Patterico's Pontifications


NEW: Headlines from DRJ

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:21 am

Newcomers might not realize that our friend DRJ used to be a guest poster here, many many moons ago. She has agreed to post headlines without commentary so that there will be more interesting topics to comment on here. I have posted the first one below so you can see what they will look like: pretty much a headline and a quote without commentary. I’m thrilled to have her keen eye searching out interesting topics. Please welcome her back as a sorta kinda blogger but not really.

The headlines will likely not be cross-posted at The Jury, I think. If you want to comment on them, that will have to take place here at the main site.

15 Responses to “NEW: Headlines from DRJ”

  1. Thanks to both you and DRJ.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  2. Great idea.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  3. Great Idea, thank you DRJ

    Time123 (353edd)

  4. Without exception, going back now well over a decade and a half on both my own blog and yours, I have found anything that interests DRJ to also be of interest to me. This is a great idea and a boon to your blog and its readers & commenters, Patterico. Congratulations!

    Beldar (fa637a)

  5. Yay!

    nk (dbc370)

  6. DRJ making posts should be its own headline!

    Dave (ccbfa9)

  7. My attention span is pleased

    steveg (354706)

  8. I hink she;s mostly gving updates (news related to things that have already been dscussed here) Maybe that’s the highest priority.

    The New York Tims had three interesting stories on Sunday: (ine newspaper headline is: Rogue Nations Make a Wager: The an handle the President.

    There are various things to say about what is in the articles.

    Sammy Finkelman (3fda43)

  9. Thank you! Awesome idea, more awesome that you care about readers thoughts and ideas.

    Mu hope is that Patterico does not become another aggregate site. Ugh.

    Betty Lane (97c12d)

  10. Great idea: the DRJNewsService! Webwire copy to “rip’n’read” — then read and rip. šŸ˜‰

    ‘Good evening Mr. and Mrs. North and South America and all the ships at sea. Let’s go to press!’ – Walter Winchell

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  11. I have been reading the blog for quite a while. I am going to dissent from the majority opinion here and say that this is not an improvement. DRJ has always seemed a bit too sickly sweet passive aggressive for my tastes, while JVW, for instance, seems fairly forthright. Their politics differ, of course, but I enjoyed reading Dustinā€™s comments while he was here. I didnā€™t agree with him, but he advocated transparently.

    Bellman (c5f2e6)

  12. I like JVW and Dustin, too, Bellman, and thanks for the feedback since you probably won’t be reading my stuff much.

    DRJ (15874d)

  13. Eh, who knows DRJ.

    Bellman (fc5c41)

  14. Welcome back to posting.

    NJRob (4d595c)

  15. A voice from the past, always interesting.
    Welcome back, DRJ.

    askeptic (728656)

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