Patterico's Pontifications


Friday Night Music

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:58 pm

Bach Cello Suite No. 1 in G, performed by Mischa Maisky.

In addition to the famous prelude, I really like the second menuetto. The gigue is a lot of fun too. Just a great piece all the way through, and fascinating in the way the different parts make a cohesive whole.

10 Responses to “Friday Night Music”

  1. Great stuff.

    Yo-Yo Ma plays the cello suites at the Hollywood Bowl in about a month.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Thank you for this, P. It is a balm.

    felipe (023cc9)

  3. More please.

    Notwithstanding our disagreements, this has always been one of the reasons I come here.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  4. Definitely Bach doesn’t get his deserved due

    narciso (d1f714)

  5. Does indeed sooth the savage breast.

    Bill Saracino (9dd5bb)

  6. Notwithstanding our disagreements, this has always been one of the reasons I come here.

    I didn’t know that, but it’s nice to know.

    I discovered the Bach cello suites relatively recently, after they were recommended by a friend of mine a few months back. We are all going to see Yo-Yo Ma play them at the Bowl next month and I downloaded the score at IMSLP (become a member, it’s a great free service that deserves support) and started playing through this one on the piano last night. Actually playing it — or even just following the score, if you read music — enhances your appreciation tenfold.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  7. I’m sure any cello aficionados are familiar with this one, but just in case…

    2Cellos – Thunderstruck

    Dave (445e97)

  8. enjoyed with pleasure, received inspiration from a great musician

    mg (31009b)

  9. 6 — one of my great regerets is giving up the trumpet at 10. Not that I expected to be a great trumpet player, but I regret not being able to play a musical instrument. Always wanted to play the piano.

    I’ve tried to interest each of my kids in music by giving them multiple chances, but so far 0-3. Closest was my oldest with 2 years of violin.

    Still have my 4 year old twins, so there is still hope.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  10. no aficionado – but that rocks, Dave.

    mg (31009b)

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