Patterico's Pontifications


Petitioning To Be On The Endangered List

Filed under: General — Dana @ 3:43 pm

[guest post by Dana]

A marginalized group of neighbors to the North of us who are concerned about the increasing lack of support for their community, recently rolled out a campaign highlighting the needs of people with Down syndrome. The ‘Endangered Syndrome’ project is the brainchild of the Canadian Society for People With Down Syndrome. Concerned about a deliberate and systematic attempt to eliminate this category of people throughout parts of Europe, the basis of the project is a belief that this community is now critically endangered :

All of this is despite the fact that the vast majority of people with Down syndrome report having an extremely high quality of life, exposing the empty and evil excuses of some abortive parents that abortion is “best for the baby” as the transparent lie that it is. Life expectancy has also gone up steadily: Now, people with Down syndrome generally live to about sixty years old, with some living into their seventies. Their life expectancy post-birth has skyrocketed just as their life expectancy pre-birth plummets.

That is precisely why the Canadian Down Syndrome Society (CDSS) is attempting to draw attention to the plight of people with Down syndrome via a daring new campaign, “Endangered syndrome”: They have launched a petition calling for those with Down syndrome to be placed on the “endangered” list, noting that that by the standards of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the Down syndrome community qualifies.

The Society lists five major points explaining why they believe the Down syndrome community is endangered:






Because the birth rates of individuals with Down syndrome have sharply declined, particularly in Iceland, where only 1-2 babies per year with Down syndrome are actually born (often due to inaccurate test results), and 90% of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted before birth in England, the Endangered List petition has specific goals that they hope to see met if enough attention to their cause can be generated. These would include ensuring their right to work and self-sufficiency, and being active members of society; their right to independent living is recognized by providing more housing facilities; more support services provided to those with Down syndrome so that they can be included in society; better educational support for their community, and help removing stigmas frequently attached to individuals with Down syndrome.

Here is one individual’s story:

There are more of these stories at the link above.

Meanwhile, back here in the U.S., the newly selected president of Planned Parenthood, Dr. Leana Wen wants you to understand what defines standard medical healthcare at Planned Parenthood:

From here on out, we want to be clear: Planned Parenthood services, from birth control to cancer screenings and abortion, are standard medical care. Reproductive healthcare is healthcare. Women’s healthcare is healthcare. And healthcare is a basic human right. #ThisIsHealthcare

Abortion is part of the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare, and should be treated as the normal experience that it is. Nearly 1 in 4 women in America will have an abortion at some point in her life. And her decision should stay between her and her doctor. #ThisIsHealthcare



Clearly, what constitutes standard medical care is up for interpretation, as well as what is considered “normal.” There is no doubt that the objective has always been to normalize the killing of the unborn, and to solidify in the public mind that the little victims are but inconvenient faceless blobs of tissue and blood. Because if allowed to have a face, and personhood is recognized, then a very difficult road of reckoning ensues. And that eventual and inescapable reckoning traverses deep down to the bone and pierces the soul with its pain and sorrow. Until that time, the Shout Your Abortion movement provides a forum in which a woman can muffle the cry in her soul by sharing the story of her abortion, and thus feel good about the normal, standard medical care in which she partook.

While Dr. Wen wants us to believe that abortion is simply standard medical care, her position conveniently ignores the intrinsic humanity of unborn babies, wholly innocent and unable to defend themselves. It reduces the unborn baby to an unwanted entity, rudely intruding on an already established life. Thus the need for elimination, even through the most vicious of procedures. This, ironically, so that life can go on. But just not theirs.

It all more than breaks the heart.


35 Responses to “Petitioning To Be On The Endangered List”

  1. We have lost our way.

    Dana (023079)

  2. No one who is okay with fetal homicide prosecution should be okay with abortion. Utilitarianism at its worst.

    Gryph (08c844)

  3. like bob Dylan said once upon a time ‘a hard rain’s going to fall’

    narciso (d1f714)

  4. Never eliminate alternatives; aborting is a crew option issue.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  5. first whirl problems

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  6. Assuming for the sake of argument that “health care is a basic human right”, baby killers are not human and they are not entitled to human rights.

    nk (dbc370)

  7. sometimes people want abortions and you know what that’s ok

    it doesn’t mean they’re bad people it just means they’ve made a choice not to carry their baby to term

    the interesting thing is most of these people you don’t even know who they are because nobody i know ever gets abortions

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  8. meanwhile all our hapless tatters they’re coming home

    this is what happens when you keep the faith

    this is what happens when you never give up

    when you never give up on christmas! (pro-life christmas)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  9. pp is a terrorist functioning organization.

    mg (8cbc69)

  10. “First whirl problems”

    I suspect an unborn baby being dismembered could care less whether first or third world.

    Dana (023079)

  11. some people draw the short straw

    this is just part of life

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  12. While it’s wonderful you recognize the unborn as people, it’s dismaying that you can so cavalier about them being so brutally killed.

    Dana (023079)

  13. I’m not killing them it’s other people, and I’m not willing to adopt their babies down syndrome otr otherwise so there’s really not much I can say to these people

    everybody makes their own choices and we all muddle through

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  14. oops down syndrome *or* otherwise i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  15. plus mom and dad were very pro-life and they formed their opinion from knowing what it was like when abortion was illegal (not a good situation apparently)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  16. oops i meant pro-choice

    i shouldn’t comment when i’m starving

    the sushi people are on the way

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  17. Toro,toro,toro

    mg (8cbc69)

  18. that’s hard to come by here

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  19. so sorry, happyfeet.

    mg (8cbc69)

  20. never give up on Christmas Mr. mg!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  21. keeping the faith

    mg (8cbc69)

  22. You were raised by wolves as a cub, you can’t help it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  23. Allow me to point out that Down’s Syndrome is really just the most visible victim of modern eugenics. Any so-called birth defect is a possible target if it can be tested for genetically. Certain organizations that pose as advocacy groups for parents of autistics include acheiving such a test for autism as a major goal. Meaning they want to eugenicize people like me out of existence.

    Kishnevi (5bd7eb)

  24. Meaning they want to eugenicize people like me out of existence.

    True. And clearly they are having great success in meeting their goal. As if mankind is better off for it.

    Dana (023079)

  25. wildlife funds have 90% more donations. makes my stomach hurt.

    mg (8cbc69)

  26. I should clarify my above comments moment to be referencing babies with Down syndrome. But your broader inclusion is sadly noted, kishnevi.

    Dana (023079)

  27. i don’t understand this at all

    people are just talking about having *different* kids not these ones

    and those kids won’t be bad people and they aren’t inferior to these ones just different

    and you know what that’s ok

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  28. We have a society with decrepit old wrecks, who already have had six, seven, eight decades of life, who are hooked up to machines, and having operations, and popping medications, and filling hospital wards, and clogging emergency rooms and operating rooms and clinics and doctors’ offices, just to eke out one more year, one more month, one more week, one more miserable day, and using up 70% of the nation’s health care resources in the process. And we are killing babies who have not yet drawn a breath. F**k you, America!

    nk (dbc370)

  29. I’m in harmony with that line of thinking, nk.

    mg (8cbc69)

  30. Can’t blame old people wanting to stick around. People are living longer, that’s not a bad thing. But I agree with yout overall sentiment. Killing babies is evil and calling it “healthcare” is a f***ed-up joke.

    JRH (fe281f)

  31. Some medical insurance companies are viewing legal assisted suicide as the most effective care for some diseases, and decline coverage for other “treatments.”

    How long until insurance companies and/or single-payer systems decide that abortion is the only treatment for Downs Syndrome that they will cover? After all, it’s your CHOICE to carry to term!

    Then again, I don’t get the campaign to increase the number of Downs kids. It seems just as wrong to coerce one way as the other. What next? Thalidomide babies are almost extinct.

    Kevin M (cb624b)

  32. 31. If it’s “assisted,” it’s not suicide — it’s homicide. Plain and simple. If “death with dignity” is a private matter, no one outside of one’s own family should have to be involved with it and no government should have to pass a law regarding it.

    Gryph (08c844)

  33. 31. And it’s not about “increasing” anything. It’s about letting people live regardless of whatever genetic conditions or abnormalities they may have. If you can’t understand that, I can’t help you.

    Gryph (08c844)

  34. Then again, I don’t get the campaign to increase the number of Downs kids. It seems just as wrong to coerce one way as the other. What next? Thalidomide babies are almost extinct.

    Kevin M (cb624b) — 12/19/2018 @ 11:46 pm

    The campaign isn’t to increase the number of kids with Down syndrome. It’s to bring attention to the fact that there is a eugenics movement specifically targeting them, in spite of them being able to live whole and happy lives. And those that are alive are trying to draw attention to the fact that by them being targeted in the womb they are becoming an endangered group. Thus the stigma surrounding them, which is essentially based upon ignorance to a great degree, has left them with little support. So, it’s not to increase the numbers per se. It’s to allow them the opportunity to live full and rich lives like any other individual without an extra chromosome.

    Dana (023079)

  35. you know who has a son with Down Syndrome is George F. Will

    happyfeet (28a91b)

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