Patterico's Pontifications


Hillary Clinton: I Accept Responsibility For My Stunning Loss Even Though It Was Really Everyone Else’s Fault

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:59 am

[guest post by Dana]

Iconic feminist.

As a result of everyone else losing the election for her, Clinton is now also part of the “resistance”:

“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” she told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour at a Women for Women International event in New York.

“I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate, I was the person who was on the ballot. I am very aware of the challenges, the problems, the shortfalls that we had,” Clinton said, before adding that she was “on the way to winning until a combination of Jim Comey’s letter on October 28 and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me and got scared off.”

“The reason I believe we lost were the intervening events in the last 10 days.”

“I am now back to being an activist citizen and part of the resistance,” Clinton said[.]

And, about being a “victim of misogyny”:

“Certainly women who seek the highest offices. Certainly, women who have the temerity to demand equal pay for equal play,” she added. “Certainly with these structures of society as they are, you know, laid out right now.”

“It is real, it is very much a part of the landscape politically,” Clinton said when asked how and why she lost support among white women.

Of course this was way too much bait for President Trump to resist:



(Q: If Comey gave Clinton a “pass,” what does that say about Comey, and more importantly, what does it say about President Trump, who decided to keep him on as Director of the FBI?)

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


177 Responses to “Hillary Clinton: I Accept Responsibility For My Stunning Loss Even Though It Was Really Everyone Else’s Fault”

  1. Good morning.

    Dana (023079)

  2. Good morning, Dana.

    I don’t know if I want to laugh or get angry at the “misogyny” card. “Hillary, honey, baby, sweetheart, if you were representative of women, the human race would have become extinct long ago.”

    nk (dbc370)

  3. The phrase is usually “equal pay for equal work,” but the Clintons can’t help but couch things in a “pay to play” framework.

    Good riddance.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  4. what does that say about Comey

    comey and the other fbi trash are corrupt cowardly losers what used a phony dossier as a pretext to break the law and spy on a presidential candidate to help their criminal pig hillary

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  5. i thought the excuse she had been pimping was that the country is misogynist

    if voters’ hatred of women was the actual motivating force for voting against her, then the fbi and wikileaks stuff wouldn’t have mattered

    lefties just can’t accept a beating

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  6. Yes with manbearpig, it was butterfly ballots, jeb and the Brooks brothers rioters*

    *shorthand for the ones who prevented the doublecount in dade county

    How does one say punked In russian

    narciso (99a0c3)

  7. With ahia it was diebold and the ohip secretary of state

    narciso (99a0c3)

  8. Bill made the mistake of reaching out to Loretta Lynch up close and personal, almost along the same lines:

    Not as bad as I thought, upon clicking and reading in full; I expected some ol’ underground railroad / slaves running from the burning brush left by Sherman’s forces imagery.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  9. Q: what does it say about President Trump, who decided to keep him on as Director of the FBI?

    It says they’re after bigger fish that are uncatchable if you cut Comey loose.

    crazy (d3b449)

  10. lefties just can’t accept a beating
    Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 5/3/2017 @ 7:26 am

    But they keep inviting them.

    My Cinco de Mayo T-Shirt.

    P-47D Thunderbolts flown by the Aztec Eagles – USAAF 58th FG, 5th AF and Mexican AF, Escuadron 201. Aguilas Aztecas crest on shirt front. One-sided design has aircraft image on front, nothing on the back. Available as a T-shirt or a Sweatshirt. Comes in Ash-Grey, White or Natural.

    I served with a great many Hispanic Americans. None as famous as Guy Gabaldon, the the pied piper of Saipan. Or Tango Mike Mike (that means Mexican) Mike Benevides. I’ll go anywhere, anytime baby, to tell people about them.

    VF-32 Final Tomcat cruise video pt.1

    I am a dinosaur. I have been since 2006. But if I’m going to be a dinosaur, I’ll be a T Rex.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  11. Benevidez. Sorry for the misspelling.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  12. Hillary Clinton talked about Wikileaks spoiling the effect of the Access America tape – as if that the release of that tape was just something that happened and wasn’t done by somebody trying to influence the election.

    Sammy Finkelman (2b1acb)

  13. The media is supposed to collude with the Dems.

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  14. Hillary is one ugly dude.

    mg (31009b)

  15. if the lefties truly believe that “misogyny” by american voters is a roadblock to being elected president
    then why is elizabeth fake indian warren contemplating running in 2020?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  16. What an execrable choice we had. Trump is suboptimum, but Hillary was probably the worst choice from a major party in the last 100 years.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  17. and yeah the propaganda sluts at cnn fake news and npr and such have really a lot moved on from the russia thing

    this happened after it was clear how lying pig-felon susan rice among others (corrupt fbi slutboy James Comey, sleazy CIA pooftertrash John Brennan, on-the-take legs-splayed prostitute Andrew McCabe and his corrupt dirty wife) didn’t cover their tracks very well

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  18. susan rice lies like a persian rug

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  19. 15, I think the left considers Poca “played out”; she may learn the hard way next year, but too bad the other side probably wont put up someone who passes the mg purity test.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  20. 18, I thought that was Valerie Jarrett’s role.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  21. Q: what does it say about President Trump, who decided to keep him on as Director of the FBI?

    It says they’re after bigger fish that are uncatchable if you cut Comey loose.

    crazy (d3b449) — 5/3/2017 @ 8:10 am

    I’m curious what “bigger fish” can be caught by Comey but not by a competent law enforcement officer/department?

    DRJ (15874d)

  22. This is why they had the grishrnko squirrel, which came from the svr.

    narciso (e0ab3a)

  23. Huma sent top secret info to Carlos Danger who printed it out so that Huma could give it to Hillary to read.

    Is this any way to run a country?

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  24. @Dana

    (Q: If Comey gave Clinton a “pass,” what does that say about Comey, and more importantly, what does it say about President Trump, who decided to keep him on as Director of the FBI?)

    The Director of the FBI can only be removed for cause. Trump doesn’t actually have the power to remove the FBI Director. Bill Clinton did, but that was on trumped up ethics charged created by a cabal of people at the upper levels of the FBI, which he didn’t have the gutse to mention in his public statements as the reason. He had earlier tried to get William Sessions to voluntarily resign, but Sessions refused.

    My e-mail message I sent to the White House on July 19, 1993, routed through Rochester, said, in part, that if Sessions was fired, reporters would be released from their pledges of confidentiality, and he would be free to say what he knew about Waco, particularly how he was kept from the scene at Waco and how his water cannon plan was rejected in favor of tear gas, and reporters knew more than they wrote and (they) should read the current day’s Wall street Journakl editorial, and the next thing I knew Vincent Foster was dead.

    It took me about two years to really figure this thing out.

    Sammy Finkelman (2b1acb)

  25. 18.susan rice lies like a persian rug
    Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 5/3/2017 @ 9:33 am

    She’s Hillary Clinton’s c@@k holster.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  26. 23-AZ Bob
    So very sad.

    mg (31009b)

  27. Conflicted, should she have accepted…

    and thus perhaps short-circuited history or would 2008 vintage HRC have been survivable (or beatable by 2008 R contender).

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  28. ugh she probably had to kiss his penis holster mouth

    that’s so gross especially with his history of drug abuse

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  29. DRJ @21. All roads in the Hillary escapades and the Russia follies lead through Comey. Once he leaves and lawyers up there’s no possibility of ever getting to the truth. In place, the more he talks the more we learn. I don’t believe the Trump administration is going to use the tools available to a competent LE/Department to get to the truth. I believe, for better or worse, they’re going to leave it to Congress.

    crazy (d3b449)

  30. The high dragons of the so-called Democrat Party and their witting accomplices in the media betrayed every sacred precept of the American electoral process to ensure that the most corrupt woman ever to aspire to the White House would have no effective primary opposition. Hillary’s apotheosis was assured, the fix was in.

    Yet, amid the cheers for Hillary’s inevitably, a challenger entered the lists, although despised by party insiders Bernie Sanders found himself welcomed by a growing cadre of young voters, voters weary of spectacular Democrat failures, weary of systemic institutionalized corruption, and weary of a party completely out-of-touch with the expectations of ordinary American citizens. But, most of all, alarmed at the prospect of another failure of another ‘inevitable’ Hillary cakewalk to the presidency: didn’t these fools know that if you refuse to learn the lesions of history you’re likely to repeat them?

    Then when the Dems’ calcified dragons were revealed to have colluded with Hillary’s campaign to sabotage Sanders’ chances, many of his supporters refused to knuckle under and kiss the rear-end of the wicked *itch who stabbed them in the back. It was a dirty gambit straight out of the Clinton playbook and it stank of the kind of corrupt politics that has kept Bill and Hill out of prison for now.

    Many of Bernie’s supporters either stayed home, or found some other way to vent their frustrations. Hillary lost their votes, their energetic suppprt, and their respect. But, in the long run it really didn’t make much difference, 2016 was a ‘change election’ and Donald Trump represented change, while Hillary represented only lies, corruption, the arrogance of power, and a decaying political party so far removed from the task of improving the lives of tax paying Americans as to actually refuse to deport murdering criminal aliens, a party that used the machinery of the IRS to undermine it’s political opponents, even if those opponents were grassroots American citizens attempting to exercise their constitutional rights.

    American voters had had more than enough idiot double talk from two-faced Democrat liars and the TV talking heads and so-called ‘newspaper reporters’ who wouldn’t tell the truth of Hillary’s corruption unless faced with a waterboarding session or loss of a high profile table at Rao’s. No Democrat alive could have gathered enough electoral votes to beat The Donald – and that’s the unvarnished truth of it.

    ropelight (7fe6df)

  31. October 27th… sounds like a similar excuse made by Sir Willard of Romney Marsh.

    McDonald’s has a ‘secret sauce’ but you had a ‘secret server,’ Mawdie. Someday you’ll will figure out why a team can score more runs in a World Series than the other team and still lose the Fall Classic.

    Pantsuits never stop being so damned ugly.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  32. I think it was a bit earlier in October for Romney but far more valid, getting donged in the 3rd debate and also knifed by StayPuft. I also feel that the black vote played possum until actual election day – the older folk voted early, but I think the younger black vote held their voting off until the last minute for the shock effect.

    Yes I do believe the 20% black male Romney exit poll, but it could have been due to over-polling of swing areas (e.g. suburban areas with more well-to-do and intermarried black males) and also the threat of the budget sequester to cause involuntary RIFs in the military.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  33. You guys leave Jim Comey alone. He’s doing the best he can. Besides he’s tall and has good hair.

    Clank Bangly (5a4596)

  34. As Axelrod says, Comey didn’t tell Hillary to stay out of Wisconsin and put resources into Michigan with only a week to go.
    Yeah, if Comey hadn’t dishonestly presented the law as requiring intent, he’d have had to prosecute Hillary. But, although she lost, she’s not being prosecuted.

    Richard Aubrey (a09608)

  35. In the news:

    Comey: Huma Forwarded Classified Emails to Weiner

    So he could print them out for her to present to Hillary Clinton

    Posted May 3, 2017 10:25 AM CDT
    Updated May 3, 2017 3:46 PM CDT

    ….It turns out that Weiner’s wife, Clinton aide Huma Abedin, “appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding emails to him for him to print out for her so she could deliver them to the secretary of state.” And some of those emails were classified. Comey said the FBI investigated them both but found no evidence they meant to break the law.

    Now wait. Was that on the unclassified system, but sent to that laptop because Hillary didn’t know how to print?

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  36. The little woman couldn’t forward emails to her own office printer? How very odd, unless that obviously lameass story is the only idiot excuse Team Hillary can come up with to gloss over blatantly exposing top secret documets to a well known scumbag pervert.

    ropelight (7fe6df)

  37. Comey chose to keep to himself the fact that HIS grand jury sought HRC server information via multiple subpoenas. This one act alone saved her candidacy, such as it was.

    If DJT fires him, he will never cooperate in any manner. Trey Gowdy was very specific on Tucker’s show Monday: Comey is a “foundational witness” across everything from campaign HRC to anything Russian.

    The real blame for HRC’s defeat? Belongs to that dang video which inspired da utes in Benghazi to attack. Everyone knows this. It’s settled science.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  38. 23… and who knows how many copies Dangler ruined, AZBob!?!?

    On the plus side – no, not her pantsuits – Hillary! showed what “inevitable” is worth.

    Colonel Haiku (9298f8)

  39. With all the alleged news channels on her side – hard to believe she didn’t win.

    mg (31009b)

  40. When the denominator is zero, the fraction has no meaning because its value is undefined. The product can be any number. An allegory for the Presidential election of 2016.

    nk (dbc370)

  41. nk, quit trying to smear your old hag on my President.

    Hillary appears to have missed the message.


    papertiger (c8116c)


    narciso (d1f714)

  43. what does it say about President Trump, who decided to keep him on as Director of the FBI?

    It says they’re after bigger fish that are uncatchable if you cut Comey loose.

    I tend to agree. I think he was facing a revolt by agents when he spoke up about Hillary, both times.

    My daughter is an agent and a lefty but she told me she would not vote for Hillary and that was back in September 2016. I asked her about Comey and she would not say anything but that “The FBI will be OK.”

    He is the key to secrets. Grassley read him the riot act today.

    Mike K (f469ea)

  44. Comey: Clinton Classified Emails Gave Away Secret of KFC Original Recipe.

    Hillary did chicken wrong!

    China opens new chain of Kung Fu Chicken houses in wake of scandal.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  45. ….It turns out that Weiner’s wife, Clinton aide Huma Abedin, “appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding emails to him for him to print out for her so she could deliver them to the secretary of state.” And some of those emails were classified. Comey said the FBI investigated them both but found no evidence they meant to break the law.

    Sigh. It gets tiresome, but every time read this garbage about having to prove these criminals intended to break the law I’m duty bound to point out for the brazillianth time that isn’t the standard. A security clearance isn’t a birthright. It comes with a special duty of care. At least everyone who gets their clearance due to their connection to DoD knows this. Mishandlng classified is not a strict liability crime, but Congress set the bar low when it comes to establishing mens rea. It’s the reasonable person standard, and not just some Joe Schmo reasonable person off the street. It’s the reasonable person standard of the average person who had been granted a clearance and had been briefed on their responsibilities.

    But consider the source. This is your FBI, America. They will lie about the most glaringly obvious things. And I don’t mean the average FBI agent, who is usually a decent person. I mean the bureau officialdom. The man who is telling you that Hillary! didn’t commit a crime is the same man who claims we may never know the motive when somebody goes on a killing spree after declaring allegiance to the Islamic State or Al Qaeda on Facebook, shouting “Allahu Akbar” and citing verses of Surah At-Taubah.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  46. 41… if you’re anticipating an admission of sheepishness, you are far too late.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  47. i don’t know why you give the average fbi p.o.s. the benefit of the doubt

    that’s a corrupt scuzzy third world operation

    what kind of amoral trash signs up to work there?

    trashy trash that’s who

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  48. …My daughter is an agent and a lefty but she told me she would not vote for Hillary and that was back in September 2016. I asked her about Comey and she would not say anything but that “The FBI will be OK…”

    Mike K (f469ea) — 5/3/2017 @ 4:47 pm

    I didn’t see your comment before I made mine @4:52 pm. I’m especially glad now made sure to say, “…I don’t mean the average FBI agent, who is usually a decent person.”

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  49. why would you assume Dr. Mike’s daughter would be anywhere near average

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  50. Comey is not an FBI agent. He is career DOJ lawyer.

    The FBI agents I know are very fine people and look like they can do a six-minute mile in a suit and tie without ruining the shine on their cordovans. Three of them were my neighbors, and the children of one were my daughter’s schoolmates.

    nk (dbc370)

  51. On the plus side, Comey did not go to Harvard. He went to U of C.

    nk (dbc370)

  52. my pork brains came today btw I’m a go get fixins tomorrow

    pork brain tacos are for sure a part of the chicago culinary landscape but i think for my first ones i’m a go in a green onion, garlic, and hot sauce direction

    keep it simple

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  53. ugh fbi is no good

    they have no integrity and even less respect for the law

    they’re terrible people and i abjure them and their corrupt institution

    people if we can’t set the bar higher than comey’s putrid and corrupt fbi then we gonna have to learn to desire to aspire

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  54. I think that’s how Dr. Lecter did it in the final scene of Hannibal. You’ll glaze the onions and the garlic with olive oil in a frying pan and then add and sautee the brains, right?

    nk (dbc370)

  55. He was on the whitewater investigation, where they failed to hold her accountable, then he slew the fearsome Martha Stewart dragon who was Hoarding ‘rack and pinion molecules’ or something.

    narciso (51717e)

  56. Subsequently he let loose the fitzhunt after they knew that armitage was leaKer.
    Then he tried to shut down nsa surveilance the night before the Madrid train bombings

    narciso (51717e)

  57. pretty much yes yes Mr. nk

    i think i’ll aim to do a couple three lil small plates per can and then use the last can to do the traditional brains and eggs, which for some reason i find very off-putting

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  58. why would you assume Dr. Mike’s daughter would be anywhere near average
    happyfeet (28a91b) — 5/3/2017 @ 5:14 pm

    Average for an FBI agent isn’t the same as average for the general pop.

    I’d dearly love to be earning about average for Wall Street hedge fund manager.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  59. i might try running them through the food processor too and going in a dirty rice direction for one dish

    unless they’re too gloopy for that

    i’m really not sure what to expect

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  60. Mr. 57 if anyone deserves our opprobrium it’s these fbi poopers, average, below average, A+++

    all of them

    at the very least they have to repent and they have to seek some kind of redemption and the way you do that is you start to show results

    JUSTICE results

    which they suck at

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  61. “I, of course, accept full responsibility. But not the blame.” – Richard Nixon [David Frye] ‘Richard Nixon: A Fantasy’ 1973

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  62. The brain sandwich was always a crowd pleaser in the city of broad shoulders, or so I’m told.

    ropelight (7fe6df)

  63. yeah a lot of these traditional preparations seem to use really large amounts of brain

    it’s not really a healthy food for to have in quantity, so i wonder if that’s really the way to go

    but i’ll know more saturday

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  64. And people wonder how zombie epidemics could come into being?

    narciso (51717e)

  65. @60, we have a legal system. Not a justice system. Deal with it.

    Sincerely, the realist.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  66. Seems like More of a racket where crimethink is enforced, and some people are ‘just above the law’

    narciso (51717e)

  67. The brain sandwich was always a crowd pleaser in the city of broad shoulders, or so I’m told.
    ropelight (7fe6df) — 5/3/2017 @ 5:40 pm

    The brain can transmit all sorts of icky diseases. See Mad Cow Disease.

    Which is why I preferred to eat other organs like heart, liver, Kidney, and intestines like in Menudo.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  68. Capitalizing the K in Kidney was an accident, BTW.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  69. i wonder if during her grieving process nasty hillary will grow a grizzly adams beard like al gore did in 2001

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  70. why would you assume Dr. Mike’s daughter would be anywhere near average

    Nope and I think this was her case.

    The defense did not put on a case. She is shifting to health care fraud and will retire from the FBI soon and go in to that area. I’m getting old when my kids are retiring.

    Mike K (f469ea)

  71. For this garrow is no longer of the body;

    narciso (51717e)

  72. I could never understand with all the beautiful red meat in this world why anyone would eat organs.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  73. Poor people could not afford to throw away anything. Poorer people, that’s all they got when the lord of the manor took all the beautiful red meat. So they found ways to make the organs tasty and now people who can afford the beautiful red meat eat organs because they’re tasty.

    nk (dbc370)

  74. “Now having said all that, ‘why aren’t I 50 points ahead buried under 50 yards of concrete?’, you might ask.”

    — Hillary Clinton, now riding the rails like a carefree hobo…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  75. good good sounds like she’s heading in a good direction

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  76. Mawdie, shave your legs and armpits, give the pantsuits to Goodwill, wear a dress and stylish pumps, then travel the world. Start with Britain and Germany. Then ask Theresa May and Angela Merkel what they got you clearly don’t.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  77. yes yes


    this may be apocryphal

    but the pork brains in particular, they say they ended up as a breakfast food cause they’re the most perishable part of wilbur

    and they’re best fresh so they would butcher in the morning and use the brains that same day for breakfast –

    mostly with scrambled eggs

    but other people say they like the brains on a biscuit

    the brains n biscuit (maybe some gravy?) i want to try but i need to get a handle on the texture first

    a LOT of what i read says you have to use bacon grease to saute/fry them to be authentic, so I’m a do a mess of bacon tomorrow night and have BLTs next week

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  78. The reason they used bacon grease or (beef tallow) is because that’s all they had. You have your choice of vegetable oils now.

    nk (dbc370)

  79. R.I.P. Bruce Hall – CBS News/NBC News space and science correspondent.

    NASA’s Chronicler Honor hard earned and well deserved.

    Ad Astra, Bruce.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  80. I could never understand with all the beautiful red meat in this world why anyone would eat organs.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca) — 5/3/2017 @ 6:27 pm

    This is all I can say, Rev.

    Maybe if you ever had Impala liver you’d understand.

    Maybe it’s because I grew up on BBQ’d bacon-wrapped dove breast, and dove breast s sort of liver-ish flavored.

    But I agree with you about the red meat, too. Nothing is better than a freshly killed deer’s tenderloins.

    It’s just all good, Rev. Sorry if I disappoint.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  81. Ben Smith has a sense of humor


    narciso (51717e)

  82. Another recipe for you, Rev.

    I think this recipe’s author points out the vital fact. When I kill something, I eat all of it.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  83. If you’ve ever hunted Alaska, the Alaska State Troopers enforce the game laws. They don’t care how many hours or days it’s going to take. If they suspect you packed out the antlers before you packed out the neck meat they will march you back and make you prove it.

    And that is how it should be, and why I eat organ meat.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  84. 36. ropelight (7fe6df) — 5/3/2017 @ 2:18 pm

    The little woman couldn’t forward emails to her own office printer?

    Very many oof her emails are links to something on the Internet, with the message: pls print.

    But there’s another thing: If something was printed out in her office, she might have some trouble taking it out of the building.

    How very odd, unless that obviously lameass story

    They actually didn’t give us any story at all as to why Huma Abedin would send or forward e-mail to the laptop she shared with Anthony Weiner in order to print it out in New York. (and then take it with her to Chappaqua?)

    Now it may just be a story that the purpose of the forwarding was to print it out.

    is the only idiot excuse Team Hillary can come up with to gloss over blatantly exposing top secret documets to a well known scumbag pervert.

    This wouldn’t be top secret. This sounds like it could some things Huma wrote or received. For Comey to say it wss not intentional, it has to mean this was NOT material that came from the classified system. (It would be classified in retrosepct because of its contents. Anything the State Department generated didn’t have to be classified if she didn’t want to classify it, but anything that was based on classified information that came from other agencies would have to be considered classified, since the secretary of State coould not declassify it on her own.)

    Now Hillary Clinton did receieve faxes marked classified at her Washington, D.C. apartment, where there was supposed to be a secure compartmented facility.

    These were printed out, or delivered to her anyway, by her Phillipina maid, whom Hillary did not bother to get a security clearance for.

    Sammy Finkelman (fb61e5)

  85. Steve57 (0b1dac) — 5/3/2017 @ 4:52 pm

    The man who is telling you that Hillary! didn’t commit a crime

    Well, he actually didn’t say that. He said nobody would (normally) prosecute this crime, because it would only be prosecuted if it was part of something else, or if someone lied to the FBI.

    One question I would like to see Comey asked is: Yes, he didn’t clear his statement with the Attorney General or his superiors at DOJ, but did he clear his July 5 statement with Hillary’s lawyers?

    It’s hard to see how he would go ahead if he didn’t.

    Sammy Finkelman (fb61e5)

  86. It was very strange that Comey decided whether a prosecution was warranted against Hillary. Normally, law enforcement investigates and takes a case to the prosecutor. The prosecutor makes the decision on whether there is enough evidence to file a case. A cop can recommend a case be rejected but that decision must be made by the prosecutor. In the case of federal crimes, all cases are taken to a Grand Jury. It would be the Grand Jury’s responsibility to decide whether the case should go forward.

    Here, apparently Lynch admitted she had a conflict of interest and assigned the job of making the call to Comey. If there was a conflict, why not a special prosecutor? Well, of course the Dems would have nothing of that.

    Moreover, Comey, although a former prosecutor, had a narrow view of mens rea, the aspect of a criminal case going to intent. As a U.S. Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary would have been asked to read and acknowledge the rules regarding the handling of top secret information. I would not be surprised if she was asked to watch a video on the rules of handling intelligence. This is routine. The whole thing stinks.

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  87. OMFG! You said this.

    …But there’s another thing: If something was printed out in her office, she might have some trouble taking it out of the building.

    Of course she would have had trouble taking it out the building. For the same reason if you rob a bank you’re going go have trouble taking the money out of the building.

    Go ahead, guess. Try to guess, Sammeh.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)


    …our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

    In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

    Sammy Finkelman (fb61e5)

  89. Steve57 (0b1dac) — 5/3/2017 @ 7:32 pm Of course she would have had trouble taking it out the building. For the same reason if you rob a bank you’re going go have trouble taking the money out of the building. I said “might” because, who’s going to search the contents of the briefcase or handbag of the Secretary of State?

    Sammy Finkelman (fb61e5)

  90. 89. AZ Bob (f7a491) — 5/3/2017 @ 7:30 pm

    It was very strange that Comey decided whether a prosecution was warranted against Hillary. Normally, law enforcement investigates and takes a case to the prosecutor.

    But that couldn’t happen here, because the attorney general had recused herself, and also said, even before, that she would follow the recommendation of the Director of the FBI.

    Who probably doesn’t usually make recommendations.

    The prosecutor makes the decision on whether there is enough evidence to file a case.

    Colmey said (without saying that quite so explocitly) that’s it’s not just a question of whethere there is enough evidence.

    A cop can recommend a case be rejected but that decision must be made by the prosecutor. In the case of federal crimes, all cases are taken to a Grand Jury. It would be the Grand Jury’s responsibility to decide whether the case should go forward.

    Here, apparently Lynch admitted she had a conflict of interest and assigned the job of making the call to Comey. If there was a conflict, why not a special prosecutor? Well, of course the Dems would have nothing of that.

    Moreover, Comey, although a former prosecutor, had a narrow view of mens rea, the aspect of a criminal case going to intent. As a U.S. Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary would have been asked to read and acknowledge the rules regarding the handling of top secret information. I would not be surprised if she was asked to watch a video on the rules of handling intelligence. This is routine. The whole thing stinks.

    Sammy Finkelman (fb61e5)

  91. This got accidentaly sent too early.

    Comey said on July 5:

    Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

    There follows the claim that, in circumstances like what he said Hillary’s were, nobody has ever prosecuted a case, but they’ve only brought criminal charges when at least one of the following four circumstances were true:

    A) Clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information

    B) Vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct.

    [Sounds like B is the same as A, except that B is enough to prove A] I suspect B is not exactly the same as A]

    C) indications of disloyalty to the United States.

    D) efforts to obstruct justice. [= lying to invvestigators, which supposedly Hillary and company ddidn’t do]

    The research for this, and the argument, probably came from Hillary Clinton’s lawyers.

    Sammy Finkelman (fb61e5)

  92. As a U.S. Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary would have been asked to read and acknowledge the rules regarding the handling of top secret information. I would not be surprised if she was asked to watch a video on the rules of handling intelligence.

    My DD214 which is an unclassified document says I was a Naval Intelligence Officer. The document that releases me from active duty lists the schools I attended. Beginning with what was then called the Naval Intelligence Officer Basic Course (NIOBC)

    NMITC Celebrates 20 Years of Training Navy, Marine Corps Intelligence Specialists

    You proceed to:

    As a U.S. Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary would have been asked to read and acknowledge the rules regarding the handling of top secret information. I would not be surprised if she was asked to watch a video on the rules of handling intelligence.

    You don’t say!! I heard rumors to this effect during the decades of my naval service. Please tell me more!

    If any of this appears in the least bit to aim an iota of sarcasm or hostility toward you, AZ Bob, that is not the case. From the bottom of my heart all I can say is thank you.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  93. Folks behind that video were consuming a lot of spice.

    narciso (51717e)

  94. AZ Bob (f7a491) — 5/3/2017 @ 7:30 pm

    A cop can recommend a case be rejected but that decision must be made by the prosecutor. In the case of federal crimes, all cases are taken to a Grand Jury. It would be the Grand Jury’s responsibility to decide whether the case should go forward.

    Here, apparently Lynch admitted she had a conflict of interest and assigned the job of making the call to Comey. If there was a conflict, why not a special prosecutor? Well, of course the Dems would have nothing of that.

    It could be argued that a special prosecutor has a bias toward bringing a case.

    Moreover, Comey, although a former prosecutor, had a narrow view of mens rea, the aspect of a criminal case going to intent. As a U.S. Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary would have been asked to read and acknowledge the rules regarding the handling of top secret information. I would not be surprised if she was asked to watch a video on the rules of handling intelligence. This is routine. The whole thing stinks.

    We’re not talking about top secret information.

    Of course Hillary brought this whole investigation on herself by asking that all emails that survived her purge be made public. This led to them all being reviewed for the presence of classified information. Which was not supposed to be there.

    Sammy Finkelman (e0f80a)

  95. …I said “might” because, who’s going to search the contents of the briefcase or handbag of the Secretary of State?

    Sammy Finkelman (fb61e5) — 5/3/2017 @ 7:37 pm

    Me. The humble descendant of Salerno fisherman. I’d have searched her person and belongings.

    I knew a Marine who was a sentry at NAS Alameda when Nimitz was still alive. And the Marine had orders to inspect the ID cards of all entrants to the base. He recognized Nimitz, and apologized but asked for the ID card in any case.

    Nimitz said, “Do your duty, Marine.”

    Now you know why I went into the restaurant business and am not working security for DoS.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  96. All the other users of the unclassified system, even the ones with a address, probably sent some things on the unclassified system that really should have been classified. Not to mention telling people things over the telephone, or in person. So it’s actually unreasonable to prosecute, because everybody in the State Department could be prosecuted. They didn’t have a private server, but they did have this unclassified system.

    The real question is did she do wrongful things on purpose, by telephone, or in person, or in the deleted e-mails.

    Sammy Finkelman (e0f80a)

  97. …We’re not talking about top secret information.

    Of course we are. Compartmented information.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  98. She probably did, but Comey condcted a carefully circumscribed investigation.

    Sammy Finkelman (e0f80a)

  99. ….that gave Hillary and her aides every benefit of the doubt, which extended even to allowing them to correct statements they had made.

    We have a USB drive and laptop that just disappeared.

    Sammy Finkelman (9668e6)

  100. The compartmented infrmation was the faxes. And maybe printouts from the classified system taken places. substituted for the unclassified system, where it was not supposed to be possible to put clasified information (except by typing it)

    Sammy Finkelman (9668e6)

  101. I remember when Algore went to a scheduled fund raiser at a Buddhist temple just off Malibu Canyon Road where the nuns had taken vows of poverty. He raised a substantial sum from the nuns there, yet when called out for campaign violations ridiculously claimed he didn’t know he had attended a fund raising event. Something about ‘no controlling legal authority’ comes to mind.

    ropelight (7fe6df)

  102. At Sammy, I often don’t understand your point and after reread your comment for the tenth time suspect neither do you.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  103. #105 ropelight, i think that famous fundraiser was in hacienda heights

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  104. but other people say they like the brains on a biscuit

    Other people’s brains.

    I get this picture of happyfeet eating brains out of politeness, while the natives are rotfl just out of eye shot.

    Que the Quigley feeling your pain. [YouTube]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  105. It’s sophistry like that sammeh, that makes me revisit the oeuvre of Scarlett Johansson leaving out 2008’s the spirit.

    The watercloset server, the failure to certify training, the lack of two factor encryption all scream intent.

    narciso (904ff0)

  106. Starting with eight legged freaks, which featured kari wuhrer,

    narciso (904ff0)

  107. …I get this picture of happyfeet eating brains out of politeness, while the natives are rotfl just out of eye shot.

    This reminds me of my first time in Korea, when, no kidding, they had to be saying, “Scrape this off your shoe and see if the stupid foreigners won’t give us college tuition.”

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  108. Port visit, Pusan.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  109. This is from a submariner, but it applies to recreate, how, in general, in speech no other human being will understand, comma, period, see Annex C, naval service.

    “1. Sleep on the shelf in your closet. Replace the closet door with a curtain. Every 2 hours after you go to sleep, have someone whip open the curtain, shine a flashlight in your eyes, and mumble “Sorry, wrong rack”, or “Sign this!”

    2. Don’t eat any food that you don’t get out of a can or have to add water to.

    3. Spend as much time as possible indoors and avoid sunlight. Hang out in such areas as dark theaters, windowless buildings, closets, etc.

    4. Renovate your bathroom. Build a wall across the middle of your bathtub and move the shower head down to chest level.

    When you take showers, make sure you shut off the water while soaping.

    Squeegee and wipe down the stall when done.

    5. Repeat back everything anyone says to you. Repeat back everything anyone says to you.

    6. Sit in front of your TV set, with the antenna disconnected and watch for 6 hours.

    Report any unusual static patterns.

    7. Put lube oil in your humidifier instead of water and set it to “High”.

    8. Don’t watch T.V. Instead setup a 16mm projector and only watch movies that you don’t like. (Old School)

    9. Don’t do your wash at home. Pick the most crowded laundromat you can find.

    10. Announce “Commence Snorkling!”

    Setup your lawnmower in your living room and run for at least 1 hour.

    Periodically hold your nose and mouth shut and try to blow out your eardrums.

    11. Have the paperboy give you a haircut.

    12. Get a clipboard, paper, and leaky black ink pen, then take hourly readings on your electric and gas meters.

    13. Sleep with your dirty laundry at your feet.

    14. Invite guests, but don’t have enough food for them.

    15. Get some broken exercise equipment and mount it to the floor in your kitchen.

    16. Store up all garbage for a week in your bathtub. Compact and dispose of once a week.

    17. Wake up every night at midnight and have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on stale bread.

    (Optional: Breakout a #10 can of ravioli or cold soup)

    18. Make up your family menu a week ahead of time without looking in your food cabinets or refrigerator.

    19. Set your alarm clock to go off at random times during the night. When it goes off :

    Announce ‘fire in the garage!’

    Jump out of bed and get dressed as fast as you can.

    Run into your garage and break out the garden hose.

    Since there really wasn’t a fire and everyone is up anyway have the kids clean the house.

    20. Once a month take every major appliance completely apart and then put them back together (just in case they were about to break).

    21. Use 18 scoops of coffee per pot and allow it to sit for 5 or 6 hours before drinking.

    22. Invite at least 85 people you don’t really like to come and visit for a couple of months.

    23. Store your eggs in your garage for two months and then cook a dozen each morning.

    24. Have a fluorescent lamp installed on the bottom of your coffee table and lie under it to read books.

    25. Check your refrigerator compressor for “sound shorts”.

    26. Put a complicated lock on your basement door and wear the key on a lanyard around your neck.

    27. Lockwire the lugnuts on your car.

    28. When making cakes, prop up one side of the pan while it is baking. Then spread icing really thick on one side to level off the top.

    29. Every so often, yell “Emergency Deep!” or “Torpedo in the Water!” , run into the kitchen, sweep all pots/pans/dishes off of the counter onto the floor.

    30. Put on the headphones from your stereo (don’t plug them in). Go and stand in front of your stove. Say (to nobody in particular) “Stove manned and ready”. Stand there for 3 or 4 hours. Say (once again to nobody in particular) “Stove Secured”. Roll up the headphone cord and put them away.

    31. Make the kids learn the location and operation of every light switch, outlet, circuit breaker, valve, appliance, fire extinguisher etc..

    Don’t let them watch any TV/movies until they can recite same from memory. *

    32. After 60 days or so; go load up the family in a taxi, go out to the worst part of town (preferably where English is a second language), and have dinner at the most run down bar or restaurant available. *

    33. Every few years cut a hole in your roof, hire a some workers to remove all furniture, appliances, electrial wiring, pipes etc. to a storage warehouse.

    Go live in the neighbors garage for a year or so then put it all back. *

    34. Buy all food in cases and line the floor with them.

    35. Spend 3 or 4 hours waxing your floors to perfection. Then, just before they dry, invite the whole neighborhood over to walk across them. Then do it again.

    36. Stand on your roof once every three days for six hours in the winter and don’t let anyone in your house.

    37. Use fresh milk for only two days after each port visit.

    38. Buy 50 cases of toilet paper and lock up all but two rolls. Ensure one of these two rolls is wet at all times.

    39. Post the Uniform Code of Military Justice on the wall across from your toilet. Highlight the parts that begin: “penetration however slight…”

    40. Install a Furnace and Air Conditioner that blows directly on you while you are sleeping. Have the controls so they will cycle to hot and cold in a matter of seconds.

    41. Install a multi-channel entertainment system over your bed that doesn’t work.

    42. Hookup your air compressor to the sewer line to the house and blow a s*** geyser ten feet in the air. Come in side and tell you wife “calmly” I forgot to shut the valve and have her clean it up.

    43. Start every story with “This is no-s***


    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  110. Now he belongs to the ages. [YouTube]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  111. This country is run by whores and con men.

    mg (31009b)

  112. This country is run by horrors and con men.

    mg (31009b)

  113. Focus men, focus.

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  114. I trust nobody in d.c. This country is being run by the third bathroom conglomerate.

    mg (31009b)

    We the People in Massachusetts need to 86 this cretin from office.

    mg (31009b)

  116. I am tempted to make a snide comment about Taxachusetts, mg. But all I am capable of is mourning the this once free country.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  117. mg,

    You haven’t been happy since Andy Jackson left office.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  118. You haven’t been happy since Andy Jackson left office.
    Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/4/2017 @ 1:14 am

    Really who has been.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  119. Totally different point. 4 May 1942 Is traditionally when the Battle of The Coral Sea kicked off.

    It was celebrated as a national holiday for years in Australia. And I still revere it.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  120. …By 4 May, three Allied task groups of ships, including the US aircraft carriers Lexington and Yorktown and the Australian cruisers, Australia and Hobart, were in the Coral Sea. The latter ships were in an Australian-American task group commanded by the Australian-born British Rear Admiral Jack Crace. The entire force was commanded by Rear Admiral Jack Fletcher who hoped to attack the Japanese invasion fleet at arms-length in the Solomon Sea…

    It wasn’t possible to halt the Japanese in 1942. Just fight them.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  121. I hope you have your tree set up when I celebrate the anniversary of the Fourth of June 1942.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  122. It’ll be a multi-culti fiesta.

    LCDR Waldron, the American Indian who led the only squadron of the the carrier Hornet to engage the enemy at Midway.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  123. 16 years of back to back presidential hacks, the 2 worst in history, compounded by 16 years of congressional boondoggles, the 2 worst in history, makes my tummy ache.

    mg (31009b)

  124. I miss Paul Harvey and the rest of the story.
    Good Day.

    mg (31009b)

  125. Steve 57
    I like snide comments!

    mg (31009b)

  126. Horses are like kardashians I can’t afford them.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  127. My grandfather always told me my horse was going to make him lose the farm!!

    mg (31009b)

  128. This spending bill proves once again republicans spend more than democrats.

    mg (31009b)

  129. It’s not horse’s fault, mg. It never is.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  130. It is not THE horse’s fault. Damn my keyboard.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  131. Oxen are much more affordable.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  132. So are dogs.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  133. stripper daughter and her pimp have their own agenda

    to the curb with them

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  134. Yes coral sea, isn’t given sufficient due in the fight

    narciso (d1f714)

  135. Yes coral sea, isn’t given sufficient due in the fight
    narciso (d1f714) — 5/4/2017 @ 6:08 am

    It was really New Guinea and keeping the Japanese a couple of arms lengths away form OZ.

    The American left likes to see the U.S. as some murderous, imperialistic power.


    Even the Vietnamese like having us around. H3ll, half the time I’m convinced the CHICOMs like having us around.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  136. Yes coral sea, isn’t given sufficient due in the fight

    narciso (d1f714) — 5/4/2017 @ 6:08 am

    The Battle of Coral Sea took the Shokaku and Zuikaku out of the fight at Midway.

    Like I said, I hope you’ve set up your tree for the Fourth of June celebration.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  137. Exactly with those carriers still in the fight, it would have been a tie or worse.
    Midway is still one of my favorite films of the genre, a symbol of a bygone era.

    narciso (e8a6ee)

  138. It was inevitable that America would be led by a woman. Either Hillary or Ivanka.

    nk (dbc370)

  139. narciso this was my screen saver when I was stationed in Japan.

    How I remain unkilled I’ll never know.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  140. 105. ropelight (7fe6df) — 5/3/2017 @ 8:15 pm

    I remember when Algore went to a scheduled fund raiser at a Buddhist temple just off Malibu Canyon Road where the nuns had taken vows of poverty.

    Wasn’t that monks? Or was it both men and women?

    He raised a substantial sum from the nuns there, yet when called out for campaign violations ridiculously claimed he didn’t know he had attended a fund raising event.

    I don’t think they handed him checks. Later on, checks in their names, with them as signers, came in. Of course, it wasn’t their own money, which is very illegal. But if you didn’t thoroughly investigate, you couldn’t prove that they didn’t give most of their moneyto Al Gore. Or did someone plead guilty there?

    al Gore really had no invol;vement with that. The personal appearance by Al Gore was just to make it look like a fundraiser to people who didn’t check things out too much. The persoal appearance would “explain” the numerous checks. In some campaign documents this was listed asa a fundraiser, although it technically wasn’t, since no admission was charged.

    Something about ‘no controlling legal authority’ comes to mind.

    That was something else. That was the issue of making fundraising calls from the White House.

    No controlling legal authority meant there had never been a test case about this.

    I think that was actually a plot by the Clintons to involve Al Gore in a grey area of the law so he wouldn’t be disloyal.

    Members of Congress do not solicit contributions in their offices, even via telephone. I am not sure if the cell phone Al Gore used was not registered and paid for by the federal government but it probably was not.

    There was absolutely no reason for Al Gore to do things that way – make calls from inside a federal building, when no politician normally did things that way – except that that way it gave Bill Clinton and company a hold on him. See, people don’t see the motive for this.

    Sammy Finkelman (9668e6)

  141. 112. Steve57 (0b1dac) — 5/3/2017 @ 9:00 pm

    Port visit, Pusan.

    Is that now spelled, for some reason, Busan?

    Sammy Finkelman (9668e6)

  142. Warren advocates the mission of the military as addressing social ills. Obama saw NASA’s mission as outreach to Muslims.

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  143. OK, Sammy, you caught me. I give up.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  144. No, I like it better as Pusan. I only recently found out they are calling it Busan.

    I also like Bombay and not Mumbai.

    Sammy Finkelman (9668e6)

  145. Busan is where you go because zombies

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  146. 106. Steve57 (0b1dac) — 5/3/2017 @ 8:18 pm

    At Sammy, I often don’t understand your point and after reread your comment for the tenth time suspect neither do you.

    Sometimes I am incoherent or go off on tangents but let me see here:

    1. Comey never said Hillary Clinton (or others) did not violate the law, but he said that the practice of the Justice department was not to prosecute cases such as what he said hers was.

    2. It was probably safe for Hillary Clinton to take stuff out of the State Deppartment because her possessions would not be searched (when she left but Hillary Clinton was too cautious to do that. It would nt have been searched because anyone at the exit would reason if the secretary of State cannot be trusted, who can bem and if Secretary of State wanted to get informaton out of the building she had better ways of doing so. As indeed she had.

    3. While no information marked classified (except by accident) was e-mailed out of the State De[partent, faxes marked classified were sent to her apartment in DC and dealt with by her Phillipina maid, who didn’t have a security clearance.

    4. Hillary Clinton or her aides never said that Anthony Weiner printed out things for her – that was Comey’s understanding or surmise. Which means Comey really has no idea why it was done.

    Sammy Finkelman (9668e6)

  147. Overlooked here, is that Huma Abedin lied about sending e-mails, because she claimed she had no idea how her e-mails wound up on that laptop that Anythony Weiner used.

    And it was speculated that maybe one time or more she attempted to read her email from Anthony weiner’s laptop, and the program downloaded all of her email to that computer but now, Comey says that’s not what happened at all!

    He says Huma Abedin emailed hundreds of thousands of emails, some of which contained classidied information.

    He gave her a pass on that on the grounds that it wasn’t her intent to send classified information to a place it shouldn’t be.

    Maybe, but I think there’s a strong probability that there was a strong probability there was an intent to something else wrong

    That Anthony Weoner was supposed to print emails is the rankest speculation. Anthony Weiner didn’t say that because they didn’t talk to him. (5th amendment claim related somewhat to the other investigation)

    James Comey has no idea what the emails are because they only checked for emails to and from Hillary Clinton.

    Now I have some ideas:

    A) The emails could have been sent there so Hillary Clinton could have a private archive, which she might use later in both legal and illegal ways. This is the most favorable possible interpretation.

    B) Hillary Clinton wanted to give inside information to Sidney Blumenthal (over the telephone) and needed ti have details handy. Now you know Sidney Blumenthal used to send her memoes that were probably foreign propaganda and Hillary Clinton would forward them to Jake Sullivan, leaving out Sidney Blumenthal’s name, and ask him to forward it around, leaving out some more identifying information, and get back reports from U.S. Ambassadors and others as to hw credible they found it.

    C) Hillary Clinton wanted it for her side job of consulting for foreign governments or corporations, who paid for the information by donating money to the Clinton Foundation, or paying money for speeches or other methods of getting money to Clinton Inc. She would give information either in persoon or via the phone. A lot of her emails say that she will telephone someone at such and such a time. She didn’t always respond by e-mail.

    Sammy Finkelman (9668e6)

  148. @142. My favorite of the genre remains Twelve O’clock High which during post-war years Japanese firms used as a training film; strip away the ‘war veneer’ and it’s actually a superb study of American business management techniques from what is now a bygone era. They’d screen it for new employees.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  149. Sammy, I hold in the highest respect and affection. Despite not getting your point. And speaking of going off on tangents, here I go.

    “MAY SPECIAL – Free Sharpening Mat with every Guided Sharpening System!”

    Have at it guys.

    P.S. The Nordic Battle Group Coat of Arms.

    Note the lion has no testicles. That is because,no kidding, “Someone might be offended.”

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  150. Is that now spelled, for some reason, Busan?
    Sammy Finkelman (9668e6) — 5/4/2017 @ 8:11 am

    It’s actually spelled in Hangul and can’t read it.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  151. It is certainly possible that both Comey and Hillary were responsible. If she’d had been such a great candidate to be up 10 points, and Comey did what he did, she would have won by 5.

    If she was a horrible candidate and up by only two points and the letter went forward…well we all know how that turned out.

    Steve D (6fbc1c)

  152. Who is the heir apparent, or is it still Hillary? How popular is Bernie in the Democratic Party now?

    DRJ (15874d)

  153. Hillary’s top pollster/data analyst, Robby Mook, has gone to work for Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA). Bernie’s still the most popular individual in the Democratic Party even though Bernie’s not in the Democratic Party. But I think Chelsea is the heir apparent; they’ll run her in 2018 for a safe NY seat in the House to set her up for 2020; she’s already 36, so constitutionally eligible. It’s the whole Star Wars Episode 7 deal, with her as Rea.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  154. soros wants to do some sleazy slurpy ooey-gooey kamala harris all up in it i think

    kamalalalalalalala ululates george


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  155. Zuckerburg/Bezos/2020

    mg (31009b)

  156. Bleak indeed for them, Belder @158. my dark horse for 2020, Jay Inslee, has the infamy of first representing eastern Washington then being beaten in 5th ’94 wave before resurfacing in a Seattle district several years later.

    urbanleftbehind (46eff1)

  157. 160, that’s why Trump’s more hardcore and astute braintrust is letting Kushner crap out publicly early. Get the weirdo Obama-Sanders-Trump voters tired of self-funder tecnocrats.

    urbanleftbehind (46eff1)

  158. 1. McCraken
    2. Irish War Cry
    3. Classic Empire

    mg (31009b)

  159. kushner’s a great pimp for ivanka but when he moves out of his comfort zone and tries to do policy stuff it’s pretty embarrassing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  160. Soros owns Kushner

    mg (31009b)

  161. Congrats, Always Dreaming.

    mg (31009b)

  162. @157- Bernie’s a sweet diversion. So’s a guy named Joe.

    Check w/conservatives to see which he or she they’re already targeting. Perhaps Elizabeth the First. Corey the Unready.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  163. I’m a conservative, DCSCA, and the only Democrat I see that I’m afraid of is Trump.

    DRJ (15874d)

  164. “Hillary’s top pollster/data analyst, Robby Mook, has gone to work for Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA).”

    Beldar… I don’t think I’ll forget the look in Mook’s eyes whe he was being interviewed the night of the election around 5:30pm West Coast time. I turned to my wife and said, “look at his eyes… that is a very frightened man… I think he is seeing info that tell them she will lose this.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  165. so mook got hired by another crook
    how sweet

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  166. hillary ran as a hyper-entitled out of touch pig this is why she lost cause she so nasty

    see also Meghan’s cowardly p.o.s. daddy and weirdo pervert Mitt Romney who invented obamacare

    there’s a pattern here if you squint

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  167. Si said on the other post,

    On a side note, and following Macron’s lead with his political movement, En Marche! (Onwards!), comes Hillary Clinton’s new anti-Trump political PAC, “Onward Together”. Mrs. Clinton is marching onward toward 2020. Whether for herself, or on behalf of Chelsea, who knows.

    Perhaps Hillary has overcome her own sense of being owed the White House. Most likely, she has transferred that belief of being entitled to it to Chelsea. Obviously she is shrewd enough to know that Chelsea doesn’t have the political instincts or experiences of her parents, but Bill and Hill will make sure those aren’t necessary. The question is, what is the Democratic Party in 2020: a progressive stronghold a la Bernie Sanders and his ilk, or a less strident liberal group willing to at least, in appearance, move a little toward the center?

    Dana (ee0811)

  168. I don’t think you’ll see that move unless the Tuesdays ball up and switch sides. Handel best win, but she’s letting Ossoff hang around too close, of course it could be manufactured competitiveness like mid-round Canelo on Julio Cesar Chavez Jr from last night.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  169. The New York, surprisingly, as an editorial today that is very critical of Hillary Clinton, and links her with and criticizes her almost as much as it does Donald Trump..

    That was then. Six months on, both Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton are still waging last year’s campaign, undermining their promises to help America heal.

    I think they think she won’t run again so they can safely lambast her without damaging Democratic Party prosspects = she’s reduced to the status of a Cuomo or a de Blasio, and maybe even they might go to a Sheldon Silver.

    Also they really, really, really do not want her to run for president again.

    This editorial also, obvously, implicitly comes out against the concept of a “resistance”

    Sammy Finkelman (845007)

  170. I don’t think Bill and Hillary can do any more for (or to!) Chelsea than get her into the House of Representatives. She doesn’t have the instincts, or the skill or the wit to do any more. They’ll need to do something else to keep up at least the illusion of future political power.

    Sammy Finkelman (845007)

  171. “Last week two politicians made news for the ways they communicated to Americans: Clinton’s words were crafted, deliberate and dishonest; President Trump’s words were a string of thoughts bouncing everywhere — with no craft, no massaging and they contained great gaps of context. The press reacted wistfully to the former; to the latter, it went into full meltdown. Again.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

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