Patterico's Pontifications


State of the Union Open Thread

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:22 pm

[guest post by Dana]

This is President Biden’s third SOTU address. Per CNN, this is what to expect:

Biden’s speech is expected to be heavy on economic populism, aides said, with calls for higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy. He also plans to take a swipe at former President Donald Trump, vow to restore Roe and acknowledge his age

Additionally, the President will announce that the “U.S. military will lead an emergency mission to build a new pier on the Mediterranean coast of Gaza to allow large ships to deliver food, water, medicine and temporary shelters to the territory.”

U.S. troops will not need to set foot on land in Gaza.

Despite House Speaker Mike Johnson’s admonition for decorum, it appears that Marge has other plans for tonight:

Here’s what’s inappropriate – $34 trillion in debt. Laken Riley was murdered… I’ll argue that decorum has been destroyed here in Washington D.C. and in Congress. So, I think calling out the president if he’s lying to the American people is completely appropriate.

Should be fun.


29 Responses to “State of the Union Open Thread”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8e902f)

  2. I hope you guys are enjoying this.

    He speaks of flagrantly breaking the law, spending up into bankruptcy and stealing from future generations till the ponzi scheme collapses.

    But I guess that doesn’t matter.

    NJRob (a989dc)

  3. Oh look, commie Biden just said people who aren’t working have a right to be paid for not working.

    That’s a heck of a trick.

    Someone want to explain it?

    NJRob (a989dc)

  4. If we’re not careful, the next POTUS will threaten the lives of SCOTUS justices during the middle of a State of the Union.

    SaveFarris (82ed1e)

  5. ‘We can fight about fixing the border, or we can fix it. I’m ready to fix it,’ he said. ‘Send me the border bill. Now.’

    He said her name, Lincoln Riley — the USC football coach.

    The Senate border bill wouldn’t have helped Laken Riley. He knows this. Those repeating Democrat talking points know it, too.

    The House just passed the Laken Riley bill, with common sense measures to deport violent illegals. It’s assuredly DOA in the Senate, and even if the Senate passed it, Biden would veto it.

    lloyd (5852e0)

  6. The SOTU is a partisan campaign rally. There’s your decorum.

    lloyd (5852e0)

  7. It’s a campaign speech, heavy on the politics, light on the truth. Although the Speaker looked really embarrassed to be lectured on Putin and Ukraine, everything after that was pure Biden. The economic stuff was just awful.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  8. Watching the Speaker, he looked like a hostage up there, knowing that Trump has a gun to Republican heads.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  9. Inflation is caused by companies raising prices. Really.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  10. I didn’t watch the speech. How did he lose NJRob and lloyd?

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  11. Being a UCLA guy, the Lincoln Riley plug triggered me, lurker bro

    lloyd (5852e0)

  12. I didn’t watch the speech. How did he lose NJRob and lloyd?

    He blamed all the world’s ills on Donald Trump.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  13. Being a UCLA guy, the Lincoln Riley plug triggered me, lurker bro

    In case it wasn’t obvious, I was joking. I kind of doubt Biden ever had you and Rob to lose. But if you had to choose something to be triggered by, the indignity of a Lincoln Riley reference to any self-respecting UC grad is one I can get behind. Consider me co-outraged.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  14. @3 I will explain it. When thatcher said the problem is when they run out of other peoples money is not the problem. The problem is when the military and police will no longer protect the rich. Don’t like biden see if you like the squad better when they take over the democrat party which will be accelerated if trump wins and destroys what is left of the democrat establishment and their rich donors

    asset (172b67)

  15. Biden seems angry like the nazi soldiers who were also given meth.

    asset (172b67)

  16. He speaks of flagrantly breaking the law, spending up into bankruptcy and stealing from future generations till the ponzi scheme collapses.

    But I guess that doesn’t matter.

    NJRob (a989dc) — 3/7/2024 @ 7:00 pm

    It didn’t matter to you when Trump actually did it…

    Demosthenes (3b30b4)

  17. So many who will just ignore commie Joe and continue to do a whatabout game.

    So predictable.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  18. I was amazed at what they could do with “robots” and CGI in the first Terminator movie. And then came holograms. Wow! The Lyric Opera of Chicago reprised Maria Callas’s 1954 performance in Norma 2019. Incredible technology.

    Anyway, whatever. I was not going to waste a fresh bag of Tostitos with chunky salsa (medium) on Biden. I watched a Terence Hill movie.

    nk (6f6c29)

  19. @2 I agree with you about what Bidens doing. I honestly do. I just don’t see the Maga movement offering a different path.

    Time123 (69dce5)

  20. So many who will just ignore commie Joe and continue to do a whatabout game.

    So predictable.

    NJRob (eb56c3) — 3/8/2024 @ 4:46 am


    If America is bound and determined to give me a choice between two senile old men with diarrhea of the mouth, both of whom have unfortunate tendencies to exaggerate (or just outright lie) and could stand to keep classified material a bit more secure…I am inclined to support the one who did not try to subvert the constitutional order and steal the presidency after the fact.

    It’s shame your candidate can’t meet that extremely low bar.

    Demosthenes (3beddc)

  21. I also had to comment on the MTG quote so helpfully provided to us by Dana:

    I’ll argue that decorum has been destroyed here in Washington D.C. and in Congress.

    Did anyone but me read that and think, “This is like Kenneth Lay complaining that no one trusts businessmen anymore?”

    Demosthenes (3beddc)

  22. H. G. Wells got his idea for The Island of Dr. Moreau from Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ancestors. You pick the animal that was surgically modified.

    nk (fc2dfb)

  23. Before Laiken Riley there was Mollie Tibbetts. And before Mollie Tibbetts there was Kate Steinle. And a one-and-half year period in-between the two when the Republicans had the Presidency, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

    So shut up!

    nk (fc2dfb)

  24. @23 It’s Laken. Are you having a Biden moment?

    lloyd (0f5d54)

  25. Before Laken there was Jeremy Poou Caceres, and Melissa Powell, and Lizbeth Medina, and Tatiele Riberio Lemos, all under Biden.

    Before Ukraine there was Czechoslovakia, and before that there was Hungary.

    Would Laken have to be Ukrainian for you to give a damn?

    lloyd (5852e0)

  26. @23 It’s Laken. Are you having a Biden moment?


    Would Laken have to be Ukrainian for you to give a damn?

    Who cares if I give a damn? Does the Fifth Avenue carpetbagger mob give a damn except in election years?

    nk (fc2dfb)

  27. To all those who think that dissing Biden will get me to vote for Trump: I wasn’t going to vote for Biden either.

    Kevin M (8676e4)

  28. Biden just said people who aren’t working have a right to be paid for not working.

    I must have missed that. What are you talking about? Pell grants?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  29. What was notable about the speech is that it sounded in large part like maybe an acceptance speech at a convention.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

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