Patterico's Pontifications


Round-Up of Opinion, Post-Manchester

Filed under: General — JVW @ 3:04 pm

[guest post by JVW]

In the aftermath of yesterday’s horrible bombing at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, plenty of polemicists have weighed in with their opinions. As usual, some of it is insightful and excellent, and some of it is, naturally, sheer dreck. Here are some of the most compelling things I have read on the matter today:

Bruce Bawer in City Journal:

London mayor Sadiq Khan (who recently dismissed terrorist attacks as “part and parcel of living in a big city”): “London stands with Manchester.” Orlando mayor Buddy Dyer (who, in the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre, proclaimed a CAIR-backed “Muslim Women’s Day”—you know, the kind of event that proclaims hijabs “empowering”): Orlando “stands in solidarity with the people of the UK.” L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti (who went berserk when Trump tried to impose that temporary travel ban from a half-dozen Muslim countries): “Los Angeles stands with the people of Manchester.”

Meaningless words, all of them. But Angela Merkel takes the cake: “People in the UK can rest assured that Germany stands shoulder to shoulder with them.” Well, isn’t that . . . reassuring. In what way do such words help anybody to “rest assured” of anything? In any case, how dare she? This, after all, is the woman who opened the floodgates—the woman who, out of some twisted sense of German historical guilt, put European children in danger by inviting into the continent masses of unvetted people from the very part of the world where this monstrous evil has its roots.

Brendan O’Neill at Spiked:

After the terror, the platitudes. And the hashtags. And the candlelit vigils. And they always have the same message: ‘Be unified. Feel love. Don’t give in to hate.’ The banalities roll off the national tongue. Vapidity abounds. A shallow fetishisation of ‘togetherness’ takes the place of any articulation of what we should be together for – and against. And so it has been after the barbarism in Manchester. In response to the deaths of more than 20 people at an Ariana Grande gig, in response to the massacre of children enjoying pop music, people effectively say: ‘All you need is love.’ The disparity between these horrors and our response to them, between what happened and what we say, is vast. This has to change.

David French in National Review Online:

[. . .] After the [post 9/11] implementation of the (now) much-derided Bush strategy [of homeland security], there were a grand total of 27 terror attacks and plots — almost all of them foiled.

After the end of the Bush administration, the numbers skyrocketed, with 68 plots or attacks recorded since. A number of them, including the Fort Hood shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing, the San Bernardino mass murder, and the Orlando nightclub massacre, have been terrifying successful. Indeed, there have been more domestic terror plots and attacks since the rise of ISIS in the summer of 2014 than there were in the entirety of the Bush administration after 9/11. And make no mistake, jihadist terrorists are disproportionately immigrants and children of immigrants.

What did Bush do that was so successful? He not only pressed military offensives in the heart of the Middle East, he fundamentally changed the American approach to immigration and implemented a number of temporary measures that, for example, dramatically decreased refugee admissions and implemented country-specific protective measures that have since been discontinued.

Mark Steyn at Steyn Online:

One thinks of the famous scene in one of the most famous of the Carry On comedies, Carry On Up The Khyber, surely the most insightful film ever made about Afghanistan: as you’ll recall, the revolting Khasi of Khalabar grows ever more enraged at the British Governor’s refusal to let the shelling and destruction of Government House disrupt his dinner party. Even when the Khasi has the main course replaced with the head of a decapitated fakir, Her Majesty’s viceroy declines to let his eye be caught by these vulgar attention-seeking jihadists. The film received unenthusiastic reviews from London critics in 1968. One would not have predicted that half-a-century later it would be official British policy on the home front.

Easier said than done, alas. A couple of hours ago, as I write, the Arndale shopping center in Manchester was evacuated, somewhat chaotically, with hundreds of customers stampeding for the exits lest they be the cause of The Independent’s next carry-on editorial. The Arndale was the scene of the last big terror attack – in 1996, when the IRA totaled it. Two hundred people were injured, but nobody died, and you don’t have to be a terror apologist like Jeremy Corbyn to find the bad old days of Irish republicanism almost quaint by comparison. A few weeks ago the BBC reported that “approximately 850 people” from the United Kingdom have gone to Syria and Iraq to fight for Isis and the like. That’s more volunteers than the IRA were able to recruit in thirty years of the “Troubles”, when MI5 estimated that they never had more than a hundred active terrorists out in the field. This time maybe it’s the exotic appeal of foreign travel, as opposed to a month holed up in a barn in Newry.

If you only have time to read one of these in full, read Steyn. Brilliant as always, he traces the evolution of the targets of Jihadist attacks from Jews and other religious figures, who rouse only minor and superficial sympathy in our secularist age; to symbols of national pride, which are really ho-hum in our contemporary one-world delusions; to consumerism and popular culture, which may finally force us to take notice, or at least make a more strenuous effort to ignore.

And, of course, feel free to share interesting and insightful reflections that you come across.

[Cross-posted at the Jury Talks Back.]


196 Responses to “Round-Up of Opinion, Post-Manchester”

  1. Alas, it does not yet appear that the great Victor Davis Hanson has addressed last night’s barbarism.

    JVW (dadb0c)

  2. … Orlando mayor Buddy Dyer (who, in the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre, proclaimed a CAIR-backed “Muslim Women’s Day”—you know, the kind of event that proclaims hijabs “empowering”)

    No relation.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  3. Douglas Murray also please to go along with VDH.

    Murray is the sane world’s voice in Europe.

    harkin (716a38)

  4. Platitudes from the former President:

    JVW (dadb0c)

  5. Angela Merkel’s the rape queen not just of Europe but of the whole whirl

    my sources are telling me the turd pope is gonna anoint her the patron saint of rape before the end of the year

    she’s really taken it to the next level

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  6. @4. =yawn= And from the current president, his impression of Louis DePalma:

    “They’re loozas.”

    DCSCA (797bc0)


    Press conference over.

    “Thank you, Mr. President.”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  8. They’d better hope they’re not standing too close!

    Colonel Haiku (0225f2)

  9. Greetings:

    Earlier today, on a France24 English-language TV broadcast, the talking head brought up an IRA bombing in Britain back in 1996 as part of her Islamic mitigation process.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  10. Greetings:

    Perhaps a bit of perspective about Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May is in order. In her previous sinecure as Interior Minister, she banned Robert Spencer and Pamela Gellar of “Stop the Islamization of Europe” from entering her now marginally less Islamophilic country.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  11. as far as that pathetic little island goes, Theresa May’s as good as it gets i’m afraid

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  12. yes, Theresa may as home secretary, was mostly blanc mange, I was rooting for Boris, would have settled for Gove, until he proved himself a wombat,

    narciso (d1f714)

  13. On the CBS Evening News, Scott Pelley, as part of introduction to a story about how people get along in Manchester, and help each other, or something like that, said, like it was some kind of established fact, that the purpose of the terrorist attack was to instigaate a war of Christinaity
    against Islam, but it wouldn’t work.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  14. I don’t think they can take anymore of these losses on their part,

    narciso (d1f714)

  15. twitter makes people say unbelievably stupid things

    it’s like drinking martinis on an empty stomach

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  16. it’s much worse, capx is like the british version of vox

    narciso (d1f714)

  17. @11 as far as that pathetic little island goes…

    What’s that odd language you’re typing in? Oh, right. English.

    Pathetic, indeed. Up yours, Happybleet:

    “Salutee!” -Lurcio [Frankie Howerd] “up Pompeii!” BBC TV, 1969

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  18. You know that when cowboys were driving cattle to market, their main fear was a stampede? They just wanted them to plod along quietly, chewing their cud. They’d talk to them softly and calmly and sing them lullabys at night. If a stray tried to join the herd and maybe cause trouble, they’d have it for dinner.

    There was a stray in the herd and the boss said “Kill it”.
    So I shot it in the rump and it landed in the skillet.
    Yippee aye oh ki yay, yippee aye oh ki yay!

    Just keep on plodding, doggies.

    nk (dbc370)

  19. english! hah that’s my favorite language!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  20. ace had a nice post in regards to the pathetic simpering uselessness of that little island


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  21. here it is

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  22. @20. Keep bleating, Happy.

    Mutton’s on the menu.

    @21. No, HERE it is: Ace’s High.


    DCSCA (797bc0)

  23. How about this one as a prequal?

    Europe’s Childless Leaders Sleepwalking Us to Disaster

    Maybe more method to the throat cutter’s mayhem.

    What do you mean, they’re coming for ‘our’ kids?” – Angela Merkel, Manny Macron, barreness Theresa May

    papertiger (c8116c)

  24. remember how they went after the candidate, who actually had kids, and mentioned that in passing,
    ‘werewolves of London indeed,

    narciso (d1f714)

  25. that’s too backwards-looking for my taste Mr. DCSCA

    what about the future?

    what about tomorrow?

    there’s little evidence much thought’s been applied to these questions

    one mustn’t take one’s future for granted, mutton or no

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  26. too much can be made of this childlessness i think, but it’s an odd coincidence

    Mr. Trump by contrast is as fecund as a recently-flooded inland valley

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  27. Look up the origin of proletariat. (Besides the Marxist definition.)
    Then read a little Socrates.
    There are people who give value to the world.
    And then there are people whose only contribution is their children.

    nk (dbc370)

  28. yes yes yes the proletariat add quite a lot of value if you ask me

    incremental value to be sure, but they do it with such great spirit, and with such matter-of-fact pride in the doing of it

    this bud, as it were, is for them i think

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  29. I kinda think the people who give “real value to the world” are the ones who give us children. With some notable exceptions, of course.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  30. Germans started bringing in Turks as workers after the war and things went smoothly until recently. What is happening now is the destructiveness of socialism.

    dunce (4d4106)

  31. Socialism, Islamification……two peas in the same Loss Of Individual Freedom pod.

    harkin (716a38)

  32. very interesting nk, as usual marx has inverted the meaning of things, which he was a punk supported by a rich friend, so what would he know about suffering,

    narciso (d1f714)

  33. @25. there’s little evidence much thought’s been applied to these questions…

    Really? “What’s past is prologue.” – The Tempest Act 2, scene 1 by William Shakespeare, of Stratford-upon-Avon, England (1564-1616).

    You’l look delicious with muttonchops.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  34. If Hillary Clinton looked, dressed and spoke like Theresa May she’d be President today.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  35. Manchester United!

    It was right in front of the net.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  36. @35. Well played, sir.

    Still have a MU mug – Bobby Charlton.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  37. 34… Yes and if winged monkeys flew out of your exhaust port… Oh wait…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  38. @37- Haiku! Gesundheit!

    … You’d have dinner.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  39. “Quantity has a quality all of its own.” I think that’s attributed to Stalin.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  40. 29… red-blooded American values, Hoagie. Preach on, brother!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  41. It’s what Hillary’s actually done – her blantent in-your-face multiple crimes, not what she looks like, or what she says, or how she speaks that qualifies her for a long and fully deserved life behind bars.

    ropelight (9fd598)

  42. BIH, raisinette! Just like you said Ailes should. Because that’s the sort of fellow you are, DCSCA.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  43. If a monkey had wings instead of a tail he could swim in the water like a rabbit.

    ropelight (9fd598)

  44. 30.Germans started bringing in Turks as workers after the war and things went smoothly until recently. What is happening now is the destructiveness of socialism.

    Things went smoothly for two reasons, dunce. First, a majority of the Turks were actually Armenian Christians and second when moslems are involved they never get uppity until they reach a viable minority status.–0uFxhanThs/UiAL6cu_FhI/AAAAAAAAcCU/taFxlpaoEEQ/s1600/1175166_421289564658344_555468453_n.jpg

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  45. oh he went back to Libya, and lived near Libyan fighting group members, nothing to see here,

    narciso (d1f714)

  46. Apparently MSLSD and CNN continued their anti-Trump coverage for hours after the Manchester attack hit the airwaves. While they had footage of screaming victims playing in the background, in MSLSD’s case. Because shut up!, #NeverTrump.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  47. The killing will continue until we (the Western world) decides to fight back violently or until we submit. The jihad is thrust upon us, we can Crusade for freedom or die s slaves.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  48. Stern seems a little overwrought – nothing new. Thankfully, the Brits are not likely to wet the bed quite yet. Unlike the pride of the American right.

    Spartacvs (7233b5)

  49. Are we willing to close our borders yet and deal with the terrorist within or do more of our children need to be sacrificed at the altar of globalism?

    NJRob (1d6111)

  50. Max Boot has had enough of Fox:

    IIf you don’t watch Fox News, read Breitbart or the Drudge Report, or listen to Rush Limbaugh, you likely don’t have any idea who Seth Rich was. If, however, you are a devotee of those dubious news sources, you have been fed a grab bag of unsubstantiated allegations designed to make you think that Rich was murdered by some kind of Democratic Party cabal for having revealed the party’s secrets to WikiLeaks.

    Fox staffers are unhappy:

    Fox pulls the plug:

    Yet Hannity is undetered

    Spartacvs (7233b5)

  51. Stern seems a little overwrought – nothing new. Thankfully, the Brits are not likely to wet the bed quite yet. Unlike the pride of the American right.

    How many more dead will it take for them to pay attention, Spartacus (I’m not interested in playing along with your pretentious Roman typography)? Most of what Steyn wrote in America Alone eleven years ago has come to pass, as much as that must vex you and readers of The Guardian.

    JVW (42615e)

  52. Don’t threadjack either, Sparty. You’re new here and don’t have that kind of credibility.

    JVW (42615e)

  53. NJRob, now that’s overwrought. Well played.

    Spartacvs (7233b5)

  54. The borders cannot be closed off, NJRob. It would exclude undocumented democrats from the free flow of taxpayer largesse. IOW, raaaaacist.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  55. “If my grandmother had wheels, she’d be a wagon.”

    Scotty-Star Trek III

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  56. Max boot has become a feckless tool, maybe he always was one, part of the cult of mensch’s droogs

    narciso (d1f714)

  57. Ah the daily basilisk the defintion of embarassment

    narciso (d1f714)

  58. @42. Haiku! Gesundheit!

    Your Trump-Chump disappointment is understandable, Flounder. Face it. You f-ked up. You trusted him.

    “Raisinettes!” – Hedley Lamarr [Harvey Korman] “Blazing Saddles!” 1974

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  59. @51. The Murdoch’s wanna make acquisitions in Europe and aren’t going to let the drama at Fox News/US queer the deals. The house will be cleaned. Their demographics are dying.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  60. “Their demographics are dying.”

    Yep, the idlers and parasites are taking over.

    harkin (716a38)

  61. The house will be cleaned. Their demographics are dying.

    Moslem terrorists in England, 2017.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  62. Sinclair will fill the gap, if Murdoch whelps want water down the brand like the barclays did to conrad black’s properties so be it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  63. Recall how msnbc was bin laden’s favorite til they got rid of keefum, then he had to settle for al kazeera. Then msnbc actually hired someone from ‘ the flame’ mohyldin.

    narciso (d1f714)

  64. If the truth is eternal it doesn’t matter When not was written


    narciso (d1f714)

  65. Anyone can claim that it’s unnecessary to close our borders and say they would gladly sacrifice their kids to the PC gods. But they have yet to do it.

    NJRob (1d6111)

  66. Around the time of America alone:

    narciso (d1f714)

  67. Boot:

    That was a laudable ambition, but what Fox has become is far from laudable. Not only is it a toxic workplace where the harassment of women is rampant; it is also a no-fact zone. The Pulitzer Prize-winning website PolitiFact found that nearly 60 percent of the statements it checked on Fox News were either mostly or entirely false. Another 19 percent were only half true. Only Fox News viewers are likely to believe that climate change is a hoax, that there is a “war on Christmas,” that Obamacare would create “death panels,” that there is an epidemic of crime committed by immigrants (they actually have a lower crime rate than native-born Americans), that President Barack Obama forged his birth certificate and wiretapped Trump with the aid of Britain’s signals intelligence agency, and that the accusations bedeviling Trump are a product of “Russophobia.” FNC might as well stand for Fake News Channel, and its myths have had a pernicious, indeed debilitating, effect on U.S. politics.

    Spartacvs (cc1623)

  68. I had not realized attacks here had increased so dramatically since Obama withdrew from the war(s).

    Of course, it’s racist to mention that.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  69. Yes patricia, we may not be interested in the war but the war is most assuredly interested in us. The retreat from Afghanistan signaled a marker, which SalAfi organizations all around the periphery took advantage of.

    narciso (d1f714)

  70. This is England now, just lacks the proper makeup behind the masks:

    urbanleftbehind (677d15)

  71. Here, for a little lightening up of the mood. The Carry On Up The Khyber scene that Mark Steyn mentioned. It starts at the 3:00 minute mark. (No severed head, Steyn exaggerates.)

    nk (dbc370)

  72. Then we went to war against quadaffi using libyan fighting group elements what did we think would happen?

    narciso (d1f714)

  73. A headline I want to see:

    “Europeans refuse to accept Muslim refugees fleeing crackdown in UK.”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  74. I’m not a fan of Fox, but for different reasons. I’m usually hoping for a news channel, not endless Crossfire grudge matches. CNN is no better. I can’t say what goes on at MSNBC, but probably just as bad.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  75. There’s one America news, it’s featured in fewer markets. But when every other outlet engaged in fake news like my editor friend points out, what does one do.

    narciso (d1f714)

  76. So we now stoop to citing Politifact, who deemed Obama’s “you can keep your plan” statement as “mostly true” when it mattered and yet later changed it to Lie Of The Year?

    Meanwhile, back on Earth:

    “…when Morrissey, an aging gay vegan animal rights-obsessed mope-rocker is a nation’s voice of sanity, perhaps it’s time for England to question its premises….” – Ed Driscoll

    harkin (716a38)

  77. I call Steyn the Voltaire of the 21st century, because he mines the dark humor in grim circumstances.there isn’t a single sentence that isn’t true, unless much of the drek that will solemnly miss the point.

    narciso (d1f714)

  78. Iowahawk sums up the EU reaction… “Fear our tastefully somber symbolic gestures, bloodthirsty zombie caveman rapists.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  79. Bawer is a gay man who lives in Norway another one of those cradles of the new diversity.

    narciso (d1f714)

  80. Lahren going to the Blaze from OANN was like Chris Rock leaving SNL in 1993 for the last 1/2 season of In Living Color.

    Morissey rightly should be indignant about his home, but much of his fan base and audience in the States look like gamma Dreamers (Depeche Mode and the Cure also sharee this quirk) .

    urbanleftbehind (677d15)

  81. Yes it was a waste of her talent, I would say going on the spew without full hazmat,

    narciso (d1f714)

  82. Was also illconsidered, it’s like they are like zombies dosed with tetradetoxin

    narciso (d1f714)

  83. Catholics are still oppressed in that part of the world, in fact they not the other 2 Ks were the prime target in DC Stevenson’s 1920s revival.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  84. Wouldn’t it be weird if the elephant’s share of the ratings at Fox News pre-capitulation were Democrats looking for Jesse Watters to say “you people” to some minority with a stick up their 4$$?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  85. Copts yes they are still
    , and asisi doesnt quite do,as much for them

    narciso (d1f714)

  86. “…when Morrissey, an aging gay vegan animal rights-obsessed mope-rocker is a nation’s voice of sanity, perhaps it’s time for England to question its premises….” – Ed Driscoll

    Mr. Driscoll might wish to consider that aging gay vegan animal rights-obsessed mope-rockers are the agar of the Petri dish in which the domestic jihadi infection grew.

    nk (dbc370)

  87. An audience full of Spartacvi lips moistened in anticipation of a slip so they can fly into faux outrage. A network of surrender pansy hosts walking on egg shells in perpetuity.

    Past hope. Past kindness or consideration. Past justice. Past satisfaction.
    Past warmth or cold or comfort. Past love. But past surprise? What an endlessly
    unfolding tedium life would then become.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  88. @52- How many more dead will it take for them to pay attention…

    Meh. See Sandy Hook for details…

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  89. Like the old Remington commercial

    narciso (d1f714)

  90. Spartacus, this is your second warning. If you come here to threadjack you will be banned. If you want to talk about Fox News, invite us over to your own damn blog. I’m sure we’ll be quick to follow.

    JVW (42615e)

  91. “Today we are all Georgians” – John McCain
    That was not effective, but nothing irritated me more than #BringBackOurGirls like a hash tag ever accomplished anything.
    For some reason we are devolving into a species of idiots that expects a “hash tag” entered in a cell phone can accomplish tasks that used to involve dedication, courage, and physical action.
    Now bravery is making fun of Trumps hands, resistance to evil is boycotting Ivanka’s clothing line.

    Someone called McCains statement fatuous, but they ought to spend a minute listening to LA Mayor Garcetti and realize just how dumb smart people can be

    steveg (e8c34d)

  92. According to U.S. intelligence assessments, Russian intelligence services are most likely responsible for the hacking and the leak.[10]

    footnote [10] refers to an Economist article “Cyber Spying: Bear on Bear

    What’s interesting is that the Democrats computer system was never examined by U. S. intelligence agencies, as is being claimed on the wikipedia entry. According to the Economist it was examined by private companies Crowdstrike, and Dell Secureworks, who were each paid astronomic amounts of money to reach their suppositions that it was Fozzie Bear and Crazy Bear what hacked their computers. Mercenaries from California – not CIA, FBI, or any of the 17 intelligence agencies, with their forensic teams and what not.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  93. The way I remember and the way it played out there were two disclosures of Democrat materials by the Wikileaks with distinct characteristics.

    The first was internal emails of the DNC showing the inner workings and tilting of the tables to sabotage Berney and favor Clinton. These were all released at one go a couple weeks after Seth’s murder and were never updated with newer information after his death.

    The second was private emails between John Podesta and whomever he corresponded with in real time. Especially the Donna Brazil giving debate questions to Clinton incident they were downloading that [edit]heads computer right up to election night. Might still be doing it for all I care.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  94. According to Wankerpedia, Burger King Whoppers are made with a slice of child and cyanide sauce. Anybody can go and write anything there.

    My opinion is that Seth Rich was murdered by Smersh, at Trump’s request to Putin, because he had changed his mind about being Trump’s mole in Hillary’s campaign and Trump was afraid he would spill the beans. Or we could believe his parents, I suppose:

    nk (dbc370)

  95. Right go with that, seeing how Chris Stevens family offered him up as a sacrifice

    narciso (d1f714)

  96. Manchester seems to be eerily similar to Orlando, pop wasn’t just a security official but a member of the lfg and the Imam of a known SalAfi mosque

    narciso (d1f714)


    narciso (d1f714)

  98. So the protocol is we pretend a story that has no foundation, grishenlo threatens out very existence, and one with real consequences is like the weather, you can’t do anything about it.

    narciso (3d87fa)

  99. papertoger @94. Crowdstrike and Dell Secureworks were not hired to explain the leak! They were hired to expolain computer intrusions that the DNC noticed or was notified about.

    The committee called in CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, early last month after the Democratic Party began to suspect an intrusion.

    And the publication of the leaks only started at the point when the DNC was ready to announce it had been hacked by the Russians.

    Michael Sussmann, a Washington lawyer and former cybercrime prosecutor at the Justice Department, received an email in late April confirming that the D.N.C.’s computer system had been compromised. The D.N.C. immediately hired CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, to scan its computers, identify the intruders and build a new computer and telephone system from scratch. Within a day, CrowdStrike confirmed that the intrusion had originated in Russia, Mr. Sussmann said….

    In mid-June, on Mr. Sussmann’s advice, D.N.C. leaders decided to take a bold step. Concerned that word of the hacking might leak, they decided to go public in The Washington Post with the news that the committee had been attacked. That way, they figured, they could get ahead of the story, win a little sympathy from voters for being victimized by Russian hackers and refocus on the campaign.

    But the very next day, a new, deeply unsettling shock awaited them. Someone calling himself Guccifer 2.0 appeared on the web, claiming to be the D.N.C. hacker — and he posted a confidential committee document detailing Mr. Trump’s record and half a dozen other documents to prove his bona fides.

    #Guccifer2 #DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker. #Trump report

    — GUCCIFER 2.0 (@GUCCIFER_2) June 20, 2016

    Now the question is, why would anyone want to believe that there was no hacker, or that the hacking would need inside help? And what is this implying? That Crowdstrike and Dell Secureworks were dishonest?

    That would be kind of very risky to do for their future business.

    What are they, bond rating agencies like standard and Poor’s or Moody’s, or the Honest Ballot Association? (After the Honest Ballot Association, one week, but after the strike, corrected what the head of the Fireman’s Union had said, so all we have as precedent are the bond rating agencies, who had a legal oligopoly and who had to be hired by law)

    Sammy Finkelman (bbf750)

  100. 96. papertiger (c8116c) — 5/24/2017 @ 1:57 am

    there were two disclosures of Democrat materials by the Wikileaks with distinct characteristics.

    The first was internal emails of the DNC showing the inner workings and tilting of the tables to sabotage Berney and favor Clinton. These were all released at one go a couple weeks after Seth’s murder and were never updated with newer information after his death.

    This was all after the hack had been made public by the DNC, or was about to be made public. Seth Rich was kiled on July 8, 2016, several weeks after the leaks had been made public, and if he was a continuing source there should have been stuff he had past the cutoff date the DNC gave for the hack.

    Fox and Sean Hannity have retracted this story. It is disinformation.

    Seth Rich may have possibly been a leaker, but he wasn’t Wikileaks actual source even if maybe Wikileaks was told he was, and we don’t know that it was told that; and if he was killed for some conspiratorial reason, it was not over anything that’s been widely circulated in the news.

    The main damaging thing revealed was how the DNC, or people there, had tried to help Hillary Clinton get the nomination, as they were not supposed to do, but as everyone including Bernie Sanders had suspected, and the worst was very very public before – Sanders had to sue the DNC to regain access to the voter database.

    The second was private emails between John Podesta and whomever he corresponded with in real time. Especially the Donna Brazil giving debate questions to Clinton incident they were downloading that [edit]heads computer right up to election night. Might still be doing it for all I care.

    The Podesta hack continued past the announcement of the hack and the disclosures by Guccifer 2.0, dcleaks, and Wikileaks, because it was not a hack of the DNC, but a hack of John Podesta’s GMail account, and the only thing the DNC had to do with that is that its IT person gave him bad advice and told him the phishing email was legitimate and he should change his password immediately (although he did also give him the proper link to do it, but he didn’t make clear that if he wasn’t ready to use two part authentication, he could change his password without having to do anything else at the Google link, so it looked like if he wanted to do both things he should use the link he sent, and if he wanted only to change his password he should do at the link in the phishing email.)

    John Podesta also was a frequent recipient of emails forwarded by other people, including some from DNC email accounts.

    The Podesta hack was stopped toward the end of August and emails released in late October.

    The main things revealed were:

    1) That Donna Brazile had forwarded to the Hillary Clinton campaign what she thought were the questions CNN was going to ask her at a debate with Bernard Sanders (she had also forwarded this to John Podesta’s GMail address)

    2) The texts of Hillary’s speeches to Goldman Sachs, and a note from the writer about how he had put in some negative comments about banks (or something) just in case the speech got released

    3) A list of possible problems in the speeches written by somebody. That was made public before the full texts were.

    4) An email from Doug Band complaining about Chelsea Clinton complaining about how he was making money, saying that she was just trying to justify her position, and giving some examples of how much he had done to make money for what he called Clinton Inc. (i.e. how much did the Clintons get?)

    Sammy Finkelman (bbf750)

  101. seth rich’s parents sure are whiny

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  102. Now here’s a real D-bag…

    Colonel Haiku (0225f2)

  103. I’m not trusting a journolister cell, that is the fix, cellizza blake et al.

    So it’s a network now, not a lone wolf.

    narciso (d1f714)

  104. JVW:

    . If you want to talk about Fox News, invite us over to your own damn blog. I’m sure we’ll be quick to follow.

    I’m afraid you wouldn’t last five minutes. But you’re welcome to try:

    Spartacvs (af5153)

  105. One of the foreign policy wise men

    narciso (d1f714)

  106. If houndshell hadn’t been a jackalope in the past I would concede his wider point.

    narciso (d1f714)

  107. I’m afraid you wouldn’t last five minutes.

    I doubt if I would last three minutes before being bored to tears by the banality of standard leftist cant.

    JVW (42615e)

  108. Thats scary if she can pull that ish now under the current administration, imagine how much more pull she had back in July. That Capitol police chief looks like the 3rd brother of the Dulles Airport Police force braintrust from Die Hard 2.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  109. ….if the attacker had been Palestinian and the victims had been Israeli children, the suicide bomber’s family would have received a stipend from the Palestinian Authority.

    – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in reference to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ condemnation of the bombing in Manchester, England, as quoted in an article by Carol E. Lee and Rory Jones, published on page A8 of the Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Wall Street Journal. (He prefaced that by saying that he hoped this heralded a new change.)

    Sammy Finkelman (bbf750)

  110. JVW:

    I’m afraid you wouldn’t last five minutes.

    I doubt if I would last three minutes before being bored to tears by the banality of standard leftist cant.

    It’s actually one of the few sites on the inter tubes with both conservative and liberal commentators. But I expect you prefer to remain here in your safe space.

    Spartacvs (cc1623)

  111. Breaking news– WB cancels UK premiere of ‘Wonder Woman’ film.

    A win for ISIS.

    Conservative ideologues gotta love those capitalists at Warner Bros., going all dollars and sense putting liability above liberty.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  112. Until I can think of a good comeback I’m going to leave you in the capable hands of my legal adviser [YouTube].

    papertiger (c8116c)

  113. It looks like Seth Rich survived his trip to the hospital and got put in Sarah Palin’s Death Panel crossshairs.

    Pinandpuller (4f3fc6)

  114. It’s weird that they called Seth Rich’s ordeal a botched robbery.

    If he were on a gurney in a prison gasping for air and taking too long to die they would call it a botched execution.

    Pinandpuller (4f3fc6)

  115. “More than 5 percent, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011, according to one classified internal report reviewed by Circa.”

    Colonel Haiku (0225f2)

  116. “It’s actually one of the few sites on the inter tubes with both conservative and liberal commentators. But I expect you prefer to remain here in your safe space.”

    Looks very left to me.

    But it’s sure rolling, four users on at the same time.

    harkin (716a38)

  117. Every muslim should be asked if they support sharia law and its demand for the killing of gays. If so send them back to towel head land.

    not towel head (8b9391)

  118. “…jihadist terrorists are disproportionately immigrants and children of immigrants.”

    But according to Peter Bergen, who is CNN’s national security analyst:

    …in reality, every lethal terrorist attack in the United States since 9/11 has been carried out by an American citizen or a legal permanent resident.
    That’s what makes the news that the terrorist who carried out the Manchester attack, Salman Abedi — the son of Libyan migrants who was born and grew up in the United Kingdom — unsurprising.

    Tillman (a95660)

  119. Breaking news– WB cancels UK premiere of ‘Wonder Woman’ film.

    A win for ISIS.

    Conservative ideologues gotta love those capitalists at Warner Bros., going all dollars and sense putting liability above liberty.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 5/24/2017 @ 12:16 pm

    How is it a win for ISIS that adolescent women are disabused, contrary to all evidence provided by Hollywood and ladies magazines, that you are not a superhuman, that you can’t run through the Kaiser’s machine guns with a trashcan lid, that Muslim sons of b[edit]es can, will, and want to kill you?

    That is a useful information for many of today’s young women.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  120. I’m old enough to remember when they would call it a “robbery that went too far.” I think Lifetime Movie Network would use that term.

    It reminds me of an exchange Dennis Quaid had in Wyatt Earp:

    Frank McLaury: You’re first on my list Holiday. Spend. The rest of your time expecting to see my face

    Doc Holiday: McLaury, seeing you would be a nice change. I understand most of your enemies got it in the back.

    Also this:

    Doc Holiday: My mama always told me never put off till tomorrow people you can kill today.

    Pinandpuller (4f3fc6)

  121. There was a quick reshoot on Wonder to add a male relative escort but it didn’t play well in America.

    Pinandpuller (4f3fc6)

  122. Wonder Woman

    Pinandpuller (4f3fc6)

  123. She’s come quite a ways from her original inception as a titillation for adolescent boys with a subdued BDSM undertone designed to confound the comics code.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  124. @129. “… in your satin tights; fightin’ for your rights…”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  125. Here’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz demonstrating why any investigation by Washington PD is suspect [don’t have a short hand for this – Daily Caller video?]

    Setting the table; there’s a case against some Arab import working for Schultz using Schultz’ computer interface to funnel money and upload dirt on the Democrats Congressional Campaign Committee.

    The police have her laptop for investigation purposes.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  126. @130 papertiger

    Speaking of titillation, if Diana is an Amazonian she’s not very committed to drawing a bow.

    Pinandpuller (24fb0e)

  127. Pulling that thread further, why doesn’t Wonder Woman wear a pink ribbon to show how much she cares?

    Pinandpuller (24fb0e)

  128. Breaking News- Queeg reveals location of two nuclear subs off NK to Philippines Duterte.

    Captain! Loose lips, sink ships.

    “Torpedo Los!” – ‘Action In The North Atlantic’ 1943

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  129. mrs, gadot is a fmr Israeli soldier, so farthest thing from a snowflake,

    narciso (d1f714)

  130. Lol that anyone would call info that there were subs monitoring N Korea “news”. If he gave them map coordinates I will stand corrected.

    Why not go after Clinton and Albright for giving them the nuke technology and calling anyone who said they were going to use them for anything other than peaceful purposes deranged and reactionary?

    Das Limpet!!” – The Incredible Mr Limpet – 1964

    harkin (716a38)

  131. I remember it as if it were yesterday, how the Seth Rich family was furious with Hannity and their lawyer had sent a strongly worded letter.

    Brad Bauman, a spokesperson for the Rich family, told that the family was furious with Wheeler’s comments to Fox News – and said they might sue him for breaching a non-disclosure agreement he signed with the family.

    Read more:

    Brad Bauman – that same guy again, and after media after media’s carefully worded reports made it plain that this was word passed down from the aggrieved Rich Family actual.
    Try NBC for instance.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  132. Someone who would hire Paki Muslims (Debbie Wasserman Schultz), and Saudi Muslims (Hillary Clinton) to handle their sensitive computer communications, then go out of their way, above and beyond to prevent legal examinations of those communications by actual authorities,

    Someone like that I wouldn’t put it past them to engineer a terrorist attack, killing many innocent concert goers to suck up air time on national news to give themselves cover.

    They have the means and connections.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  133. #136. A-ha! as in the real reason for the cancellation.

    urbanleftbehind (8e6adb)

  134. well focusing on the abedi cell, it’s similar to an Egyptian family, the patriarch was bin Laden’s representative in London, the son is a rapper, who was suspected of being one of the beatles,

    so the father was Libyan fighting group, the outfit that prompted qaddafi to issue an Interpol note against bin laden, the local representative, the late anas al liby, was found in Manchester, with a manual that dealt with how to obfuscate authorities. some years early according to ex mi 5 operative Tomlinson, he had been contracted to ‘rub out’ quaddafi by the british govt,

    narciso (d1f714)

  135. quite possibly, switching the setting from world war 2 to the great war seems to be illconsidered,

    narciso (d1f714)

  136. a decade later, the us govt hired one of the veteran members abu sufyan bin qumu, to train the rebels, the fact he had spent six years in gitmo never crossed their minds,

    narciso (d1f714)

  137. I like hard facts, not allusions and hints, because they can be ephemeral,

    for example, the fact that the head of seth rich’s family’s foundation seems to be david brock, suggestive but not probative,

    narciso (d1f714)

  138. Breaking News– Dubious Russian Document Influenced FBI Handling of Clinton Probe

    “Captain! How do we know what the Fleet orders are now?” – Steve Maryk [Van Johnson] ‘The Caine Mutiny’ 1954

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  139. Is Dubious any relation to Anonymous? Kissing cousins at the very least right?

    Tough cheese. Live by anonymous, die by anonymous.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  140. 125… apparently, Bergen plagiarized a study by the New America such and such and thinks we need to outlaw Muslims.

    Colonel Haiku (0225f2)

  141. on the other hand – if Comey hadn’t come to the conclusion that Loretta couldn’t credibly squelch the email scandal on her own, he wouldn’t have rushed to a microphone to cover for his favorites.

    SHOULDN’T have been playing favorites his entire career.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  142. Let’s rewrite that headline;

    Despite uncertainty in the provenance of key emails FBI Director calls hasty end to Clinton investigation.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  143. …jihadist terrorists are disproportionately immigrants and children of immigrants.”

    But according to Peter Bergen, who is CNN’s national security analyst:

    …in reality, every lethal terrorist attack in the United States since 9/11 has been carried out by an American citizen or a legal permanent resident.
    That’s what makes the news that the terrorist who carried out the Manchester attack, Salman Abedi — the son of Libyan migrants who was born and grew up in the United Kingdom — unsurprising.

    The quote by Bergen doesn’t refute the top statement. A “legal permanent resident” is a fancy way of saying “immigrant”. And “children of immigrants” are very often American citizens.

    Not sure what you’re trying to pull here, Tillman, but it’s not exactly honest argument.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  144. new America hosts virulent Israel hater max Blumenthal, lukewarm Israel hater peter beinart, it’s mostly like that,

    narciso (d1f714)

  145. Breaking News- Top Russian Officials Discussed How to Influence Trump Aides Last Summer

    Отлично, еще один замечательный полный веселья вечер.

    “There are mistakes and mistakes. The margin for error is narrow here. There’s too much loss of life and property damage possible.” – Captain DeVriess [Tom Tully] ‘The Caine Mutiny’ 1954

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  146. is there any favor that the Obama administration, didn’t do for Russia, from Poland to Alaska, strip the missiles from ft Greeley, and the f 22 squadron, iran, Syria, cuba, et al,

    narciso (d1f714)

  147. Who is Brad Bouman? Tough to say because I don’t like typing.
    Here’s a screen grab which provides clue.

    key words only / progressive, crisis manager, independently wealthy foundation

    previous employers DNC, SEIU, Robert Creamer, Obama for America, Congressional Progressive Caucus,

    David Brock and Deepak Bhargava are on the board of directors at The Bouman Foundation

    Pretty much a walking talking poster child for the Inheritance Tax.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  148. My [edit] has names and a pungent authenticity.

    DCSCA’s [edit] quotes anonymous and smells like credit cards.

    And now a word from our Democratic spokeswoman. [YouTube]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  149. 139. Huma Abedin’s parents, although they lived in Saudi Arabia, actually were Pakistani (or maybe Indian – maybe they left before partition) Muslims. I think Huma Abedin’s loyalty is to the Clintons.

    That story about an email from Loretta Lynch is new to me – and probably much too blatant to be an actual communication. I wouldn’t put it above the Clintons to have faked it themselves so as to make sure Comey mad ethe decision.

    Comey says the whole thing is classified. As long as nobody is saying anything you can’t tell anything about it. One thing – I don’t think Comey did what he did July 5, 2016 without communication from higher ups in Justice and without getting the agreement of Hillary Clinton’s lawyers on many specifics.

    Sammy Finkelman (06be8f)

  150. jihadist terrorists are disproportionately immigrants and children of immigrants.”

    They are not visitors and they are not recent immigrants either, and hey are not refugees, Syrian or otherwise. Not new ones anyway.

    It takes a minimum of about 6 or 7 years living in a country till the possibiliy of someone becoming a jihadist arises. Keeping people from immigrating can only affect terrorism about 10-25 years in the future. There’s a big time lag. People who came as adults don’t become terrorists if they aren’t already.

    Sammy Finkelman (06be8f)

  151. Who’s side are you on Sammy?

    What? You running for FBI Director?

    papertiger (c8116c)


    “And thank you, Mr. President.”

    “And now for something completely different.” – Monty Python’s Flying Circus, BBC TV, 1969

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  153. Does Steyn not know that several acquaintances and relatives of the bomb suspect reported that individual to the police well before this incident?

    I mean, his columns can be a fun read, but the “remorseless Islamization” of Britain presumably doesn’t include people dropping dimes on would-be jihadis.

    JP (60e333)

  154. pitiful brokedick laughingstock failmerica should stop thinking it’s some sort of classy harvardtrash country what deserves some kind of classy harvardtrash president

    you losers tried that several times now


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  155. ‘Feets, you seem unusually cranky. What’s up man.

    JP (60e333)

  156. “but the “remorseless Islamization” of Britain presumably doesn’t include people dropping dimes on would-be jihadis.”

    Didn’t read it but that characterization would fit most of the EU leadership and Western Europe in general, no?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  157. Montana GOP conservative House candidate, physically assaults reporter.

    “Liberty Valance taking liberties with the freedom of the press?” – Dutton Peabody [Edmond O’Brien] ‘The Man Who Shot Liverty Valance 1962

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  158. that is more a pipe dream than actual evidence, jp, jihad is the family business, like some have laundry or restaurants,

    narciso (d1f714)

  159. yes yes i’m grumpy today

    a dear friend textered me last night, but late late for me

    i did not get sleeps like i should

    and today was busy and challenging

    tomorrow will be better i’m really looking forward to it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  160. I decided there was no harm in asking one question, and the worst thing that could happen was they would tell me to go to hell,” Jacobs said.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  161. it’s well deserved re Jacobs, he has earned it, as the late john houseman would say,

    narciso (d1f714)

  162. btw, guess who else has breen a beneficiaries of baumann’s largesse, bob creamer, yes that one,

    narciso (d1f714)

  163. @169- =ring-ring= Cleaners called, Nabisco–

    Your brown shirts and leiterhosen are in. They said they couldn’t get the bloodstains out.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  164. see the violence, in the system,

    Monty Python, Holy Grail

    narciso (d1f714)

  165. @172- Sauerkraut w/your bratwurst tonight, eh.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  166. there was no mention of blood in your link.

    Just twisted glasses.

    Where as for Hillary’s they had to use a mop and bucket, and the guy they thought might talk bled out on the table security scrimmaging to hold the doctors at bey.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  167. five times, that’s just sloppy,

    narciso (d1f714)

  168. oh his mother was a nuclear scientist, linked to anas al libi, am I kevin bacon or what?

    narciso (d1f714)

  169. All right, well hang in there ‘feet.

    Didn’t read it but that characterization would fit most of the EU leadership and Western Europe in general, no?

    Not sure I catch your meaning, Colonel.

    JP (60e333)

  170. thanks i will

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  171. 159. Ray Kelly would probably be good as FBI Director.

    Sammy Finkelman (06be8f)

  172. @151. Chuck, read the small article. It makes the point that what we’re dealing with is not immigrants per se, but children of immigrants or American citizens.

    Here is another, better quote from it:

    Again and again since 9/11 terror attacks in the West have been carried out by second-generation Muslims who are citizens of the very country they are attacking.
    This is also a key reason that they are sometimes so hard to detect or to stop. These terrorists are not interlopers from other lands — but rather our neighbors.

    Tillman (a95660)

  173. @180- Trump will never pick him. He’s too good.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  174. Sorry about the quick trigger, Sammy. Didn’t read all the way through

    papertiger (c8116c)

  175. Bin Laden gave bergen an interview nearly 20 years and he thinks that makes him all that.

    narciso (d1f714)

  176. 182. The last I heard, Donald Trump really liked former Senator and 2000 Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman for the position, and the FBI guy had pulled out. McCain of course really likes him, and complained about Democratic Senator’s hypocrisy about him.

    Latest news:

    Sen. John McCain John McCainOvernight Cybersecurity: Bad Russian intel may have swayed Comey’s handling of Clinton probe | Apple sees spike in data requests | More subpoenas for Flynn | DOJ’s plan for data warrants McCain: Dems killed Lieberman’s FBI shot When education is an ignored national security matter MORE (R-Ariz.) is accusing Democrats of torpedoing former Sen. Joe Lieberman’s (I-Conn.) chances at becoming FBI director.

    “My Democratic colleagues clearly did [kill Lieberman’s chances],” McCain told reporters Wednesday, according to CNN.

    “This is their nominee for vice president of the United States. If anything would make you cynical about this town, that’s it,” he said.

    Trump’s basically now starting over.

    Sammy Finkelman (06be8f)

  177. papertiger @183

    Sorry about the quick trigger, Sammy. Didn’t read all the way through

    I didn’t understand what you were trying to say anyway.

    Sammy Finkelman (06be8f)

  178. In 2008, oe Lieberman had been McCain’s choice for vice president, but McCain was informed there’d be a rebellion at the convention or something if he named him.

    Sammy Finkelman (06be8f)

  179. 178… but the “remorseless Islamization” of _________ (fill in the blank with your choice of many Euro nations). The leaders of these nations continue to open their arms to people who – in a great many cases – won’t assimilate, can’t deal with freedom or Western principles and values in general. That is what I was trying – in my exhausted state – to say.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  180. You’re not alone. It didn’t make any sense to me either upon review.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  181. 14 days ago, the un demanded the UK take in 10,000 more refugees like the abedis

    narciso (d1f714)

  182. The leaders of these nations continue to open their arms to people who – in a great many cases – won’t assimilate, can’t deal with freedom or Western principles and values in general. That is what I was trying – in my exhausted state – to say.

    Ah. I see what you’re saying.

    JP (60e333)

  183. Not like the Abedis. At least not like what the Abedis are now.

    Sammy Finkelman (06be8f)

  184. Refugees from middle East and North Africa with extremist roots like the bary or that Canadian couple.

    narciso (d1f714)

  185. It’s somewhat true, of what Mr. finkelman says. In America, one key variable is access to, eligibility for permissions for and comfort with firearms. The familiarity and legitimacy has to be acquired, who had the highest counts stateside, an Army surgeon and a former security guard. The BLM shooters of Dallas and Baton Rouge were ruthlessly effective it is not shocking that they had early general exposure being from where they were from; their northern urban counterparts would have only had leg shots on the cops and killed somebody’s grandma or toddler a block away.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  186. It’s not a screed against guns, he’ll the NRA was founded primarily (in PA) to teach proper skills to northeastern youth.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  187. Were not those two shooters had military experience,

    narciso (d1f714)

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