Patterico's Pontifications


Evening Open Thread: Trump Edition

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:08 pm

I have been slammed at work but several Trump developments have happened that I know y’all want to talk about. Nothing says “half-assed post” like a post with the title “Open Thread.” So here we go.

* So Trump wants to have a big amnesty, in return for Congress funding a wall that we were told Mexico would pay for. A path to citizenship is the cherry on top! Ted Cruz says no.

* So Trump wants to talk to Mueller — and do it “under oath.” Allahpundit says it well:

Unless you think Trump’s prepared to handle hours of questioning from the Mueller dream team without telling a single lie — and we’re talking here about a guy who sometimes seems like he’d have trouble ordering a sandwich without telling a fib or two — he’s practically begging for a perjury charge.

We’ll spend months arguing about whether an obvious lie is really a lie, and whether lying to federal agents and/or perjury should really justify impeachment. (Hint: the right answer is yes for Hillary, no for Trump, because reasons. Hot takes a plenty will explain those reasons. I can’t wait.)

* Stormy Daniels just smiles when asked if she and Trump had sex.

Have at it.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

98 Responses to “Evening Open Thread: Trump Edition”

  1. Yay

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Ask Stephen Hatfield about the honorable Robert Mueller,

    narciso (d1f714)

  3. I think youan honorable man, Mueller has proven not an honorabl
    man, in the course of his public duties

    narciso (d1f714)

  4. Teh Stormy looks medicated…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  5. And I don’t like that deal. He gives away way too much without asking for much in return.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  6. As it has been described.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  7. He’s better off being under oath and on video than simply being interviewed by FBI agents who’d testify later from their notes. In their notes, the FBI agents would give their paraphrase of what he says. To avoid a perjury trap, he’s better off hiding behind his habitual imprecise and garbled word salad.

    Politically, stonewalling ain’t an option, nor will be answering written questions.

    The lawyers who took Bill Clinton’s original deposition in the Paula Jones case sucked at their #1 job, which was making a clear record — they let Slick Willie get away with his “There is no sexual relationship” circumlocution, which is exactly the kind of crap Trump habitually uses. (“There is no collusion,” he’s said at least twelve bazillion times.) The lawyers who did the follow-up video deposition in connection with his impeachment proceedings were also unskilled questioners.

    Taking the oath adds no material criminal jeopardy from Trump, as compared to his potential jeopardy from merely making false (even if unsworn) statements to FBI investigators IMHO.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  8. I agree with Beldar that it’s not artistic dealing to give away the store at the start of negotiations, but I also favor a path to citizenship for all permanent resident immigrants (as differentiated from other types of visas such as H-1B, O-1, P, migrant workers, etc.). We should not have a permanent immigrant/second-class citizen class.

    And I feel no particular need to talk about Trump when there’s an ocean and half a continent between him and America. Out of sight, out of mind.

    nk (dbc370)

  9. That’s not the point, Mueller’s is a star chamber organized under dubioyd circumstances by compromised men for a dubious objective. Which has nothing to do with justice.

    narciso (d1f714)

  10. Across the pond, they seem to have less of a clue, except to anger the electorate that put them there:

    Paying the EU, forty million pounds, even the earl of sandwich waasnt that clueless.

    narciso (d1f714)

  11. Twist yourself in knots with this one:

    Trump should begin any interview with a statement that as he sits in front of them, he is the duly elected and sworn in 45th President of the US. His responsibilities include seeing that the law is faithfully executed, and conducting the foreign affairs of the US.

    The Special Counsel’s mandate includes investigating whether the Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential election. As such, the investigation and its results is material to the performance of his continuing duties with regard to conducting the foreign affairs of the US. As a result, there will be times during the course of the interview when he will choose to ask questions of the agents and Special Counsel about matters that concern him. Any statement made by them will be subject to Sec. 1001. He expects them to answer any questions he poses truthfully and completely.

    He should then repeatedly ask them during the course of the interview if they have already developed information about the questions they pose, and what their investigation has revealed.

    If they don’t want to answer, then the session is over.

    Donald Trump remains the “Executive” referenced in Article II of the US Constitution. His position is superior to the position of any subordinate government official during any meeting which takes place. He’s perfectly within the scope of his authority to ask the Special Counsel what his investigation has uncovered in their face-to-face meeting.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  12. mr mg in HI

    I was talking to this new guy at work. He did S&R between Breckenridge and Aspen from ’84-’89. He told me the reason ski poles are hollow is so you can breath thru them if you get covered in an avalanche. I never knew that.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  13. Ted Cruz says no.

    Pot. Canadian. Black.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  14. I look upon it like a manifestation of establishment reaction like we saw with berlusconi last decade, netanyahu on the levant, how they
    kneecapped fillon and leper, longitudinal not vertical.

    You would think scummy and moulders phone tag would be worth a nentiob.

    narciso (d1f714)

  15. * So Trump wants to talk to Mueller — and do it “under oath.”

    Perhaps a “fire” side chat. History does sometimes rhyme. Dust for jowl prints, Spiro.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  16. @ nk, who wrote (#8):

    … I also favor a path to citizenship for all permanent resident immigrants (as differentiated from other types of visas such as H-1B, O-1, P, migrant workers, etc.). We should not have a permanent immigrant/second-class citizen class.

    I agree, but the DACA participants and every other permanent resident immigrant should have the same path, i.e., basically the existing path to naturalized citizenship. There should be no special shortcut to citizenship for the children of deliberate lawbreakers, and that reads to me like what they’re contemplating.

    Meh. W/e, there will be a new Trump position tomorrow, and another the day after that.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  17. Stormy Daniels just smiles when asked if she and Trump had sex.

    Meanwhile, “Melania just smiles when asked if she and Trump had sex.” Swiss miss; First Lady jets to Mar-A Lago where, by coincidence, distribution of property in a divorce is covered by Chapter 61 of the Florida Statutes.

    Cheeseburger In Paradise — coming soon in another compelling episode of Trumpland

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  18. Caleb Hull

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz just now:

    “I’m not sure that $1,000 goes very far for anyone.”
    8:22 AM · Jan 25, 2018


    Replying to @CalebJHull
    Well, Debbie @DWStweets , you were practically orgasmic over Obama giving the little people $40! If you don’t need the $1000, I can give you hundreds of good suggestions on how to DONATE IT!


    Dave Thompson
    Replying to @CalebJHull
    You go girl!!! Nothing is more attractive to voters than you reinforcing the belief that you have no clue what matters to the average person. May I suggest a 2018 campaign slogan? “More money to the little people, meh!!” #mnleg #OutOfTouch


    Nurse Who
    Replying to @CalebJHull
    $1,000 is AT LEAST 2 months of groceries for my family of 4. If I hit sales and use coupons, $1,000 would give me 3-4 months of groceries.


    Why do you care and why aren’t you in jail?

    harkin (d40275)

  19. Please let it be so: “John Kerry considering presidential run in 2020: report.”

    In case you’ve forgotten what a real case of collusion with our nation’s enemies in wartime looks like, this very long and comprehensive 2004 post of mine on Lt. John F’n Kerry’s 1970 side trip from his Bermuda honeymoon to meet with the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese delegations to the Paris Peace Conference still holds up pretty well, I think. Re-reading it, I’m struck by how carefully measured my writing was, how hard I was working to restrain my snark. I was a more patient man then than I am now, and I blame both Obama and Trump. And, of course, I was also reminded that John Kerry has always been a sorry bast*rd. I’d love to see him and Bernie on the Dem’s 2020 ticket, but that’s too much to hope for. I’m expecting Kamala Harris and Julian Castro — the former to lock up the base as Obama’s successor, the latter a Hail Mary attempt to put Texas in play.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  20. I feature Trump fib number one to be “Yeah Mueller, come on over. We’ll sit down have a good long chat. Bring the entourage. We’ll throw some steaks on the grill. Make a day of it.”

    Aw [edit] no. Trumps gonna say “Hey. How you doing? I have this thing. Walk with me.”
    Walk briskly to Marine one, and leave Mueller standing on the lawn [edit]faced flanked by six or seven of his Clinton holdovers disguised as agents scraping mud off their patent leather shoes.

    Yelling down from the window, “Check the schedule with Kelly Ann, and make an appointment.”
    Then fly the [edit] off.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  21. You drove Kerry into hibernation right in the middle of campaign season. Beldar, Captain Ed, the whole surviving allumi of the Vietnam conflict fresh water Navy.

    Dude crawled into a hole like a trap-door spider.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  22. Trump will tell everyone he will sit down and talk to Mueller but it won’t happen. Just like Mexico will not pay for the wall. It won’t bother me.

    CNN and MSNBC are going crazy that Trump wanted to fire Mueller seven months ago. Did he fire him? Chris Cuomo says this intention is obstruction. Don Lemon says it is “bombshell breaking news.” Did Trump do it seven months ago? No. Why does it matter that it did not happen seven months ago? Evidence of crazy bias.

    No mention of corruption in the FBI and DOJ.

    The USA has become third world s…hole.

    AZ Bob (f60c80)

  23. Copy that, Arizona Bob.

    mg (7c0a5d)

  24. Pindandpuller
    My wife and I used probe poles and peeps and avalanche shovels. The probe poles were hollow but when the snow sets up after an avalanche it becomes concrete. So unless your going down with a pole in your mouth forget it unless your partners screw their poles together and find you by probing where the peeps has located you then they shovel as fast as they can to locate you. Skiing out of bounds is not for liteweights as we have lost friends and their dogs. 35 years ago and I miss them dearly. My wife and I were working that day. Steep and deep is what it was all about with some big air thrown in for good measure.

    mg (7c0a5d)

  25. @22/23 FBI? DOJ? Try OOJ.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  26. “So unless your going down with a pole in your mouth forget it unless your partners screw their poles together and find you by probing where the peeps has located you”

    Wait… I just woke up… what are we talkin’ about here?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  27. We have a “secret society” and a “deep state” menace presented to us by FoxNews and talk radio yesterday because two investigators, who were taken off the case, made a joke. But, for some reason, the President trying to fire the investigators after they refuse to pledge him loyalty or say for whom they voted escapes their crosshairs. Apparently Comey, Sessions, Mueller and McCabe have all received some form of this peculiar treatment. Oh, and don’t forget, the President asked congressional investigators to “wrap things up”. And, on top of that, he admitted to firing Comey to relieve the pressure.

    But no, nothing to see here. Lets keep our eyes on that deep state. Because some of us want to believe that a mysterious conspiracy is more credible than reality.

    noel (b4d580)

  28. Now Trump denies trying to fire Mueller. “Fake news, folks, fake news” and “typical New York Times”.

    Remember that quote. I can’t wait to see the excuses you come up with as that “denial” morphs into something like “It was my right to fire him if I wanted to”.

    noel (b4d580)

  29. 28.Now Trump denies trying to fire Mueller.

    That is fake news. The president doesn’t try to fire anybody. He fires them.

    Rev.Hoagie (6bbda7)

  30. Hasn’t every Democrat and “lifelong Republican” been trying to fire Trump since November 8, 2016? Some things … try does not count. It’s do or do not. It is fake news from any perspective and typical DNC propaganda organ; the smoke of burning equine feces.

    nk (dbc370)

  31. GMAT, Hoagie.

    nk (dbc370)

  32. I see, we have to be specific. He tried to get someone else to fire him. That sound better?

    noel (b4d580)

  33. He could have said it was “untrue” if it actually was untrue. We all should know by now what the generic “fake news” response means.

    noel (b4d580)

  34. We all should know by now what the generic “fake news” response means.

    Yes, it’s the DNC organs a/k/a the MSM trying to create a narrative from smoke and mud.

    nk (dbc370)

  35. That was just John Kerry’s first course in defamation, the next wee as ortegas re the contras.

    narciso (d1f714)

  36. Col.
    Pindandpuller @ 12

    mg (7c0a5d)

  37. If Trump testifies, he’ll do it with six lawyers present, each one of whom will have a big red button linking to a choke collar around Trump’s neck.

    Fred Z (05d938)

  38. What we have here, noel is a failure to communicate. Do you acquire your political opinions on issues through rational consideration or utilitarian calculation? I ask because if it’s the former your likely aim is to make America better whereas, if it’s the latter personal gain or protection is most likely the goal. When you use scare quotes around the new York Times while describing fake news it appears you get your information from the HuffPo or some other commie rag.

    Since Trump won the Republican primary almost all MSM has been on a total crusade to destroy him. Since he won the election and made the leftists apoplectic they have been on a campaign to destroy him at any price (their words) which would necessarily mean even if it destroys America. They believe if Trump is the leader a world without America is preferable.

    I read Huff and other leftists sites daily and I don’t believe one word on them including “and” and “the”. They are full of non-thinkers who repeat the latest propaganda and move on to the next.

    When I said we have a failure to communicate what I meant was you have an unquestionable devotion to undermining Trump regardless the cost. I just want to discuss some political stuff. It’s difficult to have a political discussion when it always degenerates into Trump, Trump, Trump.

    Rev.Hoagie (6bbda7)

  39. If Senator Cotton’s on board with the opening immigration proposal then we’re in good shape.

    (yay President Trump!)

    Smarmy harvardtrash Ted’s definitely deluded enough to think he’s still a potential presidential candidate

    plus he’s facing a tough re-election in Texas

    so his pandering can be dismissed as just more of the too-calculated-by-half spewings he’s become so famous for.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  40. Allahpundit lol

    is that trashy Hot Air click-bait site still a thing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  41. We’ve seen this movie before. It’s Clintonian. Now who’s really surprised that this old friend of Bill would be so much like him in office? It remains to be seen if he can permanently split democrat voters without splitting republicans but the loud voices on the left and the muffled voices on the right indicate he might.

    crazy (d99a88)

  42. Mr. Cruz Sr. was a pre-Castro overstay.

    urbanleftbehind (3a8cb2)

  43. as noted earlier, there has been a similar concerted effort against Netanyahu, by the left leaning political class, something involving german subs and oliver stone’s money man, arnon milchan,

    narciso (d1f714)

  44. here are some of the details,

    I bet you if abbas had commissioned it, like with the 50 million dollar plane, we wouldn’t have heard word one,

    narciso (d1f714)

  45. Others have heard Trump testify and they testify, as you might expect, it’s not a pretty thing.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  46. We’ve seen this movie before. It’s Clintonian.

    Yes. Those swallows are returning to Capistrano.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  47. If Trump testifies, he’ll do it with six lawyers present, each one of whom will have a big red button linking to a choke collar around Trump’s neck.

    They already choked him as he jerked toward firing Mueller.

    Delaying the inevitable.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  48. the funny thing, strange not funny ha ha, is why wasn’t Obama on the dock, for fast and furious, for the irs, yes he heard about it in the papers,

    narciso (d1f714)

  49. In CA, you can enter the country illegally, commit another crime, commmit a few more….and many cities will protect you from the law.


    “Calderon, the Democratic majority leader in California’s lower house, has introduced a bill to stop sit-down restaurants from offering customers straws with their beverages unless they specifically request one. Under Calderon’s law, a waiter who serves a drink with an unrequested straw in it would face up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.”


    harkin (d40275)


    I admire the intransigent Trumpkins.

    They have such loyalty to their personal issues.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  51. HANNITY: Now tonight for example, they’re trying to change the story. at this hour. The New York Times” is trying to distract you. They have a story that Trump wanted Mueller fired sometime last June. And our sources — and I’ve checked in with many of them, they’re not confirming that tonight. And the president’s attorney dismissed the story and says no, no comment, we’re not going there. And how many times has the New York Times and others gotten it wrong? So we have sources just now confirming to Ed Henry that yeah, maybe Donald Trump wanted to fire the special counsel for a conflict. Does he not have the right to raise those questions? We’ll deal with this tomorrow night. We have a shocking video of the day to bring you by the way. it comes to us from Arizona where you see the red SUV, high-speed police chase.

    “It’s incredible. Look over there! car chase!”

    “But didn’t Bill Clinton –”

    “Look at the bird, look at the bird!”

    “Hannity — look at the car wreck! Oh my God.”

    Then the tone got serious.

    “I don’t know where to begin, Elise,” Scarborough said to Elise Jordan. “Let’s not just make it about what we just saw. Over this week, and certainly over the last six months, we’ve seen this coming from people who are Trump apologists. You know, like for instance, Mueller. The New York Times reports Donald Trump wanted to fire Robert Mueller. Fake news! Okay, well maybe it’s not fake news, and then I am holding up a sheet of paper, here’s a secret society and we are going to investigate the secret society. There’s a secret society, other congressmen come on the TV and say ‘we are going to look into this secret society.’ There’s no secret society.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  52. And then you guys complain that Kim Jong Un might develop nuclear ICBMs that can reach the West Coast.

    nk (dbc370)

  53. Hoagie your uploads are a load.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  54. Is the DNC really going to use:

    Make America Miserable Again!

    ….as its 2020 slogan?

    harkin (d40275)

  55. Settling for 35cent misery..

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  56. The president clearly believes he can do whatever he wants. Including obstruct justice.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  57. yep. and they’ll probably go with long face Kerry to do it,

    narciso (d1f714)

  58. and whether lying to federal agents and/or perjury should really justify impeachment. (Hint: the right answer is yes for Hillary, no for Trump, because reasons. Hot takes a plenty will explain those reasons. I can’t wait.)

    Seems like this is fret inducing for you, despite the fact that the answer has been No for Hillary and Yes for Trump, going on two years now. Have you failed to take notice, or you just couldn’t care less because it’s Trump?

    random viking (6a54c2)

  59. Although there’s some debate among legal scholars about how much latitude the president would have for such a purge, Trump’s previous maneuvering in this investigation suggests he believes he can do almost whatever he wants. That might explain why the Times report is surfacing now: Perhaps White House officials, perhaps even McGahn himself, are worried that the president is set again on toppling Mueller and they want to stop it (having the president safely tucked away in Switzerland and unable to counter-program probably helps).

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  60. it’s a funny thing, how that piece of real intelligence, re the warheads did not leak for 4 years,

    I guess rizzotto absence, probably causes hallucinations,

    narciso (d1f714)

  61. 54…. How about this one, comrade? Since you were speaking about loyalty to their personal issues. Seems instead of worrying about illegals….

    My son loved it.

    Rev.Hoagie (6bbda7)

  62. Pedophile Charged With Abusing 3 Girls Says He’s A 9-Year-Old Trapped In Man’s Body

    The 38-year-old pedophile claims he’s trans-age.

    If you disagree then that’s hate-speech.

    harkin (d40275)

  63. Over and over we’re told today’s Dreamers are the children brought here years ago by their illegally entering parents. Consequently, as children, Dreamers simply accompanied their parents and should not be considered guilty of criminally entering the US.

    OK, understandable, but what about the more recent arrivals, the ones the Obama Administration encouraged to come here unaccompanied? It hasn’t been so long ago that train and airplane loads of youngsters suddenly began arriving on our doorsteps in response to Obama’s invitations.

    US Federal agencies were advertising throughout Central and South America for unaccompanied children to line up for free transportation to the US with promises of generous social benefits, including healthcare, and placement with congenial sponsors.

    Upon arrival this new wave of ‘Dreamers’ were quickly and quietly distributed around the country so as to conceal their presence and the extent of their numbers.

    These more recent immigrants are not ‘Dreamers’ although open border advocates would have us believe there is no distinction. Perhaps their inclusion is responsible for the total number of DACA eligibles suddenly jumping from 800,000 to 1,800,000 overnight.

    ropelight (214e0f)

  64. I don’t want to get into a pissing match with the White House press shop, but I stand by the comments I made in June that the president was considering firing Robert Mueller,” Ruddy told The Daily Beast. “I said at the time that I thought it wasn’t a good idea. I thought it was a very bad idea…I had been told by very high-ranking senior White House officials that he was seriously moving in that direction. I was not aware of the position of [Don] McGahn, but it fits into what I had heard.”

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  65. When do the unashamed Fire Mueller dimwits come out?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  66. Rev.Hoagie says, “I read Huff and other leftists sites daily and I don’t believe one word on them including “and” and “the”. They are full of non-thinkers who repeat the latest propaganda and move on to the next.”

    Are they wrong at times? Sure. All of the media are. But the guy who refuses to believe “one word” of the Huffington Post may be the “non-thinker”. Republican snowflakes should stick to Fox and Friends.

    noel (b4d580)

  67. I was elated when Rush came along. I even went to Dan’s Bake Sale. I was excited when FoxNews entered the scene. Now, I have to wonder how they can look at themselves in the mirror every morning. The media must be a check on power… not some “safe space” for the insecure or a propaganda machine for the President.

    noel (b4d580)

  68. FYI, a profile of one of the DACA Dreamers, eagerly awaiting your compassion:

    random viking (6a54c2)

  69. the yummy logics of people what think with their pussyhats on

    The GOP was puzzled Thursday by comments by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) that dismissed $1,000 bonuses. The lawmaker noted that was before taxes, and that $1,000 didn’t amount to much over a year.

    yeah stupid bimbo

    these would be the taxes what were cut for so people can keep more of what they earn

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  70. the way I see it many of these stories don’t have enough imagination, for instance, the dossier could have contained ‘debriefing’ reports from a sparrow, if you wanted to sell the story, you would kill the operative who delivered the info, just like the supposed source back in Moscow,

    narciso (d1f714)

  71. “Pedophile Charged With Abusing 3 Girls Says He’s A 9-Year-Old Trapped In Man’s Body

    I was once a man trapped inside a woman’s body. But I learned to not put K-Y jelly and Super Glue in the same drawer.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  72. RV, it sounds like the girls buried themselves in leaves in the middle of the street – if they were teens/young adults, we would crown them with a Darwin Award. If the leaf pile was adjacent to the curb (as in many municipalities, when leaves are blown/raked to the curb for waste hauling) you may have had a better point, in that the vehicle would have been demonstrably out of control.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  73. Stormy Daniels is the weird way DJT can prove he loves Tiffany as much as he loves Ivanka (key word: fivehead).

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  74. That presidency*, believe it or not, one day will end, and, when it does, the country cannot be allowed to go back to the status quo ante. The damage done by this presidency* can’t be swept out of the national memory the way the damage done by the last Republican president has been. The Republican Party has to be purged of the prion disease, all of it. Because the prion disease has sickened the entire nation now. The progress of the disease is now so advanced that the Republican powers within the national legislature are unable to check the powers of a president* that a good portion of the country believes shouldn’t be within 200 miles of the White House, a form of ideological enfeeblement that may be the final stages of the disease. That there are people who were involved in the disease’s earlier stages who are unnerved now seems to me to be yet another manifestation of it. At least, with kuru, the cannibalism comes at the beginning.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  75. In Roman Times, there was an app for that test:

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  76. and then there’s always the Ice Cream Test (to spot lactose intolerance) that white supremacy organizations in Eastern Europe administer to potential adherents.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  77. Stormy Daniels.
    In the law, the most basic rule for testimonial evidence is the competence of the witness.
    Can he or she distinguish between truth and lies?
    Like a three-year old.
    Or a paranoid schizophrenic.
    Or a person with advanced Alzheimers.
    Or a wh*re.

    nk (dbc370)

  78. that would seem to be eliminationist rhetoric, eh chuck, it’s gotten worse than mua’dib, his name was a killing word, now thoughts are,

    narciso (d1f714)

  79. most basic rule for testimonial evidence is the competence of the witness.
    Can Trump distinguish between truth and lies?
    Like a three-year old.
    Or a paranoid schizophrenic.
    Or a person with advanced Alzheimers.
    Or a wh*re.

    Good point. Involuntary commitment is preferable to prison.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  80. RV, it sounds like the girls buried themselves in leaves in the middle of the street – if they were teens/young adults, we would crown them with a Darwin Award.

    Such compassion for the victims, preteen girls….

    Since you weren’t interested in the details:

    The leaves were next to the curb, not in the middle. The passenger in the vehicle dared the driver (Cisneros) to veer and drive through the pile. (Who hasn’t done that? — me, never.) She did. Both felt strange bumps, but continued home which was nearby. A young relative on bicycle heard the screams of the girls’ father, saw what happened, and informed Cisneros. They decided to go out for ice cream and decide what to do, which was to say nothing and take the vehicle to a car wash.

    She was convicted and entered deportation proceedings, but the immigration judge had compassion. Then, the entire conviction was recently overturned by insane Oregon judges with compassion.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  81. Evidence can also be incompetent because of public policy.
    To discourage certain kinds of conduct.
    Like the exclusionary rule.
    To discourage constitutional violations by law enforcement.
    Or the testimony of a wh*re.
    To discourage the spread of disease.

    nk (dbc370)

  82. Well, Stormy’s gonna be on Jimmy Kimmel the night of the State of the Union. I’d have thought that Kimmel taped before that time, so I don’t expect reactive commentary, but then again I wouldn’t expect much in the nature of anything truly informative anyways – about the state of their union(s). Those hush-money agreements can be effective in the right circumstances, after all. That said, I imagine it will be amusing. I’ve always liked Kimmel, ever since the Sarah Silverman -slash- “I’m f#^king Ben Affleck” days . . .

    Q! (86710c)

  83. if you can’t trust a communist revolutionary who can you:

    narciso (d1f714)

  84. Man applies ‘Hillary is the most qualified candidate ever’ method to make shed London’s highest-rated restaurant:

    Def worth the read.

    harkin (d40275)

  85. was that the fake restaurant?

    narciso (d1f714)

  86. When do the unashamed Fire Mueller dimwits come out?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 1/26/2018 @ 8:17 am

    CNN worries they might have to report on things, actual stories, with facts and sh!t, just like a real job.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  87. Keep fvckin’ that poultry, “Republican” noel

    Colonel Haiku (951ecf)

  88. And stick with MSLSD/CNN/ABC/NBC/C-BS

    Colonel Haiku (951ecf)

  89. The president doesn’t try to fire anybody. He fires them.

    Not quite. Listen to the Nixon tapes for a plethora of similar rants, raves and venting on personnel issues staff never acted on. The Big Dick went through similar histrionics w/his aides over Cox and stalled for months until the confrontation w/t tapes forced The Big Dick’s hand; hence the Saturday Night Massacre.

    History does rhyme– so dust for jowl prints.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  90. Colonel Haiku says…. “Keep fvckin’ that poultry, “Republican” noel”.

    Fowl language again? Let me guess, you took the Scaramucci course on….”How to Win Sycophants and Influence Jerks”.

    I suppose you’re suggesting, once again, that I am not a Republican. I am, but it was never my intention to give you the impression that I approve of Trump’s behavior. I don’t.

    noel (b4d580)

  91. he’s practically begging for a perjury charge.

    Mueller’s a scrub if all he walks away with is a couple dozen counts of perjury.

    I’m guessing Trump wants to talk to him so he can suggest that Mueller “just let it go”, and/or earnestly explain the importance of “loyalty” to him in the context of keeping his job.

    I’d say the over/under is at least two overt attempts by Trump to obstruct justice during the interview, and while under oath.

    Dave (445e97)

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