Patterico's Pontifications


BREAKING: Virginia Governor Declares State Of Emergency, Denounces Hatred And Bigotry In His Statement

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:15 pm

Caleb Howe posted earlier that Charlottesville had declared the “Unite the [Fringe] Right” Rally an unlawful assembly. Now Democrat Governor Terry McAuliffe has declared a state emergency:

This decision frees up the state police and state National Guard to respond, as NBC News reports:

State police and members of the Virginia National Guard surrounded the park after McAuliffe declared a state of emergency and the city of Charlottesville declared the alt-right protest an unlawful assembly — effectively cancelling the demonstration before its planned start time.

McAuliffe included in his statement a denunciation of hatred and bigotry as well as a reference to violence:

“It is now clear that public safety cannot be safeguarded without additional powers, and that the mostly out-of-state protesters have come to Virginia to endanger our citizens and property,” McAuliffe said in a statement released shortly before noon. “I am disgusted by the hatred, bigotry and violence these protesters have brought to our state over the past 24 hours.”

The reference to hatred and bigotry is dumb, because it will give the fringe right rally attendees an argument that police were called to cancel their rally in part for political reasons. That is unfortuate because, as Andrea Ruth and Caleb Howe just posted, there has been an apparent deliberate attempt to run down anti-racist protestors with a car. (As always, breaking stories are often wrong, so take everything with a grain of salt.) There may well be legitimate and viewpoint-neutral reasons to take action. Muddying up the message with a governmental denunciation of the ralliers’ message, however hateful it may actually be, is not wise.

But nobody ever said Terry McAuliffe was wise.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

185 Responses to “BREAKING: Virginia Governor Declares State Of Emergency, Denounces Hatred And Bigotry In His Statement”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Not wise? How much money did you gots working for the government?

    It’s exhausting asking, “suppose this had been an antifa extravaganza?”.

    Richard Aubrey (0d7df4)

  3. Is the pope Argentina, well at last call, if this was a blm would mcawful have said a word against, how about a ikwan affiliated one like cairs wurlitzers

    narciso (d1f714)

  4. A little contact here:

    narciso (d1f714)

  5. No has a corrupt weasel who should have been prosecuted for global crossing who raised funds for Mrs mccabes state senate candidacy

    narciso (d1f714)

  6. Not wise? How much money did you gots working for the government?

    It’s exhausting asking, “suppose this had been an antifa extravaganza?”.

    In English, please.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  7. A bunch of punks relevant to no one,

    narciso (d1f714)

  8. Right they wouldn’t have an agenda, and yes you can throw Richard Spencer in the hoosegow if you’re wondering, credentialed idiocy is not only on the left

    narciso (d1f714)

  9. Rep. Don Beyer, D.-Va., tweeted Saturday morning that “white supremacists chanting Nazi slogans aren’t Virginia or America. They are weak, ignorant, fearful people with citronella tiki torches.”

    Only about a third of the country…

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  10. The other sixth disapprove certain methodologies, but are fine with objectives.

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  11. “suppose this had been an antifa extravaganza?”.

    Let me try.

    What’s good for the goose is good for ganders.

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  12. Imagine me shoving a cream pie in Trumps face…violent and leftist…

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  13. All over plans to remove a statue of Traitor Lee?!

    Leave it up; Yankee Doodle pigeons deserve a right-proper-place to defecate.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  14. How about a statue of John Wilkes Booth?

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  15. With a taller edifice for John Brown next to each slaver in the Park..

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  16. President Trump comments:

    We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides. On many sides.” -@POTUS

    Dana (023079)

  17. “On many sides”… Leaves the door wide open, eh?

    Dana (023079)

  18. Trump has no credibility on anything except bankruptcy.

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  19. Public violence is always wrong. Public safety response shouldn’t depend on race or political viewpoint.

    crazy (11d38b)

  20. I have a feeling McAuliffe canceled the rally in order to provoke them. And he succeeded.

    Never heard of that alt right group before. And what is White Sharia?

    One dead so far at the march.

    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

    Patricia (5fc097)

  21. I really hate this governor making me feel sympathy for a bunch of Nazis.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  22. 18.“On many sides”… Leaves the door wide open, eh?

    Don’t be surprised if he starts leaving his fly open, too. Did you catch at the end when he began to leave, he caught himself and said they wanted him to sign the ‘bill’ inside, not outside– even though the desk and papers were right there by him and his human props. That’s the second time on camera he’s done that immediacy forgetfulness act. He’s displaying hints of dementia.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  23. Revisionism is for Communists, and even they do it quietly. I have no sympathy for Nazis, either, but the suckass liberals who want to erase all memory of the Civil War except their own narrative deliberately incited this with their grandstanding tactics.

    nk (dbc370)

  24. I would like to know how organized this destruction of historical monuments movement is. It’s not just spontaneous.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  25. It’s been going for several years, Patricia, and it has included desecrating the tombs of Confederate soldiers. Digging them up and moving the remains to who knows where. That is truly unconscionable even in comparison to removing the monuments.

    nk (dbc370)

  26. Very organized, Patricia, precursors are the ruckus society and van Jones storm

    narciso (d1f714)

  27. @24. but the suckass liberals who want to erase all memory of the Civil War except their own narrative deliberately incited this with their grandstanding tactics.

    Arlington National Cemetery, aka Traitor Lee’s one-time-frontyard, ain’t goin’ anyplace.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  28. I notice the Ruckus Society (new one to me, thanks narciso) has a Black Power flag on its page. Guess that’s not hate though. Or supremacist.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  29. No, its just a lively debate don’t you know, the defenders from a previous event were
    the ones active in sanfotd

    narciso (d1f714)

  30. What’s next? Dynamite the Crazy Horse Memorial? That bloodthirsty savage did wipe out an entire regiment of U.S. cavalry, didn’t he?

    nk (dbc370)

  31. Interesting how the locals get along.
    Interesting how the rallies and protests and stuff are from the outside that mostly get to leave and regroup.

    I miss the days when the righteous would just let people work out their issues without outside interference.

    Hell, one could build a nation and not get everybody killed.

    I hear that does not fair well with impatient fanatics.

    neal (13a965)

  32. “all memory of the Civil War except their own narrative deliberately incited this with their grandstanding tactics.”

    Baloney. We just don’t celebrate its emergence and historical proliferation

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  33. Excuse making for fascist behavior doesn’t assist the attempts to distance themselves.

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  34. Burn The House of Paul Revere, nk.

    mg (31009b)

  35. “What’s next? Dynamite the Crazy Horse Memorial? That bloodthirsty savage did wipe out an entire regiment of U.S. cavalry, didn’t he?”

    Wow. Self-awareness much?

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  36. I very much look forward to the Ferguson apologists who are sure to defend this outrage by insisting that those who believe they are not being heard (in this case hard right types) were left with nothing to do but become violent in their expressions.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  37. My rule is don’t go to a rally that looks like it was directed by Mel Gibson.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  38. Ed from san Fernando valley:

    You have the House, Senate an WH.

    What more do you want, Versailles?

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  39. What’s the difference between the left destroying historical monuments and ISIS doing the same?

    They both want to erase all history that doesn’t conform to their POV.

    The racists in VA and the antifa can both go to hell together.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  40. NJRob.

    Your reading skills suck

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  41. Mount Vernon, Monticello and The Hermitage are all monuments to slavery don’t ya know.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  42. Offer white nationalists a Guam homeland.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  43. Burnie,

    that suit of lies the left sold you has you running around like a naked idiot. You’re not fooling anyone.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  44. They can’t even conjure a decent response to this carbuncle of conservatism. That should tell you something.

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  45. Anti-trump conservatives have nothing to add except a vote on impeaching Trumps methods, not his true goals.

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  46. DCSCA

    If only Trump treated journalists like Lincoln did.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  47. I very much look forward to the Ferguson apologists who are sure to defend this outrage by insisting that those who believe they are not being heard (in this case hard right types) were left with nothing to do but become violent in their expressions.

    The “hard right types” had their guy elected president. They’re not unheard, they’re emboldened.

    Davethulhu (5d3b09)

  48. Ben Burn

    I have a citronella geranium. Are we still good?

    I shoot off flares if I need light on the perimeter.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  49. How the Left wants the Civil War remembered:
    — Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat.
    — The Confederates were Republicans.
    — The war started because Virginia would not allow Harrier Beecher Stowe and Harriet Tubman to marry.

    nk (dbc370)

  50. More Apologeia from right wingers at Justoneminute..


    There are elements who would LIKE to have Civil War. I don’t think it’s here, regardless of the posers on Twitter.

    I absolutely want an investigation of Charlottesville.

    Who funded all parties at the scene (Antifa, KKK, BLM, Nazis, etc.). Who organized the rally?

    Why were the police not monitoring Antifa, but only the “white nationalists”? (I put that in quotes because I think a great many of that side were NOT anything but disaffected people who wanted a voice.

    Why was the street not blocked where the car went almost a block hitting people before stopping? Who was the driver? Reports are now conflicting on his identity.

    Why was the news media all pimped and primed to attack Trump over white nationalism? If you were watching Twitter, the criticism of the President was almost instantaneous.

    Why are NeverTrumpers attacking the President over this? They sound remarkably like Sally Kohn.

    I hope Sessions does a complete investigation, including Terry McAuliffe’s role in this.

    Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | August 12, 2017 at 07:13 PM

    Jane, I sense someone would prefer that to Trump completing his term. It is Antifa inter squad fratricide so far. Not sure the “alt-right” social media forces and info wars are on our side. 0Hour claims they are paid by the Kremlin… Sputnik and RT news. Something is very amiss, #NeverTrump and the left are cool with it. It seems to be a broader version of the “chaos” narrative, and more in line with the self inflicted nooses and fires.

    Posted by: henry | August 12, 2017 at 07:14 PM

    Jack is Back!
    I think a Chris Stroud v. Kevin Kisner last group tomorrow will be compelling golf TV. Let the others force the game. If no rain this evening that course will be 2 to 3 strokes more difficult especially the greens.

    I am going 7 under to win.

    Posted by: Jack is Back! | August 12, 2017 at 07:15 PM

    Jack is Back!
    Lets remember who is the top guy in charge of VA State Police at this time.

    Posted by: Jack is Back! | August 12, 2017 at 07:19 PM

    Jack is Back!
    Watching CBS coverage of golf they advertised Stephen Colbert’s show having Muuch not Mooch on Monday. Just to show Trump what loyalty looks like. What an ass to go on there.

    Posted by: Jack is Back! | August 12, 2017 at 07:22 PM

    I’m adding this link because it is amazing to me how much information is available on the web compared to the endlessly repeated content-free tidbits promoted by the MSM.
    This reporter seems to me to be fearless, decent, and opinion free.
    what a concept.

    Posted by: exdemocrat | August 12, 2017 at 07:22 PM

    Beasts of England
    I like Matsuyama’s position, JiB – especially after his closing 64 last Sunday. It certainly looks like we’ll have another fist time winner of a major tomorrow – third time this year…

    Posted by: Beasts of England | August 12, 2017 at 07:23 PM

    Manuel Transmission
    Just stopping by to say get well to Kev. Our next door neighbor had a similar spinal infection last year that nearly killed him. He’s in his late 70s and had other problems along the way. They filleted him along the spine, but don’t think they actually removed any vertebrae. They speculated (somehow) that he contracted the staff infection while visiting his dad some years before at a Santa Barbara hospital and that it had been dormant for years. Maybe anonamom can clarify that idea.

    What was amazing with the neighbor is that he managed to get through the pain killers without any lasting effects.

    Posted by: Manuel Transmission | August 12, 2017 at 07:24 PM

    Miss Marple the Deplorable

    I am glad you are following 0Hour1 as well. He sure does find a lot of information, even if his writing is in Millennial-speak.

    Lee Stranahan (whom I discussed earlier and my low opinion of him) does do work for Sputnik.

    I wonder about some of the others. Cernovich is a blatant opportunist and borderline crazy. He has been pushing the idea we are in a Civil War on his Twitter feed. I am sure a lot of his followers have retweeted it.

    One of the things I have noticed is that social media has given a lot of people an inflated idea of their influence and importance. YouTube has allowed a lot of people to make their own videos anad thus be “stars.”

    I find I am worn out with all of this. I am probably going to pare my Twitter feed way down. I find I cannot tolerate any more McMullin, for example. I hope he gets arrested for something; sedition would be a good charge, I think.

    Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | August 12, 2017 at 07:25 PM

    Yes Jane, today’s news is so discouraging. I just turned on the TV and the narrative has already been created. MM’s point about the Never Trumpers is correct,some Republican Senators think Trump’s statement was weak.

    Posted by: Marlene | August 12, 2017 at 07:28 PM

    So anyone who’d mix it up with Antifa is “alt-right”? I don’t even know what alt-right means, but I wouldn’t mind doing it.

    Funny thing, now that I think of it. My father was one of those hard-hat “riot” guys in Manhattan. Came home with blood on his shirt one day.

    Hopefully Soros wasn’t funding that, too.

    Posted by: Extraneus | August 12, 2017 at 07:29 PM


    Posted by: Extraneus | August 12, 2017 at 07:30 PM

    Well there’s never too little mcmullin, it depends on the nature of the information, like his scoop re the abedin naseef network, he did a fair about of work re pattericos scourge,

    Posted by: narciso. | August 12, 2017 at 07:31 PM

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  51. Burnie,

    that’s pure spam. If we want to read another site’s comments, we’ll go there.

    Stop trying to derail the thread.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  52. Take rod rehear please he thinks granola conservatism is a thing, removed all doubt over Sanford, misunderstands the epistles re a monastic retreat from society etc etc

    narciso (d1f714)

  53. It’s right on topic Rob. What’s the problem with seeing the horrible Deplorables versus just deplorable. Doesn’t it help with your self esteem?

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  54. burnee bro still sleeping atop his sister

    mg (31009b)

  55. Btw..Rob.

    They would welcome you with open arms. Narciso bounces back and forth…

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  56. I turned on my tv and I was like,”OMG! Jason Bourne is on again!”

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  57. The “hard right” has been betrayed in a historic fraud job by the GOPe – the true power. It does no good to have a cheerleader/placeholder in the White House.

    Their frustrations are every bit as valid as those of the leftist victims, who enjoy a judiciary which eviscerates the Constitution to grant them unreal de jure rights and privileges.

    Which is to say, NOBODY has the moral right to create violence as a solution.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  58. Arrest all those who committed violence and prosecute them.

    If the driver drove into the crowd intentionally, charge him with murder.

    Politicians and the media will continue to stoke hatred amongst the public while they rob us of our liberty and our wallets.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  59. Burnie,

    any cesspool that dredged you up is one place I have no interest in going.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  60. The Spencer branch doesnt even accept yellow northeastern Asians (but Dylan Roof actually spoke of an Anschluss with them), it depends if Narciso is AJ Delgado or erstwhile White Sox/Yankee Jose Contreras.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  61. He was a lecturer on political studies and anarchism at pitzer college

    narciso (d1f714)

  62. Narciso is cubano/contra.

    He how where he’s needed most.

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  63. He GOES where needed..

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  64. I did say Spencer wee a credentialed idiot, its not surprising this would happen around uva where red sqaw partner in fraud Sullivan rules the roost.

    narciso (d1f714)

  65. It said ‘ chopper so naturally I thought bullsh*t biker acid trip…

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  66. How long before white nationalist antifa reinactors?

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  67. Lets see what this was really about

    narciso (d1f714)

  68. Jason Kessler said in an interview Saturday evening that whoever drove a car into a group of counter-protesters “did the wrong thing.” He said he was saddened that people were hurt.”

    I knew some had some empathy.

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  69. Is it Tewwowists?

    Can Trump dump white nationalists? What we he have to do to reach his true numbers?(IMO..13%) or rather, lose support at this blig?

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  70. Blog..sheesh.

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  71. @7o -Perhaps he confuses royalty with loyalty.

    “Dukie, if thing thing blows up, the Feds will be the least of our problems.” – Kid Twist [Harold Gould] ‘The Sting’ 1973

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  72. ^ “Dukie, if this thing blows up, the Feds will be the least of our problems.” – Kid Twist [Harold Gould] ‘The Sting’ 1973. Typo.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  73. Ok, I’m just gonna call you DC.

    DC: Do you access to some library unpublic?

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  74. Since this thread is dead on arrival, allow you work in film?

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  75. Naturally I understand privacy so…

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  76. “Go home. You are not wanted in this great commonwealth. You pretend that you are patriots, but you are anything but patriots.”

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  77. We were talking a few threads ago about some evangelicals’ embrace of Armageddon. Maybe the white nationalists kept Obama in for 2012 across those Blue Wall midwest states thinking of the long game of race war.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  78. I like my whites when they don’t get nationalized.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  79. J/Know

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  80. I can’t wait till Chinese slaves stop making us these stupid autocorrect iPhones.

    J/K apple plantation.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  81. 78

    Unfortunately, the internet brought all these bros together. Why can’t the left unify under a single simplistic idea that matches in in unison?

    We are cursed in our automomy.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  82. Seeing as there was a stand down order to the local constabulart it’s worth a peak

    narciso (d1f714)

  83. Pointing out that lovinger Cohen ratnick, Higgins townley et al have been purged while bakaktiri, ratney et all remain

    narciso (d1f714)

  84. I saw a guy on Twitter saying the GOP owns this. I guess he went to law school with Mike Nifong.

    I hope there’s no backlash against innocent White nationalists.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  85. Antifa idiots continually provoked their opponents enough so that eventually they were going to get some real blow back. The Baltimore mayor set the precedent of letting the rioters burn and pillage. Why any surprise that Charlottesville violent blow back happened?

    william paul (647cbe)

  86. There are plenty of cases where an 80 year old plows thru a crowd. We can’t automatically ascribe a motive.

    Did he write “Soldier of Trump” on his hood?

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  87. Ted Kennedy, Laura Bush, Vince Neil, Mathew Broaderick, Rebecca Gayheart, Serena Williams…

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  88. @89 Pin, my man! Too subtle on the ironical expressioning!

    (If you weren’t being ironical, well, too ????, I guess. E.g. (@4 pm [Eastern] Saturday), driver apparently being one James Alex Fields Jr., 20, of Maumee, Ohio who drove the car quickly forward, colliding with a car (etc.), and then backing up at high speed – and sporting a red and white athletic shoe on its front bumper during his “strategic w/drawal”. Candidly, of course, we cannot rule out a false-flag Al Qaeda link/plot here.)

    Q! (267694)

  89. A little background here


    Remember when the police stood down at Berkeley while the black bloc ravages riugh telegraph square

    narciso (d1f714)

  90. I think the driver can justify fleeing the scene. Video shows the mob smashing his windows and trying to attack him after his car plowed into the crowd and hit the other car.

    Xmas (3a75bb)

  91. 94. Well fleeing the scene in this case is an “icing on cake” charge like a 3 year old child not in a booster seat while using a vehicle in a robbery, but yes I be often argued that if you have hit someone with a car in a bad neighborhood at night you should not face a fleeing charge of you report to a police or fire station within a given distance or x minutes so as to not to be mobbed.

    Also not surprised by the athletic shoe, if it was fro a pair of Jordans is the suspect not the type of sports fanboy in the blueWall that both Obama and Trump could get (butRomney and the other 16 couldn’t). Given his youth, this could have been a sort of initiation act.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  92. Another test of Leadership…he flunked.

    You’re Fired!

    The best President Trump came up with is to say, “We want to get this situation straightened out in Charlottesville. And we want to study it. And we want to see what we’re doing wrong as a country.” He also blamed “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.”
    The country needed to hear the president specifically condemn white supremacists and make clear to them that while they have a First Amendment right to express their views, their hatred and bigotry run counter to the values of the United States. There will be no toleration of violence.
    On Saturday, President Trump failed his country.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  93. White House adviser says people should stop criticizing white supremacists so much

    Gorka can’t stop talking.

    AUG 10, 2017, 12:41 PM
    CREDIT: Youtube Screenshot
    No one is quite sure what Sebastian Gorka, officially a deputy assistant to President Trump, actually does at the White House. This hasn’t stopped him, however, from being a near constant presence in the media.

    Wednesday, Gorka appeared on Breitbart News Daily, the radio show of his former employer. Gorka responded to criticism stemming from a previous media appearance on MSNBC where he said “[t]here’s no such thing as a lone wolf” attack. The concept, according to Gorka, was “invented by the last administration to make Americans stupid.”

    The idea of a “lone wolf attack,” Gorka says, is a ruse to point blame away from al Qaeda and ISIS when “[t]here has never been a serious attack or a serious plot that was unconnected from ISIS or al Qaeda.” Critics were quick to point to the example of Timothy McVeigh, who was not connected to ISIS or al Qaeda and killed 168 people when he bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

    On Wednesday, Gorka lashed out at “at [New York Times reporter] Maggie Haberman and her acolytes in the fake news media, who immediately have a conniption fit” and brought up McVeigh. He added that “white men” and “white supremacists” are not “the problem.”

    It’s this constant, “Oh, it’s the white man. It’s the white supremacists. That’s the problem.” No, it isn’t, Maggie Haberman. Go to Sinjar. Go to the Middle East, and tell me what the real problem is today. Go to Manchester.

    Gorka noted that the Oklahoma City bombing was 22 years ago, which is true. But since 9/11, right-wing extremists — almost always white men and frequently white supremacists — have been far more deadly domestically than Muslim extremists. A study found that in the first 13.5 years after 9/11, Muslim extremists were responsible for 50 deaths in the United States. Meanwhile, “right-wing extremists averaged 337 attacks per year in the decade after 9/11, causing a total of 254 fatalities.”

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  94. Get that date…August 10th?


    Ben burn (d5850d)

  95. I hear a lot of ‘ I don’t like Nazis, but…’

    NO butts about it.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  96. Granted, they could have commandeered an 18-wheeler and really slaughtered a bunch of commies…but then we’d have to call them Tewwowists.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  97. Another story covered with a pillow


    Of course this would point to the misjudgenents re mi 6, dose and CIA, from powers pottery barn

    narciso (d1f714)

  98. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, a Trump supporter who was in Charlottesville on Saturday, quickly replied. “I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists,” he wrote.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  99. There’s something about DD that puts him in the same category as Ralph Reed, as designated heel working for the other side (in Reeds case, opposition to casino gambling in neighboring states).

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  100. No he is a vile individual, but why give him extra attention.

    narciso (d1f714)

  101. The Kluckers and the Antifa Blacksbirt thugs actually have more in common with each other than either have with any significant portion of sane Americans.

    Ignore the ideological window dressing and focus on the actual behavior: violence prone, knuckle-dragging, fanatics instantly ready to sacrifice themselves for a ’cause’ most of society condemns as abhorrent.

    A pox on both their houses.

    ropelight (072508)

  102. Good on them, may they get whisked swifly into a mother of all conventional offensives and go crack some undernourished skull, as envision by Dustin and Kevin M.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  103. I tend to agree strongly with Kevin Levin over at his Civil War Blog:

    Make no mistake about it, yesterday’s neo-Nazi rally in defense of the Robert E. Lee monument was a turning point in the broader debate about the place of these structures in our communities. Yes, monuments have already been taken down and flags lowered, but the sight of swastikas, battle flags, and men carrying automatic weapons will shift the relevant questions and clarify what is at stake moving forward.

    * * *
    Our president may not be able to identify the nature of the violence witnessed yesterday in Charlottesville, but plenty of others have and will continue to do. Yesterday’s violence fit neatly into the history of Confederate monuments. They commemorate individuals and a cause that sought to protect and expand a system of violence and white supremacy. They were erected during and as a result of the violence and intimidation that defined the Jim Crow Era. This group did not simply fall from the sky yesterday.

    No one will be able to look at this debate moving forward apart from the images of death, gun-toting thugs, and the face of racism. Nor should they be expected to do so. This darkness is a core aspect of their legacy.

    * * *

    Something of a silver lining, then, in the ugliness of dark and violent, spirit-fouling, war-clouds.

    Q! (267694)

  104. Q:

    What percentage of the 36% are sleeper cells with Francophilia?

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  105. There’s a White Sale in Southern climes.

    White sheets cheap!

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  106. Kevin Levin’s rational for taking down Confederate monuments is essentially no different than Taliban rationales for destroying monuments to religions other than their approved branch of Islam.

    At root, both iconoclastic efforts are anti-historical, seeking to wipe out symbols of past events now deemed unworthy of public display.

    Of course, it’s nothing new, ancient Egyptian efforts to chisel out the names of embarrassing kings past, and Vandal penchants for disfiguring the noses of Roman marbles, along with Napoleon’s gunners using the head of the Sphinx for target practice all testify to the same arrogant self-righteous impulse to blow up 13th century monuments to Buddha or to remove monuments Confederate soldiers from the public square.

    ropelight (072508)

  107. Rev. Hoagie, that picture is truly worth 1000 words. Mega props.

    ropelight (072508)

  108. As d’souza points out, this is not unique to the South because there were northerners like pierce and later midwesterners like the michigandee who wrote plessy, for this is as much about him crow as slavery.

    narciso (364166)

  109. @111 Not to worry, rope. Discernment and subtlety are not for everyone. Or compassion. Some never acquire the taste, sad to say. Perhaps it’s learned behavior – this revulsion of yours; perhaps your dad (grandfather?) held similar views of the wrongfulness of the removal of Nazi insignia & monuments following their defeat. Perhaps it’s something else.

    Q! (267694)

  110. Hello, Hoagie. Hope you’re well.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  111. We have Third Reich’s in California, mostly in Stanislaus Forest cutting timber for Rumpublican eyewear.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  112. thanks for the laugh, rev.

    mg (31009b)

  113. Matthew 7:5

    Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  114. Good gravy he is tedious, how have you been hoagie.

    narciso (2f8ade)

  115. I am sorry you Galtrights having the tedium of reality as forcemeat.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  116. As much as I rarely disagree with ropelight I must say removing the tributes to the Confederacy are really not like the Taliban or the other examples he gave blowing up religious statues. The Confederacy was 1)An enemy at war with the United States, 2) defeated by the United States and 3) dissolved by the United States. The folks are destroying historic items but they are not destroying the history. They are in effect destroying tributes to traitors. I don’t think we need statues of Southern generals who committed treason against our country any more than statues of Benedict Arnold or the Rosenbergs. Do you?

    The fact they owned slaves is not the issue. In fact I believe at the start of the Civil War Lee own no slaves while Grant’s family did. If Owning slaves is the problem then we need to change our money, the names of our cities, states and Capitol.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  117. 122.They’re all republican voters now

    Keep on telling yourself that cute lie while the Dems control the modern day plantations called inner city ghettos. That’s where Democrats keep their blacks hobbled by crime, drugs and single parent families but who they pay off monthly with EBT cards to come out and vote every two years.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  118. an apparent deliberate attempt to run down anti-racist protestors with a car.

    Later updates show this to be probably false. He hit a stopped car in front of him. It is very difficult to run people down deliberately if a stopped car is in front of you.

    Frederick (c8a679)

  119. Welcome back, Hoagie!

    felipe (023cc9)

  120. Re: 114, see Q’s comment for today’s example of preening self-righteous virtue signaling.

    Q not only offers himself as holier than thou, he also throws Nazi barbs at my dad who served with conspicuous honour in this nation’s armed forces for 33 years, which included WW-2, Korea, and Vietnam.

    Never once did I hear him say a single word against any

    ropelight (072508)

  121. Wiki

    Since the end of the Civil War, it has often been suggested Lee was in some sense opposed to slavery. In the period following the war, Lee became a central figure in the Lost Cause interpretation of the war. The argument that Lee had always somehow opposed slavery helped maintain his stature as a symbol of Southern honor and national reconciliation. Freeman’s analysis places Lee’s attitude toward slavery and abolition in a historical context:

    This [opinion] was the prevailing view among most religious people of Lee’s class in the border states. They believed that slavery existed because God willed it and they thought it would end when God so ruled. The time and the means were not theirs to decide, conscious though they were of the ill-effects of Negro slavery on both races. Lee shared these convictions of his neighbors without having come in contact with the worst evils of African bondage. He spent no considerable time in any state south of Virginia from the day he left Fort Pulaski in 1831 until he went to Texas in 1856. All his reflective years had been passed in the North or in the border states. He had never been among the blacks on a cotton or rice plantation. At Arlington, the servants had been notoriously indolent, their master’s master. Lee, in short, was only acquainted with slavery at its best, and he judged it accordingly. At the same time, he was under no illusion regarding the aims of the Abolitionists or the effect of their agitation.[68]

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  122. Godbotherer’s rear-end wags dog with fleas.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  123. Later updates show this to be probably false. He hit a stopped car in front of him. It is very difficult to run people down deliberately if a stopped car is in front of you.

    He hit the stopped car after hitting 20+ people. There’s plenty of videos of this out there, have you not seen them?

    Davethulhu (5d3b09)

  124. The religious bent of Jihadis is fair topic for discussion..why not discuss the rightwringers who think Matthew 23 is about others..heh.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  125. 131.The religious bent of Jihadis is fair topic for discussion..why not discuss the rightwringers who think Matthew 23 is about others..heh.

    Because jihadis are fighting a religious war hence the reason they scream Allahu Akbar! when attacking. I wasn’t aware “rightwringers” were fighting a religious war thus screaming Jesus Christ! and attacking, heh. Do you have video?

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  126. Rev Hoagie,

    good to see you.

    General Lee’s history is much more complex than the luddite left pretends to understand. He’s one of our nation’s greatest generals and only resigned his commission because he was a Virginian at heart. He was still treated with respect by Union leaders.

    He fought for his home even though he disagreed with their decision to secede.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  127. Three deaths and dozens injured? Sounds like a typical weekend in Chicago.

    Deuce Frehley (7654f5)

  128. The War on contraception is Jihadi style religion.

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  129. Hoagie!

    Glad to have you back.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  130. Matt is said it was terrorism. What’s wrong with Chief Doofus?

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  131. Thanks guys, great to be back.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  132. Mattis said..

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  133. Q!
    Is there a bro version of Alahu ackbar? He wasnt exactly driving The General Lee with the Dixie horn.

    If I had been Reginald Denny back in the day I’d have never hit the brakes and have been shifting gears a la Garth Brooks Papa Loved Mama. That’s all I’m saying.

    A guy plowing a jet into a crowd at The Paris Airshow is not the same as Mohammed Atta.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  134. Hohum another day ending y

    Remember they’ve handing out passports to heZbollah and Aq for four years now.

    narciso (d1f714)

  135. Did the SPLC own the guy who went to the FRC center with a backpack of Chik fil a and a gun?

    The only people who know what DD says are leftists.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  136. He fought for his home even though he disagreed with their decision to secede.

    I understand where you are coming from NJRob, but he was still a traitor to the United States and still waged war against her. I personally admire many things about Lee as well as other Confederate officers and men and I taught my foster son about these guys and how they fought for what they believed but were wrong. But I would not build a statue in their honor. You need to understand I have admiration and respect for some of the filthy, dirty rotten communists I fought and even killed in Vietnam but I would not build them a monument.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  137. So like Dubyas motivation for nation building Iraq was attempt on now Trump wants to go into Venezuela to revenge Ted Cruz?

    Frikin Liars!

    Ben burn (d5850d)

  138. Q!

    That guy doesn’t know an automatic weapon from Woody Guthrie’s guitar.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  139. It’s absurd to judge people who lived 150 years by the “standards” of today.

    One more thing: unless you live there, who are y’all to tell the people of Virginia whom they can or should honor with a statue?

    Deuce Frehley (7654f5)

  140. Parlor Game: How many different publications, online and print media, can you find that have as part of their headline “Three Die” as part of Charlottesville protest violence?

    I’ll start with “The Hill”.

    This came up yesterday when I was reading some online source that had a series of updates on the events, beginning with “One Dead”, then “Two Dead”, and finally “Three Dead.”

    As you might suspect, these publications are including the two law enforcement personnel who died in the helicopter crash approximately seven miles away from the protest.

    Whether the helicopter was used as part of the law enforcement response or not — and I’m pretty certain the facts will show that it was — the fact that it crashed in a wooded area seven miles away would seem to me to be a pretty significant fact in establishing that the crash had nothing to do with the protest.

    So why make reference to “three deaths” other than to simply up the “body count” to make the event worse in the mind of the public?

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  141. No cabello has responsible for some 50 such incidents if one takes him to the figurehead for the colectivos although Chavez brother runs the sebin

    narciso (d1f714)

  142. Why not face facts? Democrats supported black slavery for generations and it was the Republican Party which emerged in the middle 1800’s expressly to end the ‘peculiar institution.’

    It took a Civil War’ to accomplish the task, yet today’s Democrats are still working to divide Americans along the same racial lines their ideological ancestors failed to enforce.

    Today, the same Democrat Philistines would have you believe they espouse the ‘one true religion’ when it’s really the same old racist claptrap they’ve been spewing since FDR’s ‘New Deal’ introduced socialism to American shores.

    ropelight (072508)

  143. Yeah, ok, slavery was bad and maybe Lee should have stayed with the Union instead of putting his state (that would be Virginia) first, but then what about the mountain-sized Chief Crazy Horse statue, like I asked above? Not only did that guy wipe out the 7th Cavalry Regiment, if he’d had his way we would all be trudging across the Plains half-naked chucking spears at prairie dogs for a quick snack. When you start with this stuff, where does it end?

    As for the protesters being “outsiders”, I am of the opinion that so are the “Virginians” who turned the state liberal. Carpetbaggers who are there because they work for the federal government in DC.

    nk (dbc370)

  144. This is a godsend to Democrats who are desperate to get the Awan scandal off the front pages.

    Mike K (b3dd19)

  145. Well they smothered that, like Randall mcmurphy more like the whole UN conundrum, which I was surmised to learn the great helmsman want really,,shocker.

    narciso (d1f714)

  146. Was Awan ever on the front pages?

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  147. That’s as good as Trumps blather, nk.

    Ben burn (8d4fc1)

  148. All copies of The Virginian should be shredded and replaced with The American.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)


    Will this link explode?

    Ben burn (8d4fc1)

  150. Hoagie,

    The statue isn’t being put up today. Do you support taking down every sign that relates to a confederate past? Is it only the degree that separates your opinion on removing the statue with those lefties that want to take down all those old white guys cause they were slaveholders?

    NJRob (6273c6)

  151. Notes From Charlottesville On Our State Of Emergency “The ominous warning of Charlottesville’s riots is that we are letting politics descend into a brutal, unprincipled brawl between two illiberal caricatures.”

    crazy (11d38b)

  152. General Lee’s history is much more complex than the luddite left pretends to understand.

    Except it’s not.

    The sunnuvabitch was a traitor to the United States of America; inters its honored dead in the bastard’s front yard and every edifice existing to him earns its daily decoration of pigeon droppings from on high.

    End of story.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  153. Re: 159, NJRob, you do have a point. It’s not like they want to put up the statue now, it’s already there. And it would be pointless to try and erase the “Confederate past” as well as immoral since it is part of our history. Are they going to remove Jackson from Jackson Square in New Orleans? He owned slaves.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  154. @148. Whether the helicopter was used as part of the law enforcement response or not — and I’m pretty certain the facts will show that it was — the fact that it crashed in a wooded area seven miles away would seem to me to be a pretty significant fact in establishing that the crash had nothing to do with the protest.

    So why make reference to “three deaths” other than to simply up the “body count” to make the event worse in the mind of the public?

    You’d have to cross-reference w/routine state police air patrol protocols for a Saturday in August but it’s probable they wouldn’t have been airborne w/o that protest occurring.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  155. People can make a convincing argument for scrubbing the public square of everything from smelly bums to Fully informed jury pamphlets. But is that ever enough?

    There’s a good old boy in the south Nashville neighborhood of Forrest Hills (heh) with a Confederate monument in his yard that can be seen from I65. The mayor is trying to figure out how to block that vista with public funds.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  156. When Arby’s came out with the Rosenburgs commemorative Coke glasses I jumped on that sh*t.

    Pinandpuller (975b5d)

  157. That’s jack, Pin. On Green Bay Road in Waukegan IL in between Sunset and York House Roads is a house that sells flag poles and has a Stars and Bars alongside a Mexican Flag along with the US Flag, a POW MIA flag, a Texas flag and some others. My favorite (from the purely aesthetic placement, not philosophical or political, point of view) is a metal barn along I-71 somewhere near the Kings Island amusement park in SW Ohio (I saw this from 1995 to 1997). The way the Rebel flag is painted on one slope of that barn reminds me of the way Marines painted an American flag on a Japanese command station (which was later bombed by their own pilots to oblivion) in the 1943 Randolph Scott movie Gung Ho!

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  158. Hoagie,

    I’m just at the point where I refuse to let the left put any more camels’ noses under any tents.

    We’ve seen over and over again that they start on the small, allegedly unobjectible arguments and then keep moving till we can no longer recognize what has become of society.

    An example is the unobjectible civil union request to what we have now which is transsexuals claiming they really are a sex they aren’t and if you disagree you should be dealt with because you’re evil.

    NJRob (c8f8da)

  159. The destruction of historical monuments is really no different than book burning. Both are attempts to deny reality, to scrub offending thoughts and events from public expression, censorship straight up.

    Picture a triumphant Left looking at the Library of Congress and deciding that if it disagrees with Marx and Lenin it’s blasphemous, and if it agrees with them then it’s superfluous. So they burn it.

    ropelight (072508)

  160. But its ok, its all thought crime anyways right organized by the workersxworld party

    narciso (d1f714)

  161. Narc (171)

    The better question is what does America need from Trump? Looks like over 60% of us don’t think we’re getting it.

    Appalled (0119d8)

  162. and our colleague from the peachstate seems to concur,

    narciso (d1f714)

  163. Of next time they succeed in murdering a public official for crimethink, you say sorry about that.

    Btw where is the attaboy for calling un’ s bluff for now, rhetorical

    narciso (0ba652)

  164. narc:

    Trump’s approach to the Norks has worked reasonably well (I think that’s what your’re talking about). There are some advantages to being totally unpredictable.

    Appalled (0119d8)

  165. Excuse me for breaking in appalled, but I’m sure a loose cannon performs a useful function aboard ship on the odd day, kinda like a broken clocks accuracy.

    Ben burn (515793)

  166. Ben:

    Trump is President — might as well get some good out of it, if there is good to be got.

    Appalled (0119d8)

  167. He did revoke EPA Employer paid health club memberships, so there’s that. I like that but there should have been more than a few shekel savings.

    Ben burn (515793)

  168. Thank God for Antifa, to remind us that there are worse things — and I mean “things” — than Trump.

    nk (dbc370)

  169. A member of Congress was almost slain, and there is no investigation of the communications he has with the two horse heads from his state,

    narciso (0ba652)

  170. Yes. That is a terrible waste of resources, nk.

    You were talking about prosecution costs right?

    Ben burn (515793)

  171. No, the food wasted on that freak standing on the statue, when we could be fattening four-legged pigs, for consumable hams and sowbelly, instead.

    nk (dbc370)

  172. Nobody ever said Terry McAuliffe was wise.

    Abele (29a5a4)

  173. The better question is what does America need from Trump? Looks like over 60% of us don’t think we’re getting it – [good and hard enough].
    Appalled (0119d8) — 8/15/2017 @ 6:50 am


    felipe (023cc9)

  174. @182 nk

    Her name is Takiya Thomson (lolbuh).

    Pinandpuller (3d7c5b)

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