Patterico's Pontifications


Oregon’s Kitzhaber Is Out

Filed under: General — JVW @ 3:10 pm

[guest post by JVW]

Oregon’s beleaguered governor, John Kitzhaber, announced his resignation today amid an investigation of his fiancée’s use of her status as Oregon’s first lady to steer public green jobs funds to businesses who had employed her as a consultant. This comes a mere three months after Kitzhaber had been elected to a record fourth term and only one month removed from his inauguration.

Though personally admired by Powerline’s John Hinderaker, a former classmate schoolmate of the governor’s, Kitzhaber was a by-the-book lefty who had all the requisite economic and social views which allowed him to rise to the top in that uber-trendy state. The story of the potential conflict of interest broke just before the election, but did not stop Kitzhaber from winning by nearly six points (though handicappers had expected a much larger margin).

Before any conservatives start celebrating, know that Kitzhaber is being replaced by secretary of state Kate Brown, a stooge of public employee unions who has her own history of ethics problems. Brown will face a special election in November 2016, so the GOP has the opportunity to win back the corner office in Salem, though the Presidential election that year will no doubt help Democrats turn out their voter base.

[Note: Edited to reflect that Kitzhaber was a few years ahead of Hinderaker in school.]


23 Responses to “Oregon’s Kitzhaber Is Out”

  1. Oh come now, JVW, do Brown’s ethics problems really matter when everyone is cheering on America’s first openly bisexual governor?


    Dana (8e74ce)

  2. Shudder! I am very surprised that she did manage to have sex twice in her life. With human company, I mean.

    nk (dbc370)

  3. him and Brian Williams can share a therapy dog

    happyfeet (a6403e)

  4. Dana, I didn’t want to go there, but yeah, nothing more important to the Democrat party then checking off yet another identity box on the list of victimized classes.

    JVW (3e66f1)

  5. I’m sorry I went there, then, JVW. But in reading about this today, that is all I kept coming upon – how awesome that Oregon has a bisexual in the seat. It’s so illustrative of the left’s obsession with identity politics. It supersedes all else – including the lack of ethics and possible corruption of said elected official.

    Anyway, my apologies for besmirching the post with mention of it.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  6. not to worry: the moonbats up there will elect another Leftard

    redc1c4 (6d1848)

  7. It’s impossible not to “go there” because all news articles feel a need to mention it. I live in a sheltered world, I know, but I just can’t help but wonder how her husband of 15 years and her two stepsons feel about all this sexual openness about her in the media.

    elissa (88bd45)

  8. I rejoice in the Dcrats triumphalism regarding the topic raised by Dana in comment #1.
    Lift it high. Amplify this truth. Raise it up like the beacon on a lighthouse for all the country to see.

    Then point out that homosexuality isn’t something your degenerate neighbors were born with, like a nasty skin condition, that needs or deserves anti-discrimination laws.

    If it were then the governor of Oregon wouldn’t be having trouble deciding what flavor of whom she would prefer sleeping with.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  9. Just another Democrat who wishes he could solve his problems the same way fictional Democrat Frank Underwood solves his on “House of Cards.”

    Beldar (fa637a)

  10. When Kate Brown assumes the office of governor she will come into the office with a mandate of exactly zero votes. Meanwhile the 641,650 people who voted for the Republican candidate get to spend the next two years listening to the old media talk about how Republicans want to keep people from voting, especially people of color.

    anchovy (1f5633)

  11. Anyway, my apologies for besmirching the post with mention of it.

    Oh, I don’t want you to think that I actually mind that you mentioned it. As I commented, no doubt her career in Democrat politics has been aided by her atypical sexual identity.

    JVW (854318)

  12. I just can’t help but wonder how her husband of 15 years and her two stepsons feel about all this sexual openness about her in the media.

    I’m an old fuddy-duddy, elissa, but I have long ago ceased to be amazed at the degree to which adults are quite content to share intimate deals of their sexual proclivities with the public. I wish we could all go back to minding our own business in these matters, but too many of these “pioneers” base their entire being upon whom they allow to handle their genitilia.

    JVW (854318)

  13. I saw her picture. I suspect her husband’s attitude is “I have to, but why do you do it?” 😉

    nk (dbc370)

  14. Ok, I’ll stop.

    nk (dbc370)

  15. Oh lookie. Here’s more on Tom Steyer’s deep ties to the Oregon scandal. If it’s Dem, and it’s “green”, and it’s unethical or a scam, there’s always a good chance that Steyer’s money is involved.

    elissa (691172)


    So, when are Kitzhaber and his “first lady” going to be prosecuted for public corruption?

    The case against the McDonnell’s was far less clear this. In fact, the prosecutors could never show any specific action they took to promote Jonnie Williams’ business interests in exchange for all those bribes he supposedly paid them.

    Here we have clear evidence that not only did Steyer and other crony socialists bribe the “first lady” to advance their agenda, the governor actually did take specific actions to promote their business interests.

    Oh, that’s right. The McDonnells are/were Republicans. Cylvia Hayes, John Kitzhaber, and Tom Steyer are all liberal Democrats. I won’t hold my breath. I’m sure another well-placed $100M “donation” from Steyer will smooth everything out.

    Steve57 (2430ba)

  17. But Brown isn’t without her own controversy. Even as Kitzhaber’s personal troubles were mounting late last month, she was facing questions about having written to the FCC endorsing Comcast’s merger with Time Warner Cable after having received campaign contributions from Comcast — a letter that was reportedly written in large part by a Comcast lobbyist. Comcast has given Brown $9,500 since 2009, according the National Institute of Money in State Politics.

    Just as corrupt at less than 1/10th the cost! Whereas Kitzhaber was a penthouse call girl, Brown is a streetwalker. Whereas Kitzhaber was Showtime latenight, Brown works the backroom at the gay bar.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  18. Suck it Rob Dyrdek!

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  19. JVW wrote:

    his fiancée’s use of her status as Oregon’s faux first lady

    FTFY. Shacked up girlfriends are not first ladies.

    The coldly realistic Dana (1b79fa)

  20. nk wrote:

    Ok, I’ll stop.

    Does anybody here believe that?

    The extremely snarky Dana (1b79fa)

  21. I find your lack of faith disturbing.

    nk (dbc370)

  22. @ The coldly realistic Dana, JVW isn’t making up the “first lady” thing. That’s how she was presented to the public in Oregon. I believe by Kitzhaber himself. If not, by a fawning liberal press.

    So they made that particular bed. Let them lie in it.

    Steve57 (e8b1a9)

  23. Mr 57, that Mr Kitzhaber presented his POSSLQ as Oregon’s First Lady doesn’t make it so. This particular Dana does not consider women who are shacked up to be ladies at all.

    So they made that particular bed. Let them lie in it.

    So, which definition of lie did you intend? 🙂

    1 – to recline; to be in or to take a horizontal/resting position
    2 – to say something untrue

    Enquiring minds want to know!

    The grammarian Dana (f6a568)

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