Patterico's Pontifications


Open Thread: Too Much News

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:05 pm

Deripaska sanctions lifted.

Syrian troops out.

No wall.

AG nominee slammed obstruction probe.

On and on and on and on

70 Responses to “Open Thread: Too Much News”

  1. That’s why barr was picked, to put some breakd on this side show.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  2. Got one more!

    Today, attorneys for an owner of a bump-stock device and three constitutional rights advocacy organizations filed a federal lawsuit against the Trump Administrations new confiscatory ban on firearm parts, additionally challenging Matthew Whitakers legal authority to serve as Acting Attorney General and issue rules without being nominated to the role and confirmed by the Senate or by operation of law. A copy of the court filings can be viewed at

    nk (dbc370)

  3. Spanky turns out to be a gun grabber, doesn’t he nk?

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  4. Even as he circles the drain, Con Don still has the audacity to brown nose his Kremlin buddy and pull the troops out of Syria.

    And Putin smiled.

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  5. How long you want to keep then there 8-12 years.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  6. Assuming Deripaska really did divest, I really can’t argue with that decision.

    Paul Montagu (e4f428)

  7. It’s terrible, Mr. Tillman. I am utterly devastated.

    nk (dbc370)

  8. But Trump’s decision withdraw American troops from Syria smells like an impulsive, glandular and not well thought out decision. Our best allies there, the Syrian Kurds, are going to left to the devices of both Assad and Erdogan.

    On Monday, the U.S. special representative for Syria engagement publicly pledged that the U.S. commitment to Syria would not waiver. The very next day, Trump reportedly decided to rapidly withdraw all U.S. troops there. Trump appears to be discarding his entire Syria and Iran strategy at a single stroke, giving up any and all U.S. influence in the region — and disregarding the advice of his top national security officials.

    Paul Montagu (e4f428)

  9. Impulsive, glandular, not well thought out. You’re talking about Mr. Donald J. Trump the President, aren’t you? Don’t deny it!

    nk (dbc370)

  10. Here’s a fun story: the German magazine Der Spiegel has fired an award-winning journalist who has faked facts and invented people and quotes in at least fourteen stories of the sixty the magazine has published by him. Here’s an interesting picture of how he operated when visiting rural Minnesota to ostensibly report on small-town America and its support of Trump. German media now has their own Stephen Glass/Jayson Blair scandal.

    JVW (30a532)

  11. And this David French piece had only a slight longer shelf life than Eli Lake’s.

    Paul Montagu (e4f428)

  12. Impulsive, glandular, not well thought out. You’re talking about Mr. Donald J. Trump the President, aren’t you? Don’t deny it!

    Ya got me, nk.

    Paul Montagu (e4f428)

  13. Regarding the hack at Der Spiegel, my theory is that Relotius walked around town and got some pictures for his “story”, then went back to his hotel room to watch porn. CNN has to be embarrassed because Relotius was named their 2014 Journalist of the Year. Who knows how much s**t he made up with that “Murderers as Carers” story. I’m guessing a lot. If Der Spiegel really wanted to atone, they would publish the Medium piece in its entirety.

    Paul Montagu (e4f428)

  14. “We have won against ISIS” —Donald Trump, 2018
    “…I ended the war in Iraq” —Barack Obama, 2012
    If Trump isn’t getting military advice from Mattis, then who exactly is whispering in his ear?

    Paul Montagu (e4f428)

  15. We historically aren’t into long drawn out expeditions, Haiti was perhaps the longest at 19 years

    Narciso (d1f714)

  16. A go fund me page to build the wall has raised $ 2 million dollars in 3 days. How about a telethon?

    az jay (0639f7)

  17. over at Breitbart they are really touting that gofundme, and I also heard it advertised on Hannity tonight. I guess they are trying to make a statement but it’s sad to see people throwing hard earned money away.

    JRH (fe281f)

  18. “Freedom’s untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and do bad things…” – Donald Rumsfeld

    Sleep well, America.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  19. @16. Or how about Legos; put those caravan kids to work!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  20. Thank God Trump is made of sterner stuff than the ideological depressives who assume every major event and temporary setback is forever and one loss means that we should all give up forever, stop fighting, and let the Democrats run things.

    The biggest story of the day, of course, is that the infamous RUSSIAN BOT TWITTER INFLUENCERS were actually false flag accounts literally bought and paid for by Democrat party operatives:

    Or the fact that it was one of John McCain’s buddies that passed the fantastical dossier to Buzzfeed.


    And because this day wouldn’t be complete without some whataboutism, here’s the story of a typical Democrat criminal leaker:

    “Cosko was already a felon at the time Sen. Hasson hired him and gave him full access to all her data as systems admin. Then she fired him for additional misconduct, but Sheila Jackson Lee hired him despite felony+firing.

    Even after he was charged, he threatened to release info.”

    Timmy (47be2d)

  21. you know who gave up on Christmas is Al and Tipper Gore after Al got busted doing climate change with a prostitute

    this cost Al a pretty penny

    and there won’t be snow in Africa this christmas

    the greatest gift they’ll get this year is farms liberated from white colonizer devils

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  22. Trump had better veto that drunk spending bill or he will be all alone with no place to go.

    mg (8cbc69)

  23. Roy Moore would have voted for the wall but Mitt Romney loves head lice (dirty head lice lover)

    christmas conundrum!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  24. Paul Ryan and his aide love him some urinated dossier.
    No wonder the traitor quit on the American people.

    mg (8cbc69)

  25. Paul Ryan Aide And Rep. Adam Kinzinger Were Early Recipients Of Steele Dossier, Documents Say

    paul ryan’s basically an america-defiling traitor like John McCain what busted the budget

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  26. Illinois RINO example # 987,456

    urbanleftbehind (3d4138)

  27. Paul Ryan: I Don’t Know Who Stole My Balls.

    mg (8cbc69)

  28. If the caravans came barefoot, you could just scatter a bunch of earth tone Legos on the ground. and that work pretty good as a deterrent

    urbanleftbehind (3d4138)

  29. even the pope hates these caravan weirdos and I’m pretty sure he already has head lice from back home

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  30. Plus some sanctions were added…

    Bruce (fda6c1)

  31. our own sick corrupt fbi-tainted government and our flaky useless ding dong military are both vastly more of a threat to our liberty and prosperity than Russia could ever dream of being that’s for sure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  32. #8

    Y’know, the reason the Russia scandal never went away is Trump does inexplicable things impulsively that do become explicable and even somewhat thought out if you assume he is compromised by Putin.

    Saying this makes Trump fans very angry. But Trump fans can’t explain this Syrian action, and its implementation any reasonable way. Or, at least, they haven’t yet. Maybe Mollie H can do it.

    Appalled (d07ae6)

  33. No appalled, they know you are a very east mark, you could argue this is more about Turkey who are our new bffs, except when judge Sullivan deems they arent.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  34. Whom are we fighting in Syria and why?

    nk (dbc370)

  35. Supposedly Islamic state and nusra front, but the latter is based in Idlib near turkey

    Narciso (d1f714)

  36. the sleazy US military and these trashy republican senators are more interested in having our hapless tatters prance witlessly around syria than they are in securing our own borders

    this is who they are

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  37. 34

    Well, if Gulen is toted back to Turkey in chains, I’ll take that as a possible operating theory.

    I had a good response to your snark, but it violates the host’s policy in the same way that you did.

    Appalled (d07ae6)

  38. Now apparently David Vitter who lobbies for Deripaska at mercury was successful.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  39. Hes not going anywhere, it would require an operation bigger than Waco,

    Narciso (d1f714)

  40. Now Kurds get screwed but that’s just a day ending in y,

    Narciso (d1f714)

  41. Kurds are not nice people. They just happen to have enemies who are as nasty as they are.

    nk (dbc370)

  42. Kind of like the Saudis.

    nk (dbc370)

  43. Au contraire pikachu, the peshmerga are the bravest fighters they have to be, ot was Stephen hunters second saladin that acquainted me with dumpy weasel Kissinger’s first betrayal

    Narciso (d1f714)

  44. the kurds would be more fun if they attacked turkey more

    i’d get a kick out of that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  45. Stephen Hunter is a theater critic. For the Washington Post. His books are set in Cloud Cuckoo Land*. They have little connection to reality.

    *An allusion to Aristophanes by another writer, John Dickson Carr, who eschewed realism in fiction, in favor of plausible imaginings, something which is taught in every Creative Writing 101 course.

    nk (dbc370)

  46. Doesn’t mean Kissinger didn’t stab them in the back, probably before the date will kill st. John

    Narciso (d1f714)

  47. If it weren’t plausible, you may not have enjoyed the book as much. A writer can demand only so much suspension of the reader’s common sense.

    nk (dbc370)

  48. I can explain everything TRUMP does. his name is TRUMP. He does TRUMP things. If you don’t like it, you hate America.

    JRH (fe281f)

  49. On the other hand, if he is the best writer ever in the English language, he may be able to base the most famous play in the English language around the ghost of a king appearing to tell his son that he was murdered by his brother who poured poison into his ear as he was napping in the garden.

    nk (dbc370)

  50. The biggest story of the day, of course, is that the infamous RUSSIAN BOT TWITTER INFLUENCERS were actually false flag accounts literally bought and paid for by Democrat party operatives:

    That is not what that link says, “Timmy.” It says that in Alabama Democrats tried to imitate what the Russians had done (supporting Trump in 2016). Are you lying or are you bad at reading? Don’t try to mislead my readers.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  51. over at Breitbart they are really touting that gofundme, and I also heard it advertised on Hannity tonight. I guess they are trying to make a statement but it’s sad to see people throwing hard earned money away.

    Don’t worry. It has to reach a goal of $1 billion.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  52. He is lying. He is Mr. VPN, a/k/a Jeklik/Nicol/Izzet/Pencil-Necked Pundit, plus a dozen other monikers, and originally Christoph.

    nk (dbc370)

  53. It says that in Alabama Democrats tried to imitate what the Russians had done (supporting Trump in 2016).

    here’s what i read this morning:

    “We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,” the operatives recounted in an internal report obtained by the Times.

    they were for sure false flag accounts they were making pretendsies were Russian ones

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  54. They also got a list of ladies who ordered sex toys from Jeff Bezos and picked the four who could recount the most plausible sexual fantasy to accuse Roy Moore with.

    nk (dbc370)

  55. The irony is that Trump is saying “we won” while the Kurds–who are doing most of the heavy lifting–are saying “this ain’t over”. Given Trump’s serial lying ways and inability to process facts that conflict with his inner narrative, I believe the Kurds.

    Paul Montagu (44aa53)

  56. We’ve been betraying them since the 70s, that’s the game form.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  57. The “ethics officials at the Justice Department” have just proved themselves to be bought off unethical, toothless and useless:

    Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has consulted with ethics officials at the Justice Department and they have advised him he does not need to recuse himself from overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, a source familiar with the process told CNN Thursday.

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  58. It won’t be over for the Kurds until there’s a Kurdistan which includes the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates and that will happen only under a Biblical event.

    nk (dbc370)

  59. the Kurds could do a virtual Kurdistan in “cyberspace” and make something really neat with distinctive architecture and culture

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  60. Hope it rains enough to get the frost out of the ground so I can get a sod cutter to work on the lawn.

    mg (8cbc69)

  61. paul NERO ryan
    fiddling while d.c. burns

    mg (8cbc69)

  62. Because this thread has become a sort of Paul Ryan b**chfest, it’s amazing how the tide has turned, all because Ryan didn’t prostrate himself enough to Trump.

    For years he had been an intellectual leader among conservatives and the conscience of the GOP on fiscal issues. With dogged wonkery, he pushed Republicans into addressing thorny issues such as entitlements, deficits and what he warned was an impending debt crisis. He was not only an attractive candidate but also one of the most serious and substantive members of Congress. Ryan was, in other words, the complete package.
    But then nobody really saw Donald Trump coming. Or thought that Republican voters would so thoroughly reject Ryan’s brand of conservatism in favor of Trump’s nativism and nationalism. Or that voters would prefer Trump’s bluster and pugilism over Ryan’s personal decency and substantive approach to issues. Or that Ryan himself would surrender.

    Yes, he opposed Trump, and then he gave up and supported him. Ryan took on a thankless job as Speaker, dealing with the Freedom Caucus, Trump’s most loyal supporters, and the rest of the Republicans. He did what he could in a practically unworkable political climate, and it confirms by working theory that people don’t change all that much, but political parties can change a lot.

    Paul Montagu (e7d63b)

  63. NERO ryan pushed granny over the cliff.

    mg (8cbc69)

  64. I wish the conservative reporters would go after chelsea Clinton and the boosh kids along with O numb nuts daughters the way they are attempting to jail the Trump kids. Its always fun and games until a democrat gets hammered. I really do hate democrat writers.

    mg (8cbc69)

  65. When the senate passes the wall funding with 51 votes, President Trump should name it “The Paul Ryan Memorial Wall”

    mg (8cbc69)

  66. The “ethics officials at the Justice Department” have just proved themselves to be bought off unethical, toothless and useless:

    What idiot said that? Man! Wait, that was me. That was wrong since I was on the bleeding edge of the news where sometimes the story is not accurate, yet. ‘Just thought I’d correct this although I know most of you here already know that since you’re news hounds too.

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  67. Justice Roberts is a supreme dink.

    mg (8cbc69)

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