they’re media, they’re academia, and they’re half of our government, at least.”
    “So come to that realization,” he continued. “There are rabid coyotes running around, you don’t wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one.”

    Tillman (a95660)

  125. You mean like kamala Harris who is actually in the peoples republic, or other well known party officials,

    narciso (d1f714)

  126. There are plenty of good reasons for controlling immigration and citizenship, but keeping the skin color of the population white (or black) isn’t one of them.

    Dave (445e97) — 4/7/2018 @ 8:31 pm

    Maybe the government should stop keeping track of that sort of thing. If it doesn’t really matter why do they care so much?

    It is sort of interesting that in 2050 the black population will have dropped to 12%. It’s maintaining just under the replacement numbers. But that’s none of my business.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  127. Kamala Harris and Ted Nugent get on an elevator…

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  128. Until the Right reigns in the likes of numb-skull Nugent, there is no hope for any kind of “principles.”



    happyfeet (28a91b)

  129. So what is the point of axis rehashing this, you think they have our best interests at heart, they are really troubled by Scott pruitt, shirley

    narciso (d1f714)

  130. Unfortunately, he won’t see them when he recupes…and they could contain evidence.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20) — 4/7/2018 @ 8:35 pm

    What if the guinea pigs were inter-dimensional beings doing experiments on Russian Rats?

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  131. It could be like the sword battle in hitman, the premise in that film is a putin masque fakes his own death. It was recycled as a plot point in salt.

    narciso (d1f714)

  132. i really admire the loyal and steadfast stance our president, President Donald Trump, has taken on this ginned up CNN Jake Tapper fake news propaganda slut campaign what they’re doing on Mr. Scott Pruitt

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  133. @BillKristol

    When Pruitt gets fired from EPA, he’ll probably be replaced by the guy who maintains the ventilating system at Trump Tower. – 6:27 PM – 2 Apr 2018


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  134. Some Warren Blumenfeld dude is on with Jesse Watters taking about “Christian Privilege”.

    The prestigious George Washington University in the US capital is hosting a seminar on ‘Christian privilege.’ The premise that white Christians benefit from “built-in advantages” in the US has sparked fury on social media.
    The ‘Excellence in Leadership’ workshop is titled ‘Christian Privilege: But Our Founding Fathers Were All Christian, Right?!’ According to the university website, it will explore how Christians have an “easier” life than non-Christians in the US and benefit from “unmerited perks from institutions and systems all across our country.”

    By the end of the session, participants will be able to identify “at least three examples of Christian privilege” and “at least three ways to be an ally with a non-Christian person.”

    In addition to religion, the workshop focuses on race, offering exploration of “white privilege.” It is scheduled for Thursday, April 5, just days after the Easter holiday in the US.


    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  135. @136 narciso

    Don’t Panic

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  136. Maybe once upon a time, but as in western Europe they see salvation through many paths.

    narciso (d1f714)

  137. 131, it might drop further if we go to truly colorblind admissions and employment policies – those 1/2 black with other will not be as incentivised to id as black.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  138. Dysphoria Sam has had enough time. He’s going into moderation. His next comment that appears on this Web site will contain an apology, an extremely unlikely proof of his bogus claim, or a timestamp of at least one month in the future.

    Patterico (48d017)

  139. Maybe it was the rogue Russian motorcycle gang in xxx, headed by anton arkas. They were able to boost enough cars to hire Russian scientists and build a drone sub under a castle on plague.

    narciso (d1f714)

  140. I don’t want to say anything bad about Palestinians mr narciso, but I don’t care for crowdsurfing dead people. Not one bit.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  141. palestinians suck poopies

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  142. i hate it when people get banned cause then they can’t make any comments at all cause of some disagreement they had

    Yeah, apart from his strange inability to address Patrick without being disrespectful, I like swc despite usually disagreeing with him.

    I wish people would be more respectful to other commenters in general.

    I think railing against Trump, Obama, Mueller, and yes, even happyfeet’s favorites McCain and Romney, is fair game, and part of a healthy, cathartic process. Not that one shouldn’t take responsibility for being honest in such commentary (where I think Mr. Feet is often less than scrupulous), but it’s the equivalent of my grandmother when she used to yell at politicians when they appeared on TV (during Watergate, she constantly referred to J. William Fulbright as “half-bright”, and just about any other Democrat as “that ol’ reprobate”). If done right, it should be both accurate and entertaining.

    But insulting other commenters is a different story. I think part of the reason people cross the line with Patrick is that there is no such line for anyone else.

    Dave (445e97)

  143. mr urbanleftbehind

    I heard that China buys one out of every three soybeans from America and Illinois produces more than any other state. Why do you hate America?

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  144. They’ve chose n poor leadership for a 100 years, allying with Nazis the soviet’s the Iraqis and the iranians

    narciso (d1f714)

  145. Well, its soy after all and wouldn’t you rather the enemy soldiers be weak of bone and with manboobs? God forbid there ever was an “Earl Butz of Soybeans” to blitz our daily meals with tofu and soymilk.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  146. The road warrior has turned into an aspitational film

    narciso (d1f714)

  147. tofu’s a good low carb addition to your meals just not the tasty ones

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  148. i think the dirty chinesers mostly use soy beans as animal feed though

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  149. Remember that tunnel line:

    narciso (d1f714)

  150. russia says the queen of england’s just a useless sloppy-ass drunk (alcoholic queen) and I believe it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  151. srsly look at the last 50 years and point to one accomplishment the nasty old lush has to her name

    lol good luck with that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  152. speaking of the dirty old alcoholic queen we got one of those little boats on the river last year and did pimm’s cups btw

    that was a fun day except there’s no bathroom and a couple people got in kind of a pickle

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  153. @156. ‘We are not amused’ Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  154. She’s kin to Mohammed mr happyfeet

    – Patriarch Kirill has urged the West to follow Russia as an example of how to handle Muslim immigrants.

    “Unlike the West, which is already nervous about the arrival of refugees, Moscow alone has taken in more Muslims than the whole of Europe has done by now. And nobody in the world is aware of it. And there is no hysteria, no police, no gas, no physical clashes,” the patriarch said at a meeting with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at his residence in Peredelkino, Moscow Region, on Thursday.


    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  155. so what’s the deal Mr. Patterico?

    talk to me

    not once in the whole post did you mention the McCarthy Trump rescission initiative they been discussing

    this is very exciting and it’s another example of how our president, President Donald Trump. so often thinks outside the box (he can think inside the box too this is just a special skill where he can do good thinking when he steps outside the box unlike dumb-ass George W. Bush)

    However, no president since Clinton, who proposed three rescissions in FY2000, has proposed a formal rescission package to Congress. The highest number of rescission requests in a single year occurred during the Reagan Administration in FY1985, with 245, while the lowest number of rescission requests (prior to the abandonment of the process after FY2000) also occurred under President Reagan in FY1988, when there were no requests. Other than in FY1988, there has been at least two rescission requests per fiscal year since 1974 and prior to FY2001.

    that’s interesting how herpes-penis bill (rapist) was the last one to try and do a rescission package all up in it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  156. Kate is the new Britney, speaking of:

    When heiress Kate Rothschild split two years ago from Jay Electronica, a rapper from the mean streets of New Orleans, her supremely well-connected family breathed a sigh of relief.

    She had, after all, had a lurid affair with Mr Electronica and then very publicly left her husband, the equally well-born millionaire Ben Goldsmith.

    At the time, Ben ridiculed his wife on social media for hiring a PR firm to ‘fix her reputation’, and tweeted: ‘A bit late surely? How about focusing on her devastated children?’

    So spare a thought for the Rothschilds as they come to terms with Kate’s latest beau. For no sooner had the 33-year-old heiress to an £18 million fortune extricated herself from the embrace of Mr Electronica than she has fallen into the arms of another rapper.
    The lucky man is heavily tattooed, former drug dealer Stephen Manderson, 32, better known by his stage name Professor Green. He may not be from the housing projects of urban Louisiana, but his background is just as gritty.

    Daily Mail

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  157. ugh above

    there’s a period after Mr. Trump’s name where a comma was intended

    I apologize for the blight and the unsightliness and would change it if I could

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  158. 152.tofu’s a good low carb addition to your meals just not the tasty ones

    Tofu is a basket lunch in the Wizard of Wang; or is that another intellectual property dispute w/China, Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  159. Any news on how Germany is dealing with mentally ill drivers? It’s very puzzling. Should we be letting mentally ill people drive? It doesn’t seem like a good idea. Like, there should be a law.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  160. @165. They’ve been autobahned, PP.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  161. tofu was invented in China Mr. DCSCA but it was the japanese what turned it into a fun element of cuisine as opposed to how the dirty chinesers just throw everything into a wok and hope for the best

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  162. Oh no, Taylor Swift gave money to the gun control march.

    Leave gun control alone, Taylor! Leave it alone!

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  163. Should we be letting mentally ill people drive?

    i remember in Los Angeles (when i had a car) it was the mentally ill people you wanted to drive behind if you wanted to get to your meeting on time

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  164. @167- W/t bark on or off, Mr. Feet?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  165. i don’t know

    i don’t even have cable

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  166. That won’t bother her alt-right fanboys as much as dating a….

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  167. Greek Orthodox Easter Entrance Hymn:
    Take, receive Light
    From the Eternal Light
    And give Glory to Christ
    Who is Risen from the Dead.

    THE Greek Orthodox Easter Hymn: (This one is pretty.)
    Christ has Risen from among the Dead,
    Trampling Death with Death,
    And to those Entombed,
    He has Granted Life.

    nk (dbc370)

  168. Liver and scunions for David Crosby…

    ‘Burn baby burn’: David Crosby quickly deletes tweet about Trump Tower fire.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  169. Did you guys know that in some neighborhoods they put Spam and cheese in jewel cases like they used to use for CD’s for loss prevention? And they put cables around salami. What’s up with that?


    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  170. The possible moves include using executive powers to toughen immigration laws, and threatening a shutdown next time around.

    plus there’s the rescission plan

    (kind of an oversight that nobody brought this up)

    (except me you’re welcome)

    but what I find interesting is

    i wonder if – and this is what I find interesting

    is I wonder if the omnibus fiasco has clarified for Mr. Trump how important it is that he support our good friend Mr. Scott Pruitt, who’s executed so well in his administration and reform of the deeply corrupt EPA

    i think it’s definitely related

    we’ve learned how cowardly mil-trash like John Kelly – his number one first instinct was to throw Mr. Pruitt under the bus to appease the amazon washington post fake news propaganda sluts

    and that’s most certainly not something our president, President Donald Trump, has shown any inclination to do

    i think that’s interesting

    but yeah

    i think the omnibus fiasco and Mr. Pruitt’s fate are intertwined

    it probably involves quarks

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  171. that’s very very bizarre about the walmart spam

    how many people know about this

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  172. Did you know that 4chan invented fake news?

    nk (dbc370)

  173. i thought it was snl

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  174. Did you know that 4chan invented fake news?

    nk (dbc370) — 4/7/2018 @ 10:34 pm

    If it didn’t, I would have.


    Boaty McBoatface

    PS, I’m watching DCI Banks and all the kids have this term for narcing: grassing it up.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  175. so we talked about chocolate and grapefruit so I tried it out

    simplism yes perhaps

    but here’s how you do

    take a martini glass and throw in

    i know this is gauche

    but throw in two ice cubes and splash in a bit of club soda just up to the top of the ice (this creates a platform for…)

    ok take a slice of grapefruit (about an eighth of a grapefruit), squeeze it into the glass then leave the pulp atop the ice

    add vodka until there’s just a little island of pulp

    sprinkle cocoa on the little island and dust just a little on the vodka you floated atop the soda


    it presents well as first but dirties up and clouds as the cocoa disperses

    but flavor-wise yes yes

    and you’ve set it so you smell the cocoa notes and it’s really fun

    this proves there’s something to the choco-grapefruit thesis really nicely

    note a couple things

    number one you can’t do measurements cause you’re just constructing the drink in the glass as it happens

    number two the whole part with the ice cubes and soda is if you’re serving to people who aren’t accustomed to drinking straight vodka, so you can route around that whole part depending on who you’re serving to

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  176. oops

    it presents well *at* first i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  177. If you like your **** you can keep it

    Transgender former head boy of £30,000-a-year vegetarian boarding school died after drugs binge two days before she was due to get go-ahead for gender change surgery
    Former head boy of top school had wanted gender reassignment operation
    Her mother says she had struggled to get the NHS to recognise her need
    She was found dead after taking cocaine and meow meow at a party
    Inquest hears a letter setting a date for her surgery arrived after her death

    Daily Mail

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  178. variations so far are include a sprinkle or two of cayenne with the cocoa and a couple slices of very green banana

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  179. trannies are so 2017

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  180. 116-“Meanwhile porton down can’t effectively confirm the Russians were responsible in Salisbury, the saving grace is skripal sense to be doing better.

    Nonsense, they have proof

    the Bas (93c406)

  181. A Michigan college student said she used a CPR technique she learned from NBC’s The Office to save the life of a drowning squirrel.

    Central Michigan University student Natalie Belisto posted a video to Twitter showing her rescuing the drowning squirrel and later keeping it warm with a hair dryer.

    she’s awesome

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  182. His wife should be a lawyer and a judge and president:

    He cheated. He did. But he’s a good person. Please be fair. His kids love him so much,’ she told the jury while crying.

    When questioned by prosecutor Jay Norton about whether she thought her husband had committed a crime she replied: ‘I am not aware of what has happened, except what I heard on the news.’

    Norton said: ‘They found him guilty of force, fraud and coercion.’

    ‘To me, it’s cheating,’ Benavides replied.

    ‘It’s an understatement to call it cheating if it’s a criminal act,’ Norton said. ‘The jury found him guilty of crimes, not cheating.’

    Meredith Chacon, also prosecuting, branded Benavides ‘a pimp in a suit’ during her closing arguments.

    The 48-year-old, who has since been disbarred, was first arrested in November 2015 accused of using force or coercing at least nine female clients into prostitution.

    At the time he had been running as a candidate as a state district judge.

    Daily Mail

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  183. she’s awesome

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/7/2018 @ 11:05 pm

    Sometimes they come back

    And bite off your extremities

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  184. Bollywood superstar Salman Khan left prison on Saturday after being granted bail so he can contest a five-year jail sentence for killing rare antelopes.

    my life is so goddamn boring

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  185. I don’t think we should jump to conclusions that an Indian killed rare antelopes.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  186. ‘Mark, it hurts!’ the woman, 29, cried on the video. ‘You’re hurting me… Don’t be so rough.’

    my life is so goddamn boring

    in the best way

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  187. Dysphoria Sam has chosen a one-month vacation. I won’t reproduce his entire comment, which (like every comment he makes for the next month) shall remain in moderation, but the opening words are:

    “There shall be no apology.”

    OK. There shall be no reprieve from the vacation.

    See you in a month, pal.

    Patterico (48d017)

  188. Lie about me, fail to substantiate your lie, and fail to apologize, and you too can suffer the same fate.

    BUH bye.

    Patterico (48d017)

  189. He doubled down on his accusations that I try to let Congress off the hook and blame Trump all the time. He said people who really blame people in Congress make lists.

    Here’s part of what I just said to him within his moderated comment:

    I made a list of turncoat Senators who pretended to oppose ObamaCare. Here is what I said:

    I am going to be very plain. The following people must be drummed out of public life.

    Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
    Shelley Moore Capito (W. Va.)
    Susan Collins (Maine)
    Dean Heller (Nev.)
    John McCain (Ariz.)
    Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
    Rob Portman (Ohio)
    (John McCain, huh? So that’s what that speech was all about: justifying a vote against repeal. I told you the speech was disgraceful.)

    It is useful to keep in mind that, with the sole exception of Collins, these senators voted for repeal in 2015, when it didn’t matter. Six senators of these seven — Alexander, Capito, Heller, McCain, Murkowski, and Portman — are not just leftists on this issue. They are also giant hypocrites. These six people are the real turncoats. They lied to their voters. They pretended to be for repeal, but they weren’t. They voted for “repeal” in 2015 only because they knew Barack Obama would veto it. And veto it he did.

    The only thing that has changed since 2015 is that we now have a President who would sign that repeal bill. The nice side effect of Trump’s lack of interest in policy is that, although his heart really isn’t behind the 2015 repeal, he would sign it anyway, because a) he doesn’t care about policy details, and b) he just wants something he can call a win. We could have had that win, but for yesterday’s despicable votes by these Senators.

    Now: here is when these people are up for re-election:

    Lamar Alexander: 2020
    Shelley Moore Capito: 2020
    Susan Collins: 2020
    Dean Heller: 2018
    John McCain: 2022
    Lisa Murkowski: 2022
    Rob Portman: 2022
    As you can see, the GOP chose mostly people who aren’t up for re-election until 2020 or beyond. (There are surely more than these seven who would have voted against the bill, if their no vote were necessary to defeat it.) But one of the traitors is coming up for re-election next year: Dean Heller.

    He has to go. He must be primaried.

    See also:

    “Meanwhile, I see some people trying to blame Trump for this. Nah. I don’t see it. He would have signed anything. This is squarely on the shoulders of the turncoats who switched their votes.”

    I could go on.

    You lied about me. You don’t get your comments published when you lie about me.

    BUH bye for a month.

    Patterico (48d017)

  190. Dysphoria Sam is a giant liar and he is paying the price for his lies.

    He gets a month minimum for every single lie he tells about me in the future. No ifs ands or buts.

    Patterico (48d017)

  191. i hate it when people get banned cause then they can’t make any comments at all cause of some disagreement they had

    A ban is permanent. Nobody got a ban tonight.

    Two people earned a nice long vacation from the comments.

    Patterico (48d017)

  192. Patrick (otherwise known as the “host”) crafts his thoughts very carefully into words and hates being called a liar. You’d be better off calling him an asshole whose thoughts and reasoning are diseased.

    Ooh I know. How about neither, on the blog I pay for.

    That would be my suggestion.

    Patterico (48d017)

  193. it’s just we already have so many vacationers

    starting with Mr. daley and elena

    and Mr. JD and Mr. stash

    and Mr. red and sarahw hardly ever comes around anymores and maybee

    and whatever happened to nishizonoshinji

    love her more than beans and fishsticks

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  194. and where is Mr. bour3

    nobody tells me anything

    and our friend Mr. barrett brown

    he’s mad at you i think

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  195. season 3 of the expanse starts this week

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  196. However, China would have a hard time matching the new round of tariffs proposed by President Trump because it purchased only $130.4 billion worth of goods from the U.S. in 2017. In contrast, America imported $505.6 billion in Chinese goods last year.

    when it all falls when it all falls down

    we’ll be two souls in a ghost town

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  197. The point these jackalopes crafted this bill, mcconnel let Schumer pick this box of chocolates and at the eleventh hour, of the fifty ninth one has to decide.

    The larger point is Dorsey is fine with deplatforming anyone to The right of David crosby

    narciso (d1f714)

  198. No I’m serious, this was the same problem we had with the anthrax attack in 2001, despite the fact that moussaoui had a letter from an microbiologist in Malaysia. That atta and another hijacker had scars, Mueller focused on Stephen hatfill

    narciso (d1f714)

  199. OK. I made it all the way through to comment #6 before I had to stop reading.

    noel (b4d580)

  200. I think the show has lost something, although now that they are moving interstellar they’ll have q larger canvas.

    The victim at trump tower, was a well known art dealer and associate of Andy warhol, but keep up the celebrations, disco.

    narciso (d1f714)

  201. No crockpots or old toasters had he, it could be insurance-related, or perhaps something Glenn Reynolds would pin on “The internet of things”

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  202. I had a date with a surgeon a few years back. The very profound procedure went alright until the next day. The on-call doctor doing rounds the second day forgot to leave a pain medication prescription for me and the nurses would not give me anything until he did. This went on all day. It was quite a memorable experience and not in a good way.

    Now, I realize that this in no way compares to the deliberate torture of a prisoner for, let’s say, 1800 days or so. But it was enough to know that such a prisoner could in no way be referred to as…..”cowardpig war hero (*giggle*) John McCain”. At least not by anyone who has ever experienced that kind of pain.

    I realize that there is a benefit to ignoring him but any one of you who easily tolerates happyfeet’s witless attention-seeking pablum just because you agree with him on some issues, needs to buy some shame.

    noel (b4d580)

  203. 211 was a letdown right after the first sentence.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  204. Birds of a feather.

    noel (b4d580)

  205. Get killed with one stone

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  206. John Mccain can’t tell the difference between uniformed military personnel who qualify for Geneva, and irregular fighters that don’t. John yoo finding followed EU court of human right rulew

    narciso (d1f714)

  207. Dave 2:

    Isn’t it also a political reality that the GOP currently starts with only 50 votes in Senate, a few of whom are somewhat moderate in their views?

    Expecting to pass legislation which ticks off every check-box on the conservative wish-list while conceding nothing seems rather delusional. The fact is, about half the new spending in the Omnibus goes to defense, homeland security, and veterans affairs.

    Without getting all 50 GOP senators to agree on ~$72B in cuts to make that additional spending deficit-neutral (so that reconciliation would allowed), the only way to pass the bill was to reach a compromise with the Democrats.

    Dave (445e97) — 4/7/2018 @ 1:59 pm

    I think it is helpful to review what is and isn’t in the bill, since it helps us decide whether this result was inevitable or a choice. Thus:

    Here’s a rundown of some of the major parts of the deal:

    $1.3 billion in new funding for border security, with serious limitations: The funding can’t be used for a wall along the US-Mexico border — only fencing similar to what exists now. Additionally, the funding couldn’t be used to hire agents for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, who are not stationed on the border.

    Increased funding to protect election systems: The bill includes $380 million in grants to states to safeguard voting systems and an additional $307 million to the FBI above the administration’s request to combat Russian cyberattacks.

    Nearly $4 billion to combat the opioid crisis: The bill includes $500 million for the National Institutes of Health to research opioid addiction and $1.4 billion for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

    $10 billion in new funding for infrastructure: Some key areas of new funding include $600 million for high-speed internet development, a $2.6 billion increase for the Federal Highway Administration, and $1.2 billion more for the Federal Railroad Administration.

    Increased funding for the 2020 Census: The bill will include a $1.3 billion increase in funding to prepare for it — twice what the Trump administration requested in its budget.

    A fix to the GOP tax law: The bill will contain a fix to the “grain glitch” created by the new Republican tax law. The mistake would have been seriously disruptive to the agricultural industry and the GOP was attempting to get a fix for the past two months. In exchange for agreeing to the fix, Democrats secured more funding for the Low-Income Housing Credit that helps states and cities build affordable housing.

    The bill also includes an extra $320 million for the Internal Revenue Service to help the agency implement the new law.

    Changes to gun laws: The omnibus adds on Sen. John Cornyn’s “Fix NICS” bill, which would help fortify the national gun background check system. It also includes clarification of existing funding language that previously restricted research into gun violence.

    Both parties were fighting for significant legislative priorities to be part of the final package but did not appear to make the final cut. Some omissions include President Donald Trump’s call — echoed by House conservatives — to defund so-called sanctuary cities, as well as a centrist plan to provide funding to shore up the Affordable Care Act insurance marketplaces.


    The plan also does not include a codification of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a key goal for Democrats.

    It does not provide designated funding for the Gateway project, which includes a tunnel between New Jersey and New York City. It would, however, boost infrastructure grants that could be used toward the project. Trump has staunchly opposed the project, but Schumer and some New York and New Jersey Republicans in Congress have pushed hard for it.

    Reports suggested that Trump may not have been happy with the amount of funding in the package for a border wall — the White House wanted as much as $25 billion. But following a meeting with Ryan and McConnell, the White House said the president supported the deal.

    Think about the things Trump has said and done this year. He talked big on immigration but hasn’t done much, including sending muddled messages on DACA. He suggests elections can be rigged. He has prioritized opioid abuse. He’s still sending mixed messages on Planned Parenthood.

    How are these results different than what Trump has been saying he wants? Maybe he had more involvement and influence than we give him credit for, and he got the things he wanted and gave the Democrats things they wanted that he likes, too. Instead of Trump being caught by surprise, maybe he is blaming Congress because that always works with his base … but it was his demands that limited the GOP in Congress, instead of the other way around.

    DRJ (15874d)

  208. Trump loves infrastructure spending, too. How many of these “Democrat wins/compromises” were things a Rockefeller Republican like Trump would support?

    DRJ (15874d)

  209. They did this at the eleventh hour, what have they focused on like a laser beam, this stupid Russian garbage,

    narciso (d1f714)

  210. The problem in my view is that there are a lot of Rockefeller Republican Senators. The House has a conservative caucus, but how many conservative Senators are there? Not many, just a few from the reddest states. That is where conservatives get blocked — but it isn’t just by liberals, it’s also by Republicans and Trump who choose the liberal agenda over conservative choices.

    DRJ (15874d)

  211. Cruz upset David Dewhurst who would have been like John Cornyn. Even red state Senators have trouble with the conservative agenda, perhaps because getting elected Senator is expensive and typically the wealthy or the connected have an advantage. I think it makes most Senators favor elite (liberal) choices over conservative choices.

    DRJ (15874d)

  212. Somewhat OT, so how did the Ted Cruz Diamond Path Rivalry get to be so chippy?

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  213. So really what is the answer, even cruz’s nominal allies don’t act as a block,

    narciso (58519e)

  214. The answer is supporting grass roots conservative candidates who have careers, so they know the real world and don’t need/want to be professional politicians. It takes work. It isn’t easy like just giving money to established politicians.

    DRJ (15874d)

  215. Yes most of them get crushed by the top men like McConnell and cornyn

    narciso (364166)

  216. Just had a blood test at a for my prostate, Jonathon Grubers people did not tell me my new Obamacare didn’t cover the blood test. Now they want $750.00. Mittens Romney should be jailed. Holy Mary I hate political hacks.

    mg (9e54f8)

  217. The gop spent 30 million against Roy Moore, and the likes of Tim Miller spent even more, how can you win?

    narciso (364166)

  218. I see that Trump has called Putin out for supporting the “Animal Assad.”

    Donald J. Trump ✔

    Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price…

    Kevin M (752a26)

  219. Yup, I just posted about that.

    Patterico (48d017)

  220. I do find it curious how you extend to Kevin williamson, indulgence for a statement even Roy Moore woukdnt utter. I don’t recall him making levitical pronouncements.

    narciso (d1f714)



    NeverTrump continues to bleat like a stuck pig and even wishes Michelle Obama becomes our next President.

    NJRob (b00189)

  222. I imagine the likes of Gloria Alfred must have a wry laugh, on how even after it was proven she preferred altered evidence, the top men still cintined to after Roy Moore.

    narciso (d1f714)

  223. On this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Trump administration officials were “planning” to rescind some of the $1.3 trillion spending bill passed by Congress.

    yay President Trump i love this so much!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  224. I also remember the dire predictions that every election following Roy Moore’s would have baseless sexual assault allegations, because that “worked”. However, none of special elections that followed did. The most likely reason for this is that Roy Moore is a sex pest and a creep, and not that people lied.

    Davethulhu (081885)

  225. @232. Snowman got his ears on, eh, Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  226. “You see, there’s a rift in the Republican party, between 1) people who defend literally everything this guy does, minimize his missteps, and save their worst vitriol for those who criticize Trump, and 2) everybody else…. – Patterico

    Sigh. Yes, there really are two types of people in this world, people who believe there are just two types of people, and people who are not narcissists.

    There are a million opinions about Trump. Maybe as many as there are voters. It’s called “nuance” – you might want to try it some time. I might agree with Trump. Or disagree with Trump. Or I might agree, but be uncomfortable with his methods, or disagree, but realize my disagreement is unimportant and not worth carrying on about. See how that works?

    Actually the main problem is you see people in two camps, those that agree with you, and are therefore correct, And those that do not, who are knuckle dragging sub-humans. Only narcissists think that way.

    “They laugh at any attempt to criticize Trump as betraying conservative principles, invoking the mocking phrase “muh principals.” (Yes, “principals.” As Trumpalos, they don’t really know how to spell.)”

    No sweet child, they do not. They laugh at pathetic attempts to criticize Trump, or inappropriate reasons for criticism. They poke at conservatives who pretend to be defending conservative principals, when their critiques focus on Trump’s hair, or uncouth nature, or “that is not how I would have done it.” Or “Everyone knows that won’t work.” They mock the mockery, which is so often personal, or opinion based, and rarely defines the principle being betrayed. Mostly they mock arm-chair critics, who have been droning on for decades about conservative principles, without actually accomplishing any conservative goals. The “muh principals” or sometimes “mah principals.” is an intentional spelling, and is used to invoke the Confederate die-hards who stupidly insisted on continuing the fight long after all hope was lost. Try to follow – it is a very clever critique on conservative nevertrumpers that just won’t give up the fight, and won’t admit to any error regarding Trump. They carry on with the lost cause. They keep looking for proof, anything, and everything, so they can have the tremendous satisfaction of saying “I told you so.” They are Nelson Muntz, standing to the side waiting to say “hah hah”. The fact they consider themselves somehow intellectually superior, and more true blue conservative, to everyone else is the sad joke of it all. They just want to be right, and damn everything else.

    This is the second time this has been explained to you, by me. Don’t make me have to explain it a third time. That would break my heart.

    By the way, that sentence is oddly phrased. Do you mean:

    They laugh at any attempt to criticize Trump. Because laughing at Trump is betraying conservative principles.


    They laugh at any attempt to criticize Trump even though Trump is betraying conservative principles.

    Hmmm – Trump is not a conservative, but often does very conservative things. So I typically expect Trump not to be conservative, and am frequently surprised when he is. So the first interpretation must be wrong. So it must be the second. But the second assumes your audience is monolithic in their beliefs as to what constitutes a conservative. Or that other principles might take precidence.

    I suppose either way, you are quite a funny man who is, no doubt, much smarter than all your critics.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  227. I thought you were leaving, Cassandra. Did you forget your purse or something?

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

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