Patterico's Pontifications


Nikki Haley Makes It Official

Filed under: General — Dana @ 8:03 am

[guest post by Dana]

She’s in:

She concludes her announcement with what could easily be seen as a shot across Donald Trump’s bow, given how well he deals with women who challenge him:

You should know this about me: I don’t put up with bullies. And when you kick back, it hurts them more if you’re wearing heels.

Since Haley is the only other Republican who has made an official announcement, it stands to reason that Trump will focus his attention on her. But I don’t think he sees her as any great threat, not like he would Ron DeSantis if he runs.

Anyway, a few interesting observations over at FiveThirtyEight:

Haley’s presidential bid isn’t just significant because she’s the first candidate to openly challenge Trump. As a child of Indian immigrants, she’s also the first woman of color — and the fifth woman ever — to run for the Republican presidential nomination. Haley’s race and gender are particularly noteworthy because Republican women of color are rare in elected office, although their numbers did grow after the 2020 election. The fact that she’s going up against Trump will sharpen the contrast, particularly if he uses the racist and sexist attacks he’s employed against past challengers. Haley’s candidacy will be a high-profile test of how a woman of color is received by Republican primary voters…As we’ve written for the site, the dearth of women among Republican politicians’ ranks is due to two self-reinforcing problems: They’re less likely to run for office, and when they do run, they face significant barriers in the form of voter stereotypes and a lack of institutional support.

The chair of the DNC responded to Haley’s announcement:


144 Responses to “Nikki Haley Makes It Official”

  1. Good morning.

    Dana (1225fc)

  2. She’s got looks, class, and brains. And the entire 2020 Democratic primary lineup beat, for a fact. We’ll see.

    nk (bb1548)

  3. She can bring nk and DCSCA together. That’s big tent right there.

    Appalled (3a5b45)

  4. I would eagerly vote for her should she wins the primary over any Democrat.

    whembly (d116f3)

  5. Based on everything I know about her so far she’s ok. I think she’s been wishing washy on the Jan 6 thing. But right now I’d vote for her over Trump or Ron in a primary and over Biden in the general.

    Time123 (31d31e)

  6. I think we may see a DeSantis / Haley ticket.

    Mattsky (7036b7)

  7. Trump to call Haley “disloyal” in 5, 4, 3, 2…

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  8. I guess the DNC is going to wait for their media friends to do a deep dive into how rape kits were handled by local police when she was Governor (I forget exactly how this happened in this Alaska, but evidently cash poor municipalities Police Depts around the state including Wasilla billed the kits to the victims insurance. This was spun into “Sarah Palin makes rape victims pay for their rape kit”) Here is CA there is a backlog of 14,000 rape kits that have not been processed, so CA under Newsom created a tracking website. That’ll do it. We just had a budget surplus, so it wasn’t about money…

    steveg (9b6a62)

  9. She’s obviously a Big Tent candidate. My concern is whether there are too many Little Tent voters (on both sides of the Trump divide).

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  10. My guess is that the correct candidate will allow both Trump and anti-Trump voters to look to the future. The real question is how badly Trump himself plays Samson-in-the-Temple.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  11. That the DNC has the temerity to accuse the GOP of wanting to “end Medicare as we know it” is risible. The changes that are being forced onto Medicare in the next few years — done entirely without a GOP vote — are gutting W’s Medicare Part D.

    Already this year, drug formularies have been slashed, with many drugs only available on higher-priced plans so that insulin and a few other drugs can be price-fixed.

    Next year maximum out-of-pocket is halved and deductibles are cut, while premiums are capped. This will drive a number of insurers out of the market. Many seniors who need drug plans will be forced into Medicare Advantage HMOs with narrow doctor networks and little patient control.

    And the Democrats will blame the GOP, and the press will let them.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  12. Trump to call Haley “disloyal” in 5, 4, 3, 2…

    I have not given up the idea that Trump put her in to divide the anti-Trump vote, or that her goal is really to be Vice President, Trump’s or somebody else’s.

    nk (bb1548)

  13. This is the problem with our fractured media. Too many people—on both sides—only get their news from their respective echo chambers.

    It’s always been that way, to some extent, but it seems bizarre: we believe something about someone we do not know, because someone else we do not know told us so…

    Kevin and others: where do you go for your news that isn’t self reinforcing?

    Simon Jester (ff9c91)

  14. And I have always liked Nikki Haley’s interviews. We shall see.

    Simon Jester (ff9c91)

  15. I expect that the civility police will be on break when it comes to Nikki Haley’s opponents.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  16. Kevin and others: where do you go for your news that isn’t self reinforcing?

    I subscribe (at deep discounts) to NYT, WaPo, LAT, WSJ and the local ABQ paper. $1/week is my limit. There is also CNN, RCP and Drudge (for serendipity). Plus blogs like Scotusblog and this one here. Occasionally I drop in on Instapundit and Reason, but not so much lately.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  17. I think that the WaPo to Instapundit spectrum gives me a broad exposure.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  18. I think she’s been wishing washy on the Jan 6 thing.

    It’s more than just 1/6. She has completely flipped her position regarding Trump. Political expediency tops everything.

    As for Haley, the former South Carolina governor had to put some ideological distance between herself and her blistering comments about Trump in a February (2021) interview with Politico.

    At the time, Haley predicted Trump would “find himself further and further isolated” and diagnosed “he’s lost any sort of political viability he was going to have,” effectively ruling out a reelection effort by the former president.

    “I don’t think he’s going to be in the picture,” she told Tim Alberta. “I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far.”

    Haley said Trump “went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”

    Her cleanup efforts began in April, when she said she would not run if Trump ran. By the time of her Tuesday interview with the Wall Street Journal’s John McCormick, all criticisms of Trump were gone.

    “He has a strong legacy from his administration,” Haley said. “He has the ability to get strong people elected, and he has the ability to move the ball, and I hope that he continues to do that. We need him in the Republican Party. I don’t want us to go back to the days before Trump.”

    That’s why I call her The Waffler.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  19. I think Nikki Haley already did the “work for Trump thing” and doubt she’d take a VP slot. She could also just Google “Mike Pence” and “news” and see how that’s gone. If I was politically ambitious and was offered VP slot by Trump, I’d scream “wrong number, wrong number” into the phone and immediately, publicly hire a dominatrix to beat the idea out of me. My political future would be better off with photos of me wearing a ball gag with a giant trans beating me than as Trumps VP

    steveg (9b6a62)

  20. ….. where do you go for your news that isn’t self reinforcing?

    NYT, WaPo, LAT, WSJ, RCP, Volokoh Conspiracy, here, Free Republic (when I need a laugh), Lawfare, 538, CNN, Memeorandum (a news/blog aggregator, which sometimes includes PP), Google News, MSN and Yahoo News, etc.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  21. Another South Carolinian will be running for President.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  22. Nikki Haley is slammed by Rip and the WaPo (birm) for working with Trump and for not going full Liz Cheney after J6, but that’s because the WaPo is a DNC outlet and Rip is apparently a small-tent Republican.

    The fact is that Haley managed to work as UN Ambassador without 1) disgracing herself with some Trumpian nonsense, and 2) getting fired by Trump. Both of those required consummate political skill. Her leaving after the midterms was probably a good move as that balancing act wasn’t sustainable, but she also managed to leave on good terms, again a wonder in the Trump years.

    She said what she said after J6, and was informed that the Party (and especially its donors) didn’t feel the same way. So she stifled herself and waited. IF you note she was generally unwilling to speak out on the Trump issue, either way, afterwards.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  23. She may not get the nomination this time (although I think she’s a contender), but if not she’ll be the heir apparent if DeSantis loses, or 8 years later, if he wins.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  24. Tim Scott IS running for VP. Can’t be Nikki’s though.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  25. It will be interesting to see her on the trail and to see her carve out her message. I don’t think this will end up being a referendum on her Trump comments. It will be more of what is your vision moving forward. If she tells a compelling story that can expand the number of voters that will consider the GOP, then that’s important. But we should probably listen to a few more speeches before anointing her or rejecting her.

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  26. Rip is apparently a small-tent Republican.

    First of all, I am not a registered Republican (registered decline to state) and no, it’s just that she is a hypocrite, first condemning Trump then whitewashing him. The only reason Darling Nikki stayed out the Trump drama is that the UN is located in New York.

    Tim Scott IS running for VP. Can’t be Nikki’s though.

    Yes he can, the South Carolina electoral college delegates just couldn’t vote for him. The 12th Amendment says

    The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President……

    Right now she’s a box checker. She’s not a white male, she has immigrant parents, and she isn’t Trump. That’s the best you say about her. Darling Nikki needs a rationale to be President beyond checking the boxes. She has also be doing pretty much nothing since she left the Trump Administration, while DeSantis has been stealing the show.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  27. I don’t think this will end up being a referendum on her Trump comments.

    TrumpWorld hasn’t forgotten her Politico interview, and they blame her for starting the movement to remove Confederate statues and place names when she backed the removal of the Stars and Bars from the state flag. They are adamantly against her.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  28. Yes he can, the South Carolina electoral college delegates just couldn’t vote for him

    Obviously. But it is never done.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  29. TrumpWorld

    Trumpworld is not the tens of millions who voted for him, but rather the bottom-feeding mom’s-basement-dwelling incels who populate Free Republic. They’d never vote for any woman. This is just their excuse.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  30. Still, we see just how toxic Trump remains, and will until the day he dies.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  31. it’s just that she is a hypocrite, first condemning Trump then whitewashing him.

    No, she’s a politician. At best you can say she’s ambivalent towards Trump. As is the GOP. If the GOP’s voters divide into Trump and notTrump camps, and will not vote for a member of the other camp, then say hello to President AOC.

    People need to get over themselves. It’s not about you.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  32. NYT, WaPo, LAT, WSJ and the local ABQ paper. $1/week is my limit. There is also CNN, RCP and Drudge .

    This runs the gamut from A to B.

    kaf (6fa9cd)

  33. Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/14/2023 @ 12:13 pm

    Obviously. But it is never done.

    In 2000, Dick Cheney had moved to Texas to run Haliburton -as a figurehead, really. (he later divested himself and substituted fixed payments, but Democrats would not stop intimating he had a conflict of interest and that Haliburton would profit from Iraq being taken off the sanctions list)

    He moved his address to the vacation home he still had in Jackson Hole, Wyoming – maybe it was his official residence while he was in Congress.

    You can get as close as 30 days before an election for purposes of voting and this goes for residency for purposes of federal elections

    Tim Scott can’t change his official state of residence without resigning from the Senate, and similarly DeSantis can’t move from Florida without resigning as Governor. Trump could “move” (most likely to Bedford, New Jersey) but he’d have to pay more taxes. Nikki Haley could move maybe.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  34. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 2/14/2023 @ 11:57 am

    Darling Nikki needs a rationale to be President beyond checking the boxes.

    Isn’t it enough that she’s not Trump, not a Trump imitator, and not a Democrat and there’s nobody else so far who checks those three boxes??

    DeSantis has been stealing the show.

    By doing things like lying about getting the College Board to change its curriculum on African American history. He never offered any specific objection! (they changed some, and maybe announced that because of him, unless his threat to do something were times to when they were about to announce something. He’s still fighting them)

    DeSantis never communicated any detailed objections, and they’d been getting pushback for some time. DeSantis piggybacked on that.

    The College Board put a lot of radical ideas into their test, and excerpts from bad ideas. Saying they were covering what colleges did.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  35. At best you can say (Darling Nikki) ambivalent towards Trump.

    Hence my nickname for : The Waffler.

    Rip Murdock (d19d0a)

  36. Breaking: Senator Dianne Feinstein announces she will not run for re-election. It was more or less expected sooner or later.

    She may now be less capable than John Fetterman, who mainly only has trouble understanding speech. Fetterman is concentrating on the farm bill, where he feels he may accomplish something, and not trying to make waves. Captioning has been set up at his desk on the floor, at the podium (junior Senators often preside) and at his committee seats.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  37. Isn’t it enough that she’s not Trump, not a Trump imitator, and not a Democrat and there’s nobody else so far who checks those three boxes??

    That’s a pretty low bar. At best she is Trump adjacent. I don’t think someone who is only box checker should be President. Otherwise you have a Republican Obama.

    Rip Murdock (d19d0a)

  38. They’d never vote for any woman. This is just their excuse.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/14/2023 @ 12:16 pm

    Kari Lake

    Rip Murdock (d19d0a)

  39. And Elise Stefanik.

    Rip Murdock (d19d0a)

  40. This runs the gamut from A to B.

    1) you edited my comment to falsify your reply. You are dishonest.

    2) At least I get to B. You are no doubt stuck at Z.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  41. Kari Lake

    I stand corrected. They’d never vote for a sane woman.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  42. And Elise Stefanik.

    Elsie has fewer principles than KEvin McCarthy. She’d be Liz Cheney’s VP if it was on offer.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  43. DeSantis is trying to take over for Trump. He’s smarter and saner, but he still is leading by hate and resentment, not by hope or vision. It’s the Dark Side, and I want better.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  44. So, kaf, what do you read regularly? Besides Free Republic and Gateway Pundit?

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  45. 43, Trump’s crew might be crazy but at least it seems demographic boxes are checked within that menagerie. No Brandon Strakas or Kathy Barnettes in the DeSantis crew. Trump might scour for votes in “unfriendly” places if RDS is the clear clubhouse leader on the cusp of Super Tuesday.

    urbanleftbehind (1be510)

  46. Nikki Haley Makes It Official


    “Go, baby, GO!!” – Walter Cronkite, CBS News

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  47. BTW, I just sent Nikki some money.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  48. More about The Waffler:

    In early 2016, Ms. Haley said she was embarrassed by Mr. Trump and criticized his reluctance to condemn white supremacists. Less than a year later, she agreed to join his cabinet and served as a validator for him on both the domestic and global stages.
    In her first bid for governor, she was a Tea Party-aligned candidate who lost the general election endorsement of the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce to a Democrat. The group would have traditionally backed someone like Ms. Haley, who promoted lower taxes and smaller government, but the voting members found her views too confrontational and inflexible.

    Once governor, she signed legislation that gave subsidies to Boeing Co., a move in conflict with the Tea Party movement.
    After resigning her U.N. post in October 2018, Ms. Haley returned to South Carolina and joined the board of directors at Boeing, which opened a production facility in North Charleston during her administration.
    …….. She was sharply critical of him during an appearance before the Republican National Committee just after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, saying his actions would be “judged harshly by history.”

    Those remarks angered some Republicans loyal to Mr. Trump, and Ms. Haley softened her approach. She said in April 2021 that she wouldn’t embark on a 2024 bid if he decided to run again, and she hasn’t publicly explained the reversal.

    Ms. Haley praised the former president in an interview with the Journal in the fall of 2021 and said he had left a “strong legacy” from his administration. “He has the ability to get strong people elected, and he has the ability to move the ball, and I hope that he continues to do that,” she said. “We need him in the Republican Party. I don’t want us to go back to the days before Trump.”
    Taylor Budowich, the head of Make America Great Again Inc., a super PAC aligned with Mr. Trump, released a more critical statement, calling her “a career politician whose only fulfilled commitment is to herself.”

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  49. BTW, I just sent Nikki some money.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/14/2023 @ 1:27 pm

    As I noted elsewhere, I only donate money to 501(c)(4) organizations, which do not need to disclose their donors. And I wait until at least the candidate wins a primary or two.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  50. Rip,

    A Republican who makes a full throated denunciation of Trump and January 6 will not be nominated in 2024. Their honor is intact but they will be of no use in getting the GOP past its toltalitarian ex-President.

    So, unless you really want a Democrat or a bombastic Florida Man populist in 2024, you may need to consider Haley.

    Appalled (595429)

  51. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 2/14/2023 @ 1:35 pm

    Speaking of Boeing, they just landed a 220 aircraft order from Air India, worth $45.9 billion, including options, though airlines typically receive deep discounts.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  52. Once governor, she signed legislation that gave subsidies to Boeing Co., a move in conflict with the Tea Party movement.

    Her main gift to Boeing was being a right-to-work state. Boeing’s unions were unhappy.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  53. I am waiting for the Grandfather Clause folks to show up and claim that she’s not native-born because her parents weren’t born here.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  54. Ms. Haley praised the former president in an interview with the Journal in the fall of 2021 and said he had left a “strong legacy” from his administration.

    Well, he did. So did Nixon and Jimmy Carter.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  55. Rip,

    A Republican who makes a full throated denunciation of Trump and January 6 will not be nominated in 2024. Their honor is intact but they will be of no use in getting the GOP past its toltalitarian ex-President.

    So, unless you really want a Democrat or a bombastic Florida Man populist in 2024, you may need to consider Haley.

    Appalled (595429) — 2/14/2023 @ 1:45 pm

    That’s too bad. Given the fact that Darling Nikki will be running with other candidates (Gov. Kirsti Noem, Sen. Tim Scott, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, former Vice President Mike Pence, former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin), she will one among many. In fact, there is some polling shows that Trump will win with a crowded field but lose with only one opponent:

    A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that in a head-to-head matchup, more Republican voters would cast their ballots for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (45%) than for former President Donald Trump (41%) if the party’s 2024 presidential primary were held today.

    Yet if even one additional Republican candidate challenges Trump and DeSantis for the nomination, splitting the party’s “anti-Trump” vote, the former president would take the lead.
    ………… DeSantis already appears to be stronger than Trump. Besides leading Trump in a hypothetical, two-candidate GOP primary contest, the Florida governor (44%) also edges out President Biden (43%) in a general election matchup.

    In contrast, Trump currently trails Biden by 6 percentage points, 41% to 47%, among registered voters. This is in large part because he performs 3 points worse than DeSantis among Republicans and 9 points worse among independents.
    …………(R)egistered voters who are Republicans and Republican leaners approve (48%) rather than disapprove (22%) of (Nikki) Haley’s decision to run by a more than 2-to-1 margin. Yet nearly a third (30%) say they are unsure, and few are ready to vote for her. While Haley’s support in a hypothetical nine-candidate field has risen significantly since January — from 1% to 5% — Trump would currently trounce her 54% to 27% in a head-to-head primary contest.
    For now, at least, only DeSantis can displace Trump as the GOP frontrunner — and he can do it only if no one else is competing for the anti-Trump vote. In a hypothetical three-way matchup, Haley effectively plays the spoiler, attracting 11% of Republicans and Republican leaners — while DeSantis’s support falls by roughly the same amount (to 35%), leaving Trump with more votes than either of them (38%).

    The GOP’s problem with their totalitarian ex-President is their problem.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  56. I am waiting for the Grandfather Clause folks to show up and claim that she’s not native-born because her parents weren’t born here.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/14/2023 @ 1:57 pm

    You won’t get it from me (it’s an idiotic argument), but some in TrumpWorld believe it.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  57. As FWO said in Weekend post, hope is not strategy, or something to run a Republican campaign on.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  58. Perhaps. Hate isn’t all that great either, and Trumpworld runs on it.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  59. I am waiting for the Grandfather Clause folks to show up and claim that she’s not native-born because her parents weren’t born here.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/14/2023 @ 1:57 pm

    And it’s the Natural Born Citizen Clause (Section 1, Article 2), and the 14th Amendment, of the Constitution.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  60. Perhaps. Hate isn’t all that great either, and Trumpworld runs on it.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/14/2023 @ 2:10 pm

    And Trump won on it in 2016.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  61. And hate is a much more powerful, visceral emotion than hope or love.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  62. Rip #55,

    “Darling” Nikki has a Trumpy sound to it.

    I am curious about your disdain — it’s pretty strong and I can’t believe it’s just 1/6.

    Appalled (595429)

  63. To each his own, but beggars can’t be choosers. Beat Trump; change the narrative. Even with Biden and his record, this will be a tough election to win given residual foulness. I’m only reserving “never” for one GOP person

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  64. In fact, there is some polling shows that Trump will win with a crowded field but lose with only one opponent:

    In mid-Feb 2015, CNN polls had it:

    Mike Huckabee 17%
    Jeb Bush 12%
    Rand Paul 11%
    Scott Walker 11%
    Ben Carson 9%
    Chris Christie 7%
    Marco Rubio 6%

    Later in Feb, PPP had it

    Scott Walker 25%
    Ben Carson 18%
    Jeb Bush 17%
    Mike Huckabee 10%

    Shorter: polls at this point mean almost nothing.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  65. No candidate won a modern day political campaign based on loving their enemies, blessing those that curse them, doing good to persons that hate them, and praying for those that despitefully use them. It would be a sign of weakness.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  66. polls at this point mean almost nothing.

    We’ll see.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  67. #61

    hate is a much more powerful, visceral emotion than hope or love.

    Happy Valentine’s day!!

    Seriously, Rip, hate is not more powerful than love. For those that it is — that’s a reflection on them.

    Appalled (595429)

  68. OT: “Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space.”

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  69. Rip #55,

    “Darling” Nikki has a Trumpy sound to it.

    I am curious about your disdain — it’s pretty strong and I can’t believe it’s just 1/6.

    Appalled (595429) — 2/14/2023 @ 2:18 pm

    I’m surprised no one has figured it out. As I said above and elsewhere, DN is an empty skirt (as opposed to an empty suit). People seem to be attracted to her for no other reason than she’s a woman, she has an immigrant background, and she’s not Trump (but still Trump-adjacent). She has also been AWOL since leaving the SC statehouse, not leading any organization to articulate her views (which are still unknown), so people have instead filled in their hopes and dreams because she isn’t Trump. I get it, but it’s no reason to nominate her for President. This happened before, with Obama. The Republicans shouldn’t make the same mistake.

    Compelling personal histories are not a reason to vote for someone (this also applies to Tim Scott). Her announcement referencing “kicking in high heels” brought to mind Elaine Benes’ dancing.

    In the end I won’t need to worry. She (and most of the other putative candidates) will be long gone before the Republican primary circus arrives in California, whose Republican voters are “very Trumpy”.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  70. Seriously, Rip, hate is not more powerful than love. For those that it is — that’s a reflection on them.

    Appalled (595429) — 2/14/2023 @ 2:25 pm

    Try running a political campaign on love. It won’t get you anywhere-except last. For example:

    I don’t want us to go back to the days before Trump.

    Not much love there.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  71. I’m only reserving “never” for one GOP person

    I include election deniers to my “never” list. I don’t believe that anyone who denied the legitimacy of the 2020 election has any business in elected office, let alone the most powerful position on earth. Full stop.

    Dana (1225fc)

  72. To each his own, but beggars can’t be choosers. Beat Trump; change the narrative.

    A number of likely, yet still unannounced candidates won’t change the narrative. It’ll be the same narrative in a different wrapping. I think that includes DeSantis.

    Dana (1225fc)

  73. Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is.

    Which is why when aliens visit us from billions of light years away, we could be more considerate of how long they’ve been traveling, and maybe not be so quick to shoot down their space balloons.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  74. I include election deniers to my “never” list. I don’t believe that anyone who denied the legitimacy of the 2020 election has any business in elected office, let alone the most powerful position on earth. Full stop.

    Dana (1225fc) — 2/14/2023 @ 3:05 pm

    I would include candidates who attempt to thwart investigations into January 6th.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  75. It’S fear not hate, that is supposed to be more of motivating factor than love. (Machiavelli)

    Sammy Finkelman (0ac4d7)

  76. “I include election deniers to my “never” list.”

    That’s a given….I guess I was figuring none of them would enter with the chief denier already announced.

    AJ_Liberty (e66fdd)

  77. I am making a point not to toss anyone out of the tent. You cannot simultaneously argue for a Big Tent and then start listing groups that you won’t work with. I don’t think I’d vote for Trump, but the conditions where I might would be such that we’re already pretty fracked (e.g. AOC and re-education camps).

    As for election denial, I might have voted not to accept the Pennsylvania election, as their state courts have indicated that it was conducted unlawfully (but no remedy). Would not have changed a damn thing about the actual election, but it would have made the point that elections should be conducted lawfully.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  78. Rip may be an independent, but he still wants a little tent.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  79. “It’ll be the same narrative in a different wrapping.”

    I think I needed a “then” in my sentence. The primary will certainly be more of the same, but I think a DeSantis or Haley win will start to switch GOP messaging. It won’t roll it back, but a positive non-personality driven theme will be good. Let’s hope we get it.

    AJ_Liberty (e66fdd)

  80. Not a bad start off. She’s got legislative and Executive experience in S. Carolina. She’s got international experience as UN ambassador. She’s done a pretty skilled job of walking some narrow lines during her career. The commercial was good, well produced, happy warrior type and touched more on what I think are the practical issues, which is what I tend to look for in a candidate. I’m willing to wait and see.

    Nic (896fdf)

  81. There is no way back to 2012. An international trade regime with all the advantage to Capital, with Labor going begging, just won’t work in a country were Labor has all the votes. While there’s a lot to be said for spreading the economy worldwide, the flow was all one way for 30 years and people who live and vote here were badly hurt.

    Now we have a period of consolidation and redress. The challenge will be to avoid a statist nightmare, but that does not suggest going back to the status quo ante.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  82. Rip may be an independent, but he still wants a little tent.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/14/2023 @ 5:41 pm

    What I want is not important. What is important that the Republican Party rejects the Trump personality cult, which it clearly hasn’t.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  83. Nic,

    I hope we get more targeted ads and it doesn’t get all sappy and happy. We have real problems and candidates need to address them. Hopefully it can be done with civility, if not humor, like this ad from 1984

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  84. What is important that the Republican Party rejects the Trump personality cult, which it clearly hasn’t.

    I have to agree with that.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  85. @Kevin@84 I’m sure we will, but as a kickoff ad it was pretty good and I like that she acknowledged the need to appeal to more than just the base. I think she has the potential to appeal to kitchen table issues, which could very much benefit her in an election.

    Nic (896fdf)

  86. Hopefully it can be done with civility, if not humor, like this ad from 1984

    Easy for Reagan. He grew up fighting off bears with a stone-tipped spear.

    No, he did not say that, not that I heard him at least, but it was something he would have said. And he was not yet 70 when he was sworn in. Now ….

    nk (bb1548)

  87. But I’ve come to Nic’s way of thinking. Even 70 is too old. The future belongs to people forty years younger than I am and they should pick the leaders for their next forty years. We had our chances.

    nk (bb1548)

  88. Her third rail: a pants suit.

    Memo to my Darlin’ Nikki:

    NEVER, EVER where one.

    You’re no fireplug. Stay w/a dress and heels. You project plenty of strength and confidence dressed as a woman without dressing down to look like a man a la Hillary and Kamala.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  89. kabuki theater

    the democrats and their nevertrump fellow travelers know it doesn’t matter who wins the nomination

    what matters is if they can keep the Green Party off the ballot in swing states

    JF (e56881)

  90. @DCSCA@89 Skirts are annoying. See how you feel if you are forced to wear a skirt for years at a time. Let her choose her own lower body clothing. Hose SUCK!

    Nic (896fdf)

  91. “Which is why when aliens visit us from billions of light years away, we could be more considerate”

    Yes, but if they’re coming to America, they have to do it the right way…and get in line like everybody else. Otherwise Uncle Sam will introduce them to his little sidewinder friend (said in his best Tony Montana voice).

    AJ_Liberty (e66fdd)

  92. “Skirts are annoying. See how you feel if you are forced to wear a skirt for years at a time.”

    If it’s any comfort, I always picture DCCCP in a skirt. So when I pass by one of his rants, I can say, pfffft, there goes skirt boy again.

    AJ_Liberty (e66fdd)

  93. Anyone who focuses on how a candidate is dressed is a small-minded person.

    norcal (7345e5)

  94. @94: Even if the candidate is this guy?

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  95. See how you feel if you are forced to wear a skirt for years at a time.

    You really have to have the legs for it, that’s a fact.


    Kevin M (1ea396)

  96. kabuki theater

    the democrats and their nevertrump fellow travelers know it doesn’t matter who wins the nomination

    what matters is if they can keep the Green Party off the ballot in swing states

    JF (e56881) — 2/14/2023 @ 7:19 pm

    That’s your thinking, JF, not any decent, patriotic American’s. People who love their country want the best possible candidates, across the board and across all party lines, so our country will be in the best possible condition no matter who wins.

    And, yeah, I’ve seen the pictures of Jill Stein, Mike Flynn, and Vladimir Putin at dinner in Moscow in 2015. But there was no Russian collusion, right? No way Putin wanted the Green Party to steal the fringe Left vote from Hillary in swing states so Trump could win. Nooo! Not our Vladimir.

    nk (bb1548)

  97. Rip:

    As I said above and elsewhere, DN is an empty skirt (as opposed to an empty suit).

    It seems like your main demonstration of that is how she has handled the Trump thing. Is that correct, or do you have anything else?

    People seem to be attracted to her for no other reason than she’s a woman, she has an immigrant background, and she’s not Trump (but still Trump-adjacent).

    That’s true. She has to prove she is more than that — through touting her record in South Carolina and UN. Her background is a plus. Don’t lose sight of that. She used it well in defusing the whole South Carolina church shooting situation. It just can’t be everything.

    She has also been AWOL since leaving the SC statehouse, not leading any organization to articulate her views (which are still unknown), so people have instead filled in their hopes and dreams because she isn’t Trump.

    Until Trump demonstrated he was vulnerable in November 2022, someone like Haley risked her future announcing herself to have not-Trump views. I don’t think anyone in the GOP gets nominated by using the Lynn Cheney approach. Instead, its going to have to be the Brian Kemp method — which is basically to ignore the old fool and say nice things about him. It’s not very satifying.

    I get it, but it’s no reason to nominate her for President. This happened before, with Obama. The Republicans shouldn’t make the same mistake.

    Governor and UN representative are decent stepping stones for someone wanting the Presidency. These do give you something to assess. Obama was a state senator, a senator and a Presidential candidate. Also, her ad addressed culture war issues and national healing and subtly referenced her somewhat hawkinsh foreign policy years at the UN. The suit is not entirely empty, even now.

    Compelling personal histories are not a reason to vote for someone (this also applies to Tim Scott).

    To quote DCSCA, “but they are”. It’s not the only reason, but this history is definitely a reason, particularly when Trump sprayed the GOP with the stink of racism for the past eight years. Also, she has actually directly addressed a racism crisis in her year at South Carolina. A useful thing, given where we are.

    All this said, I don’t know if Haley’s my candidate. She has to actually campaign and fully articulate a governing philosophy for 2025 and beyond. I might not like it. But I certainly prefer her to the orange guy and do believe she is offering an alternative to GOP grievance politics. What that amounts to? We’ll find out.

    Appalled (1c55bb)

  98. She has also been AWOL

    In the post-J6 world, “AWOL” is a better strategy than most employed. Mostly she’s been fundraising for others.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  99. Not everyone wants a non-Anglo female of immigrant stock who has at least a foot in Eastern religion.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  100. All this said, I don’t know if Haley’s my candidate. She has to actually campaign and fully articulate a governing philosophy for 2025 and beyond. I might not like it. But I certainly prefer her to the orange guy and do believe she is offering an alternative to GOP grievance politics.

    Indeed. I remember when 2016 was supposed to be Scott Walker’s year.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  101. California, whose Republican voters are “very Trumpy”

    Well, the GOP is a third party in CA, so they can afford to let it all hang out. Still, their ineffectiveness does not argue for emulation. Or attention.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  102. Trump has created “a drowning man will clutch at a straw” environment which affects everything. That’s how Biden was elected, and it may be that’s how Darjeeling [that’s what you really mean, isn’t it, Rip?]Nikki will be elected.

    If the election were held today, I’d vote for her over DeSantis, but that’s because DeSantis makes my skin crawl almost as much as Trump does, not because I’m enthusiastic about her.

    nk (bb1548)

  103. I don’t see a potential candidate that I would prefer over Nikki. I also like Darjeeling (excellent black tea). I need to see what she’s for though — too many candidates just talk about what they’re against.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  104. Again it helps she is Sikh…they are less intertwined with Big Tech H1B and tend to have a lot more experiences in ground level retail/hospitality and warehousing than other Indian American cohorts giving them a less effete perspective on issues.

    urbanleftbehind (6fd15a)

  105. Nikki Haley’s ‘Great Day’

    The 2024 presidential campaign is underway, Lord help us, and on Tuesday former South Carolina Governor and U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley joined the fray. The question her opening video didn’t answer, but she will have to, is: Why her?
    Ms. Haley’s finest moment came in 2015 when she signed a bill removing a Confederate flag from a monument on the grounds of the state house. This happened after the murder of nine African-Americans by a white supremacist in Charleston. The Governor’s speech on the occasion of the bill signing was inspiring, and throughout that episode she played her role admirably. But the removal of the flag was not the result of her effort. When her opponent in the gubernatorial race proposed removing the flag a year earlier, she dismissed the idea.
    The bigger challenge for Ms. Haley is identifying the rationale for her candidacy beyond a winning persona. Her campaign announcement stressed a belief in America as a force for good, the seriousness of global threats, and the follies of the progressive left. Is there a Republican presidential candidate who believes something different?
    Ted Kennedy famously fizzled in the 1980 Democratic primary when he couldn’t answer the question “Why do you want to be President?” Ms. Haley needs her own answer.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  106. Well, she’s saner than the current entrant, and, unlike him, has not attempted a coup.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  107. @105: She has a background in the family clothing business, and a BA from Clemson in accounting (which seems a rarity in Washington). Both her parents are PhDs.

    Wikipedia’s summary of her past political positions.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  108. Wikipedia:

    [Haley’s] husband is an officer in the South Carolina Army National Guard. During her gubernatorial term, he was sent in January 2013 on a year-long deployment to Afghanistan

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  109. Appalled (1c55bb) — 2/15/2023 @ 6:56 am

    As I said above and elsewhere, DN is an empty skirt (as opposed to an empty suit).

    It seems like your main demonstration of that is how she has handled the Trump thing. Is that correct, or do you have anything else?

    When I say she is an empty skirt, it means that she has not articulated any governing philosophy that guides her political positions (except to get elected) What she has said so far is guaranteed not to offend anyone voting in the Republican primaries.

    People seem to be attracted to her for no other reason than she’s a woman, she has an immigrant background, and she’s not Trump (but still Trump-adjacent).

    That’s true. She has to prove she is more than that — through touting her record in South Carolina and UN. Her background is a plus. Don’t lose sight of that. She used it well in defusing the whole South Carolina church shooting situation. It just can’t be everything.

    As governor (which apparently is a politically weak position relative to the legislature) she flipped-flopped on the Confederate flag issue, opposing the “stars and bars” in 2015 when it became politically untenable after the Charleston massacre, but defending the “stars and bars” in 2019, saying

    For many people in our state, the flag stands for traditions that are noble. Traditions of history, of heritage, and of ancestry. The hate filled murderer (Dylann Roof) who massacred our brothers and sisters in Charleston has a sick and twisted view of the flag. In no way does he reflect the people in our state who respect and, in many ways, revere it. Those South Carolinians view the flag as a symbol of respect, integrity, and duty. They also see it as a memorial, a way to honor ancestors who came to the service of their state during time of conflict. That is not hate, nor is it racism.

    She served as UN ambassador for less than 2 two years, hardly enough time to make an impact. She was no Daniel Patrick Moynihan or John Negroponte. She had no foreign policy background to justify her appointment.

    She has also been AWOL since leaving the SC statehouse, not leading any organization to articulate her views (which are still unknown), so people have instead filled in their hopes and dreams because she isn’t Trump.

    Until Trump demonstrated he was vulnerable in November 2022, someone like Haley risked her future announcing herself to have not-Trump views. I don’t think anyone in the GOP gets nominated by using the Lynn Cheney approach. Instead, its going to have to be the Brian Kemp method — which is basically to ignore the old fool and say nice things about him. It’s not very satifying.

    Trump isn’t the only economic, social, or political issue facing the country, so she certainly could have created a 501(c)(4) organization to put forward her views on any number of issues, but she chose to remain silent. She criticized Trump in 2016; then joined his Administration (presumably as a supporter); endorsed his reelection in 2020; criticized him after January 6th in 2021; uncriticized him later in 2021; and endorsed his fraud claims, though saying “There was fraud in the election, but I don’t think that the numbers were so big that it swayed the vote in the wrong direction.” She has been all over the map. By saying “someone like Haley risked her future announcing herself to have not-Trump views” you are saying she is lying to herself. Who knows what she believes.

    I get it, but it’s no reason to nominate her for President. This happened before, with Obama. The Republicans shouldn’t make the same mistake.

    Governor and UN representative are decent stepping stones for someone wanting the Presidency. These do give you something to assess. Obama was a state senator, a senator and a Presidential candidate. Also, her ad addressed culture war issues and national healing and subtly referenced her somewhat hawkish foreign policy years at the UN. The suit is not entirely empty, even now.

    See above. Her hawkish views at the UN represented the Administration’s position, not necessarily her personal views.

    Compelling personal histories are not a reason to vote for someone (this also applies to Tim Scott).

    To quote DCSCA, “but they are”. It’s not the only reason, but this history is definitely a reason, particularly when Trump sprayed the GOP with the stink of racism for the past eight years. Also, she has actually directly addressed a racism crisis in her year at South Carolina. A useful thing, given where we are.

    “Compelling personal history” is another checked box. As noted above, she has waffled on the flag issue when it is politically expedient. I expect to hear more waffling on any number of issues.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  110. Well, she’s saner than the current entrant, and, unlike him, has not attempted a coup.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/15/2023 @ 9:27 am

    That bar is so low it’s underground.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  111. Q. Why do you want to be President?
    A. Indoor work, no heavy lifting.

    It’s a stupid question. Ted Kennedy fizzled in the 1980 primary … yeah, so what?

    The reason they all want to be President is for the power and the glory, and everybody knows it and understands it. The question the voters should ask is “What’s in it for us?”

    nk (bb1548)

  112. Trump isn’t the only economic, social, or political issue facing the country, so she certainly could have created a 501(c)(4) organization to put forward her views on any number of issues, but she chose to remain silent.

    Correction, she did create a 501(c)(4) organization, Stand for America.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  113. The question the voters should ask is “What’s in it for us?”


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  114. …….I need to see what she’s for though — too many candidates just talk about what they’re against.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/15/2023 @ 8:33 am

    And you already donated to her?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  115. But Rip, as you’ve said, NO ONE in the GOP gets your nod beyond maybe Larry Hogan or Chris Sununu. I think they’re both fine choices, along with Liz Cheney, but in the current GOP, they only represent a protest vote. We would literally need that alien invasion to make them relevant in the early primaries to enable them to play in the rest. We can’t will them into relevancy and neither shares your interest in pushing the ball further right in the abortion arena.

    This primary is about Trump or someone else. The someone else must run a compelling campaign…which means we have to wait for them to actually make their case. Unless you’re pushing for DeSantis, I see no value in knee-capping other challengers in hopes of elevating a Hogan. It will just instantiate DeSantis as “the other”. Personally, we need another less-angry option. Tim Scott, however, takes less-angry to the extreme and will likely appear to wither if Trump senses him to be any threat. He’s probably too decent for the current GOP (how painful was that to write and read).

    The transformation of the GOP will be slow and painful. First, is to wrestle the nomination from Trump. There is no express path to normalcy and Reaganesque politics. We’ve just gone through 8 years of wish-casting otherwise. The bar is indeed low….in my estimation, right above the gutter. Nothing noble or inspiring about that, but if you’re climbing up, it’s best to not be too ambitious with your next fingertip hold….

    AJ_Liberty (5c3884)

  116. I’m easy Rip. Of all the potential candidates that I can abide (small group), she’s the only one who I can see winning. Intersectionality is not a bad thing. I don’t see an empty skirt, though, unlike her Democrat Doppelganger.

    I don’t view “flip-flopping” (pejorative term for changing one’s view) as a problem if events make the change reasonable, as it did with the flag in 2015. I see that as not being able to go along with the party’s view any longer. I suggest that she was not the only one to come to the same conclusion. The real coward is the one who is not willing to buck the mob when it’s needed.

    I’m not looking for a robot, or someone who agrees with all my views. What I’m looking for is intelligence, the ability to listen and learn, good judgement and a level head. Needless to say, Mr Trump does not meet up with this. Within these boundaries there are policy preferences but nothing I’ve heard is a show-stopper.

    Her stated gun rights position: “As a CWP holder, I am pro 2nd amendment and pro 10th amendment and will defend both. I would support open carry and reciprocity with any other state. “

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  117. I still believe that Bill Clinton has to pinch himself when he thinks about the damage that Donald Trump did to the GOP at his urging.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  118. I agree that she needs to state her views clearly and concisely. If she doesn’t, others will happily do it for her.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  119. But Rip, as you’ve said, NO ONE in the GOP gets your nod beyond maybe Larry Hogan or Chris Sununu. I think they’re both fine choices, along with Liz Cheney, but in the current GOP, they only represent a protest vote.

    I don’t expect to be able to vote for either, even if they run. By the time the 2024 Republican Primary Circus hits California, they will be gone.

    That’s the dilemma. Do you vote for the candidate that represents your views, or someone you think is unqualified and shallow just because she isn’t Trump? BTW, I don’t think Darling Nikki will make it to California, and if she does, she will lose. In 2020 Trump received 92% of the vote and all 172 delegates. It’s winner take all.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  120. I don’t view “flip-flopping” (pejorative term for changing one’s view) as a problem if events make the change reasonable, as it did with the flag in 2015.

    Do you agree with her characterization of the flag in 2019?

    For many people in our state, the flag stands for traditions that are noble. Traditions of history, of heritage, and of ancestry. The hate filled murderer (Dylann Roof) who massacred our brothers and sisters in Charleston has a sick and twisted view of the flag. In no way does he reflect the people in our state who respect and, in many ways, revere it. Those South Carolinians view the flag as a symbol of respect, integrity, and duty. They also see it as a memorial, a way to honor ancestors who came to the service of their state during time of conflict. That is not hate, nor is it racism.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  121. This primary is about Trump or someone else.

    Apparently there will be plenty of choices.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  122. Rip:

    In 2015, Haley had the Confederate Flag removed from the SC Capitol grounds. This was a BIG deal — SC Governors lost their job over messing with the Confederate flag in years previous. What happened was the removal of the flag as an official flag of the state of South CArolina.

    In 2019, Haley is talking about what the stars and bars would mean to a South Carolinian. It’s the difference between government endorsement and privately expressing yourself by flying the flag.

    Appalled (03e88a)

  123. R.I.P. Raquel Welch

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  124. “Compelling personal history” is another checked box. As noted above, she has waffled on the flag issue when it is politically expedient. I expect to hear more waffling on any number of issues. Rip Murdock — 2/15/2023 @ 10:03 am

    Except it’s not. It’s a reaffirmation of relatable character experience; among the so-called ‘values’ Righties repeatedly bloviate as American aspirations to emulate. And given the changing demographics of 21st century USA, a helluva lot more citizens can relate to Haley’s experiences than, say, a half century of farts outgassing from an old Washington swamp shuffler… or the rehearsed lines read off 3X5 index cards from a Warnber Bros., B-list movie actor.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  125. #125

    Glad to see I anticipated your reaction. 🙂

    Appalled (03e88a)

  126. The way people talk about the Governor who has been a rousing success, turned a swing state solidly red and won blue counties that haven’t gone red in 30 years is very telling.

    They don’t want success. They want purity of their ideology.

    NJRob (99cdb6)

  127. LOL Rip isn’t going to vote for a Republican, under any circumstances

    but of course there are commenters here who will play this game with him

    JF (ac5ea2)

  128. The problem Rip is that Sununu has served less time as governor than Haley, supported Trump’s re-election in 2020, has no foreign policy credential, and is a moderate on abortion. He’s safe in New Hampshire with no term limits for governor (2yr terms). It’s not at all clear he will even run and what his focus on the campaign trail would be.

    As to the flag. It went down from the capitol under her watch. I’m not sure I care beyond that. It’s south carolina…it’s there thing.

    AJ_Liberty (5c3884)

  129. Do you agree with her characterization of the flag in 2019?

    It seems more a characterization of the people who supported the flag. Different thing entirely. Sorry you cannot see that.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  130. No one is going to vote for Sununu — sounds like “Souter.” Unfair? Probably, but I don’t care.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  131. JF,

    I don’t think that Rip is one of those “life-long Republicans” who always finds a reason he has to vote for the Democrat. His views on abortion would prevent that.

    With Haley we have a candidate who is acceptable to almost everyone here, which is in itself a wonder.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  132. I don’t think that Rip is one of those “life-long Republicans” who always finds a reason he has to vote for the Democrat. His views on abortion would prevent that.

    And guns. I am pretty much a Second Amendment absolutist. I need to store many of the weapons I own in Nevada because of California’s draconian gun laws.

    Rip Murdock (98f93d)

  133. I expect to see CA’s crazy laws fall soon. The allowed list for one, the microstamping crap for another.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  134. In 2019, Haley is talking about what the stars and bars would mean to a South Carolinian. It’s the difference between government endorsement and privately expressing yourself by flying the flag.

    Appalled (03e88a) — 2/15/2023 @ 11:57 am

    Given that her remarks were on Glenn Beck’s show I’ll bet her target audience was broader than South Carolinians.

    Rip Murdock (d19d0a)

  135. I don’t think that Rip is one of those “life-long Republicans” who always finds a reason he has to vote for the Democrat. ………

    I’ve never voted for a Democrat in my life. If I can’t support the Republican, I just don’t vote.

    Rip Murdock (d19d0a)

  136. Of course, voting for a Republican in a gubernatorial or presidential election in California is pretty much a waste of time.

    Rip Murdock (d19d0a)

  137. RIP Rachel Welch.

    urbanleftbehind (79d1c9)

  138. The US Senate races in CA are an even bigger waste as only 1 R has advanced to round 2 in the past 3 elections (Meuser, 2022).

    urbanleftbehind (79d1c9)

  139. Here’s a fun development: The state of Illinois just passed a law banning a long list of guns. The list is so long and so convoluted, banning guns that can be converted to banned types, that one of the complaints made is that no one knows what is actually banned.

    A lawsuit has been filed in federal court asking for an injunction against enforcement. THe judge in the case issued the following order to the state:

    24 – Feb 13, 2023 – ORDER: Within the response to 16 Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Defendants shall provide illustrative examples of each and every item banned under 720 ILCS 5/24-1.9. Signed by Judge Stephen P. McGlynn on 2/13/2023. (jce)THIS TEXT ENTRY IS AN ORDER OF THE COURT. NO FURTHER DOCUMENTATION WILL BE MAILED. (Entered: 02/13/2023)

    Details at the truth about guns

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  140. And, since CA is a initiative state, all those disgruntled Republicans who stay home make the outcome of the ballot measures a self-fulfilling prophesy.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  141. And, since CA is a initiative state, all those disgruntled Republicans who stay home make the outcome of the ballot measures a self-fulfilling prophesy.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/15/2023 @ 7:47 pm

    You can always just vote on the initiatives and skip the legislative races.

    Rip Murdock (5aec8e)

  142. You can always just vote on the initiatives and skip the legislative races.

    You always stay home and drink beer.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  143. Somebody (well, as you might have guessed, it was a South Carolina based Democratic strategist named Tyler Jones) has released into a circulation a tape of Nikki Haley speaking before a group called Sons of Confederate Veterans in 2010, in which she says that states have a constitutional right to secede (that, and chattel slavery, was given up even by the Ku Klux Klan after the war!) ; expresses support for a Confederate History Month in schools, on analogy to “Black History Month” (“as long as it’s done in a positive way and not in a negative way, and doesn’t harm anyone” she said) and said the Civil War was fought between one side that was fighting for tradition and one side that was fighting for change.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

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