Patterico's Pontifications


Kellyanne Conway Touts Ivanka Trump’s Clothing Line from White House, Apparently Violating Ethics Rules

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:00 am

This gang just can’t help themselves, can they? Here’s the video. The plug for the President’s daughter’s line of clothing comes at 1:11:

Go buy Ivanka’s stuff, is what I would tell you. I hate shopping, I’m gonna go get some myself today.

5 CFR [Code of Federal Regulations] 2635.702 states in relevant part:

§ 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain.

An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations.

Nothing will come of this, because we collectively shrug our shoulders at ethical violations these days. It began with President Trump inappropriately tweeting out an angry message about Nordstrom’s decision — which it said was based on financial considerations — to terminate Ivanka’s line of clothing. (I guess Nordstrom should lose money to keep the cash flowing to Ivanka.) Then it was Sean Spicer saying the decision was “unacceptable.” Now we have Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President, standing in the White House briefing room, openly plugging the financial interests of the President’s daughter.

It’s not the biggest thing in the world on its own, but it’s indicative of a rotten culture. They don’t think twice about doing stuff like this. Ethics? Schmethics.

Of course, none of this is really about money. It’s about ego. Donald Trump’s ego is now the Prime Mover in all American policy. This is just another example.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

114 Responses to “Kellyanne Conway Touts Ivanka Trump’s Clothing Line from White House, Apparently Violating Ethics Rules”

  1. *shrug*

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  2. “Government ethics” is an oxymoron. At least above a certain level.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  3. MSM going after Trump family – crickets

    KAC suggesting fighting back – the horror!

    Harkin (f2f14e)

  4. MSM going after Trump family

    How are they “going after” them? Are the president’s grown-up relations who have very visible official and unofficial advisory roles in the administration off-limits? It is the job of the media to report on the president’s advisors.

    It is NOT the job of the president and his taxpayer-paid staff to promote the business interests of his family.

    “Government ethics” is an oxymoron. At least above a certain level.

    Hence, we should tolerate the president using his office and his taxpayer-paid staff to promote the business interests of his family? Since some corruption exists, we must close our eyes to all corruption?

    Dave (711345)

  5. Sleazy + Petty = Trump.

    nk (dbc370)

  6. Better means of protest: cut up Nordstrom card and send it to corp HQ with explanation why, which both my wife and daughter have done earlier this week.

    That mos def worked for me, too!

    Colonel Haiku (215a2d)

  7. Cheney.

    “And I’m also quite blind. An equitable trade…” – Mr. Spock [Leonard Nimoy] ‘Star Trek’ NBC TV, 1966-69

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  8. This is example #41037 of what I consider one of the most insidious, toxic and ultimately destructive aspects of Trump: people who should know better feel compelled, based on a Manichean, us-vs-them siege mentality (our enemies are evil, so whatever *we* do must, perforce, be good and right, whatever the truth of the matter), to defend the indefensible. With each lie and act of corruption excused or rationalized, the excusers become more inured to lying and corruption themselves.

    By elevating an utterly amoral, unethical and evil man the presidency of the United State and the de facto leadership of “the Right”, Trump’s supporters have obliged themselves to adopt the unscrupulous and unprincipled duplicity of the Left that they claim to despise.

    Dave (711345)

  9. Punch back twice as hard and give ’em a hard, well-placed kick to the raisins.

    Colonel Haiku (215a2d)

  10. But, Dave, think what Charles Manson would be doing if we had elected him President.

    nk (dbc370)

  11. I suppose another way of looking at it is that Trump going full Alinsky to win resulted in Chelsea’s husband having to close his hedge fund as well as Ivanka losing Nordstroms (and TJ Maxx and Marshalls). Oh well, Ivanka is still peddling Chinese goods on Amazon. For the moment.

    Rick Ballard (5e8a41)

  12. Cheney.

    Are you trying to argue that government corruption should be excused, now and in the future, because Dick Cheney worked for Halliburton 17 years ago, before he became VP?

    Dave (711345)

  13. But, Dave, think what Charles Manson would be doing if we had elected him President.

    You forgot to accuse me of being a closet Charles Manson supporter.

    Dave (711345)

  14. I knew even before voting for him that basically everything Trump touched was likely to be a disaster, anything that is not a disaster is a win in my book, the disasters are merely a tie. I voted for the man solely on the _hope_ that his court picks would not be disasters.

    So far I am quite pleased with the outcome.

    Soronel Haetir (86a46e)

  15. Yeah, and I left out the LOL, too.

    nk (dbc370)

  16. One might say a Mansonite is a close adviser of the President, a person who calls helter-skelter by different terminology.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  17. ‘member Billy Beer? ‘member anti-war protester Amy Carter? ‘member handbra Patty Davis on the cover of Playboy? ‘member Ronny Reagan the foo foo ballet dancer?

    “Those were the days.” Archie and Edith Bunker

    Pinandpuller (daa7b4)

  18. Looking on the bright side, this week’s “White House press briefing as QVC infomercial” SNL skit pretty much writes itself…

    Dave (711345)

  19. ‘member the Bush twins, Jay and Silent Bob?

    Pinandpuller (daa7b4)

  20. The Establishment will always have their SNL…

    Colonel Haiku (215a2d)

  21. Unwise to have done this, and I’m sure the WH Counsel’s office will let everyone know that this is not acceptable behavior under the CFR.

    But this does not arise in a vacuum. Many Trump family branded products are being attacked in the marketplace by organized boycott campaign called #GrabYourWallet. This effort has driven down sales of many Trump branded products.

    I’m not suggesting their is anything wrong or unfair about such a campaign. Product boycotts as a form of protest are long-established and part of the modern politics. No one owes any Trump family product a place in the marketplace, or a specified percentage of market share. The family entered politics willingly, and have managed their political affairs in such a way that is polarizing. Having products targeted for boycotts by political opponents goes with the territory.

    Whatever decline in sales that Nordstrom may have experienced might be a result of the boycott efforts, or it might be because the product line sucks. Doesn’t matter.

    But its not a circumstance where folks connected to the WH are just taking advantage of free air time in the media to pitch Trump family products in order to fatten up the bottom line.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  22. Out: Crony Crapitalism

    In: Trite & Tedious Nit-Picking

    Colonel Haiku (215a2d)

  23. Out: Pissing in teh Wind

    In: Yawning

    Colonel Haiku (215a2d)

  24. What happened to my tasty squirrel! Stew

    narciso (6f49c6)

  25. She should be fired. Period.

    When Obama and his campaign publicly attacked private citizens or when his administration used the power of government to target groups he didn’t like we were apocalyptic. But now that it’s Trump publicly attacking a private company and his White House hawking his daughter’s merchandise it’s okay because he’s “our guy” and he’s just “fighting back.”

    This hypocrisy is sickening, but was unfortunately expected.

    Sean (1d5074)

  26. None of this is accidental, the fray trek sponsored by splc and cair, the protests by Palestinian solidarity and Arab American network ( wasn’t that khalidi’s group, remember him?)

    narciso (6f49c6)

  27. Reagan.

    Barach’s jellybeans.

    “Peachy keen, jellybean…” – Betty Rizzo [Stockard Channing] ‘Grease’ 1978

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  28. Nixon.

    Sony reel-to-reel tape recorders.

    “Is it live or is it Memorex?” – audio tape print & TV ad

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  29. 25. Apocalyptic or apoplectic?
    After watching Obama/Bush/Clinton push piles of cash towards green energy, Clinton Foundation Haiti disaster, vacations, PP…blah blah blah…this is only worth a raised eyebrow and a meh. Outrage will be reserved for something truly outrageous.

    Gobblemom (4ecfe6)

  30. So the fact that imran and his other two brothers,were funneling data to outside server, crickets

    narciso (6f49c6)

  31. Which is right out of 24 legacy,

    narciso (6f49c6)

  32. you didn’t even link where we can buy the products

    here’s her perfume it looks like it smells really wonderful i think

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  33. this is me not shopping at nordstrom’s poop on you kate spade

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  34. What was the question Conway was answering at the start of that clip, and, does Conway profit from Ivankas sales?

    She repeatedly said “I” would do, would say, am doing. Not what “the Trumps” want you to do. Since she is not profiting from her statements, she is just expressing her right to free speech

    Or does one lose that when one works for the Trumps?

    Leon (1bee31)

  35. our friend kellyane’s a good person i really like her a lot

    i wish we could be best friends and go shopping for Ivanka Trump branded products together

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  36. Or I should have said, when one works for the Trump administration?

    Leon (1bee31)

  37. Forget it, Jake, it’s NeverTrumpTown.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  38. My wife bought a pair of Ivanka’s shoes years ago, and keeps them on top of her dresser as art they are so pretty she says. And that’s saying a lot since she’s got a shoe fetish with around a half a million pairs.

    Leon (1bee31)

  39. she sounds awesome your wife does and them Ivanka shoes really are so pretty

    they are so pretty

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  40. I like the good ole days when if you insulted a president’s daughter you got a threatening letter over a good old fashioned broken nose and black eye…
    And everyone that mattered in the voting public would think, “Well, what is a dad supposed to do? After all, you can’t expect the federal government to provide a speech code to arts critics to be more graceful in voicing their dislikes.”

    I would rather have the obvious expected human faults displayed for all to see,
    than the cover up of behavior damaging to the US public here and around the globe.

    Yes, I would prefer perfection, but that option was not available, nor will it ever be.

    “No, Jesus, we won’t stone her for her adultery, but that makeup is hideous, and I’ve never worn that bad of makeup in public before, so I’m throwing stones.”

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  41. With the rule as quoted, are we to assume that every first lady gets her wardrobe from someone she can’t stand? I mean, other than Melania Trump, having the first lady wear clothes of your design is a nice feather in your cap, isn’t it? And if the first lady asked a designer that she was friendly with to outfit her, that would be promoting the friend’s business, would it not?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  42. Meanwhile, back in whatmattersville, Chicago Public Schools sent over 380,000 letters to parents denouncing the republican governor and President Trump.

    “The letter, paid for by taxpayers, does not mention Democrats who have been in control of the city and state legislature for decades,” WGN points out.

    But Kellyanne!!

    harkin (afc7a6)

  43. Macy’s recently had a nice sale on mens socks!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  44. shut up and govern

    mg (31009b)

  45. Instead of talking about defeating the Left, let’s talk about Saks Fifth Avenue’s spring sale on negligees!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  46. My Aunt Susan sent me an email telling me how thrilled she is with the comforter she recently purchased at JC Penney’s!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  47. Kellyanne looks all tuckered out!!!

    mg (31009b)

  48. I heard that over 60% of our F-18’s are not in flying condition and that we are short over 400 fighter pilots.

    Can’t we get the F-22 back, or did they burn the blueprints?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  49. The only real problem I have with this is its pettiness and banality.

    Doesn’t the President effing have anything better to do?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  50. Can’t we get the F-22 back, or did they burn the blueprints?

    I wonder if Northrop is still willing to build F-20s. Probably not.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  51. That Barack guy spend the past week wind-surfing off the private island of a billionaire.
    He truly is a man of the billionaire people!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  52. Well, Kevin, is it a good or bad thing that he did not ask his top staff to look into the political and legal ramifications of this before reacting to a dis of his daughter?

    Who here did not expect this behavior of Trump?
    Just what I thought, I don’t see hands up, we all expected this, which is one reason many, if not most, of us would have preferred someone else.

    I’m afraid the next 4 years is going to be so filled with this level of stuff that more substantive issues often get overlooked,
    that is,
    in the public debate,
    not necessarily here.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  53. I wonder if Romney is going to run in 2020,

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  54. if selling stuff is keeping Ivanka off the pole then this is a *good* thing

    what’s wrong with you people

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  55. That Kellyanne woman needs to be thrown in prison for suggesting people might buy Ivanka’s line.
    Seriously, it’s a bigger federal violation than Hillary keeping national security documents on a private server, and I’m so glad that America’s watchdogs are covering it!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)


    Leviticus (efada1)

  57. “An employee shall not use his public office . . . for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise . . .”

    So why didn’t we hear anything when officials that held stock in healthcare companies encouraged people to enroll in the government exchanges? The “use of public office for private gain” train left the station a long time ago. I’m not excusing this recent instance, I just find the paradox interesting.

    Sewer Urchin (f761c0)

  58. ==Doesn’t the President effing have anything better to do?==

    A little look back in history ( prompted by MD in Philly)

    In response to Washington Post Music Critic Paul Hume’s December 6, 1950, review of Margaret Truman’s singing performance at Constitution Hall, stating,

    “Miss Truman is a unique American phenomenon with a pleasant voice of little size and fair quality, (she) cannot sing very well, is flat a good deal of the time, more last night than at any time we have heard her in past years, has not improved in the years we have heard her, (and) still cannot sing with anything approaching professional finish.”

    President Truman responded with the following letter to Hume:



    Dec. 6, 1950

    Mr. Hume:

    I’ve just read your lousy review of Margaret’s concert. I’ve come to the conclusion that you are an “eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay.”

    It seems to me that you are a frustrated old man who wishes he could have been successful. When you write such poppy-cock as was in the back section of the paper you work for it shows conclusively that you’re off the beam and at least four of your ulcers are at work.

    Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!

    Pegler, a gutter snipe, is a gentleman alongside you. I hope you’ll accept that statement as a worse insult than a reflection on your ancestry.


    elissa (33f479)

  59. Sewer Urchin, you’re spot on.
    For the past several years, the Oval Office has been telling us we have to buy a certain product in the private marketplace.
    And they’ve said that if we don’t buy it, we risk being penalized by the feds.
    John Roberts said that’s totally kosher, too!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  60. such a good point for Miss Neil to do cogitate on

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  61. Does anyone think that what Conway said in any way substantially improved sales of Ivanka Trump clothes?

    I don’t think so. I’m guessing there is a lawyerly way to say “No harm, no foul”.

    Exacalacaly, elissa.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  62. de minimus.

    Steve Malynn (b5f891)

  63. More to the point in the punishment part of the statute it says the agency may initiate disciplinary or corrective action.

    What agency is Kellyanne subject to discipline from? That would be The Donald, right?
    He may or may not feel offended by her plug for Ivanka’s clothing line.

    I think the President might lean in one direction more than the other.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  64. Three executive orders that, between them, do exactly nothing.

    Trump promised that if he were elected, crime and violence would end on January 20, 2017. Every crime that has occurred since Inauguration Day is the direct result of his failure to keep that promise.

    “The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th, 2017, safety will be restored.” – Donald Trump, RNC speech, July 21, 2016

    He can’t even prevent his aides from breaking the law on national television, from inside the White House…

    Dave (711345)

  65. He may or may not feel offended by her plug for Ivanka’s clothing line.

    Ah, so the president should only enforce the law against his enemies, never his friends. Got it.

    Dave (711345)

  66. De minimis. Latin, “From the smallest”. Yup. Pretty much describes Trump, his ahem hands, and his people. De profundis, “from the depths”, his constituency.

    nk (dbc370)

  67. the federal government can tell you to buy health insurance but if the president’s aide suggests that you should buy some cute ivanka trump formal pumps, then people need to go to federal prison and work on a chain gang or something

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  68. Dave – someone steal your lawnmower?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  69. Thanks, Steve

    Um, you too, nk, but you added some unrequested editorial comment

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  70. Didn’t the reporter ask her about Ivanka’s business? The answer is yes.

    Reminds me of sales of the book Obama authored, “Lies My Ghostwriter made up about my Father”, which led to the overwhelming bulk of his vast fortune.

    How many reporters mentioned the book while interviewing Obama’s advocates, leading directly to millions of dollars in book sales?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  71. I’m feeeling triggered by the memory of Obama’s lawless plugs of his book.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  72. Small minds, trite thoughts…

    Colonel Haiku (d296aa)

  73. I’m feeling triggered by the bloody fingerprint flag offered for sale and promotion in the wake of the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

    Remember that one? For a limited time only the White house promo said

    papertiger (c8116c)

  74. We also the have the Third-Wife-Who-Became-First-Lady-And-Is-Only-Rumored-To-Have-Been-A-Hooker claiming in a court filing that she had planned to make at least $150 million from her new fame by marketing perfumes, jewelry and such.

    nk (dbc370)

  75. offered in poster, tee-shirt, or coffee mug form.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  76. nk, you jealous catty mouthed slut.

    Still giving it away, I see. Just don’t mistake desperation for virtue.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  77. On the bright side, it’s awesome this is the kind of nothingburger nevertrumpers are reduced to moaning over.

    At this point it’s getting to be like that guy, upon finding himself at a free smorgasbord at a five star restaurant, complaining there’s too much ice in his water.

    Don’t be that guy…

    Leon (1bee31)

  78. On the bright side, it’s awesome this is the kind of nothingburger nevertrumpers are reduced to moaning over.

    Yeah, blocking his illegal executive order indefinitely was a total nothingburger.

    Dave (711345)

  79. Obama.

    PacSun Denim Mom Jeans.

    “Take your filthy hands off my asp.” – ‘The Pink Panther’ 1963

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  80. The House Oversight Committee will investigate KAC’s use of White House to promote Ivanka Trump’s business.

    The Chair of the Ethics Committee, Republican Jason Chaffetz, called Conway’s commercial in the WH briefing room “wrong, wrong, wrong, clearly over the line, unacceptable.”

    More at Hot Air.

    Dave (711345)

  81. Just watch all these partisans roll their eyes at a cut and dry ethics violation.


    This is NOTHING!

    I haven’t bought anything from Nordstroms in over ten years, and I’ll be shopping there on my next day off to send a message. Trump using his office to punish American employers, to send a message of patronage for his family, defines what the GOP is about now. Every American who has a loved one who works at a Nordstroms has to be thinking about that.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  82. like chelsea isn’t a hooker

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  83. in a brothel for the blind?

    elissa (0c5899)

  84. she’s niche

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  85. meh, Dustin, I’ve been boycotting Macy’s for a decade. It makes me feel good but prolly hasn’t affected them too much.

    Their crappy merchandise and terrible customer service on the other hand has left them bereft…..

    elissa (0c5899)

  86. She repeatedly said “I” would do, would say, am doing. Not what “the Trumps” want you to do. Since she is not profiting from her statements, she is just expressing her right to free speech

    Or does one lose that when one works for the Trumps?

    Leon, when Conway became a public official she gave up her right to engage in speech that violates ethical rules such as her comments above. The Trump administration says it has “counseled” her regarding her ethical violation, and I’m satisfied with that.

    Patterico (e2dce3)

  87. in a brothel for the blind?


    Dave (711345)

  88. Dustin is the only person I know of who likes HILLARY’S! BUT.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  89. #imshoppingatnordstrom should become a thing

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  90. @43. Macy’s recently had a nice sale on men’s socks!


    “There’s a sale at Penney’s!’ – ‘Airplane’ 1980

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  91. Macy’s has great deals on suits, Elissa. I don’t use the customer service at retail stores basically ever so I’ll have to take your word for it that they aren’t up to snuff. My ideal customer service is one that just leaves me alone until I’m ready to swipe my credit card.

    Therefore Amazon is a great way to get clothing. Just use Patterico’s sidebar link!

    Dustin is the only person I know of who likes HILLARY’S! BUT.


    Thanks for sharing! I think Hillary is as unethical as the Trump administration and I criticize them both. I would criticize Hillary no matter her political party, as I’ve shown over the years when I’ve put country ahead of party (unlike so many commenters here, who put country behind party).

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  92. Chelsea’s husband quietly shut down what was left of his failed hedge fund shortly after the election. *Shhhh* Interesting that we had to hear about it yesterday via a foreign newspaper.

    elissa (0c5899)

  93. No, Chelsea is not a hooker. Neither is Ivanka. Kellyanne, however, is obviously relishing her role as favorite concubine.

    nk (dbc370)

  94. Gotta love the people crying for Ivanka to sell more of her apparently sweatshopped clothing and then calling Chelsea a whore in the same breath. Partisanship.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  95. when Conway became a public official she gave up her right to engage in speech that violates ethical rules such as her comments above. The Trump administration says it has “counseled” her regarding her ethical violation, and I’m satisfied with that.

    OK, I can go along with all that. We cool.

    Leon (1bee31)

  96. Kellyanne is obviously relishing her role as favorite concubine.

    And as Dubya would say, ‘That’s ’cause she knows International Harvester creates jobs. No relish hun, just more ketchup fer ma eggs, Laura.”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  97. ==Macy’s has great deals on suits, Elissa. I don’t use the customer service at retail stores basically ever so I’ll have to take your word for it that they aren’t up to snuff. My ideal customer service is one that just leaves me alone until I’m ready to swipe my credit card.==

    Like I said, Dustin, I have boycotted Macy’s on ideological grounds for a decade. I don’t set foot in their stores. So my only insight as to their current merchandise assortment and customer service is what I read in the trade papers and from friends. They are definitely selling off assets and closing stores and laying off people, though.

    elissa (0c5899)

  98. Advocate. Since that is Kellyanne’s job, pointing out the tort perpetrated upon Ivanka Trump by T.J.Max and various other petty retailers, is well within the duties of her position.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  99. i love the people who put their country ahead of their party and their state and their favorite draft beer and such because they’re so much more principled and this and that and the other

    well not really

    it always depends upon whose principles we’re talkin’ ’bout

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  100. I had no idea Macy’s was ideologically bad. The huge newish one at that Austin Domain is really nice, except it is hard to park thanks to the bazzilion new stores around it.

    I haven’t seen any Macy’s closing around here, but hey, I’m not in Illinois.

    No cruz supporter, you definitely do not love people who put country ahead of party. You’ve shown that thousands of times. You are the GOP, and I’m not.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  101. BTW,
    Isn’t this the Trump whom we could trust to be unbuyable because he was already rich and was going to finance his campaign himself and not take a salary as President and ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ….

    nk (dbc370)

  102. Interesting link, narciso.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  103. …as I’ve shown over the years when I’ve put country ahead of party (unlike so many commenters here, who put country behind party).
    Dustin (ba94b2) — 2/9/2017 @ 5:18 pm

    Some of us here Dustin, have felt the need to put party ahead just to save the country. There is nothing the modern Democrat Party brings to the table that strengthens, benefits or is an advantage to the United Stares. Not from their “tak’em all” immigration policy, to their 56 genders stupidity. The Democrat Party preaches hate for white people, prejudice against Christians, sexism against males, dehumanization of conservatives and a non-exceptional America as a small cog in the new world order. They just love them some third world barbarians while hating everything America stands for.

    That’s why Trump wanting to Make America Great Again scares the ever lovin’ crap out of them.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  104. It’s kristallnacht in America as the Nazis try and take the livelihood away from the untermensch. If one does not agree with the left one does not deserve to earn a living.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  105. No she’s just an unperson, rev, doesn’t matter she believes in childcare,shydragons and gay rights

    narciso (d1f714)

  106. Take Ivanka’s living away? Seriously? Between her family and her husband’s family, they have more money than 99.99999% of the world’s population. And, anyway, she’s young and healthy. If she needs a little extra cash, she can moonlight as a maid at one of her father’s hotels. But she better have her birth certificate with her for when ICE comes around. WTF? Get a grip, gentlemen.

    nk (dbc370)

  107. “Chelsea’s husband quietly shut down what was left of his failed hedge fund shortly after the election. *Shhhh* Interesting that we had to hear about it yesterday via a foreign newspaper.”

    – elissa

    As with the shuttering of CGI: damning, and damning that the media has not uttered a peep about it.

    It’s a bipartisan kleptocracy.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  108. Well they shut dome their Haitian skim, but that hedge fund was deep intogreek debt

    narciso (d1f714)

  109. Oh, look! If the news is negative for Trump, Patrick writes about it! Shocker.

    School Marm (5999c1)

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