Patterico's Pontifications


Deadspin Editor Melts Down After Cruz Owns Him

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:00 am

Today, I leave discussion about Trump’s obsession with the popular vote, his threatening to “send in the Feds” to Chicago, or the upcoming week of “Celebrity Apprentice: The Supreme Court” in the capable hands of others. This post is going to be about making fun of a snarky lefty.

You have likely heard about the little Twitter interchange between Deadspin and Ted Cruz. If you missed it, you can see the embeds at Mickey White’s post. The executive summary is: Deadspin’s Ashley Feinberg tweeted out a request for pictures of Ted Cruz playing basketball (after Politico reported that Cruz is playing basketball as part of a new collegiality campaign). Cruz tweeted out a picture of Grayson Allen, a Duke basketball player who looks so much like Cruz it’s a meme. Deadspin responded with humorless profanity, and Cruz responded humorously with the Ron Burgundy “that escalated quickly” meme. All good, fun stuff.

Then it got even better. (This post is about to go all Twitchy on your backside, with a lot of Twitter embeds — but hey, this is a Twitter-centric mockfest.) Deadspin editor Tim Marchman got busy:

But don’t email him. Tweet him. Trust me. It upsets him a lot more.


I’m not sure if the reference to the “UFC octagon” was a reference to an actual physical fight, or just the hardscrabble manly testosterone-infused brawling that is an email exchange with Tim Marchman.

Anyway, it’s not a real big surprise that the ridicule kicked into high gear right about then. Here’s one example:

Sounds like the email thing isn’t working out for old Tim though.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

86 Responses to “Deadspin Editor Melts Down After Cruz Owns Him”

  1. Last spring whenever I was asked why I was a Cruz supporter, I simply said “He’ll be the smartest guy to be President, maybe since the founding.”

    Idiots from the left take him on at their peril.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  2. That entire mess of incomprehensible crap reminded me why I don’t do the Twit thing. Thanks.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  3. Deadspin for years has been one of the leading sites trying to drag politics into sports — they’re basically the sports website for people who actually hate or are bored with the games, but would rather spend time talking about the politicial issues around the games and players, from a snarky progressive position.

    Their egos can’t stand the idea one of their targets might get in an even more clever/snarky reply, and because of that react like an angry sports talk show caller who gets cut off cursing out the host by the seven-second delay button.

    John (c7bcb1)

  4. twitter so crazy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  5. Watched this meltdown yesterday as it was happening. Ashley Feinberg could have just said “well played Sen Cruz” and it would have blown over and gone away. But you have to understand this is Gawker Media, a cesspool of hate and snark directed towards any conservative available. Deadspin is their sports-themed site but they make ESPN seem like the National Review.

    Deadspin even has a sub-site called The Concourse where they load up extra on hate and bile for conservatives. My favorite headline there was from early Nov: DONALD TRUMP IS GOING TO GET HIS ASS KICKED TUESDAY.

    Go to the original post asking for Cruz basketball photos and you’ll see they buried his response wasaaay deep. If he had been the one getting owned and melting down it would be front page featured on everything Gawker still squeezes out (Jezebel, gizmodo, jalopnik etc.).

    Harkin (afc7a6)

  6. Should add that Gawker Media was bought by Univision after the bankruptcy caused by the Hulk Higan lawsuit but still operates in the same way except for openly declaring they willfully violate libel laws.

    Harkin (afc7a6)

  7. R.I.P. Mary Tyler Moore. ‘Oh Robbbbbb.’

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  8. Tim Marchman is just a geeky sports guy who fantasizes about being the toughest guy in the room.
    He likes to dish out the snark, but when it’s fired back at him, he freaks out.
    Give that guy a safe space!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  9. Wow, Mary Tyler Moore died!
    Obviously, the two sitcoms made her career, but she was also fantastic in the film, Ordinary People.

    Wait until the MSM finds out she became pretty conservative politically during her later years.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  10. @9- CS, Several of the teevee newspoodles are already cooing over how she inspired them to go into the biz. If memory serves, her ‘gams’ were featured on one of the early TV detective shows as well. Peter Gunn, maybe… don’t recall exactly. Quite a talent. Her politics were known in town but her shows generated $, which is all that matter. The MTM show is the 1970s. God bless her for giving us Ted Baxter.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  11. The left truly cannot stand having a conservative considered anything but a mouth-breathing racist. Dylan Byers at CNN reported on the exchange and he’s getting tons of Twitter hate…..just for accurately laying out what happened.


    “@DylanByers @CNN – you’re a journalist. Consider expending your time on something of any journalistic value, like our swiftly eroding rights.”

    @DylanByers Dylan. Buddy. You think THIS is the way to combat the fact the President wants to have you executed? Kissing his ass? [not sure if this guy thinks Cruz is president]

    Harkin (afc7a6)

  12. Canadians have always had a good sense of humor.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  13. DCSCA, yeah, she and her ex-hubby Grant Tinker (who passed a couple months ago) made some serious bank with MTM Productions.
    Who could ever forget MTM’s parody of the MGM roaring lion by having a logo of a meowing kitty cat at the end of the credits for each show.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  14. > I simply said “He’ll be the smartest guy to be President, maybe since the founding.”

    The smartest Presidents in the first half of the nineteenth century were Quincy Adams and Buchanan. Neither of their terms leave me believing that raw intelligence is an indicator of success.

    aphrael (3f0569)

  15. RIP MTM –

    Find a copy of the Dick Van Dyke episode The Curious Thing About Women – about opening packages addressed to Rob. She was never better.

    Harkin (afc7a6)

  16. Wasn’t Bill Clinton a Rhodes Scholar?

    Leviticus (70ca80)

  17. 17.Wasn’t Bill Clinton a Rhodes Scholar?

    Yes, and Obama got the Nobel Peace prize and Biden the Medal of Freedom. So if your point is that the left is filled with idiots who have all kinds of “creds” your point is well made.

    Name a Leftist with a Medal of Honor.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  18. Abe Lincoln had only a year and a half of formal schooling.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  19. And then Dick called and said, I’m going to do a special called Dick Van Dyke and the other woman, that would be you, because every time I try to check into a hotel with my wife, they look at me as though I’m cheating on Laura.

    Read more at:

    papertiger (c8116c)

  20. > Name a Leftist with a Medal of Honor.

    I don’t know how you define ‘leftist’, but would Bob Kerrey count?

    aphrael (3f0569)

  21. John Kerry once met a man with a magic hat!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  22. Of course he wants private e-mails rather than the public flogging he’s receiving on Twitter.

    windbag (031e0b)

  23. Daaaaammm! (saw images on MTM’s wikipedia page from Dick Van Dyke and the detective show). I thought she was much shorter than 5’7″ but nonetheless She was smoking. RIP

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  24. It was meant to be rhetorical aphrael. But I looked up Kerrey and yes, I think he would be considered a leftist. As soon as I saw when he was being thrown out of his job as college president he was the highest paid private college president at over $3million compensation and still cried about being a victim. So yes, he’s a leftist.

    That’s that internet law I guess. Say something and somebody will find the one exception. I gotta learn to phrase things differently like: “How many Navy SEAL’s do you think are leftists, One maybe two?”. Sorry, my bad.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  25. ugh I already switched to lyft for this year anyway cause uber’s owned by a bunch of saudi royal perverts that hate Jesus

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  26. what kind of unbalanced twat sends a company-wide email out about their political feewings

    an uber twat i guess



    happyfeet (28a91b)

  27. Rev Hoagie, if even Debra Winger got tired of Bob Kerrey, then maybe … (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  28. My blonde haired brunette.

    This is the Dick Van Dyke show episode where Laura doubts her sex appeal, and on the spur of the moment dyes her hair blonde.

    It’s a pivotal moment for Mary Tyler Moore, because this is the episode where Rob Reiner discovers her natural flair for comedy.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  29. Mr happyfeet, Tim Marchman is such a tuff guyyyy, that’s he was saying, “Hey, come join me in the UFC Octagon!!!”
    … and then once he got some RSVPs, he went on a sudden vacation.
    Cuzzz dat’s wut tuff guyzzzz dooo!

    Tim Marchman needs a safe space where he’s free from insults!
    Does a place like that even exist on the internet? (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  30. “That’s that internet law I guess. Say something and somebody will find the one exception. I gotta learn to phrase things differently like: “How many Navy SEAL’s do you think are leftists, One maybe two?”. Sorry, my bad.”

    – Rev. Hoagie

    I was gonna say that Albert Parsons voluntarily returned to Chicago to face capital punishment on trumped up charges. I suppose that doesn’t count in your book, though.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  31. @13- Yeah, MTM Productions really piped out some superb comedies. If I click into 1970sNewhart or MTM on cable rolling through the dials, I’ll stop and watch just to get a laugh or two. Really holds up over time.

    @16- The Van Dyke episode where she outs Reiner for being bald is priceless. But the MTM ‘Chuckles The Clown’ funeral episode stops them all for me.

    ‘A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants…”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  32. yes yes Mr. Supporter if i had a twitter account which i don’t cause I’m too cool for that but if I did I’d do a tweeter what said haha Tim Marchman you a big stupid

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  33. R.I.P. Butch Trucks, original drummer for The Allman Brothers Band

    Icy (7d9c05)

  34. That was probably Carl Reiner, papertiger.

    Icy (7d9c05)

  35. they also had the analysis of the Crowley claim,

    narciso (d1f714)

  36. Carl Reiner – the other dude is meathead. Got the two confuzed.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  37. yes, they were brought by corell’s (forget his character’s name, ray gun

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. the irony is rob left to his own devices, like spinal tap, and the princess bride, which one credits William goldman to, does display a certain wit, on his own, it’s the story of us,

    narciso (d1f714)

  39. also the black knight, from holy grail ‘it’s just a flesh wound,

    narciso (d1f714)

  40. meathead is a term of endearment. – Hey I remembered his name without the prompt. Got to be worth something.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  41. your tax dollars at work

    headline today at national soros radio

    The Stock Market Is On An Epic Upswing. Here’s Why It Probably Hasn’t Benefitted You

    ok let’s ignore that they can’t spell benefitted

    pls to ask yourself how all the money failmerica’s flushed down the NPR toilet has benefited you

    my guess is it probably hasn’t

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  42. it is striking how hugh any good could come from talking to Katie

    narciso (d1f714)

  43. worth mentioning from the win column.

    For everyone who insisted that it was never going to happen, it looks like today will be the day. President Donald Trump is expected to sign an order which will begin the process of Building the Great Wall On Our Southern Border.

    There’s a new energy sheriff in town, pardner. In a sharp contrast to the lengthy, drawn-out process used by Barack Obama to block two new oil pipelines, Donald Trump will sign off on approvals for both the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines today

    The students at the University of Denver are pretty angry right about now. They’re so upset about the election of Donald Trump and his climate science policies (none of which have even been drafted for legislation or regulations yet) that they announced on Sunday that they would be engaging in a walk-out for “climate justice.”

    After months of meetings and deliberation, the University of Denver (DU) has officially rejected fossil fuel divestment.


    papertiger (c8116c)

  44. The loony left, which is pretty much all of it, is going absolutely bonkers. Although this is a back and forth between Marchman and Cruz, which Cruz handles magnificently, the source of the insanity is really Trump.

    Steven Hayward over at Powerline had this to say:

    “I’m starting to think Trump really is a one-person wrecking crew for the left delivered by divine Providence.”

    The word “beclowing” is overused, but Marchman’s behavior surely qualifies.

    The clowns are legion; it doesn’t get much better than this.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  45. Our friend DCSCA is talking about Rob’s dad, Carl Reiner.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  46. Patterico’s is educational. I had no clue what Deadspin was until today.

    nk (dbc370)

  47. Deadspin makes the provocative tweeters like them facebookers on the instagram what share all the fake news with everyone because putin

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  48. This Tim Marchman guy isn’t the type of fellow you’d want to invite to a friendly discussion in your living room.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  49. Do they have pictures of Ashley Feinberg doing the ping-pong ball trick? (I don’t think I want to know if Tim Marchman does it.)

    nk (dbc370)

  50. /ON TOPIC

    Offered as a visual aid to illustrate the Cruz ownage over Deadspin in a real world allegory.

    Top 10 Boxing Taunt Fails (YouTube)

    papertiger (c8116c)

  51. Confession here: I used to read Deadspin back in its earlier days, before the writing staff became infected with Gawkeritis and decided that they too should all be obnoxious Social Justice Warriors. At one point, the writing was often insightful and funny, but as I said they got hijacked by a bunch of crybully millennials and decided that they all wanted to be deep and insightful.

    So here’s what I’m getting at: Tim Marchman is being ironic and glib when he pretends that he wants to “take on” any critics in the UFC Octagon. Deadspin writers often joke about how weak and ineffectual they are, so that’s him just trolling those whom he certainly assumes are mouth-breathing red-state morons and probably laughing at his clever little inside joke with all his lefty pals over there.

    But it’s interesting to see that Deadspin remains a cesspool of asshole behavior, even now that Gawker is dead and gone. They have decided they can do with out readers like me and have chosen to make their site narrowly partisan and mean-spirited; I don’t expect they will amount to much in their new iteration.

    JVW (6e49ce)

  52. i09, is the only outlet of that time, that I occasionally frequent, for entertainment news, about sci fi shows.

    narciso (d1f714)

  53. i09, is the only outlet of that time, that I occasionally frequent, for entertainment news, about sci fi shows.

    I always liked Gizmodo for the latest in geeky gadgets too, though they also appear to have also gone overboard with all the left-wing politics. I think the Gawker/Jezebel ethos ruined all of those sites.

    JVW (6e49ce)

  54. papertiger,

    Rob Reiner is a meathead, so you got that right! (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  55. You missed on Twitter where an actual UFC competitor tweets to Marchman “I’m your huckleberry.”

    SPQR (a3a747)

  56. The smartest Presidents in the first half of the nineteenth century were Quincy Adams and Buchanan.

    ‘Scuse me?

    It is news to me that Buchanan was particularly smart.

    It is really news that he was smarter than Jefferson and Madison.

    Come to think of it, it’s even news that 1857-61 fell within “the first half of the nineteenth century.”

    Neither of their terms leave me believing that raw intelligence is an indicator of success.

    There, I admit, you have a good point.

    On the other hand, neither of them would have placed Buchanan’s presidency in the first half of the 19th Century. So, there’s that.

    gwjd (032bef)

  57. James Buchanan! (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  58. Bill Belichick said it best:

    “Yeah, as you know I’m not on SnapFace and all that, I don’t really get those,”

    “I’m not really too worried about what they put on InstantChat, or whatever it is.”

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  59. me i am also weirdly enthusiastic about james buchanan

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  60. Didn’t see anyone else post this but Ashley Feinberg also posted fake news about Trump firing nuclear safeguard officials. Didn’t take it down, just updated that original story was horse manure.

    Harkin (eda32e)

  61. mr happyfeet, i always had you pegged as a james polk kind of guy

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  62. Richard Nixon is reputed to be the smartest President in living memory, with Bill Clinton a close second. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, LOL?

    In the first place, how do you define success in a President and in the second place how do you measure it and in the third place becoming President is a pretty successful thing in and of itself.

    Daniel Inouye was also a Medal of Honor recipient, BTW. So was Teddy Roosevelt I think. You’re not going to find too many politicians, on the left or the right, who got the Medal of Honor, because the things Medal of Honor recipients do to earn it are not really very pragmatic. It’s not a medal for pragmatists, like the Russian Order of Friendship is.

    nk (dbc370)

  63. Richard Nixon is reputed to be the smartest President in living memory, with Bill Clinton a close second.

    guess which one has herpes nodules on his penis

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  64. Buchanan had all the credentials, yet no vision.

    narciso (d1f714)

  65. but no penis nodules either

    that’s not nothing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  66. Well I don’t know about that, but there is another troubling thing about Buchanan.

    narciso (d1f714)

  67. don’t do this now

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  68. He crushed the Mormon rebellion, using an officer who would make a bigger name for himself sown the road, Albert Sidney johnson

    narciso (d1f714)

  69. Barack’s college credentials are so impressive that he wants everyone to see them
    not really

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  70. james garfield was destined for greatness
    his greatness was interrupted by a bad man

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  71. But to some, recently, wouldnt that be a point in Buchanans and Johnstons favor.

    urbanleftbehind (e45a83)

  72. I’m not gonna say that Cruz and Marchman plotted this whole back-and-forth out from the start to make Cruz look good because I don’t have hard evidence to prove it.

    jcurtis (89261c)

  73. They should have done this a year ago. Cruz would have gotten more of the Roob and jockocracy (Howard Cosells term) Trump vote right in time for the primaries.

    urbanleftbehind (e45a83)

  74. The ufc fighter who took up marchman’s challenge, is ex green beret Tim Kennedy, Lola.

    narciso (d1f714)

  75. You missed on Twitter where an actual UFC competitor tweets to Marchman “I’m your huckleberry.”

    I think he put that up after I wrote the post (which was written early this morning and scheduled for later) but yeah, that’s a good one.

    Patterico (20560f)

  76. Marchman should probably fire Barbara Streisand as his internet dispute consultant.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  77. You’re not going to find too many politicians, on the left or the right, who got the Medal of Honor, because the things Medal of Honor recipients do to earn it …

    usually kill them.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  78. If it had been Cruz vs Trump, that “Go eat sh1t” response would have been lauded as brilliant by many here.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  79. In the middle of last years PRIMARY campaign, hell yes. Would have went well with the Cruz/Badass posters that were seen on street poles in LA.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  80. Contrary to popular belief, I just thought Trump would be more effective than Cruz. Never thought they were rowing in opposite directions.

    When the primary came down to Cruz or Trump it was kind of like a box of donuts. Either way it goes I’m getting a donut.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  81. Cruz would have won, only his speech would be 11ish the next morning which is par for a Texan candidate (Kerry had that overnight jammy jam in Boston before he gave up on Ohio). But his nuts would truly be owned by the Wisconsin GOP mafia.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

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