Patterico's Pontifications


Loser: Only I Can Win

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:29 am

David Perdue has a compelling message as he announces his campaign to unseat Georgia governor Brian Kemp:

Here’s my favorite part, at :36: “instead of protecting our elections, he caved to Abrams, and cost us two Senate seats, the Senate majority, and gave Joe Biden free rein.”

One of the Senate seats Brian Kemp supposedly lost would be . . . the one Perdue actually lost. So obviously, he’s the guy to fix that problem!

But make no mistake: this is a declaration that Kemp allowed the election to be stolen, and that Perdue will keep Biden from stealing it next time. By which he really means, he will help Trump steal it next time.

A piece in The Atlantic yesterday began:

Technically, the next attempt to overthrow a national election may not qualify as a coup. It will rely on subversion more than violence, although each will have its place. If the plot succeeds, the ballots cast by American voters will not decide the presidency in 2024. Thousands of votes will be thrown away, or millions, to produce the required effect. The winner will be declared the loser. The loser will be certified president-elect.

The prospect of this democratic collapse is not remote. People with the motive to make it happen are manufacturing the means. Given the opportunity, they will act. They are acting already.

Who or what will safeguard our constitutional order is not apparent today. It is not even apparent who will try. Democrats, big and small D, are not behaving as if they believe the threat is real. Some of them, including President Joe Biden, have taken passing rhetorical notice, but their attention wanders. They are making a grievous mistake.

They sure are. Perdue’s announcement is just one cog in a giant Machine being constructed to toss the will of the voters aside in 2024 . . . that is, if they choose wrongly, in the opinion of the Machine.

81 Responses to “Loser: Only I Can Win”

  1. Let’s be thankful that we have an education system that ensures that the youth of our country has the necessary logical thinking skills to succeed in the world of tomorrow.

    John B Boddie (9efa1d)

  2. Please now write about the Electoral Vote Compact, which is blatently designed to overturn elections. It has no other purpose.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  3. Please write about how social media conspired to cover up Hunter Biden’s laptop, which polling has shown would’ve changed the result in the election.

    Only leftist decisions are legitimate.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  4. MAGAWorld ™ is not amused.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  5. Please write about how social media conspired to cover up Hunter Biden’s laptop, which polling has shown would’ve changed the result in the election.

    What polls?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  6. Like Trumpcakes could even cheat competently. All they can do is lose and whine about it.

    Now, Kamala or her Vice President, who will be presiding over the vote count in 2025, with the Eastman plot to guide them ….

    nk (1d9030)

  7. Democrats, big and small D, are not behaving as if they believe the threat is real.

    the fox isn’t behaving like the threat to the henhouse is real

    says another fox

    JF (e1156d)

  8. Case in point: Hunter’s laptop. They had it, could do nothing worth doing with it, and are bitching and moaning because “The Media” did not carry their water for them.

    nk (1d9030)

  9. If there is a 6 to 1 R to D advantage in voter registration prior to the primary, don’t be surprised. I wonder if the purity squads will be out in force.

    And 4 (Rip), a good ol boy can vote for Vernon Jones, a good ol boy can vote for Herschel Walker, but a good ol boy can’t vote for both

    urbanleftbehind (ae9d91)

  10. It is a bit risible for the Trumpistas to accuse anyone but themselves of losing those two Senate seats.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  11. @10: Left out of that list is this:

    What happens if a state sends electors who clearly (and openly) do not reflect the popular vote in that state?

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  12. Assuming that the Electoral Vote Compact comes into effect, and its operation leads to a different outcome in one or more states, should the electoral slate for the candidate winning those state’s popular vote meet and cast Electoral Votes as if they were the official slate? What should Congress do upon receiving these competing slates?

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  13. I hope Purdue is just throwing red meat to his conspiracy theorist base and not stating an intent to steal the election. But I don’t have much faith that’s the case. Even among the parts of the GOP base that don’t buy into the lie that the election was stolen, such as NJRob, there’s the desire justify bad behavior as an acceptable, if not fully justified response. Not trying to pick on Rob, but his comment is a great example of what I’m talking about.

    Time123 (9605e1)

  14. I’m OK with politicians that don’t share my policy preferences or vision for the future winning. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. What I’m not OK with is people like Trump trying to destroy our system of government based on a series of lies and replacing it with lord knows what.

    I know some cultural conservatives are so frustrated with the directions things are taking they feel like that’s an appropriate response, but I don’t think they’ll be happier when they get what they want. Politics is downstream of culture and I don’t think winning elections will help them take back ‘the cathedral’. If anything I expect it to be worse as whatever comes next isn’t likely to be as invested in limited government or the checks and balances that have helped slow the rate to political and cultural change.

    Time123 (9605e1)

  15. Assuming that the Electoral Vote Compact comes into effect, and its operation leads to a different outcome in one or more states, should the electoral slate for the candidate winning those state’s popular vote meet and cast Electoral Votes as if they were the official slate? What should Congress do upon receiving these competing slates?

    Kevin M (ab1c11) — 12/7/2021 @ 9:47 am

    First that’s a heck of an assumption and I think it’s very unlikely.

    But, if I understand the law correctly, state legislatures set the process for allocating their states electoral votes and have the ability to chose to do so by the national popular vote if they want. I don’t like this and think it’s bad policy and undemocratic, think allocating electors based on congressional districts is also bad policy and undemocratic, but legal.

    But I think there’s an important difference between setting this as the rule up front and letting people know that your states electors will be allocated this way and discounting actual vote results based on unfounded lies about fraud.

    Time123 (9605e1)

  16. @12, if it’s determinative for the outcome it likely means our democracy is over.

    Time123 (9605e1)

  17. Under the EVC, I look forward to California electors voting for a Republican, even though the state goes Democratic.

    Be careful what you wish for.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  18. First that’s a heck of an assumption and I think it’s very unlikely.

    It would have happened in 2016 had the EVC been in effect. Also, 2000. So, 1 time out of 3 isn’t all that unlikely.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  19. I meant I think the EVC getting into effect is unlikely.

    Time123 (9605e1)

  20. But, if I understand the law correctly, state legislatures set the process for allocating their states electoral votes and have the ability to chose to do so by the national popular vote if they want.

    It is a constitutional provision that no state has exercised since 1860. They have ALL assigned that right to the voters. Many state courts assert that a right once granted cannot be rescinded. I really doubt that they can take it back, nor can they survive the next election should they try.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  21. But I think there’s an important difference between setting this as the rule up front and letting people know that your states electors will be allocated this way and discounting actual vote results based on unfounded lies about fraud.

    So, time, without looking it up, is your state part of the EVC? Mine is, despite it being a small state that loses clout in the EVC.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  22. @21, yes, I think there would be legal challenges to it, which is one of the reasons it’s bad policy.
    But is is the policy of awarding votes by congressional district, especially if those districts have been heavily gerrymandered.

    Time123 (9605e1)

  23. Kevin, My state is not. But, I have to confess I looked this up when you mentioned it on a previous occasion and double checked it before I replied. I didn’t want to reply to you without doing some rudimentary research.

    Again, I think it’s bad policy and if we’re going to do this it should be done through constitutional amendment.

    Time123 (9605e1)

  24. Maybe it’s just me but, IMO, the commenters who demand the blogger to “please write about x or y” should go in the penalty box for a day or three. Write it your own goddam selves.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)


    Just a reminder how tech and media put their thumb on the scale and how we are all worse off for it.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  26. And I look forward to voting for Governor DeSantis or Senator Cruz as the next President of the United States.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  27. There is actually a good argument that an amendment would be necessary.

    1. Interstate compacts require Congressional approval.
    2. Such approval is essentially a federal law (I am unclear about the presentation requirement with approved compacts).
    3. A federal law that conflicts with the Constitution fails on the Supremacy Clause.

    Apparently 195 EVs are pledged under the compact. States that come under full Democrat Party control attempt to join the compact as the first order of business. Virginia narrowly declined last year. I expect that Maine and Nevada will join soon.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  28. But really, my point about the Compact is the degree to which it will throw elections into disarray. Not only are there multiple Constitutional questions, but Congress would likely have dual slates from multiple states the first time the issue came up. And God help us if some states decide the national vote was “miscounted” or assert that, say, Chicago cheated.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  29. @27, Based on current poling you won’t have that opportunity until 2028

    Time123 (9605e1)

  30. @29, I don’t disagree with you that’s bad policy.

    Time123 (9605e1)

  31. ‘Just a reminder how tech and media put their thumb on the scale and how we are all worse off for it.’

    Worse? In the ’60 Nixon/Kennedy debates carried over public airwaves– regulated by the parameters o/t now deceased Fairness Doctrine– radio listeners believed Nixon won; TV viewers saw JFK as the victor. If you want to blame anybody, find fault w/media consumers, who drive content from providers chasing a buck, not operating as a public service, via unregulated or ‘self-regulated’ media platforms. It leads to consumers stove piping consumption to reinforce existing biases and POVs.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  32. Based on current poling you won’t have that opportunity until 2028

    Trump won’t run in 2024. He’ll be in jail or dead.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  33. The National Vote Compact will be ignored the year a Republican wins the popular vote. It was always a sour-grapes initiative that’s become typical of the political left these days, like whining about the supposed disproportionate representation of the Senate or court-packing.

    The left absolutely hates sharing power, and their rhetoric the last 20-plus years is all the evidence anyone needs.

    Factory Working Orphan (84d0e3)

  34. 13. 16. 28. The compact is not binding and is not legally any kind of a treaty, just like the Iran deal for that matter. Any state can opt out of it any election year, provided they do so by passing a law before Election Day.

    The worst part of it is you could have a situation where nobody will able to determine the winner.

    Or different state courts may come to different conclusions as to who won the national popular vote, and to which slate pf electors therefore won the state’s electoral votes.

    Kevin M @33. Trump would have died in October, 2020 (Trump came very close to saying so himself in an interview with Rush Limbaugh, although he’s backtracked since) But his life was saved by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Trump was in denial he was very sick. He got him a treatment that was not even approved for emergency use yet by the FDA. Then Trump promised everybody would get it very soon but he chickened out. It’s long been available by now but is somewhat underutilized. So far, Regerneron antibodies have worked against all variants – not so the Eli Lilly infusion which cured Chris Christie (which naturally was authorized by the FDA first)

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  35. Georgia is a purple state. If I remember correctly, it has been solidly democrat in the 90’s has the 5th largest city in America and that city is according to some – the most democrat led city next to New York. It has had Democrat Senators recently. Kemp was an extremely weak candidate, and so were both Republican senate candidate – both damaged badly by the stock trading scandal. A perfect storm

    EPWJ (0fbe92)

  36. 9th largest metro area….Atlanta proper is 498,751 38th largest city (US Census).

    urbanleftbehind (ae9d91)

  37. OT- Good news! Joe tells Vlad to pull missiles out of Cuba or else he’ll blockade Bermuda– and place sanctions on restaurants serving Chicken Kiev.

    …and Putin smiled.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)


    I’m sure this tickles Trumps ego, but Perdue is just wrapping himself in the things he thinks will win for HIM.
    My guess is if he wins the election, Perdue will carry on doing what seems best for Perdue. He’s not going to feel like he owes Trump anything even Trump magically gets re-elected for 4 years (sure, as Governor he’d have to kiss up to Trump for types of funding, but beyond that whats he going to do?)

    Get used to this type of empty posturing and playing to Trump’s base. Wrapping themselves in signals to the millions of Trump voters without whom they can’t get elected to anything.

    steveg (e81d76)

  39. On the topic of losers, can we start a WH petition to have dementia patient Joe send the Vindman twins to the Ukraine and show Putin we are very very serious? Nothing is as serious as sending those two.
    Only problem I see is Hunter wanting in on the Ukrainian twin action and someone is going to need to sober him up and tell him they’re guys. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it’s just a courtesy,

    steveg (e81d76)

  40. Nah! The only way to retake Congress next year and the Presidency in 2024 Make America Great Again is for everybody to go out into the streets and yell “Let’s go, Brandon!” as loudly and for as long as they can.

    nk (1d9030)

  41. I’ll tell you something else, too, after seeing Congressman Massie of Kentucky posing for a Christmas card photo with a squad automatic weapon (that’s a light machine gun). Those people have got to stop marrying their siblings.

    nk (1d9030)

  42. Wonder if the family Omar prefers stones or machetes?

    mg (8cbc69)

  43. The National Vote Compact will be ignored the year a Republican wins the popular vote.

    Still a cluster-nuke, just a different type. States ignoring their own laws about how EV’s are cast? Never might that obeying them is a problem, this is a worser problem.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  44. The point, though, is that a post about the mean GOP and their tightening of voting rules in their states is about 3 standard deviations less of an issue than the Compact.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  45. I think that the next Texas election will be interesting. I see that Biden is already suing them over their reapportionment. Apparently you can disenfranchise white people all you want, but minority representation is a ratchet.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  46. Matter of fact, how is anything the GOP is doing as much of an issue as making certain voters protected classes and other voters sh1t-sandwich reservoirs?

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  47. The GOP passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the first place. Shelby v. Holder eliminated preclearance for the Confederates and Copperheads but the central provisions of the Act are still in place. In any other place I would have predicted an uphill battle for the DOJ — most know how to do it smart — but Texas has grown brazen in its arrogance lately.

    nk (1d9030)

  48. Kevin M (ab1c11) — 12/7/2021 @ 3:04 pm

    States ignoring their own laws about how EV’s are cast? Never might that obeying them is a problem, this is a worser problem.

    We coluld have the problem of choosing of the electors failing because of uncertainty about the winner of the national popular vote – then states get the right, under federal law, to pick them any way they want for a few days.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  49. Seeing as how the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is not enforceable by one state against another any more than Ken Paxton could sue Pennsylvania for the way it ran the last election, it really represents no more than foot-stamping pique and/or “You go, girl!” on the part of the powers at be at the time the various States entered into it. Any future legislature can adhere to it or ignore it at will and at most it will be between them and their constituents.

    nk (1d9030)

  50. The same people who said it was racist for ID to be required to vote now want vaccine passports required to work and travel.

    Voter ID is the only way.

    And in New York they are pushing to give non-citizens the right to vote.

    Obudman (beeefc)

  51. #43
    “posing for a Christmas card photo with a squad automatic weapon”

    I wouldn’t pose for a Christmas card with an M249 or M240, but I wouldn’t return or re-gift it either.
    My family tree (sloths, baboons included) the tree is pretty diverse with no intentional (or accidental) inbreeding since the Vikings.

    steveg (e81d76)

  52. Back to the topic of losers other than me, here is a take down of Sotomayor who doesn’t believe in science… or simply is inept at it. I vote both.

    steveg (e81d76)

  53. Still a cluster-nuke, just a different type. States ignoring their own laws about how EV’s are cast? Never might that obeying them is a problem, this is a worser problem.

    Kevin M (ab1c11) — 12/7/2021 @ 3:04 pm

    This is a party largely based on anarcho-tyrannical precepts now–ignore laws when it suits them while holding the opposing party to the highest standard imaginable. And with their side firmly in control of the mass media and academia, there won’t be any shortage of apologists willing to justify their actions. That’s why there’s so much heartburn over the surveyed voting trends for 2022 right now, and why they’ve been trying to gaslight conservatives and especially moderates to go back to their long-time political apathy through relentless deflection and blame-shifting.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  54. after seeing Congressman Massie of Kentucky posing for a Christmas card photo with a squad automatic weapon (that’s a light machine gun).

    What’s the problem?

    The hilarious part about the media’s spergout over Massie’s photo was the pathetic attempt to conflate it with the school shooting in Michigan. I guess that might make sense if Massie was from Michigan and not Kentucky, but these are, to be fair, very stupid, overeducated people making the criticism.

    Meanwhile two gang-related shootings took place right outside schools in Aurora, Colorado (yeah, the same city as the theater mass shooting) within a few days of each other, yet somehow that escaped the national media’s notice. Wonder why that was…

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  55. The Massie family demonstrated better trigger discipline in their Christmas photo than Blinger did during the Rittenhouse trial.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  56. #25 Paul – I see those comments as akin to Whataboutism:

    Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in “what about…?”) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy, which attempts to discredit an opponent’s position by charging hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving the argument.

    And I will note that anyone who wishes to discuss those subjects can do so on weekend “open thread”.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  57. Since we are discussing David Perdue, it is appropriate to mention one of the reasons he lost that 2020/2021 Senate race:

    During his time in office, Perdue was the Senate’s most prolific trader of stocks, funds or shares, making almost one third of all trades among members, roughly equivalent to the combined sum of trades conducted by the second- to sixth-most active traders in the Senate. Many trades were in companies with interests in the committees Perdue sat on, including banks, cybersecurity firms, and defense firms.[58] For example, as part of the Senate Banking Committee, he regularly traded in stock of the Regions Financial bank in 2017 and early 2018. During that period, Perdue co-sponsored a Senate bill that would reduce financial regulations on medium-sized banks such as Regions. His proposed deregulations became law in May 2018, and Region’s stock had risen by 35% since Perdue bought its shares.[58] Perdue’s office maintains that all of his stock trading activities were conducted independently through his broker.[58]

    In January and February 2016, Perdue invested in Halyard stocks shortly before and after the Senate first held a hearing on the opioid epidemic in the United States. Halyard sold medical devices that could assist in providing alternatives to opioids. The stock was worth up to $150,000. Perdue sold the stock around seven months later, profiting between 33% to 54%.[59] Perdue reiterated that his broker operated independently from him.

    And there are more examples in the Wikipedia biography.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  58. @43/@56: Thomas Massie: US Congressman condemned for Christmas guns photo

    A US congressman has faced a barrage of criticism after he posted a Christmas photograph of his family posing with military-style rifles, just days after a deadly school shooting.

    The ‘problem’ is the image of idiocy he projects to the world. Memo to ‘Tommy Gunner’: there’s a reason airlines pull their ads for a period after there’s a crash.

    “From the evidence, I believe his wisdom must walk hand and hand with his idiocy. His emotions must rule his brain. He must be a warlike creature who gives battle to everything around him, even himself.” – Dr. Zaius [Maurice Evans] ‘Planet Of The Apes’ 1968

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  59. The Massie family demonstrated better trigger discipline in their Christmas photo than Blinger did during the Rittenhouse trial.

    They all had to be loaded… with egg nog… to pose for that pix.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  60. And I think I should remind you that Perdue lost to Jon Ossoff, who is not a particularly strong candidate, or a good fit for Georgia.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  61. The ‘problem’ is the image of idiocy he projects to the world.

    Nah, it’s just another cooked-up drama by the usual drama queens.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  62. And I think I should remind you that Perdue lost to Jon Ossoff, who is not a particularly strong candidate, or a good fit for Georgia.

    No, it’s just that Purdue was a crappy fit, proving that you can’t fool some of the people all of the time.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  63. Given his district’s location across the Ohio from Cincinnati, the Massies probably combine egg nog and Skyline chili, producing an Armageddon grade WMD far more lethal than what gets sent through those barrels.

    urbanleftbehind (c073c9)

  64. The media took the Michigan shooting spin because they have as much of a clue about the meaning of Christmas as the Massies and no profit in pretending to.

    nk (1d9030)

  65. Jim, if he was any kind of a clever crook he would have invested in things that did better than some crappy 35%. With the inside info he had on Covid, he could have gotten 500% on ZM. So, a stupid crook.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  66. Any future legislature can adhere to it or ignore it at will and at most it will be between them and their constituents.

    That it destabilizes the existing WORKING system that was set up to avoid interstate complaints, and then introduces such reliance while being vague about what are, or are not, the rules, the Compact is pretty much just Calvinball. My real objection is that we may get to see it in action, at a point where a Civil War is not completely unthinkable.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  67. @63. Except it isn’t. Just reinforces the pereption they have of all Americans. And it’s a poor one.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  68. Oh well. Snobs gonna snob.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  69. The republicans and the red wave will never take back the house or senate. The idiots like McConnell will see to that.

    mg (8cbc69)

  70. McConnell and McCarthy are interested in the tranny vote. Christians can go fluck themselves.

    mg (8cbc69)

  71. McConnell and McCarthy are interested in the tranny vote. Christians can go fluck themselves.

    That would be easier if they were trannies.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  72. While the Democrats were distracted with hatred for Trump, McConnell used his political skills to crush them on judges.
    He knew that when they called sessions to attack Trump, the attendance would be enough to allow him to move judges through under Senate rules. That is a slim majority tactic.
    Right now he is playing a slim minority game and trying not to give Schumer the same leverage.

    I’m not sure where McConnell stands personally on issues. I do know that if he sees something as inevitable due to Democrat advantage in numbers, he has to mitigate the tangential stuff the Democrats will be doing like ramming crazy marxists into the judiciary while simultaneously lowering the amount of the crap in the sandwich we are going to have to eat

    steveg (e81d76)

  73. I am beyond unconcerned with how Eurosnobs might judge me for my choices in firearms. I’m not concerned with the snobs at the range either. I built an AR15 just to say “I’ll do what I want” much to the dismay of the “international” branch of my family tree. They act like its going to jump out of its safe and case, slap a magazine into itself and start spraying magic bullets that never miss all about the dining room.

    steveg (e81d76)

  74. Hey Mitch, Every conservative I know has a budget and a plan.
    Never a thigh rub from a democrat.

    mg (8cbc69)

  75. I’m not sure where McConnell stands personally on issues.

    It shouldn’t matter. His job is to move the caucus business forward, not to push it this way that.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  76. It is a little startling to see how close Perdue came to winning in the first round 0.3 percent., leading Osoff 49.7% to 47.9%. But he lost more votes in the runoff than Osoff, losing 50.6% to 49.4%.

    It is almost as if some controversy, or person, dragged Perdue down, in between the two elections.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  77. You know who isn’t backing Perdue? Stephen Bannon:

    In backing Perdue, Trump derided Kemp as a sellout on “Election Integrity” who can’t win the “MAGA base.” In essence, Trump is urging his voters to reject Kemp for refusing to steal the election on Trump’s behalf.

    Yet Trump is facing dissent on this from, of all people, his former adviser Stephen K. Bannon, who is raging that even Trump’s choice is too much of a squish to wage the long war from the right that Bannon is trying to summon into being.

    Time for Bannon and Trump to schedule their mud wrestling match.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  78. You follow Trump and Bannon a lot more than I do.

    BuDuh (4a7846)

  79. Heh! Like tapping a knee with a rubber hammer. You getting paid for this, BuDuh?

    nk (1d9030)

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