Patterico's Pontifications


Oh, Kellyanne…

Filed under: General — Dana @ 7:21 pm

[guest post by Dana]

I started to write a post about President Trump’s meeting with leaders of the nation’s historically black universities and colleges at the White House today but I got so distracted by this photo that I lost my train of thought:


This isn’t helping your boss, Kellyanne. Appearances matter, optics matter, and how you carry yourself matters.

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


393 Responses to “Oh, Kellyanne…”

  1. Good grief.

    Dana (023079)

  2. What exactly is it that she does for Trump?


    nk (dbc370)

  3. What’s also surreal about it, is that no one standing near her seems to have even noticed… Or maybe they had, and we’re just politely looking away while wondering, what the heck!

    Dana (023079)

  4. On reflection, we should consider the alternate facts behind this picture.

    nk (dbc370)

  5. Probably thought she was the entertainment. Between her and Bannon, they might need a Dermatology Czar.

    urbanleftbehind (2c35f1)

  6. This is why postman called it ‘amusing ourselves to death’

    narciso (d1f714)

  7. Like what, nk?

    Dana (023079)

  8. Isn’t it possible she was looking at the photo she just took?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  9. this blog is petty and stupid anymore


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  10. Poisoning the minds of the next generation for a decade:

    narciso (d1f714)

  11. Cruz supporter,

    I’m sure she is looking at a photo. The way she is sitting in the Oval Office, with guests during a photo op is a bit disconcerting.

    Dana (023079)

  12. she’s trying to stay out of the way of someone else talking a pic

    how hard is this

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  13. answer not very

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  14. *taking* a pic i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  15. Her position is decidedly more casual than appropriate for the Oval office, especially given the presence of distinguished guests, however considering recent history much more untoward behavior has occurred there. Perhaps she regularly sits that way, or has a medical condition. Who knows?

    In any case, unless the pic is a photoshop, the First Lady should have a word with Kellyanne about appropriate decorum.

    ropelight (de5f95)

  16. Donald, I am with you. But you have to fire this woman. She is stunningly oblivious and disrespectful.

    Lynne (e46803)

  17. @ happyfeet,

    this blog is petty and stupid anymore

    Oh, don’t lose your sense of humor, happyfeet. I’m not criticizing Trump. She is a professional woman working in the highest office in the land and sitting like an 8 year old kid. It’s funny.

    Dana (023079)

  18. …and wholly unprofessional and unbecoming to the office. Literally and figuratively, I think.

    Dana (023079)

  19. oh come on i’m the first one on board to denigrate the inappropriate hoochies

    but that’s not what this is

    most likely the afp photographer asked her to step back so he could get a shot

    then purposely took one to humiliate her

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  20. Seriously would they have even reported this meeting had taken place,

    narciso (d1f714)

  21. it’s not even a one-off it’s a genre


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  22. Why give them anything to work with, happyfeet? They know the media hates them and are looking for anything to use,to shame or discredit them with, so why not refuse to give them anything? Outclass them.

    Dana (023079)

  23. the failmerican propaganda slut media?

    even ivanka can’t help but out-class them

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  24. Something’s rotten in Denmark:

    This is the publication that refudiated their last six months if reporting re sweden

    narciso (d1f714)

  25. Dana, I was being ironic, although I should have written “alternative”. Kellyanne’s phrase for “lie”, remember?

    nk (dbc370)

  26. happyfeet is a smart guy and by no means a softie when it comes to dolls, so I’m strongly inclined to agree with him that Kellyanne was set up by the MFM photographer, though.

    nk (dbc370)

  27. Of all the things Conway has done and been alleged to have done, this is small potatoes. And given how her boss has brought new meaning to the terms unprofessional and unbecoming, very small potatoes.

    Probably everyone in this thread has done what she’s apparently doing, except for me. I don’t have a smart phone.

    kishnevi (b1c03d)

  28. She has her feet on the couch too! I’m loving it.

    Dejectedhead (f1a4b6)

  29. Bezos seems to be the only paper that did a,straightforward piece

    narciso (507dea)

  30. At the end of the day, it is indeed, small potatoes. But pretty funny potatoes at that.

    Dana (023079)

  31. But, her carelessness distracted from something good the president was doing, and she should already know to be fully aware of when the press are in the vicinity. That’s just the nature of the beast.

    Dana (023079)

  32. Tend to agree petty, navel gazing seems to dominate this blog and the “fake news.”

    What next? Donald picked his nose in the Rose Garden?

    Folks have lost their minds since Nov 8. Mental illness is now mainstream.

    Blah blah (44eaa0)

  33. I heard they don’t take the Washington Post.
    No chance of a rolled newspaper across the nose to train her.

    It’s not the [edit]ing hour. It’s not the [edit]ing vantage of the chair. It’s you, that’s changed the level of you suction somehow. That’s the [edit]ing sum and substance of it. – Al Swearengen

    papertiger (c8116c)

  34. And what is worst yet if Trump does what he claims .. he will be the most Conservative POTUS ever. Period.

    I would have thought folks prefer a vulgarian delivering us rightward is much more desireable than an ideologically perfect Cuban who would not get much done in the cause of “lurching right”

    Blah blah (44eaa0)

  35. A story, the times, the journal and USA today chose to ignire

    narciso (d1f714)

  36. Clutch my pearls … she is not sitting properly for the Country Club set.

    Blah blah (44eaa0)

  37. Not likely to see it on the front page of the Times either.

    On the plus side.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  38. When your boss has an important photo op but you have to check your snap chat.

    Sean (41ed1e)

  39. This only proves how idiotic everything Trump does, is.

    I mean sitting down like that!

    So much more offensive and deserving scorn than say abortions, or abusing a child into thinking transgenderism is ok, or praising child rapists …. this is almost holocaust level behavior by Conway.

    Blah blah (44eaa0)

  40. Wish I had ten like her – Al Swearengen.

    Me too. – Papertiger

    papertiger (c8116c)

  41. She’s just checking to see if there are any other networks she’s been banned from.

    Tillman (a95660)

  42. That’s a good point Tillman brought up there.

    All this navel gazing about Trump dropping out of the annual Press Clubbing of the President.

    Why does it go without mention that the Press started this banning crap.

    Trump just responded in kind.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  43. What they printed unsourced rumor and conjecture, whitewash the previous administrations record of malfeasance and/or incompetence

    narciso (d1f714)

  44. So much more offensive and deserving scorn than say abortions, or abusing a child into thinking transgenderism is ok, or praising child rapists ….

    … or bragging about sexual assault, or boasting about peeping at little girls, or publicly fellating murderous dictators, or cruelly mocking the handicapped, or covering up the intervention of a hostile foreign power’s intelligence service on your behalf during the election, or slurring other Americans due to their ethnic background, or using the White House to bully your daughter’s business partners, or …

    Dave (711345)

  45. god forbid she leaves a stain on anything in the oval office…

    next thing you know steve bannon will be photographed digging his swastika thong out of his butt cheeks before using the same finger pointing to the signature line on a new executive order because trump is too dumb to know where to sign

    steveg (5508fb)

  46. What exactly is it that she does for Trump?

    1) Retrieves his sippy-cup after he throws it
    2) Tells everyone who was watching that it never happened
    3) Blames the press

    Dave (711345)

  47. It’s smart politics. The press (and Dana) sorely love to point out the couthlessness of Kelly Ann Conway, always looking to catcher on the crapper. The press is also loathe to show a picture of President Trump surrounded by most of the aldermen from Harlem, (unlike Dana) so now they have a choice to make.

    Perfect song to accompany the picture. [YouTwob]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  48. Aren’t alternative facts when one side says:
    “It was done in the middle of the night”
    And the other notes:
    “There was a full moon”

    “But there was a full eclipse”

    “In Zanzibar”

    “Zanzibar isn’t on the travel ban list”


    Because the facts alternate between the two opposing parties?

    steveg (5508fb)

  49. Like Obama’s selfie stick wranglers, his dutiful fillingvout the march bracket and w never informed of any scandal.

    narciso (d1f714)

  50. No when the ap commits photographic fraud, in order
    to further its sores astroturfed fraud march, the next one involves a real terrorist, rasmea odeh

    narciso (d1f714)

  51. Rashomon!

    nk (dbc370)

  52. Lynne, comment 17. I take it back. I was wrong. This picture was presented out of context, and I don’t know why I did not see that immediately. Apologies to all.

    Lynne (e46803)

  53. Here’s a fun test:

    The NRA posted a response to the NY Times “Truth” ad shown during the Oscars (I’m taking someone’s word for that; didn’t watch).

    See if you can make the view count go to 513. It seems stuck for some reason. I’m sure it’s just an accident and not that Google/YouTube is suppressing information it doesn’t like from popping up in lists.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  54. @ papertiger,

    It’s smart politics. The press (and Dana) sorely love to point out the couthlessness of Kelly Ann Conway, always looking to catcher on the crapper.

    I think I have written one post about Conway before tonight, and it was about her struggle to find a private school in D.C. that would take her children. I think you would agree with me that there was nothing in that post attacking her, or pointing out foolishness on her part. And, as I noted in this post, I started to write something up about Trump and the black leaders meeting. It Conway’s peculiar choice of sitting position on the couch, in a dress, in the Oval Office, in front of guests and cameras simply made me laugh and distracted me. There was no specific intent to make attack her as a fool.

    It is a so-what on one level, but given the relationship between this administration and the press, it seems, at the least, Conway was careless. It shouldn’t matter , ur it does when “the opposition party” is out to get you. Time to be smart and savvy.

    Dana (023079)

  55. Fair enough, Dana. But you did mean to spotlight Conway couthiness this time right?

    Or was your point to show all of Trump’s black friends?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  56. Derangement syndrome is hitting hard also here, eh?

    PaoloP (6941fb)

  57. Tempest in a teapot. No, I take that back. It doesn’t even rise to that level. This is non-news, not even earning the dignity of being fake news. Numerous pictures of Obama with his shod feet resting on the Resolute desk and nary a whimper from the media. She is checking her phone after having taken a picture of the college presidents meeting with President Trump. That may be worthy of mention; not that she had to position herself on the couch to get the angle necessary. This is a nothing-burger.

    Bill M (906260)

  58. Anyone ever notice how this blog loves cowardly republicans who crap on Americans? And hate President Trump because he and his cabinet will never play their duck and cover game.

    mg (31009b)

  59. She’s a grown woman in a position of power and she comports herself like a 15 year old gum snapping kid. Plus her usefulness ended once she coined the term “altenative facts”.

    As for those apologists who defend every stupid thing anyone around Trump says pt does, I have never worked in an office in which that would be an acceptable pose for a woman in her boss’s office.

    NC Mountain Girl (3ac93a)

  60. No trumpers fight with b.s. from their over educated mouths. These smarty pants can’t win an election without Trump peeps.
    2018 – I’ve started reloading for civil war 2.

    mg (31009b)

  61. With real issues being ignored, couchgate takes center stage. Everyone is msm. Look hows impotent I is.

    mg (31009b)

  62. I think this is just a moment, but it’s her fault when sit like that in an important event.

    gotaram (1ae8d9)

  63. AP camera goon says we want a clear shot of the seal. The black guys who are just jonesing over being in the oval office quickly comply. Conway more reluctantly, and mostly as a gesture to the visiting dignates rather than the AP.

    Being what he is the AP guy wides the shot to include the gotcha.

    And what a get he got. Nothing burger on a marshmallow bun.

    papertiger (c8116c)

    Rove and his ilk owe America answers on why they are so traitorous towards hard working tax-payers. coc members should be shipped to Mexico.

    mg (31009b)

  65. ugh now look what you did it’s on Drudge

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  66. If anyone in the administration does anything other than chuckle, then PC wins.

    Sorry Dana, this is less than a nothing-burger.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  67. Scary, I’m agreeing with ‘feets more than I ever believed possible.

    I blame our hosts. 😉

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  68. *cough*

    She was getting out of the way of the press photographer and taking a photo on her own phone.

    Xmas (3a75bb)

  69. My biased eyes do see this as unprofessional, but the press will be desperately hunting for that one second like this, and I don’t think this administration’s attitude is that by god they won’t give them that moment… it’s that they don’t see any point playing that game.

    I’m in great spirits about the Trump admin’s decision not to fight the Texas voter ID law. I hope they take that to the next level and instill some federal laws on this subject. They deserve credit on that issue, even if they employ some pretty goofy people.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  70. I think it’s pretty telling how dour and humorless Trump’s Defense Force is being about this funny picture. Dana’s a fantastic blogger and has been more than fair to Ms. Conway. Hell at times an advocate. This kind of reaction is how the Trump base is so bad at politics, but doesn’t realize it because they won an upset. Why drive people away?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  71. So the consensus is that there are alternative facts after all?

    nk (dbc370)

  72. The consensus (mine) is that the AP set their shopping cart free hoping it would ding Kelly Anne’s Camaro.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  73. That publication alsonhas the outlines of the fight against Islamic state

    narciso (d1f714)

  74. That damn Kelly Anne! how could someone be so disrespectful and lackadaisical? What a pig!×420.jpg

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  75. #60
    Come down off the mountaintop and recognise that she is “comporting” herself as an ordinary american… you know, the deplorables that elected her boss.
    Other facts you should be aware of:
    Nobody dresses for dinner.
    People don’t wear their Sunday best to take an airplane flight.
    Women actually leave the house without a girdle, high heels and makeup, hell, they even wear jeans.

    bud (af0868)

  76. AFP. Agence-France Presse. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Frog Legs and Cheese Amalgamated headquartered in Paris.

    nk (dbc370)

  77. Papertiger,

    I find it very telling that you are willing to give Conway every benefit of the doubt, and defend her to the bone, which is fine; yet you are unwilling to do that for me. Your loyalty to all that is Trump has compelled you to be, what I believe, unreasonable.

    No, I was not out to get Conway, or mock her. As I stated: I was distracted from writing up a post – a positive post – about Trump meeting with the collected leaders of historically black schools. I laughed at the pic, and then was irritated that REGARDLESS OF INTENT OR MEDIA MALICIOUSNESS, Conway should have been smarter than to have offered up such an opportunity to the press. It doesn’t matter if it’s unfair, if it’s manipulated, if there is a concerted effort to make her and her boss look foolish by the press – it is just how it is now and will likely be for 4 years. They have got to get smarter about this, they have got to be more aware of how they carry themselves, what they say and how it will be spun. The fix is in for them and has been since Day One. Trump brought a lot of this on himself, but we are talking about Conway here. Just get smart and beat them at their own game and stop giving them so much to work with.

    Anyway, it’s ridiculous of you to not be able to see things clearly as far as the press and the default intent of them and how this administration has to be able to be smarter. Who cares how Conway sits, it’s immaterial – if she were not working for who it is she does, and if she were not a public figure in an administration which has declared itself in opposition to the media. There are two separate issues you are conflating. To tell Conway to smarten up about these things is not a personal attack on her or her boss. It is to observe the deviousness of the media and bad intent; it is to point out that she should stop living up to their expectations.

    And yes, it is really funny and disconcerting to me to see a grown woman, a professional woman in a dress perched on a couch like that. It would be if it wasn’t Conway and was, say, Mrs. Obama.

    Dana (023079)

  78. 28. kishnevi (b1c03d) — 2/27/2017 @ 8:43 pm

    Of all the things Conway has done and been alleged to have done, this is small potatoes.

    Even the promotion of Ivanka Trump’s goods on a Fox TV interview was small potatoes, according to the New York Times:

    But use of the term “alternative facts” (which she coined, in an improvisational moment) and “fake news” (first used mostly by critics to describe things like Pizzagate, or the Rafael Cruz-Oswald connection, although usually something not quite so bad; and later adopted by Donald Trump to describe stories sourced on leaks from the U.S. national security community) is very important, almost as important as the executive order barring Syrian refugees (indefinitely, but this won’t be re-issued) and anybody at all with citizenship from 7 specific countries including Syria from entering the United States was the most important of the 20 items selected.

    The list of events was based on news coverage.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  79. Donald Trump said something should be done to save historically black colleges. That looks like it’s the beginning of his effort to snatch a good portion of the African American vote away from the Democrats in 2020 – but he won’t actually succeed in this unless he markedly improved the lives of urban blacks. That would mean doing something about education (somewhat easy) and crime (requires spending money, and hiring detectives and bringing prosecutions with a lower than average conviction rate.)

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  80. Hey, KellyAnne
    Hey, KellyAnne
    When you were advisor, your games were simple
    They said “I want to…”, you said “just listen”
    Then you ran with Trump and you won big
    They nip at your heels but you don’t give fig
    Hey, KellyAnne, what’s your game now
    Can anybody play?
    Hey, KellyAnne, what’s your game now
    Can anybody play?
    You were always something special to some
    quite independent, never caring
    You call out their fake news and you make clear
    Why is their mojo disappearing
    Hey, KellyAnne, what’s your game now
    Can anybody play?
    Hey, KellyAnne, what’s your game now
    Can anybody play?

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  81. Hat tip to teh Hollies

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  82. 82. Even that earnest effort could be spun or reasoned out to “they just want less of us in College Station, Austin, Tuscaloosa, Gainesville, Chapel Hill and Charlottesville”.

    urbanleftbehind (227f6c)

  83. This would never have happened during the Obama administration. Or should I say we would never have seen this during the Obama administration. Obama didn’t allow the media cameras in.

    Davod (f3a711)

  84. Well, it takes a lissome lass to sit like that. I doubt that the First Klingon, or any of the other women around Obama, could have sat like that or fit on the couch if they tried.

    nk (dbc370)

  85. Dana, if you are on the left of Chris Cillizza on anything, perhaps you need to rethink your position:

    Anyone who has ever tried to take a big group picture can sympathize.

    The simple fact is that this is a totally contrived “controversy” born of some people’s blind hatred for Conway and, by extension, Trump and his White House. There is simply no “there” there.

    Conway was on the sofa to try to get a good angle to snap a photo. It’s not indicative of anything, or revealing of anything. It’s just someone trying to take a photo.

    Or sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  86. Couchist!

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  87. The questions I would askare: who took this photo – the official photographer or someone else? Who released the photo, with or without knowing how tacky it would look?

    Lynn JOhnson (a4dc45)

  88. I just did teh Ruth Bader Ginsburg Workout and it nearly broke me…

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  89. Context to this picture shows Conway was attempting to take a picture and in that awkward pose purposefully, rather than just sitting on a couch like she’s an absurd teenager.

    So she was just having trouble with a basic task. Imagine how much easier and how much steadier she would have been taking the photo sitting like a normal person. This isn’t that surprising as Trump’s staffers aren’t exactly the cream of the crop of America. We’ll have to learn to not be embarrassed by them.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  90. Dustin, It is to laugh. OK, slut Conway is shot down, so now you go with awkward Conway.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  91. ok, now I see it was AFP. The photographer knows that this is not a well composed shot unless you are trying to make someone look bad. The shot would have been great with just the attendees.She should not have been sitting like that on the sofa and where are her shoes? But this pic does not represent the story the meeting tells. Poor choice by AFP in my opinion.

    Lynn Johnson (a4dc45)

  92. The questions I would askare: who took this photo – the official photographer or someone else? Who released the photo, with or without knowing how tacky it would look?

    Lynn JOhnson

    If you compare the shot to the one I linked above, it’s clear that photo was professional, probably from a tripod. AFP.

    In these sorts of photos, sometimes the phone belongs to the person in the picture who wants a souvenir of their time shaking the president’s hand. Conway could have been doing an abrupt favor for the black man standing with Trump. This is the sort of thing the White House staff will be dealing with many times a day for years, so as small as the task is, they probably need to figure out how to do it. It’s one of those little things that a Ted Cruz or a Scott Walker already has a go-to person for. It’s just political skill for the small things.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  93. I. Am. Outraged.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  94. Dustin, It is to laugh. OK, slut Conway is shot down, so now you go with awkward Conway.

    Steven Malynn

    I’m laughing at you because you’re saying I called Conway a slut, or you’re implying Dana did, and that’s something you imagined, perhaps because it was already in your head. What on earth about that photo implies “slut” to you? What is wrong with you Trump fans?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  95. Haiku’s desperate Trump defense misses that I linked the photo already, because unlike Haiku, I’m fair and honest.

    Hey Haiku, what was the relevance of talking about where I live a couple of days ago? You have refused to answer but I think it’s important that you man up and explain yourself.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  96. Nice paradigm you got there. Be a real shame if something were to happen to it.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  97. I sure hope that no one ever releases a photo of me when I am taking pictures for a wedding. Photographers often contort themselves into awkward positions to get “the shot”.

    Well, at least we are talking about something important….Oh wait.

    Bellerophon (99f2a6)

  98. Haiku has a real bad habit of ignoring the thread he’s in, and running around other sites searching searching searching for talking points to defend. If you try to talk to him about the stuff he just copypasta’d, he’ll go for some dumb personal attack because he barely comprehends the talking points he’s ripping off.

    Hell, sometimes he just can’t find anything so he posts a bunch of off-topic stuff from the same couple of places.

    Haiku is basically the Ezra Klein of the Alt-Right. He’s everything the worst democrat is.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  99. WaPo ran with the story and hence its top-rated comment on line:

    “These low-class, white trash grifters have zero sense of history or decorum. They sully the White House by their very existence. Just like the ignorati who voted them in. Anything of quality is wasted on that legion of shiftless losers.”

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  100. Greetings:

    Next to women’s sports, historically black colleges are my favorite sheltered workshops. Any boxscore on the fundraising attempts???

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  101. Help me out here, what “optics” and “appearances” are you and Dana complaining about – a woman on her knees photo, taken out of context.

    All that you were missing was “wink, wink – nudge, nudge” and you would be channeling Michael Palin.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  102. And what were the first 5 posts on this thread:

    Good grief.

    Dana (023079) — 2/27/2017 @ 7:21 pm

    What exactly is it that she does for Trump?


    nk (dbc370) — 2/27/2017 @ 7:26 pm

    What’s also surreal about it, is that no one standing near her seems to have even noticed… Or maybe they had, and we’re just politely looking away while wondering, what the heck!

    Dana (023079) — 2/27/2017 @ 7:30 pm

    On reflection, we should consider the alternate facts behind this picture.

    nk (dbc370) — 2/27/2017 @ 7:32 pm

    Probably thought she was the entertainment. Between her and Bannon, they might need a Dermatology Czar.

    urbanleftbehind (2c35f1) — 2/27/2017 @ 7:33 pm

    hey, nk, go choke on your alternate facts.

    Dana, maybe you ought to recheck your umbrage.

    Dustin, you are just dishonest.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  103. TPTB could not countenance a picture of 100 plus smiling black faces next to Herr Trump, simple as that. Though yeah, my mind went to the whole coochie on the couch/make it rain/real reason why black men go for conservatism type of meme.

    urbanleftbehind (c8adc7)

  104. Lynn Johnson (a4dc45) — 2/28/2017 @ 7:42 am

    where are her shoes?

    She’s sitting on them, unless she took them off because they were hurting her feet.

    Or it could be she took them off but she replaced them with other, non-formal ones, and is hiding them.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  105. I think you are on to something, Steve M… although I’d cut Dana some slack.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  106. colonel haiku
    it’s only fair that you offer to pay rent to dustin for all the space you’re occupying inside his mind

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  107. Help me out here, what “optics” and “appearances” are you and Dana complaining about – a woman on her knees photo, taken out of context.

    All that you were missing was “wink, wink – nudge, nudge” and you would be channeling Michael Palin.

    Steven Malynn

    No, I honestly did not see anything sexual about the photo. But instead of reaching into my heart and soul, why not read my comments?

    I said it was unprofessional but not a big deal in my first comment. And from there I praised the Trump administration on a more important matter. Then I showed the accurate context to the photo and explained this was sloppy. After all, this is the Oval Office, not my den, and it’s a place for professionalism.

    You’ve inserted into this discussion the idea that Conway was accused of being a slut, but there isn’t a hint of this in my comments (or Dana’s). You say I’ve been dishonest, but what basis do you have, other than a sick imagination, to say that? Apparently none.

    I think you are on to something, Steve M… although I’d cut Dana some slack.

    Colonel Haiku

    Oh, and here’s passive aggressive Haiku to come and keep score… what a shock, he’s saying the person insulting me is right. Haiku a couple of days ago was mocking me on the basis of my being Iranian, over and over and over, when I hadn’t been in that thread for most of a day. he then referenced where I live and even hinted at my last name (though this part, not the others, he denied). I asked him why he did that, and he refuses to say, except to apologize and later say he wasn’t ashamed of his remarks, taking back the apology.

    Haiku is the alt-right, and to him, I’m less than a full person because of where my family is from. He’s a bigot and represents the lowest of American traditions. While he refuses to answer straight up questions, he will insert himself into every single disagreement I have with a Trump supporter to further troll. Apparently, he won’t speak to me directly, but will talk about me. This is apparently because my race makes me less of a person and not worth direct regard.

    Steve Malynn, I’ve shown you much more respect than you’ve shown me. Notice how my comments about Haiku are directly based on what Haiku said, and I’ve asked him to explain himself. You on the other hand have used the exact opposite of my actual words to decide that I had a horrible message about a topic I did not bring up and was actually more or less defending Conway over. This is because defending Trump requires you to assume the absolute worst of the very people you should be trying to win over. In fact, I think you’re the one who isn’t being very honest.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  108. A waste is a terrible thing to mind, CS. I hope everything turns out okay.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  109. I’m surprised the lefties have yet to mention that all the blacks are standing while the white woman of privilege gets to sit.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  110. colonel haiku
    it’s only fair that you offer to pay rent to dustin for all the space you’re occupying inside his mind

    Trump Supporter

    What a creative remark! It’s great that you contribute so many high quality comments to this blog.

    But yes, Haiku does occupy my thoughts when I comment here. I absolutely intend to continue this chain of comments until he acts like a man and takes responsibility for his remarks. I am rather overjoyed that this has upset you enough to repeatedly attack me with your childish remarks. I take pride in it.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  111. Haiku is basically the Ezra Klein of the Alt-Right. He’s everything the worst democrat is.
    Dustin (ba94b2) — 2/28/2017 @ 7:51 am

    There you go, like magic, Poof! Disagree with a conservative and immediately he’s some kind of racist. Hey Colonel, when did you join the alt-right? What’s that like? Do you have a secret handshake?

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  112. 113… give them time, CS… they probably will.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  113. There you go, like magic, Poof! Disagree with a conservative and immediately he’s some kind of racist. Hey Colonel, when did you join the alt-right? What’s that like? Do you have a secret handshake?

    Rev. Hoagie

    No, it’s not magic.

    Haiku has been mocking my ethnicity for years. He’s admitted doing so two days ago and boasted he was not ashamed of it.

    Please don’t be a liar. Don’t be a disgrace to the uniform.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  114. Hoagie… apologies were made, but that apparently isn’t enough. I’m trying to take the high road, as per Patterico’s suggestion. I sincerely hope he feels better in a few days.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  115. Although I have come around to happyfeet’s point of view, that she is more sinned against than sinning, my first question still stands, Steve Mallyn. What is it, exactly, that Kellyanne does for Trump?

    Can I have an LOL, Cruz Supporter?

    nk (dbc370)

  116. No, Haiku, you are lying. You apologized for making a comment about my clawing at a transgendered person. Just that specifically. That was just a childish idiocy. You said you were not ashamed of referencing WHERE I LIVE or WHAT MY RACE IS. You repeatedly mocked my race, and have done so for years.

    When you say you’re sorry but then say you’re not ashamed of what you said, your apology is a dishonest non-apology.

    Now, instead of explaining the relevance of my race or where I live, or my last name, you’ve done this passive aggressive thing where you continue to insult me, as you have in this thread three times while praising yourself for “taking the high road”.

    Of course years ago, you lied about even authoring attacks on my race. The mods had to call you out. You apologized eventually then too, but then you just started doing it again. Why do you think my race is so relevant? And if you’re so unashamed, why can’t you just stand by your remarks by telling us what your name is?

    I do not have to be nice to you when you act this way. I’m not going to pretend you’re an equal member of this community. You Trump guys have made most threads here miserable anyway, so what do I have to lose in keeping this up? The respectful folks are at the Jury Talks Back blog anyway.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  117. Perhaps you could accept the apology and move on? It’s not like stuff around here hasn’t gotten petty enough. Hell, the thread is about how a broad is sitting on a sofa. I mean we’ve had Slock Willie with his cigar and blue dress action. We’ve had Obama with his feet on the Resolute Desk like it was from Ikea. But somehow Kelly Anne is a big f’in deal (as our esteemed former VP would say).

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  118. I don’t know what race you are Dustin but as a white guy I’m mocked and ridiculed and called names continuously. They even made an entire category to defame people like me it’s: White Privilege. And making fun of where you live? Really? What is this third grade?

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  119. Hoagie,


    You guys have made every thread here absolutely terrible with your ugliness, and now you’re complaining. What do you care what the tone here is like? How many personal attacks have you leveled at me and others? All I’m doing is asking Haiku to explain his own words. Nothing more.

    If Haiku apologized for referencing my race, and explained to me why did so, and apologized for referencing where I live, and explained to me why he did so, I would indeed probably accept the apology if it appears to be in good faith. If the answer was honest. He referenced my race because he has a bigotry. He referenced where I live to be a creep. There was absolutely no relevance and it wasn’t funny, so the answer comes from his own heart and mind, and I’d like to know what these many comments over the years are for.

    I’ve accepted such apologizes from him multiple times over the years, and even accepted an apology for him lying about authoring some of those (sockpuppetted) comments. After a while I get tired of being the nice guy to the racist, and right now, with people being murdered for white supremacists merely suspecting the are Iranian, I am not going to just laugh it off. While I’m not suggesting I think Haiku is anything but harmless, I think the racism should be addressed directly, and I feel exactly zero shame for bringing it up dozens of times over the last few days, or thousands of times over the next few years.

    If Haiku wishes, he can give you the peace you desire by just answering my very simple questions. Instead, he’s going to ignore me because he’s “taking the high road” except to insult me.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  120. Even Chris Cillizza at the WaPo said this “controversy” was a joke.

    I immediately zipped over here to see people having vapors over non-news. I was not disappointed, although did not expect it from Dana.

    harkin (70fe68)

  121. I don’t know what race you are Dustin but as a white guy I’m mocked and ridiculed and called names continuously. They even made an entire category to defame people like me it’s: White Privilege. And making fun of where you live? Really? What is this third grade?

    Rev. Hoagie


    Hey, it’s just a simple question: why did he keep referencing that? What’s the meaning of it? He won’t say. He said he wasn’t ashamed of it and isn’t sorry (although he’s pretending to have apologized now for some dishonest reason).

    I think they call that “consciousness of guilt”.

    My theory: He was being a creepy racist troll. Prepare to read A LOT about it. I’ve finally found something that gets you guys back for the ugliness over the past year.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  122. She has such respect for the Oval Office that she never takes her panties off.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  123. I could never be in politics, obvious reasons aside, because sitting with your legs crossed like a woman and holding hands with Arabs looks gay. Gay as hell.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  124. I arrived at my office early one morning – still a bit dark – and as I got out of my car, I noticed a lump of fur on the parking lot pavement… the remains of a small rodent. I used my phone flashlight and determined it was the lower half of a rat… apparently, the front half of the rat is the tastiest to whatever predator made a meal out of it. I looked at what remained, recognized an opportunity and carefully wrapped it in a couple napkins and put it in a paper bag I had in my car, and put it in my briefcase.

    My plan… the next time I’m in a discussion where someone says “I don’t give a rat’s ass…”, I will say, “hold on a minute”, reach into my briefcase and say “well I do… I do give a rat’s ass” and then proceed to pull out the rat’s ass for close inspection.

    This is not that time.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  125. Didn’t they do this kind of thing to Lady Diana? I hope she doesn’t take a Paris cab ride.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  126. edna ferber wrote a giant novel about texas
    texans got mad at her because they thought she was poking fun at their state
    and she kind of was
    some of those texans still haven’t forgiven her even though she died in 1968

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  127. It’s AFP we are talking about here. As in France. The photographer has probably made Kellyanne Conway a star in France.

    Davod (f3a711)

  128. Teh hoitiest of toity!

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  129. had a dog like that back in texas always parkin her hairy ass on the couch

    just had to keep smackin that ass til she learned

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  130. Apparently the use of “nancy’d persian version” greatly offended Dustin. I’m of English/Welsh/Danish heritage. Go ahead… have yer fun. Make me cry.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  131. When one is always looking for offense, one is bound to be offended.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  132. Dustin, you accused me of seeing sex that was not there, except it was the crux of the post. I call you on it, and you make something else up.

    Now you drop both the mean girl card, and the race card. pffft.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  133. 131. It’s Arab organizations who want that thing, and Democrats, so why is it coming to a head now?

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  134. Papertiger,

    I find it very telling that you are willing to give Conway every benefit of the doubt, and defend her to the bone, which is fine; yet you are unwilling to do that for me. Your loyalty to all that is Trump has compelled you to be, what I believe, unreasonable.

    No, I was not out to get Conway, or mock her. As I stated: I was distracted from writing up a post – a positive post – about Trump meeting with the collected leaders of historically black schools.

    Dana (023079) — 2/28/2017 @ 6:52 am

    Yet, like the AP, Washington Post, NY Times, etc., you chose to focus on this incident instead of the actual subject matter you said you were going to write about.

    Think about that for a moment.

    NJRob (43d957)

  135. just waited til she got comfy then daddy just roll up one them sports illustratereds off the coffee table real tight and do a smackerooni on that ass

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  136. so why is it coming to a head now?

    article is from last year it’s an obama thing for to sharpen racial divisions

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  137. I’m just stopping by to see how the NeverTrump crowd is doing and if the fever has broken yet.

    Does it occur to you people that, if that photo had not been pushed by WaPo, Trump’s meeting with the black college presidents would never have been reported ?

    Mike K (f469ea)

  138. Great point, Mike K.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  139. And best regards.

    Colonel Haiku (c0421f)

  140. I pointed that out Michael, kellyanne has in many ways been the roadrunner, this is why some many acme level traps have bee set for her

    narciso (d1f714)

  141. I stop by every few days to look but the Trump hysteria seems never to abate.

    At least Patrick still wishes me happy birthday on facebook.

    Mike K (f469ea)

  142. if that photo had not been pushed by WaPo, Trump’s meeting with the black college presidents would never have been reported


    I started to write a post about President Trump’s meeting with leaders of the nation’s historically black universities and colleges at the White House today but I got so distracted by this photo that I lost my train of thought…

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  143. Much like chuck, not you bartowski who gets distracted by shiny objects

    narciso (d1f714)

  144. Hello, KFC… fifty buckets, Extra Crispy– to go…

    “What you don’t understand is that it’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.” – Capt. Nately [Art Garfunkel] ‘Catch-22’ 1970

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  145. This isn’t helping your boss, Kellyanne. Appearances matter, optics matter, and how you carry yourself matters.

    A kneejerk reaction.

    “Bring out… The Comfy Chair!” – ‘Spanish Inquisition, Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ BBC TV

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  146. This isn’t helping your boss, Kellyanne. Appearances matter, optics matter, and how you carry yourself matters.

    A kneejerk reaction.

    “Bring out… The Comfy Chair!” – ‘Spanish Inquisition, Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ BBC TV

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 2/28/2017 @ 9:37 am

    Yes, a kneejerk reaction to a dishonest edited video.

    Dana saw what she was conditioned to see.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  147. i will pray for her

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  148. A free press is vital to a healthy system but then again so is gut bacteria.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  149. OK, Conway shouldn’t have had her feet on the couch,

    but this gleeful, finger-pointing reaction to such a minor faux pas is worthy of the children at BuzzFeed.

    I expect better of this blog. Or at least, I once did.

    Mitch (341ca0)

  150. 1. Maybe her back hurts. She’s not very tall, and the couch is too deep for her to sit comfortably in the normal fashion.

    2. For the left to call this out, with all the pictures of Obama putting his shod feet on the Oval Office furniture, is yet another, albeit minor, sign of their hypocrisy.

    David Pittelli (0a4463)

  151. When KAC gets nervous she tucks her legs under her and then she smells her toes.


    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  152. She was the velvet glove to bannon’s mailed fist.

    narciso (d1f714)

  153. Naaaah. There are plenty of other reasons to bash Kellyanne. I can’t get worked up about this. Dana, you know I cyber-love ya, but sometimes you gotta hold your fire.

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  154. I liked Harkin’s link

    Adds some context

    Hello Mike K.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  155. the massageyness what is rampant in this thread is repulsive

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  156. She could have gotten on her knees on the floor, sat on the coffee table, or crouched down like a baseball catcher.

    Or maybe she should have just obtained a copy of an official picture.
    Smart phones that take pictures trigger embarrassing habits.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  157. Over on the “Safe Space” side of the blog, teh swells are saying it’s amusing to read the lengths that people here are going to as they jump thru hoops to dismiss this disaster.

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  158. Well seeing the ape’s penchant for photographic fraud, probably share by afp.

    narciso (d1f714)

  159. The photo could have been taken by accident if the photographer was French.

    nk (dbc370)

  160. One can never be too careful…

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  161. Inspector clousseau is alive in the gendarmerie, yikes

    narciso (d1f714)

  162. Michael Crichton must be spinning in his grave, Gell-Mann amnesia has become epidemic in a severe variety.

    I imagine this will be seen as insulting, so I didn’t post it on the other blog.

    I once came here as an antidote to GM amnesia, to see context and information that the MSM didn’t give,
    now I need to see a link to WaPo to give context to what is posted here.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  163. #162 Colonel, you’re right, they do spend an awful lot of time over there in the Safe Space talking about this side of the blog.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  164. The post spike to substance of the meeting,,the only such paper to do so, the mail addressed the context if the photograph

    narciso (d1f714)

  165. I obviously am not well-mannered sufficiently to be any where near people of importance, I am sure I would probably do something embarrassing every day.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  166. I guess there is a reason the elites on the coasts don’t have much respect for people like me

    This is like the Pharisees going crazy over Jesus letting a harlot wash his feet,
    So unbecoming.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  167. Kellyanne clearly saw this was a historic event, and suspected, crazy right, the ruzzotto tray press would try to ignore it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  168. @80 Dana

    So basically she’s the new Dan Quayle.

    Me personally, I did not ascribe to you any ill will in your post.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  169. @82 Sammy

    Donald Trump could do less damage to the black community than the Great Society by dropping turkeys on them from the sky a ala Les Nessmen.

    “As God as my witness I thought turkeys could fly.”

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  170. Republican in a Bar

    A union boss walks into a bar next door to the factory and is about to order a drink when he sees a guy sitting at a table close by wearing a Trump ‘Let’s Make America Great Again’ t-shirt and two beers in front of him.

    He doesn’t have to be an Einstein to know that this guy is a Republican.

    So, he shouts over to the bartender so loudly that everyone in the place can hear, ‘Drinks for everyone in here, bartender, but not for the Republican!’

    Soon after the drinks have been handed out, the Republican gives him a big smile, waves at him then says, ‘Thank you!’ in an equally loud voice. This infuriates the union boss.

    The union boss once again loudly orders drinks for everyone except the Republican. As before, this doesn’t seem to bother the Republican in the least.

    He continues to smile, and again yells, ‘Thank you!’ The union boss once again loudly orders drinks for everyone except the Republican.

    As before, this doesn’t seem to bother the Republican. He continues to smile, and again yells, ‘Thank you!’

    The union boss asks the bartender, ‘What the hell is the matter with that Republican? I have ordered three rounds of drinks for everyone in the bar but him, and all the silly ass does is smile and thanks me. Is he nuts?’

    ‘Nope,’ replies the bartender. ‘He owns the place.’

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  171. @87 nk

    Donna Brazile will be able to sit like that when diabetes chases her down in a few years.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  172. I’m certain Obama sat like that a few times but it was on a rug, not a couch.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  173. MD
    I think you are on to something

    steveg (09b1a9)

  174. 177, 178… now that’s just mean!

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  175. For some more perspective. There is “a blonder blonde” in the Trump administration than Kellyanne.

    nk (dbc370)

  176. Alternative history, too.

    nk (dbc370)

  177. 156, she is somewhat of a archetypical catholic, also the inverse of Joe Montana and John Travolta (they were 1/2 Irish 1/2 Italians that carried themselvescIrish, whereas KAC is composed the same, but was raised by the mom’s Italian side.)

    urbanleftbehind (c8adc7)

  178. Dustin

    Wait, I thought that you didn’t believe in race.

    Bouncer: What if he calls my mama a whore?

    Dalton: Is she?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  179. Poor phrasing, but they were a major opportunity in the era of Wilson and beyond, robeson went to rutgers if memory served, bunch started out at howard

    narciso (d1f714)

  180. Got it backward he taught at Howard after UCLA and Harvard.

    narciso (d1f714)

  181. #178 pinandpuller,

    i bet barack sat like that when he was hanging out with frank marshall davis

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  182. @123 Dustin

    In case I wasn’t clear in a prior thread, the only reason I know anything about you is your own comments. I didn’t know anything about your occupation until you mentioned it the other day.

    I have lurked here over several years without excavating all of the comments so I can’t speak to the long, long ago.

    You referenced your ethnicity, geographical location and occupation all within the last three months.

    I learned it from watching you!

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  183. @130 Cruz Supporter

    I thought James Michener was the only one to write a book about the state that dare not speak its name.

    Do we have to come up with some equivalent to That Scottish Play?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  184. Colonel Haiku

    So, you are a Welsher like me.

    I bet you named your son Alexander. That would do it.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  185. 174. Pinandpuller (16b0b5) — 2/28/2017 @ 11:24 am

    Donald Trump could do less damage to the black community than the Great Society by dropping turkeys on them from the sky a ala Les Nessmen.

    As long as there was no means testing, or means testing (or selection of recipients) only once. No need to re-qualify.

    Means testing is extremely pernicious. Not only peoplle don;t make plans, people who want to hel other people don’t make plans.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  186. I thought that Gelman was Regis Filbin’s producer?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  187. Nope, PandP, can’t say that’s the name we chose. Our kids are of half Mexican-American heritage, most would pay odds it’s teh better half, for sure.

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  188. Make that lay odds…

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  189. @191 Sammy

    People are accusing Trump of a cargo cult, no? If we dropped aid on the ghetto it might get some folks up off their butts. For the cost of a cup of coffee you too can sponsor a child, if he’s fast enough.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  190. Well, you want to help more the people who are slow moving.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  191. Colonel Haiku

    I knew a Mexican from Zacatecas named Aquilles so anything is possib-lay.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  192. Sammy

    Cut the sugar and the refined grains. Intermittent fasting if you aren’t fast enough. Drop avocados and coconuts. No more diabetes.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  193. #197 Pinandpuller, I hope he wasn’t a heel!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  194. Pinandpuller (16b0b5) — 2/28/2017 @ 12:29 pm

    Cut the sugar and the refined grains. Intermittent fasting if you aren’t fast enough.

    That’s actually healthy. Or at least
    one day of 500 calories. I’ve heard more space between meals (like confine eating to a 12 hour or even 9 hour window per 24 hours) or limit the diet every other day to 500 calories and even a limit of 500 calories only 5 times a month. That’s for adults, though. I don’t know about children.

    Drop avocados and coconuts. No more diabetes.

    a change in diet could do this. To avoid juvenile diabetes, avoid cow’s milk for the first six months of life. Because cow’s milk has similair markers to the Islets of Langerhams, in people with the wrong HLAs an immune sensitity may build up, kicked into high gear by a later infection or a vaccine. After 6 months the milk proteinds or whatever can’t get into the bloodstream from the stomach.

    But don’t drop. That could fall on somebody’s head. Dump. Better yet, set up a maze. Or slot machines that give people money over time instead of taking money over time. But small amounts. Unemployed people would use them, or someone that needed $20 cash in 2 hours. No need to prove need. The time somebody spends collecting this demonstrates need. No need to limit savings.

    But there are some truly disabled people so that won’t work for everyone.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  195. There’s a book about sugar. Mayor Bloomberg wanted to tax soda bottles. (part of the argument is that it even diet soda stimulates the appetite) But he tried to use the Board of Health for this.

    Refined flour is bad because the flour is too finely ground – and it make a difference in how fast the carbohydrates are absorbed into the body. I think pasta must be slower than cookies for some reason.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  196. She’s like a golden glove shortstop in an interview. At the end of her time on the View Whoopie Goldberg said to Kelly Anne I like you. No sure about your boss, but I like you.

    Kelly Anne is like Dianna Troi was supposed to be, but Tasha Yar never was. Never seen her frustrated with a question no matter how underhanded or slanted. Always ready with the answer. The correct well thought out answer, not just shooting from the hip for the sake of saying something.

    She has emotional intelligence. EQ to go along with her IQ. The full package.

    To my eyes this made Kelly Anne a bit of an oddity.
    Then you show me a picture with her sitting on the couch like a 15 year old. I know girls like that. So it strikes me as charming. The familiarity of it you see.

    Plus I was a bit cheesed off this morning because Sacramento called me for jury duty afterall.

    Gruffness on account of.

    The Tom Sullivan picked this picture up as the lead off topic on his radio show.
    Plenty of proof that Trump knows black people besides Ben Carson.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  197. “There’s a book about sugar…”

    By Gary Taubes I think.

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  198. Col Haiku: “Over on the “Safe Space” side of the blog, teh swells are saying it’s amusing to read the lengths that people here are going to as they jump thru hoops to dismiss this disaster.”

    Nice – “Safe space” is much more fitting than “living room”.

    Wonder if they have coloring books and play-doh on hand…..

    Harkin (029078)

  199. Nope, just civil conversation. The rest of my response to you, I wrote and then deleted. You deserved it but I don’t deserve the potential fallout. I was right though.

    Patterico (fe2a1f)

  200. Well, the consensus over there in the trigger-free zone seems to be that folks should consider this mild criticism of Conway to be part of a bigger issue with Trump and the people who are inclined to support him.

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  201. And I continue to hope you do precisely that, in precisely that manner.

    Patterico (649bf1)

  202. I put a lot of effort into the thing you guys are mocking.

    But if people like you are consistent about anything, it’s disrespecting and mocking people’s sincere efforts.

    Patterico (649bf1)

  203. Me, I think it’s just one more silly thing in an increasingly goofy world.

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  204. Welp, this thread has pretty much run its course, wouldn’t you say? Me too.

    Patterico (fe2a1f)

  205. I was going to close the thread but it’s Dana’s post so I will let her decide whether to allow you people to continue shitting all over it.

    Patterico (fe2a1f)

  206. Me, I think it’s just one more silly thing in an increasingly goofy world.

    Thanks for all your support.

    Patterico (649bf1)

  207. And I continue to hope things will improve for my kids and grandkids. Arrest the downhill slide!

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  208. It’s moments like this that make all the effort worthwhile. I appreciate your valuable contributions.

    Patterico (fe2a1f)

  209. I’m writing about the photo and reactions to it.

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  210. And reading what the folks in the jury think should be done about the healthcare issue. I appreciate the policy-related stuff.

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  211. How about the “trigger-free zone” comment?

    Patterico (fe2a1f)

  212. There would be more policy discussion in that thread if someone had not come in violating the rules for which he has apologized.

    Patterico (fe2a1f)

  213. “You deserved it…”

    Oh snap!

    Sorry but saying “This isn’t helping your boss, Kellyanne. Appearances matter, optics matter, and how you carry yourself matters.” IS making a big deal out of it.
    For the safe space group to imply otherwise is a joke.

    Even liberal Yahoo thinks this is all about nothing.

    “Kellyanne Conway puts her feet up in Oval Office, Twitter goes berserk.”

    Harkin (029078)

  214. Would “genteel” be a stretch?

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  215. Weird how I knew today would be a shitshow because I was publishing literally my first post-level criticism of Donald Trump since 2-16-17. That’s 12 days.

    The commentariat acts very offended if you assert that they can’t handle any criticism of Donald Trump. Yet somehow everyone turns into whiny babies literally any time any such criticism is posted even if it has been almost two weeks.

    If you can handle his being criticized then why do so many of you act like I am making fun of your wife’s appearance or something any time I lob any criticism at him from a conservative perspective?

    If you can handle his being criticized without flying into a hissy fit, you should try acting like it.

    Patterico (fe2a1f)

  216. “Civil.”

    Oh what a laughable concept, please mock it some more

    Patterico (fe2a1f)

  217. i keep telling you why this bothers me it’s cause we running out of time

    don’t you realize

    the next time you see sky, it’ll be over another town

    Mr. Trump, he wants the best of stuff for us.

    And we’re running out of time. If poor little america is to make a last stand, it’s now. This is the time. Mr. Trump is making some good choices, and he needs people for to help him

    not to stand up to the piglicking democrats

    but to stand up the the nasty faithless unprincipled republicans like Meghan’s coward daddy and the Ohio governor and the lobsterpot bimbo and oh

    so many more

    And we can still halp!

    That’s all over the second we ride up Troy’s bucket!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  218. up *to* the nasty faithless unprincipled republicans like Meghan’s coward daddy i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  219. “The rest of my response to you, I wrote and then deleted. You deserved it but I don’t deserve the potential fallout. I was right though.”

    That’s the only hissy fit I’ve seen today.

    It’s your blog and I’ve been enjoying it for years so I’ll stop in this thread but in your zeal to condemn so many you should pause for at least a moment of reflection.

    Dana’s original post on KAC was silly nonsense and beneath this blog.

    Harkin (029078)

  220. aws is back up at least for me

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  221. “But don’t drop. That could fall on somebody’s head.”
    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71) — 2/28/2017 @ 12:48 pm

    OMG! This has to be the first joke Sammy has made on this site, like, ever! And it made me laugh. I knew there was a reason I should not skip all his comments. It was worth it, thanks for the laugh, Sammy.

    felipe (023cc9)

  222. But I can and will be mocked. It’s all good…

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  223. We’ve run afoul of teh management… AGAIN, felipe.

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  224. Or is it afowl?

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  225. Actually, Meghan would have been more those guys speed.

    urbanleftbehind (c8adc7)

  226. Colonel Haiku (c0421f) — 2/28/2017 @ 7:08 am

    Colonel! I read that this morning, but was unable to leave a comment about it. Kudos! Your work always feels “inevitable.”

    felipe (023cc9)

  227. Thanks, felipe! I’m glad you liked it. Someone else was throwing ‘me down the other day – maybe Harkin or pinandpuller? – but I didn’t have a chance to comment and it was some tasty stuff.

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  228. If I were president I’d put health tips on scratch offs.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  229. Sammy

    You’ve heard of food deserts? If America can do anything well it’s bomb deserts.
    I’ve lost 20 lbs myself in the last 2.5 months and I’m eating avocados like I’m going to the electric chair. Trade war with Mexico could get me to talk sh*t on Trump.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  230. good job

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  231. @202 Sammy

    Gary Taubes wrote a book on sugar.

    The main thing about carbs is our bodies are meant to run on fat. All of these afflictions used to be rich people diseases.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  232. I never thought I would be Dean Martin to Sammy’s Jerry Lewis.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  233. #240 Dino, give us a couple verses of That’s Amore!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  234. You referenced your ethnicity, geographical location and occupation all within the last three months.

    I learned it from watching you!


    I’ve never expressed any issue with your comments.

    You haven’t been a racist troll towards me for five years.

    Haiku has been. We all have our line, and mine has always been racism. It just pisses me off, whether directed at others or myself. It’s always been that way.

    Haiku offered the remarks and I’ve simply asked him to explain. He offered a dishonest apology about me clawing out the eyes of transgendered (you see this is what he believes shrieking persians do), but quickly said he was not ashamed of his remarks, so I’m still waiting for him to explain the relevance of his remarks.

    I used to be a lot more patient with Haiku’s racist trolling because it disrupted this awesome blog’s comments, but I do not really see the harm in it these days. Trump guys are going to be awful, so I might as well point that out, even if it’s pretty obnoxious (and I’m aware of it).

    Love Dana’s posts. But if you guys really want to police the comments for relevance and civility you really have a bizarre way of showing it. Seems like you only want me to be ‘civil’ by not pointing out the Alt-Right’s racism, and it’s still cool to bash Trump’s critics forever and ever.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  235. Whiners gonna whine…

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  236. Everything in moderation, but we can’t have nice things.

    narciso (d1f714)

  237. we can have pop tarts though

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  238. dustin’s proof that everything’s bigger in texas

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  239. Whiners gonna whine…

    Colonel Haiku

    You said you weren’t ashamed of your racist remarks, but upthread you lied to Hoagie and said you apologized for those remarks. I’m just pointing out the truth. You’re a racist troll who can’t take responsibility for your comments.

    Imagine how sick you Trump fans are going to be in a month when I’m still talking about this!

    Perhaps if you really care about this ‘whining’ you’ll just answer my straight forward questions? But I can not recall you ever answering a straight up question. It’s just not in your unchristian character to treat others with respect.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  240. ok we’ve talked about your thing when do we get to talk about my thing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  241. It’s your blog and I’ve been enjoying it for years so I’ll stop in this thread but in your zeal to condemn so many you should pause for at least a moment of reflection.

    Dana’s original post on KAC was silly nonsense and beneath this blog.

    I get a lot of requests that I pause for reflection, from people who clearly lack the ability to pause for reflection.

    I have paused for reflection and determined that while I like you and you have been a long-time commenter, today you are being a dick. Also your comments today are silly nonsense and beneath this blog.

    I could ask you to reflect on that. But you won’t. That’s my point.

    Patterico (fe2a1f)

  242. Speaking of bigger, this is hilarious.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  243. ok we’ve talked about your thing when do we get to talk about my thing


    I’d love to hear what you want to talk about. Get back to the old Happyfeet that had stuff to talk about. these days I could write your comments for you.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  244. Let me help you sort yourself out, Dustin. You are a brown-nosing, self-important whiner with delusions of grandeur. Deal with it.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  245. yes yes Mr. Trump represents the little guy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  246. these days I could write your comments for you

    oh huh not even

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  247. to quote cole porter
    colonel haiku is under dustin’s skin

    don’t you know little fool
    you never can win

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  248. He’s got me under his skin
    He’s got me deep…. blah blah blah blah blah blah.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  249. If the federal government wanted to seriously curtail “legalized” marijuana, all it would have to do is go after the banks where the marijuana dealers have their accounts. Same as it does for the “illegal” pushers. Think Munchkin will let Trump do that?

    nk (dbc370)

  250. Anyway, he shouldn’t. Not medical marijuana, at any rate.

    nk (dbc370)

  251. nk,

    I don’t think Trump has any issue with medical marijuana, according to his comments on the matter. I don’t usually cite Trump’s promises for what he wants to do, but I’ll give him this one. You’re right that medicine is medicine and shouldn’t be criminalized if there’s a medical professional involved.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  252. Let me help you sort yourself out, Dustin. You are a brown-nosing, self-important whiner with delusions of grandeur. Deal with it.

    Colonel Haiku

    I am a fan of most of the bloggers here, though when I haven’t been I’ve expressed that powerfully. I’m not going to apologize for it. I’m not sure you know what the expression “delusion of grandeur” means. But hey, it sounds like you hate my guts! We already established that.

    I’m not concerned with the normal insulting you might want to do. Just the racism. That’s where my line is. You’re flailing to avoid answering my simple two questions.

    At first you ignored it. Then you offered a nonapology. Then you said you were taking the high road, even though you continued being nasty from this ‘high road’. Now you’re just muddying the waters with a bunch of other insults.

    You’re a bigot, and you have no integrity. These issues are not in question. It is deeply unchristian that you refuse to admit your mistakes and simply explain to me why you have found my ethnicity so relevant and so mockable, so many times. I’m not asking for much that you just explain yourself.

    When you do this, we will be able to drop the matter. Until then, I am enjoying this.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  253. dustin
    you’re a stalker
    and you’re not enjoying it
    that’s why you can’t stop thinking about it
    forget it, jake, it’s texas

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  254. Tha active ingredient in medical marijuana could never get approved by the FDA, or something derived from whatever oprinciple is at work. I think the anti-nausea effects come from the body breaking down muscle or brain tissue, which releases more Vitamin B6 than needed to clear the marijuana toxins from the system.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  255. Tha active ingredient in medical marijuana could never get approved by the FDA, or something derived from whatever oprinciple is at work. I think the anti-nausea effects come from the body breaking down muscle or brain tissue, which releases more Vitamin B6 than needed to clear the marijuana toxins from the system.

    Sammy Finkelman

    So you’re saying the treatment is bad for you, basically?

    I wish the FDA would approve of such medications in a special category of some kind, but I admit I’m not that knowledgeable about medicine. If medical marijuana or its active ingredient is helpful with side effects, then sometimes a doctor may find that to be the right move. A lot of grey areas out there and a lot of discretion and that’s just how the world works.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  256. dustin
    you’re a stalker

    Trump Supporter
    You’re not covering yourself in glory today
    Quit while you’re behind

    Patterico (115b1f)

  257. I’v heard of fruit deserts not food deserts. They probably don’t really exist.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  258. Let me help you sort yourself out, Dustin. You are a brown-nosing, self-important whiner with delusions of grandeur. Deal with it.

    Let me help you out, Colonel. Dustin gets to say literally anything he likes to you in response to that. He’s been a friend to me while these days you’re being anything but — and why? because my nose isn’t up Donald Trump’s ass like yours is.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  259. It is deeply unchristian that you refuse to admit your mistakes and simply explain to me why you have found my ethnicity so relevant and so mockable, so many times.

    I’m not sure why it was brought up at all by the Colonel.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  260. Thanks.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  261. Well, the consensus over there in the trigger-free zone

    Luckily this is not the trigger-free zone. This is the zone where we ask Colonel Haiku why Dustin’s heritage matters to him.

    The notion of civility is to be mocked, you believe — but you forget that I know how perfectly well how to be uncivil.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  262. Did any of you “never Trump” type bitch when Obama had his feet up on the desk? What about pictures of GW doing the same? How do you spell hycocrite? What a bunch of asses.

    oldgeezer (9a3891)

  263. Today President Trump revoked the EPA water rule that allowed the EPA to bankrupt you for removing a puddle from your yard as well as collecting your own rainwater.

    I’m sure Hillary would’ve done that, right?

    NJRob (43d957)

  264. Dustin

    I sometimes cringe at comments made here. I usually shrug and move along. YMMV. And that’s fine.

    I’m just saying in this game of telephone that THE CALL CAME FROM INSIDE YOUR HOUSE! HE’S IN YOUR HOUSE!

    I might feel differently if I were not a generic white guy of low strategic value that lives in a highly defensible holler.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  265. pooping bull just looked like she smelled her own fart

    mg (31009b)

  266. What troubling thing about Dustin’s heritage? Did your dad vote for Jerry Brown back in the 70’s?

    Was grandpa a Truman man?

    Was great grandpa a horse thief? That’s not necessarily a demerit. More a mark of skill among our tribal nations at certain points in time (being hung as a horse thief not so good). Not nearly as bad as voting for Jerry, Harry, or Woodrow.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  267. Love the drive-bys. Pull up to the next window for your order, oldgeezer.

    But still on the subject of marijuana, is this why Trump is speaking to a *joint* session of Congress, tonight?

    nk (dbc370)

  268. Hey, he can say anything he likes, Patterico. Doesn’t bother me. I ignored him as you suggested on Sunday and Monday. I can continue to do so. If you think he’s been civil, so be it. I apologized for what I’d written on Sunday. That wasn’t good enough.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  269. As I said, I think he’s a self-important ass. He’s shared his opinion of me. That’s fine. What he thinks or says doesn’t matter to me.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  270. Did any of you “never Trump” type bitch when Obama had his feet up on the desk? What about pictures of GW doing the same? How do you spell hycocrite? What a bunch of asses.

    I remember not liking it. Not that you waited for my answer.

    How do you spell hypocrite, by the way? Pretty sure it’s not h-y-c-o-c-r-i-t-e. Oh wait, that is how you spell hypocrite.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  271. The ghoztbadeh line is a little gratuitous coronello, just like ulb’ constant reference to Oliver stone’hackneyed screenplay.

    narciso (d1f714)

  272. Today President Trump revoked the EPA water rule that allowed the EPA to bankrupt you for removing a puddle from your yard as well as collecting your own rainwater.

    I’m sure Hillary would’ve done that, right?

    What does that have to do with the price of tea from China after a tariff is imposed on it?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  273. I should know all about the scheduling of drugs listening to Joe Rogan but I don’t.

    Is the FDA going to be all up in the marijuana regardless of it being criminalized? Is Trump going to keep strangling the pot dispensaries by making it impossible to deposit the proceeds?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  274. He is proud of his heritage, as I am of mine,

    narciso (d1f714)

  275. That’s an old SNL joke, narciso. Back when the show was funny. Told by Al Franken, of all people.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  276. Jim Davis wrote that line,,franken has always been a smithy give.

    narciso (d1f714)

  277. not a one of you are even remotely wang chunging tonight except maybe Mr. puller

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  278. The late Tom Davis, yes.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  279. If you think he’s been civil, so be it.

    I haven’t monitored the whole conversation. I tend to spend more time closely monitoring the comments at the trigger-free safe space. All I know is that Dustin stood by my side, firmly, during the worst harassment I suffered at the hands of some bad people. I’ll not forget that and I don’t like to see him treated badly.

    Also, historically his point of view has lined up so closely to mine that he’s the only commenter whose comments I could almost mistake for my own.

    He’s a friend and I stand by my friends. People who tend to be jerks to me on average don’t merit the same kind of loyalty.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  280. Correction, yes, but you see how it could be considered disrespectful.

    narciso (d1f714)

  281. Pinandpuller,

    You’ve been thoughtful and I appreciate it. I think I must be coming across as very wounded and you’re trying to be patient and helpful when this is a tedious and kinda selfish little exercise I’ve been on.

    Hey, he can say anything he likes, Patterico. Doesn’t bother me. I ignored him as you suggested on Sunday and Monday. I can continue to do so. If you think he’s been civil, so be it. I apologized for what I’d written on Sunday. That wasn’t good enough.

    Colonel Haiku

    Actually, you were pretty ugly to me while “taking the high road.” All the while you’re ‘ignoring me’ you’ve just been awkwardly insulting me in talking about me. I think the consistent lack of integrity from you speaks to your self awareness.

    What’s the relevance of and why do you want to bring up my heritage so much?

    You did not apologize for this. You apologized in a hyper specific manner for something else, and you know what you meant. You wanted to be clear you weren’t sorry for the racism stuff.

    That wasn’t good enough.

    I agree. So to make it ‘good enough’, and give me insight. Why mock my heritage so much? Explain. Like I’ve said a few times, I’ll drop the issue at that time. I’m not interested in embarrassing you or getting some anonymous joke commenter to say he’s sorry. I think you’re going to remain anonymous and therefore cannot be shamed. I’d rather learn something here.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  282. isn’t tonight where Mr. Trump does a speech on America

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  283. Well, take time to read them, or don’t. As I said, he’s free to insult me, I had it coming. It was called “the dozens” back in the day. You work to give more than you get.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  284. President Trump is killing it.

    mg (31009b)

  285. Yeah, I’m not interested in a prepared speech from Donald Trump. Sue me. I wasn’t interested in them from Barack Obama either.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  286. He’s doing pretty well, mg. I agree.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  287. because we don’t know you well enough to make fun of your haircut, hippy jesus.

    Give it time.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  288. Well, take time to read them, or don’t.

    I think I’ll go with “don’t.”

    As I said, he’s free to insult me, I had it coming.


    Patterico (115b1f)

  289. Now if he’ll only follow through.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  290. Funny to see rigor mortis set in on one side of the chamber!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  291. you know Al Bundy has a black belt in jiu-jitsu?

    you know why?

    because he has discipline

    and that’s why I’m a listen to Mr. President Trump’s first speech

    because discipline is why

    my country tis of thee

    sweet land of liberty

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  292. sammy and dustin

    Whoops, still catching up.

    I believe that there are at least 85 different cannabinoids in nature. THC is just the best known example. CBD ia non psychoactive and a lot of people administer it in oil to treat stuff like inflammation.

    Ironically, oregano has a lot of similar compounds and is also antibiotic and antiparasitic. Winters here don’t seem to kill it either. I might start using it as a ground cover.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  293. Cowards on the left

    mg (31009b)

  294. we have to break the cycle of violence

    (esp here in chicago)


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  295. I heard a lot of stuff about how he is going to do amnesty on us but I’ll believe it when I see it. You can’t believe these press reports any more, although the anonymous senior administration official quoted sounded pretty Trumpy.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  296. Mr. Trump has your back, America’s LEO’s

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  297. VOICE

    mg (31009b)

  298. amnesty yes yes yes

    i may have missed that part

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  299. Discipline. I did have some reservations about linking that spanking picture, with this crowd.

    BTW, an Asian massage place just opened next to the bar across from the Thai restaurant if you’re still missing your old neighborhood.

    nk (dbc370)

  300. whaaaa?



    it takes just one voice

    singing in the darkness

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  301. “A senior administration official today was quoted as saying: ‘Nobody knows more about immigrants than me, I mean President Trump, and we have to bring these people out of the shadows. We need to make a great deal and have a softening. We have to. We have to.'”

    Patterico (115b1f)

  302. Sticking it to the donkeys, love it.

    mg (31009b)

  303. lol yes yes across from The Habit burger place

    i looked on google maps the other day and there’s a new bar right near there too – i think where that roll your own cigarette place was

    definitely miss the hood

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  304. Sammy,
    Dronabino, brand name marinol, the active ingredient in pot for nausea and vomiting, has been on the market maybe 20 years.

    This is one reason why some of us are slow to believe that there are people whose symptoms are only relieved by forms of the whole marijuana plant. In my nearly 20 years of practice, much of it with people with AIDS, I never had a patient whose symptoms could not be controlled without pot. I had few patients who even used marinol, and of those who tried it, most did not like the CNS side effects. These were people who were not interested in pot, btw.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  305. The military men look mighty serious

    mg (31009b)

  306. In a perfect world, people would appreciate the beauty and preciousness of llife when seen with crystal clarity and not through the haze of drugs or alcohol. I’m so thankful my children didn’t go down that road.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  307. Back in my day we spelled hypocrite however Samuel Morse told us to.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  308. winning is so key

    it’s good to stop and reflect on that sometimes

    ugh i hate about eliminating the sequester

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  309. Ironically, oregano has a lot of similar compounds and is also antibiotic and antiparasitic. Winters here don’t seem to kill it either. I might start using it as a ground cover.


    I had too much rosemary and the smell was pretty annoying. Is a ton of oregano not like that?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  310. Well that s the thing ‘anonymous officials’are like the souring surprise’ in Monty python, don’t bite into it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  311. veterans are so needy

    can’t we just settle with a lump sum

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  312. oh honey get a grip

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  313. Obama could never give a speech this meaningful.

    mg (31009b)

  314. you know Al Bundy has a black belt in jiu-jitsu?

    you know why?

    because he has discipline

    and that’s why I’m a listen to Mr. President Trump’s first speech

    because discipline is why

    my country tis of thee

    sweet land of liberty


    I take it back. I can’t write this stuff man.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  315. who’s the chick in the weird-ass day-glo green

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  316. Trump made her do it cos the brothers would be distracted if they were planning any protest stuff. You can’t make a lively political protest when there is blonde lady sitting on her heels while sexting just a few feet away.

    jcurtis (5b14f6)

  317. oh good lord with the looking down

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  318. never forget who?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  319. veterans are so needy

    can’t we just settle with a lump sum


    If you’re serious, I think a reform of this issue is actually very important. I think there is a need for a lot more care, but there’s also a pernicious abuse of disability benefits. A whole lot of folks are getting 30% checks for life and I know I’ve been told I should apply for such a check and I get very high horsey about how that’s not what people should serve for.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  320. Whoops wrong thread.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  321. Blue Trump Ties are on sale in the lobby, sez Ivanka.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  322. i want that beverage water tray thing sitting in front of pervy Mitt Romney’s slicked-up boy toy Paul Ryan

    it looks expensive and classy

    i’d be more respected if i had that on my desk i think, and my proclamations would have more weight

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  323. Now if he’ll only follow through.

    Colonel Haiku

    I guess it’s a point of pride, a victory for you, that you’re refusing to just answer the simple questions. But I think it would be interesting and it would probably be good for you. I’ve insulted you plenty already. That’s not important.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  324. yes i think a buy-out is a good way to pare down the case load

    which the VA obviously has no idea how to handle

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  325. dreams



    happyfeet (28a91b)

  326. this is so good

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  327. Democrats are tripping over each other trying to get out

    mg (31009b)

  328. a lil creeped out by Paul Ryan’s purple tie

    please let that not be some gay-ass symbolism

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  329. Trump has been pretty darned good so far tonight. Lots of plans, lots of things to follow through on.

    McCain and Graham, connected at the…………………………………………………………….. hip.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  330. Al Franken is a jag-off.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  331. kagan and the latina judge chick are truly hideous to behold

    my goodness

    there’s no excuse for that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  332. gotta work that room

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  333. any one of these guys could leave right now and go straight to a fancy restaurant you know why

    cause they all have on nice jackets

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  334. hrm i missed the democratic trolling

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  335. and they have pockets full of our money, happyfeet

    mg (31009b)

  336. If you want to watch Paul Ryan applauding paid family leave and a giant trillion dollar infrastructure boondoggle, I have a new post up with video of both.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  337. So the response is from a diner that’s clearly closed by an under dressed old fart who’s family ran a funeral home?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  338. Sorry, Patterico. I want to be able to say that I didn’t watch a single second of it, just to upset the Trumpkins.

    nk (dbc370)

  339. 309. Patterico (115b1f) — 2/28/2017 @ 6:55 pm

    .“A senior administration official today was quoted as saying: ‘Nobody knows more about immigrants than me, I mean President Trump,

    When reporters agree to quote somneone only as a “senior administration official” they still quote them exactly, and trascripts are often made.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  340. Not one word in ths speech about North Korea, or about China with regard to anything except trade, and he didn’t really focus on China there and I’m not sure the name of the country passed his lips.

    He didn’t say anything about Russia either.

    It might be the only countries he mentioned by name were Israel and Iran. I don’t think he even said Yemen, where Owens died.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  341. narciso

    Be as proud as you want but if I see you in a parade ima be a little worried.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  342. Donald Trump, speaking as a :senior administration official”:

    and we have to bring these people out of the shadows. We need to make a great deal and have a softening. We have to. We have to.

    That didn’t make it into his speech. He’s not ready yet. He’s dealing with the third rail.

    The only thing he did say was that there was some kind of demand by the american peopple that the law be enforced – and he may believe that.

    He defended every position he took on immigration, but didn’t emphasize it too much, and the meaning of some of it is understandable by experts. I mean, since when is there a tradeoff betwene low skilled and high skilled immigrants? Only when you agree on a number first. But why do that?

    Some of his statements (about various subjects) got audiably booed, including the one where he said he was setting up something where they could collect names of American citizens victimized by illegal immigrants.

    You would think the opposite never happened – illegal immigrants victimized by American citizens.

    You would think that explained most of the crime in the United States.

    You would think maybe these illegal immigrants were newcomers, when most of them have probably been here before the age of 10 (or else they never would have assimilated into the U.S. criminal community.)

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  343. Jim Davis is/was Garfield.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  344. I wish the dem response was Norm McDonald reading Marmaduke. Why did they get an out of work Kentucky gold miner?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  345. And Jim Davis was the politician who got shot on his golf cart after doing his Dale Robertson impersonation of Clark Gable in Warren “teh Envelope please” Beatty’s “the Paraexlax View”.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  346. Ahnyes otherwise known as jock Ewing, from Dallas.

    narciso (d1f714)

  347. Today President Trump revoked the EPA water rule that allowed the EPA to bankrupt you for removing a puddle from your yard as well as collecting your own rainwater.

    I’m sure Hillary would’ve done that, right?

    What does that have to do with the price of tea from China after a tariff is imposed on it?

    Patterico (115b1f) — 2/28/2017 @ 6:30 pm

    Absolutely nothing. It’s more interesting than the petty spat that’s currently on the thread.

    Tried to change the topic.


    NJRob (43d957)

  348. veterans are so needy

    can’t we just settle with a lump sum

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 2/28/2017 @ 6:58 pm

    Even when we are at a detente as we have been recently, when you say something like this I cannot help but think you’re just trying to provoke people and act like a jerk.

    Here’s an example of why we need VA reform.

    NJRob (43d957)

  349. Some of his statements (about various subjects) got audiably booed, including the one where he said he was setting up something where they could collect names of American citizens victimized by illegal immigrants.

    You would think the opposite never happened – illegal immigrants victimized by American citizens.

    You would think that explained most of the crime in the United States.

    You would think maybe these illegal immigrants were newcomers, when most of them have probably been here before the age of 10 (or else they never would have assimilated into the U.S. criminal community.)

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71) — 2/28/2017 @ 7:36 pm

    Care to cite facts for this BS? I’ll take real statistics for 1000 Alex.

    NJRob (43d957)

  350. no Mr. Rob i think we have to think outside the box

    the VA’s a ludicrous and sadistic monstrosity

    it’s worth it to pay some of this problem to just go away

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  351. Wait, what, never mind

    narciso (d1f714)

  352. That’s called closing the whole thing down and having Medicare upon discharge (if you have no private insurance orherwise). Might give returning veterans a leg up when deciding between candidate a and b, particular in realms where there is no official veterans preference.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  353. Somewhere in Idaho, there are white supremicists mad about losing their phone bank job to a Russian or a Czech.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  354. Occams razor mire obviously suggested a middle east cinnection, but natrative

    narciso (d1f714)

  355. 361. The phone bans jobs don’t go to Russia, They go places where many people speak English, and without a terrible accent. India, the Phillipines.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  356. That’s also become the new dope in El Savador with recent deportees.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  357. mg @357. Who has the burden of proof? There’s no statistics on the other side either, except for the fact they are wrong.

    The BS, if you will, is the idea that what I implied is not true.

    Everyone who lives in the real world what population has the highest concentration of criminals, – the jails are full of them – and it is people who could trace their ancestry in the United States further back than almost anybody else, and Donald Trump knows this too, unless he’s lately been bamboozled by some people.

    In New Orleans native born American criminals call illegal immigrant construction workers, walking ATMs.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  358. MS-15 wss created by deporting people from Los Angeles to El Salvador.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  359. Pinandpuller (16b0b5) — 2/28/2017 @ 7:38 pm

    Why did they get an out of work Kentucky gold miner?

    Symbolism, and in order not to favor any particular Democratic office-holder, or take side in the radical nonradical fight..

    I didn’t watch any response. Don’t you mean coal miner? One big thing with Donald Trump is to say he’s in favor of coal, so they picked someone maybe to argue he wasn’t.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  360. Yes, but New Orleans lies east of the Houston-Portland OR arc. If I were running my birthplace City of Chicago I’d grudgingly agree to discontinue sanctuary but only to get $ for general policing plus a few ICE guys, who would gradually become Maytag repairmen.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  361. Narciso, a few days late but I knew had break it down in his own special way:

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  362. Dustin

    Oregano is of the mint family and smells oh so much better than Mexican ditchweed and better than too much rosemary. For an annual you can’t beat chamomile. Smells so good brushing up against your leg.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  363. @368 Sammy

    Well he was a former politician so I made a joke about gold mining. That’s all.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  364. Yes that’s a little on the Cray Cray side of things.

    narciso (a6bfae)

  365. The worst phone call I ever had was when I rang the IRS over something that I owed and I could not understand the guy I was speaking with. So uncomfortable. I felt like James McAvoy in The Last King of Scotland.

    Pinandpuller (f98a4a)

  366. Dustin

    Whimsical I can do immediately; thoughtful takes longer.

    Pinandpuller (f98a4a)

  367. Why don’t we ever hear from junior officials?

    Pinandpuller (f98a4a)

  368. You idiots missed the 1st picture of her TAKING A FUCKING PICTURE. AFP didn’t post that one, they chose this one because it shows the 1st woman to manage a winning presidential election in a bad light. Get over it.

    Rich Vail (339dcb)

  369. The BS, if you will, is the idea that what I implied is not true.

    Everyone who lives in the real world what population has the highest concentration of criminals, – the jails are full of them – and it is people who could trace their ancestry in the United States further back than almost anybody else, and Donald Trump knows this too, unless he’s lately been bamboozled by some people.

    In New Orleans native born American criminals call illegal immigrant construction workers, walking ATMs.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71) — 2/28/2017 @ 8:52 pm

    So you feel it is true and you don’t need facts.


    MS-15 wss created by deporting people from Los Angeles to El Salvador.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71) — 2/28/2017 @ 8:53 pm

    So you blame the USA for deporting criminal illegals. Do you blame the CIA for the crack epidemic in the 80s too?

    NJRob (43d957)

  370. NJRob, which group in the United States is 13% of the population, commits 50% of the murders and 93% of all other violent crimes, and as a group has been here longer than people descended from the Mayflower?

    Hint: It’s not Indians.

    nk (dbc370)

  371. Nk,

    I didn’t see what he was getting at. My mistake on that. He was trying to footsy around to avoid being called a racist. Don’t know why. Just speak clearly.

    NJRob (43d957)

  372. #kneelgate

    Colonel Haiku (ea7bff)

  373. Her position is no concious, and even it it were it is only mildly glance worthy, Geesh, if thi is th best the Left has to bitch about, they need new thinking, which itself is not new.

    neocon_1 (44b3a5)

  374. How much exposure would this photo have had if Kellyanne were not in the photo? This picture of about two dozen chancellors/presidents of predominately black universities in the Oval Office with Trump received massive coverage. I think it was staged. I think the media took the bait.

    Corky Boyd (d7b434)

  375. How much exposure would this photo have had if Kellyanne were not in the photo? This picture of about two dozen chancellors/presidents of predominately black universities in the Oval Office with Trump received massive coverage. I think it was staged. I think the media took the bait.

    Corky Boyd

    I’ve heard this same theory from quite a few people. I’m surprised because no one who isn’t a political junkie actually has any idea what was going on in the meeting, and all Trump news is focused on his successful speech last night. It just doesn’t appear to be an effective media manipulation. It seems to me like it was just someone being a bit sloppy in the Oval Office, and that attracts the attention of folks who want more signs of the circus presidency.

    But the consistency of this theory suggests it’s being put out as a talking point on some other website somewhere. Nothing wrong with that… good damage control even if I don’t think this kind of thing actually damages anyone. It just verifies everyone’s opinion, whatever it was.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  376. When you can point to a pro-trump webinar giving journolist like instructions, send a link. Otherwise, Dustin, that is just more hoohey.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  377. Steven, did you ever admit you were mistaken that Dana and I were accusing Conway of “being a slut”? The thread got derailed (my bad) and I never caught that. Usually when an honest person makes an accusation in error they will admit it, but when a shill does it, they refuse to talk about it.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  378. New content coming out: FAKE NEWS by business insider

    regarding the loathe to be commented upon historical black uni representatives visiting the Donald in his lair, the media have switched to rumor mongering their collected outrage at being tricked into covering it obliquely by the crafty couch sitter.

    They feel the need to a) explain it to us palefaces. b) avoid any facts from hoi polloi invading their stage craft. and c) avoid naming any names connected to the allegedly offended.

    Education Secretary Betsy DeVos infuriated some with her comments about black colleges

    papertiger (c8116c)

  379. I’m glad KAC was playing with her phone and not setting up dominoes.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  380. Most people don’t know that MS 15 was inspired by Plan 11 From Outer Space.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  381. Aliens landing and shooting up Los Angeles – how did I miss that one?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  382. When are they redoing the Oval Office? Maybe some of the leaks are coming from the walls.

    The KAC controversy is being overshadowed by Ivanka wearing a French designer last night and not buying American.

    Pinandpuller (7eaf94)

  383. Its a wonder, tiger, how they have any breath, will that hyperventilating, business insider I headed by a more tech bubble fraudster, Henry blodgett

    narciso (d1f714)

  384. Why did they get an out of work Kentucky gold miner? It was the Governor of Kentucky!

    Maybe because of Obamacare?

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

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