Patterico's Pontifications


Joe Biden – Tara Reade Roundup

Filed under: General — Dana @ 2:47 pm

[guest post by Dana]

After Joe Biden was interviewed by “Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski and publicly denied the sexual assault allegations made by Tara Reade, he claimed that if she had filed a complaint, as she has said, the document would be held at the National Archives. And that’s where things got a bit wonky:

The former vice president initially said Reade’s complaint, if it exists, would only be housed at the National Archives, but the search for Biden’s records has thus far proved circular.

In response to Biden’s request on Friday, the Archives said it did not possess the records the former vice president said it did and that the documents in question were instead maintained by the Senate. But Senate rules suggest that those documents are maintained by the General Services Administration, which, in turn, said the records are at the National Archives.

By late Friday, Biden had written to Secretary of the Senate Julie Adams requesting that her office “take or direct whatever steps are necessary to establish the location of the records of this Office.” Biden went on to ask that if any documents are located, “to direct a search for the alleged complaint and to make public the results of this search.”

But the confusion around the search continued on Monday when the secretary turned down Biden’s request.

“Based on the law’s strict confidentiality requirements (Section 313) and the Senate’s own direction that disclosure of Senate Records is not authorized if prohibited by law (Senate Resolution 474 96th Congress, Section 3(a)), Senate Legal Counsel advises that the Secretary has no discretion to disclose any such information as requested in Vice President Biden’s letter on May 1,” the secretary’s response said.

The Biden campaign responded to the secretary’s decision later Monday with three questions: if the existence of the records is subject to disclosure; if there is anyone else, such as Reade, who could request the release of the related documents; and if the Senate could release procedures and materials that the Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices followed in 1993 for processing these types of complaints.

Questions: That the Biden camp persisted in trying to confirm the existence of the record in spite of being told no, are you reassured that the presidential nominee has done everything possible to convince you that he did not do what he is alleged to do, and do you believe him? Also, do you think the Biden camp knew in advance that there would be no possibility of anyone accessing the records, which would then make his efforts little more than a cynical political ploy?

Meanwhile, Tara Reade cancelled a tentative interview with Chris Wallace:

Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who accused the presidential candidate of sexually assaulting her in 1993, reportedly canceled a tentative interview with Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, which was scheduled to be recorded on Friday and aired on Sunday.

“We never confirmed the interview or the New York Times story, and we don’t provide details on the booking process,” a Fox News representative told Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic.

“Fox News had been very excited about booking Reade, given that it would have been her first network television interview. Wallace was getting ready for the conversation. There’s consternation internally that it isn’t happening,” Dovere reported in a series of tweets.

According to a New York Times reporter:

Tara Reade tells me she canceled the interview with Fox News because death threats received by her and her child made her nervous about being in the public eye.

On Saturday, Reade posted this at the Fox News website:

I find it astounding the hypocrisy that Democrats are talking about women being able to tell their story safely. I’m a Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, but yet here I am trying to talk about my history with Joe Biden and I’m just the target of online harassment.

Question: While I understand concerns about being in the public eye and facing death threats, would doing an interview remotely have further endangered her or her family? Has she filed a police report about any death threats?

Also, NPR reports that Tara Reade’s comments made to the AP report are not much different that what she said to the news outlet in April:

Over the weekend, the Associated Press published a story detailing that Reade said in an interview that she did not explicitly use the phrase “sexual harassment” in her alleged complaint.

But what she described to the AP is akin to what she has described to NPR — situations in Biden’s office in which Reade says she was made to feel uncomfortable by the then-senator.

Tara Reade, a former Senate aide to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, says she filed a written complaint in 1993, but it did not include an allegation she has now made of Biden sexually assaulting her. Biden says that did not happen.

“He would just put his hand on my shoulder, like in a meeting, and then run his fingers underneath my hair,” she said. “He was very demonstrative in that way.”

Reade also claimed that she was asked to chip in at a fundraiser because of the way she looked. “The senator liked my legs and thought I was pretty and wanted me to serve drinks to a fundraising event that was mostly men,” she said.

Reade told NPR last month that she recalls when she complained about sexual harassment in the office, she “couched it in terms that ‘I was uncomfortable.'”

So this makes me wonder why Joe Scarborough thought this was a big deal?

To consider:

I have my own impressions regarding Ms. Reade’s allegations, but no one — save Ms. Reade and Mr. Biden — knows with certainty whether her claims are true. What I can assert with firm conviction is that Democrats ought to start considering a backup plan for 2020.

Ms. Reade’s account is not nearly as incredible as some have argued. In the course of my reporting, I have worked closely with many survivors of sexual assault. It isn’t unusual, in my experience, for survivors to exhibit behavior that seems unstable or erratic to others. They may initially disclose to investigators or journalists only a fragment of what happened, and then reveal more over time — some even falsely recant, either because they sense the police don’t believe them, or because they fear the consequences of pressing their claims. And victims often maintain relationships with their attackers or harbor mixed feelings about them.

“It’s not at all uncommon for someone to still have positive feelings about aspects of the person who assaulted them, or to admire or respect them,” Scott Berkowitz, the founder and president of the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) told me. “With people who work for politicians, there’s usually a strong measure of loyalty or respect in that relationship. So it’s not indicative that someone wasn’t telling the truth.”

Sexual assault is a crime unlike any other, and its hideous uniqueness is often manifest in the ways its victims cope. Cavalier dismissal of Ms. Reade’s story therefore runs the risk of advancing misconceptions about sexual assault and its aftermath.


53 Responses to “Joe Biden – Tara Reade Roundup”

  1. Regardless of how this plays out, there can be no question that #MeToo is a cheap political tactic, only employed when it serves the purpose of the Democratic Party and their candidates and sitting officials. There is no going back on that.

    At the end of the day, all Republicans and Democrats should want to know the truth, know matter who is in the hot seat.

    Dana (0feb77)

  2. Quite an admission by the NYT…

    As is so often the case in such situations, it is all but impossible to be certain of the truth. But the stakes are too high to let the matter fester — or leave it to be investigated by and adjudicated in the media. Mr. Biden is seeking the nation’s highest office.
    In 2018, this board advocated strongly for a vigorous inquiry into accusations of sexual misconduct raised against Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated to a seat on the Supreme Court. Mr. Biden’s pursuit of the presidency requires no less. His campaign, and his party, have a duty to assure the public that the accusations are being taken seriously. The Democratic National Committee should move to investigate the matter swiftly and thoroughly, with the full cooperation of the Biden campaign.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  3. Lol NYT:

    re Kavanaugh: “Call in the FBI!”

    re Biden: “Better have the DNC give this a look-see”

    ….alleged press bias..”

    Speaking of……

    John Haltiwanger
    The pushback to the 1619 project is emblematic of why it’s so necessary. History is not just about facts/dates, it’s the study of the interpretation of events. White men have dominated historical discourse in the US, offering a narrow, skewed view of this nation’s complex history
    __ _


    The pushback led to retractions.
    __ _

    harkin (8f4a6f)

  4. Instead of posting links to other articles and posts, can you focus on the questions in this post?

    Dana (0feb77)

  5. As time goes on I am finding nothing else that makes me think this happened and have only more doubts. It’s starting to feel like she exaggerated her original story and now doesn’t know what to do with the whirlwind she’s reaping. It looks like she’s ghosted on a number of possible interviews as well (both Time and Fox reporting), so it isn’t that she doesn’t get to tell her story, it’s that she’s choosing not to.

    Also the Senate has now noped out on opening the National Archives to look at complaints made during that time period (which makes me wonder exactly how many other people are hiding dirty laundry).

    Nic (896fdf)

  6. No doubt a lot of secrets in there, Nic. Reade already had inconsistencies in her story that needed to be addressed, and it would seem that she could have easily done that in a remote interview. That she cancelled out only adds doubt to the veracity of her claims.

    Dana (0feb77)

  7. #MeToo is a cheap political tactic

    As was #BlackLivesMatter and #BelieveAllWomen

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  8. At the end of the day, all Republicans and Democrats should want to know the truth, know matter who is in the hot seat.

    And unicorns should be able to fly.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  9. 1. Are politicians ever interested in the truth?

    Gryph (08c844)

  10. @7 I wonder if he means in-store pick-up. A lot of places have been doing curbside.

    Nic (896fdf)

  11. But it’s not just politicians who aren’t interested in knowing what happened, Gryph. It’s partisans all down the line, including average voters.

    Dana (0feb77)

  12. 7 and 11…I wonder if the permissibility for in-store, as differentiated from curbside, pickup is to generate parking meter revenue.

    urbanleftbehind (0b87f2)

  13. There seems to be some pressure building to dump Biden because of Reade.

    While I very much doubt her allegations, this would be a great excuse for the Dems to do what they need to do. Biden is going to be a terrible candidate, who could well lose to Trump. He is half-senile. They can do much better.

    Bored Lawyer (56c962)

  14. @14

    There seems to be some pressure building to dump Biden because of Reade.

    While I very much doubt her allegations, this would be a great excuse for the Dems to do what they need to do. Biden is going to be a terrible candidate, who could well lose to Trump. He is half-senile. They can do much better.

    Bored Lawyer (56c962) — 5/4/2020 @ 4:17 pm

    While they *could* do much better… it’d be politically suicide, especially if Bernies isn’t plan “B”.

    whembly (c30c83)

  15. Sorry to venture into open thread land, but one of the far right groups accused of orchestrating the protests could have bought some red-pill points by offering to harbor these yoots and defend them from prosecution:

    urbanleftbehind (0b87f2)

  16. @13 There aren’t a lot of parking meters outside of very specific downtown, big city areas, so I wouldn’t think the revenue would be that significant. And mostly we shop in malls and shopping centers out here on the left coast and parking is free.

    Nic (896fdf)

  17. There seems to be some pressure building to dump Biden because of Reade.

    There seems to be some pressure building to dump Biden, and Reade is handy.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  18. While they *could* do much better… it’d be politically suicide, especially if Bernies isn’t plan “B”.

    It would have to be someone that Bernie liked better than Biden, since it won’t be Bernie (and they are making sure of that by closing down the primaries “due to Covid”). Elizabeth Warren?

    In any event, expect a fun-filled Convention.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  19. it’d be politically suicide, especially if Bernie isn’t plan “B”.

    it’d be politically suicide, especially if Bernie isn’t plan “B”.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  20. I tend to disbelieve Ms. Reade, because last year she was claiming garden variety harassment, and only now has come out with the accusation of actual molestation, especially since last year she could have expected, with two dozen candidates, a far more sympathetic reception. Now the Democrats have reason to line up for Biden that didn’t exist then.

    Kishnevi (9981e0)

  21. 19 the Bernie bros seem to hate Warren more than Biden.

    Kishnevi (9981e0)

  22. I generally agree with the general reality of the abused having non-logical responses to their abusers. Trauma causes strange responses from people.

    All of that being true, those general truths aren’t all that relevant to this specific incident. It would probably be better for the country if there was some evidence that this happened. She says it did, and said she reported it, but them said the thing she reported was different than the thing that happened. That changing story didn’t just happen then, it happen last year, this month, etc. I’d love Biden to be so wounded that he’s replaced, just not by Bernie. I don’t think this is the thing that causes that to happen, the general oldness could though, that seems more worrisome at this point.

    What’s the damage that this story has to his chances? I don’t know, he seems to be slow uncle Joe who belongs in a barcalounger at this point, but I don’t think that’s a worse alternative than the current occupant, or Bernie. He was never going to get the pro-sexual assault vote, Trump’s got that locked up, along with the white supremacist vote, and the chemtrail vote. It could lower turnout in the 5 states that matter though, and at the end of the day that’s where the contest is. He’s going to win the popular vote, whether that’s by the 75k votes in the states that matter is another question. He’ll probably win Michigan going away regardless, regardless of Amash, so it comes down to Arizona, Wisconsin, NC, and Florida, and for those states, it’s going to the veep selection. Normally the veep is an afterthought, but I don’t think that’s the case with Biden, it will be a critical differentiator for him. Frankly, Wisconsin is probably his regardless of veep, but the other three maybe not. Warren would hurt in Arizona, probably Florida, and neutral in NC, if the Dems were strategic they’d not choose Warren just from a senatorial perspective as Charlie Baker would appoint a replacement in the interim. This feels like where the dems will go.

    Kamala Harris probably makes the most sense from an electoral perspective since she’d move the needle in Florida and NC, but may cost Wisconsin, Florida would change the game though. It wouldn’t harm the democrats in the senate, even temporarily, as she just gets replaced by another dem immediately, she’s also not a white lady. I just don’t see it though.

    Stacy Abrams is a non starter, she’s never won a competitive election, she lost to Brian Kemp, who is a very stupid man. I can’t believe Georgia couldn’t do better than either one of these, of course 2016 and 2020 show that dumb isn’t a roadblock to electoral success.

    If the dems let me choose, I’d choose Klobachar, her main problem is that some people think she’s mean sometimes, more than Harris or Warren though? Other than that, she’s fine. Which is why they won’t choose her, they want some star power, which she doesn’t have.

    Tara Reade is a speedbump, Joe Biden is an OLD crazy man. Trump is an old CRAZY man, that’s going to be the choice. Oh, and Biden’s veep. Trump’s beigeman hasn’t managed to weed out any of the CRAZY, maybe Biden’s will weed out the OLD.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (305827)

  23. @22 For your “If it quacks like a duck” file:

    I read both conservative and liberal sites (I like to get the inside baseball stuff out of the side that is into baseball.) and last time around there were an awful lot of Bernie guys saying that it wasn’t that they were in love with Bernie or couldn’t vote for a woman, it was that they hated Hillary so much and if Elizabeth Warren was running they totally would have voted for her. This time? Elizabeth Warren was running and those same Bernie guys are tweeting snake emojis at her. I think there’s a duck around here somewhere.

    @23 That is a very good analysis of the situation.

    Nic (896fdf)

  24. 19 the Bernie bros seem to hate Warren more than Biden.

    Commies always fight over tiny points of dogma.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  25. Col. Klink,

    I think Klobuchar presents a picture of sound-mind and stability. Both of which Biden lacks. However, the party seems hellbent on having a WOC be given the nod, so that would leave Abrams or Harris. From what I’m reading though, Democrats are getting annoyed at Abrams constant campaigning for the slot. Democrats don’t want to see two aged people in office (although Warren is only 70), especially two older white people. They have a progressive wing of the party to appease, they want young, minority blood. I’m going with Harris.

    Dana (0feb77)

  26. Warren just from a senatorial perspective as Charlie Baker would appoint a replacement in the interim.

    The last time a vacancy happened, the Democrat legislature changed the appointment rules in a hurry, and we got Obamacare.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  27. The other interesting point about the Abrams or Harris possibility is that no one will want to be the one to say no to a WOC on the ticket. Even if that WOC isn’t the best candidate for the job, it won’t matter. Fear of being called a racist will control the decision-making. The Dems hoisted with their own petard.

    Dana (0feb77)

  28. Maybe Trump will pick Tara Reid as VP, surprising everyone including Tara and Jill.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  29. Cameron Easley
    NEW: We showed voters a clip of @JoeBiden’s denial of Tara Reade’s allegations of sexual assault.

    After watching, 26% of Democrats — including 40% of those under 45 — said the party should select a different nominee.

    Read @eyokley here:

    If that figures hold… yowsa.

    whembly (c30c83)

  30. When my,

    That’s a significant portion of Dems unfavorable toward Biden at this point in time. Do you think that if the Tara Reade story fizzles, that number will decrease, or were a lot of Dems just waiting for an opportune moment to come out against him (but were reluctant to buck the party), and Reade provided that opportunity?

    Dana (0feb77)

  31. More than one in four Democrats wanted a different nominee before Tara Reade.

    nk (1d9030)

  32. Now … if it was one out of two, then the lady would be earning her rubles.

    nk (1d9030)

  33. When my,

    That’s a significant portion of Dems unfavorable toward Biden at this point in time. Do you think that if the Tara Reade story fizzles, that number will decrease, or were a lot of Dems just waiting for an opportune moment to come out against him (but were reluctant to buck the party), and Reade provided that opportunity?

    Dana (0feb77) — 5/4/2020 @ 6:13 pm

    It may just provide enough of an “out” to not vote for Biden regardless.

    Including the 40% of those under 45 is mindboggling to me.

    whembly (c30c83)

  34. Joe Biden is an expensive red-pill exodus insurance policy. And that’s another reason they’re hemmed in on the WOC as VP quandary.

    urbanleftbehind (0b87f2)

  35. However, the party seems hellbent on having a WOC be given the nod, so that would leave Abrams or Harris.

    On JVW’s behalf, I object to your false dichotomy.


    Dave (1bb933)

  36. The other interesting point about the Abrams or Harris possibility is that no one will want to be the one to say no to a WOC on the ticket.

    Folks may remember the overwhelming charisma Harris displayed before exiting. They may also have an issue with a My 600 Lb. Life-ready lady in the bullpen given Biden’s tenuous hold on reality and communication problem.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  37. Autocorrect rudely changed “whembly” to “When my”…

    Dana (0feb77)

  38. 37,


    Dana (0feb77)

  39. @30 When shown Joe Biden, Bernie votes said the DNC should choose Bernie instead. 😛

    Nic (896fdf)

  40. You know…now that I think about it, replacing Biden with Tulsi Gabbard might just be the winning ticket for Democrats. She supports all those programs advocated by the likes of Sanders and Warren.

    …so, she ought to get the Mainstream Democrats and BerniBro’s support.

    She’s a WOC of you’re wanting to play that card…

    She’s dangerous because she doesn’t seem like she’s crazy (even though her policies are) and that she’s able to engage people without the usual leftist smugness.

    She’s not a hyperbolic bombthrower, ala Trump and would seem to be immune to Trump’s schtick.

    She’d contrast really well and may get support from Republicans who refuses to vote for Trump.

    Am I wrong here?

    whembly (c30c83)

  41. @39

    Autocorrect rudely changed “whembly” to “When my”…

    Dana (0feb77) — 5/4/2020 @ 6:55 pm

    lol… I was confused and I sorta thought you were addressing me, but wasn’t sure… 😉

    whembly (c30c83)

  42. Am I wrong here?

    She voted “present” on impeachment.

    That might be a *slight* problem…

    Dave (1bb933)

  43. She also believes in third trimester abortion limits.

    Dana (0feb77)

  44. @45

    Am I wrong here?

    She voted “present” on impeachment.

    That might be a *slight* problem…

    Dave (1bb933) — 5/4/2020 @ 7:11 pm


    Maybe not. The house vote was a forgone conclusion as her vote didn’t amount to anything. It might not matter when deciding to jettison Biden for her as the calculus here would be, would she have a better chance to beat Trump?

    whembly (c30c83)

  45. @46

    She also believes in third trimester abortion limits.

    Dana (0feb77) — 5/4/2020 @ 7:12 pm

    Just about every democrats does (in office that is).

    Who knows, maybe once the nomination is secured, she’ll moderate that too. It’s not unusual for candidates to moderate their positions afterwards.

    whembly (c30c83)

  46. I suppose one could also mention that she managed to garner a whopping 0.5% of the primary vote before dropping out.

    Dave (f897fa)

  47. However these allegations play out, I wouldn’t vote for Biden in a nightmare election, which this is. I wouldn’t vote for Trump either, and he’s been credibly accused of far worse behavior.

    I’m waiting to see who the Libertarians nominate. If it’s Amash, I’m all in. If not, well mine will be just a protest vote. I’m done with the duopoly. Infidelity, promiscuity, adultery, these are the hallmarks of the major candidates. I agree with Amash, that makes them unqualified for office.

    Gawain's Ghost (b25cd1)

  48. Eva murray says when she was 14 years old groper joe biden sexually harassed her. Commenting and leering at her breasts. Thats pedophilia. Also their is a nov. 11 2017 video of him sexually harassing young girls. source: law and crime.

    asset (a6de08)

  49. @51 Probably you shouldn’t repeat that one, it may be actualfacts slanderous/libelous (IANAL). It has been reported that Biden was not at the dinner where the Ms. Murray says the harassment occurred. Apparently he had had surgery that week and didn’t attend any events anywhere.

    Nic (896fdf)

  50. Ma. govna charlie bakers son still has not been charged for fondiling a women on a airplane. The republicans in office in this state love them some sexual deviance. Not one republican has questioned his sons actions. And the democrats thrive on this sort of depravity.
    Charlie can take his mask law and shove it deep.

    mg (8cbc69)

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