Patterico's Pontifications


The Greatest Grift of All

Filed under: General — Dana @ 1:46 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Jesus wept. Or maybe He’s so over it, He’s just rolling His eyes watching Trump’s latest grift: The former president, in partnership with singer Lee Greenwood, is peddling a Bible during Holy Week. [Hey, don’t judge. Man’s in a jam and needs a bundle of dough ASAP]:

Former President Donald Trump endorsed a new product, the $60 God Bless the USA Bible, in a video released on Truth Social on Tuesday.

“And this is very important and very important to me. I want to have a lot of people have it. You have to have it for your heart, for your soul,” explained Trump before insisting that “Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country.”

“Our founding fathers did a tremendous thing when they built America on Judeo-Christian values. Now that foundation is under attack, perhaps as never before,” he added. “What can we do? Stand up, speak out and pray that God will bless America again. I’m proud to endorse and encourage you to get this Bible.”The product’s website boasts that it “is the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!”

The special Trump-endorsed Bible includes copies of the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Pledge of Allegiance.

A man of low moral character, practiced in the art of deception, and facing both civil and criminal charges is hardly an example of the Godly man. Yet here we are with yet another grift wherein MAGAland will fall in line, purchase the Bible, and feel good about being one of the faithful who supports the man they believe is called by God to lead this country. And Trump will reportedly get royalties from the sales while reassuring his followers that “The hand of God is on him and he cannot be stopped.”

“This is really a battle between good and evil,” evangelical TV preacher Hank Kunneman says of the slew of criminal charges facing Donald Trump. “There’s something on President Trump that the enemy fears: It’s called the anointing.”

…Christian media pressing a message of Biblical proportions: The 2024 presidential race is a fight for America’s soul, and a persecuted Trump has God’s protection.

Seeing the misguided yet ongoing idolatry in today’s church, most certainly, Jesus wept.


33 Responses to “The Greatest Grift of All”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (027455)

  2. Meh.

    Only the religious MAGA voters are going to buy these. To everyone else, it’s obvious that he’s pandering.

    Is it really all that different when Biden claims he’s a devout Catholic?

    whembly (86df54)

  3. A false prophet hawking a book he hasn’t read. Classic.

    Paul Montagu (d4d407)

  4. A false prophet hawking a book he hasn’t read. Classic.

    Paul Montagu (d4d407) — 3/27/2024 @ 2:13 pm

    And included with the book is a copy of the U.S. Constitution, another document he hasn’t read, and in fact wants to terminate.

    You can’t make this up.

    norcal (12f1cf)

  5. They don’t read these things. At least for the implied moral values.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  6. Has anyone checked that copy of the Constitution for alterations?

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  7. Is he pushing these on his Jewish voters, too?

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  8. Has anyone checked that copy of the Constitution for alterations?

    Kevin M (8676e4) — 3/27/2024 @ 2:45 pm

    Good one!

    norcal (12f1cf)

  9. The special Trump-endorsed Bible includes copies of the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Pledge of Allegiance.

    As long as he’s thoughtfully reminding his rubes of all the cherished institutions he’s trampled on, but shouldn’t he also include his marriage vows?

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  10. Doh. I still miss the preview function.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  11. Speaking of “doh,” lest anyone think the evangelical right has mortgaged its collective soul to Donald, there are still plenty of faithful Christians who know that in the battle between Trump and Ned Flanders, Ned’s the good guy.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  12. As long as he’s thoughtfully reminding his rubes of all the cherished institutions he’s trampled on, but shouldn’t he also include his marriage vows?

    lurker (cd7cd4) — 3/27/2024 @ 3:13 pm


    You and Kevin are on fire today.

    norcal (12f1cf)

  13. All the available evidence indicates that Mr. Trump has little interest in books that don’t contain debits and credits.

    John Boddie (dcf99c)

  14. Lee Greenwood’s site claims that it’s the Large Print King James Version. It may very well be, but if you want a Bible to read, I recommend getting one from your church.

    nk (ec563d)

  15. What’s next? A Trump-endorsed Book of Mormon?

    I’m sure Senator Mike Lee from Utah would approve. He even compared Trump to Captain Moroni, a heroic figure in the Book of Mormon. It is Captain Moroni, in the form of a golden angel, who sits atop many a Mormon temple.

    norcal (12f1cf)

  16. Make that “stands atop”.

    norcal (12f1cf)

  17. All the available evidence indicates that Mr. Trump has little interest in books that don’t contain … credits.


    Kevin M (8676e4)

  18. I am so disappointed in our world. I just want the interstellar transport to return. Surely I have served my prison sentence on this insane asylum of a planet.

    I need to back to my own planet.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  19. It’s mawkish, but for Trump that’s a step up.

    7Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow. 8If you sow to your own flesh, you will reap corruption from the flesh; but if you sow to the Spirit, you will reap eternal life from the Spirit. Galatians 6: 7-9

    Who knows? Some of the people who buy that Bible might actually read it, and make up their own minds about Trump’s professed Christianity.

    nk (ec563d)

  20. He should also try selling snake oil.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  21. The Greatest Grift Of All sounds like a fantastic comedy spoof record. You should record it, Dana.

    You could even email a copy of the mp3 to Barret Hansen, the most famous resident of my hometown of Lakewood CA, btw, and get it on his weekly podcast show. Barret is better known on the airwaves as Dr. Demento.


    qdpsteve again (f7100c)

  22. And included with the book is a copy of the U.S. Constitution, another document he hasn’t read, and in fact wants to terminate.

    Hell fellas, I doubt very much that he can recite the Pledge of Allegiance from memory, hence the reason it is included with the others.

    JVW (1ad43e)

  23. hence the reason it is included with the others


    norcal (6ab38a)

  24. A little Hank Williams wouldn’t do Trump any harm either:

    Your cheatin’ heart will make you weep
    You’ll cry and cry and try to sleep
    But sleep won’t come the whole night through
    Your cheatin’ heart will tell on you

    nk (b38a00)

  25. “Hell fellas, I doubt very much that he can recite the Pledge of Allegiance from memory, hence the reason it is included with the others.”

    If you’re thinking this is a put down of Trump, you’re forgetting who he’s running against.

    lloyd (049b42)

  26. Biden had it to lose.

    nk (b38a00)

  27. 21, would the lead track on that album sound that one Whitney Houston* song that gets sung even more than Lift Every Voice at black majority school graduation ceremonies?

    *originally George Benson

    urbanleftbehind (7c066e)

  28. Biden has long since forgotten the Pledge of Allegiance. Trump never bothered to learn it.

    I think that’s the difference between the two men, lloyd.

    JVW (f61b1e)

  29. All pledges sound the same to Donald Trump:

    Blah, blah, blah, Ginger!

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  30. Urban, yup.

    “The greatest grift of all, it’s all about meeeee…” 😉

    qdpsteve again (5b21b5)

  31. Dana’s link didn’t include the disclaimer at the end of the commercial:

    Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, children under 10, and Christians should avoid prolonged exposure to Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible.

    Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

    Discontinue use of Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible if any of the following occurs:

    tingling in extremities
    loss of balance or coordination
    slurred speech
    temporary blindness
    profuse sweating
    heart palpitations, or
    demonic possession.

    If Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.

    Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible may stick to certain types of skin.

    When not in use, Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. Failure to do so relieves the makers of Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible, Trump Products Incorporated, and its parent company, 666 Unlimited, of any and all liability.

    Ingredients of Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible include an unknown glowing green substance which rose to the Earth through a mysterious portal, presumably from Hades.

    Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible has been shipped to troops in Russia and is being dropped by warplanes on Ukraine.

    Do not taunt Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible. Particularly about its hair or its short fingers.

    Donald Trump’s God Bless the USA Bible comes with a lifetime warranty. After-life expressly not included.

    Turd Ferguson (c11a2c)

  32. I keep waiting for him to market Happy Fun Ball for real.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  33. “Trump”, on How to Bible.

    Paul Montagu (d4d407)

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