Patterico's Pontifications


Failed Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Considering a Senate Run

Filed under: General — Dana @ 4:21 pm

[guest post by Dana]


Kari Lake met with officials at the National Republican Senatorial Committee on Thursday, two people familiar with the matter told POLITICO.

The meeting comes as Lake is considering a run for the Senate in Arizona. Caroline Wren, a senior adviser to Lake, confirmed the meeting, saying it lasted about an hour and that the topics of discussion included the differences between running a Senate and a gubernatorial campaign.

As recently as last weekend, Lake beat the dead horse again by claiming that the election had been stolen from her. She also claimed that Maricopa County election officials intentionally made sure there were technical problems which would hurt her chances. And of course, she didn’t forget to bring up Donald Trump, claiming that the 2020 election had been stolen from him as well.

Too many politicians see themselves as indispensable to the American people, even though voters disagree with them. (See: Stacy Abrams, Beto Rourke, Donald Trump, Kari Lake.) They just keep on trying…


36 Responses to “Failed Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Considering a Senate Run”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (1225fc)

  2. To think that, in the great state of Arizona, home of Barry Goldwater and the Apache, this is the best they can do.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  3. It’s like these people think they are owed these positions – as well as being indispensable to Americans.

    Dana (1225fc)

  4. Blake Masters may also run.

    The possibility of Lake and Masters entering the political waters once more is complicating the newfound optimism GOP officials felt about capitalizing on Sinema’s recent party switch to independent. With Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego already in the race, Republicans see a prime opportunity to win the election with a plurality of the vote.

    Now there are new fears that they’d fumble the opportunity by putting forth a candidate who remains aligned with former President Donald Trump or fixated on election denialism. Lake’s protests about her gubernatorial loss have particularly raised eyebrows in the party after she was narrowly defeated by Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs.

    “Any candidate in ’24 that has, as their principal campaign theme, a stolen election, is probably going to have the same issues that some of the ’22 candidates had,” said Sen. John Thune, the Senate GOP’s No. 2 leader. “I just don’t think that’s where the American public is. It’s a swing state — we need to have a good Republican nominee, obviously. You know, whoever gets in, I hope they focus on the future, not the past.”

    Far from being bowed by what happened in 2022, the MAGA set in Arizona appear further emboldened to try for office. Caroline Wren, a senior adviser to Lake, shot back that Thune is “everything wrong with the Republican establishment” and that the “Washington cartel” is “signaling that they’re willing to hand an Arizona Senate seat to the radical left.”

    Few, if any, states in the country present as clear a testing ground for the future of the Republican Party as Arizona. ……
    One candidate who has ruled out a run is Kelli Ward, former chair of the Arizona Republican Party. ……
    Lake remains popular within the GOP rank-and-file in Arizona. She appeared to cheers at the state party’s convention in Phoenix on Saturday and drew a large crowd at her rally the following night.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  5. A lot of political hot air floating around and over America these days:

    Pentagon Discloses Chinese Spy Balloon over U.S.: Reports

    A Chinese spy balloon was spotted over the U.S. by civilians on an airplane this week, the Defense Department revealed today, with President Biden initially ordering that it be shot down, according to news reports… According to the Journal, President Biden had initially ordered that the reconnaissance device be shot down but was rebuffed by the Pentagon, which worried that such a move could cause civilian casualties.

    So the MIC defies the CIC. Now you know who is really in charge…

    The spy balloon was spotted over Montana, which is 147,000 square miles in size; where there are 2.6 million head of cattle and the state only has 1.1 million people… and per the census bureau; there are less than 7 people per square mile in Montana.And they wont pop a balloon nop snag it out of the skies.

    DCSCA (f4bd49)

  6. ^ “Watch the skies, everywhere! Keep looking. Keep watching the skies!” – Ned Scott [Douglas Spencer] ‘The Thing From Another World’ 1951

    DCSCA (f4bd49)

  7. In 1945, the crew of USS New York spotted a sphere that they thought was a Japanese balloon weapon. The captain ordered it shot down but none of the guns could score a hit. Finally, a navigator realized they were attacking the planet Venus.

    Dustin (a87c64)


    In the meantimw, the leftist minority leader of the House admits that tye Dems are now the socialist party.

    NJRob (d32201)

  9. DCSCA (f4bd49) — 2/2/2023 @ 5:10 pm

    so a chicom surveillance balloon drifts over the US, undeterred by this administration

    what a sh!tshow

    JF (61525f)

  10. Kari Lake could have won her election…maybe even easily. Because she has natural charisma and is comfortable on stage and in crowds. She just chose to follow Trump’s lead and jump on the crazy train. I still think she is high on his list for vp because of her telegenic features and her extreme loyalty. Trump is well beyond caring about the GOP, experience, or competence. 2020 reminded him of the criticalness of loyalty. Pence could certainly have turned on him more but the fact that he did not go along with the elector scheme just roasted Trump. He won’t make that mistake again with all of the toadies available.

    I think he knows though that the general will likely be a long-shot slog. Again, I don’t believe it will be Biden or Harris. Someone else will emerge

    AJ_Liberty (dace9b)

  11. so a chicom surveillance balloon drifts over the US, undeterred by this administration… what a sh!tshow

    Or a sh!tcom 😉 …

    DCSCA (7a4e41)

  12. I think we are growing less serious as a people. Maybe it’s social media or 24/7 infotainment….but we’re far less sober. We’re not attracting the best and brightest to political service any more. In many cases, it’s more like the most desperate for attention….both sides. It’s almost a bigger public sin to be a boring politician than it is to lie, steal, cheat, or degrace yourself. The demise of party influence is something that I’m not sure we understand well enough yet. Outrageous candidates can now bypass conventional media, means, and party and work directly through social media…getting immediate legitimacy from a base intoxicated by rage media. The only question is now long it will take for it all to implode….

    AJ_Liberty (dace9b)

  13. The other way to look at this is that there is a huge number of people who are totally dissatisfied with the last 50 years and want to throw everyone out. They are no longer being very picky.

    First is was Perot, then it was Gingrich, then it was the Teas. After that it was Trump. There is no guarantee that the next iteration will be better.

    I think it behooves the powers that be to suss this out and lead us out of this mess. Otherwise we will end up with Der Leader.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  14. New gun ruling that will cause problems:

    Fifth Circuit Holds People Can’t Be Disarmed Just Based on Civil Restraining Order

    From U.S. v. Rahimi, decided today by the Fifth Circuit, in an opinion by Judge Cory Wilson, joined by Judges Edith Jones and James Ho:

    The question presented in this case is not whether prohibiting the possession of firearms by someone subject to a domestic violence restraining order is a laudable policy goal. The question is whether 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8), a specific statute that does so, is constitutional under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. In the light of N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n, Inc. v. Bruen (2022), it is not.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  15. Friday WORDLE. In 5. After 2, I had 4 words to choose from. It took 3 tries.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  16. @13. Don’t overlook Buchanan and his ‘Buchanan Brigades’ … or John Anderson… even Wallace… this has been simmering to a boil, cycle after cycle, for decades… and the two major parties are to blame. Populism will root deeper and deeper until one of them recognizes the key issues fueling it, absorbs and addresses them as part of mainstream policy and lowers the flame under the boiling cauldron. It will likkely take a generational change to do it… No sign of that yet…

    DCSCA (238cb6)

  17. Kari lake would get most republican votes. Ruben gallegos and kirsten sinema would split democrat/independent vote. This is how we got the racist homophobe evan mecham govenor.

    asset (62eb99)

  18. Not jewish space laser. Chinese spy balloon. Why don’t we shoot it down like china wants so they can have an excuse to shoot down our spy planes that they claim fly over china claimed waters.

    asset (62eb99)

  19. “I think it behooves the powers that be to suss this out and lead us out of this mess. Otherwise we will end up with Der Leader.”

    There is a deficit of leadership, but there is an element of cat herding as well. And so much of our every day society is ratcheting up the rhetoric. Everyday media manufactures the next existential threat and reason for us to hate the other side. It’s hard to lead when the opposition views compromise as treason. This is how we create a democracy-busting autocracy. We no longer have the environment for persuasion — many simply want to force the opposition to submit. Hello Hungary.

    “Storm the castle” is a call to burn down democracy without much thought into what replaces it and at what cost — we’re a nation of Ashli Babbitts mindlessly crawling through windows. This isn’t rational thought. This is bored minds needing the next hit of crack to stimulate themselves. These are people giving our greatest enemies precisely what they want. They want democracy to fail and for a strongman to arise, so they can justify their own ruthlessness and corruption. We have to be a better people to inspire better leaders. That is the awful reality. A narcissistic reality tv star does sadly seem to match our national mood….

    AJ_Liberty (dace9b)

  20. That balloon is emblematic of how insecure our borders are under the Biden administration.

    nk (bb1548)

  21. And the non-binaries always have an excuse for not doing anything about it like with the illegals.

    nk (bb1548)

  22. Or maybe they don’t want AOC to cry into the Capitol parking lot fence?

    nk (bb1548)

  23. The other way to look at this is that there is a huge number of people who are totally dissatisfied with the last 50 years and want to throw everyone out. They are no longer being very picky.

    First is was Perot, then it was Gingrich, then it was the Teas. After that it was Trump. There is no guarantee that the next iteration will be better.

    I think it behooves the powers that be to suss this out and lead us out of this mess. Otherwise we will end up with Der Leader.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/2/2023 @ 10:49 pm

    Those who are always accusing the right of being “fascists” and “reactionaries” consistently fail to possess enough self-awareness to realize 1) reactions first requires action, and 2) you don’t get Hitler if you don’t have Weimar.

    Populism will root deeper and deeper until one of them recognizes the key issues fueling it, absorbs and addresses them as part of mainstream policy and lowers the flame under the boiling cauldron.

    I keep pointing out that populism doesn’t grow in a vacuum. That’s something the neocon class has rarely understood, and when they do acknowledge it, it’s mostly to wag their finger at the people getting mad and tone police them, instead of actually addressing the problems causing it in any substantive manner. The Optimates would have kept the Republic if they hadn’t spent decades marinating in their own venality, pride, and corruption.

    Factory Working Orphan (bce27d)

  24. Populism. Bread and circuses. An indolent mob in pampered poverty. That does not endure, either. Hardscrabble hand-to-mouth culls the drones, survives and advances. But those are not the only options.

    nk (bb1548)

  25. You would think the Chinese use a less obvious method to conduct reconnaissance, like its spy satellite network.

    Assuming their story of a runaway weather balloon is true, this is deeply embarrassing to the Chinese, given their obsession with violations of their own country’s sovereignty.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  26. Deeply embarrassing to the Chinese?

    nk (bb1548)

  27. New gun ruling that will cause problems vindicates the Second Amendment:

    Fifth Circuit Holds People Can’t Be Disarmed Just Based on Civil Restraining Order

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/2/2023 @ 10:51 pm


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  28. Deeply embarrassing to the Chinese?

    nk (bb1548) — 2/3/2023 @ 9:00 am

    Yes. They routinely denounce violations of their claimed territorial waters by the US, so if their story is correct that a weather balloon has violated US airspace, it would violate this principle. They do “regret” the intrusion.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  29. The State Where the GOP Would Rather Lose Than Change
    In Washington, the lesson many Republican political professionals expected their party to draw from a less-than-red-wave midterm was that the most hard-right politics of the Trump era were weighing them down – that general election voters were tiring of election denialism and, if not Donald Trump himself, his grievances about the 2020 election. Many high-profile candidates the former president rammed through the primaries last year lost in November, and in Arizona, the wreckage was particularly severe.
    Yet denialism and its attendant conspiracies animate a large swath of the Republican Party — still. And if Arizona is any example, it suggests that a not insignificant percentage of the national electorate is determined to run the same doomed experiment again in 2024.
    ……….(In a megachurch where the Arizona Republican Party met over the weekend to chart its course following heavy losses in the midterms) some complained about voting machines, including those Arizona Republicans had used themselves that day to elect the new party chair, Jeff DeWit, a former state treasurer and former Trump campaign chief operating officer.

    ……….DeWit was such a consensus choice that his victory was never really in doubt. It’s the elections Democrats won that the assembled Republicans assembled still have problems with. The party rejected a proposal to accept the results of the 2020 election and “not belabor or try to overturn old elections, but work to win upcoming ones.” It rejected a proposal to honor John McCain for being a “dedicated Arizona statesman and a lifelong Republican who embraced bipartisanship.” And it voted by a large margin to censure Republican elected officials in Maricopa County, including Stephen Richer, the county recorder, and Supervisor Bill Gates, for their part in overseeing previous elections.

    ……..In the more than two years since Trump lost, as allegations of fraud have repeatedly been shown to be unfounded and nonfactual, it persists as an article of faith—– more an assertion of a belief that Democrats could not possibly have beaten them, even if they did.
    One problem is that losing may not be enough to shift the perceptions of conspiracy-minded Republicans. If anything, it may make it harder — not easier — for them to let go.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  30. That Biden, he is a diplomatic genius. I can’t wait for when he totally humiliates the Chinese by getting them to drop a dozen ICBMS on the West coast.

    nk (bb1548)

  31. @18. Because “shooting it down” doesn’t keep the $ flowing to the MIC… “shooting it down”– and the Pentagon briefing less than an hour ago confirmed the ‘bogie’ is a direct violation of U.S., air space and international law— could send a solid, firm and much more cost-effective loud and clear message to the PRC that America would defend Taiwan rather than the MIC money making billions shoveled over to corrupt Ukraine. Biden is weak and the MIC is in charge…. not civilians.

    DCSCA (a88336)

  32. you don’t get Hitler if you don’t have Weimar.

    It’s looking more like Weimar every day. Let’s see what a debt default would do.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  33. I keep pointing out that populism doesn’t grow in a vacuum. That’s something the neocon class has rarely understood, and when they do acknowledge it

    Well, I’ve been pointing out forever what populism IS: The canary in the coal mine. It is the ultimate redress of a democratic republic, when the leadership has forgotten who they serve.

    Populism is not the opposite of democracy, but democracy it its purest form. When the common people put down their common pursuits and go out into the streets, the message to the elites should be clear “Boy, did you ever F up!”

    “Trump” is just a symptom. The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man would have served equally well.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  34. One problem is that losing may not be enough to shift the perceptions of conspiracy-minded Republicans. If anything, it may make it harder — not easier — for them to let go.

    That’s what happened in California. One of the reasons the DNC is funding the moron wing of the Republican Party.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  35. New gun ruling that will cause problems vindicates the Second Amendment:

    Well, it certainly casts most of the blue state laws into question. The killer argument in the (unanimous) decision is that the state’s position has no real limiting feature.

    When you look at some state laws (magazine capacity, safety features, etc) it is easy to see how this decision will wreak them.

    This decision about domestic violence restraining orders hits home precisely because the restriction is, to most people, a reasonable one. But not a legal one.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  36. “Trump” is just a symptom. The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man would have served equally well.

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/3/2023 @ 12:22 pm

    The mere fact he became the nominee should have caused some party leader and pundit introspection that “Hey, maybe we need to get our act together here and start delivering on what we actually say we stand for.” Their attitude towards the party’s voters isn’t all that dissimilar from Hollywood and how it treats its audience these days. Say what you will about the Dems, but at least they don’t appear to actively despise their own voters.

    Factory Working Orphan (2d3cd3)

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