Patterico's Pontifications


Mitch McConnell To Republicans: Don’t Undermine “Nominee” Donald Trump On Border Issue

Filed under: General — Dana @ 11:05 am

[guest post by Dana]

In a cynical and ultimately a self-serving move, Mitch McConnell prioritizes “nominee” Trump over border security:

In a private Senate Republican meeting on Ukraine, McConnell said effectively that time and the political will to pass a bipartisan immigration and border security compromise are quickly running out — and may have actually run out already.

McConnell told GOP senators that before border security talks began, immigration policy united Republicans and Ukraine aid divided them. “Politics on this have changed,” McConnell said of solving the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. That’s because former President Donald Trump wants to run his 2024 campaign focusing on immigration.

“We don’t want to do anything to undermine him,” McConnell said of Trump, a one-time collaborator turned nemesis.

This is a big about-face for McConnell, who earlier this week said Congress needs to pass the border security bill and unlock billions of dollars in new Ukraine aid.

On the floor Wednesday, McConnell asserted that supporting Ukraine was a matter of “cold hard American interest.” But the Kentucky Republican made his own cold political calculation later in the day that the scheme he had been relentlessly pushing for weeks was in jeopardy and a new approach was needed.

The report notes that McConnell referred to Trump as the “nominee” during the meeting.

If the report is accurate, one must assume from McConnell’s prioritizing of Donald Trump over border security, that the crisis at the border isn’t really that big of a deal if it’s more important to delay support of a bipartisan border security measure so that Trump can run on the issue (and blame President Biden). Win-win for the man who would be king! But how does waiting a year actually help American border cities and towns that are struggling today?

Spot-on responses to the news:

If you had any doubts about the head of the Republican Party, doubt no more.

P.S. Perhaps Mitch was aware of this:

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is reviewing a draft resolution that, if approved, would declare Donald Trump the party’s presumptive 2024 presidential nominee even as Nikki Haley continues to wage a vigorous campaign against the former president and frontrunner.

The draft resolution…follows RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel saying after the former president defeated Haley in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary that it was time for Republicans to unite behind the frontrunner and focus on defeating President Joe Biden.

“RESOLVED that the Republican National Committee hereby declares President Trump as our presumptive 2024 nominee for the office of President of the United States and from this moment forward moves into full general election mode welcoming supporters of all candidates as valued members of Team Trump 2024,” reads a key portion of the draft resolution.


147 Responses to “Mitch McConnell To Republicans: Don’t Undermine “Nominee” Donald Trump On Border Issue”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8e902f)

  2. The Senate bill would have provided at more than $14bil (the original dollar amount before the bill was expanded) to fund new border agents, expand detention, expedite consideration of asylum claims, and included concessions from Democrats to raise the bar to qualify for asylum, create a new process to remove asylum-seekers that fail their initial screening, expedite remove of some migrants from inside the US, and a trigger that would effectively close down asylum seeking if border encounters climb too high.

    Sam G (74da99)

  3. McConnell can count votes and knows that the deal is dead. It wasn’t he who killed it. This is a professional politician accepting an unwanted reality, not an advocate for Donald Trump.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  4. I will add this to the many reasons why a Trump candidacy is a terrible idea.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  5. this is also aggressively dumb politics as the Democrats will now openly and widely exclaim: hey, we *were putting together a deal* and Trump scuttled it.

    aphrael (71d87c)

  6. a *normal* politician would see the threat in what McConnell just did and adjust tactics to find a way to support the deal and claim ownership of it. Trump is not a normal politician.

    aphrael (71d87c)

  7. I have no doubt that whoever can will paint this as the Republican Plan. Maybe it is now, that The Trump has spoken, but it wasn’t their plan going in.

    Romney is spot on, as usual. It’s a pity he’s not a former two-term president.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  8. Dear Gods of Chaos, hear my plea.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  9. Kevin M: Remember how terrible Romney supposedly was?

    Good times.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  10. Kevin M (ed969f) — 1/25/2024 @ 12:08 pm I have no doubt that whoever can will paint this as the Republican Plan. Maybe it is now, that The Trump has spoken, but it wasn’t their plan going in.

    m I think this was the plan of some Republicans, mostly in the House of Representatives, but that tiny minority had the ability more or less to scuttle any deal.

    Before this, the line from Senator Mitch McConnell was that the failure of Ukraine aid was the fault of Biden, because he was the one who linked border/immigration policy to aid for Ukraine (which I don’t know if he was the first to propose it – but he certainly went along – and he didn’t want aid to Israel passed separately, as Republicans proposed to do. Biden hoped that he could get Ukraine aid by putting it in the same bill that gave Republicans (and some Democrats) a lot of what they wanted, which they could never pass in this Congress any other way. Add to that aid to Israel, and future aid to Taiwan,

    Biden is, to some degree, a fool. He was always going to be outmaneuvered.

    Now Biden can only strike a deal with Trump or no deal at all.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  11. a deal with Trump

    Trump would deny he made the deal the next day and demand more.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  12. Punchbowl News. OK. “according to multiple sources present”. Is Mr. Multiple S. Present a Democrat or Republican??

    Yes, this certainly sounds like a party we can negotiate with.

    What’s going on here is a fight over the narrative. The Democrats and their dishonest allies in the media want to blame Republicans for the border mess, when the fact is that Biden has all the tools needed to bring back sanity and he just doesn’t want to use them. He would rather cut off Ukraine aid.

    lloyd (1d45b8)

  13. Further rigging the game:

    A draft resolution circulating among the Republican National Committee would formally declare Donald Trump the Republican Party’s 2024 presumptive nominee.

    While the former president would still need to reach the delegate requirements necessary to win the nomination, if the resolution is approved, he would have access to the RNC’s data operation, benefit from fundraising with the RNC, and have the support of all of the committee’s ground operations. It would also mean the committee would be supporting Trump and effectively opposing former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley – an unprecedented break from the party’s past approach to the nominating process.
    “RESOLVED that the Republican National Committee hereby declares President Trump as our presumptive 2024 nominee for the office of President of the United States and from this moment forward moves into full general election mode welcoming supporters of all candidates as valued members of Team Trump 2024,” the resolution reads.

    Rip Murdock (6098c9)

  14. I need to see the bipartisan text and analysis.

    But, yea, McConnell’s tactic retreat because Trump wants this to be an election issue F’n pisses me off. (hope that doesn’t hit the swear filter).

    But, fundamentally, Joe Biden can do so much more to manage this crisis, namely:
    -Reinstate the remain in Mexico policy
    -End catch and release

    whembly (5f7596)

  15. Negotiations are apparently ongoing, and it seems that Democrats “solution” is for more funding to process illegal immigrants more expediently and negotiating with GOP a daily cap for illegal immigration.

    Looks like its the same ‘ol Gang of 8 bull caca “compromise” where GOPers give just about the whole farm for very little actual security.

    More and more, we’re seeing the absolute dereliction of duty by the Biden administration regarding the southern border.

    whembly (5f7596)

  16. But, fundamentally, Joe Biden can do so much more to manage this crisis, namely:
    -Reinstate the remain in Mexico policy
    -End catch and release

    whembly (5f7596) — 1/25/2024 @ 1:27 pm

    Would the House then pass military aid to Israel, Taiwan and Ukraine?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  17. @16 Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 1/25/2024 @ 2:06 pm
    I would think so.

    whembly (5f7596)

  18. @16 Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 1/25/2024 @ 2:06 pm

    I would think so.

    whembly (5f7596) — 1/25/2024 @ 2:08 pm

    LOL! 🤣🤣🤣

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  19. > Is Mr. Multiple S. Present a Democrat or Republican??

    Per the times article on the same subject, this happened in a closed door meeting between McConnell and other Republican Senators. It includes quotes from Kevin Cramer (R-SD) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) which seem to confirm the report, and comments from Marco Rubio (R-FL) which seem to be aligned with the premise that Republicans should simply not agree to anything lest it help Biden.

    aphrael (71d87c)

  20. whembly (5f7596) — 1/25/2024 @ 2:08 pm

    That really assumes facts not in evidence.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  21. whembly (5f7596) — 1/25/2024 @ 2:08 pm

    The House Republicans can’t even keep the budget deal they negotiated with the Biden Administration and passed into law.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  22. The Biden administration doesn’t have this “mass parole” ability to catch & release illegal immigrants:

    So, that’s what the law says: Aliens who are apprehended trying to enter our country illegally are supposed to be detained. The only alternatives are
    (1) return to contiguous country to await removal hearing or
    (2) parole based on individual circumstances if supported by compelling U.S. interests.

    The mass-parole authority that Biden has claimed does not exist.

    So the Biden administration’s illegal immigration polices at the border is purely unconstitutional and dereliction of duty.

    whembly (5f7596)

  23. @19 Link? What are the exact quotes?

    lloyd (1d45b8)

  24. “Would the House then pass military aid to Israel, Taiwan and Ukraine?”

    Obviously, no one knows. Why does it matter? Shouldn’t ending border chaos be something any president should be doing, regardless of what they can get in return? Or, is it a bargaining chip?

    lloyd (1d45b8)

  25. @24 Before some of usuals here pounce:

    Why does it matter?

    Why does it matter in a discussion about our border security?

    lloyd (b377a0)

  26. Immigration laws are being enforced they’re just inadequate to deal with the problem.

    If someone enters this country (legally or illegally) and asserts an asylum claim, by law he or she is allowed to stay until it is resolved by an immigration judge. This is current law. We can’t just deport them immediately without a hearing.

    Some changes that could help fix our immigration problems:

    1. Better border security (including more border patrol personnel).

    2. More funding for processing and disposing of asylum claims.

    3. Toughening the standards for claiming asylum.

    Biden cannot unilaterally do the above: no POTUS can.

    SamG (4e6c22)

  27. “Immigration laws are being enforced they’re just inadequate to deal with the problem.”

    Remain in Mexico is compliant with immigration law. Biden just didn’t want to continue it.

    Catch and release is not required by immigration law. Biden wanted to reintroduce it, and he did.

    The current immigration laws are adequate for any president interested in our border security. Biden isn’t.

    lloyd (1d45b8)

  28. How can you blame poor Donnie when everybody wants to be his mommy?

    nk (105d74)

  29. whembly (5f7596) — 1/25/2024 @ 2:46 pm

    The mass-parole authority that Biden has claimed does not exist.

    So the Biden administration’s illegal immigration polices at the border is purely unconstitutional and dereliction of duty.

    It most assuredly does. The law cannot require the impossible. It would be helpful if someone – some media outlet – would explain the legal rationale.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)


    McConnell Clarifies: Border Deal Is Still Alive

    Much confusion exists over the status of the deal opposed by Donald Trump

    By John Johnson, Newser Staff
    Posted Jan 25, 2024 8:38 AM CST
    Updated Jan 25, 2024 1:37 PM CST

    … Ex-Trump Official Navarro Sentenced to 4 Months Trump Issues Warning to Haley Donors State GOP Boss Quits Over Tape Johnny Marr’s Not Happy About Trump Campaign Playing the Smiths Bidens Invite Texas Woman Denied Abortion to Capitol Ohio Lawmakers Override Governor on Trans Law UAW Endorses Biden Menendez: FBI Searches Were Illegal Trump Nomination Once Seemed ‘Untenable,’ Now Inevitable Trump Wins New Hampshire, Haley Insists Race Isn’t Over Biden, Harris Hold First 2024 Rally Biden Wins New Hampshire on Write-In Votes
    McConnell Clarifies: Border Deal Is Still Alive
    Much confusion exists over the status of the deal opposed by Donald Trump

    By John Johnson, Newser Staff
    Posted Jan 25, 2024 8:38 AM CST
    Updated Jan 25, 2024 1:37 PM CST

    UPDATE Jan 25, 2024 1:37 PM CST

    It appears that Mitch McConnell isn’t ready to give up on a border deal after all. Politico reports that the Senate minority leader clarified in a private party meeting on Thursday that he still wants to work out a deal on border security with Democrats linked to Ukraine aid. The remarks came after he reportedly suggested the opposite on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the Hill reports that Senate Republicans are pushing allies of former President Trump in the chamber to get him to back off public criticism of the deal—at least until the final version emerges and they’re able to assess it.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  31. “Would the House then pass military aid to Israel, Taiwan and Ukraine?”

    Obviously, no one knows. Why does it matter?…….

    Because the position of Senate Republicans demanded that any aid to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine be linked to border security funding. But it looks like the House Republicans, which oppose aid to Ukraine, would scuttle whatever deal was made by the Administration and the Senate.

    In the end Trump (and House Republicans) get the best of both worlds: no border security deal, so Trump can run on the issue, and no aid to Ukraine.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  32. @27 the policy was under litigation, which was rendered moot by ending the policy. It likely violated the applicable asylum laws, like:

    Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.

    SamG (4e6c22)

  33. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 1/25/2024 @ 5:08 pm

    Taiwan and Israel are collateral damage.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  34. @32 “the policy was under litigation, which was rendered moot by ending the policy. It likely violated the applicable asylum laws”

    How? There is no violation if the applicant never steps foot in the US. That was the point.

    Yes, it was rendered moot by Biden who ended it on day one of his presidency. This has somehow morphed into being the fault of Republicans.

    lloyd (1d45b8)

  35. Cocaine mitch: We want the issue not actually do anything. Who would mow my lawn and do you know hard it would be to find a cheap maid! Besides the ukraine part would upset donald’s friend putin. Look what happened when the dog caught the car on abortion now the democrats use it against us. Maybe we can have another mass school shooting so our voters will be threatened that democrats will ban their assault rifles. Trump says NO deal good enough for me!

    asset (425dd8)

  36. @26

    Immigration laws are being enforced they’re just inadequate to deal with the problem.

    If someone enters this country (legally or illegally) and asserts an asylum claim, by law he or she is allowed to stay until it is resolved by an immigration judge. This is current law. We can’t just deport them immediately without a hearing.
    SamG (4e6c22) — 1/25/2024 @ 3:46 pm

    But the law requires that they’d be detained until the asylum claims are adjudicated.

    That’s not what’s happening, the claimant are released and asked to come to court later to be adjudicated. Hence the “catch and release” part.

    Federal LAW requires detainment, because everyone knows had Biden been actually detaining these illegal immigrants, word would get sent south that basically says “don’t bother”.

    The incentives perpetuated by the Biden administrations is causing this. Migrants believes that once they’re “in”… they get to “stay”.

    whembly (c88dc4)

  37. It’s appalling all around.

    Biden’s policies on border immigration have been a disaster for 3 years. In a nakedly cynical election hot button issue move, they are going to requisition a bunch of $$$ to bail Biden out with no guarantees the money will accomplish anything. Republicans pull this BS in election years too.

    The election people do all their focus groups and projections to find how many swing voters they can influence issue by issue and even the dumbest amongst them can figure out Southern border = big issue even amongst Democrats. So they huddle with the President’s WH staff and leaders in House and Senate and cook up a dog and pony show- To Help Their Candidate, not to help America and the border states. Maybe a few things get fixed- for a while- only to be dropped on or about November 6th. This isn’t about helping the country. Its about getting people re-elected, which to a party zealot is the only thing that helps the country.

    The greatest good in the parties? Acquiring and maintaining power. Helping America and Americas is distant and tangential, maybe 2nd or 3rd place. What is the greatest good for America in Democrat eyes? Having Democrats in power. Same goes for GOP.

    The rubes think the greatest issues are the border, public safety, good economy but to party hacks the greatest issue is to have their party in power. In 2001 Democrats were “arm and arm with Republicans” over the war on terror. By 2002 they were actively sabotaging GWB because it was midterm election time. By 2004 they’d doubled down.

    GOP would do they same thing in a different way. The party leadership doesn’t give a rats butt about what is good for America unless it is good for their party.

    A pox on both their houses

    steveg (1d7228)

  38. Nikki Haley Should Go for Broke

    This shouldn’t even be a question.

    A great party is trying to produce its presidential nominee. Donald Trump is the leader in the contest so far, and looks likely to be the victor. But the cycle has just started (61 delegates allocated, 2,368 to go) and the party isn’t united, it’s split, roughly 50/50 pro-Trump and not….

    Go for broke, Landon said; there’s only one subject now and it’s Mr. Trump. Go at him, make it new. “Feel the freedom of your situation,” he says to Ms. Haley. “Self-respect is at issue. You’re not slinking off under pressure. There is something glorious about a last stand.”

    “You alone now carry the banner. Speak up for all the Republicans who have been demeaned, diminished and threatened by Trump. He can no longer hurt you. Pick up the sword. You don’t have to give Shakespeare’s band-of-brothers speech but live it!”

    Lean into being a woman. “The woman card is untapped by Republican women because they don’t like identity politics.” But the suburbs will appreciate it, and Mr. Trump is going after you as a woman, insulting how you present yourself, calling you “birdbrain.” “You were once in the Little Miss Bamberg, S.C., pageant and sang ‘This Land Is Your Land.’ That’s a beautiful thing for the daughter of immigrants. Trump desecrates such images, this man who owned the Miss USA pageant and grabbed women by certain parts. This is bigger than you. Speak up for Republican women.”

    There are lots of things to say about how terrible Donald Trump is without talking about J6. But that would be OK, too.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  39. @38 Impressive post.

    asset (425dd8)

  40. We few, we happy few

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  41. Kevin M, at 38: that would be incredible.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  42. Kevin,

    so you think identity politics is a good thing and should be pushed more?

    Notice the support you got.

    NJRob (981b1d)

  43. There is an invasion at the border and a crisis. We are at war with our own government and the usual suspects just want to pass amnesty and allow the invasion to continue.

    Some leaders are stepping up like Abbot and DeSantis. We will see where you stand.

    NJRob (981b1d)

  44. I dont understand your comment, Rob. How is the advice to Haley “identity politics”?

    If you read the WSJ Opinion article at Kevin’s link, the advice to Haley is to call out Trump and speak up for every Republican who has been demeaned by Trump. (That is a lot of people — anyone who has criticized or disagreed with Trump!) It also urges Haley to speak up for women since Trump called her a birdbrain, and Trump often denigrates women.

    That is not identity politics. That is how you identify and deal with a bully.

    DRJ (5d4c55)

  45. “The woman card” …

    NJRob (981b1d)

  46. Lean into being a woman. “The woman card is untapped by Republican women because they don’t like identity politics.”

    Sounds like identity politics to me (as would selecting a woman or minority as vice president who is otherwise unqualified).

    BTW, Trump won the suburbs in NH.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  47. Haley can do all the leaning she wants, but she is still going to get “smoked.” The current 538 national polling average has Trump at +56 and +38 in South Carolina.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  48. 34. lloyd (1d45b8) — 1/25/2024 @ 6:00 pm

    There is no violation if the applicant never steps foot in the US.

    Ergo, the proposal for a “wall”

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  49. 11. Kevin M (ed969f) — 1/25/2024 @ 12:55 pm

    Trump would deny he made the deal the next day and demand more.

    Trump wouldn’t deny it, but he might deny the terms or in any case add more demands,

    This will only work if Trump is convinced that it is his interest not to refuse a deal.

    Most likely: Nothing on immigration, Ukraine aid taken from Russia, aid to Israel, and aid to Taiwan included in another bill.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  50. So you all see that as identity politics? Interesting.

    Trump calls men who disagree with him idiots and worse. When a male politician responds to that “playing the man card”? Is that identity politics, too?

    DRJ (cdda58)

  51. Do you need an example? They are countless but here is one:

    Trump called General Milley a traitor who deserves death. Former Trump Defense Secretary Esper defended Milley.

    According to these comments, it is two men playing identity politics (the gender card) against Trump, right?

    DRJ (268439)

  52. Identity politics is when someone uses certain aspects of their identity as a reason to vote for them

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  53. DRJ

    yes. Playing a “card” is the definition of identity politics. What is a man card?

    NJRob (981b1d)

  54. I assume a man card is the opposite of a woman card.

    So criticizing a man and another man defending him is identity politics? The only reason they said what they said was identity politics?

    DRJ (268439)

  55. To me, when the WSJ Opinion article talked about the woman card, it was because he felt Trump calling Haley “birdbrain” would remind voters (especially women) how Trump routinely denigrates and demeans people (especially women).

    Maybe that is identity politics but it isn’t clear to me. It isn’t like saying all black people should vote for Obama solely because he is black, or all white people should vote for Trump solely because he is white. It is focusing on Trump’s behavior, not identity.

    DRJ (268439)

  56. Wacko bird born with silver spoon in his mouth calls a successful, self-made woman a birdbrain.

    How smart is his prenup special?

    Shame on me for saying that, right?

    Trump wallows in shamelessness like a pig in its own effluent, secure that most people will not wrestle him in his sty.

    nk (c8567a)

  57. DRJ,

    they said play the woman card. Didn’t say criticize Trump for his name calling.

    Good luck with attacking Trump for that. He insults everyone for some reason. It’s a dumb tell.

    NJRob (981b1d)

  58. Got it. I will watch for the code words in every article and, presumably, comment.

    DRJ (268439)

  59. Was the $83.3 M verdict agaunst Trump in the Carroll case based on identity politics?

    Bet Trump will successfully fundraise based on it?

    DRJ (268439)

  60. By the way, I am not saying you are wrong. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

    It seems more like wishful thinking by the WSJ op-ed because it hopes women will see Trump call Haley a birdbrain and they will think, “That’s it. I’ve had it with Trump!”

    Does anyone on the planet think that after years of Trump demeaning every man and woman (but his daughter and wife, who he only humiliates)? Trump has plenty of female supporters who seem to like him because of how he acts, not despite it.

    If there is any identity politics here, it isn’t male or female.

    DRJ (268439)

  61. In other words, I agree with you that Trump insults everyone and I think his supporters love it. Frankly, it doesn’t even bother them if they or people like them are his target. They want Trump to go to extremes and willing to take on everyone and every institution.

    DRJ (268439)

  62. Bet Trump will successfully fundraise based on it?

    Bellboys are practiced at cadging tips.

    nk (a6df36)

  63. PS — I do think the implicit point of the WSJ op-ed was a critique of Trump’s name-calling that they hoped would turn women against Trump. Like you, I don’t see how it will change any minds.

    DRJ (268439)

  64. Haley plays identity politics every time she mentions that she is the daughter of immigrants or that being a woman somehow makes her a better candidate.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  65. So there are no differences in abilities or talents peculiar to males and females? For instance, men aren’t generally stronger and women aren’t generally more empathetic — and it is foolish to think there are differences?

    Similarly, being the child of immigrants doesn’t change one’s perspective? I think geography makes a big difference, even for Americans born in different States. Having parents from different countries seems like it matters.

    Why are those differences now part of playing an identity card? Help me out here.

    DRJ (268439)

  66. Why are those differences now part of playing an identity card? Help me out here.

    DRJ (268439) — 1/26/2024 @ 4:15 pm

    Haley claims, without evidence, that being female and a minority makes her somehow “better.” They don’t.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  67. It’s called pandering.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  68. Given that Haley’s campaign is losing on the issues, running as a woman may be all she has left.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  69. That issue being Donald Trump.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  70. Ok. Thanks. I thought she offered more content about her plusses and Trump’s minuses, but I am not following either of them as much as you are.

    DRJ (cdda58)

  71. Haley claims, without evidence, that being female and a minority makes her somehow “better.”
    Rip Murdock (c27dcc) — 1/26/2024 @ 5:03 pm

    (than a guy who bragged about sexually assaulting women)

    I’m not a Haley fan by any stretch, but this isn’t even a good faith summary of her argument.

    If you can’t bash someone without lying, Rip, maybe it’s time to admit you’re wrong.

    Dustin (028439)

  72. “Given that Haley’s campaign is losing on the issues, running as a woman may be all she has left.”

    There’s a war for the soul of the Republican Party and Rip continues to punch….down at Haley. Curious. On the day Trump receives a verdict of $83.3M…for yet again defaming a woman he was found liable for committing sexual assault against….and we have to be shocked that a woman might playfully suggest that being a woman might be an advantage in office and that maybe women should reconsider their support for a serial misogynist. How uppity of her!

    I for one worry far more about how Trump treats women than how Haley treats men….as if there’s a legitimate concern there. Though Trump gets low points for how he treats a lot of men too. Yeah I’m looking at you Tim Scott.

    I think it’s great that with all the ball-less men telling her to get out of the primary and let them coronate Trump, Haley says let’s keep going and let people vote. Rip seems mad that she’s defying Trump. It’s like she’s struck a nerve or something. It remains a Hail Mary, but E. Jean Carroll will be followed by Judge Engoron….followed by Jack Smith. Maybe its too little too late….but I know I’m rooting for it not to be……

    AJ_Liberty (6a90dc)

  73. Yeah I’m looking at you Tim Scott.

    Yeah that was quite a cringe.

    Dustin (028439)

  74. How wonderful to read your comments again, Dustin.
    Re: The cringe of Tim Scott

    I was an early supporter of Scott, but found myself wanting more*, and he, well, simply “wanting.” The debates only highlighted his lack of “chops.”

    * “Wanting more” in a good way, later, I wanted more from him. I sure can pick them.

    felipe (5e2a04)

  75. All the Bully has to do is say the word, and Ukraine gets the aid it needs to defend itself from the Russian bully. But no, the Bully gets what he wants, and
    what he wants is to put his own interests above his country, like he always has, and my party is too afraid of crossing him and doing what is right, even if/when he becomes a convicted felon, even though he’s an adjudicated fraudster, liar and sexual abuser, even though his mental unraveling becomes more and more apparent, even though he has no moral center.

    This is why Ms. Haley needs to stay in the race. Someone in my party needs to stand up.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  76. There’s a war for the soul of the Republican Party and Rip continues to punch….down at Haley. ………Haley says let’s keep going and let people vote. Rip seems mad that she’s defying Trump.

    The war for the soul of the Republican Party (and America) during this campaign was lost in August when all of candidates (with the exception of Christie and Hutchinson) raised their hands pledged allegiance to Donald Trump as the Republican Party nominee even if he was convicted.

    People can continue to vote, and Haley can run her campaign, but I wouldn’t expect her to win the nomination. In South Carolina she’s polling around -30 behind Trump (nationally she’s at -56). I can’t think off the top of my head of any state where she might be within 10 points of Trump, let alone leading him. If she was, I’m sure she would have mentioned it.

    If you’re not running for President to win, you shouldn’t be running. I’ve never been one for symbolism, and that’s what her campaign has become. Doña Quixote.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  77. The journey is the destination, felipe.

    nk (498fc7)

  78. @76, And how are Christie and Hutchinson polling?

    What supports your theory that if every candidate had kept their hands down for that gotcha question, then the election would be materially different? That seems to be the epitome of irrational hopefulness.

    Haley is the last challenger standing. Republicans now get to choose between an unhinged rapist and a hinged not-a-rapist. Who do they want to be?

    AJ_Liberty (6a90dc)

  79. After Carroll Verdict, Haley Says ‘America Can Do Better’ Than Trump or Biden
    As Trump campaign surrogates defended the former president in light of an $83.3 million defamation verdict, Nikki Haley said his legal troubles continued to be a distraction.

    Nikki Haley criticized Donald J. Trump on Friday, saying, “America can do better than Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” after a Manhattan jury had ordered the former president to pay $83.3 million for defaming the writer E. Jean Carroll.

    It was the latest iteration of Ms. Haley’s new attack line against Mr. Trump, portraying another Trump presidency as just as bad for the country as another four years of President Biden. Ms. Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, began making similar statements after Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida dropped out of the race on Sunday, leaving her as the last serious threat to Mr. Trump’s candidacy.

    “Donald Trump wants to be the presumptive Republican nominee and we’re talking about $83 million in damages,” Ms. Haley wrote on social media, adding that Mr. Trump’s legal troubles continued to be a distraction. “We’re not talking about fixing the border. We’re not talking about tackling inflation.”

    nk (997e1b)

  80. Personally, I am inclined to believe that E. Jean Carroll’s ghostwriter put Trump’s name to a fantasy of the kind that Ted Cruz does not want you to have more than five of at any one time.

    But Trump is the kind of jumped up bellboy who will mess up his own wet dream.

    Instead of a hand wave “Don’t bother me with that garbage. If you believe it, don’t vote for me [like Biden said]“, he actually campaigned against the little old lady, and made not one but two federal cases out of it.

    nk (997e1b)

  81. What a great day for Carroll. Not so great a day for those holding to the fiction that Trump can get a fair trial in venues like NYC and DC. Carroll could’ve had her great day more than twenty years ago, before she learned that Trump wasn’t a Democrat. To think what she could’ve done with her windfall while younger.

    lloyd (04f091)

  82. Just because you think that way, lloyd, does not mean that ordinary, honest, law-abiding citizens, who have complied with a jury summons and taken a juror’s oath think that way.

    nk (997e1b)

  83. But you do provide a good example of the mindset of Trump supporters.

    nk (997e1b)

  84. And what difference does it make? I don’t think George Floyd deserved to have Derek Chauvin kneel on his neck. That does not mean that George Floyd should have been Mayor of Minneapolis.

    nk (997e1b)

  85. @82

    Anyway, no worries. The speed cameras/traps are not going to let go of their bread and butter. Not anymore than South Texas cops are going to let the DEA and CBP interdict drug smuggling before it reaches their pockets jurisdictions.
    nk (997e1b) — 1/27/2024 @ 6:50 am

    Like the speed traps, cops on the take themselves cannot exist unless there’s something in it for their bosses too.
    nk (997e1b) — 1/27/2024 @ 7:07 am

    Yes, nk, tell us all you know about the motives of the law-abiding who have taken oaths.

    lloyd (04b294)

  86. Now, now, Lloyd. Nk never spoke about the “law-abiding who have taken oaths.” It is clear from the context in your second quote that nk directed his ire to those who betrayed their oaths.

    I’ll agree with you that the first quote paints too broad a brush (concerning South Texas cops) for those who do not possess an ear for nk-ese. But I’ve met too many of those South Texas Cops to fight for their collective honor – one or two for sure, I’ll defend, but then I know those one or two personally as demonstrating honor beyond reproach.

    felipe (5045ed)

  87. NY changed the laws to “get Trump.” Anyone who thinks he can get a fair trial, guilty or not, is just lying.

    NJRob (20a9a3)

  88. Oh, and let me just say that no, I do not condemn those LEOS whom I have yet to meet, any more than any stranger. I just mean to say that I trust strangers no further than I can throw them, but I will note that those strangers who carry, with a badge, should never be thrown at all. Come to think of it, I’d avoid throwing anyone carrying.

    felipe (5045ed)

  89. Not so great a day for those holding to the fiction that Trump can get a fair trial in venues like NYC and DC.

    All anyone needs to know is that Trump is the bully, not the victim, and finally a bully was held to account for his bullying ways. That, and presume everything he says is false until proven true. That, and for Trump, it’s Trump first and anything else a distant second. Yet he’s my party’s Standard Bearer.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  90. NY changed the laws to “get Trump.”

    Heh! Actually, that happened a long time ago, with New York’s first SLAPP (Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation) law. And it was because Roy Cohn, on behalf of Trump, was suing people who objected to Trump’s proposed real estate developments before the planning commission.

    nk (997e1b)

  91. What supports your theory that if every candidate had kept their hands down for that gotcha question, then the election would be materially different? That seems to be the epitome of irrational hopefulness.

    Haley is the last challenger standing. Republicans now get to choose between an unhinged rapist and a hinged not-a-rapist. Who do they want to be?

    AJ_Liberty (6a90dc) — 1/27/2024 @ 7:21 am

    Of the non-Trump candidates, two (DeSantis and Ramaswamy) were Trump acolytes, so I would have expected them to raise their hands; two were anti-Trump (Christie and Hutchinson); and Burgum, Pence, and Scott were non-entities based on their polling.

    Had Haley followed up on her “new generation” argument she should have joined those in opposition to Trump, but she decided not to. She became a Trump enabler.

    As far as your argument that she is the last challenger standing, that is true, but she is non-competitive challenger. She should have been attacking Trump the way she is now six months ago.

    It’s a sad fact, but apparently the (vast) majority of Republican voters want the “unhinged rapist” to be their presidential nominee.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  92. The problem with the Republican primary campaign was that the Lilliputians were stealing support from each other and not Donald Trump.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  93. Bah!

    I just mean to say that I trust strangers no fu a rther than I can throw them.

    felipe (5045ed)

  94. Remember back to 2016 and how “First Woman!!!1!!” was in every other report on the campaign? Somehow they aren’t saying that about Haley. Possibly because her campaign doesn’t bring it up, or possibly because “Republican woman” is an oxymoron to “journalists.”

    But I’d expect a sex-identity panderer would manage to get that idea into the press more.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  95. Yes, nk, tell us all you know about the motives of the law-abiding who have taken oaths.

    I don’t believe I’ve ever taken an oath not to exceed the speed limit.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  96. nk (997e1b) — 1/27/2024 @ 9:19 am

    So, Trump is indirectly responsible for some positive change.

    Someone once told me that “All laws are the result of assh0les.” Trump must be prolific in instigating new law.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  97. I wonder if Haley could just short-circuit all of this, drop out of the GOP primaries and announce a write-in campaign for the general election. That bypasses both the ballot-access issue (several federal decisions insist that write-ins must be allowed) and the sore-loser laws. It would also put the kibosh on No Labels.

    I think that, after Perot, many states have imposed more barriers to sudden new-party formation and while those are probably unconstitutional (it should not take more time now to set up for an election than it did in 1992), it would be expensive, time consuming, and chancy to try to overcome those.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  98. ” Not so great a day for those holding to the fiction that Trump can get a fair trial in venues like NYC and DC.”

    What’s a fair trial, Trump wins? Maybe he should stick to only molesting women in Red States.

    Still, this last trial was about him continuing to defame Carroll. You know, the thing he was fined $5M for last year. I guess $5M didn’t get his attention — maybe $83.3M will, who knows. Trump’s deposition was a bloody wreck, seeming to suggest that celebrities get to do this sexual assault sort of thing as a perk. His brief testimony this go around simply reaffirmed his deposition. How easy could he make it for the jury?

    Maybe don’t brag about grabbing women by the p*ssy….or better yet…stop engaging in that criminal behavior all together. I’m no fan of decades-late accusations being leveled….it seems unfair to the defense which must almost prove a negative…but this is what happens when a party simply doesn’t care about the character of its leader. Your left in the uncomfortable position of defending the indefensible. Social conservatism loses all moral authority. I would think some here would really care about that…..

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  99. Remember back to 2016 and how “First Woman!!!1!!” was in every other report on the campaign? Somehow they aren’t saying that about Haley.

    Probably because that “First Woman” actually won the nomination of her party.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  100. I wonder if Haley could just short-circuit all of this, drop out of the GOP primaries and announce a write-in campaign for the general election.

    She would still would have a zero chance of becoming President.

    Rip Murdock (c27dcc)

  101. She would still would have a zero chance of becoming President.

    James Carville on Trump’s NH “win” and both candidate’s problems with the center:

    I have a little more negative take than you do. If it was a contested Democratic — any time of the contest and it was Biden vs. any couple of 3 Democrats or 1 Democrat and he got 51%, it would be the end of f***ing days.

    We’d be dating ourselves, we’d be going back to Eugene McCarthy in New Hampshire in 1968. He got 42%. In an old, white, now Republican state that an incumbent — and Trump is an incumbent, sorry, he just is — can get only 51% against, by the way, what has turned out to be not overly impressive upon them.

    DeSantis is almost a laughingstock now. And Nikki Haley, she’s, you know, she’s helium weight. She’s a real featherweight. She looks decent on paper. DeSantis looked even better on paper. And they just have nothing and Trump — now, I want to look at the entrance polls. I want to be careful when I call them entrance polls. Ehhhhh, the third party is going to get a lot of f***ing votes in 2024. I’m just telling ya. It’s going to get a lot unless something really changes and it’s hard for me to see the change.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  102. Of course, Chris Christie could run that centrist campaign, too.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  103. I would love to see polls on Trump vs Biden vs Christie or Haley. Or Christie-Haley.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  104. Κρεβατομουρμουρα /krevatomurmura/. Literally, muttering in bed. Colloquially, nagging.

    If Trump had deported himself in court with the grace and dignity of a former President, instead of that of an old fishwife with aching bunions, the jury might have been more sympathetic.

    nk (3456c5)

  105. You had me at: “If Trump had deported himself”

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  106. Rip Murdock (c27dcc) — 1/26/2024 @ 5:14 pm

    Given that Haley’s campaign is losing on the issues, running as a woman may be all she has left.

    She’s running more on the age issue.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  107. “If Trump had deported himself in court”

    I guess you didn’t mean “comported”. Norm Crosby would have enjoyed your malapropism!

    felipe (5e2a04)

  108. (Haley’s) running more on the age issue.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e) — 1/27/2024 @ 5:10 pm

    Not very successfully.

    Rip Murdock (90963c)

  109. Dictionary
    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
    a person’s behavior or manners.
    “there are team rules governing deportment on and off the field”

    nk (b6c4dd)

  110. deport
    de·​port di-ˈpȯrt dē-
    deported; deporting; deports
    transitive verb

    1 [Latin deportare]
    a: to send out of the country by legal deportation
    b: to carry away
    2: to behave or comport (oneself) especially in accord with a code

    nk (b6c4dd)

  111. nk (b6c4dd) — 1/27/2024 @ 6:59 pm

    “missed it by that much!”

    felipe (5045ed)

  112. Oh, nk used it right. But it was just too easy a pitch to take.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  113. I’ve learned to not challenge nk’s word choices. His knowledge of Greek puts him at a natural advantage over the rest of us.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  114. Apparently my jibe went over everyone’s head.

    2: to behave or comport (oneself) especially in accord with a code

    nk: I requested $250,000 in damages
    felipe: You should asked for a quarter million!

    That’s what my “missed it by that much” meant.

    felipe (5045ed)

  115. Y’know what? My joke’s failure was my own fault because I included “Norm Crosby would have enjoyed your malapropism!” When it was unnecessary.

    PLus, the comedy is in the delivery and timing – both of which are also my fault.

    felipe (5045ed)

  116. -Shakka, when the walls fell-

    felipe (5045ed)

  117. A lady walks into a bar and tells the bartender, “Give me an entendre and make it a double”. So he gave it to her.

    I am no stranger to courtrooms, and many people could justifiably argue that a defendant is supposed to comport himself by seating there quietly unless he is called on to plead or testify, while his lawyer deports himself courteously and credibly to the judge and jury.

    Comport, more indrawn; deport, more outgoing.

    But I thought the double meaning that Kevin caught on to right away would play well in this thread.

    nk (b6c4dd)

  118. I completely agree, nk. This might be why we can’t have nice things.

    felipe (5045ed)

  119. I agree with nk.

    Trump is so overcome by insecurity (or whatever mental issues he has) that he can’t stop his ego from being threatened or hurt. It’s a shame because he has an ability to understand what people want and to articulate it.

    He connects with people and in the fleeting moments of his life when he puts his ego aside, he can be effective and caring.

    I think his Presidency and life would have been much different if he could exercise self-discipline and control his ego. But he can’t and the DC verdict shows how much that costs.

    DRJ (5d4c55)

  120. @119, Trump is and will always be a self-promoter…taking away the ego and lck of self discipline is like taking away the arrogance from Obama. What’s really left?

    He did good things…like judges….because he had good people around him picking…and he in fact had to do very little. Much of the rest was the populist grift of blaming all of our problems on Mexicans, Chinese, neocons, and liberals. Effective, maybe, but take away the good people who might take swill and turn it into wine, we’re just left with the whine.

    It’s horrible that so many people revere him. He’s a rapist, liar, cheat, and bully. America needs better…much better…

    AJ_Liberty (5aa29c)

  121. DC verdict?

    Rip Murdock (90963c)

  122. Breaking: 3 americans killed (and many wounded) at an base in Jordan from a missile fired by an Iranian backed group in Syria.

    By the way, there’s been a war going on and so the Americans soldiers may not have been the specific target. It concerns drugs, not fentanyl – that’s a problem with the Mexican drug cartels – but a form of amphetamine.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  123. New York, not DC. Sorry. I have been following Mann vs Steyn in DC and said DC.

    DRJ (268439)

  124. Aren’t most politicians promoters, to a degree? But they are also people and people can also be humble.

    DRJ (7f07d8)

  125. Aren’t most politicians promoters, to a degree? But they are also people and people can also be humble.

    JFK and Reagan were masters at self-depreciating humor. Obama not so much; he tried but really didn’t get it. Trump is a pure self-promoter who also tends to punish all who would diminish him. It’s never “There you go again” but rather “I’ll bury you!”

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  126. Sammy

    It was only a matter of time until the Iranians figured out how to get a drone in. Of course it could have been luck, but they’ve put themselves into an ever improving position to be lucky.

    It is only a matter of time until the Houthi’s figure out a way that increases their odds of luck and they will hit a US warship.

    I object to the Biden Administration using US service personnel as staked goats.

    Iran is using western rules against us. Proxies give plausible deniability and cover. I don’t think hitting Iran will make them stop, Biden may well hit them, but it will be such a calculated hit that they will laugh it off.

    steveg (2bb6d9)

  127. The politicians today that make the most noise, get talked about the most are devoid of humility.
    Biden and Trump are two of the least humble people around
    Going down the list, McConnell talks folksy, but he is not humble… I think we’d have to do a deep dive, maybe Tim Scott. Fan favorite Liz Cheney isn’t humble.

    I’m having a hard time naming any but I’m sure God could find at least 10 because its still standing

    steveg (715f0a)

  128. As shown in my link, Trump showed humility when it came to picking judges because he clearly relied on recommendations. I also included a link where Trump demonstrated caring with a very sick, prayerful little girl at a Prayer Breakfast. So he can act humble.

    He chooses not to and, as nk said, it really hurt him at this trial. Jurors want to see both sides. Trump made that impossible.

    DRJ (5d4c55)

  129. Why the harsh opinions about politicians? They come in all types. I thought Cruz was great but he has disappointed me with Trump. That doesn’t make him all bad or all good.

    There are commenters here that come across as devoid of humility, but IMO that is because we don’t really know them. I think that is true of everyone.

    DRJ (5d4c55)

  130. Politicians who run for office claiming to have all the answers (as they invariably do) are the least humble persons on the planet.

    Rip Murdock (90963c)

  131. There are commenters here that come across as devoid of humility

    I have much more humility than anyone else here!

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  132. Good one, Kevin!

    Rip: Like commenters that have all the answers?

    DRJ (cdda58)

  133. If one believes that they would be the best person to sit in the Oval Office, that demonstrates a certain hubris/confidence. Imagine believing you are the best and brightest in the United States to effectively lead the nation through every inevitable crisis and calamity that will occur. However, without that sense of self-righteousness and confidence, there wouldn’t be any candidates. That mindset is baked into the proposition and position. It’s a bit quixotic and yet part of the equation.

    Dana (8e902f)

  134. steveg (2bb6d9) — 1/28/2024 @ 9:53 am


    It was only a matter of time until the Iranians figured out how to get a drone in. Of course it could have been luck, but they’ve put themselves into an ever improving position to be lucky.

    They’ve figured that out already, some time ago.

    It may be that getting their proxies to act may be their problem.

    Hezbollah is going slow, limiting themselves to firing only from southern Lebanon, where much of the population has been evacuated, so that the number of Lebanese civilians getting killed is low. At one point the numbers ran: 7 & later 9 Israeli soldiers killed near the northern Israeli border, and 4 civilians and 133+ Hezbollah fighters killed and 17 or so civilians. Not Like Hamas.

    But Hamas collects money (or expects to) for every Palestinian killed – the total is going to be inflated somewhat and money siphoned off from the families of those killed. Hamas has a list of people (at least notionally) killed – that’s the number they periodically update, now over 25,000 – and is presenting a bill which the Palestinian Authority will launder (probably taking a cut themselves).

    Dead Hamas fighters are worth the most, but innocent civilians are worth something like 400 Israeli shekels to people who claim to be the nearest male relatives willing to apply for the cash – and it could be that Hamas itself gets some additional payment.

    I think maybe Hezbollah’s limited involvement is why the Iranians decided to use the Houthis in Yemen – and fired sometimes from Iran itself, especially eastward – and they are also having a little conflict with Pakistan.

    One theory as to why Hezbollah has not unleashed a full scale barrage is that Iran is holding that in reserve in case of a direct attack by Israel (or the United States) but I think it may be that Hezbollah is a bit independent and doesn’t want to see everything they have in Beirut destroyed, plus the u.S. efforts to prevent escalation. The United States might (have to) intervene, And so far, it’s holding.

    It is only a matter of time until the Houthi’s figure out a way that increases their odds of luck and they will hit a US warship.

    What’s slowing them does in that they have to avoid hitting anything connected with China.

    Meanwhile they’ve succeeded in getting a lot of maritime traffic to avoid using the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. They say they will stop when fighting in Gaza stops. That is what happened during the previous Black Friday weeklong pause. ALl Iranian proxies paused as well

    I object to the Biden Administration using US service personnel as staked goats.

    Staked goats? They are not getting shipping companies to use the Suez Canal again if they’ve stopped or probably getting insurance rates down

    Iran is using western rules against us. Proxies give plausible deniability and cover. I don’t think hitting Iran will make them stop, Biden may well hit them, but it will be such a calculated hit that they will laugh it off.

    Biden will not hit Iran, at least while the war in Gaza is still going on because he doesn’t want this to be 1914. He wants to respond and yet not respond.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  135. The Iranians and the Russians both know that Americans do not like to vote out an incumbent during a conflict.
    So does this all mean they prefer Biden?

    steveg (715f0a)

  136. Sammy. Sorry to jump around, but “staked goats” was in reference to land based troops in Iraq, Syria, Jordan that have been getting droned and rocketed for months now with only minor retaliation.

    steveg (715f0a)

  137. The Iranians and the Russians both know that Americans do not like to vote out an incumbent during a conflict.
    So does this all mean they prefer Biden?

    steveg (715f0a) — 1/28/2024 @ 12:56 pm

    I would assume both would favor Trump since he will probably withdraw US forces in the Middle East and Europe.

    Rip Murdock (90963c)

  138. Rip: Like commenters that have all the answers?

    DRJ (cdda58) — 1/28/2024 @ 11:56 am

    No. If elected, politicians will have the power to make decisions that affect the lives of thousands or millions, Internet commenters have no such ability.

    Rip Murdock (90963c)

  139. So it is ability and power that makes people overconfident? Trump seems to have always been this way, long before he had any real power.

    DRJ (268439)

  140. I’m not going to psychoanalyze Trump. I’m saying as a group, politicians have overweening sense that they can change things, which they inevitably fail to do so. A single politician cannot have the impacts they promise.

    Rip Murdock (d5964e)

  141. What a great day for Carroll. Not so great a day for those holding to the fiction that Trump can get a fair trial in venues like NYC and DC………

    Trump waived his opportunity to testify in his defense in the initial defamation trial. This judgment was then pre-ordained.

    Rip Murdock (d5964e)

  142. “If one believes that they would be the best person to sit in the Oval Office, that demonstrates a certain hubris/confidence. Imagine believing you are the best and brightest in the United States to effectively lead the nation through every inevitable crisis and calamity that will occur. However, without that sense of self-righteousness and confidence, there wouldn’t be any candidates.”

    We want confident knowledgeable people who also understand that they will need to rely on other people’s expertise. Leadership should have been demonstrated by your previous positions…not something you can just talk about.

    I do have a problem about how we frame these Presidential contests. We encourage candidates to spend a lot of energy assembling plans that are generally dead in the water if the other party wins one house of Congress….or we have a very even split. Yes, it’s good to know what they will do with the Presidential authority that they have: what will be their foreign policy prerogatives and what type of executive orders they will promulgate. It’s also useful to understand how they will approach legislation that might hit their desk. It might also be good to hear what people or at least types of people they will place in key positions. Sometimes it just seems like we want a Santa Claus…and that’s what we get for discussions. I’m tired of the aserious discussions about reducing deficits or debt. I’m also not especially excited about a candidate getting into the weeds of state issues that a President has little direct power to influence.

    The GOP field wasn’t exceptional but it did produce 5 governors that had other leadership qualifications: Haley, DeSantis, Christie, Hutchinson, and Pence. We should have found a Presidential candidate from that group. That we appear ready not to, just tells us who we are.

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  143. Maybe so, Rip. I know politicians and CEOs and lots of lawyers and doctors. I also know plumbers and teachers and pastors. Some are humble and some very confident to the point that they don’t seem humble. What they do for a living doesn’t seem to make as much difference as other things.

    DRJ (268439)

  144. To me, Trump seems more like an actor/celebrity than a politician, which is why I think he is insecure. But I admit it’s just a guess.

    DRJ (268439)

  145. So it is ability and power that makes people overconfident? Trump seems to have always been this way, long before he had any real power.

    Except “Demosthenes”

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  146. The GOP field wasn’t exceptional but it did produce 5 governors that had other leadership qualifications

    Back in the day when “leaders” were hereditary, you had lots of folks like Trump — and lots of disasters like WWI and the Thirty Years War.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  147. Here is a politician that sounds like a true public servant from a family of the same. Maybe the kind words are because he died unexpectedly but I think there are people in every job that are good folks. RIP.

    DRJ (5d4c55)

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