Patterico's Pontifications


SOTU Open Thread

Filed under: General — Dana @ 1:57 pm

[guest post by Dana]

As voters watch President Biden tonight and take the opportunity to assess whether they believe he can manage another bid for the presidency, the AP reports that the President intends to present a “reassuring assessment of the nation’s condition.” People will want to be reassured when faced with the turmoil in the world. Now, whether he’s convincing or accurate will be up for discussion. However, if new polling is any indicator of the campaign ahead, President Biden may have a tougher time than expected, given that he’s losing Democrat support:

A majority of Democrats now think one term is plenty for President Joe Biden, despite his insistence that he plans to seek reelection in 2024.

That’s according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that shows just 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term, down from 52% in the weeks before last year’s midterm elections.

[T]he poll suggests relatively few U.S. adults give him high marks on either. Follow-up interviews with poll respondents suggest that many believe the 80-year-old’s age is a liability, with people focused on his coughing, his gait, his gaffes and the possibility that the world’s most stressful job would be better suited for someone younger…

…A majority of Democrats still approve of the job Biden is doing as president, yet their appetite for a reelection campaign has slipped despite his electoral track record. Only 22% of U.S. adults overall say he should run again, down from 29% who said so before last year’s midterm elections.

According to White House aides, dominating tonight’s speech will be the issue of growth in U.S. jobs, the ongoing war in Ukraine, the rise in domestic manufacturing, the ongoing pandemic (remember that the emergency is scheduled to end in May…), and our competition and our foreign policy with China. Regarding China’s spy balloon: Another White House official, who was asked if there would be a specific mention of the balloon in Biden’s speech, said: “It will likely fall more broadly under a larger umbrella of major foreign policy themes reasserting America’s leadership on the world stage.”

As is typical of SOTU speeches, there will be plenty to either love or hate, and plenty to rev up partisan engines in support or disgust.

You can watch the speech live at, YouTube, and the usual television news outlets at 6 PM PST.


220 Responses to “SOTU Open Thread”

  1. Charles Cooke was right. Biden is nothing but a dime-a-dozen political blowhard. I don’t think I can bring myself to watch the speech. All the applause is nauseating. They should rule out applause, like is done in presidential debates. If that were to happen, I would watch.

    norcal (7345e5)

  2. Feel free to discuss anything to do with President Biden, the SOTU, a divided Congress he will face for the first time, and even The Balloon. But do not feel free to just pop off with “Biden is a piece of sh!t”. Let’s try to raise the bar, not lower it.

    Dana (1225fc)

  3. I agree, norcal. Although there’s a Constitutional mandate that the President updates his people, the modern SOTU is little more than a vanity project that allows the Executive (from both parties) to preen and boast and s-t-r-e-t-c-h the truth.

    I’d watch it if there were evening gowns.

    Dana (1225fc)

  4. You couldn’t pay me enough to sit through it, no matter who is speaking.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  5. Although there’s a Constitutional mandate that the President updates his people…..

    Given that no President between 1801 and 1912 gave an in-person speech, I say go back to that tradition.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  6. Dana,

    Eliminating applause would further the overall goal of making us less tribal as a people. Tribes are fueled by emotion.

    In fact, the best method is the old one–sending a letter to Congress. Add a modern enhancement by making it sourced and footnoted. Then a written response could be offered by the other side. Sourced and footnoted.

    It reminds me of a friend I have. He gets his politics by watching Fox News. I told him I can’t discuss politics with anyone who gets their politics from TV. Point to a book or article, and then we can have a conversation. He won’t have any of it, but then again, he runs on pure emotion.

    norcal (7345e5)

  7. A piece I was reading earlier in a Biden/Democrat-friendly media outlet (maybe it was the AP) reported that insiders are whispering that the President will extend an olive branch to the GOP House and implore them to work together on various items. Of course I would imagine that would be working together on Biden/Democrat initiatives, not so much working together on GOP initiatives. He learned that trick from his former boss, did Joe Biden.

    Anyway, I’m not going to watch but I’ll read the transcript (or at least as much of it as I can stand) later. I’ll also pay attention to conservative media to find out what gaffes are unleashed and what distortions and outright lies are told. I am pretty much sick and tired of that old codger who first drawing a taxpayer paycheck in Washington shortly after my third birthday.

    JVW (e52b83)

  8. It’s time for the SOTU to evolve into the 21st century. Instead of just Biden standing or talking (or mumbling), why not some audiovisuals, charts, some video snippets to supplement the speech. They would divert attention from his doddering mien.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  9. Instead of just Biden standing or talking (or mumbling), why not some audiovisuals, charts, some video snippets to supplement the speech.

    I like the concept, but so many of us spend out workdays in mindless PowerPoint presentations that I can see this having very limited appeal. Besides, Joe Biden would probably use “the latest newfangled technology”: overhead transparencies. And eventually this sort of thing would devolve to interpretative dance (watch for the scene where we’ll all wiped out by global climate change!) or slam poetry.

    No, I’ll stick with old fashioned oratory, please. Not that we’re any good at it any longer, but what’s the sense of being a conservative unless you hopelessly cling to tradition.

    JVW (e52b83)

  10. I’ll be reading a Conan knockoff by Poul Anderson.

    nk (bb1548)

  11. In fact, the best method is the old one–sending a letter to Congress. Add a modern enhancement by making it sourced and footnoted. Then a written response could be offered by the other side. Sourced and footnoted.

    I agree with Rip Murdock and norcal: the President should at most appear in the House to give an in-person SOTU maybe every other year. Biden, inaugurated in January 2021, had no business showing up to deliver a SOTU just one month after his Inaugural Address. A complete waste of time. I can sort of get him wanting to show up in 2022 since it was a midterm election year, but he should have skipped this year and submitted a written report. Naturally he will want to show up in person in 2024 to push his reelection campaign.

    If the House was worth its salt, it would require the President to submit to a round of questions, similar to what the Prime Minister of the UK deals with in Parliament, after his SOTU is completed. Otherwise, the SOTU is much more like the Queen giving the State Opening of Parliament address, and that’s an affront to our (small “r”) republican sensibilities.

    JVW (e52b83)

  12. Hi I am joe biden thats a fact jack! Duh!

    asset (1ae6ea)

  13. Trump playing hardball. Over at ace picture of ron desatan having drinking party with underage 15/16 year old girls when he was their high school teacher. @magnanimous Desatanists pedo?

    asset (1ae6ea)

  14. Have a close and very savvy friend who was invited to be one of those ‘guests in the gallery’ a few SOTUs ago in the Trump days and turned it down flat- refusing to be used as a political prop for any of those bums.

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  15. JVW (e52b83) — 2/7/2023 @ 3:52 pm

    Biden, inaugurated in January 2021, had no business showing up to deliver a SOTU just one month after his Inaugural Address.

    Technically, the speech given by a newly inaugurated president is not a State of the Union message, but it’s listed with them by people who collect them online.

    It was formally known as the Annual Message from 1790 to 1946.

    It began to be informally called the “state of the Union” message/address from 1942 to 1946.

    Since 1947 it has officially been known as the State of the Union Address.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  16. I’ll be looking/begging/praying for a balloon– or six– to float across the chamber on the hot air rising from the rostrum.

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  17. Biden, inaugurated in January 2021, had no business showing up to deliver a SOTU just one month after his Inaugural Address.

    Technically that was a speech to a Joint Session of Congress and not a SOTU speech.

    President Biden on Tuesday night accepted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s invitation to address a joint session of Congress on April 28. The address is not an official State of the Union because a president’s first speech before Congress is not considered a State of the Union.


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  18. A complete waste of time.

    That’s what Michael Brown who substituted for Jesse Kelly tonight, said. He gave a rundown, at the start of the show, of what is perfectly predictable (how it starts, and when there is applause) and said the person who has the best of it is the designated survivor. He had it wrong that that person always goes to West Virginia – last year Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo was the designated survivor but she said she just carried out her scheduled routine out of town.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  19. Here is a list in chronological order, also giving the length in words and whether written or spoken.

    Jimmy Carter was the last outgoing president to issue one, on January 16, 1981, but it was written. Ronald Reagan gave an address a month later, on February 18, 1981, and every newly elected president has done so since. Gerald Ford was the last outgoing president to make a speech, on January 12, 1977, and Johnson had done it too, on January 14, 1969. Truman and Eisenhower left written messages in their last days in office.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  20. 12 of the most unforgettable moments from State of the Union addresses

    The State of the Union address allows the US president to update Congress on the nation’s progress.

    -Former President Harry S. Truman’s speech in 1947 was the first to be broadcast on television.

    -Nancy Pelosi ripped up a copy of Donald Trump’s speech after he finished speaking.

    -Parts of Abraham Lincoln’s State of the Union speech were leaked and it prompted an investigation.

    -Richard Nixon called for an end to the Watergate investigation during his State of the Union address in 1974… just seven months later, the Watergate Scandal led Nixon to resign after five and a half years in office.

    -Ronald Reagan invited Lenny Skutnik to the address in 1982, starting a new tradition for State of the Union addresses.

    -Bill Clinton called for an end to big government during his address in 1996… which came after a 21-day government shutdown, he spoke of the need for an end to big government.

    -Networks cut away from Clinton’s State of the Union address in 1997 to air the OJ Simpson verdict.

    -George W. Bush coined “Axis of Evil” in his 2002 address, marking the beginning of the Iraq War.

    -Justice Samuel [the Leaker] Alito shook his head in disagreement during Obama’s 2010 State of the Union address.

    -Joe [ham on rye] Biden pointed during Obama’s State of the Union address… Many wondered what or who Biden was pointing at during the speech.

    -Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fell asleep during Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address.

    -Donald Trump shrugged off a handshake from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ahead of the 2020 State of the Union. [She tore up his speech; he tore her a new one… 😉 ]

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  21. First words out of his mouth when the applause dies down: “That’s right muth** f**kers, I AM the Big Guy!”. He drops his pants, says we can all kiss his lily white a$$. Thanks the crowd and shuffles off stage left.

    15 minutes later, the Democrat Party announces that Joe Biden has decided to not run for re-election.

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  22. First words out of his mouth when the applause dies down: “That’s right muth** f**kers, I AM the Big Guy!”. He drops his pants, says we can all kiss his lily white a$$. Thanks the crowd and shuffles off stage left.

    Naturally: leave it to Joey to plagiarize Ed Rooney’s line from ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’…

    “Tell ya what, dipsh!t. If you don’t like my policies you can come on down here and smooch my big ole’ white butt.” – Ed Rooney [Jeffrey Jones] ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ 1986

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  23. -Justice Samuel [the Leaker] Alito shook his head in disagreement during Obama’s 2010 State of the Union address.

    Uh, yeah, because President Prom Queen “violated established norms”(TM) by using part of his address to directly criticize the Court’s decision in Citizens United, and, in his typical fashion, grossly misrepresented their ruling to boot.

    JVW (e52b83)


    Biden’s guest at the behest of the traitor Illhan Omar is the parents of a guy who pulled a gun on cops and was properly shot for it. And he’ll use that to attack cops and try and get their tools banned.

    People voted for this.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  25. GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Plans to Bring White Balloon to SOTU Address to Troll Joe Biden (VIDEO)


    Given the circumstances, …’ with six, you get eggroll.’ 😉

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  26. Biden will offer to work with Republicans to jack up taxes, impose woke social rules, grab guns, and give citizenship to millions of illegals. And even after saying please, they will refuse. The bastards.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  27. They should rule out applause, like is done in presidential debates. If that were to happen, I would watch.

    It would be more fun it they allowed booing.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  28. Does anyone other than the national press actually watch these anymore? Whoever takes on Biden needs to promise that they’ll only deliver the State of the Union via letter during the entirety of their term. They’d probably pick up an extra 2-3% from that alone.

    Factory Working Orphan (bce27d)

  29. Alternatively, give everyone in the audience a cane.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  30. SCOTUS arrives– the Leaker is in the building…

    “Frog One is in that room.” – ‘Popeye Doyle [Gene Hackman] ‘The French Connection’ 1971

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  31. grossly misrepresented their ruling to boot.

    To be fair, it was probably how he understood it.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  32. He looks terrible. The entire procession of the half-dead shufflers look terrible… more stale crust in that room than in a Pompeii bakery. These two old parties have got to go…

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  33. This is a campaign speech from a senator, not a SOTU presentation from a POTUS.

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  34. Sourced by the ubiquitous “unnamed high ranking official” and footnotes of “scholarly work” commissioned and tailored

    steveg (8a906c)

  35. Given that the source of the second item is Gateway Pundit, I doubt she will bring a balloon on the floor, though MTG did walk around the Capitol carrying one.

    I have read that back in the days of burlesque ….

    Never mind. The real trouble with those people is that they tempt you into unworthy thoughts and unkind words that should be beneath a decent person’s dignity.

    nk (bb1548)

  36. Biden should break out Thomas Jeffersons ear trumpet

    steveg (8a906c)

  37. Give McCarthy credit for sublimely looking on at Gramps prattles on…

    ‘Bout time to cue a balloon.

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  38. “Let’s give public school teachers a raise!!!” =cheers=

    Let’s make hot fudge sundaes fat-free! =cheers=

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  39. “Let’s go Brandon!!!!”

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  40. “Name me a world leader who’d change places with Xi Jinping! NAME ME ONE!

    Only one, Joey? Okay:

    Kim Jong-un.

    DCSCA (2e0e76)

  41. norcal (7345e5) — 2/7/2023 @ 2:36 pm

    I really feel sorry for norcal’s friends

    do they know all he does is rag on them here?

    JF (c97aef)

  42. I’d feel sorry for anyone who felt ragged on because a friend disparaged their news sources or political views.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  43. Bottom line: he’s a bum.

    And you know what comes out of those.

    DCSCA (eb7894)

  44. First words out of his mouth when the applause dies down:

    In the real world: He congratulated Kevin McCarthy on his election as Speaker.

    He congratulated all 4 leaders of Congress. Two Democrats, two Republicans, Senator McConnell on being the longest tenure as Leader.

    He got a bit rattled over whether Schumer was the Minority Leader or Majority Leader.

    Sammy Finkelman (020a41)

  45. Did he address Kamala as Madam President or Madam Vice-President? At the State of the Union, the Vice-President sits as President of the Senate. Until Trump, who addressed Pence as Mr. Vice-President, all the Presidents were aware of that.

    nk (bb1548)

  46. “Chuck Schumer – another, you know, another term is, was this Senate Minority Leader. You know, I think you always time you have a slightly bigger majority. Mr. Leader.”

    JF (c97aef)

  47. 2016 Obama:

    Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans:

    Tonight marks the eighth year that I’ve come here to report on the State of the Union.–-prepared-delivery-state-union-address

    BuDuh (1abfb2)

  48. 2015 Obama:

    THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans:

    BuDuh (1abfb2)

  49. 2014 Obama:

    Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans:

    BuDuh (1abfb2)

  50. Links to 2009-2013 are in moderation.

    BuDuh (1abfb2)

  51. Bush 2008:

    THE PRESIDENT: Madam Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens

    I think that will do…

    BuDuh (1abfb2)

  52. Here’s the funny thing: Trump won the election. No, not Trump the man, but nearly all of Trump’s 2016 campaign platform was on display.

    Read this explanation of Trumpism from February 2016 (by someone who is not a fan but understands) and it will hit home.

    What did Biden emphasize?

    * Bringing manufacturing home to America.
    * Stopping outsourcing of jobs to Asia
    * Building the supply chain HERE
    * Bring drug prices down by letting Medicare negotiate
    * Buying American
    * Getting tough with China
    * Standing up for America

    All of these were part of Trump’s break with Republican orthodoxy. All of these were things that all right-minded people attacked Trump for doing. And Biden has co-opted most of them and the GOP, supposedly beholden to Trump, sat on their hands.

    Sure, he’s got other things, too, like gun control and immigration and NATO where they differ, but even with immigration we’re seeing the cracks. I didn’t hear a lot about Dreamers and “people seeking a better life” tonight.

    Trump himself was unable to move the needle, being an incompetent blowhard, but it seems quite a bit of the firmament got displaced as the themes he pretended to champion had legs.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  53. I heard bits of it when I was driving around this evening. It was definitely more raucous than prior SOTUs. Personally, I’d rather that tradition stay with the Brits.
    Contentwise, ho hum.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  54. Compare the slurry of poop shoveled tonight from this Irish-Catholic POTUS to the other one on January 30, 1961.

    Night and day. Ranting rambles from an old fart versus the clear, candid articulation of a young mind. Then he follows it up four months later in May, 1961, with a second congressional address delineating urgent, multiple challenges and goals, including a to reach for the moon.

    We’re a better people than this bum from Delaware.

    DCSCA (04f433)

  55. I really feel sorry for norcal’s friends

    do they know all he does is rag on them here?

    JF (c97aef) — 2/7/2023 @ 7:15 pm

    No, they don’t.

    Also, my real name isn’t norcal.

    norcal (7345e5)

  56. JFK’s full ‘second’ State of the Union speech in May, 1961:

    It puts Squinty to shame.

    DCSCA (04f433)

  57. Mitt’s interaction with the “sick puppy”.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  58. Personally, I’d rather that tradition stay with the Brits.

    Well, Biden was putting out wackjob policies as GOP leadership ideas (e.g. sunsetting Social Security), so he deserved the boos.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  59. Some of the interruptions appeared to be shutting someone up, not clear who.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  60. It continues! Democrats win 3 state house races tonight giving them control of PA. state house. Even low information (lazy) democrats now realize state legislature is more important to protect abortion rights then any other vote. Anti-abortionists have awakened a sleeping giant who know biden sucks ;but we still have to give the republican party a post natal abortion!

    asset (1ae6ea)

  61. So several leftists in Congress wore “abortion” pins instead of American flags on their lapels. Can’t say I’m surprised. They finally showed publicly what actually matters to them.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  62. @53, Trump is a quintessential salesman. He and his team can listen to talk radio and hear anxiety. They’re savvy enough to turn that into personal opportunity. He will cure middle america woes. It’s simple just elect Trump and send $20 to the campaign.

    Kevin says Trump was on to something, but just incompetent in the execution. I’m not so sure. He always over-simplified complex problems and proposed simplistic solutions that sounded just good enough. Let’s consider his boilerplate issues:

    * Did the wall or replacing sections of the wall cure illegal immigration? Did Mexico pay for it? Or, is it a more complex question of economic incentives? The fundamental problem is that a wall or fence cannot apprehend crossers. People and assisting technology does this. It’s also unclear how a wall stops people from over-staying their visas.

    * Did targeting balance of trade through tariffs and a trade war work? Did we win or did we end up subsidizing industries impacted while paying more for goods? Is the trade deficit what we should focus on? Is how we deal with China complex or simple? Is selling people on its simplicty deceptive and misleading?

    * Did re-writing the “worst-trade-agreement-ever”, NAFTA, materially change much? Or, was it a bit of a con? Does economic growth require more trade, and, if so, does that trade have to be mutually beneficial? Does protectionism give us long-term growth

    I get it. He responded to the angst and tried to do something, rather than lapsing into economic rationalizations that cause the eyes to glaze over. Were these good ideas or was he just using angst as his vehicle to power? Being a great salesman doesn’t mean that what you are actually selling is great. Much of this is hard and giving people the impression that it’s simple isn’t helpful. Automation has happened. Emerging markets have happened. The rest of the world are pursuing their interests. You can’t freeze the world in 1950…you can’t freeze post WW2 decimation ….and believe that is a workable solution. Trump appeals to nostalgia….he markets that well. If you’re buying it, send your $20 check today….

    AJ_Liberty (8a9f4b)

  63. “I say we’re going to need oil for a decade”

    demented moron, leader of the demented moron party

    JF (c97aef)

  64. I watched a couple of episodes of Touch of Frost. UK cop shows from the 2000s are less dated than Biden and far more entertaining.

    Appalled (03f53c)

  65. 60,

    Members shouted “bullsh!t” at President Biden and that he was a liar when he said that:

    “Some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset. I’m not saying it’s a majority,” Biden said before loud boos forced him to pause. “Let me give you—anybody who doubts it can contact my office. I’ll give you a copy,” Biden countered

    Marge was the one who screamed “liar!” at the President. Ironically, it was she who misspoke:

    The plan to sunset Medicare and Social Security was originally proposed by Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), who is also the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, in his “11 PoiPlan to Rescue America.”

    See Sen. Rick Scott discussing his plan regarding Social Security and Medicare here.

    Dana (1225fc)

  66. Dana,

    Fringe talking points exist everywhere. If you want to use those examples then the left is demanding Venezuelan style socialism.

    But that’s not the reason you yet again run to Biden’s defense to attack a Republican you personally dislike.

    NJRob (3b4245)

  67. Rick Scott’s plan is a tax increase for all lower paid Americans as it is a consumption tax. Given the GOP’s current populist orientation, it is a pretty stupid idea, as it victimizes the sort of people who like Trump and might support Rick Scott’s current assault on dreaded RINO Mitch McConnell.

    Scott made a lot of money in the private sector. He is not an idiot. I can only assume he feels he needs a platform with something radical in it to make him seem all MAGA. Either that, or he just thinks it isn’t fair he has to pay income tax just because he’s rich and he can snooker the MAGAs to go along with a giant tax increase they pay for.

    Appalled (65358d)

  68. When Joe Wilson yelled “liar!” at President Obama, he called the White House to apologize shortly after and the House formally chastised him for the outburst. Clearly, Marge isn’t going to call the White House and apologize, and I don’t believe that she’ll be reprimanded, not after seeing the weak leadership of McCarthy on display.

    Dana (1225fc)

  69. NJRob

    Do you think Rick Scott is fringe?

    MTG isn’t being fringe here. She is just being wrong.

    Appalled (65358d)

  70. Dana,

    Fringe talking points exist everywhere. If you want to use those examples then the left is demanding Venezuelan style socialism.

    But that’s not the reason you yet again run to Biden’s defense to attack a Republican you personally dislike.

    NJRob (3b4245) — 2/8/2023 @ 8:29 am

    While I find MTG an unserious person/member of Congress, my point was not emotional and simply accurate and reasonable: I’m not talking about jibber-jabber from a newbie with no experience. Rick Scott was a two-term governor before becoming a senator, and he is also the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. So if you believe a policy proposal coming from someone like that is some sort of “fringe talking point,” then I don’t even know what to say. And if we’re talking about the “fringe,” then Marge is your girl.

    Dana (1225fc)

  71. Appalled,

    Rick Scott ran for Senate Majority Leader on his platform. How many votes did he get?

    I notice many former Republicans like to proclaim they are free from tribalism since they left the party, but all they do is qttack Republicans. Tgey are still tribalistic
    Their allegiances have just changed.

    NJRob (3b4245)

  72. AJ,

    While some of #63 seems cheap shots (Mexico paying for the wall), if you want to convince me that Trump had no idea of how to address problems, I’ll just agree. I will quibble about sin taxes on imports not being effective, though, while accepting that Trump could not even use that club right.

    Still, Trump was effective in several things at a basic level. He turned the country away from globalism and back to nationalism, and Biden is totally on board. And it continues: The incessant demands about a Path to
    Citizenship and DACA and the like were totally missing, and it seems that Biden has become aware what a problem the border crisis has become.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  73. Also, rightfully chastising Marge’s behavior isn’t the same as running to Biden’s defense. A very partisan narrow-minded view would see it as such though.

    This isn’t complicated: Rick Scott said what he said, Marge was wrong to call the President a liar. Your verbal contortions show me that it is you who are running to defend Marge when she was clearly wrong because that’s how partisanship works.

    Dana (1225fc)

  74. “I say we’re going to need oil for a decade”

    That he was heckled/mocked over that was his own damn fault. It’s a stupid statement and wildly condescending.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  75. Dana,

    As you may have seen here, nothing gets people more upset that someone putting words in their mouth. And that’s what Biden’s “sunset” remarks did. Scott’s suggestions have been completely rejected, and Biden knew that. Yet he attempted to smear the entire GOP with them. This isn’t the first time he’s used that kind of smear, and it had UTTERLY no place in a SotU, which is supposed to avoid crass partisanship.

    He deserved the boos.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  76. So several leftists in Congress wore “abortion” pins instead of American flags on their lapels. Can’t say I’m surprised. They finally showed publicly what actually matters to them.

    NJRob (eb56c3) — 2/8/2023 @ 5:14 am

    I prefer the members who wore AR-15 rifle pins.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  77. Dana,

    She was correct. It’s not in the Republican platform anymore than Obama and Biden saying Ryan was going to throw grandma off a cliff. But you won’t admit that because you want to keep excusing Biden’s divisive remarks.

    How do you feel about the Oklahoma “insurrection” that just happened?

    NJRob (9e8d8b)

  78. Rip,

    Your whataboutism is noted. The 2nd Amendment is part of the Constitution however.

    Thanks for your partisanship.

    NJRob (9e8d8b)

  79. Clearly, Marge isn’t going to call the White House and apologize, and I don’t believe that she’ll be reprimanded, not after seeing the weak leadership of McCarthy on display.

    Given how she was rescued from obscurity by McCarthy, she should have listened to his advice.

    “We’re members of Congress. We have a code of ethics of how we should portray ourselves,” McCarthy told CNN’s Manu Raju on Tuesday.
    In a closed-door meeting with the House Republican conference on Tuesday, McCarthy and other GOP leaders warned members to behave during the address, per CNN’s Zanona.

    The “cameras are on,” and the “mics are hot,” House GOP leadership reportedly said in the meeting.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  80. Rip,

    Your whataboutism is noted. The 2nd Amendment is part of the Constitution however.

    Thanks for your partisanship.

    NJRob (9e8d8b) — 2/8/2023 @ 9:09 am

    It wasn’t whataboutism, it’s that I appreciated demonstration in support of the Second Amendment. I am equally supportive of Dobbs, though I don’t think it went far enough.

    You are so sensitive.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  81. I really feel sorry for norcal’s friends

    do they know all he does is rag on them here?

    JF (c97aef) — 2/7/2023 @ 7:15 pm

    norcal mentioned one friend who he expressed his concerns to directly (about getting news only from TV). So norcal made his comments to his friend and then repeated them here anonymously. That is the opposite of what you ungraciously said he does.

    DRJ (265356)

  82. Regarding the Designated Survivor: I was right.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  83. NJ Rob,

    I don’t agree with the transgender cause but reporters who were there say the protests were peaceful and lawful. The protesters were allowed in after being screened and going through metal detectors like other visitors, and they protested in designated areas as directed by State troopers. (The right to assemble is also in the Constitution.)

    DRJ (265356)

  84. The real trouble with those people is that they tempt you into unworthy thoughts and unkind words that should be beneath a decent person’s dignity.

    nk (bb1548) — 2/7/2023 @ 6:40 pm

    I resisted the temptation to suggest another implement Republicans could bring to the SOTU as it would have been in extremely bad taste.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  85. DRJ,

    The vast majority of Jan 6th individuals did the same as we saw with them walking in orderly lines with police onlooking, but that’s not how the day is portrayed.

    See the number of people convicted for “parading.”

    NJRob (d8e105)

  86. Quoting Jeffrey Jones, even playing a movie character, should be verboten.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)


    And DRJ,

    Why should I take an activist media’s word for it when they call it a “trans rights” protrst instead of something neutral?

    NJRob (d8e105)

  88. The January 6th defendants who have been convicted or pled guilty to misdemeanor “parading” were in the Capitol, not outside. 40 U.S.C. § 5104(e)(2)(G)):

    (2) Violent entry and disorderly conduct.—An individual or group of individuals may not willfully and knowingly—
    (G) parade, demonstrate, or picket in any of the Capitol Buildings.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  89. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 2/8/2023 @ 9:54 am

    Most of the January 6th defendants were charged only with misdemeanors, and received a slap on the wrist, such as probation, home confinement, minor restitution, and community service.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  90. Kevin at 78,

    If accuracy and putting words in people’s mouths matters, then no, Biden did not “attempt to smear the entire GOP.” From the speech:

    Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset every five years.

    That means if Congress doesn’t vote to keep them, those programs will go away.

    Other Republicans say if we don’t cut Social Security and Medicare, they’ll let America default on its debt for the first time in our history.

    I won’t let that happen.

    Dana (e92612)

  91. Read the reports about their court proceedings Rob. Some were peaceful protesters but hundreds were illegally in the building. Plus doing other illegal things.

    DRJ (265356)

  92. I for one do not believe partisanship is a dirty word. You always need a group willing to “go there” about the other side, because there are some real nuggets the partisans drag up. Nonetheless, people who do the partisan thing really do need to understand that they will often be disbelieved, because they are very credulous about the good of their side and the bad of the other.

    Bipartisanship is nice on some things. But even in the golden days of yore, it only emerges after the usual partisan warfare. The one thing that has changed is that we have lost the insight that, even though the other side is worshipping at the altar of satan, you still have to do deals with them to move things forward.

    Appalled (03f53c)

  93. @58. Pierre Delecto best mind his ‘French’… he be the ‘sick puppy’ who strapped the family pet to the roof of the car and kept binders full of women. The irony is, Santos told a truth right back at him:

    “Hey @MittRomney just a reminder that you will NEVER be PRESIDENT!”

    DCSCA (4d1c02)

  94. And … DCSCA reminds me why I left.

    DRJ (265356)

  95. I should thank him at this point.

    DRJ (265356)

  96. @75. “I say we’re going to need oil for a decade” That he was heckled/mocked over that was his own damn fault. It’s a stupid statement and wildly condescending.

    OTOH, from Joey’s POV, at 80-plus years old, a decade is literally an eternity to him. 😉

    DCSCA (4d1c02)

  97. If accuracy and putting words in people’s mouths matters, then no, Biden did not “attempt to smear the entire GOP.”

    “Some of my best friends are Jews, but….”

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  98. @97/98; Thank Pierre– his ability to set himself up for ridicule comes naturally.

    DCSCA (4d1c02)

  99. Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset every five years.

    That means if Congress doesn’t vote to keep them, those programs will go away.

    Other Republicans say if we don’t cut Social Security and Medicare, they’ll let America default on its debt for the first time in our history.

    I won’t let that happen.

    But he was saying this to imply that it’s what Republicans, given the chance, would do. It was a hyperpartisan moment, and a functional smear. You and I may know the details of who said what, but it was not a GOP policy plank, and it had been repudiated — something Biden happened to leave out.

    A half-truth is a lie.

    “The slickest way in the world to lie is to tell the right amount of truth at the right time-and then shut up.”


    Kevin M (1ea396)

  100. Personally, I’d rather that tradition stay with the Brits.

    Yeah, it’s a lousy ‘tradition’ to challenge the veracity of a leader lying to their face. =sarc=

    DCSCA (4d1c02)

  101. As the SOTU descends into hyperpartisanship, as it has under this president and the last two, we will see less and less decorum. Part of the deal in having a respectful audience is having a respectful speaker.

    The President is not a sun-god, and we have no laws against lese majeste. If he wants to try to score cheap points off a muzzled audience, he should try a different country than ours.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  102. Shorter: Biden deserved it, even from MTG.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  103. The House committee is methodically revealing how Twitter management manipulated news on the Hunter Biden laptop, exposed biased decisions by then Twitter execs, were fed disinformation from government sources which ultimately skewered their platform news flow before the election. Seems a little ‘rigging’ was going on after all.

    DCSCA (4d1c02)

  104. Kevin at 78,

    If accuracy and putting words in people’s mouths matters, then no, Biden did not “attempt to smear the entire GOP.” From the speech:

    Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset every five years.

    That means if Congress doesn’t vote to keep them, those programs will go away.

    Other Republicans say if we don’t cut Social Security and Medicare, they’ll let America default on its debt for the first time in our history.

    I won’t let that happen.

    Dana (e92612) — 2/8/2023 @ 10:10 am

    If accuracy really did count, the transcript of the remarks as prepared for delivery would not substitute the actual exchange as spoken:

    The reactionary republicans were clearly booing and calling Biden out before he snuck in his caveat.

    Skip to about 30min to see how reality breaks from The Daily Beast.

    BuDuh (1abfb2)

  105. BuDuh has a good point. Biden just cannot help himself. President Jim Crow 2.0 has a slime problem.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  106. As bogus as it was, the content of this charade was essentially irrelevant; it was merely a campaign event; an effort to project an image of that a cognitively challenged 80 year old is still rowing with both oars in the water to being re-upped for a second term. If anybody took that bait, more’s the pity.

    DCSCA (4d1c02)

  107. I remember when hyperpartisan leftists railed on Romney about the dog on the roof of his car and his binders full of women. Same idjit mentality as I’m reading in this thread.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  108. It’s just childish partisanship, Paul.

    The amusing thing is that Biden is so similar to Trump on policy, personal faults, and weaknesses. Both have corrupt family they cover for. Both hand out cash with their name on it. Both campaign on issues they avoid solving (immigration for Trump). Neither are that coherent on foreign policy, with Trump’s conduct with the Kurds and Taliban not being that far from Biden’s own history.

    But I’ll take it over DCSCA’s constant, lazy russian propaganda. I see he’s on a campaign to fire American military who were honest about a problem they need to fix. Oh no, how dare our military get better… let’s emulate those masculine russian generals who never would admit to a problem, and just get their forces crushed amid endless weakness.

    I love my country, and I know we can do better, but the loudest, most annoying voices online come from the people who have nothing better to do than bark for 80 hours a week on someone else’s blog. We have some good voices here, but it’s just tedious to weed through, and I know the internet is making our political process dumb.

    Biden makes no effort to build a bridge (and lacks the energy or credibility, but at least should try). Obama could have done it, and deserves a lot of criticism for how he led. Romney is hated because he did the right thing. Our nation would be a profoundly better place if he had been the last GOP president. I say that as Romney’s harshest critic (because I was dumb).

    Dustin (a87c64)

  109. @112. I see he’s on a campaign to fire American military who were honest about a problem they need to fix.

    You see poorly: glasses are available under Obamacare.

    Honest? ROFLMAOPIP. The Pentagon brassholes hid knowledge of an extensive Chinese Spy Balloon program from the American public for years until a U.S. citizen spotted one, reported it and the free press blew their cover. $800-plus billion budget per year and your whine is about a fix? The FIX is to fire the generals who created a policy of ‘threat assessment’ when sovereign U.S. airspace was broached and worse, pushed back w/a lame stall on an order from the CIC to shoot it down. In case you’ve forgotten, civilian authority creates policy; the military caries it out.

    Not An Isolated Incident, US Officials Detect Global Surveillance Effort

    DCSCA (3fd403)

  110. Amen Dustin.

    Biden is horrible. He has such a great opportunity to rise above the moment and demonstrate leadership, yet he seems to have neither the stamina nor interest in doing so. It’s doubly concerning that the Democrat bench seems so short with talent. At least the GOP has some governors that span the ideological spectrum that could be good chief executives. It’s a question of will the GOP voters want a President of the Red States or a President for all 57 of our states.

    I was a fan of Romney in 2012, less for policy specifics, and more for his professionalism. I thought his convention was well run and that he featured many of the more adult voices in the party. We retreated from that with Trump. Now it’s loyalty and unfocused rage all of the time.

    The internet is definitely making our politics more reactionary and…you’re right….dumber. Objectivity is sacrificed to the gods of ideological purity and partisan cackling. There’s no sense that we do need to work together as a people, find common purpose, and work towards compromise. There’s a false sense that if we call people enough names, they will concede and leave the political arena. We’ve normalized the conduct and elevate politicians that just exacerbate the problem.

    I wish we could attract some new voices to the site…more normal, less performative or argumentative. I see Patterico more at Dispatch than here, so he’s appeared to given up a bit. But there a re a lot of eyes out there. And I think he has a unique voice. They just need to re-discover him.

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  111. @111. The idiot mentality was Pierre Delecto keeping a binder full of women and strapping the family dog to the roof of his station wagon– then the creep created a French alias to babble bull on Twitter:

    Mitt Romney admits to secret ‘Pierre Delecto’ Twitter account

    Sen. Mitt Romney has admitted to managing a secret Twitter account that he uses under the alias “Pierre Delecto” to lurk on political discussions and even defend himself. The Utah Republican first referenced the secret Twitter… in a profile in The Atlantic, revealing few details other than that he followed some late-night comedians and journalists. When questioned about the account, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee fessed up. “C’est moi,” Romney told The Atlantic…’

    DCSCA (3fd403)

  112. @114..The internet is definitely making our politics more reactionary and…you’re right….dumber.

    That is the elitist mentality which reigned at Twitter and quashed free speech.

    Musk fired them.

    DCSCA (3fd403)

  113. We retreated from that with Trump. Now it’s loyalty and unfocused rage all of the time.

    The wheels came off after Romney’s loss and the GOP ignored the Teas. We need to find someone to bind the wounds, and Biden clearly isn’t interested. DeSantis is merely Trump with brains, feeding off the divisions.

    That may be the best we get, but I’m hoping for more. Unfortunately, primary voters are going to be tossed a lot of red meat.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  114. I wish we could attract some new voices to the site…more normal, less performative or argumentative.

    It’s hard with the toxic clown as greeter.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  115. The Republican reactions no doubt will show up in Biden campaign commercials.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  116. @62 You darn right it does!

    asset (24e706)

  117. @117. DeSantis is merely Trump with brains, feeding off the divisions.

    Picking fights w/Mickey Mouse betrays the brains of a Donald Duck. Alas, they won’t go w/my beloved Nikki, so buy yourself a compass and several cycles of wandering in the desert.

    DCSCA (3fd403)

  118. State of the Union message, as delivered (no transcript of what Biden was responding to, but it couldn’t be heard well on television anyway except for the word border or order))

    As prepared:

    Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders “response” speech:


    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  119. Biden’s speech went on a long time but he didn’t get tired. He made just as many mistakes at the start as he did at the finish

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  120. Latest polling Desatan loses to trump if its not head to head as haley who is running for veep and others split anti trump vote. This is before picture of desatan acting pedo with underage girls at drinking party when he was their high school teacher. See picture over at ace. (

    asset (24e706)

  121. AJ_Liberty (5f05c3) — 2/8/2023 @ 1:26 pm

    I see Patterico more at Dispatch than here, so he’s appeared to given up a bit. But there a re a lot of eyes out there. And I think he has a unique voice. They just need to re-discover him.

    That’ll be hard with Google probably downgrading it. There needs to be more links to it.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  122. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy admits Republicans ‘took bait’ and let Biden turn State of the Union heckling into political gold
    The powerful (!) California Republican said Biden effectively used the outbursts by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and other far-right-wingers to win over Americans watching at home.

    “The one thing we need to be is, we need to be smart,” McCarthy told Fox News the morning after the widely praised performance by Biden. “Don’t take the bait, stay with the American public about what we want to do.”
    ……..MAGA hard-liners joined in the heckling, prompting McCarthy to shake his head as he sat behind Biden and appeared to shush his fellow GOP lawmakers.
    On the morning after her embarrassing performance, Greene insisted she “didn’t take any bait” after all, effectively pushing back on McCarthy’s assessment.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  123. Dana (e92612) — 2/8/2023 @ 10:10 am

    I won’t let that happen.

    Now those words were mostly misleading, since that doesn’t have a remote chance of happening in the next two years.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  124. @117. The wheels came off after Romney’s loss and the GOP ignored the Teas.

    THe creep blew off the 47%-ers… he welcomed Trump’s endorsement- even praised his business sense– offered up a bet of $10,000 in a debate… then Eastwood yelled at an empty convention chair.

    ‘Romney’s decision to offer a $10,000 bet was immediately seized upon by the Democratic National Committee, which spotlighted the amount of the bet. “FACT: $10,000 is almost three times what the average family spends on groceries in a year,” read one Tweet.’–

    But the ‘coup de grâce’ was Pierre dining on Frogs Legs w/Trump after The Donald won – in public, no less. Not exactly man-of-the-people chow.

    DCSCA (3fd403)

  125. A lot of things went over the heads of most people listening to it.

    I think this extreme position did:

    But let’s also pass — let’s also pass the bipartisan Equality Act to ensure L.G.B.T.Q. Americans, especially transgender young people, can live with safety and dignity.

    Safety means their gender switch can be kept secret by schools, because otherwise they might commit suicide (so the theory goes)

    What impact would the Equality Act have on public schools?
    Thousands of school districts across the country have adopted clear policies to support transgender students in recent years, but many students still face mistreatment and harassment from teachers, administrators, and their peers because of who they are.

    Many courts have said that existing laws, such as Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the US Constitution, protect transgender students. The Equality Act would make clear, once and for all, transgender students are protected, from harassment, exclusion from school facilities, and other forms of discrimination.

    This still, I don’t think, gets it all. It certainly assumes that transgenderism is an objective fact.

    Here is an opposing point of view:

    …These schools frequently find ways to circumvent standard parental notification and opt-out procedures, as LGBT activists’ stated goal is to reach children whose parents are not “affirming” of gender ideology. Parents can expect similar developments on a national scale if the Equality Act becomes law.

    … 3. Medicine: The Equality Act would require medical professionals to perform irreversible gender-transition procedures on minors, regardless of conscientious objection or best medical judgment.

    The experimental use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on children can carry serious consequences, including delayed brain development and permanent sterility.

    The bill’s findings also pave the way for an eventual ban on any counseling intended to help children with gender dysphoria accept their bodies. Given that 80%-95% of children eventually come to identify with their biological sex if they do not undergo social transition, employing federal law to ban counseling for children is a mistake….

    ….Prospective foster parents could also be required to affirm a foster child’s stated gender identity and barred from any efforts to help a child with gender dysphoria accept his or her body.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  126. @122. Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders “response” speech…

    It was actually a very good response- well crafted; but then her experience w/on camera communications is a known strength. Wardrobe, less so. A dark blazer would have been more appropriate than that light top for a night time televised presentation– it was visually distracting.

    DCSCA (3fd403)

  127. Funny thing — the thread was earlier all about MTG bellyaching about Biden tagging the GOP with the political sequel to Romney’s 47% thing. And now it’s about what a duncecap Romney was about the 47% thing. Consistency is a virgin, my Mama always said….

    Appalled (65358d)

  128. Biden threw out numbers with no context – thousands were as good as billions.

    This actually happens with every SOTU with every president.

    That’s going to come from companies that have announced more than $300 billion in investment in American manufacturing over the next few years. Outside of Columbus, Ohio, Intel is building semiconductor factories on a thousand acres — literally a field of dreams.

    It’s going to create 10,000 jobs, that one investment. Seven thousand construction jobs. Three thousand jobs in those factories once they’re finished — they call them factories.

    Billions, thousands, what’s the difference? It’s a lot.

    Jobs paying an average of $130,000 a year, and many do not require a college degree.

    ?? Also:

    With this new law, we’re going to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs across the country. And I mean all across the country. Throughout not just the coast, but through the middle of the country as well.


    Look, we’re also replacing poisonous lead pipes that go into 10 million homes in America. Four hundred thousand school and child care centers, so every child in America, every child in America can drink the water instead of having permanent damage to their brain.

    You can just add something to the water to prevent the lead from dissolving. That’s what Flint, Michigan stopped doing, IIRC.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  129. 130. DCSCA (3fd403) — 2/8/2023 @ 2:13 pm

    It was actually a very good response- well crafted;

    It wasn’t a response! It was undoubtedly written, as they all are, without any knowledge of what Biden would say.

    but then her experience w/on camera communications is a known strength. Wardrobe, less so. A dark blazer would have been more appropriate than that light top for a night time televised presentation– it was visually distracting.

    She looked older than I remembered.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  130. He quoted his father two times (once sayin it was for real)

    I know a lot of you always kid me for always quoting my dad, but my dad used to say, “Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck.” He really would say this. It’s about a lot more than a paycheck. It’s about your dignity. It’s about respect. It’s about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, “Honey, it’s going to be OK,” and mean it.

    And he quoted his wife once, but at least he (barely) avoided saying that his son Beau was killed by burn pits in Iraq.

    We passed the Heath Robinson PACT Act, named after the late Iraq war veteran whose story about exposure to toxic burn pits I shared here last year. I understand something about those burn pits.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  131. He fumbled the name of the Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States and either could not remember it (but didn’t he have a written text? Or couldn’t he read it) or couldn’t pronounce it, and finally decided to avoid mentioning her name.

    He praised himself for passing the test and doing the right thing:

    Putin’s invasion has been a test for the ages. A test for America. A test for the world.

    Would we stand for the most basic of principles?

    Would we stand for sovereignty?

    Would we stand for the right of people to live free of tyranny?

    Would we stand for the defense of democracy?

    For such defense matters to us because it keeps peace and prevents open season on would-be aggressors and threatens our prosperity. One year later, we know the answer.

    Yes, we would, and we did. We did.

    And together, we did what America always does at our best.

    We led.

    We united NATO. We built a global coalition.

    We stood against Putin’s aggression.

    We stood with the Ukrainian people.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  132. He discussed ideas, never taking account of possible problems with the solution, or that it wasn’t a complete solution.

    Once at least he mentioned that his proposal had already been implemented.

    He spent a lot of time on junk fees.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  133. Sarah Huckabee Sanders needs to take some Relaxium.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  134. At the start, he was too used to Senator Schumer being the Minority Leader

    And congratulations to Chuck Schumer, another — you know, another term as Senate minority leader. You know, I think you — only this time you have a slightly bigger majority, Mr. Leader. You’re the majority leader. About that much bigger?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  135. He doesn’t have a complete solution for this problem: (and talked mostly about insulin)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  136. @133. She looked older than I remembered.

    Well… she is.

    DCSCA (053a71)

  137. haley who is running for veep

    Why are leftists such misogynists?

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  138. Sarah Huckabee Sanders needs to take some Relaxium.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 2/8/2023 @ 2:41 pm

    Correction: SHS looked like she was on Relaxium.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  139. He spent a lot of time on junk fees.

    He spent absolutely no time on Central American immigrants. Or those poor Dreamers. Or even on the homeless unhoused population.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  140. So criticizing Darling Nikki is now misogyny? Even her biggest fan here concedes she is running for Veep (but won’t get it). My bet is on Elise Stefanik.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  141. @70. There’s several Congressional Record transcripts– and worse, C-SPAN video now surfacing of Biden calling for the same cuts/freezes while a sitting senator as Scott was mulling over –[ worse, every four years, not five as Scott was spitballing] while Joey was a Senator decades ago, pre and post brain surgeries. It’s pretty embarrassing for Biden… but you can’t shame a Biden… Fox News has aired them; but then, our Joey has always talked out of every orifice he has…

    DCSCA (053a71)

  142. @144. She’s got my vote already but circumstances have her likely positioning for the VP spot. If he runs [and he likely will] Pompeo will be chasing the same $ — and give her a run for that $ on international issues give his SoS/CIA resume– even w/her UN crfedfentials. But she’s a better fit for the future given the changing demographics of the nation.

    DCSCA (053a71)

  143. We are not going to get the Answer to Life, the Universe, or Anything from Biden, Sammy. He is the Constitutional face of a junta of special interests, nothing more, and vapid self-adulatory pap is the only thing he is in charge of in that junta.

    Thank you, President Trump!

    nk (3b88bf)

  144. @136. He’s the Peter Principle on parade; the kindest thing you can say about him is he still has the mind set of a senator. He forgets his Corvette runs on gasoline now— and will a decade from now…

    DCSCA (053a71)

  145. Thank you, lurker and DRJ, for pointing out the flaws in JF’s comment at 42.

    I hope you stick around here, DRJ. Just ignore the chief clown (not JF, by the way. JF is many levels above the guy I have in mind). That’s what I usually do. If that doesn’t work, use the blocking script.

    Don’t give him a heckler’s veto over your valuable insight.

    norcal (7345e5)

  146. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 2/8/2023 @ 2:00 pm

    I am not surprised that the actual interview is no where near the context in Yahoo’s silly article.

    Unless there is another interview?

    BuDuh (2005d7)

  147. More about that Yahoo “Political Gold:”

    House Republicans


    Joe Biden’s #SOTU was the lowest rated address in 25 years according to CNN.

    “The 34% who reacted very positively to Biden’s speech is the lowest in CNN’s speech reaction polls dating back to 1998.”

    Yes… but… MTG!!

    BuDuh (2005d7)

  148. State of the Union should be supplemented by British style Question Time afterwards

    steveg (2685d1)

  149. If only this story had come out ahead of the State of the Union:

    Think about it. MGT wearing a divers helmet carrying a balloon in a dress she borrowed from Sen. Kyrsten Sinema

    steveg (2685d1)

  150. norcal (7345e5) — 2/8/2023 @ 3:35 pm

    you’ve called out your friends several times here, and as I recall your brother too. Maybe also your mom. And, a relative’s parenting skills. And, an ex-wife. And, your former LDS church buddies.

    but, I’m sure it was done graciously.

    I think we’re missing out on hearing their side. Maybe they all have something in common.

    JF (df426c)


    best of Boris Johnson in Prime Minister Question Time

    steveg (2685d1)

  152. JF’s venom sacs must be painfully swollen for him to spew so much of it (venom) and to no purpose at all. Or maybe it’s his hemorrhoids? In that second instance, I wish him well. May they shrink by themselves without surgery.

    But, yeah, we are no longer all friends here, anymore. We have too many people who come to this site to spew their hate at the world, and towards other commenters who don’t share their twisted views. For quite a while now. Sharing personal information or confidences is a dangerous thing.

    nk (3b88bf)

  153. “Some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset.“

    yeah, and some Democrats want to ban gas stoves

    it’s a SOTU, not a political rally

    if a Republican ever gets to deliver a SOTU, I hope he/she lists out the bottomless pit of extreme positions held by “some Democrats”, which I’m sure will win accolades here for setting a bipartisan tone

    JF (df426c)

  154. nk (3b88bf) — 2/8/2023 @ 5:06 pm

    yeah, we know how the game is played here, nk

    let’s hear more of your gracious nancy boy and gerbil comments, and that doesn’t even skim the surface

    but, you have the right politics so it’s all swell

    JF (df426c)

  155. it’s a shame, nk

    Dustin (a87c64)

  156. I prefer to read DRJ’s comments. But hey, it’s not my blog. I don’t make the rules.

    But if things get stinky enough, well, only stinky folk remain to wallow in the stink.

    It’s too bad.

    Simon Jester (ef20c9)

  157. Many thanks to the good folk who keep trying.

    Simon Jester (ef20c9)

  158. the game is played here, nancy boy and gerbil, skimming the surface.

    Is there video? Asking for a friend

    steveg (2685d1)

  159. you’ve called out your friends several times here, and as I recall your brother too. Maybe also your mom. And, a relative’s parenting skills. And, an ex-wife. And, your former LDS church buddies.

    JF (df426c) — 2/8/2023 @ 4:24 pm

    Calling out? Anonymously, on a blog? That’s funny.


    Commentary? Yes. And it’s usually related to the topic at hand. I suspect most of the commenters here appreciate it when I reference personal experiences to illustrate a point. I know I like it when others mention things from their lives.

    I don’t comment to please you, but rather the more reasonable people who have more to offer than two-line, snarky counterpunching.

    norcal (7345e5)

  160. Joe Biden Trying To Cut SS 4 Times

    Biden tried FOUR times to freeze/cut SS– and BRAGGED about it on the Senate floor.

    “Let’s go to the videotape…”– Warner Wolf

    DCSCA (1196c6)

  161. @157. JF, see #164.

    Joey’s got some ‘splainin’ to do…

    DCSCA (1196c6)

  162. Kareem is a good writer and wise beyond his 75 years. I was since his days at UCLA.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  163. Eh, I was a fan

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  164. norcal (7345e5) — 2/8/2023 @ 6:13 pm

    we’re all anonymous here, including the commenter you called a “chief clown”

    JF (df0e6d)

  165. we’re all anonymous here, including the commenter you called a “chief clown”

    JF (df0e6d) — 2/8/2023 @ 6:41 pm

    Of course, but you can’t “call out” somebody who doesn’t even visit the blog.

    norcal (7345e5)


    “I tried with Senator Grassley back in the 1980s to freeze all government spending, including Social Security, including everything,” Biden said in 1995.

    AS EARLY AS 1984 and as recently as 2018, former Vice President Joe Biden called for cuts to Social Security in the name of saving the program and balancing the federal budget… Biden’s record on Social Security is far worse than one offhand remark. Indeed, Biden has been advocating for cuts to Social Security for roughly 40 years.

    And after a Republican wave swept Congress in 1994, Biden’s support for cutting Social Security, and his general advocacy for budget austerity, made him a leading combatant in the centrist-wing battle against the party’s retreating liberals in the 1980s and ’90s… BIDEN’S FIXATION on cutting Social Security dates back to the Reagan era. One of Ronald Reagan’s first major moves as president was to implement a mammoth tax cut, tilted toward the wealthy, and to increase defense spending. Biden, a Delaware senator at the time, supported both moves. The heightened spending and reduced revenue focused public attention on the debt and deficit, giving fuel to a push for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
    In the midst of that debate, Biden teamed up with Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley to call for a freeze on federal spending, and insisted on including Social Security in that freeze, even as the Reagan administration fought to protect the program from cuts…

    This generation of MSM journalists is failing to nail Joey’s carcass to the wall.

    DCSCA (1196c6)

  167. norcal, I like your anecdotes, keep them coming. Though this shows you what anonymous people on the internet will do with your personal stories: pathetically weaponize them. I can just picture him with a notebook fastidiously noting any barbs wielded at other MAGA’s….even ones not here. WTF! He just seems devoted to making people as miserable as he is. Solution: ignore him. Interaction just rewards his anti-social behavior. Let him snipe and never receive another reply. Why give it another thought?

    AJ_Liberty (05badd)

  168. AJ_Liberty (05badd) — 2/8/2023 @ 8:08 pm

    If you like them, AJ, that’s good enough for me. I’ll take your advice.

    norcal (7345e5)

  169. As I said:

    Biden breaks on illegal entry and asylum claims in general:

    Biden weighs border deal that would deport non-Mexicans to Mexico

    The Biden administration is negotiating an agreement with Mexico that could allow U.S. authorities to carry out large-scale deportations of non-Mexicans back across the border for the first time, according to four current and former U.S. officials familiar with the discussions….

    Their plan would permit hundreds of thousands of migrants to enter the United States lawfully, while threatening severe consequences for those who don’t follow the rules….

    U.S. and Mexican officials said the two nations have not reached a deal on deportations. But the plan under discussion would buttress measures the Department of Homeland Security is preparing to announce as soon as next week to penalize the claims of asylum seekers who cross into the United States illegally or fail to apply for protection in nations they transit through en route to the U.S. border. The measures will create a “presumption against asylum eligibility,” the administration told the Supreme Court in a briefing this week, when illegal border crossers who face deportation claim a fear of persecution in their home nations.

    “The sound you hear is the concrete cracking around my feet.”

    — California Governor Ronald Reagan

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  170. He has now co-opted almost all of Trump’s domestic policies, except taxes.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  171. Even her biggest fan here concedes she is running for Veep

    No, I’m her biggest fan here, and I don’t concede such a thing. Who are you talking about? DCSCA?!?

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  172. There is no way that Nikki would be Trump’s VP, but Stefanik is sure running for that. Elsie has no principles anymore, so she’s anybody’s VP. Probably even Biden’s.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  173. So criticizing Darling Nikki is now misogyny? Even her biggest fan here concedes she is running for Veep (but won’t get it)

    I can’t say you’re making the best argument otherwise.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  174. “Some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset.“

    yeah, and some Democrats want to ban gas stoves

    it’s a SOTU, not a political rally

    Exactly. And if you said that some Democrats want 90% tax rates and a wealth tax on top, or want to stop people from moving from a state to escape high taxes, it would be absolutely accurate.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  175. Joe Biden’s #SOTU was the lowest rated address in 25 years according to CNN.

    “The 34% who reacted very positively to Biden’s speech is the lowest in CNN’s speech reaction polls dating back to 1998.”

    This may actually work in Biden’s favor if the day-after stories are all about the heckling.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  176. @175. Except you’re not. My vote for her was pledged two years ago but circumstances don’t appear to be falling into place for her beyond a shot at VEEP. But Darlin’ Nikki is the future.

    DCSCA (c9444f)

  177. @179. Doubtful. Low ratings, lyin’ content, verified with his own words on the Senate floor no less. THe onlt thing that will save him if he runs is a war or the Eagleton dump w/HRC hopping aboard the Joe train as his VEEP.

    DCSCA (c9444f)

  178. Almost everyone here disagrees with me most of the time ;but we all keep it civil if not friendly. We all learn more that way. I have occasionally been in error and it is pointed out to me. (some here think more then occasionally) The dialectic is how we get at the truth.

    asset (cba9ee)

  179. Well said, asset. I probably disagree with you more than the snarky folks, but you’ve never been uncivil to me.

    norcal (7345e5)

  180. Anybody who knows what a woman will do is far too wise for me to disagree with.

    nk (bb1548)

  181. Don’t trust those usually reddish brown haired sometimes pretty sometimes hideous girls (think of Seinfeld’s date at the Festivus dinner and also Martha McSally).

    urbanleftbehind (5f8f5a)

  182. Here’s Kessler’s fact check of Biden’s speech, describing aspects of it as “slippery” and “half-story” and “misleading”.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  183. RIP songwriter Burt Bacharach (94).

    Rip Murdock (69f385)

  184. Nothing is more boring than yet another article on how Republicans need to be rude.

    Appalled (78142d)

  185. Appalled, that division is very lucrative to the hecklers. Lots of clicks and ad impressions and donations from the angry.

    Dustin (a87c64)

  186. Has this happened yet? MTG’s parents sent her to bed without supper, and have grounded her until she writes a satisfactory letter of apology for her misbehavior.

    If not, it should.

    (Years ago, a very experienced teacher in a tough school told me that, although boys caused by far the most trouble, the girl who defied discipline could be worse than any boy.)

    Jim Miller (f29931)

  187. Nothing is more boring than yet another article on how Republicans need to be rude.

    Nothing like posts which suggest comity and decorum are possible with our divided country and Congress…

    horatio (e5a0e6)

  188. Comity and decorum are not the only alternatives to rudeness. There are others, such as ideas and political capital. Oh, wait, we’re talking about the GOP. They’d better stick with the bubble dance.

    nk (bb1548)

  189. And find someone who looks more like Sally Rand to perform it.

    nk (bb1548)

  190. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Burt Bacharach

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  191. “Nothing like posts which suggest comity and decorum are possible with our divided country and Congress…”

    We keep running into the wall and wondering why it hurts.

    Yes, we have differences, but is there nothing that we share common purpose on that affords opportunity for compromise? Culture war stuff typically affords little such opportunities. However, illegal immigration is probably an arena where the Democrats see the writing on the border wall. Chaos at the border does not help them going into 2024. I think there can be progress. That progress requires civility. The job of representative is not to score likes on your Facebook page for saying the most outrageous thing on Fox News. The job is to lead and solve problems.

    At the end of the day, each side has to demonstrate an ability to govern. If it’s all clown car, there’s enough suburban persuadables that will choose the more serious side. 2022 showed this. I understand that hyper-partisans think that the political conclusion is self evident and think that mockery and rudeness is somehow clarifying. But I think people are tiring of performance acts that have no substance. Make your case, but do so with optimism and without being a jerk. The Trump model is not the only model. Heck, it’s a model that can’t seem to close the general elections….

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  192. What comity looks like. Don’t bet on seeing it again.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  193. I think the “we need to fight” attitude started with the Tea Party and they had a point. Remember how they were provoked by Nancy Pelosi marching through the tea tea party Black Caucus in tow as bait, trolling for racist remarks and when they found none, recorded none, they lied and smeared the Tea Party. Remember how upset normal people got when people were being forced to decorate cakes? No one decent would dream of going to a Muslim baker and insisting he ice the cake with the likeness of Mohammed, its not about the interpretation of the constitution, its decency. Obama waged lawfare and intentionally circumvented the Constitution knowing that in the time it took to unravel, it would be baked in. I think that was at worst impeachable, at least bad behavior. If Romney had won, the Tea Party have simmered down, but Romney brought his pink polo shirt with preppy turned up collar, white pants no socks to a knife fight

    steveg (9684e4)

  194. If Romney had won, the Tea Party have simmered down…….

    Comedy gold!

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  195. Well said steveg.

    NJRob (cdd78a)

  196. I think the “we need to fight” attitude started with the Tea Party and they had a point.

    The John Anderson run… Buchanan Brigades… Perotistas… it’s been simmering to a boil for decades…

    DCSCA (5684e2)

  197. Today, the raindrops falling are tears…

    One of Burt Bacharach’s all time best LPs, total 1960’s, when America was truly great: Casino Royale Pure feel good listening… w/a nod to the great Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass and the lovely Dusty Springfield.

    Give it a listen– you can’t help but smile…

    DCSCA (5684e2)

  198. Nothing is more boring than yet another article on how Republicans need to be rude.

    What comity looks like. Don’t bet on seeing it again.

    I would like to hear a explanation about how more polarization and division is a good thing.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  199. The John Anderson run

    John “Milquetoast” Anderson was not about fighting. It was about being a good “bottom.”

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  200. I may have mentioned this before, but it’s unlikely that you can lie about every aspect of your life but be truthful about your finances.

    NEW YORK – Rep. George Santos was charged with theft in Pennsylvania’s Amish Country in 2017 after a series of bad checks were written in his name to dog breeders, according to the court and a lawyer friend who helped him address the charge.

    Just days after $15,125 in checks were made out for “puppies,” according to the memo lines, Santos held an adoption event at a Staten Island pet store with his animal rescue charity Friends of Pets United, according to the store’s Instagram account and a person who attended the event.
    The charge was dismissed and his record expunged after Santos claimed someone had stolen his checkbook, according to the court and the lawyer.

    Yet commenters here are railing about Romney’s remarks about the guy?

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  201. Yet commenters here are railing about Romney’s remarks about the guy?

    Which commenters? What did they say?

    BuDuh (2005d7)

  202. Another NJ Republican councilman assassinated in NJ. Terrorism by another name

    NJRob (36dd62)

  203. Which commenters? What did they say?

    Scroll up. Ctrl-f is your friend.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  204. Control F didn’t locate multiple “commenters” that were “ railing about Romney’s remarks“ regarding Santos. I tried that before my question.

    I am politely asking you for help locating who these commenters are and what they said. Thanks in advance.

    BuDuh (2005d7)

  205. Another NJ Republican councilman assassinated in NJ. Terrorism by another name

    The other name is “workplace issue.”

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  206. Try again, BuDuh.
    steveg and DCSCA are two. Saying that Romney “brought his pink polo shirt with preppy turned up collar, white pants no socks to a knife fight” is the opposite of complimentary.

    Horatio linked to a piece that called for more Greene and less Romney here, favoring Greene’s harping in a SOTU while Romney “sat idly by and admired his latest manicure”.

    Rather than me making a guess, why don’t you give me your own opinion about the guy.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  207. I took Steve’s comment as a trashing of Romney the presidential aspirant. Horatio link I did not read, but the headline seemed to be general “Romney is a wimp” thread chumming.

    I do not see multiple commenters doing specifically what you said they did.

    BuDuh (2005d7)

  208. Yes, we have differences, but is there nothing that we share common purpose on that affords opportunity for compromise?

    Nope. Because you actually have to share a common identity and shared consensus first, and the country shares this on very little, if anything.

    Culture defines a nation. This has been an iron law of human society going back to the stone age. And when you don’t have a common culture, you don’t have a common identity that will incentivize people to find compromise.

    The left did the long march specifically to take over the culture to serve their political interests, because unlike the neocons, they at least recognized that man doesn’t live by bread alone. The fights taking place are specifically a war over who controls the nation’s identity. The only people who go on believing culture is not important are the ones who never valued it in the first place. They were happy to reap the fruits sown by those who did, but were too indolent to do the work necessary to maintain it.

    Factory Working Orphan (2d3cd3)

  209. Biden used the word “fight” in his speech without attracting notice.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  210. This article on the former FBI chief in NY, McGonigal, is worth a full read. His mistress really gave up the goods on him, that he would take cash in exchange for services benefiting one of Putin’s pet oligarchs.
    The Insider piece mentioned an Agron that McGonigal was in contact with, and Mother Jones has more on this Agron character, and some others.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  211. In fairness, I conflated Romney, the guy who took Santos to task and Romney the preppy guy who took on Obama by the rules the opposition set and got beaten. I did that because they are one and the same, and because- in my view- Romney has always saved his best punches for Republicans. Not saying Santos doesn’t deserve any, but if Romney could learn to punch Democrats harder when they deserve it, he might someday win something beyond white Mormon Utah. Paul is right, I didn’t fluff Romney, I voted for him, but as I’ve said before, I see him as the kid on the bench that lives for the moment when he can run out onto the court to tell the ref his team mate had a toe a hair across the 3 point line, overlooking the opponents hand slap on the elbow. Santos is a weird dude for sure, but the people Romney needed to show his fight to were the ones who mocked him for “binders of women”, and for “the 1980’s called and want their foreign policy back” or “he put the dog on the roof of the car and cut the gay kids hair”
    Romney’s style reminds me of the idiots who praised people who savaged Bush as “bravely speaking truth to power”. Bah. How risky is it to savage Bush and suffer no reprisal? It takes more courage by far to wear a Yankees hat at Fenway.

    If you don’t realize it yet, I’m just highlighting Romney’s got one clay foot and that makes him unbalanced, he’ll never win until he learns to dish out the loud criticism equally

    steveg (1be97a)

  212. Maybe Romney labors under the biblical injunction to get the plank out of your own eye before complaining about the speck in the others eye and extends it to his entire party rather than simply to himself. I tend to think that injunction is personal because as soon as the injunction is extended to others, even within your group, it is also violated.

    steveg (1be97a)

  213. steve, I would say just go through Romney’s Twitter feed. He gets attention from the MSM for going against the Trump grain but his policies are solidly conservative and Republican, in the traditional sense.
    But this detracts from frauds like Santos and clowns like Ms. Greene which, to me, is a much greater problem for our party.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  214. I read the Sy Hersh piece on the Nord Stream explosions and my impression is that he got a lot of mileage out of a single anonymous source, weaving his long story of cloak-and-dagger. Without more evidence, I’ll just say that maybe the US did it, or maybe not.
    Mr. Gilli has some valid questions about the alleged US operation.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  215. Seymour Hersh has been wrong, I think knowingly,for probably every scoopy he has had in over more than 30 years make that 40.

    He was sort of right about the My Lai massacre in South Vietnam in 1969 (which took place in 1968) but I would check the details or for material he left out. It was not an isolated incident, by the way. (nor was it standard operating procedure but something standard made it possible.)

    Sammy Finkelman (5bbedf)

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