Patterico's Pontifications


While Liz Cheney Will Likely Lose The Election, She’ll Score A Different Kind Of Win (UPDATE ADDED)

Filed under: General — Dana @ 11:10 am

[guest post by Dana]

Despite condemnation and judgment for sitting on the Jan. 6 Committee, Rep. Liz Cheney has demonstrated her unwavering support of the Constitution and rule of law as she faces an almost certain loss in today’s Wyoming primary election. That steadfast commitment speaks volumes about her character, especially given that the Republican Party has chosen to line up behind a corrupt leader who, to this day, continues to lie about the 2020 election. Instead of having shunned Trump and holding his feet to the fire for his election lies which helped spark the Jan. 6 insurrection, the party chose to shun Cheney for her efforts to hold him accountable. By doing so, the GOP solidified its ties to the former president. The Republican Party’s message couldn’t be any clearer: Embrace the corrupt former president and show him the loyalty he demands, reject the congress member who has refused to show him loyalty and has wanted nothing to do with being in his good graces.

For some time now, I’ve been told that this MAGA version of the GOP is what Republicans want and to get on board or get left behind. It took me a long time to accept that this is true because I couldn’t believe, and still cannot believe that a once grand party could fall for someone like Trump. But here we are (and have been for quite some time): the Republican Party over there, and me over here.

The polls look bad for Cheney in the state where Trump won 70% of the vote:

In the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, Cheney had a 60% favorability rating with Democrats.

But among Republicans, her favorability sank to just 13%.

…A Quinnipiac poll, for example, showed her approval with Republicans at 17%.

In Wyoming, a survey found Cheney’s disapproval in Wyoming at 72%.


[I]f every Democrat, every member of the Constitution Party, libertarian and every other otherwise unaffiliated registered voter in the state broke for Cheney, she’d still be more than 200,000 votes short in a state of just under 300,000 registered voters.

To put an even finer point on it, if Cheney wins every Wyoming voter who is not a Republican, she’d still lose by almost 50 points (73%-27%) if she won no Republican votes.

Clearly, she faces an extremely difficult, if not impossible, climb to victory. And while the solid conservative Cheney will likely lose the Wyoming primary because she dared to vote to impeach a Republican president and then sit on a congressional committee charged with investigating the events leading up to Jan. 6 and Trump’s part in it, she’ll still have a different kind of win under her belt. It’s not as sexy as an election victory, nor does it have the flash of having the titular head of the Republican Party beckon you to his glam pad in Florida to kiss the ring, but at the end of the day, while Trump may be victorious in taking out the last of his impeachers, Cheney will still be able to look in the mirror and know that her principles remain intact. And to this former Republican, that’s a real victory. The best kind there is.

Cheney to reporters today: Not the end of the fight but the beginning of a battle:

She’s not done. Nowhere near being done. Not by a long shot.

UPDATE: As expected, Liz Cheney has lost the GOP primary to Trump-backed Harriet Hageman. In her concession speech, Cheney pointed out the truth of the matter:

“Two years ago, I won this primary with 73% of the vote. I could easily have done the same again.

The path was clear. But it would have required that I go along with President Trump’s lie about the 2020 election. It would have required that I enable his ongoing efforts to unravel our democratic system and attack the foundations of our republic,” she said. “That is a path I could not and would not take.”

“Tonight, Harriet Hageman received the most votes in this primary. She won. I called her to concede the race. This primary election is over. But now, the real work begins,” Cheney said.


“No house seat, no office in this land is more important than the principles that we are all sworn to protect,” she said. “And I well understood the potential political consequences of abiding by my view, our republic relies upon the goodwill of all candidates for office to accept honorably the outcome of elections.”

A few more snippets:

And that is what a patriot looks like.

(Apologies for snippets. but I have yet to find the full text or video of jer concession speech.)


210 Responses to “While Liz Cheney Will Likely Lose The Election, She’ll Score A Different Kind Of Win (UPDATE ADDED)”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (1225fc)

  2. She should move to Texas. Her father did and he ended up as Vice President.

    DRJ (2c50d9)

  3. “She should move to Texas. Her father did and he ended up as Vice President.”

    Yes, that worked out well…

    Colonel Haiku (fdb2e4)

  4. A recession isn’t a recession; Kabul won’t be Saigon; a raid isn’t a raid; get vaccinated and you won’t get Covid; the virus will be shutdown; a man can get pregnant; a woman is not a woman; inflation is transitory– and now: a loss is a win.

    … and Orwell smiled.

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  5. Cheney will be gone and batsh-t will Greene and Boebert and Gaetz will still be there, along with a racist like Gosar and a feckless “leader” like McCarthy. This is my GOP, forged in Trump’s image. Yay.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  6. ‘Glenda, The Good Witch’- has some advice for Neocon Daughter Darth:

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  7. There will be Republicans who don’t want people to know they agree with Cheney. One can tires slashed in Wyoming for not supporting Trump.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  8. *get

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  9. She should move to California and make heads explode.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  10. ‘Glenda, The Good Witch’- has some advice for Neocon Daughter Darth:

    1. It’s Glinda (or perhaps Galinda).

    2. The Wizard is a con man there too.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  11. “There can’t be one rule for Democrats and another for Republicans.”

    There most certainly can be and there most certainly is and there will most certainly continue to be.

    There is just one caveat: this clearly established New Soviet Democratical double standard will become more and more pronounced.

    Remember: conservative words are “violence”, and lefty/dem actual violence is just “speech”.

    And now our New Soviets are floating new ideas, such as Rosaries are literal assault weapons.

    Embrace the reality folks. The left/dems/nevertrump are going all the way to Stalin-ville-i-stan.”

    —- Drago

    Colonel Haiku (fdb2e4)

  12. @10. The House does the talking.


    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  13. the party chose to shun Cheney for her efforts to hold him accountable

    no, the voters did

    i guess wyoming voters hate Truth, the Constitution and the Rule of Law

    the same voters who threw her a lifeline when she was politically dead

    JF (c29de5)

  14. She should move to California and make heads explode.

    Or go home to Daddy’s ‘ranch’ — and watch their Neocon world explode:

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  15. And now our New Soviets are floating new ideas, such as Rosaries are literal assault weapons.

    Just killer comedy:

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  16. > She should move to Texas. Her father did and he ended up as Vice President.

    Except that he had to move back to Wyoming in order for it to be constitutional for Texas’ electors to vote for both him and Bush.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  17. Daughter Darth has three places to go:

    [ ] CNN

    [ ] MSNBC

    [ ] Hell


    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  18. Dana, I appreciate your post. But once again, Brandolini’s Law is evident from some commenters.

    Simon Jester (8a01f1)

  19. i guess wyoming voters hate Truth, the Constitution and the Rule of Law

    Because Trump stands of all of these — to the gullible.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  20. Except that he had to move back to Wyoming in order for it to be constitutional for Texas’ electors to vote for both him and Bush.

    A Bush-Leiberman White House would have been interesting. Maybe a bit more pro-Israel but otherwise not much different.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  21. The day that Trump announces he’s running again, Cheney should announce she’s running as an independent.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  22. Congratulations Harriet Hageman.

    NJRob (ca28c4)

  23. Congratulations Harriet Hageman.

    I heard her debate. What a nincompoop.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  24. “A president should not be judged by our promise but by our reality.” – Squinty McStumblebum

    OMG. Kabul will not be Saigon; the virus will be shut down; inflation is transitory; nobody earning less than $400,000 won’t be paying more taxes; etc., etc.,.. and the crown jewel of promises: ‘If I’m President, Putin’s Days of Tyranny and Trying to Intimidate U.S. and Eastern Europe are Over’


    “Reality. What a concept.”- Robin Williams

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  25. She’s a Wyoming native. Any voter or contributor to Daughter Darth’s coffers:

    what a nincompoop.

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  26. Kevin,

    Ever since she decided to throw in with Pelosi, it’s been clear her goal is just like the grifters at the Lincoln Project, to collect lots of cash and elect leftists. So yes, I expect her to try and elect leftists. She made that clear when she said she wouldn’t support DeSantis.

    NJRob (ca28c4)

  27. One lesson is that the Republicans who now vote for Democrats because they dislike Trump haven’t exacted a price from the Democrats for doing so. The Democrats are happy to accept their votes for free, of course, but they haven’t moved to the right in the past couple years in exchange. Biden has a moderate image for some reason (I guess because of how long he had been a Senator) but he doesn’t seem to be the one setting policy. (And just because ‘moderates’ are winning Democratic primaries doesn’t mean they are all that moderate. For example, House Democrat except maybe Cuellar supports the Hyde Amendment.)

    I have nothing against Cheney as such (although I am not in the interventionist wing of the party) but she won’t win a seat with Democratic votes (e.g., a seat in Northern Virginia or something). As with these former Republican voters, Democrats are happy to accept her support for free, but that’s about it. And of course they are boosting anti-Trump Republicans’ opponents, which might indicate that they see these politicians and voters as people to be used in a political game.

    mikeybates (d219cc)

  28. #27

    I understand your point. The problem you run into as an anti-Trump voter is what upsets you more — the current Democratic stance on everything or a Republican who is willing to overthrow the government and Constitution? Biden makes this a harder choice than it should be, as would Bernie or Elizabeth Warren.

    But the thing is — the GOP is doing nothing to win my vote either. They won’t kick Trump to the curb, though each one of those guys know that they should. So I have to assume that a vote for the GOP is a vote against the constitution.

    Appalled (03f53c)

  29. But the thing is — the GOP is doing nothing to win my vote either.

    They wholly opposed this idiotic “Inflation Reduction Act” for starters.

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  30. Cheney will still be able to look in the mirror and know that her principles remain intact.

    My late grandmother was a ‘woman of principle;’ – she steadfastly refused to purchase anything stamped ‘made in Japan well into the late 1960’s— why? Pearl Harbor. Until the day she needed a new color television– and all available, affordable models… were made in Japan.

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  31. Daughter Darth voted w/Trump 93% of the time.

    She bailed on backing him because her family-fueled, Neoconning wing of the party no longer controls it: as Daddy Darth reaffirmed by shooting his own face off- instread of somebody else’s … Bobby Lee, the Kaiser, der Fuhrer, Tojo, Mussolini, Stalin, Joe McCarthy, Mao, Nikita, OBL, Xi and Vlad aside: In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. – Daddy Darth

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  32. @28

    But the thing is — the GOP is doing nothing to win my vote either.

    So would nominating DeSantis suffice for you? I ask seriously, because Cheney has said that she wouldn’t vote for him. Most of the professional anti-Trump ex-Republican class has said the same. They also opposed Youngkin in Virginia. I have a feeling that for this group, the incentives that they now have from a new group of readers, donors, and voters (if they are candidates for office) will mean that every Republican who comes along in the future is unacceptable. (“X didn’t oppose Trump,” or “didn’t oppose Trump enough,” etc., etc.)

    Ordinary voters like you and I do not have these new incentives, of course, so I have thought that many would return post-Trump. Indeed, I would very much like the GOP to win back every voter who voted for Romney and then did not vote for Trump twice. (I am in this group as well.) But if DeSantis isn’t acceptable either, who would be?

    mikeybates (5d57ee)

  33. Ever since she decided to throw in with Pelosi, it’s been clear her goal is just like the grifters at the Lincoln Project, to collect lots of cash and elect leftists. So yes, I expect her to try and elect leftists. She made that clear when she said she wouldn’t support DeSantis.

    Recognize a Royalist. Princess Daughter Darth will inherit a pile of cash from Daddy Darth’s Halliburton non-competitive contracting days supplying the endless Neocon Wars. The Populists forced to fight them are done with ’em both:

    “We will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.” – Daddy Darth, 3/16/03

    DCSCA (6b3bc4)

  34. One thing is for certain–the sh!tshow will continue until the voters improve.

    norcal (da5491)

  35. Ever since she decided to throw in with Pelosi,

    You keep saying this. It’s like what? F3?

    But it isn’t true. She threw in with the Constitution, the Rule of Law and “having a conscience.” No sign that Pelosi has done anything of the sort.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  36. I’m hoping that Republicans who cannot stand Trump will have an option other than voting for Biden. They can vote for a true Conservative, like Cheney, instead of the sham conservative huckster crook or the sham centrist huckster crook. Hope she gets more votes.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  37. One thing is for certain–the sh!tshow will continue until the voters improve.

    Trump dying would help.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  38. @30: During the 1970s, and until they got caught, Toshiba was selling multi-axis milling machines to the Soviet Union, which used them to make their submarine propellers much quieter.

    Big stink. The head of Toshiba Machine and several Toshiba Corp executives resigned in disgrace. The Japanese government imposed fines and sanctions on Toshiba Corp.

    And I did not buy a Toshiba product until there was no more Soviet Union.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  39. Cheney made her bed. She’ll end up on a few corporate boards, she’ll survive, but her political career is over.

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  40. One thing is for certain–the sh!tshow will continue until the voters improve.

    … weeped a Royalist.

    DCSCA (6fddf2)

  41. @38. Components.

    DCSCA (6fddf2)

  42. DRJ (2c50d9) — 8/16/2022 @ 11:17 am

    She should move to Texas. Her father did and he ended up as Vice President.

    he had to change his residence back to Wyoming (he had summer home in Jackson Hole, Wyoming so it was easy) in order to be on the ticket, because Electors cannot vote for a president and s vice president who both are residents of the same state as themselves.

    For the same reason Trump and DeSantis cannot run on the same ticket (or the VP would have to lose Florida – he could be saved by the Senate but maybe not)

    DeSantis can’t move – he’d have to resign as Governor. Trump probably would not want to change his legal residence to say, New Jersey (taxes, and frivolous lawsuits also)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  43. Colonel Haiku (050892) — 8/16/2022 @ 3:38 pm

    , but her political career is over.

    She might get elected from some district in Virginia.

    Mitt Romney moved to Utah to become a United State Senator – maybe he already had.

    But she’s probably going to make a badly conceived and hopeless run for president

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  44. mikeybates (5d57ee) — 8/16/2022 @ 1:52 pm

    But if DeSantis isn’t acceptable either, who would be?

    Christine Todd Whitman?.

    But she was stupid (and accommodative to bureaucracy/experts) when she said that the air near Ground Zero was safe to breathe.

    And she was born in 1946, like Bill Clinton W, and Trump.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  45. Joe Lieberman, within 8 years, nearly ran for vice president on the tickets of two different major parties/

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  46. In classical Rome, Censor, a senior magistrate with the power to expel immoral Senators, was considered the capstone to a political career. (For philologers, he also conducted … can you guess? … the census.) Close enough for Liz, even if Trump is not a Senator and not many in her party are standing up and being counted.

    nk (fb8b55)

  47. the party chose to shun Cheney for her efforts to hold him accountable

    no, the voters did

    Google is your friend:

    In February 2021, the Wyoming Republican Party censured Cheney and asked her to resign for her vote to impeach Trump.

    In February 2022, the RNC censured Cheney (and Kinzinger). Ronna McDaniel, the leader of the Republican Party, said at the time:

    Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois “crossed a line,” said RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in a statement that added to the original wording of the censure document. “They chose to join Nancy Pelosi in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse that had nothing to do with violence at the Capitol. That’s why Republican National Committee members and myself overwhelmingly support this resolution.”

    In May 2021, House Republicans voted Wednesday to remove Rep. Liz Cheney from the No. 3 position in caucus leadership.

    i guess wyoming voters hate Truth, the Constitution and the Rule of Law

    You have a habit of baiting, making almost everything an either/or proposition, and playing whataboutism rather than participating in honest discourse. But I’ll play this one time. If Hageman wins the election, then quite obviously Wyoming voters want a lying MAGA election denier rather than someone who is attempting to hold accountable a former president pushing the Big Lie and who abused his position of power and fomented the worst attack on the U.S. Capitol since the War of 1812. So, I think those voters speak for themselves if they choose Hageman as their preferred candidate. But then, you already know that.

    Dana (1225fc)

  48. Anyhow, as a pulp detective fan, I find the “You’re gonna be walking a beat on Staten Island”s and the “I’ll have your badge”s coming from the Trumpkins more entertaining than upsetting.

    nk (d8bc83)

  49. DeSantis can’t move – he’d have to resign as Governor

    It’s doesn’t take much to beach him; a puff of FBI wind and he’s blown off course.

    He’s a lightweight.

    DCSCA (ced667)

  50. The degree to which a person celebrates the defeat of Cheney is inversely proportional to the amount of discernment residing in said person.

    norcal (da5491)

  51. Anyhow, as a pulp detective fan, I find the “You’re gonna be walking a beat on Staten Island”s and the “I’ll have your badge”s coming from the Trumpkins more entertaining than upsetting.

    Heh. I’ll sign on to that.

    Dana (1225fc)

  52. French asks and answers the relevant question as to who’s the real turncoat here, and it ain’t Cheney or Romney.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  53. pyrrhic victories suck. Caribou barbie will see. Msdnc here I come! liz.

    asset (93d57b)

  54. I was hoping to see a better analysis of the residents of the state and maybe some insight as to why they chose not to reelect her.
    Trump is not the problem. Trump was a symptom.

    The old R party did not listen to what the voters wanted.
    They aren’t listening now.

    Trying to get rid od DeSantis is evidence.

    Joe (76eaa3)

  55. Yeah, I think French is spot-on here:

    By the time you read this newsletter, it’s likely that the Republican voters of Wyoming will have rejected Liz Cheney. After voting for Donald Trump twice and after voting for Trump’s policies in Congress 92.9 percent of the time, Cheney is losing her seat for one single reason—she has taken the lead in investigating the most shameless attempt to overturn a presidential election in American history, an attempt that ultimately led a howling mob to storm the Capitol and disrupted the peaceful transfer of power for the first time since the Civil War.

    That’s it. That’s the reason. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s because she hasn’t focused enough on her district. If she was as single-minded in opposition to the January 6 commission as she has been in support, she’d be able to serve in Congress indefinitely. She’d likely not even face a meaningful primary challenge.

    Dana (1225fc)

  56. Cheney is done.

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  57. French is a parody. Not many really give a rip about anything he has to say.

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  58. I notice that when intelligent writers opine on Trump and the MAGA GOP, criticisms that they are irrelevant, a parody, just plain dumb, or a joke are levied. It’s rarely smart or insightful criticism, discourse, or debate in response. Just silly schoolyard insults.

    Dana (1225fc)

  59. Wait and see how badly she loses. The percentage may be higher thanks to the Royalists passing legislation disguised by a faux name to hurt the Populists– and raiding the ex-POTUS’s castle. Every Populist will tell you their home is their castle.

    DCSCA (ced667)

  60. Manchin admits ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ won’t tame inflation for Americans anytime soon

    Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., on Tuesday admitted that the Inflation Reduction Act won’t “immediately” temper inflation, telling reporters that the necessary investments needed to bring down prices would take some time.

    Manchin’s comments came after President Biden signed the landmark climate change and health care bill into law on Tuesday, delivering what he has called the “final piece” of his pared-down domestic agenda. Though Democrats have labeled the measure the Inflation Reduction Act, nonpartisan analysts have said it will have a barely perceptible impact on prices.”

    Asked by Fox News reporter Hillary Vaughn whether it was misleading to call the bill the “Inflation Reduction Act” because it won’t make everyday goods less expensive, Manchin said: “Why would it?” “Well immediately it’s not,” Manchin said. “We’ve never seen anything would happen immediately, like turn the switch on and off.’ –

    Jefferson was right:

    DCSCA (ced667)

  61. OT-

    Tonight: Artemis 1 rollout. Welcome to Aug. 26, 1967 redux–on Aug. 16, 2022.

    DCSCA (ced667)

  62. All I know is the people who knew her best, threw her out, quite possibly the worst loss for a ranking republican without a scandal in history.

    Heh, couldnt happen to a nicer person

    EPWJ (af863d)

  63. Another Trump lamb readies to join the fold. And the other lambs bleat in joyous anticipation. Hageman is yet one more boob gut-punched into arguing the ridiculous, but she bleats the right tune for those ready to annoint the second coming.

    I don’t think I can take any more idiot takes on J6 and how Trump did no wrong. Keep telling yourself that….history will be far more brutal than I….

    AJ_Liberty (c916b7)

  64. “It looks like a very bad night for Liz Cheney.” – Bret Baier, Fox News


    DCSCA (ced667)

  65. The degree to which a person celebrates the defeat of Cheney is inversely proportional to the amount of discernment residing in said person.

    norcal (da5491) — 8/16/2022 @ 4:49 pm

    Hey, she could have been smart, been a lot less self-righteous, and not promoted a false dichotomy that the choice of the GOP was between Trump and the Constitution. Had she done so, she might not have had to beg Democrats to switch their party affiliation, or rely on donations and support from Hollywood and other big-time turbolibs to keep her seat.

    Contrast Cheney’s attitude with Brian Kemp, who stomped a mudhole in David Perdue and is likely to sail to re-election, despite Trump putting a giant bulls-eye on his back, by simply going, “Hey, I know he’d mad at me, and if you are, that’s fine, too, but I’m not going to be mad at him or you.” A magnificent display of self-control, self-awareness, and political acumen that will set him up nicely for a Presidential run should he so choose.

    Right after the 2012 election, New York Magazine published a fascinating article on the annual National Review cruise titled “Blues Cruise,” showing a GOP establishment class–the pundits, organizers, and politicians who had driven the party’s agenda and talking points for at least 25 years, if not longer–that lacked any real energy, had no clear direction, and no actual sense of itself anymore. It was a party apparatus that clearly had become completely disconnected from the people who voted for it, and completely disinterested in listening to them regardless.

    Because they were the smart ones. The ones with the pedigree. The ones with the money. The ones with the degrees. The ones who knew better. A bunch of swells lounging around in their perfumed lounges and sipping their umbrella drinks rather than bothering to talk to the voters.

    “At least she still has her principles” is the most perfect sign-off for the neocon wing’s time in the GOP that I can possibly imagine. If they had simply been less condescending, and a little more in touch with what their base wanted, rather than what they wanted the base to be, they’d be more like Kemp, or Brian Youngkin, or Ron DeSantis, and less like Cheney. But that’s not the path they chose, for several years. That run might have ended even sooner had the left not lost its collective mind during the Bush years, and made voting for them even less palatable than a party that was still trying to make Reaganite administration attractive to a generation who thought a smug, fork-tongued poser like Jon Stewart was the most honest political commenter in the country.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  66. She chose martyrdom…

    Liz of Ard

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  67. “This isn’t your Dad’s Republican Party.” – Adam Kinzinger

    Actually, it is. Punk.

    DCSCA (ced667)

  68. Oooooooo! Daughter Darth spent ‘all day’ writing her own speech.

    DCSCA (ced667)

  69. Liz gonna tell us all about “Democracy”.

    So soon after today’s demonstration of same?

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  70. OMG. Daughter Darth comparing herself to Abe.

    DCSCA (ced667)

  71. I’m guessing no to Texas. I place her best chance in Virginia. She should run where she actually lives. Part of the reason she lost in Wyoming was because she couldn’t relate to her constituents on a level that allowed them to excuse her. Her play in Wyoming would have taken a lot of talent, a ton of built up good will and a bucket of charisma to pull off and she brought zero, or less.
    You know who in Wyoming said: “I may not agree with Liz Cheney on Trump, but I respect her opinion and the job she is doing for us in Washington?” 30%, including crossover Democrats.

    If this was baseball, she would have needed to be a 5 tool player plus the sixth tool of mental make up. I’ll assume she brought her “A” game to the Jan6 hearings. Upon review of the film, I’ll give her the mental make-up, but if she wanted to win, she would have had to have, and to use all her tools to convince her constituents. Maybe she doesn’t have more than two tools: Toughness and a light but bitter hammer

    steveg (9a166b)

  72. Wow. Sounds like you were dead wrong supporting The Donald 93% of the time, eh, Daughter Darth?

    Be gone, Neocon.

    DCSCA (ced667)

  73. Liz knows all about democracy – one woman – one vote

    EPWJ (af863d)

  74. One-third DCSCA content.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  75. One lesson is that the Republicans who now vote for Democrats because they dislike Trump haven’t exacted a price from the Democrats for doing so. The Democrats are happy to accept their votes for free, of course, but they haven’t moved to the right in the past couple years in exchange.

    Hell, forget moving to the right in exchange–they’ve actively shanked them by promoting Trump-approved candidates in GOP primaries or, like Kinzinger, gerrymandered their districts out of existence.

    And why should they give them anything in exchange? The ones like Conway, Schmidt, Rubin, Kristol, and Rick Wilson will prostitute themselves to whomever writes the biggest paycheck, while the ones like Cheney will proactively fall on their own sword for backpats from people who otherwise wouldn’t take a leak on them if they were on fire.

    The thing about politics is that people who might seem influential in their own time are quickly forgotten once the spotlight isn’t on them anymore. Pull up a Collier’s yearbook from the 50s, 60s, or 70s and marvel at how many “exciting” people ended up as little more than footnotes. Or at more recent examples like Wendy Davis, aka Abortion Barbie, whose youth, vivacity, good looks, and progressive personality every big-time media figure just KNEW was going to turn Texas blue, got smoked in 2020 by Chip Roy in a district that includes part of the California colony of Austin and is 30 percent Hispanic.

    Liz will obviously be fine and is likely heading back to one of her K Street lobbying jobs or a spot in the Lincoln Project, assuming she doesn’t run again for Congress in a Beltway district or as a Larry Hogan or Phil Scott-type Republican in a blue state. But I wouldn’t be surprised if GOP-run states take the lesson from this that open primaries should be eliminated entirely, and move to close them up so the Democrats and left-wing independents can’t exploit that as a loophole to interfere in whom the party’s voters actually want.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  76. Update added to post.

    Dana (1225fc)

  77. “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” —Thomas Sowell

    Horatio (189e1d)

  78. The voters of Wyoming have spoken.

    Lots of conservative Biden/Harris voters upset, angry and sad tonight.

    Wonder if she’ll campaign for the Democrat.

    Obudman (2d52ed)

  79. 72 – “She should run where she actually lives.”

    Obudman (929f6c)

  80. NBC News – “Starbucks is asking the federal labor board to suspend all mail-in ballot union elections nationwide, alleging misconduct in the voting process by the board’s personnel and the union organizing its baristas.”

    Good thing that could never happen in a presidential, senate or congressional election.

    Obudman (929f6c)

  81. I invite anyone to explain how, excluding partisan tribalism, Donald Trump is a more authentic conservative than Liz Cheney.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  82. Re-reading that now — my kingdom for an edit function — I see that I stated it poorly. I didn’t mean to suggest that partisan tribalism is part of authentic conservatism. It isn’t, any more than it’s part of authentic liberalism. I’m just asking for an explanation, without resort to partisan tribalism, of how Trump is a more authentic conservative than Cheney.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  83. And all the Lilliputian ankle-biters have comments to make.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  84. I am struggling not to say what I really really think of some of the people here. Just assume I did. You know know who you are, and what I think you are.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  85. Name one tax, one regulation, that Liz cut. Name any legislation that she even tried to author and pass…..

    She was a power hungry foul mouthed stair climber who only hated trump when he refused to back her for Speaker

    – her husband is considered the most horrible person in DC and his junior partner represents the Biden family in criminal matters and is under investigation possibly , oh lets sing songs of unity and praise for the blatant naked ambition of another famous dad’s kid…..

    EPWJ (af863d)

  86. Kevin

    You might just talk to people instead of get upset. You do have interesting things to say when you are decent and thoughtful.

    Lets say for arguments sake that she is right that Trumpo is the most evil that walks on the earth. Well then she shouldnt have blown herself up, now she has no voice, no way to help the people she claims to care about above self.

    Its was a selfish petulant act of her carrying on – listening to witnesses that were discredited in background reports and then play acting for the cameras.

    Id she really cared she would do like Mitch and work with him, not easy but he’s the most popular politician in US history and he’s just starting to hit his stride.

    but now she’s done. Toooaaassst

    EPWJ (af863d)

  87. 84. And all the Lilliputian ankle-biters have comments to make.

    Do tell… 😉

    “Sometimes I can’t help admiring how effortlessly you do it… almost as if it came naturally.” – Cmdr. Allison [Michael Kane] ‘The Bedford Incident’ 1965

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  88. @86. Rest easy. The “Wicked Wyoming of the West” dropped the House on her tonight. 😉

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  89. I was once a Republican. Then Trump. Now, I’m a member of whichever party Liz Cheney is a member of. Who’s with me?

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  90. Factory Working Orphan (2775f0) — 8/16/2022 @ 7:04 pm

    Hey, she could have been smart, been a lot less self-righteous, and not promoted a false dichotomy that the choice of the GOP was between Trump and the Constitution.

    I don’t think it was a false dichotomy. Trump’s attempt to overturn the election results was a subversion of the Constitution. He forced people to pick a side.

    Yes, she could have been more subdued about it, but my guess is she still would have lost. Wyoming is much more Trumpy than either Georgia or Virginia.

    Right after the 2012 election, New York Magazine published a fascinating article on the annual National Review cruise titled “Blues Cruise,” showing a GOP establishment class–the pundits, organizers, and politicians who had driven the party’s agenda and talking points for at least 25 years, if not longer–that lacked any real energy, had no clear direction, and no actual sense of itself anymore. It was a party apparatus that clearly had become completely disconnected from the people who voted for it, and completely disinterested in listening to them regardless.

    They lost to a very popular and charismatic black man running for re-election. It doesn’t mean Republicans weren’t listening to the people. Politicians are always conducting polls, focus groups, town halls, surveys, etc. They do their utmost to appeal to people. In 2012 they fell short.

    Besides, sometimes people just vote for the guy who has wrong policies. It doesn’t mean that you should jettison good policies.

    norcal (da5491)

  91. @90 I’m with you.

    norcal (da5491)

  92. I’m a member of whichever party Liz Cheney is a member of…

    “Loozas!” – Louie De Palma [Danny DeVito] ‘Taxi!’ ABC/NBC 1978-1983

    DCSCA (453783)

  93. No good deed goes unpunished in ameriKKKa! Speaking about evil a floriduh state court has ruled that a 16 year old girl is not mature enough to have an abortion as she has no parents to sign for her (a ward of the state) and must carry the fetus to term. (huffington post) Its time for florida pro choice activists to act. If desatan trys to stop her from getting an abortion President Biden should act. Hopefully he will remember this is why we fund the 82nd airborne division. That is their job to deal with delicate situations like this.

    asset (40f2fb)

  94. With 100% of the Wyoming vote in: Hageman- 66.3%; Daughter Darth- 28.9%

    So what did Daughter Darth do in Jackson, Wyoming as she conceded? Talk about Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

    Yet another war; in another time; in another state.

    Wyoming did good. Be gone, Neocon.

    DCSCA (76020b)

  95. If only Cheney had focused on the issues that matters to her constituents like gas prices, inflation, taxes, right to carry legislation and countless other issues. Instead she had a quixotic fixation with supporting the left in their eternal quest to overturn the 2016 election. Because of this stupidity and refusal to listen to the people that elected her, she’s now hoist on her own petard and Trump is a stronger candidate for 2024.

    Should’ve stopped the witchhunt and moved forward. The people would”ve done the same. Instead she insulted them and turned it into an issue where she was on the wrong side.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  96. Gettysburg is more appropriate to the abortion issue ( dredd scott II ) not never trump.

    asset (40f2fb)

  97. UPDATE: As expected, Liz Cheney has lost the GOP primary to Trump-backed Harriet Hageman.

    Confident that she will be going to Washington in the new year, Hageman has already put a down payment for a house in Tacoma.

    nk (c1951e)

  98. Instead she had a quixotic fixation with supporting the left in their eternal quest to overturn the 2016 election.

    Yeah, the way Hillary refused to concede the election for months, the way she and her sycophants filed 60 frivolous lawsuits, provoking disdain and mockery from judges of every political persuasion, the way she whipped up her angriest, most violent supporters to storm the capital, beating cops along the way, and threaten to hang then-VP Joe Biden… that was an eternal quest all right.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  99. Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 8/16/2022 @ 11:20 pm

    “never fall in love with a politician” – one of our wise commenters.

    I support no party – only policies.

    felipe (484255)

  100. Makes me think more kindly of McCarthy and Ronna going along with Trump to keep their leadership positions, actually. Somebody has to ride herd on the morons that morons elect.

    nk (c2df0f)

  101. DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/16/2022 @ 11:06 pm

    Ha! Clever, DCSSCA – but then I’m old an irrelevant.

    I am embarrassed for any commenter, with open eyes, following a mere politician or party. Before you say “I’m with [ ].” first insert “Trump” or “Hillary” and then think again.

    I prefer to say “I’m with [commenter at this site].” Because our [only] power is the power of persuasion*. How little we use it.

    * yes, and the vote – how few of us use that power well.

    felipe (484255)

  102. nk (c2df0f) — 8/17/2022 @ 4:33 am

    Heh! “ride herd.” Reminds me of “ride roughshod over you.”

    felipe (484255)

  103. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad! Good morning all. Another day for me to pray for the conversion of all poor sinners.

    felipe (484255)

  104. Yippee-i-o-ki-yay, Amigo!

    nk (c2df0f)

  105. I wonder. Would more people be cozying up to Trump if he had not sued Stormy Daniels for a refund? What do you all think?

    nk (c2df0f)

  106. @104 Amen and, @105, well said

    frosty (282041)

  107. But for the grace of God…

    Well said felipe.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  108. Liz invoked Lincoln and Grant, but General Custer seemed more appropriate.

    Best wishes for her, bless her heart.

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  109. Unfortunately, the party’s struggles under Bush/Cheney affected many of our views about the entire party and its problems. Yes, Bush/Cheney won the popular vote in 2004, which Trump didn’t do. But Bush/Cheney also lost 15 Senate seats and ~60 House seats from 2006-08. This is why we got Obamacare, for example. No Iraq war, and the Senate losses are not as bad, especially in 2006, and there is no Obamacare. Nothing Trump has done hurt the GOP to that extent electorally, at least up to this point.

    I wouldn’t have nominated Trump, but I would have preferred someone with his policy agenda. But there needed to be a clean break from the Bush/Cheney approach, especially in respect of foreign policy and immigration. The problem that I have with Trump is not his policy agenda, such as it is, but his self-obsession/vanity, and style, which upsets too many voters.

    mikeybates (9166af)

  110. I don’t think it was a false dichotomy. Trump’s attempt to overturn the election results was a subversion of the Constitution. He forced people to pick a side.

    He didn’t force people to do anything of the kind. If Kemp could nerf Trump’s influence in the Georgia gubernatorial election (the same one that saw Herschel Walker get the GOP Senate nom), there’s no reason Cheney couldn’t have done the same in hers.

    No one forced her to make that choice, or frame it in a way that made it sound like an ultimatum. She did that all on her own.

    They lost to a very popular and charismatic black man running for re-election. It doesn’t mean Republicans weren’t listening to the people. Politicians are always conducting polls, focus groups, town halls, surveys, etc. They do their utmost to appeal to people. In 2012 they fell short.

    Besides, sometimes people just vote for the guy who has wrong policies. It doesn’t mean that you should jettison good policies.

    norcal (da5491) — 8/16/2022 @ 11:36 pm

    2012 was the absolute epitome of how disconnected the party’s establishment had become from the base. It was an eminently winnable election against an incumbent who was charismatic, but vulnerable, and had just been massively rebuked in the 2010 mid-terms but continued to govern in the same arrogant manner.

    What happened in 2008 should have been a wake-up call for the party’s leaders and pundits; the base had always had an uneasy view of McCain, and whomever got the nom that year was likely going to get blown out anyway because Bush was so unpopular. When the convention crowd went absolutely nuts for Palin during her speech, that should have been a loud and clear signal that the new direction for the party’s actual voters was populist and nationalist. I can’t imagine how deflated the base would have been had McCain gotten his way and made Lieberman the nominee, who was liked well enough, but wasn’t a Republican. It would have been seen as the GOP throwing in the towel before the real campaign even began.

    And what happened? Guys like Schmidt submarined Palin during the campaign because they saw her the same way they saw the rest of GOP base–as a bunch of beer-swilling hicks that needed to be told what was best for them. Irrespective of her qualifications or abilities, she created an energy and a post-convention bounce that a smart campaign would have at least tapped in to as a foundation for the party to build to the mid-terms and 2012. They ignored it again when the Tea Party did the same thing leading up to the mid-terms–a clearly populist direction that the neocons simply had no idea how to work with, because it wasn’t internationalist and had even grown to see military interventions and occupations as a waste of time and taxpayer money.

    2012 comes along, and instead of finding candidates that will get the base excited in a year with a relatively popular but vulnerable incumbent in a poor economy, who had passed a highly controversial law that forced Americans to buy health insurance or pay a tax penalty, the party’s establishment got behind–a candidate who had passed a similar law while governor of a deep blue state, thus completely neutering that controversial law as a campaign issue. One who proceeded to fold like a cheap suit in the face of a hostile media, and never connected with the base because he came off as a corporate board member rather than someone who cared about the things the base did.

    And then in 2016, with Trump making noise about running, and huge pool of candidates forming to take on the inevitable Democratic nominee that the base absolutely loathed, what did the establishment do? Get behind Jeb Bush, a tin-eared political bumbler whose family name was still politically toxic, not just with the base but across the country, giving the base the impression that the party’s leaders were basically looking to take a dive in a year that they had a chance to harness the base’s populist energy and at least try to win.

    Liz Cheney is simply the latest example, in a long line of them, that the neocon wing of the GOP, at least what’s left of them, hasn’t had any clue whatsoever as to how to connect with the party’s actual voters going as far back as the TARP bailouts, and probably even further than that. They’re two factions going in completely different directions. It’s definitely not over policy disagreements, or Bill Kristol wouldn’t have endorsed a swamp creature like Terry McAulliffe over an anodyne, bog-standard GOP candidate like Youngkin, nor would the Lincoln Project have pulled that dumb stunt that tried to connect Youngkin to the Charlottesville riot.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  111. Yeah, the way Hillary refused to concede the election for months, the way she and her sycophants filed 60 frivolous lawsuits, provoking disdain and mockery from judges of every political persuasion, the way she whipped up her angriest, most violent supporters to storm the capital, beating cops along the way, and threaten to hang then-VP Joe Biden… that was an eternal quest all right.

    lurker (cd7cd4) — 8/17/2022 @ 3:49 am

    The ONLY reason Hillary conceded was because Obama told her she needed to, not because she had accepted the outcome; and in 2020, long before Election Day, she was not only literally arguing that, if Trump won, Biden should not only not concede, the Biden team was even wargaming scenarios in which they refused to do so.

    So yeah, I’m not really interested in Hillary’s, or the Democrats, supposed respect for the outcome of elections when they clearly showed that they felt that didn’t really apply when it came to Trump.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  112. The ONLY reason Hillary conceded was because Obama told her she needed to, not because she had accepted the outcome; and in 2020, long before Election Day, she was not only literally arguing that, if Trump won, Biden should not only not concede, the Biden team was even wargaming scenarios in which they refused to do so.

    He said, breathlessly, as though this was something really really bad to do (which it would have obviously been).

    As whatabouts go, the art has advanced quite a bit under Trump. Nixon had his moon landing, Reagan saved the world from the Soviets, and Trump has this.

    Dustin (a87c64)

  113. “he’s the most popular politician in US history” I fear that wasn’t intended as a joke about the loser, but it made me laugh out loud for about a minute.

    (Now, if you wanted to say the he’s the most successful con man in US history, you might have a point.)

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  114. a good read…

    “Waking up to the media’s near-total collapse during the Trump years is a big part of being red-pilled. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. The only way to escape the media’s hold on the narrative is to cut it out completely, at least until you can see that there is another reality, and very often, the actual truth.

    If they hadn’t already given up on the “establishment” watching them crush Bernie Sanders like a bug in 2016, 2020 would do it. The response to COVID was a big one. Dividing the country the way it did into the compliant and the non-compliant. What it did to businesses, to the minds of children, to everyone who was locked down and locked in – unable to attend funerals, weddings, and death beds.

    But the raid on Mar-a-Lago very likely has red-pilled Americans even more, especially when you put it together with the authoritarianism during COVID, the suppression of speech, the silencing of dissent, and the dehumanization we all live with every day.

    To watch our Department of Justice raid a former president’s home months before the midterms, where the Democrats were expected to do very badly, looks suspect to anyone. If they were trying to create distrust in our institutions, they succeeded.

    Most Americans have seen, maybe for the first time, that our government has become too powerful, too punitive, and too authoritarian in crushing dissenting voices and outsiders who challenge that authority. We call that being red-pilled.

    The Mar-a-Lago raid on its own would have one thing. But it comes right after Merrick Garland announced the “largest investigation in American history” against a former president. That came on the heels of prime-time hearings that aired on every news network except Fox, led by Liz Cheney, where they compared January 6th to the end of slavery and the Jim Crow South. This, after Kamala Harris, compared January 6th to Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

    A red-pilled America is probably starting to think the reaction to Trump, rather than Trump himself, might be the even bigger threat.

    They were already losing voters by the millions. Hispanic voters, Asian voters, even Black voters were being red-pilled and drifting rightward. That meant there was likely a red wave in the November midterms. Biden’s catastrophic poll numbers meant Democrats could lose and lose big. That was unacceptable.

    It shouldn’t be too surprising that they used that moment to hold their primetime extravaganza of Janaury 6th. If they can’t win over voters with better candidates or policies, they will scare the living daylights out of them. Donald Trump hadn’t even announced he was running for office, but the failure of Biden and the Democrats alone was enough to launch an all-out war on Trump, his henchmen, and his supporters.

    Instead of bringing more voters in, the administrative state has now red-pilled even more Americans.“

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  115. “he’s the most popular politician in US history” I fear that wasn’t intended as a joke about the loser, but it made me laugh out loud for about a minute.

    (Now, if you wanted to say the he’s the most successful con man in US history, you might have a point.)

    Jim Miller (85fd03) — 8/17/2022 @ 6:42 am

    I get what you’re saying, but it’s important not to lose sight that the really good con men aren’t called con men. Trump aspired to be Obama, and failed. But that doesn’t mean Obama wasn’t a hustler too.

    Trump isn’t the cancer. The dumb way the political parties function is the cancer.

    Dustin (a87c64)

  116. If Liz Cheney spent more time on the internet, and read the comments of the world’s intellectual, financial, political, and above all physically fit elite, maybe she would appreciate more the horrible tragedy that just befell her? Eh, comrades?

    nk (c2df0f)

  117. 113– no, just pointing out the perpetual double standard for one particular side.

    Factory Working Orphan (30e0a0)

  118. Hey, she could have been smart, been a lot less self-righteous, and not promoted a false dichotomy that the choice of the GOP was between Trump and the Constitution.

    Except it’s a true dichotomy. Trump pissed on the Constitution and the rule of law after he lost, in a manner that undermined our democratic electoral system. He should never be in a public position of trust. I completely agree with Cheney’s objective, that Trump not get elected.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  119. Cheney’s pronouns “Done/Gone”…

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  120. “he’s the most popular politician in US history” I fear that wasn’t intended as a joke about the loser, but it made me laugh out loud for about a minute.

    But “he’s just hitting his stride”, Jim. Fisking some comments is like shooting fish in a barrel.

    nk (c2df0f)

  121. Fun fact: Somewhat to my surprise, Cheney carried two counties in Wyoming, Teton and Albany. In fact, with 99 percent of the vote counted, she has 75 percent of the vote in Teton.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  122. #121 nk – Agreed. But I do think we need conservatives and Republicans to understand that Trump is a loser. If they want to win — and so be able change policies — they need to discard him, and find someone who doesn’t have his psychological problems.

    There’s an instructive recent parallel in Britain. The Labour Party chose a hard-left leader, Jeremy Corbyn, and got crushed in the 2019 election. They replaced him with a more rational man, Keir Starmer, and have been leading in the polls for months.

    (Some Conservative activists actually joined the Labour Party, so they could sabotage it, by helping Corbyn win the leadership contest. Dirty politics, but effective, some times.)

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  123. “This is how democracy works. The Republicans and the Republicans-for-a-day in Wyoming have used their votes to choose their Republican candidate in the November midterms. The majority of them don’t want Liz Cheney to represent them. Cheney failed to serve her Republican constituents in the past so they fired her. No conspiracies. No evil genius defeated her. Just democracy at work.”

    —- Eleanor

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  124. “Someone should tell Liz Cheney that standing arm in arm with the likes of an Adam Schiff is not something Lincoln, nor Grant would have done.”

    Just sayin’…

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  125. Hageman was an original NeverTrumper, trying to work the 2016 convention process to stop Trump from getting the nomination. Like Lindsey Graham, quite the journey. She now boldly lies for access to power…and got it. What exactly does she owe Trump for the endorsement? What do the Wyoming Republicans expect from her based on her primary rhetoric? She’s not especially inspiring based on her debate performance and otherwise thinking on her feet. But the biggest currency right now in the GOP electorate is not giving the Democrats anything….and even though many say that Trump is a malignancy, few will do anything proactive. We have to hope that something magical is going to happen during the 2024 primary. But is the primary going to be too little too late? Will we see a big field allow Trump’s supporters to have out-sized influence? Cheney’s loss for not bending the knee was unfortunately long predicted. Now the forever-Trumpers will need to figure out how to win and govern….I’m not optimistic.

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  126. Most lawyers don’t want to represent the loser.

    Former president Donald Trump and close aides have spent the eight days since the FBI searched his Florida home rushing to assemble a team of respected defense lawyers. But the answer they keep hearing is “no.”

    The struggle to find expert legal advice puts Trump in a bind as he faces potential criminal exposure from a records dispute with the National Archives that escalated into a federal investigation into possible violations of the Espionage Act and other statutes.

    Any lawyers thinking of taking him on as a client should recognize that he often won’t follow their advice — and, of course, that they should get their pay in advance.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  127. Ms. Hageman is not an upgrade, but she is subservient to the cult leader of the GOP, and that’s all that matters.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  128. #126 AJ_Liberty – I am optimistically cautious on even days, cautiously optmistic on odd days. Why? Because I think the continuing revelations have eroded the loser’s support among Republicans, and will continue to do so. Slowly, granted, but there are more than two years to go before the next presidential election.

    And almost every Republican will, eventually, grasp the fact that Trump is a loser, and that, if only for practical reasons, we need a different leader.

    It is likely, for example, that the Democrats will pick up a net of one seat in the Senate this fall — and that practical Republicans will recognize that this is the second time Trump cost them control of the Senate. That won’t increase his support among the rank and file.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  129. Umm, no. Bashing the electorate is NOT what a patriot looks like. She can try to persuade her constituents, or she can “vote her conscience” and take her chances at the polls. But what she can’t do and shouldn’t do is bash them because they disagree with her (or because she thinks they disagree with her, but she really doesn’t have a clue where they stand on issues).

    Good riddance.

    Harvey (190203)

  130. Did she bash her constituents?

    nk (c2df0f)

  131. Jonah has a little something on the charismatic leadership style of Trump. I suspect there will a number of doctoral theses by psych majors on the subject.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  132. #124 Colonel Haiku – If you are interested in Lincoln, you might want to read a good biography. (I’ve been enjoying the Sandburg biography recently, but there are many others.)

    Or, you can get a little undersanding of the man, just by reading his very brief Second Inaugural, especially that amazing final paragraph:

    With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

    “Malice toward none” and “charity for all”, Colonel.

    Good advice then, good advice now.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  133. “he’s the most popular politician in US history” I fear that wasn’t intended as a joke about the loser, but it made me laugh out loud for about a minute.

    Yet somehow he’s unable to get even a plurality of the vote. Compare him to, say, Warren Harding who won with a 25% margin over the Democrat. Probably more honest, too.

    (Now, if you wanted to say the he’s the most successful con man in US history, you might have a point.)

    Even here, I’d disagree. P T Barnum and Charles Ponzi both top that chart. They may be household gods in the Trump family.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  134. “Malice toward none” and “charity for all”

    That’s fine, when the war is over. It’s not over until Trump is gone.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  135. 134… this coming immediately after 133 is truly Comedy Gold!

    Good show!

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  136. Did she bash her constituents? Umm, yes. I think calling them election deniers (election denier adjacent?) is bashing.

    “No American should support election deniers for any position of genuine responsibility, where their refusal to follow the rule of law will corrupt our future.”

    Like I said, she can vote her conscience and take her chances with the electorate. But maybe she should spend her energy trying to make their lives better instead of bashing Trump incessantly.

    Inflation at 9.5% ? She spends her time on Trump? Then acts like her constituents should be happy. Sorry. Not a patriot.

    Harvey (190203)

  137. There is some tentative good news from the Tuesday primaries:

    Even as Cheney’s political career was coming to an end — at least for now — the lone Senate Republican who voted to convict Trump at his impeachment trial and sought reelection in 2022 appeared as though hers might be salvaged.

    As expected, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) was one of four candidates to advance to the ranked-choice general election alongside Trump-backed Kelly Tshibaka. And notably, Murkowski actually held a narrow lead — something that, if it holds up, will augur well for her chances of survival in November.

    The Post says: “An estimated 68% of votes have been counted.” That’s why I said “tentative”.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  138. Harvey (190203) — 8/17/2022 @ 9:34 am

    Did she bash her constituents? Umm, yes. I think calling them election deniers (election denier adjacent?) is bashing.

    “No American should support election deniers for any position of genuine responsibility, where their refusal to follow the rule of law will corrupt our future.”

    That sounds like she called candidates “election deniers” not voters.

    She did say that no one should support any such candidate.

    The winner once said some (not very original, or even true) things about Trump in early 2016.

    Sammy Finkelman (743fe6)

  139. Murkowski is the Walking Dead.

    Colonel Haiku (050892)

  140. Teton County includes Jackson, Wyoming. Rich people.

    Sammy Finkelman (743fe6)

  141. I think calling them election deniers (election denier adjacent?) is bashing.

    What would you call this Lost Cause?

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  142. Murkowski is the Walking Dead.

    Murkowski’s been dead before, but got better. In 2010, she lost the primary (to a Palin-backed candidate) then won the general election as a WRITE-IN.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  143. What’s latest reading on inflation in the US? 8.5 percent:

    The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers was unchanged in July 2022 (seasonally adjusted) after rising 1.3 percent in June and 1.0 percent in May. Gasoline prices fell 7.7 percent in July and offset increases in food and shelter prices, resulting in the index for all items being unchanged in July. From July 2021 to July 2022, the index for all items increased 8.5 percent (not seasonally adjusted).

    The 8.5-percent increase in the index for all items from July 2021 to July 2022 was down from a 9.1-percent increase for the 12 months ending in June. Consumer prices for all items less food and energy rose 5.9 percent from July 2021 to July 2022.

    As most of you know, most economists pay great attention to that 5.9 percent, often calling it “core” inflation, and seeing it as the best long-term measure of inflation.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  144. One clever thing Murkowski did to win that write-in vote was to provide bracelets for her supporters. The bracelets had her name on the inside, and so could be worn into the voting booth. That helped them spell her name correctly, as required by Alaska election laws.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  145. In the last report, mmonthly inflation was almost 0% but that was because energy prices dropped back.

    Sammy Finkelman (743fe6)

  146. GDI and GDP estimates, which are supposed to be identical by definition have been going in opposite directions.

    Sammy Finkelman (743fe6)

  147. OT: More interesting deliberation from Andy McCarthy:

    Basically, since World War II, presidents have assumed plenary authority over classification, citing their constitutional powers as commander-in-chief and chief executive. In past dicta, the Supreme Court has appeared to endorse this arrangement. For example, as CRS notes, in Navy v. Egan (1988), the Court observed that the president’s “authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security . . . flows primarily from this Constitutional investment of power in the President and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant.”

    In the here and now, Congress has not enacted standards requiring a written memorialization or some other contemporaneous evidence that the president has exercised his declassification authority.

    whembly (b770f8)

  148. Meantime, Ms. Greene will keep her job in the House.

    Pastor Rob McCoy: “God is not a globalist. He’s a nationalist.”

    Marjorie Taylor Greene: “That’s right.”

    I hate my party.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  149. @149. And the RINO blows his horn; you have it backwards; the now Populist party “hates” you Royalists, is fed up w/RINOS and Neocons and senseless, endless wars, goofy trade deals and being sheep sheared too closely, seduced and abandoned too many times. You cannot lead; will not follow so get out of the way– or better still, try to start a new party. Good luck with that; there just aren’t enough fleas brushed out of that tail that no longer wags the dog.

    DCSCA (1f9f98)

  150. @132. Conservative whine; bitter dregs: “The ‘Outlaw’ Jonah Wails.”

    DCSCA (1f9f98)

  151. @128. Ms. Hageman is not an upgrade, but she is subservient to the cult leader of the GOP, and that’s all that matters.

    Two out of three Wyoming voters say different.

    “And that’s a good thing.”- Martha Stewart

    DCSCA (1f9f98)

  152. Ms. Greene will keep her job in the House.

    The next sane politician that comes out of her corner of GA will be the first. It’s Bircher Country.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  153. Two out of three Wyoming voters say different.

    Clearly, Wyoming has too many House seats.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  154. The vote tally system in Alaska may very well end up sending Palin to Congress to finish out the term of the deceased old Young.

    Then she can talk about Russia from the House. 😉

    DCSCA (1f9f98)

  155. “Following her humiliating defeat in Tuesday’s Wyoming primary elections, soon-to-be-former Rep. Liz Cheney gave one of the most comically narcissistic speeches by a politician in recent memory.

    Despite losing to Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman by more than 30 points, Cheney thought it was fitting not only to forecast a potential run for president in 2024 but to do so while comparing herself to former President Abraham Lincoln.

    “The great and original champion of our party, Abraham Lincoln, was defeated in elections for the Senate and House before he won the most important election of all,” she said before an audience of what few supporters she has. “Lincoln ultimately prevailed. He saved our union, and he defined our obligation as Americans for all of history.”

    Hardly finished with her delusional Civil War era comparisons, Cheney went on to equate her ongoing fight with former President Donald Trump to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant during the Battle of the Wilderness.

    “As the fires of the battle still smoldered, Grant rode to the head of the column. He rode to the intersection of Brock Road and Orange Plank Road, and there, as the men of his army watched and waited,” Cheney said. “Instead of turning north back towards Washington and safety, Grant turned his horse south toward Richmond and the heart of [Confederate Gen. Robert E.] Lee’s army. Refusing to retreat, he pressed on to victory.”

    Colonel Haiku (c8f220)

  156. @156. The percentage numbers of the landslide is a significant tell. It’s one thing to lose by a respectable margin– but getting your neocon ass kicked into solar orbit two years after a strong win is a helluva message from your constituents– and a taste of where the Populist party is now at. Now go raid the Bedminster gclub house compound and dig up Ivana looking for nukes and see what happens in November. 😉

    DCSCA (1f9f98)

  157. Instapundits reporting a 600 percent rise in wealth for the huge loser lizard. Hmm someone who never held a non govt job found a way to make 37 million in 4 years while being the bravest lizard in congress

    EPWJ (1ebe20)

  158. Meanwhile:

    Not sure about how accurate this is, since the last Newsweek scoop fell flat.

    Appalled (03f53c)

  159. 148.

    Basically, since World War II, presidents have assumed plenary authority over classification,

    It exists only by virtue of executive orders, and applies per se only to government employees. but is also recognized in some laws passed by Congress. Separately, material harmful to the defense of the United States or some other similar type characterizations, are used in some laws.

    I saw something this week that indicated that the word “classified” was used during World War II. so it may pre-date President Truman

    And this says something about the first executive order being issued in 1940, but I’m not sure that the word “classified” was used The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (passed after, unknown to them, the horse had escaped the barn somewhat – it did not provide for the death penalty – the Rosenbergs were sentenced to death based on an older law that dealt with spying in time of war — except that the country they spied for was not at war with the United States – the judge believed that, but for them, the Korean War would not have occurred, and who’s to tell)

    _ referred to “restricted data”

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  160. * The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 referred to “restricted data”

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  161. Now that her career as a Republican is kaput, today would be a perfect time for her to start a new traditional conservative party (call it the Whigs for lack of a better name) and announce that she’s running for president on the Whig ticket.
    I would be all-in.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  162. 113– no, just pointing out the perpetual double standard for one particular side.

    Factory Working Orphan (30e0a0) — 8/17/2022 @ 7:21 am

    Judging Trump more harshly for doing the wrong thing than Hillary for doing the right thing (albeit in your mind for secret questionable reasons) is by no rational definition a double standard. On the contrary, suggesting that Hillary’s response to 2016 and Trump’s to 2020 were legally or morally comparable is the kind of ludicrous false equivalence we’ve grown accustomed to from Trump and his apologists.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  163. @162. Seems a tour guide at the Gettysburg battlefield– or Lincoln Memorial are more her speed.

    DCSCA (8413c6)

  164. Princess Daughter Darth won’t miss a meal.

    Cheney’s Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War

    DCSCA (8413c6)

  165. Please do Paul. Call yourselves Whigs. It would be fitting as they were replaced by Republicans for refusing to take a stand against the Democrats desire to enslave the people.

    The more things change, the more they remain the same.

    NJRob (17ef9c)

  166. Halliburton defrauded American taxpayers of “hundreds of millions of dollars in Iraq.”

    DCSCA (8413c6)

  167. The residents of Wyoming to a large extent disagree.

    Joe (76eaa3)

  168. It would be fitting as they were replaced by Republicans for refusing to take a stand against the Democrats desire to enslave the people.

    NJRob: All hyperbole, all tribalism, all the time.

    Supporting a traditional conservative who rejects a con man ex-president doesn’t equate to caving to the Democrats’ agenda. That’s binary brainlessness.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  169. The thoughts of some leftist RINO on the internet:

    We are told here that Cheney’s loss is not because of Trump but because she became wrapped up in Beltway drama. and forgot about Wyoming. I don’t buy it. So if she had behaved more like Peter Meijer, she would have won??

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  170. The response by another leftist RINO on the internet:

    Yup, and if she’d been as single-mindedly *opposed* to the Jan. 6 commission as she was in support, she’d be back in Congress–even if she was focused on Beltway drama.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  171. And a response to that from one more leftist RINO on the internet (actually, I don’t often see him called a RINO; the Trump cult usually calls him a formerly reasonable guy whose mind was broken by Trump):

    One of the most offensive things about Trumpists is their refusal to tell us plausible lies.


    lurker (cd7cd4)

  172. @169. Earth to RINO: Neocons are not traditional conservatives.

    DCSCA (8413c6)

  173. The Ds won on this; The Wicked Witch of the West played Daughter Darth on the 1/6 committee and now has seen her tossed from her party and her seat. Well played, Nancy.

    DCSCA (8413c6)

  174. I think the beginning of her problems came when she was removed from the House leadership.

    Another problem is that she was independent enough, although there was also the claim she wasn’t doing anything Wyoming natural resources.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  175. “Humiliating” defeat? Hardly. This is a very Trumpy view of the matter. Yes, she lost the election, but she lost it because she refused to kowtow to a corrupt and unprincipled ego maniac who undermined democracy by trying to overturn a legitimate election and continues to lie, lie, lie about it. Staying true to one’s principals and rule of law used to be a solid plank of the Republican Party, but clearly, it no longer is. That went out the door when Trump co-opted the party.

    But say, you know who suffered a humiliating defeat? Trump couldn’t even beat a doddering old man.

    Dana (1225fc)

  176. The Urge to Purge…

    Colonel Haiku (8b99b0)

  177. @169. Earth to RINO: Neocons are not traditional conservatives.

    DCSCA (8413c6) — 8/17/2022 @ 2:36 pm

    You keep calling people RINOs and Neocons. Isn’t it fair that we know your own ideological/party affiliation?

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  178. “Humiliating” defeat? Hardly.

    Except it was. 2 out of 3 Wyoming voters say so: with 100% of the Wyoming vote in:

    Hageman- 66.3%
    Daughter Darth- 28.9%

    The “Wicked Wyoming of the West” dropped the House on her.

    DCSCA (52d2ed)

  179. I see Hillary the Pantsuited Pantload still has her fans.

    Rave on!

    Colonel Haiku (7f0c92)

  180. it’s amusing seeing all this from the folks who are usually crying about a lost election though

    Dustin (a87c64)

  181. Lizzy, Lizzy got the axe; as 2 out of 3 voters took their wacks.

    DCSCA (52d2ed)

  182. Ms. Hageman is not an upgrade, but she is subservient to the cult leader of the GOP, and that’s all that matters.

    Two out of three Wyoming voters say different.

    DCSCA (1f9f98) — 8/17/2022 @ 11:47 am

    They voted for Hageman precisely because she is subservient to the cult leader.

    norcal (da5491)

  183. Hey, this at least frees Cheney from the cognitive dissonance which is the GOP. Pretending that the emperor has clothes on has got to be intellectually, emotionally, and philosophically exhausting. My growing impression is that we will need a big GOP crash to re-orient the party….or wipe it out. A couple of big losses or re=electing someone who is not stable will probably do it. Actual Republicans should recognize the problem they have when DCCCP is on their side….that’s the kiss of death.

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  184. From Julian Sanchez (a independent libertarian who to my knowledge never was a Republican or a conservative. Or as MAGAs would call him, a leftist):

    One of the funnier aspects of the Mar a Lago business is that the increasingly desperate defenses of Trump are all now confessions of insanely reckless behavior that, in any other context, would themselves be a huge scandal!


    “See I had this standing order, yeah, that’s the ticket. Every top secret file I took out of the Oval was AUTOMATICALLY declassified, without any sort of review or process for notifying the rest of government about it. Am I out of trouble yet?”


    If a Dem had confessed to the things Trump is claiming *as his excuses*, Fox would calling for them to be strung from the nearest gibbet.


    Bonus funny: None of these desperate confessions would actually get him out of the legal peril that is clearly the only thing he now cares about.

    I await a non-whatabout MAGA refutation of any part of that.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  185. I see Hillary the Pantsuited Pantload still has her fans.

    Rave on!

    Colonel Haiku (7f0c92) — 8/17/2022 @ 3:32 pm

    If you think preferring syphilis to cancer makes me a syphilis fan, fine, call me a syphilis fan. Just admit it also makes you a cancer fan.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  186. Paul – What I think Cheney is planning is an attack on Trump, and others who refuse to accept the result of the 2020 election, an effort to wear him down, and, in time, persuade honest Republicans to find another candidate.

    That will anger those who refuse to accept the obvious: that the loser lost in 2020, because they take his loss personally. They will continue to see what she says as an attack on themselves, rather than what it is, an attempt to rescue them, and our democracy.

    I believe the commenters here who have been attacking Cheney should answer this question: Do you think Vice President Pence was right to follow the law and the Constitution and Janaury 6th, and certify the election?

    (We know which side “Emperor” Xi and “Czar” Putin will be on. Heck, even the Iranian Ayatollahs and various terrorist groups will be happy at Trump’s continuing efforts to weaken the Republican Party, and divide the American people.)

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  187. No, lurker, the smart move is to sit back with popcorn 🍿 and let Democrats and NeverTrump act out and take crazy up to eleventy.

    Colonel Haiku (7f0c92)

  188. That could be her plan, Jim. I actually doubt she’ll leave the GOP and join or form a 3rd party.
    She did mention forming an anti-Trump advocacy group. What I don’t want to see is her joining the Lincoln Project, which is a Democrat front and would be counter-productive.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  189. @183. Pfft. Except they didn’t.

    2 out of 3 voted for Hageman precisely because she will represent the interests of the people of Wyoming— not herself, as Daughter Darth did. She didn’t lose by a respectable margin— got her bloomin’ ass kicked. And conceding in wealthy Jackson, Wyoming by blabbering about Gettysburg, Pennsylvania only reinforces why she lost. A neocon sputtering on about yet another war, in another time, in another state– 2,000 miles away from Wyoming. Every house cat on the planet knows what to do with her.

    DCSCA (383be0)

  190. Wyoming is named after a county in Pennsylvania.

    Sammy Finkelman (743fe6)

  191. Missed it by thaaaat much….. watching the rationalization is sad.

    Lost by more than any sitting candisate since adams

    EPWJ (1ebe20)

  192. @112 clinton conceded the next day. You can watch her crying while she conceeds on the internet. She refused to join in jill stein’s recount stoping the recount in PA. and MICH. ;but not before 80,000 ballots with presidental preference blanck but down ballot voted. Law suits were clinton supporters as trump supporters did the same.

    asset (c30327)

  193. Jonah has a little something on the charismatic leadership style of Trump. I suspect there will a number of doctoral theses by psych majors on the subject.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e) — 8/17/2022 @ 9:07 am

    I read the article. It was rather insightful. This part had salience for me:

    Moreover, through the magic of psychological transference, criticism of charismatic leaders is transmogrified into an attack on all those who love him. Hence the paradox of Trump. When he is at his most indefensible, that is precisely when the irrationality of his defenders becomes most intense.

    And boy, does this ring true:

    If you’re immune to Trump’s charms you’ve probably had the experience of trying to argue with someone who adores the man. The more you press the point that their faith is irrational or otherwise unjustified, the more intense their devotion becomes.

    I don’t think Trump supporters are bad people, per se. They have just been charmed by a guy they believe has America’s best interests at heart.

    Once love enters the equation, all bets are off.

    How many times has somebody fallen in love with the wrong person? Everyone can see how wrong it is, but the more they try to dissuade the person in love, the stronger the bond becomes, until the couple eventually ties the knot.

    norcal (da5491)

  194. Producers Confirm Liz Cheney Will Not Be Back For Season 2 Of January 6 Hearings.

    “WASHINGTON, D.C. — After a critically acclaimed first season that was allegedly watched by some people, the producers of the January 6th Hearings have sadly confirmed that their star Liz Cheney will not be returning for season 2.

    “Liz was a standout in season 1 and we’re sad to see her go,” said fellow actor and screenwriter for the show Adam Schiff. “We will carry on without her, however, as there are many more exciting storylines we have planned for next year!”

    As of now, it is unclear whether Cheney’s character will be killed off or whether her role will be filled by another actress. Rumors have suggested the showrunners are considering Drew Barrymore, Cate Blanchett, or Cory Booker in a wig.

    “It’s been my honor to serve the people of Wyoming by spending my every waking minute fighting Donald Trump, just like Abraham Lincoln did,” said Cheney. “I look forward to a bright future living off of book advances and scoring a pundit position at MSNBC.”

    At publishing time, producers confirmed the hearings had been renewed for 12 more seasons.“

    Colonel Haiku (7f0c92)

  195. Psychology schmycology. This is standard operating procedure for Trump. His creditors put him into involuntary bankruptcy and he calls in his accounts, liquidates his assets, and forms a new company.

    nk (b60bae)

  196. Liz is playing on a loop. AIR SUPPLY.

    EPWJ (1ebe20)

  197. Trump is a symbol for ignorant white trash former democrat populist. I know these people being a NON-ignorant southern white trash democrat populist all my life. Thanks to nixon/reagan’s southern strategy they ended up in the republican party which was run by economic libertarian free trade pro -immigration wealthy donor class neo-con warmongers. like bush’es cheney’s and romney. Who gave lip service to social conservative anti-abortion (except when dubya got his girl friend pregnant) God Guns and Gays. Cutting taxes for the rich is all they cared about. Then trump came along with a populist anti-immigration anti-free trade message to as jesse jackson says “Keep hope alive!”

    asset (c30327)

  198. Looking forward to the FBI raid on Daughter Darth’s hovel after the GSA packs up all the papers from her House offices and the DOJ demands a search for classified documents. Appropriate punishment for the pantie raid agents who have to rifle her drawers. 😉

    DCSCA (d06b21)

  199. Tis not love that boos when vaccines are mentioned. Sure, Don’s johns would be fine with him shooting somebody on Fifth Avenue. They’d like to be able to get away with something like that, too. But he better not open his car door against Cletus’s F-150 in the Cracker Barrel parking lot.

    What Trump and his supporters have is a commensal relationship. He feeds their bile, and they feed him chocolate cake.

    nk (b60bae)

  200. Sing for us from the Lincoln Memorial, Daughter Darth:

    Mine ass has felt the glory of the coming of the Trump
    It’s so sore it might by weeks before I dare to take a dump,
    He has loosed his vengeful lightning so from R to D I’ll jump,
    The Don is marching on.
    Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
    Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
    Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
    The Don is marching on.

    DCSCA (d06b21)

  201. This is off topic, but I want to address the bill that was just passed (for the Trumpers who claim that we Never Trumpers don’t criticize the left).

    This Inflation Reduction Act is a giant hoodwinker. Both the bill and its name are very opportunistic.


    Economists know it is the Federal Reserve raising interest rates that tames inflation. That is the path the Fed is on, so inflation will come under control.

    By passing this bill now, and giving it this name, the Democrats can not only get a bunch of lefty policy (that have nothing to do with inflation) enacted, they can also claim credit for controlling inflation when the Fed’s moves eventually produce results.

    Never let a crisis go to waste.

    norcal (da5491)

  202. My growing impression is that we will need a big GOP crash to re-orient the party….or wipe it out. A couple of big losses or re=electing someone who is not stable will probably do it. Actual Republicans should recognize the problem they have when DCCCP is on their side….that’s the kiss of death.

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74) — 8/17/2022 @ 3:41 pm

    Ahh, it’s the Grifter Project’s school of thought.

    NJRob (17ef9c)

  203. This thread was even more amazing than I expected it to be. I’d like to say thanks to everyone.

    frosty (fc3700)

  204. norcal (da5491) — 8/17/2022 @ 6:31 pm

    Economists know it is the Federal Reserve raising interest rates that tames inflation.

    Lots of people think it doesn’t, and in fact makes it worse. There was even a report issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1990 that sad=id that.

    however, nobody thinks this bill is an anti-inflation bill.

    But re-naming the reconciliation bill that was Senator Manchin’s price for his vote.

    Here he claims credit for the bill:

    AUGUST 12, 2022

    Charleston, WV – Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed U.S. Senator Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) Inflation Reduction Act of 2022….

    What was that that Abraham Lincoln once said?

    “You can fool half of the people in West Virginia all of the time” Or something like that.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  205. The Babylon Bee doesn’t only satirize the left. It does quite a lot on churches

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  206. he question is not what Liz Cheney is going to do, but what Mike Pence is going to do.

    He’s now getting ready to testify.


    If you are uninformed enough, they’re plausible. Trump throws out trial balloons and drops implausible ones.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  207. Trump endorsed two Democrats. (both favored to win their primaries anyway, and they are probably, the most mmoderate in their races)

    “While it was my honor to beat him, and beat him badly, Dan Goldman has a wonderful future ahead,” Trump wrote, referencing his first Senate impeachment trial acquittal in 2020.

    “He will be very compassionate and compromising to those within the Republican Party, and will do everything possible to make sure they have a fair chance at winning against the Radical Left Democrats, who he knows are destroying our Country. I would like to thank Dan for fighting so hard for America.”

    In his Maloney endorsement, Trump was even more effusive.

    “A vote for Carolyn Maloney in NY-12 is a vote for the future! She is a kind and wonderful person, who has always said terrific things about me, and will support me no matter what I do, just as I supported her very early on,” Trump posted.

    The missive likely hit a bit too close to home for Maloney, who accepted thousands of dollars in political donations from Trump early on in her congressional career.

    But Trump didn’t stop there.

    He also held up Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Maloney’s primary opponent in the 12th Congressional District race, as “a hard-driving man of the people whose energy and attention to detail is unlike anyone else in Congress.”

    “He is high energy, sharp, quick-witted, and bright. You can’t go wrong with either, but Carolyn Maloney is the better man,” Trump wrote, misstating the congresswoman’s gender.

    Sammy Finkelman (743fe6)

  208. “…who has always said terrific things about me, and will support me no matter what I do…,” Trump posted

    Sammy Finkelman (743fe6) — 8/18/2022 @ 7:12 pm

    Good God.

    As if any more evidence is needed of his malignant narcissism.

    norcal (da5491)

  209. And he also said you couldn’t go wrong with Jerrold Nadler, who headed the House Judiciary Committee that voted to impeach him and didn’t hold any separate hearings.

    Nadler was his second choice (the third is a “progressive” who ran in the primary against Carolyn Maloney in the last two Congressional elections. Maloney was previously happy to have part of her district in Queens and Brooklyn for that reason but that apportionment got rejected by the court because both the procedure and the considerations were contrary to a 2014 New York State constitutional amendment that was supported by Ed Koch among others)

    Sammy Finkelman (743fe6)

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