Patterico's Pontifications


The Atlantic Fires Kevin D. Williamson

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:00 pm

For overly provocative viewpoints.

The Atlantic on Thursday fired conservative columnist Kevin Williamson after it became apparent that his belief that women who get an abortion should be hanged was more than just a single tweet.

“I have come to the conclusion that The Atlantic is not the best fit for his talents, and so we are parting ways,” editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg wrote in an email to staff, obtained by The Daily Beast.

The brave opponents of political correctness on the right will no doubt support him applaud because he doesn’t like Trump.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

582 Responses to “The Atlantic Fires Kevin D. Williamson”

  1. Just saw that. Damn him for holding firm to his beliefs.

    The Atlantic continues to be a joke.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  2. It’s a long tradition.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  3. I think the word is epistemic closure,

    narciso (d1f714)

  4. Think of this example of intolerance when you remember how it comes so easy to the Left to denigrate the standards, principles, motivation of those whose politics are right-of-center.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  5. twitter accounts seem to be really bad career moves

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  6. You should give him a gig here.

    It is amazing the hate Williamson engenders among the rabid Trumpers.

    The comment boards on Instapundit and Twitchy are unreadable with the glee expressed.

    Steven Malynn (1da71a)

  7. the good thing is he didn’t grovel like laura ingraham

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  8. Yesterday, VDH offered some thoughts re: KW. Prescient, he was:

    ColoComment (3979da)

  9. You’re burying the lede, which is the news that The Atlantic is still in circulation and, apparently, there are people who read it.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  10. speaking of prescience it’s gonna be interesting to see where kevin damaged goods williamson winds up

    and Laura Ingraham and her groveling is a big part of the context of that

    he’s not gonna end up on the tv – seems like a safe bet he won’t anyway

    or probably any place what has advertisers

    and his obnoxious social positioning on President Trump’s just going to make it even harder for him to find a position at someplace with any kind of cachet

    and so the takeaway here is Kevin’s blunder is likely to have a rather large chilling effect

    a chilling effect both on conservatives generally and social conservatives specifically

    but to some extent also on people what staked out anti-trump social positioning presumably thinking this would be socially advantageous

    they’re all gonna be watching what happens to the kevster

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  11. It is not good to make death jokes unless you are a black woman directing them at Trump .

    AZ Bob (9a6ada)

  12. speaking of prescience it’s gonna be interesting to see where kevin damaged goods williamson winds up

    . . . .

    and his obnoxious social positioning on President Trump’s just going to make it even harder for him to find a position at someplace with any kind of cachet

    Precisely the sort of applause I expected. The guy who was so worried about Milo being deplatformed is cheering this.


    Patterico (952b17)

  13. “DISGRACEFUL: The Atlantic fires conservative Kevin Williamson for actually believing what he says. Meanwhile, Williamson’s first and only piece is at #1 on their most-popular list. But I guess Jeffrey Goldberg couldn’t stand up to the triggered social-justice warriors among his staff. A sad marker for what’s happened to “mainstream” journalism. Lefties get a pass for this sort of thing all the time. And if Williamson’s bad enough to fire, then hiring him was a bad enough decision that Goldberg should resign.”

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  14. i’m not cheering this in the slightest I think it’s scary and proto-fascist and i think the root of it’s not just in his own social media blunderings I think social media’s the mechanism by which this sort of chilling oppressive fascism is becoming the norm in America and that it’s rapidly getting worse

    this is why I turned so viciously against the cowardly Sarah Palin after she capitulated and resigned her office

    this is why i was so unhappy with the deplatforming of Mr. Milo

    this is why Laura Ingraham’s undignified grovelings are so appalling

    and this is why I think that mainstreaming Mitt Romney’s peculiar enthusiasm for screeching the word pedophile at his political opponents without a shred of proof is very very alarming

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  15. this is why Laura Ingraham’s undignified grovelings are so appalling

    Remains to be seen if she gets the message for the marketplace has spoken to the platform: “shut up and talk.”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  16. related

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  17. Actually there’s no good reason for us right wing mouth breathing knuckle dragging fascists to oppose abortion. Check the demographics.

    Bong Long (5a4596)

  18. 5.twitter accounts seem to be really bad career moves

    Lots of characters, eh, Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  19. Kevin Williamson is one of the few writers I will search out to read.

    dlm (a4eb00)

  20. Speaking of bad career moves, signing on with the Atlantic?

    That’s like hiring on as engineer for the train bound to Auschwitz.

    It’s like Tokyo Rose thinking she’s going to be allowed to give updates on the Japanese Navy deployments over the air on Radio Tokyo.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  21. 11.It is not good to make death jokes unless you are a black woman directing them at Trump .

    Kathy Griffin, film noir?!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  22. Kathy was just a red headed step child.

    Not good enough for the full victimhood hall pass.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  23. “Precisely the sort of applause I expected. The guy who was so worried about Milo being deplatformed is cheering this.


    Poor memories from our host, as usual. The man was viciously deplatformed after saying things like this:

    “Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart London has done more to put homosexual camp in the service of right-wing authoritarianism than any man has since the fellows at Hugo Boss sewed all those nifty SS uniforms”


    The man made a career out of being the most acerbic defender of the respectable right-wing status quo since William F. Buckley, and now he gets his just reward? Defend him all you like with what little influence you have remaining. Encourage Ben Shapiro to hire him…if he also hires Ricky Vaughn as a loyal opposition columnist (Milo might be a little too much of a sore point;) Show actual solidarity with those who stand up for their principles and defend their people in the service of winning for our side!

    Or just keep doing what NeverTrumpers keep doing to the point where they’re about as employable as white nationalists(lost of overlap to be quite honest, especially in their hatred of Trump!)

    Tellurian (a3c41a)

  24. “Speaking of bad career moves, signing on with the Atlantic?

    That’s like hiring on as engineer for the train bound to Auschwitz.”

    You know who else signed on with the Atlantic? Paul Nehlen! More evidence that NeverTrumpers and White Nationalists are just two peas in a racist, losing pod!

    Tellurian (a3c41a)

  25. i’m not cheering this in the slightest I think it’s scary and proto-fascist and i think the root of it’s not just in his own social media blunderings I think social media’s the mechanism by which this sort of chilling oppressive fascism is becoming the norm in America and that it’s rapidly getting worse

    Not arguing the proto-fascist part, just saying that this has always been the norm in blue state, town, and chrony capitalist, America. At least since the Wilson Administration.

    Comics code. FCC. Motion Picture Production Code. extera…

    It’s not platform specific.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  26. a third member of coward-pig John “war hero lol” McCain’s sleazy soros-funded Republican Main Street Partnership has called for Mr. Pruitt to resign

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  27. no it’s not platform specific but twitter and youtube and zuckertwat’s facebook unite fascists in ad hoc ways what scare the crap out of advertisers

    the chilling effect this has is massively more exponential times 1000 than what we’ve seen before

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  28. @26. Stewed Pruitts make for easy going, Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  29. i love him Dr. DCSCA

    he’s my everything

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  30. oops that was just supposed to be Mr. not Dr. i dunno how that happened i think the keys sometimes move around

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  31. Mr. Pruitt’s crime is insisting that scientists provide proof, data and results that can be verified by independent parties, so that propaganda isn’t used as the foundation of policy.

    He’s democratising the EPA. Just say no to dictatorship.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  32. @30. Relaxative, Mr. Feet; keyzee going.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  33. Kevin Williamson: “If I just STICK TO MY PARTY PRINCIPLES no matter what conclusion they lead to, up to and including killing women who abort their kids, there’s no way they can fail to hire me no matter how unpopular the posgets canned immediately before starting

    Paul Nehlen and other White Nationalists: “If I just STICK TO MY PARTY LINE on increasingly unhinged Jew-caricatures and increasingly denouncing all the people who tried to befriend me as Jews, there’s no way Gab can ban mTorba brings down the banhammer

    Can we afford to tolerate the autistic antics and midlife crisis acting of the #NeverTrumpers and white nationalists for another election cycle?

    Tellurian (a3c41a)

  34. What’s instructive is prince talals employee and tea party deruder mike person is on the letterhead.

    narciso (d1f714)

  35. no it’s not platform specific but twitter and youtube and zuckertwat’s facebook unite fascists in ad hoc ways what scare the crap out of advertisers

    the chilling effect this has is massively more exponential times 1000 than what we’ve seen before

    Spoofing programs that make one [dingo] appear to be an army of [crikey dingos] in order to scare corporate [carumbas] to throw their skirts over the heads and surrender their virtue on the boardroom table.

    There aught to be a law, counselor. There aught to be a whole division of agents enforcing that law.

    I’d like to start the ball rolling by pointing the finger at Peter Gleick. Guilty of identity theft.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  36. i don’t know if the answer is legal but twitter and zuckertwat profit from human misery and oppression and that’s just where we are

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  37. Remember the half hour or so when Trump was in favor of jail time for women who have abortions, before his deeply-held views on the subject “evolved” again?

    Dave (2dc885)

  38. “Unexpectedly.”

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  39. Just curious: who here thinks women who have abortions should be hanged?

    Kevin M (752a26)

  40. I imagine this was in relation to a discussion about ethics
    and religion, now a reservist deserter in the time of the
    intifada, has exquisite moral certainty.

    narciso (d1f714)

  41. The brave opponents of political correctness on the right will no doubt support him applaud because he doesn’t like Trump.

    I haven’t seen anyone applaud his firing, but I have seen a lot of throwing his “they should die” column back in his face. Fairly, I would say.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  42. Or just keep doing what NeverTrumpers keep doing to the point where they’re about as employable as white nationalists(lost of overlap to be quite honest, especially in their hatred of Trump!)

    Also curious: Does thinking these women should be hanged somehow correlate with #NeverTrump?

    The progression here seems to be:

    1. This guy hates Trump.
    2. This guy hates abortion,
    3. All people who hate Trump hate abortion.

    I’ll ask our host to score that.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  43. Dear Trump haters,

    The left will never love you or forgive you. You will never be “woke” enough for them. They will lure you to your destruction, and you trust them at your own peril. The Cool Kids have taken over the lunch room, and promise, promise, they will let you you sit with them but only if you beat up the class nerd first. They are liars. They will never let you sit with them, and intend to report you to the principal.

    There is a lot not to like about Trump. I get it. And you are a bunch of “smart” guys, who don’t like to be wrong, especially about Trump. We all get how butt hurt you are, and how much you want to be able to say “I was right about Trump all along.” Maybe. someday, you will get to do that. But not today, and likely not tomorrow. And the day you are right, will be the day the left decides to “un-person” you.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  44. It sounds like to me that both The Atlantic and Williamson went looking for some strange stuff and it never developed beyond a one-night stand.

    nk (dbc370)

  45. I have no problem with his firing. I don’t applaud, but it’s not my magazine, and they are well within their rights to decide who graces their site. I might have a problem if this was Twitter, as that would be closer to Ma Bell saying you can’t talk on our telephone, bur AT LEAST up to that point my only recourse is to think again how useful The Atlantic is to me.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  46. 40… they should be prayed for. And pitied, as these decisions usually haunt them – and the men who fathered the child, if they have a soul – for the rest of their lives.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  47. “Also curious: Does thinking these women should be hanged somehow correlate with #NeverTrump?

    The progression here seems to be:

    1. This guy hates Trump.
    2. This guy hates abortion,
    3. All people who hate Trump hate abortion.”

    There’s actually a fairly substantial thread of avowedly pro-life conservatives who populated the #NeverTrump hashtag. Of course, most jumped autistically on Trump like everyone else when he said something about there being ‘consequences’ necessary for women who get abortions, so take that sincerity with a yuge grain of salt.

    Really, though, the most offensive thing you could say about Kevin Williamson is to repeat his most damning words back to him:

    “The truth about the dysfunctional, downscale writer Kevin Williamson is that he deserves to die. Economically, he is a negative asset.”

    Tellurian (a3c41a)

  48. Just curious: who here thinks women who have abortions should be hanged?

    I think abortion should be treated as murder. I am also against capital punishment. Putting that together, as long as murder is punished by execution, so should abortion.

    Hanging does seem more humane than the situation with lethal injection. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the drug companies refusing to sell you the implements. You can always find rope.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  49. @44

    Do you think our host’s disdain for Trump is motivated by a desire to be loved/forgiven by the left?

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  50. Media not matters, was responsible for this, I’m dubious, now the atlatuc prides it self on stupid I mean provocative stances.

    narciso (d1f714)

  51. You would quote Doris ahem Vox Day. Who lies about what Williamson wrote. Because Doris is a lying creep who hates America so much he doesn’t even live here. What Williamson called dysfunctional and deserving to die because they are negative assets was not people. It was rural ghettos. Dysfunctional communities. But Trumpkins lie. As much as serohw, maybe more.

    nk (dbc370)

  52. if you do hanging on people for when they do abortion on themselves you’re gonna have a disparate impact mostly on women and number one that’s not fair

    number two abortion is a choice some people make for reasons only they know (secret reasons) and that’s fantastic even if the kevster thinks you should murder the abortion women

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  53. As a eugenics concept, it makes sense. It’s more efficient to kill the mothers of the subhuman babies than to constantly have to kill the babies. But it’s overkill. Just sterilize them. Take out their ovaries along with the baby when they come in for their first abortion.

    nk (dbc370)

  54. Women don’t do abortion on themselves, they hire a hitman an abortionist.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  55. Well he lives in Sweden, where fundamental transformation has run its course, where one of the favorite series, blue eyes associates the free democrat party with neonazis

    narciso (d1f714)

  56. As a eugenics concept, it makes sense. It’s more efficient to kill the mothers of the subhuman babies than to constantly have to kill the babies. But it’s overkill. Just sterilize them. Take out their ovaries along with the baby when they come in for their first abortion.

    So legalized abortion is the true anti-eugenicist policy.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  57. I thought it was Finland. At least his publishing house was based there according to a book of theirs Pinandpuller recommended a while back. He is republishing Jerry Pornelle’s Reagan-era “War” anthologies, so that’s something anyway.

    nk (dbc370)

  58. Jerry *Pournelle*

    nk (dbc370)

  59. Vox Day live in Italy.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  60. Possibly, of course Jim Thompson (the other one) a lefty amerupican expat has illustrated the totalitarian mindset over there.

    narciso (d1f714)

  61. lives

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  62. So legalized abortion is the true anti-eugenicist policy.

    I wouldn’t say that. I think it’s the abortionists not wanting to kill the gooses (sic) that lay the golden eggs. With sterilization. No repeat business you see. Can’t buy a Lamborghini that way. Have to settle for a Mercedes.

    nk (dbc370)

  63. I’m finding it more and more difficult to follow the conversation here. Maybe I’m getting senile?

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  64. Do you think our host’s disdain for Trump is motivated by a desire to be loved/forgiven by the left?

    How could one NOT have disdain for Donald Trump? The question, though, is whether you are willing to try to muddle through, or whether you just give up. The fact that the Lords of Chaos are in the driver’s seat does not mean that you can stop life until they go away.

    Wait until 2020, when President Loki has a challenger and see how things break.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  65. I’m finding it more and more difficult to follow the conversation here. Maybe I’m getting senile?

    It is drifting off the edge a bit.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  66. It’s too bad we can’t post polls here. I wonder though.

    If there was a primary challenger to Trump in 2020:

    1) I’d vote for the challenger no matter what.
    2) I’d vote for Trump no matter what.
    3) It would matter who the challenger was.
    4) Trump should arrest the challenger.

    I tend towards #1, hoping it isn’t Kasich.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  67. No, only a hardened not-REMF vet and/or one with less leveraged billions whos had an office under his belt could pull off a intraparty challenge.

    urbanleftbehind (8ba043)

  68. No, that was the other one, williamson. Like say provocative things, the panes to Richard Florida creative class were not outweighed by heresy towards molochs minions.

    narciso (d1f714)

  69. I tend towards #1, hoping it isn’t Kasich.

    Who are you hoping for? Mitt, Mario, Jeb?

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  70. #1 (and it won’t be Kasich), only because the Dem will be so weak – either too old or too something dealing with hue. Kasich only has a shot if the Dems line up behind their nominee before super tuesday, freeing up crossovers.

    urbanleftbehind (8ba043)

  71. Remember how Julia ioffe was actually celebrated for provocative some might say defamatory statements, the kind the daily mail had to retract.

    narciso (d1f714)

  72. Have to settle for a Mercedes.

    And be mistaken for a mere lawyer?


    Dave (445e97)

  73. 70, Straw, meet man.

    urbanleftbehind (8ba043)

  74. @67. You don’t dump ‘Dallas’ for ‘Tequila and Bonetti’.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  75. Mailman son is squishier than crescent roll stay puft

    narciso (d1f714)

  76. Who are you hoping for? Mitt, Mario, Jeb?

    I would take Chucko the birthday clown, to tell the truth, but since there are really only a few players who could pull it off: Ted or Mitt.

    Jeb was never more that a glimmer in his father’s eye and a strawman for Trumpies to rail against (he came in what, 5th in his best race?)

    Mario might win the nomination some day, but he doesn’t have the cahones to take on a sitting president: It’s the Game of Thrones, politically and he wants to be around later.

    Mitt doesn’t give a crap about what happens if he loses. Cruz is enough of an opportunist to see his best chance. But only one of them can run. If it’s more than Trump and anti-Trump, Trump wins.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  77. Cthulhu doesn’t realize the ideology he obediently parrots would disappear without the constant confrontational tactics from his kind.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  78. The big money will not back Cruz, Paul singer the one foreclosing on the maker of the spitfire, will make sure of that.

    narciso (d1f714)

  79. Mitt doesn’t give a crap about what happens if he loses. Cruz is enough of an opportunist to see his best chance. But only one of them can run. If it’s more than Trump and anti-Trump, Trump wins.

    I think you are right about Romney. I don’t think you are about Cruz. I think Cruz will see it as his best shot if he waits until 2024. Reason being, Trump will win in 2020. Anyone who tries to primary him in 2020 is just going to piss off a good portion of the people he needs in the future. Romney is getting too old, so he doesn’t have to worry about what’s best for his political future. He will be happy to roll the dice in 2020, and he will see a losing effort as a plus if he can hurt Trump in the process.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  80. Kasich only has a shot if the Dems line up behind their nominee before super tuesday, freeing up crossovers.

    And many of those freed up Dems would be voting for Trump, as a ratfrack.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  81. Another poll:

    Will the administration be more, or less chaotic in 2020. I’m thinking we may lose Hawaii.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  82. “You would quote Doris ahem Vox Day. Who lies about what Williamson wrote. Because Doris is a lying creep who hates America so much he doesn’t even live here. What Williamson called dysfunctional and deserving to die because they are negative assets was not people. It was rural ghettos. Dysfunctional communities. But Trumpkins lie. As much as serohw, maybe more.”


    And look at how snidely and ungratefully he treated his superiors as soon as he got out!

    “in Williamson’s very first column at The Atlantic he attacks both me, and in a backhanded way, his former employer National Review for publishing a recent article I wrote.”

    You NeverTrump conservatives may feel you have to defend him, and that may be true. But you’ll have to defend him the way Alabama Republicans had to do a Roy Moore, or alt-righters a Paul Nehlen, waiting inevitably for the other betrayal or immature tantrum to drop, for reasons utterly pragmatic. NO ONE is righteous, all must carry their own cross.

    Tellurian (a3c41a)

  83. Meteor?

    nk (dbc370)

  84. Cruz MAY stay out and let Romney run, knowing that Romney can’t do two terms, so it’s 2024 for him either way. And there is always VP if Romney wins, with no risk at all.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  85. I think Cruz will see it as his best shot if he waits until 2024.

    Pfft. Oh yes, running around the land shouting ‘Reagan’ to yawning, aging millennials, Gen Y and Z voters by then should work well for him.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  86. “If there was a primary challenger to Trump in 2020:

    1) I’d vote for the challenger no matter what.
    2) I’d vote for Trump no matter what.
    3) It would matter who the challenger was.
    4) Trump should arrest the challenger.”

    #2 with a shot of #4 as a mercy-removal for someone who’d find campaigning against him far more painful and devastating.

    Tellurian (a3c41a)

  87. But whatever, someone has to run to represent the rank & file Republicans that Trump bulldozed last time. Of course, Trump might be so successful by then that no one runs, but I’m betting he’s in the basement tweeting by then.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  88. The only chance Trump has of being re-elected is if he runs against Hillary again. That’s the primary everybody should be worried about. The Democratic primary.

    nk (dbc370)

  89. Pfft. Oh yes, running around the land shouting ‘Reagan’ to yawning, aging millennials, Gen Y and Z voters by then should work well for him.

    It depends. If Trump (godhelpus) serves two terms, no Republican will ever be elected again. The destruction will have been complete. If Trump loses the general, there’s a chance. If Romney wins the general, there’s a great chance if he’s the anointed heir.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  90. nk,

    Perhaps, but Bernie could lose the vote of everyone over 30.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  91. Cruz MAY stay out and let Romney run, knowing that Romney can’t do two terms, so it’s 2024 for him either way. And there is always VP if Romney wins, with no risk at all.

    Any talk of Cruz as Romney’s VP is pure fantasy. Trump will win the primary. Any GOPer who attempts to primary him is cutting his own throat with all those primary voters who already voted for Trump the first time and who will be more than happy to do so again, especially in light of Trump’s successful first term. Trump will win his primary by a bigger majority than he did the first time.

    There is no way that Cruz will run, no matter what Romney does. Since Trump took office, Cruz has not taken the anti-Trump route. To do so is against his own interests.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  92. Isn’t it curious how a statement that could get him killed is of no interest to the times the post or the journal:

    narciso (d1f714)

  93. @91. It depends.

    They’ll be close to wearing them by then, K. And Trump is essentially what we nce called a ‘Rockefeller Republican’– not a conservative ideologue, which, among other things– including too many primary candidates and a flawed opponent in the general- is what drew many to him across party lines.

    This pretty much sums up Cruz’s chances then, because of the now:

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  94. Walker?

    Without a dozen+ candidates, he would have access to higher quality organizational talent than he had in 2016. OTOH, he cratered so badly in 2016 that he could have a hard time convincing people he was viable. He has shown no sign of wanting to cross Trump, but since he’s up for re-election in 2018, that’s not too surprising.

    I can’t see Cruz running again in 2020 – he’s been too cozy with Trump. Or Romney; sadly, his moment passed.

    Dave (445e97)

  95. Listening to faint hearted [dingos] like you is what induced Honest Abe to pick the first drunk Democrat he could get his hands on as Vice President, which led directly to his assassination.

    Got stuck with a pro confederate bigot for four years.

    Stop it.

    We’re not tired of winning yet.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  96. Dead babies don’t get into UCLA either. So just how conservative is this guy anyway? He hates black people, women and Trump.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  97. Cassandra (#44): I was right about Trump all along. But your suggestion that I, or that others like me, are hoping that the left will love or forgive us is deeply stupid and wrong and insulting.

    Trump is much closer to the left that I have ever been, or ever will be.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  98. Trump is the one who cares what Nancy and Chuck think, and he’s the one who’s contributed to both of them.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  99. Since Trump took office, Cruz has not taken the anti-Trump route. To do so is against his own interests.

    He’s already blown his credibility by betraying his own ‘principles’ in support – you musta missed his campaign pressers spewing Trump vitriol; among the better meltdowns by a loser:

    Sad. But a typical pol.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  100. 11.It is not good to make death jokes unless you are a black woman directing them at Trump .

    Kathy Griffin, film noir?!

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/5/2018 @ 2:45 pm

    Ted Nugent.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  101. Canadian-born senators who call it a ‘basketball ring’ in Indiana, USA are Texas toast. Find a fresh horse to ride.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  102. well you could go with the usual plan A.

    Nominate the first republican rino the New York Times recommends.

    Is McCain in remission?

    Run on the Putin makes my [dingo] pucker up platform

    papertiger (c8116c)

  103. Nobody needs more than three abortions or a high capacity uterus like that Nadya Suleman, she’s been reduced to Stormy Daniels leftovers.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  104. I am perfectly capable of disdaining Donald Trump as a person (much as I disdain Hillary, as a person), and still appreciate many aspects of what Trump is trying to accomplish (and disdaining much of what Hillary would likely have done).

    Let us be blunt – I’m tired of the game. You know, THE GAME. The one where there are rules, and such things need to be done in only this way and not that way, and oh, by the way, all the rules favor solutions loved by the left, and only the left. I’m sick and tired of it. The one honest thing said during the last election was by Carly Fiorina. She said problems don’t get solved in Washington because no one really wants the problems solved.

    And people are tired of not solving the problem.

    Look at Israel. I’ve been hearing there will be peace there, if only we ship a pallet full of money to the Palestinians, for 30 years. I was told, that no way, no how would the Arab world ever agree to normalization, that if we moved the embassy to Jerusalem, there would be riots. These are all, ahem…LIES. Want peace? Make it the only option on the table. We don’t do that by catering to the Palestinians, or by shipping them rail cars full of money. We tell them to take it or get nothing. Then give them exactly that – nothing.

    The economy can’t grow more than 3%? Busted.
    Can’t cut corporate taxes? Busted.
    Can’t open ANWR? Busted
    Can’t leave the Paris accord? Busted.

    Trump ignore the accepted wisdom, that is accepted by elites because it favors the polices of the elites, and mostly the left. A big part of hating Trump is he makes liars out of all of you. You smart guys, who bought into this garbage hook line and sinker. Your life has been a lie. You got taken by the left, and even now you won’t admit it, even to yourselves.

    Trump humiliates you. His existence is an embarrassment, it shows you that you are perhaps, just maybe, not quite as smart as you thought. Like the Persians with the Gordian Knot, you find it bad form when Alexander cut it. But the part you really hate is you never thought of that.

    And here is the thing – Trump is no genius. No policy wonk. Half the time I think he bumbles into the right answer. The thing he has going for him is stupidly simple – he believes there is a solution, and is not bound by the leftist framework thinking in finding it.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  105. It was a stupid thing, perhaps if it had been pared up with the prog infanticide, I thought he was all about sensitivity.

    narciso (d1f714)

  106. Start your own party. The Bureaucratic Party of the United Bar Association.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  107. Nominate Mueller, because he knows how to passively agress against political enemies the correct way.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  108. President Trump railed against illegal immigration Thursday, claiming that “women are raped at levels nobody has ever seen before,” in reference to the journey north to the United States.

    So is he including or excluding Miss USA contestants in that analysis? Marshal Zukov and the rest of the Soviet Army appear to be unavailable for comment.

    Moron. Liar. Creep. Bullsh!t artist who only people who are desperate to be chumps can possibly believe, about anything.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  109. @104. Ted Nugent.

    Riffs good stand-up; been laughing at him for years.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  110. Ramifications or appearances of underhandedness perceived by the public don’t enter into his thinking.

    That’s a leader.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  111. Live at teh Fillmore tonight: paramecium will be opening for teh Zombie Raccoons

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  112. Link for the quote in #112.

    Hey, Cassandra, I was a regular blogger from 2003-2008. I’ve commented here since 2003. I defy you to find one post of mine or one comment of mine in which I accepted or agreed with any of the conventional wisdom you claim I’m so angry at Trump for disproving.

    Maybe you do realize what a disdain-worthy subject Trump is. But your attack on those who call him out for that is wildly misplaced and very, very offensive.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  113. I have always thought that people who are so into abortions should take all the W4A listings, put
    their names into a hat, draw and anonymously send them 600 bucks.

    I call that Secret Satan.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  114. Moron. Liar. Creep. Bullsh!t artist who only people who are desperate to be chumps can possibly believe, about anything.

    Beldar (fa637a) — 4/5/2018 @ 6:48 pm

    lol. Funny you should mention, I’ve been struggling mightily not to call you any of those things.

    But I was thinking them very loudly.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  115. Moron. Liar. Creep. Bullsh!t artist who only people who are desperate to be chumps can possibly believe, about anything.

    Beldar (fa637a) — 4/5/2018 @ 6:48 pm

    It was reported in Huff Po in 2014 (with an update in 2017) that 80% of the girls and women who cross the southern border are raped during their journey.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  116. Get a fvckin’ grip, Beldar, before the bile eats you from the inside.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  117. Haiku be all Tuckered out.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  118. @26. Stewed Pruitts make for easy going, Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/5/2018 @ 3:15 pm

    i love him Dr. DCSCA

    Is he on the ballot for Comments Czar?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  119. Beet salad with teh Serbian Bile dressing on the side coming right up, suh…

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  120. Catch him on your trusty Philco from your Zircon encrusted BarcaLounger, ASPCA. Learn something.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  121. Remember the half hour or so when Trump was in favor of jail time for women who have abortions, before his deeply-held views on the subject “evolved” again?

    Dave (2dc885) — 4/5/2018 @ 4:06 pm

    As a potentially hanged juror you just smoked yourself out my ******.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  122. @120. =Haiku! Gesundheit!=

    Conservative ideologues are a lot like Titanic passengers these days, Colonel. Wise ones grab on to whatever floats to survive. But insist you deserve a seat in a lifeboat: you’re sunk.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  123. Did anyone see the new X Files with the creepy brother and sister playing Hangman? It was so lit, y’all!

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  124. @124 =Haiku= Gesundheit!

    Learned to wait ’til he finally gets the HSN gig peddling Pablum; he’s already played all the cable rooms in Vegas.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  125. Just curious: who here thinks women who have abortions should be hanged?

    Kevin M (752a26) — 4/5/2018 @ 4:24 pm

    Who here, or anywhere, has been talking about hanging?

    Now, back at you

    Do you think there should be no consequences for these acts of murder? As long as we’re talking about extremes, let’s talk about extremes.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  126. You know wars have been started over this kind of foolishness:

    narciso (d1f714)

  127. As a potentially hanged juror you just smoked yourself out my ******.

    That’s “hung”.

    nk (dbc370)

  128. The charge for mothers would be criminal solicitation felony B.

    The abortionist would be up for murder.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  129. 128… the key to understanding your obsessions and dementia, ASPCA, is reading who and what really bothers – really worries – you.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  130. It sounds like to me that both The Atlantic and Williamson went looking for some strange stuff and it never developed beyond a one-night stand.

    nk (dbc370) — 4/5/2018 @ 4:32 pm

    I’m worried that things are going to start falling off the man.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  131. That’s “hung”.

    nk (dbc370) — 4/5/2018 @ 7:24 pm

    I was stringing together the women and the jury metaphorically but I thank you just the same, going back to “It’s my fault”.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  132. Trump today, within the last 12 hours, on Air Force One being a moron, liar, and creep:

    Asked why his lawyer made the payment to Daniels, Trump responded “you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen. Michael is my attorney. You’ll have to ask Michael.”

    Killer follow-up question that wasn’t asked, but that, if answered affirmatively, would have constituted a waiver of attorney-client privilege: “Does Michael have your permission and instruction to answer me when I ask him?”

    Beldar (fa637a)

  133. I wonder how The Atlantic did not know any of his more controversial statements. Or were they just too excited about hiring a conservative who despises the lower classes? Like the folks at The Atlantic do.

    Anyways, it sure escalated quickly, as Ron Burgundy would say, once the poor, delicate females on staff felt all micro-scared and stuff and went crying to Daddy, or Goldberg. So much for the warrior woman.

    Patricia (3363ec)

  134. On further consideration: Since not made in a judicial setting, the waiver would probably be revocable by Trump at least up until the point that Cohen complied with the instruction (which he likely wouldn’t, if the instruction were merely made in front of the rest of the universe on TV, as opposed to in response to a cover-my-ass-I’m-telling-you-this-is-a-bad-idea memo from Cohen.

    However: While the contents of the communication between Trump and Cohen might be subject to a claim of privilege, the surrounding facts can’t be hidden, and in particular, the facts regarding where Cohen got the money and whether he’s since been repaid, directly or indirectly, aren’t communications, and aren’t subject to a claim of privilege.

    Bill Clinton could not have scripted a better revenge scenario: Yeah, let’s pop some popcorn and watch old Donnie start mouthing off to the American public, and then maybe under oath or in an FBI interview, about his zipper problems! Yee-haw.

    Moron. (He absolutely, positively has zero upside talking about any of this at all in public.) Liar. (He knows Cohen will never be able/permitted to answer the question, and I’d bet my left foot Trump knows all the details about everyone Cohen paid off, to the penny.) Creep. (Self-explanatory in the context of payoffs made by politicians to porn stars.)

    Beldar (fa637a)

  135. @133. =Haiku!= Gesundheit!

    Such a gift; it’s your Fox on a box! Tuck’in.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  136. Sheriff Bart from Blazing Saddles.

    nk (dbc370)

  137. Wet laundry is hung; people are hanged.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  138. Well, people who are taken to the gallows and put to death are “hanged.” I refrain from comment regarding which of the men may also be eligible for the other descriptive.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  139. 124. =Haiku!= Gesundheit!

    Catch him on your trusty Philco from your Zircon encrusted BarcaLounger…

    It’s ‘dynamo hums,’ Colonel.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  140. Further in the text messages are references to George who is presumably George tosca, has the one that reputedly discovered wieners laptop that the nypd had discovered.

    narciso (d1f714)

  141. Killer follow-up question that wasn’t asked, but that, if answered affirmatively, would have constituted a waiver of attorney-client privilege: “Does Michael have your permission and instruction to answer me when I ask him?”

    Beldar (fa637a) — 4/5/2018 @ 7:41 pm

    You left out weasel, as in somebody who pretends to concern for his countrymen, and then in the next breath cheers The Hill dredging up dead stories of gold digging hookers on the make.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  142. My opinion is that Williamson thought his NeverTrump chops were a ticket into the club.
    So for that, if I’m right, hahahahaha, that was funny.
    His lawyer should be able to get him a reasonable settlement, so Williamson will get paid, and also there is no such thing as bad publicity, but hahahaha… he really thought he was gonna be like Meghan McCain… hahahaha

    steveg (a9dcab)

  143. Would Cruz accept a Supreme Court appointment from Trump?

    steveg (a9dcab)

  144. Who here, or anywhere, has been talking about hanging?

    Kevin Williamson, in an old Tweet, said women who had abortions should be hanged. Someone dug it up, he refused to repudiate it, and that’s what got him fired from his new gig at The Atlantic.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  145. That might have happened if Bobby ORoarke had a better primary pull and didn’t succumb to nraphobia. In a weird way, I think Trump would love to see Cruz lose, ORoarke could have bought silent partnership for several hundred miles if wall.

    urbanleftbehind (8ba043)

  146. What was Nigel tufnels line, also Edmund blackadder had some thoughts.

    Ot, Hugh laurie who plaid the straight man to atkinson, wrote a novel the gun runner, which was the comic version of the character played by hiddleston in the night manager where laurie played the villain.

    narciso (d1f714)

  147. That lineabout clever eliding where you invoke the tripe of the handmaids tale.

    narciso (d1f714)

  148. 148.Would Cruz accept a Supreme Court appointment from Trump?

    Would the Senate confirm such a warm, congenial and well-liked colleague before midterms?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  149. I’ve long stated whedon doesn’t understand what side hes on:

    narciso (d1f714)

  150. It was only recently explained to me by a conservative that pictures are hung and women who abort are hanged.

    I could use some help in proper usage of are witches and f*gs lit or lighted?

    Pinandpuller (ab0ccb)

  151. Admittedly ebadi is late to the party, but maybe she sees the new sheriffs in town, in the form of pompeo and bolton

    narciso (d1f714)

  152. What’s confusing is The Bible says Rachael lit off her camel.

    Pinandpuller (ab0ccb)

  153. Patricia,

    After Kevin was fired, Guardian columnist Jessica Valenti tweeted that she was “very relieved for the women” who work at The Atlantic. Why? What was Kevin going to do to them? Write things that made them angry? God forbid! His ideas might hurt? Have mercy!

    (David French)

    Dana (023079)

  154. The definition of micro aggression.

    narciso (d1f714)

  155. Get a fvckin’ grip, Beldar, before the bile eats you from the inside.

    Get a grip yourself, Haiku. Don’t talk to Beldar like that.

    Patterico (952b17)

  156. Any talk of Cruz as Romney’s VP is pure fantasy. Trump will win the primary. Any GOPer who attempts to primary him is cutting his own throat with all those primary voters who already voted for Trump the first time and who will be more than happy to do so again, especially in light of Trump’s successful first term. Trump will win his primary by a bigger majority than he did the first time.

    So, let me get this straight. If Trump is defeated in the primaries the same people who kept on and on and on and on and on and on about how it was Trump or the democrats will stay home?

    Fine. Enjoy your 105% tax rates from Bernie. I’m done paying taxes and will enjoy double social security and gold-plated medicare at your expense.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  157. Sticks and stones will break my bones but no trumper rants by lawyers will never hurt me.

    mg (9e54f8)

  158. So, let me get this straight. If Trump is defeated in the primaries the same people who kept on and on and on and on and on and on about how it was Trump or the democrats will stay home?

    I didn’t say that. I said Trump would win, full stop. But, if Cruz attempts to primary Trump, he hurts himself in that Trump supporters will hold it against him in the future. If Cruz wants a shot at winning in 2024, he can’t cause problems in 2020. We will remember.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  159. LOL — Stormy Who?

    Was she in the book by that guy Winston Wolf?

    I saw a movie with him in it once.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  160. A surgeon in London has likened his hospital to a war zone and says he is regularly treating children in school uniform for knife wounds.

    Martin Griffiths, a lead surgeon at Barts Health NHS Trust, said military colleagues have described their work as being similar to Camp Bastion, the British Forces base in Afghanistan.

    The experienced surgeon said children aged as young as 13 are being admitted to his hospital with knife and gun wounds on a daily basis.

    He made his comments after the number of homicides being investigated in the capital this year rose to at least 55 after a young man was stabbed to death in Hackney last night.

    Speaking about the shocking spate of attacks, Mr Griffiths told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that he has seen a “significant increase” in the number of wounds each victim receives as well as the severity.

    Wot’s All This Then?

    Pinandpuller (6d95fc)

  161. Ot, Hugh laurie who plaid the straight man to atkinson, wrote a novel the gun runner, which was the comic version of the character played by hiddleston in the night manager where laurie played the villain.

    narciso (d1f714) — 4/5/2018 @ 8:23 pm

    They say The Penn is mightier than The Sward.

    Pinandpuller (6d95fc)

  162. You left out weasel, as in somebody who pretends to concern for his countrymen, and then in the next breath cheers The Hill dredging up dead stories of gold digging hookers on the make.

    papertiger (c8116c) — 4/5/2018 @ 8:11 pm

    I met a girl named Hooker and a guy named Crapps but I don’t think I can ever top Johnny Cash.

    Last names, because the alternative would be really weird.

    Pinandpuller (6d95fc)

  163. Conservative ideologues are a lot like Titanic passengers these days, Colonel. Wise ones grab on to whatever floats to survive. But insist you deserve a seat in a lifeboat: you’re sunk.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/5/2018 @ 7:07 pm

    But now anyone can say they are a girl and they have to be respected and let on the lifeboat and not fingered. I hope Al Franken can swim.

    Advantage: girls with great upper body strength.

    Pinandpuller (6d95fc)

  164. Start your own party. The Bureaucratic Party of the United Bar Association.

    papertiger (c8116c) — 4/5/2018 @ 6:44 pm

    If your paycheck depends on
    The weather and the clock
    If your conversation calls for
    A little more than a coffee pot
    If you need to pour your heart out
    And try to rectify some situation
    That you’re facing
    Contact your American Honky-Tonk Bar Association

    When Uncle Sam dips in your pocket
    For most things you don’t mind
    But when your dollar goes to all of those
    Standing in a welfare line
    Well rejoice you have a voice
    If you’re concerned about the destination
    Of this great nation
    It’s called the American Honky-Tonk Bar Association

    It represents the hardhat
    Gunrack, achin’-back
    Over taxed, flag-wavin’, fun-lovin’ crowd
    They’re heart is in the music
    And they love to play it loud
    There’s no forms or applications
    There’s no red tape administrations
    It’s the American Honky-Tonk Bar Association

    We’re all one big family
    Throughout the cities and the towns
    We don’t reach for handouts
    we reach for those who are down
    And every local chapter has a seven day a week
    Available consultation
    For your frustration
    It’s called the American Honky-Tonk Bar Association

    It represents the mud flaps
    Six pack, beer crack
    Over-taxed, flag-wavin’, fun-lovin’ crowd
    They’re heart is in the music
    And they love to play it loud
    There’s no forms or applications
    There’s no red tape administrations
    It’s the American Honky-Tonk Bar Association

    Mr Garth Brooks

    Pinandpuller (6d95fc)

  165. Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, lords of Troy, in Greek mythology. She was also known as Alexandra.

    According to one myth, god Apollo gave her the gift of foretelling the future and then tried to sleep with her. However, she rejected him and to punish her, he cursed her so that no one would ever believe her prophecies. A different version has it that Cassandra initially consented to sleeping with the god in exchange for the ability to foresee the future, only to break her promise after she received the gift.

    After being cursed, she was met with disbelief by her family and by the Trojans. She foretold that Paris, her brother, would bring about a war that would destroy their city, if he went to Sparta. Her brother did not believe her, and upon his return from Sparta with Menelaus’ wife, Helen, Cassandra attacked her for the pain that was about to be caused. She also foretold that Troy would fall by a clever machination of the Greeks, the Trojan Horse, in which they would hide; her fellow citizens did not listen to her words, thus causing the end of the city.

    After the fall of Troy, she was taken by Agamemnon back to his home; despite Cassandra’s warnings about the plots of Agamemnon’s wife, Clytemnestra, he went back home where he was murdered by his wife and her lover, Aegisthus. When she died, her soul was sent to the Elysian Fields, a place in the Underworld where the worthy souls rested.

    Greek Mythology All Up in It

    Pinandpuller (6d95fc)

  166. You would quote Doris ahem Vox Day. Who lies about what Williamson wrote. Because Doris is a lying creep who hates America so much he doesn’t even live here. What Williamson called dysfunctional and deserving to die because they are negative assets was not people. It was rural ghettos. Dysfunctional communities. But Trumpkins lie. As much as serohw, maybe more.

    nk (dbc370) — 4/5/2018 @ 4:45 pm

    I like people who hate America but don’t live here a lot more than the people who hate America and refuse to leave. Did you listen to the podcast? I think I might be confusing him with the writer who wants everybody in rural West Virginia to die. You know who I’m talking about?

    I believe that women who are having their lives threatened by their babies should be able to abort in self defense. If a woman claims self defense does she have to drag the baby back over the threshold before the cops get there?

    Pinandpuller (6d95fc)

  167. If it ends up Kasich-Rauner, dont say you were not warned:

    urbanleftbehind (8ba043)

  168. @171. Always pack your Mae West when travelling.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  169. So for the record, it’s fascist to fire Kevin Williamson for wishing death on all his various political opponents but it’s not even remotely fascist to wish death on all your various political opponents.

    hoodaticus (37b26a)

  170. So the Real deal is strzok might have been meeting with halper, or even deripasha, who had a grudge against manafort.

    narciso (d1f714)

  171. “Ha. He gave them the anti-Trumpism they wanted. But it was not enough. Because the ladies rebelled.”

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  172. “Moron. Liar. Creep. Bullsh!t artist who only people who are desperate to be chumps can possibly believe, about anything.”

    Beldar (fa637a) — 4/5/2018 @ 6:48 pm

    Calling a chump a chump, Patterico. Same rules for everybody.

    Colonel Haiku (779a2a)

  173. Maybe he will be forced to move to one of those places he wishes would die. That would be just.

    But instead, some former conservative publication will pick him up and pretend it’s a just cause. I’m guessing National Review again or the Weekly Standard.

    NJRob (b00189)

  174. Tube weekly standard was denouncing Sinclair, for putting forth the obvious

    narciso (d1f714)

  175. All this talk about some pundit, and not a mention of Sergio Garcia hitting 13 at a par-5 hole at the Masters. Elites!

    nk (dbc370)

  176. Its just sealing the cave entrance:

    narciso (d1f714)

  177. Lawyers are a sh!t stain on America.

    mg (9e54f8)

  178. I’ve had a bellyache from these savages for 50 years. Jackazzes the. Lot of them.

    mg (9e54f8)

  179. The prosecutor the press except for roger mud in 1980, basically were bought off.

    narciso (d1f714)

  180. Two-and-a-half cheers for KDW!

    This monster believes abortion is murder, and that murder is a crime, and that criminals should be punished according to the law in their jurisdiction — even if they’re Protected.

    And he refuses to recant any of it. They marched him up to the plank, they showed him the instruments, and he wouldn’t recant.

    Going forward he has massive, clanging-nads, skin in the game; and also a well-earned reputation for naive idiocy. May he be the object lesson to all of his ilk who would compromise with the Red Guard.

    phunctor (1812bd)

  181. Will we see a post today from the host applauding Trump for the unprecedented sanctions on Russian oligarchs and government officials close to Putin, including Putin’s son-in-law?

    Patrick is a fan of Bill Browder’s book. Here’s his reaction on Twitter:

    This is huge: US sanctions Deripaska and Vekselberg (among others). Finally hitting Putin and his cronies where it counts.

    Or will there be only some grudging acknowledgement with a backhanded swipe along the lines of “at least he could act like he’s not following a script written for him by someone else.”

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  182. If Cruz wants a shot at winning in 2024, he can’t cause problems in 2020. We will remember.

    Which is why I suggest he’ll let Romney do it, as no matter what happens it works out for Cruz.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  183. Mitt Romney has to deal with his unfortunate pedophilia issues before he can even contemplate a primary challenge

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  184. I don’t kniw, shipwreckedcrew 191. I guess there’s as good a chance of that as there is of you posting a comment that isn’t hateful or sarcastic.

    DRJ (15874d)

  185. Will we see a post today from the host applauding Trump for the unprecedented sanctions on Russian oligarchs and government officials close to Putin, including Putin’s son-in-law?

    And will we see comments railing against the “deep state” for this move that was announced by the Treasury Department?

    Or will there be only some grudging acknowledgement with a backhanded swipe along the lines of “at least he could act like he’s not following a script written for him by someone else.”

    Speaking of following a script written for him by someone else:

    “We cannot allow those seeking to sow confusion, discord, and rancor to be successful,” President Donald Trump said in a statement released by the White House.

    Heh. Apart from sounding nothing like Trump’s own words, that statement (“…those who would sow confusion, discord and rancor…”) just drips with irony, coming from Donald Trump.

    It’s a good bet that Trump’s actual statements (i.e. from his own mouth) on the sanctions, will have the exact opposite tone and/or content of the statement released in his name.

    Dave (445e97)

  186. Mittens gave us jonathon Gruber. Mitty showed he is a puzzy and only lawyers would vote for this fraud.

    mg (9e54f8)

  187. . Mitty showed he is a puzzy and only lawyers would vote for this fraud. Oh Candy, Oh Gruber, and the dog.

    mg (9e54f8)

  188. A Red State author already posted on the Russia sanctions. Some of Patterico’s blog choices now are efforts to post new content at Red State or new takes on existing content.

    DRJ (15874d)

  189. I know, Dana, the incoherence is incredible. Are women brave warriors or helpless little girls?

    Patricia (3363ec)

  190. Who would still believe Cruz can stand up to the GOP establishment when he couldn’t even stand up to a blowhard Rockefeller Republican like Trump?

    DRJ (15874d)

  191. Who would still believe Cruz can stand up to the GOP establishment when he couldn’t even stand up to a blowhard Rockefeller Republican like Trump?

    This is the sad truth.

    I supported Cruz strongly during the primaries (and no regrets about that) but he has shown zero backbone since his speech at the convention.

    Of course, he is far from alone in putting party over country and joining the Stormy Daniels wing of the GOP.

    Dave (445e97)

  192. Somehow I missed nk’s #131. He’s right of course: Jurors who haven’t been able to reach a verdict have, like wet laundry, been hung, not hanged, even if the verdict on which they’ve been unable to reach agreement is whether the defendant shall be hanged (not hung).

    Beldar (fa637a)

  193. Sorry Beldar – but saying “I was right about Trump” is very disingenuous. Easy to say, hard to prove, eh?

    Right how, and in what way, and to what degree?

    I’m a big enough person to realize I was mostly wrong about Trump. I didn’t vote for him and didn’t like him. Yet he has accomplished more in a single year than I could have ever imagined possible. I still wish things were different, but I am honest enough to admit that perhaps my wishes are not as important as results.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  194. A Red State author already posted on the Russia sanctions. Some of Patterico’s blog choices now are efforts to post new content at Red State or new takes on existing content.

    That is correct. Plus, it is my kids’ spring break. Between those two things, there is unlikely to be a post on the Russia sanctions from me.

    They sound good, though. It’s interesting that Trump can’t bring himself to say a negative word to Putin on the phone, but will authorize stuff like this. It reminds me of the way he fires people: by tweet. Both strike me as cowardly, and utterly in keeping with the character of President Bone Spurs.

    I had to include a truthful and honestly held assessment that contained criticism of Trump, just to make swc happy, since he’s not getting the post he wanted.

    Patterico (952b17)

  195. Will we see a post today …

    Will we see comments from the hallelujah cultist chorus attributing today’s anemic jobs report to the failure of Trump’s protectionist economic policies and lack of confidence in his ignorant and unsteady hand on the tiller of the economy?

    Dave (445e97)

  196. Dear Trump haters,

    The left will never love you or forgive you. You will never be “woke” enough for them. They will lure you to your destruction, and you trust them at your own peril. The Cool Kids have taken over the lunch room, and promise, promise, they will let you you sit with them but only if you beat up the class nerd first. They are liars. They will never let you sit with them, and intend to report you to the principal.

    There is a lot not to like about Trump. I get it. And you are a bunch of “smart” guys, who don’t like to be wrong, especially about Trump. We all get how butt hurt you are, and how much you want to be able to say “I was right about Trump all along.” Maybe. someday, you will get to do that. But not today, and likely not tomorrow. And the day you are right, will be the day the left decides to “un-person” you.

    This comment equates hating Trump with a desire to be loved by the left. That simplistic and completely incorrect view will get rah rahs from the Trump fans, but it does not show anything like an honest attempt to understand the true feelings of people who are conservative but reject Trump.

    But I suspect it’s about getting the rah rahs and not about making an honest assessment. So please. Rant away. Enjoy it.

    Patterico (952b17)

  197. Sorry Beldar – but saying “I was right about Trump” is very disingenuous.

    Um, no, it isn’t. I won’t bother explaining why. The comment is too silly to respond to.

    Patterico (952b17)

  198. President Trump’s established such a sublime niche in the American polity for himself that it’s inapt to speak of him in terms of whether or not one “likes” him or is “right about” him.

    He’s President Trump and he’s making America great again.

    It’s an astounding development, and made all the more so by how wholly unanticipated it was.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  199. I voted for Trump, Cassandra, because I wanted to keep Texas red. I also want a Wall. Texas is not as red as it was before Trump, and there is still no Wall and no real hope of one. So color me unimpressed with the “results” you claim to see.

    DRJ (15874d)

  200. And Beldar – you play by the rules of the left – sure you WANTED lots of things, but you play the game they wanted you to play, and kept losing at it. If Cruz was president, we’d still be talking about how much we’d sure like to open ANWR, and for some reason it would still never happen. Oh, and the left would have manufactured a dozen scandals to tie his administration up in knots.

    And knock off this silly “deeply offensive” B.S., it is unseemly for an adult to say that in response to what I have posted. Childish even. I am saying something very simple – your anger and frustration in Trump is not entirely routed in objective analyses, but partially in your own ego. We all hate to see an idiot succeed, especially when we predicted the opposite, but here we are. Man up and deal with it.

    By the by, I like Kevin Williamson, and am sorry to see him get fired, but it’s not like I didn’t expect it. I am Cassandra after all.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  201. Deripasha made a billion pounds on the London exchange while manafirt was underwater, he hired the lobbyist that mark Warner used to contact sterile, who may well be source a, veselberg struck two dead ends, he funded the Clinton foundation and dentons defense against Thiel.

    narciso (d1f714)

  202. Both strike me as cowardly, and utterly in keeping with the character of President Bone Spurs.

    So unfair to “a great and very brave soldier” who survived countless v@ginas land mines in upper Manhattan Vietnam while getting laid with his daddy’s money.

    And Trumps’s a real hero, you see, because he wasn’t captured.

    Dave (445e97)

  203. DRJ – were we even talking about any sort of wall before Trump? crickets…

    We are closer to having a wall in his first year than we have ever been in the history of the U.S. I think, perhaps, he may be able to deliver on this promise, eventually.

    We have achieved more conservative goals in Trump’s first year than we have achieved in literally decades. Are you prepared to vote Democrat because you didn’t get your wall the first year of Trump? No? Then what exactly is the point you are trying to make? That you only got half a loaf after years of getting nothing but crumbs?

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  204. happyfeet – damn straight my friend. Utterly unanticipated by me, Cassandra, blessed by the Gods with the power of precognition. Even I didn’t see THAT coming.

    But some people would rather be called right and live on their knees, than be wrong and stand on their feet.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  205. it’s all about social positioning with the critics of President Trump cause of how he swept the floor with harvardtrash Ted Cruz and did a retweeter on his unattractive harvardtrash wife

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  206. The defend Kevin Williamson thread at all costs is now the defend Beldar thread?

    BuDuh (ab876e)

  207. Even I didn’t see THAT coming.

    me too i was definitely in the anyone but Hillary space throughout the whole thing

    if I’d known then what I know now I’d have been much more involved

    conservatives were so lost and defeated after 8 years of food stamp and the incessant gaslighting of the CNN Jake Tapper fake news propaganda sluts

    but now this is like chocolate chip cookies straight from the oven served with a nice tall glass of milk and Mr. Scott Pruitt’s standing there with an apron on saying and he says don’t worry there lil buddy I’m just getting started

    love ya Mr. Pruitt!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  208. This guy, though he comes off as a pre-money/fame Sarkozy, would have been the right mix. Damn that Bridge!!!

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  209. saying

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  210. Doubt mention tpaw while operating heavy machinery.

    narciso (d1f714)

  211. “I’m a big enough person to realize I was mostly wrong about Trump. I didn’t vote for him and didn’t like him. Yet he has accomplished more in a single year than I could have ever imagined possible.”

    – Cassandra

    If that’s true (which is probably not the case) then you have an exceedingly inactive imagination.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  212. Thus is the publication that makes James Conant and silas Powell, I guess the slide began with fallows missing the Japanese property bubble, than the passing of Michael Kelly Sullivan NC 17 cyberstalking of Obama and amateur biological speculations

    narciso (d1f714)

  213. 206 – Could have been written by Andrew Sullivan circa 2003 about why Bush was a terrible President and the GOP was a loathsome party.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  214. dirty pentagon piggy-slut John Kelly wants to get rid of Mr. Pruitt now

    we’ve all learned our lesson now about staffing up with these lowlife rejects from the sleazy US military that’s for sure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  215. but Bush *was* a terrible President

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  216. Oh I forgot Sullivan’s frenemy turn over gay marriage, as opposed to the existential issue of the war on terror.

    narciso (d1f714)

  217. That would be dissapointing, and bearing offerings to skydragons.

    narciso (d1f714)

  218. If Kelly is leaking, presumably who stops the leakier?

    narciso (d1f714)

  219. And look at their responses to my critique The effrontery of it all! Do I even have any idea who they ARE?

    Paterrico “This comment equates hating Trump with a desire to be loved by the left. That simplistic and completely incorrect view will get rah rahs from the Trump fans, but it does not show anything like an honest attempt to understand the true feelings of people who are conservative but reject Trump.”

    Sir, that if very finely sliced baloney. I very much doubt I’ll get any rah rahs here. And I’m not a Trump fan, I’m a hold my nose and wade through the muck to finally get what I proclaim to want fan. I believe that perhaps, just perhaps, I should temper my criticism with a little humility, and also, I’m heartily sick of looking good while failing.

    Are you and Beldar perhaps saying that you have not resorted to personal attacks on Trump?
    That you have no had sour comments to make that went beyond the realm of policy differences? No ball spiking when he says something dumb? No comments that basically boil down to “These things are just not done this way harumph!” Seriously?

    It is cool to point to the many flaws of Trump, to pick at his personal life, to gin up silly conspiracy theories. But you are playing the game of the left, the game they want you to play. The game that has consistently delivered failure for the last decade. So, by all means, rant away at Trump. Make fun of him. Hey, you know what, he has dumb hair! Maybe you can post on that.

    So, my friend, stop playing the game the left has set up for you to play. Trump is a deeply flawed human being. I could spend days listing his flaws. So? What does that get us? Yes, you get to be right, but you lose everything that matters to you.

    Deeply held conservative policy differences? I can name but a few – free trade, and the budget. Well two I suppose. On trade, I’m a wait and see person. The budget, yep, I’m pissed about it. But does true blue conservative Paul Ryan not deserve some credit for that? Mitch McConnell? Would Trump have signed a smaller budget? Sure he would have. So who am I mad at, exactly?

    Meanwhile, I’ll take my unexpected and unanticipated wins – tax cuts, a growing economy, ISIS destroyed, etc etc. and hope for a better tomorrow.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  220. we have to fire this Kelly loser and find somebody with competence and character

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  221. Hey, you know what, he has dumb hair! Maybe you can post on that.

    Ask, and ye shall receive…retroactively…

    Skorcher (5b282a)

  222. I don’t see how veselberg or deripasha have anything to do with election matters or adventures in Syria or crimea, money laundering in the first case might be an issue.

    narciso (d1f714)

  223. South Korea did good today too in that metric.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  224. “Moron. Liar. Creep. Bullsh!t artist who only people who are desperate to be chumps can possibly believe, about anything.”

    Example of Beldar’s of deeply held conservative beliefs that contrast with Trump’s preferred policies.

    So Patterico, please tell me more about these deeply held conservative differences on policy issues with Trump? Or do I need to pull up various Stormy Daniels posts?

    Get serious.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  225. The final word on this whole issue:

    “David Hines@hradzka

    A note of explanation to conservative journalists objecting to Kevin Williamson’s firing:

    * The people who want it are in a position to threaten THE ATLANTIC with an actual material loss.

    * You are not in a position to threaten THE ATLANTIC with an actual material loss.

    Replying to @hradzka
    Obvious answer for young conservatives: Get in a position to cause or mitigate material loss.

    You will FIGHT, WIN, and PREVAIL or you will add a whining footnote to the firing impotently.

    Dysphoria Sam (a3c41a)

  226. Dirty Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg who likes to lean in so you can see down her shirt cause she’s just dirty like that told NBC’s Savannah Guthrie that the social media company is doubling down on efforts to censor and eliminate the economic incentives behind fake news.


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  227. @236

    You’re not looking very hard.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  228. @221. If that’s true (which is probably not the case) then you have an exceedingly inactive imagination.

    ???? L!!! Have you not been entertained?!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  229. There’s a syndicated show called It’s Supernatural with a guy named Sid Roth hosting. It happened to be on late last night. He seems nice, if nuttier than a Snickers Bar, but Mostly Harmless.

    He had a guy on named Henry Gruver. Henry was enthusiastic to say the least. You would be too if you survived Stage 5 cancer. Eerily, he and his wife and six kids survived a horrific van crash although he was dead for 30 minutes. They didn’t say anything about the speedometer.

    Henry had some interesting visions about Russian and Chinese collusion in America. I’m sorry, did I say collusion?

    In Astoria Washington He saw a Chinese invasion force by sea invading the land.
    When the Chinese landed in America Any civilians they saw was instantly shot and killed.
    The United States responded with World War 2 vintage planes against the Chinese invasion force.

    In this vision he and his wife were told to walk down a canyon to meet a butler that would take them to sit in front of a platform with 60 chairs. When they were seated they saw an american 4 star general and a politician off to the side talking with each other.
    After a minute a helicopter flew in and dropped a portable office that was blue in color down to the ground and flew away. Prince Charles came out of that office and was wearing a safari outfit. He was crying and announced to the congregation that America was at war and they had to fight with out God.

    The general then walked to Charles who was speaking on the platform and he said we know were at war but argued if God had anything to do with it.
    During this argument a giant frog approached representing Russia and croaked white nerve gas to kill everyone in the vision.
    After He Saw the nerve gas he was taken to the heavens and he saw trafalgar square in London.
    In this square he saw a Russian general Being mocked by the European Population. The Russian general then commanded Russian troops each protected with bio warfare suits to kill everyone. After They were killed the Russians spoiled the materials in the vision.

    Americas Last Days

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  230. 230.we have to fire this Kelly loser and find somebody with competence and character

    Bill Murray.

    W/so many folks chasing their lost balls around the WH grounds as is, a Caddyshack alumni is a natural, Mr. Feet. And most importantly, he’s good on the TeeVee!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  231. You guys who think Trump is a Tyrant King might be triggered:

    Henry Gruver Vision

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  232. i was thinking maybe let that huckabee girl have a crack at it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  233. Hi Cassandra. I don’t have much time right now but I understand if name-calling doesn’t appeal to you. It doesn’t appeal to me, either. I think it’s a terrible character flaw that Trump does it so willingly. And perhaps Trump supporters can empathize when they remember how people who criticize or objected to Trump have been demonized for two years as stupid Hillary-loving traitors.

    DRJ (15874d)

  234. Also, I give Trump credit for Gorsuch (as you do) but I guess you missed other jurists like Thomas, Scalia, Roberts and Alito. Republicans appointed them, too, and we don’t know yet if Gorsuch will be a Roberts or a Thomas/Alito.

    Did you know Cruz campaigned for the Senate in 2012 on a platform of building a border Wall? That was when Trump was considering running for President as an Independent on a platform of not deporting many immigrants and nothing about a Wall. But I give Trump credit for adopting a good plan when he hears it … from Cruz.

    DRJ (15874d)

  235. Yes they wouldn’t be confirmed in this day, I give you schumer Obama Hillary and Biden.

    narciso (d1f714)

  236. Drj, good points. I wonder if Cassandra is a Cruz Supporter too.

    Dustin (e01605)

  237. Meanwhile, I’ll take my unexpected and unanticipated wins – tax cuts, a growing economy, ISIS destroyed, etc etc. and hope for a better tomorrow.

    Cassandra (a815b9) — 4/6/2018 @ 10:46 am

    Tax cuts, yes. Bear in mind that not all income levels will see an actual decrease in their taxes.

    If Trump gets his way on tariffs we will have an imploding economy…see DJIA this week.

    If Trump gets his way on Syria, either ISIS will grow again or Iran will have a free supply link to Beirut and Damascus.

    The Wall is at best a boondoggle. Federal contractors will like it. Smugglers will like it because it allows them to raise prices. People who overstay visas will be glad it focuses attention elsewhere.

    Kishnevi (2f2613)

  238. Wiwell we sold out the Kurds who did the heavy lifting, I thought that’s why we got rid of general flynn

    narciso (d1f714)

  239. And perhaps Trump supporters can empathize when they remember how people who criticize or objected to Trump have been demonized for two years as stupid Hillary-loving traitors.

    Paging Rick Ballard.

    BuDuh (9028dd)

  240. From DRJ’s the Ted Cruz 2012 link

    “If elected, the first thing I will do is triple the U.S. Border Patrol,” Cruz said in an interview with last month.

    This had to be an excruciatingly painful 6 years of regret, DRJ. To think of the respect you lost for Trump in his 1st 25% of his term due to promises that he broke, I cannot imagine how dissatisfied you are with this whopper from Cruz.

    BuDuh (9028dd)

  241. 250, like with Koch it is woefully misdirected.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  242. And perhaps Trump supporters can empathize when they remember how people who criticize or objected to Trump have been demonized for two years as stupid Hillary-loving traitors.

    DRJ (15874d) — 4/6/2018 @ 1:55 pm

    And people who don’t criticize him early and often enough are chumps and idiots.

    I’d be ok with demonizing the top 1% of those groups like Bill Kristol and Sean Hannity. They can be the sacrificial lambs without blemishes if you will.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  243. 250, like with Koch it is woefully misdirected.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 4/6/2018 @ 3:14 pm

    Yeah, I mean Eric Garland…Kevin Williamson…who are these people? Are they strong acting or long lasting?

    No, seriously. Who are these people?

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  244. Well, I know bad traditions are on the next thread, but I think an incoming administration should be able to ritually sacrifice one outgoing cabinet member or high level staff as part of the inauguration ceremonies. Literal sacrificial lambs if you will.

    urbanleftbehind (8ba043)

  245. I wonder if Yes Man is where Jim Carey got the idea to give his meds away.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  246. Well be use to run newspapers in India, as for garland, who the heck knows, they used to be hidden on public TV.

    narciso (d1f714)

  247. And people who don’t criticize him early and often enough are chumps and idiots.

    I understand, Pin. Thats why I said empathize instead of sympathize.

    DRJ (15874d)

  248. Why is it necessary to demonize anyone? Would you spit in someone’s face in person? If not, then why do it online?

    DRJ (15874d)

  249. there’s a difference between spitting in the faces of real people and doing it online to trash like bill kristol or mitt romney

    trust me i know

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  250. “Meanwhile, I’ll take my unexpected and unanticipated wins – tax cuts, a growing economy, ISIS destroyed, etc etc. and hope for a better tomorrow.”

    B-but Cassandra, those wins were NOT WON ON THE TIMETABLE TRUMP SPECIFICALLY PROMISED IN HIS CAMPAIGN PLEDGES so they’re technically ‘broken deals’, please join our pity party so that we may one day announce all our moves in advance so that we can get paid for months to work on them only to be screwed over at the end because our enemy was planning on the timetable we gave them all along.

    Tellurian (a3c41a)

  251. 1973 Ford Pinto hasn’t broken down or blown up yet. Yay!

    nk (dbc370)

  252. I have said before I am disappointed in Cruz, BuDuh. He would have been better than Trump but he hasn’t stayed as strong as I had hoped. But Cruz did file an amendment in 2013 to the Gang of Eight immigration bill designed to show the GOP Senators are hypocrites on border security. It would have added 5000 Border Patrol agents to the Gang of Eight bill. Fortunately that bill died in the House but Cruz’s amendment shows he tried to keep his promise, despite being in the minority Party in the Senate.

    DRJ (15874d)

  253. Tellurian – you speak the truth – it didn’t happen in the first six months, so it’s like it didn’t happen at all. Off with his head!

    And you know what else – he promised to be “classy” but this doesn’t feel “classy” to me. Off with his head!

    I don’t like getting what I want if I’m embarrassed on how I got it. Off with his head!

    Geoman (a815b9)

  254. @245. i was thinking maybe let that huckabee girl have a crack at it

    She’s good with children, Mr. Feet; might just work.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  255. it’s beautiful today Mr. nk if a bit too cold

    but i think the cold sharpens the early spring light in a really nice way you don’t see too often

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  256. Back then, Trump wanted to keep most of the illegal immigrants so Cruz has a far better record on immigration than inconsistent Trump.

    DRJ (15874d)

  257. btw Mariano’s knows nothing of these tenderloins

    and they’re out of collard greens besides

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  258. hate that goddamn store

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  259. @268. I have said before I am disappointed in Cruz… But Cruz… but Cruz…”

    “Let it go, Indiana.” – Dr. Henry Jones [Sean Connery] ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ 1989

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  260. Cruz doesn’t have a record of accomplishment he’s just a senator not unlike cowardly snipey snipe John McCain

    ladies with an attitude fellas that were in the mood

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  261. #268 is hilarious!

    BuDuh (3c5dfb)

  262. I don’t like getting what I want if I’m embarrassed on how I got it. Off with his head!

    If David Duke or Richard Spencer had been elected president in 2016, and they had approved the Federalist’s Society’s nomination of Gorsuch to the supreme court, would you be singing their praises too?

    Dave (445e97)

  263. at the end of every day when the sun sets on the rio grande (vayo con dios my darling)

    border patrol agents are still just piggy piggy slicked-up union trash

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  264. @249. China holds some aces.

    Likely several; and the whole deck, too– along w/a few patents:

    ‘Playing cards are typically palm-sized for convenient handling, and were first invented in China during the Tang dynasty.’- wikipedia

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  265. the one thing about border patrol agents is they’re super-nice to white people

    and that’s not a right it’s a privilege

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  266. btw Mariano’s knows nothing of these tenderloins

    and they’re out of collard greens besides

    I found them at the Jewel. And I was never impressed by Mariano’s selections of fresh meat and produce. Its takeout, yes.

    nk (dbc370)

  267. 246.Hi Cassandra. I understand if name-calling doesn’t appeal to you. It doesn’t appeal to me, either. I think it’s a terrible character flaw that Trump does it so willingly. And perhaps Trump supporters can empathize when they remember how people who criticize or objected to Trump have been demonized for two years as stupid Hillary-loving traitors.
    DRJ (15874d) — 4/6/2018 @ 1:55 pm

    I mostly agree. I don’t think people who are still engaged in this are “Hillary loving traitors”, I think they are narcissistic fools. I’m saying it is well past time to hang up your spurs cowboys, the rodeo has durn left town and you are starting to look like a bunch of silly poseurs.

    The game has been rigged by the leftists and news media for a long time – we can’t win. It is literally impossible. And yet, here we are, with people willingly wanting to keep playing the game – willing to critique everything Trump says or does so they can still, somehow, in someway, retain their “dignity” as a true blue conservative, and never, ever have to admit they were wrong.

    I’ll say it again – you can’t win with the tactics of Bush, Romney, McCain, etc. I doubt you could win with Regan. Now some of you, like confederate soldiers, seem doomed to fight on, and mutter “mah principals” till a union bullet hits you square between the eyes, but I am most assuredly not. I don’t care what names I was called, and by who, during the election – seriously, who cares at this point? I can take an awful lot of abuse if we could just win once in a while.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  268. yes yes when i first got here the Mariano’s deli was a godsend

    before my cooking stuff came

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  269. you’re starting to look like a bunch of silly poseurs

    yes yes this trump-hate, this high-schoolish condescension we see, it’s all about social positioning it has very little genuinely political content

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  270. btw Cassandra I love you and I would like to buy you a burrito deluxe

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  271. Cassandra, no truer words were ever spoke.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  272. “1973 Ford Pinto hasn’t broken down or blown up yet. Yay!”

    Just give it time…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  273. Sir, that if very finely sliced baloney. I very much doubt I’ll get any rah rahs here. And I’m not a Trump fan, I’m a hold my nose and wade through the muck to finally get what I proclaim to want fan. I believe that perhaps, just perhaps, I should temper my criticism with a little humility, and also, I’m heartily sick of looking good while failing.

    But you clearly don’t believe you should temper your criticism of Beldar or me with even an iota of humility. With us, you have been damned arrogant. Which is clearly your default demeanor. And of course, as a Trump fan (deny it all you like, but you are), you are used to applying different standards to Trump than you apply to his critics.

    Are you and Beldar perhaps saying that you have not resorted to personal attacks on Trump?
    That you have no had sour comments to make that went beyond the realm of policy differences? No ball spiking when he says something dumb? No comments that basically boil down to “These things are just not done this way harumph!” Seriously?

    Seriously…not. That strawman is aflame and the fire can be seen for miles! I guess that makes you proud? Demolishing an argument I never made?

    Trump is an idiot. Of course I point out that he is an idiot.

    Patterico (48d017)

  274. So much for the spirit of #264

    BuDuh (3c5dfb)

  275. Hi Cassandra. I don’t have much time right now but I understand if name-calling doesn’t appeal to you. It doesn’t appeal to me, either. I think it’s a terrible character flaw that Trump does it so willingly.

    See, but DRJ, when Trump does it, we wave it aside and get mad at people who criticize him for it.

    If I do it, I get criticism until the cows come home.

    Double standards. Typical Trump-humping BS.

    Imagine if I called Cassandra some of the things Trump has called women over the years.

    Patterico (48d017)

  276. he’s not an idiot that’s simply not true

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  277. he’s just smart in a different way than you are

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  278. And Cassandra, you’ll get PLENTY of rah rahs here. You already are.

    All you have to do is kiss Trump’s behind and it’s a given.

    Patterico (48d017)

  279. i love it when people kiss President Trump

    you know

    back there

    it just feels right to me

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  280. @283. Next time an astronaut phones home, take the call, C. They see the world in its proper perspective.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  281. The game has been rigged by the leftists and news media for a long time – we can’t win. It is literally impossible. And yet, here we are, with people willingly wanting to keep playing the game – willing to critique everything Trump says or does so they can still, somehow, in someway, retain their “dignity” as a true blue conservative, and never, ever have to admit they were wrong.

    I’ll say it again – you can’t win with the tactics of Bush, Romney, McCain, etc. I doubt you could win with Regan. Now some of you, like confederate soldiers, seem doomed to fight on, and mutter “mah principals” till a union bullet hits you square between the eyes, but I am most assuredly not. I don’t care what names I was called, and by who, during the election – seriously, who cares at this point? I can take an awful lot of abuse if we could just win once in a while.

    We won with the omnibus!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!

    MO Planned Parenthood. MO sanctuary cities. MO debt.


    Patterico (48d017)

  282. All you have to do is kiss Trump’s behind and it’s a given.

    Spank it gets you $130,000- that’s the true ‘art of the deal.’ 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  283. We won with the omnibus!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!

    MO Planned Parenthood. MO sanctuary cities. MO debt.


    this is somewhat unbecoming of a personage with your breeding pedigree and intellect is it not

    you LIVE in a sanctuary city hello america

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  284. See, but DRJ, when Trump does it, we wave it aside and get mad at people who criticize him for it.

    If I do it, I get criticism until the cows come home.

    Double standards. Typical Trump-humping BS.

    Bloggers now held to a higher standard than is the President of the United States. I’m sure this says something terrible about where we currently find ourselves, but unfortunately, no one really cares about doing any examination of that sort.

    Dana (023079)

  285. yeah cause food stamp and george butcher slutboy W bush were held to such high standards

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  286. All you hardcore conservatives on Twitter getting tired of all that winning shadowbanning yet?

    “Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz has more than 3.2 million followers. You would figure that almost every tweet he wrote would get a significant reaction. And yet, as you scroll through his feed, you find most tweets he writes have, collectively, a few hundred retweets and likes at most. Just in the last few days: 259 retweets, 90 retweets, 62 retweets. Cruz’s most retweeted item in the past few days appears to have been retweeted 416 times.

    California Democratic Senator Kamala Harris has 1.5 million followers, roughly half that of Cruz. But almost all of her tweets are shared at a rate three to four times, sometimes as much as forty times, as much as Cruz’s. Her most recent tweets have been retweeted 1,800 times, 1,300 times, 981 times, and 4,000 times.

    Is it just that Harris’ tweets are so much more interesting? Are her followers, constituents, and fans so much more likely to share her tweets, compared to his? Are conservatives just less likely to retweet something than liberals are?

    Or are some of Cruz’s followers just not seeing his tweets?”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  287. Some think it better to kiss Jack Dorsey’s knob…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  288. So the only reason Trump won is because he is vulgar and fights?

    DRJ (15874d)

  289. 296.i love it when people kiss President Trump… you know… back there… it just feels right to me.

    Bank on it, Mr. Feet; got Karen herself $150,000 smack-a-roos.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  290. President Trump won cause he gave people hope

    and he never tried to reduce the campaign to some faux-angry dukakis-style i-love-my-ugly-slash-drunk-wife melodramatic moment

    the whole time he talked about real crap that concerns real people

    that was new

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  291. We won with the omnibus!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!

    MO Planned Parenthood. MO sanctuary cities. MO debt.

    Patterico (48d017) — 4/6/2018 @ 5:32 pm

    Mr. Patterico, nobody wins them all but we’re winning more than we have in the past 30 years. It’s a start. No, it ain’t perfect, but it’s a start. I really don’t understand what you guys expect from a guy who has everyone from the Deep State to the media, from the NFL to high school kids and even you against him!

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  292. who has a genuinely butt-ugly wife is scott walker

    but he flamed out all on his own

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  293. Mcturtle and cornyn checkmate any reasonable budget, don’t get me started on Ryan or gowdy

    narciso (d1f714)

  294. Still waiting for the conservative solution to China’s widescale, egregious, outright theft of intellectual property and technology. These are acts of war. What should be done to combat it?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  295. Commie corporate espionage are acts of capitalism. Yikes!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  296. Happyfeet,

    Would you just stop with your incessant and mean attacks on the physical appearance of women. Enough already.

    Dana (023079)

  297. “But you clearly don’t believe you should temper your criticism of Beldar or me with even an iota of humility. With us, you have been damned arrogant. Which is clearly your default demeanor. And of course, as a Trump fan (deny it all you like, but you are), you are used to applying different standards to Trump than you apply to his critics.”

    No, I DON’T believe I should temper my criticism of you or Beldar. Why? If you can dish it out, why can’t you take it? Sheesh, the worst I’ve said is you are both narcissist fools. You think demanding people not say bad things about you proves that charge wrong?

    I do apply a different standard to Trump than his critics – because I’ve realized something – Trump is actually getting me some of what I want, while his critics are…not. And have no plan to change that going forward. Or are you and Belder cooking up something I don’t know about? hey, If I could get more conservative stuff in place without trump, I’m all ears. Tell me your master plan to balance the budget absent Trump. Or defunding abortion – tell me your master plan. How do you intend to make that happen? Mah principals…?

    Arrogant? Not one iota of humility? I’ve said I think I was wrong about Trump, and I’m most pleasantly surprised at what he has achieved. He isn’t the disaster I anticipated. Hint – saying your wrong is typically a sign of humility, demanding others kow-tow to you and Beldar is most certainly not. I’d very much like to be wrong about you guys as well. In fact, I’d like all my criticisms about everyone to be wrong. Because by definition that would mean everything is terrific.

    You keep pretending you guys are taking high minded stands on principals, but surprisingly what I do see is a lot of pointless snipping on how much you just don’t like Trump. His demeanor. His speech. His hair. Please, tell us, what is your conservative position on Trump’s hair?

    And yeah, I was not a fan of Trump. And I’m still not. I didn’t vote for him. I know it pleases your ego to call me a liar, but it doesn’t hurt my feelings, and I’m sure makes you feel a bit better.

    “We won with the omnibus!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!! MO Planned Parenthood. MO sanctuary cities. MO debt. MO WINNIN’!! YEE HAW!”

    Sheesh. So I guess you’re right, we should all oppose everything about Trump because…well..because…well…mah principals…it has nothing to do with ego, or wanting to be right, or anything like that.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  298. Trump won the election. Not everyone is against him but he wants you to think that, Hoagie, because it’s a perfect excuse.

    DRJ (15874d)

  299. Please, tell us, what is your conservative position on Trump’s hair?

    He applies hairspray far too liberally.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  300. Which is more likely to make Trump do conservative things — for him to know that his base supports him no matter what he does, or for him to believe that his base expects him to accomplish conservative things?

    DRJ (15874d)

  301. The latter, now what’s mcconnells excuse, he should have been put out to pasture in the last cycle, bevin has been pretty good as a governor.

    narciso (d1f714)

  302. caught in a bad romance

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  303. i’m a free b!tch baybee 🙂

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  304. Mah principals

    [said multiple times]

    You can always spot those who mock the idea of principles. They tend to be unable to spell the word.

    Patterico (bbf61d)

  305. spelling is something i wrestle with every day

    like adequate vitamin d consumption

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  306. Most of you live in peoples republic I don’t mean the holdouts like Nunez central valley or hunters district, demography and indoctrination will inzure you will never have a sensible rep, that’s what we have to work with. To paraphrase Jake gittes boss ‘its broward, don’t try to figure it out’ now imagine if they had kept williamson on, you want to defend his modest proposal, after you alfonse.

    narciso (d1f714)

  307. pretty hurts, Dana

    also ugly hurts too

    it hurts both ways i guess 🙁

    let me know how i can help

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  308. Col H
    Cruz has two Twitter accounts. They may have ignored one of them. . This tweet from yesterday was retweeted over 2500 times, for instance.

    Kishnevi (07cb64)

  309. caught in a bad romance

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  310. You keep pretending you guys are taking high minded stands on principals, but surprisingly what I do see is a lot of pointless snipping on how much you just don’t like Trump. His demeanor. His speech. His hair. Please, tell us, what is your conservative position on Trump’s hair?

    Conservative principles aren’t the only ones worth defending. There is also decency. There is also honesty. There is also comity and respect for the political and social fabric that holds us together as a society. Liberals are rightly criticized for sacrificing all of those things on the altar of raw political power.

    Trump’s great innovation, according to his supporters, is transforming that same toxic and immoral sociopathy into the brand of the country’s only conservative party, in the name of “winning”.

    I agree with Patterico and Beldar on most things, but I don’t pretend to speak for them. I openly admit that my irreconcilable(*) opposition to Trump is not based on policy differences (although there are plenty). It based on the fact that the man is unfit, in every way, to lead the greatest country in the world. If he agreed with me on every single question of policy, it would only make want to oppose him more. To the extent his positions agree with mine, it discredits them by association with him.

    Donald Trump is the most serious problem facing conservatism and the biggest crisis confronting the United States as a whole at this moment, and will be for as long as he remains in office.

    (*) If Trump were to show any signs of decency, humanity and remorse for his past actions, and made a good faith effort be worthy of the office he holds, I would welcome it, and support him. It is obviously not going to happen; the trend is rather in the opposite direction. Bigly.

    Dave (445e97)

  311. Which is more likely to make Trump do conservative things — for him to know that his base supports him no matter what he does, or for him to believe that his base expects him to accomplish conservative things?

    Sucking up to him without fail, personally attacking anyone who criticizes his signing awful leftist legislation that would have driven the right mad if Obama had signed it.

    Patterico (bbf61d)

  312. Mr. Kishnevi if they’re shadow-banning just the one it still matters

    But if Twitter is no longer just an open forum but *are* in fact endorsing some views and punishing others, then they could be construed to be “publishers” of the tweets they permit to be seen, and would therefore *not* have the protections of the CDA’s immunity clause.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  313. cawt in a bad romance

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  314. The progs want no opposition to what they do OT what they say, in western Europe this is why the center right parties are generally useless and its the fringe parties focused on values and culture is where the action is, you www what they said to fillon and lepen to allow macron to get in, in Germany its even worse.

    narciso (d1f714)

  315. Conservative principles include a desire for decorum, civility and rational behavior, not just conservative positions on the issues. Trump often scores 0 for 4. It’s a problem.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  316. yeah when lord high morm-queen mitt romney’s ironically screeching “pedophile” at another pedophile at the top of his geriatric lungs it’s all about decorum

    got it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  317. What verifiable hearsay, let alone actual proof, you got on that whole Mitt-pedo jag?

    urbanleftbehind (8ba043)

  318. it’s the seriousness of the charge

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  319. Well decorum gets you a pat on that, like they did initially with williamson and kick in the rear, Stephens was put on notice not to challenge agw and he hasn’t again, the kind of contortions gerson goes to keep his job, is probably found in obscure Indian texts.

    narciso (d1f714)

  320. The thing about Trump is that he was right about a lot of things that needed smashing, and he is actually quite good at smashing. The problem though, is that he has no ability to build the replacement.

    It is possible he once did, but the man right now is not that guy. Some of the behavior he shows could be confused with early-stage Alzheimer’s. Particularly the mood swings and anger, and the short-term memory loss.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  321. @327: It based on the fact that the man is unfit, in every way, to lead the greatest country in the world.

    Many vague references to decency, honesty and comity without specifying what exactly you’re referring to makes for a very unconvincing argument.

    He’s beneath you. Possibly. Don’t care.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  322. the climate change hoax just gets hoaxier every day i forget my gloves

    in goddamn april

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  323. No, decorum is like not throwing tantrums, or tweeting crazy stuff at 3AM. Or calling someone a pedophile because it’s your slur of the month.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  324. No altzheimers is more what the bush and romnwy clan, seem to be suffering from, they were bete noires for the left for perhaps 16 years if not 20, from the contras through Iraq, some animus went back two generations

    narciso (d1f714)

  325. mitt needs to learn to keep his happy hands away from the little boys

    then we can talk about next steps

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  326. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Mormons are a shadow matriarchy. Think about it, it makes all the sense in the world. The women stay home and run things, including raising and more important indoctrinating the kids, while they send the men out to work their fingers to the bone to support them in the lifestyle they want. They don’t let them drink, smoke, or gamble, and if they get itchy for a little new stuff they bring in one more sister-wife. So it’s no wonder that Romney would be a bigger #MeTooer than any honey boo boo trying to brag that some man found her attractive. He’s been “tamed” that way.

    nk (dbc370)

  327. i keep going back to this stereo mcs remix of frozen

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  328. that’s a lot to unpack Mr. nk good job brb

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  329. Dave, if they impeach Trump on some pseudo-crime like running a business while president (he will not be the first), or conflating a suggestion to go easy on someone with obstruction, well, I and the American people will not stand for it. And I despise Trump. Not only would it be bullsh1t, but if successful the precedent would seriously harm the Presidency. It would also give new meaning to the term “trumped-up.”

    But if they impeached him for “conduct unbecoming” or “senility” or “incompetence” — straight up, no BS charges, if proved, then I’d consider the evidence.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  330. Many vague references to decency, honesty and comity without specifying what exactly you’re referring to makes for a very unconvincing argument.

    Yes, it’s a real head-scratcher what sorts of things I might be referring to, isn’t it?

    Anyway, challenge accepted.

    I will just have to post more frequent and more specific criticisms of Trump’s character and behavior. Clearly I’ve been letting him off too easily up to this point…

    Dave (445e97)

  331. this idea that mitt romney is tamed

    once you say it

    it’s so defining of him cause it rings so true

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  332. In short, if “they” decide to get rid of him, the reasons matter. The end does not justify the means.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  333. Did you know that happyfeet kills young girls and stores them in his basement freezer?

    It sounds so true, so it must be.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  334. The new York times has supported every cursed tyranny since the confederacy maybe they had brief moment of lucidness about lenin, but Mao Castro, the ortegas the khmer rouge etc. So trust their judgment.

    narciso (d1f714)

  335. not sure about mormons but pentecostals for sure are a goddamn matriarchy

    but we’re not supposed to say it out loud

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  336. It is almost like hf is determined to see how far Patterico’s safe harbor against libel goes, but it’s gotten VERY VERY old.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  337. i don’t even have a basement and even if i did i wouldn’t dignify your scurrilous comment with a reply

    good day sir

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  338. You know what else was a shadow matriarchy? Sparta. The famous Sparta of the 300. And you know what they called the upbringing of boys? Man-taming. So that’s how I know.

    nk (dbc370)

  339. (escaping modration)

    But narciso, they don’t support the tyrant Trump, nor the Bush1tler, nor Reagan who crushed the noble Soviets.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  340. i should watch that movie again

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  341. What makes you think they won’t manufacture that evidence, we came awdylly close witrph Dan rather, they have been emboldened since then with Stevens Mcdonnell delay they clipped walkers pretty well.

    narciso (d1f714)

  342. Dave: Yes, it’s a real head-scratcher what sorts of things I might be referring to, isn’t it?

    Oh please. You can name specifics like, say, paying off a hooker and lying about it — anything else? Oh yeah, he tweets a lot and is insulting. The point is to get you to provide details, all of which pale in comparison to substantive lies about public policy which are the hallmarks of prior administrations. I don’t give a damn whether he’s beneath you, nor should anyone else. And sure as hell the Founders, many of whom were scoundrels themselves, didn’t put in a “on a par with the sensibilities of the self-anointed” requirement. Grow up.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  343. The sequel with Eva green really doesnr hold up, and rodrigo santoro, is just too ridiculous as xerxes.

    narciso (d1f714)

  344. they got emboldened with katrina

    anderson cooper’s tiny little pecker’s been raging hard for deception ever since

    and they will never



    happyfeet (28a91b)

  345. eva green’s been making bad choices yes

    but she had her day

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  346. Fusion ran interference for planned parenthood and theranos, the second the largest heist Danny ocean didn’t plan, if they had concocted digital evidence instead of mere heresay how much would they have gotten away with?

    narciso (d1f714)

  347. Since the second season of penny dreadful, Timothy Walton has also gotten all long in the tooth.

    narciso (d1f714)

  348. I will just have to post more frequent and more specific criticisms of Trump’s character and behavior. Clearly I’ve been letting him off too easily up to this point…
    Dave (445e97) — 4/6/2018 @ 7:43 pm

    You act as if you’re performing some sort of public service announcement. I got news for you: we all read and we all listen to the radio and TV so you’re not telling us anything about Trump we don’t already know and have known. What you do is you put the “deranged” in TDS. Constantly repeating the same nonsense day after day in different forms using different words but still the same old crap. It’s insanity, Dave. Is there nothing else in your world other than “Trump lied” and “Trump didn’t keep his promise”? You should work at HuffPo you’d fit right in.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  349. dalton

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  350. but he nailed that character

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  351. @346 I disagree that trying to preempt a politically embarrassing FBI investigation of a close political crony isn’t actionable.

    I doubt they’ll get him on money-related stuff, although Uday, Qusay and Jared are another story.

    I’m less worried than you about harming the presidency (not that I don’t think it’s a consideration). Some executive powers could use recalibration, in my view, regardless of the current office-holder. Both Dubya and Obama were demonized by the opposing party, yet there was no even semi-serious talk of impeachment. Ideally, Trump is a one-off problem that is consigned to the ash-bin of history like New Coke or the 1994 baseball season.

    While I may jokingly suggest otherwise, I consider impeachment a very remote possibility, even after a #BlueWave, unless Trump is personally implicated with Russian intelligence contacts or Putin releases the videotape. Sad!

    Dave (445e97)

  352. i love president trump and if you do impeach on him i will be displeased Mr. Dave

    your move

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  353. The sequel with Eva green really doesnr hold up, and rodrigo santoro, is just too ridiculous as xerxes.

    Well, 300 was Herodotus as visualized by Frank Miller. I’ll give Miller his Xerxes as well as the way he likes his Spartan men dressed. Artistic license let’s say. The sequel was a couple of Hollywood screenwriters.

    nk (dbc370)

  354. You act as if you’re performing some sort of public service announcement.

    Nah, it was humor (in the form of irony/sarcasm).

    Random Viking said I hadn’t provided any specifics about why I found Trump unfit. Since I do that pretty much all day when I’m posting, conceding his point and promising to do it more was supposed to be funny.

    Get it now?

    Dave (445e97)

  355. The crazies are now fully in charge in the asylum, previously it was outluers like Henry Gonzalez and Barbara lee,

    Yes I suppose he modernized quartermains eccentric explorer.

    What has he done that is one parsec from impeachable?

    narciso (d1f714)

  356. Both Dubya and Obama were demonized by the opposing party, yet there was no even semi-serious talk of impeachmen

    LOL. You’re joking, or you have a very poor memory.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  357. Get it now?

    i get that but I love President Trump

    i love him he is my sun and my moon and my everything

    so if you have something to say you should just say it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  358. Yes miller is grand guignol, its just too camp for two long, miller wrote the original robocop.

    narciso (d1f714)

  359. Random Viking said I hadn’t provided any specifics about why I found Trump unfit. Since I do that pretty much all day when I’m posting, conceding his point and promising to do it more was supposed to be funny.

    Expecting anyone to cull the daily content here to keep abreast of your regular updates on how many ways Trump and Trumpkins are beneath you is definitely funny, Dave. Still laughing.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  360. LOL. You’re joking, or you have a very poor memory.

    Nope. I was talking about Congress.

    DailyKos is not what I call “serious”, anymore than Gateway Pundit or InfoWars.

    Dave (445e97)

  361. So they have proven they are evil:

    narciso (d1f714)

  362. Call it a ConDave fetish… or OCD…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  363. everyone with a facebook account is a spawn of satan

    it’s so unfortunate

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  364. i don’t even have a basement and even if i did i wouldn’t dignify your scurrilous comment with a reply

    I’d hate to believe that you make frozen baby filets, Mr. Feet, but the seriousness of the charge has me VERY concerned.

    not sure about mormons but pentecostals for sure are a goddamn matriarchy

    My mother was a Pentecostal minister, so I’m forced to agree about the “matriarchy” part. The “goddamn” seems like a tougher sell.

    Dave (445e97)

  365. Bow germany is sending puigdemont back like bad kungpao chicken:

    narciso (d1f714)

  366. it’s not all about you bra

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  367. you only see what your eyes want to see how can life be what you want it to be

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  368. Dave, obviously I was referring to the likes of DailyKos. Sure—as opposed to, oh say, Dennis Kucinich and John Conyers. Whatever gives you that straw man….

    A Republican who isn’t threatened with impeachment is called a Democrat.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  369. everyone with a facebook account is a spawn of satan

    Too easy.

    Dave (445e97)

  370. Spielberg trying to murder the Indiana Jones franchise, after comatizing with crystal skull, now its called lara craft and vikander can’t carry it off, same with bond, after atomic blonde they should try queen and country.

    narciso (d1f714)

  371. I don’t consider Dennis Kucinich or John Conyers serious either…

    I showed you the incoming House Speaker, on the day after the Democrats took congress, saying it was off the table. And it was off the table. There were no impeachment hearings. There was no chance of impeachment hearings taking place, even when Bush went ahead and defeated the insurgency despite Democrat demands for surrender.

    Dave (445e97)

  372. Dave, Nov 2006 was Bush’s last midterm. He was a lame duck when Pelosi made that pledge, OK? If it were Nov 2022, the same pledge would be made for Trump. This is just the realities of politics — which, if there’s a common denominator of the anti-Trump crowd, it’s their inability to see it when it stares them straight in the face.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  373. So you agree with me, then – that there was never any serious move to impeach Bush? Cool.

    Dave (445e97)

  374. Yeah Dave, I guess Bush’s term was 2006 ~ 2008. Right-o.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  375. and were first invented in China during the Tang dynasty.’- wikipedia

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/6/2018 @ 4:58 pm

    What’s orange and smells like MSG?

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  376. and he never tried to reduce the campaign to some faux-angry dukakis-style i-love-my-ugly-slash-drunk-wife melodramatic moment

    the whole time he talked about real crap that concerns real people

    that was new

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/6/2018 @ 5:59 pm

    He’ll be damned if anyone else rapes his wives. You know what I mean.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  377. David French has an on-topic epiphany:

    “I’ve grown up in the midst of an elite media/academic world that positively delights in shocking the conservative and Christian conscience. Yet the same elite can’t coexist with a talented, provocative conservative?”

    Nothing better summarizes the utter cluelessness of the anti-Trump crowd and puts a pretty bow on it.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  378. who has a genuinely butt-ugly wife is scott walker

    but he flamed out all on his own

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/6/2018 @ 6:00 pm

    She’s a lady in the bass boat but a freak in the ice fishing shed.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  379. They actually went and put Choom Gang Barak Obama on Legends of Tomorrow. Make America Grodd Again. Good Grief.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  380. I think they named oranges before they named carrots.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  381. No, decorum is like not throwing tantrums, or tweeting crazy stuff at 3AM. Or calling someone a pedophile because it’s your slur of the month.

    Kevin M (752a26) — 4/6/2018 @ 7:36 pm

    Or sniffing young girl’s hair.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  382. He’s been “tamed” that way.

    nk (dbc370) — 4/6/2018 @ 7:40 pm

    The average Mormon woman’s leg lock finishing move is more dangerous than Royce Gracie in the clinch.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  383. But if they impeached him for “conduct unbecoming” or “senility” or “incompetence” — straight up, no BS charges, if proved, then I’d consider the evidence.

    Kevin M (752a26) — 4/6/2018 @ 7:42 pm

    Dave is #nevertrump’s +1 at the Impeachment Ball.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  384. Man-taming. So that’s how I know.

    nk (dbc370) — 4/6/2018 @ 7:48 pm

    That must have been arduous without Ritalin and other drugs. I wonder how many school javelings they had?

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  385. @393. What’s orange and smells like MSG?

    We could ask Melania but only his hairdresser knows for sure.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  386. It’s insanity, Dave. Is there nothing else in your world other than “Trump lied” and “Trump didn’t keep his promise”? You should work at HuffPo you’d fit right in.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402) — 4/6/2018 @ 8:11 pm

    The Soy Boi’s who cried wolf are finally more or less telling the truth about a Republican president and a great many people don’t GAF.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  387. dalton

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/6/2018 @ 8:11 pm

    I thought he’d be bigger (drink).

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  388. The sequel was a couple of Hollywood screenwriters.

    nk (dbc370) — 4/6/2018 @ 8:16 pm

    I don’t care what Eva calls them, they’re spectacular.

    Pinandpuller (d15821)

  389. @327. =yawn= Trump is more or less what we once called a ‘Rockefeller Republican.’ An immediate transient; a path to transition.

    Time’s up. Welcome to 1964; what goes around, comes around.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  390. Mah principals

    [said multiple times]

    You can always spot those who mock the idea of principles. They tend to be unable to spell the word.

    Patterico (bbf61d) — 4/6/2018 @ 6:44 pm

    Dear lord Patterico, seriously? The joke I’m making is you are sticking to your position like a confederate soldier after the war has been long lost. I even explained it to you.
    That is just embarrassing.

    Well, nah (that is actually and intentional misspelling of the word “no” in case you can’t follow). You won’t listen. And you don’t have to. I get you intend to stand at the stern of the ship, as is sinks beneath the wine dark waves, saluting the flag, till the bitter end. Fine, you want to be shark food like Kevin Williamson, it is your prerogative. Just don’t expect me to join you. There are still passengers to save. Hell, the ship may still be salvaged, if we all just rolled up our sleeves and started bailing.

    But you keep on saluting sir. Keep on saluting.

    I’m out.

    Cassandra (c33ba9)

  391. Yeah Dave, I guess Bush’s term was 2006 ~ 2008. Right-o.

    So you’re saying the GOP-controlled House of Representatives (1995 ~ 2007) tried to impeach Bush? Right-o.

    Dave (445e97)

  392. There are still passengers to save. Hell, the ship may still be salvaged, if we all just rolled up our sleeves and started bailing.

    Captain Queeg needs to walk the plank first.

    Dave (445e97)

  393. @327. =yawn= Trump is more or less what we once called a ‘Rockefeller Republican.’ An immediate transient; a path to transition.

    You’re still missing the point. It’s not about politics.

    I don’t recall “Rockefeller Republicans” insulting POWs, cruelly mocking the disabled, bragging about the length of their sex organs during nationally televised debates, compulsively lying, making vile verbal attacks on women, boasting about committing sexual assault and peeping at naked little girls, inciting their supporters to beat-up political opponents, praising white supremacists, inviting the Russian intelligence services to intervene in our elections and then trying to cover it up when they do, attacking the wives and parents of political opponents, attacking the mothers of servicemen killed in action, praising Chinese communist massacres and making racist attacks on American jurists. And that just scratches the surface.

    You may point out (rightly) that Nixon was no choir-boy. But when it was clear that he had crossed the line, the rest of the party refused to excuse or defend him. They told him it was time for him to go.

    Dave (445e97)

  394. No Dave, you’re still missing the point. We know all about it so what do you expect us to do, turn the government over to Maxine Waters, Nazi Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? He is what he is and when you go off on a rant like:

    I don’t recall “Rockefeller Republicans” insulting POWs, cruelly mocking the disabled, bragging about the length of their sex organs during nationally televised debates, compulsively lying, making vile verbal attacks on women, boasting about committing sexual assault and peeping at naked little girls, inciting their supporters to beat-up political opponents, praising white supremacists, inviting the Russian intelligence services to intervene in our elections and then trying to cover it up when they do, attacking the wives and parents of political opponents, attacking the mothers of servicemen killed in action, praising Chinese communist massacres and making racist attacks on American jurists. And that just scratches the surface.

    you sound like a b!tchy teenage ex-girlfriend who won’t shut the f**k up. More to the point, you’ve been on the longest recorded menstrual period in history. Put a tampon in it already.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  395. “you sound like a b!tchy Vichy teenage ex-girlfriend”

    FIFY, Hoagie…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  396. you sound like a b!tchy teenage ex-girlfriend who won’t shut the f**k up. More to the point, you’ve been on the longest recorded menstrual period in history. Put a tampon in it already.

    The comments have finally gone full Trump. Amazing. I never thought I would see grown men act this way without being ashamed, and now they compete to act this way.

    DRJ (15874d)

  397. John Kerry labeled every Vietnam bet, he did much the same with Iraq vets he dealt in the contra libel that Maxine waters picked up, how many senators conformed him? Obama openly ridiculed special Olympians not one dodgy reporter who cast light on his own dispAtched, as for

    narciso (d1f714)

  398. Well that was the bulk of the Clinton tenure in office, not sufficient with letting a woman drown, red Kennedy moved on to high treason with andropov and chernenko using John tunnel as a go between, how many treated him like the second coming of Henry clay, I’m leaving out the slander of bork

    narciso (d1f714)

  399. Western policy has been to throw the people of China in favor of the regime, not making a difference, apparently ivanka’s trademarks didn’t make that difference afterball.

    narciso (d1f714)

  400. About Joe Biden from falsely placing blame for his wife’s death to enabling the partition of Iraq and alienating Karzai there is a long catalog of sins, plagiarism being the leadt

    narciso (d1f714)

  401. Let’s just watch some Saturday morning cartoons, DRJ. Do you have Netflix? I’m watching “Stitch! The Movie!”.

    nk (dbc370)

  402. DRJ, they made no effort to say that Dave’s claims about Trump’s behavior were not truthful. They made no effort to say it’s ok for any man to behave that way, let alone the president. There’s a comment about ‘but Democrats’ and then a hissy fit. Ironically the person having the fit is trying to be macho about it.

    Trump didn’t win because he’s a tough harsh guy. He won because he wasn’t Hillary. Ignoring his flaws actually helps the Democrats for the same reason ignoring Hillary’s helped the Republicans.

    But it’s hard to care about politics when every thread is a couple of people being bashed and bashed and bashed for telling the truth. Life’s too short.

    Dustin (e01605)

  403. Yes ted for whatever motives did support the Cuban adjustment act, so I’ll grant him that, he also helped spawn the hmo.

    narciso (d1f714)

  404. What kind of a world is it where kids have to go to a premium package to watch good animation,

    narciso (d1f714)

  405. That can’t be misinterpreted:
    Re the redeployment from syria, it’s a,very small contingent, we three the Kurds under the bus, for the umpteenth time

    narciso (d1f714)

  406. Life is too short, Dustin. I may watch TV as nk suggests.

    I primarily comment at The Jury now because this is madness. Life without values is about survival. Survival is important, of course, but America was founded on the concept that there must be sufficient virtue among men for self-government. What a quaint concept that has become.

    DRJ (15874d)

  407. Trump didn’t win because he’s a tough harsh guy. He won because he wasn’t Hillary. Ignoring his flaws actually helps the Democrats for the same reason ignoring Hillary’s helped the Republicans.

    This. Great comment.

    DRJ (15874d)

  408. When they can’t rig the system they ignore it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  409. My daughter likes Miraculous from Netflix, its French-made/based English dubbed. I know they some no hijab rule, but they don’t seem to have token north African characters.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  410. Ah Marseilles house of bouillaboise is back on, how did I miss this?

    narciso (d1f714)

  411. I think Trump should agree to the interview with Mueller on one condition — that the session be Mueller personally as the questioner, and the President and his lawyer shall be there. 3 people — no one else.

    The key to an FBI interview when they are “hunting” a 1001 violation is that there are 2 agents present. One is the “scribe”, meaning he’s taking notes for the purpose of preparing the FBI 302 — the Memorandum of Interview form. The other agent is present in order to corroborate the first agent’s account. The second agent can take notes — usually not as extensive, more so for his own use — and the second agent signs the 302 indicating that it is consistent with his recollection of what was said by the person being interviewed. When the 302 is the basis for a 1001 charge, both agents are witnesses as to what the defendant said that is alleged to have been false.

    So, by Mueller’s own concession — at least as reported by the WaPo — that he need information from Trump for purposes of preparing a report to the AG — he doesn’t need two FBI agents or other prosecutors to do the questioning. Mueller is the SC, presumably he knows what he needs.

    So the ground rules for an interview with POTUS are that Mueller come alone, that Mueller asks the questions he wants to ask. Trump answers the question, and Mueller leaves.

    No transcript, no notes.

    Mueller can go back and finish his report.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  412. Except Mueller was in charge when eickenrode lost libby’s 302, so no deal,
    There is an extraordinary level of bad faith on the part of the prosecution, in part because they have relied on dubious evidence but also. What was done with it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  413. Remember two it was Mueller’s notes that were used to attack Alberto Gonzalez about the march 2004 bedside meeting g.

    narciso (d1f714)

  414. Trump didn’t win because he’s a tough harsh guy. He won because he wasn’t Hillary. Ignoring his flaws actually helps the Democrats for the same reason ignoring Hillary’s helped the Republicans.

    But it’s hard to care about politics when every thread is a couple of people being bashed and bashed and bashed for telling the truth. Life’s too short.
    Dustin (e01605) — 4/7/2018 @ 7:03 am

    Trump won for many reasons not being Hillary was just one of them and if you can’t see that you’re willfully ignorant. And nobody except perhaps happyfeet ignores Trumps flaws. How can they it’s all some of you girls talk about day after day after day. The constant whine of little b!tches is impossible to “ignore”.

    You have guts saying “every thread is a couple people being bashed and bashed for telling the truth” like you’re the only person who knows The Truth! Eat me. The Truth, my little leftist, is that just because someone disagrees with you it does not give you the right to call him a liar.

    Let me explain The Truth. There’s a small town in Illinois that just made owning an “assault weapon” illegal. This is just one of many leftist enclaves that will be trying to do an end run around the Second Amendment just like they do with sanctuary cities. At the same time the CEO of Twitter just said that Republicans and conservatives should have no Free Speech, nor be able to be in politics or even work for a living unless leftists approve it. This is what we will get nationally if we lose. You worry about Trump when you should be backing every move he makes to re-establish our Freedom. Trump is not the enemy-these people are. The left is destroying the Constitution one right at a time and if they win our country is over. Trump kept them out-last time. In a civil war there is no middle ground. You’re either with us or you’re with Maxine Waters, Nazi Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

    Like you’re the only one who can see truth. What chutzpah.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  415. What’s sad, DRJ, re your #414, is the particular commenters whom Trump has corrupted.

    I re-loaded this page after I read your quote, without again running the blocker script, because I was curious who could have written what you quoted. And dear lord, I wish I hadn’t, because it was someone upon whom I gave up long ago — that’s why I block his comments — but retained some residual tiny particle of respect for. And now I’m sad to have that last particle washed away too. It’s virtually impossible for me to recognize this person as the same one I thought I knew something about based on several years’ worth of prior comments, so I must conclude that that person has changed, dramatically and so very, very much for the worse, since Trump won the GOP nomination.

    It’s proof before our eyes on the coarsening, the degradation of morality and decency, that our coarse, immoral, indecent POTUS is demand from his cult, and that they now demand from the rest of us.

    Moral: Stick to the blocker script no matter what. People whom you’ve exiled from your life, because reading what they write now makes you sad at how they’ve abased and degraded themselves in their worship of this false prophet, this con man, such that they mimic his very worst public attributes.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  416. Yes some pective is certainly due, they are going after pruitt, because their wallets are getting light, Boston and pompeo have called radical islamists, I don’t put much stock in the Russian hacking, but Russian money has greased some palms in London, and other places, plus you have their alliance with Iran and south America.

    narciso (d1f714)

  417. BTW, the FBI just shut down and confiscated the website Backpage. They stole the paid advertising of tens of thousands of individuals and businesses because they are cracking down on “human sex trafficking”. So instead of shutting down the sections in question they deprived thousands of people of their freedom of speech as well as loss of money.

    I’m sure none of us support sex trafficking or child porn. I hope we don’t support punishing thousands of people who are involved in neither to address the problem which could have been addressed by closing certain categories rather than “lawn care” and “babysitters” and “house cleaners”.

    This is how it starts. We’ve seen how it ends.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  418. Dustin: Trump didn’t win because he’s a tough harsh guy. He won because he wasn’t Hillary.

    Fact: Trump won because he carried Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Name another Republican candidate (all of whom weren’t Hillary) who could’ve done the same. Tick, tock, tick, tock….

    random viking (6a54c2)

  419. It’s Holy Saturday and I’m being nice. (And, boy, some of the comments I typed and then deleted yesterday because it was Good Friday.) But just wait until Monday.

    nk (dbc370)

  420. Yes civility like calling melania a hooker, can’t wait.

    narciso (d1f714)

  421. Rev. Hoagie, your three excepted categories are rife with “traffickees” of a non-sexual nature.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  422. Cruz plus Midwestern gov could have done it, but that would be opioid Ohio or Wisconsin dairy mafia ad nauseum.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  423. That’s the proper use of the Ranch notice.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  424. I have to wonder about a conservative who broadcasts his need for a safespace.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  425. The big money wouldn’t back Cruz, and walker had been pretty bad bruised by chisholms droppings to the times and the post.

    narciso (d1f714)

  426. Now somewhat like the knife attacks they don’t surprise, I’m concerned about the next generation attack, either here or in europe.

    narciso (d1f714)

  427. Merkrl and the social democrats don’t give a pfennig, so will anything change?

    narciso (d1f714)

  428. @411. Actually, you’re missing it– and seem a tad muddled over who was who and what was what back in ’64. You might want to revisit that battlefield in the context of the times. But the specifics are essentially irrelevant; it’s the character of the combat between RR’s and the Goldwater conservatives in ’64 that you’ll find similar to now as was the turmoil in 1912. Hell, even Nixon introduced AuH20 at the convention ’64 convention as ‘Mr. Conservative’ to remain at least a player after the ’60 and ’62 losses. Trump’s a transient; a bridge to a new party character breaking w/t the conservative ideologues which surfaced w/Goldwater, peaked w/Reagan and has been circling the drain since 1988. They had a good run post-Watergate. Bu that party’s over. The GOP– and the times, the demographics of the country, the economics of the planet, they are-a-changin’ and ideological conservatism is in GWTW territory for a decade or two. The wise ones see it, know it and have retreated or bailed. The lesser minds simply rail as contemporary reactionaries against Trump and miss the forest for the trees. It’s who comes after him that matters– and it ain’t a Mike Pence or a Ted Cruz. It’s likely someone who isn’t even on your radar yet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  429. @412. …turn the government over to Maxine Waters, Nazi Pelosi and Chuck Schumer?

    They have no one. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, etc., — they’re all way too old, past their expiration date but most importantly, uninspiring and not particularly entertaining for this era. If Trump survives Mueller, he’ll win again in a squeaker– but he’ll win. Dallas ran 13 seasons because week in and week out, everybody loved to hate JR.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  430. 434… there are none so blind, as those who will not see.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  431. 433 — but there were multiple people in the room when Ashcroft was in the hospital, not just Mueller and Gonzalez.

    My scenario has Mueller in the room alone, and he can’t take notes while he’s there.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  432. 438… that’s the way to stick to the facts.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  433. 449 — DCSCA. I think I agree completely with you here. Trump is the “Intermezzo” in the GOP opera.

    He has, for once and all, exposed the establishment GOP for its fecklessness with regard to their unwillingness to deliver on 24 years worth of campaign promises — ever since Clinton was first elected.

    The real question is what comes next? There really isn’t a workable “majority” IMO that would follow down the Trump path. Trump was more of an “off-ramp” away from the establishment GOP. So the disgruntled masses in flyover country — GOP and non-GOP — took the Trump exit to see what was ahead.

    He’s delivering in some measure on the promises he made, but he’s not “conservative” enough for many doctrinaire conservatives, and his flaws are too great to accommodate for many conservatives and/or Republicans who do applaud some of what he has accomplished.

    The Dems may get him after the 2018 midterms, or in 2020. But they are who they have always been, and their message doesn’t last.

    So what really counts for the GOP is “Who comes next?” Who is the “leader” that can refashion the feckless GOP that Trump has exposed. Frankly, I think that leadership is going to come from the Freedom caucus because they are closest to the conservative/populist blend that Trump has tapped into.

    I’m holding off for now – I need to see more — but long term I think the hope for the GOP is possibly Mike Pompeo.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  434. The famous but incompetent method of interviewing suspects did not work at the widow’s trial in Orlando. She said the FBI lied and the jury believed her because the FBI had not audio-recorded it. I could have told them that. A while back I told my sixteen-year old about the FBI only taking notes and not electronically recording statements of suspects. She blurted out: “So they can lie about what the person said.” I think, these days, that will be the first thing jurors suspect too.

    nk (dbc370)

  435. OT — a huge trajedy, made even more so if you understand the culture. 14 dead in a bus crash involving a Canadian junior hockey team.

    Its like a Little League bus crashing and killing a bunch of ballplayers.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  436. “My scenario has Mueller in the room alone, and he can’t take notes while he’s there.”

    – shipwreckedcrew

    Why don’t you make him ask his questions, in pig-Latin, while you’re at it? How many other Harrison Bergeron style restrictions do you think you would need to pile on to level the playing field between Mueller and a moron like Trump?

    Leviticus (6a26b1)

  437. @454. MP’s another name on a list.

    Chances are it’s likely some young moderate, not cemented to a rigid ideology who is not even on anyone’s radar yet who is a contemporary w/21st times, familiar and comfortable confronting them and most importantly, able to hold the audience’s attention on various media platfoms along w/t the TeeVee.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  438. 455 — usually you need a basis to explain to the jury why the agents might have been motivated to mischaracterize what was said during an interview.

    “They lie” is not a defense that gets much traction — and one aberrant verdict does not a make a trend.

    And that wasn’t the theory the defense advanced. They didn’t say the agents lied in the 302 about the interview — they acknowledged that she made statements which seemed to incriminate herself in having foreknowledge of the attack. The defense claimed she was coerced by the FBI agents during the questioning, and the statements she made weren’t an accurate portrayal of what actually happened. That’s where the absence of a video of the statement became an issue.

    The gov’t also played games with a very late disclosure of evidence that undercut their theory of her involvement.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  439. Fact: Trump won because he carried Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Name another Republican candidate (all of whom weren’t Hillary) who could’ve done the same. Tick, tock, tick, tock….

    It’s impossible to prove any hypothetical scenario, but the only one of those where Trump received a majority of primary votes was Pennsylvania (when the race was perceived by most as over), and he lost handily to Cruz in Wisconsin and Kasich in Ohio despite being the clear front-runner at the time. Trump received barely over 1/3 of the primary votes in winning Michigan.

    Cruz (who consistently beat Trump in the West) could well have carried Colorado and Nevada, which Trump narrowly lost, which are about equal to Michigan in electoral votes (CO + NV = 15 vs. MI = 16).

    If MI + PA flip to Clinton, and one or both of CO or NV go to Cruz, Cruz still wins.

    It seems doubtful that a videotape of Cruz boasting about committing sexual assault would have emerged a month before election day, so I think Trump’s performance arguably represents a floor, not a ceiling, for what a respectable candidate could achieve.

    If Fiorina is Cruz’s running mate, she certainly cuts into a demographic (women) where Clinton trounced Trump 54-41, whereas it’s doubtful Pence swayed anyone who would have otherwise voted for Clinton into Trump’s column.

    Dave (445e97)

  440. and a moron like Trump?

    If you could put a date on it, when, in your opinion, was it glaringly obvious that Trump is a moron?

    BuDuh (8af28b)

  441. 457 — as reported, Mueller has said he only needs answers to a few questions so he can prepare his report to the AG (or Dep. AG).

    Fine. Ask away. Trump answers. Leave and go back and complete your report.

    Trump doesn’t sit in that interview as some ordinary citizen. By structure of the Constitution, Mueller is his subordinate, and he’s accommodating Mueller’s stated needs.

    Mueller can accept the conditions or not. If not, Trump can say “I offered to address for the SC what it is the SC said he needs. He declined my offer.”

    Mueller isn’t entitled to an interrogation, and he isn’t entitled to dictate who’s in the room.

    A grand jury is an investigative body that is part of the Judiciary, not the Executive. DOJ prosecutors make use of the Grand Jury and its processes, but the GJ is a creature of the District Court.

    Mueller can have a GJ subpoena issued to Trump, and Trump can wad it up and throw it in the trash. The Supreme Court cannot command POTUS to appear and answer questions any more than Congress can command POTUS to appear and answer questions. Their are co-equal branches of government.

    Mueller has no real leverage over Trump with which to dictate the terms of a meeting.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  442. The Republican Party is broken and – though late to the party – I have finally come around to that understanding. It is in dire need of new leadership and the courage to get the things done they’ve committed to do. Actions not just words. The November 2016 election was not much different than previous elections… the choice is, more often than not, who is the lesser evil?

    Voters who are unhappy with non-performing/“lesser evil” Republicans should defeat them in primaries at every opportunity afforded them. But they should NEVER substitute a vastly greater evil – which the Democrat Party is, of that there is no doubt – for a lesser evil. And by constantly attacking the nominal leader of the Republican Party, they are giving assistance to the forces that will continue to use any means necessary to reshape America into something that people who value freedom will find intolerable. That is how these complainers will help substitute the greater evil for the lesser. By their words and actions they will be doing the very thing they will continue to contend they are not doing, they will protest that their intentions are purely honorable. They lack the foresight to see that their own participation in these constant attacks led by the Left, i.e., Democrats, their media operatives, academia, etc., will have consequences that may well be irreversible.

    That’s my $.02… no more playing the dozens, insults, teasing or attempts at humor.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  443. If you could put a date on it, when, in your opinion, was it glaringly obvious that Trump is a moron?

    “I knew he was a shallow, lazy ignoramus, and I didn’t care.”
    Ann Coulter, March 27, 2018

    Dave (445e97)

  444. If Fiorina is Cruz’s running mate, she certainly cuts into a demographic…

    She was a lousy manager; he remains way too condescending and preachy. And now he’s accruing a voting record that’s a stone his neck.

    Neither inspire.

    Videotape lasts a very long time; a Canadian-born senator calls it a ‘basketball ring’ in Indiana, USA is Texas toast. Find fresh horses to ride.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  445. The Democrats… if they had not refined their back-handed strategies and confrontational tactics to the degree they have, if they were honest about their core beliefs and what they really stand for, they would be out of business in a heartbeat.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  446. Buried gem at the end of the Coulter piece I linked above:

    Near the end of the evening, [debate moderator Rob] Long asked Coulter if her prescription for Trump’s shortcomings “is less cheerleading and more tough love.”

    “Tough love, yeah,” Coulter agreed.

    “So you are in favor of giving the president a spanking?” Long quipped—the night’s only reference, and a veiled one at that, to the Stormy Daniels situation.

    At which Coulter laughed and said, “I do not remind him of his daughter!”


    Dave (445e97)

  447. Indeed, Colonel Haiku, indeed. Exactly what I have been saying, although I have been saying it much less expertly. That reminds me:

    “This was charming, no doubt: but they shortly found out. That the Captain they trusted so well. Had only one notion for crossing the ocean, and that was to tingle his bell.”

    Trump is a sonovabtch, but he is our sonavabitch. You guys didn’t want Trump? Hey neither did I. What did we just have, 8-10 years of nothing – not a single conservative accomplishment? In fact just the opposite – conservatism rolled back in every way imaginable?

    Face it, it didn’t work. We can debate the whys and wheres of it. But doing the same thing after a decade of failure is just stupid. I keep saying the leftists (there are no more Democrats) have rigged the game. They have taken over every organ of the news. They have marched through our colleges. They have cowed industry. I don’t like how Trump is winning, but it may be the only avenue left to win at all.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  448. =Haiku!= Gesundheit!

    ‘a vastly greater evil – which the Democrat Party is… That’s my $.02…’

    Evil?!?!? T’aint worth a plug nickel. There’s a devil of a bible of sorts; read a few dissenting disciples now wandering the desert:

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  449. @467. At which Coulter laughed and said, “I do not remind him of his daughter!”

    Certainly no Tiffany but/w that Adam’s Apple, more likely Eric or Barron. DonnieJ, not so much.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  450. I hear there’s an opening for writers with your specific skill set at the Atlantic, Beldar.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  451. Trump is a sonovabtch, but he is our sonavabitch.


    He is incapable of firing anyone face to face, is afraid of germs, cuts, bruises and eats pizza w/a fork.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  452. “If you run into a [dingo] in the morning, you ran into a [dingo]. If you run into [dingos] all day, you’re the [dingo].”

    -Raylan Givens, Justified

    Or you might be a proctologist.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  453. @460: Was hoping someone would mention Cruz. Dave, let’s assume you’re correct. Cruz could’ve won. I don’t think so, but let’s go with it. He had an even worse working relationship with the rest of Congress than Trump. So, under President Cruz, when even less gets accomplished this would displease you and our host—‘cause that’s what we hear regarding Trump, regarding the debt, Obamacare repeal, etc. We would hear the same complaints directed at Cruz, as we hear about Trump on policy, right? Because you guys are intellectually honest.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  454. The comments have finally gone full Trump. Amazing. I never thought I would see grown men act this way without being ashamed, and now they compete to act this way.

    Again, “the comments” haven’t gone that way so much as certain commenters have.

    Patterico (48d017)

  455. Trump is a sonovabtch, but he is our sonavabitch.

    No better evidence of this than an omnibus that funds Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities.

    Patterico (48d017)

  456. Williamson in retrospect didn’t follow the tact he recommended for others:

    narciso (d1f714)

  457. Why does “our sonovabitch” have to be a moron who gets rolled by the GOPe?

    Answer: because his slavish supporters praise him even when that happens.

    I have a post forthcoming (already up at RedState) about what happens when a few people refuse to assume the position, as Cassandra and others have here, and express some real anger — and get themselves on teevee in the process. Turns out it actually has an effect.

    Patterico (48d017)

  458. There’s no line item veto for a Potus.

    I remember Reagan kvetching for one, maybe for the same reason.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  459. Clinton was given one, and he wasted on some potato sybsidiesx or some suchm

    narciso (d1f714)

  460. The press will highlight dissent among the GOP, stop the presses,

    narciso (d1f714)

  461. DCSCA- still thinking old school? We are playing Calvin Ball. We have been since Bill Clinton.

    It’s quite simple, really. Calvin Ball is a game that you never play the same way twice. Anyone can add a rule, and not all parties must agree for a change to be implemented. Score is kept in an unusual alpha-numeric configuration, like zeroteen to 12blarg.

    The rules of the game are quite difficult for an outsider to comprehend. There are numerous spontaneous rule adjustments.

    You conservatives, you are standing around with your baseball bats and catcher’s mitts, blubbering about rules and equipment. None of that matters, and it hasn’t for a while. Meanwhile the leftists are winning the game 27-kabloey to zero.

    Trump plays Calvin Ball. Heck, I’m not sure he didn’t invent it.

    Don’t believe me? Read up on Obama’s “stray voltage” theory. Trump has increased the tempo of that strategy to a dull roar. Outrage a month? He’ll give you something to be pissed about every minute of every day till your head explodes and he wins the game.

    You don’t even understand the game, how can you expect to win it?

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  462. He has a rather solid front bench, that’s why they are going after pruitt, shuskin by contrast was still half in the swamp, so he went, but has been quite patient with tillerson and mcmaster

    narciso (d1f714)

  463. I’ve been skimming the planned parenthood series presented by Dana circa 2015-16.

    Have yet to find a stray comment by Beldar. The only time I can remember him touching tangentally on the subject was a spirited defence of a judge who held the choice to murder babies as sacrosanct, above and beyond even the freedom of speech.

    The Atlantic gig idea is really shaping up as a possibility for Beldar.

    Wait a tic. Where are those principles?

    Missing In Action – sans Chuck Norris.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  464. He’ll give you something to be pissed about every minute of every day till your head explodes and he wins the game.

    By signing the omnibus.


    Patterico (48d017)

  465. And Patterico – Read into what I have written whatever the hell you want. It is sort of sad and pathetic that you have chosen me as the voice of mindless Trump drones. No one better? Not one?
    I suppose you can call me a slavish whatever and dismiss anything and everything. Call me a liar, and misrepresent me. It’s Calvin ball, and you have only been cleverly pretending not to understand the rules.

    Patterico – I have deep and profound policy differences with Trump.
    Me – Oh yeah, what are they?
    Patterico – He sucks. And so do you.

    You win, 27 blarg to zero.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  466. Don’t worry — has me on block. Can shame him no matter what I say.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  467. The significanve is fusion ran interference for planned parenthood a they did when they went after vanderslip

    narciso (d1f714)

  468. Don’t worry — has me on block. Can shame him no matter what I say.

    Me too, as is anyone who doesn’t genuflect in his presence.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  469. I re-loaded this page after I read your quote, without again running the blocker script, because I was curious who could have written what you quoted. And dear lord, I wish I hadn’t, because it was someone upon whom I gave up long ago — that’s why I block his comments — but retained some residual tiny particle of respect for. And now I’m sad to have that last particle washed away too. It’s virtually impossible for me to recognize this person as the same one I thought I knew something about based on several years’ worth of prior comments, so I must conclude that that person has changed, dramatically and so very, very much for the worse, since Trump won the GOP nomination.

    It’s proof before our eyes on the coarsening, the degradation of morality and decency, that our coarse, immoral, indecent POTUS is demand from his cult, and that they now demand from the rest of us.

    Moral: Stick to the blocker script no matter what. People whom you’ve exiled from your life, because reading what they write now makes you sad at how they’ve abased and degraded themselves in their worship of this false prophet, this con man, such that they mimic his very worst public attributes.

    I feel that way when I stray over to Ace’s. It’s a blog I used to enjoy very much. Now it’s all chest beating and calling any Trump critic the cuckiest cuck who ever got cucked.

    Yes, things have changed, a lot. As I have said before, it’s no longer the moron in charge who upsets me the most. It’s people who see his alpha male (weirdest alleged alpha male ever, as a demonstrated coward and draft-dodger, but whatever) shtick as something to emulate.

    Patterico (48d017)

  470. They frame the story from the get go as does media matters. Who runs interference for Russian and Venezuelan dissidents

    narciso (d1f714)

  471. You win, 27 blarg to zero.

    Cool then that makes me like Trump. Bow down before me.

    You sure got whiny fast.

    Patterico (48d017)

  472. It’s Calvin ball, and you have only been cleverly pretending not to understand the rules.

    You explained them. There are none. At least nothing consistent and reliable, which is the same thing.

    But you squeal like a stuck pig if you feel that someone violated the rules in their treatment of YOU.


    Patterico (48d017)

  473. He is incapable of firing anyone face to face, is afraid of germs, cuts, bruises and eats pizza w/a fork.
    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/7/2018 @ 11:35 am

    You’re so mixed up in the head you worry about how Trump eats his pizza but you’ll get all testy if I point out you have TDS because I’m calling you “deranged”. Caring if Trump eats pizza with a fork isn’t deranged? If Trump switches to using his hands will that beat the leftists?

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  474. Trump apparently has power and charisma of Biblical proportions to cause the “coarsening, the degradation of morality and decency” that has befallen us in our midst. I think that’s baloney, but it seems there are intellectually honest people here who swear by it.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  475. Chuck barris is still stuck in 1975, before the gong show went off the air.

    Have we a shortage of places where trump is derided, on dead tree on TV and on line, that would be a shock.

    narciso (d1f714)

  476. I do thank you for the “muh principals” line, though, Cassandra, which makes a prominent appearance in my latest post.

    It so perfectly sums up Trumpalos’ combination of a) disregard for rules and norms (unless as applied to them, natch, see your recent whining as an example), with b) functional illiteracy.

    Yes, I’m being overly harsh here. Your Trumpish inability to distinguish between homonyms aside, you seem like you have some intellect and ability to write. But that only makes it worse, as you throw it all away in a happyfeetish worship of a scummy human, whose wretchedly immoral nature seems to be a plus for you. I hold someone like you in about as deep contempt as I can hold any political commentator. You’re smart enough to know better, but you have thrown morality to the wind, for the “win.”

    The “win” being funding of Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities, and debt debt debt as far as the eye can see.

    So you’ll get nothing from me but contempt. Unmitigated contempt. And if that offends you? Well, hey. That’s Calvinball!

    Patterico (48d017)

  477. Patterico, I really wonder what these folks would do if you just closed comments for a while. The posturing is weird on someone else’s site.

    I know what you mean about Ace. To that end, I am glad you support different voices (because just one voice leads to weirdness), even I find the voices annoying sometimes. But I am pretty much hearing the usual suspects these days,and they are drowning out the people I used to enjoy reading (and with whom I often disagreed). I have no solution.

    I remember that late night gig where the host presented very Republican ideas as if they were Obama’s, and people agreed wildly if they were Obama supporters. I found it chilling, and didn’t doubt it.

    I wonder if we are now learning that this is not unique to progressives.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  478. The block is for when you abandon the field of intellectual battle.

    Or you point out that the comment used the word “its” rather than “it’s”.

    Same intent.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  479. Eating pizza with a fork is necessary when it’s hot. Otherwise you burn the roof of your mouth. Trump’s well-done steaks are stupid and infantile but eating pizza with a fork is fine.

    Patterico (48d017)

  480. It’s people who see his alpha male (weirdest alleged alpha male ever, as a demonstrated coward and draft-dodger, but whatever) shtick as something to emulate.

    Who are these “people”?

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  481. The block is for when you abandon the field of intellectual battle.

    Or you point out that the comment used the word “its” rather than “it’s”.

    When someone is super-arrogant and yet repeatedly makes a mistake like that, it’s funny.

    Plus, again, it seems to be a very Trumpy tic.

    Patterico (48d017)

  482. Trump is a sonovabtch, but he is our sonavabitch.

    Speak for yourself.

    What did we just have, 8-10 years of nothing – not a single conservative accomplishment?

    How would you rate Merrick Garland’s first two years on the Supreme Court?

    In fact just the opposite – conservatism rolled back in every way imaginable?

    This is nonsense on stilts – the exact opposite of the truth.

    The truth is, we lost two presidential elections to a once-in-a-lifetime political phenomenon – the first Democrat in a generation or two who (in his first campaign) ran on a positive, if vacuous, message and allowed people to feel good about themselves by voting for him as the first (half-)black president.

    When Obama took office in 2009, the Democrats controlled over 55% of the principal elective state and federal offices:


    State Legislatures: 4082 D/7382 Total = 55.3% D
    Governors: 28 D/50 Total = 56% D
    Congress: 316 D/534 Total = 59.2% D

    Nationwide Total: 4426 D/7966 Total = 55.6% D

    For two years, the Democrats had complete control of the legislative process in Washington, and succeeded in passing exactly one law of any long-term significance, as well as wasting a large sum of money on pork-barrel stimulus. Obamacare is a disastrous piece of legislation, to be sure, but hardly a wholesale, New Deal-style remaking of America that the Democratic base hoped for or that Trump’s cheerleaders try to conjure up in their fevered imaginations.

    After Obama’s first midterms, he achieved nothing of any legislative significance for the next six years, thanks to the conservative GOP House of Representatives (and after 2014, Senate).

    By 2015, the huge 55.6% nationwide Democrat advantage in elective offices nationwide that welcomed Obama into office had reversed to an bigger 57-43 GOP advantage.


    State Legislatures: 3163 D/7383 Total = 42.8% D
    Governors: 19 D/50 Total = 38% D
    Congress: 234 D/535 Total = 43.7% D

    Nationwide Total: 3416 D/7968 Total = 42.9% D

    So during this period when conservatism was allegedly “rolled back in every way imaginable”, the TRUTH is that the Democrats lost 1010 major elective offices nationwide, including 13% of the state legislative seats in the country, 18% of the governorships, and 15.5% of the seats in Congress.

    And all this was before Donald Trump crawled out of his sewer, exposing the fable that the GOP needed to embrace his Alinsky-style gutter politics to win for the Big Lie that it is.

    During the same period, thanks to the GOP congress, federal outlays fell from a record high of 24.5% of GDP in FY2009 to 20.9% of GDP in FY2016. The latter figure is below the average for the last 50 years, and below the average of the Reagan administration. Non-defense discretionary spending was 1.5% of GDP LESS than in FY2000, the last year of budget surplus.

    So claiming “conservatism rolled back in every way imaginable” until Spanky rode in to save us is pure dishonest garbage.

    Obama was elected twice. That sucked. Unfortunately, a sufficient minority of primary voters bought into the con job that the sky was falling, and collectively decided to lose their minds and nominate Trump instead of a competent conservative who could have consolidated and expanded upon the gains of the past six years.

    Dave (445e97)

  483. Who decides “rules and norms”.

    Whoever that is, how did they get appointed to that position?

    Where are those written down?

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  484. Who are these “people”?

    DRJ pointed to some language above that seems very Trumpy that at one time would have seemed out of character for the person who said it.

    “These people” are the diehard Trumpalos who apply different standards to Trump than to Trump critics, and can’t bring themselves to say a negative word about the guy, even when he funds Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities, because criticizing him makes you a commie and in bed with the left.

    Look around you. These people are everywhere.

    Patterico (48d017)

  485. And Patterico just to add one thing – sanctuary cities came along in what…1985? We’ve been funding planned parenthood since….1970s? We’ve had crap budgets since forever (remember Porkulus?). But sure, in his one year in office Trump didn’t fix those things to your satisfaction. Yep, you sure where right about Trump, yessireebob.

    Trump has a fairly solid set of conservative accomplishments under his belt. I don’t like him, and I don’t like how he got them. If this had been accomplished by President Cruz, Rubio, or even Kasich I would be tickled pink. But it is Trump, so I’m going to swallow hard and just accept a win. I’m certainly not going to pretend my personal dislike for the man has something to do with policy, as you seem so intent on doing.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  486. So Jane dyer has followed up all these false trails, that frame this grishenko show, because the media are chasing squirrels.

    narciso (d1f714)

  487. 497 — Quote Cassandra’s “worship” — or mine for that matter.

    You are quick to mock and mischaracterize the views of others who happen to find some value in the last 15 months, especially considering the trajectory that was underway after 8 years of Obama, had there been 4 years of Hillary.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  488. Videotape lasts a very long time; a Canadian-born senator calls it a ‘basketball ring’ in Indiana, USA is Texas toast. Find fresh horses to ride.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/7/2018 @ 10:51 am

    See Michael Fassbender-Inglorious Basterds.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  489. Who decides “rules and norms”.

    Donald Trump.

    Whoever that is, how did they get appointed to that position?

    Elected President.

    Where are those written down?

    They aren’t. It’s Calvinball. The Dear Leader’s mastery of it makes him a Winner and you a Loser.

    Just ask Cassandra.

    Patterico (48d017)

  490. 497 — Quote Cassandra’s “worship” — or mine for that matter.

    You are quick to mock and mischaracterize the views of others who happen to find some value in the last 15 months, especially considering the trajectory that was underway after 8 years of Obama, had there been 4 years of Hillary.

    Have a two-week vacation.

    Patterico (48d017)

  491. . The Truth, my little leftist, is that just because someone disagrees with you it does not give you the right to call him a liar.

    Nor does it give you the right to call a person a Leftist when they disagree with you. By your standards Patterico, nk, DRJ, and Beldar are Leftists.

    Trump is a socially conservative authoritarian. IOW he’s on the same side as Pelosi in the War on Freedom.

    Kishnevi (480bf9)

  492. John Kasich eats pizza with his whole face. Did you know his dad was a mail carrier? What’s he doing now?

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  493. “Trump’s well-done steaks are stupid and infantile but eating pizza with a fork is fine.”

    I have a 93 year old cattle rancher/land developer uncle and he always asked for well-done beef… when asked why, he said he’d seen too many of them dead and torn apart by critters on his rangeland. But, yeah… Trump’s no cattle rancher.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  494. So just to be clear in the last 30 years, Mueller has not engaged in dubious conduct, that puts the impartiality of any investigative process, we can skip his whitewashing of Morris and connollys conduct re bulger.

    narciso (d1f714)

  495. That’s been an old tripe imported from the Frankfurt school, laundered through hofstadler and althizzer,

    narciso (d1f714)

  496. “These people” are the diehard Trumpalos who apply different standards to Trump than to Trump critics, and can’t bring themselves to say a negative word about the guy, even when he funds Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities, because criticizing him makes you a commie and in bed with the left.”

    That is not true.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  497. Trump is a socially conservative authoritarian. IOW he’s on the same side as Pelosi in the War on Freedom.

    Kishnevi (480bf9) — 4/7/2018 @ 12:57 pm

    It kind of depends on if you think gay marriage is freedom and equality or judicial authoritarianism and tyranny. I had to proofread “tyranny” twice, jk.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  498. @498: I remember that late night gig where the host presented very Republican ideas as if they were Obama’s, and people agreed wildly if they were Obama supporters. I found it chilling, and didn’t doubt it.

    Let’s present Trump’s results as if they were Dubya’s, a president worthy of anti-Trumper’s support. We know what a hard liner Dubya was on the budget, immigration, etc. The results would be comical.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  499. C’mon, narciso, Mueller is beyond reproach.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  500. Rainwater – every drop of it – is impregnated with carbonic acid.

    You know how amazing that is?

    Think about it. Over the dryest desert the atmosphere is still ~ 5% water vapor, bouncing around in search of a temperature gradient to condense upon. Stands to reason it will eventually find one and fall to the earth as rain.

    But co2, that’s a trace element. Scarce. A thousand times less than (~0.04%) water. Statistically, with no removal mechanism, enough co2 to cause a raindrops pH to drop to 5 in the open atmosphere shouldn’t happen, and yet rainwater is invariably impregnated with carbonic acid.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  501. Trump’s no cattle rancher.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 4/7/2018 @ 1:00 pm

    The only well done beef Ted Turner has is with his crazy ex wife.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  502. That sob line came from Dr’s characterization of somoza

    narciso (d1f714)

  503. If you’ve always felt like you were born into the wrong party you could be trans-conservative.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  504. with no removal mechanism, enough co2 to cause a raindrops pH to drop to 5 in the open atmosphere shouldn’t happen, and yet rainwater is invariably impregnated with carbonic acid.

    papertiger (c8116c) — 4/7/2018 @ 1:05 pm

    That sounds incredible and vaguely non consensual.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  505. Jade, Stage Five!

    A Florida high-school student who didn’t wear a bra one day this week says school administrators told her to cover her nipples because they were distracting her classmates.

    The Bradenton Herald reported Friday that 17-year-old Lizzy Martinez decided not to wear a bra under her gray long-sleeve shirt on Monday, and school officials in Bradenton felt she became a target of other students’ stares. The school is on Florida’s Gulf Coast.

    Martinez says the humiliation began when School Dean Violeta Velazquez called her into the office. Martinez felt like she was being bullied by fellow students, but Velazquez said there was a distraction that needed to be addressed.

    ‘She told me that I needed to put a shirt on under my long-sleeve shirt to try to tighten my breasts – to constrict them,’ Martinez told the paper. ‘And then she asked me to move around.’

    Daily Mail

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  506. Meanwhile the leftists are winning the game 27-kabloey to zero.

    They lost over 1000 legislative and governor seats nationwide between 2009 and 2015, about 1/8 of the total number.

    If that’s supposed to be “winning”, are you sure it’s a good idea to play by their rules?

    Dave (445e97)

  507. Two weeks just became three. Want to try for a month, swc?

    Patterico (48d017)

  508. Dave: Unfortunately, a sufficient minority of primary voters bought into the con job that the sky was falling, and collectively decided to lose their minds and nominate Trump instead of a competent conservative who could have consolidated and expanded upon the gains of the past six years.

    Yeah, if only we could’ve elected a Bush instead. Like, when Republicans reaped gains all during the Clinton years, only to lose all that by 2006. A moderate Republican would’ve avoided all that, and Obama would still be a nobody community activist.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  509. The answer was yes. One month.

    I’ll max it out there, no matter what other stuff comes flying at me in moderation.

    May 7, you may return. Not before.

    That’s not a ban. It’s a vacation that you made longer by comparing me to Andrew Sullivan and LGF and claiming falsely that it’s a ban. (These are all moderated comments left after I imposed the vacation.)

    If you want to self-deport for good, nothing would please me more. But that will be your choice and not mine.

    As a stroll down memory lane, here is the rule that was violated, with pleeeeenty of notice:

    Shipwreckedcrew, I am tired of being personally attacked, insulted, and disrespected by you on my own blog.

    I have decided to impose on you the rules of The Jury Talks Back, but here.

    If I see a comment that, in my sole discretion, I deem an insult or a personal attack or a deliberate twisting of my words, it will be deleted and you will be given a vacation from the comments, of at least two weeks or (depending on the nature of the comment) perhaps longer.

    This has been building for a long time and is not just based on things said in this thread. Claiming that I am “quick to … mischaracterize the views of others who happen to find some value in the last 15 months” does not meet the standards of the Jury — a standard that I imposed on swc and swc alone, based on months of his own mischaracterizations and rudeness.

    Enjoy your month. Reflect. Come back different, or don’t come back.

    Patterico (48d017)

  510. Well, here’s a rough outline for acceptable decorum and etiquette. {caution: I’m fairly certain some of that is for use under special circumstances, requiring a licence for common folk. Like truck driving.}

    So is he including or excluding Miss USA contestants in that analysis? [inferring the Potus is a rapist] Marshal Zukov and the rest of the Soviet Army appear to be unavailable for comment. [and a communist/russian puppet]

    Moron. Liar. Creep. Bullsh!t artist who only people who are desperate to be chumps can possibly believe, about anything.

    Beldar (fa637a) — 4/5/2018 @ 6:48 pm

    Don’t that blow yer hair back?

    Count to ten. lol

    papertiger (c8116c)

  511. Me too, as is anyone who doesn’t genuflect in his presence.

    random viking (6a54c2) — 4/7/2018 @ 12:38 pm

    When I went from lurking to regularly commenting I think I had a similar reaction sometimes. Not just to Mr. Beldar but others, and they know who they are. But I usually give a certain amount of push back based on what attitude I perceive from someone.

    I think you should consider what people are trying to get out of this place and their time management levels. I have way too much time so I can probably be a little too frivolous both reading and commenting. Others, not so much.

    I’m not here to make everyone like what I like or hate what I hate. I try to break off a sample now and then like I’m at Costco, and I encourage you to do the same. You might actually enjoy something that didn’t seem possible the first time you came across it.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  512. Bush did the right thing for the security of the country and paid a political price for it.

    He does deserve some criticism (IMO) for not defending his policies more vigorously.

    You ignore, however, the fact that political power is fluid, and two-term presidents are usually succeeded by the other party due to fatigue. Obama remained personally much more popular than Bush through the end of his term, with a strong economy, and it still wasn’t enough to carry Hillary across the finish line. Ditto for Bill Clinton with Algore.

    Dave (445e97)

  513. I don’t question your principles.

    I’m just wondering why you sound like Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  514. “These people” are the diehard Trumpalos who apply different standards to Trump than to Trump critics, and can’t bring themselves to say a negative word about the guy, even when he funds Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities, because criticizing him makes you a commie and in bed with the left.” – Patterico

    Sigh. What are we going to do with you?

    “Diehard Trumpalos” Well, I would say more reluctant Trump supporters, or “pleasantly surprised by getting something for once supporters”. But hey, lump them all together and misrepresent them, I mean why not? You are a principled conservative voice who wants to hold Trump’s feet to the fire for his many distortions and lies kinda guy, right?

    I can and will say all sorts of negative things about Trump. He has dumb hair. I hate his twitter posts. I suspect he’s not a real conservative. He is not a good speaker. Need any more? I gotta dozen more. So?

    So? What point does it serve?

    Look, bottom line is we are tired of conservative theater, conservative dinner cruises where we talk about stuff while sipping a glass of Chardonnay. We are really going to revoke obamacare, and cut the budget, and defund planned parenthood, and get rid of sanctuary cities. Did the Republican congress do any of those things? Not just this year, ever? Or do they just sorta kinda pretend to try?

    You are not a commie (sheesh, I doubt anyone ever called you that), but you play the game of the left. They deal the cards, and you lose hand after hand, with no clue why. And you pretend to have all sorts of policy differences with Trump, but I suspect your dislike for Trump is much more personal. That is the leftist game. And you cannot or will not admit that personal animus and narcissistic ego is driving you. That is also the leftist game.

    Personally it is with great difficulty that I separate my dislike for Trump the man from my desire to win on policy issues. But I’m mostly able to do it. Again, when the house is burning, you don’t run back in to save the canned goods.

    And heck, give me a plausible scenario and candidate that is a true blue conservative who will win in 2020 and I will dump Trump in a heartbeat, and climb into the conservative clown car with you. But I’m done with “de la mañana” conservatism.

    And you count me as one of your “Diehard Trumpalos.” Sheesh

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  515. The mischaracterization of the written words and motivation of others – at least in the timespan I’ve frequented this splendid site – began in the run up to the 2012 election. It isn’t new, but it is more vulgar and vicious.

    I pledge to not get carried away… unless it’s on a stretcher.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  516. I prefer the term Republican. Or Trumpet if you want to get nasty.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  517. “Obama remained personally much more popular than Bush through the end of his term, with a strong economy…”

    Yes, true of both coasts, Minnesota… Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit and other garden spots. Personal popularity and jobs for his followers.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  518. “And you count me as one of your “Diehard Trumpalos.” Sheesh”

    – Cassandra

    Hahaha, yeah – one step ahead of you, there.

    Leviticus (6a26b1)

  519. “you pretend to have all sorts of policy differences with Trump, but I suspect your dislike for Trump is much more personal.”

    – Cassandra

    And you pretend to have all sorts of policy preferences shared by Trump, but I suspect your affection for Trump is much more personal.

    How bout this, Trumpkins: when Patterico takes a shot at Trump, just ignore it. Try to look past your obsession with Donald Trump, and focus on Patterico’s underlying points. After all, that’s the exact same thing you recommend Patterico do with Trump: ignore the perceived boorishness, and focus on the substance.

    Go on – lead by example.

    Leviticus (6a26b1)

  520. You were right about this, though: “Trump humiliates you. His existence is an embarrassment.” So true. The rise of Trump should humiliate all self-respecting Americans.

    Now, continue to studiously avoid any substantive defense of the omnibus spending bill.

    Leviticus (6a26b1)

  521. But co2, that’s a trace element. Scarce. A thousand times less than (~0.04%) water. Statistically, with no removal mechanism, enough co2 to cause a raindrops pH to drop to 5 in the open atmosphere shouldn’t happen, and yet rainwater is invariably impregnated with carbonic acid.

    A pH of 5 corresponds to a H+ activity of 10^-5, compared to the “neutral” H+ activity of 10^-7.

    That means a difference of about 10^-5 grams of H+ ions per liter (i.e. 1 kg) of water.

    So it is not surprising or anomalous in any way.

    Dave (445e97)

  522. Trumpalos vs. anti-Trump Gimpinistas… can’t we find common ground?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  523. with no removal mechanism, enough co2 to cause a raindrops pH to drop to 5 in the open atmosphere shouldn’t happen, and yet rainwater is invariably impregnated with carbonic acid.

    papertiger (c8116c) — 4/7/2018 @ 1:05 pm

    That sounds incredible and vaguely non consensual.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6) — 4/7/2018 @ 1:10 pm

    Same holds for ocean water. The colder the water, the more co2 it absorbs.

    It means that co2 behaves like water vapor. It forms invisible clouds along temperature gradients. Past a concentration threshold it rains out.

    That makes the climagedonist [IPCC {democrat}] claim that co2 has an atmospheric resident time of anywhere from 7 ~ 1000 years [depending on the psychosis of the source] a complete fraud.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  524. Hi Leviticus:

    You wrote:

    “….After all, that’s the exact same thing you recommend Patterico do with Trump: ignore the perceived boorishness, and focus on the substance….”

    You have just won this comments thread, in my opinion. Exactly so.

    Isn’t having a child a wonderful thing, by the way? Treasure every moment.

    Simon Jester (3697fa)

  525. Sigh. What are we going to do with you?

    “Diehard Trumpalos” Well, I would say more reluctant Trump supporters, or “pleasantly surprised by getting something for once supporters”. But hey, lump them all together and misrepresent them, I mean why not? You are a principled conservative voice who wants to hold Trump’s feet to the fire for his many distortions and lies kinda guy, right?

    I can and will say all sorts of negative things about Trump. He has dumb hair. I hate his twitter posts. I suspect he’s not a real conservative. He is not a good speaker. Need any more? I gotta dozen more. So?

    Is one of those dozen more negative things that he signed an omnibus that funds Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities while exploding the debt?

    I’ll grant you that you’re not an original Trumper. You’re more of a born-again Trumper, with the zealotry that often accompanies the born again. You’re the type who says: I didn’t support him at first, and sure, he’s comical in some ways, but…. And then the “but” involves trumpeting fairly routine regulatory rollback and appointment of judges, and ignores the fundamental failures on ObamaCare and the debt.

    So? What point does it serve?

    I explained this in my latest post. Letting him know when he disappoints you on policy matters, at least if you can get that opinion on the teevee.

    Look, bottom line is we are tired of conservative theater, conservative dinner cruises where we talk about stuff while sipping a glass of Chardonnay. We are really going to revoke obamacare, and cut the budget, and defund planned parenthood, and get rid of sanctuary cities. Did the Republican congress do any of those things? Not just this year, ever? Or do they just sorta kinda pretend to try?

    Count me, and many of the other conservatives you mock, as fully in agreement with this. No, the Republican Congress did nothing about this. Their failure on ObamaCare was massive and historic and foreordained. They never meant to repeal it. Their claim to try in 2015 was a charade. If they had done it, Trump would have signed it because he is a policy dunce who will sign anything. Therefore the primary blame falls on the GOP.

    But if Trump were truly the wrecking ball that you claim him to be, he *could* have done something about that. And he really didn’t, on anything important: ObamaCare, the omnibus…any of it.

    You are not a commie (sheesh, I doubt anyone ever called you that), but you play the game of the left. They deal the cards, and you lose hand after hand, with no clue why.

    It’s obvious that this shtick of yours is well-practiced. But the aim is errant and you don’t care. This is the most annoying characteristic of your brand of Trump-humper: your high-handed and arrogant accusation that anyone who dares criticize the guy is somehow playing the left’s game.

    Let me be clear: that is total nonsense. My dog leaves stuff that makes more sense in our back yard.

    And you pretend to have all sorts of policy differences with Trump, but I suspect your dislike for Trump is much more personal. That is the leftist game. And you cannot or will not admit that personal animus and narcissistic ego is driving you. That is also the leftist game.

    Physician, heal thyself. It is ego that causes you to attack every Trump critic with nasty glee. You do it because deep down you know we’re right and you’re embarrassed, but if you get enough people on your team you can paper over the embarrassment.

    Personally it is with great difficulty that I separate my dislike for Trump the man from my desire to win on policy issues. But I’m mostly able to do it. Again, when the house is burning, you don’t run back in to save the canned goods.

    And heck, give me a plausible scenario and candidate that is a true blue conservative who will win in 2020 and I will dump Trump in a heartbeat, and climb into the conservative clown car with you. But I’m done with “de la mañana” conservatism.

    And you count me as one of your “Diehard Trumpalos.” Sheesh

    If continued ObamaCare and massive spending and debt and funding Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities is “winning” that I am supposed to celebrate, then I am tired of “winning.”

    Patterico (0c250b)

  526. Simon, Leviticus has won this thread several times over.

    Patterico (0c250b)

  527. And you pretend to have all sorts of policy preferences shared by Trump, but I suspect your affection for Trump is much more personal.

    None of us can say what Cassandra’s (or anyone else’s) true motivations are, but I think one of the truly mind-boggling aspects of Trumpism is that a pampered, effete billionaire wastrel, who lived the life of a prince and never lifted a hand in any form of manual labor, somehow managed to sell himself as the tribune of the working class.

    This, alone, makes it difficult to ascribe any higher-level cognitive function to the mass of his supporters.

    Dave (445e97)

  528. Now, continue to studiously avoid any substantive defense of the omnibus spending bill.

    You are the true Cassandra. This is a prediction for the ages.

    Patterico (0c250b)

  529. “These people” are the diehard Trumpalos who apply different standards to Trump than to Trump critics, and can’t bring themselves to say a negative word about the guy, even when he funds Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities, because criticizing him makes you a commie and in bed with the left.”

    That is not true.

    You are saying that my own definition of what I mean by “these people” is “not true”?

    How do you figure?

    You have criticized the omnibus and therefore you don’t fall in that category.

    Patterico (0c250b)

  530. Dave: but I think one of the truly mind-boggling aspects of Trumpism is that a pampered, effete billionaire wastrel, who lived the life of a prince and never lifted a hand in any form of manual labor, somehow managed to sell himself as the tribune of the working class.

    That’s for the working class to decide. Or, are you deciding that for them in the usual anti-Trumper self-anointed way? Dave, run for office like Trump has — see how you do with the working class.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  531. That’s for the working class to decide. Or, are you deciding that for them in the usual anti-Trumper self-anointed way? Dave, run for office like Trump has — see how you do with the working class.

    And would I have to run for office as a Democrat in order to point out that their pretense of being the saviors of their African-American constituents is also, in reality, a cynical miasma of lies?

    After all, we can’t “decide for them”, can we?

    Dave (445e97)

  532. @482. You don’t even understand the game, how can you expect to win it?

    In fact, it’s being won before your eyes. Perhaps you fail to see it. Trump has effectively neutered the modern conservative movement: phase one. Phase two: November midterms.

    It’s going pretty much to plan. 🙂

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  533. pervy mitt romney’s slicked-up and ready bouncing baby boy paul ryan did a lot of neutering on the conservative movement all by himself Mr. DCSCA

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  534. @494. Moi? You’re all mixed up, Hoagie. Love him. Hate him. Mock him. Praise him. Watch. Enjoy.

    He’s the best thing on the TeeVee since JR Ewing!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  535. eating pizza with a fork is fine.

    Not in Noo Yawk and particularly in Times Square.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  536. he’s the best thing on the teevee and also off the teevee

    his presence it’s absolutely electric!

    everyone should be dancing and making merry for to celebrate the liberation of the executive branch from the fascist cowardtrash typified by the sleazy slutty spurtleboys at the lawless fbi

    someone should put on that song everyone likes to dance to

    and we need solo cups

    and we can put a funny hat on the dog

    i came to party and you came to party so why don’t we party together ooh look a tranny yay it’s a real party now booba

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  537. So Dave, if you’re analogy holds, are you saying this “makes it difficult to ascribe any higher-level cognitive function to the mass” of African Americans?

    random viking (6a54c2)

  538. @513.John Kasich eats pizza with his whole face.

    PP, a Buckeye is a useless nut.

    John Kasich Eats Pizza With Fork– in New York; bad move:

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  539. Use your hands! New Yorkers respond to Sarah Palin, Donald Trump pizza-eating faux pas

    ‘Sarah Palin, New Yorkers have a message for you: You’re doing it wrong! The Tea Party favorite and fellow GOP media-monger, Donald Trump, committed the cardinal sin of pizza-eating on Tuesday when they shared a pie at Famiglia Pizzeria in Times Square during a stop on her “One Nation” bus tour.

    They used forks. – NY Daily News 6/1/11

    Our Captain’s a germaphobe.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  540. Fellow MeTV archivist, basketball rings was worse than Alex P. Keaton’s dork neighbor eating pizza wrongly because Indiana was far more in play than Hannity/Cafone land.

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  541. @561. Yes, but New York City is the media capital of the world.

    Indianapolis, not so much.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  542. @554. Just 47% of the time, Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  543. Some of the reservations I expressed earlier, in a different venue:

    narciso (d1f714)

  544. @564. And yet Herr Klavan is soliciting attention from those very same knuckleheads: “For media inquiries, please contact

    That’s hysterical.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  545. eating pizza with a fork is fine.

    Not in Noo Yawk and particularly in Times Square.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/7/2018 @ 3:17 pm

    It’s a fork free zone. It leads to clear napkin dispensers.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  546. plus those disgusting cardboard straws

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  547. Well they are not going to know the truth on their own.

    narciso (d1f714)

  548. A germophobe who lives in New York is practically a contradiction in terms. However, considering where Trump puts his hands, he is right not to touch anything he eats with them.

    nk (dbc370)

  549. @567. It leads to clear napkin dispensers…

    Trump leaves a paper trail?!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  550. It seems like almost straight across the lawyers here are going all Sheriff John Brown Fruit of the Poisonous Trump Tree all up in it.

    And they could have a point in that Black Walnuts exude toxins into the soil around them to eliminate competition.

    But I’ll have two scoops of Black Walnut ice cream any day and it makes great bookshelves and whatnot.

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  551. Researchers have found a possible explanation for why certain people are prejudiced: they’re less intelligent.

    Children with lower general intelligence are more likely to become prejudiced as adults, according to a Brock University study.

    The study, published in the journal Psychological Science, examined data from two large-scale British studies, and found lower intelligence scores in childhood were predictors of greater racism in adulthood, which the researchers controversially explain is brought about by adopting right-wing ideologies.

    A secondary analysis of data from a U.S. study also showed those with poor abstract-reasoning skills were more likely to have anti-homosexual prejudice, partially linked to authoritarian attitudes.

    Globe and Mail

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  552. Meh, THIS is how a streetwise Noo Yawker downs a slice of pizza– and no frigging fork:

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  553. The pizza cooks at like 465 degrees so where do the germs come in exactly? Supposed to rotate cutters every two hours.

    Reminds me of a Howie Mandell story. He’s a notorious germophobe. He doesn’t shake hands with people. But he was with Adam Carolla and they were eating popcorn out of one of those big tubs. Adam was like,”How can you do that, aren’t you germophobic?” Howie said,”Look, I’m crazy, ok?”

    Pinandpuller (2673c6)

  554. Speaking of Noo Yawk in the Ranch way…

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  555. And in londonistan, where Hyde park will be the new ch chop square what will they call it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  556. @575. PP- Loop this on Fox & Friends for a week and he’ll be nominated as America’s next EPA Administrator. He’s so good on the TeeVee!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  557. Is it me or did Sadiq Dinkins call for Stop and Frisk (mid-article):

    urbanleftbehind (3ffc20)

  558. “You are saying that my own definition of what I mean by “these people” is “not true”?

    How do you figure?

    You have criticized the omnibus and therefore you don’t fall in that category.”

    I highlighted what I thought was not true, in light of the turn of events early this morning, it appeared the criticism was directed at two people in particular. If I misunderstood, my bad, as those two people have both expressed negative opinions of Trump’s role in the Omnibus.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  559. I highlighted what I thought was not true, in light of the turn of events early this morning, it appeared the criticism was directed at two people in particular. If I misunderstood, my bad, as those two people have both expressed negative opinions of Trump’s role in the Omnibus.

    I had no two people in mind. I had a defined group in mind, I defined the group, and it seems odd to be told that the group I defined is “not true.” I think I know what I mean better than you do.

    Patterico (48d017)

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