Patterico's Pontifications


Trump Administration to Issue Second Round of Payouts to Victims of Trump Tariffs

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:05 am

Winning! Winning so hard … we are bailing out the victims of our policies that are making us win:

The Trump administration will move forward with plans to distribute a second round of payments to farmers caught in the crosshairs of a trade war with China.

“Today I am making good on my promise to defend our farmers and ranchers from unjustified trade retaliation by foreign nations,” President Donald Trump said via Twitter Monday.

In July, his administration announced it would deliver as much as $12 billion in aid to farmers after Beijing slapped retaliatory tariffs on U.S. agricultural products, including 25 percent duties on soybeans. Nations including Mexico had also taken trade action against U.S. farm goods this year.

Farmers form part of the rural base that helped catapult Trump into the White House. The administration distributed some $4.7 billion in the first round of direct government aid. With tensions between Trump and China showing signs of thawing, there was uncertainty within the agriculture industry as to when or if the second round would be distributed.

In a statement Monday, the U.S. Agriculture Department put the total payment at $9.57 billion.

If you opposed the 2009 bailout of the financial industry, it’s hard to see how you could support this trade war and the concomitant bailouts.

But, he said with a tired sigh, I’m sure some Trump superfan will try to explain how this is all consistent.

As for me, I am well and truly tired of such “winning.” If this is winning, I’d rather lose.

P.S. It’s an old chestnut, but this is the season for chestnuts. Roast this Harry Browne quote on your open fire:

The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, “See if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk.”

Break a leg!

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

94 Responses to “Trump Administration to Issue Second Round of Payouts to Victims of Trump Tariffs”

  1. i love mr trump and his ruinous tariffs more than pickles

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Because they have been playing fair since thru joined the wto, dumping steel, shipping poisonous dog food! to us.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  3. I’ll prefer the pickles.

    Paul Montagu (ee29c5)

  4. the dirty chinesers tried targeting american farmers so the US would back down and they could carry on as usual stealing more and more intellectual property and eating lots of juicy cocker spaniels

    but guess what?

    President Trump that’s what

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  5. Why did I think a major event like judge o’connor’s decision would matter here, judge hanes used to.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  6. sleazy judge roberts will just have to creatively defile the joke constitution some more is all

    they taught him this at harvard

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  7. So, does this mean 1) that there’s overproduction of soybeans worldwide and in order for our farmers to be competitive they must underprice their soybeans by at least the amount of the Chinese tariffs; 2) they can’t sell their soybeans at all; or 3) it’s just a pretext to slip them some cash?

    nk (dbc370)

  8. eating soybeans make you do estrogen all up in it

    eating clucks and moos what have been fed soybeans does the same thing

    this is why the dirty chinesers are so girly and spiteful

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  9. ugh dirty coward Martha McSally is gonna take over where dirty coward John McCain left off

    what’s wrong with those people

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  10. But, he said with a tired sigh, I’m sure some Trump superfan will try to explain how this is all consistent.

    Well of course they will!

    Hey, it makes Donald Trump a Reagan Republican. In a manner of speaking…

    “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases. If it moves, tax(*) it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
    – Ronald Reagan


    (*) Tariffs are a tax on Americans.

    Dave (1bb933)

  11. She gets a consolation prize, look after you’ve been beat by a Taliban loving lesbians witch, you need a frappe, (I think that’s an accurate description)

    Narciso (d1f714)

  12. That’s why it was the preferred form of revenue generation for a 100 years.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  13. “The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, “See if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk.”

    Sounds like a good description of federal prosecutors, except for the crutch part.

    Munroe (33cc26)

  14. I guess one could make the parallel with McKinley and his tariff, one cant reasonably associate that with the 1893 downturn which happened because of railroad speculation

    Narciso (d1f714)

  15. Another piece of the Trump crime organization goes down:

    Trump agrees to shut down his charity amid allegations he used it for personal and political benefit

    The shuttering comes after The Washington Post documented apparent lapses at the foundation. Trump used the charity’s money to pay legal settlements for his private business, to purchase art for one of his clubs and to make a prohibited political donation.

    Dave (1bb933)

  16. the filth-dirty Chris Wray fbi likes to break people’s legs and ruin their lives but only if they have the wrong politics

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  17. apparent lapses at the foundation

    didn’t treasonous mil-coward John McCain’s foundation pay for that guy to fly to a not-yet-pregnant leggy meggy’s England and pick up a copy of the phony Comey dossier about the urinating hookers that the sleazy men and women of the corrupt fbi used to get a dirty rubberstamp FISA judge to approve illegal spying?

    pretty sure it did

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  18. I wonder who the GOP will run in 2020.

    Kevin M (6fea79)

  19. No that’s the outfit that hired gru spy klimnik who Manafort hired as a translator then he became doubleunplusgood.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  20. 18.

    My deep cynical soul says it will be Trump, because he won’t stop, and his base won’t give him up, and the GOP is too scared of its base to tell them no.

    The only thing that cures the GOP is a lot a justified and successful convictions of Trump and his associates. Only fire can cauterize the rottenness.

    If there are no justifiable prosecutions, and the best they can do is Stormy Daniels payoffs — the precedents set by such dubious prosecutions will hurt us far more than a cleansed GOP will help.

    Appalled (d07ae6)

  21. The international Republican institute, that’s the one that had state department with akmetshin the delegation leader at the trump tower meet and the one who commissioned the deal with Glenn simpson

    Narciso (d1f714)

  22. it should be shut down for doing treason on America Mr. Narciso

    i don’t care what anybody says treason is wrong

    this goes back to First Principles

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  23. I’m sure they have done some good things in the past, but I point out some lapsee.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  24. If you opposed the 2009 bailout of the financial industry, it’s hard to see how you could support this trade war and the concomitant bailouts.

    I’ll offer a very weak defense (and FTR I was against the bailout in 2008/9, and against the bailout of the auto industry). And it is valid only to the degree that Agricultural Corporations are not receiving these payouts–and I have no idea of what that figure is.

    At least this time real taxpayers are getting the money.

    I am, btw, confused about one thing: how all this tariff business will in anyway keep the Chinese from their practice of intellectual piracy, which is the worst problem with China. Perhaps a tariff on small electronics, but soybeans????

    kishnevi (d764f4)

  25. The Chinese are tariffing our soybeans in retaliation for us tariffing their steel and other manufactures.

    nk (dbc370)

  26. Thank you for the correction (it can get confusing remembering who is tariffing whom in this trade war). But I think my question still stands: how are these tarriffs supposed to help stop Chinese piracy?

    kishnevi (d764f4)

  27. the tariffs are meant to bring the dirty thieving chinesers to the negotiating table where they will pledge that going forward they will behave like normal decent human beings

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  28. What is your opinion that the Iran sanctions, the original ones, were at the behest of OPEC and the oil companies, American oil companies in particular, at a time when there was an oil glut, to keep war-ravaged, cash-strapped Iran from further lowering oil prices by selling below everyone else?

    nk (dbc370)

  29. Well the end result was gm and Chrysler still had to go through chapter 11, but insurance fraudster Steven Ratner was put in charge of the auto taskforce where they shut down diubleunplusgod del

    Narciso (d1f714)

  30. No seizing an embassy is an act of war, you forget that, whether don’t by a government or a terrorist faction.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  31. Doubleunplusgood dealerships, he paid 10 million for it to go away so he could be in good standing with the morning Joe peanut gallery

    Narciso (d1f714)

  32. Ann Coulter suicide watch, Day One:

    In reversal, White House shifts border wall funding demands, wants to avoid shutdown

    Boy, when President Trump takes a stand, you can count on him to stick to his guns for, uh, nearly a week!

    Dave (1bb933)

  33. The Chinese are tariffing our soybeans in retaliation for us tariffing their steel and other manufactures.

    It’s important to remember the retaliation began after Trump used the National Security exception to implement tariffs on Canada, the EU, Mexico, Japan, as well as China for Steel and Aluminum. The DoD has already stated that there is no NatSec reason for this. Trump is also threatening all imported auto’s with a NatSec tariff, contrary to any actual logical, or legal, justification.

    Of course, these are things that are constitutionally under the jurisdiction of Congress, but we get minor griping but no actual action to reign in this stupidity.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (129618)

  34. Congress has granted the President (any President) the authority to impose national security tariffs. Also, wartime tariffs, and we’re still at war with North Korea. I’m not kidding.

    nk (dbc370)

  35. Say “lazy and irresponsible Congress which spends more time fundraising for their re-election than looking after the business of the country”, and I’ll agree with you.

    nk (dbc370)

  36. we’re still at war with afghani warlords and pickle-biters

    it’s so ridiculous

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  37. It’s why I call them the possum Congress, but it’s more in teaind

    Narciso (d1f714)

  38. 32, nope she’ll try to trick real life paramour Jimmie Walker or an unfortunate bus boy that she finds personally pleasing but still repulsed by his presence in the country into handing her the instrument of death.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  39. newsflash
    Trump’s interim AG signs off on regulations expanding gunowner rights….


    kishnevi (d764f4)

  40. Emmet’s domain; Sullivan’s gavels: seems ‘guilty-ish’ Flynn spin spun out; sentencing delayed 90 days.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  41. Copper futures and ammunition manufacturers hurt most.

    nk (dbc370)

  42. We think we’re at war with Central America, meanwhile China and Russia held joint military exercises Sept 11- Sept 15, 2018. Don’t think that start date is a coincidence.

    JRH (fe281f)

  43. everyone hates her

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  44. As Reason pointed out some weeks ago, most of the first farm bailout didn’t go to actual farmers; in fact it wasn’t spent. The amount that was spent went to people who call themselves farmers in certain cities that don’t export to China.

    Gawain's Ghost (b25cd1)

  45. A bestiality practitioner to go along with the both-ways chick, nice job AZ.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  46. Warning about that foxnews link: Halfway through reading it I was attacked by an ad for Gaylord Palms.

    Whose name sounds to me not like that of a resort hotel, but of a graduate of Woodbury Forest Prep.

    kishnevi (d764f4)

  47. farmers work hard and it’s important work Mr. Ghost

    farmers breed lilacs and rutabagas out of the dead land, to where memory gets all mixed up with desire

    and they never ever give up on christmas

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  48. Not to mention, the name of a prominent Chicago greaser gang from the 1960s-80s.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  49. Twain’s line about your fortune and family in jeopardy when the legislature is in session.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  50. McSally will be sworn in before Sinema’s term begins, making her the senior senator from AZ, LULZ…

    Dave (1bb933)

  51. No I don’t recall that particular aspect of her identity.

    Narciso (d1f714)

  52. R.I.P. Penny Marshall

    Icy (51fdfb)

  53. Whether or not McSally will be “the senior senator from AZ” is very much an open question, as the Senate is in recess for the holidays, which may mean that she and Sinema will both take the oath of office on January 3rd, leaving Sinema — who served in the U.S. House of Representatives for two years longer than McSally — as the senior senator.

    Icy (51fdfb)

  54. A bestiality practitioner to go along with the both-ways chick, nice job AZ.
    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 12/18/2018 @ 10:32 am

    — Is this supposed to be humorous, or actually mean something?

    Icy (51fdfb)

  55. No she’s just a self professed lesbian wiccan (well probably reformed)

    Narciso (d1f714)

  56. she was also a goof-ass air force pilot like derpy john mccain

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  57. Say “lazy and irresponsible Congress which spends more time fundraising for their re-election than looking after the business of the country”, and I’ll agree with you.


    But the NatSec exception for the original tariffs was completely bogus, made up, and the process to implement them as the law requires was not followed.

    The secretary of commerce may at any time initiate an investigation into whether an import threatens national security. Once started, the secretary has 270 days to investigate “the effects on the national security of imports of any article” and report findings and recommendations to the president.

    During the investigation, the Commerce Department must consult the Department of Defense regarding methodology and policy questions. Once the investigation concludes, the secretary can recommend action or inaction, and the president can take the recommended action or one of his own preference to “adjust imports” of the item.

    The DoD has already said that the steel and aluminum tariffs are unneeded, and in any case, the tariffs are not to implemented before the study was concluded. To date there has not even been a study started.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (29ba04)

  58. she was also a goof-ass air force pilot like derpy john mccain

    “They call them ‘aviators’ in the Navy – they say they’re better than pilots”

    Dave (1bb933)

  59. just drawing a parallel is all Mr. Dave

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  60. My problem with this trade war is not that it shouldn’t be fought. Nor is it that we cannot win (we should stop them into the ground, they buy nothing much as it is). It’s that Trump isn’t the guy you want playing general. HE can’t think on his feet or otherwise.

    Kevin M (6fea79)

  61. President Trump’s doing a very lovely trade war on the dirty chinesers, the best we’ve ever seen in fact thank you President Trump.

    Jheff Fhlake and Ben Sasse, on the other hand, are disgusting and stupid people all eated up with narcissism who don’t understand economics.

    This is why President Trump is the best choice.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  62. I said what I said based on her concession tweet with her next to her big dog.

    urbanleftbehind (3d4138)

  63. I think the chances of Trump running again are less than 50-50. I expect he’ll make a quiet bargain — he takes himself out of the race and they stop throwing feces.

    Kevin M (6fea79)

  64. we can’t know what the future will bring all we can do is love President Trump with all our hearts

    and never give up on Christmas

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  65. Not only does Trump punt on the wall, he’s paying MExico not to build it.

    US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

    Kevin M (6fea79)

  66. and never give up on Christmas

    Mexico sure didn’t.

    Kevin M (6fea79)

  67. i’m not clicking on associated press fake news

    i’m just gonna stay right here just stay right where i am and keep on believing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  68. Wut?

    Steele “said the law firm Perkins Coie wanted to be in a position to contest the results based on evidence he unearthed on the Trump campaign conspiring with Moscow on election interference.

    Based on that advice, parties such as the Democratic National Committee and HFACC Inc. (also known as ‘Hillary for America’) could consider steps they would be legally entitled to take to challenge the validity of the outcome of that election.”

    whembly (51f28e)

  69. Based on that advice, parties such as the Democratic National Committee and HFACC Inc. (also known as ‘Hillary for America’) could consider steps they would be legally entitled to take to challenge the validity of the outcome of that election.

    So more than 2 years ago Clinton didn’t do the thing. Good to know, the thing you linked to that didn’t happen is an excuse for tariffs, or something.

    Now back to reality, where we worry more about the things that actually happened. President Hillary Clinton isn’t a thing.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (d2c98a)

  70. you know who gave up on christmas in a big way was thelma and louise

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  71. But it’s something you wish, anyways this is how they excuse importing russian sources documentation into a FISA document.

    Narciso (7b9f03)

  72. President Trump’s doing a very lovely trade war on the dirty chinesers, the best we’ve ever seen in fact thank you President Trump.

    is that why our trade deficit with the dirty chinesers last month was the biggest it’s ever been in all of history ever?

    general custer was more successful than cadet bonespurs…

    Dave (74233a)

  73. @57. Wrong stuff, Mr. Feet; he was not USAF; John McCain was a USN aviator; ‘They’re better than pilots…’ know ‘The Right Stuff,’ Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  74. Finally, the feel-good holiday story that we’ve all been waiting for…

    (h/t: HotAir)

    Dave (74233a)

  75. “So more than 2 years ago Clinton didn’t do the thing.”
    Colonel Klink (Ret) (d2c98a) — 12/18/2018 @ 1:42

    She didn’t want to step on the DOJ’s toes.

    Munroe (84e316)

  76. is that why our trade deficit with the dirty chinesers last month was the biggest it’s ever been in all of history ever?

    um cause our economy is growing and theirs is sucking ass

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  77. i’m just pointing out (helpfully) how they’re both sleazy cowards what flew airplane machines for the corrupt dirty military

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  78. @75. ROFLMAO– hilarious! NASA once called this sort of applied applications, ‘spinoff.’

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  79. i’m just pointing out (helpfully) how they’re both sleazy cowards what flew airplane machines for the corrupt dirty military

    Typical anti-American commie talk.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (ffba1f)

  80. Don’t talk to me about farmers and ranchers, Mr. Happyfeet–as in KnowNothing. I grew up around them.

    This area, the Rio Grande Valley, was once the agricultural center of the US and the citrus capital of the world. It had been for decades, all through the 1970s, until the freeze of 1983.

    I will never forget that year. Christmas morning, I woke up and looked outside, and everything was covered in ice. I’m talking about inches of ice all over everything everywhere. Temperatures dropped to 16 degrees over night and didn’t get above 32 degrees for weeks. It killed all the crops.

    That was a freak weather event, an artic blast that flew in from Canada. It was what led to corporate farming. Most of the farmers throughout the Mid-West and North-and-South Texas went bankrupt. The government offered them assistance, but they didn’t want to work for the government. So private equity firms came in and bought their lands in foreclosure, turned them in to corporate farms.

    Most of those farmers had to deal with a hard winter, but the Rio Grande Valley was hit particularly hard. It’s relatively easy to replant a wheat field; try doing that with a citrus grove.

    There were over 44,000 foreclosures in the first three months of 1984. And that’s just in a few counties. Banks failed, businesses closed, there was ruin everywhere. It took two decades for economic growth and recovery to occur, and that was all based on trade.

    And now we have this idiot president creating trade wars? For no other reason than his own self-aggrandizement and personal enrichment?


    Gawain's Ghost (b25cd1)

  81. @75. ROFLMAO– hilarious! NASA once called this sort of applied applications, ‘spinoff.’

    CNN has the story on its homepage now…

    Dave (1bb933)

  82. 75, 79, and 82. It’s not the gayest thing I’ve ever seen, but it’s in the top ten. And I lived just half a mile east of Chicago’s Boys Town for twelve years.

    nk (dbc370)

  83. It’s not gay.

    It’s festive.

    Dave (1bb933)

  84. Good! We will beat the chi-coms and their free trade loving running dogs in the corporate establishment and conservative libertarian neo-con vermin!

    lany (7c4466)

  85. Lany, face reality and go back to your friends at

    Kishnevi (42c62a)

  86. she was also a goof-ass Air Force pilot like derpy john mccain
    happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/18/2018 @ 11:27 am

    — Performance art, minus the “art”

    I said what I said based on her concession tweet with her next to her big dog.
    urbanleftbehind (3d4138) — 12/18/2018 @ 12:19 pm

    — Ditto

    Icy (51fdfb)

  87. the GOP is too scared of its base to tell them no.

    That depends on whether there’s a viable challenger. Unlike 2016, there won’t be 16 people to play off against each other.

    Kevin M (cb624b)

  88. What America need am President who say: “One spending bill, one item. Am veto every spending bill that fund more than one thing without even look see what thing.” Is very constitutional and not hard if President have signature stamp. And balls. Am need President with balls.

    nk (dbc370)

  89. Don’t put me in with the GOP base, they stink on ice. I despise everything and everyone that has to do with lawyerly political hacks. Starting with a pair of crooks- Ryan and McConnell.

    mg (8cbc69)

  90. Am praying the house does the impeachment thingy. And hoping the NYAG goes deep in her quest for bias justice. Go big Nancy, Go big.

    mg (8cbc69)

  91. Perhaps we can tax all the illegal drugs coming across the border. Do any of you realize drugs are killing this country? No border = lifelong addicts. Hope its not your kids.

    mg (8cbc69)

  92. Taxing illegal drugs would be the neatest of Neat Tricks.

    Icy (51fdfb)

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