Patterico's Pontifications


Weekend Open Thread

Filed under: General — Dana @ 12:54 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Let’s go!

First new item

Liz Cheney warns Supreme Court:

“When [Trump] now is pushing this idea that a president should have complete immunity against any criminal prosecution for anything he does in office and he’s pushed this appeal to the Supreme Court, I think it’s very important that the Supreme Court recognizes what he’s doing is a delaying tactic,” Cheney said.

“It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power and that our justice system is incapable of holding a trial and holding him to account before the next election.”

Cheney said she trusts the court will “deal in a responsible and expeditious fashion with this appeal.” However, she added the court taking action that would result in further delay in the public seeing evidence and amount to “suppression of the evidence.”

Second news item

Judge overseeing Trump’s criminal trial in NY speaks out after Trump goes after Judge Merchan’s daughter on social media:

U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia Reggie Walton…reacted to Trump lashing out at Judge Juan Merchan.

Merchan is presiding over the former president’s falsifying business records trial where the Republican has pleaded not guilty to 34 charges. Trump also attacked Merchan’s daughter in social media posts.

Trump has posted twice about Loren Merchan on Truth Social, the social media platform where the former president has more than 6.8 million followers, including calling her a “Rabid Trump Hater, who has admitted to having conversations with her father about me.”

Trump’s attacks came after Judge Merchan issued a gag order ahead of the former president’s April 15 hush money trial. The order was to prevent Trump from publicly speaking about court staff, jurors, potential witnesses and lawyers from the Manhattan district attorney’s office, or their families…

“We do these jobs because we’re committed to the rule of law and we believe in the rule of law. The rule of law can only function effectively when we have judges who are prepared to carry out their duties without the threat of potential physical harm,” Walton said.

Walton, who has presided over cases related to the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, said he and his daughter have also received threats, including one person who called him and said they know where the judge lives.

“You can’t let that impact on how you live your life, and how you treat litigants who are before you,” Walton said. “Even though threats may be made against you and your family, you still have an obligation to ensure that everybody who comes into your courtroom is treated fairly, regardless of who they are or what they’ve done.

Judge Luttig also weighs in:

The Nation is witnessing the determined delegitimization of both its Federal and State judiciaries and the systematic dismantling of its system of justice and Rule of Law by a single man – the former President of the United States.

In the months ahead, the former president can only be expected to ramp up his unprecedented efforts to delegitimize the courts of the United States, the nation’s state courts, and America’s system of justice,
through his vicious, disgraceful, and unforgiveable attacks and threats on the Federal and State Judiciaries and the individual Judges of these courts.

Never in American history has any person, let alone a President of the United States, leveled such threatening attacks against the federal and state courts and federal and state judicial officers of the kind the former president has leveled continually now for years.

But suffice it to say, never in history has any person leveled such attacks and been met with such passivity, acquiescence, and submissiveness by the nation.

It is a regrettable commentary on our times that a lone federal judge, The Honorable Judge Reggie B. Walton — because no one whose responsibility it is to do so has had the courage and the will — would finally be left no choice but, himself, to express on national television the profound concerns of the entire Federal and State Judiciaries over Donald Trump’s contemptible attacks on the federal and state courts, the judges of these courts and their families, and the other participants in the judicial process.

It is the responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States in the first instance to protect the federal courts, the federal judges, and all participants in the justice system from the reprehensible spectacle of the former president’s inexcusable, threatening attacks,
just as it is the responsibility of the respective State Supreme Courts in the first instance to protect their courts and their state judges from the same.

Ultimately, however, it is the responsibility of the entire nation to protect its courts and judges, its Constitution, its Rule of Law, and America’s Democracy from vicious attack, threat, undermine, and deliberate delegitimization at the hands of anyone so determined.

Third news item

So this is the softer and more enlightened Taliban, eh?:

The Taliban’s announcement that it is resuming publicly stoning women to death has been enabled by the international community’s silence, human rights groups have said.

Safia Arefi, a lawyer and head of the Afghan human rights organisation Women’s Window of Hope, said the announcement had condemned Afghan women to return to the darkest days of Taliban rule in the 1990s.

“With this announcement by the Taliban leader, a new chapter of private punishments has begun and Afghan women are experiencing the depths of loneliness,” Arefi said.

“Now, no one is standing beside them to save them from Taliban punishments. The international community has chosen to remain silent in the face of these violations of women’s rights.”

Fourth news item

Worried and prepared:

Polish and allied aircraft were scrambled this morning after Russia launched missile strikes on Ukraine, the Operational Command of the Polish armed forces said.

“Polish and allied aircraft are operating in Polish airspace, which may result in increased noise levels, especially in the southeastern part of the country,” the Command said on the social media platform X.

Russia attacked three thermal power plants of Ukraine’s largest private power firm DTEK on Friday, damaging facilities, the firm said.

It comes as Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky predicted which countries Vladimir Putin would attack if he was successful in Ukraine – including Germany.

Zepensky’s predictions:

Zelensky predicts which countries Putin would target after Ukraine

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has warned which countries he believes Vladimir Putin will target next if he is victorious in Ukraine.

Kazakhstan would be next, followed by the Baltic states, Poland and then Germany, Mr Zelensky claims.

“Even tomorrow, the missiles can fly to any state,” he told US broadcaster CBS. “For him, we are a satellite of the Russian Federation,.

“At the moment, it’s us, then Kazakhstan, then Baltic states, then Poland, then Germany. At least half of Germany.”

Fifth news item

Berkeley bigots shamefully spout off:

A Berkeley City Council meeting went off the rails this week as pro-Palestinian protestors heckled an 89-year-old Holocaust survivor as she urged the council to pass a resolution in support of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The Jewish Community Relations Council posted clips from the Tuesday meeting to social media, which quickly went viral and showed the moment that the meeting had to stop as Susanne DeWitt was shouted down.

The Jewish Chronicle reported on the meeting Thursday, writing, “A Berkeley City Council meeting on Tuesday descended into chaos as a mob of pro-Palestine demonstrators harassed council members and Israel supporters, calling them ‘Zionist pigs’, ‘genocide enablers’, ‘murderers’ and ‘money suckers’.”

DeWitt was allowed to finish by the councilman running the meeting and she added that Hamas’s attack led to the “murder of 1200 Israelis and the brutal torture and rape of women.”

“Lies!” shouted the protestors. The meeting then devolved into shouting as the councilman leading it called for a break.

Have a great weekend.


361 Responses to “Weekend Open Thread”

  1. Hello. Apologies for getting this out so late. Life interrupted….

    Dana (e08709)

  2. I thought you were taking a day off for Good Friday.

    Anyway, and again, a joyful Easter to all.

    qdpsteve again (3ccf23)

  3. I disagree with Dana on lots of things, but good on her for calling out the bigots on the left. We need more of that here as well as elsewhere.

    qdpsteve again (3ccf23)

  4. Liz would know something about suppressing evidence.

    “It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power and that our justice system is incapable of holding a trial and holding him to account before the next election.”

    Let this sink in. We must prosecute the president and find him guilty lest the voters arrive at a different conclusion. This is how Liz and her fans actually think. And, even when they’re not letting the mask slip, their contempt for the electorate gives it away. We The People has become We The Prosecutors.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  5. lloyd (60d6d9) — 3/29/2024 @ 1:34 pm

    So, criminals can just request a change of venue by running for office, and let the voters decide their cases?

    norcal (8cdb63)

  6. @5 Criminals, norcal? You meant “the accused”, or are we dispensing with that also?

    The danger of the people voting in a “criminal” is easily exceeded by the danger of prosecutors in politically friendly venues negating the people’s right to choose their leader. But if you disagree, go ahead and make the case. You haven’t.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  7. re: Second news item

    Have we’ve ever seen a sitting federal judge publicly weighing on ongoing cases?

    The federal judiciary are supposed to be insulated from politics so they can decide cases based on the law and Constitution, not public opinion.

    Judges must depend on the facts of each case, not the political popularity/unpopularity of these cases.

    I know that Trumpism is that sort of Rorschach test whereby emotions and opinions dominates the political sphere.

    But, if we’re to have this framework of ‘judicial independence’ from the prevailing political winds…Judge Walton undermines that to the degree that invites a political response to the judiciary.

    Can you not see where this is heading?

    No matter what happens to Trump… he gets elected… he loses… the federal cases succeeds or fails. There’s going to a backlash.

    Are we ready for this?

    I’m not…and genuinely concerned.

    whembly (86df54)

  8. @7 Good point. Hardly new for Judge Walton

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  9. DeWitt was allowed to finish by the councilman running the meeting and she added that Hamas’s attack led to the “murder of 1200 Israelis and the brutal torture and rape of women.”

    “Lies!” shouted the protestors.

    Tat is the position, in any forum where it would be very bad for them to admit it.

    These people are being sponsored by somebody or something, and it probably involves something illegal. We never hear whose these people really are. Except that I read once one group was getting money

    ‘Go Back To China’: Nancy Pelosi Goes Ballistic At Pro-Palestine Protesters Calling For Ceasefire

    Hindustan Times

    from China.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  10. * That is the official position of Hamas.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  11. Red States File Lawsuit Challenging New Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

    Yesterday, a coalition of eleven red states led by the state of Kansas filed a lawsuit challenging the legality of President Biden’s new loan forgiveness plan, which would forgive at least $156 billion in federal student loan debt. I suspect I am not the only observer who had a strong sense of de ja vu, when they saw this filing. Kansas v. Biden has many obvious similarities to Biden v. Nebraska, the case in which the Supreme Court invalidated the administration’s previous massive student loan forgiveness plan (which would have discharged some $430 billion in student debt). Both involve efforts to forgive large amounts of student debt by exploiting vaguely worded statutes. Both plans are vulnerable under the “major questions doctrine,” which requires Congress to “speak clearly” when authorizing an executive branch agency to make “decisions of vast economic and political significance.” And both cases involve similar procedural “standing” questions.
    The biggest potential difference between the cases is that Biden v. Nebraska involved an effort to forgive debt under the 2003 HEROES Act, while the current plan relies on the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended. When the previous case was being litigated, some suggested the Administration should rely on Section 432a of the HEA instead of or in addition to the HEROES Act. Section 432a gives the Secretary of Education the power to “enforce, pay, compromise, waive, or release any right, title, claim, lien, or demand” related to federally backed student loans. I critiqued this theory here.

    In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision last June, the Biden administration announced they were indeed going to try to put together a new loan forgiveness plan using the HEA. But instead of relying on Section 432a, the administration adopted a rule that relies on Section 455 (codified as 20 U.S.C. Section 1087e), which gives the Department of Education the power to establish “Income contingent repayment schedules” that “shall require payments that vary in relation to the appropriate portion of the annual income of the borrower (and the borrower’s spouse, if applicable) as determined by the Secretary [of Education].”……..

    I’m surprised it took the states so long to challenge this loan forgiveness effort. My question is that if the program is ruled invalid, will those that have received forgiveness need to repay the forgiven amounts?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  12. “It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power and that our justice system is incapable of holding a trial and holding him to account before the next election.”

    Trump did attempt to overturn an election but he did not attempt to “seize power>”

    That would be more true of former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro and that was after he had left power actually

    Some Republicans did persist in denying the violence that occurred on January 6, 2021.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  13. Track your lost buying power at Biden Mart

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  14. Kathy Hochul kicked out of NYPD officer’s wake

    Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) was not a welcome sight at the wake for fallen NYPD officer Jonathan Diller.

    Hochul reportedly left Friday’s reception within 10 minutes after she was greeted by a shout of “Get her out of here.” As she walked back to her car, Hochul was confronted by a man who sources said was speaking to her while gesturing with emotion.

    Video of the exchange was shared to social media.

    In a statement to the Washington Examiner, a spokesperson for the governor’s office would not confirm or deny the claim that Hochul was asked to leave.

    On Thursday, former President Donald Trump paid his respects and spoke afterward about how law enforcement officers are “the greatest people we have.”

    “The only thing we can say is maybe something’s going to be learned,” Trump said. “We’ve got to toughen it up, we’ve got to strengthen it up. This should never be allowed. Things like this shouldn’t take place and to take place so often,” Trump told reporters. MSNBC later criticized Trump’s appearance claiming he was politicizing Diller’s death.

    President Joe Biden was in New York City for a celebrity-packed fundraiser on Thursday and did not attend the service in Queens.

    White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre could not confirm whether Biden had called the Diller family while in New York. Jean-Pierre did say Biden spoke with New York City Mayor Eric Adams over the phone to offer his support.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  15. The word “sycophant” comes from the ancient Athenian practice to have hecklers invade the public appearances of political opponents and “show them the fig” i.e. “give them the finger” literally and figuratively.

    Trump has a great number of those, compensated and uncompensated.

    nk (018793)

  16. That’s what I meant by my last comment in the other thread. Hochul was left with no option but to be “the adult” at the wake. What could she do? Let Trump’s lowlife trailer trash use her as an excuse to desecrate the service?

    nk (018793)

  17. The wake’s political overtones reminded me of Paul Wellstone’s memorial service in 2002.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  18. Keeping It Classy:

    On Truth Social, Trump posted a video of Trump themed vehicles driving in New York. One of the trucks has an image of Joe Biden on the back bound with rope.

    Some MAGA Republicans have been displaying this graphic depicting President Joe Biden bound with rope and laying in the bed of a pickup truck, apparently kidnapped.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  19. And on the subject of “lowlife trailer trash”, Trump is no different from millions of other criminals and scofflaws in his vituperation of judges. He is singing to his choir. But he will find out that our Constitution and laws are quite adequate to deal with that too.

    nk (018793)

  20. @16 If Hochul was “the adult” at the wake, what’s to be said for a president who skips it to attend a celebrity fundraiser and his spokesliar can’t even confirm if he contacted the Diller family? I credit Hochul for not checking her watch during the ten whole minutes she was present. And, if you can’t handle “trailer trash” then stick with your kind.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  21. Why is Trump attacking a judge who his lawyers hope to convince to reduce or dismiss the charges? It seems insane. This is a winnable case.

    I can’t believe he’s trying to get a recusal or a mistrial based on the judge hating his guts because I cannot believe the system will let that happen. In a sane system, the judicial response would be “you made this bed.”

    All I can figure out is that he wants his cult to know it’s all part of the anti-Trump pogrom and they should ignore any conviction that results. To be folded into The Steal, Part II if needed.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  22. Shorter Luttig: “Will no one rid us of this turbulent pest?”

    Normally a defendant of this type would be jailed between appearances and gagged (literally) during them. I truly hope that the NY judge jails Trump for a few nights, as a first pass at the problem.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  23. White House Bans Religious Easter Eggs From Art Contest

    The Biden administration banned children from submitting Easter eggs with religious themes for its 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art contest.

    The competition, which is part of the White House’s annual Easter Egg Roll, explicitly stipulated that egg designs not feature any “religious symbols” on the Christian holiday.

    “The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes,” a flyer with instructions from the White House stated.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  24. Reggie Walton has been appointed to all of his judicial positions by Republicans:

    1981-Associate Judge DC Superior Court: President Reagan

    1991-Associate Judge DC Superior Court: President George H. W. Bush

    2001-Judge, DC District Court-President George W. Bush

    2007-Judge, FISA Court-Chief Justice John Roberts

    2013-Presiding Judge, FISA Court

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  25. @24 So what? So was David Souter.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  26. White House Bans Religious Easter Eggs From Art Contest

    I done heerd that Texas went and banned the Confederate flag from license plates. Something about it being “government speech”. Have you evah!

    nk (018793)

  27. Normally a defendant of this type would be jailed between appearances and gagged (literally) during them.

    He can “attend” by closed circuit TV from the jail or lockup.

    I truly hope that the NY judge jails Trump for a few nights, as a first pass at the problem.

    Direct contempt that disrupts the administration of justice will do it.

    nk (018793)

  28. lloyd (60d6d9) — 3/29/2024 @ 5:00 pm

    1. It’s an interesting factoid.

    2. The post is about Judge Walton’s comments, which are interesting in that they came from a Republican appointee, who is known for being tough on defendants at sentencing.

    3. If Souter had made the same comments (!), I would have noted that he was also a Republican appointee.

    Rip Murdock (5d7b3b)

  29. @26 That you think that has anything remotely to do with the story is revealing, nk.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  30. Dana, idea:

    Might be a good idea to start titling each Friday’s Weekend Open Thread with a date, such as “Weekend Open Thread 3/29/24.”

    I and others are still commenting on last week’s WOT, while comments are also coming in on this week’s WOT, and as a result it’s a bit confusing in the “Recent Posts” list.

    qdpsteve again (e25173)

  31. lloyd (60d6d9) — 3/29/2024 @ 5:00 pm

    I’m sure if Walton had been appointed by Clinton or Obama you’d have been all over it.

    Rip Murdock (5d7b3b)

  32. I’m sure if Walton had been appointed by Clinton or Obama you’d have been all over it.
    Rip Murdock (5d7b3b) — 3/29/2024 @ 5:40 pm

    I’ve seen numerous times, Obama/Clinton/W judges giving Trump & Co. a break. And I’ve seen Trump’s own judges giving him a hard time.

    Lesson learned: you can’t figure a (good) judge’s appointment history by how they rule.

    qdpsteve again (e25173)

  33. @32 You’re sure, because you believe everyone is as predictable as you.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  34. the danger of prosecutors in politically friendly venues negating the people’s right to choose their leader

    lloyd (60d6d9) — 3/29/2024 @ 1:59 pm

    Trump chose to engage in behaviors that led to these prosecutions. We don’t suspend the law just because he’s running for office.

    norcal (16bb88)

  35. @26 That you think that has anything remotely to do with the story is revealing, nk.

    I doubt that any Daily Caller story has anything remotely to do with reality these days, but I’m willing to play. Government is not permitted to endorse any religion under the First Amendment and having kids hunt religiously-themed eggs in the Rose Garden might be seen as such an endorsement.

    nk (018793)

  36. having kids hunt religiously-themed eggs in the Rose Garden might be seen as such an endorsement.

    nk (018793) — 3/29/2024 @ 6:12 pm

    You mean we can’t have prayer in public schools, nk?

    norcal (16bb88)

  37. If that reveals that I don’t want to grope Lauren Boebert (or any other “Christian Nationalist” for that matter) at a Beetlejuice performance then, in that case, you are entirely correct.

    nk (018793)

  38. You mean we can’t have prayer in public schools, nk?

    We can have prayers in public schools. Our local high school has a Young Life chapter, for instance. Just not government-led prayer.

    nk (018793)

  39. @36 Oh bullsh*t. Even you don’t believe that’s the reason behind the restriction.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  40. If that reveals that I don’t want to grope Lauren Boebert

    I was once asking my English professor uncle (who taught at BYU!) which was correct–“I feel bad”, or “I feel badly”. He said, “If you’re talking about groping some girl, then it is correct to say ‘I feel badly’.”

    I’ve never forgotten that lesson.

    norcal (16bb88)

  41. @35 norcal, despite what history tells us, I’m confident that all the prosecutors following this precedent from here on out will be politically aligned with you.

    lloyd (60d6d9)

  42. lloyd (60d6d9) — 3/29/2024 @ 6:34 pm

    Do you know what my political alignment is?

    norcal (16bb88)

  43. Well, let’s thank God that Jack Smith has been solid and that we don’t see him adding commentary.

    We live in a time where we are compelled to opine. My comment is yet one more example of that. Judge Walton should have fought the urge and let the process handle this. Hopefully that means extending the gag order to Merchan’s family members….and hitting Trump hard if he violates it. That’s the process…not opinionating on how horrible Trump is….though he spoke the truth.

    Fani Willis went too far as well. She should have just ignored Trump and went about her business. But I suspect that she’s all over social media and is conditioned to respond because it’s all we talk about. Where were her ethics advisors and senior mentors who could give her some wise advice? This is the problem….we’re broadcasting before we let an idea simmer and marinate. Our media process is too quick and we’re creating hot takes where we don’t need them.

    I’m conflicted on this because going after family is despicable…..but this is the person that 60% of the GOP can’t go without. I’m sorry but if this is who you supported and plan to support in November, Trump is who you are. It takes character to make hard decisions. Rejecting Trump should not be a hard decision….

    AJ_Liberty (8cf4ca)

  44. I’m conflicted on this because going after family is despicable

    AJ_Liberty (8cf4ca) — 3/29/2024 @ 6:45 pm

    Catoggio made a good point today–Even a mafia don doesn’t go after a judge or his family.

    norcal (16bb88)

  45. from the 4th news item, I look forward to people declaring with straight faces, in solidarity with the ghost of John McCain, that “We are all Kazakhs now” because no one in the US is going to care. MTG will be right, no one in the US can find it on a map even though if you throw a dart into the middle of Asia, you’ve got a reasonable chance at it. Very rich in natural resources. My niece taught at an international school in Almaty, and I intended to visit but she could only take it for a year. She speaks French fluently and also taught English in the DRC for a year.

    steveg (c1ddc4)

  46. @36 Oh bullsh*t. Even you don’t believe that’s the reason behind the restriction.

    More than I believe that Christians grope each other at musical plays about a demon summoned to stymie an exorcism. Which is to say, I doan wanna hear nuffin’ about Christianity from the Orange Cult.

    I can stand hypocrisy. Hypocrisy fakes virtue but by doing so concedes that there is virtue and that it is on the wrong side of it. What I cannot stand are false prophets for profit.

    nk (018793)

  47. As it stands today, we have the nominee of a major party who is attacking the institutions of government on a daily basis. It’s bad enough now, when he might still lose, but if he wins, one can only expect he will continue this attack from the heart of the government. That will not end well, and possible not without his death.

    And the Supreme Court did not think to invoke the Insurrection Clause. If not now, when?

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  48. Looking at this clusterfukk election, I dislike one side immensely and hope to hell it cannot accomplish any of its goals. The opposing side, many of whose purported goals I support, is run by a man who is out of his fukking mind and who is doing absolutely everything I would expect someone to do who wants to replace the Constitution with, well, Himself.

    One of them will win, and I will have to get through those 4 years somehow. Acceptance is key to my mental health and so I will have to accept. But I am really not going to like it.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  49. Its probably already been noted that the UN Commission on Women unanimously chose the Saudi’s to Chair the session in 2025. Saudi women living in the west who want to protest should avoid the consulate in Istanbul

    steveg (c1ddc4)

  50. I frequent a BYU sports chat board. More than just sports are discussed. I just posted a poll in the political category, asking readers if they are more tribal-minded or open-minded.

    So far it’s 14 for tribal-minded and 17 for open-minded. It surprises me that so many call themselves tribal-minded.

    norcal (16bb88)

  51. A tribe of Mormons seems historically accurate

    steveg (c1ddc4)

  52. And this long distance dedication goes out to Rip, nk and Kevin’s Trump thoughts, out there in Patterico Land!

    Stay tuned to KPAT for all the latest Trump news and classic hits!

    qdpsteve again (e25173)

  53. A tribe of Mormons seems historically accurate

    steveg (c1ddc4) — 3/29/2024 @ 7:41 pm

    Yes, and it seems that their religious tribalism has extended to political tribalism.

    And yet there are many on that site, maybe even a majority, who will not vote for Trump. I am encouraged.

    norcal (16bb88)

  54. I was interested because religious tribes have only so much room for open mindedness in their beliefs. I’m very open minded about satanist rituals within the construct of the US law and the Constitution but personal participation would excommunicate from the tribe.
    Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
    Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me

    Political tribes these days are very close minded

    steveg (c1ddc4)

  55. Item 5 As long as other groups get their holocaust remembrance day like native americans, armenians ect. why not?

    asset (7cf724)

  56. If supreme court rules that presidents have immunity from prosecution for official actions (taking bribes is not an official action) Biden would be able to solve a lot of america’s problems in a hurry! Starting with trump, supreme court and freedom caucus for starters

    asset (7cf724)

  57. Political tribes these days are very close minded

    steveg (c1ddc4) — 3/29/2024 @ 9:05 pm

    I blame ideological cable TV channels, talk radio, and social media echo chambers.

    You are the media you consume, and so many people consume media with just one point of view.

    norcal (16bb88)

  58. There are lots of tribes. The Trump cult is an obvious one, but #neverTrump has its moments, too.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  59. #neverTrump has its moments, too.

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 3/29/2024 @ 10:33 pm

    True. And when they overreach, then provide more ammo to Trump supporters.

    norcal (16bb88)

  60. Belief tends to be intolerant and exclusive, but in the case of Trump it’s simply a matter of a normal gag reflex.

    nk (018793)

  61. Pekka on the groups and people that Putin has bought off, all of them European. I believe he’s right, that it’s the tip of the iceberg, and that there are Americans who’ve been similarly bought off.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  62. If Biden loses, it’ll be in part because of ridiculously stupid panders to his base of transgenders and transgender activists and sympathetic left-wingers, such as his proclamation that tomorrow be recognized as Transgender Day of Visibility, on freaking Easter Sunday no less.

    Related, James Carville was interviewed by Maureen Dowd and got him into Ragin’ Cajun mode rather easily. And Carville is right, the Democrat Party needs to appeal to more men and fewer karens and scolds.

    “A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females” dominating the culture of his party. “‘Don’t drink beer. Don’t watch football. Don’t eat hamburgers. This is not good for you.’ The message is too feminine: ‘Everything you’re doing is destroying the planet. You’ve got to eat your peas.’

    “If you listen to Democratic elites — NPR is my go-to place for that — the whole talk is about how women, and women of color, are going to decide this election. I’m like: ‘Well, 48 percent of the people that vote are males. Do you mind if they have some consideration?’”

    Funny thing, I was in a left-leaning comment section a few days ago and I said something about gas prices needing to be lower, and this commenter “suggested” that I should change my lifestyle and buy an EV and start riding on bikes and public transportation, and this is exactly where the Dem Party is out of touch. There is no understanding of large parts of this country, and no interest in learning, just lecturing the masses for choosing to drive gas-powered vehicles.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  63. The Biden Mart app is proving very informative. Apples, ground beef, potatoes, onions, milk, butter, eggs. grapes, carrots, oranges:

    $27.20 under Trump

    $42.29 under Biden

    55.48% increase!

    lloyd (da7934)

  64. Brutal takedown of BBC blowhard on climate change by Guyana’s president. I don’t know all of Irfaan Ali’s political takes, but at least on this he’s impressive.

    lloyd (da7934)

  65. U.S. life expectancy 2020: 76.98 years.
    U.S. life expectancy 2024: 79.25 years.

    nk (04a8b2)

  66. @66 Thanks to Operation Warp Speed

    lloyd (da7934)

  67. I cal shenanigans on the “Trump threatens judge’s daughter” story.

    The “daughter” in question is a fully-grown adult working for Democratic candidates and has been profiled in Politico among other places.

    Are Don Jr, Ivanka, and Kushner all off-limits from criticism because they’re children? Of course not. Neither is this woman.(Whether it’s smart is another question entirely.)

    SaveFarris (250997)

  68. As it stands today, we have the nominee of a major party who is attacking the institutions of government on a daily basis.

    I know!
    Biden has ignored SCOTUS, ignored black-letter laws passed by Congress, and is weaponizing the DOJ against his political opponents.

    These attacks on our major institutions cannot be tolerated.

    SaveFarris (1c8129)

  69. There’s a lot of talk in right-wing media about Officer Diller, who was murdered at a traffic stop in NYC, and about how Biden don’t care about law enforcement because of a fundraiser or something, and Trump expressed condolences at the man’s wake and to highlight the city’s revolving door approach to incarcerating criminals, and it’s worth exposing.

    If Biden wanted to both support law enforcement and control over our borders, there’s no better example than recognizing the events leading to the death of Washington State Trooper Chris Gadd, who was struck and killed on the I-5 by an illegal Mexican immigrant with an American criminal record, but that window appears closed.

    The suspect in the vehicular homicide of Washington State Patrol Trooper Christopher Gadd is a citizen of Mexico and is in the country illegally, according to an ICE spokesperson.

    According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Raul Benitez Santana, 33, entered the U.S. at an unknown date and time, without admission or parole by an immigration officer.

    Benitez Santana also has numerous previous criminal convictions within Washington:
    • May 3, 2013 – Driving with a suspended license in Lynnwood, $750 fine.
    • May 16, 2013 – Marijuana possession of 40 grams or less in Lynnwood, sentenced to 90 days incarceration with 87 days suspended.
    • Oct. 6, 2014 – Driving with a suspended license in SeaTac, sentenced to 90 days incarceration with 85 days suspended.
    • May 24, 2019 – Domestic violence assault in King County.

    Seattle Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) first made contact with Benitez Santana on Oct. 28, 2013, following his arrest for failure to appear for driving with a suspended license.

    An immigration detainer was placed on Benitez Santana on March 4 with the Snohomish County Jail, where he is currently being held on the vehicular homicide charge.

    Benitez had four law enforcement encounters in the last eleven years (not counting his most recent offense), but there was no visible action to kick this guy out of our country. Even CNN brought up the story.

    When I was making a grocery run a few weeks back, I got stuck in a mass convoy of vehicles and it looked like they were going to a Trump rally, judging by the vehicle types, clothing, flags, bumper stickers, etc., but turns out it was to a memorial for the fallen officer, which was in the parking lot next to my favorite market. Like anywhere else, law enforcement here is conservative and Trumpist, and that’s who were there. Nevertheless, this could’ve been an opportunity for a Biden administration to reach out and, since we’re way out here in South Alaska, i.e., in a part of WA State that is majority blue, wouldn’t have caught the national attention of MAGAs in the EST.

    The point is, reaching out to Haley voters and reaching out to conservatives and independents is how to beat Trump, because Biden’s karens and scolds won’t put him over the top.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  70. “Let this sink in. We must prosecute the president and find him guilty lest the voters arrive at a different conclusion.”
    lloyd (60d6d9) — 3/29/2024 @ 1:34 pm

    * In what other criminal cases is the defendant’s guilt or innocence put up to a popular vote?
    * Which other Americans should have the right to erase their own criminal prosecutions by gaining high political office?
    * Under what principle of justice is it proper to deny voters the chance to see all the evidence against a criminal defendant who wants them to give him the power to place himself above the law?
    * As a rule, should presidents and ex-presidents all be free to violate laws with impunity, as Trump claims, or does that rule apply only to a president you like?

    Radegunda (90c936)

  71. Good comment, Radegunda. Nice to see you here.

    Dana (8e902f)

  72. Are Don Jr, Ivanka, and Kushner all off-limits from criticism because they’re children?

    They’re not children.
    Jared exercised a lot of power in the White House (despite never going through any confirmation process), and Ivanka too made herself part of the administration. Don Jr. is playing a big part in his daddy’s political campaign and probably hoping to be the heir to the MAGA movement. They are subject to scrutiny in their political activities.

    That is not comparable to a judge’s daughter who is not playing any part in the judicial process that Trump is attacking.
    And legal processes are not the same as political contests (regardless of what MAGAs are now claiming). People under criminal indictment are always expected to follow certain rules, such as not threatening witnesses or court personnel.

    Trump has a history of putting a target on the backs of anyone who crosses him – and his devotees have shown a readiness to threaten violence against anyone who crosses Trump. The Trump cult has spawned a surge in threats of violence against judges, prosecutors, potential witnesses, election officials, politicians who go against Trump, etc. Trump surely knows it – and he encourages it.

    Radegunda (90c936)

  73. Funny thing, I was in a left-leaning comment section a few days ago and I said something about gas prices needing to be lower, and this commenter “suggested” that I should change my lifestyle and buy an EV and start riding on bikes and public transportation, and this is exactly where the Dem Party is out of touch. There is no understanding of large parts of this country, and no interest in learning, just lecturing the masses for choosing to drive gas-powered vehicles.

    Agree. What’s so funny to me is that EVs are not inexpensive, and depending on one’s region, there may not be easy access to charging stations. Additionally, the very voting bloc which Democrats have historically depended on for their votes (AA and Hispanic) are very often not in a position financially to even consider an EV. Moreover, I cannot imagine the priority of any inner-city family struggling to make it day-to-day even thinks about an EV. Priorities are radically different. The assumption that people should change their lifestyles and fork over a chunk of change to do so because some entitled likely white scold tells them to is as ridiculous as John Kerry chiding Ukraine and Russia because the bomb and missile attacks are not good for the air quality in the region.

    Dana (8e902f)

  74. Thanks, Dana.

    Radegunda (90c936)

  75. I’m conflicted on this because going after family is despicable…..but this is the person that 60% of the GOP can’t go without. I’m sorry but if this is who you supported and plan to support in November, Trump is who you are. It takes character to make hard decisions. Rejecting Trump should not be a hard decision….

    It seems to me that because so many can’t go without Trump and that leaving him is such a hard decision speaks to the deified stature his followers have assigned him and his willingness to play act a larger-than-life savior-like role in their lives. The Christian evangelicals have given him the same sort of deference and reverence that was once reserved for Christ. Move over, Jesus, you have competition.

    Dana (8e902f)

  76. SaveFarris (250997) — 3/30/2024 @ 9:07 am

    It wouldn’t be an issue if there weren’t for the death threats, and Trump has to know that, so Trump’s inclusion of Ms. Merchan in his tirades is a form of bullying and intimidation of the judge presiding over his case.

    As Cattogio noted, threats against judges and prosecutors have been commonplace during Trump’s legal travails.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  77. @71 “In what other criminal cases is the defendant’s guilt or innocence put up to a popular vote?”

    None, and not in this one either. Liz is “warning” (see the link) the SCOTUS not to delay a forgone conclusion of guilt before the next election. In what other criminal cases is this expected?

    lloyd (326cba)

  78. @71 “Under what principle of justice is it proper to deny voters the chance to see all the evidence against a criminal defendant who wants them to give him the power to place himself above the law?”

    None. Why did the J6 committee withhold evidence and testimony? Why do you trust voters with the evidence, but not to vote as they wish?

    lloyd (326cba)

  79. Why did the J6 committee withhold evidence and testimony?

    They didn’t.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  80. Donald Trump isn’t smart enough to be Roy Cohn but he is doing his best to imitate Cohn, the vengeful bully. Cohn always seemed willing to destroy the law for personal gain. I hope Trump doesn’t get another chance to try.

    DRJ (3d228d)

  81. @71 “As a rule, should presidents and ex-presidents all be free to violate laws with impunity, as Trump claims, or does that rule apply only to a president you like?”

    Did Biden violate the law with his handling of classified documents as vice president and as a private citizen writing a book with a million $ advance? Can you answer without reference to any ex-presidents?

    lloyd (10de6a)

  82. And this long distance dedication goes out to Rip, nk and Kevin’s Trump thoughts, out there in Patterico Land!

    Stay tuned to KPAT for all the latest Trump news and classic hits!

    qdpsteve again (e25173) — 3/29/2024 @ 7:47 pm

    Not sure what your point is, because as the song says “The law won.”

    Rip Murdock (5d7b3b)

  83. this commenter “suggested” that I should change my lifestyle and buy an EV and start riding on bikes and public transportation

    Not many takers here in New Mexico, which is much more car (or rather truck) based than even Los Angeles. The feds demand bike lanes on any road they fund, but I have yet to see a bike in any of them.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  84. Thanks to Operation Warp Speed

    No argument. If the announcement of the clinical results had been two weeks earlier, Trump would have won that election, too. It was probably the best thing he did in his four years, and his willingness to go along with the pandemic response saved many more lives.

    I happen to know Gary Busey, and knew him before his accident. Every time I hear about how the vaccine was some kind of deathtrap, I think of Gary and his rant about helmets.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  85. Spanked:

    (U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer) on Monday threw out a lawsuit filed last year by Elon Musk’s X platform against the nonprofit organization Center for Countering Digital Hate.
    “This case is about punishing the Defendants for their speech,” the judge wrote.
    Musk, who has called himself a free speech absolutist, targeted the Center for Countering Digital Hate after it released a report called “Toxic Twitter” last year, when X was known as Twitter. That report said that Twitter under Musk’s ownership had reinstated the accounts of previously suspended “neo-Nazis, white supremacists, misogynists and spreaders of dangerous conspiracy theories,” and that Twitter stood to profit from additional advertising as a result.
    …………. Breyer wrote in his ruling that X was simply trying to silence its critics. He ruled that X’s suit violated a California law barring litigation that is designed to punish free speech, cases that are also known as “strategic lawsuits against public participation” or SLAPP.

    “X Corp.’s motivation in bringing this case is evident. X Corp. has brought this case in order to punish CCDH for CCDH publications that criticized X Corp. — and perhaps in order to dissuade others who might wish to engage in such criticism,” Breyer wrote.
    “If CCDH’s publications were defamatory, that would be one thing, but X Corp. has carefully avoided saying that they are.”

    Judge Breyer is the brother of retired Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

    Rip Murdock (5d7b3b)

  86. Thanks to Operation Warp Speed

    No argument. If the announcement of the clinical results had been two weeks earlier, Trump would have won that election, too. It was probably the best thing he did in his four years, and his willingness to go along with the pandemic response saved many more lives.

    Trump of course should be running on its success, but since his base is fervently opposed to the vaccines that is impossible. If Trump did promote the millions of lives the vaccines saved worldwide, they have an anti-vaccine candidate alternative.

    Rip Murdock (5d7b3b)

  87. Trump Civil Litigation Watch-UK Loser Edition:

    A London appellate justice refused former President Donald Trump’s request to appeal the dismissal of his case against retired British spy Christopher Steele’s company over his controversial 2016 dossier.

    The former president had sought permission to appeal Judge Karen Steyn’s February judgement that Trump’s data privacy case — which argued that Steele harmed his reputation by peddling “egregiously inaccurate” claims about his Russian ties — lacked merit and should be thrown out. Steyn also ordered Trump to pay £300,000 ($385,000) in legal fees to Steele’s company, Orbis Business Intelligence, which Trump requested to be stayed.

    In his order Wednesday, Lord Justice Mark Warby said Trump’s “appeal would have no real prospect of success,” finding that some of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s arguments were contradictory and his appeal attempted to offer new points that he didn’t present before Steyn.

    Rip Murdock (5d7b3b)

  88. Four years ago today, there was blame-shifting to Obama and nurses, soft-pedaling and hard-peddling about the seriousness of a pandemic, walking away from basic questions. We weren’t better off.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  89. John Eastman Should Lose Law License, Judge Finds
    In a 128-page ruling, the judge, Yvette Roland, said Mr. Eastman had willfully misrepresented facts in lawsuits he helped file challenging the election results and acted dishonestly in promoting a “wild theory” that Mr. Trump’s vice president, Mike Pence, could unilaterally declare him the victor during a certification proceeding at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

    “In sum, Eastman exhibited gross negligence by making false statements about the 2020 election without conducting any meaningful investigation or verification of the information he was relying upon,” Judge Roland found, adding that he had breached “his ethical duty as an attorney to prioritize honesty and integrity.”

    The ruling said Mr. Eastman would lose his license within three days of the decision being issued. While he can appeal the finding, the ruling makes his license “inactive,” meaning that he cannot practice law in California while a review is taking place.
    In recommending Mr. Eastman lose his license, Judge Roland accused him of “moral turpitude” for his “dubious strategy to influence Vice President Pence to take unilateral action” to hand the election to Mr. Trump on Jan. 6.

    “No law or provision in the Constitution confers on the vice president the power to reject electoral votes or delay the counting of votes,” the judge wrote. “Eastman knew this.”
    ………… Mr. Eastman was identified — albeit not by name — as Co-Conspirator 2 in a federal indictment filed in Washington last summer charging Mr. Trump with plotting to overturn the election. The indictment describes Co-Conspirator 2, who was not charged in the case, as a lawyer who came up with and sought to carry out a plan to “leverage” Mr. Pence’s “ceremonial role” at the proceeding on Jan. 6 to “obstruct the certification of the presidential election.”

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  90. @89 Four years ago we were blaming a wet market, silencing and smearing those who questioned it. Four years ago, those in blue states had months of lockdowns, remote learning, and their kids lost a year of progress.

    lloyd (10de6a)

  91. Trump of course should be running on its success

    Instead, he is running on resentment, fear, xenophobia and a hatred for America’s institutions.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  92. Every so often I start to think that maybe, just maybe, I could accept Donald Trump being elected. It may be that I’d have to, so I start to look for some silver lining (other than the main one: Joe Biden loses).

    Then Trump does something even more perverted than before and I realize that we are truly lost either way, but still Trump is worse.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  93. @91: And every crackpot “scientist” points to Galileo’s persecution.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  94. I cal shenanigans on the “Trump threatens judge’s daughter” story.

    SaveFarris (250997) — 3/30/2024 @ 9:07 am

    Did you read Trump’s tweet?

    He said the judge is compromised, and should be removed immediately. He said his daughter (whom Trump names), is a Rabid Trump Hater. That’s all the cult needs to go after them, including death threats.

    That’s the way the cult works. Trump doesn’t need to be overt. It’s like a mafioso saying “That’s a nice shop you have there.”

    Mitt Romney isn’t paying $5,000 daily in private security to protect his family for kicks and giggles. It’s because of Trump’s goons.

    Are Don Jr, Ivanka, and Kushner all off-limits from criticism because they’re children? Of course not. Neither is this woman.

    Biden doesn’t have a cult of goons who will issue death threats to anybody Biden criticizes.

    norcal (caeca7)

  95. Certainly not Ivanka Trump or her husband. They served in the White House as official advisers to the President.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  96. Not sure what your point is, because as the song says “The law won.”
    Rip Murdock (5d7b3b) — 3/30/2024 @ 10:47 am

    It was, and is, simply a humorous observation, plus the song apparently matches the feelings of most commenters here.

    Some related points:

    – I’ve never shared here what I believe re BOAR’s guilt or innocence. Truth is I don’t know what the judges, juries and witnesses know, or all the facts, and I’ve never been so in love with Don as to demand he get a free pass for anything.

    – Often I’ve wished for the ability to fast-forward five years ahead. Among many other things of course, I’d love to see what charges Trump gets nailed on, versus where he walks.

    – Finally, I post funny/flip things like that because as I’ve said before, this place needs more levity IMHO. I love a comment section that, besides debate, is full of camaraderie, jokes and friendly banter. I wish this place was more like other blogs that way. Still remember what a breath of fresh air it was some weeks/months ago when it came up that NJRob is expecting an addition to the family, and Patterico put down his anti-Trump sword for a moment to congratulate him. Was so great to see.

    qdpsteve again (be8c0a)

  97. There is a sobering article, “Relentless Reaper”, in the March 2nd issue of the Economist on the US fentanyl crisis. Briefly, the crisis began while Obama was president, soared while the Loser was in office, and has now leveled off — at a very high level.

    If we include overdose deaths from other drugs, we are now losing about 100,000 people a year. Many of them young people.

    Federal spending on the control of illegal drugs has risen signficantly in the last three years.

    Seizures of fentanyl at the border doubled last year, and are now about 5 times as high as they were in 2020.

    (The death rates from overdose deaths vary signficantly by state; Here’s some data from 2021 demonstrating that.

    You would need a set of experts to judge how good the data is in each of the states, but it is probably safe to assume the quality varies from state to state.)

    Jim Miller (31dac6)

  98. Jeffrey Clark Disbarment Hearing:

    “I tried to explain to (Clark) that it was a bad idea (to replace the leadership of the Justice Department with Clark, who Trump expected to mount a sweeping nationwide effort to help him remain in power) for multiple reasons,” (former deputy White House counsel, Pat Philbin) recalled Tuesday at a long-delayed disbarment hearing for Clark. “He would be starting down a path of assured failure … If by some miracle somehow, it worked, there’d be riots in every major city in the country and it was not an outcome the country would accept.”

    It was Philbin’s first public testimony about the chaotic final days of the Trump presidency since he left the White House. Though Philbin has spoken to both the Jan. 6 select committee and the federal grand jury that indicted Trump for his effort to seize a second term, no transcript or recording of his remarks has even been released.
    Philbin described feeling relief in the first days of January 2021 when he heard that Trump had ditched plans to appoint Clark as acting attorney general. But he quickly learned in discussions with his boss, Pat Cipollone, and two top DOJ officials — acting attorney general Jeff Rosen and his deputy Richard Donoghue — that the effort had been revived. The men agreed that Philbin should speak to Clark, owing to their decadeslong relationship, and attempt to discern what was happening.

    Philbin, who testified for about two hours on Tuesday, described Clark as wildly misinformed about claims of election fraud — countenancing a theory about “smart thermostats” being used to manipulate voting machines — and not sufficiently cognizant of the havoc it would wreak on the country if his plan succeeded. But he said Clark seemed “100 percent sincere” in his beliefs.
    When Philbin warned Clark that there would be riots in every major American city if Trump reversed the outcome of the election, Clark responded, “Well, Pat, that’s what the Insurrection Act is for,” Philbin recalled.

    Clark, in Philbin’s telling, was referring to a 19th-century federal law that permits the president to use the military to quell civil unrest, an indication that he recognized the grave implications of his efforts. …………

    “I don’t think I said anything on the phone. I just thought that that showed a lack of judgment,” he said. “Triggering riots in every major city in America, you’ve got to be really sure about what you’re doing and have no alternatives … In my estimation, that was not the sort of situation we were talking about.”

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  99. Texas federal court refuses to ban judge shopping. (DU) It would not benefit trump or republican party.

    asset (ff6b67)

  100. Correction about this Transgender Day, per Heath Mayo.

    Transgender Day has been March 31 for 15 years. Biden has proclaimed it since 2021. This is not an attack on Easter.

    But it isn’t clear why we institutionally celebrate this day in the first place. Do respect and tolerance really require celebration? Is it even constructive?

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  101. qdpsteve, I appreciate your comments. I used to post a lot more, but found that some of the commenters really impacted me negatively. Eventually, I came to see that that was my problem, not theirs. So I post less.

    I too remember a different time on this site. But in the final analysis, it is not my site. But I still enjoy the posts. And I look for some of the commenters, to see how people are doing.

    Best wishes.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  102. – Finally, I post funny/flip things like that because as I’ve said before, this place needs more levity IMHO.

    qdpsteve again (be8c0a) — 3/30/2024 @ 1:42 pm

    I did my part at 41.

    Here’s a follow-up:

    The girl feels bad because her boyfriend feels badly.


    That is the correct way to use bad and badly.

    Now you’ll never make a mistake with those two words!

    (BTW, I got this follow-up just last night from my 92-year-old mother, a former English teacher. She can still bring the humor.)

    norcal (897ff5)

  103. Simon and norcal, thanks.
    True, not our site.

    qdpsteve again (be8c0a)

  104. I don’t care if it rains or freezes I ‘m going to buy me a plastic trump bible. (snl)

    asset (c65187)

  105. SNL missed a chance to add in a Trump Book of Mormon, with all the attendant Mormon jokes.

    norcal (897ff5)

  106. But it isn’t clear why we institutionally celebrate this day in the first place. Do respect and tolerance really require celebration? Is it even constructive?

    “Two All Beef Patties, Special Sauce, Lettuce, Cheese, Pickles, Onions on a Sesame Seed Bun.”

    Would it still be the same without the sesame? The recipe for the Democrat political Big Mac hawked to their base calls for trans inclusivity.

    nk (04a8b2)

  107. Rejoice for He is risen!

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  108. Amen! He is risen!

    felipe (5e2a04)

  109. Happy Easter!
    An advantage for Joe is that he’s able to hide his own Easter eggs (dad joke alert).

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  110. Biden doesn’t have a cult of goons who will issue death threats to anybody Biden criticizes.

    Brett Kavanaugh, Rand Paul, and Steve Scalise would likely disagree.

    SaveFarris (99a679)

  111. Given that we have several officianados of Sci-Fi who reside at this blog, I’m curious if any of those have watched Netflix’s 3 Body Problem (or read the books).

    There’s lots of great moral questions. There’s also lots of questions that I wonder if the book does better at fleshing out. Still, it’s a show that exhibits some creativity…and some sciency.

    I hope it sees a season 2….unlike Trump

    AJ_Liberty (f99375)

  112. SNL thanks Trump for the gift of providing them so much material.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  113. Happy Easter, my Gregorian friends!

    nk (934906)

  114. I’m not sure which is more obnoxious, anti-Israel protesters blocking freeways or disrupting Easter Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  115. AJ – I read the first book in the “Three-Body” trilogy, and liked it quite a bit — but never felt impelled to read the second or third.

    Partly, that’s just because there are so many books I feel I ought to read. Recently, for example, I finished “Justinian’s Flea”, and am now re-reading Derek Bok’s “Our Underachieving Colleges”.

    Jim Miller (301a58)

  116. Happy Easter to all who are celebrating it today!

    Jim Miller (301a58)

  117. I started to read 3 Body Problem but gave up. I found it tedious.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  118. Texas appeals court upholds block on abuse investigations into families of trans minors
    The 3rd Court of Appeals’ 67-page order in PFLAG v. Abbott preserves two 2022 temporary injunctions that bar the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services from pursuing such inquiries into families who are members of PFLAG (formerly Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) National, an LGBTQ+ rights group.

    The court’s ruling in another 2022 case, Doe v. Abbott, protects a family and a psychologist from an investigation by the department while a final ruling is pending, but it lets Gov. Greg Abbott off the hook for the lawsuit.

    “In addition to their right to be free from an unlawful government investigation, the families of transgender children have the fundamental right to direct their children’s medical care without fear that they will be investigated and their children have the right to receive that medical treatment,” Justice Gisela Triana wrote in the decision.
    (In June 2022) Travis County state District Judge Amy Meachum granted two injunctions blocking the department from continuing to investigate those families solely based on reports that their children were prescribed gender-affirming medical care — one for two anonymous families (Voe and Roe) and another for PFLAG members and the Briggles family.

    Meachum based her ruling on her finding that the (Texas Department of Family and Protective Services ) rule implementing Abbott’s order “was given the effect of a new law or new agency rule, despite no new legislation, regulation or even valid agency policy,” and that it went beyond the agency’s authority and “enabling statute.”
    The appeals court on Friday also issued an appellate ruling in Doe v. Abbott, a case brought by the parents of a transgender adolescent diagnosed with gender dysphoria and by Dr. Megan Mooney, a psychologist who treats transgender children.

    The lawsuit, which was filed soon after the Department of Family and Protective Services announced it would follow Abbott’s directive, sought injunctive relief against the new rule that would apply for families across the state. That relief was at least temporarily stymied by the Texas Supreme Court when it ruled that a lower court did not have the authority to issue a statewide injunction in May 2022. The merits still have not been litigated in trial, and the Supreme Court did not rule on the merits of the case.

    (The appeals court) upheld an injunction stalling an investigation that the department pursued into the Doe family based on gender-affirming care.

    But they also diverged from the lower court in vacating its ruling against the governor on the basis that the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue him or Paxton, only the department.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  119. This is testament to the Ukrainians willingness to fight against the Russian invaders, giving up only 97 square miles since MAGA Mike has been Speaker but, because of Trump and his Speaker puppet, they’re going to have to give up more territory in the coming weeks and months for the lack of American military aid.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  120. The attacks on Brett Kavanaugh, Rand Paul, and Steve Scalise weren’t proceeded by threatening social media posts by Biden calling them out, as Trump has done repeatedly against his perceived enemies.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  121. I didn’t know SNL had a new fake Trump. Has this one killed anyone yet?

    lloyd (1d4a45)

  122. @121 Actual physical assaults and attempted murder versus mean tweets. A president so feeble minded that he’s incapable of writing one single social media post is naturally going to have his hands clean.

    lloyd (1d4a45)

  123. Actual physical assaults and attempted murder versus mean tweets.

    It’s as if a president didn’t invite–by tweet–a cast of thousands to foment an insurrection.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  124. Supreme Court declines to take Nicholas Sandmann’s petition
    Justices decided not to take up Sandmann’s petition against several outlets, including ABC News, The New York Times, Gannett, and others, leaving in place a lower court’s dismissal of the massive libel suit.
    Sandmann’s lawyer wrote in his petition that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit erred when it found the media outlets, which reported Phillips’s account that Sandmann had “blocked [his] way and wouldn’t allow [him] to retreat,” had published statements that were “protected opinions.”
    The 6th Circuit ruled 2-1 last August that the “blocking” statements at issue were “nonactionable” because the media published Phillips expressing “his subjective understanding of the situation and of Sandmann’s intent, an understanding informed by the pair’s proximity, the other students’ movement, and the lack of communication during the encounter.”

    Sandmann asked the Supreme Court in January to hear his appeal of the 6th Circuit decision and answer the following questions: “Do statements conveying observed sensory impressions in factual, descriptive terms constitute protected ‘opinion’ under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States?” and “Did the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit effectively eliminate the distinction between fact and opinion articulated in Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Company, 497 U.S. 1 (1990)?”

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  125. @124 Correct. He didn’t.

    lloyd (1d4a45)

  126. Denial is such a sad thing.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  127. @127 Your beef is with Jack Smith.

    lloyd (1d4a45)

  128. Nope. I know what I saw and heard with my own two eyes and ears. I don’t need a Special Counsel to translate.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  129. For those that argue that Trump will have people controlling him as president, why are they failing so badly now?

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  130. Correct. He didn’t.

    He just calls the insurrectionists “hostages” and “patriots” now. What changed his mind?

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  131. It’s Bipartisan!

    Who says Congress can’t focus on America’s urgent problems? A bipartisan crowd is building on Capitol Hill to require that every car have an analog AM radio. There’s nothing that government won’t mandate these days, and we don’t mean that as a compliment.

    Some auto makers have dropped AM radio from EV models because their components can interfere with signals. The companies can mitigate electromagnetic interference with cables, filters and other materials, as some have done. But these involve engineering trade-offs that can increase manufacturing costs.
    This is a sop to AM broadcasters, which are struggling amid increased competition from satellite radio, podcasts and other audio media. They say AM radio can provide the only reliable source of information in an emergency. And it’s true AM signals can reach rural locations where cell service and broadband can sometimes be limited.
    In any case, Americans would only get AM radio alerts if they happened to be tuned into AM radio while driving. …….

    Some Republicans say auto makers are suppressing conservative voices by eliminating analog AM radio. This is ridiculous. Auto makers that have removed analog AM radio from EVs—namely, European luxury manufacturers and Tesla—enable drivers to access AM newscasts via other means.
    Forty-seven Senators, including 24 Republicans, and 237 Members in the House (125 Republicans including Speaker Mike Johnson) have co-sponsored the legislation. Republicans once stood for free markets, but their principles are now as fuzzy as AM radio signals.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  132. I’m visiting my parents this weekend, and at Easter mass this morning the deacon gave the homily and repeated a joke that he told at last year’s Easter mass. I’ll go ahead and include it here:

    It seems that this gentleman was traveling in the Holy Land with his wife and family, including his wife’s mother. Unfortunately, his mother in law fell ill and died while the group was in Jerusalem. The man went to the U.S. Embassy to get the proper death certificate and make arrangements to send her body home, and the worker at the embassy told him that proper shipping of the body would run around $5,000. He further reported that the body could be buried locally for a mere $850. The man thought about it, then said that he would have to give it further consideration and then come back with a decision the next day.

    So the next morning, the guy returns to the embassy and informs them that he will go ahead and pay the $5,000 to have his mother in law’s lifeless body shipped back to the U.S.

    “Are you sure you don’t want to inter her here and save both money and hassle?” asked the embassy worker.

    “Well you see,” replied the man, “I’ve been reading about this fellow who died and was interred here in Jerusalem, and three days later came back to life. I just can’t afford to take that risk.”

    Happy (Western) Easter, everyone.

    JVW (c599e3)

  133. Rip Murdock (19ce52) — 3/31/2024 @ 1:03 pm

    I remember when one could opt for “radio delete” in a new car. My grandfather selected that option when buying a car because he thought a radio would distract him while driving.

    norcal (dea835)

  134. “AJ – I read the first book in the “Three-Body” trilogy, and liked it quite a bit — but never felt impelled to read the second or third.”

    I understand some of the complaints about NetFlix’s adaptation but the concept is intriguing. AI, nanotechnology and molecular filaments, Virtual Reality, tri-solar astrophysics, quantum mechanics and entanglement, string theory and unrolling dimensions, tapping vacuum energy to decelerate sophons, and nuclear pulse propulsion. That’s at least the concepts I caught over the first season.

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s some crap in there…like using the sun to amplify radio signals that you just have to excuse. The Quantum entanglement to facilitate communication is also a no-no with our current understanding…but they needed a way to get the drama of actual communication so I excuse that one as well.

    The casting is amusing: five early-30 geniuses who chain smoke, pop pills, drink, and one-night-stand their way through life. OK, I guess it’s Hollywood’s way of injecting complexity and, like the show “The 100”, we like our attractive people! Hey, many of our super geniuses have self-destructive tendencies but this trope tends to be over-played.

    I’m still troubled by advanced civilizations that have figured out how to unroll dimensions struggling to solve their 3 body problem dilemma and settle on old earth as their destination. Oh and they don’t understand the idea of a parable….come on…that was annoying.

    But I like that it’s a show about wrestling with science and morality…though the pacing is pretty fast. It has a bit more heft than much of what is on the screen. I encourage you to check it out and see if I’m out in left field

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  135. I encourage you to check it out and see if I’m out in left field

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3) — 3/31/2024 @ 1:11 pm

    I’m sure the few Trump apologists here would say you are. 😛

    norcal (dea835)

  136. Love the joke, JVW! As soon as I saw “mother-in-law” I knew it would be a good one.

    norcal (dea835)

  137. lol, JVW.

    Dana (8e902f)

  138. About those Easter egg decorating rules:

    Emily Metz, president and CEO of the American Egg Board, a group that supports the White House Egg Roll, said in a statement, “The American Egg Board has been a supporter of the White House Easter Egg Roll for over 45 years and the guideline language referenced in recent news reports has consistently applied to the board since its founding, across administrations.”

    Similarly, the White House emphasized that the guidelines banning religious themes from the eggs have been in place for decades and aren’t the result of a new Biden administration policy.

    “The American Egg Board flyer’s standard non-discrimination language requesting artwork has been used for the last 45 years, across all Dem & Republican Admins—for all WH Easter Egg Rolls —incl previous Administration’s,” the first lady’s communications director, Elizabeth Alexander, said in a post on X.

    Rip Murdock (6841c0)

  139. In any case, Americans would only get AM radio alerts if they happened to be tuned into AM radio while driving

    An emergency signal can be detected by a radio and automatically tune to a CD station regardless of where the listener has the radio set. Sure, AM is easier, bit both XM and FM could be made to work that way, too. It’s simply a matter of standards, just like the old clear-channel CD stations were.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  140. I remember when one could opt for “radio delete” in a new car. My grandfather selected that option when buying a car because he thought a radio would distract him while driving.

    That was back in the day when there was a standard plug-in size for radios, and one could opt for a better, cheaper after-market radio. Those days are long gone and your entire control setup is tied to the radio console.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  141. Quantum entanglement to facilitate communication is also a no-no with our current understanding

    Not sure this is correct. See here, for example.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  142. I remember when Republicans stood for free markets and mandating companies to make certain products.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  143. Correction to post 143:

    I remember when Republicans stood for free markets and not mandating companies to make certain products.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  144. many of our super geniuses have self-destructive tendencies but this trope tends to be over-played.

    Kary Mullis for one. Richard Feynman might have fit in as well, at least the sex part.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  145. I remember when Republicans stood for free markets and not mandating companies to make certain products.

    So, you have a problem with station-frequency assignments then?

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  146. So, you have a problem with station-frequency assignments then?

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 3/31/2024 @ 3:52 pm

    No, but I have a problem with the federal government mandating car manufacturers include an AM radio receiver to support a dying industry. Otherwise, there is no reason for AM radio. Stations can be streamed through the car’s audio system.

    Radio frequency assignments have nothing to do with mandating that cars include the ability to hear them. Let the market dictate what receivers are included in cars.

    Rip Murdock (6841c0)

  147. I haven’t listened to an AM station in the five years I’ve owned my current car. I listen to FM, Sirius/XM, or stream through my phone.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  148. The government may have a need to require an emergency notification system. As I said before, that doesn’t need AM radio, although some AM stations have thousand-mile footprints. But they would need to mandate one or more signalling method by which the channel would be activated and that necessarily requires a receiver for one of the signals.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  149. I listen to FM, Sirius/XM, or stream through my phone.

    Why FM?

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  150. If had read the full article at the link, that point is addressed.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  151. Why FM?

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 3/31/2024 @ 4:16 pm

    Because I want to.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  152. The government may have a need to require an emergency notification system. As I said before, that doesn’t need AM radio, although some AM stations have thousand-mile footprints. But they would need to mandate one or more signalling method by which the channel would be activated and that necessarily requires a receiver for one of the signals.

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 3/31/2024 @ 4:14 pm

    That point is addressed in the article.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  153. Kevin, what other technology is going to have a thousand mile footprint? There is no cell signal in much of Nevada.

    norcal (c66824)

  154. Kevin, what other technology is going to have a thousand mile footprint?

    XM has a pretty good one.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  155. “I listen to FM, Sirius/XM, or stream through my phone.”

    I very rarely listen to AM too, but so what? This isn’t about you, or me. FM doesn’t have the range, Sirius/XM requires a subscription and has fewer listeners than AM, and streaming works only as long as the network is up and there’s coverage. There are still a lot of areas in the country that are in dead zones, and AM is all that’s available. And even if you want to dismiss that because it doesn’t apply to you, in the case of a military attack what do you think will be most likely available for mass communication? Do you think your internet will be up? That contingency can’t just be dismissed, and it has nothing to do with free markets.

    lloyd (5852e0)

  156. “Not sure this is correct.”

    Perhaps, maybe the No-communication theorem may have a corollary…but the physicists seem pretty certain at this point with proofs and everything

    AJ_Liberty (c30f0e)

  157. ‘It Wasn’t A Conspiracy Theory’: Bill Maher Says ‘Powers That Be’ Were Wrong About COVID

    Maher told his audience that “some very bad ideas” were accepted as the “conventional” way to deal with the pandemic, such as school closures and lockdown policies.

    “I get it that we didn’t know exactly what was happening at the beginning of COVID and some mistakes were inevitable,” Maher said. “But four years on, I’m tired of hearing ‘Well, we didn’t know.’ No, we didn’t. But some people guessed better than others. And the people who got it wrong don’t seem to want to acknowledge that now.”

    “Some people said closing schools for so long was pointless and would cause much worse collateral damage to kids and they were right,” he added.

    The “Real Time” host also admitted that several ideas about the origin of the virus were also dismissed too early as conspiracy theories. He mentioned the idea that COVID-19 came from a lab in Wuhan, China, a view that was widely criticized during the pandemic.

    “Of course, it wasn’t a conspiracy theory, and it wasn’t owned by Steve Bannon. And now everyone, including the Biden administration, admits there’s at least a 50-50 chance that the virus could have begun in the lab in Wuhan that was doing gain of function research on that virus, duh! But I don’t see a lot of retractions being printed,” Maher said.

    lloyd (f312a3)

  158. many of our super geniuses have self-destructive tendencies but this trope tends to be over-played.

    What super geniuses? Isn’t this fiction that you’re talking about? Both science fiction and fantasy had more than their fair share of sick puppies, but editors were keeping them under control until around the mid-1980s.

    Then, it seemed to me, they actively started soliciting sleaze. The editors, I mean. And the new writers and many of the old second-raters went along; and if they could not do it, they allowed the publishing houses to ghost the sleaze for them.

    My list of sci-fi/fantasy writers has shrunk down to zero by attrition. I think the last new sci-fi/fantasy I’ve read was around 2012 by the late Mike Resnick.

    nk (93a469)

  159. in the case of a military attack what do you think will be most likely available for mass communication?

    Not radio (or television), as neither would survive an EMP attack. I doubt any mass communication system would survive a full scale military attack.

    Rip Murdock (6841c0)

  160. Again, if customers want AM radio in their cars, I have no problem with the car companies offering it as an option. But it shouldn’t be mandated by the government for dubious reasons.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  161. nk – Who did you like among science fiction/fantasy writers, back when you did?

    Some examples from my own reading:
    Asimov’s “Martian Way”
    Some of Heinlein’s juveniles, for example “Farmer in the Sky”, The Rolling Stones”, and “The Star Beast”
    Some of Heinlein’s short stories, for example, “Delilah and the Space-Rigger” and “The Green Hills of Earth”
    (Sometimes when I am having a hair cut, I tell the “Delilah” story to the stylist. So far, all seem to like it.)
    Of course Heinlein’s “The Man Who Sold the Moon”, which inspired both Bezos and Musk.)
    Anderson/Dickson’s “Hoka! Hoka! Hoka!” collection
    Clifford Simak’s “Goblin Reservation”
    Walter Miller’s “A Canticle for Liebowitz”
    Larry Niven’s “Ringworld”
    Andy Weir’s “The Martian”

    (The Seattle Times tells me, from time to time, that I really should be reading fantasy from, and about, lesbians. So far their descriptions of the books sound awful.)

    Jim Miller (19045a)

  162. Almost all the authors and works you list, Jim. Except Andy Weir whom I cannot remember, and “A Canticle For Leibowitz” which a girl gifted me in college but I never got around to reading.

    My favoritest were Roger Zelazny and Jack Vance. I think I have read and reread every word they published.

    In grade school, I was very taken with Andre Norton and H. Beam Piper in addition to Heinlein and Asimov.

    Fritz Leiber came later but he was one of the weirdos I mentioned who needed an editor to keep him on a tight leash. Gene Wolfe did not impress me in my youth, but I liked him in his later writing career.

    I believe I have read every one of L. Ron Hubbard’s war, crime, and western stories, but only Battlefield Earth from his science fiction.

    From the lesser lights, I liked Glen Cook and David Drake a lot for a time. Leigh Brackett was the only other woman writer besides Andre Norton that I read and wished she were more prolific.

    nk (93a469)

  163. “Leave the World Behind” with Julia Roberts is surprisingly good. Long. But good story telling

    AJ_Liberty (c30f0e)

  164. @115 Thousands of protesters in Israel block highways to protest netanyahu allowing his religious party coalition memebers exempted from the draft as thousands of Israeli’s have died in the war. They are also protesting the delay in returning the hostages so netanyahu can avoid an election he would lose. (yahoo news) I have some really good mormon jokes ;but got threatened with censor last time I told a joke so I have to pass.

    asset (1e4291)

  165. @71

    “Let this sink in. We must prosecute the president and find him guilty lest the voters arrive at a different conclusion.”
    lloyd (60d6d9) — 3/29/2024 @ 1:34 pm

    * In what other criminal cases is the defendant’s guilt or innocence put up to a popular vote?

    The impeachment hearings?

    * Which other Americans should have the right to erase their own criminal prosecutions by gaining high political office?

    I don’t think this is as pithy as you make this out to be.

    Campaigning and running the office of the Presidency is very unique that, of course, other Americans could not do.

    Also, your statement ignores political realities.

    * Under what principle of justice is it proper to deny voters the chance to see all the evidence against a criminal defendant who wants them to give him the power to place himself above the law?

    Basic due process.

    * As a rule, should presidents and ex-presidents all be free to violate laws with impunity, as Trump claims, or does that rule apply only to a president you like?

    Radegunda (90c936) — 3/30/2024 @ 9:38 am

    They should be immune from prosecution for official acts during the Presidency. Both to presidents you do/don’t like.

    whembly (86df54)

  166. @147

    So, you have a problem with station-frequency assignments then?

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 3/31/2024 @ 3:52 pm

    No, but I have a problem with the federal government mandating car manufacturers include an AM radio receiver to support a dying industry. Otherwise, there is no reason for AM radio. Stations can be streamed through the car’s audio system.

    Radio frequency assignments have nothing to do with mandating that cars include the ability to hear them. Let the market dictate what receivers are included in cars.

    Rip Murdock (6841c0) — 3/31/2024 @ 4:06 pm

    Granted, I don’t have a full understanding of the rationale now…

    But I remember that the sentiment (aka, during Cold War) was that AM radios are far easier to setup, and signals travels at much greater distance than any of the new digital/satellite stations.

    Such government mandate wasn’t so much a SOP for AM radio stations, it was more for concerted effort to maintain communication technologies amongst the populace in case of a disaster knocking out other communication infrastructures.

    Furthermore, every AM station that I know of has a simulcast on alternative platform: FM/Satellite/internet/etc… so, I don’t believe this was a SOP for the radio stations.

    whembly (86df54)

  167. Read the WSJ editorial regarding the AM radio mandate.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  168. @168 That article doesn’t say anything… really.

    whembly (86df54)

  169. @166, Trump certainly deserves due process and the ability to appeal rulings. The process should move no faster nor slower because he’s an ex-President. But there is also an interest in justice, meaning getting a matter into a court room prior to the defendant potentially winning an election and dismissing his own case. If Trump did not do anything wrong, then he should be eager to let his evidence speak for him and clear his name. I think we understand why he’s not eager.

    I think we also underestimate the harm to our justice system that a potential self pardon inflicts. It may not even be Constitutional. The arguments will create divisions in this country that will fracture our democracy. Our political discourse will get more and more toxic, especially if a President Trump then aggressively uses Executive discretion in other polarizing ways (i.e., removing support for NATO and Ukraine, harsh de-humanizing immigration initiatives, etc). All this gambling and corrosive anger for of all people but Donald Trump!? Again, I’m all out of disbelief.

    Conservatism used to be about preserving our institutions and placing them above any one man. Now the GOP is about testing the integrity of each of these institutions for the benefit of one man. At some point you own it….

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  170. @168 That article doesn’t say anything… really.

    whembly (86df54) — 4/1/2024 @ 7:40 am

    It points out how Republicans no longer believe in free markets, but government mandates.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  171. Not radio (or television), as neither would survive an EMP attack. I doubt any mass communication system would survive a full scale military attack.

    Nor many listeners.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  172. the physicists seem pretty certain at this point with proofs and everything

    Some are convinced, but the “proofs” are mathematical and not experimental.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  173. They should be immune from prosecution for official acts during the Presidency. Both to presidents you do/don’t like.

    They are, at least for acts that are in furtherance of the DUTIES of the office.

    For example, when Obama ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden, he was acting in furtherance of his national security duties, and that is easily established even if one has a disagreement about his methods.

    If he had ordered the killing of, say, Ted Cruz — even if he had done so as an “official act” — he would still have to show convincingly that it had to do with his presidential duties.

    Trump’s attempts to subvert an election were not part of his duties — his assertion that he was attempting to restore order after a massive fraud might be a defense to the charges against him, but they are unproven and highly suspect, and are best dealt with as part of his criminal trial.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  174. I think we also underestimate the harm to our justice system that a potential self pardon inflicts. It may not even be Constitutional.

    There is no reason to thing a self-pardon is constitutional. Given the debates at the Convention, they never considered it (or dismissed it as an absurdity) — their debate was such that it would have been a show-stopper if they had.

    If it were legal, each and every president would self-pardon on their last day in office. It’s like dividing by zero.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  175. It points out how Republicans no longer believe in free markets, but government mandates.

    No, it points out how rigid ideologues are increasingly in disfavor.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  176. * In what other criminal cases is the defendant’s guilt or innocence put up to a popular vote?

    The impeachment hearings?
    They should be immune from prosecution for official acts during the Presidency. Both to presidents you do/don’t like.

    whembly (86df54) — 4/1/2024 @ 6:46 am

    Impeachment doesn’t necessarily involve criminal behavior (though it helps). A President can be impeached for moral turpitude, for example. The Constitution mentions only two crimes in the impeachment clause (treason and bribery). The impeachment clause includes

    ………what are aptly termed, political offences, growing out of personal misconduct, or gross neglect, or usurpation, or habitual disregard of the public interests, in the discharge of the duties of political office. These are so various in their character, and so indefinable in their actual involutions, that it is almost impossible to provide systematically for them by positive law.

    Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States § 762 (1833) quoted here.

    Trump isn’t just arguing that a President should be immune for official acts (no doubt broadly defined), but all acts unless the President has been impeached.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  177. There is no reason to thing a self-pardon is constitutional. Given the debates at the Convention, they never considered it (or dismissed it as an absurdity) — their debate was such that it would have been a show-stopper if they had.

    If it were legal, each and every president would self-pardon on their last day in office. It’s like dividing by zero.

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 9:02 am

    There is nothing in the Constitution that says a self-pardon is unconstitutional, the fact that those at the Constitutional Convention didn’t debate it doesn’t mean anything. There is a lot of Constitutional interpretation since then that they didn’t debate.

    Who would be able to bring a challenge to a self-pardon? No one would have standing.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  178. “Misdemeanor” as it was used in 1789 meant “bad behavior” not a criminal act between “infraction” and “felony.” So, Bill Clinton could well have been impeached for getting a hummer from an intern in the Oval, in addition the perjury charge.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  179. It points out how Republicans no longer believe in free markets, but government mandates.

    No, it points out how rigid ideologues are increasingly in disfavor.

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 9:03 am

    I guess government does have the right to mandate the purchasing of health insurance, because thinking otherwise is being a “rigid ideologue. Who knew?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  180. There is a lot of Constitutional interpretation since then that they didn’t debate.

    They damn near did not give the President a pardon power for fear he would pardon criminal underlings to protect himself. They did limit it by excluding acts subject to impeachment (of anyone). But the tenor of the debate was such that it would have been an OH SH1T moment if the idea had come up.

    It is ludicrous. Like dividing by zero.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  181. @181: Missing the point, with noted effort.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  182. Reality Bites:

    The share price of Trump Media fell sharply Monday morning after the social media app company closely tied to former president Donald Trump reported a net loss of $58.2 million on revenue of just $4.1 million in 2023.

    Trump Media & Technology Group shares trading down by more than 15.7% as of 11:38 a.m. ET.
    The filing shows that in 2022, Trump Media had a net profit of $50.5 million and total revenue of only $1.47 million.

    The company ended 2023 with just $2.7 million in cash on hand, the (company’s 8-K) filing said.
    The filing also warns shareholders that Trump’s involvement in the company could put it at greater risk than other social media companies.

    TMTG also disclosed to regulators that the company had identified “material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting” when it prepared a previous financial statement for the first three quarters of 2023.

    As of right now, TMTG shares are down over 20%. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  183. Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 9:17 am

    We’ll see.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  184. Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 9:17 am

    Again, who would have standing to challenge a self-pardon? Someone would need to show they were actually (not theoretically) harmed by a self-pardon.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  185. No, it points out how rigid ideologues are increasingly in disfavor.

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 9:03 am

    Free markets, free minds.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  186. Again, who would have standing to challenge a self-pardon? Someone would need to show they were actually (not theoretically) harmed by a self-pardon.

    This has been repeatedly answered. The special counsel, for one. Anyone in the DoJ who hasn’t been corrupted.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  187. Free markets, free minds.

    Slogans are the last refuge of the rigid ideologue.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  188. Israel strikes Iranian embassy in Damascus. Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander killed.

    Turnabout is fair play.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  189. Again, who would have standing to challenge a self-pardon? Someone would need to show they were actually (not theoretically) harmed by a self-pardon.

    This has been repeatedly answered. The special counsel, for one. Anyone in the DoJ who hasn’t been corrupted.

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 12:50 pm

    On what grounds? What is the evidence (or law) that would allow the Special Counsel (or any one not “corrupted” in the DOJ) to challenge a self-pardon? They would have to demonstrate a particular harm to themselves, personally, to have standing. “Harm to the country” would be insufficient.

    The only constitutional solution would be impeachment.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  190. The Supreme Court has held that, as a threshold procedural matter, a litigant must have standing in order to invoke the jurisdiction of a federal court so that the court may exercise its remedial powers on his behalf. In general, for a party to establish Article III standing, he must allege (and ultimately prove) that he has a genuine stake in the outcome of the case because he has personally suffered (or will imminently suffer): (1) a concrete and particularized injury; (2) that is traceable to the allegedly unlawful actions of the opposing party; and (3) that is redressable by a favorable judicial decision. These requirements seek to ensure that federal courts do not exceed their Article III power to decide actual cases or controversies.

    Source. Footnotes omitted.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  191. I would be shocked if the Supreme Court would rigidly apply standing to avoid weighing in on the validity of a self pardon…..unless there are 6 clear votes for a broad application of the power.
    The justices worried about violence in the street from disqualifying Trump on 14A grounds…..and went out of there way to weigh in on Presidential immunity generally. I think they want this as a historical matter.

    Now what stands in the way of finding the self pardon unconstitutional is the pragmatic point that a President could simply step aside and then allow his VP to pardon him. One wonders if Roberts would look for a saving construction. There really needed to be a trial before the convention and election. Justice delayed is justice denied…

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  192. I would be shocked if the Supreme Court would rigidly apply standing to avoid weighing in on the validity of a self pardon…….

    I wouldn’t. To do so would upend more than 60 years of precedents. Kevin M’s belief that a self-pardon is unconstitutional (without any constitutional or case law to back up the assertion) reminds me of his favorite movie quote:

    Alice More: Arrest him!

    More: Why, what has he done?

    Margaret More: He’s bad!

    Sir Thomas More: There is no law against that.

    Will Roper: There is! God’s law!

    More: Then God can arrest him.

    Alice: While you talk, he’s gone!

    More: And go he should, if he was the Devil himself, until he broke the law!

    Roper: So now you’d give the Devil benefit of law!

    More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?

    Roper: I’d cut down every law in England to do that!

    More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast– man’s laws, not God’s– and if you cut them down—and you’re just the man to do it—do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law for my own safety’s sake.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  193. Well, at least Rip has good taste in Best Picture flicks. A Man For All Seasons is one of my all-time favorites.

    In the meantime: Hello again everyone. What a great, fun April 1st I’m having this year!

    – Just emailed off all my personal and bank account information to my great new friend, the Prince of Nigeria, who’s gifted me $10 million in bitcoin

    – Used some of my new riches to book a beautiful luxury ocean cruise to Las Vegas

    – And now I’m about to head off to Buffalo Wild Wings to try their fantastic new Toe Jam flavor wings

    qdpsteve again (c55d69)

  194. Toe Jam? Is that a new band?

    norcal (36d73f)

  195. Israel strikes Iranian embassy in Damascus.

    Israel struck an embassy???

    Of course, Israel and Iran are practically at war (but not on Iranian territory – that’s one of the “rules” of engagement here ) and both countries are enemies of Israel.

    Iran must have thought the embassy – and in Syria not Lebanon- was a particularly safe place to be for people engaged in war with Israel.

    The United States once bombed the Chinese embassy in Serbia. It probably really was by mistake (not updating info) but China probably didn’t think so, and it helped.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  196. whembly (86df54) — 4/1/2024 @ 6:46 am

    They should be immune from prosecution for official acts during the Presidency. Both to presidents you do/don’t like.

    I don’t think if the official acts were undertaken because of bribery. It has to be something intended for honest purposes

    A self-pardon could be challenged by a subsequent indictment

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  197. 168. The most prominent AM radio stations have started simulcasting on the FM band.

    Like 1010 WINS in New York City, now announcing itself as: 1010 WINS ALL NEWS 92 3

    They also frequently stream on the Internet (accessible in electric cars)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  198. RIP Whittaker

    Considering his mountain climbing career, it’s amazing that he lived to be 95.

    (Years and years ago, I climbed Mt. Rainier with his guide company.

    At the time it took three days. On the first day, you got some simple training in using an ice ax and crampons, and being roped into teams, with a guide in each; on the second day you hiked up to Camp Muir, where you slept a few hours (if you could, sharing a bunk room with dozens of other people); on the third, early in the morning, summitted — and then went down about 9,000 feet to the parking lot at Paradise.

    Great experience, but I wouldn’t do it again.)

    Jim Miller (a8cd1d)

  199. “In sum, Eastman exhibited gross negligence by making false statements about the 2020 election without conducting any meaningful investigation or verification of the information he was relying upon,” Judge Roland found, adding that he had breached “his ethical duty as an attorney to prioritize honesty and integrity.”

    Is this rule appplied consistently to all lawyers?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  200. The Taliban seem to have gone slow, but gone they have gone

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  201. RIP Lou Conter (102); last surviving member of the USS Arizona:

    After three months of boot camp in San Diego, he was sent to the USS Arizona as a regular deckhand on the forward port side of the ship. After making Seaman 2nd Class, he was transferred to the quartermaster division. The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred just over a year later.

    “The first planes came over at five minutes ‘til eight, as the color guard was ready to play colors,” Conter told the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. “We took a few bomb hits and the captain [Franklin Van Valkenburgh] came up immediately and said to secure the quarterdeck.”

    Within minutes of the attack, both Capt. Van Valkenburgh and Adm. Isaac C. Kidd were on the bridge with other members of the quarterdeck crew. The ship had been cleared of its lines and gangplanks and was ready to get underway. But after two enemy hits, a Japanese bomb penetrated the Arizona’s deck and blew up the ship’s magazine, which held one million pounds of gunpowder. The explosion lifted the more than 35,000-ton battleship some 30-40 feet out of the water and ignited a fire from the mainmast forward.

    “Guys were running out of the fire and trying to jump over the sides,” Conter recalled. “Oil all over the sea was burning… our senior officer ordered all us survivors to take them in and even render them unconscious if we had to, and lay them down on the deck so they wouldn’t jump over the side and kill themselves.”
    Conter continued serving in the Navy after Pearl Harbor. He became a naval aviator, piloting PBY-1 Flying Boats for Patrol Bombing Squadron 11, a “Black Cat” unit, hunting Japanese submarines at night while painted black. He flew 200 missions in the Pacific Theater where he was shot down twice, both time rowing to safety aboard a raft. After the war, he joined the reserve and went home to California.

    During the Korean War, Conter reentered active duty, serving as an air intelligence officer and flying missions from the Essex-class aircraft carrier USS Bonhomme Richard between May and December 1951. When he returned to the United States, he was sent to work in special operations for the National Intelligence Department. There, he established the Navy’s first Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape, or SERE, training program and became the service’s first SERE officer.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  202. They should be immune from prosecution for official acts during the Presidency. Both to presidents you do/don’t like.

    whembly (86df54) — 4/1/2024 @ 6:46 am

    I think the DOJ policy is to avoid
    prosecuting sitting Presidents in federal cases while in office.

    I don’t know if that extends to State cases. although most State courts would probably consider a Presidential request for a stay. Didn’t Clinton do that in Arkansas?

    Of course, the problem with Trump is he has never limited his immunity claim to official acts. He wants immunity for anything he does.

    DRJ (9fbd45)

  203. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/1/2024 @ 1:41 pm

    How original.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  204. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/1/2024 @ 9:27 am


    Shares of Truth Social’s parent tumbled Monday after Donald Trump’s social-media company disclosed it nearly ran out of cash last year and would have struggled to survive without the recent deal that took it public.

    The stock slid 21%, giving it a market value of about $6.7 billion and erasing more than $1 billion from the presidential candidate’s approximately 57% stake in the company.

    The selloff may be significant because the stock was driven higher by Trump supporters who banded together on social media to drive up the shares. If they are selling, it could make it harder for the presidential candidate to tap his new windfall. The shares are still up about 175% this year, including their performance before the deal.
    Monday’s stock slide could create more urgency for Trump and other insiders to try to sell shares or borrow against them before a six-month lockup agreement expires.

    To do so, Trump would need a waiver from the board of directors, which includes his son, Donald Trump Jr., and three former members of his presidential cabinet. Trump’s stake was valued at about $3.8 billion Monday, down from nearly $5 billion at the end of last week.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  205. How original.

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 4:23 pm

    Whether original or not (it isn’t), it still is true. What other government mandates do you support (beyond AM radio)?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  206. Let’s see if Biden self-pardons (and pardons his son) if he loses.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  207. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/1/2024 @ 4:24 pm

    Trump Media continues to fall in after hours trading. It could be a “bloodbath”.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  208. Shares of Truth Social’s parent tumbled Monday

    I have a feeling the Trump knaves will make a killing on the Trump fools, if they haven’t done so already.

    norcal (8cc350)

  209. Kevin M:
    If the BOAR gets and/or got his way about what he apparently believes the President is allowed to do, then self-pardoning everything in sight will become a tradition for outgoing presidents.

    qdpsteve again (cc4ee5)

  210. Let’s see if Biden self-pardons (and pardons his son) if he loses.

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 4:27 pm

    I doubt Biden will “self pardon”; especially since his indictment on the classified information charges is unlikely. I do expect him to pardon Hunter and Jim Biden, especially if he loses the election.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  211. If the BOAR gets and/or got his way about what he apparently believes the President is allowed to do, then self-pardoning everything in sight will become a tradition for outgoing presidents.

    As I suggested up thread.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  212. I doubt Biden will “self pardon”

    Nixon got a blanket pardon. Why not test it out before Trump tries it? Then throw the case.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  213. Nixon got a blanket pardon. Why not test it out before Trump tries it? Then throw the case.

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 4:37 pm

    What case?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  214. What other government mandates do you support (beyond AM radio)?

    “Wrong Way” signs on interstate on-ramps?

    “Free market” in the context of the relationship between government and the automotive industry does not even rise to the level of an April’s fool joke. From your driveway apron to a drop of gas in your gas tank, there is nothing that involves cars that does not have the hand of government on it. Nothing.

    nk (58b941)

  215. What other government mandates do you support (beyond AM radio)?

    “Wrong Way” signs on interstate on-ramps?

    LOL! Ok, what government mandates do you support that require an individual or company to provide or purchase a product or service that they have choice not to do so?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  216. I’m speaking in general terms, not limited to the auto industry.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  217. The government mandates that vehicles have seat belts and airbags.

    norcal (8cc350)

  218. Sad!

    A Florida venture capitalist and his brother moved Monday toward potential guilty pleas in an insider trading case connected to the merger that took Donald Trump’s social media company public last week.

    A new court filing Monday revealed that a change of plea hearing for the brothers will be held Wednesday afternoon in U.S. District Court in Manhattan. A change of plea hearing typically involves a defendant pleading guilty.

    Also Monday, New York defense attorney (and Trump attorney) Alan Futerfas filed a notice with the court that he had joined Michael Shvartsman’s legal team.
    Trump Media and Technology Group mentioned the case in a securities filing on Monday. “These individuals have no affiliation with TMTG and — on information and belief — TMTG is not the target of any DOJ [Department of Justice] enforcement action,” the newly public company told regulators.
    Futerfas’ surprise appearance in the case and the newly scheduled plea hearing came a week after Judge Lewis Liman denied Michael Shvartsman’s request to move his trial on the money laundering counts to a federal court in South Florida from one in Manhattan.
    They are accused of buying up DWAC stock based on nonpublic information that the shell company was considering a possible merger with Trump’s social media company, Trump Media and Technology Group, which owns the Truth Social app.
    On the heels of the merger announcement, (co-defendant Bruce Garelick) and the Shvartsmans allegedly sold their newly valuable shares for a net profit of $22 million, according to prosecutors.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  219. The government mandates that vehicles have seat belts and airbags.

    norcal (8cc350) — 4/1/2024 @ 5:18 pm

    At least they save lives, AM radio not so much.

    But I am interested other contexts: what government mandates (outside of the auto industry) do you support that require an individual or company to provide or purchase a product or service that they have choice not to do so? For example….. health insurance?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  220. For example….. health insurance?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/1/2024 @ 5:23 pm

    I don’t agree with the health insurance mandate, but I don’t like freeloaders, either. With the mandate, people have to put some skin in the game.

    norcal (8cc350)

  221. And if we’re going to rescind the mandate, then do away with freeloading at the same time.

    I realize that there is freeloading going on the mandate.

    I think the proposition that one can get sick, and then go buy insurance, is ridiculous.

    norcal (8cc350)

  222. **Besides seatbelts, airbags and AM radio, other things the Feds should mandate for all American cars**

    – The Club for your steering wheel. Thieves see the Club and keep walking!

    – One of those little tree-shaped pine-scented air fresheners. Such a great smell!

    – Sexy blow-up doll for fooling cops when you’re driving alone in the carpool lane during an emergency


    qdpsteve again (cc4ee5)

  223. qdpsteve again (cc4ee5) — 4/1/2024 @ 5:52 pm


    But what if I like vanilla scent? I shouldn’t be forced to buy pine scent.

    norcal (8cc350)

  224. norcal: what are ya, a communist or something?? 😉

    qdpsteve again (cc4ee5)

  225. – One of those little tree-shaped pine-scented air fresheners. Such a great smell!

    Don’t hang it from your rear view mirror in Illinois. It gives the police a pretext to stop you for driving with an obstructed view.

    nk (58b941)

  226. norcal: what are ya, a communist or something?? 😉

    qdpsteve again (cc4ee5) — 4/1/2024 @ 6:02 pm

    It depends on which commune you’re talking about, and how hot the women are.

    norcal (8cc350)

  227. Government demands I use turn signals. So I just use the wrong ones.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  228. Trump has secured a bond in the fraud case.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  229. Florida Supreme Court rules that both the Legislature and the People can pass laws on abortion.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  230. The attacks on Brett Kavanaugh, Rand Paul, and Steve Scalise weren’t proceeded by threatening social media posts by Biden calling them out, as Trump has done repeatedly against his perceived enemies.

    So we’re just ignoring that Paul’s and Scalise’s attackers claimed direct inspiration from Maddow and Sanders, and that Schumer gave a clear call to action on Kavanaugh even more explicit than Trump’s 1/6 alleged direction?

    Cool! Glad to see you’re completely unserious about discussing the subject.

    SaveFarris (cbc9e2)

  231. @200

    whembly (86df54) — 4/1/2024 @ 6:46 am

    They should be immune from prosecution for official acts during the Presidency. Both to presidents you do/don’t like.

    I don’t think if the official acts were undertaken because of bribery. It has to be something intended for honest purposes

    Bribery is a meat & potatoes, black & white crime that for a sitting President should definitely get the impeachment/removal hammer from Congress. And a federal prosecution afterwards.

    A self-pardon could be challenged by a subsequent indictment

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 4/1/2024 @ 2:33 pm

    Not really.

    Pardon power is exclusively a Presidential power that is understood as plenary, even if a President were to pardon himself.

    Not that I think Biden would lose this election… but for argument sake, let say Trump won in November. Nothing is stopping Biden from pardoning his son, his family AND himself right before he leaves for office in early January.

    whembly (0804a1)

  232. @206

    They should be immune from prosecution for official acts during the Presidency. Both to presidents you do/don’t like.

    whembly (86df54) — 4/1/2024 @ 6:46 am

    I think the DOJ policy is to avoid
    prosecuting sitting Presidents in federal cases while in office.

    For potential federal crimes, yes, the Office of Legal Counsel, which binds the DOJ, position is that the DOJ doesn’t indict a sitting President. (it says nothing of sort of ex-Presidents).

    I don’t know if that extends to State cases. although most State courts would probably consider a Presidential request for a stay. Didn’t Clinton do that in Arkansas?

    Yes, Clinton (and I think a Trump civil case too), does have options to “move” a state case to federal jurisdiction. And they, he can instruct his DOJ to drop it.

    Of course, the problem with Trump is he has never limited his immunity claim to official acts. He wants immunity for anything he does.

    DRJ (9fbd45) — 4/1/2024 @ 4:22 pm

    Isn’t this a bit misleading?

    All I’ve ever seen from Trump, and from context, is that he should have total immunity for official acts.

    It’s Trump’s lawyers, arguing at the district/appellate/scotus cases when presented with extreme hypotheticals that maybe POTUS enjoys absolute immunities for all acts while President (exception impeachment of course).

    whembly (0804a1)

  233. @221

    The government mandates that vehicles have seat belts and airbags.

    norcal (8cc350) — 4/1/2024 @ 5:18 pm

    And rearview cameras.

    whembly (0804a1)

  234. Administration staffers actually running the country tweet out Easter transgender proclamation attributed to the president. Biden thinks it’s an April Fools joke: “I didn’t do that.”. The most confused president in history.

    lloyd (729afe)

  235. Trump has filed legal pleadings asking for absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, and he has publicly called for immunity even if the acts “cross the line” and are mistakes.

    DRJ (9fbd45)

  236. Democrat party campaign officials now worry that efforts to register to vote of young voters who are to uncommitted to register to vote especially young men may back fire on biden campaign as to many are likely trump voters. Polls show committed voters are more likely to vote democrat a reversal from the past. (DU) WP.

    asset (653713)

  237. @175 the president could claim he was protecting the people of texas from further harm.

    asset (653713)

  238. @191 OK. The foul pointer is now in Iran’s favor.

    asset (653713)

  239. @221 govt. seat belt laws were pushed by auto industry so they wouldn’t have to spend money installing air bags. They got both!

    asset (653713)

  240. Pardon power is exclusively a Presidential power that is understood as plenary, even if a President were to pardon himself.

    1. President pardons himself.
    2. President is indicted.
    3. President sues to quash indictment.

    President has standing.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  241. Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/1/2024 @ 10:23 pm

    Maybe it has to wait until (if) Trump leaves office, but I think that the statute of limitations is tolled in that case.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  242. 236. With Trump, everything is an official act.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  243. Trump has the biggest collection of flakes outside Battle Creek carrying water for him, and their job is to come up with any hair-brained excuse why Donnie should have a cookie and he had a right to break the cookie jar and besides he didn’t do it and he doesn’t like cookies in the first place. Then they tweet it under his name and, if it’s not too long and does not have words that a six-year old does not know, they put it on a teleprompter for his rallies.

    nk (58b941)

  244. Did Trump perform an “Official Act” on Stormy Daniels?

    Asking for a friend.

    Kenneth P. (1f45e0)

  245. “In sum, Eastman exhibited gross negligence by making false statements about the 2020 election without conducting any meaningful investigation or verification of the information he was relying upon,” Judge Roland found, adding that he had breached “his ethical duty as an attorney to prioritize honesty and integrity.”

    Is this rule applied consistently to all lawyers?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 4/1/2024 @ 2:43 pm

    Almost all. The ones who have not put in the fix with a friendly court.

    It is understood that the ones who have put in the fix also have to give the court, “friendly” though it is, something to hang its hat on, no matter how outrageous or ridiculous. See the Texas affluenza case, for example. And there’s Trump’s Florida documents case going on now.

    Among Eastman’s other failures, he did not choose his forums carefully enough.

    nk (58b941)

  246. Donald Trump walks into a bar. He didn’t notice that the cell door was closed.

    Expanded gag order lays down the law as Trump returns to the campaign trail

    A New York judge just joined the interminable list of his judicial colleagues, government officials and campaign staff who’ve all tried to do the impossible: rein in Donald Trump.

    Judge Juan Merchan late Monday expanded a gag order on the former president ahead of his hush money trial, which begins in less than two weeks, following searing social media attacks by Trump against the case, prosecutors, the legal system and even the judge’s daughter.

    The judge warned that Trump’s behavior represented a threat to anyone involved in the case and was even tantamount to an attack on the rule of law.

    “It is no longer just a mere possibility or a reasonable likelihood that there exists a threat to the integrity of the judicial proceedings. The threat is very real. Admonitions are not enough, nor is reliance on self-restraint,” Merchan wrote in an order made even more surreal because it was referring to a possibly future president.

    nk (58b941)

  247. “The threat is very real.”

    Is doing just about all the heavy lifting.

    This gag has 1st Amendment implications.

    Is an interlocutory appeal allowed on 1st Amendment grounds? Because, if I were Judge Merchan, I wouldn’t give the defense any ammo to delay this case. (in fact, if I were the defense, I wouldn’t want a delay, as this is the weakest case of them all)

    whembly (86df54)

  248. An appeal will not delay the trial. They can both proceed concurrently. There is no issue which is dispositive or even material to the charges in the indictment.

    Any number of defendants are denied bail, or have it revoked, on the grounds of dangerousness, and held in custody under “administrative conditions” allowed to communicate only with their lawyers, while their case proceeds to trial. The same if it’s by way of a contempt citation.

    nk (bb1548)

  249. If Don Poorleone claims that he cannot afford to pay his lawyers for both a trial and an appeal, the court will appoint an appellate defender.

    nk (bb1548)

  250. The attacks on Brett Kavanaugh, Rand Paul, and Steve Scalise weren’t proceeded by threatening social media posts by Biden calling them out, as Trump has done repeatedly against his perceived enemies.

    Gonna go ahead and circle back on this one…

    SaveFarris (79ab12)

  251. @191 OK. The foul pointer is now in Iran’s favor.

    Iran cannot claim embassies are off limits, nor diplomats.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  252. With Trump, everything is an official act.

    Even rape.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  253. This gag has 1st Amendment implications.

    Did you know that a defendant in a courtroom cannot blurt out anything he wants?

    Did you know that slander is actionable?

    Did you know that his lawyers are in agreement with the judge (for different reasons)?

    Did you know that I don’t give a F?

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  254. Is an interlocutory appeal allowed on 1st Amendment grounds?

    Those are almost never allowed unless they touch upon firm grounds for not having a trial in the first place, such as “statute of limitations.”

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  255. @257

    This gag has 1st Amendment implications.

    Did you know that a defendant in a courtroom cannot blurt out anything he wants?

    In courtroom… yes.

    Outside of the courtroom… is very much dubious.

    I understand the gag on courtroom staff… because that their job.

    But outside of that? Gagging the defendant, but allowing the prosecution and witnesses free reign publicly is constitutionally insipid.

    Did you know that slander is actionable?

    Absolutely. Bring it.

    Did you know that his lawyers are in agreement with the judge (for different reasons)?

    Probably, but you know Trump is going on offense here because he believes he’s not getting a fair shot in this court. He’s laying the groundwork to claim it’s a “witch hunt” in a convincing manner to the public. A real Rorschach test™ if you will.

    Did you know that I don’t give a F?

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/2/2024 @ 8:20 am

    Here’s my issue with this attitude.

    This smacks of “Trump deserves it, no matter how badly his enemies are acting. Then end justifies the means.

    Apply Newton’s Third Law in the legal/political sense.

    Are you willing to accept that?

    whembly (86df54)

  256. What political constituencies are we talking about?
    Who wants to keep their government job?

    If Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Green, and Mike Johnson did not fart when Trump ate beans, they would be out on their ears.

    If Alan Bragg, Juan Merchan, and Letitia James dumped the pot of beans on Trump’s head on Fifth Avenue, it would gain them votes.

    It helps to keep in mind who is always Number 1 with “those people”. Politicians, I mean.

    nk (6a62cd)

  257. nk, do you remember what Mark Twain called politicians in general?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  258. China’s economy is in trouble. That’s how I explain this shift:

    Driving the news: China president Xi Jinping last week hosted CEOs from delivery giant FedEx, chipmaker Qualcomm, mega-insurer Chubb and others.

    It was the second time since November that Xi met with U.S. executives: last fall, he dined with a group in San Francisco—where he also met with President Biden.

    Although the article just discusses economics, I think “Emperor” Xi’s agressive spying and military preparations have turned off many Americans, and many of our allies.

    (In general, I prefer to buy products from nations that are friendly, or democratic, or, preferably, both. So, for example, I avoid many of Apple’s products.)

    Jim Miller (9fa8b0)

  259. @260

    What political constituencies are we talking about?


    Each faction.

    —insert this great gary oldman gif—

    Who wants to keep their government job?

    They all do silly.

    If Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Green, and Mike Johnson did not fart when Trump ate beans, they would be out on their ears.

    Of course.

    If Alan Bragg, Juan Merchan, and Letitia James dumped the pot of beans on Trump’s head on Fifth Avenue, it would gain them votes.


    It helps to keep in mind who is always Number 1 with “those people”. Politicians, I mean.

    nk (6a62cd) — 4/2/2024 @ 8:41 am


    whembly (86df54)

  260. Gagging the defendant, but allowing the prosecution and witnesses free reign publicly is constitutionally insipid.

    Witnesses may have free rein (sic), but prosecutors do not. They are subject to a permanent gag order under the Rules of Professional Conduct, with detailed guidelines, about what they can and cannot say in public. If they violate it, they are subject to discipline and the defendant is entitled to relief for prosecutorial misconduct.

    Have Trump’s lawyers brought a motion to suggest prosecutorial misconduct on the part of Bragg?

    nk (6a62cd)

  261. nk, do you remember what Mark Twain called politicians in general?

    Simon Jester (c8876d) — 4/2/2024 @ 8:43 am

    I had to look it up, Simon. The diapers?

    nk (6a62cd)

  262. This smacks of “Trump deserves it, no matter how badly his enemies are acting. Then end justifies the means.”

    No, that WOULD be giving a F. I.just.don’ Trump has worn out my GaF-meter.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  263. nk, do you remember what Mark Twain called politicians in general?

    “Someone once said that politics is the second-oldest profession. I’m beginning to think it bears resemblance to the first.”

    –Ronald Reagan

    Kevin M (8676e4)


    The Babylon Bee is the best political satire site on the web… by far.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  265. So we’re just ignoring that Paul’s and Scalise’s attackers claimed direct inspiration from Maddow and Sanders, and that Schumer gave a clear call to action on Kavanaugh even more explicit than Trump’s 1/6 alleged direction?

    Cool! Glad to see you’re completely unserious about discussing the subject.

    SaveFarris (cbc9e2) — 4/1/2024 @ 7:08 pm

    Claims are one thing, actual evidence is another. Should we believe the claims of the January 6th rioters that they were answering Trump’s call to arms?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  266. So we’re just ignoring that Paul’s and Scalise’s attackers claimed direct inspiration from Maddow and Sanders,

    I don’t follow Alex Jones, so I am not in the loop. I thought Rand Paul’s neighbor said that he tackled Paul because Paul is a nasty little needledick (something that everyone who knows Paul personally seemed to agree with); and Scalise’s shooter did not survive to make any claims.

    nk (6a62cd)

  267. Gagging the defendant…….

    If only.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  268. The Trump cult worship continues.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  269. By stating that Presidents have immunity for everything, even when they “cross the line,” I wonder if Trump has shown us how his attorneys plan to defend him in the remaining criminal cases (especially those involving efforts to set aside the election)?

    Either he claims absolute immunity as stated his legal pleadings in the case pening in the Supreme Court, or (more likely) he claims you can’t criminalize a President’s mistakes based on things his attorneys told him he could do.

    Or both.

    DRJ (9fbd45)

  270. Everything aside, the election will come down to three, maybe four, camps:

    1) People who are happy with the way things have been going and want more of the same.

    2) People who are unhappy with the way things or going

    ..2a) But cannot abide Donald Trump

    ..2b) And don’t really see “Donald Trump” as an issue

    3) People who are angry about the way things have been going and look to Donald Trump to rip the-powers-that-be a new one.

    I think the outcome will depend on the movement between 2a) and 2b). Donald Trump is not helping himself here, but neither is Biden.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  271. RCP:

    Right Direction: 25%
    Wrong Direction: 64%

    This is a problem for Joe Biden. With an opponent other than Yosemite Sam, it would be fatal.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  272. Blue state’s experiment with utter stupidity ends

    Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek on Monday signed a package of bills that makes minor drug possession a crime again and infuses millions into behavioral health programs, officially marking the end of the state’s short-lived and politically tumultuous experience with drug decriminalization.

    The new law guts a central element of Measure 110, the voter-approved approach passed in 2020 that made minor possession of street drugs like fentanyl, methamphetamine and heroin a non-criminal violation on par with a traffic ticket.

    lloyd (5852e0)

  273. I have to admit that reading about this lawsuit made me smile:

    New York inmates are suing the state over its plan to lockdown prisons during next week’s solar eclipse, alleging that in barring them from viewing the rare phenomenon, the corrections department is stripping them of their constitutional right to exercise their religion.

    The six plaintiffs in the class-action suit filed Friday, who are Christian, Muslim, Santerian and atheist, are asking a judge to allow them to see the celestial event, arguing it has religious significance.

    Jim Miller (501ed7)

  274. Ahaha at the atheist claiming religious significance.

    norcal (9fa07d)

  275. Another case of blue state utter stupidity

    Singh and his attorney, Stephen Freeborn, have filed four separate eviction proceedings against Kim following months of non-payment and a failed attempt at mediation through Bellevue. But the legal process has been delayed, in part, by the King County court system. It is currently backlogged with at least 600 eviction cases, many of which were deferred during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Freeborn told National Review that local landlords are resorting to filing bankruptcy because the courts aren’t resolving the hundreds of eviction cases in a timely manner. This leads to homelessness for both landlords and tenants, he noted. Under Washington law, landlord-tenant cases should be resolved in 30 days.

    Also contributing to the delay is the King County Bar Association’s Housing Justice Project (HJP), which represents renters facing eviction, including Kim. The legal group paid the back rent through May 2023 and a three-month advance to give the tenant and his family time to move out. Kim ended up staying, however, and continues to give Singh legal trouble.

    Again, DeSantis leads the way to sanity

    Squatters rights have been eliminated in the Sunshine State thanks to a bill signed this week Gov. Ron DeSantis.

    The new law granting state law enforcement officials the power to remove offenders and increasing penalties for squatters, comes as property owners nationwide complain their homes are being seized by strangers while they have limited options to take back what’s rightfully theirs.

    “What New York does, what California does, Florida will do the opposite. And so the squatter scam ends today with our legislation,” DeSantis told Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

    lloyd (5852e0)

  276. I couldn’t agree more with your point, Lloyd. I feel sorry for property owners in many of these blue states.

    norcal (9fa07d)

  277. @271 they tried it with Bobby Seal!

    asset (810c1c)

  278. Biden and trump are seeing 15% to 25% of primary voters vote other despite election being over. I would prefer Marianne Williamson vs Nikki Haley contest. How about you?

    asset (810c1c)

  279. How many times have Supreme Court justices, their clerks, gathered and wondered what Liz Cheney had to say about what they should and should not do today?
    “I just sit back and ask myself what would Liz do?”

    steveg (36fcde)

  280. I would prefer Marianne Williamson vs Nikki Haley contest. How about you?

    asset (810c1c) — 4/2/2024 @ 6:41 pm

    Where do I sign?

    norcal (864a4a)

  281. The Great Task PAC isn’t going to fund itself and funding is the Great Task, competition for those dollars is fierce. Adam Kinzinger has $6,000,000 in his PAC, Liz only has $2,000,000. The cash is primarily earmarked for the activities of preaching to their choir and to the raising of the funds to keep the preaching lucrative and ongoing. If it seems somewhat circular, that’s because it is.

    steveg (36fcde)

  282. nk, do you remember what Mark Twain called politicians in general?

    Simon Jester (c8876d) — 4/2/2024 @ 8:43 am

    Not about politicians in general, but specifically about Congress (although I don’t think he wouldn’t limit it to that. I think he said it more than once, but what I found was this version:

    “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.”

    ― Mark Twain

    Brainy Quote has:

    There is no distinctly American criminal class – except Congress.

    Mark Twain

    Quora says it’s in Pudd’nhead Wilson’s New Calendar

    Congress became corrupt in the 1850s, and bribing of legislatures was a problem until the 1890s, in particular to elect Senators.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  283. “Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently, and for the same reasons.” ― Mark Twain

    Like I said, I looked it up.

    nk (bb1548)

  284. Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/2/2024 @ 8:20 am

    Did you know that slander is actionable?

    The New York Times had an articlae about that, which mentions several well known cases. A lawyer got into it with a lawsuit about Pizzagate, which was settled. (he did it for fee, at least at the stat) Compared to later lawsuits, Alex Jones got off easy.

    Mr. Gottlieb, who was a clerk for Justice John Paul Stevens and served on an Obama administration anti-corruption task force in Afghanistan, had his first foray into the post-truth world in 2016. That was when Mr. Jones and his Infowars outlet spread the lie that Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party operatives were running a child sex trafficking ring out of Comet Ping Pong, a Washington pizzeria owned by James Alefantis.

    In December of that year, a man who had been binging on Infowars “Pizzagate” episodes fired a rifle inside the restaurant. No one was injured, but the gunman’s trip to Washington to avenge an imagined crime

    I think it was said at the time that he wanted to rescue the children being supposedly held there, or to see if it was true, but that may not be accurate.

    foreshadowed a series of violent attacks by conspiracy theorists, including the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection.

    Not sure that is fair to say.

    Mr. Jones insisted that the First Amendment protected the lies he had broadcast, like most defendants in these cases. But threatened with a lawsuit, he made an on-air retraction and removed all Pizzagate content from Infowars’ website and social media channels. The full settlement remains confidential.

    Soon after the Pizzagate case, Mr. Gottlieb represented Aaron Rich, whose brother Seth Rich, 27, worked for the Democratic National Committee and was gunned down in a botched robbery in 2016. The case remains unsolved, and wild theories that Seth Rich was killed by Democrats spread from online fever swamps to Fox News. Aaron Rich and his parents were implicated in the plots, doxxed and harassed…

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  285. March 31 was also a holiday in honor of Cesar Chavez (his birthday) – a legal holiday in California.

    March 31, moved to the following Monday when March 31 falls on a Sunday, is designated as the state holiday “Cesar Chavez Day”. Public schools may, but are not required to, close in observance.

    Also in Colorado:

    Declared as an optional holiday on March 31

    And in a few other states and cities.

    It got a proclamation from Biden on Friday March 29

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as César Chávez Day. I call upon all Americans to observe this day as a day of service and learning with appropriate service, community, and education programs to honor César E. Chávez’s enduring legacy.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  286. AJ_Liberty (8cf4ca) — 3/29/2024 @ 6:45 pm

    Fani Willis went too far as well. She should have just ignored Trump and went about her business. But I suspect that she’s all over social media and is conditioned to respond because it’s all we talk about. Where were her ethics advisors and senior mentors who could give her some wise advice?

    By ignored Trump do you mean not indict him? She was in contact with the Biden White House which apparently wanted Trump charged with a crime for which he could not pardon himself or drop the charges. Nathan Wade billed $4,000 for that.

    Wade, who has been paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees by the Fulton County DA’s office since January 2022, billed eight hours of work – at a $250 hourly rate – for a May 23, 2022, event listed in an invoice as “Travel to Athens; Conf with White House Counsel.”

    On Nov. 18, 2022, Wade charged the county another $2,000 for an “interview with DC/White House.”

    Both meetings took place well before Trump’s Aug. 14, 2023, Georgia indictment, but after Willis asked a Fulton County judge in January 2022 to impanel a special purpose grand jury to assist in her investigation of 2020 election interference.

    It’s unclear what Wade discussed with White House officials during those two apparent meetings.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  287. whembly (0804a1) — 4/1/2024 @ 7:17 pm

    It’s Trump’s lawyers, arguing at the district/appellate/scotus cases when presented with extreme hypotheticals that maybe POTUS enjoys absolute immunities for all acts while President (exception impeachment of course).

    The Seal tea assassination hypothetical involved government employees. It was limited to that. rump himself has claimed that all his carrying on about the 2020 election constituted official business – a president’s interest in having laws carried out.

    But I accept the correction about the payments to silence people or other personal matters.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  288. 142. Kevin M (8676e4) — 3/31/2024 @ 3:40 pm

    Quantum entanglement to facilitate communication is also a no-no with our current understanding

    Not sure this is correct. See here, for example.

    You can’t send a message. or rather, you can’t use this to control what message is being sent. Someone proved this.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  289. You can’t send a message. or rather, you can’t use this to control what message is being sent. Someone proved this.

    No, it is merely a theory. Not proven in the least. What IS proven is that there is no underlying reality to the universe.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  290. 225. norcal (8cc350) — 4/1/2024 @ 5:41 pm

    I think the proposition that one can get sick, and then go buy insurance, is ridiculous.

    But you can apply for Medicaid, which is “free” retroactively. Hospitals and social workers wouldn’t have it any other way.

    I put the word “free” in quotation marks because Medicaid has a clawback.

    …Medicaid planning, however, should also take into account Medicaid Payback as Medicaid will seek repayment for benefits distributed from a person’s estate.

    Do You Have to Pay Back Medicaid in New York?

    Family members morning [sic] the loss of a loved one may be more than surprised when they receive notice from the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program (MERP) that requests payment for benefits their deceased loved one received prior to passing away. This bill stands to take a huge chunk out of the value of the deceased’s estate.

    Medicaid does require that the program be reimbursed from any assets which remain at the death of a benefit recipient. Medicaid, a federal program that is administered at the state level, requires repayment in every single state although the Medicaid Payback process and details can vary from state to state. While the deceased individual may have put plans in place to qualify for Medicaid, without the proper plan, Medicaid benefits will turn into a zero-interest loan from the government. Generally speaking, Medicaid will seek repayment for anything it paid for after a person reaches the age of 55.

    People informed of this may decline to take payment for personal aides.

    The clawback also exists for someone who was unemployed and then got work and didn’t get rid of the Medicaid right away. Even if they didn’t use the Medicaid because Medicaid is now an annual plan.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  291. Kevin M (8676e4) — 4/3/2024 @ 2:30 pm

    No, it is merely a theory. Not proven in the least.

    I think it is proven mathematically. No one can figure out a way to use quantum entanglement (or “spooky action at a distance”) to send a message.

    What IS proven is that there is no underlying reality to the universe.

    No fixed hidden variables.

    The laws of the universe are not self-executing.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  292. norcal (8cc350) — 4/1/2024 @ 4:31 pm

    I have a feeling the Trump knaves will make a killing on the Trump fools, if they haven’t done so already.

    Some people may think it’s like Twitter, but it is much smaller, with users dropping out. And some may think that if Trump gets elected, many more people will be reading it.

    But it’s probably like more GameStop. It has a lot of fans.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  293. The proof of the no-communication theorem assumes that all measurable properties of Bob’s system can be calculated from its reduced density matrix, which is true given the Born rule for calculating the probability of making various measurements. But this equivalence with the Born rule can also essentially be derived in the opposite direction, in that it’s possible to show that the Born rule follows from the assumption that space-like separated events cannot violate causality by affecting each other.

    Assumes. Assumption.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  294. Netanyahu needs to take more control over the Israeli military, which has a reputation to defend, not less.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  295. Republicans want to do away with congressional district voting for president in nebraska so democrat voters votes don’t count. (DU) Soon it will be our turn to stop insurrectionist trump supporters from voting.

    asset (5aa565)

  296. Rope-a-Dope is claiming Presidential immunity in the Stormy Daniels case. Trying to delay the trial until the Supreme Court decision anyway. Hoo-boy!

    nk (bb1548)

  297. The Mouse Fights Back:

    Disney defeated activist shareholder Nelson Peltz in a bruising fight for influence in the entertainment giant’s boardroom, handing Chief Executive Bob Iger a major victory over one of Wall Street’s most aggressive investors.

    The company said Wednesday that shareholders voted to elect its entire slate of board nominees, while Peltz, who has argued Disney needs a fresh voice to hold management accountable, lost his bid to become a director.

    Disney said its slate of 12 directors won shareholder support “by a substantial margin,” according to preliminary results.
    The results are a blow to Peltz’s Trian Partners, which has been trying to revive itself after investor withdrawals and a string of employee exits.
    Shareholders threw their support behind Iger, with the CEO securing 94% of votes cast, while Disney director Maria Elena Lagomasino, whose seat Trian contested, won 63%, according to people familiar. Peltz won 31% of votes cast.

    Retail investors—which represent more than a third of Disney shareholders—were particularly helpful. Some 75% of retail investors who cast votes backed the company’s slate.
    Peltz had criticized many areas of Disney’s operations, including that it needed to be more like Netflix, its creative engines had stalled and its sports unit ESPN needed a better plan. However, the argument that resonated the most with investors was that Disney’s board had failed badly at finding a successor to Iger.

    Despite Disney’s win, the fact it was such a hotly contested fight will put American corporations on notice: any board that fails to carry out proper succession planning could face a reckoning.

    ………The Disney-Trian fight stood out because of the focus on succession planning, a relatively rare bone of contention in activist campaigns, (Wei Jiang, a professor of finance at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School) said.
    ……….Disney was able to turn the tide, convincing large shareholders like BlackRock, Vanguard and T. Rowe Price to support its board nominees.
    Trian appears to have so far profited from its Disney investment, given that the stock has gone from well under $100 to around $121 since the hedge fund arrived.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  298. The quiet part out loud:

    Dear Bob Iger:

    Congratulations on preventing billionaire Nelson Peltz and his band of “activist investors” from joining Disney’s board of directors.

    Now please don’t hand Peltz a cultural victory by embracing his antiquated (read: racist, sexist, homo-/transphobic) notions of what future Disney products should look like.

    He couldn’t have been more open about it: “Why do I have to have a Marvel that’s all women?” Peltz said of the Disney-owned superhero juggernaut in a recent, oft-quoted interview with the Financial Times. “Not that I have anything against women, but why do I have to do that? Why can’t I have Marvels that are both? Why do I need an all-Black cast?”

    How about, “Because the stories demanded it”? Or, “Because for decades, Hollywood has drowned us in all-white and/or all-male movies and it’s beyond time that changed”?

    Marvel’s former chairman backed Peltz.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  299. One more vote in the House and Judge Cannon gets impeached.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  300. For what?

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  301. For being a shill.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  302. Another “bloodbath”

    Biden-Harris HQ
    Trump: Democrats said please don’t call immigrants animals. I said, no, they’re not humans, they’re animals

    What Trump said:
    “The 22-year-old nursing student in Georgia who was barbarously murdered by an illegal alien animal. The Democrats say ‘please don’t call them animals. They’re humans.’ I said no, they’re not humans. They’re animals.”

    lloyd (af9607)

  303. Bad news for biden in floriduh. Cnn reporting republican pro-choice woman plan to vote aginst 6 week abortion ban ;but then for trump over biden! So they can have their cake and eat it too!

    asset (559c0d)

  304. The 6-week rule in Florida is effectively a total ban. It requires a woman to jump through so many hoops during those 6 weeks before she can actually have the procedure that she runs out of time and/or money trying. It’s a fraud and the state court should have bounced it for being a fraud.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  305. Got a spare $4 million? Then this auction might be for you.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  306. For being a shill.

    Party hack. A Rick Scott/Marco Rubio blue slip special.
    There are a couple more in the news currently, Doughly in Louisiana and Kacsmaryk in Texas, but there’s more than one in every state. Republican and Democrat. Put in for service to the Party. Past, present, and future.

    nk (bb1548)

  307. #300

    It appears Trump’s presidential immunity nonsense has been denied and all stays on schedule.

    Gotta say, since the whole hush money blither happened before Trump became President, the immunity filing was absurder than usual.

    Appalled (cfda62)

  308. Gotta say, since the whole hush money blither happened before Trump became President, the immunity filing was absurder than usual.

    Were I the judge, I’d sanction someone.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  309. To those whom are voting for Biden…

    Just know that the DOJ has admitted that Ashely Biden’s diary is genuine:

    You’re voting for a President whose daughter wrote that her father regularly takes showers with her.

    At best, President Biden is a kiddie toucher. At worst, he could be worse.

    whembly (86df54)

  310. Ashley Biden’s journal is genuine, however, the contents may or may not be.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  311. @314

    Ashley Biden’s journal is genuine, however, the contents may or may not be.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/4/2024 @ 8:49 am

    The absolute length this administration tried to claw this back from the public sphere is enough for me.

    whembly (86df54)

  312. RFK Jr’s running mate is wackier than he is

    Shanahan came to Kennedy the way many desperate parents have. During the pandemic, her 18-month-old daughter was diagnosed, over Zoom, with autism, and she described how none of the interventions offered by experts helped. Another Silicon Valley mom with an autistic child urged her to listen to Kennedy, who has long asserted a false link between vaccines and autism. Though Shanahan was resistant at first — she knew about Kennedy’s reputation as a conspiracy theorist — she tuned into his podcast.

    Around the same time, she got deep into the work of Jack Kruse, a neurosurgeon and self-described “biohacker” who emphasizes the importance of sunlight for good health. (Kennedy and Kruse appeared together on Rubin’s podcast last year.) Kruse, said Shanahan, awakened her to the idea that autism could be “related to the way that the brain was responding to some kind of outside influence” — like vaccines — “and how to heal the brain.”

    She started her daughter, Echo, on a regimen that included lots of early morning light, swimming in a saltwater pool and music frequencies that send “a signal to brain cells that they can repair.” (“Morning sunlight in particular is like chicken soup for metabolic health,” she told Rubin.) At the same time, she worked to reduce Echo’s exposure to “nonnative light sources,” and cellular and Wi-Fi signals. These interventions, she said, have all helped her daughter. “When it works, maybe we need science to catch up,” she said.


    …Kennedy needs Shanahan’s money. Her divorce settlement from Brin isn’t public, but she reportedly asked for more than $1 billion, about 1 percent of his net worth at the time, and she’s clearly extremely wealthy. Campaign finance law allows both presidential and vice-presidential candidates to pour unlimited funds into their own races…

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  313. The absolute length this administration tried to claw this back from the public sphere is enough for me.

    whembly (86df54) — 4/4/2024 @ 8:56 am

    The administration is hardly trying to “claw” back the diary. It was published online and passed around at a Trump fundraiser in 2020.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  314. You’re voting for a President whose daughter wrote that her father regularly takes showers with her.

    Get Trump out of the race and I’ll write-in Ewan McMullin again.

    Biden’s peccadillos are apocryphal; Trump’s transgressions are legion.

    nk (bb1548)

  315. Ooof.

    I thought Judge Merchan would do his damndest to appear as non-bias as possible… to be that anti-Judge Engeron judge to keep his court within the four corners of the case.

    Splashing “Federal Insurrection Matter” throughout his ruling, multiple times, really buttress the Trump camp’s claim as to how biased this judge is towards the defense, and gives ammo for the defense for appeal. Judges should avoid giving the defense such easy layups… unless, there’s a political desired to push this case through prior to the election.

    Maybe this is the crux of the issue – NY Judges are elected and owe their jobs to satisfying the most extreme elements of the NYC Democratic Party.

    I mean, there may have been a time when Democrats were – like Republicans – capable of checking their ideology at the door when they don a black robe. I think the judiciary has lost that. Primarily because democrats regard the robe as simply a means of imposing leftist policy by judicial fiat.

    Put simply, it is increasingly clear that a Republican, let alone DT, cannot get a fair hearing in front of a Democratic “judge”. Would that such were not so, but it’s becoming obvious that Democrat “judges” simply cannot divorce their partisanship and ideology from their job.

    I may have always been this way. Because, we do know cases get overturned all the time. At least from my laymen observation, it seems to be getting much worse.

    whembly (86df54)

  316. Splashing “Federal Insurrection Matter” throughout his ruling, multiple times, really buttress the Trump camp’s claim as to how biased this judge is towards the defense, and gives ammo for the defense for appeal.

    I doubt this pre-trial motion is subject to appeal, and certainly would have no impact if Trump is convicted.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  317. Nk calls being an accused child molester a peccadillo.

    NJRob (23cd49)

  318. The obvious partisan bias by leftist judges against Trump doesn’t bother most on here. It’s only those that don’t go along with the partisanship that cause outrage.

    NJRob (23cd49)

  319. Incomplete:

    (Trump’s civil fraud surety bond) was missing vital information typically included in those filings, experts say. These standard elements include documents related to power of attorney for the bond provider, Knight Specialty Insurance Company, a financial statement from the company and a certificate of solvency from the Department of Financial Services.

    “There seem to be serious issues,” said Bruce H. Lederman, an attorney who has filed many bonds in New York, including for a real estate developer challenging a judgment. Lederman said he was struck by “glaring errors” in the bond.

    “In all the years I’ve been doing this, you always have to have a certificate from the Department of Financial Services saying that you’re licensed to issue a surety bond,” he said, referring to the missing certificate of solvency under Section 1111 of New York Insurance Law.
    On Wednesday, the New York Supreme Court clerk’s office returned to Trump’s attorneys the bond filing “for correction.” There was no reason publicly specified in the request for correction.

    Adam Pollock, a former assistant attorney general in New York, said, “This bond is deficient for a number of reasons.”
    Knight Specialty is not licensed in New York to issue surety bonds, and Lederman noted the company’s absence from the Department of Financial Services database. But it contends it is nevertheless authorized to issue the bond.
    “The law requires an insurance company posting a surety bond to be authorized in New York,” (Lederman) said. “And there are serious questions about if this bond was properly posted.”

    Under a New York law known as CPLR 2502, an “insurance company [shall be] authorized to execute the undertaking within the state.”

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  320. These poll findings give me some reason for hope:

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite the country’s deep political polarization, most Americans share many core beliefs about what it means to be an American, according to a new poll.

    The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 9 in 10 U.S. adults say the right to vote, the right to equal protection under the law and the right to privacy are extremely important or very important to the United States’ identity as a nation. The survey also found that 84% feel the same way about the freedom of religion.

    Conflict stories attract viewers and readers, so, if we don’t correct for that, we believe there far more disgreement than actually exists. And, some of us, sadly, get all tribal, in response.

    Jim Miller (9db05a)

  321. One wonders why that, instead of pursuing the complicated financial transactions of the Biden family, the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees aren’t conducting hearings on Ashley Biden’s diary. Salacious public hearings would certainly force the media to cover them, rather than boring accusations of who wrote what check to whom.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  322. Nk calls being an accused child molester a peccadillo.

    If I had called it “the calumniations by the sycophants of a syphilitic-brain psychopath”, whembly might have taken it personally and I did not want to hurt his feelings. whembly’s feelngs I mean. In either case, the operative word is apocryphal — of doubtful authenticity.

    nk (bb1548)

  323. The obvious partisan bias by leftist judges against Trump doesn’t bother most on here

    I’ve been extremely critical of all the asshats on both sides.

    You have only been critical of everyone and anyone who opposes your guy, and never of the man himself. Trump could shoot a nun on Fifth Avenue and you’d be all “Nun deserved it.”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  324. “Put simply, it is increasingly clear that a Republican, let alone DT, cannot get a fair hearing in front of a Democratic “judge”. Would that such were not so, but it’s becoming obvious that Democrat “judges” simply cannot divorce their partisanship and ideology from their job.”

    That’s quite the extrapolation to make. Do Democrats have the same problem with Republican judges or does bias only affect half the population?

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  325. whembly —

    You may want to take notice of the mockery that’s beginning to be directed at you and reflect why that might be.

    Appalled (cfda62)

  326. More crazy from Nicole Shanahan:

    In multiple interviews, Shanahan has been public about how she feels about the IVF industry, including one as recently as this February.

    “It became abundantly clear that we just don’t have enough science for the things that we are telling and selling women,” Shanahan told the Australian Financial Review. “It’s one of the biggest lies that’s being told about women’s health today,” she said.
    “I’ve spent the past five years funding science to understand the environmental factors that impact women’s reproductive health because these have gone largely ignored,” Shanahan said. “IVF is a very expensive for-profit business, and many of these clinics are owned by private equity firms that are not invested in the underlying health of women. What I care about is informed consent, and not letting corporations take advantage of us.”
    “Reasonable people could have concerns with bioethics, or a lot of us have concerns with how a lot of science is marketed and mass produced, right?” (said Mini Timmaraju, president of Reproductive Freedom for All). “I’m sure there’s a tiny little kernel and rationale behind all of this. But at the end of the day, IVF has been a long-established reproductive health technology, and Nicole Shanahan, bless her, is not a medical expert.”
    Shanahan, as founder and president of the Bia-Echo Foundation, is often described as the first funder and creator of women’s reproductive longevity research. In articles detailing her six-figure donations to the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, she talked about the inequalities between women and men in the reproductive space.

    “Personally, I find it crazy that my reproductive organs are considered geriatric long before any other organ even begins to show the slightest decline,” Shanahan said in an interview with the Marin Independent News. “I find it even crazier that we have conceded to this narrative for half of the human species.”

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  327. You may want to take notice of the mockery that’s beginning to be directed at you and reflect why that might be.

    Appalled (cfda62) — 4/4/2024 @ 10:46 am

    Because they can’t argue on the merits against what he says.

    NJRob (23cd49)

  328. Note that Ms Shanahan slept with Elon Musk while still married to Sergei Brin, ending the two men’s friendship and her marriage.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  329. Because they can’t argue on the merits against what he says.

    No, because their arguments have fallen on deaf ears, so mockery is all that is left.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  330. Trump has broken many and shown many others to be frauds when it comes to supporting conservative policies.

    He’s a horrible person from a personality and individual perspective. From a policy perspective, his policies are the only ones that are remaining that are sustainable for our continued existence.

    Supporting Biden is supporting the destruction of our nation.

    NJRob (23cd49)

  331. Supporting Biden is supporting the destruction of our nation.

    Yes, but so is supporting Trump.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  332. Sad! or LOL!

    If there is one person who is more bullish than anyone about Truth Social, it’s Donald Trump.

    The former president took to his social-media platform Thursday to tout the company’s stock, hailing the company as an “amazing” startup in the face of a recent drop in the stock price, which has become a target for short sellers.
    The share price for Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT, -6.37% so far today), the parent company of Truth Social, has fallen nearly 25% since the company reported on Monday that it had finished 2023 with a loss of $58.2 million on revenues of $4.13 million.
    A MarketWatch analysis shows that so far, the Trump Media stock is trading at a valuation that is far more disconnected from the company’s fundamental performance than even the most notable meme stocks………

    Aside from basic income and balance-sheet information, the company has yet to provide detailed performance metrics, like the number of customer sign-ups or active users, and it has said it has no immediate plans to do so.
    ………(T)he stock’s high valuation has attracted the interest of short sellers, despite the high cost to borrow shares, which is due to the small amount of currently available free float (shares).

    In his message touting Truth Social, Trump called the attention on the company’s fundamentals and minimal revenues “fake news.”

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  333. @326

    Nk calls being an accused child molester a peccadillo.

    If I had called it “the calumniations by the sycophants of a syphilitic-brain psychopath”, whembly might have taken it personally and I did not want to hurt his feelings. whembly’s feelngs I mean. In either case, the operative word is apocryphal — of doubtful authenticity.

    nk (bb1548) — 4/4/2024 @ 10:11 am

    I legit laughed at “the calumniations by the sycophants of a syphilitic-brain psychopath”.

    You can be doubtful of it’s authenticity, but I’m not using Ashley’s diary in a vacuum either.

    whembly (86df54)

  334. @328

    “Put simply, it is increasingly clear that a Republican, let alone DT, cannot get a fair hearing in front of a Democratic “judge”. Would that such were not so, but it’s becoming obvious that Democrat “judges” simply cannot divorce their partisanship and ideology from their job.”

    That’s quite the extrapolation to make. Do Democrats have the same problem with Republican judges or does bias only affect half the population?

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3) — 4/4/2024 @ 10:44 am

    Of course.

    Which is why you’d want a pitbull of a defense attorney on your side.

    And always… when confronted with officials, SHUT. THE. F. UP!

    whembly (86df54)

  335. No Labels, No Candidate, No Campaign:

    “No Labels is ending our effort to put forth a Unity ticket in the 2024 presidential election,” Nancy Jacobson, No Labels’ founder and CEO, said in a statement. She said the organization had said it “would only offer our ballot line to a ticket if we could identify candidates with a credible path to winning the White House. No such candidates emerged, so the responsible course of action is for us to stand down.”
    Jacobson told allies this week that the group would end its effort because it hasn’t been able to recruit a credible ticket that could win the election, according to people familiar with the process. They said Jacobson told supporters that the organization had reached out to 30 potential candidates during its process.

    No credible politician wanted to sacrifice their future careers to a losing effort that could have culminated in Trump’s reelection. As much as voters claim they wanted a choice outside of Biden or Trump, for the most part they will vote for (or against) either of them.

    Rip Murdock (3d201b)

  336. @329

    whembly —

    You may want to take notice of the mockery that’s beginning to be directed at you and reflect why that might be.

    Appalled (cfda62) — 4/4/2024 @ 10:46 am

    I got my big boy pants on.

    I’ll continue to mock those who endeavors to re-elect Joe Biden, ignoring the actual real damage perpetuated by this administration, in order to avoid a 2nd Trump administration believing that he committed an iNsUrReCtIoN and is much worse than a 2nd Biden administration.

    I’m well aware, based on Trump’s 1st administration, that he’s going to f up a lot of things. So, this isn’t me ignoring Trump either. It’s just that I truly believe that a 2nd Trump administration would easily be a net-positive for this country, than a 2nd Biden administration.

    It’s my role, in this political sphere to convince my peers of my positions.

    whembly (86df54)

  337. Leftist* Judge Mcafee, who was appointed by Leftist* Governor Kemp last year, just threw out Trump’s claim that his criminal conspiracy to defraud Georgia was him just exercising his free speech rights. I read his 14-page opinion, and his reasoning is clear-headed and well founded.

    * Where “Leftist” is anything Rob and Trump don’t like. Their reactions go together like knee and jerk, emphasis on jerk.

    Paul Montagu (d4d407)

  338. @335

    Supporting Biden is supporting the destruction of our nation.

    Yes, but so is supporting Trump.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/4/2024 @ 11:50 am

    Fantastical hyperbole.

    The country will survive both a 2nd Biden or a 2nd Trump term.

    That destruction, that I’m sure that NJRob is alluding to, is the change a 2nd Biden administration would occur.

    Namely, 4 more years of open border policies…

    The bob & weave, runaround the SCOTUS, particularly the student loans forgiven desires.

    More progressive judges.

    And any progress wet dreams being foisted upon the country, (ie, Obamacare) that would take years, if not decades to unwind.

    whembly (86df54)

  339. The fantastic debt, destroying the faith in our currency or the responsibility to pay your bills, 4 more years of invasion, virulent racism and corrupting our governmental institutions, and so on.

    NJRob (23cd49)


    Biden is working on monetizing the debt and causing a never ending spiral till our collapse.

    NJRob (23cd49)

  341. If we learned anything so far about Donald Trump, it’s clearly that he’s absolutely fabulous at reducing the national debt, maintaining the faith in our currency and the responsibility to pay your bills, completing border walls to stop the invasion, opposing virulent racism, and preventing anyone from corrupting our governmental institutions.

    Also, may I interest you in a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? Or perhaps some oceanfront property in Arizona?

    Turd Ferguson (bf4290)

  342. Israel’s use of an AI program known as “Lavender” to identify Hamas terrorists could very well have led to Biden’s call today for Israel to ceasefire (a wrong call, I might add).

    During the early stages of the war, the army gave sweeping approval for officers to adopt Lavender’s kill lists, with no requirement to thoroughly check why the machine made those choices or to examine the raw intelligence data on which they were based. One source stated that human personnel often served only as a “rubber stamp” for the machine’s decisions, adding that, normally, they would personally devote only about “20 seconds” to each target before authorizing a bombing — just to make sure the Lavender-marked target is male. This was despite knowing that the system makes what are regarded as “errors” in approximately 10 percent of cases, and is known to occasionally mark individuals who have merely a loose connection to militant groups, or no connection at all.

    Moreover, the Israeli army systematically attacked the targeted individuals while they were in their homes — usually at night while their whole families were present — rather than during the course of military activity. According to the sources, this was because, from what they regarded as an intelligence standpoint, it was easier to locate the individuals in their private houses. Additional automated systems, including one called “Where’s Daddy?” also revealed here for the first time, were used specifically to track the targeted individuals and carry out bombings when they had entered their family’s residences.

    Their overreliance on this AI likely led to way too many civilian casualties. Personally, I think the AI is a great idea, but it doesn’t justify bypassing the target confirmation process. It’s supposed to supplement their intel, not replace.

    But also…this is war. If there’s no other alternative than striking a terrorist’s home, and if the guy is actually there, then that’s where they should strike. The wives will get the message.

    Paul Montagu (d4d407)


    Earlier this year, pollster Scott Rasmussen asked voters a simple question: “Would you rather have your candidate win by cheating or lose by playing fair?”
    The answers he got back were, as he put it in a Daily Signal podcast last week, “the most terrifying poll result I’ve ever seen.”

    Among all Americans, just 7% said they would want their candidate to win by cheating. As Rasmussen put it, he’d rather see that number lower, but that’s not bad.

    But more than a third of the elite 1% he surveyed would condone cheating. And among those who are “politically obsessed” — meaning that they talk about politics every day — that number shot up to 69%.

    Keep in mind that this elite 1% group is overwhelmingly liberal. According to Rasmussen, these are mainly well-educated urbanites who make more than $150,000 a year and think Joe Biden is doing a great job. Nearly three-quarters identify as Democrats.

    They are also highly influential when it comes to policy, and they are completely out of touch with everyday Americans. A few examples from the survey:

    * Nearly 60% say there is too much individual freedom in America — double the rate of all Americans.

    * More than two-thirds (67%) favor rationing of energy and food to combat the threat of “climate change.”

    * Nearly three-quarters (70%) of the elites trust the government to “do the right thing most of the time.”

    * More than two-thirds (67%) say teachers and other educational professionals should decide what children are taught rather than letting parents decide.

    * Nearly three-quarters (74%) say they are financially better off than before COVID, compared with 20% of the general public.

    Explains a lot.

    NJRob (23cd49)

  344. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/3/2024 @ 5:23 pm

    How the Mouse Won:

    Disney said Wednesday that shareholders voted to elect its entire slate of 12 board nominees, while Peltz, who has argued Disney needs a fresh voice to hold management accountable, lost his bid to become a director.

    Iger prevailed by rolling out a string of initiatives that tackled just about every issue the company faced while inoculating Disney against the activist’s criticism.

    “This was decisive in terms of how shareholders voted,” Iger said on CNBC Thursday morning, “and I think was a true endorsement of the board and management and the direction we’re taking this great company.”
    The CEO announced a wave of cost-cutting that took some edge off Peltz’s complaint that Disney doesn’t have Netflix-like profit margins. Disney launched new ventures in sports streaming and explored selling off some of its TV networks, making it tough for Peltz to convince investors that the company wasn’t considering all its options.
    The shareholder vote leaves control of the boardroom firmly in the hands of Iger-friendly directors—all but one of whom were appointed on his watch—as the company looks to follow through on a number of major goals, from turning a profit on streaming to reinvigorating a studio business that has lost some of its magic.
    Peltz’s argument that Disney’s board has mismanaged succession planning, one of its core responsibilities, resonated with some major investors. ……..
    Activists often push companies to consider major strategic changes such as mergers and asset sales. Peltz didn’t have much opportunity to put forward such an argument.
    ……….By the time Peltz had launched its latest campaign, Disney had set in motion a strategic review of its TV unit led by (Dana Walden, one of co-chairs of Disney Entertainment), exploring the possibility of moving some channels into a joint venture with Hearst. Iger ultimately reversed course, saying its TV assets weren’t for sale.

    Likewise, Disney was already in talks to consolidate full ownership of the streaming service Hulu—by buying out the stake owned by Comcast—before Peltz entered the picture. Disney in March integrated Hulu into its flagship Disney+ app, a move meant to decrease churn—or cancellations—among streaming subscribers.
    Disney executives and board members, including Iger, blitzed major institutional shareholders, touting the company’s progress in moving toward streaming profitability and its plans to revitalize its studio—and arguing that it would be problematic and disruptive for the company and Iger if Peltz joins the board.

    ………Some 75% of individual investors who cast votes backed the company’s slate.

    (Disney) persuaded the large shareholders BlackRock, Vanguard and T. Rowe Price to support its board nominees and secured the backing of the proxy advisory firm Glass Lewis.

    Peltz also made a major push with investors, sometimes meeting the same firm repeatedly. The California Public Employees’ Retirement System, or Calpers, backed Trian’s candidates, saying it believed Disney would “benefit from fresh eyes on its board,” as did Neuberger Berman.

    Disney’s share price has jumped 35% since the start of the year—more than triple the S&P 500’s performance. Trian has earned approximately $300 million in profit on its 16-month investment, roughly a 40% return.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  345. 99. asset (5aa565) — 4/3/2024 @ 3:15 pm

    Republicans want to do away with congressional district voting for president in nebraska so democrat voters votes don’t count. (DU)

    t gives the Democratic Party candidate 1 Electoral vote, from the Congressional district that includes Omaha, Similarly, the Republican candidate can get 1 Electoral vote from Maine, (out of 4)

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  346. Unexpectedly: No Labels packs it in.

    The centrist group No Labels has abandoned its plans to run a presidential ticket in the 2024 election, having failed to recruit a candidate, its leader, Nancy Jacobson, said on Thursday.

    The group, which said last year it had raised $60 million to put forward what it called a bipartisan “unity ticket,” had suffered a string of rejections in recent months as prominent Republicans and Democrats declined to run on its ticket. The group had told donors and members that it would put forward a candidate if President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump were the main parties’ nominees.

    “Today, No Labels is ending our effort to put forth a Unity ticket in the 2024 presidential election,” Ms. Jacobson said in a statement. “Americans remain more open to an independent presidential run and hungrier for unifying national leadership than ever before. But No Labels has always said we would only offer our ballot line to a ticket if we could identify candidates with a credible path to winning the White House. No such candidates emerged, so the responsible course of action is for us to stand down.”

    Perhaps they just ran out of donor’s money.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  347. Nebraska declined to change their EV apportionment.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  348. In solidarity with Nebraska Democrats, California is allowing its electoral vote to be split proportionately.

    (yes, I know, 4 days late)

    Kevin M (a9545f)


    I wonder if this was always the intention of some people behind No Labels. Sure, they had a hard time finding a qualified candidate, and Joe Lieberman was being too optimistic. (and he wasn’t in charge) I wonder if he believed it himself that they would continue their efforts.

    But they could always have found a high level former executive branch appointee, a scholar with some executive experience, or a retired judge. If the person was high quality, it would have comethrough.

    It would have meant, however, taking a label

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  350. 352.Sarcastic, right?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  351. 346.Paul Montagu (d4d407) — 4/4/2024 @ 12:56 pm

    Their overreliance on this AI likely led to way too many civilian casualties. Personally, I think the AI is a great idea, but it doesn’t justify bypassing the target confirmation process. It’s supposed to supplement their intel, not replace.

    And the software doesn’t know of people given safe conduct.

    This could be the precise mistake being made. And the upper echelons of the military, which is anti-Netanyahu. and its allies in politics, The army, of course, wants to get the blame placed on Netanyahu, rather than the professionals, for October 7 and for anything else. It could be so bad that some people might not be correcting bad systems-allto get rid of Netanyahu. But this must be found out.

    Benny Gantz the other day called for elections by September There’s a lot of maneuvering going on. There are stupid demonstrations going on in Israel.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  352. 352.Sarcastic, right?

    Yes, and “4 days late”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  353. The problem with No Labels was the basic premise: that first you get ballot access, then you pick a candidate. It only works the other way around: a charismatic candidate announces an independent run, then gets hordes of volunteers to gather the signatures.

    It’s how Perot did it in about a month, and I again point out that he was leading in the polls until he went nuts. Going nuts was optional.

    Heck, it’s how RFK Jr did it, and I submit that if that moron can do it, it’s not that hard.

    But no, this was going to be a carefully nuanced selection by an elite of candidate pickers who really didn’t have a plan to begin with. A lot of if and maybe. Unsurprising that serious politicians detected their faults.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  354. Perhaps they just ran out of donor’s money.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/4/2024 @ 2:25 pm

    Or none of the 30 candidates they approached wanted to end their careers as Don (or Doña) Quixote.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  355. A Day Late:

    The core of the problem is that (No Labels’) whole theory of candidate recruitment is defective. It is looking for political insurgents in all the wrong places.
    But if (Chris Christie, Joe Manchin, Nikki Haley, etc.) had said yes, they would still have been doomed in the presidential race. Enlisting a conventional politician with mainstream views is no way to upend the basic structure of American politics.

    The evidence from the United States and around the world is overwhelming on this point. The most successful political disrupters are flamboyantly different in their style, ideas or both.

    They are famous entertainers and athletes, like Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ukraine and Imran Khan in Pakistan. They wear showy hairstyles, like Javier Milei in Argentina, Beppe Grillo in Italy and Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. They have Olympian egos that they make no effort to conceal, like Emmanuel Macron in France and, well, basically all of the above.
    Against the global roster of successful political insurgents, the No Labels fantasy ticket of Manchin and Romney looks bloodless and gray: two cautious men from political families who have been in the electoral arena, as candidates or officeholders, for 70-some years combined. Both are accomplished leaders. Neither can deliver a body blow to the two-party system.
    ……….Few voters, (Bill Hillsman, a veteran political strategist) said, would see a unity ticket forged from within the political establishment as an answer for their grievances with the system.

    “I don’t know who’s really looking for a ticket that has a Republican and a Democrat on it, if Democrats and Republicans are the problem,” Hillsman said. “If you’re a voter out there looking for more and different choices, that doesn’t sound like a real good idea.”
    Instead, I have three alternative candidates to propose — if not for this election then for the next one, and if not for No Labels then for the next group to try this scheme. …….

    The first is Ramit Sethi, the financial self-help guru, newish Netflix star and bestselling author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich. The 41-year-old is not yet a mega-celebrity in the Trump mold, but he is lively, telegenic, increasingly ubiquitous and thoroughly branded as an authority on the close-to-home checkbook issues that are most important to most voters.
    A second more-credible-than-Manchin option is Dave Chappelle. As Biden would say: not a joke. The comedian got a taste of the culture wars and liked it enough to keep at it. A former Andrew Yang supporter, Chappelle has an eclectic ideological profile and a developed sensibility about the grievances that animate a range of disaffected Americans, including what he calls “the poor whites” who vote for Trump. ………

    Third, last and best is one of the most accomplished comedic actors of our time, a genius of the screen who is instantly recognizable to every American of voting age. Like Zelenskyy, she even played the president in a TV satire. More memorably, she played the vice president.

    I mean Julia Louis-Dreyfus — America’s Zelenskyy.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  356. Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/4/2024 @ 4:02 pm

    The problem with No Labels was the basic premise: that first you get ballot access, then you pick a candidate. It only works the other way around: a charismatic candidate announces an independent run, then gets hordes of volunteers to gather the signatures.

    Even though it sounds harder, it’s really easier.

    And they would have had to have a candidate about a month or two earlier. Even though it means they would have to start the campaign
    before the choice between Biden and Trump was absolutely certain, There was a very narrow window of time to announce a candidate they way they had it Meanwhile they stalledd other people trying.

    But it doesn’t have to be a non-political celebrity, Condoleeza Rice might have worked,

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  357. NY mayor adams pleads with texas gov. abbott to come to nyc to see what busing migrants is doing to its generous welfare spending. Abbott says what are you going to do about it besides whine! Mayor adams says as a corporate establishment liberal democrat I am not allowed to do anything but whimper and whine otherwise I upset the corporate donor class. They say my job is to help keep the left from taking over the democrat party!

    asset (0c0305)

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