Patterico's Pontifications


James Comey: I No Longer Consider Myself a Republican

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:00 am

Welcome to the club, buddy. What took you so long?

James Comey declared on Wednesday that he is no longer a Republican, stating in an interview with “the Republican party has left me.”

In an interview on ABC News podcast Start Here, the former FBI director, who used to consider himself a Republican, was asked whether he still saw himself as a member of the Grand Old Party.

“No,” Comey replied. “The Republican party has left me, and many others.”

. . . .

“I see the Republican Party, as near as I can tell, reflects now entirely Donald Trump’s values,” Comey continued. “It doesn’t reflect values at all. It’s transactional, it’s ego-driven, it’s in service to his ego. And it’s, I think, consoling itself that we’re going to achieve important policy goals — a tax cut or something.”

He’s not wrong. Donald Trump has laughably changed positions on everything under the sun, including matters that are serious (like the propriety of bombing Syria without Congressional authorization) and others that are more trivial (like whether the President of the United States should spend a lot of time playing golf).

And Republicans are just fine with hypocrisy this rank.

It’s true that Donald Trump does have one deniable positive characteristic that will never change — albeit a characteristic that he shares with every person on the planet save one. He is not Hillary Clinton. And for many people, that’s good enough to be OK with him being in office, and I understand that.

That’s a little different from saying that we have to back him up every time he lies or says something crazy. You don’t have to go on nationwide TV and embarrass yourelf by pretending you never heard the man lie, as Jim Jordan did with Anderson Cooper.

You don’t have to pretend that it’s a media conspiracy to label Trump as a kook and unfit for office if you were saying the same thing yourself a year ago:

This stuff is just embarrassing. But it’s the Republican party now.

I have purchased Comey’s book A Higher Loyalty with the audiobook add-on read by Comey. It’s interesting to see how his actual words in context contrast with the way he is portrayed. Comey is commonly portrayed as sanctimonious, apparently because he believes in principles in the era of Trump, where principles are not cool. But he doesn’t sound particularly sanctimonious to me in his book, at least so far. In his introduction, Comey says:

All people have flaws and I have many. Some of mine, as you’ll discover in this book, are that I can be stubborn, prideful, overconfident and driven by ego. I’ve struggled with those my whole life. . . .I know I can be wrong, even when I am certain I am right.

When is the last time you heard self-reflection and self-criticism like that from Donald Trump?

Comey is also pilloried for having made comments about Trump’s personal appearance. He defends himself by saying he includes details to bring the reader into the picture and make the reader feel like he or she is there. Again, this makes sense. Look at his description of FBI veteran Greg Brower: “Greg was a fifty-three-year-old Nevadan with salt-and-pepper hair.” OMIGOD WHY DID HE HAVE TO SAY THE GUY HAD SALT IN HIS HAIR? IS HE CALLING THE GUY OLD?!?!?! No, he’s just describing someone. Calm down.

As I have said many times, I think Comey mishandled the Hillary investigation. I’ll be very curious to see how he justifies some of his decisions. But he just doesn’t seem like a bad guy to me. If anyone is prideful and has a big ego, it’s Donald Trump. And the Republican party seems fine with him.

If you’re fine with Trump’s ego, I don’t really want to hear your whining about Comey’s. All you’re doing is confirming Comey’s description of Republicans as lemmings following Trump off the cliff. Comey and I have gotten out of the marching line. Join us. We have pie.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

311 Responses to “James Comey: I No Longer Consider Myself a Republican”

  1. I’m a Trumpublican and I love President Trump but not Princess Lindsey that’s for sure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  2. James Comey: I No Longer Consider Myself a Republican
    Welcome to the club, buddy.

    Kudos for your honesty. I guess you could say you are simpatico with Comey, not something that many would brag about at this point in our history. I wonder if you will continue to do so as his criminality becomes inescapably obvious.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  3. Wow, breaking news. I’ll bet Mueller no longer considers himself a Republican. Oh, the hypocrisy!

    random viking (b2b139)

  4. While Trump is POTUS, he’s the titular leader of the national Grand Old Party aka Republicans.

    But “titular,” despite what some might presume given its proximity in a discussion of Donald Trump, means he has the title of “leader.” Even in Washington, that’s obviously not entirely true. In fact, and unfortunately, even within the Executive Branch, that’s obviously not entirely true. And in fact, and stunningly, even within the White House, that’s obviously not entirely true.

    And the Republican Party is a far vaster and more important and powerful instrumentality than its Washington representatives. Our host might forget, since he lives in a state in which the GOP is as impotent on a state-wide basis as the Dems are, now, on a state-wide basis in a red state like my own Texas. Among the thousands of elected Republican leaders nationwide, in fact, in the state governors’ mansions and the state legislatures and in many places, all the way down to county and precinct levels, one finds elected officials who have run on the GOP ticket and who have their own constituencies, their own source of fund-raising, and their own priorities and values.

    Our host’s characterizations, treating a titular head as if he’s an actual head, are just wrong to the extent that they imply or suggest that Trump actually controls, represents, or speaks for all Republicans.

    He very often doesn’t speak for me, for instance. I’m part of the very substantial portion of the public and its elected GOP officials who didn’t prefer Trump in the GOP primaries, and who would be frankly thrilled to see him resign.

    There will be a ton of Republicans, in and out of Washington, D.C., whose response to Jim Comey’s announcement will be, “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.” And we’d say the same thing to Donald Trump, were he suddenly to take his marbles and go back to Mar Lago.

    I don’t know if our host agrees with all or some of what I’ve just written here, but I would frankly be surprised if he doesn’t, on reflection, agree with at least some of it. He has no obligation to keep including a broader focus (considering the state party organizations, for example — which remains where the ultimate power lies, including the power to replace Trump in 2020, for example) just because Beldar keeps leaving comments tweaking him for equating Donald Trump to the entire GOP.

    But continue to quibble, I will. Likewise I’ll continue to urge our host, and anyone similarly situated who feels like Trump has hijacked the GOP — I do! — to stop spending energies disassociating themselves from the GOP, and to instead try to work within it. Within it is where they could get political traction and are needed. Critics from outside have less standing and authority and far less ability to actually affect what the GOP does at every level, local, state, and national, across the country. And while there are undoubtedly a boatload of clowns and mullets within the GOP, there are only two organized teams playing this sport, so if you want to be either a participant or even an involved and vocal fan, you’ve got to pick a team — dese bums or dose bums. I’ll stick with dese bums.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  5. Do you even write posts about anything now without taking shots at republicans or Donald trump? You come across like a bitter old shrew. Yeah ok you are the only one with “principles”, got it. Such a good person you are, and everyone that likes trump sucks….get over yourself

    Hi (0ad63a)

  6. I don’t intend to subsidize a weasel by buying his book. I’ll have to take our host’s word for it that he sounds less sanctimonious in it than he does, consistently and without exception, in every public appearance I’ve ever seen him make. Regardless of his affect, he is acting in an objectively self-righteous fashion, to an extreme degree, in the service of a selfish cause, that is, the promotion of Jim Comey as the Savior of the Nation and the True Servant of the Rule of Law. His actions make that a malignant falsehood, whatever he says or write.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  7. “Regardless of his affect, he is acting in an objectively self-righteous fashion, to an extreme degree, in the service of a selfish cause, that is, the promotion of Jim Comey as the Savior of the Nation and the True Servant of the Rule of Law.”

    Kind of like Patterico, no wonder he likes the book

    Hi (0ad63a)

  8. What does “Republican” even stand for anymore?
    I’m a Republican only insofar as it opposes the leftist anti-American agenda.

    Give me a party that stands in opposition to PC dogma, diversity horsesh!t, radical egalitarianism, iconoclasm, hatred of tradition, ignorance of history and economics, mob rule, abandonment of reason and the western civ canon.

    Give me a party that prizes liberty.

    gp (0c542c)

  9. Sounds like support for Comey for not being Trump.

    Cover lawbreaking and kid glove treatment for a politician you think is your incoming boss = “mishandled”.

    harkin (379712)

  10. It’s true that Donald Trump does have one deniable positive characteristic that will never change — albeit a characteristic that he shares with every person on the planet save one. He is not Hillary Clinton. And for many people, that’s good enough to be OK with him

    I think you mean one undeniable positive characteristic.

    It’s probably not enough, but it’s almost enough for many people.

    If he’s a liar, he’s a poor liar. If he’s a conspirator, he’s a poor conspirator. We dopn’t get people afraid to critizize him,

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  11. Comey says, “I see the Republican Party, as near as I can tell, reflects now entirely Donald Trump’s values,” Comey continued. “It doesn’t reflect values at all. It’s transactional, it’s ego-driven, it’s in service to his ego….”

    Exactly. I’m with the tall dude.

    noel (b4d580)

  12. What ideas of Trump?

    Maybe Jeff Sessions, in part.

    I am glad to see that Neil Gorsuch turned out to be a judge who construed only what was in the law.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  13. If only the self-anointed could run the Republican Party, without elections getting in the way.

    random viking (b2b139)

  14. If you really cared what the majority thought, random viking, you would support Hillary.

    noel (b4d580)

  15. Good point, noel. Join the Dems, who rigged their own primary. It’s more your style.

    random viking (b2b139)

  16. “Join the Dems, who rigged their own primary” RV

    How do you know that? Oh, your Russian allies broke into the Democrat HQ. How could I forget.


    noel (b4d580)

  17. Yeah, principles. The kind where he will prosecute both rich and homeless for sleeping under bridges, if there’s a law about it.

    Unless it’s Hillary, where he looks the other way until his neck hurts. You cannot do that and say you are anything but a stooge.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  18. As I have repeatedly said, there is an unfilled political niche in California for an opposition party that addresses CA’s concerns, and is more than just a vestigial appendage of a national party.

    And parties are easy to form, and reasonably easy to get ballot access, in CA. A new freeward-of-center party might make the top-2 ballot in areas where the Democrats are weak.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  19. I think Comey mishandled the Hillary investigation.

    He placed personal advancement over duty. Hard to spin that into integrity.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  20. Comey committed multiple crimes while in office…including leaking classified information to the media – – and then initially lying about it…yet the Deputy D.A. loves – just LOVES – the man, because the only thing that matters is that they both hate the duly elected President of the United States. Sad.

    Bill Saracino (78f41f)

  21. Teh Republicans have serious problems, but I would stand as far away from this preening, prevaricating, self-absorbed, self-important ponce as I could get.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  22. Comey the guy who let Hillary obstruct justice and destroy evidence has principals?

    bud (b48f3e)

  23. Run with coyotes, you’ll get fleas and have your balls gnawed off.

    No worries for some.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  24. …..yet the Deputy D.A. loves – just LOVES – the man, because the only thing that matters is that they both hate the duly elected President of the United States. Sad.
    Bill Saracino (78f41f) — 4/18/2018 @ 11:53 am

    Which puts them on the same team as our own fascist, noel who never met a crime he didn’t support as long as it is against Trump. Hillary can buy the Russian dossier and smash her illegal email servers but it’s Trump who colluded with Stormy to corner the pee market for Hillary who screwed Sanders out of his something… because Trump!!!!!

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)


    Jonathon Chait can’t understand why many Never Trumpers and others disgruntled with the Republican Party are not becoming Democrats.

    The obvious answer, that most conservatives disgruntled w the Repubs is because they are turning into Democratic Lite escapes him. As bad as they are, the Democrats are viewed as much worse.

    You’d think the election might have been a clue.

    harkin (8faec6)

  26. I bet Hitler and Stalin wouldn’t have given Trump or Republicans the time of day either, lol.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  27. Birds of a feather … call me when one can figure out “intent” before interviewing all the key protagonists. Or for that matter inventing the basis of charging people from gross negligence to “intent.” Or for that matter putting people in jail one’s entire life for things you and your team did with routine.

    …. so …. Till then he is a liar who actively sought to subvert Democracy with RussiaHoax and furthermore purposely withheld information from the public to damage the President. Makes one wonder how these Prosecutors and Cops go about their corruption, errr jobs.

    I mean if this is principled and reasonable then one must question the very definition of that by our “betters” and wonder if the composition of our “betters” moral character is any different than the snake in the WH. Going further, how many people have these guys put in jail who are innocent?

    Good ?s if you ask me.

    Shep's Social Circle (c587a1)

  28. This is going over about as well as I expected.,.

    Patterico (a4facc)

  29. Ooof……

    Lots of lawyerly harassment of Hannity yesterday gets some cringe today…..

    EPWJ (134698)

  30. Someone – hopefully, not too far in the future – will understand Comey needs to be held accountable.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  31. because he believes in principles in the era of Trump, where principles are not cool

    Because principles were so cool when Bush, McCain and Romney were worthy of your vote. LOL

    random viking (cea31b)

  32. As imperfect as Trump is, he has never put innocent people in jail while absolving guilty people from it.

    That kids = the likes of James Comey.

    And for them a special hell awaits them in the after-life.

    Their moral preening is just a cover to help them sleep at night and go to swell cocktail parties.

    Shep's Social Circle (c587a1)

  33. Read this and weep for California…

    There’s a sickness going around, lines are being drawn.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  34. Patterico is sooooo principled compared to everyone that voted for Trump. Everyone admire him!!

    Hi (0ad63a)

  35. One wants to believe the leadership in our nation’s top law enforcement entities is circumspect, honest and level-headed, but apparently, that has not been the case for many years.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  36. Col

    And that’s sad

    EPWJ (134698)

  37. It’s interesting to see how his actual words in context contrast with the way he is portrayed. Comey is commonly portrayed as sanctimonious… But he doesn’t sound particularly sanctimonious to me in his book, at least so far.

    But he does on the TeeVee. Repeatedly. Which is where perceptions are formed in this era of image over substance. And he does it to himself. If he wants to sell books by touring the country dragging a cross behind him, fine. It’s a sales tactic used for 2,000 years.

    Every time Comey opens his mouth he relinquishes more and more of the high ground. He’s pissed and that’s understandable. But he’s never going to trump Trump at his own game. Little Marco, Lyin’ Ted and Low-energy Jeb learned that the hard way.

    He’s a book peddler now. And the nation doesn’t need sermons on his concepts of ‘values’ or ‘principles;’ a fella who by his own admission balked at opportunities to reaffirm them and politicized a position he wasn’t supposed to when it mattered most. Comey’s self-confessed dread of the ‘next four years’ should have triggered a motivation to head for the exit door on his own power. Instead, regardless of how the decision was reached, he was jettisoned. He’s a disappointment; less a Joe Friday and more a Frank Drebin. Sad. Time to lose the open collar act, too, and wear a necktie; Hoover was a dress for success man.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  38. he’s sanctimonious AND womanish not unlike hillary clinton

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  39. Patterico please just write a long post about why you are now a democrat and how the entire Republican Party is now insane and you just can’t jettison your principles. Then two weeks later espouse socialism, call Christians idiotic hicks, and come out with a host of left wing positions….cause principle. You are a less successful David brooks

    Hi (0ad63a)

  40. This is going over about as well as I expected.,.

    Many times an unsupportable position won’t be supported.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  41. @40

    What would you say Comey’s most “womanish” attribute is?

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  42. That doesn’t mean that folks like “Hi” are right, but that Comey isn’t the hill to die on. He’s a sanctimonious sinner, which is always a bad combination.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  43. this *transactional* word’s become very trendy among the vapid womanish smart set what James Comey fancies himself a part of

    but I’m not really sure it brings anything new to the discussion

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  44. Hi



    EPWJ (134698)

  45. Comey said he ordered the leak investigation re: WSJ story. McCabe’s attorney pushes back, saying McCabe “advised Director Comey repeatedly that he was working with the Wall Street Journal on the stories in question prior to publication.”

    It is ok to lie.

    BuDuh (9ac4c1)

  46. Comey and I have gotten out of the marching line. Join us. We have pie.

    Apple, blueberry or pepperoni w/mushrooms?

    Thing is, P, you jumped; appears Comey was more or less pushed.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  47. @43. A plunging neckline?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  48. Comey was chasing his hat.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  49. BTW, how is this not virtue-signalling?

    Kevin M (752a26)

  50. you can tell comey’s all about vapid social positioning cause she doesn’t identify any actual policies with which he disagrees

    she’s put off by the aesthetics

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  51. oopers my pronouns aren’t all in agreement

    this is no good

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  52. 50.Comey was chasing his hat.

    Had a next door neighbor back in the day who was a FBI man out of the Philly office. White shirt, necktie and suitcoat- always.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  53. Beldar – stop saying things I agree with. It is confusing me.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  54. “Judge Wood was prepared to let Ryan give her the name of Cohen’s third client under seal. At that point, an attorney for the NYT and CNN approached the podium and convinced her that the press (and public) should know. She agreed.”

    See how this works?

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  55. @56. And when asked, Judge Wood told Ryan he could hand her the name written down or speak it out loud in open court; ‘whatever works for you.’ He could have left the ultimate decision to reveal publicly/verbally to the judge herself– but instead, and to the surprise of Avenatti, he spoke the name ‘Hannity’ instead. It’s all in the transcript. See how this works?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  56. If he’s a liar, he’s a poor liar. If he’s a conspirator, he’s a poor conspirator. We don’t get people afraid to criticize him. Sammy Finkelman (02a146) — 4/18/2018 @ 10:43 am

    If people here don’t stop saying eminently sensible things I may just leave.

    We just went through eight years of a terrible president everyone was afraid to say stank at his job. We just dodged another eight years of a president who would have been terrible at her job, but could never be criticized. Instead we have a president that accomplishes some of things I want, but is not immune to criticism. What a relief. I love having a president we are all free to criticize.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  57. @56. And when asked, Judge Wood told Ryan he could hand her the name written down or speak it out loud in open court; ‘whatever works for you.’ He could have left the ultimate decision to reveal publicly/verbally to the judge herself– but instead, and to the surprise of Avenatti, he spoke the name ‘Hannity’ instead. It’s all in the transcript. See how this works? DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/18/2018 @ 2:27 pm

    Yes he was given a choice of reading it himself, or having her read it.

    Stop playing the leftist game.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  58. @59. Yes he was given a choice of reading it himself, or having her read it.

    Not quite– the judge had the final decision to reveal or not to– she could have read it to herself and opted to or not to reveal from the bench; instead, Ryan opened his mouth instead and made the decision for her. Face it; he screwed up.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  59. All of us have to figure out how we wish to relate to a political process that morphs in directions that we didn’t want. My main goal in relation to the political process is to prevent harm to our freedoms,to our economy, and to the big vaporous thing we sometimes call our culture. Condemning this or that person can provide a kind of purgative moral clarity, but has a tangential relationship to protecting our freedoms,our economy, and to the big vaporous thing we sometimes call our culture.

    I believe (in relation to political life) that, in general, the less bad is good. The Republican Party is less bad than the Democratic Party.

    vince52 (d22525)

  60. We just went through eight years of a terrible president everyone was afraid to say stank at his job.

    Yes, it’s remarkable. I never heard a word of criticism of Obama.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  61. Yes, it’s remarkable. I never heard a word of criticism of Obama.
    Davethulhu (fab944) — 4/18/2018 @ 2:58 pm

    Rarely from anyone on the left you disingenuous ba$tard. You leftists obey your orders and march like perfect little Nazis. And when any person on the right made any negative comment about Hussein he was instantly breaded “RACIST”! The Kenyan was untouchable and still is. And if your hero the communist b!tch had cheated enough to win she too by virtue of her XX chromosomes would be untouchable also.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  62. Yes, it’s remarkable. I never heard a word of criticism of Obama. Davethulhu (fab944) — 4/18/2018 @ 2:58 pm

    Don’t play the leftist game. Sure he was criticized, but rarely in the mainstream. I can count on one had the number of times, in eight years, SNL made fun of him.. Jay Pharoh, the comedian hired specifically to portray Obama, said “I kind of feel like they gave up. . . on the Obama thing.”

    That is just a subset of the media in general. On MSNBC, Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said of the president: “…in a way, Obama’s standing above the country, above the world. He’s sort of God.”

    So just like Trump and Bush.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  63. @64

    remember your blood pressure Hoagie

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  64. Not quite– the judge had the final decision to reveal or not to– she could have read it to herself and opted to or not to reveal from the bench; instead, Ryan opened his mouth instead and made the decision for her. Face it; he screwed up. DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/18/2018 @ 2:38 pm

    Please. Tell me what part of this sentence you do not understand “An attorney for the NYT and CNN approached the podium and convinced her that the press (and public) should know. She agreed.”

    She had already agreed that the public should know. The decision was already made. Either she was going to read reveal it, or he was.

    But sure, focus on the process, not the outcome. That is the leftist game. All roads lead to their solutions, polices, and preferences.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  65. Patterico please just write a long post about why you are now a democrat

    I’ll bet you my next paycheck that Patterico will never write such a post, for the simple reason that he is NOT a Democrat, and never will be. Patterico has stated MANY times that he is a conservative, and believes in conservative values, and that because the currently-constituted Republican Party has rejected those values, he no longer considers himself a Republican.

    Don’t put words into our host’s mouth: he’s quite capable of expressing his viewpoint clearly and eloquently.

    Chuck Bartowski (211c17)

  66. there’s no reason you can’t love President Donald Trump’s policies and be a Republican at the same time

    You have to just remember it’s not a sprint it’s a marathon and that Rome wasn’t built in a day it took months.

    But President Trump’s got the ball rolling after 8 years of food stamp and a completely rogue gestapo FBI.

    Now we just have to keep the ball rolling and we can do that by either pushing the ball or tilting the surface the ball is rolling on.

    Either way.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  67. Yeah, I remember the good old days when Republicans said that character counts.

    I left the GOP in 2016, too. The moral relativists can have it.

    James (ae492e)

  68. 62, there’s still time for the first golden spike of the Robert O’Roarke Wall. I think Trump is still peeved enough at Ted to do that deal, even if Beto is saying the party line now.

    urbanleftbehind (bb5d4e)

  69. Comey/Patterico/2020

    mg (9e54f8)

  70. @66. He should never eat potato salad more than three days old. 😉 .

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  71. All you need to know about James Comey is how he handled the prosecution (more like a powder)
    of Sandy Berger.
    That was the prelude to his taking a powder on Hillary Clinton’s private unsecured server and her (and Huma Adedin) repeatedly sending classified documents over it; then destroying 33,000 emails
    under subpoena, using bleach bit and smashing cell phones and hard drives. And Comey found no
    intent there. GLZ.

    Gary L. Zerman (ab669e)

  72. At heart, Patterico is a Texan and Texas Independents have unfavorable views of Trump:

    President Trump’s Approval

    Texas voters disapprove 52 – 43 percent of the job President Donald Trump is doing. Republicans approve 85 – 13 percent. Disapproval is 90 – 8 percent among Democrats and 64 – 28 percent among independent voters.

    It’s early and this will probably change in Trump’s favor, but New York values are not good news for Texas Republicans at the Midterms.

    DRJ (15874d)

  73. @67. Do go read the transcripts. Judge had final say in her court. She gave him the option; she could have decided not to reveal after reading name on paper but Cohen’s attorney opted to speak it out loud. His error. Had the judge read it herself on paper and decided it not be revealed openly, the media attorney could possibly challenge by appealing her decision, but we’ll never know because of Ryan’s screw-up. BTW, the atmosphere of Jupiter is dense, too.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  74. Another view, paraphrased:

    Comey did the right thing in re-opening the Clinton investigation. He has guts and did the right thing.

    DRJ (15874d)

  75. I’ll bet you my next paycheck that Patterico will never write such a post, for the simple reason that he is NOT a Democrat, and never will be. Patterico has stated MANY times that he is a conservative, and believes in conservative values, and that because the currently-constituted Republican Party has rejected those values, he no longer considers himself a Republican.

    Don’t put words into our host’s mouth: he’s quite capable of expressing his viewpoint clearly and eloquently.

    Chuck Bartowski (211c17) — 4/18/2018 @ 3:32 pm

    Anyone who calls coke sniffing racist church attending Obama a good man and hope he succeeded when he wins, and Trump every name In the book when he wins, isn’t a republican.

    Hi (befab0)

  76. Cassandra and Hoagie seem to be unaware of all the Leftists who thought Obama and the Clintons were corporate shills with no claim to being real Leftists, and who sat on their hands after Bernie lost refusing to vote for Hillary…that is probably a major reason Trump won.

    Kishnevi (d99923)

  77. Mmmm, pie.

    Dave (a28aee)

  78. Cassandra and Hoagie seem to be unaware of all the Leftists who thought Obama and the Clintons were corporate shills with no claim to being real Leftists, and who sat on their hands after Bernie lost refusing to vote for Hillary…that is probably a major reason Trump won.

    Kishnevi (d99923) — 4/18/2018 @ 4:20 pm

    Link(s) please…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  79. Cassandra and Hoagie seem to be unaware of all the Leftists who thought Obama and the Clintons were corporate shills with no claim to being real Leftists, and who sat on their hands after Bernie lost refusing to vote for Hillary…that is probably a major reason Trump won.

    Kishnevi (d99923) — 4/18/2018 @ 4:20 pm

    And you seem unaware of how ironic that statement is when you comment on the blog of a former republican who couldn’t vote for trump cause he wasn’t pure enough as well

    Hi (0ad63a)

  80. @82.And you seem unaware of the difference between a ‘Republican’ and a ‘conservative.’

    Thanks for playing. What do we have for him, Johnnie….

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  81. DRJ: At heart, Patterico is a Texan and Texas Independents have unfavorable views of Trump

    Yep, should’ve gone with Cruz. Ooops.

    Looks like Canadian values aren’t doing that well either.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  82. @75. DRJ:

    “Well, nobody’s perfect.” 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  83. Mmmm, pie.

    Dave (a28aee) — 4/18/2018 @ 4:20 pm

    Stop following behind the circus elephants, ConDave!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  84. It’s early and this will probably change in Trump’s favor, but New York values are not good news for Texas Republicans at the Midterms.

    Bear with me DRJ, I’m a little confused. Are you saying that Illinois values are good for Texas Republicans in general elections?

    BuDuh (d7b427)

  85. I not

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  86. Should’ve taken Beldar up on his $100 bet. But I will believe Cruz gets beats when I actually see it, and it will not make me happy.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  87. “You have to just remember it’s not a sprint it’s a marathon and that Rome wasn’t built in a day it took months.”

    Correction: Rome took centuries to build, and a day to burn. But fortunately, there is a lot of ruin in a nation.

    Cassandra (a815b9)

  88. Cruz is in a tough spot. He has trouble if he doesn’t support Trump and trouble if he does. I think he may still win but he is getting hurt in small towns and big towns.

    DRJ (15874d)

  89. Cruz is hoping to skate by without alienating anyone too much. I don’t think that will play well in small towns, and big towns will split.

    DRJ (15874d)

  90. Maybe, nk, but O’Rourke is pulling in crowds in places he shouldn’t.

    DRJ (15874d)

  91. I knew it was Trump’s fault somehow.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  92. And I don’t know about the rest of you, but I kind of guessed Comey was not a Republican on July 5, 2016.

    nk (dbc370)

  93. harvardtrash ted is too many snooty and stuck up

    and he damaged his brand very badly in his ill-considered run for president 🙁

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  94. Cruz’s problem with Trump supporters is that the majority are wondering why “that Meskin ain’t been dee-ported yet”, I think. It’s got to cause them some cognitive dissonance, at least, that a guy named Cruz could be a United States Senator and a Republican.

    nk (dbc370)

  95. 92.Cruz is in a tough spot. He has trouble if he doesn’t support Trump and trouble if he does.

    That’s where you and I differ. We Republicans and/or conservatives need to learn to do what the leftists do: stick together. To paraphrase The Great Franklin if we don’t hang together we will hang separately. This is what is wrong with you neverTrumpers. You act as though we’re the enemy. Trump’s the enemy. You treat everyone other than the actual enemy as if they are the enemy. You never see leftists doing that. They cover, lie, cheat, steal, lie, rig, lie for each other regardless and never show a lick of remorse. That’s why we’re trying to claw back Western Civilization and American Greatness from years of leftist abuse. You guy act just like abused wives.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  96. 99.Cruz’s problem with Trump supporters is that the majority are wondering why “that Meskin ain’t been dee-ported yet”, I think. It’s got to cause them some cognitive dissonance, at least, that a guy named Cruz could be a United States Senator and a Republican.
    nk (dbc370) — 4/18/2018 @ 5:21 pm

    Wow, when did you get leftist lessons? You sound just like a California pussy describing any white guy in “flyover country”. Very open minded and simultaneously quite racist of you. Way to go. Maybe you should interview with Anderson Cooper.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  97. I’m surprised nk actually used the term “Trump supporters” instead of his preferred Trumpkins/Deplorables.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  98. I almost never say Deplorables. As for “Trump supporter vs. Trumpkin, I’m less cranky when I don’t let happyfeet provoke me.

    nk (dbc370)

  99. oh man Mr. nk i trigger myself all the freaking time and it’s not pleasant so yeah i completely feel you

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  100. @92.Cruz is in a tough spot. He has trouble if he doesn’t support Trump and trouble if he does.

    Not for a man of ‘principles’ DRJ.


    @98. How do you like your Canadian bacon… cooked, Mr. Feet?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  101. I wouldn’t go that far, nk. I think many were just sick of Texas being the end all of conservatism. Yet we do have our own example, by City of Chicago standards–Gery Chico– he was trying to get the far bungalow belt areas, but no way no how were guys on the NW side and Mt Greenwood gonna be 100 percent for that guy.

    urbanleftbehind (bb5d4e)

  102. @97.And I don’t know about the rest of you, but I kind of guessed Comey was not a Republican on July 5, 2016.

    And if he was still the FBI Director, he would be.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  103. “What Can I Say, I’m Just A Catty B*tch From New Jersey And I Live For Drama”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  104. anything with bacon i’m wary of because nitrates

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  105. mugwumps

    The Mugwumps were Republican political activists who bolted from the United States Republican Party by supporting Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the United States presidential election of 1884. They switched parties because they rejected the financial corruption associated with Republican candidate James G. Blaine. In a close election, the Mugwumps supposedly made the difference in New York state and swung the election to Cleveland. The jocular word mugwump, noted as early as 1832, is from Algonquian (Natick) mugquomp, “important person, kingpin” (from mugumquomp, “war leader”), implying that they were “sanctimonious” or “holier-than-thou,” in holding themselves aloof from party politics.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  106. @106. That’s a reasonable assessment. The transition to what was once called ‘Rockefeller Republicans’ is in work.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  107. He certainly isn’t, DCSCA.

    DRJ (15874d)

  108. The only thing that triggers me is when I get low on bread. I mean the stuff with gluten that people eat. I have a deep-seated fear of not having bread in the house. And you can’t really stock up or have an “emergency supply” because it goes stale even if you keep it in the refrigerator. Unless you get the frozen ones that you bake yourself. But who wants to bake every other day and like that’s not going to go stale! Don’t get me started! Just don’t get me started!

    nk (dbc370)

  109. @100. To paraphrase The Great Franklin if we don’t hang together we will hang separately. This is what is wrong with you neverTrumpers. You act as though we’re the enemy.

    The Ironic Hoagie.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  110. BTW, how is this not virtue-signalling?

    How is what not virtue-signaling?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  111. @113 mr nk

    What sort of crisis triggers the buying of bread and milk in Chicago? Here it’s a report it might snow maybe this week.

    Also, do you people call emergency conveyance vehicles ‘ambos’ as Dick Wolf would have me believe? His NYC cops call them ‘buses’ so I thought he might be going for local flavor.

    Pinandpuller (3e5170)


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  113. No, I call them “ambulances” but I have heard them called “bamulances” and might even have done it myself.

    nk (dbc370)

  114. Anyone who calls coke sniffing racist church attending Obama a good man and hope he succeeded when he wins, and Trump every name In the book when he wins, isn’t a republican.

    I’m not a Republican. I even said so right in the post.

    As for calling Barack Obama a good man, Donald Trump did that. No wait: he called him a “very” good man:

    Trump, who spent years pursuing Obama over false claims he is not a natural-born American and accused him of being the founder of ISIS on the campaign trail, called Obama a “very good man” and said he would seek his counsel in future.

    But of course like every other Trump-humper out there, you will apply a different standard to me than you apply to Donald Trump. That is why your commentary has zero credibility with any rational observer.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  115. I’ll bet you my next paycheck that Patterico will never write such a post, for the simple reason that he is NOT a Democrat, and never will be. Patterico has stated MANY times that he is a conservative, and believes in conservative values, and that because the currently-constituted Republican Party has rejected those values, he no longer considers himself a Republican.

    You’d win Hi’s paycheck. But you might not be winning much.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  116. Trump is a politician. What’s your excuse?

    random viking (6a54c2)

  117. But of course like every other Trump-humper out there, you will apply a different standard to me than you apply to Donald Trump.

    Proved right two comments later.

    I never get tired of being right.

    So let’s spin this out a little.

    Do you think Donald Trump was lying there?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  118. Yes.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  119. He’ll have a Garcetti 2020 bumper sticker on his Subaru any day now…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  120. Patterico please just write a long post about why you are now a democrat and how the entire Republican Party is now insane and you just can’t jettison your principles. Then two weeks later espouse socialism, call Christians idiotic hicks, and come out with a host of left wing positions….cause principle. You are a less successful David brooks

    This is a perfect example of the sickness that has taken hold of many feverish Trumpers. Somehow rejecting Trump, an obviously immoral and unfit man, is equivalent to being a socialist, calling Christians (which I am one) hicks, etc.

    It’s self-evidently laughable. But only a couple of people called this guy out.

    Everyone else has a Higher Loyalty: to Trump.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  121. Yes.

    So Trump is a liar, in your view. Good. Now we’re getting somewhere. What else has he lied about, in your view? You can go with the top five or ten.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  122. He’ll have a Garcetti 2020 bumper sticker on his Subaru any day now…

    Who will?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  123. Your blog sucks and you’ve become Charles Johnson. Every post now is to troll your own commentariet and replace it with left wingers.

    And yeah everyone knows trump was lying then he had just spent months bashing the guy. Whatever pretend you are so much less deplorable than trump when you are using childish crap like “trump humper”. That’s not hypocritical at all when you hold trump to a higher standard than yourself.

    Hi (befab0)

  124. I’m actively working at not cursing at people these days, even if they deserve it.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  125. Your blog sucks and you’ve become Charles Johnson.

    Then you won’t mind my showing you the door. There’s the door. Leave.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  126. January:

    James Comey

    Special agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months, when small people were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on. He served with distinction for two decades. I wish Andy well.

    — –

    “Comey stopped by ABC’s The View to peddle his new book, A Higher Loyalty, where he called his former Deputy Andrew McCabe a liar, and admitted that he “ordered the report” which found McCabe guilty of leaking to the press and then lying under oath about it, several times.”

    harkin (379712)

  127. Hi can dish it

    You come across like a bitter old shrew.

    but he can’t take it

    when you are using childish crap like “trump humper”

    Typical Trumpalo.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  128. hey Patterico, is Obama a better human being and patriot than trump?
    Yes or no

    Hi (befab0)

  129. And yeah everyone knows trump was lying

    Cool. What else has Trump lied about, in your view?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  130. He’s a man of principles, harkin! Get with teh program.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  131. Oh I can take it say whatever you want lol. It’s just funny watching you spazz if trump uses the word p$@sy or whatever then call someone a trump humper.

    Hi (befab0)

  132. He watches Anderson C00per so you won’t have to!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  133. I bought some Stonehaus Winery Blackberry Summer. It’s really good. It’s out of Crossville, TN but I bought it down to the Krogers. They have a wine club and ship to many of your states. Here’s their website

    Pinandpuller (133c31)

  134. is Obama a better human being and patriot than trump?
    Yes or no

    Yes. Infinitely. He did not make the Presidency into a dirty joke.

    nk (dbc370)

  135. hey Patterico, is Obama a better human being and patriot than trump?
    Yes or no

    A better human being? Sure. He’s a far more moral human being.

    A better patriot? Define patriot. I don’t hold patriotism in as high regard as many. If by patriot you mean a guy who loves to wave the flag and shout USA USA USA! then that fits Trump more.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  136. “I want to believe you’re not a political person,” McCain said to Comey. “You’re the head of the FBI, but you write in your book how you went to President Obama, and you were on the verge of tears, saying you were going to miss him. You also said were dreading the next four years with Trump.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  137. Obama a more moral person when he would hang out with Farrakhan and Bill Ayers, Snort cocaine, and lie to everyone in the nation about keeping their health care when he knew dam well it was a lie? Ok got it, also shipping billions to Iran, so moral.

    But trump sleeps with women and uses foul language!

    Hi (befab0)

  138. Obama a more moral person when he would hang out with Farrakhan and Bill Ayers, Snort cocaine, and lie to everyone in the nation about keeping their health care when he knew dam well it was a lie? Ok got it, also shipping billions to Iran, so moral.

    But trump sleeps with women and uses foul language!

    Yes. That is a full accounting of Trump’s moral failings. You nailed it. Great analysis.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  139. So Trump is a liar, in your view. Good. Now we’re getting somewhere. What else has he lied about, in your view? You can go with the top five or ten.

    Hmmm, let’s see…. He also lied about the Clintons being “good people”. That’s plenty. I don’t tally his lies, nor do I tally Dubya’s, nor McCain’s nor Obama’s. They’re politicians. They’ve all lied, or do you dispute that?

    I hold bloggers to a higher standard, and I don’t mind saying you meet that most all the time. It’s the reason yours is the only blog I spend time on.

    But, the point was made about your disparate treatment of Obama vs. Trump and, sorry, pointing to Trump’s lies as an excuse isn’t meeting that standard.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  140. hey Patterico, is Obama a better human being and patriot than trump?
    Yes or no

    A better human being? Sure. He’s a far more moral human being.

    You know it’s going to come out that Obama was behind the FBI/DOJ trying to swing the election to Hillary, right?

    Where are you on that, by the way? You think Trump was so bad that it was a legitimate use of our government to trump up this fake Russian collusion gambit to throw the election. To use the law enforcement apparatus of the federal government to run surveillance on Trump, their political adversary?? To put in place their “insurance policy” to run an insurrection from within the government to try to get him removed from office after he was elected? You think all that was moral?

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  141. Hmmm, let’s see…. He also lied about the Clintons being “good people”. That’s plenty. I don’t tally his lies, nor do I tally Dubya’s, nor McCain’s nor Obama’s. They’re politicians. They’ve all lied, or do you dispute that?

    I hold bloggers to a higher standard

    LOL. You hold bloggers to a higher standard than you hold Presidents. Again: LOL.

    My 2008 comment has been discussed to death. Use Google. I’m not explaining it again.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  142. He clearly said politicians…..smh

    Hi (befab0)

  143. You know it’s going to come out that Obama was behind the FBI/DOJ trying to swing the election to Hillary, right?

    Where are you on that, by the way? You think Trump was so bad that it was a legitimate use of our government to trump up this fake Russian collusion gambit to throw the election. To use the law enforcement apparatus of the federal government to run surveillance on Trump, their political adversary?? To put in place their “insurance policy” to run an insurrection from within the government to try to get him removed from office after he was elected? You think all that was moral?

    I think whatever the Government Consensus is, right? That’s what you already think. So why should I spend time talking to you as you insult me in the comment sections of other blogs?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  144. Pats 2008 comment should be taught in school as the example of taking things out of context…

    I was tired of the whining 9.9 years ago

    EPWJ (134698)

  145. He clearly said politicians…..smh

    Presidents aren’t politicians?

    Back to logic class with you.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  146. I’m pretty sure he views “politicians” as less trustworthy than ideological bloggers who don’t have to raise a billion dollars and weep at the feet of special interest groups to win elections….but yeah trump is super president let’s hold him to a higher standard………Than freaking Hillary Clinton

    Hi (befab0)

  147. I think whatever the Government Consensus is, right? That’s what you already think. So why should I spend time talking to you as you insult me in the comment sections of other blogs?

    I already responded to that false accusation. I was speaking of opinion writers, not government employees. BTW, you keep mangling the term. It was NOT “Government Consensus”. The term used was “Washington Consensus”.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  148. I’m pretty sure he views “politicians” as less trustworthy than ideological bloggers who don’t have to raise a billion dollars and weep at the feet of special interest groups to win elections….but yeah trump is super president let’s hold him to a higher standard………Than freaking Hillary Clinton

    Who’s doing that?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  149. fracking makes all the waters catch on fire to where your toothbrush melts off

    matt damon is a very good man he learned me this

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  150. I already responded to that false accusation. I was speaking of opinion writers, not government employees. BTW, you keep mangling the term. It was NOT “Government Consensus”. The term used was “Washington Consensus”.

    OK, fine. The question remains: why should I spend time talking to you as you insult me in the comment sections of other blogs?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  151. OK, fine. The question remains: why should I spend time talking to you as you insult me in the comment sections of other blogs?

    What was the insult? Saying that you were simpatico with Goldberg, Kristol and whoever the other one was? As I asked at the time I responded, have you ever published any significant disagreement with any of the three? Perhaps you have, but I don’t recall it. At any rate, is that really such a cutting insult? To say you are simpatico with those 3 NeverTrump writers?

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  152. Why is it people on the right who hate trump can’t hate on him without turning around and aping democrat talking points about how stupid people on the right are?

    I don’t even like trump personally, he’s a freaking buffoon…but yeah sure I’m a trump humper! In my opinion the greatest thing trump has done in his life has been to shave Vince McMahon’s head at wrestlemania.

    Im not a two year old tho, I don’t think life gives me perfect ever, and definitely not in an election or what I want in politics. Do you sob this much when you lose at chess, a video game or any sport? Your “side” lost, you don’t have to log on the internet now and try to spit on your own readers every day cause of it.

    Hi (befab0)

  153. Fresno State investigating professor who attacked Barbara Bush after her death
    Blog Briefing Room
    — 11m ago

    the fat fuzzy cow didn’t attack barbara bush she just did tacky tweets on her

    people take douchebag jack dorsey’s gaping twatter far too seriously

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  154. oopers *muzzy* cow i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  155. LOL. You hold bloggers to a higher standard than you hold Presidents. Again: LOL.

    Yes, since bloggers have no excuse. Politicians have many … to ingratiate themselves with special interests, to pander, to unify the country, to get the country to support a cause, or because they are just liars.

    Use Google.

    You could’ve just said that from the start, but I guess you thought you were going score some kind of debate point. Sorry if that got foiled.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  156. ^ that’s what I was saying (random Viking)

    Who’s doing that?

    Patterico (115b1f) — 4/18/2018 @ 7:25 pm

    Hi (befab0)

  157. Comey and that deadbeat McMullin can run as the conscience of America party.
    They’ll appeal to everyone who values well crafted, carefully parsed and nuanced sentences. The vast rest of the populous distrust anyone who is “Comey Careful”. Comey is rightfully seen as using language to hide who he really is, while McMullin used to appeal to people who thought Trump was a deadbeat. Of course McMullin’s deadbeat debt of $600K is probably equivalent to Trumps net worth on a comparative measure.
    McMullin and Comey are both well trained government and legal speak fluent con men who make Trump look like a choirboy and as such are perfect candidates for the anti Bull Moose snobs, who will refuse to see their heroes as at least as flawed as the President

    steveg (a9dcab)

  158. LOL. You hold bloggers to a higher standard than you hold Presidents. Again: LOL.

    Yes, since bloggers have no excuse. Politicians have many … to ingratiate themselves with special interests, to pander, to unify the country, to get the country to support a cause, or because they are just liars.

    Use Google.

    You could’ve just said that from the start, but I guess you thought you were going score some kind of debate point. Sorry if that got foiled.

    Curses foiled again. And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for that darned random viking.

    Use Google.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  159. This has been fun and all but I’m starting to think that playing “someone on the Internet is wrong” is not currently the best use of the one life God gave me. Have a nice night.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  160. I never get tired of being right.

    It’s a good thing, too.

    Dave (a28aee)

  161. my one God-given life is how you say it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  162. Here’s a tissue, ConDave…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  163. I enjoyed listening to Levin spoke of all the reasons why Kimba Wood – teh “Love Judge” – shouldn’t have done what she did with Hannity, as requested by the CNN/NYT lawyer. And that she knew better.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  164. the pussyhat fbi’s a wholly owned subsidiary of the the democrat party

    we get it james

    you effing woman

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  165. ugh the

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  166. Mr. Colonel our friend Mr. McCarthy has an article about sleazy judge licklick

    The Outrageous Outing of Sean Hannity, Cont’d

    she’s a nasty-ass judicial taco is what she is that’s for sure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  167. Now you’re old and grey Jim Comey
    And since many years I haven’t seen subpoenas in your hand
    Can you hear Colbert, Jim Comey
    Do you still recall the frightful night we crossed the Rubicon
    I can see it in your eyes
    How proud you were to fight for Clintons in this land
    There was something in the air that night
    The stars aligned, Jim Comey
    They were lining up for you and me
    For History, Jim Comey
    Though we never thought that she could lose
    There’s no regret
    If you had to do the same again
    You would, my friend, Jim Comey

    Pinandpuller (133c31)

  168. Why do so many attorneys commenting here support what Judge Wood did? Please help me understand.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  169. Another fine example of what a fine, upstanding, principled man 0bama was…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  170. is Obama a better human being and patriot than trump?
    Yes or no

    Yes. Infinitely. He did not make the Presidency into a dirty joke.

    nk (dbc370) — 4/18/2018 @ 6:55 pm

    More of a Second City Improv Troop?

    Pinandpuller (133c31)

  171. I enjoyed listening to Levin spoke of all the reasons why Kimba Wood – teh “Love Judge” – shouldn’t have done what she did with Hannity, as requested by the CNN/NYT lawyer. And that she knew better.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 4/18/2018 @ 7:59 pm

    A more ethical Constitutional Lawyer Talk Show host would recuse himself from the discussion and lay out all his conflicts of interest for his nationwide audience.

    Pinandpuller (133c31)

  172. if i had to pick between obama and President Trump I would pick President Trump and I tell you why

    President Trump is a good man what does the good policies

    whereas obama brutally raped prosperity with his tiny harvardtrash penis

    and this made a difference in the lives of many americans

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  173. We’ll see if Comey will soon consider himself under arrest…

    “BREAKING: Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral on Clinton, Comey, Lynch to DOJ on Steele Dossier”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  174. Spurs announce that Gregg Popovich’s wife Erin Popovich has died

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  175. Sirens will sound and paper daffodils will fill the streets of the Polish capital on Thursday to mark 75 years since hundreds of young Jews took up arms against Nazi German forces in the Warsaw ghetto uprising.

    that’s in just a few hours from now

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  176. Why do so many attorneys commenting here support what Judge Wood did? Please help me understand.

    Another 19 paragraph word salad should clear that up.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  177. @117. Wind your watch, Mr. Feet; her 15 minutes ended some time ago.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  178. if you seek her will she come

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  179. ikes that reminders me

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  180. brb

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  181. Something’s low about Hi…

    [ ] IQ
    [ ] Paycheck
    [ X ] Yes

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  182. i can’t even belieber it’s snowing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  183. Why do so many attorneys commenting here support what Judge Wood did? Please help me understand.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 4/18/2018 @ 8:20 pm

    It depends on what you mean by what she did. I have no problem with her decision to make the prosecution share the seized documents with Cohen’s attorneys, and I understand why she put the burden on Cohen to share documents with his clients, instead of having the prosecution do it. We don’t know yet how documents subject to attorney-client privilege will be identified — maybe by a prosecution team or by a special master — but IMO it seems fine to wait on that decision for now. Those were the important issues before the court at this hearing.

    So I think that leaves the issue of the clients’ identities, and I’m not sure what to think about that. Normally it is the attorney’s job to safeguard the client’s secrets, including the client’s identity if that matters to the client. That is not the court’s job, and in this case the Judge had specifically told Cohen and his attorneys to show up at this hearing with information about his clients and their documents. It’s hard to know for sure because we only have pieces of what happened, but Cohen didn’t do much to protect Hannity’s identity. For comparison, reporters go to jail to protect a source under the reporter/source privilege. What did Cohen do?

    DRJ (15874d)

  184. 173. Bring a six-pack, Mr. Feet; Fox’s boyo sez he’s a just a common tater; like a potato.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  185. how many times did you go to jail to protect your clients exactly

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  186. i’d bet Mr. McCarthy is responsible for 80% of national review traffic this year Mr. DCSCA

    at the least

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  187. None. First, I’m not a litigator and that is where it might happen the most. Second, it’s not common to have clients want to conceal their identities. Third, going to jail over a privilege isn’t common. It can usually be resolved in less dramatic ways.

    This was a TRO hearing and they happen on a short time frame. It may be that Cohen and Trump’s attorneys coordinated together but there wasn’t enough time or a desire to participate by the other clients. It is easy to spot problems in hindsight but maybe they didn’t see this one coming.

    DRJ (15874d)

  188. i haven’t gone to jail for any clients either

    not yet anyway

    but marketing is changing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  189. The prosecutors have filed a response that lists, among other things, the names of potential special masters. It appears that if a special master is used, the parties don’t agree on who to use.

    DRJ (15874d)

  190. The response also lists the prosecution’s timeline for sharing documents, which they say will take until May 11-25.

    DRJ (15874d)

  191. @193. Spuds & Suds; it’s that NY Irish Mafia, Mr. Feet. They march every March. Funny, they don’t look clannish.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  192. Why this hate for anyone that’s not anti trump? Some of these same people have Obama’s a “chance” with decades of evidence democrats lie about being moderate to get elected ffs. It’s stupid, it would be as if half of the people here just started hating Cruz supporters irrationally and acting sanctimonious as hell about it

    Hi (0ad63a)

  193. i haven’t gone to jail for any clients either

    not yet anyway

    but marketing is changing

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/18/2018 @ 9:36 pm

    Don’t injure someone flipping that sign around.

    Pinandpuller (133c31)

  194. no promises

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  195. If you’re ever in Huston, boy you better not call 911:

    Crenshanda Williams, 44, was found guilty of interference with emergency telephone calls Wednesday after “systematically” hanging up the phone on residents of Harris County, KTRK reported.

    She was sentenced to 10 days in jail and 18 months probation.

    Williams reportedly had an unusual number of “short calls,” which were no longer than 20 seconds. Prosecutors, according to the Houston Chronicle, determined she hung up on “thousands” of calls.

    In one instance, emergency caller Jim Moten told KTRK he called 911 in 2016 after he spotted two vehicles speeding on a highway where people had been killed from speeding weeks earlier and thought his call had dropped after a few seconds.

    Court documents, according to the news station, stated that Williams had taken Moten’s call and, before he could finish explaining his emergency, she reportedly said: “Ain’t nobody got time for this. For real.”

    Fox News

    Pinandpuller (133c31)

  196. Well sure. The Affordable Care Act. What’s not to love? Using reconciliation to turn the country socialist when you couldn’t kill off enough Republican Senators to gain cloture.

    There’s the act of a President to admire.

    Obama’s 180 degree flip on gay marriage, open borders(bring the younguns to fully enjoy the loopholes!), and global warming fraud to close down coal mining and offshore drilling, all will shape his legacy in a positive way.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  197. Dude spends the last three years acting as the Doctor Smith of the GOP, then says “I’m out.”

    What? Don’t all try and stop me at once. [jpg]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  198. The Washington Post shares your opinion of Obama. Rates him as the 18th greatest of all time, which obliterates the Republican claim that Obama is the Worst President in History.

    Wait was that before or after Benghazi, Lois Lerner, weaponizing the IRS, weaponizing the EPA, weaponizing cross border drug smugglers (literally), sending crates full of cash by secret santa to Iranian mullahs, and all his efforts to stoke racial strife.
    2015 hmmm.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  199. Arresting a man for accurately presenting Mohammad in a video (damn Coptic Christians holding a hateful grudge over terrorist attacks last week; Crusades!).

    papertiger (c8116c)

  200. Simple words for simple minded:

    Attorney-client privilege not natural right.
    Not in Bible.
    Not in Declaration of Independence.
    Not in Constitution.
    Is rule lawyers make.
    They forget make rule that it include client identity.

    nk (dbc370)

  201. the fat fuzzy cow didn’t attack barbara bush she just did tacky tweets on her
    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/18/2018 @ 7:32 pm

    oopers *muzzy* cow i mean
    happyfeet (28a91b) — 4/18/2018 @ 7:33 pm

    You were right the first time. How do you Sasquatch in Fresnoian?

    nk (dbc370)

  202. Paper, re your Mugwumps post, it didn’t help that Blaine surrogate Dr. Samuel Burchard days befre the election uttered “We are Republicans, we are not the party of Rum, Romanism and Rebellion.”

    urbanleftbehind (bb5d4e)

  203. How do you *say* Sasquatch

    nk (dbc370)

  204. The right of a spouse not to be compelled to testify – I’ve never seen that one written up either.

    Course I avoid reading law books whenever possible.

    Kimba Wood reaffirms my belief that the law is whatever democrats believe they can get away with according to the climate of the day. Mutable and shifting – just like a NASA climate record.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  205. I like rum. Romanism, Rebels, meh.

    But I like rum.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  206. I find that the best way to boil small to medium russet potatoes is with the skin on.
    1) Make a small cut in the skin as though you were baking them;
    2) use plenty of water, three to four times the volume of the potatoes;
    3) bring the water to a gentle boil slowly and keep it to a low boil/simmer;
    4) the whole boiling process should be around 30 minutes, from turning the heat on to turning it off; and
    5) upon taking the pot off the heat, drain the water, and just let the potatoes sit there by themselves to cool down and the skin to dry out until they’re comfortable to handle when you peel them.

    nk (dbc370)

  207. You’d win Hi’s paycheck. But you might not be winning much.

    I am sure of that. But no matter how small his paycheck, this is still — in the language of horse players — an overlay (where the payout is greater than the actual odds of it happening, such as a 5-1 payout on a horse that has a 2-1 chance of winning).

    Chuck Bartowski (211c17)

  208. “That’s the complicated thing about Starbucks: Its racial diversity policy has always been aimed at its white audience, and that’s why this is such a crisis, right?” says Mr. Simon, a Temple University historian who has tracked the company’s place in culture for years.

    “Starbucks is this postmodern company that doesn’t really sell a product as much as it is selling a kind of version of your best self,” he continues. “And that comes laden with a lot of values, and those values are eventually going to clash with other people.”

    oh my goodness nonono starbucks does not and has never sold anybody a version of their best selves

    it really sells a product, dumb ass, and its key to success has been the extraordinary consistency with which it delivers the starbucks product and experience, a consistency which includes a remarkable embrace of flexibility – they sell bespoke beverages

    you have “your drink” what you get there yes yes yes

    but don’t overthink it booba

    as ridiculous as the brand’s become it’s not cause of there’s something somehow inherently aspirational about it

    granted the stance it takes towards customers has always been heavily freighted with didactic elements

    but at core it’s just a snotty preachy little company what trips over its own dick a lot when it takes its eye off its focus on product and experience

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  209. The only reason not to go to Starbucks is that it’s overpriced. $7.00 for a butter croissant and grande cappuccino with almond milk is highway robbery. But I like their burnt coffee — I buy it in bags for the percolator at home. And the people are invariably sweet, courteous and friendly.

    That Philadelphia thing is definitely an outlier based on my experiences. And I strongly suspect that it may have been a staged “f***k with whitey and play the victim card event”. Seriously.

    nk (dbc370)

  210. Hopefully not that __________ thing followed by “the Lash”, either.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  211. Starbucks is the sweet spot for curteous and friendly – while I make it a point to do Chick Fil A in layover airports when possible, I find the customer interaction at the stand alone outlets too saccharin. +1 on your theory, plus that location might have also had the bonus of having some goombas from South Philly for the ultimate Spike Lee movement, but none were there to take the bait.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  212. Trump is afraid to place sanctions on Russia. It’s time for Congress to show some backbone and sanction him – all the way out of office. Congress needs to learn that they are not only responsible for what they do, but what they fail to do.
    He’s a self-righteous bigot anyway. He is a disgrace. Congress will be held accountable, falling like dominoes behind this vile, abusive man.

    Tillman (a95660)

  213. “As the likelihood of the charges of Trump campaign “collusion” with Russia seems headed toward zero, the likelihood of proof of a different form of “collusion” seems headed upward toward certainty.

    The Russia collusion charge had some initial credibility because of businessman Trump’s dealings in Russia and candidate Trump’s off-putting praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was fueled by breathless media coverage of such trivial events as Jeff Sessions’ exchange of pleasantries with the Russian ambassador at a Washington reception.

    And, of course, by the appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel. But Mueller’s prosecutions of Trump campaign operatives were for misdeeds long before the campaign, and his indictment of 13 Russians specified that no American was a “knowing participant” in their work.

    Now, there’s talk that Mueller is winding up his investigation. Whenever he finishes, it seems unlikely his work will fulfill the daydreams so many liberals have of making Trump go the way of Richard Nixon.

    Meanwhile, the evidence builds of collusion by the Obama administration’s law enforcement and intelligence personnel in trying to elect Hillary Clinton and defeat and delegitimize Donald Trump in and after the 2016 presidential election.

    The investigation of Hillary Clinton’s illegal email system was conducted with kid gloves. One glaring example of impropriety came when FBI Director James Comey was given (and accepted) Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s order to call it a “matter” rather than an “investigation.” Clinton aides were allowed to keep her emails and destroy 30,000 of them, plus cellphones. They were not subject to grand jury subpoenas, and a potential co-defendant was allowed to claim attorney-client privilege.

    On June 27, 2016, Lynch clandestinely met with Bill Clinton on his plane at the Phoenix airport — a meeting that became known only thanks to an alert local TV reporter. Lynch supposedly left the decision on prosecution to Comey, who on July 5 announced publicly that Clinton was “extremely careless” but lacked intent to violate the law, even though the statute punishes violations intentional or not.

    Contrast that with the collusion of Obama officials with the Clinton campaign-financed Christopher Steele/Fusion GPS memorandum alleging Trump ties with Russians. Comey and the Justice Department used it, without divulging who paid for it, to get a FISA warrant to surveil former Trump campaign operative Carter Page’s future and past communications — the “wiretap” Trump was derided for mentioning.

    Similarly, when Comey informed Trump in January 2017 of the contents of the then-unpublished Steele memorandum, he didn’t reveal that the Clinton campaign paid for it. Asked on his book tour why not, he blandly said he didn’t know.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  214. The only reason not to go to Starbucks is that it’s overpriced.

    The only reason to go to Starbucks is because you’re in an airport, it’s between 10 at night and 8 in the morning and there’s really no place else to go. And dammit, I want a small coffee. Not a tall coffee. A small coffee.

    I never got this thing about coffee shops. I’ll go out for breakfast on occasion but hanging out in coffee shops, especially after 10 AM is for pathetic, goatee sporting, beret wearing, nez perce commies plotting their next baby steps to revolution.

    Skorcher (5b282a)

  215. yes yes Mr. Colonel the smart set’s moving past the puerile antics of james comey and stormy daniels and why

    cause the mueller show’s become such a ridiculous goddamn circus

    people have to distill it somehow

    and when they do the work

    narratives like Mr. Barone’s are what seem to consistently emerge

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  216. James Comey was a smarmy RINO elitest fixer before he became a crooked scheming #NeverTrumper shielding Hillary and Obama from the consequences of their treasonous crime spree while in office, and during the presidential election.

    Now he’s just another bitter Democrat partisian hack hawking a fairytale book on leftwing TV to collect his 40 pieces of silver and whining his way back to a squandered semblance of relevance, albeit forever tarnished by deceit and malfeasance.

    ropelight (dbf1dc)

  217. And yet, ropelight, Comey will end up pulling down $500k plus at Goldman Sacks as a “Public Relations Associate” with a multi million dollar golden parachute unless somebody (Congress?) stops this nonsense. In a sane America he wouldn’t be out pedaling books he would be interviewing defense attorneys.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  218. Yeah, keep on swilling at the trough of Trump:

    Democrats crush House Republicans in fundraising

    Tillman (a95660)

  219. Hey, what happened? I thought Republicans were the party of the rich.

    Money can’t buy you love (Trump disagrees) but it can buy you elections?

    nk (dbc370)

  220. “Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and 10 other congressman sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions recommending a criminal investigation into such extra-constitutional, bureaucrat, actors as Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, James Comey and Andrew McCabe.”

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  221. Claim: “We raised more money in January, for instance, of 2018 than any January in our history.”
    Claimed by: Tom Perez
    Fact check by Washington Post: False

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  222. The DNC is reportedly ‘dead broke.’ The RNC has nearly $40 million. – The Week › speedreads › dnc-reporte…
    Feb 2, 2018 · And thus ends the DNC’s year of pain. FEC December DNC Rcpt $5.21M ($ 65.9M YTD) Expn $4.98M ($69.9M YTD) COH $6.53M Debt $6.1M COH – Debt $422,582

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  223. Google’s your friend Tillie.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  224. He is not Hillary Clinton. And for many people, that’s good enough to be OK with him being in office, and I understand that.

    This is a caricature. While Trump’s personal behavior and demeanor are appalling, his policy positions (whether they are his own or those of his appointees) is much closer to conservative positions than anyone the Democratic party would ever run for president, certainly in the last few decades. So if forced to choose between personality and policy, it is hardly irrational to chose policy. Even if it stinks to high holy heaven.

    And to some extent, Trump’s personality is a welcome tonic to the excesses of the left. Like, for example, every criticism of Obama is racism. As though if Obamacare had been proposed by a white man, Conservatives would have just agreed.

    Trump is like giving someone the middle finger. It’s crude, it’s rude, I would not want my children to see it, but sometimes a middle finger is the appropriate response.

    Bored Lawyer (998177)

  225. I find it ironic that you feel positive and support someone who willingly lied and allowed misrepresentations, at a minimum, to the FISA court in order to spy on several US Citizens because the President can be a pompous ass at times. The President also wants to do what is best for America and its actual citizens, I assume you hate that as well because he tweets offend you at times. Yes, it would be nice if he exhibited what was once “Presidential” behavior, but that kind of went away with Clinton (really Kennedy) and especially with Obama who doesn’t follow the historical “leave the new President respectfully alone” policy, but that is ok to you as well, so long as he is complaining about someone you don’t like.

    Until a real third party emerges, and where is it to come from, where are you going to turn to? To the open borders, high tax, multicultural, 43-sexes, spy on US Citizens, rig primaries, claim racism and hate the police and military party, the Democrats? Wow!! How about voting for constitutional conservatives within the Republican party and making a change that way, versus leaving and helping the Democrats win?

    Greg (2eb833)

  226. How about voting for constitutional conservatives within the Republican party and making a change that way, versus leaving and helping the Democrats win?

    When did I say I wouldn’t vote for constitutional conservatives?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  227. This is a caricature. While Trump’s personal behavior and demeanor are appalling, his policy positions (whether they are his own or those of his appointees) is much closer to conservative positions than anyone the Democratic party would ever run for president, certainly in the last few decades. So if forced to choose between personality and policy, it is hardly irrational to chose policy. Even if it stinks to high holy heaven.

    How is this different from “he’s not Hillary Clinton and that’s good enough for me”?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  228. I didn’t criticize that point of view. I said I understand it.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  229. The only reason to go to Starbucks is because you’re in an airport, it’s between 10 at night and 8 in the morning and there’s really no place else to go. And dammit, I want a small coffee. Not a tall coffee. A small coffee.

    I’m with you on the small or large thing. I order a “large coffee” there. They understand what I mean.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  230. How is this different from “he’s not Hillary Clinton and that’s good enough for me”?

    Are you serious? Your statement makes it sounds personal — as though personal distaste for Hillary Clinton is all that justifies supporting Trump.

    My point is that it is more than that — if you want conservative policies implemented in the nation, Trump is the far better choice than virtually anyone the Democrats would run for President, indeed, almost any Democrat active in politics today.

    Bored Lawyer (998177)

  231. Check out Kurt Schlichter’s 4/19/18 article, Never Trumpers’ Whining About Principles Was Just an Act

    ropelight (dbf1dc)

  232. You just gotta laugh. There is no objectivity to some of these Trump apologists. Take a look.

    Already charged; Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates and George Papadopoulos and a pile of Russians. Charges to come; Michael Cohen. And the President not only lied about releasing his tax returns, he finds any investigation of his finances as crossing a red line. He and his team also lied about meetings with the Russians.

    But his apologists blame the “deep state”. They point to Hillary. They manufacture flaws in Mueller. Anything…. anything to keep from acknowledging the obvious.

    noel (b4d580)

  233. Already charged; Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates and George Papadopoulos and a pile of Russians. Charges to come; Michael Cohen.

    Wow, already charged? Impressive. Ted Stevens was already convicted.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  234. Nothing in the constitution requiring a candidate to release his tax returns.

    It’s kind of like that attorney client privilege. More a guideline than a general rule.

    If you ignore it you just get chewed out. I’ve been chewed out before. It’s not a big deal.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  235. Random viking says, “Wow, already charged? Impressive. Ted Stevens was already convicted.”

    OK. So when do you say that and when do you say that “nothing has been found in the Russia investigation”?

    noel (b4d580)

  236. 229. Did I quote Perez? No? Then that’s totally irrelevant then, isn’t it? Address the facts in the article. Your red herring doesn’t fly.

    As for your other junk, it’s junk.

    Tillman (a95660)

  237. noel, Fast-n-Furious, Benghazi, Uranium One, Servergate to hit just a few of the high spots. Gun running, dead Americans, treason, money grubbing, conspiracy, felony obstruction, malfeasance, etc.

    ropelight (dbf1dc)

  238. That obvious enough?

    ropelight (dbf1dc)

  239. Dennis Hastert has some kind of grapple thing, gay lover, illegitimate child, whatever.

    In America you can have more money than God, and yet still the Fed has their nose up in your business. Banks reporting to some Poppin J. Pettyfog if you happen to spend more than a couple dollars of your own money.

    I’ve never had that problem, but I’m sure some of you have, and I resent the government intrusion as your proxy.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  240. Nothing has been found in the Russia investigation.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  241. That’s what I thought, ropelight. Look, over there.

    You can justify a lot of misdeeds by pointing in another’s direction, I suppose. But I’d rather condemn all illegality, rather than apply ethics/laws in a partisan manner.

    noel (b4d580)

  242. Let’s test that. Back in 1999 the NYT’s reported:

    Clinton Administration officials said a check for $850,000, the amount agreed to in November to settle the case, was being sent by overnight mail to Ms. Jones and her lawyers. The officials, who asked that their names not be used, said that a little more than half of the money, $475,000, came from an insurance policy against civil liability the President held with Chubb Group Insurance. Most, if not all, of the remainder, was withdrawn from a blind trust in the name of Mrs. Clinton, which officials said last year had assets of slightly more than $1 million.

    Ten kinds of shady, but you know whose lawyer’s office was never raided?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  243. An FBI Director’s political POV should be irrelevant. The fact that it’s being debated at all shows what a mess Comey and his allies have made of the faithful administration of the law. Joe Friday he was not.

    crazy (d99a88)

  244. Using the “you too,” (U2 ?) argument, in logic known as tu quoque, you can justify anything.

    So when Edwards was tossed out of the election, he shoulda just said, “Well what about so-and-so? He got away with stuff!”

    Notice that we can’t enforce any laws if all someone has to do is point to someone who got away with it in the past.

    Tillman (a95660)

  245. The Clintons are shady? Really? Everyone knows that. The problem is that they are smart enough to get away with it. They are lawyers, after all.

    Trump is shady. Trump also has a shady lawyer. And not a very smart one. Good luck with that.

    And firing the FBI director after trying to demand his loyalty probably wasn’t the best move either.

    noel (b4d580)

  246. Asking a campaign manager about a Russian ambassador at a fundraising dinner they had incidental contact with, is like asking the candidate how many babies they kissed or hands they shook.

    It’s an unserious charge from an insane partisan that should be treated accordingly.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  247. 253. Exactly noel. +1

    Tillman (a95660)

  248. Tell it to Sessions. He recused himself. He was not removed.

    nk (dbc370)

  249. 251. Comey wasn’t repulsed by Republicans until they started acting like mob bosses. It only became partisan when there was this level of a train wreck.

    Tillman (a95660)

  250. Got away with it?

    It was a civil matter between adults. There’s no role for government crime there, is my point. If Mrs. Jones is satisfied, no foul, no muss, none of your business.

    That’s right and proper for Clinton. Did he steal the payoff money? No. End of story.

    But it seems now because the target has an R after his name instead of a D suddenly there must be a crime there. We don’t know what. Can’t point a finger at it. Can’t give it a name. Just kn ow it’s there.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  251. The President of the United States has a self-described “fixer” for a lawyer. That’s all you should need to know.

    noel (b4d580)

  252. 258. Starr, a Republican (gasp!) had his nose all up in Clinton’s underwear. Clinton et al could cry about it, but that’s about all. ‘Should be the same here – at least Mueller’s a Republican, so quitcher whinin’.

    Tillman (a95660)

  253. Tillman, Comey’s had his thumb on the scales of justice for decades. His allegiance has always been to those who were beneficial to him and his friends not to the impartial administration of the law as he claims.

    For a man of the law how can there ever be a higher allegiance than to the law?

    crazy (d99a88)

  254. Guess what Binkie. Every lawyer is a “fixer”.

    Sorry to have to pop your bubble.

    If you need any coaching about Santa the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairey, I’m your guy.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  255. papertiger,reason

    First, both Clinton and Trump may have committed campaign finance violations and those are crimes.

    Second, I share your frustration that Democratic politicians are not held accountable. That’s one reason Trump was elected but he has wasted the opportunity to bring more fairness to prosecutions by focusing on tantrums and blame instead of getting good people into the DOJ. Part of the problem is that competent attorneys don’t trust Trump because of the way he treats people. I wouldn’t want to leave a job to work for someone as mercurial as Trump, would you? Not if you have a family to provide for.

    The other problem is that Trump doesn’t have good relationships or even know many competent attorneys, so he has no advisers he can trust. Sessions has the background but is primarily a politician now. McGahn is good but he has Trump’s problems, not the DOJ, on his agenda. Trump wants attorneys who bully and act as fixers, not competent attorneys. This has been obvious since the beginning when his travel ban exploded. You can tell yourself it’s because everyine is out to get him and they are, but legally he is making it easy for the left to win.

    DRJ (15874d)

  256. Being a lawyer is not just being a fixer. Even attorneys who “fix” traffic tickets have to understand the law and the rules. Do you think law is solely about who makes the best threats or paying fines/bribes to the right people?

    The best arguments are the ones that have the best legal basis so there is a greater likelihood that client will win in court. Those are the clients who also pay little or no fines. Showing you have the best legal argument is how you win.

    DRJ (15874d)

  257. I charge you with being a lackey and a running dog of the fascist Democrats, noel.

    The outcome of these charges will be virtually the same as what the “pile of Russians” face.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  258. 251. Comey wasn’t repulsed by Republicans until they started acting like mob bosses. It only became partisan when there was this level of a train wreck.

    Tillman (a95660) — 4/19/2018 @ 8:49 am

    I call BULLSCHIFF.

    Colonel Haiku (46f395)

  259. You’re talking about competencies, Drj.

    I’m talking about categories.

    As much crap is being thrown his way Trump’s fixer is way better than Clinton’s, as far as it goes.

    I mean Clinton didn’t even get a kiss and got charged over three quarters of a million.

    Trump paid no money out of pocket, and got the full girlfriend experience.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  260. @222.And dammit, I want a small coffee. Not a tall coffee. A small coffee. I never got this thing about coffee shops…

    Never been to a Starbuck’s. Not once. Only a chump would buy into coughing up more than fifty cents for a cuppa joe in a paper cup. No saucer and cup crap, either; black, in a white mug, no milk, no sugar, like Bogie took it in Action In the North Atlantic. If you wanna make it interesting, have it w/a bagel w/a smear– and Lauren Bacall for company.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  261. Colonel Haiku says, “I charge you with being a lackey and a running dog of the fascist Democrats, noel”.

    Rubbish. You have no power here.

    noel (b4d580)

  262. So, Andrew McCabe is the latest innocent victim of a corrupt fascist Deeeeeeeeeeeep Staaaaaaaaaaate FBI/DoJ process crime witch hunt, amirite?

    Dave (445e97)

  263. Are you serious? Your statement makes it sounds personal — as though personal distaste for Hillary Clinton is all that justifies supporting Trump.

    That’s your interpretation. It’s not what I meant. I have heard people say “at least he’s not Hillary Clinton” many times and I always assumed that it was a mixture of personal dislike and policy dislike. Nothing I said implied it was entirely personal. You made that part up. And yes, I am serious.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  264. Check out Kurt Schlichter’s 4/19/18 article, Never Trumpers’ Whining About Principles Was Just an Act

    I love the clever way he uses the term Fredocon and Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit. Someone should tell him to use those terms in each one of his next 200 columns.

    What’s that, you say? Someone told him that 200 columns ago?

    Too bad he can’t be bothered to criticize actual leftists from time to time, and saves all his vitriol for people who criticize Trump. You know, like he used to do.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  265. you don’t even know for sure Mr. Trump is a bad president you just bias on him

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  266. I always thought it was funny when someone jumps ship because the captain changed temporarily.

    dlm (007dfa)

  267. Question: Did Pompeo sell us out to Kim Jong Un to help his confirmation and, incidentally, make Trump’s “North Korea policy” look fruitful and not fruitcake?

    nk (dbc370)

  268. Question: Do you stay up all night reading anti Trump propaganda or do you just invent this sh!t out of thin air?

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  269. Answer: Mr. Pompeo was OT VI in the CIA which is very high and he has many agenda, but all the items on it are good and conducive

    especially about foreign countries like the north korea

    this is why everyone wants to vote to elect him to be the state secretary

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  270. 273… that’s rich.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  271. Now you like the CIA?

    nk (dbc370)

  272. Hoagie, did you know that when Pompeo was in Congress he was a member of the Italian American Congressional Delegation?

    nk (dbc370)

  273. …with simultaneous membership in the Cobra Kai dojo along with Duncan Hunter and Dana the Surf Dude Rohrabacher no less…

    urbanleftbehind (0ea5ff)

  274. Now you like-a the CIA-a

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  275. In all serious, the Italian American delegation probably is the most ideologically diverse and fun of all the ethnic affiliation lobbies given the wide expense between a Pompeo and a DeLauro.

    urbanleftbehind (0ea5ff)

  276. Check out Kurt Schlichter’s 4/19/18 article, Never Trumpers’ Whining About Principles Was Just an Act

    Chrome told me it blocked 22 popups on my way to reading it: 10 on the main page, 12 on the the page with his column. Reminded me why I ignore Townhall.

    Schlichter whining about principles is of course the only possible thing to do. When polemicizing for a corrupt authoritarian statist, you have to pretend principles are meaningless.

    Kishnevi (ceb37f)

  277. the cia’s no good it’s all gay porn and skittles a coup-plotting with those poofters

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  278. oopers *and* coup plotting i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  279. How do you plot a coup? Can you use Excel?

    nk (dbc370)

  280. Can you use Excel?

    Only if you wipe the server with a cloth or something first.

    Dave (445e97)

  281. How do you plot a coup? Can you use Excel?

    You need to define the function first. In this case, it’s defined using imaginary numbers.

    Kishnevi (ceb37f)

  282. In circumstances such as this you can usually find an Italian who’s not too picky.-Dowager Countess Violet Crawley

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  283. ” I’ll be very curious to see how he justifies some of his decisions.”

    Why don’t you read the book first and then give us an analysis? Instead of some stream of consciousness.

    Anonymous (d41cee)

  284. mr nk

    I was just reading A History of Wales and it said something that should have been obvious: Gallipoli means City of the Gauls or Celts. I think it’s synonymous.

    mr papertiger

    I think you were talking about lawyers as a priestly class. From the same book:

    The leading figures in the priesthood were the druids, but the order also included the poets and the vates or seers; linked with them were the lawyers, the doctors, the musicians and the artists…The function of the priesthood was to propitiate the omnipresent magical powers and to organize the rituals which governed the activities of the community-that is, it was the priesthood which maintained and safeguarded the culture of the Celts.
    -John Davies

    Pinandpuller (a0c022)

  285. I know the Greek and Latin name for France is Gallia, and the Scots and Irish are considered Gaels and their historic language is Gaelic.

    nk (dbc370)

  286. #273

    Excellent advice. Perhaps you might follow it as well. Kurt’s a good read, but predictable.

    It must be a strange thing to squabble with 75% of the people who frequent the joint but who you apparently loathe. You and AllahPundit have the same problem, except he doesn’t bother to respond to those who call BS. He just rolls the way he rolls.

    And do you seriously comb through other blogs, making lists of those who might speak ill of you? Paranoia the big destroyer. Now that’s the funny stuff. Call CJ, he’s got l33t scriptz that do the work for him. Save you the time. And please, I’m not “flouncing” (say it with a lithp, that’s proper form – I thought you used the term tongue in cheek, but not so much, eh?). Me, I don’t mind Trump. I wouldn’t mind Pence if it came to that. I have to make a living, so you know, Trump’s been better for me on that front than Obama was, or Hillary would have been.

    Long live Trumpalos, long may we reign, fools though we be.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  287. Long live Trumpalos!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  288. As I was walking down the street
    Down the street, down the street
    A pretty girl I chanced to meet
    And we danced by the light of the moon

    Trumpalo gals won’t you come out tonight
    Come out tonight come out tonight
    Trumpalo gals won’t you come out tonight
    And we’ll dance by the light of the moon

    I danced with a gal with a hole in her stocking
    And her knees was a-knockin’ and her shoes was a’rockin’
    I danced with a gal with a hole in her stocking
    And we danced by the light of the moon

    Trumpalo gals won’t you come out tonight
    Come out tonight come out tonight
    Trumpalo gals won’t you come out tonight
    And we’ll dance by the light of the moon

    nk (dbc370)

  289. mr nk

    In its essence, the term Celt refers to a group of languages, and archaeological evidence found in Wales cannot be linked with a branch of the Indo-European or any other family of languages. Nevertheless, among those who first used the term-and they were Greeks of around 500 BC-it meant something more than a linguistic group: it referred to a people or peoples possessing a material and spiritual culture culture which, according to the classical authors and to the archaeological record, dominated large areas of Iron Age Europe. And that culture, as well as the language, was present in Britain when the island first appeared upon the platform of history. A History of Wales-John Davies

    Pinandpuller (be5553)

  290. The Celts are descendants of Hercules and the nymph Keltine. Everybody knows that.

    nk (dbc370)

  291. They do now.

    Pinandpuller (be5553)

  292. It is true that they were the premier iron workers of the Classical era. Better than the Greeks or Romans, and miles above the Nordics and Germanics.

    nk (dbc370)

  293. They weren’t union thugs.

    Pinandpuller (be5553)

  294. Just plain thugs. Headhunters, too. The conchos on horses’ bridles and saddle straps? They originated them. They symbolized heads they had taken. I highly — very highly — recommend this book if you’re interested in that part of their history.

    nk (dbc370)

  295. Added it to my wish list.

    Starbucks job interview
    “What’s your name?”.


    “Could you spell that please?”.

    “L A R I S S A”.

    “When can you start?”.

    Pinandpuller (be5553)

  296. caught in a bad romance

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  297. dolores lives, kinder

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  298. #297

    Snappy, I like it. Trumpalo girls, you make the world go round.

    Estarcatus (d19e9c)

  299. Excellent advice. Perhaps you might follow it as well. Kurt’s a good read, but predictable.

    I find his repetitive use of exactly the same terms in seemingly every column tiresome.

    It must be a strange thing to squabble with 75% of the people who frequent the joint but who you apparently loathe. You and AllahPundit have the same problem, except he doesn’t bother to respond to those who call BS. He just rolls the way he rolls.

    It is strange to disagree so strongly with so many people. I don’t “loathe” them but I do find many of their Trump-defending positions make less and less sense to me.

    And do you seriously comb through other blogs, making lists of those who might speak ill of you?

    Nope. Colonel Haiku made a point of quoting an Ace of Spades post that was personally critical of me, you know, for not kissing Trump’s ass. I read the comments to that post. It was a delight. Someone said I had become weak and backed off the left because I got SWATted — in the thread of a post written by Ace of Spades, who settled with Brett Kimberlin, pulled down content about Brett Kimberlin, and may even have given Brett Kimberlin money that would make it easier for Brett Kimberlin to sue me.

    Also Anon Y. Mous was there, showing the crowd that he was down with them and not with me, and calling me part of the Washington Consensus or some nonsense.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  300. ” I’ll be very curious to see how he justifies some of his decisions.”

    Why don’t you read the book first and then give us an analysis? Instead of some stream of consciousness.

    What don’t you pay me to do what you want me to do?

    Why don’t you tell us who you are?

    As it happens, I did read the book and may post about it. But not because some rude anonymous person told me to. I do what I want to do. Not what YOU want me to do.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  301. Yes, I made a point of posting it, and then backed you on this site.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  302. It was only right that you saw what was being said. And you pushed back and set the record straight.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

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