Patterico's Pontifications


Bannon Ouster Imminent?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:13 pm

I miss Andrew Breitbart.

One of the things I miss is how he would tell me ahead of time about big stories that he was about to break. (Permit an old codger to reminisce a bit. It might even be relevant.)

He would tell me about something like, say, the Anthony Weiner story, or a big ACORN expose, the day before it broke. And he would let me tease stuff like that. I would rush to my computer and tap out some “speculation” about something I thought “might happen.” Then, riffing off an old Mickey Kaus saying from when he wrote the kausfiles blog, I would say: “Always trust content from Patterico.”

And the next day, it would come true. Man, those were the days.

Sorry. You caught me monologuing! Anyway, now that fun is all in the past — as is Andrew, God rest his soul — and the site is being run by Steve Bannon.

For now, that is.

I said this morning about Steve Bannon:

Ultimately, my guess is that if they [] want to remain financially viable, they’re going to have to ditch the guy [Bannon]. Sooner rather than later.

Sloppy Steve is gonna have to go. I’d be surprised if he lasts the day.

He’s still hanging on by his fingernails — which I assume are dirty, by the way. Just a guess. But let me tap out some speculation here.

Let’s look at what we know. Allahpundit from Hot Air told us two things last night: 1) the Breitbart board was publicly debating dumping Bannon, and 2) Rebekah Mercer was publicly distancing herself from Bannon . . . to the point where the Mercers even cut off money for Bannon’s security detail (!).

Rebekah Mercer’s opinion matters a lot. Remember, Robert Mercer sold his shares in Breitbart News to Rebekah in November. It’s reasonable to conclude that she has considerable say over management decisions.

And she mad.

What might happen next in a situation like that?

It does not take much imagination to conjure up the following scenario:

Rebekah Mercer calls up Larry Solov and perhaps one or more other members of the Breitbart board. She says to them: Either Bannon goes, or you do. Or the sweet, sweet money dries up.

And that’s a hard argument to resist.

I, for one, would not be at all surprised to see a story to that effect breaking in the next 24 hours or so.

Always trust content from Patterico!

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

55 Responses to “Bannon Ouster Imminent?”

  1. Ding!

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Tom Brady’s flat balls, [AC/DC parody].

    papertiger (c8116c)

  3. It is past time for the Mercers to fire Bannon. Let him go over to Infowars where he belongs.
    Kevin M (752a26) — 1/3/2018 @ 12:44 pm

    Kevin M (752a26)

  4. Or maybe co-blog at Gateway Pundit.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  5. How about an even swap for Paul Joseph Watson?

    Pinandpuller (b4423d)

  6. 2-papertiger
    Have not watched a lot of football this year, but what I know about TB 12’s career is he is the utmost team player. Has always taken salary cuts for the team, always. Coach Bill would never have won 5 super bowls paying the going price for a top tier QB.

    mg (8cbc69)

  7. Lady ball sack mittens has no courage to run against Lieawatha in Massachusetts so he takes his foolishness to Utah. What a spineless hack.

    mg (8cbc69)

  8. Bannon is finding out the hard way that when you rub elbows with the rich, all you get is holes in your sleeves.

    Egalitarianism is fine to fool the rubes with, but dangerous to people who actually believe it.

    nk (dbc370)

  9. He worked at Goldman, he was banker for prince talal and berlusconi, he knows money.

    narciso (d1f714)

  10. He worked at Goldman, he was banker for prince talal and berlusconi, he knows money.

    But then he got ambitions above his station:

    …21 Under three things the earth quakes, And under four, it cannot bear up: 22 Under a slave when he becomes king, …

    Proverbs 30:21

    nk (dbc370)

  11. 4…I think he’d balk at the new employee orientation at GP and not about it being in St. Louis IYKWIM.

    urbanleftbehind (1d75fb)

  12. Not only that mg, theres a theory out there that Brady orchestrated the prep and trade market for Jimmy G such that it would help out his hometown fave team.

    urbanleftbehind (1d75fb)

  13. the company is now beholden to its major investor, evil billionaire Robert Mercer, who transfered his stock to his daughter, Rebekah, after a massive email leak revealed that Breitbart was actively colluding with neo-Nazis.

    The far-right grapevine says that the Mercers are planning to fire Bannon, in order to ensure that Breitbart stays closely aligned to Trump. Bannon is said to be awaiting his fate while the decision is finalized.

    It doesn’t help that Bannon convinced Trump to back pedophile Roy Moore in the Alabama primary, a blunder that cost the GOP a senator they could ill-afford to lose.

    Admiral Ben Bunsen Burner (b3d5ab)

  14. will sloppy steve not even have the dignity to resign is he really gonna make them fire his sloppy harvardtrash ass

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  15. Ot but mildly important

    Admiral Ben Bunsen Burner (b3d5ab)

  16. sloppy steve let a lot of people down

    people what believed in the same things sloppy steve believed in

    now sloppy steve’s just a drunken david duke figure ugly and angry and slovenly

    and piss-stained you gonna need some of this – like quite a bit

    don’t skimp

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  17. On the positive side, Trump should feel flattered. He is the lead character in a historical fiction and he is still alive and not even a year in office.

    nk (dbc370)

  18. what is trump were romeo in black jeans what if trump was heathcliff it’s no myth

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  19. If Liam Neeson plays him in the movie and Scarlett Johannson plays Melania, I’ll rent it.

    nk (dbc370)

  20. trump saves hollywood!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  21. But I don’t like the title, Fire and Fury whatever. Meh! How about “Swords of the Covfefe”?

    nk (dbc370)

  22. Seriously. Fire and Fury? With a title like that I expect a cover with a busty maiden in a sweeping skirt and an unlaced bodice, with a Napoleonic War battle scene as the background.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. from what i gather “Fire and Fury” is some kind of oblique reference to how sloppy steve whispered to some propaganda sluts about how the incompetent tranny-trash US military isn’t up to the job of taking on North Korea

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  24. Treasonous, semi-literate president describes himself as “a very stable genius”.


    Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.

    (I checked the original on Twitter myself, because I was sure it had to be another Gorilla Channel parody…but no, that is an actual, direct quote.)

    He forgot to mention how modest he is, too!

    Dave (9aedfd)

  25. Shrump is a legend in his own mine shaft..

    Admiral Ben Bunsen Burner (b3d5ab)

  26. “I can handle things. I’m smart! Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!”

    -Fredo Corleone-

    Admiral Ben Bunsen Burner (b3d5ab)

  27. B*tch McConnell whistles past the GOP graveyard

    Admiral Ben Bunsen Burner (b3d5ab)

  28. mg – I was just thinking of when did we have more fun with a topic on Patterico than the Bannon Book kerfuffle.

    Then it occured to me. Tom Brady’s fluffy balls kerfuffle.

    Good times.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  29. Bannon’s a proven survivor; he’s not going anywhere– for now. But then, there’s later. It’s only January 6.

    Stay tuned for “State of the Zoonion”— the next hilarious episode of Trumpland.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  30. Welp, if content from Patterico is always trustworthy, Sloppy Steve only has ten hours of employment left…

    As an aside, it seems like an unforced error to predict that his firing would occur on a Saturday. Unless Bannon does something completely unhinged, like tweet about what a genius he is, it seems kind of unlikely that they would throw him under the bus outside regular business hours.

    On the other hand, maybe Patterico has some kind of Breitbart deep-state contact feeding him inside info…

    Dave (9aedfd)

  31. I’m having myself a chuckle on the past, papertiger
    and a couple bowls of fresh oyster stew on this cold winter day.

    mg (8cbc69)

  32. Jonah piles on Bannon:

    Bannon is a common character in Washington: a megalomaniac who made the mistake of believing his own bullshit. Bannon believed he was the intellectual leader of a real grassroots movement, and all that was needed to midwife it into reality was to Astroturf as much rage and unthinking paranoia as the Mercer family’s money could buy. As I’ve said many times, Bannon’s self-proclaimed Leninism was mostly the kind of b.s. one spouts to rally the twentysomethings in their cubicles to churn out more ethically bankrupt clickbait fodder. There was, however, a grain of truth to it. Lenin was a real radical who wanted to tear everything down. But his motto wasn’t “Honey badger don’t give a sh*t” — it was “The worse the better.” Both men share a theory that by exacerbating social tensions — heightening the contradictions in Marxobabble — they would emerge victorious. The biggest difference between the two men is that Lenin knew what he was doing.


    No one destroyed Bannon save Bannon himself. In his effort to fellate himself, he overshot the target, crammed his head up his own ass, and now finds himself confused and alone in a dark corner of his own making.

    Dave (9aedfd)

  33. “Always trust content from Patterico.”

    CStudent (8f9e27)

  34. @30. January 9–later has arrived.

    Now in the Captain’s wake, he’s an Ivana Trump book title: ‘Free To Love.’

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  35. sloppy steve let everybody down

    pour yourself a martini sloppy steve you done it!

    there’s nobody left to betray or alienate good work

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  36. “Always trust content from Patterico.”

    “Unreliable but entertaining!”


    Dave (092f5a)

  37. Yes that wee a dubious assertion by radosh,
    that jonah is relying on, you need a blunt
    instrument to cut through the barbed wire,
    but he ultimately fired on the wrong target.

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. Kelli ward may have bigger problems…and she played into now-Senate candidate Joe Arpaios hands by disavowing Bannon.

    urbanleftbehind (1d75fb)

  39. Yes but arpaio is 84 with an ailing wife, we had a similar character former fbn and dea agent in the 80s, nick navarro.

    narciso (d1f714)

  40. Now the question is: does he go to Gateway or Infowars? Or maybe go for Breitbart to One America News Network, raising the IQ of both organizations.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  41. *from

    Kevin M (752a26)

  42. One America news is actually following more real news, which is whybit has scarce distribution.

    narciso (d1f714)

  43. Well predicted, Patterico.

    mg (8cbc69)

  44. Bannon needs no money. Seinfeld reruns are over 3.1 billion since leaving the air. No one knows what his companies percentage is.

    mg (8cbc69)

  45. As koffler pointed out, it was his wife who fell on hard times after the divorce, not the portrait that shareblue (shocker) portrayed.

    narciso (d1f714)

  46. I’d love to see Bannon get hired by Fox and have a show with squeaky Karl!

    mg (8cbc69)

  47. Post upcoming on this.

    Always trust content from Patterico!

    Patterico (115b1f)

  48. Bannon’s a pretty nasty sort of guy, seeking power over others, being harsh to people who don’t coddle Bannon’s interests. His flip flop flop on Trump is embarrassing. Bannon is interesting but only as a sideshow. Fox is probably a reasonable guess as to his future, but only because Fox has really declined much in the way has.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  49. Like John weaver who gave vicki isemans name to the times and wee subsequently hired by huntsman and kasich, how about Tim miller who admitted to dredging up trash on judge Moore or Dennis Jones who wrote Mccain exit strategy and was subsequently hired by romney, or Wesley (lung) who was part of the hit on niki Healey and hired by some other campaign

    narciso (d1f714)

  50. But are they all a bunch of rats eating the wounded ones, though? From Bannon turning on Don Jr. to the Breitbart board firing Bannon? Yikes!

    nk (dbc370)

  51. His radio program cancelled him too. SMH

    nk (dbc370)

  52. His radio program cancelled him too. SMH

    Maybe Milo will let him crash on the couch while he tries to grovel his way back into Trump’s favor.

    Dave (445e97)

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