Patterico's Pontifications


HOUSTON CHRONICLE: Intruder found outside of 13-year-old daughter’s bedroom …

Filed under: Crime,Law — DRJ @ 7:55 pm

[Headline from DRJ] has a complex story that no headline could fully capture, but this one tries:

Intruder found outside of 13-year-old daughter’s bedroom dies after gunshots, self-inflicted wounds


11 Responses to “HOUSTON CHRONICLE: Intruder found outside of 13-year-old daughter’s bedroom …”

  1. Meth
    Or a synthetic
    Maybe even mixed with a dash of mental illness.
    Just a guess.

    Because very very very few people commit suicide by stabbing themselves repeatedly with a kitchen knife. It takes a high pain threshold

    steveg (354706)

  2. Heh! I have an entirely different guess, but I’m not saying what it is. I will give a hint: “What a good neighbor!”

    nk (dbc370)

  3. My first thought was meth, too, but if so then it is amazing the father could wrestle the gun away from him.

    DRJ (15874d)

  4. I wouldn’t bet against a father who finds his little girl in danger, no matter what the other guy is high on…

    Dave (1bb933)

  5. If he died in the flower bed, this could be a matter of “guns ‘n’ roses.”

    “And that’s the name of that tune.” – Tony Baretta [Robert Blake] ‘Baretta’ ABC TV, 1975-1978

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  6. The story seems confused right now. He was shot several times, then stabbed himself downstairs in the kitchen, then was found “outside of his 13-year-old daughter’s upstairs bedroom”.

    Something is not right, probably with the reporter’s notes.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  7. On the inquest it was shown that Buck Fanshaw, in the delirium of a wasting typhoid fever, had taken arsenic, shot himself through the body, cut his throat, and jumped out of a four-story window and broken his neck—and after due deliberation, the jury, sad and tearful, but with intelligence unblinded by its sorrow, brought in a verdict of death “by the visitation of God.”

    –Mark Twain, Roughing It

    nk (dbc370)

  8. The neighbor was the one quoted as saying the suspect stabbed himself multiple times, either he did not want the father rung up on some cockamamie-in-light-of-circumstances weapons charge (i know this is Texas, but some say Houston isn’t really Texas), or he may have seen the dying suspect attempting radical surgery to remove bullets under his drug induced stupor.

    urbanleftbehind (d28da6)

  9. Very very neighborly.

    steveg (354706)

  10. nk (dbc370) — 5/19/2019 @ 8:48 pm

    If you were thinking what I think you were thinking…that was my first thought, too… but
    either he did not want the father rung up on some cockamamie-in-light-of-circumstances weapons charge
    Was my second thought.

    Although depending on his prior history, the deceased may decided that being dead was better than whatever Texas justice might have in store for him. And I would suggest that the pain level (and probably entering into medical shock) consequent on having several bullets enter his body rapidly would make the pain of subsequent knife wounds less obvious (and we don’t know how deep the knife wounds are. He may have been just feebly scratching at himself for all we presently know.)

    kishnevi (0c10d1)

  11. You are right about the shock. Recently I heard a farmer got his foot stuck in the grain auger, so he cut his foot off below the knee with his pocket knife. He said cutting through the nerves gave him a “ping”.

    steveg (354706)

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